#my chiaki au has been invading my brain which is perfect bc now i have motivation to actually make it!!!!!
haunted-xander · 2 years
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Finally. Finally she had found the exit, the end of this hellish labyrinth she'd been pushed into. Everyone is waiting for her to save them, she needs to hurry...!
She placed her still usable hand on the doorknob, hope and anxiety swirling in her chest. What if I'm too late...? What if Enoshima-san have already gotten to them? What if-
Pushing those thoughts aside, she twisted the doorknob.
As light poured out into the dreary hallway she came from, she swore she saw them all standing there, smiling warmly at her as if to say; You did it, Nanami-san. You saved us. Thank you. Even the image of Chisa was smiling and welcoming her with open arms. ...Ah, that's right! Yukizome-sensei, she-
Her eyes adjusted and the image disappeared. Instead, what stood before her was a cold, empty room with turned-off screens lining the walls. The feeling of anxiety that had swirled in her chest now threatened to devour her. Where...? "Where is everyone? ...Enoshima-san! Where are they?! Wha-" She paused to breathe, "What did you do to them?! Hey, Enoshima-san! Answer me!" As she yelled at the screens, she fell down to her knees and gasped in pain.
"Ooooh my GOOOOD~! Nanami-senpai just look at you! That look of utter despair... Ah~ I just can't get enough!" Obnoxious laughter filled the room, as the screens turned on. "You look so goddamned miserable it's almost enough to make ME pity you! AAHHAHAHAHAHA WOULDN'T THAT JUST BE FUCKING HILARIOUS?!" The voice turned saccharine, "Buuut since you were such a good wittle senpai, I'll be a nice girl and give you a reward!" One of the screens extended and stopped in front of Chiaki. "As a reward for surviving my execution, I will allow you to witness your fellow students' last moments of sanity."
The screen up-front switched footage, now showing a similar room to the one she was in with her classmates staring dazedly at the screens covering the room in an ominous red light. Chiaki prepared her voice to call out when- "Oh by the way, they can't like, hear you or anything. I already cut the audio feed so now all they see is a red screen signaling your death." Her words choked up. And then, "My... death? They think I'm dead? But I'm... right here..." Light sobbing filled the air as her voice faded out. The faint feeling of tears rolling down her face didn't even register.
"Awwww, is miss cwass rep cwying now? That won't do, that won't do at all! You're not crying nearly as much as you're stupid fucking hopeless heart should be! C'mooon senpai~ Show me that beautiful despairing face of yours~ I need some relief senpai, won't you pleeease help me~?" Junko's rapidly tone-shifting voice snaps Chiaki out of her daze.
"...I won't..." Junko snapped to attention, clearly intrigued. "Hmmm? What's that? You won't?" Using her less injured arm, Chiaki attempted to push herself up, "I won't... fall for your despair! I will never, ever give up on my classmates! No matter what... I will... sa...ve... th......"
Right as she passed out, she swore she felt eyes staring into her back.
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