#my dream is to be a brave and loyal knight but I need my orders 🫡
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coolguycy ¡ 25 days ago
Hate when mutuals reblog polls for a fandom I’ve never heard of and don’t put in the tags who they voted for. My leige how am I supposed to help rig the results in your favor?? 🥺
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voidtouched-blue ¡ 2 years ago
Out Of Love
A story of grief.
"It's out of love." Cyra chuckled. It wasn't the kind of laugh one would make at a joke. It was the kind one would make when recalling an old memory. A bitter nostalgia of a time long past that still plucked a tender chord in a minor key.
When most learn healing magicks, it is born from a deep need to help others. Something their soul craves in order to make a difference, or they take up the role to save someone important to them. Be it illness or injury. When Cyra took up the art of Conjury, it was because she had a talent for it...and a foolish dream to make a difference in the world.
She believed for a long time that her work had meaning. She gave people their lives back, aiding in finding solutions to ailments big and small. The way the families and the patients thanked her was more than enough to cover the cost of her services. She never asked for money. She only asked that they try to stay out of trouble.
Cyra sighed as she tapped the dry quill on the open page of her book. Her mind had wandered when she sat down to add to her compendium. After having filled half of the enormous book, she had stopped to appreciate everything it had taken to include this much within its pages. The different healing disciplines, the folks who had plenty to share about the different herbs of their homesteads, the cases that took far too long to solve, and-
"Every life lost whilst under my care..."
Her words were a whisper. As gentle as they were, the knife still twisted in her chest. She hadn't lost many in her short time traveling around to offer her services to those in the greatest of need. But she kept a record of all who died while under her care. People who looked to her to save them, only for their light to extinguish so quickly.
The healer let out a pained sigh, finding it hard to breathe with the guilt that wrapped its sharp fingers around her heart. The one that hurt the most, the first person she ever lost, was a great friend to her. A brave, and unconditionally loyal knight of Ishgard- of the house Fortemps. He welcomed her, and her grief-stricken friends with open arms, and with nary a doubt in his mind that they would do the same for him. Though her time knowing him was brief, he was by far the most considerate person she had ever met. His constant welfare checks to make sure she hadn't been overworking herself were always met with a full smile, and a full heart.
Cyra leaned back in her chair. She stared at the blank space on the page where her last entry stopped. Today's entry was supposed to be another record of loss. The Miqo'te did her best to remove as much personal connection out of those entries. She preferred to keep them as professional as she could. They were meant to be opportunities to learn from, and use that knowledge in her research to improve another's chance of survival in the future. Each name added to the list only reminded her of how she failed the first time...and how she continued to fail as represented by every person named in her book.
A smile better suits a hero...
She remembered watching him dash forward. Cyra didn't even remember the moment he was hit, but the sound of his broken shield clattering to the stone floor echoed in her mind endlessly. She cleched her hands into tight fists, the pain she felt in the moment rose back to the surface of the present. She could feel her heart breaking all over again.
"I could have saved you...." The words came out in gasps as tears plopped onto the backs of her hands in her lap. She had curled up in her chair, shoulders tightened as she let out a single sob.
"What good am I as a healer if I can't save my dearest friends?" Her voice trembled. "I'm a White Mage and I let you die, Haurchefant!"
A number of books and bundled herbs scattered violently to the floor in an instant. Unable to handle the pain of loss that had been building within her over the years had finally settled in, making a home out of the gnawing emptiness she carried within her. She slammed her fist on the table, sending the ink pot clattering to the floor. It took her a moment to realize her fit had almost ruined the prepared page in her book for today's entry. Without thinking, she tried to clear the black liquid off the page by wiping it with her hand. Tears spilled forth far more freely than the stoic healer normally allowed. She felt herself sinking deeper and deeper into the despair as the sobs came forth in full.
"I tried... everything to save you. I just... I had nothing left..." She cried. "If I knew then what I know now...If I had the power then that I do now...you would still be here..."
Everything she learned, everything she did, every deal she made...it was all because of him. She pressed on trying to fight for a way to prevent losing anyone else, but her research and quest for forbidden spells had cost her people who could have been dear friends. Her obsession damn near drove her mad. And by the time she realized just how far gone she had been, it was too late. She couldn't bear the thought of losing more people she cared about, especially when she had the power to prevent it.
So she closed herself off. Cyra made rules for herself to follow so she wouldn't get close to others...and worked. She left the Scions of the Sevent Dawn, and kept limited communication with them. She made herself available when there was a dire need for her skills, and never hesitated to answer the call. But she was completely, and profoundly alone.
She did this to herself out of love.
Out of love for herself to prevent her heart from breaking again.
Out of love to avoid completely losing herself to grief.
And out of love for her beloved friend, Haurchefant, whom she knew would be beside himself to see her in such a state of grief over his death.As wrong as it may be, it was her reason to continue.
A love born of grief is no love at all, but a grave.
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marvelstars ¡ 11 months ago
I guess the problem isn´t just the fact that Shmi wasn´t freed until Cliegg fell in love with her and helped her, it´s also the fact that the Jedi Order believed Anakin´s relationship to his mother was a problem that could lead him to the darkside, which did happen but not for the reason they believed but precisely because they seek to cut off that connection instead of allowing it to grow and mature naturally.
My guess is that from Lucas pov only Qui-Gon understood the need for Shmi to be freed, because only he saw the connection between mother and son, he saw how much good Shmi´s parenting did for Anakin even in such horrible circunstances of slavery. Shmi´s parenting bassically keep Anakin sane, his enormous power under control, his heart kind, his intentions noble and without greed. But Qui-Gon was killed and so Anakin was trained without any consideration to his personal circunstances because for Obi-Wan Qui-Gon´s final words were enough, no matter if at the time he didn´t know or cared much about the boy he was going to take care for, on this Yoda was right, he should not have taken anakin as an apprentince in such circunstances.
What happens when the Jedi training cuts Shmi´s and Anakin´s connection abruptly?
Anakin becomes secretive, fearful for his loved ones when he used to be open and brave and more sociable, he doesn´t feel secure in sharing his povs or feelings without being judged, unless he is with Palpatine and worse he is afraid of even asking to see his mom after having dreams of her dying because he fears he is going to get the attachment lecture once again or be accused of not advancing enough as a Jedi. Add to all of this the guilt of leaving his mother on slavery, the torture and death Shmi endured with Anakin just able to see her die, showing that for all his power and all his training as a Jedi, he could not save the person who cared for him the most, the person most important to him in the galaxy and we have the tragedy.
The PT is a tragedy, for Anakin not to fall to the dakside, Shmi needed to live, Anakin needed to naturally grow up and accept his mother wasn´t always going to be there in a natural way, not abruptly being cut off of from her and in this way he would have never developed the extreme fear of losing his loved ones to death, to the point that he made a deal with the devil just to keep his wife alive.
Anakin´s story with Shmi is also a foil for Luke´s story with his friends and family, Luke lost his family as a 19 year old, Anakin lost Shmi twice, at 9 and later at 19, Anakin obeyed his masters and didn´t go to rescue his mother, the result was him losing her to death and his first contact with the darkside. Lucas´s commentary on EP II adds that the balance within Anakin that he had at the beggining of the movie, was lost to him and he didn´t got it back until ROTJ, when he sacrificed himself to save his Son.
Luke disobeyed his masters, told them he understood the danger but went to rescue his friends from Vader on ESB and while he lost his hand, his friends were alive, he knew who his father was and the experience prepared him to be able to face Vader in the only way he could to bring him back to the lightside which was what won them the war.
I believe that while Lucas does enjoy to use mythos and stories he also enjoys putting them on their head, in the OT we have a distressing princess, a knight who wanted to stay as a farmer and a loyal friend who was bitter, sarcastic and a lone wolf and the OT is an Epic, all the characters get to grow up and become better.
The PT is a tragedy, we do have the well meaning warriors of peace and justice who wanting to take care of everybody, have chained themselves to the whims of the senate. We have the small slave boy who is never rescued, rather everybody expects to be rescued by him and we have the well meaning sage in Palpatine who is the serpent in the garden as the main mentor of the choseon one, while his master feels more secure taking a secondary position.
So Shmi isn´t rescued because Lucas was doing a social commentary on it, the Republic of Anakin´s time doesn´t care for the downtroden like Shmi, the clones or Anakin himself unless they make themselves useful, the Republic is going to become the Empire after all and this Republic is also a foil for the rebellion which consist of people of all walks of life who don´t have much but who CARE for each other on a personal level while relationships on the Republic look deeply impersonal and formal with some exceptions.
So my guess is that Shmi being left on slavery wasn´t a mistake by Lucas it was a point he wanted to make and he talks a little bit about this with Anakin in the clone wars series:"Only Anakin cared for the fact that Shmi died" that´s the origin of his fatal flaw and the source of his tragedy.
"Why didn't the Jedi help Shmi after TPM?"
Why didn't PadmĂŠ.
Ignoring the expanded universe stuff about Qui-Gon sending the expensive lens or PadmĂŠ dispatching SabĂŠ years later, so long after that Cliegg had already met, wooed, and saved up to free Shmi himself, why did PadmĂŠ not include "paying back the slave woman who helped me save my planet" in her post-invasion plans?
The Jedi have budgets that are regulated, to some unknown degree, by the Senate. Sure, there's probably some discretionary spending, but an Entire Slave would be flagged. Not a purchase you can hide easily! They're also NOT supposed to operate in Hutt Space unless undercover OR as official Republic envoys.
PadmĂŠ? Literally a queen. In the same galactic neighborhood. Has inherited wealth. Probably has room in her staff for a mechanic or something. Can easily justify freeing Shmi to her cabinet as payment for services rendered; remember, that Nubian hyperdrive was paid with Anakin's winnings, meaning they came at the cost of Shmi's freedom.
The real answer is that George Lucas needed Shmi to still be on Tatooine in AotC, and never bothered to expand on how Shmi was freed, himself, so other people took up the slack.
But if we ask why the Jedi didn't free Shmi, then I think we also need to ask: why didn't PadmĂŠ?
(I love PadmĂŠ. I fully believe she would have sent someone to free Shmi after Naboo was in order post-Invasion, and that it was just an oversight or even plot necessity from G Lucas. I just dislike the double standards of hating on the Jedi for not helping when PadmĂŠ is right next door and has That Cash Money.)
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sylvies-chen ¡ 3 years ago
Ok now that I’ve been thinking about a Charlie/Nick Merthur AU for a while, the characters actually translate pretty well if you make a few adjustments and it’s making me SO EXCITED to write something related to this so I’ll just put my character choices under the cut:
First off, obviously, we have Nick as Arthur and Charlie as Merlin. (I am going off of the BBC show by the way, not the actual legends themselves). I mean, the blonde jock and his scrawny, slightly sassy boyfriend? Yeah, I’ll eat that trope up every time. Now obviously Merlin and Arthur are a very enemies to lovers trope and Charlie and Nick never had that element of hatred, but I would just scrap that enemies portion and have them like each other right out of the gate, but also have Charlie be a little blunt with Nick which Nick isn’t used to because he’s royalty. And I would also make that ICONIC pilot fight scene not between Charlie and Nick, but between Harry and Tao— minus the absolutely stupendous homosexual tension at the beginning (or maybe leave it in lmao). I would have Charlie using his magic the whole time and grinning from the sidelines while Nick, unaware that it’s magic he’s using, is standing there making eyes at the new physician’s nephew.
Tao is Lancelot. This is a pretty easy one. Brave, insanely loyal almost to a fault, starts off as lower on the social hierarchy but proves to be a higher quality knight and person than most of the noblemen, so he earns Nick’s respect really quickly. It takes Nick longer to earn Tao’s.
Then you have Elle as Guinevere. Now, the obvious choice at first glance is Imogen, since she’s the pretty girl that Nick “should” want but doesn’t. Even Tara would fit that description. But that would defeat the entire essence of Guinevere, who doesn’t start out as high on the social order as Imogen did. Guinevere was a blacksmith’s daughter and considered lower in the hierarchy, just like Elle is seen as an outcast because of her transness as well as her association with other people on the “lower end of the social food chain”. Plus, since the AU would make Nick and Charlie (Arthur and Merlin) endgame, Gwen no longer needs to be worried about as a threat to their relationship or as a romantic prospect, and Guinevere does fall in love with Lancelot at one point, so to put Elle in that character but have her stay with Tao/Lancelot would be perfect.
In the end, I think Imogen would translate perfectly into Lady Vivian in the 2.10 episode “Sweet Dreams” because after Arthur’s love potion wears off hers doesn’t which kind of leaves you just feeling sorry for her in the end and she would actually be a baddie and super beloved if she hadn’t been messing with Arthur’s relationships.
I think I would have Freya AKA the Lady of the Lake go to Tara but I would change it so that a) Merlin/Charlie wouldn’t fall in love with her and neither would Nick, and b) so that Nick and Charlie work at freeing her together. Tara’s struggles after her coming out post were really relatable and sad so idk, I think she would kind of peacefully vibe with helping them from the lake and wielding Excalibur for Nick to take when the time comes. After all, they’re besties in the show so having him be involved in helping her escape in the AU would make them besties there too.
Morgana is a hard one to cast because there isn’t a single main female villain in Heartstopper. My gut is to go with Tori because I think she matches the vibe and I think Tori, like Morgana, has a lot of hurt so she would be a villain that would be heartbreaking to watch go up against Nick and Charlie (her own brother!! Imagine the ANGST!!) but also really interesting because again, just like it was with Morgana, the audience would understand where she’s coming from. Also, we know she’s had her conflicts with Nick in the past when it came to that one incident with Charlie’s ED so her grudge could be more towards him and then “Merlin” aka Charlie could have been trying to mediate things between them this whole time because he loves them both (which would align perfectly with Merlin’s very pacifist tendencies).
Last but not least— and ooh, this is SO important to me— is MR. AJAYI AS GAIUS. Please. I think this would be so cute. Like I know Charlie has parents but they could be Hunith and Balinor and whatever, that’d be great— but MR AJAYI AS GAIUS WOULD BE AMAZING. Mr Ajayi has been a present queer figure in Charlie’s life and if we’re really extending the idea of magic as an allegory for queerness having Gaius, the source of all of Merlin’s knowledge of various creatures of the Old Religion, is Mr Ajayi it’s literally like having a queer mentor. 10/10 would kill to see this.
Anyway, this is all I have so far for character translations. All that’s left is Darcy and Isaac (and Aled if I’m doing the comics). I think it’ll be a really fun AU to write if I ever get my ass out of a knee-deep WIP list and manage to start writing it!!
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lumen-adstrum ¡ 5 years ago
sylvain x reader angst to fluff please! maybe they get in a fight and before they can resolve it something happens to s/o and theres a bit of a scare and then are able to resolve things
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! I tried to deliver as best I could anon, I hope you like it! 
Sylvain has never been... the easiest person to like. Many of his friends will say this with confidence, and hundreds of women would likely tell you just the same - if not insult him. Many would think that would be plenty for [Y/N] to keep their distance. However, somewhere in their daily banters of Sylvain mercilessly flirting and in turn being shut down in a witty fashion... feelings began to take root. At first, it was easy to ignore and pretend that things were fine, lunch table discussions flowed like normal despite the lingering gazes or internalized wonders of 'what ifs' and 'just maybes.'
No one tells you how quickly feelings develop, that one moment you're only noticing the small things and then it feels like only days later the mere thought of that person keeps you up at night day-dreaming in a lovesick daze. 
Knowing Sylvain, [Y/N] knows just how much of a playboy he is, they know how he strings girls along, that he can hardly remember their names at the rate he goes through them. They know this, and yet still they find themselves hopelessly gripping onto a possible future where maybe he'd settle and be loyal to them. 
With lunch hour at its busiest, people were bustling through noisily, loud chatter filled the room as people tried desperately to find their favorite dish. [Y/N] always arrived early, for the hottest plate and the best seat. Their friend, Ingrid, was usually hot on their heels, and today was no different. The usual food, the same spot, and recently the same conversation between transpired. 
"Really... [Y/N] I think you should move on." Ingrid's voice was gentle with eyes shining full of concern. "He... Isn't likely to change. You're only going to hurt yourself." She had good intentions, trying to steer them towards someone more compassionate. "Ashe is a hard worker, he's also very kind. Why don't you consider someone like him?"
Before they could even protest, a familiar voice from behind them made their heart thump wildly in their chest. "Ooh, I see. Lucky for you, I stepped in at the perfect time. Sounds like someone's lovesick." Sylvain took his usual spot across the table, for a moment they worried he had overheard the entirety of the conversation and knew just who Ingrid was referencing in the start. "Who's the guy? Dimitri? I guess girls do love a dashing type." Well... He was onto something there. Sylvain was dashing himself, a true knightly personality, and chivalrous too. Although, one could say that was all an act to get girls to fall for him, [Y/N] knew better than that. 
 "No, it's not Dimitri." [Y/N]'s response was half a sigh, poking their spoon at the peach sorbet melting in its cup. They spent the entirety of the dining hall's lunch break together with Sylvain listing off members of the Blue Lion house one by one just to receive a denial in response. 
“Oh come on [Y/N]! I’ve listed every Blue Lion student there is! You wouldn’t turn your back on us and find forbidden love in one of the other houses! ...Or would you?” Suddenly, his eyes are scrutinizing, as if to peer into the depths of their soul and pry the answer out that way. “Unless… You’ve fallen in love with me?” The words made their heart skip a beat, especially when he used that teasing tone of his. Ingrid’s worried glance to their warming face didn’t go unnoticed, and the silence that suddenly fell over the group made Sylvain reconsider the reality of that jest.
“Wait- wait. No. What happened to all that crap before? The ‘not even in your dreams Sylvain.’ This has got to be a joke. Us, together?” A joke… That was exceptionally cruel, as if [Y/N] would be so callous.
“It’s not a joke. Unlike some people, I’m genuine about my feelings and I don’t lie through my teeth to people just to break their hearts later.” Slamming their spoon on the table, [Y/N] stood from their seat just to turn their back on Sylvain and begin walking towards the exit. 
“[Y/N]!” Ingrid and Sylvain spoke in sync, one a more accusatory tone while the other held concern. “That was horrible Sylvain!” Ingrid gritted her teeth together, voice a low hiss seeing as some curious people were now eyeing down their table with the hopes of overhearing what the newest drama was about. As if they clearly didn’t know with a certain redhead being involved.
“How was that horrible?! It was a genuine question!” Truthfully, he didn’t see where he had gone wrong, it was always that way with him. Women were too complex for him to understand, and Ingrid would never tire of saying it was simply because he was an idiot. He watched in confusion as the woman stood from the table with a heated glare. “Where are you going?”
“To comfort [Y/N], and until you figure out where you went wrong, don’t even bother talking to them.” With that, Ingrid was off to search the monastery. She found them at the stables, where they met time and time again with them caring for the horses together. She wouldn’t say “I told you so.” even if it was on the tip of her tongue. Instead, Ingrid laid a comforting hand on their shoulder. As if on cue, the figure collapsed against Ingrid with a helpless sob. “Oh, come now, it’s not that bad. Now you can move on, find someone worth the trouble…”
The sound of footsteps on cobblestone made [Y/N] stand straight, quickly wiping at their eyes and trying to look presentable. “Oh, good afternoon Professor… You’re looking troubled.” At Ingrid’s observation, they lifted their head to observe Byleth, and indeed he looked troubled with his brow furrowed and a slight frown. 
“I’m afraid our mission for the month has turned dire, I need to round up a handful of students to leave immediately. Can I count on you two?” His voice was slightly sympathetic as if he knew the timing might be a slight annoyance. 
“Of course, we’ll ready the horses and meet you at the entrance.” Under new orders now, [Y/N] quickly put on their brave face and saddled up on their horse with Ingrid quick to follow. Soon, they met at the front gates of the monastery with Ashe, Dimitri, Dedue, and Mercedes. It was a small group, but all capable if instructed well. Byleth was quick to reassure them all that Catherine and Shamir would be accompanying them and at their aid. 
When Sylvain had found out about the mission, he was beside himself with worry for reasons he didn’t quite understand. “You’ve been pacing a hole in the floor for an hour Sylvain, sit down, it’s pathetic to watch.” Felix’s voice cut through with an edge to it. If anything, the swordsman was more annoyed at the fact they’d been left behind rather than worried for their classmates.
“Something has to be wrong, they should have been back by now if it was a small mission, right? Why didn’t they take all of us?” The worried fretting had Felix groan out and hold his face briefly, trying to compose his temper.
“Who knows how far out the location was, besides, the professor knows what he’s doing. Mercedes is there if anyone gets hurt.” While Felix had a point, there was still that nagging voice in the back of his head. Even Sylvain couldn’t grasp what had him so anxious, but as he glanced towards the gate, he could see the professor returning with the class. However, something was very wrong with the picture. [Y/N] didn’t sit upon their horse with a knightly air about them, instead, they were laying in a heap in Catherine’s arms. 
“Shit!” Without warning, he was out of the entrance hall and meeting them at the gates. “What happened to [Y/N]?! Are they alright?!” Catherine stepped around him quickly, a brief warning look from Shamir directed at him.
“Out of the way kid. We’re getting her to the infirmary.” 
It was Ingrid who rode up at his side, dismounting with a worried frown of her own. “[Y/N] took an arrow and fell off their horse. Mercedes closed the wound, but they hit their head pretty hard. We haven’t been able to get them to wake up, we were hoping Manuela might be able to reassure us or help in some way.”
How was it even possible? They were always so cautious and diligent on the battlefield… Sylvain was always left in awe half of the time. [Y/N] had the true makings of a vigilant knight, and while he understood everyone made mistakes… It was just unlike them. However, it didn’t take a genius to understand that their earlier conversation had affected their battle. 
“Let’s just see what Manuela has to say.” Under Ingrid’s recommendation, Sylvain followed her quickly to the infirmary where [Y/N] laid unconscious. “How do they look?” As his friend did the talking, Sylvain took a seat next to their bed, watching intently as he awaited an answer.
“Well, the poor thing fell pretty hard… They’ll wake up, but they’ll have a concussion to worry about for a while. I've asked the professor to take it easy on them for the next month.” Ingrid breathed a sigh of relief as Sylvain took their limp hand in his own. His expression was grim despite knowing they’d be okay soon enough. What if that arrow had struck them somewhere fatal, or what if they had the potential of never waking after hitting their head so hard? What if they had died before they could properly talk? They were only students, but their responsibilities put them in grave situations. This school wasn’t as lighthearted and frivolous as he had once thought.
He sat there for hours, well past the visits of their classmates and the occasional check-in from Manuela. Not once did [Y/N] stir from sleep, and briefly, he worried there was that possibility they would never wake. With a heavy sigh, he trapped their hand between both of his and brought it to his forehead in a silent prayer to the goddess. 
“[Y/N]... I wish it wasn’t like this right now… I’d rather have you mad at me in the stables than laying in this stupid infirmary bed. We’d bicker about the conversation we had earlier, neither of us would understand each other because I wouldn’t be honest about my feelings. Until eventually I’d tell you how much you mean to me and that it scares me. That I’ve never felt this way for someone before and that terrifies me.” He took in a shuddering breath, squeezing their hand just a bit tighter. “I’d tell you I love you.” His statement was hardly above a whisper.
It seemed all too unreal to him, the subtle scoff that caused Sylvain’s head to shoot up, staring at [Y/N] who laid with their brows furrowed and just a hint of a smirk tugging at their lips. “So it takes me getting hurt physically for you to confess?” Truly, he was a gawking mess now, enough to pull a laugh from his company’s lips. Sitting up from the bed, their hand brushed against his cheek gently. “Sylvain… I won’t forgive you if you hurt me like that again.” 
Instantly, his hand found their’s, holding it to his lips and kissing the tips of their fingers. “I won’t. Never again, I promise. I’ll be honest from here on out.” He meant it too. Soon he dropped their hand to instead get a good look at their face. “How do you feel? Should I get Manuela so she can make sure everything is in order? Can I get you anything?”
“Well… I could use one thing right about now.” [Y/N] mused to themselves, and Sylvain was quick to lean in closer.
“What is it? Anything, and it’s your’s.”
“A kiss.” The answer was so simple, but it was clear the male wasn’t expecting it, and just even for a moment, his face almost looked red in his shock. He didn’t stay stumped for long, leaning over the bed and closing in to press a ginger kiss on their lips.
“Ah… Young love. Such a waste.” Manuela’s dry voice caused the two to break apart with a start. “Now out! I won’t tolerate this behavior here.” The way she swatted at Sylvain with annoyance caused [Y/N] to bubble out a laugh, gently pulling on his sleeve and leaning in. 
“Oh, and one last thing… I love you too.” There was a dopey smile that spread onto his lips. As he was shooed out the door by Manuela, he stole one last glance with a promise that he would return first thing in the morning for them.
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faulty-writes ¡ 5 years ago
Warning: Mention of death. Mention of Magic. 
Fandom: My Hero Academia 
Pairing: Prince!Oboro Shirakumo x Reader
[ Alright, ever since I read My Hero Academia Vigilantes I’m in love with this character. I’m also caught up with the My Hero Academia manga so. Let’s hope good things for our cloud baby in the future. 
Anywho, this is a prompt from @bnhabookclub​. I hope you enjoy. Also credit to morgan from the bnhabookclub for helping me with some of the plot. ]
Prompts used:
Kingdom AU and "You promised me!"
[ Hizashi, Shouta, and yourself once held the same dream. To become worthy knights of the Kingdom. Along with this, you all had a common and loyal friend. Prince Oboro Shirakumo. The very same one who happened to be your betrothed, but as many fairy tales go. The Prince was cast under a spell and though you were powerless. You were determined to figure out a way to awaken your Prince once more. ] 
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It was said that Prince Oboro Shirakumo was like a breath of fresh air, while reckless in some sense. He was always determined to do what was right, he would go the extra mile for anyone that needed it. Kind and compassionate with a smile that shined brighter than the Kingdom itself. He was truly meant for greatness and many were looking forward to the day he would take over as King.
He had many friends and allies, but none closer than Shouta Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada. They were in a sense, The Big Three of their time. Each one possessing precious powers gifted by the Gods above. The Prince himself was blessed with the ability to summon clouds at will, Shouta had the power to render others useless with a mere glance and Hizashi was blessed with a voice capability that could make a person's ears bleed with ease.
The Prince was surely blessed with two great friends. However, there was one more that added something special to his life. You. Though you never thought yourself deserving of the Prince, you held a connection to him through Shouta and Hizashi who were merely knights in training at the time. You had tried your hardest to follow in the steps of a knight yourself, however, you were always turned down.
But you never gave up, for Oboro seemed to lift you up each and every time you fell. Such a thing was admirable to you and though the King and Queen knew it against the rules. They could see that their Prince was falling in love with you. Along with the time all three of you would spend with the Prince, he would make a special exception to spend extra time with you. Even if it meant neglecting his royal duties, which he didn’t seem to take that seriously in the first place.
Still, it was clear who the Prince had chosen to be his future spouse and so arrangements were made. It was shocking to the Kingdom when word spread that their precious Prince had taken someone at such a young age. But they underestimated just how equally of a shock it was to you. In fact, you didn’t know how to respond when they told you that from this day forth, you were to be known as the fiance(e) of Prince Oboro.
Though you had to admit, part of you was also happy. You did have feelings for the Prince and you were attracted to him. His beautiful wavy light blue hair and those striking eyes, his ability to create clouds which you had the wonderful opportunity to ride. But the thing you admired most about him was his smile, it was almost as if it could cure diseases and vanish sadness.
So much passion came from such a little thing and yet you loved it and you had the desire to be the one to make him smile. However, like many fairy tales, there was a villainous figure. Looking to end the happiness, to take away something that would cause the Kingdom to shatter. In this case, this villain was looking to end the Prince’s life. You remembered the day well, it was another day full of training under the lead Knight.
However, a distress call sounded and all available knights were to report for action. Including those in training and the Prince being as noble as he was, also joined in on the fight. Never allowing the citizens that made up his Kingdom to be hurt. You arrived on the scene of destruction, innocent people were screaming and some laying on the bloody ground, wounded and crying out for help.
Above in the sky, a screech sounded. All heads looked up at the winged beast who soared through the clouds. “A dragon…” you said, disbelief in your voice before you felt someone grab your shoulder and pull you back. You stumbled before colliding with their chest and looked up to see Oboro, a large grin on his face and somehow it made you feel at ease.
He placed his hands against your back and pressed you closer to him before he leaned down. Nuzzling his nose against yours playfully, “Heeeeey!” Hizashi screamed as he pointed his finger at the two of you. “Nooooooow isn't the time for that! Don’t ya see the winged dragon up there?!” he said, clearly in a panic though you knew when he put his mind to it.
He was a brave knight, same with Shouta though he needed to work on his gifted power. In this day and age, only those the Gods saw as worthy were granted magnificent power. You yourself were powerless and yet you still aimed to rise above the odds and prove yourself to be a worthy knight. A hero of sorts. Perhaps that is why you were chosen to be the Prince’s fiance(e) because, despite the odds against you, the fact you continued to try at all was admirable.
You felt Oboro’s chest vibrate as he laughed, “Oh, come on Hizashi! There’s always time for love!” he declared before shifting his attention back to you and reached over to cup your cheek. You smiled and gently placed your hand over his, looking into those eyes that you prayed you wouldn’t soon forget. “Just be careful out there, yeah?” he said before leaning close, he was known for sneaking kisses with you around the Kingdom but in this case, it seemed he wasn’t afraid to show his affection in public.
As soon as he pulled away, he stepped in front of you, “Alright! Let’s get all the citizens out of here, I’ll take care of the children and wounded.” he said before closing his eyes, his hands coming up to summon several clouds which were used to escort and carry the injured. You had decided to play defense, distracting the dragon away from the innocent and tried your best to avoid getting burned by the fire it produced.
Though you still got burned nonetheless, your armor only protected you so much. But the flames the dragon produced were blue in color and a powerful, unbelievable heat radiated from them. It was enough to melt the armor you wore so you decided to take cover using the crumbled pieces of what remained of the citizens' homes and business buildings. However, that is when you noticed a group of school children, along with their teacher who seemed to be in distress.
Cowering in fear and it looked like they were too afraid to move. You pressed your hand against the cracked wall of the building, prepared to use it as leverage to run over and guide them to safety. However, that’s when you saw your Prince leap into action. Pieces of his armor were melted and there were clear signs of a bad burn on his side. But one couldn’t tell how much it pained him because he seemed to move with ease.
He approached the scared children and manifested one of his clouds, his gift was a beneficial one. He could project clouds to protect, conceal, and transport whatever he desired. In this case, he urged the children and teacher to climb onto the cloud and from there he would guide them to safety. At that moment, you had almost forgotten you were battling against a fire breathing monster.
For your eyes were only focused on Oboro, he could be considered a God himself. Always putting others before himself and at that moment, you were reminded yet again of how lucky you were to have him. However, an evil chuckle broke your thoughts and you immediately jumped to your feet, striking a defensive pose. “Oh, what do we have here? A love-struck knight, no...a powerless, useless being in knight’s clothing. Oh yes, I know of you…” their voice sent a shiver down your spine and your eyes continued to scan the area of the ready to fall building you were standing in.
You gasped when you felt a slimy hand on your shoulder and quickly drew your sword, spinning on your feet as you tried to land a hit on the mysterious figure, surely the villain behind all of this. However, all you saw was a black blur before they reappeared in front of you. They were wearing a black hood that concealed their face but you could still make out the strange eye gear they had. It almost resembled that of a steampunk style.
“You...are you responsible for this attack? What purpose do you have for attacking innocent people?!” you demanded with a hiss, however, the figure just chuckled as if your words were somehow amusing. “Oh, you misunderstand. For I am only following the orders of my master.” your eyes widened and you almost dropped your defensive stance.
“W-What do you mean?” you questioned, the Prince was loving and kind. Who could possibly have anything against him or the Kingdom enough to cause such destruction? “Oh, you poor useless being.” They replied, “Let’s just say, the royal family has caused the Master much pain,” they explained, “After all, they harbored the employment of the number one knight in the world and my master views anyone in association with that knight as an enemy and therefore must be punished.” your stomach twisted at those words, what the hell?
“I don’t expect you to understand, young one...” they said before lifting their arm and you quickly pointed your sword at them. “Don’t you dare try anything!” you warned, though you hated to admit it. You were a little scared, the dark figure. The wizard, dragon summoner, whatever they were. Made you sick and you couldn’t let them do any further damage.
You had to stop them here and now. “You seem like a rather distracted knight, let’s fix that.” they snapped their fingers and while you expected something to happen. Perhaps magic to shoot out and knock you off your feet or even an army of henchmen to appear. Nothing changed and they took notice of your confused behavior with a happy chuckle.
“Watch out behind you,” they warned and a gasp escaped you, Oboro. You quickly turned, ready to run to him but somehow your body froze as you watched the dragon approach the scene. Oboro was still trying to evacuate the children and now had two clouds which proved to be a difficult thing to control. He could manifest one with ease, but when one turned into two and two into three.
The different sizes and connections he had to them and his overall control grew weaker and it was because of this that he failed to notice when the dragon landed on top of a nearby building. The children that he had saved were now floating peacefully on his clouds, but they were in front of the building that the dragon curled its powerful talons into and it caused a massive amount of crumbled pieces to fall toward the children. It flew away soon after, more than likely off to cause more death. 
You were still frozen and helpless as you watched your fiance run over. Forcing his clouds to move before a piece of the crumbled building hit him in the head, you screamed as you watched blood-splatter. The rest of the pieces came, effectively sealing your fiance’s tomb. Your throat was sore by the time you had finished screaming and your eyes were wide.
They seemed to be void of any emotion, just white and in clear disbelief of what had just happened. Your legs felt weak and you fell to your knees, “O-Obo...O-Obor…” you couldn’t even speak his name, and soon after you heard a loud crash behind you and screams of victory. The dragon was slain but at what cost.
You remembered the anger that filled you at that moment and curled your hands into tight fists, your nails began to dig into your palms and you felt lines of blood start to seep down. You growled and turned your head. Prepared to scream and even kill the one responsible for your betrothed's death. Yet the villain spoke first, “Fear not.” they said before approaching you and you wanted nothing more than to grab your sword and pierce it through their neck, but somehow you found yourself unable to move.
Damn, it must be their magic. You growled and continued to glare at them before they roughly grabbed a portion of your hair and forced your head to turn back to the pile of rubble that Oboro’s body was now laying under. However, you heard the snap of fingers and seemingly the pile that was once there vanished. You gasped and your anger disappeared, replaced by confusion.
“W-What…” your lip was trembling and the villain merely laughed, “I am called the good doctor for a reason my dear, my magic and abilities are beyond this world’s understanding and the one whose order’s I follow are not to be taken lightly. What you saw was a mere illusion.” your breath hitched and you felt your body tremble, “I-Illusion?” you repeated the word and felt the good doctor’s fingers curl tighter in your hair.
Almost like he wanted to keep your attention focused ahead and yet again you were reminded of how hopeless you were. Why didn’t the Gods grant you a power? If you were truly unworthy then why had you managed to make it this far and for what purpose? To be tortured like this? You hissed as the doctor forced your head to the side and a needle pierced your skin.
“You see, this was but a bitter reminder of what I am capable of. But fear not, your Prince is merely in a slumber. You may find his body in the royal family crypt but rest assured.” you cried out when you felt him push the needle further and a cool rush of liquid enter your body. Your muscles went soft and your eyes felt heavy. No, damn it. You had to fight it.
“He won’t be opening his eyes anytime soon.” you felt him release your hair before you fell forward and darkness clouded your vision. “Oboro…” you said, your hand digging into the dirt. “Oh...and just in case you didn’t already know, you’ll treat this as his death. Don’t tell anyone our little secret or else.” you felt a sob coming but your eyes slipped closed and you found yourself succumbing to the doctor’s poison.
It had been years since that day and you had grown from a mere teenager to an upstanding adult. Oboro’s parents were saddened by the news of their son’s death, however, you were the only one who knew the truth. Oboro’s sleeping body remained underneath the Kingdom. Cold and alone in a place meant for death. His absence could be felt within the very walls of the Kingdom itself and since he was an only child with no heir to the throne.
The responsibility had shifted to you, though originally against the rules. No one questioned the decision and your training began. You learned how to rule the Kingdom, you were adorned in the finest clothing, the finest crown, and the most delicious food. One could have only dreamed to receive the treatment you were given, but it all meant nothing if you didn’t have your Prince to share it with.
Shouta and Hizashi had continued their knight training and eventually became one of the few top knights in the Kingdom and taught the next generation of students. You saw them frequently, but you were always greeted with the same question. “Are you alright there!? You seem distracted nowadays, the royal life not what you expected or something?” Hizashi asked, his hands moving around like wildfire as he spoke.
He had gotten a side career as the newsman and used his gift to announce at high volume the latest scoop on the Kingdom, villains, and dragon sightings. You let out a sigh, leaning back against the wall of the window still you were currently sitting in. The view from the window was beautiful, you could see the large fountain that stood outside the front gates of the Kingdom.
But the statue of Oboro mocked you, it was molded in his likeness from the days of your youth. Every time you looked at it, you felt rage, anger, and disappointment. You took the doctor’s threat seriously and hadn’t spoken a word of what had truly happened, not even to the people that meant the most to you. This is why you wanted nothing more than to run away every time Hizashi questioned you and every time Shouta looked at you with those eyes of his.
The eyes that could strip you of your power, if only you weren’t already powerless. “Why do you always ask the same damn question? Doesn’t it get old?” Shouta commented, slumped over in a chair with his usual tired expression. But he had to deal with Hizashi on a daily basis so you couldn’t exactly blame him for appearing as if he were exhausted.
Though it was also due in part to his gift which tended to put a strain on his eyes, in fact, you could see the small red veins even from your position on the window still. “Is there a criiiiiiiime against asking a friend something!?” Hizashi replied and Shouta just rolled his eyes. You took a deep breath and slowly stood up, looking at Hizashi and then Shouta.
The two dearest friends you could ask for and yet you couldn’t tell them that the friend you all knew and loved was still alive. “It’s alright…” you said, despite every fiber of your being wanting to scream the truth. “He’s only being a concerned friend, as he implied,” you said before folding your hands in front of you. “I suppose, I’ve been thinking too much about...the Prince lately,” you confessed, feeling your heart sink inside your chest.
You wondered if it would have hurt this much if he had truly died that day instead of being put into a deep slumber. Hizashi frowned and Shouta glanced to the side, he wasn’t the ideal person to come to when you sought out comfort. Luckily Hizashi was there and he grabbed your shoulders gently. “Hey, it’s alright to miss him. Shouta and I miss him too, more than we lead on actually. But we have to keep marching forward, for his sake.” Hizashi spoke calmly as he placed a finger underneath your chin and tilted your head up.
“You’ve done a wonderful job, you took over as ruler of this Kingdom when it needed it most. That takes courage and dedication, you gave up your dream of becoming a knight for this, and that alone, grants you my respect.” much like Shouta, your glance turned to the side. Yes, you had given up your dream of becoming a knight.
Though part of you was doubtful you could even make it as a knight, part of the reason you had tried so hard was because of Oboro’s faith in you. His constant positive words and actions surrounded you and yet without him, you felt incomplete. As if you couldn’t go on, you wanted to figure out a way to break the Prince of his slumber. But you had tried countless times.
Spent hours just sitting by his sleeping form and talking, almost as if a certain word or phrase would break the spell. You had tried to shake him awake, plead with him as well. But it proved useless, you had no fear of anyone following you to the crypts as most respected the royal family and wouldn’t dream of disturbing the dead. Yet, despite your efforts, the only thing that greeted you in return was failure and it pissed you off.
Part of you wanted to blame the Gods, feeling as though they had a part in this. For failing to protect the ones that looked up to them the most, for failing to give you a power. Yes, you weren't much, but the Prince had chosen you and surely that meant something. It was a broken record with you, but every day it seemed your mental state was weakening and you longed to shift the blame to someone else.
To let all your anger and frustration out but to no avail. “Thanks, Hizashi.” you said before stepping back, “I think I’m going to go to my bedroom now,” your head hung low as you began to walk away. “Thank you for your continued dedication to the Kingdom, I’m counting on you guys,” you said, giving them a weak smile before leaving.
Hizashi continued to frown while Shouta just stared in the direction you had disappeared. “Are we going to tell them eventually?” the blond questioned as he turned to Shouta who shrugged. “I don’t think they need the increased burden, besides we need to meet up with True Man. He says he might have a lead on what happened to Oboro that day and we can’t afford to be late. Come on.” he urged as he quickly got up and left the room, Hizashi scrambled to keep up with him.
It was a wonder of a thing, the police force of the Kingdom was usually silent and worked underground to solve various crimes that riddled the Kingdom. Ever since the death of the Prince, villainous deeds had increased. They were usually dealt with by the knights of the Kingdom but the leftover mess went to the police force. Who analyzed and figured out the missing puzzle pieces in between.
True Man otherwise known as Naomasa Tsukauchi was claimed to be the best of the best, his dedication to his work was unmatched. He had been working on the Prince’s death case for a while now, despite the fact that many believed it was an open and shut case. But some things revolving around the death of Oboro didn’t match up.
For instance, many eyewitnesses claimed that the Prince was crushed underneath the rubble of a falling building. Yet when he arrived at the scene there was no such rubble pile to be found. In addition, there was no blood splatter that surely would have occurred if one was crushed to death. Furthermore, there was one eyewitness who claimed to have seen a dark figure with a knight, though the knight themselves were left unidentified.
Given the time and placement of the knights, Naomasa had narrowed it down to you. The Prince’s fiance(e) at the time, however bringing up the death of the Prince with the current ruler of the Kingdom would raise too much suspicion. So instead, he had made the choice to begin to question the two individuals that had spent an equal amount of time around the Prince and yourself.
Those two happened to be Shouta Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada. Throughout the years, they had pieced together the puzzle left behind and Naomasa enlisted the help of another power user. One who could manipulate and track energy at will, all he had to do was tell Hizashi and Shouta. “True Man.” Naomasa turned his head, watching as the rather grumpy black-haired man came into view, and trailing behind him was none other than Hizashi himself.
“Ah there you two are…” he said with a smile, “You uuuuuuurged us here in a hurry! What’s the big news?” Hizashi questioned as he pointed his finger at the man in question. “I believe we’ve found the whereabouts of the Prince, you see as we previously came to find out. Prince Oboro’s death made no sense and the newest information proves that he is very much alive.” he watched as the two men’s eyes widened, “Alive?!” Shouta exclaimed, despite him not often speaking out.
When it came to the matter of the safety and well being of those he cared about, he didn’t hesitate to open his mouth. Naomasa nodded, “We brought in a third-party source and with the use of their power, we tracked the Prince’s energy link.” Hizashi scratched his head, not quite following though he was more of a man of action. “And?” Shouta pushed further and Naomasa sighed.
“We tracked the source back to the Kingdom, more specifically the royal family crypt. We believe that he’s either being held there against his will, perhaps his fiance(e) was in on the plan all along to take the Kingdom for themselves…” he paused when he noticed the defensive expression Shouta was wearing and cleared his throat.
“Or...perhaps magic is at play, considering the fact of the absence of the rubble pile from the crime scene and various other unexplainable things from that day. There is a good chance that even the previously known League of Wizards is at play. I believe they now go by The Dragon Liberation Front.” he explained before placing his hands behind his back.
“I must ask if you two are willing to infiltrate the royal crypt. I understand it’s strictly against the rules to do such if you are not a member of the royal family, but I believe we can make an exception in this case.” Shouta clenched his jaw, he didn’t want to believe that you were involved in this. He refused to believe a friend would betray him like this, he knew how you felt about the Prince and his opinions wouldn’t be swayed.
“Let’s get goooooing! I’m ready!” Hizashi declared and Shouta nodded in response. “It’s nearing sundown if we want to be in the Kingdom before night we better move,” Shouta suggested and Naomasa agreed, quickly assembling his team before they set out. However, you had no knowledge of this incoming event.
Once your day was through and the sun was finally setting, you made your way to the crypt to tell your slumbering Prince about your day and bid him goodnight. You did this every single day before going to bed, some would think it pathetic. But you couldn’t help yourself as you stared at his sleeping face. Despite the spell he was under, he had grown just like you.
Though you had taken it upon yourself to change his clothes and wash his body, his hair had gotten longer and facial hair littered his chin which in a way you thought looked nice. But you felt horrible leaving him here, in a room filled with nothing but past Kings and Queens. You let out a sigh and reached out to cup his cheek, which felt cool against the palm of your hand.
“I wish you were awake, I wish I never had to keep this a secret,” you said, your voice echoing through the room. You frowned and leaned over, pressing your lips to his forehead. Thinking about kissing his lips only brought you memories of the horrid day he got cast under this spell. “Yet another night without you.” a frown came as you turned to walk up the stone steps that led up to the entrance of the crypt. However, you quickly came to a halt when you heard several people coming and a shiver ran down your spine.
What was going on? You panicked as the sound came closer and in a split-second decision, you ran to take cover behind one of the many coffins that littered the room. Your heart was pounding in your chest as the unknown individuals stumbled into the room. “Sheeeeesh! It’s creepy in here!” your eyes widened when you recognized Hizashi’s voice and you hesitantly took a peek, “Shut it.” Shouta warned before a third man you didn’t recognize came into view.
“I think his body is over here, come on,” he announced and you watched as several officers followed him, you had almost forgotten there was more than one form of justice in this Kingdom. Knights were used to protect and face down the evil that plagued the land while the Police ensured the evildoers were locked away for good. You found yourself so lost in your small moment of spying that you failed to notice you were beginning to stand up from your previous crouching position.
But you misguided the placement of your hand and ended up knocking a small vase off the table from where the coffin sat, you gasped as it hit the floor. Part of you was hoping that you wouldn’t be caught, but of course, as always life seemed against you and Shouta was the first one to you. “Freeze!” he demanded as he used his power and grabbed your arm.
Twisting it behind your back which made you cry out, “Stop it!” you hissed and felt his grip loosen. “Y/n?” he questioned before Hizashi ran up to the two of you. He pulled you from Shouta’s grip before grabbing your shoulders and shaking you. “What gives!?” he demanded, though you were too busy watching your vision spin. Hizashi halted his movements, which gave you a chance to recover.
“Did you know about this!?” he snapped as he pointed toward Oboro’s sleeping figure. You shivered and reached up to grab Hizashi’s hands, trying desperately to pull them off your shoulders. “I...I…” you yelped when he shook you once more, Shouta just stood by and watched while the unknown third man and his police officers began to look around the crypt for any more unusual findings.
"You promised me!“ Hizashi screamed before going to grab your shirt collar, you could hear the fabric of it tear as his fingers tightened around it. “You promised us!” he pointed between himself and Shouta, “That you wouldn’t hold anything back, that we’d always be honest with each other. Did you know about this!?” he repeated the question and you parted your lips to answer, despite the fact that you were trembling.
“Answer me!” he growled and Shouta placed his hand on his hip. “Keep roughing them up like that and they won’t.” he commented before shifting his gaze at you, “Just be honest, did you?” he questioned and your lip trembled before you forced out an answer. “Y-Yes.” you said, hanging your head low. “But it wasn't my fault! The wizard! Doctor, the good doctor said-” you watched as the third man approached, you wondered if he was with the police since they seemed to follow his every move.
Hizashi released his grip and stepped back, “Did you say wizard?” you blinked, “Uh...yes.” the man tapped his chin, “I thought this was the working of magic, but I couldn’t have been sure.” he said, his gaze still locked on you. “My name is Naomasa, I’m a detective with the police and your friends here. Helped me solve the case of what truly happened to your fiance, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to put you under arrest.” Shouta and Hizashi seemed just as surprised as you were by those words.
“W-What!?” you exclaimed as you took a step back, “Sorry, I find no joy in doing this. However, you kept critical information to yourself and failed to come forth with the truth. You concealed a member of the royal family which is punishable by death.” Hizashi quickly stepped in front of you, Shouta was right by his side. “Don’t you think that’s a little haaaaaarsh?” Despite the fact you had kept this a secret, Hizashi didn’t see the sense in chopping your head off because of it.
You clenched your jaw and tightened your fists, did they really not know why you had to keep it a secret in the first place? You knew you weren’t supposed to tell and you hated the fact that the doctor threatened you into silence. But if death was possibly awaiting you, then did you truly have anything to fear? A soft growl came from your throat before you pushed past Hizashi and stepped in front of Naomasa.
“I am the ruler of this Kingdom, regardless of what you do. It would be foolish to behead me when the true ruler still lays in slumber. Unless you think you can wake him up because I have tried EVERYTHING!” you screamed at the top of your lungs and your eyes watered over, “Nothing will wake him up! I was threatened by the doctor, that if I told anyone…” you trailed off and stepped away from Naomasa before turning to walk over to Oboro.
God, if only he were awake. You could only imagine what he’d have to say about this. You felt a tear run down your cheek as you stared at him, “There would be a dark consequence but since you’re threatening to take me away and end my life, I guess there’s nothing left to lose.” you explained as you reached over to run your fingers through his hair.
“Sorry if I betrayed you guys, unlike you I don’t possess a power. I wasn’t gifted, I am powerless. I am useless, I’m just a normal person. Yet, Oboro chose me all the same and I love him. I love him so much. I know it pains you to see him like this as well, but I have been dealing with this by myself for years. Keeping it a secret to protect him, to protect all of you because that’s all I could ever do.” you explained as more tears streamed down your cheeks.
Hizashi frowned, “Well, uh. You’re not powerless per se it’s just-” Shouta nudged him and shook his head, indicating for Hizashi to stop speaking. “I don’t know why the Gods didn’t bless me, I guess seeing how everything turned out. I truly am unworthy of holding such a thing,” you said, choking down a sob before you leaned close to Oboro. Your hand gently cupped his cheek once more and you stroked it with your thumb before grazing it over his lips.
The pain tugged at your heart, despite what you had said. Your fate was already sealed and in that sense, you might as well break your own rules. You sniffled before leaning forward and pressing your lips to Oboro’s. They were cold, unlike yours, and yet they remained just as soft as they were years ago. You swallowed before pulling away and droplets of your tears landed on his face.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t do more…I’m sorry I’m powerless,” you whispered before turning to face Hizashi, Shouta, and Naomasa. “Well?” you questioned, “Mister detective, aren’t you going to take me away now?” you questioned, failing to see what they were staring at. You blinked and raised your eyebrow before slowly looking over your shoulder.
A gasp left your mouth as you watched a yellow light engulf Oboro, it almost looked like mist and it seemed to be pulling some sort of darkness out of the Prince. Your hands clasped over your mouth as you continued to watch in amazement, did you do that? Were you responsible for whatever was happening? You almost wanted to apologize before the yellow light expanded and all of a sudden, a harsh energy wave came.
You along with everyone else got knocked back on their feet. You heard someone crawl toward you as the energy continued to come and the crypt gave eerie noises as if the walls themselves were trying to withstand the force. “I got you, don’t worry!” Hizashi said as he wrapped his arms around you, effectively shielding you from whatever was happening.
You curled yourself into his chest, your heart racing, and part of you was too afraid to see what had happened when everything settled back down. Hizashi’s arms were still securely around you and Shouta was near Naomasa. But when you heard a soft groan you struggled to get out of Hizashi’s grip and your head shot in the direction of Oboro.
“Uh…” your eyes widened as you watched him slowly sit up, he looked disoriented and confused. He slowly turned to look around the room while he rubbed the back of his head and gave a loud yawn. “W-What happened? What are you guys doing here?” he questioned before his eyes settled on you, he froze before reaching his hand out toward you. “Y/n?” he questioned, “What happened, you...you look older,” he noted as he tilted his head to the side and a voice rang in your head.
“Though you may think yourself powerless, even those without a gift have proven to have a purpose in this world. We did give you a power as we foresaw your future, though we may have deceived you. The power of awakening those you love was bestowed upon you with our blessing. Now go, live your happy ending.”
You came back to your senses when Hizashi began nudging you. “Hm?” you turned to face him, “Uh, he kind of asked you a question and can we get the man some cloooooothes, please!?” you failed to notice that Oboro had gotten up and sure enough the only thing that you could find to cover him was a thin white sheet as you found it too difficult to dress his sleeping figure.
“Oh relax!” Oboro said to his worried friend, “Witness the fabulous application of my power, it will conceal just enough.” he said as he pressed his fingers together and sure enough, a cloud that was blue-gray in color surrounded his hips and thighs. “There…” he said before his eyes settled on you and your heart skipped a beat as he approached, though from your position on the floor.
Your imagination could go wild at the almost naked man before you. He held his hand out to you, a large friendly smile on his face. “I’m sure you can fill me in on what happened, it feels like I’ve been sleeping forever,” he noted, and despite your heart racing and the soft blush that came to your cheeks. You hesitantly reached up to grab his hand but Naomasa seemed to want to interfere and grabbed your wrist instead.
“Sorry, but you’re still a suspect, and though it seems like you broke whatever spell the Prince was under. That only makes you more suspicious. You previously appeared and claimed to be powerless and yet what we just witnessed is in itself a power that you possess.” you trembled and tried to pull yourself from his grip but Oboro stepped in and ripped Naomasa’s hand away.
His normal happy expression was replaced with anger. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t touch my betrothed. They are innocent of any and all crimes, I know it in my heart. They would never hurt anyone and since they are my fiance(e) they are part of the royal family and well, it’d be kind of wise for you to treat the royal family with respect. Thank you.” he said before releasing his hold and helping you up, he pulled you close, and slowly the two of you made your way up the stone steps.
Sure, he’d have to catch up with Hizashi and Shouta as well, but you were the most important person to him and he needed to know what had happened. But, much like in the days of your youth. As soon as you were away from the others, he gently pushed you against the wall and pressed his lips against yours. A shiver ran down your spine but unlike before, only happy memories of your relationship with the Prince flashed through your mind.
You let out a content sigh and wrapped your arms around him, keeping him close. The future rulers of the Kingdom, one originally a knight in training and the other born with a silver spoon in his mouth though unselfish and brave in personality. One day this twisted fairy tale would be written into the history of the royal family, but for now. The present is the only thing that mattered to you, for you had your Prince once more.
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ladycatofwinterfell ¡ 5 years ago
No plan, just a dream of home
Summary: Catelyn is in King’s Landing when they take Ned to the Sept of Baelor. She has no idea of what she’s doing, but she desperately tries to grab the pieces of her shattered family and bring them home.
I wrote this a while back, but I’m going to post it now while I’m working on the next part of “A new marriage and an old one”. I feel like I should mention that it takes place in show canon. It’s also a bit illogical, but this idea just popped in to my head.
Not to spoil anything, but this involves major character deaths.
“What’s happening?” she mumbled to herself. “Where are they going?”
Catelyn had been in King’s Landing for a week. And she had never seen all the inhabitants of the city really move to one place at the same time. They were always moving, sure, but never in the same direction. She just stood and watched it from her open window for a while, tried to figure out what was happening. She listened intensely to the people below her, but couldn’t make out what they were saying to each other. All the noice and the ringing from bells drowned out their words. All of it made her very uneasy. Something was about to happen, she didn’t know what, but she could feel that it was something bad. She could feel it in her bones. But of course that feeling had been constant since the news of Ned’s arrest had reached her. That was the reason to why she had returned to the capital. And she wouldn’t leave without Ned and the girls. She would take them home.
“My lady!”
Ser Rodrik came into her room. And the bad feeling in her grew worse when she saw his face. She had never seen the old knight with such a look of pure panic on his face.
“What is it? What is happening?” she asked him,
She heard the distress in her own voice. 
“They’re taking Lord Stark down to the Sept of Baelor” Ser Rodrik said.
For his execution. The Lannisters were going to execute him for treason. Outside the Sept of Baelor. That’s what everyone was so excited about. They flocked to watch Ned die. No, Catelyn couldn't let that happen. She had to save him. She wouldn’t just let him die when they had started a war to free him.
“Let’s go then” she said and tried to repress her fear.
She didn't have time to be afraid, she had to be brave. For Ned, and for their daughters. She could be afraid later. When they were all in safety.
“You cannot risk anything, my lady” Ser Rodrik said.
She almost got angry when he said that. Had he really expected her to just quietly stay in her room after he had informed her of that her husband would be executed? 
“I’m not going to wait here while they take his head. We have to do something. And in order to do something, we have to go there.”
She had no idea about what she was going to do, she just needed to do something. 
Chaos was the right word for it. They all screamed as Ned was brought out. Screamed that he was a traitor, that he deserved death. But Catelyn could barely hear it, all she could hear was the ringing in her ears. She tried to push herself through the crowd, but seemed to get nowhere. She was just pushed around. And she had lost Ser Rodrik somewhere, but that didn’t matter. The only important thing was to get to Ned.
“Watch yourself!” a big man said angrily when she tried to get past him. “We all want to see him die.”
He really thought that Ned was guilty of treason. They didn’t have a clue about that Cersei was lying to them.
“Sorry” she mumbled and continued to push herself forward.
They brought up Ned on the steps of the great sept. Where Cersei and that wretched boy of hers waited together with the members of the small council and Knights of the Kingsguard. And Ilyn Payne, Catelyn noticed and her heart sunk in her chest. The royal executioner. No no no no, she had to get forward faster. She had to push harder. What little hope Catelyn still had returned to her when she saw that Sansa stood there on the steps too, alive and well. She had not been thrown into a cell. But Arya was nowhere to be seen, where was Arya?
The crowd went quiet when they let go of Ned and he began to speak, and suddenly it was a little easier to get closer to the steps. She managed to pass the statue of Baelor the Blessed and was going to continue her desperate fight when someone grabbed her arm.
“Mother” a small voice said.
And that small voice belonged to a dirty and torn little girl with brown hair, a long face and Stark grey eyes.
“Arya” Catelyn gasped and pulled her into her arms.
Arya smelled of rotten fish and other could things, but Catelyn couldn’t have cared less. She held Arya’s little form close and kissed her hair. She had one of her girls, she had her youngest daughter. For months Catelyn had feared for Arya’s life, but she had her in her arms. She was alive and she wasn’t with the Lannisters.
“What are they going to do to Father?” Arya asked.
She looked up at Catelyn with tears in her eyes.
“Nothing, sweetling, I promise you. I won’t let them do anything to him” Catelyn said and looked up at Ned. 
He was still talking. No, not talking. Confessing. He was confessing to a crime he wasn't guilty of. Ned was loyal and honorable, he would never commit treason.
“But we don’t have much time. Wait here by the statue. Don’t go anywhere” Catelyn said quickly. “Promise me.”
“Okay, I promise” Arya said.
She sounded so afraid, the poor little thing. She sounded exactly like Catelyn felt. She wished that she could have stayed there and just held Arya forever, until all the worries in the world were gone. She just wanted to protect Arya from everything.
She turned away from Arya but had to turn back again. She took Arya’s hand and kissed it.
“I love you” she said.
“I love you too, Mother” Arya said. “Now go, get Father.”
And with one last look at her daughter, Catelyn turned her eyes towards Ned once more. The crowd screamed again and someone through a road at Ned, it hit him right in the head and he almost fell over. She had to bite her tongue in order to not shout. She had to get closer. And then came more silence as Ned continued with a bleeding wound on his forehead.
“Let the High Septon and Baelor the Blessed bear witness to what I say” Ned said with a shaky voice.
He was so far away from where he was supposed to be. He was a man of the north, he believed in the old gods. But he was in the south, he stood in front of a sept. The old gods could not hear him, could not help him. Catelyn would have to help him, save him.
“Joffrey Baratheon is the one true heir to the Iron Throne, by the grace of the gods, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the realm.”
He was afraid too, Catelyn realized. He was afraid for his life. Maybe they had promised they would spare him if he confessed. Maybe Catelyn could just. take him home. Grand Maester Pycelle said something about just and merciful gods, Catelyn couldn’t listen. She just had to reach them. She saw though, how Pycelle turned to Joffrey and asked him what would be done with the traitor. The crowd shouted about killing him, but the boy king silenced them
“My mother wishes me to let Lord Eddard join the Night’s Watch. Stripped of all titles and powers, he would serve the realm in permanent exile” Joffrey began. “And my Lady Sansa has begged mercy for her father. But they have the soft hearts of women. So as long as I am you king, treason shall never go unpunished.”
He was not going to listen to them, he was going to kill Ned. She only had seconds. She had to get through. And with that Catelyn managed to push herself to the front and was almost impaled by a spear held by a goldcloak. They were holding the crowd back, stopping the people from coming up on the steps.
“Ser Ilyn, bring me his head!”
“No!” Catelyn shouted desperately before anyone else had time to react. “Wait!”
He couldn’t die. She didn’t know what she would do if he died. She couldn't do it without him.
“Catelyn!” Ned exclaimed as the same time as Sansa exclaimed “Mother!”
And everyone up there looked down at her at the same time. Joffrey even raised a hand to stop Ser Ilyn. With a relieved sigh Catelyn saw how Ser Ilyn put the sword back into it’s sheath.
“Look, it’s the traitor’s wife who has joined us” Joffrey said and his lips curled into a cruel smile. “Let Lady Stark through, it seems like she has something to say.”
The goldcloaks stepped aside to let her through. And Catelyn took a deep breath before starting to walk up the steps, she felt like her heart was about to explode in her chest. And the realization of that she had no real plan hit her in the face with full force. She had only thought of getting there, and not of how she was supposed to get away from there. She didn’t really know where to go, who to go to first. She knew where she wanted to go, she wanted to go to Ned and Sansa. She wanted to embrace them and take them back to Winterfell with her.
It was so quiet that she almost could have touched the silence.
“Are you here to bend the knee? Do like your husband and confess to treason?” Joffrey asked.
He sounded like he was having fun. He really was a little Lannister. A golden thing that had crawled up from the deepest of the seven hells. She didn’t bother with looking at him, she had decided to follow her heart. She walked straight up to Ned.
“Are you okay?” she said quietly and wiped away some of the blood on his face with her hand.
It was a foolish question, she knew that. She had never seen him in a worse state than the one he was in then. But she hadn’t known what else to say.
“What are you doing here?” was all he said. “They will take you too, why did you come here?”
“To get you and the girls back” she replied. “I wouldn’t stand back and let them kill you.”
“They will kill you too, Catelyn.”
He looked so tired and so broken. He was much thinner than when she had last seen them, his once muscled body was so thin that she felt even more scared. How close to starvation had he been when they brought him out from his cell? And he had new lines in his face that had nothing to do with laughter. His eyes seemed almost empty, as if he didn’t truly see her. But her Ned was there somewhere, she knew it.
“No, my love.”
She tiptoed and and kissed him lightly on the lips, not caring what anyone thought about it. Then she turned to Joffrey and looked him in the eye. He smiled back at her, a cruel smile.
“How sweet. Tell me, how does it feel to kiss a traitor?”
Ned was no traitor. Catelyn was no traitor’s wife. She didn’t know how it felt to kiss a traitor.
“I would no nothing of doing such a thing. My husband is no traitor.”
“There you are wrong. What are you doing here, Lady Stark?”
“I am here to tell you that if you behead Eddard Stark there will soon be an army of northmen at your gates, demanding your head. Let him go, together with Sansa and Arya, and we will pull back our armies. We will release all of our hostages, including Ser Jaime Lannister, and stop all the fighting.”
Joffrey only laughed.
“We outnumber you” he said. “You will all be gone before you have time to reach the gates of King’s Landing.”
Catelyn’s heart beat fast and loud. She had to succeed.
“The northerners have already defeated you once. And if you kill their liege lord, they will continue to do so until all of you are dead. And I can promise you, they will send you Ser Jaime’s head in a box. So release Lord Stark and our daughters. For your own sake.”
Cersei laid a hand on Joffrey’s arm and whispered something to him. And while that happened Catelyn looked at Sansa, and Sansa looked back at her with terrified eyes. Catelyn started to raise a hand, but stopped herself. Sansa couldn’t come to her until the Lannisters gave her permission to. She was afraid of them. What had they done to Catelyn’s sweet daughter? It felt like Catelyn had been stabbed in the heart. She wanted nothing more than to take Sansa in one hand and Ned in the other, walk down the steps, find Arya and go home.
Then Joffrey waved away his mother. And Catelyn looked back at him. She saw nothing forgiving in his eyes, saw nothing good. He just looked cruel. How had she not seen that when they visited Winterfell? Why had she not stopped Ned from going south?
“I want you to seize Lady Stark” Joffrey said loudly. “And I suppose I’ll have to say it again, since we were interrupted. Ser Ilyn, bring me Lord Eddard’s head. Treason shall never go unpunished.”
No. Two armored men grabbed her arms before she had time to take it all in. They held her hard, and it hurt when she tried to pull herself free. She kicked and pulled and fought to the best of her ability, but it was meaningless. She had no chance against two large men in armor, she only hurt herself. They dragged her aside and once more she could hear the ringing in her ears. She didn’t know what was happening. All she knew was the fear that burned through her body like fire. And a few seconds later she also knew the tears that rolled down her face. She could taste the salt on her lips when they forced Ned down on his knees and the sound of Ser Ilyn unsheathing his sword rang through the air. It was Ice. The Valyrian steel greatsword that had belonged to the Starks for hundreds of years. They were going to take his life with his own sword. She tried harder to pull herself free, tried to get to her husband. He couldn’t die, he couldn’t leave her there. She loved him, he couldn’t die.
“NED!” she screamed. “NO! PLEASE!”
But no one listened to her, no one heard her. The crowd beneath was screaming too, and Sansa was screaming. They were all screaming, but for different reasons. They all screamed as they watched Ilyn Payne raise Ice, they all screamed as he let the blade fall. But Catelyn screamed most of them all when she saw her husband’s head fall. The pain in her heart felt so real that she thought it would kill her. She had failed. She had failed and they had killed her Ned. She almost wanted the pain to kill her.
“I want the traitor’s wife’s head too” Joffrey demanded. “She’s as much of traitor as her husband was.”
It seemed she would meet the same fate. They kicked Ned’s body aside, like a toy that they had finished playing with. But that was Ned. That was Catelyn’s love, not just some toy. She watched it through her tears, thought of how it wasn’t really Ned anymore. Just a body. They had taken his life, he was no more.
“Do not touch Sansa and Arya!” Catelyn begged ad they dragged her out to where Ned had stood. “They have done nothing wrong, don’t punish them!”
She glanced at Sansa, she had fainted. And Catelyn was glad for it. Sansa wouldn’t have to watch as the only parent she had left was beheaded too. She wouldn’t have to see it.
“I’ll do whatever I like with them” Joffrey told her.
“They shouldn’t be blamed for our actions, they’re just girls, just children. Please have mercy with them!”
He had no mercy in him, Catelyn knew that. But she also couldn’t leave the world knowing that her daughter wouldn’t be safe. She looked up and out over the crowd that was screaming at her. She watched the statue, tried to see Arya. What would happen to her? Where would she go? Why hadn’t Catelyn told her to find Ser Rodrik? He could have taken Arya to safety. Catelyn could only hope for that she would find the knight on her own.
“I’ll hear no more from you. Give me her head!”
She couldn’t control her body at all, she just felt numb. Like she had no contact with her arms and legs. She could just watch as they prepared her for execution. They forced her down on her knees in the puddle of Ned’s blood. The blood was still warm, it went straight through her dress and to her skin. She got to feel Ned’s warmth one last time when she kneeled in his blood. And when Ilyn Payne raised Ice once more she could feel more of Ned’s blood drip down on her neck. Ned would meet her wherever they went, he would be there. It would be okay. It would be peaceful.
There, on the steps to the Sept of Baelor, Catelyn Stark met her end.
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jxndds ¡ 5 years ago
isekai/reincarnation manhwas
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 This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage
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 Villainous Princess
One day I woke up in the body of Violet, the villainess character of the novel "For Shannon." Violet had a beautiful face, wealth, and was even a princess! She was a woman who had almost everything but her life was ruined when she chased after the one thing she didn't have - love. Now that I'm her, I can change her fate because I don't need love!
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gottawriteanegoortwo ¡ 5 years ago
Who Killed Markiplier - What if Damien Went to War?
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A note before we start. Both William and Damien would around 19/20 years old toward the end of WW1. There are some minor differences in how I write them here compared to how they would normally be. Damien is still caring and loyal, but he is shy. It’s only in university that he properly gained his voice and confidence, so he grows timid a little easier. Because of this, he’ll be a little more passive than what might be expected if it was closer to their normal ages. As for William, while he is still eccentric, he’s far more grounded during the war. With all the responsibilities on his shoulders, he has enough to keep himself busy and focused. His odd nature is channelled more into keeping morale boosted. 
Word Count: 2,410
TW: War, guns, violence, major injury, death.
William had to read the letter three times to be sure he wasn’t going insane.
It was dated from a month ago, written in Damien’s neat handwriting, and had the shortest message his friend had ever sent:
I’m coming out there.
Out of context, it sounded rather ominous. Had William gotten in so much trouble that he had to be chased after and scolded by a young man his own age? But take the date it was sent into account - April 23rd, 1917.  William was in the French trenches. And soon, so would Damien.
The men in the Colonel’s squad couldn’t understand the source of his frustration. Despite the wall of the trench being made from solidified mud and wooden beams, he had still managed to punch the earth so hard that his fist left a dent. There was one thing that William had made Mark and Damien promise - no matter what, don’t follow him to war. Don’t get involved. Mark was far cockier than William was. He would try and play the hero, do something reckless and get himself killed. But Damien was nothing like that. The political student was too soft for his own good. Everyone knew that the world was cruel. It was nothing like how plays and stories made it out to be. However, war was something else entirely. It was ruthless, unforgiving, and thrived in suffering. Once you enlisted, you lost all sense of identity. You became nothing more than a pawn in a larger game you had no control over, and you had to hope you’d make it out alive.
When meeting with other high-ranked officials, he pulled strings. He pleaded and bartered to make sure Damien was in his regiment, under his command. It would be one way to ensure he wasn’t driven insane with worry. It also meant that Damien wasn’t alone. Even if William was busy attending to other matters, his right hand man Jean would be there to keep an eye on him. The group of men under his command were a friendly bunch too. They’d be able to help him adjust to the awful setting they were in.
When Damien did arrive, terrified was an understatement. His eyes were wide as he took everything in. The grime, the muck, the injuries, the stench of blood, the sound of gunfire far in the distance. It truly was as his instructor had warned the new recruits. Anxiety was hitting him hard, but there was no way he could back down. He had to do something beyond hiding in a university and hoping for good news.
Of course, he didn’t expect good news upon arrival either. The second-in-command had taken the other men elsewhere, leaving the two old friends alone. William was tired and worn out (and seemed to be growing a moustache), but Damien would swear that he had never once been so intimidated by him. William’s arms were crossed, and his head held high to glare at the slightly younger man.
“Were you not the one who once told me of the importance of trust?” William paused for a response, but none was given. “Were you not the one who always insisted that he would never break a promise?” That, at least, got a nod from Damien. “Then what in God’s name are you doing here?! I thought I made it clear in every fucking letter I sent home that you should stay where you were! Why bring yourself to death like this?!”
“I…. I had to. Men were being called in for extra support, and -”
“I don’t care! You weren’t supposed to come! This isn’t a place for someone like you, Damien!” The sudden shout made Damien flinch, but William didn’t care. “Look around us! Every man here is in danger! You could get shot, knocked back into something, have a shell dig into your skin. You could go to hospital and get an infection or catch some sickness they don’t have the medication for! Any man here could die at any moment. I could die tomorrow, and then what will you do, Damien? What will you do when you watch someone die for the first time?”
Had Damien ever seen William this furious before? While he was also angry, an argument would only make matters worse. After several long moments, holding his tongue proved to be the better option as William marched forward and pulled him into a tight hug.
“God, I’m sorry. Just… Promise me you’ll go home as soon as you can.” Damien didn’t answer at first, but he nodded into the other’s uniform.
Six months was a long time in the trenches. Once William had calmed down after his initial outburst, Damien recognised the teenager that had been one of his dearest friends. But of course, they were barely twenty years old, but William had to put that aside. He was a Colonel, one of the youngest around. He was holding a position normally given to a man twice his age. During the long, boring days, he could see the pressures William was under. William spent a large portion of his time making sure all the weapons were in working order with enough ammo, that the trenches were stable, that they all knew how their weapons worked, what exactly needed to be done when the ‘go over the top’ order was given. Damien and the others were given chances to practice hand-to-hand combat, basic first aid - “put pressure on the wound and don’t let go!” - and what to do if someone was discovered to be missing.
No wonder William wrote letters. There was little else to distract yourself with.
But somehow, William managed. He would regale stories of his younger days and encourage others to do the same. In fact, Damien would swear that this was fuelled by his own arrival. Weeks bled together, and he got to know most of the other men better. As a whole, they were a friendly, supportive group who had dreams and ambitions beyond the trenches. Some kept to themselves, while others disappeared after catching an illness from all the time spent outdoors, or were injured in combat.
As for those who were killed…. He mourned them. How could he ignore the impact it made on him? No one deserved to die in such an awful place. The longer he spent there, the more certain of it he was. Sometimes, he was convinced William thought little of him for getting emotional over the loss of human life. But he knew William well, and was sure that the Colonel would mourn quietly and alone. He had to keep morale boosted, even if it meant hiding his grief. The war would continue on.
“I need to finish my studies when I get home,” he explained to William one night. The pair sat aside from the rest of the men, as they would in times when they just needed the company of the other. “This all started because of politics. If I could somehow get there, I want to make sure this never happens again. I don’t want anyone else suffering like this.”
“You would have the support of a million men and women who have seen it for themselves,” William agreed with a nod. His moustache was looking better, but Damien was still getting used to the sight of it. He couldn’t imagine how unkempt he must look in comparison. “I’ll make sure of it myself, damn it. You won’t start that movement alone.” His right hand firmly grasped Damien’s shoulder with a smile. “You’ll be the finest politician out there, Dames.”
January 20th, 1918.
The call had gone in that morning for an ‘up and over’. It had been bloody, but no ground had been lost. The other soldiers had pulled back to check their own injured, and William’s men were doing the same. One or two had received gunshot wounds, but they were injuries that could be treated quickly in a nearby emergency medical setting. 
Damien had lingered behind to make sure everyone was able to return to the trenches safely.  They were all tired, but all could walk. 
Himself and another man found energy out of nowhere to frantically race back to the trench as bullets zipped past them. Never had such a dismal place looked like sanctuary. Both men made it to the trench, and the first climbed down. With Damien there, all would be accounted for, thankfully.
A cry of agony ripped through the silence as Damien fell straight into the trench. A bullet had gone clean through his left thigh. Not only that, he had taken the impact of the fall on that leg. Even without the bullet wound, it was badly broken.
William’s booming voice was filled with desperation as he knelt down beside his friend. He took one of Damien’s hands.
“Come on now, Damien. Stay with me. Squeeze my hand. I’m right here.” The tightened grip was nothing painful for William, but it was a good sign that the other could respond immediately. “Peter and Eddie have gone to get one of the stretchers. There’s a medical centre about a mile from here. They’re going to take good care of you there. You’re going to be alright.”
“Will, please… Don’t leave me. I don’t want to go alone.” Damien’s voice strained with the intensity of the pain. It was a struggle to keep awake.
“I’ll be there, Dames. I’ll make sure I’m there with you. I said I’d protect you, didn’t I?” He had, he remembered. Damien had smiled and said that he was honoured that such a brave soldier would be like a knight in shining armour for him. But that was before the war. Before Damien joined him here. Before that blasted attack. Before -
“Dames? Dames! Please! Wake up! Stay with me!”
“Colonel, move back!” 
To William’s horror, the men had managed to get some of the medical assistants over as well. He saw the look they shared. He tried to scramble to his feet, but Jean held him back.
“He’s not dead! He can’t be dead! He’s fine!”
Ten months.
Ten months with no news on Damien.
After a lot of badgering, he was told that the injured party was transferred to a hospital in England. That was never a good sign. He wrote letter after letter pleading Mark or Celine to tell him what happened, even if that meant telling him the worst.
In January, he was upset, but optimistic. He confided in Jean that Damien had to be alive, that William would somehow know if Damien was dead. The pair pulled together and set about keeping spirits up.
By March 4th, 1918, he had lost Jean too.
For two full weeks, William was inconsolable. It was as though all the pain of war had finally broken him and left his chest hollow and numb. But on the fifteenth day, he was behaving like the man he was before - loud, optimistic, hard-working. All his grief and sorrow had been bottled up and buried as deep as possible. Never did he want to consider how he was letting the men who were still alive down. He would make sure they would all survive and go home.
And that was exactly what he did. Through some miracle, not a single man under his command died between March and November 1918. He had to do it. Damien would have wanted him to protect them.
The trip back to America was long and lonely. Part of him almost didn’t want to return, but he had nowhere else to go. Every mile felt much longer. Every day felt like another month. But eventually, land could be seen. A boat bringing soldiers home was docking on the east coast, which only meant that a painfully long journey alone faced him. Why was California so far away?
But as he stepped off the boat, two figures were standing in the crowd waiting for him. He had to restrain himself from charging over, but both Celine and Mark were pulled into a tight hug the moment he was close enough to reach them.
“It’s so good to see you both…” Jokes and casual banter would come later. He had to overcome this important moment first. Neither Celine nor Mark pulled away until William did so first, and both were surprised to see him crying.
“I’m so sorry… I tried. I tried as hard as I could. I couldn’t save him…” A man of his position shouldn’t be blubbering like a baby, but the tears flowed without any intent on stopping.
“We have a hotel booked near here, but we want you to get checked up first. God knows what sickness you have under all that uniform. And it’s being sponsored by the city, so it won’t cost a dime.” Mark meant well, but neither expected such a strong refusal to go to a hospital.
“William, please. Just for ten minutes, and then we can go out for dinner. We’ll be with you the whole time.” The couple had to reassure William three times before they could get him to budge, but they kept their word. The entire time they stayed with him, keeping him company and trying to distract him from whatever troubles were eating at him.
The check-up went well, and William was prescribed with some simple medicine and tasks to help rebuild his immune system, and the three began to make their way back through the hospital. The Colonel had noticed the way Celine took in their surroundings, but put it down to making sure they wouldn’t get lost amongst the swarms of people. She took his hand and took a sharp right into a room.
It was a one-bed ward. The room was in need of painting and new quilt covers, but it was peaceful. Even so, alarm bells began to ring the moment he noticed the empty bed.
“You two said we were going for dinner! You promised we would only be ten minutes! I am not letting either of you leave me here like some forgotten creature! I-”
William quickly spun at the voice. A figure stood at the bathroom door.
He was on crutches to support his missing leg, and looked unwell, but it was Damien.
He was alive.
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crazyrandomfucker ¡ 6 years ago
Adrien Augreste: Fairy tale
Adrien didn't know how much had he messed up this time, until he saw himself (or rather as his Chat Noir self) in a full princess dress while he held an imaginary cup of tea on his hand. He could have gone to visit Mari later, after patrol, when he'd be tired of running and his princess would be robably staying late again, working on a project or doing homework. But no, he had to go before patrol, while Mari was taking care of the two little "precious angels" of Nadja Chamak, the reporter.
Chat had been fool enough to knock at her trapdoor without checking first through the small window if Mari was there or if she had company at the moment. De "angels" had to, and of course they had had to, open the trapdoor and grab him by his poor tail. In the next minutes, the two little demons had gone all over Mari's designs wardrobe, picked up a very Disney-like lime green dress and put it on a very confused, even astonished, Chat Noir.
While all that happened, Marinette had been downstairs, discussing with Nadja about what would Mari do that day with the little girls. Mari had prepared in advance a few dresses and outfits with a medieval style to had a little play with the girls, obviously focusing on a fairy tale theme to attract their attention. But when she went upstairs to play with the girls expecting to see them playing with her stuff, she was surprised to find a magnificiently dressed princess Chat Noir with a desesperation look on his face having tea party with the little girls. There he was, the brave, loyal and quick-witted Chat Noir, dressed as Tiana and drinking nonexistant tea from a flowery cup. She couldn't help it but to laugh heartily and make a few photos.
Upon seeing that, Chat let out an indignated groan and tried to snatch the phone from Mari to delete the photos without succes. To everyone's surprise, Manon and Mina grabbed Marinette and pushed her to the closet, Mina entered with her and there were a few screams from Mari that made Chat wonder what in the world was happening on that closet. Luckily for him, he didn't have to wait to much before Marinette came out in a Prince Charming outfit. The little girls high-fived and made Mari sat down with them to take a cup of tea.
"You look charming Princess, or should I say Prince now?" joked Chat.
"Ha ha. Very funny. If you keep saying that, there won't be any more croissants for you" said Marinette in a serious tone.
"You wouldn't dare! Not the croissants! Anything but those delicious croissants!" begged Chat.
"Perhaps I'll think about it if you help me today taming this precious angels" said Mari with a smile.
"Anything for those delicious treats. I'm at your service Princess" said Chat Noir, doing a bow holding his dress like a princess.
"Pffffft, you're such a pretty princess Chat" laughed Mari.
"What can I say, I'm a cat with meowltiple talents after all. Acting is one of them" said Chat.
"Yeah, but puns are definetly not. That last one was horrible" said Mari.
"You know you love them as much as you love me Purrincess" joked Chat.
"Then kiss him!" said Manon and Mina at unison.
"Say what?" said Chat.
"If she loves you, she has to kiss you!" said Mina.
"The prince has to kiss the princess!" exclaimed Manon.
"Manon, Mina, Chat was joking about that. And none of us is a prince nor a princess" said Mari with a faint blush as she remembered the Dark Cupid incident.
"That's right, it was just a joke. Thought, you're a real princess for me Mari" said Chat nervously with a clear blushunder the mask.
"Why am I getting so fussed about kissing Mari?" thought Chat. "It's not that I hate her or anything, but I'm a loyal cat to my lady. I can't like her too, right?"
"But we want to see a kiss!" said the little demons.
"Oh yes? Then watch this!" said Mari, grabbing Chat and kissing his hand like a real prince, making the boy turn into a tomato. "There, a kiss. Are you happy now?"
"That wasn't a kiss!" complained the girls.
"I kissed his hand, so it's a kiss. You never said where you wanted the kiss so you'll have to settle with that. At least, if you want to play again with the dollies" said Marinette.
"Boooooh!" chanted the girls, but stoped inmediately when Mari raised her brow nd lppked at them. "We'll behave..."
"I must say that I'm quite impurressed princess. I didn't knew you could handle kids so well" said Chat as he was beginning to calm down.
"Well, I've got practice thanks to your usual visits, mon ChatveliĂŠre" teased him Mari.
"Gasp. You hurt this poor cat's honor" said Chat dramatically.
"Sure thing, oh brave knight in shining leather" said Mari sarcastically.
"You've been rather sassy lately Princess, may I ask what has happened?" asked Chat.
"Later. Now I need you to get out of that costume and wear the one I have, we have two little girls to entertain after all" said Mari.
" Are we having a story?" asked Mina.
"Are we going to act?" asked Manon.
"Yes, we'll be having a story and you will act if you want to" said Mari with a big smile on her face. "But you'll have to get dressed for that, so go on and choose any dress or outfit you want to try while me and Chat get changed"
Chat got himself out of the dress and passed it to Mari, since he didn't need to hide because he already had his superhero suit under the dress. He adjusted the prince charming outfit, being careful to avoid ruining anything with his claws, and looked into the mirror. With the mask and the ears, instead of being like the prince from a girl's dream, he looked like a charismatic rogue prince. He liked that look better than those he had to pull on photoshoots or fashion shows. Then, Mari came out in the green dress, with her hair tied on a bun and wearing a flower ornament on her head very similar to the one Adrienne used to wear a lot lately.. Oh, of course, it was Marinette who had crafted the hairpin, why wouldn't the creator have also one? He mentally scolded himself for forgetting that.
He went back to look at the designer outfit and he had to admit that his heart had just skipped a few beats. The pale skin she had was brought to life by the soft green of the dress, creating a great contrast of colours. Then, the palid purple of her hairpin softened the dark blue of his hair, also matching with her sky blue eyes. In three words, she was stunning, and the model had to recognise that he had missed this whole time the beauty of his friend. Then, he shook his head and thought of Ladybug, she was the only one for him, no matter how attractive could this bakers daughter be..
From the closet, the little girls interrumped the moment by shouting them soemthing along the lines of 'start without us'. Both teenagers were startled by the unexpected orders of the twins and looked to each other with a faint blush, as if they had been caught doing something they shouldn't, but theyburtsed in laughs instantly.
Chat decided to begin with the play, kneeling in front of Mari, with a serious look in his eyes as he said "Oh, my dear Princess, who are thou planning to go to the ball with? May this modest cat be your companion to such event?"
Mari couldn't contain her laughand let a few giggles. "Oh my dear Chat, you are the knight of thee black cats, thou are the most desired by both pleasant girls and nobles girls. Wouldn't I be a nuisance to you? Why invite me amd not your beloved knightress of ladybugs?" said Mari trying to keep her composture.
"My beloved Lady of bugs doesn't correspond my feelings, she is in love with a star. But thou, my princess, thou are gentle and loving towards this poor alley cat. For that reason, I shall move on and compormise to this incredible damsel who shows nothing but affection for me" said Chat with half of a grin on his lips.
"Then, my beloved knight, I shall be your partner to the dance" said Mari doing a little bow with the dress as she rolled her eyes.
"I feel honored to have such an amazing partner" replied Chat with a bow.
"Oh kitty, thi words you say flatter me, but you should stop them if my company you want" said Mari, making Chat experience a sense of deja vĂş.
 "As you wish, Ma Princesse~ I suggest we better go to thi ball now,you know how angry mademoiselle Burgeoise gets when someone interrumps her parties" said Chat brushing off that feeling.
"But my friends aren't here yet. They will be worried when they don't find me" said Mari.
"Worry not, princess, I shall leave a note so they know where are we" said Chat.
"Okay then kitty, we shall part to the ball now" said Mari and they began to walk around the room to simulate that they are travelling.
"Good thing we arrived on time. Now princess, shall I have this dance?" said Chat offering his hand with a bow.
"You shall kitty" said Mari giggling as she took her hand. "But I shall warn you, I have two left feet and dancing is a mistery to me".
"Fear not princess, this mangy cat will teach you as we dance" said Chat as he played some music on his staff.
Chat told Mari wher she had to put her hands and they began to spin around,slowly dancing at the pace of the music, Mari ocasionally stepping on Chat but he brushed it off as if she didn't weight a thing. There was a sudden moment where the music changed into a more lively one and they changed their pace, adjusting to the rythm of the song. Mari giggled as she was enjoying this and Chat couldn't help but to smile whole heartedly, which distracted Mari and remind her of someone.
Then, the closet opened and the two little girls came out dressed as ninjas (why did they had to dress as ninjas?), charging to Chat and attqcking him with a rubber knife. Chat let them stab him with the knife and faked as if he was dying, obviously overexageratin the whole thing as if it was a drama from the ancient Greece. Mari held her laugh succesfully this time and kneeled to hold Chat on her hands.
"Oh cruel fate" said Mari, "why must thou take my brave knighy away from me? Why?"
"There is one way to save him" said Mina.
"A true love kiss can heal any wounds" said Manon with a big Chesire smile.
"Is that so?" said Mari galring at the amused girls. "But Chat is in love with someone else, and so am I. A true love kiss is impossible to happen".
"Come on!" chanted the little girls.
"Would you like it if we told you to kiss someone who is just your friend?" said Chat.
"No..." said the twins at unison, lowering their heads.
"Then it's the same for us" said Mari. "Chat loves Ladybug, everybody knows that".
"Except her apparently" said Chat bitterly.
"Oh Chat, how wrong you are" said Mari petting him. "She knows your feelings for her, I know it. She constantly says that she doesn't want to hurt your feelings, but she's in love with someone else. She's really sorry because if she didn't love him so much, she'd give you an oportunity".
"How do you... Oh, right, you're her friend" said Chat. "Does she really says that? Or are you just trying to cheer me up?" said he with his ears down.
"Kitty, I thought you knew me better than that. I'd never lie about something like that" said Mari.
"I know... Hey, do you know who's this misterious boy she loves so much? I'd like to know to whom I have lost" asked Chat.
"Chat, I can't tell you that..." said Mari, instantly regretting it as she saw Chat looking down. "But I can tell you something..." said while she looked Chat's mood improve. "She and I are more than friends, we're also rivals in love. We like the same boy, but she has better chances to win his heart. She's the awesome Ladybug, everybody admires her. That boy doesn't even notices me, how can I even compete with her?" said at the berge of tears. "I- I'm sorry, I'm rambling again".
"Princess" said Chat, grabbing her face and lokking at her seriously. "Whoever that boy is, he is a fool for not seeing such an amazing, talented and breath-taking girl. You are a wonderful girl and any guy that has the amazing luck to be your crush, love or whatever, will be the luckiest guy alive. Anybody who doesn't like you is just the biggest idiot in this world".
"He's right Marinette! You're the best babysitter we've ever had! And your designs are amazing! And you look so pretty in that dress! That model is stupid if he doesn't see you!" say the girls to cheer her up.
"Awww thanks girls... And you too Chat, I really apreciate those words" said Mari with her voice trembling.
"Wait... Model? You like a model? I mean, since you want to be a designer it makes a bit of sense that you fell in love with one of them after seeing them daily, sorry, I said nothing" said Chat.
"Ughh... Now you have a clue to discover his identity" said Mari.
"Is it really that bad if I knew? I mean, I swear I won't get jealous or anything like that, I want that Ladybug and you to be happy, so I wouldn't interfere with your love conquest either" said Chat.
"Chat, that's really sweet, but that's notthe reason why. It's not because of Ladybug either. It's just that it's really embarrasing. It's not a celebrity crush, we both know him in real lifeand he's just so sweet and nice and selfless and he doesn't really mind that I stutter around him like crazy and... And I'm rambling again" said Mari.
"Don't worry, I don't really mind. It's lovely to hear you rambling just as it is hearing Ladybug mumbling when she thinks of a plan" said Chat without thinking, making Mari blush and blushing when he realizes what he had just said.
"Thanks Chat..." said Mari awkardly.
"You're welcome princess. Now, I shall go before Nadja comes to pick her little girls, or I'll be forced to go through an interview and I won't make it to patrol. Farewell princess and deathly ninjas" said Chat with a wink and leaped of the balcony.
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crowkingwrites ¡ 6 years ago
War Creatures (Ch.35)
Pairing: Loki X Reader
Summary:  In a crossover of the Nine Realms and Westeros, you find yourself in the dawn of a rebellion. Odin, Lord of Pyke, has made alliances with your family, House Grover of Highgarden. Your father’s army will join Odin’s army to overthrow the King and take the Iron Throne. There is just one cost to this alliance.You must marry the dark, young prince Loki.In a world where Kings do as they wish, where war is an oncoming storm, and peace is nothing but a dream, you are lost but brave. Loki is more powerful than he seems, and love will grow from the flames of war.
Words: 2261  // [AO3 Link] //  Seasons 1-3 of War Creatures - Chapter 31 - Chapter 32 - Chapter 33 - Chapter 34
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:Ser Petra POV:
Ser Petra was knighted after he came to Highgarden, cleaning up his act. After fighting in illegal rings and sometimes going days without food, Ser Petra had grown very used to his cushy knighthood quickly. He deserved it and he had grown to be useful to Lord Garth and his family. His unmatched fighting skills with a sword and his intellect have made from indispensable to the ruling family. No one would suspect the most loyal knight to betray the house he served.
He was there when Lord Garth had gathered his men around and spoke of rebellion, even treason.
“He’s taking boys.” Lord Garth’s voice boomed. “Little boys from their families. First, it was the killing of innocents. Then, it his wavering mind. He is no longer fit to be king. King Malekith has given into the darkness that rules his mind. We must stop it.”
“I don’t mean to question you, my lord, but how do you propose we take down the King?” Ser Petra asked, scratching his beard.
“I’m glad you asked. I have been in contact with Lord Odin of the Iron Islands. He is planning for an open rebellion to take the crown himself. This is a man of power, knowledge, and value. I believe in him and his cause.”
“So, savages from the Iron Islands and Highgarden soldiers?”
“No. They are not savages. Iron Islanders have skills on the sea that we do not possess. We have advantage on the land and the numbers. Lord Odin has also spoken to Lord Steffon of Casterly Rock to join our alliance. We’ll seal these alliances with marriage. Lord Odin has two sons. I have a daughter. Lord Steffon has a daughter.”
“You’re marrying your daughter off to a man of Pyke?” Ser Petra narrowed his eyes. “I don’t mean to criticize, my lord, but I fear he may not treat your daughter well.”
“Any man who lays a harmful finger on any of my daughters will face a wrath that the Nine Kingdoms have never known. Besides, I’ve heard terrible tales spun about the Dark Prince. If he is as scary as they say he is, we will win this rebellion.” Lord Garth’s men cheered on while Ser Petra left the room. He took a vow that day. He swore he would protect the ruling family. He swore his sword to the King. He would not have that king removed.
Ser Petra met with a pretty servant girl in the courtyard. She smiled brightly when she saw him at first, but then her smile faded when she saw the wrath.
“Are you leaving for King’s Landing soon?” he asked her.
“In less than a fortnight, why?” She batted her pretty eyes. “Did you want to toss around in the hay?” “No. I have whispers that need to be sent to the King and his small council. Lord Garth speaks of treason and an open rebellion.”
“The Lords of Highgarden, the Iron Islands, and Casterly Rock are forming alliances with marriage. Soon, their armies will march across the Nine Kingdoms and they’ll attack the king.” The servant girl left sooner than planned. Royal spies couldn’t hold information like this for long, and Ser Petra was desperate to get to work. The Nine Kingdoms had been living peacefully for decades. He wouldn’t have this peace disturbed now.
Whenever he could, he intercepted ravens. He listened carefully to Lord Garth’s words and deciphered them as best as he could for the royal spies that stayed within the walls of Highgarden. Of course, Lord Garth never suspected his own. Ser Petra thought himself as smater than the aging man.
“What have you heard of the alliance?” a young spy asked him.
“The Dark Prince will be here soon. I suspect the wedding will be soon after that. They want it to be hush-hush.”
“How do you know? Has Lord Garth revealed any days? Any details?”
“No. His lady wife handles all of the wedding crap. He is handling the rebellion. He will not make any moves until his daughter is married.”
“Leaving him open for a siege,” the spy smiled grimly. Like a ghost the spy was gone and disappeared into the walls of Highgarden where most spies hide themselves. In the coming days, Ser Petra saw Highgarden at her best. People teeming with hospitality and kindness. The best dishes were set out and the palace was cleaner.
He strolled down the hallway until he saw a posse of people heading in the opposite direction. Leading them all was Lord Garth himself. His voice still boomed in the corridors of the old castle. Next to him stood a young man. His long dark hair was combed back. Ser Petra judged his dark clothing. It looked as if he was attending a funeral, not an upcoming wedding. He noted the sword and daggers strapped to his sides.
Ser Petra also saw the young man match his glare.
“Ah! Ser Petra!” Lord Garth came closer. He gestured to the young man next to him. “This is the Dark Prince Loki. My daughter’s betrothed.”
“My lord,” Ser Petra bowed his head. He looked towards Loki’s way again and noticed his younger features. “How old are you, boy?”
“Don’t call me, boy,” Loki’s eyes glared. “I’m seventeen.” “You’re still a boy,” Ser Petra laughed at him. Although he planned for Highgarden to fall during a siege, he loved the girls. Cecelia, Dahlia, and Amaryllis would be safe should anything were to happen. He found himself smiling after meeting Loki. At least, they were around the same age. Ser Petra had spent his years in knighthood watching Cecelia grow up before his eyes. They were not blood related, but Petra had a paternal affection for her.
They met again in another hallway just as a spy ran off and disappeared. Loki stood right behind him, seeing what happened.
“Have you driven your squire mad, ser?” Loki asked. “He ran off in a hurry.”
“I ordered him to do something of urgency. Can I help you, my lord?”
“I was told that you possess knowledge of the Highgarden army. I had hoped to ask you questions.”
“Questions? Why do you need to know?”
“I am to lead them into battle. I want to know everything I can,” Loki explained, already bored of this transaction. Ser Perta started laughing.
“You? A boy of seventeen? Lead an army? You must be as mad as the king!”
“I am not. And I will be leading this army.”
“Oh, I’m sure you will, boy,” Ser Petra left an impression on Loki. One that carried into the wedding. Ser Petra saw Cecelia smiling in her beautiful gown while Loki sulked and stared at Ser Petra from afar. He didn’t mind much. This was an evening to celebrate new friends and love. Not planning the undermining of Highgarden.
As soon as Loki and Cecelia left, Ser Petra got to work in aiding as many spies as he could through Highgarden. Some had posed as servants, other posed as poets and intellects, some had posed as children seeking asylum from the war. Months had passed and he was among the first to welcome back Cecelia and her growing stomach back into the safety of Highgarden.
He didn’t anticipate this at all.
When visiting with the lady, Ser Petra took the time to ask careful questions as one of the royal spies poured tea for Cecelia.
“Is it love that I see in your eyes?” Perta laughed. “I have seen you happy but not like this.”
“Thank you, Ser Petra. You can say it is love.”
“Your husband didn’t seem too happy on the wedding day. What happened?”
“We grew. Our love needed tending and kindness. Now we reap the harvest of it.” Cecelia said, patting her swelling belly. Ser Petra smiled genuinely.
“I hope for you sake it’s a boy. I heard from your father that Loki has declared himself to be a Frost Giant. He took his own sigil. Why?”
“To be king. Loki wishes to take the Iron Throne for himself,” Cecelia said. The spy had stumbled over and stopped in her walk. She took a breath and continued. “Is she alright?”
“She’ll be fine. How are you? How is the baby?”
“We’re both healthy and fine. Lady Eir has been so incredibly helpful in that aspect. She expects me to give birth in the colder months coming.”
“Ah yes, the harvesting months. What a wonderful time to have a child.” After conferring with the spies around him, it was final. Loki presented a real threat against the crown unlike his father and older brother who had lost so many battles. Both of their armies headed south towards the civil war that broke out against the noble elf families.
If Loki was to die, so was everything that went with him, including Cecelia and her newborn.
“Is there another arrangement?” Ser Petra asked the sell sword spy cleverly named No Face. No Face sighed beneath his metal mask.
“No. Lady Cecelia and the babe must die. Either you do it your way or I’ll do it my way. Either way, it must be done. King Malekith wishes it.”
“Cecelia is powerless without Loki. Tit was an arranged marriage between the two. She does not want the throne for herself. She never has. Her baby will be born into this world wanting nothing but life.”
“Yet, the baby possesses Loki’s blood. The baby must die,” No Face warned. Ser Petra retreated back into his room, wondering if what he was doing was right for the realm anymore.
:Loki POV:
The chill of the North meant nothing to Loki and his new army of Frost Giants. They proudly marched out of the villages and homes to join his cause. Loki rode a new, bigger horse. She was black with eyes that looked like drops of blood. Caina, Loki dubbed her. He always wanted a good warhorse.
“Where do we march, my king?” a frost giant rode beside him. He was tall and lanky like Loki was. He had dark markings around every inch of exposed skin Loki saw with his eye.
“We march back to my wife, cousin,” Loki smiled. “She lives in the south where our dwarven and human friends wish to be right now.” “To Highgarden, it is.”
As the troops approached a village, Loki had an awfully good idea. He turned to his cousin on his right.
“Our warriors, they still needed to be blooded, am I correct?”
“Yes,” his cousin confirmed. “Many of us have been trained, but we have not seen battle yet.” A mischievous smile played on his lips. His eyes turned dark.
“Show me what you can do. Sack the village.”
The small Northern village burned to ashes in only an hour. Several mens’ heads sat on spikes and decorated the border of the village. Loki rode Caina through the ashes and looked down upon his easy victory. Not much of the village was left except for food and its people. Children held onto their mothers’ torn skirts while they were captured. Each person filed into the carriages. Some men had to be chained and separated from the rest.
Loki heard a man say ‘fuck the dark king’ and spit on the ground. That was his mistake.
“What’s your name?” Loki asked of the man, a smile played on his lips.
“Why does it matter?” the man yelled back. A frost giant soldier kicked the back of his knee which sent him down to the ground hard.
“Kneel before your King!” the soldier said. Loki jumped off his horse and approached the burnt man. His clothes were dirty and parts of him were burnt. His beard caught the snow that fell from the sky. Loki’s sword touched the tip of his chin.
“I have taken your home. I have destroyed everything, and yet you have the courage to tell me to fuck off?”
“You’re going to kill us, aren’t you?” the burnt man said. “Doesn’t matter whose king. You’ll end up killing us anyways. You’re no better than the Mad King.”
Loki put his sword to his neck, watching the man get increasingly nervous of his own fate. The burnt man closed his eyes and accepted what fate handed to him, a quick death. Loki put his sword down and knelt in front of the man.
“I’m not like the Mad King. I can be merciful,” Loki told the burnt man. He took his dagger and shoved it into the man’s side. “See? I gave you the pleasure of watching your family come away with me while you lay dying here in the snow.” The burnt man cried out, holding his side and rolling on the ground. Loki left him there as he rolled and writhed.
Satisfied with himself, Loki cleaned his blade until another cousin caught his attention.
“My king, this one says she knows you,” this frost giant had a young woman chained to his horse. Her light red locks and sad eyes tied knots in Loki’s stomach. This woman did know him, and he knew her very well.
“Lorelei?” Loki breathed out. The woman looked up to Loki with a grateful smile. A tear streamed down her cheek. She was dirty and bruised. Her shoes had very little to protect her from the snow beneath her toes. Her light clothing suggested her profession.
“Hello Loki,” Lorelei greeted. “I knew you’d never forget me. I knew you’d come back to me.”
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kurtty-drabbles ¡ 6 years ago
“I was dreaming of bigger things.” (Evil Wizard AU)
Soundtrack for this
This is what Kitty was wearing
N/A: going to use that what if idea.
There an old saying that among all the 7 kingdoms, Kaledon is the pillar that keeps the others in order, if Kaledon falls…everyone falls too. The kingdom with such importance would only warrant more enemies. Therefore, it shouldn’t be a surprise that the Demonic Necromancer attack Kaledon in the most painful way.
The king and queen of this country have problems to conceive. And when the first and only son was born, they have to pray and thank Zaorva and all the entities for this miracle, now, with the prince held captive by the Demonic Necromancer there´s a problem of an heir.
You see, the king and queen have no families alive and once they die, no one is sure who will take the throne, maybe Corona or Genosha, either way, when they die the peace of the seven kingdoms will go with them.
The Demonic Necromancer is asking for a ransom, the problem is the price is far too high, punishment for trying to save the prince by hiring the mightiest heroes who failed(one can only assume what the Demonic Necromancer did with the heroes)
“Jonas! is our son, please pay whatever this monster wants”
“Glinda, if I pay him, the kingdom will be with serious financial problem and I will have to increases the taxes to the max. I don´t know what to do”
There a suggestion that if the worst comes by, they can fake pregnancy on the queen(a second miracle) as they take a random kid and trains him to be the next heir. The queen rejects this idea, the king…not so much.
Margarida is one of the many maids that work in the royal castle, in fact, she is the head maid, and was so proud when her only son, Maveric, was chosen to be the henchman of one of the most loyal Prince Damien´s knight. The prince is a fair man and his knight follow the lead, never treating people like Maveric like they aren´t worth to walk in the same ground as them.
Of course, when Prince Damian was captured, his entire entourage was captured as well, and Margarida´s only son is there. The woman knows the king and queen won´t lift a finger to save a mere henchman, and this breaks her heart. No, this makes the woman mad.
A crown in your head does not mean you are superior nor that her son does not deserve a rescue party as well. She goes to Zaorva´s temple and weeps and begs for Zaorva to help.
“Please, he is my only son, and I know that monster will kill my baby if he didn´t already murder him” Margarida cries until someone lower herself to Margarida´s level(the woman was in the floor at this point)
“Hi, I work in this temple, I couldn´t help by hearing your prayers, I apologise for that, but I think I can help you”
“Please, don´t make fun of this old woman, that monster is far too powerful”
“Have faith, my friend, I have Zaorva´s grace on my side and I vow to rescue your son, A vow made in this temple is sacred and I won´t fail”
Kurt Wagner is pleased, far too much pleased. Having the king and queen of Kaledon pondering the decisions and witnesses the others kingdoms looking in fear, after all, if Kurt can do this with one kingdom, the powerful Kaledon, what is in the store for Genosha?
Diplomacy does not work anymore as the heroes try to trick him, a pretty woman is nice, but, the power he holds against the 7 kingdoms is way more erotic, besides, he detests red hairs.
By all and all, the Prince and his entourage are safely in his dungeons. Sometimes, Kurt goes visit them. They fear the Demonic Necromancer to the point is almost cute, Kurt almost didn´t see a small henchman crying and judging by the looks of his outfit, he is not noble.
“When you will let us go?” The Prince bravely asked.
“When your father decides how much you worth”
That is the only replies the man gives before a big sound was head outside his dungeons and his undead army, once Kurt leave the dungeons, to witness another undead army battling against his own.
And a woman with a blue dress walking with a bit of bored expression. Who is she?
Kitty enters the castle and was greet by one of the living servants who takes his orders. A man with a big axe is ready to strike Kitty when the woman merely speaks in a straightforward tone.
“Drop the axe, and go away” the man did so. And these patterns repeat with all the others who try to stop Kitty, she asked one of them where the Prince and the others are.
“Oh, I was in the wrong way, I hate when this happens,” Kitty said and order the other living servant to take her to where the prince was, many seals were deactivated.
Until she finally reaches to where the Prince is, however, her main concern is not the future ruler of Kalendon.
“Where is Maveric?” Kitty asked and a shy hand lifts up and the woman offers a kinder smile “I´m here, your mother sends me to bring you back” then she looks at the expression of the others and speaks in a soothing tone “I´m here to bring you all back”
As the group is ready to leave no one couldn´t hide their screams as the Demonic Necromancer shows up in all his blue and furry glory. Kitty, for her part, is the only one who didn´t as much raise one eyebrow or look remotely impressed.
“WHO ARE YOU?”  Kurt asked not recalling any hero with her face.
“Oh, dear, shouting at a pretty woman won´t gain you any favours, now, please, be a dear and let us walk away” Kurt looks horrified as he let Kitty and the others walk away.
Her undead army only leaves, vanishing into thin air, when Kitty and the others are far away from his domains.
“Damian stop look at me like that, we are not codfish” Kitty demolishes the Prince and no one dares to say anything.
Kaledon, received a huge blow in their ego when a woman in blue dress values saving a mere henchman more than the future leader of the kingdom.  To the point, she makes the king and queen wait as she delivers Maveric to Margarida. Only then, the prince is brought back home.
“Stop looking at me like that, we are not codfish,” Kitty said to the king “now, you will have to explain for your son, why he has a new brother”
Kaledon will never be the same.
Kurt is shivering, the other servants didn´t dare to come closer of him. The man is shivering in excitement and that´s never a good sign. Another necromancer in equal power as him? This is not good news.
“What´s her name?” Kurt manages to get information, by the good old torture ways, and the information was scarce, to say the least, all he got is a name.
“Kitty Pryde, Oh, she uses her real name? I don´t if this is stupid or brilliant” and searches for more shreds of evidence. No kingdoms were taken down, at least, not in his style. Then it hits Kurt, searching for a necromancer like him won´t help as the woman show to have different motivations.
(Going out of her way to save a henchman?)
Then he starts to look for others signs, something discreet and smiles when one of his servants relates the curious case of Romery. A city- Estate(that would never interest Kurt) who used to hate mutants with a passion now speaks in love and cooperation.
Kitty did enter in Romery knowing full well how and what these people think of mutants, so, the woman saw no problem in fixing some stuff. The mayor, the council, the leaders, the parents, the teachers and even the children hear a persuasive talk and suddenly, the conversation about killing all the mutants turns into “let the Marlocks stay here, it is their home”, “Mutants deserve death” change to “equal rights for mutants”.
But of course, changing a prejudice and racism that was so fundamentally rooted in their souls, has their prices as he townsfolks need to complain and hate something else. And suddenly, Kitty, an unmarried woman who works as “mercenary” is not a good sight for them. At least for the old people, the young generation has no problem with Kitty´s occupation.
(She could make them all bumbling fools, but that never work out well)
The woman often likes to walk among Romery and see the change, she could stay here for a while, how long would people in this town starts to wonder about her age. No one has 21 forever.
“I can worry about that later” Kitty gives a lazy smiling pondering if she should work here or not, many of her tours are famous amongst the youngsters. “You know, this city is really lovely”
“I agree” a new voice joins as the Demonic Necromancer shows up in a scarlet robe smiling at her. No one enters in panic as Mutants are equal to them now. And even if they could have entered in a panic state to the sight of Kurt, they don´t have defences.
“What are you doing here?” Kitty jump away from him as the man gives a smirk and watches fascinates as a green light appears in her right hand “ do you came here to destroy or talk?”
“My, my. So jumpy, no, Katzchen” Kurt speaks again with a tender tone now “I just want to look at my new edition” noticing her confusion the man continues “You see, Romery is between Genosha and Esther and while many thought it was a boring city, I beg to differ, this suddenly changes on their attitude on mutants make me see them with a new eyes”
“And I conquer Esther and add Romery, now, think about, this small city wouldn´t last much without the resources of the kingdoms like Esther, Romery is lovely but it is lacking in education and in health care” Kurt speaks and Kitty bites her lips now as she never considers this until now.
“Then what this means?” Kitty asked wondering what´s his point.
“It means since you are one of the citizens, my citizen, and we will see each other more often now” the last part was spoken with a gleam in his golden eyes.
Kitty ponders about her situation. She can´t say no, she can´t run away.  And it hurts that Kurt´s words have merit, she only wanted to be in the city for the aesthetic, never consider how the city is fairing.
"Very well, guess we´ll see each other after all, which name should I call you?”
“Kurt Wagner is fine”
“Do you want a tour?”
“It will be nice to see the city by your eyes this time” Kurt merely smirk as Kitty rolls her eyes. From that day on, Romery´s fate is changed forever
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duckybeth99 ¡ 7 years ago
From Life to Death (Past!Fic)
I’d like to call this from life to death, here and there, but that’s too long lol. really short compared to my normal stuff; literally tiny fics strung together with a similar theme. wasn’t a real order to this? but I did put the most surprising one at the end
To become a demon of Hell requires two things: either to commit some great sin or make a demon deal, and die. This is true for every non-born demon, even the most kind of them. Some choose to move on once they have suffered their punishments or reformed. Some choose to stay.
A few who have chosen to stay are Mabuz, Vincent, Elliot, Sharp, Valerie and Violet. What got each of them there is different. Who they once were are all different. Some from Earth, the UpSide, Realm Prime, whatever one wants to call it. Others from different Realms, always from the UpSideDown, always otherworldly. There was little to no difference, though.
They all did something that brought them here.
He was the first of his kind. One of his parents, a grand dragon, wild and free. The other, domesticated, raised and cared by humanoid beings, and learned to be small like them. To walk on two legs, to hide their wings when not needed. So he was an oddity. No one quiet knew how he came to be. Some say it was fate. Some whispered of changelings and shapeshifters blood or malicious magics. Some say he was just born unlucky.
But there was their son, hatched from one of several eggs. He was the runt. Cracked his egg a day later than the others, who all appeared as, while smaller than the grand dragon, still as dragons. But the last one was different. Meek horns, tiny height among his siblings, scales that were uneven with some too large, others so small they looked like freckles across his body, and looked more humanlike than the rest. Than even the domesticated dragon. He was pathetic compared to his family. Nobody outright said it to him, but he could see it in how they treated him. His elder siblings, the disappointment his great dragon father showed. He knew he was lesser. To use his family name on itself would bring shame to them.
So he never did when he could prevent it. He only went by the nickname Sharp, and only to those who weren’t in his family, for they were the ones he showed his skills to.
While his brutal strength lacked due to his diminutive stature compared to his family, he was still clever. Sharp has a focused mind, speed, persistence, all on his side. What he didn’t have in raw power, he compensated in those skills. While his siblings used their dragon strength, their abilities over elements in combat, Sharp humbly took to a simple bow and arrow.
The day he discovered his first one was when he was a child. These weapons, laid about next to the carcasses of mortals who tried to hunt for his kind in sport. The swords were too heavy for him, too big to hide from his parents who would be angered by his wandering near fallen hunters. So he stole a bow and pouch of arrows from one body, and began to teach himself.
But still, he was looked down on.
His brothers and sisters mocked him, and the grand dragon said he was worth nothing as a misshapen. While he had the grand dragon’s blood, no symbol of it showed. He was still seen as weak, weaker than even the domesticated ones of his kind.
The pressure and rage built up in him until it reached a fever pitch. And that’s when the stranger came and offered Sharp a deal.
To find acceptance, the stranger said, would be to find power and end his weakness. Sharp listened to the stranger and they revealed a magic arrow he could use to end it all. The stranger warned the damage would be permanent. Sharp wasn’t worried.
Ready to display his power, Sharp took the magic arrow and called for his family to watch. But as they gathered, the grand dragon scolded the son for waisting his time with the power that even humans had at their disposal. Sharp begged for the attention, but the grand dragon showed disapproval still. The children soon joined and were about to make their exit.
Sharp pulled out his arrow, planning one shot to gain their attention. But the arrow in his hands was the magic one given to him. In his rage, he didn’t check the arrow, only drawing back and shooting.
When it released, he realized he was too late.
The magic arrow released its power, slaughtering Sharp’s brothers and sisters, his parents, including the mighty grand dragon. Their souls were ripped from their bodies as the arrow flew near them, as they tried to rush away. It landed straight into the grand dragon’s heart.
Sharp ran to take the arrow out, to try and save his father, but it was to no avail. The arrow disappeared, it’s mission complete. Sharp screamed in agony as his family laid dead around him. At his young age, Sharp wanted to run from the crime he committed. He tried to. But running doesn’t work if it’s the guilt that follows you.
Never the one to do well with a sword, he chose the weapon best wielded by his eldest sibling, the daughter who was the pride and joy of the grand dragon. Forged from his own fires, Sharp took the weapon that marked the crime he committed, the symbol of all his shortcomings an failures, and stabbed himself.
He waited for the pain to overtake him, to bleed into unconsciousness, before his life ended. Soon after, transformed into a demon, he served the same being that gave him the magic arrow that sealed his doom. It was only when a stranger of flaming red hair teamed with an old demon, did Sharp join in support and win his freedom, and became a knight in the new kingdom.
Fate was not always fair or kind. Sometimes, fate offered only cruelty to those who did nothing. Many demons found themselves in that position, defined as sinners by archaic reasons, or for deals made in desperation, ones made in attempt to do good.
For them, the girls paid the price for choices not made by them. Their names were Valerie and Violet, twin girls. The elder with darker hair and lighter eyes, the other with lighter hair and darker eyes. They thought they had peace in their life. Happiness. Love. But a deal was made behind their back.
The parents of these two had little love for them in their hearts. So in exchange for long life and wealth, they offered their girl. But soon, as young women when a demon came to take their souls, the brave older sister chose to fight for her and her sister’s life. She offered her parents lives for theirs, and they would do the harm themselves, not ask the demon to do it themself. So they agreed, never being one to pass the chance for more chaos and ultimately, more lives taken.
Valerie promised to keep her sister safe from the chaos, so lied of her plan to carry out the deal. In the dead of night, Valerie slit the throats of her parents in their sleep. The stains on her cheeks followed her into her death. As Valerie left the old home to find her sister, cloaked for the night, the younger sister, confused and mistaking her for one of their parents, killed her.
Valerie forgave her sister as she felt herself die. But Violet didn’t forgive herself. With splatters in her own face now, villagers came to try and see what the screams and chaos was caused from. Violet, knowing what would happen next, allowed the people to come and take her, to kill her for the murder of everyone else in her family.
Only hours later, did she awake as a demon, skin purple, with the slashes of blood now marks on her face and neck, matching her sister. Their deal meant nothing to the demon, but in truth, they upheld their end of the deal: the girls wished to undo their parent’s deal and live longer than them.
They got just as they wished.
Along with so many others, they were tortured for their crime, then made slaves in the palace of Discord, abused servants who knew no freedom, no true peace would ever come to them.
Or so they thought.
A legend when it came to building weaponry. That’s how he was seen. An ex-soldier named Elliot Edgar, a brave, hulking man who was a gentle giant. He retired early in his work as a soldier, preferring to be a man who crafted instead, but still desired to aid his friends and allies.
As a gentle giant, he stood tall with arms thick with muscle, but a stomach plush enough for hugs, and had an affinity for caring for others. He went so far as to sacrifice his own eye when rescuing a fellow soldier in battle.
Hair tied high in a bun on his head, he took in the trade of blacksmithing, crafting only the finest weapons for the finest knights, each playing to their own strengths and targeting an enemies’ weakness. But a battle is never one sided.
For his skill and expertise, other kingdoms and empires envied him. They desired to take him for their own, or steal his work, or sabotage it. They continued to try and continued to fail with each and every attempt. Elliot remained loyal and clever.
That was, until a stranger slinked through the shadows of his workspace, and whispered an idea into his ear, before vanishing into the shadows as though they were never there.
The idea was a grand weapon, one to end the current war for good, for all the people to move on and progress in peace. So Elliot stayed awake, day and night, crafting a spectacular piece of work that only lacked one quality. It had all the power man could create, but it needed more. The power of magic. The power of a god.
So Elliot turned to people who lurked in the night, asking for help, begging for their wisdom and resources. All turned him away, saying he could not handle the price of his actions. That is Dream was only fantasy and would lead to a dangerous end. Elliot held faith in himself and his creations. Soon enough, a stranger stepped forward to offer their wisdom, one with ginger hair and mismatched eyes.
Offering no name, they cast their magic, promising incredible strength and the final end to come, and the device was ready. Too excited and not wanting to even consider any more rejection, Elliot brought his grand machine, his grand weapon to the field to carry out its task.
Just as the stranger had said, it filled the sky with its power and the final end came. But the end was not the kind he had anticipated or wanted. His homeland, the enemies’ homeland, and all those neighboring were slaughtered. The machine destroyed. No life remained.
Elliot lived for only a moment longer to witness the ruin he brought, his tears sliding against his face before his eyes closed for good. His mortal life had ended. His demon life had him born anew, with violet skin, monstrous teeth and hands like a bear, claws and blank eyes. Though, despite his change, he kept love in his heart. He worked as the cruel Discord commanded, who built their elaborate palace and their empire, but where he could, he showed kindness to the others suffering under their rule.
He hoped he could make up for what he did one day, and craft for good again.
Vincent was always considered a smaller man. He was five foot four, not the smallest person, but the smallest boy. However, his ego easily compensated his height. His pride. It wasn’t undeserved, though.
He was a clever young man, one of the smartest people in the town. An orphan who took advantage of his time to educate himself past what schools taught him, continuously advancing his mind and leaving little time to work on and maintain humbleness. He was fairly handsome as well, with lovely red hair and vivid violet eyes. Fantastic with math and arithmetics, biology and sciences, and he was also very formal but blunt. Arthur Archibald Vincent achieved much in his education at a young age, and took quickly to earn the title of a doctor. His skill was incredible for his young age, his studies and papers captivating to his fellow peers. It captivated an employer, too.
He forgot the name of the place over the years, as though erased from his mind, but the men who represented the laboratories remained enough. They came to his current working place, helping maintain and curate a museum containing feats of science, and he introduced them to his private lab. He impressed them with his own studies, own experiments, his own creations. They offered him the job at their mysterious labs. He happily accepted.
He worked alongside plenty of other scientists during that time. Vincent was but another great mind behind the top secret work that was being done, in the discovery of monsters and creatures. Albeit, he did garner plenty of looks when first hired for his young age. The youngest at the labs, the youngest certified doctor. He worked towards the advancements he dreamed of and was promised he would help create. He worked for his patrons to create advancements including some devices used to study creatures.
What the labs deemed as the most valuable, though, was a serum he invented, which with a small device would inject it into the brain.
Initially created to distract a subject’s mind and make it easier to test on them without opposition, it instead intensified and projected fears to their fullest extent. Mental torture. Vincent only realized its flaws on his first test of it in front of many of his superiors. But they didn’t see the mistake.
They saw something fascinating. Something more powerful than they had even asked for.
Vincent was shortly promoted to a supervisor and lead scientist position, the same level as his former boss, Dr. Collins, much to his jealousy and annoyance. But as his ties with the labs became tighter, so did their watch. The torture he saw to the monsters increased. Passing by one of the experiments one day, he realized his serum was being used without his knowledge on the subjects. He heard it be threatened to be used on his coworkers.
Vincent slowed his inventing. Tried to impede on progress where he could. Slow down his research team, try to lose data and hide his findings. The superiors were starting to take note of his disloyal, suspicious behavior.
It came to a head when Vincent released a child.
He didn’t care what the species was, he didn’t ask for a name, nothing. He opened the cage and told it how to escape.
Little did he know, he was watched while he did it.
Soon after, alone at his home, people in the dark were watching him. Stalking him. One night, they broke in. Using his own device, his own serum, they tried to inject it into his head. Vincent fought back, accidentally injecting it into the attacker’s head. As the man screamed and wailed, he stumbled around and knocked a candle down. Vincent tried to escape, but couldn’t make it out of his home. The heat sweltered, the screams continued, and seemed to layer and layer atop itself.
The screams weren’t just the attacker’s. The screams weren’t his.
It was all the screams he heard for all his life.
The air turned worse, smoke filling his lungs. He fought to keep his eyes open, fought for his body to keep moving before he fell, before his eyes closed and he felt his body turn weaker.
Like a candle itself, he went out in an instant after.
When he awoke, he was changed forever. Smaller, meeker than he ever was before. Short like his temper, small like his forethought, his body both there and not. Not entirely physical like a human body, instead the element of fire.
In the past, he bragged about his name, his title as a doctor, his achievements in science.
Here in Hell, nobody knew him. Nobody except Discord, who had knowledge on all they possessed.
Vincent made a choice that day he was brought to Hell. He refused to refer to himself as a doctor. He refused to use his full name anymore. He wouldn’t be Dr. Arthur Archibald Vincent, famed for his science.
He would just be Vincent. Fade into the crowd the best he could.
Be nothing.
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eliasstarkos-blog ¡ 7 years ago
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⋆ ELIAS STARKOS ( DOMINIC SHERWOOD / 25 / HE/HIM ) is one of the many humans fighting on naboo ; but unlike most people, this JEDI KNIGHT is known for their BRAVERY and dedication to THE RESISTANCE/JEDI. it’s too bad their IMPULSIVENESS has the potential to destroy them. if you see them around, you’ll recognize their MISMATCHED EYES, BLUE LIGHTSABER, DARK LEATHER JACKET & BOOTS, AND FAMILY ISSUES. 
hey everyone, my name is michele and i’m super duper excited to be a part of this roleplay. i’ve been wanting to be in one related to the star wars universe because i seriously seriously love star wars more than anything. i live in the eastern time zone and work at random times so i’ll be in and out. here is the first of my babes, elias starkos !!
name: elias starkos
age: twenty five / 25
birth planet: corellia
alignment: neutral good
sexuality: biromantic / bisexual
face claim: dominic sherwood
elias starkos was born on corellia, a world that had been reduced to used for the creation of tie fighters and star destroyers. his parents were garik and elena starkos, his father was previously a mechanic working for the empire though he wasn’t given much of a choice in the matter. his mother was a servant to an important imperial politician at the time. after the fall of the empire his father set up his own shop and began to work on ships of his own volition while his mother helped him out. she had learned over time everything that she could from garik. not long after elias was born, sporting the blond hair of his mother and heterochromia of his eyes, one blue and the other half-brown, half-blue. 
growing up he had a relatively happy childhood, he learned about the past, about his father’s time with the empire, about the rise of the new republic as he was growing up. there were those in town that once told him about what they remembered of the jedi of what the universe had been like when they had been a force to be reckoned with. he found himself especially interested, sneaking out after he had done his chores just to hear such stories.
while garik fully intended on elias taking over the family business, becoming a ship mechanic and even teaching him how to fly a ship so that he could do so if needed. he learned how to fix ships and other vehicles and while it wasn’t so bad, elias always had the feeling that he was meant for something more, that he wanted something more than being a mechanic on corellia.
when he was about six years old, he noticed that he was different. when he found suddenly a wrench was floating beside him while he stared at it and with a bit of will he managed to make it fall back to the ground. over time he found that he could do this again and again at times with bigger and heavier objects. he remembered the stories that he had been told and how there were those like him were the term called force sensitive. he hid it from his parents for half a year until his mother walked in on him levitating almost half of a ship. his parents became hush hush about it, not wanting anyone else to find out about it, because even though the empire had fallen, they were still afraid of what it might mean for him to be force sensitive.
in time it meant that when he was eight years old, luke skywalker showed up at their shop. his father had simply thought he needed something worked on and treated him as a customer, but once young elias had wandered into the shop, eyes fell upon him and in that instant luke revealed why he was here. he knew that elias was force sensitive, that he had shown signs of it. his parents had been hesitant at first and it took a lot of convincing before they conceded, as much as they wanted elias to take up the family business, realizing that their son could be more than that and could have his dream of traveling the galaxy, they allowed him to be taken with luke to train.
elias took the training quite well in his time, preferring the more physical aspects of it rather than learning about the history of the jedi. he enjoyed being able to fight and move, the old wonders of being able to levitate objects with his mind became boring in comparison and he showed so much natural talent. excelling in being able to sense where a blaster shot might come from with his eyes closed, being able to not only move quickly and strike quickly, but to put as much physical strength into his moves. but being able to levitate objects became less interesting to him.
the night of the massacre, elias had been unable to sleep. he had gone off a bit away from the main temple, spending time out by a lake, watching the way the water flowed by and the moon overhead. he hadn’t made the decision to return until after luke had almost tried to kill ben solo when much the destruction had started by those who would follow who would become kylo ren. at one point he was given a choice, (possible connection here for any knight of ren) follow kylo and go with them or die. having been loyal to luke and idealistic, elias refused and fought, much of the rest of that is a blur, the fire around them, the destruction, he remembers his opponent pulling down part of a building on top of him, thinking that they were leaving him for dead, but in truth he survived.
afterward, it took him years to find something, he tried to return home but when he did, he found only his father, his mother had died from an illness and his father’s business had tanked because of his sadness which had turned him to alcohol and spice. he tried to help his father, tried to get him out of it, but his father only became worse and angrier and then began to blame elias. if he hadn’t left, if he hadn’t chased dreams of being a jedi which failed in the end, then this wouldn’t have happened and his mother might not be dead. seeing that he couldn’t help his father, elias left and never looked back.
eventually the first order began to rise in the galaxy, elias found himself joining up with the resistance. to have a place to belong again, to have a place to do good for the galaxy. his skills came in handy, when it came to knowing how to work on ships and vehicles as well as his physical abilities. while he entirely prefers to use the lightsaber he had once created while being trained by luke skywalker, he did learn how to use a blaster if needed. as to not get kylo ren or the knights on his tail, he largely kept his presence in the resistance quiet, doing minor things here and there and never taking too big of a moment. but recent years have changed that and he knows that with his abilities that he can’t just stand aside and hold back.
he wants to stop the first order and its terror and alongside those who call themselves jedi like himself, he wants for such to rise again. to protect luke’s legacy and make the jedi a force for good once more in the galaxy. elias will do anything, even pushing his body to extreme limits if need be.
in terms of his personality, elias is quite brave and headstrong, he doesn’t let much of anything hold him back or stop him from doing what he thinks is right or what is needed. he’ll throw himself in headfirst if need be. he’s outgoing and charming at times but has a an impulsive nature that can sometimes get the best of him. he has a temper for sure just as anyone but he tries to get it in check unless he gets pushed too far. 
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crowkingwrites ¡ 7 years ago
War Creatures (Ch.16)
Pairing: Loki X Reader
Summary:  In a crossover of the Nine Realms and Westeros, you find yourself in the dawn of a rebellion. Odin, Lord of Pyke, has made alliances with your family, House Grover of Highgarden. Your father’s army will join Odin’s army to overthrow the King and take the Iron Throne. There is just one cost to this alliance.You must marry the dark, young prince Loki.In a world where Kings do as they wish, where war is an oncoming storm, and peace is nothing but a dream, you are lost but brave. Loki is more powerful than he seems, and love will grow from the flames of war.
Words:  2059
Read on Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11108748/chapters/28782303
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I narrowed my eyes at my new ‘cousin’. Fandral was dressed in silver and a beautiful purple cloak. It cascaded onto his horse. I still couldn’t trust him, not after what Loki told me. I wore the purple dress that was made for me. We mainly rode in silence leading the small troop to the Bloody Gate.
Elise was behind me, and Loki was somewhere. He promised to protect me, and I trusted him. I saw the dwarves on the cliff tops, aiming their weapons slowly at us. One dwarf stood on a lower cliff from the rest of them. His beard was bright red and in braids.
“Halt! Who arrives at the Bloody Gate?” he called out to us. Fandral’s smile warmly greeted the soldier.
“Lord Flement Brax, and his cousin, the beautiful Lady Cerissa Brax!” Fandral shouted back. “We are here to see your lord with a happy proposal!” The dwarf narrowed his eyes, but he nodded. He signaled to let us through. Fandral rode closer to me. “Let me do the talking. Lord Wilfig isn’t the type of man to respect women. Anything you say, he will undermine you. We want this to go well.”
I may not have trusted him at the moment, but he was right. I looked at the dwarves stationed along the pathway. They were short. They looked angry. I didn’t want to stare, but I couldn’t help myself. Their beards took up half of their face, and their armor looked too bulky.
The dwarves escorted Fandral and me towards their lord. They weren’t talkative, but they weren’t silent either. They grunted at each other. It was their own language just made up of sounds and pauses in between. One dwarf walked down the hallway, snacking on a chicken leg. His chewing was loud, and bits of chicken dropped into his beard.
I made a disgusted face and looked over to Fandral. He nodded and returned my disgusted face. He knew exactly what we were getting into.
The main hall opened to reveal interesting characters. Lord Wilfig sat above everyone. His seat towered over the Moon Door. He was big, not in fat, but in size. His beard was white, and his eyes had heavy wrinkles under them. He wore no crown, and his armor was not polished. His hand stroked his face while he waited for everyone to come in.
His advisors next to him all had beaten faces and scars. One particular one had a scar that went across his face, his nose almost split open and never fully healed. Each of them had their hand very much near their swords.
“Gentlemen!” Fandral greeted. His voice booming through the room. “How wonderful it is to meet you all, especially you, my lord. I’ve heard many tales about your heroism.”
“Lord Flement, we received word that you were coming, but not a reason why,” Lord Wilfig’s orotund’s voice went through the room. It boomed louder than Fandral’s. “What do you want?”
“My lord, I’m sure you are aware of the rebels making a mess of this country. Those bastards in Highgarden, those snobbish asses in Casterly Rock. And the Odinsons?” Fandral scoffed. “Idiots. All of them. How dare they go against their true king.”
“Get to your point, Lord Flement,” Lord Wilfig frowned. “I’m not one for speeches.” Fandral smiled. How he didn’t break character was a miracle to me.
“I come here to offer an alliance,” he continued on. “House Brax would like to join the brave Mountain Dwarves of the Vale in a marriage alliance.” Lord Wilfig moved forward in his seat. Fandral has his attention.
“A marriage alliance?” he responded.
“Yes, I come here with my cousin, Cerissa, in hopes to marry her to your son, Walder,” Fandral explained. “Together our house and your house can defeat the true enemies, and be rewarded handsomely by our King.” Lord Wilfig hummed in response.
“I didn’t think of that,” he said. “Together, our armies outnumber Lord Odin’s army. Other houses have failed King Malekith, but they are weak. We can win over his favor. This is a good idea, but why now?” Fandral winked at me and frowned.
“It all started with my cousin, my lord,” he gestured towards me. “She has had nightmares and sweats at night, terrified of the rebels coming for her. This concerned me after I heard the falling of other loyal houses. I only wish to protect her and my family. Who better to protect her than you?” I didn’t trust Fandral with Elise, but damn he was good with diplomacy.
Lord Wilfig smiled and sat back in his seat. “You flatter me. Alright. You’ll have your marriage. Walder, go greet your new bride.” Walder walked towards me. Walder was almost a spitting image of his father. He had brown hair, but no beard. His double-chin and muscular-round body stuck out.
He made his way over to me. “Hello, bride.” His smile was crooked.
“Cerissa. Lady Cerissa Brax,” Fandral corrected him.
“Lady Cerissa,” his crooked teeth showed. “I’ve never seen someone as pretty as you.”
“Thank you,” I simply said. The quieter I was, the better.
“I wonder how you’ll sound on our wedding night,” he immediately said.
“I’m sorry?” Fandral put his word in before I could say anything.
“I’m only wondering!” he taunted. “Will she as quiet as she is now? Or can she scream?” I felt my stomach turn. Walder tried to look me in my eyes, but I only wanted to avoid him.
“Walder, forgive me, but there are better ways to greet your bride,” Fandral put his hand on his sword. Walder stepped closer to me.
“You can’t tell me what to do!” Walder went to grab me, but then a sword banging against his metal armor clanged. My eyes widened at the obsidian blade. They followed them to a knight dressed in black. The armor covered everything, but the eyes. Green eyes.
‘Loki,’ I thought to myself.
“Walder, let me introduce you to my cousin’s personal guard,” Fandral smiled in satisfaction. “Ser Tummus of Hornvale, also known as the Black Mountain Knight.” Loki’s eyes darkened at the sight of Walder. Walder took a few steps back, afraid of the black blade.
I felt my heart beat faster. Loki remained silent as he lowered his sword and stood very close behind me. He looked so majestic and intimidating. Loki’s hand never left his blade, and his eyes never left Walder.
What if Loki was jealous? No, that would be insane. Loki being jealous of Walder was like Fandral being jealous of any other man. Although, the thought of Loki pummeling Walder to the ground was a wonderful thought.
Lord Wilfig banged his sword against the ground grabbing everyone’s attention. “This revolution needs to be put to a stop. The more these rebellious houses win battles, the closer they get to the throne. And do we need Lord Odin to rule over us?”
I looked to Loki, and he did not react. He only stood there, watching Lord Wilfig pace about his seat.
“I’m glad that House Brax came to us. This alliance will not only prove to be fruitful, but it will lead us into victory!” Several dwarf men cheered. “To think that these houses are so appalled by a boy army. Don’t they know that a royal army will only benefit us from enemies across the sea?”
My blood boiled. Lord Wilfig made up these benefits in his head. Children should never be exposed to war.
“Lord Flement, let us destroy Lord Odin and his allies. Together, we will bring justice to this land and keep King Malekith in power. The Dark Elves have held that ancestral seat for centuries. Lord Odin only seeks to grab his seat as a selfish power move. Those Iron Island bastards think their dicks are small, so they have to prove themselves, don’t they?”
Loki never reacted to lord Wilfig’s harsh words. He only stood there. Silent and statue-like. I wanted to know what he was thinking. I wanted to hear him say something. Anything against Lord Wilfig.
“Lord Flement, please join us so we may discuss this more in detail,” Lord Wilfig beckoned Fandral to come his way. Fandral nodded.
“Ser Tummus, please stay with my cousin,” Fandral ordered Loki. “I will join you when I can later.” Fandral left us with Walder. Walder’s eyes never left Loki’s. He almost cowered in fear, despite his size.
“My lady?” Walder asked.
“Yes, Walder?” Suddenly with Loki behind me, I felt more powerful.
“I want to take you to your room, alone,” he said boldly.
“I never leave my lady,” I heard Loki say through the helmet. Walder frowned.
“He is my personal guard,” I told Walder. “He doesn’t leave my side.” Walder frowned again. His arm extended out to me. Loki stood in the middle of both of us.
“I only wish to take her arm,” Walder spat out.
“You don’t take anything,” Loki’s deep voice cut him off. Walder lowered his arm and began escorting us to my room in the Eyrie.
I let my mind wander to Loki again. His armor fit him perfectly. Where did he get it? Was this part of his original plan? His black cape held a gray unicorn symbol on it, and his obsidian sword’s helm had a unicorn as well. If this was custom-made, it was done well.
My eyes wandered to Loki’s walk. He strutted down the hallways, and I couldn’t feel more attracted to him. He was powerful. He was scary. His walk made him look like this was his castle already. I wanted to hold his hand. I watched his hips and then my eyes wandered to his crotch.
I looked away immediately. I couldn’t have these thoughts about him. We were friends. The more I reminded myself of that, the better off. However, Loki could not read my mind. I suppose looking at him more couldn’t hurt.
Around his hips, Loki carried two more daggers and what seemed to be a sort of sack. I heard small glass sounds from inside. His gloved hands gave him a good grip on any of hi weapons. My eyes went to his chest which had another unicorn emblem on it. I wanted to put my hand across his chest, and I remembered his bare back.
How smooth and toned it was. How his muscles moved every time he breathed. I wated to remember that moment forever.
“Cerissa?” Walder called out. I snapped my attention to him.
“Now, you listen to me,” he rolled his eyes. “This is your room.” The room itself had basic amenities. A bed, a table with chairs, and other things.
“It will suffice, thank you,” I nodded. Walder walked away with a scowl on his face. His eyes glared at Loki.
I stepped into the room more, and Loki shut it behind us. As soon as the door was closed, I went to hug him, holding him as tight as I could.
“He’s awful. They’re all awful,” I told him.
“I know,” Loki’s hand rubbed my back in circles. “I’ve met them before.” I let go of Loki and looked up to him.
“You have?”
“Yes, when I was younger,” Loki removed his helmet. “Thor and I have been training to rule our entire lives. Fighting, stealing, and diplomacy. When Odin thought we were old enough, he would take us on trading and diplomacy assignments. One of them was here.
“When I first met Lord Wilfig, he was tolerable of my father. It was clear he hated anyone who wasn’t a dwarf. However, Walder was much more of a coward than he is now.”
“He’s rude and obscene,” I commented.
“He is,” Loki agreed. “Their way of thinking is so aligned with the old ways. That’s why we must go through with this, and get rid of them.”
Loki was right. My ear turned to the door when I heard more grunting outside. These are awful creatures. From the way their eyes were disgusted by the sight of you to the way they spoke down to you, they needed to go. Their army was, in fact, legendary and skilled. If we took them out now, King Malekith would lose one of his biggest allies. I would not lose now.
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