#my cat is named Kiara
naberriesamidala · 1 year
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wrathfulrook · 1 year
not me rewatching cabin in the woods and realizing the zombie’s name is patience buckner. bruh. what kinda subconcious clowning
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iammattswife · 6 months
20 year olds playing with kids toys (Matt’s daughter joins)
DadMatt DadMatt DadMatt !!!
I haven't written in so fucking long please excuse how terrible this is.
Also I named the daughter Kiara cus I like the name and wanna name my kid that, was literally so close to naming his wife after me.
“This is the Fairy-Corn Princess Surprise, I didn’t think we needed this. This was one of the last things we grabbed but Matt thought we needed it because it has over 35 princess surprises inside” Nick states as he puts the egg-shaped toy down on the counter, prepared to start opening up their first toy.
“Well, I also thought Kiara would like it- she’s been obsessed with fairies recently, figured why not get it for the video then give it to her”
As they’re opening the egg, commenting on the unicorn inside Matt notices something on the instructions paper, excitedly, he gasps. “You can wear the wings!” he exclaims
“Okay hold on this is important- How do you get the wings off!?”
“This is about to get real. Hold on I’m getting Kiara”
“Sweetheart!” Matt can be heard in the background of the camera, calling out for his daughter as he’s walking towards the living room where his 3-year-old daughter is sitting on the carpet having a tea party with her mom, Ella (her soft, adorable, stuffed bear) and Ivy (the family’s cat).
“Hey cutie I have something for you” Kiara jolted up, excitedly, her dad always had the best gifts. She jumped up into his arms, him catching her with ease, used to her liking to be held. She had her legs wrapped around his waist and her face in his neck as he softly rubbed her back with his right hand, holding her up with his left.
He turned around going back to the kitchen but before getting in front of the camera he softly asked, “Are you okay with being in the video baby?” she nodded, excited for what her dad had for her. “You sure? I need words, princess, if you don’t want to be in it, I can show you after we’re done. There’s no pressure I want you to be comfortable”
“I’m sure daddy” she nodded her head to him. “I’m always comfortable with you” she added, making his heart melt and his smile widen, his eyes gleaming with content. “I’m glad baby, want nothing more but for you to be happy and comfortable” he says, kissing her head as he walks towards the counter where his brothers are waiting for him.
Usually, Matt and his brothers would film their Wednesday video earlier in the morning so Kiara would be in preschool at the time. However, she recently fell victim to the flu which resulted in her parents keeping her home for a few days. It was now getting later in the night and Kiara had gotten out of the bathtub a few hours ago, While she was getting dressed in her favourite pyjama set- long sleeve pink top with “princess” written on it with a cute sparkly crown and pants with the same design on the right leg, she had made both her mama and dada promise to have a sleepover in her room that night- as she always does when she’s sick.
Matt was not going to break that promise. So, although it was late, and an hour past the girls' bedtime, they let her stay awake until they finished filming.
“Hey pretty girl” Chris says to Kiara looking at her in Matt’s arms as he sits back down next to him, putting Kiara on his lap. “FAIRY WINGS!” Kiara exclaims, her eyes widening as she looks on the counter quickly snatching them as if a robber was going to come for them.
“Jesus Christ girl no one’s stealing them from you” Nick states as Matt laughs at his daughter’s excitement and possessiveness over the wings.
“You want me to put them on you?”
“Yes! Please I want to be a princess fairy” She quickly replies, dragging out the words. “Alright come on”
Matt grabs her from her hips and sets her up on the counter, her fuzzy socks keeping her warm from the cold. She turns around facing her dad ready for him to put the wings on her, so she could be a real princess fairy, with real fairy wings.
“Arms up” Matt tells her as he sees his wife leaning on the entry to the kitchen, watching her favourite people in amusement.
Kiara quickly puts her arms up causing her shirt to slide up with her- “you’re getting taller baby we need to get you big girl pyjamas” Matt says as he puts her shirt back down knowing the weirdos that are on the internet.
He’s careful with his words, most people would say “bigger” but he did not want his daughter to overthink his wording, even if she was only an innocent 3-year-old unaware of society’s criticism on “bigger” people.
“No I like these want to wear em’ foever’ and ever” she replies, absolutely shocked by the idea of getting rid of her super special perfect princess pyjamas
“We could get you similar ones baby just a size up since you’re growing up- you’ve had those for over a year baby you’re getting older” Matt says as he ties the string of the fairy wings around his daughter's chest, already planning the new pyjamas he’s going to get her.
“I don’t think it’s supposed to tie behind her, isn’t it?”
“Nick it’s wings dude”
“Yeah dude”
They all chuckle at Kiara’s agreement with her uncle Chris.
Matt ties a bow with the strings. “Is that good? Not too tight right?”  He asks not wanting the pressure tied around her to hurt his baby girl.
Kiara grabs the stuffed unicorn from the counter hugging it tightly around her chest as she jumps back onto her dad's lap. “Wait Kia here” her mama says handing her the tiara and wand, going to stand behind Matt with her arms on his shoulders “Thankyou mommy, now I’m a true princess fairy” she gleams happily.
“Wait who did we get?” Matt says looking over the paper that came with the toy as he leans back into his wife while another arm is wrapped around his daughter, making sure she doesn’t fall off his lap. 
“That’s Ruby”
“That’s clearly Ruby, Matt”
“Is it Ruby?” he says as he looks at the unicorn in his daughter's grip.
“Oh then they want you to collect them all so it’s a scam”
“There’s more? I want them all! Can I have more please?” Kiara asks hopefully giving her dad those eyes that he can never say no to. “I don’t think we can get them all sweetheart, there's too many but we can get another one next time we go to Target” Matt’s wife replies before he manages to, knowing he would’ve said yes and bought her thousands of dollars’ worth of these toys if she didn’t step in.
As the boys look over the next toy Kiara plays around with Ivy in the kitchen, getting bored from the lack of princess toys and wings. She can still hear her dad and uncles talking and looking over toys, when another toy comes up and her dad says, “Oh you got to turn her on” they all erupt in laughter.
She looks up, confused about what’s so funny about turning on a toy so you can play with it. “I meant like on the bottom dude, the actual power button- you guys are sick” Matt says as the laughter calms down, Kiara, confused, asks her dad “What other way would you turn her on?”
“Oh sweetie I think your dad knows plenty of ways to turn a woman on especially your mum” Chris gets slapped in the back of his head. “Don’t say that Chris” Matt says in shock, not wanting to explain to his daughter what they’re talking about. “Why?” Kiara asks, still confused.
“See Kiara when two people love each other very much” Chris starts only to be stopped by Matt once again. “Like my mommy and daddy?” she questions, Chris is unable to answer as Matt’s hands are over his mouth, blocking out his words.
“Exactly like your mommy and daddy”
“Nick!” Matt exclaims in shock.
“I’m confused” Kiara states looking at them annoyed.
“Don’t worry about it baby, Uncle Chris and Uncle Nick are being stupid as usual, ignore them” Matt replies hoping she’ll let it go.
“Do you turn mommy on?” She wonders trying to get to the bottom of this. Loud laughter erupts from the girls’ uncles. “Uhm- well you know when me and mommy kiss?” Matt says to her, trying to get around it without having to lie or keep something from his daughter, after all, it’s a normal thing. As she nods, he continues “Well- It has to do with that, okay? It’s only done when two people are in love and married” Matt is obviously aware that two people do not have to be in love or married to kiss or "turn eachother on" but he didnt want his baby knowing that.
“Oh okay” Kiara replies, pleased with the answer of knowing more about love.
She’s always loved love, especially when it has to do with her parents, she loves knowing they are in love, she loves watching them kiss, laugh and hold each other. She believes she got lucky to have parents so in love.
“Pretend this is my second kid, okay? You guys are uncles again and Kiara has a sibling” Matt says as he starts feeding the toy lamb its bottle.
He starts having déjà vu of when Kiara still drank out of the bottle, he misses those times but is so happy to see her grow up.
He starts to picture himself feeding their second kid, knowing the “pretend” would soon be real as the married couple found out the night before that they’re 6 weeks pregnant and expecting their second. He was so excited and couldn’t wait to start telling people he was going to have another baby, especially couldn’t wait to tell Kiara she was getting a baby sister- or brother, but he secretly wished it would be another girl.
As Matt is playing around with the Barbie doll he and his brothers opened he feels a tug on his pant leg, he looks down and sees his daughter who previously left to go potty back in the kitchen, he notices she has taken off her tiara and tried to tie her hair up, she always had issues with turning the hair tie, but she’s trying hard to learn to do her hair and he’s proud of that. “Yeah baby?” He asked her as he looked down at her as his brothers continued to play with the doll.
“Can you put my hair up please” she mumbles, getting tired.
“Yeah, baby of course” He lifts her, setting her down on his lap
“What do you want sweetie? Ponytail?” He asks her as he starts gently leading her curly hair back and grabbing it all together, untying some strands that got stuck on her fairy wings.
“Can you do a braid please”
“Yep” He replies, gently stroking his hand over her head as he kisses the back of her head, starting to separate the hair pieces for the braid.
He can notice she’s getting tired, it’s well past her bedtime now but what worries him is when he hears a sniffle “Are you okay sweetheart?” he asks in worry that she’s crying as he finishes up the braid. She wipes her nose with her long sleeve “Yeah daddy, just have to blow my nose” Matt sighs in relief, knowing she’s not upset just sick.
He grabs a hair tie from his wrist where he always keeps extras in case she or his wife needs one.
He ties the end of her hair, makeing sure to keep the braid secure.
He grabs a small packet of tissues that he stored in his pants in case she needed to blow, knowing how annoying a runny nose could be, he opens one up for her and holds it in front of her nose as she blows on it, he scrunches it up and puts it away on the counter to throw away later.
Matt continues with the video keeping Kiara snuggled up on his lap as she too starts to play with the Barbie dolls.
Kiara is now softly held in her mom’s arms as she walks back into the kitchen, “Hey you guys almost done? She doesn’t want to sleep without you there Matt”
He looks up, eyes gleaming as he sees his two favourite girls walk in the room “Yeah we’re practically done just have to do the outro” Nick replies as Matt leans closer to his girls, pretending to knock on both of their heads with the toy hammer, making both of them giggle.
“Daddy is like Bob the builder with the belt” Kiara states, laughing at her dad.
“Oh yeah?” Matt replies, starting to tickle her which causes her to laugh and her mom to giggle at them.
Matt grabs her out of her mama's arms and tightly hugs her close to him, grabbing his wife’s hand and pulling her into the hug as well.
“Family hug” he exclaims giggly, as he kisses his daughter's head, then his wife, and pretends to kiss his wife's belly knowing he can’t do that without striking suspicion.
“Also, just in case you guys are wondering we’re not throwing all of this away, my mom’s going to donate it to some little kids she knows” Nick tells the camera.
“Kids in need” Matt adds.
“Except unicorn and wings” Kiara chimes in.
They all laugh at her eagerness for the unicorn and its wings, “Except for the unicorn and its wings, Kiara wants to keep them” Nick adds to his previous statement.
“I want to keep everything, but I can share” The girl adds.
“So kids will have fun with these toys” Nick starts to continue talking directly to the camera but Kiara interrupts.
“Can we give the kids my old toys too? And the ones I don’t play with? I think some of them would like my toys”
“I think some kids will love your toys sweetie” Her mom adds, proud of her daughter for wanting to donate,
“Yeah Kia that’s great”
“That’s so sweet of you Kiara I’m sure they’ll appreciate it”
Matt gleams brightly at his daughter “I’m glad you want to donate Kiara that’s really good” He says proudly
“You’re so sweet and kind” he kisses her cheek.
“Sweetest girl in the world” her mama continues, kissing her other cheek.
Matt leans closer to his wife, pressing a kiss on her lips.
"Yeah baby?"
"Did that turn mommy on?" She asks referring to their previous conversation.
Lond laughter erupts from all of the boys.
"What!?" Matt's wife exclaims confused as they all continue laughing
“Okay, we’ll see you guys next Friday!”
“Bye!” Kiara says as she continues to drag out the word, waving goodbye to the camera.
Fan2: came for the triplets, stayed for kiara
Fan4: the way he holds her and is so gentle with her 😭😭😭 wish i had a dad
Fan5: the facr that he made sure zhe was okay being on camera is so so cute and adorable and hot and sexy
^iammattswife: so real for that comment
Fan6: Need more kiara content please
Fan8: Kiara is so sweet u can tell shes being raised right
Tags: @cindylcuwho @keerahsturn
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cameronsprincess · 9 months
Idk if you can make this into a fic (if you can please do so) but I just wanted to share this thought: so it’s starting to get colder outside and the pogues suggest going in the hot tub but you don’t get and just sit on a chair nearby and then you’re offered a drink and you decline and then you’re offered some weed and decline and someone is like “y/n not going in the hot tub, not drinking, not smoking, you pregnant or something” in a joking tone but then you just smile at jj and everyone realizes that you are and you tell jj that you were gonna tell him tonight before you guys went to sleep.
warnings: pregnancy, mentions of alcohol and weed, jj fluff!🥰
loved this request, unsure how i feel about my execution of it, hopefully i did it justice, i loooove me some jj fluff 🥺🤍
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“It’s cold out here, who wants to get in the hot tub?” you hear John B ask.
All of your friends had excitedly nodded at the idea, rushing inside to get themselves ready, no one noticing that you had remained seated. You crossed your arms, rubbing your hands up the sides of your arms as you waited on your friends to return.
JJ was the first to emerge back outside, his face pulled into a frown when he noticed you hadn’t moved from your spot.
“What’s wrong princess, don’t wanna join us in the Cat’s Ass?”
You giggle at the horrendous name he’d given the hot tub, shaking your head as you lift your head to meet his blue eyes.
“No i’m okay”
JJ frowns more, plopping in the chair beside you and placing a warm hand on your clothed thigh.
“Is somethin’ wrong?”
You give him a small smile, placing your hand on top of his large one.
“No ‘m fine, promise”
He nods his head, ultimately letting the subject go and hopping into the hot tub, all of your friends joining him shortly after.
“Y/N are you sure you don’t wanna join us?” Sarah asks, her arms tossed over the side of the tub.
“No i’m okay Sare, thank you though”
Your friends glanced around at one another, their eyes finally landing on JJ who just gives them a small shrug.
“I’m gonna go grab some beers, J, you still rollin’ up?” John B asks as he pulls himself from the tub, quickly wrapping a towel around himself.
“Yeah already got some rolled, we’ll light one up when you get back”
John B grins widely, giving a small nod and rushing into the chateau, reappearing minutes later with 6 beers in hand. He begins passing the beers out, slowly walking toward you last, offering you the final beer.
You awkwardly cough, shaking your head ‘no’. “ ‘M good JB, thank you though”
John B narrows his eyes, his head tilted slightly to the side, “What’s up with you Y/L/N? You’ve never been one to turn down a cold beer, or time in the hot tub”
You awkwardly laugh, unsure of what to say to that. You did have your reasons for declining everything so far, but you weren’t ready to speak on it, not until you talked to JJ first.
“I’m just not feeling the best” you lie, but it wasn’t a complete lie, you hadn’t been feeling like yourself lately.
“Well are you at least gonna smoke with us? That might help!” Kiara chimes in, the joint in her hand as she takes a small puff of the substance.
“No, I-I’m okay”
Your friends were beginning to make it very hard to keep your secret, offering you all the things they knew you loved but couldn’t partake in at the moment.
Pope chuckles, “What, are you pregnant or something? No hot tub, no beer, no weed”
His tone was joking, but the smile on your face and the soft look you’d given JJ was confirmation enough for everyone.
“Wait- You’re pregnant?” JJ asks, hopping up and out of the tub, rushing to your side quickly.
He drops to his knees, his arms flying around your waist as he rests his head softly on your stomach.
You run your fingers through his soft blond locks, “Yeah, I just found out today. I was gonna tell you before we went to bed tonight, but I guess now works too”
You hear the whoops and hollers from your friends, everyone rushing from the tub and surrounding you and JJ. You felt your eyes well up with tears, the happiness surrounding you making your heart swell.
JJ chokes out a laugh, his eyes filled with tears as well as he runs his hand over your belly, “My girl is having my baby”
You giggle, letting a tear fall from your eyes, “Yes, we’re having a baby, J”
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JJ TAGLIST: @rafeism @ivy-34 @writingjjfics @always-reading @jesssssmaybank @harrys-humble-housewife @maybankspov @immyowndefender @jjmaybankswifes-blog @wetbitchlibrary @lizcameron @xprloki @moremaybank @alexisbaumann2004 @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @thewitchesofart @unsaidjaelinrose @itsmytimetoodream @r1vrsefx @mel119g @rafetopia @jade-is-jaded @jjmaybankisbae @lexasaurs634 @fayerite @drewstarkeyslut @presleyanswrites @sierraluvz @carma-fanficaddict @rafescokenostril @madzzz0797 @slytherhoes @jscameron @jjsmarijuana @ijustwanttoreadlols
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Just The Three Of Us
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TW: femxfemxfem. Smut. Language. Overstimulation. 
SUMMARY: a threesome with Kiara and Sarah after you're caught getting a bit overheated. 
hey hun, absolutely love you’re work.
I was just wondering if you would write another sarah and kie smut story.
I absolutely adore your last one and I need another.
Just The Three of Us
You have spent the last three months with only your fingers for company. Your recent breakup with some boneheaded Kook enough for him to threaten anyone near you to have to face his fist. And the one time you managed to get anywhere with a tourist, it was lackluster at best. But that was three months ago and you were desperate for an orgasm that wasn't a let down. Even your vibrator lost its appeal with how often you forgot to charge it, left waiting, and ultimately falling asleep. Nothing was working. 
Except today. 
Alone in the hottub at the Chateau, you leaned forward until your back to get a tan before the jet hit your clit just right. You were thankful to be alone for the plea it pulled from your lips. And this was what brought you riding against its pulsation with slow vigor. Of all the times you gave JJ shit about buying the Cat's ass, right now you would gladly blow him for it. That thought was just another reason your orgasm was rushing hard against you. 
Oh God... It was gonna be good. But you still needed more. Your fingers weren't anywhere near enough but it brought you to that edge so you could convulse to a release. Thankful enough to be too blissed to notice the fact you had an audience. 
Sarah was the first one you noticed as she pushed her sunglasses through her flaxen hair.  The sound of a crunching bag flashing your eyes to Kiara as she rolled it closed and crossed her arms. 
"Well that's one way..." She teased as you flushed, swallowed hard, and moved back from the jet. Mentally promising to make a habit of riding it whenever you could get time alone. 
"You do that a lot?" Kiara asked while moving closer as Sarah followed closely behind, both girls leaning on either side of you. Kiara's fingers dipped into the water, so close to your breasts that were begging for her touch. 
Wait. No. 
She was one of your best friends. 
But so loving. And spirited. And beautiful. Molasses skin that always smelled so damn good it made you wet again just to think about. 
"Was it good?" Sarah's question made you blush as your eyes moved to her lips. Full and tempting. But not more than her breasts spilling effortlessly from her bikini top you'd gladly suffocate in. 
You chalked it up to being horny. They were your best friends. They never even-
"Kie-" You gasped at the fingers circling your nipples over your suit. 
"That was so hot I'm soaked through my panties..." Sarah nodded, doing the same to your other breast but with more effort. Where Kie pulled softly at your nipples, Sarah took your entire breast. Kneading it as you moaned. 
"I'm actually jealous..." Sarah added. "You sounded better coming from that jet..." Her hand descended down between your legs. "Bet I can make you louder..." Before you could fight it, not that you would, she sunk a finger into you. Kiara now favoring both of your breasts. 
"What about...the guys..." You moaned to the second finger and soft waves made by her soft jerking motions that increased her speed. 
"They don't need to know how good we can make each other feel...it's all experimental..."
"Sarah?" Kie chuckled. 
"She's gonna come...oh my God...she feels so tight, Kie...she's riding my fingers and I fucking love it..." Your eyes rolled before Kiara was suddenly in the water. 
"Not before I get to touch her..." Taking turns, Sarah pulled away and Kiara's fingers replaced. The absence edging you as they took turns with their fingers and you began to plead by only the use of their names. Kiara set you across her in a straddle.
"Aw, you wanna come again? So fast?" Kie teased as you nodded before Sarah unlatched your bikini top. 
"I've always wanted to play with these..."
"She never shuts up about it..." Your eyes widened. 
"You guys have..."
"Oh yeah...when John B can't get me off...Kiara makes me squirt..."
"And between shifts when I'm tense, Sarah helps me in the backroom..."
"Oh my God!"
"She loves it!" Sarah narrated as you straddled Kie while rolling your hips. 
"We almost got caught last week when JJ came into the chateau...was actually your fault..." You gasped to Kiara nibbling at your naked breast as Sarah reached around and proceeded to finger fuck you in perfect but slow precision. 
"You came here wearing that little bikini we wanted to tear off of you. I saw you watching me with John B but I didn't know if you wanted this..."
"She's throbbing..."
"Good...she's gonna come so pretty for us...isn't she?" You nodded. 
"Loud too. She's a screamer and I love it..." Kiara spoke between breasts before you were pulled back against Sarah. 
"She's better with her mouth..." Before you could deny it, Sarah spread your legs and Kiara was under the water working your clit. The waves you made came drastically over the sides of the hot tub as nobody cared. 
"Wait until she does both-" you gasped as Sarah massages your thighs and Kiara came up for a breath before kissing your breast and coming back down this time with two fingers pistoning your inner walls and against your g-spot.
"Oh she found it...good girl...let her make you come...it's so fucking beautiful..."
"Oh God...Sarah..."
"I'm expecting it louder...it's better isn't it?"
"Fuck yeah..." You moaned moving against Sarah as she kissed your shoulder and widened you more, holding you up even wider for Kiara. 
"Let her tongue feel how wet you are...ooh...yes...like that..."
"I'm gonna come...I'm gonna fucking come..."
"Not without telling us..." She tapped for Kiara. 
"She wants to come quietly, Kie...after you worked so hard doing so well..." They kissed and fondled each other long enough to make your hand drift between your thighs. 
"Maybe we should torture her a bit? Maybe come?"
"I'm gonna have to soon or that jet has my name on it..." Sarah cocked a brow before pulling Kiara's shorts down. 
"Use it...I'll use the other one..." Both girls were nude from the waist down and gripping the sides of the tub as the water sloshed as they rode against the jets. 
"Fuck!" Kie cries first. 
"Touch me...please..." Sarah lost her dominance and became needy. The begging making you clench and finger yourself wildly over your clit. 
"I like when you beg..." You explained as Kiara wanted you, nodding. 
"It is pretty, isn't it?" She moaned, knuckles white as she pumped two fingers into herself. 
"Please play with my nipples..." She turned and nearly mauled you as the jet at your back came against your ass. The expression made Sarah beam. 
"You like it here?" Your ass was parted as the jet shot at your delicate hole. 
"I'm coming!" Sarah hovered over your lips. 
"Look at Kie..." She jolted and bent over the tub while Sarah widened your ass. As Kie came down, you pressed a soft kiss to Sarah's lips. Her tongue quick to claim your mouth before Kiaras fingers came between your legs. 
"I'm making her come like this ...it's so fucking hot..." Sarah explained when the kiss broke. Kiara took over your lips while Sarah rocked you against the jet and harder against Kiara’s fingers. 
"Fuck..." You whimpered as both girls nodded. Aware Sarah hasn't come, you cupped her naked pussy and set two fingers as she had done to you. 
"Yes! Like that! I'm already close...just bend a little-FUCK!" She shattered for you as Kiara kisses her neck enough to make her grin. 
"Yes!" She exclaimed with contentment. 
"Forget it...you're gonna fucking squirt..." 
"But I..." Before you could deny it, you were positioned between both girls. Each of your bare asses in a seat with your backs pointed to the Chateau as Kie held down one of your legs and Sarah held the other. 
"Louder than with the jet or I'm gonna take it as an insult, okay?" She grinned as her fingers worked hard and fast. 
"Slow down, I'm enjoying her expressions..." Kiara traced your face and kissed your lips, jaw, and neck, before the girls took turns with that role. 
Kiara was softer with her thrusting fingers but deeper as Sarah was quick but rough. Sarah kissed leisurely with a teasing tongue and Kiara bit your lip to make you moan. Both girls gave equal affection to your breasts. But it would be the vicious trade of fast fingers fucking you that had you on that edge. 
"It's so good! I've never-"
"I figured...but it's okay...I'll make you for me."
"And me." Kie added. 
Kisses. Thrusts. Dirty promises. Everything collected to that crest. 
"Fuuuuuck..." You warned. 
"Better hurry. The guys are back..." The Twinkie sounding up the gravel made you tighten. 
"You're coming whether they see or not..."
"Please come for us...I don't want them knowing our little secret..." Kiara kisses you quickly as it was her soft lips and Sarah's rough fingers that made you finally expire. Jolt after jolt of your hips as her fingers rode you through it. The convulsions of her inner walls set off as sparks while you recovered. 
"This is just for the three of us..." Sarah smirked while sucking you off her fingers. And you nodded, aware the promise you made earlier to the jet was also true to your two best friends. 
This would be happening whenever you had the chance.
TAGLIST: @rafesmoon @maybankslover @puzziepoppin @gillybear17 @onclouds999@penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @jjmaybanksangel @phildunphyisadilf
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the-bosses-of-you · 28 days
Wake up! We need to give this introduction [REDACTED] wake up now.
Can't you do it?
But Lilly said both of us. Still... ugh. Fine.
Hello, mortals. I'm [REDACTED]. other names. Right. I'm Kiara, the goddess of pride. This is Simba, the god of [REDACTED] and sleep.
We often appear in cat form and will continue to do this.
This is how we look in cat form:
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Very cute, yes, I know.
We like treats, toys, lasers, rats, and treats. You already mentioned that. Shush! If you sacrifice any of the above to us, you might have our good graces.
I feel like I'm forgetting something... our human forms... oh yes.
Sometimes, we appear as humans:
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Very cute again yes.
Our owner, Lilly Darhk, had us make this. She promised we would get a lot of sacrifices! She didn't say that... do you want me to do this or not? Yeah, yeah.
Sim is very sleepy all the time. And Ki talks a lot. I know I deserve attention, so I demand it. A lot.
Okay, now for me to talk. I'm Lilly. My main blog is @unhinged-waterlilly , but sometimes I talk on here.
They are my cats who turned out to be gods. She gives me food. And me pets! They like me very much.
Kiara will talk on here mostly because Simba is mostly sleeping. it's nice . But if you want to talk to him, just specify, Ki will wake him up. That's not nice
Key: Kiara(pink, italic), Simba(green, small, italic), Lilly(normal), OOC(small)
Tags: kiara demands, simba mumbles, the unhinged talks(Lilly), ooc post, the cats get an ask(asks), the cats tilt their heads(reblog)
People the cats know:
@oliver-the-cat-boy he's our best friend! He's alright
@bast-the-best26 I'm her loyal lieutenant! Meh...
Ooc: Hey, so this is a blog based on my actual cats. The cat pictures are the closest I found on pinterest because my camera quality is shit. As soon as I get good pictures I'll change them.
Fun fact: kiara came to me and demanded pets when I was making this intro. She's a bitch I love her.
No NSFW. DNI if you're zionist, transphobic, homophobic, racist, sexist, a nazi, xenophobic, or otherwise
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celianity · 2 years
we go down together - jj.m.
After being abandoned by JJ in a jail cell, you are not really on speaking terms. The chaos becomes perfect when three uninvited guests crash your little beach party.
disclaimer: just tapping back into writing - might turn this into a little story project (if anyone's interested)
warnings: slight swearing, fighting, mentions of underaged drinking, english not being my first language
His eyes are more unfathomable than the depths of the ocean as he watches me across the campfire. The flames draw sharp shadows on his face, and I avert my gaze, afraid to cut myself on its edges.
It wouldn't be the first time I've stained my hands with blood trying to resist his almost magnetic pull. But by now I have become a serious opponent myself.
The hand on my lower back increases its pressure, pulling me closer to the side of the tourist whose name I'm going to scream tonight with such conviction that JJ’s ears will bleed even on the opposite side of town.
Am I getting tired of this cat-and-mouse game? Yes. Will I conciliatory hold out my hand and admit defeat? Of course not.
The beer in my red plastic cup is stale, warmed slightly by the fire and the still-comfortable temperatures, just right to make the fingers wandering along my hip more bearable. JJ gulps and brings his own cup to his lips to mask the disgusted tug around his mouth.
I know all too well how that sight can burn into your retinas, how cruelly it can keep you awake at night while you ruffle your hair and curse yourself for your own stubbornness.
Rough fingertips against the bare skin of my thigh bring me back to the present and I find myself wishing they belonged to someone else. The conversations of my friends crash over me like a mighty wave, their laughter carried away by the wind along with the music playing quietly in the background. A strand of hair flies across my eyes, veiling the scenery around me for a split second, before it’s carefully being tucked behind my ear by the boy next to me.
Kiara's gaze is razor sharp, slashing my ribcage open with a clean cut down the middle, baring the scars on my heart. Under her scrutiny, I feel weirdly naked. Not the kind I would prefer under any other circumstances.
I give her a carefree smile and turn back to my companion, whom I met on the beach while surfing this afternoon.
I didn't tell Kie about the last fight between JJ and me for fear she might finally be forced to choose a side. That it most likely wouldn't be mine makes the corners of my eyes sting suspiciously.
Each rash word is just another mark on JJ and mine's score. Gentle touches, breathless sweet nothings, secret revelations, nullified by accusations that etched our throats with every syllable. A lame maneuver to hide the real depth of our feelings.
As if JJ didn't relive each of the fears in my head through the stories, I used to tell him late at night. As if I didn't anchor each ounce of his guilty feelings inside the pit of my stomach to relieve him of this burden at least a little.
The familiar outline of his clenched jaw almost makes me forget why we're at loggerheads. My fingers twitch and I claw them into the hem of my dress. He's not getting off the hook so easily this time, no matter how much I miss the weight of his arms around my waist when lying in my bed.
The idea of sinking Topper's boat may have been my doing, but the finer points of the exercise came from JJ's imagination.
I suppress a shudder at the memory of the musty dampness of the puny jail cell where I spent last night. Alone, mind you. That traitorous asshole tucked tail when the going got tough and Shoupe showed up at the chateau’s door. And yet, with each passing minute, I find it harder to keep stoking my rage.
I swallow hard and sway the half-empty plastic cup in my hand before emptying it.
In a household with unstable foundations, news of an arrest is like an all-consuming earthquake that leaves no survivors. Not to mention the sizable bail, which for my parents was more onerous bureaucracy than serious problem. A metaphorical slap on the wrist and they turned back to more interesting things.
I endured my friends’ taunts this morning with a gracefully raised chin and indulgent laughter, because I have solid ground under my feet while JJ balances on a tightrope.
Still, his betrayal hurts more than I care to admit.
Before my mind starts spinning again, I focus on the banter between John B and Pope, who are about to use absurd comparisons to fight out who would stay alive longer in the event of a zombie apocalypse.
A winner can no longer be declared, because at that moment three shadowy figures approach from one side of the beach. Their quick steps sink into the sand, making their strides look rather stodgily. This impression fades relatively quickly when I identify the figure in the middle as Rafe.
“Hey, ex-con,” he calls out, the echo of his voice reverberating in my bones. Topper and Kelce flank him on either side, as if clinging to their mom’s skirt.
The realization makes me laugh in surprise and I quickly slap my hand over my mouth. John B gives me an alarmed look before stepping around the campfire to face our uninvited guests.
JJ lowers his cup to the ground and rises as well, arms folded defensively in front of his chest. I can almost feel the tension in his shoulders and unintentionally take a step toward him until cold fingers snake around my wrist to hold me back.
A broad back slides into my field of vision and my patience snaps. Roughly, I yank my wrist free and circle the fireplace, stopping next to John B, ready to face the inevitable melee with my head held high. Somewhere behind me I hear JJ’s knuckles crack.
“Have they now robbed you of the last vestige of your already deficient manners?” Rafe taunts and the hostile undertone in his voice makes me shudder. “So, a little refresher of the natural hierarchy should be just right, don't you think? It’s always tit for tat.”
“Since when do you let Mommy fight your battles, Top?” I ask challengingly, studiously ignoring Rafe. “We’re even, you dickheads. You had your fun with Pope, and in return we had ours with the Malibu. You should have heard her heartbreaking screams as she sank.” My choice of words hit the mark.
Rafe marches directly toward me with sweeping strides and I brace myself for his outburst of volcanic proportions, already seeing myself covered in ash kneeling amid the lava-covered landscape. He should really learn to get his temper under control. My jibes would be far less fun if they were met with an impenetrable countenance.
He has almost reached me when a blond shadow tackles him to the ground, causing sand to spurt up in all directions.
For a second of shock, we are all frozen before Kiara’s shouts and Pope’s groans tear the night apart. Topper has knocked the latter to all fours with a well-aimed punch to the stomach. Kie lunges for Kelce’s back, who gets a hold of John B’s shirt collar at that moment.
It's a chaotic mess of flailing limbs and strained groans.
And I stand at the edge of the scenery, squinting at the fast moving body shapes dimly lit by the fire like a fish out of water.
My tourist companion secretly sneaks away behind my back, but I couldn’t care less.
Taking a deep breath, I snap out of my stupor and grab Rafe’s lunging arm around the bicep before it can smash down on JJ’s face like a sledgehammer. The momentum of his movement makes me stumble, and I claw my fingers harder into his heated skin.
He whirls around, an animalistic glint in his eyes, ready to get back at me even though we’re not on direct war terms with each other. Shining blood wets his split lip, forming a thin trickle down his chin.
A spark of fear settles in the pit of my stomach. But he's not the only one willing to take a slap in the face for his friend.
“Don't even think about it", JJ presses through clenched teeth, kicking Rafe’s legs out from under him. He collapses like a blown up building and JJ manages to put him in a relentless headlock. “We’re even, you bastard.”
Finally, he pushes Rafe off of him as the latter's complexion turns an unhealthy dark red in the fire’s glow. Rafe lands on his stomach, unable to soften the fall with his hands, growling faintly.
My warning catches in my throat as JJ turns to face me, gifting Rafe with a moment of inattention for his next attack.
JJ’s fingertips slip from my outstretched palm.
Rafe pins him to the ground with both knees, fingers curled into claws around his neck, squeezing relentlessly, while JJ wriggles under his weight to get free again.
Feverishly, my eyes search for a way out, but the others are too busy trying to prevent various body parts from being broken. Pope and John B keep Kelce and Topper at bay, while Kie tries in vain to settle the fights.
That’s when I spot JJ’s backpack leaning against a log by the campfire and rush toward it, desperately hoping to find the gun inside that he rarely leaves the house without lately. He has an unfortunate habit of not having it at hand in dicey situations.
Half blinded by my rising panic, I rummage through the contents of the bag, gracing the coldness of his motorcycle keys and a bag of weed before my fingers close around the handle of the gun.
Two shots rip through the night, interrupting the melee for a few seconds. Steadying my hand with the other, I aim the barrel at Topper's sweaty face, wandering further over Kelce until I reach Rafe.
“The next shot is a hit.” I warn, taking a few steps forward to reinforce my words.
Breathing heavily, JJ shoves Rafe off of him and struggles to his feet. My friends slowly drag themselves behind me until Kooks and Pogues are facing each other, waiting with baited breath. Kie has an arm wrapped around Pope’s waist in support. John B, panting slightly, brushes his tousled curls from his forehead.
“You heard her.” Kiara snaps. “I wouldn't tempt fate if I were you.”
Rafe spits disdainfully at our feet before shooing his entourage in the opposite direction with a nod of his head. Apparently, a spark of his sanity has managed to save itself from JJ’s blows.
“Holy shit.” Pope moans, slipping from Kiara's grasp to slump against a tree trunk, his face contorted in pain.
“Now would you please put that away?” JJ asks, hesitantly closing a blood crusted hand around the barrel of the gun.
I glare at him. My heart is pounding, adrenaline flooding my veins, and for a split second I'm afraid my finger might slip on the trigger. I release my tense grip and drop the gun to the ground in front of him.
“Careful, Maybank. I may have just saved your ass, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten about my little jail holiday.”
His gaze becomes veiled again and it’s like sitting in this damn cell anew, hands clasping the bars, waiting to be released. But this time I turn around and throw away the key.
For now, I don’t crave the sweet taste of freedom.
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silurisanguine · 8 months
OC Questionnaire
thank you darlin! @fangbangerghoul I tag @code1r15 @lakritzwolf @eridanidreams @atonalginger @staticpallour @bearlytolerant @a-cosmic-elf @lisa-and-shadow @aro-pancake @sentryskyhawk @samcoesclub @vorchagirl and ANYONE who'd like to do this!! Ill shall do this for my main 3 as always. First up Seren Coe Jones
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Name: Seren (Coe) Jones
Nickname/chosen name: Star, Ren.
Gender: Cishet Female.
Star Sign: She doesn't know, living in the settled systems means earth zodiac mean nothing! Plus she is Starborn now.
Height: 5' 5"
Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality/ Ethnicity: Freestar Collective/Human
Favorite fruit: Plums.
Favorite season: The equivalent of warm autumn afternoons
Favorite Flower: Akilan bloodrose (aka roseblack bacarra)
Favorite Scent: Sam.....also rose and amber.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Any nice tea. Also loves a hot chocolate with all the trimmings
Average hours of sleep: tries for at least 7
Dogs or Cats: Cats
Dream trip: I mean she's a starship captain whose travelled the multiverse. A dream trip for her is a trip home and home is Sam.
Number of blankets: 1.
Random Fact: Her name is Welsh for star, an irony not lost on her now she is Starborn.
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Name: Zofie Orel
Nickname/chosen name: Sofia Croft, Zo, Bílá Ruka aka White Hand.
Gender: Cishet Female
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5' 7"
Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality/ Ethnicity: Welsh/ Caucasian
Favorite fruit: Crisp sweet nectarines
Favorite season: Spring
Favorite Flower: Wisteria
Favorite Scent: Vanilla and musk
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Anything as long as it's hot.
Average hours of sleep: 5
Dogs or Cats: Cats
Dream trip: A deserted beach on a warm tropical island, just the birds singing and waves lapping against the shore. A dream she knows she'll never have with her duty. She would love to see Rabi'ah though.
Number of blankets: 0
Random Fact: She took up jewellery making to rebuild her fine motor skills after she was augmented.
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Name: Kiara Aeryn Black
Nickname/chosen name: Kia, Little Magpie
Gender: Cishet Female
Star Sign: 18th Month of Songs under The Tusked Leviathan (Sagittarius)
Height: 5' 3"
Orientation: Straight
Nationality/ Ethnicity: Morlesian
Favorite fruit: Tyvian pear
Favorite season: Autumn
Favorite Flower: Blue hydrangea
Favorite Scent: Leather and freesia
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Sweet tea
Average hours of sleep: 8
Dogs or Cats: Cats
Dream trip: Cullero as it's full of rich tourists.
Number of blankets: 4
Random Fact: Her pale sage green eye colour is incredibly rare, the old ladies of her town considered her born heretical.
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thewriterg · 2 years
♡︎kys or get over it♡︎
Pairing(s): JJ Maybank x Fem!reader, Pope Heyward x Fem!reader, Kiara Carrera x Fem!reader
Summary: Pope Heyward has done a lot of things but get high wasn’t one of them so when he told you what they didn’t you just couldn’t seem to breakdown —flufftober; day 8—
Word count: 1.2k+
Warning(s): Cheating, crying, underage smoking, cat fights, Fluffy ending, reader getting the happy ending they deserve, and Language
A/n: —GIF’s aren’t mine— Seeing little to no Pope appreciation guys let’s get it together 🙄
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“Pope are you okay honey?” You questioned the familiar pet name rolling from your lips it wasn’t favoring or special the names shuffling repeatedly you had all smoked more than enough joints and JJ had finally got Pope to smoke and you had been sending the boy concerned glances all night
“I told you he couldn’t handle all of that J” You through a rough glance at the blonde who through his hands up in surrender while Pope looked down at You your caring nature never faltering while you stuck your tongue out in determination
“I told you he couldn’t handle all of that J” You through a rough glance at the blonde who through his hands up in surrender while Pope looked down at You your caring nature never faltering while you stuck your tongue out in determination
Pope noticed how you smiled every time JJ entered the room or how you frowned everyone Kie canceled your weekly sleepovers claiming she had errands to run or things to do so her parents wouldn’t be on her back
Pope had known you longer than anyone and he didn’t know how or why the words kept getting stuck in his throat and why the fuck he couldn’t spit it out maybe it was because he thought it would hurt you if you didn’t know and he couldn’t help but realize that it was hurting you more than it was helping you
“Here Poe drink this” You’d handed him a water bottle the cap unscrewed while he smiled softly at the nickname you had called since you were atleast two not being able to pronounce your P’s
“Hey y/n/n uhh… I have you tell you something it’s about JJ” Pope stated low enough for only you to hear while you tilted your head like confused puppy sitting a encouraging hand on his forearm
“Umm, Hey Kie?” Pope called out to the girl who looked up from her hand of cards with a soft smile her eyebrows risen in question
“How long have you been fucking JJ” The question was so random and abrupt it had you turning your body towards the pair of teens who stood up from their position next to each other while there was a pregnant pause in the air while Kie nervously chuckled and Sarah moved to stand next to you a hand over her mouth
“What the fuck are you talking about Pope?” You questioned the boy with a hostility that he knew wasn’t directed towards himself as you glared harshly at JJ and Kie
“When we through the kegger I came back here to get my wallet and they were just making out on the couch” JJ ran a hand through his tangled hair while you stared at him with flashing red flowing through your body
“Kie that’s like really bad” Sarah pipe up looking at you with sympathy than averting her gaze to Kie eyes wide trying her best from letting her face show the disgust that her stomach did
“You’re fucking each other are you kidding me!?” You turned your attention to JJ taking a step toward to him while his eyes met everywhere but with yours as you heard sniffling from the corner of the room adverting your harsh gaze to Kie
“You’re crying!? You’re fucking crying you fucking bitch you’re feeling are hurt!?” You stormed Your way towards where Kie stood her sniffling gone quiet while Pope and Sarah moved to follow you Pope holding one of your arms back rubbing his thumb back and forth on your heated body
“You’re the most self centered idiotic person I’ve ever fucking met! You fuck my boyfriend and you’re fucking crying!?” You pulled your arm away from Popes grip bringing them in front of the girls face pointing directly
“I don’t why you’re believing him he’s high Y/n!” JJ stood up seemingly attempting to defend himself which you couldn’t help but humorlessly laugh at
“Last time I checked weed doesn’t make you a fucking liar JJ but it seems you’re an exception” You knew it was a low blow but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care
“How Long have you been fucking each other be honest?” You turned back to Kie nose to nose while the girl just stared at you hyperventilating
“Pope when was this exactly” You questioned turning to face the boy waving your hands exaggeratedgy to get your point across
“When we through the first kegger last summer” He admitted while you turned back to Kie your eyes gon dark and your blood boiling from your feet gon to your temples
“You dumb, fucking bitch, IM GONNA FUCK YOU UP!” You through a slap to the girls cheek before Pope and John B had you by your arms while JJ and Sarah took a crying Kie a red hand mark bruised on her cheek
“I hate you JJ you stupid fucking Cunt!” You screamed taking your hands from the grasp of two boys before storming out of the house with a slam of the screen door
Pope had made his way out the château it has been at least five minutes since you’d had stormed out the house and he wouldn’t have seen you unless it was for the the fairy lights that were hanging around the backyard sitting at the doc
“Hey” Pope called out to you softly while you looked back towards him with a soft smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes patting the seat next to you as a welcoming which the boy took
“I’m really sorry Y/n, I know I should’ve told you sooner but JJ just kept putting me off saying he would and I just didn’t want you to hurt” You looked up at the dark skinned boy with a small smile a joint in between your fingertips before taking a drag of the the burning leaf between your lips
“I’m not mad at you Pope, you were trying to protect me and I understand that I’m just glad it’s over now you know?” It was more like a statement than a question while Pope just listend he was the best at it, being there and listening when you needed him
“You know it’s okay to cry Y/n/n you don’t have to bottle it up all the time” Pope put a reassuring hand on top of yours never taking his eyes off you it’s not like he ever did anyway
“Nah I’m good, life’s unfair you kill yourself or get over it” You shooed the thought away and not a half a second layer you could feel your vision blur as a tear dropped down your cheek
“Yea but you don’t have to get over it right now. You wanan know something?” The boy continued once he realized he didn’t get any response from you the first time while you just perked up with a small hum
“I don’t think you ever knew how much I really liked you, because I never even told you but God Y/n I meant to” You both stared at each other in a surprised daze dried tears stained your face, your joint burnt out, it was just the both of you.
“Pope I liked you too, I- I do like you but I can’t commit to something like that right now” You stressed before Pope lied his hands on yours this time it wasn’t like the platonic comforting ones it was like trying to pour all your feelings into one touch when his hands interlocking with yours
“I’ll wait and stay here for as long as it takes” You wanted to argue but you didn’t have the energy just laying your head on Popes shoulder while his scent clouded your senses he smelled like the beach, oatmeal, and lavender
It would take some time to mend your heart from JJ but you knew Pope would help you pick up the pieces
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OC-Siblings-Bracket 1.13
info down there because these posts are long ↓
Riley & Kiara Parker by @attorneybout
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OKAY. SO. leaving out a lot of details because their story takes place entirely in a huge crossover roleplay and it'd be fucking wild if halfway through i was just like "so anyways, dimentio-" so we will not do that <3 no info about these guys is on my blogs. they're only on discord sorry.
so. riley and kiara are sisters, with riley being th younger sister, at 12 (kiara is 16). kiara's dad actually found riley alone in the woods one day, and, with seemingly nobody else looking for her, took her in. neither he nor kiara knows about her biological parents but judging from how riley acted and how scared she seemed when he found her he hopes they never come back for her (they will! well. her bio mom will. her bio dad isn't relevant)
riley was basically very jumpy and anxious for the longest time because of how her mom treated her but eventually she came out of her shell and now shse's so sillygirl /pos she's very close with kiara and also close with kiara's friends it's really nice. kiara is really quiet mostly but undeniably Very Cool and she's also a streamer (sometimes she streams playing games with her friends or with riley too!)
however! a lot of stuff happens to riley, like an obscene amount. she got possessed, once. she got kidnapped into a fucking void dimension for a while. and she even got mind controlled. and kiara couldn't take seeing her sister hurt so often and even though she can't do much she has to try to get her sister back, so she ends up joining this vaguely shady organization who promises to help get riley back.
and! it works. sort of. they manage to catch the guy who mind controlled riley, with some outside help, and kiara questions him for a way to reverse the mind control. but he say he can't just reverse it like that. BUT. he offers her something. if they let him go, he'll give them something that they could use to try and reverse engineer a way to get riley back.
but if kiara lets him go, then he could go on to cause more mayhem. mind control more people. possibly even destroy the world.
but like. small price to pay for your sister being okay. so kiara, after some hesitation, lets him go. and, for the time being, they've even gotten away with it. sure, someone else got mind controlled, but not riley. never riley again. and nobody suspects that they let him go, at least not to her knowledge.
but she still feels a little bit bad about it. i mean, who wouldn't? sure, she can tell herself it will work out and that they had no choice, but she knows it's not true. and the truth is, riley wouldn't have really wanted that. but riley, despite having more confidence in herself now, is insanely self-sacrificial, and would have said it's better for everyone if she was simply gone forever if that meant everyone else would be safe.
other fun bonus things include:
riley is a realm-hopper. she doesn't know it yet. realm hoppers can basically teleport and travel between dimensions. kiara is vaguely aware of this but hasn't told riley about it yet
riley is trans!
kiara she/they swag
kiara is nonverbal at times
one of kiara's friends is also siblings with one of riley's friends but they're less iconic so i'm submitted these two instead. but their names are liberty (libby for short) eagle lawson and justice forall lawson and i need you to know that their parents are fucking insane for that one
kiara aroace swag also
riley lesbian swag
kiara doesn't share all of the same interests as riley but she always knows so much about riley's interests second-hand
kiara taught riley how to do crafts
they have a cat!! the cat's name is kiki :) i'll include a picture of her too but that's just for infodump purposes. kiki is actually named after a nickname riley used to call kiara
riley (first image) drawn by me and kiara (second image) made using this picrew https://picrew.me/image_maker/92646 and kiki (third image) made using this picrew https://picrew.me/image_maker/1713721 if i'm lucky enough to get motivation i might draw them together because i really need to anyways honestly
Additional Cat Photo:
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Mischief & Magic Grape by @mystic-sunni
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Mischief Grape is a Adventurer who travels around to the islands in Poptropica. With how much he travels he helped many people and became a hero to many. Magic Grape is his little sister just a year apart. Magic Grape is a well known author who has many successful books and is very kind to people. They both love helping people whenever they can. Also fun fact about Mischief Grape is that he has some clumsy moments that definitely are only seen in cartoons.
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Submission Rules
*note: in my native language we use "it" to refer to animals a lot. If I refer to a cat with "it", that's why.
Fictional and real life cats accepted.
You can submit your own cat (I love me some cute kitties!), but unless it has an account on social media with a considerable amount of internet fame, I cannot guarantee it will be featured on a poll.
Try and find the cat's name before you submit it. If it doesn't have one, make sure it's a cat with a main role (like in Stray) enough to stand out in the context it's from.
Both animated and live-action cats accepted, but not from CGI uncanny valleys like the new Lion King or the Cats movie.
Anthropomorphic cats (like Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet) are accepted, but humans with cat-like features like ears or a tail are not.
Characters from stage productions of the Cats musical are accepted, but not from the film.
Characters who can turn into cats are accepted, but "cat" needs to be a consistent enough form. Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove, for example, wouldn't count.
Big cats are accepted. Tigers, lions, pumas, lynxes, go wild.
Characters from monster games that resemble cats a lot (Meowth, Sprigatito, Tailmon) are accepted.
Submit cats where it's possible to find an accurate, clear picture of them with a quick google search.
Don't submit cats with a very tragic end. This blog is for fun.
Similarly, if you submit a cat from a story that doesn't pass the "does the cat die" test, submit pictures where the cat is happy.
No HP characters, you're on tumblr, you know why.
Submission form:
Under the cut are cats I will post polls of my own while this blog gains traction:
-Grumpy Cat/Tardar Sauce (real life)
-Cat being yelled at (meme/real life)
-Sam has eyebrows (real life)
Miette (real life)
-Puss in Boots and Kitty Softpaws (Shrek franchise)
-Serafina and Wolfie (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)
-Diego (Ice Age films)
-Luna and Artemis (Sailor Moon)
-Kyubey Cat (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
-Meowth- and Sprigatito (Pokemon)
-Tailmon (Digimon)
Simba, Nala, Scar, Mufasa, Sarabi, Kiara, and Kovu (The Lion King films, animated)
Duchess, Toulouse, Berlioz, Marie, Thomas O'Malley, and Scat Cat (The Aristocats)
-Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet)
Cat (Stray)
-Azrael (The Smurfs franchise)
-Bagheera and Shere Khan (The Jungle Book film)
Sergeant Tibbs (One Hundred and One Dalmatians)
Stelmaria and Kirjava (His Dark Materials) (Pantalaimon won't count, because he doesn't consistently keep a cat form)
Buttercup (The Hunger Games)
Goose (Captain Marvel)
-Jonesy (Alien)
Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
Thackery Binx (Hocus Pocus)
(Different characters from the same medium will get separate polls)
I think that's it for now, in an effort to not spam the "cats" tag I won't post more than four or five polls per day 😁
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ships-n-bats · 10 months
Shipping List
A list of all my ships, in case anybody is curious or wants to browse the tags.
I try and tag every post with the series' name, all relevant characters that are present, ship name, and any other tags I may add (typically my musings lol).
Disclaimer: List is open to change as pairings are either added (most likely to happen) or removed (less likely to happen). This post is subject to change.
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A Monster in Paris
Adventure Time
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Animal Crossing
Cyrus X Reese
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Baldur's Gate
Ken X Barbie
Ben 10
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Betty Boop
Bimbo X Betty
Blue Exorcist
Bandit X Chili
BoBoBo-Bo Bo-Bobo
Gasser X Beauty
BoJack Horseman
Todd X Maude
Casper the Friendly Ghost
Casper X Kat
Spooky X Pearl
Codename: Kids Next Door
Cookie Run
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Kitty X Bunny
Crash Bandicoot
Danny Phantom
Johnny 13 X Kitty
Lightning Lad X Saturn Girl
Demon Slayer
Laharl X Flonne
Goofy X Sylvia
Hercules X Meg
Eric X Ariel
Florian X Snow White
Charming X Cinderella
Phillip X Aurora
Aladdin X Jasmine
Tramp X Lady
Kovu X Kiara
Tarzan X Jane
Stitch X Angel
((I basically ship 99% of the canon Disney couples))
Hyakkimaru X Mio
Dragon Ball
Fantastical Beasts
Felix the Cat
Zak X Crysta
Final Fantasy
Fire Emblem
Frankelda's Book of Spooks
Friday Night Funkin'
Boyfriend X Girlfriend
Fullmetal Alchemist
Genshin Impact
Hokmuto X Femuto
Good Omens
Ineffable Spouses
Gravity Falls
Hades Game
Hamtaro X Bijou
How to Train Your Dragon
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Kim Possible
Kimba the White Lion
Kimba/Leo X Laiya/Kitty
Kingdom Hearts
Legend of Zelda
Looney Tunes
Megamind X Roxanne
Mob Psycho 100
Mune: Guardian of the Moon
My Hero Academia
My Little Pony
Mystery Skulls
Mystic Pop-up Bar
Han Kang-bae X Kang Yeo-rin
Yi-Hon/Gwi X Weol-ju
Kanrik X Hannah
Jazan X Nabile
No Straight Roads
Yinu's Father X Yinu's Mother
One Piece
PaRappa the Rapper
PaRappa X Sunny
I also ship the actual pokemon together, so will have a variety of those types of pairings (especially Umbreon X Espeon)
Pop Team Epic
Pipimi X Popuko
Popeye X Olive Oyl
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Rudolph X Clarice
School for Vampires
Oskar X Sunshine
Seraph of the End
Shovel Knight
Shrek X Fiona
Sky High
Warren X Layla
Sonic the Hedgehog
Soul Eater
Speed Racer
Speed X Trixie
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
Spirit X Rain
Spyro the Dragon
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Dave X Wrathmelior
Studio Trigger
Super Mario
Teasing Master Takagi-san
Nishikata X Takagi
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
RaphMona (1987 ver.)
The Amazing World of Gumball
The Clark Saga
Clark X Malfina
The Croods
The Fairly OddParents
Cosmo X Wanda
The Gray Garden
The Loud House
The Muppets
The Owl House
The Road to El Dorado
Vampire Hunter D
Meier Link X Charlotte
Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea
Where the Crawdads Sing
Tate X Kya
Wolf's Rain
Hige X Blue
Hubb X Cher
Wreck-It Ralph
Yo-kai Watch
Ray O'Light X Drizzelda
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miosalvatore · 3 months
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Hiii!! On this post is everything you will need to navigate my blog and to make things easier for you!! I am new to this and I am open to any suggestions or constructive criticism from anyone!
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my request are open and i would love to write for any character you want!
if you want to make requests just click on the green button that says requests at the top of my blog<3
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Here is a link to my masterlist which has all the fandoms i plan on writing for at the moment (note: more fandoms may be added over time once i get more comfortable writing and better at it or at anyone's request for a character for a fandom i don't already write for)
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My name is Kiara I'm 19 and i use she/her pronouns
My favorite trope is enemies to lovers
I love reading and my favorite color is green
I am a huge cat person and happen to have 3 lovely kitties of my own who are absolutely sweethearts
I am Bi so this is a lgbtq+ safe space and no hate will be tolerated at all.
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negative-speedforce · 9 months
What made you decide your OCs names/what do their names mean?
Sivonne Alessandra Thawne: Sivonne is a bastardized version of the name Siobhan that 14-year-old me heard for the first time, and I thought it sounded cool. Alessandra, their middle name, means "Defender of men" and I thought that worked pretty well for her.
Jason Luca Barron: Jason means "Healer", Luca means "Light". It works pretty well for his personality.
Cassandra Addison Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Hailey Tuyet Laurence: "Hailey" chosen at random based on vibes, means "hay's meadow" and "Tuyet" is Vietnamese for "snow".
Jessica Esmeralda Wells: Jessica was just chosen to establish her as the E-2002 version of Jesse Wells, and Esmeralda means "emerald". It was just chosen at random.
Regina Maria Rivera: "Regina Maria" is a reference to her family's Catholic faith, meaning "Queen Mary", which refers to Mary, mother of Jesus.
Ember Mallory Del Rosario: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Aryazana'canwr'mwyar'nos: Aryazana doesn't mean anything, I made up the name myself, and "canwr mwyar nos" means "Night Singer" in Welsh, a reference to her abilities from being half Siren. Her human name, Arya, means "Illustrious".
Catherine Danielle "Cat" Stewart: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Kyle Nolan Spencer: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Maxwell Samuel Seng: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Eric Matthew Akintola-Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Jacob Devon Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Khalil Marcus Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Antonio Carlos Rivera: Named after the little brother in Disney's Encanto, aka the character he was based off.
Ameerah Jade Carmine: "Ameerah" chosen at random. Her middle and last names are colors, as to reference her ability to use the visible light spectrum to warp people's emotions.
Regina Catherine Barron-Stevens: Named after Gina and Cat, close friends of her parents.
Rania Rayan Al Qallaf-Martinez: Rania was chosen because it means "Queen", due to Rania's original status as a villain before I revamped her character, Rayan was chosen at random, it means "Door Of Heaven".
Lydia Angeline Hawke: Lydia was chosen at random, Angeline was chosen because it is a name similar to that of one of my most difficult coworkers.
Meredith Nadia Alatorre: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Kelsie Saoirse Gupta-O'Riordan: "Kelsie" chosen at random, "Saoirse" chosen because it means "Freedom" and is relevant to her role in-universe as Siv's therapist.
Cory Faye Fields: Name chosen at random based on vibes
Delilah the Cat: Named after the biblical Delilah, a cunning woman who uses trickery to get what she wants (like a tiny half-feral kitten lmao)
Sivonne Bellona Thawne: "Sivonne' to establish her as E-2022's Siv Thawne, "Bellona" because it's a Roman war goddess, and I think that fits Onnie's vibe.
Penelope Lowe: Name chosen at random based on vibes
Jessica Marina Wells: "Jessica" establishes her as E-2022's Jesse Wells, and "Marina" was based on "Marina and the Diamonds", one of my favorite musicians.
Moon Hyun-Ki: Hyun-Ki means "Clever" and I thought that would be a good narrative choice because he keeps trying to outwit Jessi and would be able to if she wasn't OP af.
Qiara Lucia Bradshaw: Qiara as an alternate spelling of "Kiara", but with a Q since she technically doesn't have a real name, she's just "Q". Lucia was chosen because it means "Light".
Marie Kiyoko Kaneyama: Marie chosen because it means "Bitterness" and Marie's one of my Angst Blanket OCs, "Kiyoko" after "Hayley Kiyoko", aka Lesbian Jesus.
Liah Amina Abdul: "Liah" was chosen because it sounds vaguely similar to some other Cardassian names, (It also means "delicate" so that's an extra bonus), Amina was chosen because it means "Faithful".
Soraya Farwah Al-Sharif: Named after a couple of close friends I had in middle school.
Thalia Xanthe Sylvan: "Thalia" after Thalia Grace of the Percy Jackson novels, "Xanthe" after one of the mythical Amazon warriors.
Athena Stonehenge: Not her real name, but was chosen because it's giving "Mysterious, wise, and cunning". Her real name, however, is Mollie, and she will kill you if you call her that.
Laila/Experiment 669: Laila is Arabic for "Dark night", which is a homophone for "Dark Knight", aka Sith lmao. Her experiment number is a cross between "666" and "69" because I am very mature.
Reyna Blazestar: Chosen because it sounds like some 13 year old's power fantasy Mary Sue OC name, which it technically is, because Reyna uses a fake name to distance herself from her abusive stepmother.
Aldrich Tobias Morgan: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Samira Nasrin Yazdani: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Sohelia Morgan Yazdani: "Sohelia" means star, and I thought that'd be funny because Vampires and the sun, y'know? And Morgan as her middle name is a subtle way of giving her father's last name without outing her as half-vampire.
Vanessa Leah Wolf: Name chosen at random based on vibes, HOWEVER, her last name, Wolf, was chosen because she gets transformed into a monster by a mad scientist and I thought that was subtle and fitting for her.
Matthew Avi Rosenthal-St. James: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Dolores Valentina Aguilar: "Dolores" means "Sorrows" and I thought it was fitting for a vampire. "Valentina" was chosen based on vibes.
Victorie Amelie Bernard: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
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angiedarling · 1 year
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— &&  if you’re hearing NORTHERN ATTITUDE by NOAH KAHAN playing, you have to know ANGIE MONROE (she/her; cis female) is near by! the 41 year old CHEF has been in denver for, like, 15 YEARS. they’re known to be quite BOSSY, but being KIND HEARTED seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble RACHEL WEISZ. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those FRESH BLUEBERRY PANCAKES, LILY OF THE VALLEY, MOLLY WEASLEY, THE SOUND OF SOMEONE WHISTLING AT HOME, DINER AFTER CLOSE vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the RINO long enough!
check out her stats and info below !!
full name: angela monroe  nickname(s): angie (sometimes ang or ella, but angie is the main and favoured one) age: forty one date of birth: the thirteenth of february zodiac sign: aquarius place of birth: corpus christi, texas gender: female sexual orientation: bisexual religion: agnostic by choice, jewish by mother’s family occupation: chef/baker/owner of the Night and Dine
language(s) spoken: english, basic spanish accent: slight to moderate southern accent pet(s): two great pyrenees financial status: lower middle class  tattoos: sunflower on her right hip, a trio of birds of her shoulder positive traits: empathetic, fun, thoughtful, and well-spoken  negative traits: tardy, well-meaningly bossy and a bit of a gossip goals/desires: to do good and help her loved ones, to be happy, to fall in love  fears: acrophobia, monophobia family: youngest child, comes from a big family and had always wanted that for herself as well hobbies:  baking, cooking, painting, dancing quirks: nail biting, whistling,  likes: music, denim, vines, baked goods, dogs dislikes: lime green, quiet, tangled hair, liars myers-briggs:  mediator (INFP-T)  temperament: phlegmatic 
tw: mentions of infertility, mentions of infidelity
angie was a happy kid with a mostly happy childhood, growing up with her mother (father rarely, if ever around), her siblings and a little black cat. her mother was her everything, never letting baby angie and her siblings feel like they were missing anything growing up. she was a curious kid, getting to camp, fishing, exploring and learning about the world.
after graduating highschool, angie (19) was going through a bit of a tumultuous relationship. she didn’t go to college, instead idolizing a stay-at-home mother position, willing to forgive nearly anything from her partner, if it would allow her to have children and give them her everything like her own mother had done. unfortunately (or fortunately, depending who you ask), they were unable to conceive. around that time, her partner had decided to be unfaithful and actually fathered a child with his affair partner. this hurt angie to her core, almost more than the cheating itself.
the baby’s name was kiara, and as much as the precursor to her existence was shocking, angie actually became very close with her partner’s child and it’s mother. after about 3 years, angie decided she couldn’t stay with an unforgiving, untrustworthy man and left, keeping in contact with lea (the unknowing other women) and kiara who had also separated themselves from angie’s ex.
she moved to denver when she was twenty seven, feeling like corpis christi had given her all it could. her family had dispersed over the years and with her ending her 10+ year relationship, she needed a fresh start.
angie had been scared to meet new people and try new things but following her mother’s philosophies, she’s trying her best to live her life to the fullest. when she arrived in denver, the old owner of the night and dine was retiring and looking to sell and she took the chance and bought it. finally embracing one of her life long passions, she threw herself in some minor renovations and some huge menu rehauls. 
now, she’s living peacefully with her dogs, working in and running the diner, sometimes thinking of her potential other life, one where she went to school, had a child, was close with her family. her dreams as a child were just so different, it’s hard not to think about it.
headcannons/fun facts about angie! 
the only person who ever called her angela was her mom so she just doesn’t really use it anymore.
her favourite baked good is a lemon coffee cake and her favourite meal is homecooked soup and corn bread.
she took spanish in high school and fell in love with the language.
she throws herself into her baking and cooking, feeling like she can express her feelings through food.
angie sometimes listens to texan weather channels because the accents comfort her.
she loves nicknames! nicknames for others and for herself, hit her up with any nickname and any sort of pet name and be prepared for her to dote on you with a sweet pet name of her own.
she loves like old art and old photographs.
we can potentially add a second to any of these if we really feel one of these connections!!
friendship  ✨ 
first friend in denver
best friends
friends from childhood (she grew up in texas though but she did travel a bit?)
bad influence
sibling friendship (like an older/younger sibling relationship)
staff (at the diner)/friends who look out for each other -  ZANE
coworker/staff (at the diner)
breakfast club (total opposites but wind up bonding anyways)
so's sibling (she dated their sibling and even tho the relationship ended, they kept in touch)
mentee / protective kinship (someone who she tries to always look out for, she feels a little 'motherly' over them)
current romance ✨ 
mutual crushes (angie kinda has commitment issues so it could be interesting to see the conflict with these new feelings)
mouse and cat (they just keep chasing each other but nothing really happens)
breakfast club (total opposites)
past romance ✨ 
ex that was a rebound for her when she arrived in Denver (hard feelings, unresolved feelings?)
exes that ended on bad terms (maybe something bad happened to make it end and there is bad vibes/animosity)
exes that ended on good terms 
exes with lingering feelings 
casual relationships ✨ 
next-door neighbours
diner regulars
family ✨ 
older brothers x 2/3 (she grew up in texas but she's the youngest child so they could have grown up elsewhere)
close cousins
ex-husband (bad relationship with manipulation, gaslighting and cheating)
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sxirenzz · 6 months
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╰────── · · ୨୧ · · ──────╯
My introduction to me! ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ‧₊˚✧
୨୧┇Name: Kiara but you guys can call me angel !
୨୧┇Nationality: African American/french . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
୨୧┇Gender: Female
୨୧┇Age: 19
୨୧┇Pronouns: She/they
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ‧₊˚✧
╰─ - ̗̀✎ My Favorite...
୨୧┇Color: white,black,light pink
୨୧┇Anime/Show: Rick and Morty, inside job, saiki k, hxh, death note, < Many more >
୨୧┇Game: Minecraft,roblox,red dead redemption, the last of us, sims 4, < many more >
୨୧┇Animal: cats!!!
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ‧₊˚✧
╰─ - ̗̀✎ Interests & More!
୨୧┇Likes: Animals,video games, anime, sleeping, shopping, dressing up, doing makeup, soda, ice cream
୨୧┇Dislikes: Homophobia, sexism etc…..
୨୧┇Birthday: Oct 21
୨୧┇Extra: Black reader, I’m pansexual
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ‧₊˚✧
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