#my dads pb and j knife really got to me
chicken-delight · 1 month
listening to tupelo honey on repeat to cool myself off after loading the dirty dishes
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
teen!Stanley Uris x reader
warnings: richie tozier makes sex joke for a minute bc hes richie tozier
a/n: hesnotdeadhesnotdeadhesnotdead idkwhatyouretalkingabout
prompt: anonymous: “Can you write a fluffy teen!Stanley Uris imagine please? Maybe while they are at the clubhouse. Nothing specific. You don't have to if you don't want to, I just miss my boy :)”
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You and Stan didn’t get enough alone time. The Losers were always two paces behind you. It was like they had nothing better to do than play follow the leader. Well, I guess that’s been a fact since the beginning of it all. Old habits die hard.
But today was pretty rainy, meaning nobody’s parents would let them outside. Bill for obvious reasons, Bev because her weird-ass dad, Eddie because his weird-ass mom, Richie because last time he went out in the rain he tracked mud all over the house, Mike because he had chores on the farm, and Ben because no one else was allowed out. Stan and you weren’t exactly permitted to go out, but this was the perfect time to do so.
You grabbed your rainboots, coat, and umbrella, and made a run for it. Lucky for you, your mom was working today. Stan’s plan was the same. You’d agreed to meet at the clubhouse at noon, not a minute later.
When you got there, Stan still wasn’t there. But you’d gotten there early, so you decided to check on the tarps you’d laid at the beginning of the spring season. Perfect for keeping the place dry. You sat on a milk crate and checked your watch. 12:03pm. Stan was never late. You heard leaves crunching and pulled a pocket knife.
“Relax, it’s just me.” He smiled. You took a deep breath and shoved the knife back in your pocket.
“I thought you were the one that said ‘and not a minute later.’” You mocked your boyfriend.
“Yeah, yeah.” He rolled his eyes. “Come here.” Stan wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer for a kiss. You couldn’t help but smile at him, he was just too cute no matter what he did. “Now let’s get out of the rain.” The two of you put your umbrellas away and climbed down the ladder, him first so he could assist you on your way down. He wanted to be a gentleman.
“Can you turn on the lantern light?” You asked as you headed for the can of shower caps. It was a rule that you had to wear your respective shower cap, nobody elses. What was the punishment? You can’t even remember. Maybe you’re banned from the hammock for a few days? You dug out Stan’s and your own and tossed them on the hammock.
“I brought snacks.” He threw his bag on the caps and grabbed your hand.
“Oh, yeah?” You smiled. “What do you got?”
“Well, my mom made babka the other day, so there’s that. And I made cheese and crackers because it’s all I know how to make. Oh, except for PB and J. Which I also brought.” He jokingly bragged.
“Very nice,” You put his cap on him, “and for drinks?” You put on your own cap and rifled through the bag.
“Pop cans,” He presented as you pulled them out of the bag, “and a thermos of chocolate milk.” He added. “I will not have you chugging the whole thing again, it’s the last bit of chocolate milk in my house.” Stan crossed his arms, remembering his disappointment from before.
“Sorry, it was just really good, y’know?” You pouted. “Are you still mad?”
“I couldn’t stay mad at you.” He chuckled and pulled you in for a hug. “Unless you take my chocolate milk again.”
“Oh, come on.” You pulled away and laughed. “Give me a break, it was only once.”
“Yeah, I’m just giving you a hard time.” He kissed your forehead and you shook your head. The rain pattered on the tarp, which you tried to mimic. Then you decided to turn on the radio. You checked what CD’s were in there and pressed play. Breed by Nirvana started playing.
“Oh, yeah.” You turned it up.
“Oh, no.” Stan sat down on the hammock and watched you attempting to air guitar. Watching you sing and dance along to the music did make him happy though. The way your hair flew around and the way you got into the music. He couldn’t even notice the rain. “You spend way too much time with Richie.” He commented.
“Please, I’m the one that got him into Nirv—‘I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care, care, care if it’s old...” You tried to argue, but the music took over you.
“Will you please turn it down and eat with me before I drink all the chocolate milk.” Stan pulled the thermos out and you froze.
“You wouldn’t.” Your eyes widened.
“Watch me.” He opened it up and started chugging.
“Stanley Uris!” You stomped and jumped on top of him. Some of the chocolate milk dripped down his chin.
“Okay, okay, you got me. Remind me never to use chocolate milk as a bargaining chip ever again.” He handed it to you and you crawled off him and to his side.
“I take it very, very seriously.” You took a sip. “So, how about we eat over there,” you pointed, “and use the chest as a table.” You closed up the thermos.
“Fine. But I’d like to cuddle on the hammock for a little while. Richie and Eddie are always hogging it.” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer.
“Ten minutes?” You asked.
“Ten minutes.” He hummed and you laid your head on his chest. But it was a lot longer than ten minutes. You both fell asleep and woke up to Richie and Eddie poking your faces.
“Okay, good. They’re still alive.” Eddie stopped poking you, but Richie wouldn’t quit poking your boyfriend.
“Cut it out!” Stan swatted his hand away. Richie backed up and crossed his arms.
“So, what are you two losers doing here? Come here alone often? To bone?” Richie started pestering you with questions.
“Shut up, Richie, they’re not having sex. It’d be gross to do it here. There’s too much dirt.” Eddie rambled while you and Stan exchanged some very annoyed looks.
“Aw, wait, so we’re not gonna bone?” Richie frowned.
“Richie!” Eddie yelled. You and Stan got up from the hammock and adjusted your appearances.
“Well,” you clapped your hands, “we’re gonna leave. You kids have fun.” You grabbed your things and Stan grabbed the food. The pair of you climbed the ladder and noticed it wasn’t raining anymore. “What time is it?”
“3:25. Wanna go eat at the park?” He asked.
“Okie doke.” You shrugged and took his hand, leading the way.
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zen3to5 · 4 years
J/H 4-26: Everybody Loves Casey
Okay, back to the full scripts! Jackie and Kelso broke up early in this timeline, which means other events might be moving up too. And what does Hyde think of that?
(We assume, following production order, that 4-25, "That '70s Musical," is unchanged. I admit that's a bit of a stretch, given the "Love Hurts" number, but since Jackie and Kelso never explicitly state they're together outside of Fez's fantasies, and because that episode is pretty much a one-off within Season 4, I think we can get away with it.)
FF.Net AO3
SHOW TITLE   INT. FORMAN KITCHEN - DAY   A sunny afternoon. ERIC is at the stovetop, scraping peanut butter out of the jar for a PB&J sandwich. HYDE enters from the living room and crosses to the fridge.   ERIC: Oh, Hyde, get this. Casey just came by to pick up Donna, and he was out in the street just revving his Trans Am real loud, and then he peels out in the street, and he started doing donuts. And then, out comes Donna, all smiling and, like, looking at him.   Hyde grabs some juice and crosses to Eric.   HYDE: What a slut!   ERIC: Look, if she wants to date him, that's fine. But he doesn't have to be all loud and jerky about it. Jerky, loud, donut jerk.   RED and KITTY enter through the patio door, grocery bags in hand. Kitty hurries to set hers down and cross to the boys.   KITTY: Oh, guess what, boys? I entered the big wiener contest at the Piggly Wiggly, and I won a year's supply of all-beef hot dogs! (laughs) I'm a wiener winner! (laughs again)   She gives the boys a chance to react; they aren’t impressed.   KITTY (cont’d): Well, anyway, we're having a barbecue.   RED: No, Kitty! I thought we were going to talk about that.   KITTY: Mm-hmm. (to Eric) Oh, and I saw Donna at the grocery store, and she said she's bringing her friend Casey.   ERIC: What? No. I hate Casey. He's Donna's new boyfriend. You have to uninvite him. (to Red) Dad, tell her.   RED: Kitty, you've done a horrible thing. It could scar the boy for life. Now, let's do the right thing and cancel that barbecue.   KITTY: No. We're having it, and it'll be fun. (to Eric) And... and we just... we won't give Casey any relish.   She and Red step out to fetch more groceries. Eric turns to Hyde.   HYDE: All right. Once Casey finds out he's not getting any relish, he'll dump Donna for sure. (laughs) You are so screwed.
MAIN CREDITS   BUMPER   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - DAY   A gathering of the guys. Eric sits on the back of the couch, FEZ in the far seat of it, and KELSO in the lawn chair. Hyde ambles in from his room, records in hand. He sets them down by the record player and starts going through them. “Good Times Roll” by The Cars plays on the radio.   FEZ: (to Eric) So your mom invited Casey over for hot dogs? Well, that's a plump, juicy, all-beef burn.   KELSO: Ah, it's just typical women stuff. Like Jackie kissing that guy.   Hyde lunges, frogs Kelso in the arm.   KELSO (cont’d): Ow! Hyde!   HYDE: Yeah. Okay? I've decided if anyone brings up any more stupid girl stuff, I'm gonna throw something at 'em. This time, I threw a fist.   He goes to his chair and sits.   KELSO: I'm sorry. It's just - everything reminds me. And I dumped her over a week ago, and she hasn’t once called to say “hi” or offer me sad-but-hot break-up sex!   HYDE: You two broke up?   KELSO: Yeah, and it’s the worst one yet.   FEZ: All because of the cheese guy?   KELSO: Hey, I changed, and became responsible, and stopped my cheating. Then she goes and makes out behind my back, and keeps calling me names and putting me down?   He pouts, folds his arms, taps his foot.   KELSO (cont’d): You know what? If she’s not gonna call me, then I’m gonna go over there and yell at her some more.   He stands and exits out the basement door.   ERIC: You guys, I've been thinking about Donna. And I –   Hyde grabs a magazine from the coffee table, tosses it at Eric.   HYDE: This time I threw a magazine.   ERIC: No, guys, seriously. This barbecue might work out in my favor. You see, Donna's only seen Casey around his smelly, tattooed Molly Hatchet-loving friends. But when he comes to the barbecue, he'll be around us. Good, clean, Lynyrd Skynyrd-lovin' Americans. And the comparison will not be kind to him.   HYDE: And then Donna will come running home to you.   ERIC: No. (beat) Well, maybe. You think?   HYDE: So, instead of pounding Casey like you should, you came up with this zany scheme? Forman, you've officially turned into Daffy Duck. (doing Daffy) You're “dethpicable!”   He makes a show of shaking his head.   FEZ: You know, I have lady problems too.   Hyde grabs a Packers’ football and chucks it at Fez, who dodges it without even looking up.   FEZ (cont’d): Rhonda won't let me get past second base. I even said “please.” Magic word, my ass. Hyde throws another ball, and this time, it hits. Fez frowns at him and chucks it back, and they get into a throwing war.   BUMPER   EXT. FORMAN DRIVEWAY - DAY   Concurrent with the previous scene from Kelso’s exit. He storms around the house and into the driveway. From the other direction comes JACKIE. They meet, lock eyes.   JACKIE: Hey.   KELSO: Hey.   JACKIE/KELSO: I just came by -/I miss you.   They step back.   JACKIE/KELSO: What?   JACKIE: Did you say you miss me?   KELSO: No.   JACKIE: Look, just say you miss me!   KELSO: Fine, I miss you!   Jackie takes his hands in hers.   JACKIE: Michael, I miss you too. And, look, I was thinking - since we broke up because I kissed another guy, what if I let you kiss another girl? I mean, we could be even, and we could get back together.   KELSO: Jackie, if you think that me kissing another girl is gonna bring us closer together, I'm totally willing to make that sacrifice.   JACKIE: Thank you, Michael.   KELSO: Yeah! (beat) I better go wash my face.   He pulls his hands free and heads down the street, and Jackie heads into the Forman’s kitchen.   BUMPER   EXT. FORMAN DRIVEWAY – DAY   The weekend, and the barbecue, have arrived. A table loaded with hot dogs, condiments, and drinks is out on the driveway, and a healthy population of neighbors enjoy the party.   Hyde and Fez, on the porch, lean against the house. Eric comes around the house, crosses to them.   ERIC: Okay, Fez, when Casey gets here, ask him for advice about your second-base problem. My advice is gonna be way better than his, and Donna will see that he's a greasy dolt.   HYDE: Hey, Forman, I have an idea. Set up a wacky system of ropes and pulleys, and when Casey gets here, drop an anvil on his head.   It gets a laugh from Fez, at least.   FEZ: (to Eric) Because that's what Daffy does.   ERIC: Yeah, I got that. DONNA and CASEY walk up the driveway, arms around each other’s shoulders. DONNA: Hey, guys.   ERIC: Hey.   CASEY: (to Eric) Hey, Foreplay. Getting a little shaggy up there, buddy.   He ruffles Eric’s hair.   ERIC: Okay. Well, that's enough of that!   He throws Casey’s hand away.   ERIC (cont’d): Okay. So, uh... hey, you guys are just in time. Fez was telling me about, uh... (to Fez) Some kind of problem you're having with Rhonda?   FEZ: Yeah. Rhonda won't let me get past second base, and I really want to explore further.   ERIC: Gosh. Well, I don't know. I think if you're patient and you're respectful, when Rhonda's ready, she'll, uh... she'll wave you over.   FEZ: Well, thank you, Eric. That is very gentlemanly advice.   ERIC: Gentlemanly? Well, uh, guilty as charged, I guess. (to Casey) Hey Casey, what do you think?   CASEY: Well, sometimes a seasoned lady like Rhonda, she's gotten used to the usual order of things. So, I think the next time you're fooling around, just skip second and go right to third.   ERIC: What?   FEZ: It's genius! (to Eric) No wonder you never get any.   DONNA: (to Fez) Yeah, with Rhonda, you know, that just might work.   ERIC: (to Donna) Wait, you like that?   DONNA: Well, the words are wrong, but they sound so good coming out of his mouth.   CASEY: (shrugs) I got a way about me. He pats Eric on the shoulder, and he and Donna head into the party.   Hyde comes up behind Eric. HYDE: (doing Daffy) That worked out “thuper.”   CUT TO:   EXT. FORMAN BACKYARD – DAY   More of the barbecue, not as crowded as out front. Several of the local ladies have gathered in this part of the house, and Kelso strolls up and down, checking them out. Behind him follows a scowling Jackie. Kelso keeps glancing behind him to see Jackie’s reactions; he’s enjoying this.   KELSO: Let's see... which chick do I want to kiss?   Jackie takes his arm, spins him around.   JACKIE: Oh, no, no, no, no, Michael. I get to pick the girl.   KELSO: But you'll pick an uggo.   JACKIE: (shrugs) You didn’t call “no uggos.”   KELSO: I just thought of something. Your plan’s good and all, but what if the girl that you pick doesn't wanna kiss me?   They both consider that for a moment, then break up laughing.   KELSO: “Doesn't wanna kiss me!”   They laugh some more.   CUT TO:   EXT. FORMAN DRIVEWAY – DAY   The party continues. Red works at the grill. He passes a hot dog onto Eric’s plate, and Eric takes it over to Donna, who is at the table with Casey.   ERIC: Hey, Donna, would you like a hot dog?   DONNA: Um, maybe half. Casey draws a bowie knife from his back pocket. He takes the plate from Eric and slices the hot dog in half. ERIC: Whoa, man, you carry a knife?   CASEY: Yeah. You never know when a lady's gonna need a half a hot dog. It's funny, man. You're the boy scout, but I'm the one who's prepared.   He and Donna head toward the basketball hoop. Fez crosses to Eric’s side.   FEZ: He's like a gladiator.   ERIC: Okay, that's it. I'm bringing out the big guns. Oh, yeah. I'm introducing him to my folks.   He spies Kitty coming out from the kitchen. He takes her by the shoulders, steers her over to Casey and Donna.   ERIC (cont’d): Oh, hey, Mom, meet Casey. This is Donna's new boyfriend.   Casey gives her a nod. Kitty stares up at him, wide-eyed.   KITTY: Well, you're certainly not a girl. (laughs)   CASEY: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Forman. You know, you couldn't have picked a prettier day to win a year's supply of hot dogs.   KITTY: (laughs) Yeah, sure is a hot dog.   She falls into laughing again. Eric leads her away.   ERIC: Mom!   KITTY: Sorry, honey, it's just, he's just... I am sure you are much smarter.   Red crosses over to them.   RED: Kitty, the idiot neighbors drank all my beer.   ERIC: Uh-oh. You're in a bad mood. Hey, meet Casey.   CASEY: (shakes Red’s hand) Pleasure, sir. Hey, maybe I can help. I always keep a spare case of beer in the Trans Am. Little tip I picked up in the army.   He walks off down the driveway. Beaming, Donna crosses over to the porch to talk to Hyde.   Red and Kitty turn to Eric. Red seems impressed, Kitty smitten.   RED: I don't know. Seems like a pretty good kid.   KITTY: Uh-huh. On the porch, Hyde is back to leaning against the house as Donna stands across from him. HYDE: So, you and Casey, huh?   DONNA: Look, Hyde, whatever you heard about Casey, he's changed now. He's... he's mature.   HYDE: Oh, yeah. He's real mature.   DONNA: Well, I like him! We're together, and if you can't deal with that, then you can just go to hell!   She turns, runs after Casey.   HYDE: Hey, that's not barbecue language, young lady!   Donna meets Casey as he comes back up the driveway with a case of beer. A grape soda is balanced on top. Casey hands the case to Red.   CASEY: Here's that beer, sir. I got a soda for the minor.   He hands Eric the soda can.   CASEY (cont’d): (to Eric) Now, you make sure to drink that real slow, 'cause I don't want you to get a tummy ache, little guy.   He pats Eric on the stomach.   KITTY: Well, that's thoughtful.   RED: Yeah, he cramps up easy.   Eric, at a loss for words, shifts on his feet and cracks open the soda.   FADE TO BLACK   COMMERCIAL   BUMPER   EXT. FORMAN BACKYARD - DAY   Most of the gang has moved back here. Eric and Kelso lean against the door into the garage. Kelso’s eye scans the crowd, lingering on all the women; Eric looks down at the ground with his arms crossed. Further into the yard, Hyde and Jackie sit and talk on lawn chairs.   ERIC: Casey and Donna, man. (to Kelso) Hey, remember when we were 12? We didn't even like girls yet.   KELSO: (still scanning) I liked girls when I was 12.   ERIC: Well, at least I gave it my best shot, right? If Donna loves Casey and not me, then... I mean, I guess it's over.   Kelso stops scanning, turns to Eric and puts a hand on his shoulder.   KELSO: Forman, you can't give up. Look, who knows what’s gonna happen with me and Jackie, but what you and Donna had? That was, like, real. And I'm telling you, as his brother, Casey is bad news. He's either gonna get bored and split, or something worse is gonna happen. So, you gotta do something.   ERIC: (beat) Hey, since when did you get all serious?   KELSO: Well, I’ve been broken up with Jackie, and she cut me off for a while before that, so I think the lack of lovin’ is making more blood flow to my brain.   In the lawn chairs, Hyde massages his temple; Jackie’s just explained her plan.   HYDE: So, you’re letting Kelso kiss some other girl so you can get back together with him?   JACKIE: Yeah. That way, we’ll be even.   HYDE: Jackie, by that logic, “being even” means that you sleep with, like, four guys. This is nuts.   JACKIE: Steven, I don’t care if you don’t think it makes sense! If this is the only way for Michael and me to get back together, then that’s what I’m going to do!   She stands and storms off. Hyde stands too, looks around at the guests.   HYDE: This is a hot dog party, people! Not a yell-at-guys-with-good-advice party!   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN KITCHEN – DAY   The next day. Fez and Hyde sit at the kitchen table, bowls of soup in front of them. Red sits on a stool at the island. Kitty comes over from the stovetop with one last bowl and a tray of sandwiches. KITTY: Okay, everyone. Here's lunch: hot dog soup!   HYDE: (groans) No more hot dogs! I'll just eat the grilled cheese.   He picks up a sandwich.   KITTY: You mean, grilled cheese with hot dogs!   Hyde throws the sandwich back down.   RED: Kitty, for God sakes, I ate 14 hot dogs yesterday!   KITTY: Well, what do you want me to do, Red? They're everywhere. They're a curse on this house!   RED: Oh, fine. Let's make some calls. Maybe we can unload the damn things on a nursery school.   He stands and leads Kitty out into the living room.   Eric enters from the basement, sits down at the table. ERIC: You guys, I’ve let this thing with Casey go way too far.   HYDE: Yeah, no kidding. Donna's pretty far gone. She's starting to lash out at people at barbecues. You gotta kick his ass, man.   FEZ: Hyde, Eric cannot beat Casey with his fists. He's a special boy who must beat him with his special strengths. Now, let's think. What is Eric's special strengths?   He puts his hands together in thought. Slow pan in, and we cut to:   INT. GAME SHOW SET   FANTASY SEQUENCE. A true ‘70s game show set – tacky as hell. Boxes are everywhere. Fez, in an equally tacky suit, spins around and flashes a grin for the camera. Two boxes flank him on either side. FEZ: Welcome back to TV's favorite game show - Get Into That Box!   The title flashes across the screen as he says the name.   FEZ (cont’d): Now, let's meet our returning champion, Eric Forman!   Eric’s head pops out from the box on Fez’s left.   ERIC: Thanks. Good to be back, Fez.   FEZ: Let's meet our challenger, Casey Kelso!   Casey walks onto set, to the applause of the off-screen audience.   FEZ (cont’d): Casey Kelso, it's time to...   He points out to the audience.   AUDIENCE (v.o.): Get into that box! Casey steps inside the box on Fez’s right. He tries to sit in it, but it bursts open at the side and Casey spills out onto the floor. CASEY: (to Fez, indicates Eric) How does he do it?   Donna, in a tacky dress, comes running from off-stage to hug Eric – or, rather, his box.   DONNA: He's so tiny!   She caresses his box as Eric shakes his hands in celebration.   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN KITCHEN – DAY   Back to reality. Fez nods contentedly at his fantasy.   FEZ: I would watch that show.   ERIC: (beat) Okay. That was great. Guys, I'm going over to Casey's. And I don't know what I'm gonna do. But if things get physical, I'm just gonna have to drop the hammer.   HYDE: And if all else fails, kick him in the stones and run like hell.   ERIC: Yeah, that's what I meant by “drop the hammer.”   And out he goes through the patio door. BUMPER   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - NIGHT RHONDA’S POV. She makes out with Fez on the basement couch. Fez pulls back and smiles. FEZ: Rhonda, your lively tongue has made me thirsty.   He lifts up a soda can, takes a sip through a straw, and offers it to Rhonda.   FEZ (cont’d): Would you like to wet your whistle?   Rhonda (the camera) nods. Fez passes the soda can. A long, loud slurping sound unnerves him; Rhonda’s drained the whole can.   FEZ (cont’d): Wow, thirsty lady. Well, we're off to a nice start. Shall we move on to second base? He reaches his hand out, places it where Rhonda’s breasts would be. His smile grows at first, but quickly falls when Rhonda’s big hand closes around his wrist and pulls his hand away. Her other hand shoots out and takes Fez by the throat. FEZ: Ai, no!   CUT TO:   INT. HUB – NIGHT   A decent nighttime crowd. “I Just Want to be Your Everything” by Andy Gibb plays on the jukebox. Jackie and Kelso stand near the counter, Kelso nursing a soda. He scans the crowd for women, and one walks by. KELSO: How about I kiss her?   JACKIE: No way. She's too tall, too tanned, too rich.   KELSO: Damn, Jackie, I don't wanna kiss a short, pale, poor girl.   JACKIE: Okay, look, Michael, all I know is that I don't want to stay broken up. Okay, you know what? You choose. Kiss any girl you want.   Kelso makes a brief show of looking around, then bends down and snakes a kiss from Jackie.   KELSO: I choose you.   JACKIE: Michael, that is the most romantic thing I've ever read, heard about, or seen on TV.   KELSO: Yeah, it was pretty romantic. I could tell while I was doing it.   Jackie sighs and sits down at the nearest free table. Kelso joins her.   KELSO: What?   JACKIE: No, it's just... look, one week you break up with me, and the next week you're Prince Charming?   KELSO: (shrugs) I'm an incredibly complex man, Jackie.   JACKIE: Michael, I can't do this anymore! Look, Michael, if you wanna choose me, then choose me. I mean, really choose me.   KELSO: Jackie, you gave me a free pass to kiss any girl I wanted, and I kissed you. And that was a big choice, ‘cause there’s a lot of hotties here.   He waves his hand to indicate the other patrons.   KELSO (cont’d): But there’s only one girl I wanna be with forever. And that’s you.   JACKIE: (beat) You want to be with me forever? You want to be together forever?   He nods. She takes his hand in hers.   JACKIE (cont’d): Okay, then, Michael, let’s commit to that right now. Let’s get married.   Very slowly, Kelso leans back. His jaw hangs slightly open, and he can’t stop blinking.   KELSO: (beat) Hold on. You wanna get married?   JACKIE: Yes, Michael, yes, I accept!   She jumps to her feet and kisses him on both cheeks.   JACKIE (cont’d): Oh, my God! You know what? I gotta go tell my dad. And you - you have to buy a ring! Just think about it! We are gonna be the “Burkhart-Kelsos.”   She runs out the door, squealing in delight.   KELSO: (in shock) The Who-hearts What-os?   He looks up to the window; Jackie is no longer in sight. He leaps to his feet, races out of the Hub, and takes off down the street in the opposite direction she took.   CUT TO:   EXT. KELSO HOUSE – NIGHT   Casey sits alone on the porch, reading an auto magazine. Eric walks up to him. ERIC: Casey, we need to talk.   CASEY: Well, I'm a little swamped right now, Foreplay.   ERIC: I think Donna thinks you love her, and if you don't, you shouldn't act like you do.   CASEY: What are you? The love police? Hands up! Love police is here.   ERIC: Hey, all I'm saying is that if you don't love her, just don't be with her, okay? Because she's a really special person, and someone out there could really love her.   CASEY: Someone out there or someone right here?   Eric doesn’t have a ready retort to that. He’s spared thinking of one by Donna stepping out from the house.   DONNA: Oh. Hey, Eric. What are you doing here?   CASEY: He was just leaving.   DONNA: Oh. Well, I gotta go, too.   CASEY: Hey, Pinciotti.   He stands and gives Donna a lingering kiss on the cheek.   CASEY (cont’d): Love ya.   DONNA: Oh, well, I...   She turns away from him to Eric, who looks down at his shoes.   DONNA (cont’d): (to Casey) Thank you. Okay, well, I'll... I'll see you later.   She walks off. Casey crosses to Eric.   CASEY: You see, Forman, it's just words. You don't have to mean it.   ERIC: If you make her cry, I'm coming right back here to kick your ass.   He walks off too, the opposite way from Donna.   FADE TO BLACK   CREDITS INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - NIGHT   THE CIRCLE. “Barracuda” by Heart plays on the radio. For once, the weed hasn’t made Kelso laughy. He looks downright paranoid. KELSO: You guys, I found something worse than Jackie kissing another guy: she wants to get married! TO ME!   He looks frantically around the room, the stairs and the door especially.   Pan to Eric.   ERIC: Well, if kicking Casey's butt is the same as babbling at him from a safe distance, then boy, did I do it! But seriously, you guys, the days of Daffy are over. It's time for action. I'm goin' Road Runner on his ass. Meep, meep! POW!   Pan to Fez.   FEZ: Good. Because thanks to his stupid advice, Rhonda dumped me. I tried to steal third, but she blocked me. And choked me. Now there’s no more baseball for Fez. It's back to handball.   Pan to Hyde.   HYDE: Girls, man. They'll make you miserable. Well, I got a date. (doing Daffy) Tho long, thuckerth!   He stands and makes for the door.   END.
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wildflowerrambles · 6 years
Hush Hush
Author’s Note: I wrote this in pretty much one sitting in a few hours. Honestly, I’m shook. That rarely happens, but I wish it would more often haha. I couldn’t help myself. I had to go ahead and post it. Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Beth Henderson (Billy x Reader) Word Count: 880 Warnings: None for this chapter
Summary: Billy has never really noticed cheerleader Beth before until she steals his parking spot one morning. She knows all about Billy though, more than he even realizes. But what happens when Billy finds out Beth has a few deep, dark secrets of her own? You’ll have to read to find out.
In case you missed it: Chapter 1: Pep Rally Chapter 2: Meet the Tigers Chapter 3: Call Me Chapter 4: Cloaked Chapter 5: Precious Chapter 6: G.N.O Chapter 7: The Date
Chapter 8: Valentine
February 14th. Valentine’s Day.
The month kicked off competition season for the Hawkin’s High cheerleading squad, which meant that Beth’s schedule was packed every day of the week. While she was thankful for the distractions, she was looking forward to a day off. Though tonight wouldn’t exactly be a free night because she’d agreed to watch Holly while the Wheeler’s and Nancy and Jonathan went out, she would take it. It was one of the rare Thursday nights she didn’t have to be cheering along with a gymnasium full of Tiger fans.
The squad had squeezed in an extra practice right after school before the basketball team ran them out for their extra practice tonight, which meant that that’s where Billy would be spending his evening, sweaty and shirtless. She dismissed the thought by redirecting her attention to the dolls in front of her.
Holly was thankfully a pretty easy child to watch. All she needed were some toys and someone’s attention every once in a while. Dustin had ridden over with Beth since Mike had decided to stay home. Will and Lucas eventually trickled in, making their way downstairs to play DnD.
Hearing the light footsteps against the carpeted stairs, Dustin appeared before long, a grin on his lips.
“Hey, could you make us some pb&j sandwiches?” he asked, “Your’s are the best.”
Beth’s lip twitched upward. She nodded. Pushing herself off the living room floor, she looked down at the small child, “I’ll be right back, Holly.”
Dustin followed her into the kitchen, leaning against the counter as he stole a cookie from the jar. Beth maneuvered around the Wheeler’s kitchen, gathering the few ingredients she needed.
“So is Billy your boyfriend now?”
She let out a short snicker at how blatant the boy’s question was.
“No. He is not.”
Dustin scrunched his nose in disbelief. She spread one side on each slice of bread with peanut butter before dipping her knife into the jelly jar.
“He’s at your house all the time.”
“He’s been to my house twice.”
“Three times,” Dustin corrected, “He’s been three times because he dropped you off once.”
Beth licked her finger clean of the jelly left behind, stepping back to the sink to drop off the dirty dishes.
“Just because we’re neighbors does not mean you can spy on me.”
She pushed the plate of sandwiches in the younger boy’s direction.
“Just be careful, okay.” He held his grip firm onto the glass plate, pausing when he reached the entryway to the kitchen. His eyes met his older cousin’s. “I don’t want to see you sad like you used to be.”
Holly had gone down for bed shortly after 8pm. The boys were still downstairs, the occasional noise echoing up the stairs to let Beth know they were still breathing. She sat on the couch, her feet resting on the coffee table as she wrote the last sentences on a paper that was due tomorrow.
A knock at the front door broke the silence. Sitting her school work aside, she went to answer it. On the front porch stood Steve.
“Well hey,” he chimed.
“Hi.” The tone of her voice and her brows drawing together must have given away that she hadn’t been expecting him.
“I’m here to pick up the boys.”
“Right,” she remembered. Karen had mentioned that the boys needed to be home by 9:30. Since they likely wouldn’t be back by then, Steve had agreed to swing by after practice and take them home. Beth remembered thinking it was probably just a good excuse for him to spend a little while with the gang. “Right, I’ll go let them know you’re here.”
Steve stepped inside as Beth disappeared downstairs, reemerging a few minutes later.
“They’ll be up in just a few.”
“Oh yeah, that’s fine.”
She bobbed her head up and down, awkwardly shoving her hands into the front pockets of her pants. There was a short wave of silence until Steve spoke up.
“How are you these days?” he asked, “Haven’t spoken much even though you’ve been back for a while.”
“I’m good, yeah.. How about you?”
“I’m good too..”
She hummed.
They were thankful when the group boys rushed up the stairs. They all began chattering at once. Beth reminded them to keep it low because Holly was sleeping. Soon enough, they filed out the door one by one and Mike headed to his room.
“Don’t be a stranger, okay?” Steve turned in the doorway, giving a little wave. “See you around.”
It was nearing 11pm by the time Beth made it home. She yawned as she slammed the car door shut behind her. Her parents hadn’t made it back yet from their date, but she wasn’t overly surprised. Her mom was a nurse and often got stuck with the night shifts at the hospital, which meant that Beth spent a good bit of time with her dad who didn’t get to see his wife as often as he’d like.
Approaching the front porch, she could make out the silhouette of something sitting next to the door.
It was a bouquet of pale pink roses with a tiny yellow piece of paper stuck inside. She plucked it from the mix, one minuscule scribble filling the page.
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tricksters-captain · 7 years
FP Jones/Andrew’s Family/Riverdale imagines - Oh Dear Part 12 - Final Part(For now)
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AN: So we’ve come to an end until Season 2 comes out. I will continue to write FP and Riverdale imagines so if you don’t already please follow me for more. I am so in love with this fic and all of you have been so kind about it, I hope to continue it next season and I hope you stick around for that. Love you all!
(Part One)(Part Two)(Part Three)(Part Four)(Part Five)(Part Six)(Part Seven)(Part Eight)(Part Nine)(Part Ten)(Part Eleven)
Overall Summary: You’re Archie’s old sister and you have a thing for a certain serpent
Pairing: Reader x FP Jones, Sister!Reader x Archie Andrews, Daughter!Reader x Fred Andrews
Word count: 3,947
Warnings: Well, FP is clearly older than the reader in this fic, 
The following few days that came after the discovery of the true murderer of Jason Blossom was a whirlwind of events. Clifford Blossom killed himself and was busted for hard drugs, the Blossom house and company was completely ransacked by the sheriff’s department, Cliff Blossom’s funeral (if you could even call it that), the Cooper’s reuniting and you constantly fighting with yourself to go see FP. 
With everything that’s happened you realised why FP wanted you watched by his guys and why he didn’t want you visiting. 
He was protecting you and now all you wanted to do was return the favour, you just didn’t know how with FP being stuck behind bars. 
You wanted to go see FP but with the all the drama that revolved around him at the moment you thought it probably best not to. And you were trying so hard to overcome this, to think positively but you didn’t know if you could. 
FP was the one who made you feel like everything was alright and now he’s not there, nothing feels right. 
Archie was trying to keep an eye out on you but he couldn’t look after everyone all the time. He had walked into your room a night or two ago and completely freaked out which snapped from sense into the both of you. 
You were sat on your bed, holding a bottle of whiskey which you had snagged from the liquor cabinet; you were surprised there was still some in there after Jughead’s party. 
Archie had walked in without knocking, leaving you no time to ditch the bottle, and then froze when he saw you. 
Your eyes were red and glassy and you were wearing FP’s shirt, the whiskey bottle clamped tight in your hand. 
“(Y/n)?” Archie furrowed his eyebrows at you, 
You just looked up at him which sad eyes and inhaled sharply, placing the bottle on your bedside table.
“What?” You shrugged your shoulders, fiddling with the hem of the shirt. 
“What are you doing?” Archie asked you, sitting down opposite you and quickly snatching away the bottle. 
You shrugged your shoulders again. 
“Do you really think FP would want you drinking? What if Dad caught you instead of me?” Archie kept his voice low and tried to sound angrier than he actually was, if anything at all, he wasn’t angry, he was scared about all this. 
“I can’t...I...” You didn’t know what to say. You just hurt and the alcohol, stopped the hurting, it stopped the empty ache that you had in your chest. 
Archie pulled you against him and you let yourself collapse against his neck. 
“You can’t be doing this, if you really want to help him, we need you sober.” Archie whispered into your ear, stroking your hair to try and calm you down. 
That was the night that you both got a slap around the face. 
You didn’t care that you were late for the Vixen cheer practise, in fact, you didn’t care for the river vixens at all anymore. Everything was too much right now, you’d rejoin later if you had to but you’ve been cheering since Freshman year, you were sure you could give it up now.
You had walked in to see that Veronica was the ‘head bitch in charge’ now and you resigned there and then. Not because of Veronica but because you didn’t want to deal with any of this anymore. Too much chaos came with things like this.
You didn’t make a scene, you just took Ronnie to the side and told her that you had too much going on to deal with the Vixens, and you lied and told her you wanted to help out your dad more but it wasn’t your dad who you really wanted to help.
That afternoon only speed to go down hill.
You got home and there was a social worker waiting for Jughead.
“Hey, guys. This is Ms. Weiss from Social Services. She's, uh, she's Jughead's case worker.” Fred greeted you as you all entered the house. You watched Jughead and Archie approach the kitchen but you chose to hang back and just listen.
“Jughead, I know how terrible and emotional the last few days have been for you. Your father's facing serious jail time. Your mom's over-extended and out of state. We just want to make sure that you're taken care of.” The woman turned to Jughead,
“Well, he can keep staying with us, right, Dad?” Archie suggested, looking towards your father.
“I offered already, Arch.” Fred confessed, sounding defeated. 
“Great, so what's the problem?” Archie’s eyes darted across to the social worker,
“It was a DUI. After your mom left. Look, we can talk about this later but between that and my cash flow problem, it knocks me out.” Fred sighed as he explained, 
“There is a family on the Southside that's offered to foster you. They're good people, they've worked with us before.” The social worker told Jughead,
“That doesn't sound completely horrible.” Jughead grumbled, avoiding eye contact with his best friend. 
“It does mean you'll be in a different school district, Jughead, and you'll have to transfer schools.” The woman told him, your head snapped up at that. Transfer schools?!
“What the hell? When is all this supposed to happen?” Archie reacted the same way you did. Suddenly becoming very panicked at the realisation that he’s gonna lose his best friend.
“The paperwork's been processed. Unless there is a radical change in your father's case, you'll be on the Southside by the end of the week.” The social worker informed the boys.
You shook your head with disbelief and raced upstairs, you didn’t want to hear anymore. 
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“Any more news?” You asked as you met Archie in the kitchen, you were making sandwiches and from Archie’s face you could tell he wanted one so being the kind sister you were, handed him your own. 
“Not much except the fact that Juggy told me that Sheriff Keller is trying to get FP to name names of Serpents that might be linked to Clifford Blossom’s drug trade but FP won’t talk.” Archie explained, you sighed and put down the butter knife that you had in your hand. 
“Well, what happens if he does give names?” You asked, 
“Jughead says that if FP gives names then it could possibly give him a lesser sentence.” Archie informed you. 
“Maybe you could talk to him? I mean someone needs to tell him about Jughead as well. I would but I’m not sure me going down the station is the smartest decision right now.” You suggested. Archie didn’t reject the idea but he didn’t agree to either, and before the conversation could continue, your dad walked in. 
“PB and J’s, count me in.” Fred slapped his hands together, you shut up as soon as he entered and took notice of how tired he looked.
“Sure, here.” You passed him the sandwich, and smiled at your dad. Your eyes fell back to Archie then towards the door, and Archie took your hint. 
When Archie returned from visiting FP, he informed you that there was no change. FP was still as stubborn as ever. It didn’t surprise you at all. 
However, something that did surprise you, was Polly Cooper showing up at school the next day. 
You were half way through Betty’s brilliant article about FP when you saw her and Polly walking down the hall together, and then the next thing you knew, you heard a tsunami of noise and not the good ‘Polly, you’re back!’ kind the ‘something has happened’ kind. 
You dumped the article and rushed down the hallway to see what all the commotion was about when you spotted...
...written over Betty’s locker along with several copies of her article. 
“Betty....” You tried to call through to her but Jughead had already reached her by this point. The boys pulled Betty away from the scene and you stepped forward. 
You found yourself struggling to breathe as your mind spiralled and your mouth went dry. 
No one can know about your relationship with FP if someone could do this over a simple article that helped support FP, you couldn't imagine what else could happen. 
You left school after that, your stomach was twisted into a knot and you went the only place you knew you could be alone. FP’s trailer. 
‘I thought I might find you here.” Archie opened the trailer door, startling you. 
“How?” You sniffled, wiping your face with your forearm. 
“Well, after searching all of your usual hiding spots, I realised that you had found a new one.” Archie admitted, sitting down on the couch beside you. 
“You didn’t need to come check on me, Archie, I’m not a child.” You told him as you pulled your knees to your chest. 
“I don’t need to check on you? Says the girl who I found drowning herself in alcohol the other night.” Archie scoffed, you sent him a flat look with that. 
“You should be with Betty.” 
“Betty has Jughead, she’ll be fine. The real question is: Will you?” Archie asked, his dark brown eyes full of concern. 
“I’m fine, Arch. I’m just getting through it, okay? I don’t need my baby brother looking after me.” You told him, rising to your feet. 
“You should really go see him, (Y/n). I think it would help. You can’t just come running to his trailer every time something like this happens.” Archie sighed, confronting you. 
“I suppose you’re right, I mean, there’s always the bar.” You teased, trying to make light of the situation. 
Archie sent you a ‘be serious, (y/n)’ look and you just chuckled. 
“Oh, come on, I’ll drive us home.” You pushed Archie from the trailer and took one last look inside. You really did miss that man. 
You spent the next day off school, contemplating whether you should go and see FP or not. 
You spent the morning in the Whyte Wyrm. Surprisingly. 
You visited the bar on instinct, in hope that you may find something to tell you that you must go visit FP and help you make up your mind but at that early in the day, there wasn’t much in store. 
A few drunks lounged on the bar stools and a couple of girls were wiping up the mess of the previous night. 
You neared the pool tables and took hold of a cue that lay on top of the closest one.
“Hey!” A deep man’s voice alarmed you. You dropped the cue and turned to see a tall man wrapped in a Serpent’s jacket with long hair and a beard. “You FP’s girl?” He asked, “You were in here a while ago, right?”
“Uh... Yeah, why?” You tried to swallow your anxieties when you spoke to the Serpent. 
The man introduced himself and you did the same. 
“Any news on him yet?” He asked, digging his hands into his jacket pockets. You figured this guy was some kind of second-in-command, the guy in-charge whilst FP was temporarily out of the game. 
“Well, the cops want him to give names on the Serpents who did business with Clifford Blossom but fortunately for you, he’s not talking and it doesn't look like he will be anytime soon, being the stubborn ass he is.” You folded your arms across your chest and the Serpent breathed out a wry laugh. 
“I can see why he liked you.” The Serpent told you, “Look––” The Serpent went to speak again when your phone blew up with messages from Archie. 
Archie: Get to Sweetwater River, now! Important! Cheryl might be in trouble
“I’m sorry but I have to go.” You excused yourself from the conversation and ran to your car, tossing the keys into the ignition and speeding towards the river. 
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You arrived at Sweetwater to hear someone scream, 
You recognised the voice to be Betty’s and raced towards the shore. You could see the group all surrounding what looked like a body and Archie was knelt beside it. 
“Betty! Veronica!” You called from the shore, too afraid to go onto the ice. 
The group turned and looked over at you just as Cheryl managed to regurgitate the water she inhaled. 
“(Y/n)!” Archie yelled over to you as he scooped up Cheryl into his arms. You watched them all make their way over to you and immediately removed your coat, draping it over the frozen girl when they reached you. 
“What the hell happened?!” You asked, then you noticed Archie’s blood dripping hand and immediately felt much more concerned with getting these kids warmth and medical attention. 
“Cheryl, she, um, she tried to...” Betty couldn’t even explain it. 
You opened the car door to the back seats and Archie, Veronica and Betty all piled in. Cheryl was pressed against Archie’s chest, the small frail girl, on his lap as he tried to use all his body heat to warm her. 
Jughead clambered into the front with you and you started up your car. 
“Where are we taking her? Home? Hospital?” You asked, it suddenly felt like your heart was pulsing in your head and your whole body shook as you tightened your grip on the steering wheel. 
“Go to mine, we’ve got medical supplies and it’s probably the safest bet we have.” Veronica told you and you put your foot down. 
“You need to get that in a cast, it’s definitely broken.” You told Archie as he cleaned the blood from his fist. You weren’t leant against the kitchen counter whist he was stood at the sink. 
Cheryl was drying off with Veronica and Betty looking after her whilst Archie, well, Archie’s hand, was far from okay. 
“Yeah, it looks pretty bad, huh?” Archie winced as he tried to move it. 
“Come on, I’ll drive.” You beckoned your brother out the house and told the girls you’d be back after Archie got patched up. 
“What you did was beyond heroic, Arch. I think you just saved a girls life.” You confessed as you headed to the hospital. Archie scoffed, looking down as he cradled his broken hand. “Honestly, Archie. I mean it, it was totally insane and you broke your hand but Cheryl’s alive because of you.” 
“Cheryl texted Veronica, if she’s alive because of anyone, it’s because of her.” Archie, always so humble. You leaned away from the topic since you knew Archie wouldn't want to talk about it for much longer. 
“(Y/n)?” Archie picked up the next car-ride conversation, 
“Hmm?” You rose your eyebrows. 
“Do you think that, perhaps, if FP wasn’t married and the same age as Dad that he could be... he could be your, like, soulmate?” Archie brought up. He was reflecting back on the moment with Betty and Jughead, and how they seemed so good together. Now, if you felt that way with FP, he felt like he could possibly be more accepting of it. 
“Excuse me?” You were taken back by the question. 
“It’s just sometimes people are meant to be together and––”
“Yes, Archie. Look, I know it seems strange but I really care about him. So, yes.” You admitted, 
“Then why don’t you go down to the station and actually see him?” Archie suggested. You sighed and glanced over at your brother. 
“I might.... But first, let’s get you fixed. You’re meant to be playing the jubilee tonight.”
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“We’re heading off!” Your dad called up the stairs to you. 
“Okay! See you there!” You called back, you told your dad you were still getting ready but in reality you weren’t heading to the Jubilee at all so you told him you’d drive yourself. 
You made your way to the Sheriff’s station and sat in the parking lot for about ten minutes before gathering up the courage to finally go inside. 
You had seen Jughead leave the station when you were loitering in your car so you knew it was safe to see FP and you knew that Jughead wouldn't been coming back so you had plenty of time. 
“I was wondering when you were gonna show.” FP jumped to his feet when he saw you walk through the door. 
“Yeah, well, I thought it best to stay away a while whilst it all calmed down.” You told him, the corner of FP’s lips turned up. 
“Smart.” He said. You tucked your hair behind your ear and moved closer to the bars. The whole time, FP’s eyes never leaving you just in case you might vanish any second. 
“You look great.” He told you, gesturing towards the dress you put on to convince your dad you were going to the Jubilee later. 
“Yeah, well, I only dressed up to make my family think I was going to that stupid town event.”You looked down at yourself, chuckling. 
“You not going to the jubilee?” FP asked, cocking his eyebrows. 
“No, I figured everyone would be there so I came to see you.” You admitted. 
You paused and just stared at FP for a moment. Taking in everything. His tousled hair, the scruff on his cheeks, his tired brown eyes, the way that his lips curved, the build of his shoulders, the equally tired button down shirt he wore. 
God, you had missed him. 
FP watched your eyes unconsciously fill with tears and reached forward through the bars. 
“Hey...” He held his hand out for you, his voice soft. 
You took it and FP pulled you towards him so you were leaning against the bars. “Listen to me, you’re gonna be okay. It’s gonna be okay.” FP hushed you, taking your cheek in his hand like he used to.
“But... I miss you.” You whispered, 
“I miss you too, kid.” FP felt his chin begin to wobble as he watched you intently. “Look, I need you to know something... I’m more innocent than I am guilty but I’ve done some things, some stupid things and bad things but not one of those things involved you.” FP admitted, squeezing your face slightly. “If I end up in here for a while, I need you to survive without me, you got it?” 
“What if I can’t?” 
“You’re kidding me?! You’re (Y/n) friggin’ Andrews! If anyone can do anything it’s you.” FP tried to make you feel better, he rubbed his thumb over your cheek and you melted into his touch. 
There was another blissful moment of silence before you sighed. 
“FP... I know I may be young and stupid and whatever else but... you need to know that you are near the best damn thing that’s happened to me and...and I... I love you.” You said your last remark with your eyes closed, afraid to see FP’s reaction. 
FP peered around to see if anyone could see before pulling you to meet his lips. 
You reached through the bars and scrunched hold of his shirt so tightly that your knuckles went white as you kissed FP like it was the last time you would ever be able to. 
You pulled away, a single tear managing to escape your eyes. 
“You are truly something else. I will never understand what I did on this earth to deserve you.” FP muttered, his eyes searching yours desperately. 
“We’re trying everything to get you out, you know that right?” You asked, resting your forehead against FP’s, clinging onto the bars either side of you, FP’s hands resting on top of your own. 
“I know.” FP backed away, releasing his hold of you. “Now, go, have some fun. Enjoy your night.” FP urged you towards the door. 
“It won’t be that enjoyable.” You scoffed, laughing quietly along with the man. 
You stopped in the doorway of the cell room and looked back at the Serpent. 
“Oh and by the way, I ditched the Vixens. I thought it was about time I grew into my combat boots.” You smirked, FP’s eyes flickered up and down your body. 
“I think you already have. He told you. You smiled widely and winked at the man before leaving the station. 
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With all the adrenaline you had pumping through you, you thought it best to not go to the jubilee but somewhere more... fun.
You pulled up into the Whyte Wyrm parking lot and inhaled the Southside air. 
You waltzed into the bar and ordered yourself a drink, a lot of the men in the bar had stopped what they were doing to watch you. Not that you cared. 
“(Y/n)?” The Serpent from earlier climbed down the stairs, gaining your attention and then meeting you halfway. 
“He’s still not talking. He’s pretty loyal to you guys.” You shared the good news to the Serpent.
“Well, the Serpents are family. We watch out for our own.” The Serpent told you.  You nodded, looking past the man to see a younger Serpent bring something over to you. 
“FP asked Joaquin to keep an eye on you, when Joaquin had to leave, he asked me. You’re loyal, (Y/n) and FP seems to care a lot for you. I just wanted you to know that no matter how long FP’s gone or what happens, we got your back. Only if you’ll let us.” The Serpent took the mystery item from the younger Serpent and handed it to you. Nearly the whole bar was watching now. 
You took the item to reveal it was a leather jacket of your own with the Serpent’s sign on the back. 
“I don’t even live on the Southside?” You were confused, how could you be apart of the Serpent family if you didn’t live there. 
“You’re over here enough you might as well be.” The Serpent chuckled, you smiled slightly and stared down at the jacket. 
Your dad would kill you. Archie would kill you. 
You pulled the jacket on and smiled up at the older Serpent. 
“Welcome to the family, kid.” He told you as an uproar of cheers surrounded you. Two younger Serpents lifted you up for a second before handing you a beer. 
“Anyone care for a game of pool?” You asked as you saw several Serpents whom you had beaten before, those Serpents scoffed and the rest of the bar filled with chatter and laughter just like your first night there. The only thing missing was FP. 
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Always walking in on the action. Always a second too late to witness the whole thing. That was you. You were always the caught in the moment girl. 
The next morning, you woke up to a text from your dad, you had slept in after sneaking home last night and your dad wanted bring the whole family together for breakfast. 
Breakfast, that’s all it was meant to be. 
You had opened the door to the diner to see a bandit with a gun, aiming it at your dad. 
Everything that followed that moment, happened in slow motion. 
You saw Archie about to run in front of the gun when you threw yourself across the diner to tackle him to the ground. 
Your bodies collided and your head smacked against the checkered floor with a deafening bang. 
Your vision blurred, your ears rang with a high pitched squeal and you felt a warm sticky substance begin to run through your hair. 
You couldn’t hear anything but there was a vague outline of Archie holding someone, your eyes couldn’t focus properly but for a second, you swore it was your dad. 
(PART 13)
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@jugheads-lawyer @shannon-posts @montgomerydeladempsey @amycarstairs @geekoftv @forsytheserpents @treblebeth @sweetvengeancee @immortalmurphy @rln108 @evenmyphonemissesyourcall94 @twilight-loveer @ri-verdale  @neganskitty @audreyxhorne @squall-ore @lefoutoir @riverdalehipsters @sassyfiedscribbles @itsgirl17321 @shewalksinstarlightx @cutesnakemum @svanck @juliet12345678 @oldschool-aye @bluexangels @esmiestyles @lifeisforlosers @lilythe1975 @janellemonaenae @negansxlucille @hellboundblogger @im-everyones-type @thestrugglesofateenagedirtbag @aliceswonderlandblog @youvebeenwinchesterd @xsnak-3x @cucharadebager @future-style-dreams @panther-and-peacock @wxnderfull @uncharte-dlove @illinterrogatethecat00 @angelicaleonamichelle @thealipower @hyuk-chan @squidgy84 @photoastucess @http-harleys @cordelia-stark-jones @onceitoowasinnocent @theserpentgod @anthonystoner @isak-lovelies @jordan0ella @willow-days02 @kkkkkennedyyyyy @john-and-mary-husband-and-wife @imaginationss @the-girl-who-always-believed @hey-assbutt6-6-6 @itsfangirlmendes @littlemisscaptainfandom @tudorsloth @whyugottabsorude @brooke-supernatural16 @itscalledfandombitches @writings-of-a-girl @mona-stay @rhyxn @deepiercethebrides @fuckkoffcourtney @deangirl1992 @littlxshit @clinicalkayla @shadok2015 @the-raegan-whittemore
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silver-bow · 7 years
Wholesome Sleep Potion
This didn’t start as a spell recipe. It started as a nightly ritual that my dad and I had when I was a kid, before he got less alive. On nights when I couldn’t sleep, my dad and I would make me strawberry milk with honey (and occasionally a pb&j sammich) because, that’s what two night owls do, right. This drink is one of my favorite memories of my dad and I hold this recipe very dear to my heart.
You’ll need:
tall cup - better for drinkin
butter knife - better for stirrin
bendy straw - for fun
strawberry syrup or pink nesquik - the most importantest part
honey - for sweet dreams
milk of choice - we used to use 2% but now I’m lactose intolerant so I use vanilla soy milk and it tastes about the same. it’s the love you put in it that matters, you see.
put the milk in the cup. drizzle an ample amount of strawberry syrup on top of that frothy cold goodness and watch in wonder as it slowly sinks into the bottom. stir with knife in counterclockwise (widdershins) direction while thinking about how loved you are. repeat until the milk is satisfactorily pink. drizzle in around 5ml of honey. stir with knife. lick the honey off the knife. your tongue will be fine. that’s why we used a butter knife, silly. put the straw in the cup. sip.
When I was six or seven, we’d make this milk at the one side of the counter that didn’t get used. When stirring the milk, my dad and I would play fight over who would get to lick the knife after (I usually won). Then we’d go watch TV. I’d cuddle up to my dad’s tummy and listen to his heartbeat and his tummy rumbles after I finished my milk. The history channel used to play WWII documentaries back then and we’d watch shows about planes and submarines and stuff. It is really hard to stay awake while snuggling during war documentaries. Especially hard after strawberry milk.
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renee-poetry-blog · 7 years
6 Years Without My Hero.
My grandfather was a fantastic man who put family first. He was so giving and so kind-hearted. My earliest memory was coloring with him, or him and I bonding over peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They had to be cut in fours, or else I wouldn’t be able to eat them. 
Since he’s passed, I have only eaten one PB&J sandwich. And through that, I had a lump in my throat, thinking about the times I would ask to eat the peanut butter off the dull knife. 
Losing my partner-in-crime as a 12-year-old really shattered my heart. I had to force out a cry, I never felt loss before, and I didn’t want to cry at an unfortunate moment. I figured, why not get it out now? 
Grandpa always believed in me, told me my dreams would come true if I worked for them. Grandpa left his island at 15 to work in St. Thomas, and years later he met my grandmother. Grandpa and Nanna moved up to the states and got married, and my mother was born two years later. He worked his butt off to support the family, as my grandmother did too. He always believed in hard work, success never slept. 
He was the only one who could save my bad moods and make me smile. You know how everyone has that one Uncle or family member they just click with, and are inseparable? He was my family member.  
I was blessed to have lived with him about three years before his death. My immediate family, as a unit, moved in to help take care of him in his final years.It scared me to see him so helpless. As a kid I knew he had heart problems, so that meant he couldn’t run with me as often, or that he couldn’t be outside in hot temperatures. 
My birthday was eleven days before he passed. I remember walking into his hospital room to see him for my birthday (who wouldn’t want to see their best friend on their birthday?), and he couldn’t tell who I was. Slurring his words, he made references to my sister, as if he was talking to her. I didn’t know memory loss was a sign of the end. 
He came home on the 19th or the 20th. On this day, 6 years ago, I looked him in his pale blue eyes for the last time. I didn’t even know it was the last time. He did. I remember him crying, saying “I love you, Mimi” over and over again. He didn’t want me to go to school that day, he didn’t have to say it. His tears and tight-ish grip on my hand told me. I had to, so I told him “I love you. I have to go to school now, I’ll see you later”. 
My best friend’s mother picked me up from school that day, and I spent a couple hours at her house. My dad picked me up, and when I got home my mother broke the news. 
6 years without my best friend. 
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