#my catboy collection is growing
kerubimcrepin · 9 months
Liveblog 11: Episode 7, Bashi the Shark
AKA the one where I admit I think my naming scheme for these liveblogs is actually unspeakably stupid, yet will not proceed to change it.
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Joris, I will be real, the reasons are too long to list.
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Your whole life is a sad story, old man. Every episode of this show should have a "a little sad" content warning by this logic.
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For all the shit I give Kerubim, he's teaching Joris something pretty important — to talk about his emotions, instead of bottling them up, — and he repeats it often enough that Joris uses this particular line to make fun of Kerubim, meaning it comes up a lot. ...I think what makes him try and hammer this lesson into Joris, is that he's scared Joris will grow up to be like him: obsessed with being Cool and Awesome, emotionally unavailable, and isolated from other people due to his nasty personality and mental illnesses. Time will prove that Joris is a guy who is literally ALL of these things, albeit in some very un-Kerubim-ish ways. Which is both sad, and hilarious. History did not just repeat itself, — it swerved, and wrote a really sick haiku, by making Joris into a sort of an... Even-More-French-Kim-Kitsuragi. Even if Keke couldn't prevent it, the attempt still counts. He gets a cookie for being a good dad, this once.
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They're so funny together, and they love each other so much... I don't have good analysis. I just want to gush.
For all the jokes I make, they have one of the most realistic and well-written "single parent & single child" relationships in any media I know, with all the positives and negatives that includes.
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Obligatory pointing out of food: They are both drinking water with ice, though Kerubim has a lemon and leaves (perhaps it's mint? Or catnip, if we're being spicy?) in his, while Joris has a lime.
Second of all:
I love how his nickname is just "THE negotiator". Despite Kerubim's more whacky antics, he's a pretty very smart guy. He wouldn't be known as "THE negotiator" otherwise.
He tries to hide it, but even as a young adult he's very well-read, which, when paired with his social skills, becomes a pretty good arsenal for negotiating and emissary work.
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For someone who's very fun-loving and sillywhacky in his personal life, he can act surprisingly cool and collected during a job, even while scared, while still being unserious enough to do some really insane shit if things go wrong.
This entire description, and his body language, remind me a lot of another negotiator-emmisary character, though.
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I wonder why.
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Unlike Joris, though, he's not that good at rushing into situations with a fearless, almost iop-like "FUCK IT WE BALL" attitude.
He still rushes into them, I mean, but he rushes into them afraid and praying, y'know?
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ilikeflowers132 · 22 days
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Alas, I present to you my ever-growing Asuka catboy collection!
(This was originally a joke but now I find myself drawing him without thinking help)
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astraeusx · 2 years
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the collection of my slutty lil catboy grows. (thank u aimee!!)
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wave-man · 4 years
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duexdub · 3 years
Hi! It's me again ^^ I really enjoyed what you did with the Itto x Reader x Thoma request. I'd like to thank you for that. ❤ I hope you don't mind me asking, could you do a reader x Baizhu? Perhaps it's a night after collecting herbs, and reader loves on Baizhu to help him relax. You don't have to if you don't want to.
Glad you liked the other fic! And so sorry ive been dead to all of you and so many of you liked that Itto and Catboy reader one😭 700 notes!! My highest atm.
Dom!Baizhu X Male Reader.
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It was an evening in Qingce Village, you were down in the fields picking herbs from the Village, Along with your boyfriend, Dr.Baizhu. You both loved each other dearly and helped each other when it was needed, didn’t matter what it was. You were bending down picking plants, and across the field was your boyfriend and a little girl, Qiqi. You both treated her as if she were your daughter, spoiling her to bits. You saw her help around, picking herbs and glaze lillies. It was growing late and around sunset, your back ached, and you can tell his did too. Letting out a small groan every time he bent down to rip a herb out of the ground. “I think this is enough for you today, Qiqi.” You told her, seeing as she looked more tired than usual and went to give you the plants she had collected. “Okay, Qiqi will go rest.” You heard from the tired and monotone sounding voice. “I think this is enough for me too.” You heard from across the field. Baizhu cracking his back and his arms, “My whole body feels exhausted!” He whined to you. He started coming your way and hugged you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder. You both stood there for a bit, you feeling relaxed until you felt his hands move around your torso, gliding and rubbing your waist. You could feel his breath get hotter, feeling it on your neck. “Lets continue herb picking tomorrow..” you said leading off, getting out of his grasp and walking towards the steps that led you to the village you two currently rested at. On the way to the small house you two were bothering, you saw in the courtyard Qiqi playing with the other kids there. You walked through the door, taking your shirt off, seeing the swear drip down your body. You started to take off your pants, leaving yourself in your underwear to cool off a bit. You laid on the bed, getting your hands on a book you were reading, laying in a seductive position, your ass facing the room. You heard the door open and close, the sound of the steps getting louder and louder. “What a nice surprise.” You heard as you bookmarked the book and put it back on the night stand. You stood up from the bed and went to the edge of it, where Baizhu was currently sitting, you dropped to your knees, and put your face in front of baizhus crotch.
You stuck your hand down his pants and underwear, fishing his dick out. You heard a relived sigh come from him. You spit on his dick, and quickly stroked it to make it wet. You opened your mouth and quickly started at it, moving your head up and down quickly, hearing the moans from him fill the room. You moved a hand to fondle his balls, feeling him start to tremble. “Haah~ (y/n)~” you heard him slur out, as his head was up, and his hand in your hair, the grip tightening every second. “Isn’t this relaxing” you told him, moving your mouth off him. You heard him lightly whine. You moved your hand onto his dick and started quickly stroking it, “hngh!” You saw him jump up a bit, a hand going over his mouth. You noticed his hips start to buck into your hand. Soon feeling the warm liquid squirt all over your face and chest.
How long has it been.
And my thoma and itto fic flopped so badly🤦 cmon yall 💔
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nekotaku · 2 years
You know what, anon? You're right. I haven't been posting many catboys. To correct this egregious error I have queued up several catboys to be added to my ever growing collection of all things catgirl and catgirl adjacent. Check back periodically to see what I've found.
Here's one to get you started!
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pomodoko · 4 years
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another catboy added to my ever growing collection
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collabwithmyself · 3 years
I am absolutely in love with catperson Phoenix and Thena. ESPECIALLY Phoenix cause I wanna see how you do that story wise, is it slow transformation from gradual recognition of shared NT/catperson traits? Or is it just “oh wow my friend who is a catperson does things that I do a lot maybe we are Same?” and then overnight POOF catperson? Idk and I wanna find out.
Okay so Cathena is new and I am still formulating thoughts about it and I absolutely want to do her justice. BUT I ACTUALLY HAVE. BIG THOUGHTS ABOUT THE FELINIX BRANCH OF THE AU. This is mostly copy-pasted from Discord please bear with me
good evening lads i have an extremely self indulgent au of the au
it's that phoenix is also a catboy but like. not fully fledged yet? as an allegory for not realizing you're neurodivergent until you're well into adulthood because you masked too well and/or nobody recognized the signs
phoenix started the realization process as a kid when he realized he was really similar to miles and the two of them understood each other better than anyone else did, but it kinda ground to a halt once miles moved away and he started masking
the few inhuman traits he did develop can be easily ignored, or downplayed as something humorous. (as someone with adhd, playing your symptoms for humor so they're more palatable to the people around you, whether consciously or not, is VERY common!) he doesn't actually realize there's something up with him.
Phoenix carefully cutting his food so nobody realizes just how damn sharp his teeth are and starts asking questions (they're just like that naturally? Leave him alone?), and playing off the fact he can wiggle his ears as a weird party trick
He'll accidentally do work in a nearly completely dark office because. He can see in the dark. And he'll scare the crap out of Mia or Maya because his eyes shine and they otherwise didn't notice him in the dark room
He just doesn't realize how weird he is, and he gets panicky whenever people point out that he's weird. But he's weird in a funny way, so it's fine, right? It's intentional, right? There's nothing really wrong with him, right?
Every so often there's cracks in the mask, especially when Phoenix is left alone, because his abandonment issues are made so much worse with his RSD, but that means no one else is around to see these cracks
But the mask starts plain falling apart after he's disbarred and crashing hard, suffering even worse than any neurotypical person would due to his RSD and trauma, and it slips enough that Miles in particular can start to see the cracks and questions if he's really neurotypical
Phoenix starts stimming more obviously when he's alone, is low on motivation, unknowingly self-medicating by drinking sugary grape juice to help him stay collected
But he's happier when Miles and Trucy are with him and he can engage with them, even if he's struggling to keep himself collected, and still trying to support Miles through the whole "accepting his cat side" thing even though he's in pretty serious distress himself
As Phoenix spends more time with Miles during his disbarment and starts being comfortable with sharing behaviors, his mask loosens further and further... and the more physically odd he becomes to match his mental walls coming down
He starts making unnatural noises and doesn't even really notice between Miles's own vocalizations and Trucy being able to mimic sounds. He gets distracted while playing with Miles to help him blow off steam, because for some reason he really wants a turn with the toy himself. He keeps zoning out while focusing on one specific thing, and when a noise interrupts him he jumps high enough to clear the coffee table.
He chews his nails a lot, but he could swear they're growing in sharper. He doesn't know if it's just him being cranky from lack of sleep, or stressed about Kristoph, but it feels like his hearing is getting more sensitive, or at least provoking more of a reaction. His ears are starting to itch uncomfortably, and his back is more sore than ever.
Eventually he puts two and two together. But. It scares him. His life is already so goddamn weird and this is only gonna make it so much harder!
Like. Accepting you're neurodivergent and recognizing your behaviors is a scary thing. Because it means accepting you're not "normal" and will never be able to fit in with society, and most people aren't going to understand you or even make the effort to try. And being visibly neurodivergent in public can be humiliating and even dangerous. People treat you differently when they find out you're not neurotypical, they look down on you and can sometimes get verbally or even physically violent.
So he's fighting against this realization and hastily trying to remask himself right when he's on the verge of this breakthrough, and it's putting him in so much discomfort and pain because he's right on the verge of a transformation. He can't revert, he can't undo what he's already learned about himself, so he's stuck like that because he refuses to accept it.
Miles can see Phoenix is in pain and withdrawing and it scares him, he doesn't know what to do or what's happening and Phoenix won't tell him
He has to approach Phoenix and coax out his thoughts - his fears of being different and being recognized as such, his worries that nothing will ever be the same once he finally puts a name to what's different about him, that he can't go back to the way things were when he was in blissful ignorance of himself
And Phoenix wouldn't wish this hiding on anyone and he hates that it's a necessity for Miles in order to be taken seriously
And Miles, completely clueless regarding the physical aspect of all this, assures Phoenix that he is always going to have loved ones that will fight to be there for him and understand him, that he's fought so hard to understand Miles and create a space for him where he can be open with himself and it's only fair if Miles does the same, because Miles cares so so much about Phoenix.
It's so hard to be understood, but there are people willing to meet Phoenix halfway, to understand him and help him function and give him the space he needs to be his most authentic self. Phoenix is neurodivergent and that is not a bad thing. He is loved regardless, and though the world will be harsh to him, he is deserving of love and understanding.
And poor Phoenix, huddled up in his blanket, being nuzzled awkwardly but comfortingly by Miles, a purr rumbling through them both... he just. Breaks down.
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...and then there's an unsteady whisper of a sound, vaguely like a car engine trying to turn over, starting and stopping and starting again.
Miles listens closely. The awkward noise is coming from Phoenix, he's almost sure of it. He asks if Phoenix needs any water, and he coughs awkwardly, responding that he's fine. The noise stops, but... Phoenix is tense.
Miles asks him if he's alright, if he's doing something wrong. Phoenix is quick to shoot that down - Miles is fine, doing his absolute best, and Phoenix appreciates it - but... Changes in behavior aren't the only thing that have been plaguing Phoenix. Maybe it's all a coincidence. His ears don't itch anymore, and his back feels better... maybe it's just all in his head?
Miles is like. Phoenix. What are you talking about. And Phoenix is like uhhhh
Miles reaches up and slowly removes the blanket from over Phoenix's head.
And two soft, triangular ears spring up from his spiky hair.
Miles stares. Then, hand trembling, he gently brushes his fingers against one. It flicks and swivels, and Phoenix lets out a questioning trill, one Miles himself has made dozens of times.
They both freeze.
...Phoenix starts to tear up again.
Miles pulls him into an awkward hug and he sobs into his chest, terrified and relieved and so so confused. When Miles begins to purr again, his own shaky purr tries desperately to match it, new and rusty and awkward. A bottlebrush tail snakes hesitantly from beneath the blanket, and Miles's own sleek one intertwines with it.
They're the only two in the world quite like themselves, but Phoenix has spent years aiding Miles to be himself, and Miles will be damned if he doesn't return the favor to the one he adores most.
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mistaeq · 3 years
the stardust crusaders' hogwarts adventure: HCs
tw // none
dora's note: is this dora posting? what the hell? yes it is, i'm finally working. hopefully. i promise i'm doing by best yes ^^ i felt like doing this today, so... finally got to finish a draft that has been there for quite a while.
DISCLAIMER !! y/n is NOT a student in joseph's HCs, they're a GROWN ADULT with a JOB. !!
taglist: @fragolaaaaaaa @outofthiszawarudo @sky1mercy @cheemerthebebopfreak @berryvalentine @yandere-lovebites @catboy-kira @komaeda-kinnie [if you wanna be removed or added, all it requires is a dm or an ask !!]
kujo jotaro
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♥︎ when he first sat down under the sorting hat, he didn't know what to expect and did not care in which house he would have ended up. everyone in his family, though, always had been one of two precise houses: slytherin or hufflepuff. so, very deep down, he hoped in one of them. but a different one would have been cool with him too, he would have been the first in his family with a different house sorting. he waited for a time that seemed neverending, but earlier than expected, the sorting hat said: "slytherin."
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time during a quidditch tournament. jotaro was a seeker, one of the most precise ones hogwarts had ever had. you caused him an accident, running over him with your broom, causing the two of you to fall to the ground. needless to say, he held a grudge on you for several days, until you had to get along to train for quidditch again.
♥︎ you wouldn't expect it from a wizard like him, but his favourite subjects are care of magical creatures, to study them, protect them, and get on an empathetic level with them, and muggle studies, to get to know more about muggles, in honor of his father, kujo sadao, who's not a wizard.
♥︎ it didn't take long for jotaro to manage to manifest his patronus. he had tried to practice that spell, since before the arrival of the dementors at the school. the two of you used to practice together after quidditch trainings, making you the first person - apart from him, of course - to witness the awaking of his patronus: a beautiful dolphin, a symbol of intelligence and protection.
♥︎ you will probably have to be the one to ask him first out on a date. he's not the best one when it comes to grades, and he spends quite a lot of time with his friends, trying not to think about it. no, he doesn't really care about having the best marks. you should ask one of his best friends, kakyoin noriaki, about what to do to convince him to go out on a date with you. most likely, he'll say yes because he trusts you enough to feel safe.
♥︎ jotaro does not underestimate your powers and doesn't feel the need to constantly protect you, but he must admit that as soon as the teachers of defense against the dark arts start disappearing every year or try to attack the students themselves, he's a little bit worried about you. he starts showing up outside your classroom at the end of every lesson, to check on you and keep you company until you get to you next lesson's classroom.
kakyoin noriaki
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♥︎ when he sat down under the sorting hat, he was really nervous. what if it said that he wasn't even a wizard? what if he ended up in a house that would have disappointed his family? the redhead was shaking like a leaf, even at the point that the sorting hat itself asked him to calm down to allow it to examinate him better. noriaki's terror soon disappeared, as soon as the hat spoke. "okay, okay, my guy. you can calm down. ravenclaw!"
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time in the library of the school. you were looking for a specific book, the one about the fantastic beasts of the wizarding world and where to find them, when a guy who wasn't looking where he was going, hit the ladder you were standing on, making you fall, right... in his arms. ugh, that sounded like a pathetic love story beginning. until you heard a giggle from the corner of the room. the guy that was making fun of that scene was kakyoin.
♥︎ noriaki's favourite subjects are transfiguration, since he always says he has a talent in transforming objects in what he wants, and defence against the dark arts, since he wishes to become a professor one day. why is it related to that? well, since the professors of defence against the dark arts seem to change every year for some reason, his turn will come sooner or later, or not?
♥︎ for kakyoin, it was a little bit more complicated to manifest his patronus. he kept on focusing on the technique and the way he had to move his wand, instead of focusing on his inner power and mind. but after many efforts, it finally showed up: a beautiful fox, symbol of wisdom and guidance. he told you first thing.
♥︎ noriaki will probably be the one to ask you out for a date first. but he would do it through a letter. he's smart enough to write one that will convince you that he's worth it and that he's perfect for you. the redhead can't imagine you already think of him as such. either way, the letter will be very sweer and heartfelt, even if a little bit awkward sometimes. but you'll say yes regardless, he put a lot of effort in it, and has always been respectful towards you.
♥︎ he wouldn't be much worried about you at first, hogwarts is a safe place for the students, after all, right? right? oh, what? in a bathroom the little hermione granger almost got killed by a troll? you know what, nevermind? the guy is gonna be glued to you the whole time, he'll even skip lessons for it, despite how much they mean for him. you're not gonna get attacked by anything, with him by your side.
muhammad avdol
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♥︎ everyone envied him when he sat down under the sorting hat, because despite the young age at the time, he looked absolutely calm and collected. he had no anxiety, and his eyes were closed, in complete relaxation, as if him and the sorting hat had some sort of mental communication going on. his smile was endearing, his fingers intertwined in front of his chest. but the hat seemed to take a lot of time sorting him. "your heart said gryffindor, my dear boy. but your soul spoke hufflepuff to me." the hat declared. but then... "hufflepuff!"
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time on the stairs. yes, the ones that like to change. your books had fallen from your arms on the stairs, and since he was passing by, he decided to lend a helping hand. what you didn't notice, was that you were standing right between the stairs and the floor. when the stairs changed, hadn't it been for muhammad's quick reflex of pulling you on his side, you would have probably fallen down several floors.
♥︎ avdol is naturally gifted, when it comes to subjects like astronomy, or his favourite one, divination. he seems to be the only student who doesn't stare at mrs. trelawney as if she were completely crazy. the majority of the ravenclaws, his friend noriaki included, sometimes don't even listen to her. but avdol does, and he's completely in love with the subject.
♥︎ it hadn't been difficult at all for avdol, to manifest his patronus. almost natural, for him. you weren't there to witness it, but you studied and practiced with him for it several times. the last time he tried, a beautiful and graceful phoenix escaped muhammad's wand, symbol of resurrection and life after death, a patronus that the student took as a symbol of hope.
♥︎ none of you two will ask the other out for a date. the love between you and avdol would bloom spontaneously, without the need of dating. you would find yourselves behaving like a couple just naturally. he likes to give you tarot readings and to stargaze with you. the stargazing sessions are the ones that get the two of you closer to each other.
♥︎ avdol would be protective over you since the very beginning. he can sense something's off in the school, and his tarot readings about hogwarts's future keep getting darker and more mysterious everytime. but every single reading hints at an upcoming source of danger, that most likely would be voldemort, he supposes. he has to keep an eye on you. he's scared.
jean pierre polnareff
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♥︎ oh boy, this guy was mad nervous when he sat down under the sorting hat. everything but slytherin, everything but slytherin. surely, he knew he wouldn't have ended up in ravenclaw. he wasn't that much of a smart guy, but he did his best. either way, everything would have been cool to him, apart from slytherin. it just didn't sit right to him. but luckily, before jean could ask the sorting hat why was it taking so long, it spoke. "okay, okay, i get it. gryffindor, no doubts!" it said, making the young wizard feel relieved.
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time while he was trying so hard to find his way to the next classroom he had to be in. the school was huge, and polnareff couldn't help but to get confused in the corridors. you offered him your help, but he tried to play it cool, running away and dropping a book. well, you would have brought it to him.
♥︎ polnareff's favourite subjects are charms and flying. they're pretty basic, but he finds them the coolest things about being a wizard. he's a huge fan of quidditch too, but he wouldn't see himself playing. flying lessons give him the same feeling of freedom though, and he loves it so much.
♥︎ it took pretty long for jean pierre to manifest his patronus. he just couldn't focus enough. you've been practising with him, and you manifested it first, so it would have been good to try to help him. until he managed to do it. from his wand, a beautiful horse was freed, a symbol of power, independence, freedom, and nobleness. you could tell jean was satisfied, and grateful to you for helping him in manifesting it.
♥︎ he'll definitely be the one to ask you out first, probably not much time after you helped him to manifest his patronus. that event made him so happy and made him grow so fond of you, that he genuinely wants to improve your relationship, and hopefully, get something more from it. hopefully your heart, hopefully a kiss. but he means it genuinely. he's not trying to exploit you to get your help with assignments. for real.
♥︎ as the years go by, polnareff would start noticing hogwarts isn't the same place that it's always been, or that dumbledore claimed it was. he grows more and more protective of you, every year a worse mess happens, and it's always connected to voldemort. he's not liking it at all. not to mention you're worried, since the gryffindors seem to be pretty involved in it. more than you and jean pierre like to admit. he knows something he's not telling.
joseph joestar
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♥︎ in his youth, when he sat down under the sorting hat, he didn't give a shit of what house he would have been sorted in, all he wanted was just start learning magic stuff. joseph was laughing with some handsome boys and pretty girls at the table, and was hoping it wouldn't take long to sort him, his adventure had just started. but the hat actually took really little time to figure out where he was gonna go. "slytherin." it announced, almost immediately.
♥︎ going through the corridors of hogwarts reminds him of many years ago, when you first met. he would never forget the way you told him to go fuck himself, while he was just standing on a chair, reminding everyone that him and his best friend of the time, a young lucius malfoy, were the best kind of wizards because they were purebloods. that was a bunch of bullshit he truly used to believe. luckily, he grew up to understand it wasn't true.
♥︎ now, joseph is a teacher. the last student you would have expected to become one, but he did. a teacher of defense against the dark arts, and he's not planning on leaving anytime soon. he'll keep his eyes open, he heard teachers have been disappearing every year. not to mention a lot of scary stuff is happening at hogwarts. he didn't choose a good time to work.
♥︎ he's always been a quick learner, and he managed to manifest his patronus quicker than many of his classmates. a really cool eagle, a symbol of truth, majesty, strength. despite his attitude, it was clear that joseph was a good wizard, it had to be given to him. and you grew to be into it. to admire it. he secretly liked you, too.
♥︎ joseph took the first step towards you, but he didn't quite ask you out, let's say that to keep his cool, he TOLD you that you and him were gonna date. as if to announce you. you were okay with it, and didn't accept just because you were feeling forced. you accepted because you liked him, and recognized it as a great opportunity to get closer to him. you would have worked on improving the romantic field throughout your relationship.
♥︎ now that he's a teacher, he has to recognize that there's so much going on, that the students do not see. joseph is acknowledged about how dangerous the situation is getting, and more than ever, he reaches out to you, or phones you, no matter the fact that you're working. everyone is talking about voldemort, and he doesn't like the smallest bit of it. he just wants to make sure you're safe.
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gh0stchoir · 3 years
Nothing just daishou with a snake tail
“I don’t bite..hard.”
Anime: Haikyuu!!
Character(s): Suguru Daishou
Pronouns used: He/him
Time set point: highschool ages ig,,
Warnings?: technically kidnapping, maybe stockholm syndrome(?), not proofread
Also no one ask abt where the fuck his pp would be- BECAUSE I DONT KNOW LMAO—AND IS NEKO THE CORRECT WORD FOR A CAT HUMANOID??IDK-
“Go get more wood they said..just a bunch of stupid kitties.” Y/n groaned as he was sent out, yet again, to gather wood for his clan. They could’ve gotten someone else to do it, but no.
His ears were flattened against his head as he traveled out further. He occasionally picked a few mushrooms and put them in his bag. Could be useful for the clans medic, Yaku.
He knew he couldnt go far, knowing he could travel into other clans territory without him knowing. His clan was closest two Fukurodani, an ally, and Nohebi, an enemy. Probably the biggest enemy for Nekoma. Solely because of a stupid feud the two leaders of the clans had. Even to this day, they both hated each other’s guts.
Y/n mumbled curses as he looked at all the wood he collected. It surely was enough that nobody would get on his ass complaining about the wood. He hoisted up the thingy (what the fuck is it called LMAO) that held all the wood, onto his back and continued his journey back.
Stupid of him though, as he was headed in the completely wrong direction. He hadn’t brought a map, telling Kai that “I’m smart enough to know the way back home!”
It was atleast half an hour before y/n realized he wasn’t in his clans territory anymore. He was in the territory he always was told stories of by his upperclassmen. He was in Nohebi’s territory.
The neko quickly picked up a faint scent, it was that of a fire. He could also smell the whiff of a deer. He was definitely close to the snakes main camp.
He cautiously crouched down next to bushes and trees, pupils dilating to slits, as he tried to pick up any other scents. While too far into his own mind he hadn’t realized the creature moving closer and closer from behind him.
Suddenly something quickly grabbed hold of him, and he felt something sharp against his neck. Y/n felt his breath hitch in his throat. He’d been caught.
He felt something long wrap around his body, knowing he couldn’t run and that it was the tail of some Nohebi member. All he could think about was is this his final moment alive? Would the leader kill him, wanting some sort of revenge to show Tetsurou?
“Whats a kitty like you doing here, mhm?”
Y/n was turned around, only to be faced with the man he never wanted to meet. Suguru Daishou, leader of the Nohebi clan.
He glanced down to see the mans sharp claws on his hands ready to puncture his neck. Was he going to do it if he spoke? What should he make of the situation? He didn’t know.
“Answer me cat.” Daishou narrowed his eyes, now grabbing the nekos throat with his hand.
Y/n gulped, staring into thin green eyes. What should he say? What if he said the wrong thing and he killed him?
“I was c-collecting wood. I guess I wandered into this territory, I’m deeply—deeply sorry..” He spoke quietly. He stared at the male before him.
He was much more attractive than Kuroo described him. His hair looked well kept. He had narrowed bright green eyes, along with a nice jawline. He had many piercings on his ears, most of them probably worth much value. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, showing off his slightly muscled body. To top it all off, he had a long dark green snake tail instead of legs, with some darker green, some black, markings.
“Mhm..you aren’t a stray are you? You come from nekoma…don’t you?” A grin began to grow on Daishou’s face as he examined the Nekoma member before him.
Y/n trembled under his touch, terrified that he could so easily be killed. He nodded in response once feeling the slight squeeze on his neck.
Suguru let out a chuckle, releasing his hand from y/n’s neck and slightly loosening his tail.
“I wonder what Kuroo would think…seeing one of his little kitties taken by me. Oh what fun we’ll have..”
Y/n began trying to get out of the snakes grasp, fear fueling within him. He couldn’t die, he had to get back to his clan, he had to help them, continue to help them.
“Please let me go, Daishou..I won’t tell them anything.”
Daishou laughed, shaking his head. “It’s not that easy..they’ll sense your fear and force something outta ya’. You’re gonna stay with me for awhile. I’m sure no one would mind someone as cute as you hanging out at our place for a bit.”
Y/n felt his head get dizzy, watching as Suguru easily made his way back to his camp, y/n close to him in his arms.
A week. An entire week Y/n had so far been at the Nohebi clan. His days consisted of waking up, eating breakfast, spending the day with Daishou, getting the midday meal, more time with Daishou, dinner, then sleep and repeat.
All y/n was happy about what they gave him three meals a day. And they would get upset if he skipped out on a meal. So atleast they were taking the time to make sure he was somewhat healthy. Well, he would admit to himself that it wouldn’t be an entire lie if he said that Suguru was attractive to him. And made him feel special since he treated y/n with such kindness and respect. Besides his teasing of course.
“Daishou! They’re here-multiple of them!” Hiroo yelled, catching the attention of all the Nohebi members. Daishou groaned as he set down his cards on the table. Everyone else got up and made their way to the front.
Suguru opened the door, coming face to face with Kuroo. The shorter of the two grinned lazily.
“Well look what the cat dragged in. What do you want, cat.”
Kuroo narrowed his eyes as his long tail furiously waved low to the ground behind him. “You know exactly why I’m here.”
Daishou raised a brow and huffed out a breath. “No fun, can’t ever play a game with me. You’re always so impatient..but fine. So, what do you want me to do?”
Tetsurou stared at him in disbelief. He was so close to stepping right on the end of Daishou’s tail, knowing how bad it would hurt. He’d done it in the past, knowing it would work now.
“You fucking- you know exactly what I want you to do. Give him back, he’s not apart of your clan.” Kuroo growled. His sharp teeth beginning to show.
Suguru sighed and clicked his tongue. He reached behind him and pulled y/n right next to him. Y/n stared at his clan, that stood right before him all with wide eyes as they stared back at him.
Kuroo impulsively reached out for y/n, only for Daishou to pull him back and glare at the Nekoma leader.
“Ah ah ah, no need to be hasty. Besides, the game is over. I won fair and square. Remember that time ago when all of us clans established rules? If someone from a different clan travels upon someone else’s territory, they’re free to do as they please. That’s what this kitty here did. He disobeyed the rules everyone put into place.”
Nekoma stared in shock, no one knew what to say. Yaku balled his fists up and growled, making his way to beside Kuroo. “Thats-thats not fair at all!”
“It is, shortie. We all agreed on the rules. Hell you all are trespassing on my territory right now! I could have you all killed. So, how about you scurry back home and let me have my time with the person who is my captive now. The one that I’ve seen has taken attraction to me. Isn’t that right, y/n-Chan?”
Y/n felt himself blush, as he stared into Suguru’s eyes. The same green ones he was once told to watch out for. Did he really feel attracted for him captor? Was he really going to be taken away from his clan, only to be put into the rivaling clan?
Daishou rested a hand on either side of y/n’s face, his grip soft. He smiled, a sickly sweet smile that looked nice. But behind it was only pure mischievousness. “Answer now, little kitty.”
Y/n couldnt tear his eyes away from Suguru’s, nodding his head softly. Who was he to lie? He was still going to be in the Nohebi’s grasp. Better to get out the truth before he could get hurt.
“See how honest…ah Kuroo you let a good one escape.” Daishou chuckled, having a wide grin. He looked back at his rival, practically seeing fire in his eyes.
“Now..I suggest you leave before I have to resort to killing you all. I have about thirty cages full of deadly snakes I can pour out and they can kill you all in an instant. So say goodbye to y/n and be on your way.”
All of Nekoma just stared at their clan member. He was so close to them. But they knew Daishou could kill y/n in a split second. They had to let him go, for now.
Kuroo frustratedly ran a hand through his hair and sighed deeply.
“This isn’t over. Whatever this stupid game of yours you are playing, you’re not going to win. You’ve done cheated, just like you always do. We’ll get him back whether you like it or not…stay safe y/n, I promise we’ll get you soon.” Tetsurou had a sad look in his eye, looking at y/n. The male only looked away guiltily. He couldn’t look his leader in the eye, not now, maybe not ever. He felt like he betrayed them.
Suguru held a proud smirk as he watched Nekoma force themselves back to their clan, holding y/n close to his side. He glanced at him and smiled.
“Thank you, yknow. I know it was probably hard to admit your attraction for me right infront of the people that could’ve saved you. But..you did wander here. I cant just let my prey go so..will you happily stay mine?”
Y/n just stared, his head feeling light. So many emotions ran through him. His head hurt like hell, his ears feeling numb from having them folded against his head for so long. But he didn’t say a word, not giving Daishou the satisfaction he craved.
The snake sighed and closed the door, moving with y/n back up to his room. He saw how tired the neko was, knowing he wanted rest.
“It’s alright, you can answer in the morning.”
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Dream SMP Recap (January 14/2021) - Dawn of an Empire
While the day is at first full of happy bonding moments with Techno and Ranboo, and Tubbo continues work on Snowchester, things take a turn for the sorrowful as Puffy questions her stance in the server’s conflicts and wonders what it truly means to be a knight. 
Later, Badboyhalo gathers a Roundtable on the Crimson together to discuss matters concerning the containment of the Egg, and the future of the Badlands.
Now that L’manburg has fallen, it might be time to take a step forward into a new age.
It’s the spark of a new alliance.
The rise...
Of the Eggpire.
- Dream whispers to Techno that he’s currently living at his mysterious house far away. 
- Techno comes up with a plan to name his dogs after donators.
- Dream also tells Tubbo he’ll kill him soon. (Uncertain if the things he said are jokes or serious)
- Ranboo gives Techno the axe that he made to replace the Axe of Peace.
- Ranboo tells Techno that he’s planning on going off to find another Woodland Mansion
- Techno’s dogs kill Edward. Rest in Peace.
- Tubbo goes to collect ice from the ice biome for Snowchester
- Ranboo shows Techno the stronghold.
- They then set off through the Nether on another roadtrip. Apparently, Techno still has some plans that may involve some violence in the future.
- They reach the Woodland Mansion and loot it.
- They then commit some mild arson, then head back.
- Techno says goodbye. Ranboo now has three more Totems -- three extra lives!
- Puffy looks out at the L’manburg Crater, saddened by all the loss and destruction. She’s unsure of where her loyalties lie.
She considered Techno and Dream her friends -- and her duckling! But can she really support someone who did this?
“Right now, this castle is a hollow nothing...it’s just a title...There’s no consequence, ever. It just happens, and people just get sad, and they have to suffer their feelings and move on...We need safety, we need security, and happiness. We can’t live in fear.”
“To Dream, my duckling...I might be a villain. I don’t wanna be, but it’s what needs to happen. I might have to sacrifice...”
She questions what her duty is as a knight of the SMP, and starts to write her statements in a book.
“Sometimes being a hero to others comes at the consequence of being a villain to those who you hold closest.”
- She goes to destroy the cottage she made for Dream.
“I did this ‘cause he didn’t have a home...and everybody, no matter how cold, or violent, or angry, or maybe even unforgiving they may be... Everyone deserves a home, a place they can go to at night to feel comfortable and safe.”
- She burns it down. A lot of the non-flammable blocks remain, though.
- Puffy starts listening to “TNT” by CaptainSparklez and TryHardNinja as she explodes the rest of the house with TNT.
- In the explosion, though, she exposes Dream’s old house as well (as it was directly below the cottage) and blows some of it up by accident, instantly regretting it. 
She’s very surprised that she built a whole new home for Dream right on top of his old base without even knowing it was there.
- She decides it was a happy accident, and now Dream is fully homeless. She still puts everything back in the chests, though, to clean up. 
- She finds in one of the old chests an abandoned copy of “Blocks” and decides to keep it. It isn’t Tommy’s canon disc, but she decides to give it meaning anyway.
“This disc might not have started canon...but it’s canon now...Red, because of all the bloodshed and wars that have been waged over them.”
- She goes back to the crater as it starts to rain and thunder, and questions whether she should keep the disc or burn it. Or perhaps give it to Tommy?
- Puffy decides that she has sympathy for Tommy. Sure, Tommy’s made mistakes, but he’s young and has been exiled twice now! He’s already paid for the things he’s done enough. Does he really deserve all of this? And poor Tubbo as well, being put in such a tough position, leading a country.
- She decides that the Glitch Cube can be her panic room for the time being.
- She goes to the Castle, thinking about how useless it is. It’s just a symbol with no real meaning behind it. Not by the fault of Eret, but because Dream calls all the shots. Eret is the king, but has zero control.
- Puffy then looks at the ruins of the Community House. Who’s to say it wasn’t Dream who did it? How do they know it was really Tommy?
- She thinks that when somebody’s made mistakes, you have to be there for them and help them grow instead of just exiling them and leaving them alone to rot. Tommy’s suffered enough consequences for his actions. He doesn’t need to be blamed anymore.
- She wonders why Techno can spawn thirty withers and not be exiled, but all Tommy does is grief George’s house a little and he gets sent miles away? There’s a double standard.
She believes in justice, not cruelty. And exile is cruelty.
- Skeppy comes online and she gets into the Skeppy Maid skin, as one does.
- Puffy goes to set up a beacon in her base. She creates it using one of the stars she got from the Doomsday withers. 
- Puffy then gets a pet spider named Peter Parkour.
- Bad comes online and Puffy shows him her Catboy Skeppy outfit.
- Puffy also gets a slime pet and names it Jream.
- Later, Bad comes online to gather a roundtable about the Egg. Punz, Puffy and Ant come online to join in. As Bad refers to them, the “Egg People.”
- Bad begins the meeting by saying that the Egg has become a problem. What is there to be done?
He also mentions the carnage that took place in L’manburg. They quarantined the Egg and kept it from spreading its Vines across the server. 
Bad proposes that instead of keeping the Egg contained...they break the containment and allow it to spread again.
- Ant insists that Bad must be corrupted somehow, while Bad claims that Skeppy has been cleansed of the Egg’s influence and that whole situation is just a matter of getting him back to normal.
- Bad seems convinced that L’manburg being gone has something to do with them keeping the Egg contained.
- Bad likes that L’manburg is gone, but it’s problematic that there’s so much chaos coming from Dream and other members of the SMP. He wanted L’manburg to remain a source of conflict, and now the Badlands lacks a consistent source of chaos for the server since Dream blew it up.
And he thinks that the Egg is just the right amount of chaos that is needed.
- Punz and Puffy, the Dream SMP faction members, both think Bad has lost it. What about peace? Who knows what the Egg could do?
- Bad points out that the Egg isn’t in the Badlands. It’s in the heart of the Dream SMP. 
If they let the Vines spread, it would give the Badlands an opportunity to take control with the one other large remaining faction weakened.
- Puffy loves the Vines, but she wants the peace to remain. Bad says that peace is never going to happen with the Egg’s power being concentrated in an isolated chamber. The potency of its influence will only grow.
- Bad suggests they look at the Egg to prove a point.
- He asks the Dream SMP members what they want, since he’s already made a case for the Badlands. 
Punz says that he’s “factionless...”
- The entire Egg Room is completely covered, and new growths seem to have appeared on the Egg. Its power is so concentrated that even Punz, who had before always had immunity to its effects, says that he’s starting to feel something.
- “Little Red,” the pet Vine that Ponk has in his Casino, has “flowered” and...turned green?
Ponk apparently poured holy Twitch Prime water on it.
- They go back to the Roundtable and Bad asks if Puffy and Punz want to join the Badlands. 
He says that he has a long-term plan, and that if Punz and Puffy join them in their forces? They could easily take over all of the Badlands territory.
He proposes they let the Egg go and wipe out the entire portion of the Dream SMP while the Badlands searches for a counter to it. They come in after the chaos, clear the Egg with their methods, being the “saviors,” and 
- Puffy says that she thinks Bad is turning into a tyrant. Bad says that he wants the Badlands to be a collective, all with equal say in the government instead of one ruler controlling everything. All the factions with one ruler have faced issues.
- Punz says that he’s willing to work towards chaos. He supports the idea that Bad has. Bad suggests that if Punz and Puffy agree, the Badlands can incorporate Punz’s territory and Puffy’s temple. Punz and Puffy are not a part of the Badlands faction, just part of the incorporated territories of the Empire.
- Bad wants an Empire name.
He declares that the Formation between the Badlands, Punz and Puffy shall henceforth be known as: 
“Let’s let chaos reign over the Dream SMP.”
- They go down to the Egg Room to destroy the barriers keeping it in.
As they destroy it, Bad says he’s grown fond of the way the Vines look. Wouldn’t it look nice if these spread all over the server?
He wonders if Sam would be in agreement with this.
Puffy is still having a few doubts, but Bad insists that all this current chaos will be in the name of achieving eventual peace once all other faction conflicts have been wiped away.
- What’s the best place to plant the seed of the Vines?
Badboyhalo suggests the Crater. 
The Ruins of L’manburg.
- Puffy thinks they all should have protected L’manburg. Punz hesitates...he says he “tried his best to help,” but that they should move on and upgrade the Crater with a little floral decoration.
- They head to the Crater and begin planting seeds of the Crimson all around the L’manburg Flag at the bedrock.
- Badboyhalo believes that, once they take complete control...
It will be the ultimate utopia.
- All they need to do now is convince Sam to go along with the idea. Punz suggests that they get him to go down into the Egg Room without a Prime Suit on.
- The egg puns are getting out of hand. This is an issue.
- Lastly, they gather together, the members of the new Eggpire, in the Church of Prime.
- Puffy still feels that she’s the only voice of reason, and wonders whether she’ll have to warn the others about the Badlands’ plan.
- Once he’s stepped away from the other members, Bad reveals that underneath his disguise, his red has been drained away to gray and white just like the Egg did to his statue. He doesn’t want the others to know yet, but thinks Antfrost was close to catching on.
- Meanwhile, Puffy continues to write in the Captain’s Log -- her journal from earlier. She is very concerned about these new developments.
Upcoming Events:
- Futuristic Tales From the SMP Episode
- Tommy’s plan to kill Dream
- The eventual reveal of Pandora’s Vault
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solara-bean · 4 years
 Grimmjow Headcanons Plus a Few x S/O ones 
( pretty sure I read some of these somewhere but I forgot so here's a self indulgent list :)
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He died in his early twenties so he's still pretty young mentally but physically as a hollow he's old as hell
He's European
He takes a lot of naps in random places such as the roof of Las Noches
In fact he does a lot of cat like stuff and doesn’t realize it
He can purr but rarely and it’s mostly in his sleep 
When he became an arrancar he had long hair similar to his release form. It kept getting in the way so he cut it
he doesn’t like wearing clothes
Him and his fraccion use to sleep close together in case they were ambushed by other adjuchas and still did even after they became arrancars
They didn’t think much of it. Except Di Roy. He’d say it was weird and ‘un-masculine’ to which Grim would tell him to shut up and go to sleep after laying an arm or a leg over his face. 
Di Roy would also occasionally guilt trip him
Grimmjow: You’re too weak to fight with us.
Di Roy: I wouldn’t be if someone didn’t bite my face off. 
Grimm:..........fine! do whatever you want. See if I care. 
He was actually much closer to them than he let on
Most of the epsada knew it. Especially after Syazel threatened to experiment on them since they were ‘expendable.’ He did his best to avoid Grimmjow after that.
He only really got to grieve of their deaths when the war against Aizen ended
As much as he genuinely enjoyed fighting Ichigo it was also a distraction from all the pain he tried to burry
Harribel and Nelliel helped him with his grief
They became sort of friends afterwards tho he still tries to fight them both on a weekly basis 
Refers to Pantera with female pronouns 
One perk of most of Los Noches’ inhabitants being defeated is the nearly infant amount of space. So he was able to choose his own room
He keeps it surprisingly tidy aside from the nicknacks he’s hoarded from wandering around Hueco Mundo
His bed is full of pillows as a substitute of having a pack to sleep with
When asked he’ll say its for comfort
Nelliel: Have you seen my pillow? 
Grimmjow: * sitting on it in his pillow pile* No.
He steals everyone’s stuff now and then but mostly Nel’s cuz he likes to mess with her ( insert low key sibling energy )
He talks to animals like people
Grimmjow: I told you to stop crossing the street at the red light idiot!
Cat: Meow
Grimm: Don’t talk back to me you little shit!!
Hangs out at Urahara’s place when he’s in the living world and not trying to fight Ichigo
Likes human food. Especially meat.
Grimmjow: *eating bacon for the first time* hmm tastes like hollows but better
Ichigo:.....I’m sorry what??!!
Was dared that he couldn’t beat Yoruichi at twister. He won five crates of snacks to bring back to Hueco Mundo ( may or may not have shared them cuz “ they gave me too much so take it or I’ll throw it out” )
Says things around the characters in the living world about his terrible experience under Aizen’s rule like it’s normal
Grimmjow: *having another rematch with Ichigo* Damn that almost hurt as much as Tousen slicing my arm off
Ichigo: *pauses the fight* Tousen did WHAT?!!
Becomes friends with Ichigo but won’t admit it.
Somewhat apologizes to Orihime and Rukia for what he did. But not Ichigo cuz he’ll do it all again but with less deadly intent.
Learns how to cook
Likes just about any kind of movie/show. He isn’t picky 
Would get his 6 tattoo edited to something else if it bothered him
Would freakin die for Kazui!!! 
Here are the S/O ones:
Is pansexual so gender isn’t an issue
Prefers someone who can beat him up but is ok with a human if he feels a very strong connection to them
Doesn’t really have a physical type honestly 
Will admire things about their appearance cuz he likes it on them and not in general
Will be in complete denial about his feelings at first 
Like “hollows aren’t meant to love” and all that ish 
Makes up excuses to hangout with them but it’s mostly for his own benefit
“ I don’t like them. They just have a nice movie collection.” “ I don’t like them. They’re just nice to spar with.” “ I don’t like them. They’re just nice to talk to.” “I don’t like them. They just make me feel safe when I sleep next to them.” 
Gives them random things he’s found when wondering around Hueco Undo’s desserts like gems and cool sharp bones
Let's them hold and even use Pantera
Starts to unconsciously turn off his hierro when he’s with them. It causes a lot of fliching and embarrassing gasps when they touch him since he’s not use to feeling so much
Did I mention he’s touch starved?
Like a lot.
Holding his hand for too long would literally kill him
Once he’s gotten use to feeling something other than pain from another person he starts to let them touch him more. Like hugs. Lots of hugs. 
He even lets them rub his release form’s cat ears
Then here come the purrs. Louder than they’ve ever been before! It startles them both. He denied it but the blush gave him away.
He’ll do his best to purr more often since his s/o likes it so much. Such as when they’re cuddled up for a nap. Though he doesn’t really have to try.
Is confused as to why they like to squish his toe beans but lets them do it anyway
Wraps his tail around them in his release form
Will let them braid his long hair
Will also let them paint his claws as well as put makeup on him
He’s a total pushover ( insert the ‘please for me’ meme )
Is very protective of them
“ Why are you sad? Do I need to kill someone?”
If asked will follow his s/o when they’re out at night so they feel safe. Potential muggers? Thrown by an unknown force. Stalker? Punched by an unknown force. Cat callers in a car? Car gets flipped over by an unknown force.
Eventually no one bothers them at all cuz word goes around that they’re protected by a ghost or something else supernatural.
They’re of the few that can call him by a nickname and survive. Grimm, Grimmy, Grimmykins, Grimmy-kun, Kitty, Kitten, Catboy, Stinky cat, Baby boy, Baby boi, Big guy, Tough guy, My Arancar, My love, My one and only, Handsome, Blueberry. Literally anything is fine with him.
But call him My King and he’s done for. Dead. A second time. Deceased all over again. His heart will reform just to burst out of existence. 
Takes them to Hueco Mundo a few times 
Makes a pillow fort with them with his hoard of pillows 
Will be skeptical as to why they like him and won’t be surprised if they get tired of him and break up
But oh no! They’re in it for the long run! You’re stuck with them Grimmykins:)
Would most likely say I love you without even realizing it till later
Grimm: *blushes* F*CK!!
Harribel: *pauses the meeting* Is there something wrong?
Grimm: I told Y/n that I love them before I left without realizing it! *puts his face in his hands and groans* I’m so screwed.
Nel: Well it’s about damn time!
Harribel: Congrats Grimmjow
Grimm: *groans and blushes some more*
If he really loves them he’ll find a way to weaken his immortality so they can grow old together ( yes it’ sappy but he figures he’ll get bored after they long gone )
Might go to Mayuri for help and becomes his lab rat in return. Won’t tell his s/o till it’s done so they won’t try to stop him.
It’s not fun. Like at all ( insert angsty fit energy here ). But it works and as an added bonus him and his s/o can have kids if they’d like
A great dad. Incredibly supportive and loving. Mess with them and you’re dead. Or at least scarred for life. No one messes with his cubs.  
Grimm: Isn’t it weird that our kids are best friends?
Ichigo: No. We’re friends.
Grimm: I tried to kill you.
Ichigo: Who hasn’t?
Grimm: I’ll drink to that.
Ichigo: That’s a juice box.
Grimm: Have you seen my kids? The last time I wasn’t sober they ceroed the roof off and beat up a hollow. There’s no way I’m missing that again.
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The Strange Case of The Strangetown Metamorphosis
There is a mysterious Sim that appears in Strangetown.
That's like saying "there is a fish that appears in the ocean", I know, so I'll be a little more specific.
They are an adult whose memories show inconsistencies with those of their family members. Something is missing!
Alright. That's also not saying much, that's like half of the premades in vanilla, non-clean hoods.
They are immediately recognizable by their appearance and, dare I say it, have distinguishing features unique to them.
Well, that also kinda fits everyone...
They feature in more than one installment of the series.
Again, not that helpful. I mean, almost everybody from the base game hoods is (for better or worse) represented in TS3 or TS4.
They appear in TS2 for PSP!
They are a member of a wealthy family connected to science and paranormal.
They are somehow connected to (possible) cloning.
I imagine that now you’re probably rolling your eyes and asking: Why didn’t I just simply say I was going to talk about Bella Goth?
Because... I’m not!
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It’s Loki Beaker. In this mini-essay I’m going to speak about Loki, what is the mystery around him, what hints are there and what are some of the theories and which one do I fancy.
It’s basically a routine round of the popular game “connect EAxis’ oversights and glue them together into a headcanon”.
So without further ado, let me introduce you to:
The Mystery of Loki Beaker!
0: Preface: Loki who?
“As soon as he perfects his latest invention, Loki is sure to get the recognition he knows he deserves. In the meantime, he keeps himself busy by trying to assemble a nuclear reactor out of common household items.”
On the first glance, Loki as a Sim seems quite straightforward. He is a Knowledge Sim with a very eccentric personality. All his trait points are in the extremes, as you can see:
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He is a scientist, a competent one at that, as proven by his high career level and the fun fact that some of the game’s horrible machinery you can buy for Aspiration points is attributed to his creation.
(It explains why are the Beakers the only ones who have the stuff lying around by default. It is normal for a Strangetown family to own a non-buyable reward object or two but those are career rewards, the Beakers are the only one who canonically own Aspiration points rewards.)
Even though he knows his stuff when it comes to his profession, he is very corrupt and tests his questionable projects on his captive, Nervous Subject.
To say that Loki is unpopular would be an understatement. No one but his wife Circe likes Loki, even his own sister is indifferent towards him. Yes, he has a sister. Her name is Erin and she also lives in Strangetown with a colorful collection of roommates.
Nothing mysterious about him so far. (apart from his eyebrows)
1: Characterization fallen apart
And then The Sims 3 happened. It was actually quite late into the game’s life cycle, the early 2013, when a beautiful nordic-themed world was released on TS3 Store. Its name was Aurora Skies and it featured Loki, Erin and their parents.
TS3 Loki is a child and Erin is a toddler.
Now I haven’t actually played Aurora Skies. I own (and love) TS3 but the price range for the Store worlds is too high for me, content-to-money wise. So there might be some hidden clues about the Beakers in their house or relationship panels that I haven’t been able to inspect but... not to sound cynical but I doubt it. I doubt such attention was given to detail of this family in Aurora Skies, as they don’t even have individual bios.
But... that is... fine? I mean, we have Loki’s TS2 bio...
Nope. Sure we do. And it would be fine if hair color and ambitions weren’t the only thing Loki and his younger self (from now on referred to as smol Loki) had in common.
Let’s take a look on smol Loki’s personality.
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The first noticeable thing is that there is not a trace of Loki’s trademark villainy. He’s not Mean Spirited, he’s not Evil, he’s not even a No Sense of Humor Sim. His extreme neatness and hyperactivity are nowhere to be seen either. While it is true that TS3′s capabilities of defining personality are very limited as it picks “outstanding points” rather than a position of each trait on a scale, and it only has 5 slots (and tiny teeny 3 for children), it doesn’t make any sense still for the devs not to pick some more loki-esque traits for the precious slots they had.
They didn’t care about Loki’s personality and there were no deeper intentions.
Unless the devs were trying to purposefully show us new angles of his character that either got suppressed while he was growing up, or manifest in ways that TS2′s scale system wasn’t able to show.
Could the Lucky trait in particular have had something to do with the change?
(Also, those traits of smol Loki are reason why I usually go for a Family Secondary Loki in TS2 and thus make Strangetown the purgatory of two unstable blonde Knowledge/Family sciency guys.)
We also must not omit that even though smol Loki didn’t display any of them, he still had all of Loki’s signature traits in him, as Loki in TS2 has his actual personality synced with the genetic one, meaning that there was something in there that caused him not to act so mean that got lost as he grew up. In other words, something brought up the worst in him.
And that’s not all. Smol Loki is not a regular TS3 child. You see, in TS3, premade children aren’t particularly known for being highly skilled experts. Neither are in TS2, for that matter, and it’s okay. It’s realistic.
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Smol Loki has a skill maxed.
It is very rare for a premade regardless of age to already start with a maxed skill and I personally don’t know of any other premade children that do.
And it’s writing.
What does writing have to do with Loki? Does Loki write? Probably he has to, those academic papers aren’t gonna spawn out of thin air, but that’s not what the writing skill in TS3 (or the hidden writing skill in TS2) are about. They’re about creative writing only.
Ok, ok. How high is Loki’s Creativity skill, then? In TS2, skills are much broader, they more resemble skillsets than individual skills, and writing categorizes under Creativity. Bring out the skill panel!
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Two. He has 2 points in Creativity. That is... low. That is actually very low, especially for a Sim that has supposedly been writing for fun since childhood. (and was a prodigy, while we’re at it) It is safe to say, I think, that if the player doesn’t make him do it, Loki doesn’t write anymore and he hasn’t been doing that for a long, long time.
While I would cynically admit that the dissonance in personalities might be just the lack of damns given from EAxis’ side, this seems to me too on the nose to be unintentional.
They would have no reason to bring the Beakers back without the “evil scientists” thing in mind. I mean, that’s what they’re iconic for. That’s what they’re recognizable by. (apart from their eyebrows)
So the person who was in charge of creating smol Loki probably knew they were recreating “Loki the mad scientist”.
So when they were picking the skill they use to demonstrate that this kid is gonna go far, they thought... “evil scientist = writing”...?
I would understand going for Creativity in general. I mean, Loki’s an inventor. That comes with the territory. But creativity as such isn’t really a skill in TS3. It’s divided to different activities.
Wouldn’t it make more sense just in general to pick logic, then? I mean, Loki isn’t that extremely logical by default but it is his second strongest skill and a feature unmistakably connected to being a scientist.
That’s what leads me to believe that writing plays a role in the story and it was chosen on purpose.
So how did a sweet little family-oriented boy talented with words transform into the ruthless catboy inventor we know and love?
And that, my friends, is the mystery of Loki Beaker.
2: A closer look at our environmentalist friends, the Beakers
If we want to get the full picture and come to a satisfying conclusion of some sorts, we need to inspect smol Loki’s surroundings. Maybe there is a clue to the continuous force or a traumatic event that shifted smol Loki’s direction in life?
Loki’s and Erin’s parents are named Gundrun and Bjorn. Even though their age would still allow it, they’re not present at the start of TS2′s Strangetown play, they’re long dead. Bjorn died before Erin became an adult and Gundrun died shortly before her son’s engagement to Circe. Because they died by the time Loki had (presumably) already long enrolled in his current life-path, we can safely rule out any tragic early death of parental figures scenario as a possible answer.
Gundrun is the only Beaker that canonically also writes. She has 5 points in the writing skill. She also shares some traits with Loki, namely the smarts and ambition.
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But she has little to do with science and is way more business-oriented which is a trait she shares with Circe’s ancestors, for example her father. Maybe the families knew each other from business ventures even before they moved to Strangetown? It is stated in their memories that Loki and Circe first met when they were children. But I digress!
Anyway, I don’t see anything in Gundrun that would suggest any abusive behavior towards her son that might have triggered his drastic change. Possibly but not necessarily she might’ve been a bit absent but nothing out of ordinary.
And now the father, Bjorn.
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Bjorn is the sciency half of the couple and works as an Aquatic Ecosystem Tweaker. Again, he has zero traits that would raise any red flags and he shares 4 out of 5 traits with either smol Loki or Loki. (I don’t know if Loki is a “natural cook” but he cooks quite well, so I think that counts.)
What’s interesting about Bjorn, though, is his speech that serves as a flavor text for the Aurora Skies store page.
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(Image transcript: “Do it for science! Science is everywhere around us, but at Aurora Skies it’s not just something you learn; it’s something you do!  We need bright young minds to make the dreams of the future a reality. Even now we’re finding more uses for garbage to help the planet. Charging batteries, powering machines - the sky is the limit. Just this last year we created a modified Hot Air Baloon using garbage as fuel and turning it into pure air with a pine breeze scent.  Now you can have efficient travel and an amazing romantic adventure with no cost to the ozone (or your nose)! Every year we’re creating more and more exciting things in the world of science. Garbage-powered hearts, heart-powered cars, solar-powered cats; what will you think of next!  It’s all up to you. Do it for Science! Did you know? Hot Air Balloons are an epic form of travel based around the simple principle that hot air is lighter than cold air.  They lift in the air based on the heat system in the balloon. Increasing the temperature of the air inside the balloon makes it lighter than the air outside and the balloon begins to float.  More air is required to lift heavier things; that’s why the balloons have to be so huge! How cool (or hot!) is that?”)
From this piece of text we can see Bjorn’s passion and dedication to “green” science. Nothing in his traits suggests he fakes it, so I think it’s safe to believe that this peppy idealist is a glimpse into Loki’s father’s genuine self.
He might have encouraged his children to follow in his footsteps (”We need bright young minds to make the dreams of the future a reality.“) and smol Loki, who later in life seemed to have similar levels of enthusiasm (science is his One True Hobby), might have been receptive to that.
Now just close your eyes for a second and imagine an alternate reality in which Loki picked up where Bjorn left and instead of a energy-refilling machine that electrocutes you if you’re not happy enough, he invented “solar-powered cats”.
Still no hints on what could’ve messed Loki up, though.
Let’s take a look at the parents in TS2. Even though they’re not present and aren’t even resurrectable, they’re still coded in the game for purposes of genetics, memories and family trees, so some of their characteristics are salvageable.
And by the Watcher, they were both Romance Sims.
They were workaholic Romance Sims who cared about the environment and liked recycling (and Hot Baloons).
And they were both extremely Nice and very Sloppy, if their personalities on wiki are something to go by. Which they unfortunately aren’t, at least not completely because most ancestors don’t simply have “their own” personalities and use presets instead, so they tend to be quite similar.
The same goes for most of the Beaker clan, unfortunately. Fun fact is that there is no Knowledge Sim in sight (before Loki, of course). Maybe they weren’t a scientist family, but a bunch of Romance Sims who used to spend their free time in between woohoos saving the planet with eco-science. (3 out of 6 of Loki’s and Erin’s ancestors were Romance Sims, 2 were Fortune and 1 was Family)
But! There is one outlier. Her name is Gertrude Beaker. She is Loki’s paternal grandmother.
And similarly to her grandson, she certainly has a personality to remember.
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She doesn’t use a preset, this is a personality that someone went and manually assigned (...or generated) for her. And she is Neat, Outgoing and doesn’t have a nice bone in her body. But unlike Loki, she has a sense of humor (which makes her even more dangerous, in my opinion) and is extremely Lazy.
She is a Fortune Sim and the only Beaker who shares the darker sides of Loki’s personality. (to be clear, I don’t mean their taste for cleaning but the round 0 of Nice points)
Because she doesn’t feature in TS3 at all, it is safe to say that she wasn’t in her grandchildren’s lives until the family moved to Strangetown. Could she be the corrupting influence on smol Loki?
As far as personality comparison goes, she seems to be the only possible culprit, the only one who’s personality shares the same unpleasant qualities he became infamous for. But! That’s not saying much. There is no evidence she actually did anything.
There’s not even any evidence that she ever met her grandson, given he has no memory of her dying which means she might have died before he was even born. That would be a solid evidence on the contrary and would rule her out. But I’m leaving some maneuvering space for theories here because she is the only Beaker ancestor with custom personality, after all, and that is suspicious.
That’s all the Beakers we know of if not counting Atom and Ceres, who came after Loki, so they’re not relevant to the question of his childhood. Or... are they?
3: And that’s when the trouble began
Another part of this question that might help us discern what happened to Loki is the when. All we know so far is that there is a big void of unknown between smol Loki and regular Loki and the point of transformation happened in there somewhere.
Thankfully, we have something to give us an idea. It’s this snapshot in storytelling pictures for the Beakers:
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It shows smol Loki destroying a dollhouse. It seems to be in an impersonal environment of some sorts. The cheapest bed in the game is against a bare white wall, the window is hid behind blue curtains and there doesn’t really seem to be anything else but the dollhouse, a teddy bear in the background and that... very unpleasant bed.
It clearly tells us that Loki’s shift started in his pre-teen years.
And seeing that room which is definitely not in the Beaker Castle at 1 Tesla Court, it makes me think of a hotel or a cheap apartment the family was staying in while moving from Aurora Skies to Strangetown. Maybe the castle-like something the household inhabits at the start of the game wasn’t a property of the Beakers at all, maybe that was where the Salamises used to live and now it belongs to Circe?
Anyway, could it had been leaving Aurora Skies that sent smol Loki down an existential crisis and settling in the not exactly welcoming environment of Strangetown, enrolling in a local school, that sealed it?
But why all the stuff with writing? This would work with any other hobby but somehow it had to be writing and it’s our task to find out why.
4: Not your average tragedy
Now in our search we already have some ideas but it wouldn’t be thorough if we didn’t take into account smol Loki’s actual personality. I mean, we went into what traits he doesn’t have but what about those he has?
Namely Lucky and Family-Oriented.
I think Lucky is a very interesting choice. There’s nothing inherent about Loki Beaker that would make you go “that’s one lucky guy!” (if you don’t count his relationship with Circe as a stroke of luck, that is) and the same goes for smol Loki.
But... it could be a clue. His metamorphosis either couldn’t be triggered by trauma because he’s lucky and it would avoid him, or it must’ve been something tremendously horrid so he’s lucky he’s still alive.
Now we know we are searching for something that happened in his late childhood, verging on the start of his teenage years. His family was going through the turmoil of moving to a desert and he has already known his future partner Circe. Meanwhile Erin-
Oh, wait. Erin.
Smol Loki was Family-Oriented which implies he would probably have a good relationship with his little sister, as he would’ve naturally inclined to protect her and help his parents take care of her. But!
Not only do they have an amicable but distant relationship as adults but Erin seems to forget that Loki even existed in her childhood.
He has the usual set of memories of a sibling growing up well but she doesn’t, she has no Loki-related memories at all, not even of his marriage, which was a quite recent event.
Could the reason for Loki’s “downfall” be somehow related to his sister? Was there a dramatic event in which she lost a part of her memory?
5: Theories!
Ok, we’re finally here! Now I try to present some theories about what might’ve happened.
1. Burdens of the golden child
In Aurora Skies, Loki used to be the little wonder every relative was gushing about. With his father as an acclaimed scientist and a very liked person in general, there was little to no adversity his son had to face. He followed his passion and having nobody to really compare himself to, nor anybody who would terrorize him, he prospered.
But then the Beakers moved. Strangetown was... different. It was way smaller than Aurora Skies, so everybody inherently knew everybody and everybody had to interact with everybody... because the small space of a desert community didn’t leave them with any choice. And it was bleak and unfriendly. No one except for the Salamises knew the Beakers, so they found themselves under scrutiny from their new neighbors.
So Loki, who used to live thinking he was unique, was now sitting everyday in a much smaller classroom with Pascal and Vidcund Curious, whom he was immediately being compared to. But he wasn’t like the Curiouses. He was a kid of a scientist but wasn’t a science kid. He didn’t have much in common with Pascal who approached him and tried to befriend him at first but he wanted to. In Strangetown, nothing seemed to be cooler than being really, really into science. Pascal’s and Loki’s communication attempts were rather poor, though, and in the end, they never made friends. Loki slowly began to disdain the oldest Curious boy and it culminated a few years later in high school when Pascal made an attempt to woo Circe. It was even worse with Vidcund. Ever since Loki’s first day at the new school, Vidcund had been eyeing him with a disgusted look and Loki became quick to reciprocate.
In Strangetown, nothing seemed to be cooler than being really, really into science. Even Circe was on it! She was the only person his age he has know in Strangetown before his family moved in and he liked her. Not “like” liked her, yuck! But he thought she was cool. Her family used to visit the Beakers in Aurora Skies and they played together. She was a friend! Or so Loki thought. She seemed to like hanging out with the Curiouses much more.
In Strangetown, nothing seemed to be cooler than being really, really into science, yes. But not in the eyes of Buzz Grunt, the son of a general who lived in Strangetown. Their family were the self-proclaimed protectors of the hood but at the same time they weren’t shy to show a strong distaste for all that made Strangetown an important desert settlement in the first place. And little Buzz, although Loki doubted he understood the nuances, was very fond of asserting his dominance over his less sporty and hyper-masculine classmates.
Suddenly jealous of the Curious brothers, under pressure from both the adults and his peers comparing him to them and bullied by Buzz, Loki’s social life fell apart. He started having problems... and he came up with solutions. He has always liked science but from back then on he hyperfixated on it to prove everybody who picked on him for being a worthless parody of a science kid wrong.
Not only his social life and self-confidence were busted, though. Moving away from Aurora Skies to Strangetown that had much higher prices for housing because of the limited space, the living standards for the Beakers lowered. It was chaotic and uncomfortable. Plus, almost everybody in Strangetown was loaded. Why, Circe and her parents lived in a small castle! Loki felt like they’re the only “poor” family around and it played into his new-found insecurities.
And then there was Erin’s accident. She suffered a severe head injury and even though she fortunately survived, she was never... the same. She had issues with her memory. Loki tried to convince himself that he’s big enough not to cry but when they were visiting Erin in the hospital and she didn’t recognize him, he cried. It was his little sister! And... it was all his fault anyway! If he was quicker and pushed her to safety, she would’ve been fine! Or even better, he wished the car would’ve hit him instead.
Loki was becoming more and more snappy, focused on his grades and projects, unavailable. The siblings never mended their relationship, Erin, even though she recovered, never got to make new memories with her brother. Not remembering them growing up together, he was like a stranger to her. A scary mean teenage boy she didn’t know and, even though she was a very friendly child, she was too intimidated to willingly spend time with him. And Loki was always busy and moreover, he felt guilty and inexplicably angry, so he postponed approaching her, until it was too late, he was in college, she was in high school and it was too awkward.
And... there was no time to write anymore.
2. Gertrude the Neat and Mean (and Lazy)
Ok, Loki doesn’t have any memories of his grandma. But hear me out! Erin does not have any of him either and yet they met. This theory doesn't require any additional write up – he simply got under the influence of his 0 Nice points granny and she cultivated him to be just like her.
My personal take: This is maybe my least favorite theory of them all, even though it is quite straightforward. It doesn't take much into consideration and demonizes Gertrude, who as far as we know, might not done anything wrong.
3. The accident
This theory takes advantage of TS3's canon sciency machinery, namely Cerebralizing Brain Enhancing Machine 2.0.
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It can, among other things, change a Sim's personality. There is (quite unfortunately, in my opinion) no chance of consequential failure in the actual game, the most it can do is to (non-fatally) electrocute your Sim. But...
Imagine smol Loki sneaking into his dad's laboratory, most probably at his workplace.
He was curious. Ever since his father showed him all the equipment in there, all he could think of was the machine that made people smarter.
Maybe it could make him smarter?
I mean, Loki knew he was already quite smart. At least, he's been told he was and he had no reason not to believe it.
But he could be even smarter.
He could be like his dad. Or his mom. Or Erin. Everyone was talking about how clever young Erin seemed. Loki was proud of her but part of him just wanted that, too.
So what if... he went to dad's laboratory, just for a little while, and made himself smarter?
He made all the necessary preparations. It meant to memorize dad’s schedule, so he knew just the time when he could sneak into the laboratory. It also meant to get a good costume so he won’t be recognizable on the security footage!
And then finally, he was ready. To infiltrate the laboratory was easy enough but it only made Loki more nervous. He was on the edge but determined. He wanted to make it big in the world. He needed to seize the opportunity. And fear... fear was there to be ignored! Hands, stop trembling!
His confidence grew a bit once he got to the machine itself. He knew how to run it thanks to his dad and it made him feel competent and ready.
Little did he know that there was a huge oversight. Although Loki could operate the technology on a very basic level, his knowledge went nowhere near deep enough for him to detect that the machine has yet another set of settings and those currently expect an adult user. It wasn’t configured for a child patient.
But unaware of that, the boy in his patchy dinosaur costume climbed on top of the machine and with his eyes wide open and his heart racing he connected the Brain Enhancer to his system. Then, with his hand sweating, he pushed a button on a remote he was clutching to.
When Bjorn, alerted by Loki’s screams, rushed into the laboratory, it was way too late.
As his terrified father was calling the ambulance, the child was alive and even still awake. He was too weak to cry. He just watched Bjorn, wishing for death and looking for signs of wrath in father’s eyes.
There were none. Only fear.
Physically, Loki Beaker managed to recover just fine. With the power of advanced medicine and plastic surgery, the burns he suffered were reduced to nothing but almost invisible scars.
But inside, he was never the same. Literally. Even though the procedure backfired horribly, it still worked to some extend - but even that extend was warped. Loki succeeded in giving himself the Genius trait but several of his traits were replaced also, including the Lucky trait that probably saved his life.
6: Conclusion!
I like Loki very much. (no sh*t, who would’ve guessed) He’s a very controversial and over-the-top character who tends to be rather unpredictable in the actual gameplay. I started writing this giant thing to find an answer to his backstory that would satisfy me and hopefully also some of you.
With a heavy heart I conclude I’m not successful.
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First I have to admit I originally planned to present 5 theories instead of 3 but I scrapped 2 of them.
First was about Atom time traveling and replacing Loki, creating himself again and again in a time loop (would explain the huge personality difference between smol Loki and Loki-Atom) and it was very far-fetched but fun, alas I realized it was out of character for Atom, since he seems to love his sister and his Plumbot so much he would hardly leave them behind to pull that off.
The second was about Nervous and the corrupting power of Death he has inside that would slowly drive Loki and Circe “evil” even though it’s unclear whether they first adopted him with being a lab-rat in mind. But it would not make sense since a change like that would be visible on their personality panels. That’s not that important, though. What made me not include this theory is that it feels uncomfortably victim blame-y. It’s not directly since it wouldn’t be Nervous’ fault anyway but any attempt to shift the blame from Loki and Circe in this situation feels uncomfortable.
(To be clear, I don’t think the Beakers deserve demonization. In my opinion, the best way to treat them narrative-wise is like eccentric people capable of feeling love and doing good things sometimes, yet irredeemably self-centered, morally bankrupt and deserving a lifetime in jail for child abuse they have done on Nervous. Not one-dimensional but still villains and still objectively bad people.)
And those 3 theories above? They could’ve been better.
I think I like the first the most, even though I still feel like something is missing. I just tend to like relatively grounded explanations and this one doesn’t feature the supernatural nor any deus ex machina gadget.
What about you? And do you have any other theories? Sky’s the limit! It’ll make my day to hear them!
Whatever your takes are, they’re all valid.
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sheluma · 2 years
Headcanons/Thoughts on Final Fantasy XIV Races
I was going to make a little intro passage about summarizing about how I love the character creation and the races, but I'm impatient as heck to do that. SO LET'S JUST JUMP IN!
(The catgirls/catboys)
I honestly wish these guys leaned more into the cat features: for example, the male Miqo'tes have those markings beside their nose. What if we have given make-up/ tattoos just for their races?
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See how there's white under their eyes— kinda like eyeliner; something like would be cool! Although, I don't know if there's already something like that in the tattoo section...
There's another thing for this race( and honestly other races) is to have an opinion for vitiligo.
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There's so many people in the world with vitiligo, so why not? Oooooh, also— you know how these cats have all these designs in their coats? What if, we could put that on the Miqo'tes. It would be on their ears and tail, but extra points if it can bleed into their hair.
Last thing, the marking on the guys: it would be really, really cool if we can control how dark it is. Also... to allow us to put that one the girls too😢.
( The potatoes)
I really only have two ideas. One, what if they're closer in relations with Elezens than Hyurs; two, there's a chance of any race to have a Lalafell kid. Ok, ok, ok— I know the last one is really out there, BUT HEAR ME OUT! I am, however, givinf y'all a heads-up: I am no gene-wise, so most of what I say will sound like bullshit. Which, in all honesty, probably is.
So, for that to be possible, that would mean Lalafells share a common gene among everyone. With how I thinking, it's probably a rare recessive gene. Moving on— the idea is that any race can have a Lalafell baby, but there is a twist. That being the baby will share racial features of the parents.
If they don't share a race, then the baby will favor either the mom or dad. I got that idea from this FF14 theory video by The Eorzean Archive— y'all should check them out!
They have excellent videos on looking on the world of 14. They're definitely better than me coming with a theories; I'm literally duck-taping ideas together🤣!
The idea of Elezern and Lalafell being closer in relations than Hyur is another one of my duck-tape idea. It's really just me looking at the two races and go, "hey! They have long ears!" It's just— to me— it easier to make that connection to Lalafell due to that: besides, Hyur really only get connected to their round ears and hight. If that's really at that takes, then the roes should be connected.
Au Ra
(How to Train your Dragon)
While cutting close to Lalafells, these little lizards are my favorite! I only have to things in mind when I think about these guys: child-development and skincare...scalecare?Look, look, look— the skincare is kinda random, but when you get into skincare (or at least enough to take care of your own), then y'all wounder too! Do they have to take carw of their scale like skin?
There seriously can be a whole line of beauty care for just their scales! Is your scale oily, dry, or is it just not getting that shine you want? Dude— ache. Imagine, how bad it hurts, if they get one in-between a scale. Ouch.
So, the child-development is mostly focusing on the growth of their horns. Thank to StormBlood, we know they have them in, what looks like, 7-10 years old.
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I just wounder if they have their horn from birth, which ouch— again. Their mothers will probably never recover.
What if they're like deers: they just grow as Au Ra ag5e? That one seems pretty close. Those things probably hurt like wisdom teeth, but longer. There's also the scales, but I can 80% see they're born with them. It's kinda hard and, not to mention, painful if not.
But yeah! That's pretty everything; I hope it's not boring as I think it is... or too long. Which, it probably is😅.
Side note: I own none of these pics, found them through google. I didn't look for links— whoops. I might make another post like this, if there's people interested.
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romanianwilkinson · 4 years
A collection of quotes from my Discord server with friends. Feel free to change pronouns/wording as desired. CONTENT WARNING(S) FOR: Suggestive, crude, violence, gore, absolutely cursed. [ PART 1 ] [ PART 2 ]
“ Murder is therapeutic! ”
“ I've given them an 8ft tall juice box. ” “ It's full of bone juice! ” “ NOT THAT KIND OF BONE JUICE!! ”
“ [NAME]... You burp like dads sneeze. ”
“ Catboy twink shortage. ”
“ Has the government already taken catboys? ”
“ Why does it always come back to the catpeople here? ”
“ The government outlaws catboys and confiscates the catgirls. ”
“ It's always either cat people, tearing down the government, or tiddies. ”
“ [NAME], that’s cannibalism, you can’t do that. ”
“ You can’t eat gods without toebeans. ”
“ You're telling me, that someone's been holding out retractable titties on us?! ”
“ Do the drums, but sexy. ”
“ She is attractive because she is the Devil. This is what we have learned from Catholicism. ”
“ She is a Snacc, so you hold her securely like one. ”
“ Holy cake, call that communion bread. ”
“ It's a skeleton, I don't think it has a gender. ”
“ You’re straight, you’re not majestic. ”
“ How to Give Your Enemies Trauma 101. ”
“ Quiet, we’re approaching the therapist paddock. ”
“ Jesus has breached containment. ”
“ I really am cursed with knowledge of forbidden snacks. ”
“ Hey pog, are ya champ? ”
“ You ever look at a sheep? There's something messed up about sheep. ”
“ I can’t be convinced the art of charcuterie boards is not something inherently fae in nature. ”
“ We shall absorb the folly of man, grow and expand those snacks until they become a really big tendie. ”
“ Size of a cow, the speed of a cheetah. ”
“ This is what plays in my head when I'm Head Empty No Thoughts. ”
“ ... Okay. Exception made, but only specifically for roasting those overrated turkeys. ”
“ The wives that stay together commit war crimes together. ”
“ They tell time, they tell temperature, isn’t there anything a cat can’t tell you! ”
“ Today is the day he officially babied for the first time. ”
“ Oops I've accidentally created a murderer. ”
“ You're all dying??? Can't relate. ”
“ Sometimes all you need to make a friend, is to devour their corpse. ”
“ I mean I was talking about her big mommy milkers, but I also wanted to leave my words up to interpretation. ”
“ If your coven gathering doesn't include some dick jokes, what's the actual point? ”
“ I’m legally not allowed to kill, or have anyone die for me. ”
“ Get back here!!! We've got a BURGEONING FRIENDSHIP now, so that means you also get the aggressive self care spiel! ”
“ To no one's surprise, it was indeed, more gay shit. ”
“ [NAME] absolutely could become Sonic the Hedgehog if he had the means, and thus must never be allowed to do so. ”
“ I want to get into a gunfight on top of an elephant. ”
“ You know you want to get into an elephant-based gunfight! ”
“ If only [NAME] had the attention span to assist in scientific exploits instead of just like. Punching people. ”
“ Which god is the one punching my death member's club card? I wanna make sure I get that free sundae after 7 punches. ”
“ Okay, I know you're right, let me have my dignity. ”
“ She can have a little licky. A little taste. As a treat. ”
“ When will I get devoted worshippers? ”
“ I mean, they COULD, but then we wouldn't have Delicious Fanfiction Tropes. ”
“ Which level is Dante Alighieri in? I wanna punch him in the schnozz. ”
“ Gender? Never met 'em. ”
“ Wasabioli wasabioli give me the formuoli. ”
“ Don't ‘de-flesh’ my bones. ”
“ Would it be better if I fleshed your bones then? ” “ Yes. Give me more of that good bone flesh. ”
“ I inject you with more of the bone juice. ”
“ Oh, I'm a self-made sauce type. ”
“ Stop using chairs in unstable ways! ”
“ I’m travel size for convenience, and that convenience is crimes. ”
“ The mountains are proud and dependable, unlike us airsick lowlanders. ”
“ Ny’all is the one true contraction. ”
“ Y'all are both cursed to me. I've never heard nor read these words in my life. ”
“ Not the false prophets again. ”
“ The thigh is blessed. ”
“ I've seen him at practice, and I can assure you he has an ass. ”
“ I will put anything and everything I want onto my pizza as I please, including you. ”
“ Bone apple tea. ”
“ I progressed the regress. ”
“ Cult of the new moon gender! ”
“ I wish to be a unit of measurement. ”
“ Wh... How many hands does [NAME] HAVE?? ”
“ Which has absolutely nothing to do with Mothman. ”
“ That’s right: the robot wife was me all along! ”
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
Cat boy Sandor. Neko cat boy. Sophie hates it. Sandor feels really sexy. Keefe joins in.
is today fandom catboy day or something and I'm just unaware of it? /j. Our arsenal of kotlc catboys grows by two with this one and I just have to ask...what color cat do you think sandor would be? he's a goblin and has grey skin, so what if he was like one of those light grey ones with the stripey patters?
does he have a tail? can he use it in fights? how expressive is it? if he feels "really sexy," as you've suggested, I imagine he would have it out and about casually because he likes it. The ears could be useful for fighting purposes as cats have pretty good hearing, but it might also be unsettling for him to have cat ears as he's bald--usually they blend into the hair.
Okay idea: claws. Like weapon claws for the tips of his fingers so he can fight cat-like in battle. You're testing my neko knowledge nonsie, it's been so long since I've seen anything neko related that i've forgotten practically everything. But I support Sandor and his empowerment through neko-ifying himself, however that works.
and then Keefe...honestly good for him. I think the cat ears would go better on him as he has the hair to make it seem more seamless, but Sandor's baldness can be overlooked temporarily. Also you cannot tell me that Keefe does not fully indulge himself in the nyah aspect of it and being effeminate. Fangs? Would little kitten teeth be a good look for Keefe?
he'd wear the pink maid dress if we're going that route, too. As poofy as possible with the big bows--someone get him some thigh high socks. And some safety shorts because you know he would twirl around without any consideration for how high his skirt went.
Do they purr? Is that an avenue we can go down? Rumbly little purr from catboy Keefe during cuddle sessions? If Sandor goes the sexy route, I think Keefe should go the cute route. He'd do the cutesy make-up and stick out his tongue and annoy everyone to no end.
At this point today is catboy day, nonsie. We're up to like five now? I'm not mad at this at all; I'm just along for the ride! how many catboys can we collect before the day is over?
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