#my fantasy mythos
alexanderwesker · 2 years
hello, i am back from my little cave, and i come with some more questions about your gods. ^^
is it taboo at all to not follow any gods in your world? like, how common is it for people to be like quackity and make their own destiny?
in atol, quackity says he'd rather become a "servant of prime" than do something. where did that phrase come from?
there was also a part in atol where tommy prayed to all of the gods he could remember the prayers of to protect the wilburs. so do the gods all have their own prayers? are they kind of like catholic prayers or are they different? what are some of the more notable ones?
have there been any other rulers who have been blessed by a god, or was the sovereign the first?
so scott has a name in ancient. does timedeo also have one?
i also really wanna hear more about the nether gods. i kinda know about eren and the foresaken one. but are there any others?
do those who follow eren observe any specific celebrations or rituals or anything like that?
are there any other ways to blaspheme the gods besides purple lights?
ok that's all i can think of for now, but knowing me, i'll return within the next month or so with some more questions, because your worldbuilding always has so many different layers to wonder about, and it's literally so neat ^D^
Sorry it took me so long to answer, I forgot I had put the answer in the drafts.
As for your questions:
1. It's not taboo per se, but it's very uncommon, since the Gods are an active part of everyone's life, it's rare that people don't end up following one or another God.
2. That's just Quackity showing his contempt for religious people by calling the Clerks of Prime, Servants. As for their roles, it's very much like that of catholic priests, though Clerks of Prime are made eunuchs so that they have to be chaste.
3. Each God, from the Major to the Minor ones, have their own prayers. They are more like small chants, each of which as it's own tone and rhythm. The most notable one is that of Prime which is: "Great Prime bring your thousand eyes to look upon me as I hope for your Blessing in what that I'm about to do [then add the specifics of what needs to be blessed] and if by Your Will it may go through, I promise to bring my boon to your Church."
4. Sovereign was the first to have been overtly, without any doubt, Blessed by a God.
5. He does. Ophalék, which means 'The moment the sun let's darkness rise'
6. There are others, the major of the Nether Gods is the Blood God, then there are many smaller ones that are mostly followed by the Piglin tribes. The Wither is a sort of Divine Beast/Demigod for the Netherfolk.
6. Eret doesn't really have a following cult anymore, though he used to have one.
7. Being disrespectful of the God or their ministers(last thing of which Quackity is guilty of). Mixing up rites of different Gods in one, even if someone follows them and there is a celebration for them the same day, the rites should be kept separated.
Hope you like the answers, sorry again for taking this long. And feel free to send more asks my way, I love answering them
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moonilit · 1 year
Do you think how Dion attempting to just end the whole world might have made Ultima panic for a sec?
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whereserpentswalk · 11 months
I feel like if I wandered into cthulhu's lair he wouldn't hurt me. Like, most of the people who found him with waspy colonizers actively looking to colonize something humans can't colonize. But if I just wandered in and wanted to study him a bit it would be like if you say a colorful spider come into your room and just look at you. Cthulhu doesn't hate humans, we're like insects to him, the trick is to not be an insect that bites him.
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monstredesignesyherd · 3 months
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A drawing (one of several) of a monster from the Lovecraftian mythos.
A few months ago I started to do some drawings of them and researching the mythos.
Because I was bored.
And ended up doing a … few drawings about it.
Despite not being a big fan of lovecraft I did really get into it this time around.
Still can’t read one of his writings, they suck to read. Listen to is an other story for me.
Regardless a Byakhee is “a predator who travels the vacuum of interstellar space. One could ride a Byakhee to anywhere in the cosmos.” ~quoted/ paraphrased from the fandom wiki.
I got really into the dreamlands and the monsters. After all that’s one of the most interesting parts of his writings.
What else dose he have to offer? intriguing characters? I think not.
Let’s just call it a like-loath relationship. But whatever I got a few drawings from a few month long hyper-fixation.
This little guy was a lot of fun to draw! And I do adore how alien most of his and his associates aliens tend to be!
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pseudo-lovecraftian · 4 months
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The All-in One👁️
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artoftcbaldwin · 1 year
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Finished page I was working on yesterday. This is page 16 of 24 of the Call of Cthulhu comic adaptation I'm drawing for Caliber Comics.
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Umm hi. Is it normal that I've found inspiration from analog horror ARGs and Emesis blue as a way to create some plot points and headcanons for my AU?
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bergamotych · 17 days
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My characters for our slavic story. Umai is a forest spirit, a good guy, knows where to get goodies. Shust is my dear snag, a swamp spirit(bolotnik). He is anxious and paranoid.
They try to stick together, because calmness slightly balances anxiety.
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anywho just finished the kaos finale and :/ it didn’t really stick the landing in my opinion.
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frobby · 2 months
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the princess tutu rewatch is going great
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divine-x-violence · 1 year
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┌─・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚. ─┐ Wraith └─・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚. ─┘
A new Mytho, brought to you by myself.
So, what are Wraith? Wraith are a spiritual creature, inspired by Celt/Gaul folklore, that have three distinct forms. Wraith wear the cloak and/or cape of an animal, allowing them to take on the form of that animal. Like a Selkie, but not restricted to the form of a seal. Wraith are a mainly female dominated spirit, but a proportion are male. Female wraith are labelled Morrigan (Moh-rri-gan) while the males are labelled Cernun (Ker-nun). The overall label is Wraith.
Now, lets get into everything!
So what are they? but in a little more depth. Well for many reasons Wraith can be considered a form of demon, though they are simply a spirit and ultimately creatures of the energy of nature. They are as helping as they are foreboding but can turn fiercely vengeful incredibly quickly. They are prone to bribes of sweet things and jewellery in order to get them to complete favours. A Wraith will always complete a favour, but often with an evil twist that will leave someone worse off than they were beforehand. Morrigan are by far the more vengeful of the two.
Cernun are the males, mostly, of horned/antlered species. Cernun are much more mischievous and wild than their Morrigan counterparts. Cernun are, despite being wild, known to be nurturing of those they favour and very protective of children; often being the ones to save human children from danger. They are protective as well, but in a gentle way. Cernun in their animal form are considerably larger than the normal animal of the species they take to, as are most Wraith. In their Wraith and human forms they have their animal skin cloak and they were a 'diadem' fashioned with the antlers of their animal.
Morrigan are the females, mostly, of more aggressive carnivorous mammals such as felines, wolves and foxes. They are often considered to be symbols of something bad to come as they are present upon death, with rumour saying they are guiders to the soul. These Wraith are known to present themselves to a side in a confrontation and the side they present to are considered blessed and will come out the victor. The Morrigan will not save but are protective, defensive, but the vicious protection and defence of a mother animal.
Forms; Wraith have three distinct forms they can be seen in. Their animal form, Wraith form and their human form. All three of these have differences. The animal form is the form that they take from the animal skin/fur they wear. The animal form is almost the same as the actual animal, with some differences. Eye colours will not be natural, the animal form has a much larger stature than the actual animal, and the animal form is able to express humanoid expression and even talk with the Wraiths voice. Not to mention the level of intelligence shown that a normal animal would not. The Wraith form is their primary form, if not in their animal form. It is a 'humanoid' form but not their human form. The Wraith form resembles a human in body and general looks but they appear more ethereal, with unnatural eye colourings, clear skin like nothing else and sharp teeth a human certainly does not have, nor do they have a personality a normal human would. Some wraith will even have faintly pointed ears and Morrigan with hair tips of smoke or mist. The human form is a form rarely used and only used when couplings or human interaction is absolutely required. But even in their human form they have off features like the unnatural eye colours and even sometimes, slightly sharp teeth.
Hollows are the beast once the Wraith has left. They are animal, essentially the just the skin once filled by the Wraith. The skin left to wander the earth until it returns to the ground to pass like the soul. Wraith do not live forever and will return back to nature and leave their animal skin when they deem they need to. Its is like dying, as they come back reborn, either with the same skin or another. Every wraith will return to the earth and rest until they have enough energy and spirit to come back and be reborn, and when they leave the skin is left to live out its days. Hollows simply look like the animal the skin is, but they have give away features that they were not born an animal. Hollow have pitch black eyes; the iris is black, the pupil and the sclera are all black. And shiny. They are also much larger in size than the animal they live with. These two things are the only dead giveaways. These hollows will live like a normal animal, though they can be seen closer to humans that a normal animal. Perhaps still with the instinct of their former selves. Though they are fear by humans immensely and do not provide protection or any hint of it. They are simply animals, haunted by instinct they don’t understand.
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Those are the basics of my Wraith! Perhaps i will complete a part 2? ❤
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johannesviii · 2 years
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Shadows over Avalon volume two is out!
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bylertruther · 2 years
the byIer fandom really is a hivemind bc every time i think i came up with a cool fic idea i'll eventually see posts or fics from other writers spring up showing tht we all had the same exact idea down to even the same exact nitty-gritty details and headcanons for them without ever interacting with each other at all. like... bro. 💀 We're Connected..
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lil-kissy · 1 year
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Once again bringing you the crossover no one asked for but is now living rent free. FFU/Princess Tutu.
With Kumo dressed as Prince Mytho / Sigfried
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acearohippo · 1 year
Dislyte: drops new event
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Story is about Athena esper
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4 new espers drop and NONE OF THEM have white hair
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More club content updates
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More opportunities to six star some legendaries with the esper fuse update
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But no mention of a desolate lands refresh/update
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Markiplier is apparently making a guest appearance
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Realises that it's ok because Tawaret, my love, is not apart of this update so she shan't be tainted
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v1nsincl4ir · 8 months
Oh it's so over for You I've started finally working on my Good Omens fic again You can't stop me now
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