#my boyfriend freaking sent me with that one it was so funny and like 1am akdslfjsaf
butterzdoesart · 5 months
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So I saw in a friend's discord server that it was best girl's bday on the 3rd so I had that aggressive and sudden motivation to draw this!! It was so freaking fun!!
Also I know its been a moment since I postedd BUT I did some sketching last month but I plan to get them out at some point!! ahaha
Also shout out to my partner for saying Happy Bday Piniki Pee asjdlfkjsaklfjdsaklfjsalkfj
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¡Hola! I'm district 13C if any of you want to send letters on dearelder.com they can go straight to me the same day and it is free!! Hint hint lol. 
Oh my flight.. that was a story...A mom and daughter sent next to me on the plane. They were from SLC and had never heard of the gospel. The daughter, age 13, asked me what I was doing with every single book I had pulled out (BOM, OMG, Our Heritage) asked me my first name (she was confused with the Sister Slack) and was so curious why I decided to leave my family for 18 months.Well the turbulence was crazy and I started to feel really sick. Well apparently I wasn't the only one and the mom informed us she was about to vomit as well as her eyes got huge and had no bag to throw up in.. so of course I freaked and got up and tried to get something but got yelled at by the flight attendant. Long story short- don't stand up while the seat buckle is on and she ended up holding it in so I was good. But when we got off I was questioned a lot by the other 11 missionaries on my flight "were you the one who almost got thrown up on?" YES, that was me. The hermanas in mi casa have found out I'm a trickster and it's so funny. At night there are flying cockroaches that come out. They are pretty gross. It's so funny we all run to our casa. Well one hermana was complaining about them so I told her calmly (she didn't know me well enough yet or she would have known I'd be freaking out as well) that there was one on her skirt. I laughed sooo hard as she did the funniest dance on one foot to try to shake this imaginary bug off. That was with Hermana Williams. The hermanas are all scared of spiders so I guess I'm the real champ aka spider killer in the casa. I was killing a spider by hermana Williams bed when I lost it.. now she doesn't sleep by the wall she sleeps at the bottom of her bed HAHAHA it's been like 5 days now too. I also think it's funny to hide behind corners and Hermana Blockston gets so scared and hits me with what's in her hands.  I got so lucky with the girls in my casa and the missionaries in my district!  I love them all and we are already all so close.
My companion is Hermana Jones. She looks so much Kenzie Moon it is sooo crazy! She is from Gilbert, Arizona. She went to BYUI. She is the best companion and I'm so grateful have her. The first week was a bit rough and I don't think I could make it without Hermana Jones. She's seriously the best.Do you guys remember the Hermana we saw as we were saying goodbye at security? She is in mi casa! Hermana Williams. (She is the one with glasses)  She is from South Jordan and went to Herriman High School. Her companion is Hermana Blockston who is from Layton! We all flew to Mexico together. We are all so close already. Funny thing-we all have boyfriends haha! Really couldn't ask for a better companion or girls to share a room with. My companion and I arent ever really alone. We really travel in a quad lol. 
Apparently 90% of missionaries that come to the COM stay in Mexico! We are all part of that 10%! Hermana Jones is serving in Little Rock, Arkansas and Hermana Blockston and Hermana Williams are serving in Houston Texas. (No not east or west just Houston haha)I have found a few more GREAT reasons why I'm excited to serve in states which we have all become more excited for. 1) WE CAN STILL USE OUR ENGLISH 2)realizing what we dont have but can buy back in the states 3)spoiled from our parents with packages and letters 4) WE CAN STILL USE OUR ENGLISH lol 
There are only about 200 missionaries at the CCM right now and will soon be 1200 by the time I get out of here. So crazy! It really is like a ghost town here tho at times. Sometimes we are the only ones walking in the streets. But not for long! There are new missionaries here and it's so nice not being the newbies haha!
Saturday, 26 Mayo I woke up to a sick companera. She had woken up at 1AM and was throwing up until 6AM.. we later found out that HALF of the CCM had gotten sick, all throwing up and completely pale. We were sure it was food poisoning.... But now they said it was a virus. They believe we brought it from SLC but I never got it and no one else on my flight.. So glad I did not! But classes were crazy as there were only about 4 in each class. I didn't make it to my first class but we later paired up all the sick people to be companions so all the healthy ones could make it to our classes because we all know i need all the help I can get lol.. 
Everyone here is so nice. We always speak Spanish in the comedor,  or lunch room haha.
Its kind of crazy to think there is a world outside of these barbed wire fences haha. But we hear continuous honking in the streets because the driving is CRAZYYYY here. its like they play a game how close can you get to the other cars lol. And 80% of the time there are sirens, probably because of the crazy driving. Airplanes that fly overhead play music hahha!
Now my espanol... oh man lol. No bueno. So if you didn't know, I took 3 years of ASL in high school. Was pretty good At ASL and no spanish at all. Well I'm definitely the only one in my class with no experience. The first day of class was insane. We were given so much material and everyone was so right- my brain is FRIED. Told to study and memorize 500 things by two days lol.But I've got almost everything memorized we've needed to! It's so true that we have help from the Lord. I cant remember who said it but they said in the mission field we can learn something in ten minutes that someone cant learn in a lifetime. Days are forever long. 10AM feels like 2PM and 2PM feels like 8PM. Days feel like weeks and weeks feel like days. 
There is an elder here in my district going to the same mission as me! Elder Lemmon, from Las Vegas! He said Brian Denise is in his ward and told him a family member was also called there, well he found me! Small world haha!
We are supposed to give talks every week to be ready to be called on to speak in sacrament. That's awful haha. Memorize 300 spanish words in 3 days. We heard from elder rasband and soon Renlund! 
Food is eh... some days good some days I just eat the fruit.Tuesday's all you can eat pizza. Some think thats what got everyone sick but that's a lie haha. We get French toast pancakes waffles a lot for breakfast. One day was crepes that looked yummy but turned out to be with black beans.. YUCK.we had hamburgers one night and the best French fries! I've only been gone a week but feel like I haven't had fries in years lol. Yes I did eat the burger haha! 
Sorry my email is all over the place. Soon I'll get better lol
Our district correspond out outfits one day haha it was so funny, we all wore blue. 
Okay ending with the funniest thing that happend!!The second night I was writing in my journal when my companion asked "Hermana Slack? .... what color is your tooth brush?" I said blue.... She said "I totally used it thinking it was mine...." HAHAHAHAH I laughed so hard and replied "that's one way to get real close with your companion!!" It was so funny. She was so embarrassed and offered me a new toothbrush but hey we are just THAT close. Lololol 
I love you all so much! I think about each and every one of you a lot of the time. I pray for each of you and want to hear all about everything going on! I love you guys. I also love letters and photos can also be sent if you have some I can keep ... ;) Have a great week!! Hermana Slack :)
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