#my computer woke up to bsod
getvalentined · 8 months
Hey, did y'all know that stores selling large home appliances don't keep stock on-hand anymore? In order to get a new fridge, since mine died yesterday out of the fucking blue, it has to be paid for in-store in full, and then we have to wait for it to show up at some undetermined point between 7AM and 7PM on some undetermined day between February 7th thru 10th. It will arrive randomly, with "15 to 30 minutes' notice for convenience," and someone has to be present to receive it or it will be returned and we have to reschedule and pay for a second delivery.
I feel like if someone is buying a fridge it's because they need a fridge, which is a pretty time-sensitive thing, but sure! That sounds totally convenient! 10-12 days is a completely acceptable wait when food will spoil in a matter of hours! And monopolizing the entire day, multiple days in a row, with basically no notice as to actual arrival is a fucking inspired way of handling things!
We live in a fucking hell world.
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bromojumbo · 7 years
Pretty sure the matrix fucking glitched in my dreams
I had a dream last night where I was driving (during the day) down a road I didn’t recognize, and saw that it was jammed up with traffic because of some haziness up ahead
I decided to turn around and go down a side road I passed earlier
as I drove, I saw this massive black cloud really low to the ground, but at the same time it didn’t look like a cloud. It looked like if a cloud could be solid but also intangible at the same time
Right as I got closer and it passed over me, I felt this violent shaking sensation (more like a vibration but super intense). My sight blacked out and I couldn’t see a thing other than pure darkness, and one other thing
the number 0 repeated over and over again as if somebody was holding down the “0″ key on a keyboard. It flashed over the darkness briefly like a computer screen experiencing a BSOD as the shaking got worse and then suddenly daylight broke through and I was back on the road again.
I looked behind me and the massive cloud was there moving down the road. I looked back to my car and all the lights were flashing
I pulled over and happened to pull over to a friends house (although his house was different) and then I woke up. I have been thinking about this since.
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cleverclovers · 7 years
As promised: an explanation I have a seizure disorder called epilepsy. Occasionally, when I'm under enough stress and exposed to the right stimuli, my brain acts like an overloaded computer and essentially BSODs. Sometimes this involves falling, sometimes its going unresponsive, occasionally its screaming, and in rare cases, its my body jerking and twitching in a manner outside my control. This month has been littered with a ridiculous amount of these instances, pretty much all the incidents described above. I've barely gone two days in a row without one interfering with my life. But then this month has been unusually stressful. Difficulties with money, food uncertainty, new roommates, change, nightmares... It hasn't been very friendly for me. I woke up feeling fine, took a walk that was long, for me. I cleaned my room, did some rearranging. I even managed to make two meals! I was proud of myself. Then the whole day had to go sideways because the light in the kitchen had to start flickering when I was headed in with dishes. My brain shut down and at the advice of my caregiver and standing orders from my doctor, I'm in bed for a week. I HAVE to recover from this. This means all my projects and commissions, Brainstorm, Si/Si, Voltron portraits, commissions... All of that... It has to wait until I'm better. I'm very sorry. I feel like I'm letting people down. I want to be able to do the things I said I would do, especially considering this is a Big Deal Month for me, but I can't.
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blitzcitydiy · 8 years
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Came home, woke up my computer and a wild BSOD appeared. How rude! #DIY #tech #computers #pcmr #windows10 #microsoft #bsod #software #nerdlife
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driftingicecaps-fr · 7 years
I think my desktop is gone for good, and I;m having a severe breakdown
I dopnt know what the fuck happened? I left it alone for an hour while I wen to go eat, and when I came back I saw it restarted itself . Things’ went very downhill from there. Chrome would freezw my computer and crash on startup. Firefox was suddenly telling my to instal media files I knew I had. Netflix wouldn’t run.
Restarting did nothing, virus scan showed nothing, trying to fix chrome did nothing. I wanted to system restore, but low and behold it had no restore points. 
I rebooted again, then one more reboot with last known configuration. After I did that, everything started crashing. I was getting a critical failure error, it would tell me things just weren’t working with strings of numbers that I don’t understand. I just shiut it down and I sobbed, threw up, then sobbed more. 
Went to get my sleeping boyfriend, he told me he’ll look when he gets up (he was mad I woke him), and I called my mom and she said to bring it down to have my dads military friend have a look through it all bc he fixed it last time.
The only thing I think at fault is either my tablet or it’s just her time to go. I had left my tablet plugged it, which i shouldn’t have done, because if i use it to long it sometimes gets buggy and acts in it’s own and closes things.. But the computer has also been acting kinda weird and taking longer and longer to start up. It’s like eight years old.
It survived a monitor failure, multiple BSODs, a power surge and tons of viruses but I think it’s gone.
I got a back up finally, after the power surge a few months ago, so not everything is gone. Hopefully the guy can save a few more things if she’s really gone. I just don’t know what to do. It’s a computer, I know, but it’s all I’ve had and I can’t stop crying
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