#my crops are dying.... my children are starving....
chiffonghost · 1 year
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a baeksoo a day keeps the doctor away ☺️💕
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nosostros · 2 years
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bust icon for my wondrous husband @voidymage!! <3
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undead-potatoes · 1 year
Looked up some height difference poses for Clip Studio bc that shit is hard to draw and some help would be nice, and one of them was literally a 6 cm difference like... bro... am I a joke to you
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sunshineddie · 1 year
Manifesting a new Joseph pic soon because it's been real awful lately and I could use the distraction
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hap-less · 1 year
When will my boss return from the war (and check his emails).
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beekindtobees · 1 year
Thank god for the hard work of the people working to fix the issue. God's speed.
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nagdabbit · 1 year
we collide with shoulder and steel
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we collide with shoulder and steel: chapter 1/25
rating: m, to be safe, even tho this chapter is one of the easy ones
words: 1.3k
characters: wheeler yuta & daniel garcia
it's time. i couldn't wait to start posting. it's the dark, non-linear bcc beauty and the beast au from hell. special thanks to @sarahcakes613 for causing all this mayhem, and @americandragonslayer @shes-a-voodoo-child @sybilius for letting me yell about this thing and talking me through ideas and @samfosho for the moodboard <3
also on ao3
For as long as he could remember, they had been cursed.
The ruins on the mountainside had been shrouded in darkness for longer than his family could even remember. The bones of a castle, ruined for so long that its name had been forgotten. 
His great-grandfather had been a child when the trees had begun to wither and twist and die, a forest of matchsticks beginning the cascade down the mountainside. On the eve of her seventeenth birthday, his grandmother had vowed she wouldn’t dare remain in the valley, betrothal be damned, when she watched the last of their cattle die in the field. His father watched their family starve, crops dying year after year, and promised to return with seed or money or medicine. His mother held on as long as she could, before the sickness took her, too. 
He remembered sitting near the treeline, the last two children left in village, watching the final spring burn—not that they'd known it at the time. He remembered the hope in his chest, joyous to see the sparse green poke its way out of the ash. He had been barely sixteen.
"Why do we burn?" Danny, two years his junior, had asked. He'd asked that same question every single burn season, since they were kids, barely old enough to sit up on the ridge alone. 
"So new things can grow," he'd answered, words familiar on his tongue.
"What things?"
"Whatever we want." It was a prayer between them, a yearly blessing. And each year that the crop grew smaller, sicker, they said it a little more fervently. As they grew older, they began to say it on cold nights, when their shivering was too violent to let them sleep. When thunder rolled overhead, but no rain fell. When the hunger pangs felt like blades.
He was just eighteen when the seeds stopped sprouting altogether, when the land stopped fighting forth and suffocated beneath a layer of well-meaning ash. He was nineteen when the shared stores began to dwindle, and he'd learned to hunt the fungi that grew from the rot—until that, too, had dried up.
Curses festered. They poisoned everything they touched, seeping into the earth like decay to a wound. Spread and grew and twisted and twined all the way down to the roots, shrapnel wedged so deep it could never be dug out.
He stood on the edge of the so-called forest, and wondered how long and how far the curse would spread if nothing was done about it.
“You could just leave.”
He rolled his eyes and hitched his pack a little higher onto his shoulder. “I am leaving, Danny.”
Another clod of dirt hit his pack and shattered into a cloud of dust and ash. He’d been pelting Yuta’s back for the last ten minutes, like he thought his final acts of insolence would make him rethink his plan. “Come with me,” he said, almost begging. “There’s nothing here anymore, and you know it. Leave it to the rot.”
“It will follow us, Danny.” He turned to look at his friend one more time, maybe for the last time. Tried to memorize everything he could. Count his freckles, trace the furrow of his brow and the pout of his lips. “You know that, too.”
“But it’s slow. By the time it reaches the city, we’ll have lived. We’ll be long dead, and somebody else’ll have found a way to fix it.” His lip trembled, just slightly, and Yuta felt guilty all over again for choosing to leave him. “Just—come with me.”
“I’m not leaving this curse for my children to deal with.”
Danny scraped another stiff, dry clump of dirt off the ground and hurled it toward Yuta with a wordless shout. He didn’t even look pleased to see Yuta wince when it shattered against his shoulder. “What, you wanna be a prince? That’s how it’s s’posed to work, right? In all those stories?” He sneered and turned his glare toward the rolling gray hills, swung an arm out toward the ghost town they’d been born into. “You think you’re gonna be the one to kiss that beast human again, and suddenly all this will come back to life?”
"True love's kiss, was it?" He rolled his eyes and started back toward the treeline, brushing dust from his threadbare tunic as he went. “No curse could be that stupid, Danny.”
He wasn’t the first to climb the mountainside. As long as the ruins had been ruined, villagers had gone looking for answers. Curiosity had turned to terror as the first explorers skidded back down the mountain telling tales of some great horned beast, a creature of fury and rage. Then they went with sword and torch, those that did return did so with scars and stories of gleaming teeth and razor-sharp talons and the searing, unforgiving pain of dragon’s breath. 
Not even a high price on the beast’s pelt could tempt most hunting parties to risk the ruins after that. Not one of the few glory seekers arrogant enough to chance the climb ever returned.
Some ventured up searching for treasure. It was a castle, after all, and it stood to reason that there would be stores of treasure and relics hidden away under the beast’s guard. Those fools that returned did so with disappointment and petty grumbling, and the same light purses that they’d ventured forth with. They sang praises of the mountain’s creature, its cleverness and cunning, each of them too proud to admit they’d been outsmarted by a beast.
Then came the stories of a kissing curse, a frog prince with fangs and fur, awaiting some fair lover to free him from his plight. Romance and intrigue, a kingdom for the taking. The husband hunters rarely returned, but those who did flounced back down the mountainside with nothing but twigs and briars to show for the effort, and stories of a grotesque beast with a heart too hardened to bother with. 
Other stories told of phantoms. No vestiges of life left. Only faint, distant voices that had forgotten to die with the flesh they’d once inhabited, and the cold, unforgiving wind. 
Footsteps followed along behind him, the younger boy not yet ready to give him up. “I can’t believe you’re just going.”
“You can come with me.”
He scoffed, a mean and nasty sound. “I’m not gonna go die.”
“I’m not planning on it, either.”
“How many idiots have climbed that rock thinkin’ the same damn thing? Kane thought he’d come back with a head to mount on his wall. Brie planned on being a queen, and I don’t see a flag wavin’ up there for her,” he grumbled, as if they hadn’t been toddlers when she’d decided to climb the mountain and claim her prince.
“Who knows, maybe she’s ruling over some ruins of her very own,” Yuta joked. “Maybe this will be a reunion.”
He stopped a few feet back from the edge of the treeline, looking up through the bones of the forest. Pillars of charred and wind-worn wood, still casing the mountain in shadow and silence. He looked over his shoulder, a farewell on his lips, to find Danny some yards back.
“You’ve heard the stories, Yuta,” he called out, feet rooted in the gray dirt. His shoes were threadbare, they wouldn’t survive the journey to the next town over, let alone the city they'd always talk about running away to. “What makes you think you’re the one to finally kiss the curse away?”
“I never said I would break the curse.” He turned back toward his path, and stepped into the woods. “I said I would try to fix what it's done.” He imagined Danny yelling out something else at his back, always one to fight tooth and nail to have the last word, but within the brittle shelter of the trees, he was met only with silence.
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bylertruther · 2 years
please for the love of wiII byers can you guys put me out of my misery and give me moodboard prompts . my stranger things board has so so so many images and i am so impressionable i go on pinterest.com and get lost in all of the colors and forget everything including my own name please help me my children are starving my crops are dying idk what pairings or characters or aus to do first i set out to do a will moodboard of maximum 9 pictures the other day and ended up downloading 65 and making another folder for mike and el and and and pleas e. on my hands and knees girl HELP wht board should i do first? 😭
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suzuki-ecstar · 1 year
please stop posting bald mav my crops are dying my children are starving
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kreidtastrophe · 2 years
this blog sucks
i’m literally sobbing and shaking and my crops are dying and my wife and children are starving and u say my blog sucks??
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thekidsarentalright · 2 years
fall out boy posting on tumblr???? where???/ please give me a link if you have it please my children are starving my crops are dying ect
they posted a few hours ago!! here's the link! and make sure to look in the reflection of the glass to see the fob8 teaser!
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KCD 's insistence that the British did any favours to India or Indian people is getting on my nerves.
Yeah, let's go and perpetuate the 'Savage Natives' trope more as colonialists always do.
"There were animal sacrifices. " Boo hoo, the people who colonized half of the world, subjugated so many people, care about animal rights. So Ig they care about animals than POCs, Ig.
"The British banned sati. " Yeah, bcoz Indian reformers worked for it. The British don't get credit just for signing the legislature when they didn't care shit about Indian women. This is the same government which imposed a breast tax on the same women. (A woman cut off her own breast rather than deal with their harassment btw.) They also highly scrutinized women's clothing, movement and rights.
"The caste system is bad. " Yeah, poc cultures don't owe you moral righteousness to be the perfect victims of sympathy.
Kcd writers have no idea how it actually works.
The Britishers used any differences to encourage infighting. That's how they colonised the whole country in the first place.
If anyone thinks the British did anything for the welfare of India, you are an idiot. People were actively dying. Colonial India was a shithole.
The British, in fact, caused a man made famine (Bengal famine) where millions of people starved to death (while Churchill refused to help as he was actively pulling the crops grown in India, during a famine, to feed his fucking army overseas.) and forced people to fight in a war that India has nothing to do with. (Both the world wars).
All the British did was loot and destroy this country and nothing good came out of it, for India. If anything things otherwise, fucking fight me.
All this isn't even the worst of what the British did to India. I could go on all day long. For example, the British Army opened fire on civilians, including women and children, during a literal festival. Who are the savages now? And for the white characters to act like the locals were savages (they're in Calcutta, in Bengal, the site of the famine they caused, deliberately) and the British somehow improved the situation (fight me, now) and the noble British still continue to do so even after India fought for and gained independence (🙄🤢🤮) is just fucking insane.
I can't believe the writers tried to take the colonizers' side. Like as if the British would ever be this selfless. Forgot 1980, if a British task force tried to interfere in Indian Affairs in 2024, I would have thrown hands. They literally had no right to be there and the blatant disrespect, omfg.
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goldwyrtsdotror · 1 year
(Weird dream)
I believe I was in my 40s/50s--my two spouses were around that age and it felt normal to be with them. Plus I looked at teens/20y/olds like they were tiny kids.
We'd made a virus to improve crops, but people were dying from a disease caused by the virus, also starving because it was wiping out the animals. Whales, which we had an alliance with (and also.... ate?) were showing up dead EVERYWHERE. Dead in skintight bright yellow suits, like uniforms, on top of these mud fields that the ocean lie beneath. Me, my spouse (i had a husband AND wife) and a bunch of our best scientists, most of which were kids, went into a submarine to work on the problem. First we saw an ungodly massive creature (a whale) wrap around the sub; textured skin through the windows. It looked like a schoolbus inside. Anyway, we weren't allowed to know the route down, so we all had to be tazed to sleep. I knew it was coming but I still screamed in fear, holding hands with my husband, as the electricity tore through me and I lost consciousness and all sensation while also remaining asleep, but I still felt his hand holding mine.
The virus was called a "descolada" type (from Speaker for the Dead/Xenocide/Children of the Mind" but spelled wrong) and I was writing a code to reformat it so it would fix rather than kill. Also, everyone was diseased from it; they'd get a deathly reaction from the disease if they spent too much time close to plants or water, so the sub trip was dangerous. My wife started breaking out in pustules and I urged her to get a sub to the ER, but she said she was taking a new medicine to deal with it. We lay down together, me fearing for her while she tried to keep up a brave face.
For whatever reason I wasn't allowed, or maybe able, to implement the virus code myself. Only the next generation of geniuses could. I gave the code and instructions to a long haired tan skinned teen boy, who seemed to accept it gravely; he made a big announcement to the other young geniuses about something great that they needed to do, and I perked up--but then he started talking about some game, maybe sports, and my shoulders fell; I felt the world was doomed since it rested in the hands of that generation.
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kingofattolia · 5 years
me upset at Her Universe for becoming just another vehicle for mainstream disney princess merch, and making half their stuff in mens sizes instead of being a place dedicated to creating clothes for women as they were originally, and stocking only 4 of every size... but knowing they are still one of the only sources for semi-regular Ahsoka merch: 
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bloominghands · 2 years
—- If I get one more fucking add about shaving my balls I’m gonna kermit
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onecanonlife · 3 years
today is missing c!wilbur hours
please mr. soot, mr. innit, mr. wastaken, i want to see my beloved
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