#my cardio is horrible šŸ˜­
monpalace Ā· 1 year
Life is really kicking my ass rn like it wont let me get up, but howā€™ve you been? -šŸ§ššŸ½ā€ā™€ļø
i've been getting my ass beat by three flights of stairs and new students daily, but i'm surviving šŸ«‚
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buckys-estrella Ā· 2 years
think I tore my ass???
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m1ckeyb3rry Ā· 18 days
okay sooooooo i went to the gym today šŸ„³ so i normally do 3 incline for the treadmill and thought that i could handle going from 3 to 10 šŸ˜­ stupid ik, šŸ«  my legs are so sore and Iā€™m slowly gonna build up now šŸ˜­ normally i would but i was feeling like extra awesome soā€¦.
I did weights too! Which I normally donā€™t do pretty proud of myself :D I did sets of squats + Russian twists w/ weights- then I did that 3 sets of one glute machine :) gotta grow that bootie šŸ’Ŗ
And I did stretch šŸ˜Œ
And also pretty proud that i ordered this green drink w/ like spinach n shit ?? I hate greens so much omg- I honestly have the pallet of a toddler šŸ« šŸ˜­ It was pretty good though??? and I had wings for lunch ! I wanted a sandwich but im tryna stay away from carbs rnšŸ˜­
Well this was my official first day of the rest of my life and came to tell you šŸ˜½
hope you donā€™t mind me slipping in ur asks every now and then :3
HAHA yess itā€™s def tough working up to itā€¦when i first started i would only spend a couple of minutes at the 12 incline and the rest at 6-8ish?? doing it kind of in intervals where you disperse shorter bursts of the higher incline with a majority at a more comfortable incline might help you progress to being consistent at the higher incline quicker because it lets your body adjust without pushing it too hard šŸ¤” tbh thereā€™s still days when i only go up to the 15 incline for like the first 5-10 mins and then spend the rest of my cardio time in like the 8-10 range so i can answer emails or asks on my phone because lowkey the treadmill is kinda boring sometimes šŸ˜­
AHHH Iā€™M SO PROUD LOOK AT YOU GOOO you will be a weightlifting pro in no time šŸ¤© LMAOAOA omg thatā€™s so real though glutes forever (side note but for the longest time my mother would get rdls [as in romanian deadlifts] confused with bbls so sheā€™d be like ā€œdid you do your bbls at the gym today ā˜ŗļøā€ and iā€™d just be like ā€œwellā€¦close enoughā€¦they ARE building that area so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøā€ HAHA itā€™s actually insane though what working out your glutes will do for you!! itā€™ll help w incline walking too everything is so interconnected itā€™s crazy)
HOORAY stretching ftw hehe itā€™s my favorite part of my workoutā€¦idk if youā€™ve heard that one tik tok sound where that guy goes ā€œitā€™s like a rewardā€ but thatā€™s literally my mindset šŸ˜© like okay if i can do one more set of squats then i can go do yoga šŸ¤©
THAT SOUNDS YUMMYYY and dw youā€™re not alone i am such a picky eater too but in weird ways??? like i canā€™t stand blueberries on their own but i canā€™t eat yogurt if i donā€™t put blueberries in it šŸ˜“ (another side note but a more relevant oneā€¦greek yogurt is like the number one post gym snack because it has sm protein without being super heavy!! i always put chia seeds flax seeds fruit and occasionally honey in mine but you can kinda experiment w what you likeā€¦provided youā€™re not allergic to milk or smth ofc) honestly i think a lot of it also comes down to preparation so even if you donā€™t like a food in one way (like spinach in a salad for example) you might like it prepared in a diff way (ex a smoothie) ā˜šŸ» sometimes we must be creative in order to get our nutrients in LOLOL worst comes to worst thereā€™s no shame in busting out the blender šŸ¤©
I HOPE IT DIDNā€™T FEEL TOO HORRIBLE OR RESTRICTIVE OR ANYTHING!! just remember everything in moderation even things that people are like ā€œno if you eat this you will never lose weight blah blahā€ because thatā€™s not actually true HAHA you can eat anything and lose weight ā€” no food is inherently bad itā€™s just how you view it!! ofc some have more nutrients and keep you full for longer so thatā€™s always good to consider but i remember when i was really trying to lose weight i would leave a little buffer so i could eat takis every night šŸ˜­ and i still lost weight even w that SO it is possible and def losing weight shouldnā€™t be a cause of misery or make you feel like you canā€™t eat anything at all!! thereā€™s 100% a balance between choosing a healthier option and sometimes just realizing itā€™s okay to indulge every now and again too šŸ¤« especially because eating in moderation instead of cutting out completely is the best way to avoid binge eating!!
OMG PLEASE ALWAYS FEEL FREE TO DROP ASKS ABOUT LITERALLY ANYTHING whether itā€™s abt the gym or fandoms (as iā€™m sure you can tell iā€™m in quite a few myself šŸ˜°) or real life or wtvr šŸ’– i loveee talking to people HAHA truly the best part of tumblr is how interactive it is!!
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autisticlee Ā· 4 months
I hate how when I get out of bed to go pee I always feel all dizzy and lightheaded and my heart beats way too fast and I barely make it into the bathroom. sometimes it even makes me nauseous. actually that happens when i just stand up a lot. it also happens when going up stairs. am I just super out of shape and just standing up makes me feel exhausted and dizzy and makes you heart race because that's not normal. but cardio makes me feel horrible too so how am i supposed to "get in shape" so that stops happening šŸ˜­ though tbh....even when I did walk at school every day between classes or go to the park to walk every day when I didn't work daily, I still had the same issue. it never did go away. maybe I didn't try gard enough. sighs
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reiding-writing Ā· 6 months
Could I request the colours red, with dialogue prompts 1 and 3 <3333
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1. ā€œYou're bleeding.ā€
3. "They're so hot."
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WARNINGS: mildly suggestive, guns, blood
spencer reid x gn!reader || ???? || 1.3k || climacteric event!!
a/n: add 3 zeros and then iā€™m at a million šŸ˜Œ you see my vision of hot people (even though you donā€™t even watch the show šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)
main masterlist!! ā‹†ļ½”Ā°āœ© event masterlist!!
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Sometimes you wished youā€™d taken Morgan up on his offer for you to join his daily gym sessions, you did not do enough cardio to be chasing an armed assailant around without feeling the effects of it on your lungs.
Heā€™d actually run out of pistol bullets about a quarter of a mile ago, so at least he wasnā€™t actively shooting at you any more, but you were still reeling from the shortness of oxygen in your system.
You were half debating giving up on the chase entirely. Spencer and Morgan were already way ahead of you and you were just playing catch up. Surely theyā€™d be able to handle it on their own.
Or maybe not.
You can just barely see Spencer reach out to grab the unsub as he rounds a corner, and instead of actually managing to stop him, heā€™s met with a sharp hit from the back of the pistol in the unsubā€™s hand.
The sound of the contact makes you flinch a little, and you abandon your plans of catching up to Morgan as he continues the chase as you stop at the corner to check if Spencer is alright.
ā€œHey-ā€ You call out to him breathily, staggering yourself to a stop through broken inhales once youā€™re a few feet away from his back. ā€œAre you okay?-ā€
You hear a low groan from him, presumably in pain ā€” which you definitely canā€™t blame him for ā€” and then heā€™s turning to face you and your jaw practically drops to the floor like one of those cartoon characters.
He has his hand cupped under his nose, dark red spilling down the expanses of his fingers and pooling in his palm to leave small droplets on the floor below him, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed as he hisses through the pain.
ā€œYouā€™re bleeding-ā€
ā€œIā€™m alright-ā€ He gives you a half nod, his nose scrunching slightly as it brushes the side of his index finger and sends another sharp wave of pain up his septum.
You watch a small trail of blood trickle over the back of his hand, falling down between the crevices of his knuckles until it collects underneath his pinkie finger and lets gravity pull it onto the concrete at your feet with wide eyes, blatantly staring with no acknowledgement of what heā€™d said whatsoever.
ā€œYou donā€™t have to look so shocked, itā€™s really not that bad,ā€ Spencer uses his left hand to tug a handkerchief from his pocket that replaces his right under neath his nose, the white fabric slowly turning red as his blood spreads through the fibres. ā€œItā€™s probably not even broken,ā€
You again donā€™t acknowledge his attempts at waving off his worries, your eyes following his right hand as he lets it rest at his side, separated slightly from his leg so he didnā€™t stain his new slacks to instead let the lingering blood fall down to his fingertips.
Spencer furrows his eyebrows at your apparent distraction, causing another wave of pain to shoot up his nose and eliciting a pained groan from his lips.
It didnā€™t help your situation.
ā€œAre you- Uh- Hello?ā€ He tilts his head slightly at you, with a raised eyebrow, slowly removing the handkerchief from his nose once heā€™s sure his nose isnā€™t bleeding anymore.
ā€œYouā€™re so hot- I mean- you look- No- Your face- Your face is red and you look like your hotā€”warmā€”are you sure youā€™re okay?ā€ You reach up to the back of your hand to press it against Spencerā€™s forehead in an absolutely horrible attempt at covering yourself under your running mouth, definitely digging yourself into a deeper hole in the process.
His face wasnā€™t even red. Well it was now but it wasnā€™t when youā€™d blabbed about him ā€˜looking like he was hotā€™. God what had you done? Youā€™d managed to blab yourself into a pit and make Spencer uncomfortable.
ā€œIā€™m- Iā€™m okay,ā€ Spencer gives another small nod as the back of your hand brushes his forehead, and you retract it the second he opens his mouth to stuff it in your pocket and look down at your shoes like the idiot you were.
Now that he was thinking about it, he was feeling quite warm. His cheeks honestly felt like they were burning, but it wasnā€™t a side effect of his nose bleed, they donā€™t cause temperature fluctuation unless youā€™re hit hard enough to get a concussion, and Spencer didnā€™t feel light headed.
He did feel a little dizzy though. The type of dizzy where you donā€™t actually feel dizzy but your stomach drops a little and you feel like your head is full of clouds instead of a brain.
ā€œSorry you uh-ā€ You point a finger underneath your own nose with a small amount of hesitation. ā€œYouā€™ve got-ā€
ā€œHm? Oh-ā€ Spencer brings up his left hand, contaminated handkerchief still held in his fingers as he instead chooses to wipe away the small staining under his nose with the back of his hand instead, leaving a small red streak on the surface of his skin. ā€œThank you-ā€
ā€œYeah no problemā€¦ā€
The two of you stare at each other like youā€™re locked in a stalemate, both unsure of exactly what to say in continuing the conversation. You donā€™t have to wait too long before youā€™re interrupted.
ā€œDamn you look like youā€™ve been mauled,ā€ Morgan chortles shortly as he walks past the two of you with your unsub in cuffs being pulled along beside him. ā€œYou should be careful pretty boy youā€™re going to stain your pants,ā€
Morgan gestures towards Spencerā€™s right hand with his head, and Spencer finally breaks eye contact with you to look down at it. ā€œOh- Right- Yeah thanks,ā€
ā€œNo problem, now lets get this guy to the station so we can get lunch, Iā€™m starving,ā€ Morgan continues back to the SUV without waiting up for the two of you.
ā€œHere let me-ā€ You slide the handkerchief out of his left hand to pick up his right with it as a shield between his tainted hand and your clean one, slowly wiping away the starts of stains where the blood was oxidising around his fingers.
ā€œThank-ā€ Spencer clears his throat animatedly. ā€œThank youā€¦ā€ His gaze flickers between where your hand was tending to his and the red dappled concrete beneath him like he wasnā€™t sure which one to look at.
The way you pulled the fabric down the lengths of each of his fingers felt oddly intimate, and that hazy cloudy feeling was slowly overtaking his mind again as his eyes settled on watching you work.
ā€œOi lovebirds lets go Iā€™m hungry!ā€ Morganā€™s voice reverberated down the street and caused you both to physically jolt as youā€™re ripped out of the little atmosphere youā€™d trapped yourselves in.
You back away from him first, stuffing his handkerchief in his hand with a feigned cough before wringing your hands together behind your back and turning in Morganā€™s direction. ā€œComing!ā€
This would have to be a conversation you saved for later.
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mmmleckerlecker Ā· 3 years
:O) here are my headcanons for the live action cast of a cardio pangs movie. tell me if im right or tell me if im right šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ
lux: zac efron or dean geyer
benji: younger neil patrick harris
lenora: one of the olsen twins
camille: keira knightley
cecil: james marsters with hair dyed brown. he keeps spike accent
bakula: patrick dempsey
mcmully: glenn mazzara or william h macy
mrs. feuerbach: goop
mr. feuerbach: jason isaacs
mrs. marotta: jennifer garner
AGAHAKSL holy shit dude
Lux: I fuckin love Zac Efron. I s2g that someone once fancasted him as Lux before?? I donā€™t really know the other guy but he doesnā€™t look bad for the part either
Benji: šŸ˜­ idk how I feel about this once. I cannot remove myself from the image of NPH as Dr Horrible or Count Olaf and thatā€™s such a disconnect from Benji (even tho young NPH is so baby)
Lenora: hmm maybe when they were youngerā€¦? they almost feel a little too pretty for Lenora. sheā€™s got some grit to her
Camille: I forgot about Keira Knightley. tbh I could see it. I feel like if i was casting it, Keira would be who I got when the actress I REALLY wished for turned me down (note: I donā€™t actually have anyone else in mind)
Cecil: AHHHHHHHH I lm crying YEAH OKAY Iā€™m down
Bakula: stoppp. I feel heā€™s too classically handsome. Bakula would have an unusual beauty about him. and an Eastern European face
McMullen: idk really much about the first dude, but Frank Gallagher as McMullen such a terrifying thought shsjskdl. heā€™s too skeevy. McMullen has a skeevy personality but on the OUTSIDE he looks like a nice grandpa (thatā€™s how he gets you)
Mrs Feuerbach: Gā€¦ Gwyneth Paltrow..? If so, then thatā€™s not bad. I can see it
Mrs Marotta: oh sheā€™s so pretty. I think maybe Iā€™d be okay with it but if I was watching a Hollywood film of it, Iā€™d criticize them for casting someone who is too Hollywood gorgeous for a mother of four
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