#my boyfriend is also a bit jealous of thanatos and i find it hilarious
silenced-judgement · 5 months
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So, now that I have this tumblr blog set up for myself, I wanted to share some things that have happened to me. I've seen people on here post about how Thanatos has come to them in a dream, and that's something I have experienced at least perhaps three times? The first time he had chosen to appear looking very similar to the design of the character from the game Hades; his skin tone around the same, the same exact outfit, except he was still also how he's described in Greek texts and legends; with black hair and black feathered wings. I had asked him through tarot the next day if he had done that on purpose as a way to kind of make it obvious to me who he was or just decided to do so to mess with me, in which his answer was that he had done so just to mess with me. The second time he came to me in a dream, I literally don't remember anything that happened, I just remember him being there looking like himself but in an outfit that I tried my best to replicate through drawing. Third time he came to me in a dream, he wasn't actually there, but at the end of the dream I just remember some butterflies coming over to me and landing on me and my instant reaction in the dream was to go; "Hi Than!" in response.
Thanatos does actually try to avoid my dreams, which is kind of sad because a lot of the times I'm lacking motivation to grab my Tarot and interact with him through them, and my Autism and ADHD doesn't help with that either and I've told him he can try and interact with me through dreams. It's just, my dreams have always been a chaotic mess; I could be dreaming about Minecraft and then the next thing I know it's no longer Minecraft related and I'm suddenly somewhere else. Thanatos literally had gotten lost within my first dream in no less than 10 minutes.
Either way, my art style is obviously a bit far from realistic, but yeah, Thanatos is a pretty boy and he knows it.
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