#my daryl thoughts
darylsdelts · 2 months
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Idk but Daryl openly showing fatigue around carol just says a lot for me.
Baby boy was rubbing his eyes and ready for sleepy time
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4ever-feral · 2 months
I’m a sucker for a angry man with a tragic backstory. There just so hot
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goldenispunk · 6 months
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I have something inappropriate to say
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cultofdixon · 4 months
You just know sometimes
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • So much had to happen between Terminus and Alexandria…You in your situation being one of them • ANGST/SFW • TW: Injuries / Bruises / Scars / The Claimers & Cannibals Mentioned / Anxiety
Requested by: Anon
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You failed Daryl Dixon
You fucking failed and people have died because of it
All you were tasked to do was to keep them safe
But yet here you are…and where are they?
Fucking DEAD
Daryl snapped out of his half asleep haze with a small grunt of annoyance which caught Carol’s attention instantly. She didn’t say a word but gave him a concerned look as they were currently holding up camp in the woods after another failed attempt at staying in a neighborhood. If only the herd didn’t come through it.
It was really starting to feel like the nine months before the prison.
When the group returned to the main road, they heard someone or something running in the woods which they obvious drawn their weapons thinking a possible threat. Rick directed with his head for Daryl and Glenn to join him going into the trees to figure out what that could possibly be.
“Glenn you take the right, Daryl left, and I’ll go forward” Rick stated as they instantly acted on such.
They equally gotten far into the woods and Glenn came across nobody, but there was a blood trail that he followed until he ran into Rick. When both were now following the blood trail, Daryl was occupied by some walkers that after taking out the few he came across he noticed the blood that the others have caught on. But the trail stopped at a tree and there’s no foot prints either.
Daryl flinched when he felt acorns fall on his head resulting in him looking up to find a person, a woman holding onto the base of the tree for dear life as the branch she sat on barely supported her.
“Did you find—-“ Daryl held his hand up stopping Rick from saying anymore before pointing upward.
Rick gestured for Glenn to take another angle but she wasn’t much of a threat.
“I-I know you’re t-there. I don’t have anything”
“What makes you think we can trust—-“ Glenn stopped his question when her pack dropped to their feet. He knelt down looking further into it finding only a lighter and what looks like a shiv because she has no weapon. She probably had to get creative with walkers. Then the obvious. “Wait. Are you bit?!” He snapped instantly causing Rick to ready his gun again as Daryl elbowed him to stop.
“I would like not to be dropped on by a walker, Daryl. You can’t be too sure what happened until she makes herself—-“ Rick stopped when the woman they were talking about finally climbed down the tree.
No obvious bites
But very obvious injuries
“I’m not bitten. I’m…being chased” She stated and it didn’t take long for the four to be alerted by the commotion on the road. Which had Rick sprinting without a second thought given his kids were there.
When the leader returned to the rest of his family, he noticed they had taken care of it. There were three men. Two were taken care of and one had gotten away but not without something to show for it.
“They were asking if we’ve seen some woman, then it got a bit hairy as if we were trying to hide something from them” Abraham started.
“They threatened to hurt the kids. We were going to let them live obviously” Carol continued as she had been hovering around Judith and Carl just as much as Michonne has with Tyreese.
“The third got away. To be honest with you, he ain’t gonna make it very fair” Noah frowns gripping the strap to his weapon while looking into the direction they had come from as Rick grew anxious of another threat like the Claimers only a few of them came in contact with. Which brought into question if they should let the woman they found in with them.
Given her state and lack of weapons, she’s no threat to them besides whoever wants her dead.
“We have the woman. She’s in bad shape. No weapons but a makeshift knife that could only really take out a rotting corpse like a walker.” Rick stated waiting for any negative sign from the group that would tell him to not bring her in.
“How bad is she?” Maggie frowns growing worried before turning to the sound of footsteps finding Glenn stepping out with Daryl who helped the woman walk. “We’ll help her”
“Is that really a good idea bringing in more trouble?” Sasha questioned only for Maggie to now have an annoyed look.
“We all actively entered Terminus and practically brought ourselves more trouble. We have the upper hand with whoever these men are, they don’t stand a chance”
“Then we’ll take her in. For right now, we should make camp before it gets too dark to see where we are going” Carol added as she followed Maggie’s lead in approaching the woman to help her, noticing Daryl was glued to her suddenly when they went to help her.
Y/N is her name
Rosita forced Eugene to help her and Glenn make up the trigger line as Tara added the cans. The technique to warn them of walkers when they make up camp in open areas. Abraham took care of taking first watch after checking out their perimeter.
Daryl took the first aid kit from Maggie once she found it out of all their persons, to bring it to Y/N and help assess her injuries noticing a few of the cuts on her arms were deeper than he anticipated. None of them could do stitches in the conditions they were in. He had to manage with heavy bandaging and she let him patch her up but the second he was done, she instantly retracted into herself.
“He feels guilty”
Rick watched Carol sit beside him as they were watching the scene before them.
“What do you mean?”
“He feels guilty for Beth so he has this need to save her” Carol frowns watching Daryl take out his canteen handing it to Y/N who rejected it. Regardless of how hard he insisted. “Save everyone even if it means tearing himself down”
“Well, he’s got us. They both do”
During the night when most were asleep, Daryl took over watch for Abraham letting the man get some sleep. He noticed Y/N get up from her spot and started to move past the trigger line keeping herself quiet…that’s probably why she’s gone unnoticed at first until her escape became dire.
“Take watch” Daryl whispered to Glenn not giving him a second to respond as he was already on his leave. Maggie couldn’t help herself from stirring awake when her husband moved but she noticed the archer and couldn’t help but worry.
“Where are you going?”
Y/N stopped in her track giving him a deer in headlights kind of look, especially given the light from his flashlight shined in her eyes.
“I’m leaving” She relaxed turning away from the light as Daryl turned it off but quickly took a hold of her arm as gentle as he could. “Listen—-“
“I’m not going to listen to anything by the lines of “it’s to protect us” when we’ve all had our fair share of bullshit in this world”
“But Daryl—-“ silence was quickly met when another set of footsteps were heard, and not just one and no sound that determined a walker or frankly any of their own.
Daryl only had his knife as did Y/N. He went to reach for his but she halted him, letting the two listen for a while longer.
“That stupid bitch just had to go and get some help”
“They should’ve let her bleed to death”
“Useless pig” the third whispered but there were more to follow and Y/N gave Daryl a concerned look before suddenly booking it after she grabbed the flashlight in his hand.
A diversion is what she decided upon without telling anything to Daryl as he stood there in a bit of shock watching her fade into the night until the light of his flashlight turned on. Then the sudden shift of stealth approach those chasing her, turned into sprints and shouts. That quickly alerted the others while Daryl ran back to get his crossbow that Maggie already met him halfway on.
This was stupid Y/N thought as she ran and dodged as many trees as she could in the night. Even with a flashlight, she couldn’t help but bump into a few and that only drove the pain from her previous injuries to a higher level.
“She just ran?!”
“As a diversion one can assume” Rick sprinted after Daryl with Maggie and Carol on either side of him and Abraham, Rosita, and Michonne following shortly behind.
The trail ran dry, how it could it have run dry?
“Fucking hell!” One of the men shouted and with his anger brewing externally, he pushed one of the others onto his back. “That fucking slut just had to get loose”
The one on the floor slowly picks himself up but only for the third, who seemed to be the angriest out of them all.
“If you had tied the knots better, she would still be the squirming mess beneath me back home” the tone of his anger only made it clear that he was the leader of them all. He quickly dropped the guy when he heard footsteps as two others quickly stepped toward the sound to investigate, only for one of them to meet their end with an arrow through his eye. “Motherfuckers—-“
“If you wanna live” Which you won’t
“You’re going to want to stay right there” Rick stated after Daryl, with his gun raised as their family had their weapons drawn to the living three that were more empty-handed. “Where’s the woman? The one you are after”
“Like we are going to help you find—-“ the one on the left side of the leader dropped dead after Daryl shot another bolt. This action caused the other lesser to panic.
“S-She ran off. W-We don’t k-know where she—-“ he met his end from Maggie, who had enough of the absent of clear answers.
“I’m the last one here. If you’re smart, you wouldn’t kill me if you want to know where she is” Which he didn’t know. “She’s always been this much trouble. You’re only signing yourselves up for someone who leaves when we were only doing her a favor”
“The injuries she bears, have nothing to do with “doing her a favor”” Glenn frowns keeping his attention on the man like the others, until he felt something from above hit him. He kept his composure letting Rick take lead in talking while he looked up while the others were still focused on the man. Finding Y/N hiding in the trees but also moving herself to get above the man.
“What did you do to her?” Daryl knew from what he saw, but how it happened was still a mystery. “What did she do to you to have what happened to her, happen?”
“Asking a lot of questions. She got what she deserved and she still needs to pay for a lot of it”
Michonne gave a quick glance to Rick in a way of telling him to just end this man. But she was observant enough to hear the movement above resulting in her and Glenn grabbing the few in front (Daryl, Rick, and Maggie) to pull them back letting Y/N fall from the tree and on top of this guy.
The force causing him to collapse and Y/N instantly drove her knife into his neck. She rolled off the man leaving the knife in him as she felt hands on her resulting in a total body jerk away when it was just Daryl helping her. He didn’t help until she relaxed enough and while he helped her, Rick searched through their packs finding some food they desperately needed.
Maggie went through one of them and pulled out a few photos held together by a paper clip. Only to realize Y/N was in these photos and they weren’t what you think given she was taken by disgusting men. It was photos that originally were hers and they had taken everything of hers.
“These belong to you” Maggie said with a soft reassuring smile as she gave Y/N the photos resulting in a few tears spilling from her eyes in relief. “How’d you…even end up with these guys?”
Y/N held the photos in her hands finding one of her and her family resulting in more tears but she quickly wiped them away. “I was with my family and we got into trouble with someone? Even in the end, there are people with power and these guys were sent after us when we left…and they wanted to do certain things to me that only got my dad and brother killed trying to protect me.”
“Did they—-“
“No…I kept fighting back to a point they had enough and just” Y/N gestures to herself and her injuries which were being eyed the entire time given she’s opened a few bandages resulting in a few bleeding again.
“Let’s get back to the others…get some rest” Maggie gave a warm smile to her as they all made sure there were no more before making their way back.
Finally their group settles with no threat other than walkers…everyone slept except for Rick on watch, and Daryl and Y/N who were too awake in that moment. He helped her with new bandages but she couldn’t help but get a feeling from him.
“You…are a protective person aren’t you?”
“When I stumbled into your group, you didn’t hesitate to invite me in and protect me from the harm that is no longer a threat”
“There will always be a threat. You’re just…a part of us now. We’re protective of each other”
Y/N couldn’t help but strike that cord.
“I would protect the next person needing to be saved if I lost someone dear to me” She didn’t need to know about Beth, all she needed to know was the feeling and that’s what she got from his.
His silence only gave her the answer. She reached out and took his hand squeezing it to reassure him even if she didn’t know how it happened, that it wasn’t his fault.
“I barely know yea, and vise versa…yet you know so much”
“I’m good at reading body language when I’m not in distress. It comes in handy”
“Hm. Well. Aside from that, get to know us without reading just body language”
“I will” Y/N smiles, giving a soft thank you when he finished the last bandage. Daryl rose to his feet going to relieve Rick of his watch but as he looked back at her, she kept a smile.
It will come in handy one day, knowing someone just from their body language.
Daryl sat on the porch railing one night with one of his homemade cigarettes in hand thinking too hard on something. His attention instantly snapping out of it when the front door opened letting Dog out but also for Y/N to step out and sit next to him.
“I don’t—-“
“I know, but I’m here” Y/N reassures every thought coursing in his mind with that smile of hers which brought him to wrap his arm around her shoulders bringing her close.
“You do just know things”
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darylssunshine · 4 months
thinking about vampire!daryl pushing me against a wall and violently making out with me, one of his hands hungrily roaming around my hips and torso, while the other placed right beside my head with a loud slap. me being completely immobile, letting him do whatever he wants to me, wherever he wants. his tongue fighting for dominance, occasionally nipping my bottom lip. daryl’s mouth suppressing my moans and feeling him smirk against my lips, knowing that he’s making my knees weak without even being inside me. instinctually, i move my neck to the side, giving him room to sink his canines into my soft flesh. he pulls away, the smirk growing on his lips, eyeing the spot on my neck before looking at me again, eyes half-lidded and developing a red tint. “you wan’ me to bite ya that bad, huh?” my neck still to the side, i nod, flustered. his hand beside my head then tugs my hair, hard, to get me to look at him while accidentally (purposefully) banging the back of my head against the wall. my head is fuzzy, my brain filled with thoughts only about him. he tilts his head up, looking down at me. “yer gonna have ta earn it, darlin’.”  
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Me too, Daryl.
Me too.
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dix0nvix3n · 1 year
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y’all would actually die reading the chats I have with him on chai 😵‍💫,,,,
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dixons-sunshine · 23 days
What kind of songs do you think Daryl would listen to in the shopping spree hangout dreams au? Also srry cuz this is so out of the blue😅 i just want to know☺️
I have waited for this moment my entire life.
Not literally, of course, but you get what I mean lol.
To be honest, I think he’d probably listen to whatever the reader listens to during his teen years. However, once he gets his own walkman (courtesy of the reader in this fic) I feel like he’d mostly listen to Motörhead (I have no idea if that is spelled right), Guns ‘n Roses, Dio, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, and some AC/DC.
(However, that’s only for my young!Daryl! These don’t apply to every young!Daryl that has been written.)
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gyroshrike · 1 year
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This is ooc because like Daryl would ever drag Connie away from a fight and not be ready to punk bitches with her
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sylvies-chen · 7 months
the carl mention in this ep is still weighing on me so much because it was just so beautiful the way his memory lives on but also it got me thinking: you ever think that lori would be so relieved right now that rick and michonne have found each other because michonne is for rick what lori couldn’t be for him and also because there is at least someone other than rick who is still alive to mourn her son when so many others either can’t or aren’t…
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starsm00n · 5 months
I love Rick grimes you don’t understand I would let that man do ANYTHING. Like.
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darylsdelts · 4 months
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Thinking about a little Daryl who gets yelled at by his daddy for chewing on his thumb/thumb nail. It’s a nervous habit of his and when he was a child he’d do it when he was upset or scared. Merle would yell at him for it too but only in front of their father, Merle wanted approval from his dad by trying to “discipline” Daryl along side him.
However, when it was just Merle and Daryl alone, he wouldn’t tell him off for it. For a young boy that’s confusing so he was never sure if he was allowed to or not but it’s not like he could control it, he did it subconsciously.
Merle brings back something from the store, the stuff you put on kids nails that tastes bad so they don’t bite their nails. At first Daryl was shocked that Merle had thought about him enough to buy him something but then he realised what it was.
“C’mere, baby brother… this gon’ stop pa from yellin’ at ya”
Daryl would shake his head and look at Merle through his short blonde bangs.
“You’ll have damn near no nail left if ya don’t stop, Daryl, c’mere”
Merle didn’t get angry at his little brother, he got it enough from their father, they both did. He knew that in Daryl’s eyes, Merle was being a huge meanie right now but really Merle just couldn’t bare to listen to daddy yell at poor little Daryl anymore. He was trying to help but Daryl was little and didn’t understand.
“C’mere n lemme put this shit on ya then I’ll take ya down the creek, yeah?”
Daryl complied, only for the promise of visiting the creek, he liked being outside.
Over the years he kinda grew out of it, he’d do it every now and then but it wasn’t a habit.
Instead, if he was uncomfortable or nervous, he’d play with the knife on his hip, stabbing it into random pieces of wood when having heart to hearts, sometimes wishing Merle would turn up, take the knife from him and take him to the creek, but of course he’s long gone.
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Knowing less about us is probably better for the mythology. You know, like 'What the hell is going on with those guys?' I like that.
- Russell Mael, 2008 (from Talent Is An Asset - The Story of Sparks by Daryl Easlea)
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sondheim-girly · 3 months
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devnmon · 1 year
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Summary: The hot water floods not only your skin, but your head with thoughts of the man you loved.
A/n: Wrote this after a long day of missing Daryl and being so head over heels for him... anyway enjoy my brainrotted thoughts.
wc: 560
It was the hot water, and it was him.
Each droplet traveled the expanses of your skin from the moment it left the head of the shower. The sound of rushing water and warmth behind closed lids was only a reminder of him further. Within the water was heat, one that burned in your heart for him the way his burned for you. Your fingertips scraped through the grime and dirt thick in your hair, almost the same way he did for you the first time you convinced him this place was safe. That this place was home, Alexandria.
What was once a calm and peaceful place for you, could never be made the same without him. Through the river of water covering your face, you felt him. You always felt him, more when you knew he was around somewhere nearby, but even more when his presence escaped you. Every second your eyes remained closed was a second more you wished with your whole heart that he was there. Standing opposite you, just watching you wash the buildup on your skin, the stress, the sweat, all of it-- he would study you washing yourself clean.
He only wished bathing came easy to him like it did for you.
The only thing that remained, in his eyes, was your perfect self. Your only wish bouncing about in that head of yours was that you'd open your eyes and see him. That your heartache would be cured just by seeing the archer, his face, hearing his voice, feeling his hands caress the canvas of your skin.
Each and every droplet of water descending down your back was, to you, each kiss he'd planted on your body, running a shiver up your spine. Goosebumps were only ever evident in his presence, raising the delicate hairs that grew over your skin. In him, you found home. A safeness you had only felt in dreams of someplace safe to spend the rest of your life with him.
But in a moment, your eyes open, the lonely ache returning at the sight of a wall of blue tile. When the drop in your stomach returned, it only returned in a way the every day dirt and blood returned under your fingernails. A breath you hadn't realized you were holding withdrew from your chest, the next inhale finding a strong shudder before a lump formed in the back of your throat.
The state of vulnerability hits you when you realize just how alone you are. He's not there. He isn't even in the walls of Alexandria. You have no idea where he is, and that tears up any feeling of security you had into shreds.
Two years gone-- away from you. Two years looking for his best friend, his brother. Two years without his kisses, his voice, his touch. Two years without his strong arms around you, the gravel of his voice whispering he loved you and that he'd rather die before losing you.
But this, this felt worse than losing him.
The water still trickled down your back, cold now from how long it's been running. You still couldn't get the thought of him out of your mind. Like he'd been tattooed on the expanses of your skin and stuck into the ridges of your brain.
This feeling would never go away, and neither would he.
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Me at home after this long, physically painful day:
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gif by @mcbride
Me with my pharmacy coordinator earlier today:
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gif also by @mcbride
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