#my bitch ass wants to get back into reading history books but the pull of fantasy is simply too much to resist
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boltlightning · 2 months ago
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@dying-suffering-french-stalkers tagged me to post nine books i want to read in the coming year!! most of these have been sitting on my shelf for many many months :—) certainly the weight of all these giant and well-revered series will not break me. certainly not.
tagging @madethemright @thesumdancekid @aloveforjaneausten @appolojustice and You, The Girl Reading This <3
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cwcthzl · 5 months ago
i am assigned you homework to watch when harry met sally
okay so when i saw this i decided i was gonna watch it and keep a record of all of my thoughts during the film and share it with you, so here you go (it's a lot, i warn you)
i can't believe i have harry's exact haircut oh my fucking god
why does he casually have grapes w him
god how i envied those cheerful ppl who dotted their 'i's with little hearts
"look, when the shit comes down, i'm gonna be prepared and you're not. that's all i'm saying." / "in the meantime you're gonna ruin your whole life waiting for it."
sally's hair flow is actually gorgeous no wonder why she puts that much hairspray on
their fits are so 🤩🤩
i like how everytime sally declines to say more when harry asks, harry goes with 'fine, don't tell me' and moves on with whatever is in front of him instead of giving sally the reaction she very much expects (aka pleading for more info) and sally just gives in because she WANTS to share even tho she says she doesn't/can't
sheldon the wonder schlong😭😭💀
"but if you MUST know" gurl just spit it out
"they don't make sunday." / "why not?" / because of god." IM WHEEZING
he is so sassy with the 'so?'s oh my god
he is so me
i like the song choice here because i think it really reflects sally and harry's interaction perfectly. "you say ee-ther, i say either." / "you like potato, and i like pot-ahto."
why does he have a baseball bat
why do blonde men look bald
"i never considered not sleeping with you a sacrifice" SALLY YOU COOKED HIM GIRL
"it's amazing. you look like a normal person but actually you are the angel of death."
i LOVE harry's mindset he is so me i'm gonna kill myself this guy is an ass
i was waiting for harry to get divorced tbh he had that divorced dad kinda vibe to him im glad he aced his journey ❤️
standing up to join the wave after telling your friend your wife told you she doesn't know if she's ever loved you is INSANE
"oh really? well that symptom is fucking my wife." funniest line delivery in history
marie i love you bby we're gonna get through this together even tho you're dumb asf
why is this bitch pulling a joe goldberg rn
it's the way sally is taller than harry for me
this couple pissed me off so much GOD STOP TALKING OVER EACH OTHER FOR A FUCKING SEC
is harry reading stephen king or are my eyes deceiving me
it's that ugly ass back cover that got my attention. i thrifted doctor sleep and only realized stephen king was on the back cover when mom pointed it out by saying that guy probably looked at his own face for horrors. not cool mum
"i miss the idea of him."
he is so weird why does he remember all the things she ordered with such hyperspecific steps. why is he like that. why is he me
"big jerk." / "little creep." LMAOOOOOOOOOO
marie i'm gonna kick your ass
their fight 😭😭😭 their hug😭😭😭😭 i hate this bitches😭😭😭
"he is a good guy, you should talk to him!" / "he is too tall to talk to." what if i did a flip
he is still reading the end of the books first
he is so soft and gentle with her i'm gonna cry. not a single jab, a single sarcastic comment. just attentively listening and comforting - reassuring her and petting her hair as sally ugly cries . oh my god they are so 😭😭
sally is so pretty even when she cries tf
laughing to crying pipeline is so real sally i get you bby
i love their little kissies it's so insanely pure to me. like a kiss you would get when you are in elementary when you thought this was the ultimate form of love. so innocent and for what
okay well now this is not very just a peck
okay this is escalating
why is harry looking at the ceiling like its the ceiling's fault like damn 😭😭
i love sally's curls so much
why every way they approach this it gets even weirder like i am thinking if they fuck all of this would be resolved and they did and it sucked and now i am thinking they should just go back to being friends and they are doing it but it never seems fucking right???????
what are those skinny ass leggings are they fruitcakes
this tall bitch again
no this is another bitch
bro he is so me what the fuck i'm gonna kill myself
"how about you love me too?"
"i came here because when you realize you wanna spend the rest of your life with somebody you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."
"you say things like that and you make it impossible for me to hate you!" 10 things i hate about you reference? perchance?
yeah def have chocolate sauce on the side
but after all, i really enjoyed this film. like, throughly. i would be fine even if they didn't end up together because their friendship was just that good and reminded me of me and a friend of mine, and it really touched some subjects i really liked. also i added another mf to my kinlist, so thanks????? ig????? they are very cute and i Loved this film debs you are a saint
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duskyvision · 1 year ago
m. l. rio - if we were villains
Hi, it's been a while! I've been itching to write a book review because it's been over a year now, and sometimes I just have to scream about books in other places than on Discord (I still scream about books on Discord, but shh).
So why not just write a book review about a book that I did not enjoy? Haha, what a funny thing nobody has ever done before! I sure wonder what this funny guy is going to say about this book he didn't enjoy.
Anyway, this is going to be pretty long, and I'm gonna bitch about a bunch of stuff in here. Will contain spoilers.
Content warnings:
substance abuse (alcohol, drugs)
This book was my first venture into the dark academia genre/aesthetic, something I'd seen a bunch of stolen Tiktoks about on my Pinterest feed, but never paid too much attention to, mostly because I don't really care about stories centered on students. Maybe that should have been my first warning sign.
Initially, I wanted to read The Secret History by Donna Tartt because that's apparently what's seen as the dark academia staple, but I decided to stick to this because it was the only book I'd found an audiobook of on Scribd, and audiobooks are more digestible. Read a bit of the blurb and thought, "okay, sounds like it could be interesting".
Man was I wrong.
Reading the blurb, I already knew I'd have to handle pretty pretentious characters, because there's nothing more pretentious than a group of more or less wealthy white theater kids obsessed with Shakespeare (except for rich white business majors and law majors, put one of each category in a locked room and they'd maul each other within 0.5 seconds like wild beasts trying to one-up the other), but holy shit, it was worse than I'd anticipated.
The writing makes everyone and especially Oliver (the narrator) sound insufferable to the point where I wished they could simply shut up. Unfortunately, this book has slug-like pacing and bitches who love to talk on top of chapters that are padded with lines copied verbatim from Shakespeare plays because admittedly you need a very high IQ to understand the nuances and intricacies of Shakespeare plays and how it influences the characters.
And while we're still on writing: while in theory, the script-like snippets are a fun nod to how plays are formatted, it simply doesn't work in audiobook format. Really grating to hear things like "James: Cock" "Me: So true bestie" when my patience was already wearing thin the more I listened to it.
Yet, the writing wasn't the most infuriating aspect of this book to me. I think what infuriates me the most about If We Were Villains is that, ultimately, the entire book tries so hard to be deep and emotional regarding its plot and its characters when said plot is predictably boring and the characters have the depth of a single sheet of paper.
So let's talk about the plot! By the halfway point in the first part of the book, it was made obvious who would die between the main characters, but comically so. The moment Richard started acting up, I felt like the author slapped a huge sign on his head like "Watch out! He's either the bad guy or... THE VICTIM! OMG!" because there was no way Mrs Rio could come back from turning Richard into a goofy Sunday morning kids cartoon villain. And as soon as Richard died, I also predicted the twist itself, because it was so goddamn obvious it felt like it was screamed into my ears.
Now, I usually don't mind if a plotline is predictable. Actually, I enjoy it! It makes me feel smart to predict things and figure out what's happening, and it usually keeps me engaged rather than plot twists that are pulled out of the author's ass! The problem with this book, though, is that I wasn't engaged in the characters to begin with, so following them going through their problems after Richard's death just made me feel a total sense of apathy followed by "so... when are we getting to more plot?"
It focuses too much on trying to give emotional depth to characters whom, in my opinion, severely lack it to begin with. The main characters aren't interesting to me, they're just puppets with names on them at this point. They can really just be summed up into archetypes that are barely explored in a way that feels compelling:
Oliver: The average joe. Oh, look at him, he's so average and surrounded by people who are so much more interesting than him (this is a lie)!
James: The guy. I'm struggling to find anything interesting about him, besides the fact that he's Oliver's best friend and roommate. You can tell he's important because he's Oliver's roommate. I think a loaf of white bread would be more memorable as a character than him.
Richard: Probably the most interesting character in the cast, ironically, solely because he's a fish out of the water. By that, I mean that he's just a jock in the middle of theater kids. Besides that, he's laughable at best: the author tries so hard to make him devoid of anything sympathetic in the moments leading up to his death that it nullifies any emotional investment you could have in any of the characters.
Meredith: The hot girl but like not in an objectified way, in a gaslight gatekeep girlboss way (this is a lie). Richard's girlfriend. Can't catch a break because everyone and their mom objectifies and slut shames her. She usually breasts boobily, not in written script but in spirit due to how her role in the story is pretty much "piece of meat".
Alexander: The weed-smoking gay literature major stereotype, except in a special way because he objectifies Meredith too, for some reason. Diversity win! Gay man is also gross towards women!
Filippa, Wren and Colin: Filippa and Wren exist for the sole purpose of not turning this cast into a complete sausage fest (& Knuckles Meredith). Filippa is the good friend who covers everyone, and Wren is the fragile frail uwu girl. Colin exists solely to be Alexander's boyfriend.
What a totally charming cast of characters who are oh so full of depth, and completely developed throughout this book. There's also a detective guy, but I completely forgot his name because the book spent too much time on this group of pretentious theater kids whining about their interpersonal relationships.
Man, just talking about how much this book bored me is becoming a pain in the ass, so I'll just summarize what I thought about the book here:
Pretentious, flowery writing with sluggish and often jarring pacing
Characters who are equally pretentious and whose high airs desperately try to hide the innate nothing burger-ness of their existence
Extremely predictable plot that's handed to the reader on a platter by the first part, making the reading experience that much more boring when you have 0 affinity nor sympathy for any of the cast members
Final rating: 1/5 (2.29/10 on CAWPILE). I should have dropped this book when I predicted the entire plot instead of being stubborn.
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starlingsrps · 8 months ago
hangs in the air like stars in outer space
halloween comes and goes and nothing happens between nell and captain holland. privately, mary is annoyed as hell. she despises losing, especially when hatcher is still in the game and she’s out. she (probably) could have taken it if he had lost too but that gawky son of a bitch is still in. after the annoyance wears off, she achieves a kind of zen about it. she’s not richer but she also only put five bucks in so she’s not out too much, all things considered. she does, for a moment, consider grant’s theory that maybe nell and holland hooked up and just didn’t tell anyone but mary can read nell like a book. she’s as tense as ever and no, she’d be a lot more relaxed if she was finally getting some.
she’d know.
it’s quiet today - the mission light is dark and the men have been milling around back and forth between huts and rec buildings. she’s pretty sure she saw jack warren dragging a few of the guys to go see some cows, which should probably be a sign to brass that they need to get some new movies stat. clubmobile has been quiet since they opened up, an absolute waste of lipstick as far as mary is concerned, and it’s just been the her and nell perched at their little cafe table listening to a tommy dorsey album and painting each other’s nails for what feels like hours. she’s not sure where helen has fucked off to but since she hasn’t seen jp, she’s sure he’s trapped somewhere in the chapel with her debating theology, the poor bastard. 
“any headway with kirkpatrick?”
mary glances up from nell’s left thumb and pulls a face. “oh, that’s nothing. hold still.”
“you look cute together.”
“please, i look cute with everyone. it’s my cross to bear. what about you, heartbreaker? saw you talking to captain tucker the other day.”
“i think he’s just lonely. the guys are still hazing him.”
“oh, tucker’s something alright. i was at kimbolton for a minute and if it’s pretty and breathing, he’s on it.” an idea strikes her and she looks up. nell looks absolutely miserable, as though she knows what’s coming. “could be good for you. practical experience and all that. easy on the eyes, nice ass.”
nell’s fingers twitch as though she’s dying to pull them back and run like hell, wet nail polish be damned. “i don’t think-“ she cuts herself off with a frustrated huff and presses her lips together. “it’s fine.”
her eyes flick off of mary’s face and she turns her head to see halstead and holland approaching. there’s no mission today so they look about as relaxed as they ever do. nell’s fingers twitch again and mary laughs. “down, girl.”
“shut up.”
“gentlemen,” she calls in greeting. “need anything? let me finish this base coat on howard first and i’ll get on it.”
“do mine next?” halstead shoves a hand under her nose.
mary pretends to blanch like scarlett o’hara at the sight of the engine grease under his nails. “with those hooves? absolutely not. holland, you in? i’ve got skyhigh and dark ‘n’ handsome.”
“i’m good, thanks though.” across from her, nell’s face lightens a bit and mary just knows that he’s smiled at her. “we should get going. meeting.”
the two of them continue on and mary gives nell some dignity back by pretending she doesn’t notice her watch them walk away. she’s already terrorized the poor thing enough. “a little blood in the water might get him off his ass,” mary suggests, moving back to do a second coat.
“i really don’t know if he’s interested.”
mary rolls her eyes at nell’s cuticles. “honey, i know you’re not blind.”
“i’ve seen that man break speed records to say bless you first if you sneeze across base.”
“your children would have the best hair in human history.”
nell laughs a little at that. “well, maybe i’m not interested in him.”
“howard, you’re the worst liar i’ve ever met. don’t piss on my hair and tell me it’s raining.”
“i’m not. you know it’s a bad idea to get involved with the pilots. i just don’t want to get attached and get hurt.”
“because you’re not already,” mary mutters under her breath. “you’re an idiot.” at nell’s sound of protest, mary shushes her and moves to finish the second coat with a little more zeal than skill. “a very good man, dare i say a disgustingly good man, would marry you with five minutes notice and you just keep shooting yourself in the foot.”
“what if he-“
“what if the van falls over and crushes us right now? what if he dies? what if this ends tomorrow and he goes back to iowa and you never see him again and i get christmas cards from you and some bozo who looks like him if you squint a little for the next thirty years? you’ve got to take a chance sometime.”
nell is glowering, gnawing on the inside of her cheek before finally spitting out “omaha is in nebraska.”
mary caps the nail polish, mostly because she’s finished and a little because nell howard is stubborn as a goddamn mule and she’s about to throw it at her. “jesus christ, howard. are you ever going to let yourself want anything again?” she’s gone just a half step too far but her gloves are off and mary knows she’s incapable of backing off until she’s finished. “you know damn well your brother would want you to be happy. it’s not a fucking crime and it’s not going to bring him back if you sit there miserable for the rest of your life.”
nell’s face is white and she looks as pissed as mary has ever seen her. good. as far as mary is concerned, she doesn’t do it enough. she stands and shoves the bottle in her pocket and straightens her hair scarf. “give those five minutes to dry. if you still want to punch me in ten, i’ll be doing inventory and we can see if it really is chip proof.”
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indefiniteimagines · 3 years ago
You Need to be Fucked || Elliot Smut (Euphoria)
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Warnings: SMUT, slight degradation, drug use, bomb ass music, language, Dom!Elliot
I met Elliot for the first time at Rue’s house. I surprised her with a bestie day and found them snorting something off a history book. In all fairness, I’ve always been easily persuaded.
We all started bonding before heading back to school. I was talking with Jules before I close my locker and we walk the halls to Rue. She’s talking to Lexi who exists before we approach. Jules kisses Rue and asks how her day has been and I can’t help but smile at their cute interaction before bringing a party the upcoming weekend.
“I don’t know. I got really wasted at Joey’s last weekend, I kinda just wanna chill. Plus I know Rue has NA, right Rue?” 
“Mmmhm,” Rue said while we kind of eyed each other. She’s as sober as a Priest is straight and sadly I’m helping my best friend lie to my other best friend. 
Elliot approached with a “Hey Ladies” before taking a slight bow. The bell rings and Jules pulls Rue to class while Elliot and I rail lines behind the school.
That night I went to Elliot’s and it was an experience. We got high together, listened to music and talked about how we would want to be discovered if we were ever murdered. Nothing too bloody, but definitely something to make them say, “Oh yeah, that bitch is dead”.
That weekend we both went to Joey’s without the girls and unbeknownst to me, the host and I hit it off. In the coming weeks, he was hanging out more with Rue and Jules and I was hanging out with Joey. I could see he was getting closer to them and it made me a little jealous. To get back at him, I would leave him on read in the middle of our conversation. Then he started to that shit to me. It kind of turned me on, but I hated it at the same time. Joey just gets insecure and asks if I still want to be with him if I leave him on read.
When we finally did get together, we had a lot to catch up on. We were listening to Vedo and he was speaking truth. I do need to be fucked because Joey just isn’t giving it like I need it. I cum, but I’m bored after. There’s no excitement, no taming, no pushing boundaries. To be honest, when Jules told me about her Elly, I wanted that.
You just need some head in the shower, or maybe back shots in the shower. I love it when you open it up. Have that pussy lookin' like a flower
“Are you getting horny?”
“What? No. Why?”
“Because you’re moving around a lot and I know what that means for girls.”
“You don’t know anything, Elliot. Just listen to the song,” I said blowing out smoke.
“I know this song represents you,” he said looking up to the ceiling. I damn near choke on my hit with that ridiculous announcement.
“I’m sorry, what? How?”
“Oh come on. You do fuck with lame niggas. From the stories you tell me, you’re not getting what you need.”
“And how do you know what I need?” I started to get a little defensive.
“It’s obvious,” he shrugs.
“Fuck you, it’s obvious. You don’t know me, Elliot.”
“Whoa. Why you being such a bitch right now?”
With that I was leaping off the floor and charging him.
“What the fuck did you just call me? WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME!?” I got in a few licks to his chest before he caught my wrists in his hands. He roughly pulled me flush to him,
“A bitch. Why are you being one? Or did those Oxys make you go stupid. Huh?” He poked me in the forehead and I was shocked. His condescending tone made me red with blush and anger.
“Get your hands off me.” He lets go and puts his hands up while walking backwards. His fucking smirk made what I’m about to say so much easier,
“And that’s why Jules doesn’t trust you,” I turn my back and bend over to collect my things, “you fucking sit there and you judge people like you’re fuckin God.”
I turn back to face him and he’s now stalking over to me while putting his joint out on the desk. I continue talking my shit while growing more and more alert. He removes my backpack off my shoulder and then slowly wraps his hands around the front and back of my neck.
I go silent.
He slowly licks my lips and looks deep into my eyes before whispering, “I don’t know how Joey let’s you talk to him, but you don’t get to be a bitch to me and get away with it.” He kisses me deeply and my breath hitches in my throat.
“So instead of acting out, be a big girl and tell me what you need.”
You've got a mouth witcho mean ass. Ohh, sometimes you can act like a bitch, but I know you don’t mean it. I know you don't mean it. You just need some TLC, THC, long dick and Hennessy, yeah that's me. Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Let me know, let me know.
I just stare at him and then he guides me to the bed and lays me down. Once there, we’re all over each other. Kissing and biting and fighting for dominance, which he wins.
I struggle against his grip and he just laughs at me. He leans down and bites my lip, “You’re so hot like this,” he grunted as soon as he released my lips. His mouth moving lower down my jaw and neck, “Fighting me.” He sits up and back on his heels to remove his shirt.
I reach up and dig my nails into his bare chest as a protest in losing dominance. He winces and then rips the front of my t-shirt before giving me a light tap to the cheek. I couldn’t help but moan.
“Shut the fuck up. You lost that privilege when you couldn’t even tell me what you’re thinking. What disgusting and degrading thoughts run through that beautiful brain.”
He takes of our bottoms and finishes tearing my shirt. In a last ditch effort to make him be at my mercy, I try to flip us over when he’s distracted. He wrestles me back into position, “Do you think I’m stupid?”
He rolls me on my stomach and bends to my ear, “Do you think I’m Joey?”
I try to head butt him, but he dodges it and his left hand finds the back of my neck again. His right goes to my throbbing pussy.
“Since you won’t tell me what you’ve been thinking about, I’ll tell you what I’ve been thinking about.” He inserts a finger only half way in,
“Touching you.” His finger goes all the way in before pulling out and adding another. He thrusts them in and out a few times before pulling them back out. He leaned back over my shoulder and took my hair in his hand to raise my head and look at him.
“Mmmm, tasting you.” He sucks his fingers clean before disappearing. I feel his tongue enter my soaking pussy and I almost cum right there, but I would never let him know that.
He removes his mouth and bites my shoulder, “Taking you.” He pushes his hard cock into my wet pussy and my eyes roll back into my head.
“Owning you.” He thrusts roughly a couple times before I’m practically screaming.
“Ohhh god, Elliot!”
He pulls out before sitting back on his heels and running his hand through his blonde curls.
I whined at the loss of contact and looked back at him,
“Please…” the word fell from my lips in a broken cry as his hot breath caressed my cheek.
“Please what?”
I know girls can never say they want it. Girls can never say now. Shawty just tell me you want it. Baby just let that shit out.
“Fuck me,” I whimpered, trying to raise my ass back against his hardness, but he held me down.
“Do better.”
“Sir…” I sighed, too desperate to care if I sounded pathetic or not. “Please fuck me.”
He hummed and bottomed out. I let out a moan and a smile appeared on my face but disappeared when he didn’t move.
“Tell me.”
He starts to pull back out when I start begging, “I’ve thought about you inside me,” I whimpered and this time he rewarded me with three strong pumps inside my cunt. “I’ve thought about you to pinning me down and ramming your big cock so hard I see stars and I can’t sit for a week without feeling you.”
He lets out a growl and pulls me to my knees. He starts to pull me back into him, “was that so fucking hard? You put yourself through all this and for what?”
He shoves three fingers in my mouth while mercilessly thrusting into me until I’m soaking the sheets beneath him. I try to pull myself off of him, but he held me there.
“Pull yourself off my dick again and see what happens.”
He makes me cum again before emptying himself on the small of my back. He pushes back in to ride out his high. He finally stills his movements before pulling out and grabbing the towel. He joins me on the bed and pulls me in his arms,
“Are you alright?” he asked, raising his flushed and sweaty face, eyes full of concern. “I was pretty rough with you.”
“Nothing I couldn’t handle.” You smiled up at him. “Thank you, Elly. That was perfect. My legs are fucking numb.”
“We’ll I’m down for round two whenever you are…”
You need some love. You need to be fucked
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writers-worst-nightmare · 4 years ago
Legoshi, Juno and bill see there human S/o come to there dorm after doing some training and thy remove these bands off there legs and hands and thy place them on the side they looked nice so thy go to get a better look and they try to lift a band but it would not budge and S/o casually comment"you won't be able to lift them each training band weighs 5 Tons
Legoshi, Jack, and Bill reacting to having a very very strong human s/o:
a/n: I HAVE RAISED FROM MY GRAVE (and also gotten motivation to do this request)
Warning(s): cussing
Pairing(s): Legoshi x reader, Jack x reader, Bill x reader
request are always open
- Legoshi is almost ALWAYS at your dorm
- either he is taking picture of your dorm, reading a book, just talking to you
- you get the idea
- so it is no big shock to you when you come to your own dorm and see Legoshi is on your bed reading a book about humans
- "oh...hey y/n...!"
- Legoshi would chirp, putting down the book he was reading and hugging you
- You chuckled slightly and patted his back
- "hey baby! did you miss me?"
- you responded as you kissed him on the cheek
- Legoshi nodded his head and gave you a little bit of room for you to get your shoes off
- you took off the bands on your ankles and smiled sweetly at the male wolf
- you turned your back on Legoshi for A SECOND and Legoshi was going to pick up after you
- mind you he usually does this, since you are not the cleanest person in the world he likes to clean up for you
- but when he reached to grab the bands you had around your ankles he could not reach them off the ground
- Legoshi pulled with all his wolf might but he just could NOT DO IT
- and he didn't want to look like a fool and ask you if you could lift some bands for him
- but you heard him grunting and got a little curious
- looking over your shoulder you saw that Legoshi was trying to pick up the bands with all his wolf might
- you laughed at him
- "You won't be able to lift them up, each training band weighs 5 tons my little big bad wolf!"
- you casually comment as you turned back around and threw on a hoodie
- Legoshi whipped his head around as fast as you said that
- Legoshi exclaimed as he let go of the training band and ran to you
- "five tons per band, so ten tons in all. You won't able to lift those in a while!"
- you said again
- Legohi just stared a you in shock and awe
- "teach me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- Jack is and will always be the hyper type
- like the one that will ALWAYS go on walks with you
- you never get a walk alone with this man
- he is also super clingy so that does not help
- you have considered getting one of those child leashes for him
- there is nothing bad about him being the way that he is it is just that he us so
- out there??????????
- like he just casually makes friends while out on a walk and you have to stand there
- like you know when your Mom runs into a friend from high school in a middle of the store and you just have to stand there and pretend like you are interested in whatever you have to say but all you really want is that amazing sweet sweet place everyone else called home
- yeah it's like that
- but worse
- and it didn't help the fact that today was a crowded day so you had to DRAG Jack away from some people because he was clogging up the path for other people who just wanted to workout
- once the two of you got home you were a sweating mess and Jack was still talking to you a mile a minute
- you took off your training bands that you had around your ankles and threw them like it was nothing around the bed
- "babeeeee that's where I was going to take my dog nap!"
- he refuses to call cat naps cat naps because it was disrespectful to all dog kind apparently
- "I will get them off the bed in a second."
- you brushed off and took off your shoes.
- you were about to lift the bands off the bed when Jack tried to get them off
- you gave Jack an annoyed look
- Jack still struggled with the bands, struggling to get them off the bed like it was glue
- “you won’t be able to lift them Jack, each band weights about five tons!”
- Jack sighs and gives up quite easily
- his brain is quite small, please give him some time
- he thinks about it for a while and you can hear him sometimes brag about it to Legoshi
- Bill is a very busy man
- and you are also busy
- so it is very rare that the two of you sit down and have a date
- most of the time it is just some theater chore that Louis made you two put together just because he got tired of hearing Bill complain about not having enough time to get together with his partner/lover/significant other
- Louis has sent Bill after he complained for the hundredth time about never having a date you in five weeks
- and to him that might as well be a hundred years
- “Hey y/n, Bill is being annoying and want to go on a date with you. So to shut him up I am making you two design costumes. Oh, and by ‘you two’ I mean just you because we both know more then anybody that Bill will get the most revealing costume and put it on all the girls because he can.”
- Louis stated, you could practically see the steam coming from his ears and irritated little mark on his forehead that every anime in the history of an8me characters has
- “Of course Louis-senpai!”
- senpai means upperclassmen so don’t come at me
- You straightened your back and bolted to the theater room
- You exclaim loudly, busting into theater room that still has other theater members in it
- everyone jumps five feet in the air as you walk in
- Bill rolls his eyes before walking over to you and smiling largely
- “I already made an outfit for you! Look at it!!”
- Bill showed you two scraps of fabric that he called an outfit
- You sighed and grabbed the two fabric pierces that were th color of bright neon green (the one color you couldn’t pull off without looking like a crayon)
- ripping it to shreds and throwing in the nearest trash can you patted Bill’s broad shoulders
- “that is not an outfit, that is two pierces of fabrics in the ugliest color I could ever imagine.”
- you smiled a deathly kind of smile that told Bill he should tread carefully or else you would snap his neck in half
- “what‘s that?”
- Bill asked, pointing to your training bands around your ankles
- “oh! Those are my training bands! Do you think that they look good? I was going to go for the light gray bands but chose to go to the dark purple instead to match my dark purple outfit.”
- you explained, a little bit of pep in your step as you lifted up your legs and showed off the training bands smiling proudly
- Bill lifted his eyebrows and unbuckled the ankle training bands and tried to lift them up
- Bill exclaimed as he tried to lift them off the ground
- everyone started laughing at Bill’s attempt to lift the arm bands
- “babe, you won’t be able to lift the arm bands, they are five tons per band!”
- you laughed as you brushed off Bill’s attempt
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bisexual-bitch-blogs · 4 years ago
hi this is my first time sending a request like this, would it be ok to ask for a threesome with two mean doms zhongli and diluc, with maybe overstimulation, spanking, rough sex, choking, bondage, orgasm denial, degrading,,,, 👉👈 thank u so much for ur service 🙏
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Dom Diluc/Zhongli X Sub Fem Reader
That's a lot of kinks. But I'm not complaining. Um I did have not have any pics of Diluc and Zhongli together so I did a simple 5 sec editing and here ya go! Sorry this took so long. Thank you for reading!
POV You bought a new friend home. It's a harmless hydro slime and your boyfriends dont approve of it. You get pouty and they punish you
Includes: Overstimulation, Spanking, Rough sex, Choking, Bondage, Orgasm denial, degrading, Dacryphilia, dumbification
You were living every girl's dream. Dating Diluc, the stoic bartender and Zhongli, the walking history of Liyue book.
How did you attract them? Simple, you were a cute crybaby working as an adventurer. Not a surprise when their sadistic personas screamed to make you cry even harder.
Telling you right here and now. They're gentlemen in the streets but assholes in the sheets. You loved them with all your heart but they're so mean in bed. You can't even tell them to stop because they know you actually liked it.
Anyways, enough about them. After finishing your last commission, you bought a small blue slime home because it was so cute. Not only that. It was harmless seeing as it kept following you around like a dog. Carrying the bundle of joy in your arms, you entered Dawn Winery Manor, the workers stared in astonishment watching the hydro being nestled between your breast, purring.
Simultaneously, your lovers came out from wherever they were and greeted you.
"Welcome home, darling/dear-"
They were cut off, seeing the suppose hostile mob snoozing away in your embrace. You greeted them back.
"I'm home, Luc! Li!"
Zhongli's porcelain face scrunched up in disgust seeing the slimy creature. Why the hell did you bring it into their sleeping quarters? Is that thing just made a smug face at him?? Nah hes just delusional cuz of jealously and disgust or smth
Diluc doesn't hate slimes like the Geo Archon does but not does he like them either. Rather the crimson haired thought of them as nuisances to his business.
You asked.
"I found this slime following me and thought it was harmless. Why not take it home? Can we keep it please~?"
The males looked at each and nodded before turning back to look at you. They said.
You were taken back, baffled.
"What? Why??!"
The red haired male huffed, explaining.
"I probably would not mind, perhaps let you put it in a tank and take care of it however you know how Zhongli has a very strong hate for anything slimy."
You pouted.
"Then it doesn't need to be near Li and it'll be fine!"
You were determine to have this small slime be your companion during adventuring time. Forget seelies. Forget your boyfriends disapproval. Your going to keep it in the guest room and sleep with the squishy blue ball there.
Just as you were about to run away. Diluc grabbed you by the waist, carrying you over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes, making you drop your little companion. It bounces away, squeaking. You called out, hitting the red head's lower back, weakly with your fists.
"Hey! What was that for?!"
Flinching, a swift slap was delivered to your bum and you didn't know who did it. Zhongli said.
"After we said no. You still take it in? Bad girl. I believe punishment must be ordered."
You blabbered in disbelief.
Suddenly, you were tossed onto the bed, sinking into the soft sheets of comfort, your clothes were ripped off by 2 pairs of greedy hands.
Perhaps you froze in shock when they toss away your scattered remains of clothing but they're already naked, their little friends exposed yet not awakened.
Zhongli hand gripped around your throat tightly, cutting off your air way. Meanwhile, your pyro lover ran his hot wet tongue over your folds, dampening your entrance. Tears gather at the corner of your eyes, feeling hazy at the lack of air yet hot. When Zhongli took away his coarse hand away from your throat, you desperately gasped for air. Without time to rest, the geo user pressed down on your hardened buds with his thumbs. You gave a breathy moan, stilling trying to catch the air you desperately needed in your lungs.
Diluc lapped at the slick you produced from your core, his nose rubbed against your clit making you shake every 5 seconds. Taking this as a distraction. The ravenette clipped your hard buds with some sort of unique silver nipple clamps.
It stung and Zhongli is not helping by tugging on them. You complained.
"I-It hurts!"
Nothing new. They whispered comforting words but you couldn't hear them cause of the erratic beating of your heart through your ears.
Something hot entered your entrance so you looked down and saw it was Diluc's digits thrusting in and out, occasionally rubbing a weird spot that made you moan out loud. Any attempts to close your legs, resulted in your smooth legs bended over your head and harsh spankings. Diluc reprimanded.
"Bad slut."
Losing counts of how many time the pyro user landed a hit on each of your ass cheeks. Tears ran down your face like a waterfall, feeling the burn on your poor bottom. The nerve when Diluc rubbed them, hoping to soothe the pain. Well it ain't working. Bet it's all red now but it'll be bruised tomorrow.
Out of habit you bound your thighs together. However, your archon lover decided to tie your ankles and wrist to the corners of the bed.
Your head was turned to the side facing a big angry weeping member pressing against your lips.
"Open your mouth and take it all in like the pretty whore you are. You wanted us to punish you in the first place. That's why you disobeyed."
You gaped, screaming in your mind.
Zhongli took the opportunity of your slightly opened mouth and slammed his member down your throat. You gagged, quickly trying to adjust to the large accompany in your mouth.
Man, they really manhandling you today. The ruby eyed male also plunges his length into your entrance, slowly pulling it out to the tip then pushing the rest in. You mewled in etascy. In sync, they fucked you at a rough pace. Just as you were about to release, they slowed down. You softly whine, tugging your hands, weakly at the restraints.
"Would you look at that. Our pretty whore wants to cum. Does she deserve it, mister Diluc?"
With a expression of annoyance, the red head rejected.
They continued the torture; fucking you at a relentless pace and when your about to reach your high, they slow down before repeating the process.
You cried, miserably. Their teasing was just endless. Letting them do whatever to your body, you felt your eyes roll up. The pyro user, chuckles.
"How cute. We fucked her brains out. She took her punishment so well. She deserves a reward, no?"
Zhongli takes off the toys pinching your swelling nipples, agreeing with the other male.
"Yes, even a bitch needs to cum at some point. Let her cum all she wants."
You didn't register the fact they pulled out their lengths, already taking off the restraints when they turn you over onto your stomach, doggy style. Their members slid back into you no problem. It was like your holes was made for them or they fucked you so much, your body's insides molded to their dick shape.
You moaned over and over again, cumming for who knows how many times. You were conscious however your mind was somewhere else.
Since they took away your walking privileges for the next 2 weeks, you get to keep the slime. Haha in your face geo daddy.
You named the small of hydro element, Puppy cause why not?
Again sorry for the wait! I'm trying to manage my schedule to scoot in a writing here and there since I also have Wattpad to deal with.
This one took a while but I am very excited for the next nsfw/crack request coming up and hope to achieve big brain for it.
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jisungscaramel · 4 years ago
vexation | hyunjin
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❀ genre; smut, college au, enemies au  ❀ pairing; hyunjin x reader (fem) ❀ word count; 2.7k 
[warning] strong language, explicit sexual content, dry humping, (mild) begging, hate sex
There it was: Hwang Hyunjin, name beautifully printed right above yours. You shuddered in complete disgust, not believing that you were paired with him of all people for your history presentation. There were 34 students in the class; that meant you had a whopping 97% chance of being paired with literally anyone else, but no. Your professor, Dr. Zhang, just had to pair you with him. 
Overachiever: that was an understatement. He was the type to want all of the glory for the taking, the type to enjoy making others feel like they were dumb, the type who had no issue in forsaking common morals for his own gain. 
You couldn’t fucking stand him. 
Begrudgingly, you stood up from your original seat, trudging your feet to sit next to him - at your professor’s instruction, of course. You planned on at least being polite, and you thought for a second that he might do the same, but he didn’t even bother looking at you, staring through to the front of the room, eyes stoic. If he was trying to provoke you, it was definitely working. 
You dropped your backpack to the ground, unceremoniously, sound drowning in the increasing levels of chatter in the small lecture hall, but clearly loud enough to make his composure teeter; his head jerked back a millimeter, a minuscule gesture but it was painfully obvious to you. And you let out an equally obvious slew of snickers before sitting back in the seat, neck meeting the old frayed fabric as you tilted your head back, arms stacking on one another as you folded them, woman spreading to occupy more real estate than you actually required.
You had to at least try to keep yourself amused. 
Hyunjin began scribbling mindlessly on a blank piece of paper - still acting as if you were not even there. 
He slammed the white sheet down on your knee, sending vibrations straight up your leg rather rudely. 
Oh, baby, he hadn’t even started yet. 
“Okay. We’re doing our paper on I-Hotel and… I’m gonna write it. All you have to do is find these books for me at the library.” He turned to look at you with a very aggravating smirk… maybe you’d notice the tiniest hint of flirtation if the feeling of overwhelming irritation didn’t encompass you. 
But the chance passed when his countenance morphed into counterfeit concern, tapping his chin in contemplation for added effect, “although, I think the library’s computer system is down… I guess you gotta find them the old-fashioned way.” God, you just wanted to smack that smug grin right off his face. “I’d love to help you with that... but I’m just too busy…” It should’ve been illegal for intolerable people to be that gorgeous.
You blinked in complete confusion. “Ummm… excuse me?” 
“I’m… sorry… do… I… need… to … talk… slower…?”
You gingerly picked up the piece of paper, promptly getting up from your chair, glaring at him. You made sure your backpack was secure on your shoulder before dramatically lifting the note in front of his face to tear what he wrote to shreds, scattering the bits over his laptop’s keyboard. “Stick a motherfucking cactus up your ass.” 
You stormed out of that hall with your head high, not daring to look back despite your innate desire to see his response - you were sure it was priceless. 
‘I’ll just have to do this damn thing on my own.’
Oh, if it could only be that simple. 
The first thing that popped up on your laptop when you opened it from the safety of the library was an unexpected email. 
Since you ripped up my list - rather rudely I might add - I’ve attached the list of the books I require. I will be at the library at four PM sharp. Please plan accordingly. Hyunjin 
‘Plan accordingly,’ your ass, according to you, your plan was to minimize the amount of time you had to spend dealing with Hyunjin, and you had been 100% sure he had the same sentiment… so much for that. 
Speaking of the devil, as soon as you decided to dismiss his outlandish request and settle in to get some of your research started, Hyunjin yanked your attention away from your laptop with merely his presence, almost as if your nerves were hypersensitive to his saccharine dipped aura, and most definitely not to the signature sway of his frame as he walked. 
You didn’t dare grant him the luxury of your direct gaze. Instead, you kept a close eye on him in your peripheral, hoping you’d blend in with the people around you… but there was still at least a 92% chance he’d see you.
“Did you get my sources?” and now he was right in front of you, nothing but a measly table in between. 
Your nostrils flared in an effort to not retort back at Hyunjin, eyes still fixed on your screen in a successful attempt to ignore him. 
Then he pushed your laptop closed, hand planted firmly on the device rather invasively. “Excuse me, I’m talking to you.”
You gritted your teeth, tilting your head up in a menacing stare, eyes narrowing, eyebrows furrowing. “What do you want?” 
God, you didn’t know his smile could get more fake than it already was. “I told you to get my sources for me,” his tone was exaggeratedly slow, “did you get my sources?” 
You shoved his hand away from your laptop. “Get your own sources.” 
Immediately his fake smile turned into a sincere snicker, rolling his eyes off to the side. “Uptight bitch.” 
His words sank in for a moment. “You wanna say that again?” 
He leaned over the table, face a mere six inches from yours. “Uptight,” you could feel your fists involuntarily clenching, digging into your palms what would soon be prominent crescents in a matter of seconds, “bitch.” 
You almost raised your palm to gratuitously slap him across the face but the simmering mellowness in you kept a tight grasp of your boiling anger. You leaned back in your seat in an effort to widen the physical gap (or the lack thereof) between you. “Fuck off.”
“Hyunjin, y/n, can you both come down to the podium,” Dr. Zhang added at the end of his lecture, halting your plans to b-line straight to the library. 
As the aisles began to empty, you made your way down the steps to the front of the room, purposefully standing at the side opposite of Hyunjin, frankly paying no mind to him for all intents and purposes. 
Your professor glanced between you two, clearly noticing the oddity of the image but purposefully choosing to ignore it. 
“I noticed that both of you submitted first drafts for your paper, and at first I thought it was an accident, until I opened both files and realized you’re writing completely separate papers. Care to explain?” 
“Yeah y/n, care to explain?” What a fucking dicktard. 
Your lips pressed into a thin line as you wracked your brain for some feasible excuse. “Well,” but nothing came to mind… oh fuck it, “we’ve had issues working with each other.” 
Dr. Zhang raised an eyebrow cautiously. “Elaborate.”
“We really don’t get along.”
He sighed, crossing his arms. “Well you’re gonna have to try to find some middle ground. I’ll give you two a second chance to put a first draft together. If you can submit a collaborative piece by midnight, I’ll still give you full credit for that part. If not, it stays as a zero. Subsequently, you will keep getting zeroes for the following checkpoints if you submit them separately. Any questions?” 
“No, sir,” much to your surprise, that was the first moment thus far wherein both you and Hyunjin were on the same wavelength. 
“Good, that is all.” 
You felt like two negatively charged magnets as you walked side by side up the aisle to the exit. “I’m not getting a zero for this,” Hyunjin spoke up. 
You rolled your eyes. “At least we can agree on that.”
As the cold, crisp air of the outside refreshed your nerves, he lightly gripped your shoulder, swerving you to face him. “Look, I know we’re like oil and water, but I’m willing to at least try to get along for the grade.” His fingers trembled on your shoulder; his teeth lightly grazed his bottom lip, eyes searching yours for a sign of truce. 
Needless to say, the sentiment from him was unexpected. You exhaled deeply, brushing his hand from you. “Fine.”
But two hours spent alone in a library study room proved to be more difficult than originally anticipated. Trying to work together felt like pulling teeth - a true collaboration of absolute vexation.  
“What about this passage?” You pointed to some text in a book you were sifting through. 
He swiveled his chair around, only looking at your find for a solid half a second before, turning back around. “Nah, that’s not good enough to use as evidence.” 
“What the fuck, Hyunjin? You didn’t even read it.”
“I didn’t have to. I assumed whatever you found was as subpar as everything else you’ve ‘found.’”
You dropped the book on the table with a loud plonk, partially in shock at what he said and partially due to a natural tendency to want to irritate him. “Well let’s see what you ‘found,’” leaning over the table in a relaxed manner, carrying a dash of nonchalance as you scrolled through his writing. “You call this good evidence?”
“What on earth are you talking about?” You wanted to laugh at his defensive tone. 
“It’s obvious that you’re framing your own narrative by taking shit outta context. Not to mention all the ellipses and brackets are terrifically horrendous, visually. You’re taking literally all the credibility out.” 
“What do you know? I doubt you even read that article,” he dismissed your legitimate critique in a manner you unfortunately predicted. 
“As a matter of fact, I did… two. hours. ago. And you told me the article didn’t seem ‘reliable’ enough for you, but here you are… you must think I’m fucking stupid.” 
The side of his lips curved up in the slightest smirk. “Not true, I think you’re annoyingly absentminded.” 
You rolled your eyes for the umpteenth time in the past minute, whispering, “fucking cockmaggot,” under your breath, diverting your attention back to your screen. 
“What did you just say?” His tone suggested he wasn’t being rhetorical - he really didn’t hear you. There was something cute and innocent about his ignorance, the way his lips formed a subtle pout unintentionally, nose wrinkling in distaste. You mentally shook the image from your head, cursing yourself for thinking he was… ‘cute’ to begin with. 
“Nothing, My Liege, nothing at all,” mocking sarcasm spilled from your lips as you parted them to give them a disapproving smack. “This is complete shit; we can’t submit this.”
Hyunjin slammed his laptop closed, standing up abruptly. The action took you by surprise, making your neck shudder in a startle. “I can’t fucking do this anymore. Why do you have to be so fucking difficult?” Pent up rage was slathered all over his face, eyes twitching, eyebrows tightly knitting together, jaw unhinging from an excess of epinephrine. 
His anger diffused to you, violently charging your nerves. There was no way you were just gonna take his shit sitting down. “Why do you,” you stood up, chair rocking back from the velocity of your limbs, “have to be,” you turned around and gripped his collar with both hands, “such an insufferable asshole?” 
He was dumbfounded, wordless much to your satisfaction, but his eyes were unwavering, devoid of reaction. The time you spent stabbing each other with your unfaltering gazes felt like a goddamn eternity, tension coarse, sinfully tangible on your skin. 
It was fucking stifling. 
Before you even realized what was happening, your lips were latched together in a fervent frenzy, tension thickening for an entirely different reason now. 
There was something so breathtaking about the way his lips tightened against yours - literally. It felt like he was siphoning your soul from your body - any thought that dared to grace your mind oddly dissolved into nothingness as Hyunjin molded your lips into submission, tongue colonizing your oral cavity in an authoritative manner that was so in character for him. 
Not that you gave a fuck. 
His hands aggressively tugged at your waist; the impact of your body crashing onto his sent pangs up your spine, and in seconds, your back thudded against the wall, maintaining the momentum. You had to grip his shoulders purely for support, and definitely not because you were immersing in the moment.
You felt his grip loosen as his hands roamed downward, playfully drawing patterns on your skin with his fingers en route. And then they constricted around your thighs, lifting them up to his hips, and you hooked your ankles around his back as if it was the natural thing to do. 
The fabric of his pants became taut around the building frustration underneath, becoming oh so apparent to you when he started steady grinding against the thin fabric of your underwear - why did you have to wear a skirt today of all days?
You passed a reluctant whimper through his lips, wholly unable to deny the way your pulsing desire radiated heat through your core at the increasing friction. 
You broke away from the kiss, gasping. “Hyunjin…” you whispered almost breathlessly, desperation filling you as he continued his tantalizing test of your patience. 
“Hmmm?” There it was: that signature smug grin, but by this point, your senses were too preoccupied to even register it. 
“I can’t take this anymore.”
“Is that so?” He lifted you off the wall, pushing your laptops to either side so he could lay you on the table, spreading your legs to give him clear sight of your dampening sex. He snickered. “You look much better like this…” While ghosting one hand around your inner thighs, conveniently avoiding the place you needed him the most, he undid the button and zipper of his jeans with the other, sliding them down to his knees. 
You found yourself licking your lips at the silhouette of his bulge, now more prominent with less restricting fabric. Of course, he noticed; “so these are you true colors… I never would’ve thought you were such a dirty girl.” He brushed his fingers over the waistband of your underwear. “Where do you need me?” He pressed his thumb on your clit, “here?” 
Your teeth pressed down on your lips in an effort to stifle a moan. “Yes…” and even though you were successful the first time, there was no stopping the sounds from seeping through your lips when Hyunjin slammed his clothed erection on you once more, picking up exactly where he left off just moments ago. 
“Please, Hyunjin…” he pushed your thighs further apart, keeping them in place. 
“‘Please,’ what?” 
“I need you inside me, please.” 
His sinister laugh filled the small room. “I don’t know if you deserve it.” 
“Fucking asswipe.” 
“Now that doesn’t sound very convincing…” 
You groaned in pleasurable displeasure. “Hyunjin… please, I’m begging you. I really can’t take this.” 
“Don’t you care if someone tries to come in?” He raised an eyebrow, partially in curiosity, mostly in amusement. 
You glared right into his eyes. “No.” 
He shook his head, clicking his tongue as he stood back. “Get up.” Any urge you had to defy him before was long gone; you did as he asked and he harshly turned you around by your waist, pushing you toward one of the windows. 
While pushing you down against the glass with one hand, he reached in his front pocket with the other, grabbing a condom. He ripped the packaging with his teeth, skillfully sliding his boxers down to slip the vinyl over him. 
Not wanting to wait any longer, you aided him by pulling your panty down leaving yourself completely exposed for his taking, and you quickly pushed your hands on the glass, bracing yourself for the next few seconds, but nothing could’ve prepared you for that stretch that came. Your wrist slid down on the window pane to bite back a scream. 
“So tight.” 
A/N I’mma be honest: I had a fucking field day coming up with all those weird insults
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hxseok-honee · 4 years ago
atlas heart || part 25
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a/n : so sorry it took so long getting this update out !! i had a disgusting amount of work to do and i really was not doing anything else for a few days -- i really hope you like it!! pls lmk what you think about things now that jimin (and we) know everything! its gonna get,,,, i wanna say messy but messys not even enough to cover how messy its gonna get
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Jimin can’t remember the last time he’d closed his eyes for more than a few minutes. Time goes by so fast these days that he’s partially convinced he’s been falling asleep and not realizing it. The hours between class and dinner every day are spent in the library, his headphones shoved into his ears haphazardly while he tunnel visions onto what’s been in the back of his mind since the beginning of the year.
Those spare hours had turned into days and days into weeks -- weekends where he doesn’t even glance at his phone, unaware of the growing concern of his friends. It’s almost May now, the chill of early spring having melted away around him without him realizing. His schoolwork stopped being a priority ages ago, and he knows his grades are really taking the hit for it. He vaguely remembers Namjoon confronting him one night some time ago -- a week? Two weeks ago? -- but he can’t for the life of him recall the contents of that conversation. Something about hating to play the ‘prefect card’, but having no choice. He doesn’t even know if he’s still on the quidditch team. It doesn’t matter -- nothing matters when seeing everything with the perspective he’s got now.
Practically buried in scrolls and books, Jimin could care less about the time and the fact that he’s very obviously breaking curfew right now -- the library’s been empty for hours now, and the light outside the window has well past faded into pitch black darkness. He had to hide from Pince around 10pm, barely managing to catch the click of the librarian’s heels through the music blasting in his headphones to keep him concentrated -- it’s a miracle that she hadn't caught him, really. He’d never be able to focus properly back in his room, not when he’s this close to putting the pieces together.
It’s there, right there, everything scattered in his brain. He knows it’s sitting right in front of him, he can feel himself trying to hyperfocus on anything that can blatantly tell him what he needs to know. Flipping through the pages of a book with one hand and shuffling through scrolls with his other, he glances down at a scrap of paper with his own handwriting, chicken-scratch on a ripped up piece of parchment for him to refer back to every few minutes. There, in black ink, the words ‘vampire’ and ‘veela’ are written and then, later, crossed out. There’s one below it -- ‘maledictus’ -- that remains uncrossed and haunts his every thought.
For the better half of the week, he’d spent his nights scouring the bookshelves for any text he could find on blood malediction -- there isn’t much to show for his efforts. Too rare a condition to have any extensive research done, he could barely manage to put together a few measly scrolls and one book with less than a full chapter on the subject. Sighing heavily, Jimin leans back in his chair, rubbing at his temples while he reconsiders the information for what feels like the hundredth time.
It fits the fact that she has a blood condition… but it’s not right. There’s no mention of a potion or even of regularly experiencing sickness. Y/n is in the Hospital Wing like once a month. There wouldn’t be anything Pomfrey or Hoseok could do to help her if she was a maledictus…
He considers that maybe those things are part of blood malediction and that there just isn’t enough documentation for him to verify it. But there’s something nagging at him, telling him this isn’t right. He thinks back over everything he knows, trying to pull up the major details that could help him finally get some sleep. Ignoring the fact that he very well could doze off, even with his loud ass music, he lets his eyes close so he can think. It takes a few minutes, but eventually he’s sitting up in his seat, eyes wide as he recalls something said to him almost months ago, forgotten amidst everything else on his mind.
“What’s the deal with your roommate, Tae?”
“Who, Stephen?”
“No, not fuckin’ Stephen -- Jungkook!”
“Well, how the hell was I supposed to know?”
“Because Stephen doesn’t look at me like I’m the bane of his existence.”
“Yeah… I don’t know what you did to make Jeon Jungkook hate you, but it must have be serious--”
“Just tell me what you know about him, Tae.”
“I mean… nothing crazy, really -- an only child, comes from old money. Probably as old as the Malfoys or the Potters. His family’s the purest of purebloods. And always Gryffindors, just like the Malfoys are always Slytherins. It’s kind of nuts, having a family history like that.”
Jimin stumbles out of his chair, already making his way down the aisles of bookshelves, almost crazed with concentration.
Purest of purebloods -- there’s not a single pureblood family that isn’t documented in a registry… registry… regis-- aha!
Turning down an aisle designated for family registries dating back centuries, he scans the shelves at a lightening speed, finally coming to a halt in front of a tome titled Gryffindor Legacies. Hauling it from the shelf, he doesn’t even bother returning to his table, taking a seat right there on the floor.
Flipping straight to the back to search for the family name, he locates it easily and heads to appropriate page. Searching the family tree down generations, it takes him several pages of flipping through Jungkook’s ancestors’ lives to finally get to his parents. They’re the most recent entry -- new editions of the book are printed with each new generation, the original, handwritten copy belonging to the respective families. It’s an inefficient system for sure, but Jimin’s not exactly complaining when he’s the one benefiting directly.
Scanning the page, from the birth of his mother -- Jeon Eunha -- to her school days, from her marriage to his father all the way to Jungkook’s birth. Jimin expects the next part to follow the same structure of his mother’s story, recounting his childhood, but it diverges from that almost immediately with some extra lines that he almost feels don’t exist in the original copy at the Jeon family residence.
Not long after the birth of their first and only child, they were met with circumstances leading to the adoption and care of another, the recently orphaned infant girl, Y/n Y/l/n. In her days at Hogwarts, young Eunha had become friends with a female Ravenclaw student, who had a noticeably sickly pallor about her at all times. She was to become her closest lifelong friend. The same night in which Y/l/n was to give birth to her first child, she and her husband met an untimely fate in the form of a violent animal attack in the backyard of their own home. The Jeon family were the first to arrive at the premises, deciding immediately to take in the infant child and raise her alongside their own son. Not much else is known about the girl, only that she and the Jeon heir were to become inseparable.
Jimin stares down at the page, unblinking. There’s a lot of information to process, but the things that stand out most to him are the fact that Y/n’s mother was also apparently afflicted with the same illness as Y/n, and --
‘Violent animal attack’? I knew the car accident thing was bullshit, but… did her mom not even die in childbirth? Why would she not tell me… there’s nothing suspicious about an animal atta--
Almost like his brain has started to short-circuit after the long nights and lack of sleep, Jimin’s thoughts are gone instantly, replaced by the mental image of a book sitting not a even a few aisles away, on a table littered with all of the information he’d ever needed in the first place. He’s completely incapable of registering anything around him as he races back to his table, his mind flipping incomprehensibly between the information in front of him and all of the pieces of his memories, details that make too much sense in this moment to match anything but this one conclusion.
Most Muggles, however, will die from the extent of their injuries… all known instances of Muggle attacks have been portrayed in the media as ‘animal attacks’ so as to preserve the secrecy of the wizarding world…
Given the extent of the available research and data, collected almost entirely from male subjects afflicted with lycanthropy, not much is known about the hereditary components related to a female werewolf. Therefore, it is unknown if a pregnant female werewolf's transformations would affect the ability to carry the pregnancy to term…
Without any humans nearby to attack, or other animals to occupy it, the werewolf will attack itself out of frustration…
“My mom died in childbirth and my dad… just a… just a freak accident you know, no one’s fault or anything…”
Because werewolves only pose a danger to humans, companionship with animals whilst transformed has been known to make the experience more bearable as the werewolf has no-one to harm and will be less willing to harm themselves…
“You want to talk about forbidden, Jeon? Let’s talk about your illegal animagus status-”
The way one must imbibe it is very unique among potions, in that a goblet full of wolfsbane potion must be taken each day for a week preceding the full moon…
“…you know how long it takes me to make a full set of vials for you. I barely have enough to make it last 3 days…”
The monthly transformation of a werewolf is extremely painful if untreated and is usually preceded and succeeded by a few days of pallor and ill health…
“He was lowkey carrying her down the stairs… she looked kinda sick actually…”
Throwing scrolls behind him without care as he searches for the one with the final detail, he pulls his phone out when he finds it -- a book listing all of the recorded moon cycles for over a century. Jamming his thumb down on the icon that’ll take him to his search engine and typing with blind panic, he finds himself yanking out his headphones by the cord with one sharp tug when the answer flashes back at it him on the screen, and he realizes that almost all of the pieces are in place.
The quidditch match against Slytherin -- it was the night before a full moon.
“No, no… no, no, no, this can’t be right. This isn’t happening, this can’t be right, she can’t be--” Jimin remembers the text he’d sent to her almost 8 hours ago, sitting unanswered, and he moves without thinking. Slamming his hands down on either side of the moon cycle record, he flips frantically to the cycle for this current month, April of 1978. What he sees there has his heart dropping out of his chest.
“Next week? It’s next week? But that means she’d have to be feeling the effects of it this wee--” He’s cut off by the feeling of his phone buzzing in his pocket, and he reaches for it almost desperately. It’s Y/n, finally responding to his concerned texts with nothing more than a single line. His blood turns to ice when he reads it.
I’m fine, just feeling under the weather.
When Jimin bursts through the door of Dumbledore’s office just past 3am, the headmaster’s already seated at his desk, evidently waiting for him. He’s donning a light blue robe with a matching sleeping cap perched delicately on his head, suggesting to Jimin that he’d somehow woken up knowing he was soon to greet a guest. All of the panic invading Jimin’s body is masked just slightly by guilt, only now realizing how late it is and how intrusive he must seem in this moment.
“Mister Park, you certainly are out quite a bit past curfew, no?” Jimin stands in the doorway cradling all of the scrolls and books he’d been hoarding the last few weeks -- he can’t very well have left a huge pile of evidence back in the library. It would have taken no time at all for someone to look through it and see there were connections everywhere to lycanthropy, even if he himself had been blind to it for so long.
“... Park? Mister Park?” Jimin jumps, lifting his tired eyes to meet Dumbledore’s concerned ones. The man continues once he’s got Jimin’s attention. “Surely, you must need something from me, or you wouldn’t appear so…” He doesn’t finish his sentence. He doesn’t need to. Jimin’s aware of the state he’s in -- the dark rings under his eyes, his ruffled clothes and hair, the way he’s holding his books like he needs to protect them with his life. He looks unhinged. He feels unhinged.
Realizing he has absolutely no idea how to approach the subject of a potential werewolf at Hogwarts with the school’s very headmaster, Jimin decides to start by moving toward the chair in front of Dumbledore’s desk.
Maybe I just need to sit down and take a deep breath. That should help--
He doesn’t even make it two steps before one of the many books he’s holding crashes to the floor between them, falling open to the page he’d stuck a pencil in to save his spot. The moon cycle for April of 1978 stares back up at him, and when he flicks his gaze up to peer at Dumbledore, he sees the headmaster’s expression has hardened with caution.
“Have a seat, Mister Park.” Jimin’s heart lodges in his throat at Dumbledore’s tone, never having heard such a sharp edge to the kind man’s voice. He moves to the chair, setting the obnoxious amount of research haphazardly in his lap. His eyes will only go so far as the top of Dumbledore’s desk, unable to bring himself to meet the man’s eyes.
“Sir, I… need to ask you something.” When he isn’t granted a response, he swallows hard, pushing forward. “If there were to be a student at Hogwarts with a… peculiarity of sorts… how would you go about dealing with that?”
“How would I deal with what, Mister Park?”
“That student.”
“I’m not quite sure I know what you mean.” Jimin lifts his eyes then, confused, but he’s met with a deliberately ignorant smile.
“Sir?” Dumbledore’s smile, albeit strained, only widens.
“I think you may be suffering from a lack of sleep, Mister Park. There are no students at Hogwarts with any peculiarities, as you call it.” Jimin stares suspiciously up at him, knowing Dumbledore can tell that Jimin doesn’t for a second believe that claim. Breaking eye contact, he glances down at his lap, trying to figure out how to keep this conversation going. Trying to figure out why he’s even here.
Jimin looks down at himself and the pile of incriminating evidence, cursing his idiocy when he realizes just how bad this situation must look. A student out of bed way past curfew, barging into the headmaster’s office holding weeks of research and making outrageous claims about a potentially dangerous student. And he’s a Ravenclaw no less.
Shit. He probably thought I was some nosy little fucker trying to expose her and get her expelled.
Knowing that he’s risking a lot by being straightforward, he takes a single deep breath and meets Dumbledore’s eyes, his own filled with determination.
“Sir, I know about Y/n Y/l/n, and I know you do, too. I need to know how to take care of her. I need to know how to help her. I need you to tell me what to do because, to be honest with you, I’m freaking out.” The way Dumbledore’s examining him as he speaks tells Jimin that he’s right, but more importantly, it tells Jimin that Dumbledore hadn’t been expecting him to want to help.
“That is a very serious accusation you’re making, Mister Park, especially in this political climate. Very serious.” Jimin doesn’t waver when he responds.
“I know, sir. That’s why you’re the only one I’ve made it to. Because I need your help. Because I know you can help.” Dumbledore narrows his eyes, peering at Jimin over the tops of his half-moon spectacles.
“Have you considered the fact that just you knowing this information at all has placed Miss Y/l/n in more danger than she’s already in?” As soon as the words leave Dumbledore’s mouth, Jimin’s heart is stopping in his chest. All the times that Hoseok and Jungkook had told him to mind his business come rushing back, and he feels himself becoming sick to his stomach. Of course it’s more dangerous for her now that he knows -- he’d been too selfish to even think it through, too nosy for his own good. He had done all this to try to understand her, to try to be a better friend who can help when she needs it, but it’s all bullshit. Everything he thought he had done for her sake had actually been for his. For him and his stupid curiosity.
Lifting his head as a thought comes to mind, Jimin doesn’t even think twice before speaking.
“Can you erase my memories?” The headmaster’s eyebrows fly to his hairline, his expression becoming amused as Jimin continues rambling. “Can’t you obliviate me or something? Wouldn’t that be the best way for me to help her? Wait… but do you have to erase everything I know about her -- will I still know her? Can you make sure I still know her? I really like her! I don’t like Hoseok or Jungkook very much -- they kind of scare me -- but I like her! I don’t want to forget her, but also if me knowing that she’s a werewolf is only going to cause her more trouble, then I really think you should make me forget--” Dumbledore lifts his hand calmly, effectively silencing a frantic Jimin.
“Have you always had such a one-track mind, Mister Park?” Jimin smiles weakly, offering a half-joking response.
“It’s my only redeeming Ravenclaw quality…” Dumbledore chuckles before scratching at his forehead with a heavy sigh.
“Unfortunately -- and I do truly mean that -- I cannot erase a student’s memories. So, you and I will need to continue this difficult conversation.” Jimin considers the man’s words, knowing that it really would be better for everyone if he had his mind wiped clean and hating that he’d unknowingly put Y/n even more in harm’s way. He looks up when Dumbledore sighs again.
“Mister Park, you do understand that you are strictly forbidden from informing anyone else of this situation, yes?” When Jimin nods immediately, opening his mouth to assure the man that he wouldn’t say a word, Dumbledore only shakes his head. “No, Mister Park, I’m not sure you really understand. This situation is infinitely more complicated than you could ever imagine, so it is absolutely imperative that you keep this information to yourself.” Jimin blinks, unsure what’s meant by ‘infinitely more complicated’, but he nods again.
“I’ve put her in enough danger just by being here, Sir -- I’m not breathing a word of this to anyone.” Dumbledore examines him a moment longer, essentially staring into Jimin’s soul to gauge his trustworthiness. Eventually he nods, leaning back in his chair.
“What advice would you like me to give you, Mister Park?” Jimin stays silent, thinking hard about any way that he can make Y/n’s life easier, especially after all the trouble he’s caused up to now. His mind flashes back to the conversation he’d overheard in the library. He opens his mouth slowly, choosing his words with care.
“Sir… how does a student that isn’t even taking Potions know how to brew the wolfsbane potion? Isn’t it nearly impossible?” Jimin sees Dumbledore’s eyes flicker with recognition, and the headmaster responds cautiously.
“…If that student isn’t taking any kind of Potions course at all, they’d need to already be an expert from having dedicated all their studies to the art of potionmaking. They would also need an immense amount of private mentoring, even if they are taking Potions. We do not teach the wolfsbane potion in the curriculum. As I’m sure you can imagine, it wouldn’t fare well in these times…” Jimin squints, putting the pieces together quickly in his mind.
“And where would a student like that find this kind of… private mentoring?” The headmaster hums at Jimin’s question, peering down at him with knowing eyes.
“Well, Mister Park, if you wish to receive mentoring on much… safer forms of potionmaking, I’m sure Professor Slughorn would be happy to help you. However, if you are asking me about Mister Jung Hoseok of Slytherin House, and if you are wondering just how he became capable of caring for Miss Y/l/n at the young age of 13, well… you’re looking at his mentor.”
When Jimin leaves Dumbledore’s office almost an hour later, he feels like his head is going to explode. The nights of sleeplessness seem to also have come rushing back to him at once, and he’s not sure if he’s going to collapse first from the exhaustion or from the weight of everything he knows now. For a moment, he considers that maybe he really should ask someone to erase his memories -- Jungkook or Hoseok, perhaps.
Yeah, I’m sure they’d absolutely love to do me that favor.
Dragging his feet as he trudges down the corridor in the direction of Ravenclaw tower, Jimin stops short at a window when movement down by the Black Lake catches his eye. Almost as if thinking about them has caused them to materialize before him, Jimin watches the silhouette of Jung Hoseok stroll casually down by the shoreline, followed not long after by Jeon Jungkook racing toward him, a body perched precariously on his back. It’s not hard to see that Y/n’s clinging weakly to him as he runs, her arms wrapped around his shoulders as he keeps his hands hooked under her knees. Jimin can see that she’s got a gown on from the Hospital Wing, and it’s obvious that Jungkook and Hoseok have snuck her out from under Madam Pomfrey’s stern supervision.
They head for the Forbidden Forest, Y/n reaching back for Hoseok when Jungkook passes him. She beckons him forward, and Jimin watches as the three of them disappear together into the trees. He sighs deeply when he can no longer see them, muttering to himself under his breath as he makes his way to his room, overcome with extreme guilt at the entire situation.
“You’ve really gone and done it now, you fucking idiot.”
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rivers-rambles21 · 4 years ago
The one with the ring
Part 9 of The one where Bucky has a cute neigbour series!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader (f)
Summary | Reader and Bucky become friends after he saves her from  a creep in their apartment building. Each chapter explores a different point in their friendship - very slow burn!
Warnings | 18+ only, Smut in later chapters (this is a slow burn), swearing, unprotected sex, oral sex, (later chapters)
Chapter 9 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 1 | Masterlist
As the weeks went by Bucky slipped further and further into his own personal hell.
You’d asked if he could show you how to use some equipment at the gym and help you with the weights. Working out is the easy part but seeing you in your gym gear? That was a different level. Your leggings clung to your every curve and it took every ounce of Bucky’s willpower not to stare at you - he did however notice other men in the gym didn’t have the same consideration so he made a point to stare back until they averted their gaze. 
You’d found you enjoyed boxing more than you’d anticipated. Bucky had suggested it after you’d had a difficult day at work and wanted to relieve stress. He never engaged in fighting with you but he did help with your form and footwork.
Rather selfishly though, he saw it as an opportunity to touch you at every chance he got. Whether it was how to grip your hand for a punch, moving your hips to help your footwork or blocking your attacks. He couldn’t get enough. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked, trying to tape your hands up. 
Walking over to you, Bucky took one of your hands in his and began taping your hand up correctly. It had become a common routine which neither of you were interested in stopping. 
You tried your best to not sigh as he gently stroked your palm before taking your other hand, repeating the process. 
“What do you mean?” He asked, his eyes not meeting yours. 
“We don’t have to, but I know what it meant to you - the shield-” 
“He never should’ve given it up.” He replied, interrupting you, holding onto your hand which was now taped up. He gently rubbed his thumb over your palm, almost hypnotized by the tape covering it. “I’m going to go see him, I might be gone for a while.” His eyes finally met yours as he gazed back at you. You couldn’t help but notice the sadness in his eyes. You’d become used to his usual broody resting bitch face, especially during the morning (safe to say Bucky definitely isn’t a morning person) but this broke your heart. You knew he had his demons, despite him being generally quiet on the subject and you also knew Steve’s departure had hit him hard. You were hoping one day he’d open up more to you but you didn’t push it. 
“I understand… I’ll miss you though.” You smiled at him although it didn’t quite meet your eyes. Having Bucky in your life filled a void that had been missing for as long as you could remember; he was the only constant you had. 
“Yeah?” He smirked back - inside he was gleaming. 
“Whether you like it or not Buck, you’re my friend” His smirk faltered at the mention of being your friend “plus I’ve only just started bulking up! All this hard work will go to waste” You flexed your arm, attempting to show off your progress, causing him to chuckle. 
“C’mon doll, show me what you’re working with” He let go of your free hand, not realising he’d been holding on all this time and reached for your boxing gloves, throwing them your way as he climbed into the ring. 
You spent the rest of the afternoon together, heading to your local coffee shop after finishing up at the gym. Although he’d quickly gotten to grips with modern technology, he was still a bit shaky on booking flights so you helped him make the reservation and booked a hotel room for him. 
On your walk back to your apartment building you chatted about what he could expect flying commercial - a first for him and took the time to reassure him he wouldn’t be recognised. 
“Can I text you whilst I’m away?” He asked, trying his best to sound as casual as possible. 
It was at that moment it dawned on you that you didn’t even have his number, you’d both gotten so used to your routine of popping by each other's apartment whenever you hung out. Although admittedly, you both always found yourself hanging out more at yours since he wasn’t big on owning furniture.
“Of course, here pass me your phone and I’ll put my number in” Bucky tried not to sigh in relief as he reached into his jeans pocket, retrieving his phone. Despite you both growing closer the past few months, he still felt nervous around you, scared of being rejected. 
“Oh god you’re one of those” You groaned, staring at his 15 unread notifications. “Can I get rid of them?” You asked as the little red icon taunted you. 
“Go for it doll” His metal arm snuck around your waist as you continued to walk through the busy streets of New York, Bucky doing his best to help you dodge the crowds of people ahead as you focused on his phone. Bucky justified his arm around you as purely helping you avoid being barged and walking into people but he knew deep down it was just another opportunity to hold you close. “Spiderling ….. Spiderling. ?You ignored Spider Man?! He’s messaged you a few times, can I read them?” You asked, staring up into his baby blues. He glanced down at you and nodded before focusing back on walking you through the streets of Brooklyn. 
There were a few more messages which had gone unread, a couple about picking his brain for a history paper and another about upgrading his arm. 
Hi Mr Barnes, it’s Peter Parker, do you have five minutes for a chat?
However, one caught your attention. 
Are you ignoring me because I beat you? It’s okay to admit a 16 year old bested you Mr Barnes :D 
“Bucky did you get your ass handed to you by a teenager?” You giggled, rereading the message as the man beside you held the lobby door open for you. 
“Okay first off he didn’t beat me, I let him win. And secondly -” His nose scrunched up as he tried to think of his second point, failing miserably. 
“Wow, James Buchanan Barnes got beaten up by a sixteen year old and yet he has the audacity to criticise my footwork.” You teased, pressing the button for the elevator. 
“In my defence, as soon as I knew how young he was I held back. By a lot” Gesturing towards the empty elevator that had arrived, he followed you inside and pressed the button for your floor. “And then he caught me off guard with his sticky web thing and it all went downhill from there.” 
You covered your mouth trying your best not to laugh, imagining the man in front of you getting caught in one of Spider Man’s webs, struggling to get free. 
“Whatever Buck, you lost to Spider Man.” You finished putting your number in his phone and handed it back, chuckling to yourself. “You should call him sometime though, it sounds like he’s going through it.” 
He gestured again for you to leave the elevator first as the doors opened in front of you, swiftly following on your heels. “I’m not his babysitter.” He responded, pulling out his keys. 
“And I’m not yours but I still listen to your shit.” You smirked at him, leaning against your door. 
He responded with that stupid tongue thing he did, licking his lower lip before smiling back at you. God what you’d love to do with that- You shook yourself out mid thought, knowing where your mind was leading would only end in another night of frustration. 
“How long do you think you’ll be gone for?” You asked, the conversation turning more somber. 
“Hopefully not too long doll… come here.” He held his arms open and you pushed yourself off your door without hesitation, falling into his waiting arms. Your face was pressed against his hard chest, your arms snaking around his waist as he held you against him, his biceps curling around your shoulders, gripping you tightly. Ever so gently, he placed a kiss in your hair, his lips lingering slightly longer than they should’ve. A few moments later, you both released one another, trying to avoid the cold feeling overcoming you as his warmth left your body. 
“I’m expecting a souvenir y’know” 
“Of course” He replied back, chuckling as he pondered just how he was going to cope without you.
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fanfictionfansmiction · 4 years ago
Get Over You
Another Sirius reader insert! Are you surprised? So to summarise you and Sirius are friends and big shocker you love him, but you just don’t think he feels the same so you decide tonight's the night to get over him once and for all. But that doesn’t work out too well when Sirius is also out that night. If you have any requests for me please feel free to send them my way now that I have plenty of free time! Enjoy :)
Word Count: 3030
“I’m not sure about this!” I say adjusting the tight-fitting clothes Marlene picked out trying to twist the dress, so it sits right. The seam still wonky and the hem line not quite straight I plod my way out of the bathroom into the kitchen to show her. She stands with two large bottles of liquor in her hands cackling when she sees me.
“How did you manage this?” She asks in a high-pitched tone that gets carried off with giggles waving the bottles around gesturing toward my body.
“Well, I thought the back was the front.” I huff.
“That reminds me of my days as a straight. Let me help you out babe.” She slinks up to me wearing a gorgeous midnight blue velvet dress that’s clung to her in ways I would never understand to be humanly possible. With force she grabs the fabric pulling it in the right direction for a few moments huffing and puffing as she does. She steps back with a smug look on her face. “You look hot. Now what are we doing with your hair and makeup?” She asks rubbing her chin as though she had a beard to ponder with.
“Just what I normally do. What time is it Mar?” I ask not particularly worried with the rest of my ‘hot bitch party look’ as Marlene put it.
“Oh, don’t worry we have plenty of time, have a drink and I’ll do you hair and makeup. Lily and Dorcas will let themselves in, so we don’t have to worry about it. Tonight, is going to be great.” Marlene spoke with a glint of mischief in her green eyes. Quickly she mixes me a drink in one of our fancier glasses which turns a strange brown, hands it to me like a child showing their parent a finger painting. I take it with caution and then she drags me into the bathroom sitting me down on a bin she turns upside down getting to work.
“So, are you looking forward to seeing Dorcas?” I ask knowing the answer.
“Knock it off you know I am. Also, I am the best makeup artist you look incredible. I was thinking of telling her tonight that I want more than just sleeping together. Do you think that’s a dumb thing to do?” She asks.
“Mar why would that be dumb?”
She huffs putting down the brush in her hand letting her head fall to one side. “Well, you keep saying you can’t tell Sirius how you feel about him because it would be a stupid thing to do.” She looks at the ground finding the product she was after next.
“That’s different you and Dorcas have a connection. You have a history together. I am just Sirius’s friend; I like being his friend it’s comfortable. He is someone I trust but I wouldn’t feel secure with him if he felt the same. I mean he’s Sirius Black he’s hot and he is just… uh I’m not enough for someone like that.” I say before gulping down the rest of the strange drink feeling it burn in my throat and warm my chest. Marlene doesn’t stop what she’s doing but I can tell she disagrees, and she wants to have this argument with me once again.
“Okay. Fine. If you don’t think it’ll work out how about we find someone else. To help you get over him. That’s the plan babe, tonight’s the night to get over Black.” She says finally standing back with a prideful look on her face. “All done.” She says holding up a mirror for you to see her work. She’s not done too much to change my normal look, but I think she mainly took over to have that moment with me. But either way I do look hot and feel good which is exactly what she was going for.
“You are good.” I say and then we hear the door open followed by the loud singing from our already drunk friends. We jump up from where we were sitting and comically rush into the living room to join in with the David Bowie song they’re singing. Marlene takes Dorcas by the hands and Dorcas holds Marlene as they sway singing and laughing. Lily pouts and then does the same with me.
“You look stunning babe.” I say to Lily who never has a bad hair day.
“Uh says you, I mean who allowed you to look this good?” She asks me, kissing my cheek and dragging me to the kitchen in need of another drink. “Have you already got a glass?”
“Yes, I do. I hope you’re a better barman than Mar whatever she made me should be taken to a lab for testing.” I laugh grabbing the glass from the kitchen. Upon returning I pull Lily in for a big hug, “I missed you Lil.”
“You were only gone for less than a minute.” She says squeezing me tighter.
“I know it was horrible!” I jest breaking away from her.
She dramatically overpours vodka into my glass followed by orange juice from the fridge and hands it to me overfilling with pride as she takes a sip of her own drink, cringing as she does. “That is so good.” She says pulling a face. “Did Marlene tell you that James and the boys are coming over before we head out?”
My widening eyes and downing of my drink tell her everything she needs to know. Which of course causes her to laugh and shout to Marlene to bring her cute ass into the kitchen.
“Did someone ask for a cute ass?” Sirius says waltzing into the room with a bottle of tequila in his large hands. James, Remus and Peter follow in after him and eventually so do Marlene and Dorcas. Sirius places the bottle down then searches our cupboards for shot glasses. He immediately goes to the right cupboard and grabs enough for everyone. “Shall we do shots?” He asks wiggling his dark brows. He pours out a shot for everyone without waiting for an encouraging response. I take the sherry glass repurposed into a shot glass and hold it up in a cheer to my friends. Sirius takes this opportunity to loop his arm round mine, so we take the drink with our arms intertwined. I can feel the blush creeping up my neck, but I quickly create space between me and Sirius wandering around to the other side of the kitchen ignoring the pout he gives me when I do. I look up at Remus who stands next to me.
“You look lovely tonight darling.” He says affectionately placing a friendly arm round my shoulder giving it a squeeze. We start a small conversation between ourselves discussing the books we’ve been reading, and the course Remus had been taking at the local college because he just missed studying that much. “I can’t even begin to tell you how interesting the speaker is! She thinks I should do a master’s degree and I am considering it you know. Put off the job stuff for a while and I do love literature.”
“Do it Rem that sounds exactly like something you should be doing.” I reply.
“Hey Moony, do you want another drink?” Peter asks dragging Remus away from me with a look of determination on his face.
I lean back on the kitchen counter behind me laughing at Lily and James dancing together slash play fighting. He picks her up off the ground and twirls her around, she just can’t stop herself from laughing. Her hair swinging around with a life of its own. When she’s back on the ground she playfully hits his chest, and he feigns pain. Then they both forget whatever they were fighting about. They just stare at each other with admiration and love.
“It’s disgustingly sweet isn’t it?” Sirius says leaning to one side so he’s closer to me. “I’ll be honest though I never thought he’d manage to get a girl like Lily.”
“She always fancied him more than she hated him. Good things James grew up a bit or who knows if they would have worked it out.” I say sipping on my drink.
“Nah they would’ve found a way.” He looks down at me and with grin. I look him in the eyes for the first time tonight. They’re warm and he holds my gaze with such intensity I can’t help but look away with a sharp intake of breath. “You look good tonight love.” He says in a low tone, so it stays thick in the air between the two of us. “But you always do look beautiful.” Which adds to the weight growing within my chest. I catch Marlene’s eye which I now notice has been on the two of us for a while. She understands that I require an intervention, so she drags me over to her and Dorcas saying they need someone to decide who’s right in their debate.
Under her breath Marlene says, “We need you to find you a rebound fast.” You nod taking her drink from her and downing it.
“Right shall we make our way out into the night?” Remus inquires clasping his hands together like a teacher.
Everyone queues for the toilet and makes sure everything is left clean enough, so it won’t be a problem for us when we’re hung over tomorrow. While I wait, I go into my room to grab a jacket or a bag to take with me. I hear someone follow me assuming its Marlene I ask, “Do you think I should wear a jacket with this dress?”
“Oh, definitely not, it would ruin the integrity of the look.” A low voice answers.
“Sirius hasn’t any ever told you not to follow a woman into her room uninvited?” I retort.
“Well, I normally wouldn’t love you know me, but you’ve been avoiding me.” He says playing with the fabric of my dress.
“What if I am?” I say picking up a bag and walking past him.
“Well, it’s okay if you are, I just thought I was imagining it. Good to know you are indeed avoiding me.”
I stop and turn around to look at him, “I just… look tonight I’m looking to get over someone and I’m not sure hanging around you will help me attract people Sirius. If I spend the whole night with you, I’m giving off the wrong impression. It’s not personal.”
“It feels a little personal.”
“Come on Sirius lets go.” I say holding out my hand to him, which he takes placing a kiss on the top of my had.
We walk out of my room into the hallway where we hear the others calling to us telling us its time to go. The walk to the club is colder than expected but Sirius wraps his arm around me to keep me warm. I can’t protest because it’s just for the small walk once we get into the club it’ll be fine, I tell myself, when we get in, I’ll keep my distance. But it doesn’t stop the electricity I feel when his fingertips brush along the exposed skin on my back. It doesn’t stop my heart beating too fast when he jokes with me speaking right in my ear. The heat of his breath on my neck and the idea of him being so close to me. All too soon we reach the club with a line along the stretch of the road. When we get in line, I position myself between Lily and Marlene to keep my distance from Sirius. It works to he doesn’t try to stand next to me or wrap his arm around me or even really talk to me.
When we enter the club the thudding music pulses through my body, and I make a beeline to the bar letting my friends scatter throughout the club. I find myself waiting to be served next to a tall man with bright red hair who has a gleaming smile and a large nose. He leans down to speak in my ear asking if he can buy me a drink, I accept.
“Sorry I don’t think I caught your name.” I state.
“I’m Fabian. I think I know you from somewhere.” He answers.
“Well, I work in the local bookshop so you might know me from there.” I respond. “Actually, you do look a little familiar… Do you have any siblings?”
“I have a sister you might know, Molly?”
“Oh yes! I know Molly, she’s dating Arthur.”
“They’re actually engaged now.” He says.
The conversation dies down a little after we talk about his sister and he soon excuses himself, “I think my brother is doing something stupid in the smoking area and I have to join in.” He explains shooting me his bright smile again before leaving me alone by the bar again.
“You’ve got a real determined look going on right now love.” Sirius speaks sliding into the free space next to me. I look up at him not caring about just how close his face is to mine. “Maybe that’s why Fab left.” I open my mouth to respond but Sirius offers me a drink, so I don’t bite his head off.
“You know him?” I ask.
“We run in the same circles. Look what asshole are you trying to get over with random people in this gross club.” He responds pulling a face.
“You don’t want to know.”
“I think I do.”
Biting my lip nervously I look him right in the eyes and tell him, “It’s you Sirius you’re the asshole.”
He swallows and raises his eyebrows. Seemingly unsure on how to respond. He runs a hand through his long intentionally messy hair and then rubs his face as if trying to understand what I’m saying. Trying to pull it into focus. I try to smile at him, but my face won’t let me, and I feel my sadness catch in my throat and pull at my chin. Quickly as though to make the emotion disappear, I wipe away a stray tear with my finger. Sirius catches me doing it and then he really sees how he has affected me, and I see the guilt bubble up through him. He says my name too quietly for me to hear in the club but the look on his face tells me that he doesn’t feel the same. The room feels too hot. Like there isn’t enough air for me in here.
“It’s okay Sirius.” I pause letting out a small sob, “You don’t have to say it I already know.” The heat builds up and I must get out of this stupid club because the room suddenly feels a lot smaller than before. I think he tries to call after me but all I can focus on is getting out of here. I break out into a small run bumping into people as I push my way through. When I get outside, I sink to the cold pavement and let the sobs rack through me like waves. This really isn’t how I imagined the night going. I look up to the night sky and a feeling of loneliness latches onto me. I don’t even try to avoid it. I go into full pity party mode, already thinking of the uncomfortable conversation I’ll eventually have to have with him about this. About how this will probably ruin our friendship for good. What will happen to the whole group of us? Then I hear his voice calling out for me in a panic and the loneliness washes out of me. He spots me and gently sits down next to be shrugging his leather jacket off and placing it over my shoulders.
“Love I didn’t realise how you felt. I wouldn’t ever want to make you feel like this. I hate myself right now.” He places a hand on my leg, and I look at him. He is crying too. I wipe away a tear holding his face with my cold hand.
“Why are you crying?” I laugh.
“Because I’m an idiot love I didn’t even realise you were an option for me! Are you kidding? Why wasn’t this something I knew about. Who else knew?”
“Just Marlene. But what difference does me being an option make?”
“Well only because I’ve been trying to get over you since we were 15! I always assumed you didn’t think of me that way, that I was just your hot friend.”
“Well, you are the hot friend, but I have had feelings for you for years. I just never thought I was good enough for you.”
“Good enough for me! I never thought I was good enough for you.”
The tears turn quickly into laughter realising how blind we’ve both been. I stand up offering Sirius my hand he takes it placing another kiss on my hand and we walk back to my apartment. I invite him into my bedroom where he kisses me passionately holding my body flush against his. He kisses me like he’s been waiting to kiss since the moment he met me. I kiss him back with the same emotion. We kiss until we break apart foreheads pressed together panting, trying to catch our breathes. Both smiling once again. A warmth exploding in my chest.
“Sirius I’ve been waiting to be with you for longer than I would like to admit. As much as I’d love to jump into bed with you right now and let you have your way with me.” Sirius laughs at this, “I just don’t want to go too quickly because I want this to work out. So instead of sex could we just hold each other until we fall asleep?”
“I do love that you worded it that way. Makes me feel like the guy in one of those sappy romance books. Yes, I’m more than okay with taking it as slow as you want my love. I can wait as long as you want. I would happily wait thousands of lifetimes for you.” He speaks kissing me again.
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levi-lover · 4 years ago
New Light Part: 1
College Levi x Reader(Modern AU)
W/C: 2.5
T/W: Pretentious Hipster Levi lol 
A/N: Levi is a moody English major who spends his free time reading at the local cafe and yes, I think that is sexy as hell. This is a slowburn piece kinda  inspired by the Hulu show Normal People! I love that show but I could never watch it again bc it breaks my heart too much lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! (Part Two will be up soon! & this picture is from Pinterest)
I’ve put all the parts in one list here:  New Light Masterlist
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“I just don’t get it.” You huffed and leaned back into your chair. 
“Don’t worry, this stuff takes time to learn!” Hange looked at you earnestly.
The two of you had been studying at Maria’s Coffee for a few hours. Your genetics midterm was in a few days and you were completely lost. You met Hange on your first week, you anxiously walked into the lecture hall thinking this would be an easy pass to fulfill your science credit. Oh boy, were you wrong. Immediately, you were thrown into the depths of mitosis and chromosomes. The only good thing that came out of it was your new friendship with Hange. On your first day, Hange complimented your sweater and asked if they could sit with you. Hange was a genetics major so this class was easy, hell, it was fun for them. They offered to tutor you so you bought them coffee during your study sessions in return.
“Yeah, you’re right but still,” You said in between sips of your coffee. “How do you like this stuff?” 
“Oh, it’s fascinating to me, it’s crazy how we’re made up of tiny cells and in those cells is our human history but we can’t even see it. It’s like the world’s smallest yet most important puzzle.” Hange’s eyes lit up as they continued speaking. 
You listened and continued to drink your coffee. It was late but the cafe was still busy with college students hurrying to type their papers and study for tests. The lamps left soft yellow shadows on the cream colored walls. The cafe was homey and it felt like it was a cottage pulled straight out of a forest. From the back of the cafe, you could see the entrance. It was raining and people ran across the sidewalk with their jackets over their heads. You laughed through your nose.
“Hey! Are you listening?” Hange questioned. 
“What? Of course, I am. Science is the answer to everything, right?” You quipped. 
Hange rolled their eyes and went back to their textbook. You kept your eyes on the front door. It had been a few days since you had seen your coffee shop friend. The word friend was a loose term for your relationship with the dark-haired boy. Your relationship started one day when you were sitting in the spot you are now, it was late, close to 1 am and after downing two cups of coffee you needed to pee. Across from you was a small man holding a used copy of Slaughterhouse Five, he was dressed in all black and was munching on a muffin. You asked him to watch your stuff, he nodded and pushed his hair away from his gray eyes. From that point on, you developed a friendship founded on your mutual respect for privacy yet concern over each other’s well-being. It became an unspoken rule that this was the only place you would meet. Your attention returned to your work, if he wasn’t going to show up then whatever, he was just another stranger. 
“Hange, I think I’m gonna call it a night.”
“What?! Why?! We haven’t even gotten to the good part, wait until you hear about what happens to the amino acids during replication.” The same familiar look of excitement washed over Hange’s face. 
“Look as exciting as it all sounds, I’m gonna have to pass.” You began to gather your things when the front door opened. You looked up and saw the dark-haired boy. He looked as pretty as always with a beige tote bag draped across his shoulder, droplets of rain hung onto his dark strands. Next to him stood a tall, handsome blonde man who was looking around the cafe. His eyes stopped when he reached your table and he lifted a hand and waved at you. You looked at him confused. 
“LEVIIII!! ERWIIIN!!” Hange yelled and waved their arms. People looked up at them with annoyance. 
“Wait, you know them?” You asked.
“Who, those idiots? Yeah. I forgot to tell you I invited them to study with us. Levi promised to help me write a paper,” Hange said nonchalantly. “Shit! I should have asked you if that’s okay. Is it?” 
You looked down and felt your face redden, “no worries, it’s not a problem.” 
“I’ll introduce you to them, they’re buttheads but they don’t bite.”
You sat back down and looked at your notebook as the dark-haired boy and the tall blonde walked towards you. A bundle of nerves planted themselves in your stomach but you couldn’t understand why. You’ve known this man for a couple of months now, slowly building a friendship at your own pace. It was nice to have control over something in your life for once but life always has a different plan for you; it was time to properly meet the dark-haired boy. All rules are eventually broken.
You ruffled the papers in front of you and took another sip of your drink but it was empty. Shit, you thought. The two men were standing in front of you and Hange at this point. The dark-haired boy looked at you, his brows furrowed.
“Hey, you’re House Coffee,” he said in a monotonous tone.
The blonde man and Hange looked at him confused, “wait, you know her?” Hange asked.
You shook your head, “nope.”
The dark-haired boy looked at you confused.
“Well, kinda, actually,” You muttered.
“Huh, that’s cool!” Hange announced. “Levi’s a little bitch but you probably already knew that.”
“Shut up, Four Eyes,” Levi retorted.
The blonde man laughed, “my name is Erwin. I’m a Political Science and History double major.” He gave you a dashing smile and lifted his hand.
Levi rolled his eyes, “humble much?”
Erwin gave him a glare before returning his clear blue eyes to you. You chuckled and raised your hand to his. It was a firm handshake.
“My name is (Y/N), it’s very nice to meet you, Erwin. And it’s Levi, right?” Your head turned to the dark-haired boy and he blushed slightly. Hange and Erwin exchanged a look.
Hange raised their hands slightly and asked, “I’m confused.”
“When aren’t you.” Levi remarked.  
“Oh, shut it you. I thought you two already knew each other.”
You placed your hands around the empty mug, hoping it would stabilize your nerves. “Know might be a strong word, I guess we’ve seen each other here before?“ You shrugged and looked at Levi.
He nodded, “I agree, we sometimes look after each other’s stuff and talk about books.”
“Good to know. I’m glad Levi has someone else to talk to,” Erwin declared.
They pulled out two chairs and placed them around the table. Erwin pulled out his laptop and his binders, everything was color-coordinated down to the tabs and pens. Levi pulled out a yellow notepad and a beat up copy of On the Road and single black pen. He tried his best to act natural but was unsure how to act around you and his friends. He wasn’t prepared for his two worlds to crash, it wasn’t that he was ashamed to know you. He enjoyed your company but it was something that was special to him. He didn’t want to share those precious late night hours with anyone else but you.
“I’m going to go buy a tea, (Y/N) do you want anything?” Erwin said pointing at your empty cup.
“Uh no-” You were about to say before Levi interrupted you.
“12 oz house coffee, splash of soy,” He stated.
Hange raised their eyebrows, in all their years of friendship he had never bothered to learn their coffee order. Erwin was equally as surprised. You stared at Levi, unsure what to say.
“Alright, you got it,” Erwin said before grabbing your empty mug.
Levi and Erwin got up and walked to the front counter. Hange grabbed your arm and you looked at them surprised.
“How long have you known Levi?” They whispered.
“Uh, like I said, ‘know’ is a strong word but a couple of months. We just sit near each other and sometimes talk. It’s not a big deal.”
“I can’t believe Levi didn’t tell me he knew you,” Hange said in disbelief.
“Did you tell him about me?” You retorted
“No but still. If I knew my two friends knew each other, I would have set this study party together a long ass time ago.”
You shrugged and went back to looking at your notes. By this time, Levi and Erwin were walking back to the table. Erwin was holding a mug of tea and your coffee, Levi was holding a mug of tea in one hand and an apple muffin in another. Erwin handed you your coffee and you thanked him. He sat in front of you and Levi opposite of him. Erwin cleared his throat and asked, “how do you guys know each other?”
“We met in genetics class,” You responded.
“You’re a science major, too?”Erwin asked.
“No, I’m a humanities major but I still need my science requirement so I’m taking this class and majorly regretting it.”
“Hey, it’s not all bad. We’re friends now,” Hange nugged their elbow at you, you gave them a smile and nodded.
“What a reward,” Levi muttered.
You held back a laugh which made Levi smile, he hid it behind his book.
“How do the three of you know each other?” You pointed to the trio.
Hange shot up from their text book and exclaimed,“oh, (Y/N) you’re going to love this so it all started four years ago…”
It was their freshman year, Levi’s uncle had just dropped him off at the dorms and left him alone to unpack. Levi didn’t have much except for a suitcase of clothes, a bed sheet set and a small box of books. He started to put his clothes away in the drawers when the door opened and a lean, tall blonde boy and his father walked in, pulling a cart of the boy’s belongings.
“Hi, you must be my roommate. My name is Erwin,” he stood at the doorway awkwardly waving at Levi.
“Hello, I’m Erwin’s dad, nice to meet you.”
Levi gave him a small smile and continued to organize his side of the room, it took about fifteen minutes in total. After Erwin’s dad left, Levi and Erwin sat on their respectives beds in silence. It took them awhile but eventually they bonded over their mutual love of Russian poetry. Over the next few weeks, they built a symbiotic relationship filled with chore charts and late night study hangs. Levi genuinely enjoyed Erwin’s presence, he was his first friend outside of his hometown. Erwin felt the same way too. He never had a huge opportunity to meet people since he was homeschooled until his final two years of high school. They had found a companion in each other.
The week before Thanksgiving break, Erwin convinced Levi to host a small gathering in their dorm. Levi hesitantly agreed and Erwin managed to get his hands on a weed brownie. They invited a few of their floormates and shared the goods and drank a single Mike’s Hard Lemonade that Hange brought. They sat on the concrete floor and waited for the weed to hit after thirty minutes, no one was high. One of their floormates, Zeke, took a whiff of the brownie and laughed.
“Erwin, this is a fucking regular brownie,” he glanced at Erwin who was tenderly sipping out of the bottle. Zeke’s roommate, Porco laughed.
“No, it can’t be,” Erwin responded. Hange looked around nervously and Levi glared at Zeke.
“Ha, whatever. This kickback is lame anyways. Let’s go,” Zeke and the others left.
Hange, Erwin, and Levi stayed in silence for a few minutes until Hange spoke, “I thought it was a good brownie.”
Erwin gave them a half-hearted smile and looked down at the bottle. Levi sighed and walked to his closet.
“Now that those fucktards are gone, let’s have a real party,” Levi said as he pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniel’s.
Erwin looked at Levi, shocked. “How long have you had that?”
“My uncle gave it to me when he dropped me off. As a going away present.” Levi shrugged it off.
The rest of the night was spent taking shots of whiskey and playing cards games, it was the first night of many.
“Wait, really? Erwin you bought a dud brownie.” You held your side as you laughed.
Erwin looked sheepishly at his drink. Levi had a smirk on his face.
“Yeah! Looking back at it now, it’s the funniest thing ever. But those other guys were jerks. I don’t remember their names now or anything but I hope they’re living horrible lives,” Hange proclaimed.
“I believe it and I hope so too.” You wiped a tear from your face and felt Levi’s gaze on you.
Levi had never seen you laugh that hard, he liked this side of you. He went back to notating his book but he couldn’t deny the feeling of warmth in his chest. The four of you remained in comfortable silence for a while. The coffee shop began to slow down as the clock ticked further into the night.
“This has been a lot of fun but I think I’m going to call it,” Erwin’s deep voice broke the silence of the table.
The three of you nodded in agreement and began to pack your bags. You watched Levi’s slender fingers gently put his belongings into his tote bag. His dark hair was getting long, it brushed against his cheek as he moved his body. You looked away quickly, you knew nothing could happen between the two of you but watching him interact with his friends casted a new light on him. Levi, what a name, you thought. For the past couple months, he was your secret friend, someone you could talk to without feeling judged because he was so removed from your everyday life but now, it was different. You both shared a mutual connection and of course, you shared the countless hours spent in this cafe.
The four of you made casual conversation as you exited the cafe. The cold air whipped your face and you tugged your scarf tighter around your neck.
“Hey, do you need a ride? I’m parked a block away,” Erwin asked you.
“Don’t worry, hot stuff. I’ll walk her home.” Hange winked at Erwin, Levi rolled his eyes.
“I live a few blocks away but thank you. It was really nice to meet you Erwin and Levi it’s nice to finally know your name.”
Levi looked down at the ground and a pink glow appeared on his face, “yeah, this was nice.”
You watched them turn around and walk in the opposite direction for a moment before turning to Hange. The air was cool and the clouds had parted, leaving open an endless sky peaking through the buildings and the trees. It had become a ritual for the two of you to walk home after study sessions since you lived a few blocks away from each other. Hange made casual conversation on your walk home but you hardly paid attention. You kept on thinking about Levi and wishing you never learned his name.
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Silva Lining (Saul Silva x Reader) Chapter 6 pt2
Here you have it peeps. Part 2 of chapter 6! I’m really enjoying writing this story and if anyone has watched the original Winx cartoon you’ll recognise some bits in this chapter. Also, wanted to let you know that if you've watched Fate: the winx saga, my fic is mostly based off that timeline, however, I won't be following it exactly if you’re wondering why certain events haven't happened already etc... 
Warnings: Swearing/bullying?
Word count: 2.3k
Oh god. You didn’t want to turn toward the voice, scared of what you were about to encounter. Saul visibly stiffened and not in the good way. If he was a cat the hair would be standing up on the back of his neck and he’d be poised to attack. His eyes looked at you quickly, it was a pleading look, one that you weren’t sure you like the look of. 
“I thought It was your handsome face I saw from over there, fancy seeing you here.” The girl was still walking towards the booth and hadn’t seen you yet, you were on the side with your back facing her so were shielded still, until she got closer. You turned your head and instantly were hit with a wave of unexplained anxiety. It was like for a moment you had gone straight back to being that small, un wanted shell of a girl Saul had found months ago cowering on the forrest floor. 
She was tall, slim, blonde and gorgeous, a lot of things you weren’t, you were total opposites. Where she wore a tight fitting figure hugging dress that showed off all her assets, and you meant ALL, you wore more of a muted outfit, sticking to your traditional fashion sense of white and black. Granted it was a date, you had made an effort to look nicer, no ripped skinny jeans this time, just normal black ones with platform Vans and a white sequinned top you’d borrowed from Stella, your leather biker jacket slung over the booth next to you. You noticed she was a lot older than you too, if you had to guess she was probably around 28, a lot closer to the age of your man sitting across from you. Her lips were a bold red, pearly white teeth shinning as she grinned at Saul.. until she noticed you sitting across from him. 
“Oh you have company?” She said it more like a question rather than a statement, like she was surprised he was here with anyone. The woman crossed her arms rather matter of factly and didn’t hesitate in looking you up and down, subtly not her forte. The grin she was giving you made you a little nervous, gone was the one she wore for Silva, now this one was different, something crazy behind the woman’s eyes, almost predatory. 
“And you are?” She looked straight at you, cocking her head, who the hell did she think she was. Saul was still quiet, you think shocked was the better word for it. Then he seemed to snap right out of it when he heard how you were being talked to. 
“Glamour, this is my girlfriend Y/N.” Her whole face changed from a wicked smile to a look of disgust. 
“You can’t be serious.” God if she was trying to make you feel any smaller she was surly succeeding. Now this, is what you called a Queen B, grade A Biatch! She would even give Stella a run for her money. “This, is what you left me for?” She shook her head in disgust and then even had the audacity to laugh. Sauls fists tightened, you slipped your foot back to his leg and moved it slightly, a reassuring touch.
“You know, I thought it was just a temporary thing, it’s only been two and a bit months after all, I thought it was just you getting stressed about going back to Alfea, but obviously you had ulterior motives.” What, wait, did she just say two and a bit months.. that means.. he was still dating this bitch when you had moved into Alfea and he was training you. In that moment you felt like an idiot. God, how could you have been so stupid, of course he would be going out with someone like her, she was perfect, everything a man could want, then there was you, a broken outcast who had no where to call home. What if you were just his charity case? The negatives thoughts came creeping in but you tried to push them down, you hadn’t felt this insecure in a long time. The booth seemed to crackle with energy, then you realised thin black clouds of fog hovering around you. Your powers were out of whack, it tended to happen when you were so emotional you couldn’t contain them. The woman looked a little rattled and Saul looked even more pissed. 
“Glamour, that was in the past, we weren’t anything but a fling, you didn’t mean anything to me and I didn’t mean anything to you, whereas, Y/N, means everything to me. Now if you don’t mind, me and my girl are trying to enjoy our date. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” Obviously she wasn’t used to being talked to the way Saul had because she let out an almighty screech of annoyance and stormed off, her heels clacking away on the tiled floor. 
“When you get bored with your pet project and want a real woman you know where to find me.” Was her last comment before she made her dramatic exit. You let out the breath you’d been holding, unable to look Saul in the eyes, willing the tears of embarrassment to magically disappear from your face, that was one thing your magic wasn’t good for. 
“Darling look at me.” You clenched your jaw as Saul hooked a finger under your face, lifting your chin, your glossy eyes meeting his. “She was nothing to me, nothing I promise you.. As soon as I knew I had feelings for you I cut all ties baby please believe me, you’re the only one I want, the only one.” You wiped the stray tear from your face hurriedly, Sauls face falling into a frown, he stood and slid into the same booth as you wrapping you in his big arms. You felt yourself calm. You felt safe again and you could tell he was telling the truth. Insecurities was a thing you’d struggled with forever, so you weren’t that surprised that they had creeped in, if there was one thing you did know, it’s that you trusted Saul with every fibre of your being.
He was right, the coffee in Magix was a billion times better than the coffee on earth. Heck, it didn’t even compare, you left the little place feeling buzzed and full of yummy goodness. Saul grabbed your hand, incasing it in his, the softness of you skin contrasting with his calloused fingers. It felt right. 
“You ready to head home baby or do you want to check out a couple of shops first?” He had pulled you into his side, your head just meeting the top part of his chest, you snuggled into him, the warmth of his body radiating towards you. You should have been a little tired, it had been a fun filled morning, but the coffee was something you would need to adjust to, you were wide awake and felt like you could run a marathon. 
“I saw a book shop on the way to the ice rink that I wanted to check out, and a clothes store that looked like it was kind of my thing, do you think we could stay a bit longer?” You craned your neck to look up at him, his grey eyes peering back at you, his mouth turned up into a charming smile. 
“Sure sweetheart, do you remember how to get to the book store? While you’re there, there’s someone I need to talk to quickly about guard business..” He stroked his hand over your hair as you nodded your head, giving you a sweet peck on your forehead. “Just text me the name of the clothes shop you go to and i’ll meet you there okay? No wondering off..” He looked more serious at that part and you stood on your tiptoes to give him a reassuring kiss. 
“Sure thing Sir.” With a wink you turned around, Saul slapping your ass playfully before you were out of reach which earned a giggle from you, gosh, that man. 
It hadn’t taken long for you to retrace your steps to the wonderful looking bookshop you’d seen earlier that morning. The doors were heavy when you pushed them open and stepped into the most beautiful place you’d ever seen. You had always been a sucker for books, the nerd side of you squealed in delight. It was one of the things on earth that helped you escape reality, reading and imagining running away to different worlds, wether it was Wonderland, Forks or Hogwarts. What surprised you most about the shop was it was a lot bigger than you thought it would be, like stepping into a Tardis, reasonably sized on the outside, enormous on the inside. 
You stepped forward tentatively, taking in your surroundings and the book smell that seemed to linger in the air. A woman with half moon shaped glassed that were perched on the end of her nose was sitting at the front desk, to you it seemed more like a library, maybe it was a bit of both. She looked up when she heard your footsteps, greeting you with a kind, grandmotherly like smile.
“Hello dear, can I help you with anything today?” That’s when you proceeded to tell her it was your first time in Magix and she talked you through everything. In the end you were lead to a space in the middle of the books, a round circle shape carved out in the middle of the stalls with an alter in the middle. 
“This is the book alter, you ask the alter for the name of book you’re searching for, a subject or anything you can think of, and the shop will do the rest.” Of course it was magic too, you had to get used to the idea that everything would be now. A magic search browser, you could get used to that. The lady moved on, returning to her perch behind her desk. 
“Okay okay, lets try…” You were thinking about what to ask for when the dream you’d had that day in the hospital came back to you.
“Find me anything on the ‘Dragon Soul.” the mystical voice had mentioned in in your hazy state and you naturally wanted to know more about where you’d maybe come from and what your powers were. A couple of books floated forward, one was a fictional book that was about mystical creatures, not what you were looking for, the other was labeled, “A brief history of the realms.” That one didn’t have a price, it had a coloured sticker, which meant you could take it out for a certain amount of time, just like a library, the different colours represent the time you can take it for. You sighed thinking that was all the place had to offer, millions of books and only one worth your time? Then you heard it. The creaking and slamming of iron. The gates opposite you held the restricted area, only accessible for teachers and higher people of power. A few books were battering themselves against the bars, trying to make their way towards you. Just before a shocked voice rounded the corner, a couple of the smaller books managed to squeeze through the bars and fly into your awaiting arms. Books had started flying all about you, something wrong with the altar. You ducked behind it for cover, almost knocked out by a fairy dictionary thicker than a brick. 
“Stop!” You were relieved when the elderly librarian had arrived, making the books cease in mid air, the attack halted. “Sorry my dear, I don’t know what happened, the altar doesn’t normally behave like this.” She looked at you worriedly. Before she noticed you had the books under your top, you thanked her and made your way to the front doors, only checking out the book that had come to you first, while the other two remained hidden.  
Saul had done exactly what he said he’d do, you had text him as soon as you’d cleared the book store, luckily the ones you wanted to keep hidden managed to fit inside the small shoulder bag you’d brought along. It didn’t take long for your man to come walking around the corner, a spring in his step and smile on his face when his eyes set upon you standing at the boutique. 
“Did you find what you were looking for princess?” He pulled you into him, as if you’d been away for ages when it had only been 20 minutes. 
“Yup, the books went crazy in there and almost took me out but I got what I went for, I think.” With that you both walked into the boutique, you weren’t planning on buying anything really, just wanted to have a look about, it had been months since you’d had a look around stores, it was nice to have a bit of normalcy. While Saul sat in the designated boyfriend seat, it didn’t take long for something to catch your eye. A black lacy dress that would be perfect for your birthday next week. You’d also snuck over to the lingerie section, looking for something more on the risqué side, it was as much a treat for you as it would be for Saul, but he wasn’t to know that yet. You’d managed to try on and pay for your items before he’d realised anything. 
“That was quick what did you get?” He stood, stretching his arms above his head, his tight t-shirt rising slightly revealing the trail of hair from his belly button all the way down to…. your head shot up when you heard Saul clear his throat, he was smirking at you, one eyebrow raised. Cocky bastard. You playfully shoved him and rolled your eyes, making your way back into the street.
“That’s for me to know and for you to find out Mr Silva.”
As always I hope you liked this chapter, if you did please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG AND FOLLOWWWW <3
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urmomsmainbitch · 3 years ago
american idiot - chapter one
link to wattpad story // link to series masterlist // link to writing
word count: 2.7k
warnings: the bowers gang, weapons, violence, basically the whole thing (if you're not comfortable with violence or abuse -- which henry faces during the movies and during the book -- then i recommend you don't read, but i'll try to tag appropriately!)
a/n: i hope you don't think it's ass but this is probably going to come out every other friday or so but this is more of a trailer than the start of the actual series
HENRY DIDN'T REMEMBER a better time in his life than when he heard the news that Tommy 'Gun' Lee was coming back to Derry for the summer. To him, nothing topped the moment where is dad was slurring over his dinner (leftover hot dogs -- again), and let it slip that the "ungrateful little bitch" was coming back for a few months over the summer, and that "your whore of a mother" didn't mention if she was staying for the year or not.
He remembered huffing and puffing, grumbling something under his breath before excusing himself, and running to call Patrick like it was fucking Christmas morning.
Something about his darling little sister coming back made his heart race and a smile light up his face, and it was evident from the way he stepped into Derry Middle on the last day of school.
Oh, this summer would be perfect! His deal with Denbrough was over, the gang was all together, and his perfect sister was coming back from San Diego for the summer. Tommy Lee Bowers, he knew, would make this the best summer he;d ever had -- and by fucking God, he wasn't going to let anything stand in his way. Not that stuttering freak or the stupid Tozier kid who's mouth ran a mile a minute or his father's thriving alcohol addiction -- absolutely nothing.
His Tommy Gun would rule that fucking school the second she stepped in to pick him up, and every one knew it.
Word travels fast at Derry Middle, and when it got around that Bowers had a little sister coming, the first thing Bill Denbrough did was panic.
She couldn't be too different, could she?
The same blood ran through their veins, the same color skin on their bones, and most likely, the permanently upturned smirk tattooed to their lips. His hopes didn't improve when he saw the girl himself, waiting outside on the hood of Butch's car, throwing rocks at little kids passing by as she sat patiently for Henry to come outside.
He'd promised her a tour of the school -- it's only fair, he put it, that a queen knows her kingdom before taking it over. Henry had no doubt that Tommy would run the school when it was her time in September. A grade below Tits and the rest of his ugly friends, it would be more embarrassing than anything else to watch them suffer socially at the hands of a twelve year old girl.
(Henry very much looked forward to that moment. So much so, in fact, that he near goddamn skipped his way to the front of the school to open the door so they could start the tour. It helped that he was getting out of math class.)
It was only in the few moments before she walked in the door (immediately claiming the whole goddamn building with a footstep) that Bowers caught him by the bag and dragged him into the bathroom, away from the rest of the kids, and most likely, where he'd lay dying for the rest of the school day and foreseeable future (Stanley refused to shit in the school bathrooms, and seeing as he was the only one on this side of the building, he was screwed.).
Bill had never liked being alone with Henry Bowers. Nothing good ever came out of it, and he didn't want to stick around this time to find out why he'd been pulled into a bathroom and away from the rest of the student population. Henry let go of Bill's bag, letting him stumble around for a second or two before straightening up and backing him up against the wall.
"W-what d-d-do you w-want, B-Bowers?" Bill nearly spat, looking the older boy in the eyes. Henry's permanent smirk seemed to grow a few inches on either side, because he just chuckled softly -- albeit cruelly -- and looked down at the Denbrough boy. Bill could smell his breath, even though the two weren't standing particularly close to one another.
"Well, B-b-billy," he mocked, nearly laughing as he relaxed his posture a little bit and backed away from him. (Any one is passing who didn't know them might have said, "Hey, I bet those two boys are damn good friends.") "I have some news for you and your group of stupid fucking friends, and let me tell you" -- Henry stopped to laugh for a second, like he was cracking himself up -- "it's going to make your life a living hell."
Bill gulped. He didn't think, realistically, it could get much worse.
"You got a free ride this year because of your little brother," Henry reminded, smiling a little bit, seeming genuine. "But the ride's over Denbrough. This summer is going to be the worst summer of your entire life."
(Bill didn't expect him to say anything else -- but honestly, every summer was the worst summer of his entire life. He didn't catch a break from the older boy and his group of goons, but there was a feeling down in the pits of his stomach that told him that this time, this time, for real, was going to be the worst summer vacation he's ever going to have as long as he lives.)
"But I do have a little piece of extra advice I'm gonna give you."
Bill huffed. "You're so generous," he started, rolling his eyes, as he tried to walk out of the bathroom. Henry grabbed onto his backpack, "but I think I'll have to pass with this one."
He was cut off as Bowers kicked him on shin and onto the cold bathroom tiles. So much for being brave.
"I think you might want to hear this." Henry squatted down to look Bill in the eyes. There was still a hint of a smile on his face. Boy, this is gonna be good. "If you think I'm a pain in your ass--"
"I d-do think you're a p-pain in m-my a-ass."
Henry paused for a second, sending a menacing smile, and pushed him back on the ground as he got up and stepped over the boy on the floor, before beginning to make his way out of the bathroom before looking back, before lending Bill a hand to get up. He hesitantly took it and brushed off his pants, lips pressed tightly together as he looked at Henry. "Then you're gonna hate the girl sitting on Belch's car."
"Why's that?" Bill asked, feigning confidence, already knowing the answer. Henry could tell, just exhaling and giving him a big mischievous smile, hands behind his back.
"Not important, but she's not gonna be as nice as I am," he said with a grin, "but I'm just looking out for you, Billy Boy. Wouldn't want Tommy Gun to whip your ass without some working, right?"
With that, Henry left the bathroom, a smile plastered on his face as he went to greet his sister, and Bill raced out of there like his ass was on fire -- warning Richie not to talk to or about the pretty girl sitting on Belch's car.
-- -- --
"Best feeling ever!" Stan groaned, grinning ear to ear as he dumped out everything from his backpack. School had finally let out for the summer — no more stupid math classes or dumb reading assignments and annoying history tests, just Stanley and his bird book for three whole months.
A piece of his own personal heaven. Points if the pretty girl on Belch's hood was with him but hey, he wasn't picky.
"Really?" Richie asked with a grin on his face, "Try tickling your pickle for the first time." Eddie rolled his eyes, but Bill smiled. Stan let out another groan -- not a good one, this time -- even though, if he had to be honest, this seemed like it would be the best summer of his whole entire life.
Richie felt it too, if he were going to tell the truth (as he so rarely did -- or at times, so bluntly did), that this felt like it was going to the be the absolutely best summer he would have for the rest of his life. He had a whole checklist and everything for things he wanted to do (kiss some girls), things he wanted to see (some girls' boobs), and things he wanted to experience (there were a number of interesting things on this list).
And quite frankly, he felt as though every single thing on every one of his lists could be accomplished with the girl sitting on Belch Huggins' car hood, smiling mischievously as she watched the kids coming out of school.
God, did she really and truly look like an angel. Deep brown hair, straight in some parts and wavy in others, came down a little bit past her collarbone (not super cared for, but neither was his), cherry red lips, and a cute line of freckles going across the bridge of her nose. She was the most impressive tan he'd ever seen in his whole life, a very deep beige from the summer sun — even though it was only June.
The top part was being held up by some clip, and Richie could see his own Hawaiian shirt going over her tank top instead of the open button down she was wearing on top. It was lazy looking and careless and little bit disheveled, but that day, Richard Wentworth Tozier II was convinced he saw the hottest girl to ever be created.
Eddie interrupted his dream, snapping him back for only a second. "So what do you guys want to do tomorrow?"
"I start my training," Richie responded immediately.
"Training for what?"
"Street Fighter."
"You're going to spend your whole summer inside of an arcade?" Eddie couldn't imagine that prospect, but with Richie, anything was possibly -- no matter how disgusting it might seem.
"Beats spending it inside of your mother, oh!" Richie's goofy grin came back in an instant and leaned over for a high five from Bill when his hand was brought down by Stan. "And, 'course, my summer bucket list."
Eddie sent him a pity glance, "No girl's gonna let you fuck her this summer, Richie. If they have any brains at all, no girl is going to let you go within a ten foot radius of her without realizing what she's doing." Richie pressed his lips together. Of course Eddie would be cynical, it's just because — "and don't tell me that I think it because I just haven't hit puberty yet!"
Richie gave him a toothy grin, "Aw, shucks, Eddie Spaghetti, you know me so well. When you see a pretty girl, like say, that one over there—" he pointed discreetly towards the girl on the hood —"you'll get that feeling of butterflies in your stomach and just think, 'Wow, I've just seen an angel.' I don't mean Bowers, I just-"
"Yeah, you mean his little sister." Eddie looked up to Richie for a response, only to see him at a loss for words, jaw dropping and face paling.
For once, Richie Tozier was speechless as Eddie laughed and slapped his back as Bill mentioned something about the Barrens and Georgie and finding him — even though everybody had long accepted the fact that Georgie wasn't just missing.
It was like a switch. Everything changed in that instant. It was like she grew fangs and claws, and he watched Patrick look at her like she hung the fucking moon. It was incredibly painful, but he assumed, in a sense, they deserved each other. It took a second before he realized what this would actually mean for him: having to worry about a double in the hallways — a hot double that could potentially fool him into forgetting her Bowers-ness — and someone else to make fun of him in ways that he'd never tjough imaginable.
Sure, Bowers wasn't awfully bright, but he sure as hell was creative when it came down to it.
"Gunner!" Richie heard Bowers (the boy one) laugh as she shoved him in the side, cackling along herself, cigarette never leaving her mouth — opting just to talk out of the side of it.
Oh, so her name must have been Gunner. That's unfortunate, he thought to himself. But then again, she seems awful, so maybe she just deserves it. He smiled to himself. "Tommy Lee, we've gotta start heading out soon."
Wait, so was it Tommy Lee? Or was it Gunner? Was that just the gang's nickname for her? More importantly, if it was, why the fuck would they choose a name like Gunner for her? Nothing was settling about that fact, and although Richie wasn't typically one to spiral, it was hard to control himself.
"You didn't tell me you had friends, Henny!" Tommy exclaimed girlishly, making Patrick spit out his sofa and slam his hand on the car hood, flicking out her cigarette and letting Patrick snuff it out. She put a hand on her heart. "Oh, you've grown up so fast! I remember it was just yesterday you took a massive shit in that kids backpack and had to do forty hours of community service!"
Richie could tolerate a lot of things. One thing he couldn't tolerate though, was not being able to chime in when his story was being used and told all wrong — or mentioned without his name. Luckily, he was spared his intervention by a howling Belch Huggins.
"It was four eyes!" Huggins nearly screamed, warning a howling laugh from Tommy and shove from Victor, followed by a point led by Patrick. "Yeah, him!"
Richie could feel his face heating up, but before he could say anything, the bright blue TransAM was firing up the engine, and was getting ready to peel out of the school parking lot like a man man was driving.
Bill was the first to say anything. "Sorry about that, Rich. Bowers is a real asshole."
"So is his sister," he made out through his teeth.
Richie saw himself as a 'go with the flow' kind of guy, but goddamn it, he wasn't going to let Tommy Lee shit all over him and get away with it.
He was too stubborn, too arrogant, and too proud to let that happen, but with only a second or two of knowing she existed, he knew she was the exact same way. He could get tell it with the way she walked and talker and immediately took control of some of the scariest kids in Derry Middle.
But she wouldn't come out on top of this one.
There's no way. He refused to let it happen. Letting her win would show everyone else that he was just a loser who couldn't stand up to a girl who's was going to beat the living daylights out of him if he looked at her the wrong way.
She already had Henry and Patrick and Belch on her side — an even, if not better, match to four decently sized seventh graders. There was no excuse for them to get beat.
Grinding his teeth and tearing his eyes away from her, laughing mischievous and almost secretly as she put her cigarette out on Belch's hood as not to be noticed by he coo around the corner (Rich didn't know that the cop around the corner was her father who would beat her till she couldn't stand if he caught her smoking) he said, "So, Barrens tomorrow, right Bill?"
And right as Tommy Lee Bowers and her newfound gang pulled out of the parking lot, she and Richie Tozier locked eyes and made a silent pact — an agreement — something they both agreed on — something he'd be thinking about all night and the whole next morning:
Derry is two small for the two of us.
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kj-1130 · 4 years ago
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@youngjusticeimaginesus​ here is your request!
Main Masterlist
     You had been adopted by the Danvers family when you were quite young; barely a year old. They had been there for you basically since the beginning and you did consider them your family, regardless that you weren’t blood related. 
     While Kara and Alex had been living it up in National City, you were still stuck in boring Midvale. You were still in high school so you couldn’t exactly move with them. They visited every now and then, but you wished you could see them more. They made life so much better. 
     Midvale wasn’t the most exciting place to you. There wasn’t much for you to do--or much that Eliza allowed you to do-- and honestly, the people sucked. A lot of them were close-minded assholes who couldn’t care less about anybody. The students at the school you attended were somewhat bearable, but there was always that handful that thought they were better than everyone and ruled the school. 
     Unfortunately for you, your mouth had put you in the situation you were in now. Some guy--that you were pretty sure had been in eleventh grade for the past three years--had you pushed against the locker, your collar in his hand. 
     Apparently, you were in the wrong when you corrected his grammar and took the last apple all the same day and you guessed it pissed him off. 
     “Got nothing to say now, huh?” 
     You simply scrunched your nose and reached into your pocket to grab something. You held out your hand and in it was a mint. 
     “Your breath stinks. Do you want it?” 
     ‘Ooh’s’ rang out as he punched you in your jaw. Probably shouldn’t have said that. 
     The boy(?) chuckled darkly and shook his head at you.
     “That ain’t nothing. I suggest you learn to keep your mouth closed unless you want some more?”
     You didn’t keep your mouth shut. 
     You were currently limping home while holding your jaw that still ached. Your backpack hung loosely on your left shoulder, your right one still sore from when he slammed you into the lockers. Your stomach hurt and you were pretty sure it was bruised black and blue. 
    You stayed the rest of the school day after the fight happened because you knew Eliza would have your ass if you were home early regardless of the situation. And it’s not like the school would call her. They turned a blind eye to every incident, fight, just about everything really. You thought they just didn’t want to do the paperwork. You didn’t blame them for that though; paperwork sucks. 
     So you just sat through it. You tried to make it straight home, but you were tired and in pain and you just wanted to rest, so you stopped at a bench that was on the sidewalk to take a breather. 
     You really could’ve handed his ass to him if you tried. Every now and then, Alex would teach you some self defense moves, but you knew fighting him would give him another reason for him and his buddies to target you. Also, the school system sucks and you would most likely be at fault for ‘agitating the student first’. And for some reason, the dude was a golden student at the school despite being like, three years younger than the youngest of the staff.
    “That’s probably why he gets away with it; bribes ‘em with sex. He’s probably not even that good. Shrimp dick,” you muttered while getting up from your spot. 
     Eventually, you made your way up to the driveway and got the key out to open the door. 
     “Stupid motherfucker. Stanky ass breath. Oompa loompa, noodle head looking ass. Got me fucked up.”
     You were so busy muttering insults, you didn’t notice your sisters sitting in the living room with your mom. You simply stomped--well the best you could--your way upstairs still mumbling any rude remarks that popped up in your head, most of it just angry gibberish at this point. 
     Both sisters looked at each other, then their mother with questioning looks on their faces. They all jumped when the door slammed closed. Alex decided to go check on you and Kara followed. She knocked and waited for you to answer.
     “Mom, for the last time; I don’t want to go to your weekly book club meetings. Who willingly reads Fahrenheit 451 anyway? That book gave me a migraine.”
     Your siblings both chuckled at your comments and opened the door. 
     “Not mom.”
     You pulled your head up to look at your sisters and furrowed your eyebrows.
     “You’re here?”
     Kara nodded her head and took a seat at the end of your bed and Alex watched as your face contorted in pain as you turned to look at them. 
     “Yes. You were probably too busy mumbling and stomping to notice.”
     Alex nodded in agreement and gained your attention.
     “Speaking of which, why were you mumbling and stomping? What’s going on?”
     “And don’t say nothing because I can see you cringe every time you move.”
     You sighed and realized there was literally no point in lying because they could tell if you were.
     “So there’s this dude in eleventh grade; I’m pretty sure he’s like 20 though. My question is how fucking dumb are you where you fail like three times? What type of sense does that make? Okay, maybe once is understandable; the school system sucks major ass and the material is absolutely useless anyway. Like why are we not learning how to start loans or do taxes. What is the point of school anyway? I’m not going to need to know the area or perimeter of the building I work in. The history is all bullshit too. Like I’m supposed to believe Christopher Columbus discovered America. ‘Discover’ my ass. That cracker wasn’t nothing but a racist and rapist. And I’m really supposed to believe Pocahontas willingly married that man? If they don’t go on somewhere with all of these lies. They always said lying is wrong in kindergarten. Why the fuck tell us that when all they do is lie? History is all a lie. All they do is-”
     “Right! Sorry. Anyway. So he said something and I legitimately almost had a stroke trying to process it, so I corrected him and tried to make sense of what he was saying. Also I think I was in front of him in the lunch line one day and I got the last apple. I’m pretty sure he was like ‘leave it there or else,’ but I wasn’t worried ‘bout him. A bitch was hungry and I wasn’t about to starve at his expense. So like today he pinned me against the lockers. Lowkey thought he was about to eat my face off cause he was real close. I guess he was still hungry, but whatever. And he was like, ‘got nothing to say?’ And I was like ‘your breath stinks.’ And I handed him a mint. And then he punched me. In the jaw. And then he was like, ‘I can do a lot worse if you don’t shut up.’ I didn’t shut up. He punched me in my guts. I threw up in my mouth a little. Not gonna lie I wish he had hit me a bit harder so I could’ve thrown up on his new shoes. I’m pretty sure my shoulders are bruised too. He’s probably a kinky motherfucker in bed. He was like, an inch away from choking me now that I think about it.”
     You shrugged your shoulders and went back to reading your Dork Diaries book. 
     Alex and Kara both slowly blinked, trying to process your fast rambling. 
     “Hold on. You got beat up?”
     “You didn’t tell the teachers?”
     “So you sat in pain. All day.”
     “Yeah, pretty much.”
     Kara looked at you concerned. 
     “What about those self-defense moves Alex has been teaching you?”
     You put your book down and gave them your full attention. 
     ‘Well, when I thought about it, I was like ‘schools think my shoulders are too sexy and can be a distraction, so I can’t wear tank tops.’ I can’t blame them though. My shoulders are beautiful and apparently they give guys boners. Anyway, I was thinking, ‘if they’re so sexist when it comes to clothing, how far are they willing to take that?’ And the more I thought about it, I was like, ‘wait, that dude is like only 3 years younger than the youngest staff member. So what if he’s like paying them with sex or something?’ And then I thought about it some more, and started thinking of all the times he was late to class and his clothes and hair were messy. And that time when I caught him and the calculus teacher sneaking out of the bathroom. I could probably catch them in the act. That’d be great blackmail…”
     You trailed off, starting to make a plan in your head.
     “What was the point in telling us that?”
     “Oh! I’m saying it’s hard for him to get in trouble. Like I’m pretty sure he’d convince some teacher that he’s innocent and that teacher would convince the principal he’s innocent and boom! I get suspended for no reason.”
     Kara and Alex looked at each other, already knowing they had the same idea about this whole situation. 
     “Well, let’s just get you patched up and talk to mom about switching schools. I don’t know about you, Kara, but I don’t feel comfortable with you going back there.”
     That same night, a special someone got a visit from Director Danvers and Supergirl. That same special someone also got their shoes burned to a crisp.
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zigtheeortega · 4 years ago
pairing | blaine x mc
word count | 3.2k
warnings | smut. public sex. minors dni.
tags | @raleighcarrera, @pixeljazzy, @pixelsandkink, @natesewell, @choicesarehard, @empressazura 
author’s note | alright i guess this is how my foreign affairs obsession begins. i had to do a bit of random world building since we’re only three chapters into this bitch so please just ignore it if any of this turns out to be out of character and refuted later or something. also i love blaine ! foreign affairs supremacy
Her cheek slipped out of the palm of her hand, forehead smacking the desk, nearly jumping out of her skin at the abrupt awakening.
She prodded the tender spot on her face, thankful her foundation was thick.
A soft snore caught her attention – next to her, Blaine was passed out. Leaning back in his chair, his head was thrown back, arms crossed against his chest, the textbook on its face in his lap.
“Hey, Blaine,” she whispered, barely audible over his snores, shaking his arm gently. “Blaine. Blaine –”
She shoved his arm, and he stirred, eyes popping open. He sat up too quickly, his knee hitting the edge of the table. “Shit –”
“Shhh,” she shushed him, jabbing a thumb towards the front desk, which was unoccupied. “I think we’re the last ones in here.”
“Huh,” he yawned, rubbing his eye with one hand.
“Hey!” She said, noticing the sound of crinkling in his lap. She snatched it up by the spine, furiously smoothing out the pages with flattened palms. “This is a priceless Rutherland book. There aren’t that many copies of this volume as is, and this is the original print. Be careful.”
“If you wanted to feel me up, you could’ve just said so,” he smirked, voice gritty and just the right amount of rasp to send a tingle up her spine.
“In your dreams.”
The last thing she remembered was skimming an old Ardonian textbook, fighting sleep as she tried soaking in as much as she could.
“Yeah, I saw you there, Carina,” he teased. “You were pretty wild.”
She rolled her eyes, flipping to a new page in her notepad, jotting down their textbook titles. “Do you remember where you stopped?”
“Nope. Most boring history book I’ve ever read,” he said, through another yawn.
Blaine was clearly a fast learner – he’d known how much the whole “Ardona versus Rutherland” thing had bothered her, so he set out to make that the one thing he teased her relentlessly about.
“Yeah, alright. You say that like reading about –” she flipped back a few pages, “‘Ardonian formal wear’ is somehow more interesting. If I have to read another page about the vast variations of lapels and cufflinks, I’m going to throw up.”
He shrugged. “There’s more exciting stuff. You just need to know where to look.”
“Okay, then show me.”
“Isn’t the library closing or something?” He stretched lazily, gesturing towards the empty desks and tables around them.
“Not for another…” she trailed off, shaking her wrist to readjust her watch. “Thirty minutes.”
“If it gets us out of here faster, I’ll assign you all the homework you want,” he said, scooting back from his chair, raising his hands above his head in a final, full body stretch, his hoodie lifting just above the belt of his jeans, her gaze roaming the thin line of hair below his belly button.
She averted her gaze, silently thanking herself for not being so obvious that he noticed her gawking.
She followed suit, trailing behind him with a stack of hardbacks in her arms, sliding them back in place as they stalked deeper and deeper into the maze of books.
“Right… here,” he said, dragging a finger across the spines, settling on a large, thick one right smack in the middle of the shelf.
He gently tugged it out of place, flipping the cover to show it to her. “This is a favorite.”
“Henrietta Hayes,” she read the cover, gently taking the book from his hands, ignoring the spark when their fingers brushed.
“Yep,” he said, leaning up against the bookshelf. “I much prefer biographies. More of a connection.”
She nodded. “Agreed.”
She turned the withered pages with a delicate touch, skimming as she went. “So you’re related to her?” “Yeah. She’s a great-great-great-great somebody,” he shrugged. “My parents didn’t have time to manually shove Ardonian history down my throat, so they settled for the next best thing – gifting me a stack of biographies for my thirteenth birthday.”
She grimaced. “That’s rough. You probably wanted a PlayStation or something, huh?”
He laughed breathily, the rasp from his sleepiness still lacing his tone. “Yeah, I wanted Mario Kart but I got endless Hayes’ stories. Don’t get me wrong, they’re interesting, but it’s proof they’ve been trying to groom me for the throne since I can remember.”
“So… why are you showing me this?” Carina asked, a bit confused. “What’s your angle?”
He shrugged again. “Trying to prove that we’re better.”
She sighed, snapping the book shut. “Alright, it’s been fun hearing about your ancient family members, but I’ll stick to the general information, thank you very much.”
His hand wrapped gently around her wrist, holding her in place. “You needed a reminder that I’m more than whatever you’ve been taught to perceive me as. I’m not whoever Henrietta was. I’m not whoever my parents want me to be. I’m just as lost as you are.”
She chewed the inside of her lip. “You’re right, but I can’t just ignore everything that’s been said to me. I’m supposed to hate you.”
“Well, do you?”
She sighed, staring at his hand, still holding her wrist. “I don’t hate anyone.”
“So, a non-answer. How diplomatic of you,” he scoffed, lip curled.
He was gorgeous, and infuriating. A horrible combination.
“You shouldn’t have kissed me or we wouldn’t be in this mess!” Carina whispered angrily, trying to keep her voice low despite her rage.
“You’re joking, right?” He shook his head, dropping his hand. “Carina, I don’t know what kind of revisionist bullshit you’re pulling right now, but if I remember correctly, you kissed me first.”
“Well – Well, my kiss didn’t count! It was a peck. I was coming down from an adrenaline rush. It wasn’t anything,” she shook her head, sliding the book back on the shelf. “You could’ve just left it at that, but you went in for round two, so you made it all complicated.”
“Yeah, I went in for round two because the first kiss sucked,” he said, emphasizing the last word.
She sucked in a sharp breath, trying to hold back a startled gasp. “If it sucked, you wouldn’t have gone in for another one.”
“Nope. Just trying to clean up after you,” he said, a hint of a teasing smile on his lips.
He was insufferable. Annoying. Unbearable. But he was gorgeous.
“What are we even arguing about? We’re literally just arguing to argue right now,” she huffed, flinging her arms in the air, letting her palms slap her thighs.
“You want to hate me, but you can’t. And you’re a bad kisser.”
She gritted her teeth, grabbing the lapels of his denim jacket, tugging him forward to smash her lips against his.
This kiss was a lot different than the last one – born out of frustration and anger and delicious sexual tension rather than exhilaration.
He groaned into her mouth, his hands grazing the hem of her skirt, slowly tracing the shape of her hips. He fisted the fabric there, pulling her closer, closer than they’d ever been.
The library was nearly silent, the dozens of rows around them completely unoccupied.
He slid his hands underneath her blazer, tugging at the hem of her skirt with a crooked finger. She could barely focus on what their mouths were doing anymore, considering he was two seconds away from copping a feel.
She pulled away, panting. “What do you think you’re doing?”
He laughed, just as out of breath as she was. “There’s nobody around. Live a little.”
“I can’t afford to ‘live a little’. You of all people should understand that, unless you’re just that dense.”
“Ouch. That almost hurt,” he smiled, hand snaking around her waist.
She smacked his chest with an open hand, her palm thudding inaudibly against the material of his hoodie. “Shut up.”
“Is this the part where you expect me to say ‘make me’? How cliche of you.”
“You’re the worst.”
“And you’re holding back because you think you owe people shit. You should let go,” he said, raising his hand to cup her chin. “I’ll be right here to catch you.”
Her lips parted involuntarily, a little dumbfounded by just how… suave this guy was. She was clearly immune to his charms in some capacity, but had just enough cracks in her exterior that he knew he could slip through.
“And you said I was cliched,” she said, running her hands down his lapels and smoothing them back in place. “I’ve, uh, never done this before.”
“Made out in a library? Weak –” He cut himself off at the look in her eyes, surprise flitting across his features before he wiped it away, the teasing back in place as quickly as it left.
“Guess I underestimated you,” he murmured, glancing around to check the surrounding area.
“That’s the best dirty talk I’ve heard in awhile,” she grinned.
He raised his brows at her, challenging. “You’re that easily impressed?”
He leaned in, so close that his lips grazed her earlobe, short whiskers scratching her jawline. “Wait till you see what else my mouth can do.”
She sighed involuntarily, eyelids fluttering. She really hated how her body reacted to his voice, low and grating, the bass of it sending shockwaves into her nerves. “Fuck…”
“Think I can make you cum before the librarian does her last rounds?” He said in her ear, hand splaying across the back of her skirt, gripping her ass, chuckling when she gasped.
“What about you?” She breathed, tilting her head to expose more of her neck to him, revelling in the way he sucked and nipped her skin.
“I know you’ll get me off. I mean, look at you,” he said, cupping her breast with his free hand. She sighed again, annoyed at herself for reacting – again.
His hands roamed, settling at the front of her skirt. “Is this okay?”
She nodded, rolling her lips to keep from making noise as his fingers slipped under her skirt, fingertips grazing the inside of her thighs. She sucked in a breath when he deftly pulled her underwear to the side, the pads of his fingers sliding against her.
“Don’t tell me auntie Henrietta’s got you this worked up.”
“Stop teasing me – no time –” she managed to get out, whining when his thumb circled her clit.
God, the act of being seen alone with him was enough to get her a headlining story, and kissing him would get her blacklisted faster than her mother could call her and chew her out – but fucking him? She’d never be able to show her face in public again.
But something about the rush of being with him, making her own choices, being spontaneous, was enough to make the decision for her.
“Just shut up and fuck me, Blaine,” she groaned, her nails digging into his shoulder, forehead pressed against him as she tried to focus on containing her noises.
“Turn around,” he ordered, spinning them around so she was pressed up against the bookcase. Thank god they were in the back, hidden by the edge of it.
She gripped the wood, trying to hide the trembling of her arms as he hurriedly shoved her skirt up over her hips, bunched at her waist.
He ran his hands over her hips, digging his fingers into her flesh. He toyed with the back of her thong, slipping his hand under the fabric before dragging it to the side.
“C’mon, stop staring. We don’t have all day,” she said, glancing at him over her shoulder.
“Goddamn, Carina,” he said, low and breathy. “Keep looking at me like that and it’ll be hard to stay quiet.”
She stared at the books in front of her, browsing the titles while he unzipped his jeans and rolled on a condom.
“You’re looking for books, even now?” He laughed, reaching his hand underneath her to stroke her clit gently. “You’re something else.”
“I was not –” she said, sucking in air when he expertly curled his fingers inside of her. “Jesus –”
“You sure you’re alright with this?” He asked, pumping himself slowly – she could feel his knuckles graze her ass and it was enough to make her breaths quicken. 
“Yes, Blaine – please she could be coming by any minute now –” She was cut off by him sinking into her slowly, languidly, and she dropped her head, sighing into the crook of her elbow, arms already bent and shaking.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he groaned, rasp still twinging his voice. He leaned forward, his left arm snaking to cup her breast, the right gently grabbing her chin to tilt her head towards him.
“Look at me when I’m fucking you,” he said, dragging his thumb across her parted lips while he pumped into her slowly, hips rolling deliciously slow.
“Oh my god – I –” Her senses were overstimulated – the way he was fucking her, talking to her, looking at her – she was already putty in his hands. She moaned an incomprehensible phrase when she grinded her hips, Blaine bottoming out inside of her.
“Use your inside voice,” he laughed breathily into her ear.
She opened her jaw, sucking his thumb into her mouth, revelling in the way his lids fluttered when she ran her tongue over the pad of it.
His pace quickened, hips snapping into her. He captured her earlobe between his teeth, breathing heavily through his nose, his low gravelly moans right in her ear.
As much as Carina wanted to scold herself for getting too comfortable with him that quickly, she couldn’t find it in herself to care.
She was almost grateful for the forced tension with him via their parent’s pressuring – it made fucking him much more gratifying.
It wasn’t hate fucking, because she really didn’t hate him. He was annoying, but not evil. It was definitely a twisted act of vengeance – their reputations wouldn’t survive being caught like this, but neither of them cared in the moment.
God, it felt so good for her to just let go of the million expectations that everyone had for her to chase the one thing she wanted. That level of spontaneity was addicting – she didn’t blame Blaine for rebelling so often.
“Fuck – you’re so good –” he said, tilting her head to press hot, open mouthed kisses against her parted lips.
Probably to keep her quiet, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. He tasted so sweet, so fucking sweet –
“Blaine, please, I’m close,” she said through soft gasps, lips still touching his.
“Tell me what to do.”
“Keep going like that, and touch me, please,” she said, whining way louder than she intended to when his fingers found her again.
He covered her mouth with his hand, slowing his pace so he could scope it out. It was seemingly quiet, still, their soft pants the only sound.
She wiggled her hips, smiling against his hand when he sucked in a sharp breath.
“Such a tease,” he said, before moving his hips again.
She braced her arms against the bookshelf, pushing against him. He set a relentless pace, the low thumps of her skin against his jeans just loud enough that they definitely could have been noticed by someone a couple rows away.
“So, so beautiful,” he murmured, the words of affirmation falling from his lips as naturally as his teasing did.
The familiar intense feeling washed over her, clenching around him while white lined the edges of her vision. She folded her arms on the edge of the shelf, dipping her head so she could catch her breath.
“Can I just say that you’re looking absolutely regal right now?” He smirked, pulling out of her.
“You didn’t finish though,” she said, weakly, still recovering.
“You can make it up to me later,” he said, lightly patting her ass before pulling her skirt back in place.
“No, this can’t happen again,” she shook her head, turning to face him completely, one hand still resting on the shelf for balance. “This was a one–time thing.”
“Oh, so you’re willing to admit defeat so easily, huh? I guess Ardonians are better in every way,” he shrugged, resituating himself.
There he was again – Blaine was back to teasing, his automatic default.
She gritted her teeth, pushing his chest with a pointed finger. “You not finishing isn’t some kind of competitive edge over me –”
“It is, but continue.”
She pinched the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes. “I can’t with you. Bye.”
She pushed past him, heading back towards the tables to grab her stuff. Just as she slung her backpack over her shoulder, the door to the stairs creaked open, the librarian emerging.
“You’ll need to leave. We’re closing now.”
She nodded. “Have a great night.”
The air outside was warm, still, the last rays of sun long gone. The campus looked nearly abandoned, a few stragglers entering and exiting the residential buildings.
“Hey, Carina, wait – you forgot this –”
She turned, lips already curled in disgust. He really didn’t know when to stop.
“It’s your fancy fountain pen. Figured you needed it,” he said, tossing it to her.
“Thanks,” she said, reaching out to snatch it from his hand, but he pulled it out of her reach.
“Damn, someone’s annoyed. Turn around, I’ll put it in your backpack for you.”
“If it gets you away from me faster, sure.”
“Night, Carina. See you in class,” he grinned, giving her a solute before turning in the opposite direction.
Tatum approached her, brows furrowed. “You really shouldn’t be seen with him.”
“I know,” she sighed, tugging the straps of her bag tighter. She took off in front of him, briskly walking back towards her suite.
“Hey… stop walking for a second. I need to see something,” Tatum said, annoyance lacing his voice.
“Uh… alright,” she agreed, halting in place.
He closed the gap between them, standing right behind her. Her cheeks heated a bit, wondering if he sensed something off about her. His instincts couldn’t be that good, could they?
“What the –” he spat, the sound of light crinkling alerting her.
He circled her, holding something up. Her eyes widened when she realized what it was.
Blaine had slipped the condom wrapper into the clip of her pen before returning it.
Her hands balled into fists at her sides, wondering how the hell she got caught up with the son of her family’s nemeses, and why she loved the feeling of eating the forbidden fruit.
He was the flame, but she was the gasoline, for sure. She didn’t know how long she could fan the flame without being burned, but she found herself hoping for much, much longer.
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