#my current contenders are POTS or an arrhythmia
So I've officially become a ticking time bomb lmao (I wish I was joking but this isn't much of a stretch)
Almost exactly a week ago my heart rate randomly spiked to about 120 BPM while I was crossing a footbridge on my campus and it almost laid my ass out. I had my first solo ER experience (and surprised the nurses with how thorough I am at describing my medical history and symptoms (basically I got a good grade in ER)) but they basically told me to go home when it became evident my heart wasn't gonna immediately explode and that they couldn't do anything for me. So I got discharged 2.5 hours later with the number to the cardiologist office and instructions to get an appointment in 2-3 days.
And that appointment (that took for FUCKING EVER to schedule) ended with the doc being like "It's anxiety 😀" and me wanting to kill him because the testing he scheduled was 2 weeks out and I was still, 3 days later, having issues with my heart rate flying into the 110s and dropping into the 60s at random.
So I bitched to my mother and she got concerned (which is uncharacteristic for her when I bitch about medical things because 25 years of working in healthcare and 50+ years of being chronically ill will do that to you) so I decided to take matters into my own hands and move up the one test I didn't need a doc for.
So now I'm attached to a heart rate monitor for the next 5 days to map my currently very fucky fluctuations in heart rate.
But! The new ones are very unobtrusive! It's basically the size of a thumb drive and attached by one sticker. I can even shower or swim if I wanted to with it on. I press a button when ever I feel symptoms and it flags the report for the doc to see. Kinda cool even though this shit sucks.
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