#my chest doesn't hurt as bad and i was able to sleep lying down on an air matress last night
pastafossa · 2 years
Hi pasta, I'm sorry about the whole fiberglass dust situation and all the things you had to throw away, i know that feeling unfortunately: i had a similar situation but with mold...i bad to throw away the majority of my clothes and some plushies which I was very fond of. Now back to u, how do u feel today? Is the coughing getting better or worse? Hope you'll feel better soon :)
Thank you so much. 😭 And it's exactly that. Like some of the things you have to throw away, ok, but some of them mean something, or you just really really liked them (I'm likely going to lose a few plushies either, so I feel you). I'm sorry you've had to go through this, too! I don't wish it on anyone, it's terrible having to deal with being forced to toss things like this.
I'm just tired and achy and out of energy, mostly (standard for my health issues), but the coughing is indeed better, and my chest doesn't hurt as much! So the masks clearly worked the past few days I was up there trying to clean, and sleeping downstairs is helping, too. I'm still coughing a fair amount but I'll take the improvement. I've also had a ton of people reaching out, either to offer encouragement or a fun distraction or even to help if they wound up being in my area, which has helped keep my mood from tanking as badly as it otherwise might have. I'm very VERY grateful for that love and support because it makes me feel less alone, especially when it can feel so isolating trying to take care of this in a new city. 💖
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dreamy625 · 2 years
This rockstar life - 3.10 Fragmented
Words: 2020
Content: Quite angsty, mentions of self-harm & OCD
We made an agreement, early on, that it’s always okay to wake the other one if you have a nightmare or any other kind of middle-of-the-night freak out. Always. No matter what. I just could not bear the thought of him lying there alone and uncomforted after one of his horrible dreams. But I’m a terrible hypocrite because, when my anxiety runs wild at 3am, I try not to disturb him if he is, for once, sleeping peacefully. However still and silent I think I am though, somehow he always knows and I’ll hear a mumbled ‘c’mere’ as he pulls me to lie with my head on his chest and strokes my hair. 
“Oh god. Third alarm. We really have to get up now.”
Steve, still resisting fully waking up, just grunts in response. Alice pokes him, which only results in an aggrieved squeak and him pulling the duvet over his head.
“Your car’s coming in 45 minutes.”
“Cancel it.” he growls.
“I’m supposed to be at work in an hour.”
“Call in sick.”
“I can’t. Not again. I’m running out of convincing ailments.”
“Tell them I’m sick and you have to look after me.”
“But you’re not sick.”
“Might be. I feel fucking horrible.”
Alice burrows down until she is face-to-face with her boyfriend. In the dim light filtering through the covers, she takes in the pale clammy skin and bloodshot eyes. 
“You don’t look great. Poor baby.” She wraps her arm around him.
“My head hurts.”
“Mine too. Why do we do this to ourselves?”
“Coping mechanism? So they tell me.”
Alice tightens her embrace. After a few moments of silence she says dreamily, “Sometimes I pretend our bed is just floating in the clouds. Just you and me, and the rest of the world has gone away. Nobody can get at us.”
Steve closes his eyes again. “Can we just stay here today?”
Sometimes he gets 'stuck'. He always has to do all the things the right number of times in the right order, but when his mind is really running away with him, he then doesn't believe he's done it correctly, and has to repeat it again and again. Everything has to be three times, but if he misses something, it has to be three times three. And then maybe three times more. And then again. Sometimes it helps if I count it through with him, and act as witness that he has in fact performed the ritual perfectly. He doesn’t trust himself, but he’ll believe me. I'm not sure how you're 'meant' to deal with someone who has these compulsions, probably not like that, but it does at least allow him to leave the bathroom. On bad days though, that’s not enough. One night I stood, arms wrapped around him from behind, as he went through the sink sequence over and over for an hour or more, tears of frustration running down his face but completely unable to break out of the loop. 
“I hate everyone.”
“Everyone that isn’t you. All of humanity except pretty blond guitarists named Steve.”
“No, I don’t understand what it’s like to be a rockstar. And to have that pressure and that weight on your… to have so many people looking at you and expecting… I can’t ever feel that. But you can tell me and I can try. And I do know what it’s like to never feel good enough, to always be the fuckup, to be pretending so hard you don’t know who you are any more and to… yeah…” she sighs, “never be able to explain why.”
Steve just grimaces and pours another slug of vodka into his glass.
“In fact, I think I’d find it stranger if you were totally well-adjusted about it. You were nineteen, working in a factory, and suddenly, boom, you’re on a stage in front of thousands of people. How could you have a brain that’s set up for that?”
“Everyone else seems to be fine with it. Joe’s happy as a pig in shit!”
“Yeah, but Joe’s… simpler than you. I don’t mean stupid. He just… doesn’t have your sensitivity. And, like, total tunnel vision. He just knows what he wants and goes for it full steam ahead, with the rest of you pulled along behind. He’s not introspective like you, he doesn’t stop to think about everything.” 
Steve doesn’t reply, just staring at his glass and turning it around and around on the tabletop. 
“Must be nice. To have self confidence like that. He must have some self-doubt, surely? But it doesn’t seem to stop him.”
“I wish I knew how he does it. How anybody does it.”
Alice shrugs. “If I knew I would tell you.”
Steve, idly threading his fingers in and out of Alice’s while they sit reading, squished into the one armchair nearest the fireplace, suddenly stops. “What’s this?”
He pulls her arm into the light from the window, revealing the row of faint pale scars up her forearm, and a few redder, angry-looking, marks. 
Alice tries to pull the sleeve of her sweater down, but he won’t let go of her hand. “You know what they are. They’ve always been there.”
“I know, but…”
“The second time we… you kissed them… like Shirley Valentine.”
“But some of them look recent?”
“Yeah. But just little ones. Scratches. It barely counts.” She leans her head on his shoulder. “It’s okay. Really. Just… you know… turns out love doesn’t fix everything else.”
“No. They should put a warning on those soppy films.” He strokes her wrist gently with his thumb. “I wish you wouldn’t.”
“I wish I wouldn’t too.”
“It’s too early to argue.”
“This is still the argument from last night. You just passed out before it was finished.”
Steve pulls the pillow over his face. “You’re right. Whatever it was about. You win. Just for god’s sake woman, let me sleep.”
The unfamiliar sound of tinkly new age music draws Steve to the livingroom, where he finds Alice sitting cross-legged on the floor. Ah, a meditation session, the latest prescription from Dr Garrison. The effort of trying to calm her thoughts has creased her brow with a tiny frown. He tiptoes silently across the room and squats down beside her. The corner of her mouth turns up as she senses him there, but she keeps her eyes closed. Reaching his hand up to the back of her head, he places a gentle kiss on her forehead before standing and creeping away.
“Why is she here again?”
“Dunno. He just said he couldn’t leave her at home.”
“No girls in the studio; we made that rule for a reason.”
Phil shrugged. “They were already here when I got in, I wasn’t going to argue.”
Joe considers the couple over the rim of his cup. Alice is tucked under her boyfriend’s arm, all big bushbaby eyes staring into space. “She doesn’t look well.”
“Neither does Steve come to that.”
“He always looks like that on a Monday morning.”
Oblivious to being the topic of his bandmates’ muttered debate, Steve breaks off from scribbling on the sheet music in front of him and absently drops a kiss on the top of Alice’s head.
Joe sighs, “Oh all right. At least she’s quiet I suppose.”
Steve slopes into the livingroom and drops down on the far end of the sofa with his arms folded.
“I still think I was right.”
“I still think I was right.”
There is silence while they both stare unseeing at the television.
“Do you still love me?” This sounds like a challenge.
“Yes. Of course.” she retorts crossly, still scowling at Newsnight. 
“Good. I love you too.”
Another pause where neither one looks at the other.
Alice stands and holds out her hand.
“You need to eat something that’s not coffee”
“You need to eat something that’s not vodka”
- Impasse -
A small voice, “Down here.”
Steve squats down and looks under the table. “Um, what are you doing under there?”
“Right. What from?”
“I don't think I was meant to be a human. I’m bad at… humaning.”
“What were you meant to be?”
She thinks for a while, “An aubergine?”
Steve ducks further under the table and pats Alice’s shoulder tentatively. “It's okay, I'll look after you.” He pauses, eyes flicking from side to side, trying to think of something helpful, “I'll put you in a moussaka!”
“But I'm dairy intolerant.”
“Oh. Yeah.”
Alice starts to laugh, and Steve does too. The laughter borders on hysterical and they lean into each other, shaking. Eventually, it subsides into just the occasional giggle. Steve puts his arm around Alice and pulls her against his shoulder. “Fucksake.”
I’ve looked everywhere. All the usual places, all the pubs, even the ones he’s barred from, the pool hall, the cinema, that dodgy after-hours place behind the tube station. I’ve called Phil, I’ve called Malvin, I’ve called all the numbers scribbled on the pad next to the phone. I even asked that dealer he thinks I don’t know about. No one’s seen him, no one’s heard from him. That’s over twenty-four hours. He never does this. He always makes it home eventually, or someone brings him back, or someone calls me. There’s no Steve Clark on record at the hospital, and the police weren’t interested (they know him too well, said he’ll turn up when he sobers up). I’ve walked around and around and around. He should be easy to spot, all that blond hair, but it’s got dark again. And cold. Really cold. He just had his leather jacket when he went out, not a proper coat. 
Finally, thank gods, finally, a glimpse of that familiar hair. A hunched figure on a bench on the embankment, staring into the water. He doesn’t look up when I sit down beside him.
He blinks. “Hi.” 
“Nice view.” 
It actually is - there’s an old bridge and it’s lit up all prettily at night. Steve tilts his head up to look at it for a few moments before returning his focus to the river.
“So, where have you been?” I try to make this neutral and not show how frantically worried I was. 
“I had to… get away… I couldn’t… explain.” His voice is croaky; I guess he hasn’t used it for a whole day.
“Right. Did it help?”
He puffs out a breath through his nose. “No, not really.”
“What was… what were you trying to get away from?”
A long pause, and then, “I’m scared… of what’s in my head.”
“Do you want to tell me about it?”
Another pause. “I can’t.”
“Do you want to go home?”
He shakes his head.
“Do you want me to go?”
Another shake.
“Okay. We’ll… just sit here then?”
He nods. 
There’s just nothing I can do. He’s surrounded by people who love him and have tried to help. If there was anything another person could do, they’d, we’d, have done it by now. I’ve thought and I’ve thought and the only thing, the ONLY thing, I can possibly do that maybe no one else can, is try and make him feel safe. 
Because he doesn’t believe in love, not really, not other people’s love. Or maybe believe is the wrong word; He doesn’t trust it. He wants to. He loves so intensely, so steadfastly, not just romantically but his family and friends. But he doesn’t think he’s lovable in return. So when he, inevitably, because he’s human, messes up, and he sees disappointment, anger, or pity, he thinks that’s it, they don’t love him anymore. 
So yeah, that’s the plan. Unconditional love. Not just feeling it, but showing it. So he knows,  however far he falls, he’ll always have a safety rope with me holding onto the other end of it. The flaw in the plan is that, well, I don’t think I’ve ever had that before either; I don’t know what it looks like. 
But it turns out it’s easy. I just have to mirror back the way he loves me. 
(January 1991)
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mxthtea · 3 years
oh hey another one of my own ideas *shoves my 12 req to the side*
scara x gn!lreader / cyno x gn!reader warnings: scars, touching said scars, reader's shirtless (nothing described), mentions of past injuries and battles, the boys are so ooc they might as well just be an oc, written before scara n cyno's releases, grammar + spelling mistakes, lowercase writing, tell me if i forgot any description: his touch felt nice against your cheek, running across one of your many scars placed there. you tilted your face into his palm and kissed his hand. you loved him, just as he loved all of you. word count: 1.4k beginning: 185 scara: 603 cyno: 642
(i dont have a cyno banner yet)
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his touch feels so nice against you. as one of his arms is wrapped around you with the other reaching up to your face. his touch was gentle as it glided across your skin. he stopped at your collarbone, lightly tracing over a mark that went across it. you couldn't remember how you got it. it wasn't one of the deeper ones, so you just forgot about it.
his hand moved up to one on your neck. it wasn't one of the worst either but you remember the story behind it, you bet he remembers too. you felt his arms get the slightest bit tighter around you. his thumb rubbed against it for a few seconds before finally moving up to your face. there were scratches he ran his fingers over. a scratch that went across your nose that you got from hilichurls. it wouldn't scar at least.
his touch felt nice against your cheek, running across one of your many scars placed there. you tilted your face into his palm and kissed his hand. you loved him, just as he loved all of you.
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scaramouche is always unusually quiet in these times. you always wondered why but never bothered to ask him, just in case it was something sensitive to him. you'd wait if he ever wanted to tell you.
scara's hand moved from your cheek, wrapping it around your back as he brought you close to him. he tucked his head into you bare shoulder. he wasn't usually like this, but it was nice.
"do you have a long mission soon?" you asked.
you moved your hand up into his hair as he leaned further into your shoulder.
"...no," he replied. his arms tightened around you as he tried to get you even closer to him.
you nodded as you continued to run your hands through his hair. his hands moved across your back and felt across the scars there too.
"your own soldiers aren't that kind," you joked.
there was a burn that was close to your shoulder, the one scara was laying his head on. you remember the burn it gave, and the anger and concern in scara's voice that day.
"i know," he whispered. his hand ghosted over the burn before he laid his hand on it.
"your skin is so smooth compared to mine… clean in a way."
the harbinger had way less scars compared to you. he had a few across his skin, you always found them nice. you'd compliment them when you could and lightly kiss them. sometimes he'd complain about it, though the smallest bit of red on his cheeks proved you otherwise.
"yet yours has more of a story to tell…" scara said, "how you seem to always make it through the worse. and also a reminder for me scold you more when you come back with blood all over you and your weapon cut in half."
you chuckled at the last part, you even felt a small smile form on scara's face against your shoulder.
"i guess that is true, but i bet yours is nicer to hold though. your skin is soft."
"who said you weren't nice to hug?"
"well i just thought about it -"
"shush, you feel fine."
you let out an amused breath as scara didn't reply any further. you weren't wrong really, scara was nice to hold. his skin felt soft, smooth, you'd be lying if you said you weren't jealous at times when you thought about it. who knew a harbinger, someone who gets orders from the tsaritsa herself, could still look as clean as ever. seemingly untouched by some battles somehow. though you knew that part was completely false.
"you are completely fine," scara said, "i see no problem with how you feel to hold. you're… nice."
well you didn't completely expect that. it was a nice surprise though. you leaned further into scara's touch as the room went silent again. it was a welcomed one though, a silence to bask in each others presence.
he'd hold you like this for a bit longer, running his hands across your skin and tracing your scars. he was amazed you'd let him see you in your bare form. but he was thankful as well, having you trust in him. soon he'd fall asleep against you again, after finally tracing every part of you again as well. you'd wish him goodnight and lay down with him to slowly drift off to sleep next to him.
he was thankful for the amount of trust you had for him, and you were thankful for him to love every piece of you as he did. even the marked and scarred skin of yours. he loved you, truly.
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cyno was a scholar, one that wouldn't travel often. you on the other hand, traveled a lot across teyvat. yet you'd always come back to him. it's no wonder you'd come back with scars on your body and blood on your face. that doesn't mean it didn't worry him though.
"is your nose okay?" cyno whispered.
"mhm, just a small scratch from fighting hilichurls. reported it to the knights when i went to talk to lisa," you said.
"is lisa doing alright?"
"yep, lazy as ever. we had some tea together, it was nice."
cyno nodded as he ran his hand across your face. his touch felt so gentle against you, he could never hurt you then. and he would never hurt you either.
you felt his other hand move downward. down from your stomach and to your thigh. there was another large-ish scar laying there.
"couldn't walk for a while after getting this one, as you probably remember," you laughed dryly. the memories were still present.
the scholar didn't respond, simply running his hands across the scar. he remembered you having to stay in bed for a long time after getting captured by those treasure hoarders. he didn't expect them to be so violent, but at least cyno was able to track you down in time.
his hand moved abruptly from your thigh to your face, cradling your face in both of his hands.
"cyno? is there something wrong?"
"no, not at all," as all he said.
he kissed your forehead. then he kissed the top of your nose, then both of your cheeks, and finally moved to your lips. it was sweet and quick, just like you're used to. but the quick kiss was full of love and adoration of you, something you could tell easily from cyno.
"i hate seeing you get hurt, you know?" he said, pulling away from you slightly. "the times i've seen you come home with bandages across you chest, arms, face, and legs even. it hurts to see."
you leaned into his touch, letting out a deep breath in thought. you did feel bad for worrying him, coming home all of the time battered up with bruises and scratches across your body. you felt bad each time it happened. cyno was a busy man after all.
"i'm sorry cyno… truly. i don't mean to worry you," you whispered against him.
the scholar leaned closer to you, touching his forehead against yours.
"i just don't want to see you get irreversibly injured… to be stuck down to one place, it'd seem like torture to you. so i wish i could join you when you leave, but it is hard with where i am currently."
you moved your hands to remove cyno's hoodie, just so you could run your fingers through his long hair. you always thought it was beautiful.
"i'll try to stay safe for you. so i don't worry you as much."
"i am aware at times it is impossible to avoid injury. but i ask of you, please look out for yourself as well."
you took another deep breath in before replying, "i will, cyno."
he nodded against you, moving to once again kiss you. though this time it was longer than before. cyno once again wrapped his arms around you as he fell back into the bed. laying you on top of him as he waited to fall asleep with you with him once again.
he loved you, every part of you. he loved how you fought, how you never stood down to an opponent. just how you loved him as well. you loved how he always persevered in his academics, how well he did. how he never seemed to get truly mad at you for something. he loved each part of you, and you loved each part of him as well.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Lower Ch. 2
cw: choking, death, murder, unhealthy relationships, god emmet, yandere, dark content all around, poly
words: 3857
pairings: Ingo/Reader, Emmet/Reader
You shot awake, breaths heavy in and out of your lungs. Your hand pressed to your heart, where the wound had been inflicted upon you. It was not there. Heavy arms pulled you back down, your head was pressed into a warm chest while a hand combed your hair softly. Emmet held you tightly to him. Eyes met his as the glow of them was impossible to ignore the early morning darkness of your room. Ingo, nearby, did not even stir to your sudden movements. Only you and the being of your nightmares lie awake. Was that all it was? A nightmare? Had your paranoia ate so badly at you that it plagued your subconscious? 
Emmet would never do such a thing to you. He loved you. All his touches and caresses were meant to bring you comfort or pleasure, never (unwanted) pain. You sobbed into him, arms around his torso. It was terrifying. The pain in your heart felt so real, the warmth of your blood, the heavy scent of iron – the stains on Emmet's clothes. You took heavy, painful breaths. He cooed soft reassurances, reminders that you were safe and nothing could hurt you in his arms. 
“What… What if it's you who wants to hurt me?” you whisper, wondering if he knew about what you seemingly dreamed about. 
“I don't. I didn't,” he speaks gently, “I wanted to show you the pain that you caused me. My heart hurt when I learnt you were working with Volo. He's bad. Verrrry bad.” You freeze. Shoving him away, you stare at him in shock. He knows. He did it. Emmet had actually done that to you. Had you not died? How were you lying on the bed as if nothing had ever happened to you? A hand went under your shirt to feel where you had been stabbed again. Nothing. Emmet snickers at your actions. 
“Mmm, I don't want you to actually die. Nope! I love you tooooo much!” he continues. Your eyes dart to Ingo. Surely, he was hearing what his brother was saying? Was he truly still asleep? He couldn't have been. You refused to accept that he could sleep through all this. “Ingo won't wake up! He's in a deep sleep. I say when he gets up,” Emmet cups your face as you try to move away from him, “He doesn't need to know about our disagreement. He's verrry happy! Have you seen how often he smiles now? He even has more friends and goes out often! I want the same for you.” 
“You—you killed me!” you hiss, feeling anger and fear deep within your bones. A desperate, swelling mixture of heat and ice to a scene of your beloved husband's visage corrupted into something malicious and cruel. He stabbed you without any hesitation, ignored your pleas for help despite being able to do so with apparent ease. His eyes shift from one's of gentle love to something with a lingering frost, a reminder that he was not the same man from before. You were disgusted, skin burning from where he had held you. Emmet acted as if he had done nothing wrong. 
Getting from the bed, you run away. Your feet just keep carrying you. The doors all open. Movement propels you from the cage that once appeared as your apartment to the forest you had come to associate with safety. Somewhere to hide from Emmet's ever prying eyes. You hated him. Everything had become sealed the moment the blade pressed into you. He truly had to be stopped, but now he was aware of what you were doing. 
Volo had been wrong. Your memories were more than safe it seemed, but your sanity was now forfeit. If he killed you once, then what was to say he would not do it again? There was nothing you could do to stop him, but perhaps the blond could provide some more insight into how to handle this now. He stood there waiting, eyes on his phone, boredly. You felt scared. You were supposed to be able to run to Ingo or Emmet for comfort, but the two were one and the same. Emmet had hurt you, and Ingo would always be with his brother. (If he could even believe your claims, you could already hear him excusing it as some vivid nightmare and Emmet messing with you.) 
“… Something happened, hasn't it? You're still in your pyjamas and look like you've seen a ghost,” Volo noted, patting the grass beside him. You hesitantly took a seat. He was watching, without a doubt. Emmet's full, near omnipotent attention would likely be glued to you until you submitted to his will. “His eyes don't follow us here.” 
“They do. He knows,” you manage the four words before bursting into tears. You sob into your knees until the blond places a soft hand on your shoulder. Foolishly, desperate for physical comfort, you bury yourself into his chest, ignoring how he freezes and hesitates. His arms eventually surround you. He's silent, never speaking a word. “Volo… He – he killed me! He stabbed me and acted like it was justified,” you hiccuped. Volo just nods. You cling to him until the feelings ebb away into a numbness that haunts you. 
“He knows of our plans, yes? Well, he can't very well stop you unless he decides to glue himself to your side,” Volo ponders, “Killed you… I hate to ask this of you, but could you further explain?” You knew he likely did not care how much the question bothered you; the knowledge of what happened to you could prove pertinent to him eventually. 
“I don't know exactly what happened… We were arguing over his actions, and I told him that I hated him. Before I knew it, he had picked up a knife and pushed it into my heart,” you offer your recount, a hand laying over your heart, “He held me while I asked him to help. Some time after, my consciousness faded away. Then I woke up in bed perfectly fine. I thought it must have been some terrible nightmare until he basically said that he had.” 
Volo nodded, hand grabbing his chin while he contemplated your words. Emmet's control over this world was near absolute, but the blond new that Arceus would not go down without a fight. That was why he was granted his memories back; it was a punishment and a command. Fix this. Your memories had likely been returned in order to further assist him. An unrelated third party could not get close to Emmet to help him, but you could. Volo was a threat, Emmet's guard would always be up with him around, but you were someone he felt comfortable with. 
Killing you, however, seemed to show that perhaps becoming so powerful had toll to be paid. Emmet was so fiercely protective over those he cared about, from what he had observed, that it was unthinkable that he had actually done such a thing to you, but your panicked cries proved your words to hold truth. Emmet was likely watching you both. He knew that the deity would be unhappy to have watching him comfort you. You still needed the six other plates. Well, he did. His plans could not come to fruition until they were in his possession. 
Volo was not sure if he enjoyed the price of being Arceus's chosen one. 
(Moments in him nearly had him apologising to Akari, but she did not know him. All of her Hisuian memories were gone. Volo was simply a strange man who occasionally she caught smoking on a street corner.) 
“For your safety and mine, I recommend us not having a meeting for quite a while” he softly offered, “Let's give him some time to cool down, and then we'll continue our search.” You stared at him, afraid to be alone with Emmet again. 
“I - Volo, what if he does it again!?” you panic, “Nothing is stopping him! I don't want to feel that again. Please, I can't go back…” 
Volo softly cups your face and wipes the tears from your eyes. That was perfectly understandable, but there was not much he could do. Arceus could always grant his memories back if they were taken again, yet it seemed he had reason to fear some type of revenge from the twin. His brain recalled a story of a man who betrayed a deity of some sort and was forced to endure his liver being ate endlessly. If Emmet would harm you, then there was absolutely no safety guaranteed for Volo. 
“It's painful, I know, but if you want to end this madness as you claim, you will have to face the discomfort of being around him,” the blond explains, “Remember, he won't do that again while he believes you are agreeing with this world. We'll meet again, I promise. Just let him get comfortable again.” 
You agreed, but only because no other option was offered. Returning to apartment made you feel ill, but there was no other place for you to go unless you wanted to set Emmet off more. You sat at the table, lost in the sea of your thoughts. It was impossible to escape this world. What kind of happiness was Emmet seeking? He and Volo both claimed this was done for you and Ingo, but somewhere under the grease of your mind you knew it was simply what would make the younger twin happy. 
Your walk home had plagued your mind with deep thoughts. Listening in on the passing conversations around you, no one seemed to have any complaints or discomforts. Even those with neutral expression had happy stories to tell to their friends. In the middle of a centre, you stared up the bright azure that hung above your head. Fluffy clouds swirled and wafted across the heavens above, while the sun shined beautifully. It was idyllic. If you let yourself accept this reality, you were certain that you experience nothing but joy. 
Yet, that terrified you. 
What was happiness without pain? Was it possible to truly be happy without feeling sadness? Would you even be yourself if Emmet was technically the one pulling the strings? 
You remembered a time when Emmet would gossip with Elesa, but they never seemed truly involved in whomever they spoke about. It was mostly minor conversation and banter to fill the open air. When you truly put thought to it, despite his love for making those visiting the subway smile, his attention seemed mostly devoted to you, his brother and his friends. That was so far away from the Emmet you knew lurked just away from you. His fingers were certainly in everyone's pie, whether they realised it or not. You and Volo were the only ones aware of the horror of the reality around you. 
Heading out to the balcony, you stared out onto the spreading city below. The evening was beginning to set in, the sun's last light fading and bright lights shining across the area. A shimmering sea of humanity spread out before you. The ever-rotating Ferris wheel nearly hypnotising, a few fireworks shooting up from the amusement park. Advertisement boards across larger buildings in high-traffic areas. The people bustling from the Gear Station. 
It was a dreamlike recollection of the city. 
You decided to order take-out for dinner.
Volo felt a cold chill down his spine as he walked down the sidewalk. He was returning to his apartment, tired after his long shift. People are this modern era were much more demanding and rude than those from his time. The merchant much preferred the travel that the Ginkgo Guild provided to the hell of a modern grocery store. A wind blew his jacket, blond strands bracing across his face. He stopped suddenly, feeling eyes burning his skin. 
It was little wonder who dared stare him down. 
“Emmet…” he says. Grey eyes ventured a glance behind him. The false deity stood a few paces away, white cap casting a heavy shadow over his eyes. His long coat blew in the wind. The shine of the ring of Arceus hung over his head. Large white wings spread out from his back. It seemed he was going to receive his 'punishment'. The blond knew that the twin had not taken kindly to him interacting with his lover. “You know, it's not normal or 'happy' to stab one's spouse,” Volo jeers. There was no point to play nice. 
Emmet is eerily silent, eyes gazing from the shadow cast from his brim. They glow intimidatingly. A step is taken towards the blond. There is no movement from Volo. Each step is careful, planned; the younger twin moves with meaning. He stands shorter in stature to Volo, but the power he yields is beyond the capabilities of the merchant. “I'm not scared of you,” he admits, “There is no point. You know as well as I that Arceus still rebels against your will. I mean, they took your partner! You're afraid, Emmet. You realise this lie is falling apart. Nothing is under your control.” 
They stand chest to chest, Emmet staring up at him. The god's head only reaches his neck. It is pitiful almost, a being with such high power still remained shorter than him. Of course, that did not matter when a sudden force knocked him into the path of an oncoming, speeding car. Volo began wondering if becoming a god did something to a mortal being. His last conscious thoughts were not in fear or anger; he knew he would be back. 
Emmet knew it, too. 
All the throes of one realising his power was simply borrowed.
Ingo sat beside you on the couch, some weird sitcom on the television. He ate the noodles you got in a relative silence. The older twin was fully unaware of anything that was happening. He had walked in a bit later than usual, having took on some overtime, and was surprised that Emmet had not come home yet. You did not mind, not wanting to see him at all. Ingo was fine; he may look identical to his brother, but his attitude was his own. He put the box down on the coffee table. 
If only you could convince him as to what his brother was doing. You turned to him and gently cupped his face. Pushing him against the couch, you bury your face into his work button-down, sobs and hiccups leaving you again. This day had been filled with crying, and it seemed that they would just never stop. Ingo pressed you to him carefully, gently stroking your hair and hushing you. He asked many times what was wrong; if there was any way that he could fix. You could only shake your head and hide deeper into him. 
Seeing you so vulnerable had a deep effect on Ingo. His heart could not bear to see you in such pain. What had hurt you so? Why could you not tell him? Did you not trust him? The older twin would do anything for you. A tender kiss was pressed to your head. Slowly, the emotional rush dulled, and your tears dribbled into nothingness. 
In that moment, it was just you and Ingo. 
You stared at him. 
He was so unaware of everything. 
The pain he caused unknowingly by his disappearance, and his lack of knowledge to his brother's actions. 
His hands cupped your face this time, the pad of his thumbs wiping the tears from your eyes. You wondered if he would believe you. It felt like too much for now, so you instead rested your head against his chest again. The slowness of his heartbeat, softly lulling you away into a slumber. His hands combed through your hair as he hummed softly.
The next days passed with no events truly happening. Emmet acted as he always did, seeming to accept your nervousness for what it was. Ingo had questioned the sudden tension between you two, but neither of you had apparently given his a proper answer. It was clearly weighing on him, but the moment you decided to speak with him about what had happened between you and Emmet would be the moment you decided to try to convince him to your side. 
Still, you found yourself wandering around the city. Part of it was hoping you would encounter Volo by chance, and another was whether anyone else had come into realisation like you both had. Elesa seemed thoroughly under the spell of this world. No matter how many times you tried to convince her that everything was a little off, she just laughed it away. “No, silly, you must have got confused. That lamppost has always been there,” the model ignored your claims completely, “The city is big; it's only natural you would confuse things. Wait until I tell Emmet about this one! He'll think it's hilarious.” You begged her not to, pretending to be so deeply embarrassed about your mistake. She agreed when you visibly got upset. 
You found yourself sharing a coffee with one of Ingo's new friends. Irida was her name, and you presumed she was from Hisui like Volo. She was very polite and understanding. The way she spoke with you, however, was as if she had known you forever. A deep friendship bonded her with Ingo, having been thoroughly impressed by his skills with pokemon during a random challenge to the Battle Subway after having moved to the region from Sinnoh. The conversation was mostly light, with her discussing this friend Palina of hers and her apparent taste in men. You just nodded along. 
“Say… Does Hisui mean anything to you?” you ask, trying to recall the things that Volo had told you about his home, “I, uh – got interested in it recently. Clan wars, huh? Both of these 'Sinnoh' seemed to be real in the end, ironically.” 
Something seemed to flare in her blue eyes for a moment, like a distant memory clawing at the back of her brain and demanding to re-enter her circulation of thoughts. Her breath was a sharp inhale of air, the grip she placed on the table was frighteningly strong. She shook her head for a moment and apologised for her strange behaviour. “Ah, well, it was definitely something covered in history class,” she smiles amicably, “I was actually quite interested in it back then… I found myself aligning with the Pearl Clan's values…” she began to go on about the supposed Hisui lesson. 
You knew better. 
Taking the subway home, you found yourself in an empty car. It was not necessarily a busy time, but you still found it strange to see it so desolate. You felt nervous suddenly. A door slid open from the direction of the locomotive. The door to your cart opened. Emmet stepped in wordlessly, closing the door behind him. Ah, now it made sense. People were strangely willed to leave this car alone and give him space to confront you in a place without Ingo around. His glowing eyes stared at you. He sat down beside you. 
Your stomach churned as he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close to him. He was still so far from himself, but you could not lie to yourself and say that you had not missed his touch slightly. The affection you usually found yourself smothered in, coming to a grinding halt. It was for good reason, but your reptilian brain did not care about that. You leaned into it for a moment. The sounds of the train rolling along the tracks echoed, filling the open space with a calming ambience. 
Lying, Volo told you to do. You wondered if you could. 
“Do you truly hate me?” he asks, taking his hat off. His eyes reflected pain and his hands clutched the hat tightly. “Are you not happy? I'm sorry I hurt you, but I lost my temper…” 
He was excusing it, naturally. One does not go from being upset to stabbing their spouse within such a short timeframe, but arguing was pointless. He would not listen to you. You refused to speak. In fact, you refused to further acknowledge him. Maybe if you pretended he was not there, he would get the message that you were not wanting to talk with him. Sitting with a strict posture, you scrolled through your phone. It was better this way. You could be comfortable this way. 
“… Is this how you're going to act, darling?” Emmet's tone held a sharp edge. You ignored with his words and continued your scrolling. Irida had sent you links and videos about the Hisuian period of Sinnoh, as your apparent interest caused her to want to share her culture's history with you. His hand gripped your chin and forced your attention on him again. You attempted to stare past him, viewing the metal of the train car rather than his face. It only served to upset him further. “Volo wants the same thing I do. He wants the powers I have. He wouldn't be a verrrry nice god. He wouldn't want you to be happy like I do,” Emmet warned. You were aware that you were testing his limits again. 
Emmet was growing tired of you ignoring him. He couldn't bear how you clung so closely to Ingo while pretending he did not exist. No words were spoken between the two of you since the incident, despite his desperation to. You were never around when he tried to speak with you about those things. Even now, you stared past him and acted as if he was not before you. His patience was wearing thin. He understood you were upset, but he was only acting in your best interested. The younger twin's thread wore ever thinner. 
He tried to press his lips to yours, yet you shoved him away and stared at him with this disgusted expression. Your eyes held the burning hatred that lapped at his skin and reminded him that you knew. He despised it. Emmet wanted you to love him. His heart solely belonged to you. The visions of you clinging to Volo while in tears plagued his mind. 
You went to him for comfort. 
You went to the being that killed Ingo. 
“I hate you!” you screeched, “Leave me alone!” 
Emmet was on top of you in seconds. Hat flying on to the floor of the car and his hands wrung your neck. Pressure was applied. Choked sounds left you as he constricted your airflow. Those words again. Those words you could not mean. The deity refused to accept them. You were simply confused. Nails clawed at his hands but did not true damage. Your legs kicked up, yet Emmet remained steadfast. 
Shrunken pupils stared at him while everything became dizzier and unfocused for you. It was painful to see you suffer. Emmet could not handle your scorn. He would have your love, even if seeing you like this was the price to pay. 
Slowly, your life faded again. 
Emmet's hands left your neck, ugly bruising apparent. 
He felt angry. 
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saturnsstufff · 3 years
Awsamdude/Technoblade- Rumor Has It
For my beloved @sugarandspicebutnonice
Warnings: sexual innuendo
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    Techno was a great Prince. He worked hard to keep his family's name in good graces. All of Phil's boys worked hard to keep their names held high with respect. Tommy was known around for keeping sprits high, any ball or formality with Tommy was always known as the best to attend.
   His older brother Wilbur was a skilled artisan with music. Always teaching and making new sounds like it wasn't any struggle. Anyone could find him out in the court yard with a guitar in hand. Humming and singing a casual song.
   The eldest, Technoblade was a skilled swordsman and statists. Anytime he was called into a meeting, the others shuddered knowing he would trump them all. He made swinging a sword look like art. Trust me, you would know.
   You had a wonderful relationship with techno for a long time. But sadly, you both had parted away from each other. Of course, it was on all good terms, He was more concerned with the kingdom rather than establishing a strong and sturdy relationship.
   You, being a knight- fully understood. But you also choose to be a bit selfish about it. You truly wished for him to give you a bit of attention at least when together. He could be such a ladies man when he choose to in public, yet when it came to the two of you he just became closed off and anything but warm. Even behind closed doors it was lacking some spark of passion.
   So you both agreed it was best to let things lie.
  But what left you with a sour taste was how quickly he moved on.
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   You would give him the benefit of the doubt of course, he was a well known man. She could have been someone he had met previously, and during your break off she was there to talk it out with him.
She, she ain't real
   But something about her screamed fake, her smile and movements seemed too thought through. Her words all laced with a sickening sweet hum, it also didn't help she giggled at basically anything techno said.
    Plenty of times you sat with the general and talked about how dense she came off. Respectfully, you had assumed Tech would have went for a well educated woman such as yourself. But after seeing her- you wondered if that type was in short supply.
   Anything she did, she would just bat her eyes and he was wrapped around his finger.
   It honestly made Sam and you laugh.
She ain't gonna be able to love you like I will
   As much as you started to loathe the woman, techno wasn't yours anymore. Thus you started getting closer to Sam. Both of you connecting on how your past relationships had been. Well you were casted aside, Sam was flatly cheated on.
   Of course knowing that, your heart ached for him. Sam was a well educated and handsome man with a heart of gold. Respectfully his whole job was centered on protecting and serving the people.
   Jumping into a relationship was Sam was like practically nothing. You promised him all the love in the world, and just like you, he promised to give you the same.
   And love each other you did.
She is a stranger
   Techno did see you grow close to his general, and honestly it didn't set well with him.
   He liked the woman he was with, but he also had known you since childhood. You both had played within the court yard plenty of times to claim it as your own.
   Sam didn't do that with you. Sam had only started to know you when you joined the ranks.
   Techno would often catch himself watching you and Sam spar. His eyes would watch as Sam's hand grabbed at your waist, gripping your hips and using his own to throw you off balance. He hated how close your bodies were.
   At one point he couldn't help but pull you aside and ask why you let him touch you. But that conversation drove spikes through his heart. "How can you just let him touch you like that?! He’s practically all over your body! You wouldn't let me touch you like that- and You and I have history" he yelled not believing what he saw.
   When your face twisted in front of him into disgust, he thought you were almost joking. "The hell is with you?! I'm not your girlfriend! Or don't you remember!?" You yelled at him. Lightly shoving him back from you. "Don't tell me where he can, and cannot touch me" You sneered. In all his years he never saw you so heated.
Sure, she's got it all
   Truthfully you saw techno leave you as a drop to his pride. He dropped a knight for a soft noble girl. A girl babied all her life. You knew as soon as she was exposed to blood she would have fainted like a goat in pasture. But in the end of the day, you weren't sleeping with her so what did it matter?
But, baby, is that really what you want
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   Arguments between Technoblade and you had become more frequent. Sam let you duke it out, he knew he had no place to tell you to leave it be. Sam also didn't appreciate how fast Techno jumped onto your case about finding someone else.
   Although he knew it irked you about Techno moving on, you never got in his face about it like he would. Sam viewed this as your way of showing you were the bigger person.
   On one particular day he found the arguments amusing. Techno had started up again when Sam was publicly teasing you. Well techno found your back talking distasteful, Sam relished with how powerful you were.
   Listening to techno ramble off on his pathetic reasonings left you a laughing mess, even to the point you cut his argument off. "Bless your soul, you've got you're head in the clouds, she's going to use you like a fool!" You laughed in his face.
   His jaw tightened as he spat at your words, pointing at Sam. "You made a fool out of you General. She doesn't even love you- Your wasting your time on a-" at Tech's words you couldn't help but push back even harder for him targeting Sam.
   "How dare you say that. Your common penny is getting around more than I- And, boy, she's bringing you down!" You called out. Putting a finger to his chest. "She made your heart melt- But its all a lie!" You didn't stop their, you had more to say to him. "She thinks your all that- a fairy tale prince to save her dreams! But you're cold to the core" you said to him. Causing him to back off.
   "Besides. Now rumor has it she ain't got your love anymore"
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Rumor has it, ooh, Rumor has it, ooh, Rumor has it, ooh
   You weren't lying. Their were plenty of rumors going around saying she was sleeping with others besides Techno. Although Sam and you had no proof to this. Your hunches seemed right.
   On one day, Sam had left for a out of village meeting. You really didn't mind, you trusted him enough and knew he wouldn't do anything behind your back.
   But sadly you wished to go with him. Techno had asked for you to join him for a round of chess. Something you both greatly enjoyed when together. But now you knew there was meaning to the game.
   Sure enough when you sat with in in the court yard, he brought up Sam.
   "You know he is much older than you..." he said as he moved his knight across the board.
   "And She is half your age" you said flatly. Picking your pawn up. "But I'm guessing that's the reason that you stayed" you said moving it to where you pleased. His brows drew together in slight anger. But he did try and keep his calm.
   "I heard you've been missing me" he said, a small smirk growing on his lips. He found pride within those rumors. Knowing that you still supposedly whined and withered about for him.
   Of course, you knew he was gravely mistaken.
   "You've been telling people things that you shouldn't be" you said carefully. Knowing he was probably behind the rumors somehow.
   Techno took this moment to see if he still had a effect on you. Usually during chess you both would flirt a bit. So naturally, he took the chance. "Like when we creep out and she ain't around" he said bemused, your face twisting into disgust again.
   "I sneak out to see Sam... besides Haven't you heard the rumors" you said moving your queen. When he didn't respond you laughed. He didn't even under stand. "Bless your soul, you've got your head in the clouds" you said, fully amused within the moment.
   "C'mon darlin... I know you fell hard for me when we started dating..." he cooed to you. Your eyes darting up like daggers.
   "You made a fool out of me" you said to him. Wanting to get your point across. Well he moved his pawns about you took your moment to explain how you felt. "You make me sick to my stomach.. And, boy, you're bringing me down" you said softly. Smiling to yourself slowly. "You made my heart melt, yet I'm cold to the core" You said, moving your queen to take his knight. Your eyes slyly skimmed over his. His lost knight now within your fingers.
   "But rumor has it I'm the one you're leaving her for"
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   After that game, rumors and tensions soared wildly. Sam at one point thought you were back and evolved with Techno again. Of course you explained to him the situation, which thankfully he understood and apologized for trusting second hand mouths.
Rumor has it, ooh, Rumor has it, ooh, Rumor has it, ooh
All of these words whispered in my ear
   But Techno's mood plummeted fast...
Tell a story that I cannot bear to hear
   A engagement, specifically Sam and yours. Oh how his blood boiled at the news. He thought his hands all over you was bad, but now... now you would take Sam's name in law. You would he his wife. Not Techno's.
Just 'cause I said it, it don't mean that I meant it
   Because of this news he didn't hesitate to run and find you. More than hell-bent on giving you a piece of his mind. He wanted to make it clear you couldn't marry him.
People say crazy things
   He didn't care what people would say, he wanted to claim you again. Techno didn't want anyone else touching you. He especially didn't want Him touching you.
Just 'cause I said it, don't mean that I meant it
   Even if within the past week he yelled hurtful things to you, he hoped you would understand he just wanted to protect you from unworthy suitors. Sam couldn't provide for you like Techno could. Sam was a general born from a farmer. Technoblade was to be crowned king.
Just 'cause you heard it
   So their he stormed. Heading to the stables, knowing full well that's where you were. His anger was fuming. He couldn't wait to shove it in Sam's face that Techno wouldn't let you marry him.
   But lets just say Technoblade was the one left speechless in the end.
Rumor has it, ooh, Rumor has it, ooh Rumor has it, ooh,
   Especially when he slammed the door open to the stables and saw Sam's body covering yours, your legs around his waist in a tight hold well he was buried deep inside you.
But rumor has it he's the one I'm leaving you for
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Tell me you love me, before I go.
A/N: A very short smutty writing I had in my swirling whole night, which unapologetically I ended up writing in the wee hours of dark.
Summary: Harry and Y/N are rivals -- very passive aggressive enemies. When on a mission Y/N breaks into his room he had no choice but to punish her.
AU: Rivals to lovers, dark sci-fi, angry rough sex, spanking and spitting, reassurance kink and unrequited love.
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A war between two groups. Left one with nothing but a tech base and other with almost everything. So the Arsonists raid the Phantoms' buildings to steal food items and necessary fuels for their people since they're mostly unarmed due to lack of weapons they try to use their brain as much as possible. 
Y/N works in one of the tech bases of Arsonists and right now she's standing with her five more mates trying to figure out how to break through these large gates of the villain's building, one of his most strong headquarters. 
They've to collect some data before another truck of fuel arrives for Phantoms next Wednesday so they could have access to it without doing much effort. 
Once sneaking in successfully because the two guards were too muddled in gossiping their arsess about their maiden. The building's nothing too extravagant, sleek and able to live, dimmed to an unpleasant light indicating everyone inside it is sleeping. 
She barges into the villain's room easily and almost had all the information in her hands from his drawers when the door to the room banged close, startling her at spot and the frames of her glasses fell on the carpeted floor. 
"D'ya think cursing would take ye' out of here? if so you're down bad" Her heart sinks in when his cold insensate voice booms within the walls — a heavy boot comes crushing her glasses, again and again mercilessly. 
Her blood boils. Because, what the fuck. Doesn't he have any manners? 
"Do you think I need my glasses to punch the shit out of you, you prick!!" She pounced at him, almost breaking his nose into a splitted eiffel tower but he dodged it, twisting her wrists at her back and snatching the files from her sneering menacingly —- letting her painful grunts fly over his head without any remorse. 
"Well, well." She yelps when he tightens his grip angrily, "Look what cat dragged in come little mousey we're going to have some fun." She didn't know until now that someone could be this strong as he puts her in a chair like a rag doll binding her with no escape out. 
She tries to squirm and wriggle her butt out but he just tuts standing tall and evil in front of her, she rakes her gaze slowly up to his tanned biceps and clavicles popping from underneath his flimsy shirt, matted curls grazing his shoulders. 
"Oh no, trust me sweetheart, you're going to want to stay strapped in here. We're going to find out how many times an Arsonist can break –- and for the fact my people will kill you on the spot if you step out of my room." Shiver runs down her body from fear and he chuckles, flopping onto the edge of his bed, man spreading, leaning onto the heels of his palms behind him. 
"You're pathetic!" She spits out. Full of venom. 
"Pfft, a thief telling me that 'm pathetic." He shakes his head and she's despising his audacity as if he rules the world. She could kick him square in his sexy face but the thing's she's bound to this damn uncomfy chair. 
"Atleast, I don't go on killing people." She grumps and it's like she pushed a button when his irises turn pitch dark. Her eyes widen in astonishment, reeking with fear when he leaves his spot in a thunder striding towards her furiously and drags the chair closer to him, almost lifting it inches above floor. 
The next thing she knows that a gun is resting against her temple ready to be fired, "Ye' really that desperate fo' me to prove it to you, huh?" He growls, hooded gaze following the gun that's sliding down her cheek and the way her breath wavers —- lips trembles, nose twitches he knows he's fucked. 
"Will it hurt?" If she's going to die it better be an easy way. 
His eyes soften at that. Taking in the rosy features of her, the plushiness and squishiness of her skin that his fingers feels like dipping into cream. The women of Phantom aren't like this; they're built differently to fight and kill who wrongs them -- they're almost heartless at this point. 
"Dunno, You'll get to know after taking one." He shrugs like it's not a biggie tipping her chin with the gun's pointer and her eyelids slip shuts. She couldn't cry. Even her dead body wouldn't forgive her if she would cry infront of her worst enemy for the last time. 
"I hate you, Harry. I'd never ever forgive you for kidnapping my cat when we were small." There she said it. If she's gonna die soon she better let it off her chest. Before it could hit him right in the wound he builds a shield fast arguing back with a stoic chuckle. 
"Guilt tripping wouldn't help, darling." He tuts patting her cheek with the gun's barrel —- funny case it's empty of bullets. He just shooted all of them whilst doing target practice. 
"Fuck you." She yells. 
"It'd take much more action than just undressing me naked with your bare eyes." He squeaks dramatically. Stepping away and pouts when she huffs trying to kick her feet in his direction. 
"Not my fault that you're a perv." 
He pouts feigning fake disappointment putting a hand on his chest, "You're such a grudge holder." 
"Think about 10 ways to fuck me until then 'm heading to make amends for you -- see what they offer in return of their precious nerd." He smirks, it's sad such a gorgeous face could be such evil she thinks. 
When he comes back she's fallen asleep from getting tired and exhausted being trapped in the same spot for hours, "Sorry, peaches but they don't want you back –- even told me to kill you if that what it ta —- oooh" He halts in his tracks closing the door behind him quietly not to wake her up and pads softly towards her, putting her dangling head back gently in a comfortable position and tucks a strand of her hair that's tickling her nose behind her ear. 
You're not supposed to act that way with your enemy, you FUCKER. 
His brain screams but his heart says otherwise. 
She has changed. She never cries anymore. Everytime they kidnapped her or she ended up being caught from his henchmen —- she'd always need company to make her feel less frightened from the hollowness of their buildings, would cry when they'd lock her up in dark rooms. 
It's awfully hurtful how once bestfriends turns into rivals just because of a conflict that ruined their and their families lives. 
She has been doing all of this for people who doesn't even care about her. They're using her and many others like her to build a nuclear power plant so they could become intimidating. 
He retires to sleep. Debating in his sleep whether he should just free her and tell her to sleep in one of the rooms of the buildings but soon the possibilities died when he was high in his slumber. 
He groans, knuckling the sleepiness away from his eyes. He woke up from loud the thumping and found Y/N trying to break the door knob, he winces covering his ears when she screams watching him lunge towards her in rush. 
His chocolate curls bouncing atop his head. His emerald eyes speaking with morning's gold and lips ripe like cherry. His brows kinked in annoyance and expression pinched in rage. 
"You're confident." He rasps out in his morning husk and slams his hands on either side of her head trapping, cornering her between him and the wall.
"Did you really think it was going to be this easy." He nothing but purres, pushing her against the door. She gasps abruptly aware of their height differences moreso the radiation of power he daunts that she ignored her whole life. 
"Hmm." He hummed. Eyes black with intimidation burning her under the intensity of it, he keeps his focus on her, smirking. "It suits you. This trying to fight me, desperation is a beautiful look on you." 
"Fuck you." 
"I mean if, ask nicely." His smile is sweetly honey and lethal if you ask me. 
She glares at him with blazing daggers, "This isn't the way you make people love you." Her chest heaving with his heat close to her and his scent enveloping her. 
"Love?" He laughs fondly even, crinkled forming by his eyes and he breathes out when she hovers her dry lips over his's, "Sweet thing this isn't about love — if ye ask me far from that." He's lying. He's full of bullshit. 
"And yet you don't touch me or hurt me." She squints her eyes up at him wrecking her brain how to slip away from his hold, "If you beg so." He simpers awfully lewd for her. Sure as rock for what he said with his whole chest. 
"Come get me then!" She trips him aside and rushes for the door when he pushes her into it tightening his hand around her throat, it's aching him to tell her the truth but he wants to let her know her worth. He rests his forehead against her's muttering a rumble deep within his chest, "They don't want you Y/N." Her windpipes squeezes painfully. The statement punching her lungs. Tears springing in her eyes. 
"You're lying!!" She looks up at him shattered and desperate. 
He caresses his knuckles against her tear stained cheek, "Shh, shh baby I'll always want you even if they don't — " He jerks back when she blows hit at his brawny chest yelling at him. 
"It's because of you!! You, you, you." He sighs. Grabbing her wrists and pining them above her head, "Shut up, please." His chillness irks her more and she nips at him feastly. 
"Make me." So he does. When her eyes drift up at his determined ones it takes her breath away and she knew it was over for her. 
His lips catches her's in a hard kiss, driving them apart with the force of it. Nothing gentle mind mushing about it rather pricking needles into her skin with the severeness of it. She feels the door rattling against her back when he shifts, pushing her against it with his hips, every thought of her exploding into white noise of want and lust. The dark curl of desire twisting in her stomach and pearling sweat on her neck. With the last thread of restraint in herself she tries to pull away. 
"No." He says bringing her lips back to his's. Cupping her cheeks to deepen the kiss and it's ardent as before not loosing it's spark, she slips her hands under his shirt — pulling him closer and the low groan at the back of his throat, a small pleading noise of want sets her skin on fire. 
"Fuck me."  She mewls. Trying to latch on his body like a kitten with it's dainty paws. 
He glides his clammy palms down her bum and grabs her thighs wrapping them around his waist. Not breaking the kiss but tasting ever dulcet corners of her mouth and creating heavenly noises. 
The next thing they know she's crawling back with the help of her bum to settle in the nest of pillows and he's fumbling with his belt buckle quite aggressively, she tugs the hem of his shirt down not satiated enough from having his lips on her and meanders her fingers in his hair to pull at them roughly in order to flush her chest up against his's.
"Never thought your sheets would have smelled other than sex." Because, genuinely. They smell that of fresh mint and roses. 
"So, you think of me doing dirty on this bed you're laying at the moment?" He asks mock and degradation evident in his tone, "D'ya get wet dreamin' 'bout me railin' ye' to death?" He grazes his teeth along her jaw and sucks at her earlobe counting in her silence. 
"Shut up." She gasps, probably from the abrupt press of his bulge against the inside of her thigh. 
"Make me then." He growls. Fisting the hem of her hoodie and pulls it over her head throwing it among his skinny jeans. Her head falls back and lips tremble from the effect of slap he landed at her outer thigh —-- she knows she can't shut him.
Though he knows that her single command and he'd be at his knees for her. 
When she clings to him for dear life and whimpers in his ear softly, his eyes widen in realization and he leans away to watch her expressions diffuse into manifold emotions. His nose scrunches up and he holds back his cooes for her. 
She's a subby. A cute one. 
Her eyes blink open to the sight of him out of his boxers and it waters her mouth —- her mind manipulating her to lunge forward and take his heavy member in her palm to give a good suck to his shiny crimson head. 
Down her throat. Nestle her nose against the trim patch of hair under his balls. 
"Like what y'see, doll?" He highers his chin quite smug about her staring and she hates him for that, "Pretty cocky for someone who likes staring at his enemy's tits." Her voice groggy. She wheezes a squeak through her nose when Harry pulls his shirt over his head revealing toned pecs and abs -- skin sewn with tats. 
Unfortunately, she doesn't get to stare at it for longer when that shirt comes wrapping around her eyes blocking her sight. 
He can never let her have nice things would he?
"Wanted to gag your mouth with it … but I'd rather love hearing you moan fo' daddy." He nips at her collarbones -- sucking it harshly to leave a prominent mark. His calloused hand rubs over her tummy smiling against her skin when she jolts and lets a little squeal slip. 
His cock drips precome at her tummy and her breath shudders into heavy pants when the tip of his cock dipped in her belly button nudging it. 
"Ha —- " He glides his sticky head down her happy trail and slips his large palm into her panties cupping her with his middle finger teasing her entrance, "Couldn't hear you!" He ducks down to put his ear near her lips and drums the pads of his digits against her cheek. 
She huffs and squirms for a second then moans breathily when he spanks the side of her hip leaving a sting, "Oh my god, daddy." His grin victorious and he lowers down to smudge his lips against her parted ones -- kissing her tongue and humming around it. 
She's somewhere it's hard to configure out, in between paradise and wonderland. 
"Tell me princess, what d'I do with you in your filthy dreams?" He grabs her jaw patching gentle pecks against her lips and he slops his finger into her throbbing pussy, "Fuckin' drippin' down ye' bum fo' me." She cries out trying to hook her thigh around him but he hisses slapping her cunt hardly -- turning her into a thrashing mess. She's trying hard to suppress the bitter-sweet sensation of her own body getting out of control and her glistening pussy lips flutter erratically creating sloppy noises. 
She squirts drenching the sheets underneath them and her panties. 
He slides his arm under her arching back pushing her up against his chest with a jerk, "Daddy's askin' you somethin'." He grits, propping his knee in between her thighs to rub it against her soaking centre. 
She gulps, licking her dry lips, "You–your rings … ah!" Her whimpers are muffled against his chest and he twists his thumb in tight circles to smear her wetness from her slit to clitoris, "What 'bout them, doll?" 
How does she tell him she liked what he did earlier. 
"Daddy, please … " She whines blindly searching for his face but he grips her wrists in his one hand and groans, "How's daddy gonna make you feel good when you don't tell him, pet?" He takes a kitten lick of her perky nipple. Teasing her areola with the tip of his cold tongue against her warm sweaty body —- he laps at it hungrily then creates a suckling noises, the noises, his slobbery tongue on her body, his fingers curled inside her pussy and the thick humidity is too overwhelming, she feels like fainting. 
She wants him, inside her needy pussy. 
She can't take the teasing anymore. 
"Spanking! I – I liked it when you did it, please." He kisses her nipple for the last time before smashing his mouth against her's in a fervent sinfulness and parts away with a smooching noise to sit back on his heels, "It wasn't that hard was it? Just a word and I could give you my whole world." The sincerity in his voice makes her want to hug him and kiss him for lifetime but for now he has other plans as he rips her panties away moaning obscenely gruff at the sight of her pussy weeping for him to pound his cock inside her, so ready and full of dripping honeyed wetness  for him. 
"Your safe word is clouds." He whispers in her ear. He knows her limits and her resistance but by any chance he'd cross it he'd never forgive himself, "What's it?" He asks and she says in wavering, "Clouds." 
"Atta girl." He pets her cheek. 
Her nail scratches the side of his hands that are pinning her down when he spits on her already damp cunt, a loud noise resonates along with her needy cries when his free hand adorned in jewels came spanking her pussy and her pelvis remains lifted in air bathing in the sting of metal and the throb rattling in her whole core. 
"This's what you wanted?" He kisses his teeth slapping her slick clit again and again, "To be roughed up by daddy, hmm." She bobs her head squirming and wriggling. Her words struck in her throat. 
"To be manhandled." He hums a growlish moan tasting his own fingers coated in her juices, "I'll show you what being manhandled really feels like." He promises her. She gasps a sweet yelp when he flips her over and throws her bum up.
His cock rubbing against her thigh and her heartbeat fastens, anticipating something, crimping the sheets in her fists and mewls into the mattress when he spanks her ass loving the way it jiggles stroking it afterwards to subside the burn down before landing another brutal one. 
She bolts her eyes shut throwing back her hips at him and he lays all the way over her back pushing her down on the bed, her cum trickling down the inside of her thigh, "Want daddy's cock?" He asks. Slicking the head of his prick up and down her asshole and slit. 
When she nods vigorously he bumps it in furious circles against her swollen bundle of nerves, "Then beg fo' it," He says intimidatingly and she doesn't waste a second before blabbering shamelessly. 
"Daddy … please I want your massive cock inside me, all of it." In her entire lifetime -- she never once uttered these kind of words. 
His heart mushes into a puddle seeing her a babbling mess and grabby hands for him, he kisses her gently speaking to her with foremost affectionate, "shh, shh moppet. You could have it anytime you want it, daddy's g'na fill you to rim with his cum and make you keep it there for hours with his prick still snug inside your little pussy, just made for him, c'mere...yeah just like that." He lays her back gently that her front is facing him now and wraps his hand around her calve raising it and pushing it against her chest firmly.
A series of pornographic moans and whimpers echoes in his bedroom when he seathes inside her slowly stretching her out in by inch leaving a burn behind her pulsating walls, their breath laboured breaths mingling, "Fuck you're so warm baby —-- hugging daddy's cock so good." He whines looking down where they're connected and knotted. His stomach twists and turns, his hips stiffens and he resists from pushing inside her when she's not ready but her milking him with her wetness isn't doing him any mercy too. 
She gropes his ass, nudging him to move and their teeths clanks, temples falls against eachother and lips whisper prayers of their unrequited love when he pulls all the way back to pound back inside her roughly. 
"You're daddy's good girl, making him feel so good. I want to keep you to myself. all of you and cherish you, make love to you, w'na mark you however I want." He groans eyes rolling back under his closed lids grinding his hips against her's in rhythmic pleasuring motions to give her clit stimulations and she cries out feeling another bursting orgasm bubbling in her tummy. 
"'M gonna cum, daddy!" She tugs at his roots and he drives more maniacly inside her, "Squirt around daddy's cock pet, so your pussy could swallow it deeper inside you." The headboard of bed hits against the wall vigorously and she digs her heels deeper into the dimples at his back moaning at the top of her lungs when she gushes all over his dick making more squelching, soapy, dirty noises of him raming inside her. 
She desires for more. 
She has become one little insatiable thing. 
His balls smacks against her bum and his thursts turn faster to chase his high, "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He curses nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck and keeps his hand around his throat with the slight pressure of claimation. 
"Come fo' me again." He spanks her ass and she clamps shut down at him pushing him to the edge of ecstasy, "Squeezing me so tight -- gimme more, I know you can princess." Her legs tremble around his waist when she crampies around him and his cock's head strokes against her sweet spot doing wonders to just topple her off real quick. 
"Daddy!" She feels floaty and foggy head coming on his cock for the many times she has forgotten. Her mind blocking out even the weak shuddering whimpers and beaten moans of Harry as he reaches his orgasm unloading inside her -- his cum sticking thickly to her walls and some of it oozing outside of her pussy hole but he pumps it back with lazy strokes. 
He lifts his smushed face from the dip of her neck, his own curls sweaty against the nape of his neck and he smoothes his palms down her sides to calm her, his lips brushing featherly against the corner of her mouth as she keeps on blabbering something. 
When he tries to pull out gently she cries out pawing at his shoulders, "Daddy no!" He caresses her sweaty hair back and gets rid of her blindfold, pecking her nose sweetly. 
He wants to take care of her. He yearned to have her like this for years. He has to bring her back from her sub-space before it's too late. 
"It's no daddy anymore, petal. I'll crush you in this position — " Carefully he tries to retreat but stop when she says in a very dejected feeble voice, bottom lip wobbling and tears springing at the corners of her eyes, "You don't want me too?" OH NO. This's what Harry was afraid about. A breakdown. He saw the storm coming but didn't know it could be this worst right when she's in her sub-space. 
His face pales at that. His state in frenzy and panic. 
"No bubba. I want you my precious girl -- s'just you're gonna get tired like this, hmm. 'N I have so much to show you and make you meet new people -- couldn't have me baby walkin' on her wobbly legs for whole day could I?" He cups her cheeks tenderly and smiles down at her warmly smothering her in devoted kisses. 
"Promise, daddy?" She sniffles staring up at him with doe innocent eyes and he shakes his head, "Harry sweet angel, come back to me moppet." He keeps his gaze locked with her's, gliding his thumb delicately against her cheeks and seals his promise with a kiss. 
She lets him pull out and he shushes her wrecked whimpers with his lips. Falling to side with a large puff of breather and embraces her with his arm slinged around her shoulders protectively and she hides her face in his chest, mumbling incoherent things and he tries to stay with her emotionally and physically much as possible -- assuring her and soothing her with his sweet nothings. 
"Harry." She whispers softly and his ears perks up at that looking down at her with most loving eyes, "Hi baby." He giggles quietly kissing the tip of her nose and she sniffs cuddling into him. 
"Sorry —- " He shakes his head pinching her chin to make her look up. 
"You don't have to darling -- s'okay, everything's alright." After, making sure she's okay and giving her million re-assurances because he loves to he cleaned her with a damp wash rag. 
"Such a pretty babe." He makes her blush treating her as if she's a china glass doll who'd break at his slightest poke and showers her in praises and kisses because dunno who got her self-esteem and confidence like that but that person sure needs to get punched in their face. 
"Did I hurt you?" He asks tenderly applying a thin layer of cream on her red imprints. She shakes her intervining her fingers into his's one by one and kisses his knuckle, "No." 
"Good." He chuckles as if he was holding his breath. 
"How bout you take a lil nap and I see if I could bring us some brekkie, hmm?" He's gonna break his own rule. Taking food from mess area to your rooms and taking long showers was never allowed, having lights on after 12 because of the risk of attacks. 
"'M not hungry, please stay." Her eyes half open and her face buried into his scented pillow, "Dunno. But to me you look like y'could faint any time soon." He says sternly pulling a snugly clean duvet over her body. 
"Okie but come back quick." 
"Don't worry. In a snap I'll be infront of you." 
It's her fourth day here. She came out of his room to socialize just a day before and she realized from the nasty glowers thrown her way that not a single person likes her. 
But it felt like spending a lifespan with Harry. To fill the emptiness of all those moments of their childhood together they lost once after the war. 
She got to know he's the best cuddler and likes to be a small spoon, she loves to jetpack him. He seems rather scary and is scary when he's commanding people off -- they wouldn't dare but to speak a word over him but he's this big softie Y/N likes to squish in their privacy. 
He got her glasses fixed and put them over her nose with a mishevious kiss, she was unable to not to grin when he murmered against her lips, "Now you could punch me with your glasses on." 
"Seems like I don't have to do that anymore." She shrugged squealing afterwards when he threw her over his shoulder tickling her till all she coul see was him and stars. 
It was all going on track until now when she was passing through the lobby to go to Harry who's practicing out in field, "What are you doing here Alex?" She asks angrily grabbing his arm and he tells her feeling relieved she's okay, "I'm here to take you back." 
"But they don't want me back." She grits, he catches her wrist pleading her sadly, "We want you back -- Nia waits for you daily." Nia is his five years daughter. 
"I know that … but — " How she's gonna tell him she's in love with one person they despise with their whole hearts. 
"But what — "
"Alex!!" He was in the midst when she sees a bullet approaching his way from the side of his shoulder and screeches loudly pushing him aside, the bullet makes it's home in her chest. 
It was fired from Harry's gun with his own hands that were loving on her an hour ago. Life drains out of his body and he feels sickness approaching to split his throat, knees turning weak as he stares his shaking hand in horror. 
Before, he could do anything another bullet hits Y/N in shoulder knocking her to floor and this time it was one of his people, the shot was fired on instinct. 
"Put your gun down!!" He shouts at him shoving him away with a single forceful push and strides towards where the love of his life's laying in a pool of blood. 
He pulls his hair maniacly, falling to his knees and pulls her up in his lap cradling her head gently to press his lips against her forehead, "No,no,no,no baby." He sobs wiping his tears away harshly to see her properly. 
"Ouch. It actually hurts." She gives him a frail smile raising her shaky hand to cup his cheek. 
Will it hurt? 
You'll get to know after taking one. 
He wishes he could takes his words back. 
"You'll be fine, you're okay, 'm so so sorry moppet. Didn't-- didn't know y'were standing behind him, bu –-- but s'...s'okay yeah —-- call the doctor!! Why nobody has called him yet!!!" His scream thunders aggressively as everyone watches  their commander this defenceless and vulnerable infront of them for the first time in shock. 
"It's not your fault, okay?" She manages to speak groaning and eyes rolling back from pain residing in her bones torturesly, he cries out like a wounded puppy patting her cheek to keep her awake, "Please stay with me baby, please." Her chest tightens. His chest tightens from the fear of loosing her and he stands up carrying her bridal style tumbling his way on wobbly legs towards the medical ward in the building. 
His tears shiny droplets on her skin and she nuzzles into his fragrance for the last time. 
"There was no happy ending to this," She murmurs. Any, sign of life fading from inside her and replacing her eyes with stoness.
He brings her closer to himself, "hey, hey now none of that -- you're not leaving. 'M not letting you leave." He kicks open the door and lays her limp body on the stretcher. Snapping his head outrageously in every direction to find any doctor but none and drags his palms down his teary face.
He couldn't stop crying.
He's loosing the sunlight of his bleak life he must protect her at all costs.
But, life's prize is something that would have him selling all of what he had worked for and still he'd be unable to even bring her back from cold dark earth.
"Shit. Shit ---– I'll patch you up myself. I know how to take a bullet out — " He creates a ruckus around to collect stuff, "Harry! Harry! listen to me." but her hollow anguish calls for him breaks him at last. 
"How about you spend these last few minutes with me because 'm really 'bout to die commander." She tries to keep her anxious voice cheery but fails drastically coughing blood, "Don't say that baby -- I just got you, don't leave me, don't make me hate myself again." Sad tears trickles down her cheeks and he feels like fainting imagining the pain, agony and fear she's suffering from. 
She's hating to leave him.
"Maybe in afterlife, we could have a nice homely house, long warm baths and two smol kittens —- and oh I forgive you for kidnapping my cat." She admires him for the last time wiping his tears away and tries to lift his head that's lowered into shame. 
She's so fond of him at the moment.
She gulps, trying to gasp for oxygen feeling her heartbeat drop to zero, pleading him, "Tell me you love me before I go." His bloodshot eyes snap to her's and his chest heaves ruggedly with heartbreaking sobs -- his words full of sorrow tasting the bitterness of goodbye on her lips streaking away the blood on her mouth. 
"I love you so much, baby. Never stopped. Never will." She cries at last kissing him back with all the blood she has left pumping to her heart and tries to exchange the words but it was too late before she lost it all -- cold in his loving embrace. 
"Stay…." He begs praying like he did never before. 
"Y/N!!" He screams trying to shake her alive and hugs his angel to himself with mournful wails. 
Everyone standing outside the room knows that they'll never see this Harry again. 
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
Their girlfriend is curvy and thiqué
Bang Chan
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° If you wear ripped jeans, he will 100% slap the skin that shows through it. Rubbing it afterwards and then slapping it again. Unless you tell him to stop or if he notices it becoming too red.
° If you have stumpy squishy fingers (Like me), Chan will always be seen playing with your chubby cute fingers, sometimes playfully biting them.
° Loves falling asleep on your chest, he once called them his favorite pillows. Your chest is also victim to most of his hickeys, soon buying at least 10 different turtle necks after you notice the purple marks across your cleavage.
° When he is turned on or just wants to tease you, he will pinch your butt in public. Always failing to hide his sly smirk and small chuckle. You either get him back and return the favor or simply lightly slap his arm.
° Doesn't like when you feel self conscious over your curves and fluffy body features, since he loves every inch on you from head to toe. Will usually stand you in front of mirror and correct you on what you think is 'Ugly'.
"I don't care if you are size 0 or over 300 pounds, I love you for who you are inside and out. Never forget that."
Lee Know
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° Will randomly squish your cheeks together until you form a cute pout, always kissing the pout even if he is in public or not. Calls them his little steam buns because they heat up from blushing and are squishy like buns.
° Falls asleep on your stomach when he is really worn out from practice, tickling your sides for your attention when he eventually wakes up.
° Rubs your belly like a cat when he's tired and wants affection, usually rubbing his face into your neck to get comfortable. You were at first a bit hesitant about it since you didn't really like your stomach, but you now beg for his belly rubs when going to sleep.
° Loves when you wear ripped jeans or a tight dress, showing him that you are confident in your looks and embrace your curves. But if anyone looks at you sensually he will block there veiw with a sharp glare.
° Never understands how you can see yourself as anything but a goddess. When you pinch your fluff and whine, he'll kiss your lips to stop you from saying something bad about yourself. Shows you how beautiful you are through kisses that lead into something more 9/10.
"You are nothing less then a goddess that any guy or girl out their would die to have in their arms. And whoever denies that is lying to themselves."
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° Before you two dated, he always wished he could squish and kiss your adorable cheeks. And now that he can, he won't stop... It has officially became his way of saying hello and goodbye to you.
° If you ever where a skirt or a dress, he will cover your legs with his jacket when you sit down or go up and down the stairs. Because those butt cheeks belong to his eyes only.
° Wakes you up by gently pinching your thighs, running down the hall screaming if he ever pinched to hard. But his screaming is also a mix of laughter because you are too cute to be scary, even if you are legit about to beat his ass.
° When showering together, he will pat a song on your butt. Always ending his "Songs" with an extra hard smack, rubbing it afterwards because he feels bad. Grips your chest in the shower, but not in a sensual way... Kind of like a stress ball to squish.
° If someone ever makes fun of your weight, they won't be able to finish their sentence because he would've knocked their teeth out by then. VERY protective over you because he knows how self conscious you can be.
"I love you so so so much, live isn't even a stong enough word to describe my feelings for you. They are just jealous that they don't have an ass like yours."
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° You are pretty self conscious about your weight and always tell him how heavy you are. So to prove you wrong, he will carry you everywhere until you get the point that you are beautiful and are never too heavy to carry.
° Randomly spanks you just because he can, will become a bit shy if another member catches him though. But if you are alone or if a member didn't see, a sly smirk spreads across his face.
° Praises the hell out of you when you two go shopping together, and if an item you really wanted isn't in your size he blames the store for being shitty. Feels his heart melt when you look at yourself with admiration for once in the mirror.
° Is towel ready for when you come walking of the pool, full aware that a wedgy almost always occurs when you step out of the water. Doesn't mind if you two are alone when it happens though.
° His savage side comes out harsh if someone ever insults your curves, he will not hold back one bit. Once made a guy who was a foot taller than him cry, making everyone who witnessed it realize he will protect you no matter what.
"People suck. You are a beautiful fairy that anyone should be grateful to lay their eyes on. I love you, so let's go home and cuddle."
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° Everyone's cameras are out when you two eat, just because both of your cheeks look so cute and puffy when you do eat. You two are nicknamed the chipmunks because of it, which you actually find cute.
° When you are alone he will literally suck your cheeks after he kisses them, always leaving you laughing at how weird it feels. Sometimes he will also breath on your cheeks if your face feels cold.
° Like Hyunjin, he will praise the hell out of you when you go shopping. He's just 10× more loud and hyper when doing it. Once brought strangers over to tell them how absolutely stunning you are, and will pretend to be papparzzi while asking for you to pose.
° Likes being the little spoon when you cuddle, so he can burrow himself into your chest and keep warm. But when he is the big spoon, he will stroke shapes into your stomach and burrow into your neck.
° An mc once talked to Jisung about you, saying how you are uglier than him. Jisung's playful manner quickly faded into serious rage, warning the host to not talk about the love of his life in such a disgusting manner. Stay & Skz backed up Jisung and forced an apology out of the MC.
"Don't listen to that idiot, he clearly doesn't know what beauty means. You are a stunning princess who deserves only love."
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° Your chest means one word to him... Pillows. Whenever you cuddle, you will always see his head laying against your boobs. He never thinks of it as sensual, unless you want it to become smexy time.
° Felix will attack you in a huge koala clingy hug, trapping you in his arms before continuously drumming his hands across your butt. You would smack anyone else who did that to you, but you know he's a precious sunshine who means no harm.
° When you two are chatting alone, he will randomly just squish your cheeks with his small fists. Usually rubbing his nose against yours while giggling cutely, making you wonder how you scored such an adorable angel.
° Likes to bite you playfully, whether it be your arms or thighs you know his teeth will be attached. You weren't surprised when he first did it since he is quite playful, but it honestly melted your heart because you found it so cute.
° Deep voiced taekwondo master Felix comes out to play whenever someone insults you, your sunshine kitten will immediately switch into a deep voiced six pack aussie in a matter of seconds. You appreciate how protective he is, always repaying him with your love.
"You don't have to repay me princess, I do it because I love you. And when I love someone, I won't let anything hurt them."
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° Soft boy is shy when it comes to PDA, So he always reminds you how beautiful you are with words. Coming up with your favorite nickname 'Pumkin', it is a common cute nickname but it's the way he says it that makes you melt.
° When you two are heading in for the night, he will sit you on his lap and wipe your face from any remaining makeup or dust/dirt. He loves how no matter how gentle his swipes are, your cheeks always cave in and squish you lips into a pout.
° Finds your plump belly absolutely adorable, constantly wrapping his arms around your stomach. Seungmin doesn't like how insecure you are about your body, so hugging you is another way for him to express how beautiful he thinks you are.
° Whenever he is on his phone or reading, you will block his veiw with a pout. He always replies by squishing your cheeks and pulling you in for a sweet but short kiss. When you feel satisfied enough with his kisses, you'll go back to whatever you were doing.
° Doesn't bother talking to idiots, instead he worries about you and makes sure you aren't listening to those stupid assholes. If someone won't stop picking on you he'll tell them off, but if they back off after a while he will just stay and confort you instead.
"They don't know what they are talking about, you are amazing and they are just crazy hateful people."
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° Thought you were the most precious girl he has ever witnessed, and his love for you only grew over time. Even though you denied that someone so attractive like a kpop idol could like you, he proved you to be 100% wrong.
° His favorite thing on you is one of his Tshirts on you, because they fit your curves perfectly but also look loose due to the height difference. If you want cuddles immediately, simply wear oen of his shirts.
° Gets flustered whenever you wear a button up, since the gaps between the buttons are always opened slightly to reveal your bra. But he is too sweet and shy to ever point it out to you, because he doesn't want to embarrass you.
° Helps you with chafing burns, always feeling bad that you get them so easily. But you reassure him that it doesn't hurt overly bad, but that won't stop him from applying lotion to the burns on the inside your thighs.
° Isn't the type to get up in someone's face and threaten them, but will instead reply in sarcasm when someone insults you. Telling them to get a life and not to bring someone down to try and get their anger out. You are amused by your soft boyfriend's sarcasm.
"They are just trash, don't think about what they said for one second. You are stunning and the best girlfriend on earth."
546 notes · View notes
mochiable · 3 years
❥ ⋮ baekhyun as your boyfriend !
↣ genre: headcanon
copyright © 2021 @/mochiable. all rights reserved.
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❀ ┊overview
— he makes bad jokes, but when he sees that you start to get annoyed he fills you with cuddles and invented songs so that you forgive him.
— when you can't sleep, he approaches you and sings soft songs in your ear to relax you.
— it doesn't affect him in the least to make a fool of himself in front of everyone, not as long as it makes you smile even a little.
— he shows you the songs from their new album before doing anything official because he trusts you and feels safe with you.
— whenever you're cooking he says he wants to help you, but we all know that never ends well, so he prefers to stand aside and watch you while he eats half the ingredients you're going to use. that usually ends up with an annoying you and an entertaining him.
— whenever you're cooking he says he wants to help you, but we all know that never ends well, so he prefers to stand aside and watch you while he eats half the ingredients you're going to use. that usually ends up with an annoying you and an entertaining him.
— whenever you're cooking he says he wants to help you, but we all know that never ends well, so he prefers to stand aside and watch you while he eats half the ingredients you're going to use. that usually ends up with an annoying you and an entertaining him.
— he gives you polaroids of both of them or just of him to put in your cell phone case. he'll never admit it, but he loves the idea of you carry them everywhere. still, every time the kids ask you about the pictures, he always replies that it's because you miss him.
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❀ ┊skinship
— not a big fan of body contact when in public. however, he has no problem with that when he's jealous.
— if he sees that you are talking to someone who is looking at you more than usual he will not hesitate to come closer and kiss you on the cheek while hugging you on the shoulders, "hi, I'm baekhyun, it seems you already know my girlfriend".
— you once noticed that the new waiter at your favorite restaurant was more focused on looking at you and smiling at you than on taking your orders. at first he didn't say anything, he wasn't going to make a fuss about something as insignificant as that. besides, you didn't seem to pay any attention to him.
— but, god save him, when he saw that what he was writing down in the notebook was not your menu, but his phone number, he did not hesitate to take the paper and tear it up in his face. "we both are in a relationship and for now we are not interested in having a threesome, so you give your number to someone else," all this hugging you around the waist and glaring at him.
— when you are both alone, however, he changes completely.
— he’s like a little pup, he doesn't stop following you. wherever you go, he will follow you.
— he loves to grab you by the waist from behind and stick his cheek to yours when you are looking at yourself in the mirror after trying on a new piece of clothing, "I’m so lucky to have you".
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❀ ┊arguments
— hold on to your pants because when he's angry there's no stopping him.
— you don't usually argue about anything, but when you do omg, Rome starts burning.
— he loves you too much, so much that possibly that's why he says all those hurtful things to you when he's angry, even though it sounds contradictory.
— he is afraid of losing you, so he camouflages his fear with a false indifference towards you.
— he knows what he's doing is wrong and that it doesn't make sense, but he's so blinded by frustration that he can't help it.
— he knows that he has overstepped when you are silent and simply look at him with a ray of disappointment crossing your eyes.
— he doesn't stop you from leaving or chase you when you decide to leave the apartment. he knows that you need time alone, just as he needs time to think and calm down before you come back.
— "I know I screwed up, please forgive me. I'm stressed out about work and I feel like I'm sinking, but that's no excuse to tell you what I've said. the truth is that I'm afraid of losing you. and I know that the only thing I'm doing with this is taking you further away from me, but please don't go, don't leave me".
— in the end you end up curled up on the couch, with his head on your chest and you stroking his hair and whispering soft words to him to reassure him.
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❀ ┊pet names
he's already an energetic person, but omg when you're both together there's no stopping you. you're always running around, jumping and screaming like monkeys, hence the pet name.
he also finds you the cutest and sweetest person in the world. he’s so whipped.
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❀ ┊dates
— honestly, his favourite date is staying home and watch any new netflix movie.
— you prepare snacks since you can't watch tv without eating something.
— you make pizzas and suddenly you hear him scream because he burnt his tongue when he put one of the slices of pizza in his mouth, and suddenly he's under the tap with his tongue out waiting for the burn to go away.
— what’s the point of lying, you never finish watching the movie. you're too busy telling each other how the last few days have gone and laughing like idiots whenever the other one does something stupid.
— they are simple dates after all, but they really are baekhyun’s favourites.
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❀ ┊ nsfw
— sexually speaking, he’s very sensual.
— he will always put your pleasure ahead of his, he wants you to feel comfortable all the time, so he always asks you if you agree before doing anything.
— although that won't stop him from teasing you, you'll probably end up crying in frustration because he won't be able to help denying you an orgasm as many times as possible, he definitely has a strong kink.
— he can be 100% dom or 100% sub. it depends on the moment, his mood and his energy.
— he is not too rough or too soft. you could say that it meets the perfect balance between each.
— although he will never deny you if you prefer it one way or another.
relationships with the members:
baekhyun, taemin, kai, taeyong, ten, lucas, mark
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White Lies (Pt. 19 of 21)
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves X Reader
Word count: 1.8 K
Summary: Keanu found the girl almost dead, in the wrecks of what was once her car. While she was in surgery, stuck in a coma, he gathered the best doctors of New York to attend to her. They told him she is likely to have some kind of brain damage, what may lead to memory loss. And this possibility added up wit the fact that she's pregnant, made the council come up with an odd idea. They asked Keanu to pretend to be her husband, since the stress of finding out everything that happened could put the baby in danger. He reluctantly agreed, but only if she does has some kind of memory loss. He still goes she'll wake up soon, with her memories intact.
But when you finally wake up, there's nothing inside. You're quick to find your head is empty, void, like a blank canvas. The only thing that brings you some relief, that makes you feel less lonely is the mention of a husband. And you can't wait to meet him, because you know you can't deal with this by yourself.
<- Previous part (18)
Next part (20)->
{Keanu Reeves Masterlist}
{John Wick Masterlist}
Keep You Warm
Smiling at Liam's little giggles, you keep hiding your face behind a pillow before pulling it away. The silly play has Liam laughing for minutes now, lying on his belly, holding his head up. You and Keanu are on your bed, with the baby in between the two of you.
“Where's the baby?” You ask, pillow covering your face. “There he is!” Pushing it away, you let him see your face again, and another giggle warms your heart. Liam is always happier when you and Keanu are together.
He turns his head away, to Keanu, before laying his head down. “He's tired.”
“God, I am tired.” Whining a little, you turn to lay on your back, looking at the ceiling. “I didn't get any sleep tonight.”
“Thinking a lot.” You decide to tell him, and you're sure it's quite obvious what you've been thinking about.
“You need to rest, beautiful.” Reaching out his hand, Keanu touches your cheek, and you don't push him away anymore. Or flinch. Or feel uncomfortable. You're slowly growing closer again, and it's happening through the last few weeks.
“I know but now...” Pushing yourself up, you sigh. “Laura wants to go shopping so I must accompany her.” Despite having no trouble looking after Liam 24/7, Keanu is still working less than usual, always from home, making sure you have time for yourself. “Will you be alright with Liam?”
“Sure. Go and buy something nice for you.”
“I don't need anything, Ke.” Getting off the bed, you blow Liam a kiss when he turns to look at you. “I'm still using your credit card so I'll only buy stuff I need.” Your job is still secure, thanks to your very awkward relationship with Keanu Reeves, but your doctors still haven't allowed you to go back. The headaches still happen, and some migraines have you basically knocked down in bed all day, in the dark, hoping it'll pass soon. So for now, Keanu is paying for everything you need.
“I'm telling you to buy something. See it as a gift.”
You can't help but smile as you make your way to the bathroom. “I won't spend your money for no reason.”
“And that's why I enjoy going to the mall with you.” He complains, and you can feel the eye roll. You know what he means. Keanu always manages to convince you to buy anything he sees you admiring for too long.
“I'll buy ice cream, maybe. Or a burger. God, it's been so long since I ate fast food.” The diet is still being followed, but today you'll drop it for a few hours.
“Don't go too crazy.” He warns as you peek your head into the bedroom, toothbrush in hand. “What?”
“Nothing, nothing.” Shrugging your shoulders, you giggle. Keanu won't let you do anything the doctors say would be bad. He's still quite overprotective, and you find it very cute... But there's no way you'll let him know that.
Half an hour later you're off, kissing Liam's cheek and waving at Keanu as you get inside the cab. Hanging out with Laura, when she's shopping specifically, takes hours. So you not only get the ice cream and the burger, but you also have dinner at a restaurant at the mall.
You get back home too late, after ten, so you shower and feed Liam before rocking him to sleep. He's already sleeping in his bedroom and the only bad part is that you have to walk all the way there when he wakes up during the night. But other than that, he's adapting pretty well. After making sure he's on deep sleep, you leave him, carrying the baby monitor with you downstairs where you watch some TV. Laura said something that had you thinking.
She and Keanu have developed a friendship thanks to you, and whenever he doesn't know what to do when you're involved, he calls Laura. And she said he called her someday last week, asking if he was moving too slow or too fast with you. You don't think it's fast at all, he pretty much fell into the same thing he did when you first got here. Allowing you to set the pace, never pushing it, always putting you first.
You find it sweet that he calls her for help, since Laura knows you very well, from before and after the accident. She always tells you though, when he calls and tries her best to put you both on the right path. The one that leads to what you had before. Being together, only this time it would be real.
Taking a deep breath, you can't take the cold anymore, so you turn the TV off and head upstairs, tiptoeing. Rubbing both your arms, you shiver as you walk through the hell. A sudden clicking noise startles you, and your eyes immediately move to Keanu's bedroom, finding him by the door. “Hey.”
“Is everything alright?” Always worried.
“Yes. I was watching TV.” Shyly, you make your way over him, standing before the man. You'll never get used to how tall he is, and you can never ignore how much you like being so smaller compared to him. “But it's really cold.” You manage to say, nervously giggling because you shouldn't think these things. Not anymore. And not until whatever this is, gets a name. “Look.” In a quick motion, meaning to annoy him a little, you sneak both your hands under his shirt, touching his abdomen. Keanu flinches a little, a low chuckle leaving his lips.
But then you realize what you just did, how you have your hands against his body. Blushing and looking down, you clear your throat. “Sorry.” You whisper, starting to take your hands off Keanu when he grabs both your wrists, forcing you to stop.
“Wait until your hands are warm.” His voice is so low you have to pay attention to bring sense to his words.
You really shouldn't... But you can feel the heat irradiating from his skin, and you're so damn close it feels like you're a magnet, being pulled towards him.
And so you move, stepping forward, hands sliding from his abdomen all the way to his back, your fingertips taking in the sensation of touching his skin again. Then you're hugging him, head on his chest as his strong arms hold you close, tightly against his body as if he's scared you could run away at any moment.
You should, but you won't. Being this close to Keanu is inebriating, like an addiction, and you've been self-restraining for far too long. You need his touch, his body. Him.
Eyes closed, you stand on your toes, moving so your face is close to his. When his lips brush on yours, it feels like fireworks start exploding on your stomach, and you know you won't be able to step back now. And when he softly starts pulling you inside, you have no choice but to follow him.
But when he moves away a little, to close the door, you snap, falling back to reality. “I can't, Ke... I can't.” You mutter, holding his arm as he comes to stand before you again. “I thought we were married back then, and we're not so... I just can't until...” Until what? Would Keanu make it real? A real marriage, give you his surname. So you'd be truly his, and he'd be yours?
“We don't have to.” He caresses your cheek with the back of his hand. “Just stay here. Let me keep you warm.”
His voice has power over you, so you nod, letting him guide you to the bed, where you climb on after putting the baby monitor on the nightstand. But your eyes are searching for his lips in the dark, longing to at least look at them, as the memories of the many kisses come back, from the first, next to his new bike, to the very last, in Liam's birth.
“Ke...” You whisper, pleading.
“What?” He remains seated, as you sit on your legs, the darkness hiding your heated cheeks.
“Kiss me.” You beg, feeling some tears filling your eyes. You love Keanu, and it hurts to keep this distance. “Like before. Just... Just kiss me as if none of this mess ever happened. As if we belong to each other.”
Keanu doesn't wait for you to say anything else, he just moves, big hands delicately pulling your legs until they're laying over his. Then, his lips come crashing down on yours, and by the fast pace, the need and heat, you can tell he was suffering too, longing for this moment.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you part your lips a little more, allowing him to deepen the kiss. You forgot how amazing he tastes, and you know now that you won't be able to go through long periods without kissing him. It's like a matter of life and death. Like a bare necessity.
When you pull away to breathe, Keanu lies down and you do the same, facing each other. His arms don't let you go, keeping you as close as possible. “We do belong to each other.” He says, softly rubbing the small of your back. “At least I do, (Y/N), you have my whole heart, it's yours.”
“I love you, Ke. You know I do and everything I want is to leave the past behind. I forgive you.” Grabbing a fist full of the soft fabric of his shirt, you feel some tears rolling down. “I forgive you.”
“Be my wife, (Y/N).” He bursts out, and it makes you look into his eyes. “I love you, (Y/N). I want what we had to be real.”
“Yes.” You mutter, more tears rolling down. “I want to be your wife, Ke.” Kissing him again, you only stop when Liam's soft cries reach your ears.
“Someone's hungry,” Keanu says, already getting off the bed. “I'll bring him here.”
“Alright.” Moving into a seated position, you smile to yourself.
This isn't how you thought the night would end, but it's far better than anything you could've imagined.
It doesn't take long until Keanu is back, giving you Liam as you pull down your shirt and bra. You can't help but smile at how respectfully Keanu averts his eyes. Liam quickly starts sucking, eyes shutting close. “Ke, I... I will tell Liam about Daniel, but... You know you're his father, right?” You decide to say it because it's true. Daniel couldn't be here, and Keanu has been taking care of both you and Liam since the beginning. And you know he'll keep doing so. “I want you to be his father. I know he's not yours, but–”
“I love him as if he's my own.” He cuts you off, moving closer and caressing Liam's cheek. “And I'll take care of both of you, for the rest of my life.”
Smiling, you pull him close, kissing him once again.
For the first time since this mess began, you feel at ease. Truly happy. And Laura was right. It's far better to let things go and chose what makes your heart happy. And you're glad you had it in you to finally step and make this decision.
@multific @inumorph @aestheticallywinchester @bvbwestfall @liviiii98 @allie1804-fan @gian-giannina @playboygeniusphilanthropist @partypoison00 @mariafetamina @fortheloveoffanfic @trin303 @june-harris
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lia-bones · 3 years
Stay with me forever
Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: After a full moon night, (Y/N) takes care of her friend and answers important questions.
Warning: fluff💕, Injuries, Self-doubt
(Misspelling, Grammatical errors, translation errors)
{please let me know if I have forgotten something.}
Words: 2305
Author note: Actually, I didn't want to upload anything else this week. But since today is the birthday of a good friend of mine and she wished that I would write this for her, I decided to publish it today. And since it's Valentine's Day today, too, it fits well.
(As always, I apologize for all misspellings, grumbling errors, and translation errors. English is not my main language)
I hope you enjoy it. 🌻
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(not my GIF)
* * *
It was a full moon night. The wind drummed on the roof and the bright light of the moon shone into the little hut at the edge of the forest. Just a few more hours and the sun would take the moon out of its service.
It could seem romantic. The bright full moon, the twinkling stars and the calming rain.
But for (Y/N) (L/N) and her boyfriend, Remus Lupin, epidemic nights were far from romantic. Such nights were characterized by fear, worry, pain, injuries and tears.
But even on these nights it wasn't just the shadow side. There were also small sparks of light. Consists of caring, tenderness, encouragement, soothing words, love and hugs.
While (Y/N) stayed at home, cooked, put the first aid kit ready and kept looking out the window at the wods, Remus was out there.
Not quite like himself. In the body of a werewolf, without control, waiting for the morning to break. There are potions that would give him control over his wolf. But they cost a lot of money, money that they didn't have.
So it stayed like that.
(Y/N) would wait and prepare everything for his return.
Remus would go to the forest before sunset and only come back after sunrise. Sometimes more, sometimes less injured. Hardly any memories of what had happened that night.
As soon as he was back, (Y/N) was ready to help. Every time again.
The moon slowly started to sink from the sky so (Y/N) made the final preparations. Hot water in a bowl next to the bed, a cup of tea, a first aid kit and of course chocolate. Everything was ready for the return of her boyfriend. She grabbed the cozy blanket from the armchair and stood by the window next to the door so, that when she saw him coming, she could come towards him.
It didn't take long before she saw the long figure of her boyfriend staggering towards her hut. Dressed in sweatpants and an oversized pollver, hunched forward and one hand on his ribs. (Y/N) moved quickly out the door and down the path towards her him. When she got to ther, she put the blanket over his shoulders and hold him up, on his upper arms. She looked into his scarred face, a few fresh wounds had appeared, and carefully ran a finger over a place of uninjured skin. "Hey love, come on let's go inside. Let me take care of you." she whispered in a soft voice and gave him an encouraging smile. He just nodded slightly, so she put one of his arms over her shoulders to support him. He briefly made a hissing noise, but then clutched her cardigan with his hand.
"You okay, darling? Do I hurt you?" the much smaller woman asked concerned and looked up at him through her eyelashes.
"No ... it's okay ... it's just my ribs." he explained through gritted teeth.
She changed the position of her arm around his upper body a little so as not to touch his ribs and with the other hand she grabbed the wrist of his arm over her shoulders so that it would not slip away on the way in.
As soon as they made it to their bedroom, Remus' girlfriend helped him sit down on the bed with his back against the headbord.
"So let's take that sweater off so I can take care of your scratches and ribs." instructed (Y/N) and grabbed the hem of his top.
Remus started laughing slightly, which soon turned into a cough and gave her a tired smile. "Admit it. You just want to see me half naked."
(Y/N) suppressed a laugh and bit her lip. But it didn't quite work out. The corners of her mouth curled up and she giggled muffled.
"I don't have to admit anything. We've been together for ten years. If I want to see you naked, I have plenty of other opportunities. So let's get started. You need to rest."
Her boyfriend gave her one of those gentle smiles that made her heart melt over and over again. He leaned forward, so that she could pull the sweater over his head and then let himself fall back against the headboard with a sigh.
"Well, it doesn't look as bad as last time."
noted (Y/N) with relief and stroked gently under a wound, along his collarbone.
Remus muffled to agree and closed his eyes.
(Y/N) immediately started her work, cleaning the wounds, a little diptam essenz and bandage. Fortunately, that full moon didn't seem too bad. A few small scratches on his face, a couple on his upper body, and one on his forearm. The worst seemed to be his ribs, of which, as (Y/N) found with a quick spell, two were broken.
(Y/N) took the vial of Skele-Grow and held it in front of Remus' face.
"Broken ribs. So, bottoms up."
He screwed up his face and turned his head to one side. "I don't want to drink that stuff. It tastes awful." he protested.
She shook her head in amusement, put a hand on his cheek and turned his face back to her. "You know, sometimes you'r like a little kid. You've taken this stuff so many times. This time you can do it too. Then there is tea and chocolate and you can sleep." he sighed in resignation and then nodded. "Brave wolfi" (Y/N) giggles and pulled the cork out of the vial. Remus rolled his eyes but opened his mouth as she held the glass roll to his lips. She poured the contents into his mouth and he swallowed with narrowed eyes.
"Disgusting." he brought out and ran a hand over his mouth.
"Here, eat your chocolate."
(Y/N) held a piece of dark chocolate in front of him. He willingly opened his mouth again and managed to smile at the same time. His girlfriend giggled and put the piece on his tongue and then kissed the corner of his mouth.
While Remus continued to eat his chocolate, (Y/N) stroke with one hand through his mousey brown hair in which the first gray strands were slowly recognizable.
Not due to his age but to the pain and stress he had to go through every month.
He had been through so much in his life. At school and in the years after that he had his three best friends who had accompanied him during the full moon. From the moment she found out about his lycanthropy , she lay awake those nights and waited for the sun to rise. As soon as the sun rose she was on her way through the castle to the hospital wing, where she would wait for the four Marauders to arrive. She took care of him or just kept him company and stroked his hair. Just like now.
Not quite like now. She reminded herself.
He lost his best friends four years ago. One, James, killed by Voldemort along with his wife, Lilli. Ther son, Harry, with his terrible aunt and uncle. The other, Peter, murdered in cold blood by the third, Sirius,who is now sitting in Azkaban forever, because he had betrayed them all and killed muggles.
Now it was just the two of them.
He alone in the forest on full moon nights.
She l alone in the little cottage , waiting for his return. Always hoping he wouldn't hurt himself too badly. Taking care of him and stroking his hair as soon as he was back.
And she would always wait. Because she loves him.
When his chocolate was empty, she kissed his forehead and smiled against his skin. "You should sleep now." she whispered in a soft voice.
"Lay down with me" he whispered back and stretched out in bed, his head buried in the pillow. "Of course, always." she said in a low voice and circled the bed. On the free side, she lay on her back and turned her head in his direction to look at him.
He, too, had turned his head in her direction and looked at her through tired eyes.
"Can I put my head on your chest, hear your heartbeat." he asked softly in a hoarse voice.
"Sure, you don't have to ask." she answered, moved closer and stretched out her arms to him. He rolled over his shoulder, so that he was now lying on his stomach. One leg and arm crossed her body and his head on her chest, right above the point where he could best hear her heartbeat.
It was quiet in the small bedroom. Only the breathing of the two and the wind in the trees outside could be heard. The sunlight that came through the window enveloped the room in golden light, so that dust particles could be seen dancing through the air.
(Y/N) continued to run one hand through his hair and the other over his forearm. He was breathing steadily with his eyes closed. She thought he had fallen asleep when a quiet whispered question came from him: "Why are you doing this? Why are you staying with me? I'm a god damn monster. You should be scared of me and run away.You deserve something so much better. I have no money. I'll never get a real job. I will never be able to buy you jewelry or go to expensive restaurants with you. You should be with someone who can offer you a better life. Who doesn't turn into a bloodthirsty beast once a month." She could hear the tears in his scratchy voice, noticed how his hand craned into the fabric of her T-shirt and he pressed closer to her. She ran one hand over his wet cheek and took a deep breath.
"Because, I love you, with every fiber of my being. Because, I feel lonely without you. Because, I like to have you around, feel safe and protected with you. Because, you make me infinitely happy and every time I see you I have the feeling that my heart is about to jump out of my chest. I don't care if you have money or not. I don't care if you have lycanthropy or not. I love you because you are you, Remus. I don't want jewelry or expensive food that doesn't even taste good. All I want is you. Just you, Remus Lupin, now and as long as my heart beats. I will always take care of you because you do the same for me. You are not a monster, you are my Remus. My lovable, clever, silly, strong, polite, shy, generous, Remus. I love you for all that you are. Please don't forget that. Always." she explained in a calm, low voice and finally kissed him on the head.
It was quiet for a moment. Her spoken words hung in the room. Time passed and she was starting to get nervous while waiting for his answer.
"Stay with me forever." he whispered, his voice muffled by the fabric of her T-shirt. "Stay with me forever. Marry me and stay forever. I love you more than anything else in the world. You are the only person I have left. You are already my family, my home. I am ready to give you everything I have in the hope that it will be enough for you. So please marry me and stay forever."
(Y/N) was amazed. She had dreamed of marrying him one day. They had already shared ten years of their life together and she was ready to spend all other years with him as well. She smiled from ear to ear and now tears were running down her cheeks too. " YES YES YES. Of course I will." she replied happily her voice mixed with a happy sob. Remus propped himself up and brought his face over hers. "Yes?" he asked again and she nodded vigorously and put her arms around his neck. He too smiles happily and pressed his lips to hers for a kiss full of love.
"Thx" he whispered against her lips, and continued kissing her with all the love he felt for her. After a few seconds, he pulled his head back a few inches to look her in the eye and admitted, "I don't have a ring."
She giggled slightly and put her hands around his face. "I don't need a ring. Just you."
Remus smiled down at her and kissed her whole face, lastly her lips, on which he got stuck.
They just kissed for a while, the taste of tears, chocolate and tea on their lips, surrounded by their love for one another.
After a while they parted the kiss. Remus put his head back on her chest one arm and one leg over her body and pulled her very tightly against him. "My future Mrs Lupin. I love you." he whispered to her with a tired voice. It was time to go to sleep. He still wasn't recovered from the night he'd been through. But that was okay with him. Now he was engaged to the woman who loved. It was worth the loss of some sleep for him.
"I love you too, my future husband." she whispered back and put both arms around him. One of her hands brushed his hair again. Not long afterwards they both fell asleep. Both with a satisfied smile on their lips, snuggled very close to each other.
Both ready for what the future may bring as long as they had each other.
* * *
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myhockeyworld87 · 3 years
Bubble Wrapped - Part 12
Word Count: 2,510
POV: Reader
Warnings: Same as always, Language, Smut, NSFW, Please see the note in the Masterlist
Teams: Bruins, Caps, Flyers, Lightning, Pens, Jackets, Canes, Islanders (more to come)
Notes: I literally have no clue what happened the frist time, but let’s try this again. When last we left this story, (Y/N) had just had a steamy encouter with Joel. Now with Svech back at the suite hurt, let’s find out what happens.  As always feedback is greatly appreciated and wanted…hahaha! Luv ya all!! Happy Reading to all!
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A quick run downstairs and a check-in with Carly told you that everything at the hotel was running smoothly. You gave her a recap of what had happened with Svech and told her that you were heading back upstairs to be with him at least until Joel and Dougie got back from practice. By the time you got back up to the suite, the boys were just heading out the door. "Ready to head up to bed?" You asked Svech and his eyebrow shot up. Obviously, you didn't mean it that way as the man was in no way able to perform. Or was he?
"Sure," he said eagerly then hobbled on his crutches to the elevator with you. It took a few minutes to get him into his shared bedroom with Joel, but once you did you propped his foot up on a stack of pillows, making sure to take extra care with it, so as to not cause him any more pain than necessary.
"Yeah," he mumbled and you could see the tiredness in his eyes.
"Do you need anything else?"
"I don't think so."
You dug through your bag and placed the bell you'd found in one of the offices on the nightstand. "Here, in case you need me, just ring this. I'll be downstairs doing some work, but will be up in a flash." He looked so young and innocent just lying there and you swept a bit of hair that had fallen onto his forehead away. "Get some rest."
You went to leave, but he grabbed your wrist, tugging you back in his direction, which caused you to stumble and land awkwardly on his chest; your face a mere inches away from his. He didn't say anything, just cupped your cheek with his free hand and brought your lips to his. It was soft, yet with the right kind of pressure, and he sought entrance to your mouth with a simple glide of his tongue to your lips. You opened for him, deepening the kiss. Svech was gorgeous there was no denying that, but at the same time you felt a little bad after doing what you'd done with Joel last night and now you were kissing his teammate. Though when he moaned into your mouth all thought of that left.
Gently you pushed back from the kiss. "Svech, what are you doing?"
"I want you, (Y/N). I have from the moment I saw you in this bubble a few weeks ago." You tried to think back about running into him at any point before the Canes had actually transferred to your hotel but couldn't recall a time that the two of you met. "Don't worry, I don't expect you to remember. I would come here to play tennis. Well, not really, it was just an excuse to see you. You're so beautiful." His hand caressed your body lightly as he spoke and it ignited a fire deep within you. "I know I'm younger than you, but it doesn't mean that I can't satisfy you."
"Svech it's not that..." For really it wasn't. You had no doubt that he was good in bed, it was just, well, his injury and all.
He must have caught on to your hesitation. "I'm fine I swear, though you'll have to be on top. I just think this is really the optimal time. The guys are gone and won't be around for a couple hours. Say you want me too."
There was a pleading look in his eyes, this sort of need to be wanted. Your body definitely couldn't deny that you craved him. It was just your head that wasn't in sync. You threw caution to the wind and decided to just give in to what your body wanted this time; not that you hadn't been doing that all along. "I want you too."
His hand went to the back of your neck and he drug you down to his lips again for a hard and searing kiss. "Undress for me, beautiful." He whispered out and you stepped back from the bed. Slowly, you unzipped your skirt, then shimmied it down your hips to fall on the floor. Your hands worked each button on your blouse revealing your soft supple skin to his gaze, and look he did. There was a hunger in his eyes as the top fell to the floor and you stood there in only a bra and thong. "Fuck you're gorgeous." He sat up and shucked his shirt over his head before propping himself up against the headboard a bit. "Don't stop now."
A small giggle escaped you at his eagerness. Your hands went to the clasp of your bra, releasing the globes for their confines. Holding the bra with one hand, you let the straps slide off your shoulders, then dropped the garment. You cupped your breasts, gently squeezing them and pulling on the nipples. Svech sucked in a breath of air and you saw him bite down gently on his bottom lip. Your eyes dropped to his crotch, where you could see his erection growing even through his shorts.
Hooking the elastic of your panties, you wiggled them over your hips and glided them down your legs. There was a visible wetness in the crotch that you knew Svech could see, letting him know how badly you wanted him. You sashed back over to the bed, then slid your hand down his chest and abs to the waistband of his shorts. "We're going to need to do something about these." He lifted his hips up, using his upper body strength and you slid them along with his boxers down. It was a bit tricky getting them over his boot, but you managed.
Once that task was accomplished, you went back up and kissed him. "You know you're a really good nurse." He laughed and you joined in, as you straddled his hips.
"Well, I try. Gotta keep my patients happy." His hands went to your hips, while you used his shoulders to steady yourself. "Let me know if I hurt you in any way."
"You're killing me now because I want to be inside you." You chuckled, then took his cock in your one hand and guided it to your entrance. You coated him a bit in your wetness before sinking down on him. "Fuck you feel amazing. So wet...and..." He didn't say anything more as you began to move up and down on his length. "Oh...yeah...fuck..." There was an endless stream of moans out of his mouth. When you swiveled your hips, he almost lost it. "Do that again."
"You're quite the demanding patient," you hissed out as you rode his cock.
"Can't help...it..." he panted. "I've wanted...this...oh fuck...for...mmm...yeah just like that....so long...faster baby." His hips started to rise up, thrusting into you, and you were concerned that he would be putting pressure on his bad foot. Your mind was so lost in making sure that he wasn't hurt, you'd knew that you'd never get off. "I'm so close...are you?"
You weren't but you didn't tell him that. Instead, you grabbed his hand on your hip and moved it to your clit. "I need you to..." you moaned out as he started to rub your little nub, grabbing onto the headboard now to steady you both. "Mmmm...yeah." His movements got faster pushing you to that familiar crest you wanted.
You could feel him tighten his grip with the hand that still held your hip and knew he was close. "Come on baby," he encouraged you and flicked your clit more. It was all you needed, as you screamed out in ecstasy as your orgasm came over you. "Fuck," Svech moaned as your pussy spasmed around him and he thrust deep in you, cumming hard. You were both breathing heavily as you came down off your high and it took a moment for you to collect yourself. As you made a move to roll off him, he held you tightly. "Don't go just yet."
"You've got to be uncomfortable like this." After all, you were practically lying on top of him.
"Quite the opposite, really. Besides, I don't know if we'll get another chance at this. I plan on savoring the moment." His fingertips skated up and down your spine. "You're really something, you know that?"
"I don't know about all that."
"I know I wouldn't have a shot, but if I was a few years older and maybe had a bit more experience in the league. I'd try and steal you away from everyone else here."
“You make me sound like I’m ancient or something. I’m only a few years older than you.”
His hands skimmed up and down your body, fingertips gliding along your ribcage and making you shiver. “I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just…I can’t even take you out to dinner in Raleigh and buy a bottle of wine.” Damn, you forgot the boy was under twenty-one. You really should’ve thought about things before you jumped into bed with him. Why did your libido have to run rampant around these men? “These guys here are probably showering you with expensive gifts and I just can’t compete with them, though I wish I could. I’d give you the world if I could.”
“Aww Andrei, the fact that you want to do something like that, is just so sweet.” You placed a gentle kiss on his lips. You needed to diffuse the situation before things got too out of hand or the next thing you know he’d be asking for your hand in marriage or something. “I think you’ve had a little too much prescription medication.” He went to protest but you stopped him placing a finger to his lips. “This was fun, but you should rest. Besides I’m sure the others will be back soon.” He nodded as if he finally understood that nothing more was going to happen between the two of you. It was then that you climbed off him and out of bed, picking up your scattered clothes before kissing him one last time. “Get some sleep. If you need anything just ring the bell.”
The tile floor on the hallway felt cold as you made your way down to your room so that you could change into something more comfortable. Hearing Andrei’s declaration really made you start to think. Maybe you should be looking for more than just a fling here and there. Tyler was begging you to let him come to Toronto if the Stars lost or have you fly there if they continued on; maybe it was time to seriously start to consider his offer.
The rest of the morning you buried yourself in paperwork until Dougie and Joel got back early afternoon. Then they took over nursing duties, or at the very minimum getting their teammate food when he wanted. You were still in a cropped hoodie and leggings when you headed downstairs to see how things were going. Thankfully, no one had set the hotel on fire, which was a major accomplishment considering all the rival teams you had under one roof.
“So how goes it with your three roommates?” Carly asked you wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“You don’t even want to know.”
“Of course, I do. I’m living vicariously through you now that Brayden and I are together. Spill the juicy details.”
“Juicy details about what?” You knew that voice, before turning to see that Mat Barzal was standing there, a sheer sheen of sweat lightly coating his forehead, telling you that he had been working out. His shirt clung to his body in all the right places. And those thighs. Ugh! It should be downright illegal to have thighs as muscular as his and shorts that tight.
“We were just talking about…” Carly started to say before you elbowed her.
“It’s just about someone that works here in the hotel. You probably wouldn’t know them, considering you’re staying at the Royal.” God, you sounded like a snob; a snob and a prick. “I mean it’s really just work gossip.”
“Oh well, hopefully, I’ll be moving in here soon. Then maybe you’ll let me in on your little secrets.” He gave you a little wink as if he knew you weren’t exactly talking about some indiscretion of a hotel staff member. Although technically you were. That member just happened to be you.
“I guess if you do get to move, I’ll have to reveal all the dirty laundry this place has going on,” you said flirtatiously, and suddenly you were throwing out that whole idea of settling down.
“I wouldn’t mind seeing what you’d got going on underneath everything.” Mat playfully bantered back, as his eyes roamed your body. His heated stare had your panties getting wet. You were really going to have to do your laundry after the day you had.
“Well, I can see I’m not needed here.” Carly chimed in as you’d completely forgotten about her being there. “I think I’ll go check on what Chef’s preparing for dinner.”
She sauntered off leaving you standing there alone with Mat. “Speaking of dinner. Would you like to get some, say maybe tomorrow night? We’re playing tonight or I’d say in a couple of hours.”
“I’d like that, but it’s not like we can go out to any restaurants.”
“True, though I do remember you mentioning something about a suite you’re staying in.”
Had you mentioned that? You couldn’t really be sure and it didn’t really matter at the moment considering you had roommates. “About that…You see there was kind of a little incident here. Let’s just say it involved a hockey stick and some busted pipes.” Mat looked like he was ready to bust out laughing but he took a deep breath regaining control. “So now I have three people staying there with me.”
“Oh well if it’s your friend there and a couple others I’m sure Tito and a couple guys wouldn’t mind coming along.”
“Yeah,” you said cringing as you told him this next part. “It’s not Carly. It’s three guys from the Canes. Dougie Hamilton, Joel Edmunston and Andrei Svechnikov.” Mat’s eyes widen and his jaw dropped a bit before drawing together to form a hard line on his jaw. He hadn’t seemed like the jealous type in your last encounter but then at the time, it didn’t seem like you were having a foursome every night in your suite. “It’s just temporary.” You were quick to add. “Their room should be fixed in a couple days.”
“I see.” It was a short response and you could tell that he wasn’t pleased. “I guess dinner is off.”
You didn’t want it to be. In fact, Mat was the first guy that you really were interested in more than just a fling with since Sidney. You just needed to come up with another place for dinner and maybe some sort of dessert that involved both of you being naked. That shouldn’t be too hard.
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jenstar1992-2 · 3 years
Pairing: Echo X Reader
Warnings: Some language, insinuations of sexual activities (I don’t know if that’s the right wording necessarily, but there it is), mentions of nightmares, loss, and grieving.
Word Count: 3,836
A/N: So, I'm not sure what all devices in the Star Wars universe are called, and in order to not sound completely inept, I decided to just describe the devices' functions instead of naming them and seeing as I've never come across some of these types of devices in Star Wars, I figured this was the best way to go. I hope that makes sense. Also, I have added a lyric video below for reference. I was initially going to just link an already existing lyric video for the song, but then I just decided to make one instead, using some visuals that better fit the content. Which then meant I had to create a Youtube channel just to upload the thing and link it here, because it wouldn’t let me upload directly from my laptop. 🤷🏼‍♀️ So that's there if anyone wants it, and I now have a Youtube channel for my longer edits. 
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It was one of those nice, quiet evenings, the kind you didn't get very often ever since you started working with The Bad Batch. They weren't necessarily the rowdiest bunch of clones you'd met, but they did seem to always find a way to interrupt you and your boyfriend's alone time.
It seemed like every time you and Echo found a quiet moment where it was just the two of you, one, if not the whole lot, of them would come barging in out of nowhere, needing something or another. Although, you were pretty sure Wrecker just did it because he thought it was funny to annoy you, and knowing that fact only annoyed you more, but you'd let it slide, always reassuring yourself that there would be a next time, one that wouldn't be intruded upon. It seemed that tonight was one of those times, seeing as the four commandos were off gathering supplies at the nearby village of the planet you were temporarily taking residence on, and you were planning on making the most of it while you could.
It didn't take you long to locate your boyfriend, despite your first impressions the Havoc Marauder was not that big of a craft, so there were only so many places he could be. You found him in the communal sleeping quarters, sitting on the bunk you two shared, datapad in hand reading something or another, as usual. You had been given your own bunk, but after your first week with the group, you realized that you preferred to just sleep together. You both had a little trouble sleeping and found that sleeping in one another's embrace seemed to keep the nightmares at bay and gave you both a much more restful sleep.
You walked over and sat beside him, sliding your arms around his middle and holding him as you rested your head on his shoulder. He chuckled and wrapped the nearest arm around you, keeping you close as he continued to read.
You smiled and let out a contented sigh. Moments like this were rare alright, which is what made you appreciate them more when they did occur. It was just nice to be able to have a sweet moment with your love without a joke being made, or the always popular, "Get a room" comment.
"Would love to", you'd say, "Only problem is, it just so happens to be everyone's room."
"Damn, doesn't that bite the big one", would come Crosshair's snide remark, as he shook his head, mocking you like the snarky ass he was.
It was a good thing that deep down you really did like these guys, or you would've kicked some asses long ago.
You reveled in this quiet moment for a while longer before peeking at the datapad in his hand and asking, "So, what are you reading this time, anything interesting, or just more boring rule books?"
He laughed and shook his head. "You know, I don't just read reg manuals", he responded, turning his head to give you a smirk.
You shrugged. "I know, but you definitely read them a lot more than anyone else I know. I'm not even sure if some of the boys have ever read them actually."
He laughed again and you smiled at the sound. "Well, I'd like to think I've been branching out more lately with my literary escapades. I'm at least trying to be more fun, wouldn't want your book worm of a boyfriend boring you to death", he said, leaning into you with a light shove before straightening up again.
You chuckled and held him a bit tighter. "Yeah, you're a book worm alright, but you’re my book worm, and you’re not boring love, far from it", you said as you pulled your head from his shoulder to meet his gaze.
His eyes softened as he looked into yours, silently thanking you for the praise. He leaned his face to yours and kissed you lovingly, and with so much softness it almost hurt when he pulled away.
You just gazed into each other's eyes for a minute before you remembered why you'd come to find him in the first place.
You unwrapped your arms from around him. "Speaking of trying to be more fun, I have something fun we could do", you said with a bright smile.
He eyed you curiously. "Oh yeah, what did you have in mind?"
You rose from the bunk to stand in front of him, grabbing the datapad from his flesh hand and tossing it on the pillow beside him, taking the now empty hand and his cybernetic one in yours and pulling him to his feet.
"You are going to indulge your girlfriend, who's been waiting all day for this mind you, with a dance", you replied, smile still taking over your features.
He cocked an eyebrow, as if your response surprised him. "Huh, definitely not what I thought you were going to say", he said.
"And what did you think I was going to say", you asked with a smirk as you went to your original bunk above your shared one and pulled out a small electronic device, typing away on it, searching for something.
"Well, I, um... I thought, uh...", Echo stammered, as he rubbed the back of his neck, still searching for the right words. He cleared his throat before saying, "Uh, nothing, nothing, so a dance, huh?"
You shook your head and chuckled at his nervous behavior, you knew exactly what he thought you'd meant, but you weren't going to embarrass him any further.
"Yes, a dance", you replied, finding the audio file you'd been searching for and pulling it up. You then connected the device to the small amplifying device on the table across the room.
"That sounds nice cyare, but I don't know how to dance", he confessed shyly.
You smiled and looked to him. "Then I'll teach you", you told him, pressing on the file to play it and setting the device back on the bed.
As the soft music filled the room, you walked to your now flustered looking boyfriend, taking him by the hand and then slowly guiding him to take your hips. He didn't hesitate to do so, and as he rested his hands on you, and you placed yours around his neck, a light blush rose on his cheeks. He always got like this when you two did anything even remotely intimate. It baffled you that after this long of being together, and after doing much more than this, that he'd be this worked up over, what you saw as, a simple act. But maybe it wasn't so simple to him, maybe the years of touch deprivation had him craving it more than you realized, and add the emotion behind the action, the love you felt transferring between the two of you in something as small as a glance, and you could understand his reaction. This realization had you thanking whatever powers at be for bringing you two together, allowing you to be that person for him, because it was truly a gift, one you wouldn't take for granted.
You began to slowly sway your body from side to side, coaxing him to follow your movements. As you both found the right pace and swayed in time to the song's slow rhythm, you listened to the words being sung and let your mind wander, the words bringing memories to the surface of your consciousness.
Oh, thinkin' about our younger years,
There was only you and me,
We were young and wild and free.
You remembered when you'd first met Echo, back when he was a new addition to the 501st. A young trooper, who's dream was to one day receive ARC statues. You had become fast friends, and after only a few months it was clear that your friendship had grown into something more. It was obvious you two had feelings for each other, the only people who were blind to this were you and Echo. A problem that was soon remedied by his brother, Fives, who had all but forced Echo to admit how he felt to you, which he did, albeit, with quite a bit of struggle on his part, the poor guy could barely get his words out. Luckily, you had caught on to what he was trying to say, and took pity on him, deciding to take this opportunity to tell him that you felt the same.
You still remember the look of surprise on his face at your confession, he hadn't believed it at first, but when you plucked up the courage to grab him by the chest plate and pull him into a tender kiss, he knew you weren't lying, and this had his heart soaring.
Now nothing can take you away from me.
We've been down that road before,
But that's over now.
You keep me comin' back for more.
After the battle to defend Kamino, Echo had finally gotten what he'd been working so hard to achieve, he had been promoted to ARC Trooper, and you couldn't have been happier for him. You remember him coming into your station of the hangar to tell you the good news.
You'd been working on fixing up some loose wiring on a transport ship when you were suddenly lifted from the ground and the world spun around you. After a moment of disorientation, you found your bearings and stared up at the culprit, only to find your boyfriend beaming down at you.
"Woah, where's the fire", you asked in jest.
"No fire, just have some good news", he responded, still smiling wide.
"Oh, ok then, spill."
"We did it", he said simply.
"Umm, ok, who did what exactly", you asked, furrowing your brows in confusion.
"Fives and I, we're being made ARC Troopers", he said, his chest puffing out a bit with pride.
"What, that's great", you practically shouted, and pulled him into a tight embrace. "I knew you could do it; you've worked so hard, you deserve this. I'm so happy for you, you're finally getting your dream."
He squeezed you tighter. "Thank you, and thank you for always believing in me, even when I didn't", he said quietly.
You pulled back to look at him before speaking. "I'll always believe in you Echo. Always and forever."
That was your thing, the mantra of your relationship, if you will, "I'll love you always and forever". This was because you both believed it to be true. Neither one of you could see yourselves falling for anyone else or loving another the way you did each other.
“Always and forever cyare”, he said, smiling softly at you, “And now I can focus on my other dream.”
You gave him confused look. “Other dream, what’s your other dream”, you asked.
His smile grew as he leaned in to speak low in your ear. “You”, he said, making your stomach do a somersault.
You knew it would be difficult, but you two wanted to plan a future together, and spend whatever time you had left together making a family and living a quiet, happy life. Once this miserable war was over, that's exactly what you were going to do.
Unfortunately, things don't always work out the way we want them to, and your dreams of a peaceful life with your beloved were shattered when the day came that the 501st returned from their mission on Lola Sayu, minus an ARC Trooper.
Oh, once in your life you'll find someone,
Who will turn your world around,
Pick you up when you're feelin' down.
Now nothing can change what you mean to me.
There's a lot that I could say,
But just hold me now.
Fives had been the one to give you the dreadful news and had stayed to help you through the initial shock and pain of it all. He had been ready for the inevitable tears he knew would come and did they ever. You couldn't remember a time before that, where you had cried with as much vigor or to the extent that you had, when shedding tears for your lost love.
I've been waiting for so long,
For somethin' to arrive,
For love to come along.
Time seemed to pass by agonizingly slow, as you tried to regain some semblance of normalcy in your life. Having both lost the person you held dear, you and Fives had found a new understanding for one another, and subsequently formed a close bond. He was the friend you desperately needed, just as you were for him. So, when you eventually lost him as well, you were beside yourself with grief.
Instead of wallowing in your sorrow, like you wanted to, you decided to throw yourself into your work, trying desperately to keep yourself busy, so as to not give yourself time to think of what you had lost. This worked most of the time, but there were always those times when something would remind you of them, a laugh that was just too close to the one you remembered, or a smile from a kind trooper that hit too close to home. Then there were those nights where you would wake from a nightmare and reach out beside you for a comforting hand, only to find empty space, those times were the hardest. It took everything you had inside you to just keep on going, because you knew that they wouldn't have wanted you to give up, so you carried on, even when it hurt.
Now our dreams are comin' true,
Through the good times and the bad,
I'll be standin' there by you.
It had been a year since the mission on Lola Sayu, a year of you trying to get on with your life, and forget the past, because remembering only caused you more pain. But life has a funny, if not sadistic, way of turning on its head and changing your course when you least expect it, because soon after that year mark, you received the news you never thought you'd get.
"He's alive", Rex said, eyes boring into yours, trying to get you to believe what he was telling you, but you weren't about to give in that easily.
"What you're saying is impossible, both you and Fives told me you saw him die at the citadel, and now you're telling me he miraculously survived. I'm not buying it, and I don't appreciate you trying to get my hopes up, just so they can be ripped back down once you're proven wrong", you said, with more venom in your voice than you had intended.
"I know I'm right on this one, (Y/N). I heard him, it was Echo's voice on that transmission, I'm sure of it", he reiterated, desperate for you to listen, or to at least consider it to be true.
"I'm sorry Rex, but I just can't believe what you're saying. I can't take another blow, I just can't, because if I do, I fear I won't make it out the other side this time" you said as tears began to fill your eyes.
Rex placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "I understand, but I promise you, I'm telling the truth, Echo is alive, and I'm going to bring him home, I'm going to bring him back to you", he said, with so much conviction that you almost believed him, almost.
"Don't make promises you can't keep", you told him despondently.
He looked you in the eye, a determined expression on his face. "I intend to keep this one", he said, and he did.
No more than two days later, the team sent on the rescue mission to Skako Minor returned, with Echo.
You couldn't believe your eyes when Rex took you to see him in the med bay. He was different, that was for sure, but he was still Echo, he was still the man you loved, and you were just glad he was home.
And Baby you're all that I want,
When you're lying here in my arms,
I'm finding it hard to believe,
We're in heaven.
During his first mission, after being back, he had proven to still be the loyal soldier he had always been and had unofficially been dubbed the "Hero of Anaxes" for his brave actions.
After this mission he had also been extended the invitation to join The Bad Batch by their sergeant, which he wanted to accept, but not if it meant leaving you behind. So, Echo convinced the commandos that having a mechanic around wouldn't be such a bad idea, and they agreed.
That's how you ended up here, the mechanic onboard the Havoc Marauder, who was currently being held in the arms of the person she loved most in this galaxy, swaying to the soft music filling the air around them, in total bliss.
Love is all that I need,
And I found it there in your heart.
It isn't too hard to see,
We're in heaven.
Your head had been resting against Echo's chest, as you listened to the steady heartbeat beneath it. You never wanted this moment to end, and by the way he was holding you, without any indication of ever letting go, you were pretty sure he felt the same.
You lifted your head to look up at him, while keeping yourself flush against him, needing the contact to silently remind yourself that he was still here, he was with you. Something you still had a hard time believing from time to time, but it was real, he was here, and you were never letting go.
It had been some time since Anaxes, not a tremendous amount, but enough time where you could see a noticeable change in your boyfriend's appearance. He had filled out more and looked a lot less gaunt than he had initially upon his return. His color had improved as well, not fully, but with enough time, you were sure, he'd regain his copper glow. His hair was the other noticeable change, it had started to grow out again, and while it hadn't gotten to the length it was, there was enough where you could easily run your fingers through it, as you often did, absentmindedly.
This thought caused your hand to move of its own accord and slot itself amongst the short curls adorning his head. He gave a contented sigh as you started mindlessly running your fingers over his scalp, scratching lightly, and he leaned into your touch as his eyes closed, this always relaxed him.
After a moment, he opened his eyes to look at you, a soft smile taking shape over his features, before lowering his head to rest it against yours, both of you shutting your eyes to revel in the moment.
We're in heaven.
The music faded and soon the room fell silent. You both ceased your swaying but continued to stay in the embrace.
After what felt like an eternity, but had only been a few seconds, you broke the silence and said, "I love you Echo."
He smiled and replied, "I love you (Y/N). Always and forever."
You gave a smile of your own, the words bringing you back to those early days of your relationship, when anything was possible, and your future was bright. It could be that way again, now that you were together again, nothing was impossible.
"Always and forever", you echoed back.
With that, he closed the small gap between you and brought you into a passionate kiss.
Everything that had gone unspoken was expressed in this kiss; all the love and adoration that had built between you two over the years, all the pain that you both endured during your separation, all the missed time, and the promise that you would never be parted again, and that you would continue to strive for the future you two had planned so long ago. You were happier than you'd ever been and nothing could ruin this moment.
Suddenly, as if the universe itself wanted to prove you wrong, the door slid open and in walked all four commandos, with Wrecker in the lead.
"See, I told ya we'd find them doin' some sappy stuff", Wrecker said in his booming voice, effectively breaking your quiet moment, and your kiss, which in turn, pissed you off.
You both gave an annoyed sigh before turning to face the men. You crossed your arms over your chest and gave your best scowl in their direction, which only caused Wrecker to laugh. He'd so be getting an ass kicking later.
"Let's just be glad we didn't walk in on something... more intimate", Crosshair said, eyeing the both of you while giving a sly grin.
You let out an annoyed huff. "Yeah, you wish", you retorted, which only earned you a chuckle from the sniper. Okay, add another one to the "people who need an ass kicking" list. "I think you're both just jealous", you said, trying to make it sound snarky.
"Of this guy", Wrecker asked as he walked over, clapping his hand down on Echo's shoulder. "Damn straight, I mean, he’s got a bombshell for a girlfriend, how could we not be, he's one lucky bastard", he said, although you couldn't quite tell if he was being sarcastic or not. Either way it ticked you off, but before you could throw the punch you had geared up for, Echo pulled you to him, holding you securely against him and effectively blocking your way to the giant commando.
"Easy cyare, no need for bloodshed, and besides, he has a point", he said, leaning in and lowering his voice, "I am a very lucky man."
You shook your head at him but couldn't help the grin that formed at his words.
"Okay, that's enough boys, let's give the happy couple some privacy shall we. Besides, Wrecker, it's your turn to make dinner", Hunter interrupted, giving his brother a stern look.
"Oh man, again, I thought I just did that", Wrecker grumbled.
"You did, when it was your turn last week", Tech told him matter-of-factly.
Wrecker made a noise of aggravation before leaving the room, mumbling incoherently in displeasure. The other two followed him out, as you gave Hunter a thankful smile before he nodded and made his exit, letting the door slide shut behind him.
You turned back to Echo, who still had you in his embrace.
"So, where were we", you inquired, a soft smile back on your face.
He feigned ponderment. "Hmm, I believe we were right about...", he began, and suddenly pulled you close enough that your noses were touching, "Here", he finished, his smile widening before bringing you in for another heated kiss. You melted into it and fell into another state of bliss.
You stayed like that for another long moment, as the world faded around you. Wrapped in a loving embrace, engaged in an impassioned kiss, and lost in your own personal heaven.
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kanataka-san · 3 years
Gally X Male Reader
Before Thomas could hit Gally he got stopped by slightly smaller boy that went in front of him.
"(Y/N), let the Greenie go."
"I wont. I don't care what you did in the past, here we take care and look out for eachother. If you want to fight go somewhere else. I saw too much blood and I don't wont to see more if I had to choose.. I get that you're all hurt, but you need to somehow move past it and concentrate on the present."
The group was shoocked- they didn't expected it for sure.
Stepping out of the way (Y/N) pull out some ripped papers with instructions out of his pocket. Handing them to some men and women, each time he nooded his head making the crowd go mind their own business.
"What are you all doing here anyway?" Gally asked looking at old 'friends'.
"WICKED got Minho." first one to speak was Frypan.
Y/n took off his mask making a few h/c locks fall on his face but still everyone could see the rosed brow. Gallys big hand came to his forehead taking the hair out of his (E/C) eyes. "You need a way in. You know its nearly impossible." all of them nooded knowing how hard it will be- but they didn't care, they won't left Minho with them.
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Teresas voice called Thomas- he run to her. Minho, Brenda, Gally and Frypan stood shoocked and broken by the sight of Newt- their friend with a knife in his chest.....
Soon they heard footsteps aporaching really fast. (Y/N) run in between the boys, breathing hard when his knees meet the dirt ground. Not waisting any time (H/C) haired boy bend down checking the pulse of the lying boy, with a smooth move he pulled a neddle with serum and stab it next to the bloody area gaving him all that was inside it. He didn't take the knife worried about letting the boy pass away out of blood loss.
Noone stopped him knowing he couldnt worsen the state of the former glader.
Blue veins started to fade as Newt gained natural colour on his skin, eyes came back from black to warm chocolate ones as he groaned.
"Don’t move, I'll need to see how far that knife went, then patch you up."  teens around him couldnt get how he was so stoic while they freaked out both mentally and physically.
"Find something we can put your friend on so he wont move and die from the knife." two boys fastly began to serach for anything that was big enough and wont break from all the body weight.
Brenda at this time come up to (Y/N) and Newt. "How can I help?"
"Hold his head and talk to him but don't ask questions, seeing familliar face will take down stress he's feeling now, but don't let him talk." the girl know what he meant and do as she was told.
Boys soon came back with big metal board. "What do we do now?" Minho asked still holding the board. "We'll need to carefully place him on it but first call others to be ready for us and get my bag from the couch in the corner, that way I'll be able to patch him up." Gally did as his lover said without speaking his words just nood of his head.
"Ok.. Take a girp on him. On three. One, two, three!"
Voice come out the walkie talkie sygnaling them they could go safelly to the jet.
After everyone went in the flying machine they got some time before rescuing Thomas and Teresa. All eyes were on (Y/N) that looked for stitches and neddle. "I got the serum out of my blood, there was a time when I was alone and gotten biten by crank. I haven't turned being immute, deciding to experiment on it since I though I'll be dead sooner or later. First attempts was failed but then I could see something change in this things I had trapped and gave them different portion of my blood. They began to turn into human again- well most of them. When I heard Thomas voice about you being infected I made the last portion, I  know how much he care about you- all of you. So I did what I had to do-"
"You said you had seen too much blood. You meant expirimenting with yours to help others-" Brenda spoke looking at the older boy. "-or kill to survive.. Doesn't metter right now." (Y/N) rubbed his temples being extra exahused from everything that happend and blood loss from today morning.
Gally came neer and sat down kissing his forehead taking the neddle and putting it away, squeezing lightly smaller hands.
"You need to take a break."
"I'll, let me just take the knife out of your friend and patch him up so he'll be good to lay comfortable."
Those (E/C) pleading eyes made formar keeper gave up but he sat behind smaller frame putting his hands on (Y/N)s waist gently rubbing them. "Do what you need to do."
It was hard to patch Newt when jet swayed from side to side close to burning bulding trying to get Thomas that got a bullet wound in his stomach.
Teresa didn't make it being swallowed by the crack in the roof and later by flames and falling peaces. When (Y/N) finished with blond haired boy he went to Thomas not carring how bad his eyes wanted to close and just drift to sleep.
Cleaning the wound the best of his abilities he pulled out the bullet and patched up passed out teen.
If it werent for Gally that catched his boyfriend (Y/N) would be the next patient nearly hitting the hard floor of the jet and injiring himself.
"Will he be ok?" Frypan asked looking worriedly to the back. "He haven't sleep for two days and I'm sure helping us out and taking that much blood has exhausted him. But he's though." Blue eyes soften while lookng at the sleeping boy gently pulling him closer into the warm chest.
Everyone could see how much Gally carred about (Y/N) and reverse. To old gladers it was still suprise seeing big agrasive bullider turned into big gentle soon-to-be-man, but it was nice.
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serenityseventeen · 3 years
Love & Letter: To The Thirteen Boys I've Loved Before
The Eighth Letter
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To: Xu Minghao
From: Y/N
Dear Minghao,
I just want to thank you for being my friend despite my awkward confession, even if this current friendship might not last long. Actually, I don't think it will.
I'll be honest here since I didn't tell you this yet.
I spent a few years away from love. My high school years had so many different love stories and none of them exactly had a happy ending. They were all bittersweet endings and even the love story with you is a bit bittersweet.
I guess I misinterpreted your actions. I'm not mad or extremely sad that you rejected me, I feel like that put me in my place. Now that I think about it, maybe we weren't meant to be lovers. So, I don't want to drift away from you just because you rejected my confession. I'm not going to love you like that anymore, I want to keep you as a true friend.
I hope you won't feel awkward around me. I can already feel the awkward air but I wish for it to fade quickly. Let's not stop being friends. I'll stop loving you though. I hope you won't think of me differently now that I've confessed. I feel like you would pretend that it's fine but inside, the awkwardness only grows.
As I'm writing this letter, the fate of us is still being determined. Even I don't know what we are going to become. If the ending for us is unhappy and we decide to stop being friends... Well, I would blame myself for it. I would be losing a friend that I adored.
MinghaoI won't ever talk about my confession again so I'm writing this.
, you're a really attractive guy. I'm sure that anyone would fall for you if they got to know you. You're fashionable, fun, kind, warm-hearted, and also a great therapist, haha. You give me the best advice and always listen to my problems whenever I need to let them out. You always encourage me to speak up.
Remember that one time when I was getting yelled at by the professor over a misunderstanding? I was just standing there like a complete idiot, listening to the professor's words of criticism when you stood up and said, “Professor, it wasn't Y/N's fault. If you looked closely, you would have seen that the dress already had holes in it from the beginning. It was a part of the design. As a fashion professor, how could you overlook that?”
Your expression was so serious and you completely cornered the professor. I feel kind of bad talking about the professor like this but I just want to praise you. The professor apologized after class but I knew he was unwilling to admit his mistake.
When you stood up for me for the first time, you left such an admirable first impression. I wanted to get to know you immediately! You were so cool speaking straightforwardly like that and not hesitantly speaking your mind and standing up for me. I still admire you.
Minghao, honestly, I don't think we'll be okay.
The words still kind of hurt me. Whenever I see you, I think back on those words you said to me.
Since I was just a friend that confessed, I don't think you would remember your response to my confession, so let me remind you; not in a bad way. Since this is a keepsake letter, I just want to remind myself.
I think you and I were in front of an art museum together. You invited me along that bright, sunny morning, and of course, after realizing my feelings, I couldn't deny your offer. I was excited.
I'm sure you'll never know my side of the story so I'll tell you everything that happened that day and why it leaves a small scar in my chest. I'm not blaming you for it, I'm blaming myself. Minghao, it's all my fault.
Honestly, I was too expectant. Gosh... I was way too ahead of myself that day. Our friendly hangout in my head was a date.
After you invited me and told me that you'd come to pick me up in 30 minutes, I rolled out of my college dormitory bed and rushed everything. I did my hair, makeup, and tried to dress prettily for you.
I did my best in that short amount of time but the only thing you complimented was my outfit. Sure, I was happy, but also disappointed. I was bummed because I didn't even have a chance to breathe, meanwhile, you were looking as fashionable as ever with almost no effort.
The museum was fun. I always had a knack for art so everything was admirable and lovely. What made it better was that I was able to spend that time with you. We shared our thoughts with each other but to me, you looked way too serious. I should have gotten the hint then that you didn't feel the same way about me as I did toward you.
Suddenly, this lump started forming on my chest and I just felt like I should get it off. I didn't want to hold back anymore so after walking around the art museum, the words just slipped out of my mouth.
Then you went silent while staring at me.
“I'm sorry.”
I said it was fine then because I thought I was really fine with the rejection. But just a bit after, I realized that I couldn't ride in the same car as you. I wouldn't be able to. Everything came flooding back into my brain, the memories of us that I thought were memorable. That's why I told you to leave first. I'm sure you knew that we both were uncomfortable.
After you left, I just sort of... reminisced our sweet moments that seemed romantic enough to make us more than friends. I did that while taking a walk.
I especially remembered the days when we went shopping, worked together after courses and talked about our days. Even these things that seem so small held so many memorable things to me, including moments that made my heart pound and race.
Since you rejected me, friend-zoning me, I can only conclude that you don't like me back, thus the conclusion that these moments meant nothing more than acts of kindness.
Minghao, you shouldn't be so kind, or else people would misunderstand you, like me. Why must you be so attractive? You're masculine but at the same time, you can become so soft and cute and caring.
Anyway, at this point, you've probably lost interest in reading this letter (if you ever read it). I hope you'll trudge on though as I keep going forward with the reminiscing. I know that you like reading, Minghao.
So, when we went to the bookstore, there was something memorable that happened to me there.
Yes, it made my heart pound too.
Yes, it made me fall harder for you.
I was really sleepy that day. All the college work piling up only made me more stressed and I was so tired. You didn't know that I was, did you?
I ended up falling asleep at a table while you were choosing books.
When I woke up, I saw your face. It wasn't upside down, you were sitting next to me, with your head lying against the table, facing me. It's still a question to me why you did that when you could have just woken me up or sat somewhere else, but well, you rejected me.
You and I just stared at each other. I was wondering then, what were you thinking?
At that time, I didn't know how you felt about me, so every little thing was hope. Your face was so close to mine and our bodies were against each other slightly. I was able to feel your warm breath.
“Are you wide awake now?” You asked.
Minghao, when you asked that, I honestly got the feeling that you were nervous because you quickly got up and removed the book you have placed under my head while I was sleeping.
You? Nervous? I guess I was wrong.
Even now, I feel a bit hopeful that maybe sometimes, I did make your heart race, but that's all just false hope.
We went clothes shopping around a month ago.
You wanted to get some new hats and I tagged along because we were friends. While picking hats, we were talking about normal stuff that we always talk about, so I was busy with that conversation. I was talking to you while looking at hats and then suddenly, I felt a hat plop down on my head.
When I turned around, I nearly bumped into your chest. Your hand was still on my head, where the hat was placed. I was so nervous and my whole body was burning up, you know that?
After that, you had to attack again with your soft giggles and smile, making me completely melt.
Then, you took off the hat and patted my head and ruffed my hair, then continued the conversation as if you didn't just do that to me. Of course, you probably never knew how I felt.
This is the last one, I promise.
I picked this one carefully.
That day after courses. It was a rainy afternoon and we were together at the library, studying and working together.
It was getting dark but we didn't expect the rain so we didn't take umbrellas with us. We ended up staying at the library for hours, just talking.
That was the important, special part of this memory.
We talked a lot and I was happy. You made a lot of jokes and I learned a lot more about you. You also smiled a lot. I was just really happy to be around you, talking about your life and mine.
I don't know why this one is the most memorable for me. I just always, constantly, remember the scene of us sitting at a table in the library, talking to each other beside a window painted with raindrops.
I don't know if you felt it but to me, it seemed more like we were flirting.
Minghao, now that I've reached the near end of this letter, I think I've decided the future for us.
Let's not stay friends. I don't want to fall for you. I don't want to love you. Being your friend would only make it worse for both of us since you didn't feel the same way.
You asking me to your b-boy competitions, you asking me to look at your art projects, it was all just normal things that friends would do but I overreacted.
It's all my fault and I'm sorry for it. I'm sorry and I know that I can't fix our friendship. I was such a fool.
Minghao, I hope you can find a better friend than me; A friend that doesn't misunderstand you, a friend that can love you without falling for you romantically, a friend that can be better than me.
My love stories always have a bittersweet ending so don't worry, you're not the only guy.
Thank you for being my friend for a year. I really appreciate it. You were a great buddy, fun, kind, serious, and caring.
I'm sorry for being this way.
I'm sorry for what I did, though I can't take back my confession.
I shouldn't have fallen in love, right?
© serenityseventeen
7/1/21 - 10:28 pm
a/n: Get well! Wishing our best leader a healthy recovery!!! + it's the month of July, which means... Wonwoo's bday (and my sister's). + Ending fairy Boo = iconic ><
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mypimpademia · 4 years
SFW alphabet with Kuroo Tetsuro
Kuroo x reader
TW: Maybe some swearing
Note: You can also request SFW alphabets for other characters on my character list if you'd like
Template creds:
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Kuroo is very affectionate. Usually shows it through lots of kisses and hugs.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How did the friendship start?)
He'd probably be the crackhead ass best friend that convinces you to do dumb shit with them.
It would most likely start in middle school in a super cliche way. He'd probably be running in the halls and run into you, say sorry really fast then keep running. And the next day come to give you a real apology and you guys just hit it off.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Kuroo loves to cuddle, and khen cuddling with him, hes always the big spoon. Has your back to him chest with his arms around you, while you're sitting up, chest to chest laying down or on your sides, anything where he can have you super close really.
Hes also the type to be reluctant to letting you get up to use the bathroom because he doesn't want to stop
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Once hes absolutely sure that you're the one, he'll start wanting to settle down. But he won't actually do it till he's ready.
He at least has basic knowledge, he can make spaghetti, rice, a grilled cheese, all of that, but can't do anything super complex. He definitely has potential to learn though.
He's pretty good at cleaning, it just the staying clean part that doesn't always work. I feel like he lives in chaotic cleanliness, meaning it'll look out of order but he knows where everything is. But if you simplify it and put everything into small units or something, he'll be really clean.
E = Ending (If they break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
The longer you've been together, the easier he'll let you down, but the harder it'll be for him.
Depending on why you're breaking up, he'll talk it out with you. If you're going out on good terms, he'll ask if you'd like to stay friends. But if its on bad terms, he'll cut all ties with you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel commitment? How quickly do they want to get married?)
Like I said on domestic, he'll want to settle down and get married once he realizes he's got the right person. Doesn't really care when, as long as youre both ready and able to do it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, he play fights a lot and gives really tight hugs, but he wont if you ask him not to.
Emotionally, hes pretty soft for you. He'll open up to you when he feels a good amount of trust, and he'll make if clear that he'll be your shoulder to cry on when you need it.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Kuroo loves hugs, and he hugs you whenever he can. Usually hugs you in an almost back breaking grip, he might pick you up and spin you around too.
L = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Always said it when you guys were friends, and when you were dating he kept saying it. But never said it in a romantic way till about 10 months into your relationship, so decently fast
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Kuroo is confident, and doesn't get jealous too often. But when he does, he gets pretty jealous. He'll get super touchy with you, hold your hand, and your waist. If you're talking to someone he'll just stare at them, and drag you away when he reaches his limit.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kuroos kisses are usually rough, and passionate. But they'll be softer if he's in a soft mood.
Kisses your lips and face the most, and if youre short than him he'll kiss your forehead and the top of your head.
He really only ever likes kisses on the lips and jawline. He'll take anywhere else, but those are his favorite places.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Kuroo is the type to get used as a jungle gym by little kids. But he'll probably play tag and hide and seek with them. He's like the fun dad type around little kids, and his parental side come out around them.
When theyre not playing, he's lying down with all of them watching a Disney movie while they're hugging him.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Kuroo likes to sleep in, so mornings with him are spent going in and out of sleep while you hold each other. And once you're completely awake, you'll probably lay in bed for about an hour just talking.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Kuroo is a night owl, so the two of you will stay up, playing games, talking eating, etc. Then you'll go to bed around 1 - 3 am
O = Open (When would they start revealing themselves to you? Do they say everything all at once, or wait awhile to reveal things slowly?)
Since you guys were best friends before you were dating, there wasn't much to open up about. But opening up romanticly took him around 6 months. He's an open book, so there wasn't too much to say, so he said it all at one.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Kuroo is super nonchalant, so he really does ever get mad. It takes a lot to make him angry, so don't expect to see him heated too often
Q = Quizzes (How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Kuroo surprisingly remembers a lot about you. He doesn't remember everything you say word for word, but he knows a decent amount. He knows you favorite color, food, family names (even if you've only mentioned them once), favorite flower, etc.
R = Remember (Whats their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first "I love you" will forever be his favorite. It was such a soft and vulnerable moment, he just knew it'd be something he'd never forget
S = Security (How protectively are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Kuroo let's you freely talk to anyone, but if he gets a weird vibe from someone, or youre talking to someone that he knows isn't good, he'll make sure to keep an eye on you.
Normally either keeps his distance and watches you from afar, or stands next to you with an arm around you.
Doesn't really want protection, he wants to be the one protecting you. But if he had to choose, it'd be to defend him when hes mot there to defend himself.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks)
Kuroo is a very driven and passionate person, so he puts a lot of effort towards your relationship. However, it will falter if he sees that his partner won't reciprocate that energy.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Kuroo likes giving tight hugs, and rough kisses, and he's even rough during play fights. So his bad habit is that sometimes he gets too rough, hits you a little to hard during play fights, and squeezes you too tight during hugs, but nothing that hurts for more than a few minutes.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Again, Kuroo is very confident, so he never gets too concerned with his looks. People even call him bed head, which is probably true. He'll come out of the house without changing his hair from how it was after waking up and still feel like he looks good.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Once he's really into your relationship, he'll definitely feel like something is missing when hes not with you. Hes not clingy about it, but its not the same without you
X = Xtra (Random hc about them)
Kuroo takes a lot of pictures of you to the point where you make up 50% of his gallery. He even has them categorized; selfies, full body photos, cute pictures of you sleeping, you making dumb faces, etc.
Y = Yuck (What are somethings they wouldn't like? Either in general or in a partner.)
Kuroo wouldn't enjoy a partner that has nothing that they strive for. They don't have wants, or a goal, they're just there.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Kuroo moves around a lot in his sleep, but when you're next to him he moves a lot less. And he's a generally heavy sleeper, but tends to wake up if you even get out of bed to use the bathroom.
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First Impressions - YangYang
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Warnings: drug usage, cursing, and violence
Credit to the original owners of the images.
GN "Bad Kid" Reader x "Good Kid" YangYang
Soulmate Au: First words to each other
"Y/N, are you paying attention?" Mrs. Song questioned from her position in front of the board.
"Yes ma'am", you said, trying your hardest not to roll your eyes. She looked at you for another moment before her eyes turned back to the notes written on the board, which you had already copied all of them down. You felt a poke in your ribs, your eyes moved over to your right where your friend Andy sat. Before she could speak the bell rang. You instantly moved to put your binder in your bag and waited for Andy to do the same. The two of you quickly walked out and waited in the back of the parking lot for the rest of your friends.
"I swear that woman has it out for you", she says pulling a bag out of her backpack.
"So help me you get us caught-"
"Don't worry", she cut you off, "I'll be careful."
"You better be sharing", Darren said as he walked over motioning for Andy to hurry up. She rolled her eyes and passed him the pipe. He instantly took it and inhaled, handing it to you who did the same.
"How dare you start without us?" Ryder said as he and Bridget joined your group, stealing the pipe from your hands.
"Hey no smoking, you have to drive your cousin home and your aunt will kill you if she finds out your high", Bridget said as she took the pipe from him.
"Speaking of which, where is the little shit?" He said, his eyes moving around the parking lot.
"That reminds me, anybody wanna gimme a ride? My sister has to work so she can't pick me up", you asked the group.
"Yeah sure. I'll need someone to keep me sane after I take Bridget home", Ryder said.
"Trust me. I'm not too happy about riding with you either", a voice said from behind him.
"We'll leave in a few. First, lemme introduce you to the gang. The blue-haired girl is Andy. The one with all of the piercings is Y/N. Green haired dude is Darren and you know Bridget. Guys this is YangYang."
"Sup", Darren told him as he took the pipe from Bridget. YangYang just nodded, it was obvious he was uncomfortable. You felt a bit bad for him, but that didn't stop you from taking another hit before leaving. Bridget got in the passenger seat, leaving you and YangYang in the back. It didn't take long for the two of you to arrive at Bridget's. She kissed Ryder and told you all bye before getting out.
"I need gas and snacks, so we're making a pit stop", he said as he pulled back onto the road. He was in and out of the gas station passing you a bag of chips and YangYang a candy bar.
"So I gotta ask. Why do you guys smoke?" YangYang inquired to his cousin after a bit of silence.
"Numbs things a bit. And with it, things hurt less. Y/N is better at describing it", Ryder replied. YangYang turned to you.
"Let it hurt until it can't hurt anymore. That's what it's like without it", you said. He nodded and turned back to look out the window.
"That answer your question?" Ryder glanced in the rearview mirror to look at YangYang, who nodded. The moment the car arrived at his house YangYang thanked his cousin and jumped out of the car.
"Hopefully I don't have to give him a ride again", he said as he backed into the road.
"Eh, he didn't seem that bad."
"Let's just hope he doesn't tell my aunt I'm a stoner", he whispered. You let out a little laugh and continued to talk until you got back home.
It became a tradition for Ryder to take you home, and for him to drive YangYang home on Thursdays. It had been a month since the first time you had met him, and he still hadn't talked to you. But you couldn't really blame him, you were the classic "bad kid" that literally got stoned in the school parking lot, and he was the "good kid" that had the perfect record. It still amazed you that he and Ryder were even related at all. Just like the first time you rode together, Ryder had to make a pit stop at the gas station, though this time he was taking much longer. You found yourself growing more and more tired as you waited. It didn't help that you were unable to sleep last night and had smoked some with the group before leaving. You forced yourself to stay awake and pulled out your phone, hoping to distract yourself from the temptations of falling asleep.
"Awake and unafraid", YangYang whispered, so low that you almost didn't hear him. Your eyes widened and they moved to your wrist, which was covered by your sleeve. The exact same words were etched into your skin. The words that had been there since your birth and would be the first words your soulmate told you.
"Talk about a plot twist", you mumbled, causing YangYang to laugh.
"I wasn't expecting it either", he admitted
"Wait a second", you said upon realization, "I talked to you the first time we rode with Ryder. You've known for a month that we're soulmates and didn't say anything?"
"Admittedly I was a bit concerned when I figured out that we're mates. But then I realized, things aren't that simple, that I know nothing about you and have no reason to have concerns. But I wasn't sure what to say, so I waited for the right time."
"I hate the fact that is reasonable. Second off, what the heck did you mean by unafraid?" Your torso moving to face him.
"You're unafraid of what others think. And to say what's on your mind. I've noticed that after learning we shared some classes."
"We have classes together?" You asked, your face twisting in surprise.
"Several", he answered with a laugh.
"Dang I'm blind."
"To be fair most times you're stuck in your head. And most likely stoned during class", he responded.
"Okay, you're not wrong on that. But lemme guess, you don't want people to know we're soulmates?" As you asked the question the driver's door opened.
"Hold the phone. Y'all are soulmates?" Ryder asked as he entered the car. Tossing candy at you two. The two of you nodding in response.
"And to answer your question. I'd much rather people know we're soulmates."
"Why though? You're the golden boy and I'm one of the resident stoners", you inquired as you opened up the chocolate.
"Because we're soulmates? The differences will definitely cause some trouble, but we'll be able to get through them", he told you.
"I still can't believe you two are mates", Ryder said as he started the car. The conversation was then put on hold, you assumed it would most likely be continued tomorrow.
It was lunchtime when you finally met up with YangYang.
"Sorry I'm late", he said. He dropped his bag onto the floor and sat next to you. He kept his head down and eyes trained on the table.
"You good?" You asked.
"Uh yeah, fine."
"YangYang, you do realize that I can tell your lying, right?" You said as you leaned closer to him. He finally peeked up at you, his eyes were a bit red.
"I hate the fact that I can't lie to you", he said with a slight pout.
"What happened?" You questioned.
His shoulders sagged as he mumbled something incoherently. You raised your eyebrows at him.
"Just Blake and Liam being their usual selves." That's when you noticed the scratch on his cheek.
"Woah hold up. They did that?" You could already feel the anger rising in you. YangYang must've seen it in your eyes and began rambling about how it usually is worse, but as your fists clenched in anger he knew he messed up. Instead, he started backtracking, but it was too late, you were already storming out of the cafeteria to behind the gym. You knew the two boys hung out there during lunch, as cliche as it was. You could hear YangYang trailing close behind and begging you not to do anything.
"Y/N, what's up?" Blake greeted upon seeing you. Before you would've returned the greeting, but now you just grabbed him by the collar.
"Hey what fu-" Liam started, as he moved to you. But you glare turned to him, he immediately paused.
"Wanna tell me what you did to YangYang?" You asked, backing Blake up until he hit the wall.
"Why do you care?" Liam asked.
"One chance to tell me. I might not hit as hard if you answer", your grip tightening.
"Okay we roughhoused a bit, so what?"
"Is this the first time?"
"Yes?" Your right knee jerked up to hit I'm in the stomach. He groaned in pain and would've doubled over had it not been for your hold on him.
"What the hell Y/N?" Liam asked, his eyes widened in shock.
"Shit, fine. We've done it before", Blake panted.
"Oh so now you wanna tell the truth?" You asked rhetorically as your left fist reeled back and connected with his jaw. You dropped him from your hold as you heard Liam rush over to you. His knee made contact with your ribs, but you lunged at him and tackled him to the ground. As his back hit the concrete he let out a huff. You wasted no time on landing the punches. You rolled off of him when Blake attempted to yank you off. Your right foot landed on his chest and he stumbled back after the kick. You stood up, as he hobbled back towards you, and you grabbed onto his hair. He yelped at the pain of you pulling him up by it. You landed a final punch on his cheek and let go before shoving him to the ground where he sputtered up the smallest amount of blood.
"Bully anyone else and you probably won't make it out of the hospital next time. Understand?" You informed them as you moved to stand in front of them. Blake nodded and Liam groaned.
"And tell anyone that if they touch YangYang they're dead. Spread the word that if they mess with my soulmate, I will find them", you told them before grabbing YangYang's hand and walking back to the cafeteria.
"Where were you guys?" Darren asked when you sat back down.
"Had to take care of some assholes. And Andy blacklist Blake and Liam from your selling list." She nodded.
"So what'd they do?" Bridget asked.
"They messed with my mate", you told her as you pulled a blushing YangYang into your arms. Everyone at the table was surprised to say the least, well besides Ryder who was dying of laughter.
YangYang had decided to ride with Ryder again, he had asked his cousin to drop the two of you off at a local park. You waved Ryder off as he and Bridget backed out of the parking lot and walked with YangYang to a nearby bench. The two of you didn't get to talk after getting back to the cafeteria and you knew he had something to say about the whole situation.
"Alright, go ahead and say it", you told him. He gave you a confused look.
"That you don't wanna date me after the whole lunch fiasco."
"That's not at all what I was gonna say. I was gonna say that A) next time please give me a warning if you're gonna kick someone's ass. B) that was awesome. And C) let's go on an official date and actually start dating." It was your turn to be confused.
You could feel your eyebrows pull together as you asked him, "You still wanna date me?"
"Uh yeah?"
"Why?" You blurted out, prompting the boy next to you to laugh.
"Well I know you'll always protect me. And you're fun. And my soulmate."
"Well, I didn't expect that." He laughed again and stood up, pulling you with him as he walked to a nearby bakery.
"Now let's go on our first date, soulmate", he winked. You smiled, thinking about how it was definitely gonna be interesting to see everyone's reactions on Monday morning. And how the two of your story plays out, but you're looking forward to it.
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