#my chats with peeper are in an unrelated friend group server we just occasionally take over with FL nerding
thegreatyin · 3 months
actually follow-up question: do you know any good fl discord servers? i am in one but i’m basically the only one there who isn’t an endgame player and while everyone is very nice (except the one other non-endgame player who earned my undying annoyance by going “ooooh your ambition is going to get SO HARD when you need a t5 lodging you’re going to HATE it” at length while i went “yes, it’s an ambition, it will be hard, i know”—and I’m still the newest) it means that i have no idea what anyone else is doing a solid 85% of the time and can rarely repay anyone anything. whereas fl tumblr seems to have much more of a spread where there’s some endgame players and some people who are even newer than me and some people who are further in but not endgame yet and that seems like a much more fun place to congregate
unfortunately i don't know any fallen london servers outside of the official failbetter discord! all of my rambling has been a (mostly) tumblr-based affair. it's a pretty small fandom overall so the biggest spread you're likely to find outside of tumblr are niche communities on cohost and (shudders) reddit. ur out of luck with me but if you ask around you'll probably find something eventually
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