#my dream scenario is Miller getting to write another Batgirl volume which I know is like. predictable as hell for a steph fan.
teleportationmagic · 1 year
read batgirl 2009
I have read Batgirl 2009. I have reread Batgirl 2009. I am currently on my third reread of Batgirl 2009. It's very dear to me as the book that essentially got me to actually check out comics more broadly, and it occupies wayyyyyy too much of my brainspace at any given moment - hell I've written fic about it!
However, while it makes motions towards being a coming of age story - the biggest way probably being in settling Steph's relationships with the Batfamily more broadly and Tim and Bruce more specifically, there's not really as much exploration of Steph as I'd like - for example, where does she go after this? What does she want now? Who does she want to be? Batgirl for her is well, seeing something through. It's a promise she can't leave unfulfilled, and a chance to be more than what she was, but that's not... that's not an identity. That's a chance to explore what her identity could be, unhindered by other's expectations of her failure and her own desperation. And I think while it was going in that direction and might have gotten there if it had more time, it just... couldn't, cause the universe went boom. So we get to see threads of it, like her lean into hope as a part of her motivation, but there's just not enough.
(Every day I weep that we couldn't get to the angstier year 3. Ah well)
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