#my date wanted to play that game!!!!!! curse that DDR man!!!
matthyeu · 1 year
Just had a thought and now it won’t get out do my head: What do you think an arcade date with zb1 would be like? What’s their favourite game? How’s the most competitive? Who will win you something? Who tells you to win your own things?
ft. my cursed thoughts bc i didn't have the energy to flesh stuff out
can be taken romantically or platonically bc friends can have arcade dates too
(i love having funny thoughts in between studying + reliving some cute moments looking back at prom photos for inspo so thank you for this)
favorite games:
jiwoong: he's effortlessly just good at everything to the point where he casually plays all the games when you're sitting there like ?? how
hao: over there playing guitar hero or some shit i swear like proving musical talent to the core!!
hanbin: ddr 100% you can not tell me man isn't on dance dance revolution every single moment there. you can't pull him away either. he devours it too like got everyone watching like that one kid
matthew: bro loves playing claw machines to look at cute things bc me too he just sees things and is like "ooooo" and somehow ends up at it for hours but only comes back with one thing for you (it's the thought that counts)
taerae: he's always on the coin pusher but he's so bad like idk why he plays but he loves standing there BUT he will get frustrated when they won't fall and smack it so he gets the alarm rang on him
ricky: he probably likes to play skee ball. idk why but it gives the VIBES like he would probably like how he looks cool. bc it's like the closest thing to bowling and he seems like someone who would like to look cool while bowling
gyuvin: pacman. he has tried every game and found out he is bad at them. the only thing he can go back to is pacman.
gunwook: playing streetfighter but like seriously. has my man sweating over here. please bring a towel for him.
yujin: he gives me the vibes of someone who would play those like shooting simulator whether it be jurassic park or like those ones with the zombies. and he might get jumpscared lol
most competitive: hao
doesn't really try to be but the moment you're in there challenging him, he's going at 100%
would win at like every game and you're sitting their regretting ever doubting him
though he just gives you all his points afterward so you can do whatever you want for prizes
that's the real reason he just wanted some motivation to get more points for you
wins you things: matthew, jiwoong, ricky (kinda)
we've already talked about matthew spending hours to get something for you (he's super diligent about it he will get you the thing you want even if he spends all his money)
wbk jiwoong good at it all, so no surprise he comes back with whatever you wanted (doesn't matter if its 1 or 10 he shall get them all)
so now ricky
why kinda?
well he doesn't actually win you it
he tries but then finds out that it's all a scam and nearly impossible
so he tries to bribe the employee to give it to him
ends up buying it from them for you so it's the same thing right??
tells you to win your own things: yujin, taerae
he wants to but then gets frustrated that he can't bc like?? who made it so damn hard
so he tries and then almost breaks the machine so ends up telling you to do it yourself
and then we have yujin who's just just like "do it yourself" bc he doesn't wanna
but then you keep bothering him about it bc you can't win
like bro getting a lil annoyed with how badly you want something
so then he plays it
but then keeps it for himself
he says it's compensation for you bothering him about it LMAO
too busy to even be near a machine: hao, hanbin, gyuvin, gunwook
well technically hao is going to get points to get you prizes but he's staying away from the machines knowing they're a scam
the other three though, they're off in their own worlds
they take their games very seriously (especially hanbin & gunwook)
gyuvin's just having a nice time being immersed so you don't want to bother him
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sootbird · 6 years
my date went very well even tho I have a summer cold!!!
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wozwaid · 4 years
Line Without a Hook: Josuke x Fem!Reader
SONG FIC SONG FIC! listen to Line Without a Hook by Ricky Montgomery (not while reading its too confusing) (https://open.spotify.com/track/5jvgec3P4jyoZUPTy2pWDR?si=qoy5JJHHRnOVqj7JWmrjSw) 
I’m gonna do my best to make it as fluffy as possible, but there’ll be angst too since this song makes me cry SO MUCH.
TW: fluff, angst, mentions of abuse, and a HAPPY ENDING
I’m also doing the entire fucking song so CUT FOR LENGTH!~
I don’t really give a damn about the way you touch me when we’re alone. You can hold my hand if no one’s home.
Josuke had been friends with y/n since they were children.  It was the first day of their first year in high school. He had a strange interaction with a man who happens to be his nephew as well as a short boy who’s apparently in the same grade as you both. As you all ran to school, Josuke was bombarded by fangirls. As he tried to wave them off, you slowly intertwined your fingers with his and gave a greeting to the girls. They noticed, and immediately apologized, rushing to school. It was as if time had stopped moving for him. Y/n l/n was holding his hand. 
Do you like it when I’m away? If I went and hurt my body, baby, would you love me the same?
Y/n was the first person that Josuke told about his “ghost”, as he phrased it. Y/n was the only one who believed him. Her eyes shone when he explained what the ghost could do, what it looked like, etc. During their childhood, y/n was a clutz who tended to get hurt easily, only for the wounds to miraculously disappear. Crazy Diamond always found his way back to y/n. Always hovering nearby, making sure that she stayed safe and away from harm. Of course where there’s Crazy Diamond, there’s Josuke, always staring at y/n wishing he could hold onto her forever and never let go.
I can feel my bones coming back and I’m craving motion. Mama never learned how to live by herself.
However the ghost would never help Josuke when he got hurt, and he would get hurt. A lot. As they grew older, many of the other men in their class viewed Josuke as a threat and insulted him resulting in both parties getting injured. No matter what the situation was, Josuke would never get healed. Therefore y/n made it her personal duty to help treat his wounds and would walk him home. His mother grew fond of y/n, constantly inviting her and her family over for dinner. It became a ritual for the families to come together. The adults would sit downstairs and talk while Josuke and y/n went upstairs to play games.
It’s a curse, and it’s growing. You’re a pond and I’m an ocean.
Flash-forward to the present day. Josuke wakes up to banging on his door. ‘It’s 3 am! Who could be here?’ He thought as he trudged down the stairs to the front door and peered through the peephole. There he saw y/n, shivering and crying in the cold night. He threw the door open and pulled her inside, running upstairs to grab a blanket and a jacket for her. “Y/n, what’s up? Are you ok?” He asked, sitting down on the couch next to her. Y/n had had a panic attack late at night. “I didn’t know where else to go, but I didn’t want to be at home.” She said drowsily, before falling asleep, holding onto Josuke. He laid back, enveloping the girl in his arms, relaxing into the couch. ‘I want to stay like this forever’ he thought as he drifted off to sleep.
Oh, all my emotions feel like explosions when you are around, and I’ve found a way to kill the sounds.
Feelings were difficult. Hard to understand. The fangirls were becoming unbearable for y/n. Josuke had invited her to hang out at the pier on Saturday, which she immediately accepted. Josuke has this charm about him, which always results in girls feeling tempted to go up to him and strike up a flirty conversation. Right in front of y/n. The girl kept telling herself that she wasn’t jealous. It wasn’t jealousy, he just needs to be with someone who truly understands who he is! Who will stay by his side no matter what. Without thinking, y/n grabbed his hand and started jogging to the arcade. “Yo, y/n? What was that about?” He asked, gawking at the girl. “I-uh... I saw DDR! Wanna play?” She asked. “ UH... YES?!” he shouted, taking her hand and pulling her to the arcade counter to buy coins for the game. He soon noticed he was holding hands with his crush. Face turning red, he excused himself and ran to the bathroom, splashing water on his face to ‘get a grip man!’
(That line reminded me of the 5G’s: Good god girl getta grip. RPDR? Nobody? Just me? Huh.)
Oh, baby, I am a wreck when I’m without you. I need you here to stay.
As Josuke’s feelings for y/n developed, she developed as well, and he wasn’t the only one who noticed. Y/n had been receiving confessions left and right from boys and girls both younger and older than them. Her feelings for Josuke overpowered all else. However, she had taken a liking to a particular boy and strangely enough, accepted his confession. Y/n seemed happy, so Josuke played along, congratulating her on her new relationship, secretly cursing himself for not doing it sooner. For being afraid of ruining their friendship.
I broke all my bones that day I found you crying at the lake.
After a few months of dating her boyfriend, Josuke began to notice a shift in y/n’s attitude. She became more closed off, quiet, emotional. She wore long shirts and hoodies to cover herself and sometimes showed up to school in sunglasses. Josuke began to investigate the situation. He followed y/n and her boyfriend on their date to the lake where her boyfriend began scolding her, gripping her wrist tightly. Josuke immediately stepped in, picking up the smaller man by his collar and beating the shit out of him as y/n broke down into tears. Josuke scooped her up when he was finished and carried her back to his car. “Why didn’t you tell me.” He said, less of a question and more of a statement. “I-I just- I didn’t know-” The girl stammered “ Y/N. I’M SUPPOSED TO PROTECT YOU.  YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS ABOUT YOU, DATING THAT DUMB FUCKER. I JUST HAD TO SIT THERE AND WATCH! DON’T YOU KNOW WHAT THAT DID TO ME?!” He screamed, immediately covering his mouth after the words left. Before he knew it, y/n had gotten out of his car and was walking in the opposite direction.
Was it something I said to make you feel like you’re a burden? Oh, and if I could take it all back, I swear that I would pull you from the tide.
Y/n had broken up with her boyfriend, and for that Josuke was relieved, however she hadn’t spoken to him since that day at the lake. She ignored his countless calls and texts apologizing for the things he said, but he knew that she was upset. She needed space, and he respected that. She walked through the crowded halls with new friends. Y/n continued to ignore him and the rest of his group. She avoided him and the gang at all costs. It’s not like she hated Okuyasu, Koichi, and Yukako, just wherever they were, there was Josuke, and as much as she needed to be around him, the thought of seeing his face was too much for her to handle.
The wind is a-pounding on my back and I found hope in a heart attack. Oh at last, it is past. Now I’ve got it and you can’t have it.
Months passed. No contact was exchanged between the two of them. Not even a glance. Summer passed and they had started their second year of high school. Y/n truly did begin to understand how difficult it was to be in love with your best friend. And the worst part, no matter how much she forced herself to move on, all her thoughts lead her back to Josuke. When she was sad, she thought of Josuke’s bright smile and energetic laugh. That always put a smile on her face.
But she had lost him. To a girl in the year below them. He looked at the girl the way that he used to look at y/n, with eyes full of so much love and adoration. 
Baby, I am a wreck when I’m without you. I need you here to stay. I broke all my bones that day I found you crying at the lake. Was it something I said to make you feel like you’re a burden? Oh, and if I could take it all back I swear that I would pull you from the tide.
Life wasn’t the same without Josuke. Y/n had shed too many tears over that boy, so much so that she began to throw up from crying so hard. She was a wreck without him. Her mind drifted back to the time that Josuke had saved her from that abusive relationship. ‘Why didn’t I tell him…’ She thought. ‘It’s my fault.’ Little did she know, Josuke was in his room, breaking into pieces. The world was collapsing around him, tearing his heart. He was never happy with that girl. The only reason he agreed to date her was that she was so similar to y/n. The same smile, bubbly personality, warm presence. The only difference was that she wasn’t y/n. Only y/n could make him smile in the most genuine way possible, make his heart pound rapidly against his chest, make all the blood in his body move to his cheeks when she touched him. It really is hard to be in love with your best friend.
Darling, when I’m fast asleep I’ve seen this person watching me, saying, “Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Tell me, is it worth it?”
Y/n never realized how much she needed Josuke until she lost him. Life wasn’t worth living without him by her side. She felt so empty, so cold, so alone. So lost. She missed the family dinners, the intense gaming sessions, the long talks at night. She missed how loved she felt when she was around Josuke, but it was gone. He was gone.
Because there is something, and there is nothing. There is nothing in between.
Y/n got herself together. A life without Josuke wasn’t a life worth living, however, she always felt Josuke by her side. She could feel his spirit next to her, watching over her, never leaving. The feeling of Josuke’s presence never left her. Josuke had begun to lose control of CD over time. Whenever he was summoned and finished his work, he would immediately begin to move in the direction of the L/n residence. No matter how much Josuke convinced himself that he didn’t love y/n, his stand always returned to where he needed to be the most. Right by y/n’s side.
And in my eyes, there is a tiny dancer watching over me, he’s singing “She’s a, she’s a lady, and I am just a boy” He’s singing, “She’s a, she’s a lady, and I am just a line without a hook.”
Josuke couldn’t take it anymore. Y/n was too good for him. She deserved so much more than him, but he felt compelled to see her. He rushed over to her house, banging on the door. No lights were on. Y/n wasn’t home. He immediately sprinted down to the first place he could think of. It was a longshot, but he felt that she would be there. She had to have been there.
Baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you. I need you here to stay. I broke all my bones that day I found you crying at the lake.
He stopped running, having reached his goal. Panting, he looked around to find the girl he so desperately needed to see. And there she was. Sitting on the dock, her feet in the water, wearing his hoodie. Slowly, he approached her, hands shaking. “Y-y/n.” He cursed himself for stuttering. The girl turned to see the boy she had been subconsciously waiting for. “Josuke…”
Was it something I said to make you feel like you're a burden, oh, and if I could take it all back, I swear that I...
“I’m sorry!” They exclaimed at the same time, staring into each other’s eyes. No words were exchanged after that, yet both knew what the other was trying to say. Josuke stepped towards the girl, cupping her cheek. His heart melted as he saw her relax into his touch. He leaned in slowly, watching to see if she would pull away. She didn’t. He captured her lips in a soft yet passionate kiss, expressing all the things he wanted to tell her but couldn’t figure out how to say it. As they pulled back, y/n saw the look. The look that was full of pure adoration and love. They sat down on the dock as y/n rested her head on his shoulder. Finally, Josuke spoke. “I missed you.”
would pull you from the tide.
The End
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thatfunnyfatfriend · 4 years
Lets. Talk. Growing. Up. Fat.
I'm Cuban.
That alone has nothing to do with my weight. Yeah the food isn't the best for you. VERY SCARCE in the veggie front but DAMN if it's not literally blessed by the angels of flavor. And yes the oil goblins got to it.
I've always been like a chunky kid? Idk if my family just has a history of like a slow metabolism or what but, but what I CAN say is obesity is definitely here. And she is a nasty bitch.
My mom and dad weren't always fat. Dude, there is a picture of both my mom and dad from highschool BEFORE they started dating that shows my dad "walking down the runway" at a school fashion show. My mom still had these leather pants and I swear she had the waist circumference of a paper towel roll. And not the two ply shit either, the skinny shitty tubes. You know the ones.
Its like my mom and dads side of the family have this curse. The curse of the CHILDREN!!! *Thunder sounds spooky organ played by uggo phantom man*
Literally one you have kids, you got fat like I don't get it? I know this is very common don't get me wrong but like okay. My mom finished having kids at 31. She is 55 now? I think? And she like a year or two ago got a sleeve operation. You know the gastro sleeve I think? But like what happened after the kids? And why did my dad also get fat?
My mom might admit this, but my dad absolutely not, but I think they are depressed. And have been depressed for a very long time. I am not even entirely sure if they like each other? They of course love each other. It's like that scene from Ladybird when Ladybird ask her mom if she likes her. And the mom replies saying if course she loves her. And Ladybird is like, "yeah but do you like me?"
I think my parents have been together for so long that they now have this unbreakable bond for sure. But idk if they like each other. Idk what they have in common other than a love for food.
You would never catch them in therapy discussing this because it "looks messy." Abd if there is anyone what cares about what the fuck they look like to everyone else, it's my parents (mostly my dad)
Weight loss was always tied with "being successful" in my house. Quick tangent but it relates I swear but, did you know in asia, it's like a thing to sometimes get leg legnthening surgery because apparently I'm their society the taller you are the more successful you are. That is to say the taller you are the more people will view you in a positive light. Over someone who is shorter.
That's what weight loss felt like in my house. That somehow by losing weight I would have a better life because people would see me different which would improve my mood and set me up for success. Only when I got older did the conversation become more about health.
My mom still gets caught up in weight specifically. Weight is the only thing she thinks determines your health. I actually am going out of my way to NOT weigh myself at ALL this time around. Granted, I weighed myself today to that a year later I can see how much in total I lost. It's just fun.
But that's enough about my family dysfunction, let's talk about more important things. Oh, you guys wanna talk about me? Oh I couldn't I'm too modest. Well if you're gonna twist my arm...
I only noticed I was fat in middle school. If it wasn't for the fact that I was noticably bigger than even most of the boys in my class, the nutrisystem box that arrived at our door that was for me was a dead give away.
Now, here is a fun game. Let's see just how many weightloss things have FAILED for me:
DDR as exercise
The tredmill
Trying to eat/like nuts
Steamed veggies
Weight watchers (kinda, we'll come back to that)
Diet shakes
Protein bars
Taebo (although very fun, that was more of me than the exercise that failed me)
Super restrictions
Weighing myself everyday
Weight machines
I'm sure I'm missing some but you get it, I've tried a LOT of different things. And most of these I went in thinking they will help me lose weight. But I didn't really understand the science of how or why they could help. I just saw that they worked for other people.
Let's talk about WW. Now I mentioned that this kinda failed but in reality I've YET to do a program or regime that helped me lose this much weight. 25lbs to be exact.
I personally find the wright system to be....kinda dumb? I'm not hating on it it helped me a lot and it has helped a ton of people, hell my mom is going back on it. But what I did get from WW was the art of counting.
Counting calories and my fitness pal actually help me A LOT. And if it weren't for WW I might have not discovered my fitness pal and calories counting.
Now I want to re-iterate that, these are things that failed FOR ME. They did NOT FAIL me.
I failed myself.
And could you blame me? Even when I was doing an okay job I would get criticized for how I worked out or how I dieted. My parents were my biggest enablers and supporters at the same time. They would get mad when I didn't want to eat what they ate as of I thought I was "better than them" or they would get disappointed if I fell off track while they are a whopper in front of me.
Yeah, that shit is fucked up, but at the end of the day, I FELL off track.
I ATE that food
I DID those things that failed me.
I could talk about my trauma with a the manipulation and shit but man, look how long this post is, hello??? Is ANYONE STILL READING THIS?!?.
Look, I'm so e holding on to the past because I'm 27 now. And my parents aren't big scary adults anymore. Hell they arent even the smartest people I know anymore.
They are sad, in denial, and trying their best, I guess.
They are just people and I di t have to feel intimidated by them anymore.
I'm just gonna do me and do my best.
I'm gonna be healthy for myself.
It makes me happy it makes me feel good it makes me think clearer. It helps my anxiety and stress.
Something that nutrisystem just never did.
P.s-you call those eggs, nutrisystem? DISGUSTING!!!
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demonphannie · 7 years
dan and phil - july 2017
first week (1-7): crash bandicoot review from dan. wow phil tweets about crash bandicoot. more crash bandicoot tweets (when will they play for the gaming channel?!?!?!). thomas sanders is a darling and loves dan and phil. phil ordered pizza to the old phlat. dan and phil in YOUTUBERS REACT TO BTS (K-Pop). phil liked baby driver. new gaming video: DIL GIVES BIRTH! - Dan and Phil Play: Sims 4 #42. dan enjoys sharing with the internet that phil finds it stupid that dan wears a hoodie and his boxer briefs around the house. fourth of july pancake tweet #content. dan liveshow! (highlights: missing the america flight, people were doing shots on the plane, he pet a lot of dogs in la, cool fka twigs merch, dan basically just took a facebook pillow from vidcon without consent, dogs and babies make him happy, also asparagus, he doesn’t wanna give dalien to the aliens, lorde is good, also vince staples, he was nervous curling phil’s hair, dan is dumb and thinks yoi is queerbaiting, dan wants a grand piano). phil hates grapefruit. dan loves it when you call him danyul howul. phil bought a v v tall houseplant and also they have round walls. phil liveshow! (highlights: he thought it would be a smaller plant, jetlaggy, he feels a sore throat coming on, phil is not an iron man supporter, get on the right team, iron man is overrated, stop living in the past, fruity juggler, cat’s dog sigma is v v good, the next sims is a house decorating, baby driver was good, phil is a finger guns kinda guy, scary spider means it’s time to move, he took a quiz and he is a humanitarian, hamsters are my city). anthony padilla series pt i:  Stop saying we look alike! (ft. Daniel Howell). marshmallow drinks from phil. 
second week (8-14): london pride tweets from dan and phil ❤️💛💚💙💜. also dan is there in spirit and if i’m not mf crying right now??????? wow. new gaming video: STOP SEARCHING FOR THIS! - Dan and Phil Play: HIGHER OR LOWER. dan is the mom friend as confirmed by anthony. phil loved spiderman homecoming. “Does it count as half a press-up if I just lie on the floor?” inspirational quotes from phil lester. watch dan and phil play ddr it’s good. the rain is god peeing on you. new daniel howell video: Would you date THE REAL Dan? (what a loser honestly). phil gets emotional over undercover boss. dan realized that he was flirting with all his neighbors on tinder. phil liveshow! (highlights: he placed a plant behind him but it doesn’t usually go there phil lester is a fake, he isn’t sick as he thought, fruity boye, crash bandicoot playing with dan, it’s not vodka it’s water, going to wimbledon on sunday!!!!, appreciating tennis face, voting for what shirt he’s going to wear, dan thinks he looks like a white science teacher, the pug shirt wins, he’s happy dan is taking care of the houseplants, excited for game of thrones, ice cream floats are good, the lesters used to go to lagos every summer in the same house, portugal with the lesters stories, excited for stranger things, get someone that knows law to check your renting contract, phil is a unicorn hipster, he does a buzzfeed quiz, anthony uploading bloopers with dan is an excuse to leave). anthony padilla series pt ii: Stop saying we look alike! [BLOOPERS] (ft. Daniel Howell). dan and phil raised a lot of money for the red cross with the manchester shirts good job boyes! new amazingphil video/anthony padilla series pt iii: Anthony, Dan or a RAT? NATHAN ZED POSTS A PIC OF THEM TOGETHER WOW THANK YOU GOD.
third week (15-21): dan is back in his hometown acting like a fucking ninja. dan posts a really good pic of colin (the howells’ dog) and i would not only like to thank god but jesus as well. time isn’t real (source: AmazingPhil). dan and phil in YOUTUBERS REACT TO ODDLY SATISFYING COMPILATION #2. day in the life at wimbledon: dan posts a really genuinely super nice selfie thank you god, strawberries and cream selfie, selfie from the court, some nice shots of dnp at the game, also spotted in this video. phil is blocking out the GoT spoilers (and i guess dan is too). phil asks what the next season of dan and phil plushies should be and pastel wins (what the fuck guys why didn’t pajamas win i’ve literally be screaming). phil has laryngitis and dan weighs in for honestly no reason why does he keep trying to be noticed by phil. dan liveshow! (highlights: dan has social anxiety but he’s plenty confident, dan likes his youtube comments, big ant, he flirted with everyone in a kilometer radius so he literally was just flirting with his neighbors, that’s why he can’t leave the house, dan watched back phil’s liveshow to hear him say anal tampon, being back in wokingham was scury, wimbledon talks, they got there in a taxi in the special entrance and almost got arrested, dan loves pimms, jim and tanya were there, filmed a tomska sketch, dunkirk talks, philly is still sicky). phil’s voice is coming back! PHIL HITS FIVE MIL!….on twitter :/. fdjknvxc someone received merch that’s not released yet. phil liveshow! (highlights: it’ll be short because he was told not to talk, he went to the dentist, vocal range testing, hah what merch that leaked, fruit flies but no fruit, phil is the fruit). dan is a heckler. anthony padilla series pt iv: wtf am i doing (ft. Phil). new merch! backpacks and pastel edits poster.
fourth week (22-31): happy coaster via phil lester photography. dan is just stupid and thought he was stuck in a lift. new gaming video: ‘Stormy Ascent’ - THE HARDEST CRASH BANDICOOT LEVEL EVER (this is god tier gaming). twitter games with phil. dan is in a tomska vlog: Last Week I Got A Gun. new daniel howell video/anthony padilla series pt v: PSA: Stop Emo Shaming. guilty pup phil knocked down soundproof boards in the gaming room with his thicc ass. dan liveshow! (highlights: in the moon room, he doesn’t want to share the room with the internet because it’s not aesthetically appealing, mirror themed items, he wrote the emo shaming video in the car on the way to anthony’s house, dan waxes poetic about emo culture, phil cursing, he got rejected from mark and spencer’s, they are trying to do livestream gaming, unironic candle haul maybe, make a wish tomorrow, guild wars two things, myspace talks, he likes tyler the creators new album and i agree, likes new louis tomlinson, he’s a shorn sheep, they will get evicted like jake paul, diss track one of this best videos). cute make a wish pic. slime floor via phil lester photography. phil liveshow! (highlights: glasses, pupils dilated, floater in his eye, voice is back, shorn sheep, goth phil, drinking glasses are iridescent, he can hear his neighbor sneeze so they can probably hear dan screaming, nicole from make a wish beat phil at mariokart, parents are going to be in london next week to celebrate his mum’s birth, he doesn’t know london that much, phil has a clean sheet fetish, phil has an afternoon cookie and coffee fetish, he likes his red bomber jacket the best, also his nice suit for weddings, he hasn’t used his new red glasses frames at all, phil tried really hard to get the g note for dan’s video, he has a good visual memory). dan and phil appear in DARKIPLIER vs ANTISEPTICEYE (and accompanying bloopers). dan in tomska sketch First Contact (feat. Daniel Howell) (and accompanying bloopers). new gaming video:  SOLVE THIS CRIME - Dan and Phil play: Layton’s Mystery Journey! phil’s review of dunkirk is good. hint to a sleepless night. new amazingphil video: A HUNGRY Sleepless Night With Phil. dan has to go to a meeting and not be in pajamas?! heresy. dan is a woman from olden times.
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