#my best friend made me giggle today he took my hand and we skipped down the hallway
eye-of-the-tigerseye · 6 months
Dear diary I made my own coffee this morning. Dear diary I had an okay work day. Dear diary my pain levels were minimal today. Dear diary my mental state was alright today. Dear diary I listened to good music on the drive home. Dear diary I cried because I could today. Dear diary I talked to my best friend and he made me smile. Dear diary my girlfriend called to tell me she loves me. Dear diary my cat is so soft. Dear diary my stomach is full. Dear diary I paid my bills. Dear diary I have a new favorite movie. Dear diary my bed is so warm. Dear diary today is a good day.
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withlovemark · 3 months
all of the moments that led me to you. (ii)
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warning(s): steve's black eye (again), mentions of: gun, car crash, death.
pairing: steve x reader
words: 6.3k+
summary: a continuation of moments with steve harrington. takes place in season three.
an: first, thank u so so much for over 1k hearts on aotm pt 1 and to be loved. it’s unbelievable to me that that many people have read my writing. i’ve been writing and posting my stories on here a long time and this helps me feel like i’ve been growing, even just a little 🥹
second, i'm so sorry this took so long. i have no other excuse except the devil himself - mr. writer's block. thank whoever the hell is controlling my sim that they got rid of him (at least for now) and now i'm finally here to share this with you
hope you like it <3
yr. 1984
yr. 1985
i. robin’s game of you rule/you suck, intercepting russians and suzie 
quickly walking into scoops ahoy, you finally catch up to the curly headed kid, just in time to witness your favorite boys reunite through a silly greeting. 
you let them have their moment before finally making your presence known, “hey there sailor,” you greet steve with a quick hug, his frame enveloping you. 
he whines at the nickname, knowing how much you enjoy the little blue sailor outfit on him, mind wandering back to when you first saw him in the get up. 
“oh. my. god,” you gasp, a hand to your mouth, trying to hold your laughter in as he makes his way back into his room, after finally successfully putting on his “uniform.” 
“don’t say a word,” he warned, hands on his hips. 
“steve harrington. you are sooo…” he raises his eyebrows, lips morphing into a thin line, daring you to finish your sentence. 
“…pretty,” you giggle, closing the distance to adjust the sailor tie around his neck. he could’ve sworn his heart skipped a beat, maybe two. 
“it's not TOO bad, girls LOVE a man in uniform,” you tease, sitting back down on the edge of his bed. 
a playful smirk on your lips as his sailor hat comes in contact with your face in a matter of seconds causing a bubble of laughter to ring in his ear. 
a sound that has grew to be his favorite.
“sorry we came unannounced,” your voice brings him back to the ice cream parlor.
“he got home from summer camp today,” you explain, motioning to dustin who was now seated calmly in a booth,  “and immediately asked me to drive him here so he could see you,” you grin, steve returning the expression. 
“i think you’re his favorite,” a pout grows on your lips, eliciting laughter from the boy who you now call your best friend. the two of you being glued to the hip since that night in 1984.
days with steve harrington included sneaking into movies, butter popcorn in hand; road trips to nowhere and everywhere all at the same time; late night conversations that lasted into the a.m., a judgment free zone.
“well, yeah, i think we’ve known that a while ago,” he teases, earning a playful shove from you. 
“it’s ok though, i missed that little bugger too and there’s a new ice cream flavor i want you to try,” steve molds his hand into yours as he hurriedly leads you in front of the counter. the warmth of his hand disappearing as he made his way behind it.
you greet robin a quick hello and she acknowledges your presence by playfully saluting, making you smile. 
“here, try it,” steve snaps your attention back to him, placing what seemed to be a cup of just plain old vanilla ice cream in front of you. upon further inspection you notice it has chunks of something in it. 
“i don’t think ice cream should have that?,” you comment, eyeing it suspiciously. 
“just try it!,” he says, nudging the ice cream closer to your face. 
“alright, alright!,” you giggle, finally bringing the spoon between your lips. steve awaits your verdict, slightly bouncing up and down in excitement, eyebrows dancing.
“oh…wow,” your eyes widened, sparkling. tastebuds exploding at their new discovery. 
he knew you’d like it. 
“are those cookies?” you wonder aloud.
“mhmm, brand new flavor, cookies and cream, who would’ve thought huh?,” playfully raising his eyebrows as he stole the spoon from you, taking a bite out of your ice cream. 
“how are things with laura?,” you bring up nonchalantly, stealing the spoon back from him. 
“ugh, don’t even bring her up,” he rolls his eyes, grabbing another spoon from behind the counter while the two of you mildly attack the sweet cup. 
“another bad date?,” you concluded, eyes focused on scooping up a spoonful of your newfound favorite ice cream flavor. 
“we had absolutely nothing to talk about! i swear we just sat there and ate in silence the whole time,” he dramatically testified, shrugging his shoulders. 
“was the sex good at least?,” you asked, his face cringing. 
“didn’t have sex with her,” he shrugged,  “i just went home after and crashed, i think i really am losing my game,” he jokes. 
you know him well enough to know that he hasn’t been feeling as confident as he used to be. you think back to the night when steve confessed to you that he wasn’t able to get into the only college he applied to. on top of that,  his dad cut half off his allowance and he’s now, as he would describe it, “stuck working at a job that pays $3 per hour.”
all in all, steve felt like he had hit rock bottom. 
“how about you? how are things with isaac?,” steve smirked, changing the topic before you got to ask him if he was ok. 
“eh,” you replied. 
“ehhh?.” he mimics, urging you to go on. 
“not gonna go anywhere, very cocky, talks too much…and he’s a lot better when he doesn’t speak,” you cringed, remembering the way the boy spoke about basketball and cars the whole time, not at all caring about any of your interests. 
“maybe we should’ve switched dates?,” steve teases, head tilted.
you tuck away his golden locks that had fallen out of place and he finds himself holding a breath, eyes focused on your movements.
an action that was so familiar to him yet, lately, has been bringing up a weird feeling that he chooses to ignore.
“maybe we should have,” you playfully agreed, slowly retracting your hand, snapping steve back to reality. 
“anyways, thank you for my new favorite ice cream flavor,” you approved of the cookies and cream. 
“now, i have a favor to ask,” you grinned sheepishly. 
“hm?” he hums, grabbing a napkin and wiping away the bits of ice cream that have stained your lips. 
“can you watch dustin for the rest of the week? i have a bunch of cheerleading practices,” you explain, giving him the best puppy dog eyes you could muster, voice going a tad bit higher than usual. 
“yeah, yeah, you don’t have to do that,” he shakes his head, smile on his lips, “i got it all handled here, go ahead and just leave me with the lil monster,” he teases dramatically, making you roll your eyes playfully before beaming at him. 
“thank you, you’re the best!” you praised, lips planting a soft kiss upon his crimson cheeks, expressing your gratitude. 
he ignores the way time slowed down for a second, that fleeting surge of electricity that danced within him, igniting a spark that he quickly brushes off.
“i know,” he winks as you swiftly turn around, grabbing your bag and making your way out of the ice cream parlor. 
“stay safe!,” he shouts at your retreating figure.
“yes, dad!,” you tease, his face morphing into disgust. your laughter rings in his ears as you exit scoops ahoy right after lovingly messing up dustin’s pretty curls, an annoyed groan coming from the younger boy. 
“i can’t believe it, harrington,” the sound of robin’s voice captures steve’s full attention, taking his eyes off of your retreating figure. 
giving his coworker a pointed look, steve cluelessly wonders what she’s about to say when she pulled out her whiteboard and finally drew one tally mark under ‘you rule’
he rolls his eyes at robin, like he couldn’t believe what she just did, “hate to break it to you but i wasn’t flirting with her,” he defended himself.  
“huh, you sure about that, loverboy?,” robin snickered, clearly not convinced with the golden boy’s answer. 
“yes buckley, i’m sure,” steve deadpanned, “she’s my best friend alright so just…just erase that,” he mumbled, not entirely sure he believes his own words. 
it’s not like he hasn’t thought about it before…he has.
but falling for someone is never a good idea. he has firsthand experience that investing in love can be dangerous and if his worst fears happen, if the love unravels and crumbles down, he knows all too well that you will never get that same person back. 
and falling for his best friend? it’s not a risk he’s willing to take. 
he repeats to himself, ‘he must not have feelings for you. he simply doesn’t.’ these words continue to echo, living in his mind, until he believes them as truth. 
“well i think she could be your suzie,” dustin pipes in, quickly introducing himself to robin. 
“m-my what?,” steve inquired, the famous hand on his hip stance appearing. 
“your. suzie.” dustin pronounced slowly like that was going to help steve understand what he was talking about, “like how i have my suzie,” he adds. 
“and what the hell is a suzie?,” the older boy scoffed. 
“my girlfriend,” steve’s eyes widened at the boy’s proclamation, refusing to believe what he just heard. there’s no way dustin henderson has it all figured out before him, especially in the ladies department.
“it’s not important right now,” dustin says, shaking his head,  “i need to talk to you,” he says urgently. 
“we’re talking right now,” steve points out the obvious. 
“no,” dustin glares, “just you,” he continues, eyes glancing towards robin who just shrugged, not caring, as the two boy’s made their way back to dustin’s booth. 
“i intercepted a secret russian communication,” he confessed to the older boy.
believe it or not, those words were music to steve’s ears.
‘finally, he’ll be of use again,’ he thinks to himself as they start decoding the russian’s riddles. 
3 days later
the boys have vanished without a trace.
normally, steve would swing by after work, or when he was off – which you knew he was supposed to be, considering he gave you a copy of his schedule, – he would pick you up from cheerleading practices. 
dustin was also nowhere to be seen and the uncertainty of their whereabouts fills you with growing concern. 
there were no knocks at your window at midnight. no sound of an engine revving or the horn honking to greet you in the morning. not even the static sound from dustin’s talkie had made its appearance.
the last you heard from them was at the ice cream parlor. so after today’s practice, you were on a mission.  
you rush to the mall, hoping to see both of them devouring ice cream, ready to hear their half-ass apologies on why they went radio silent only to be face to face with two unfamiliar employees behind the counter, robin also absent from the scene.
quickly, you drove to steve’s house, the maroon vehicle nowhere to be seen causing you to reroute your drive to dustin’s house - still nothing.
this puts an end to your speculations – the boys are in trouble.
and they left you here with nothing but silence and the fear that’s rising in the pit of your stomach. 
you think back to where the kids usually were this summer and found yourself running down the wheelers’ basement, after mr. wheeler kindly let you in, only to reveal everyone else was already there…except for your two main culprits. 
seven heads turn towards you, your entrance hushing their conversations, “have any of you seen steve and dustin?,” you ask as they all shake their head no.
“well,” max spoke up, hope glimmering in your eyes, “el and i saw him at the mall,” she revealed.
“when was that?,” you inquire.
“like, 2 days ago,” she quickly replies, making you groan in exasperation. 
“hey,” nancy snaps you out of your despair, “they’ll be okay, it’s steve and dustin, they’re just probably out doing something ridiculous,” offering a smile, failing to comfort you. 
bless her but the only thing you could think about was how the last time those two did something “ridiculous,” they almost died, making you sink deeper into concern. 
“yeah, steve’s probably just helping him talk to his imaginary girlfriend,” mike chimes in as you remember the girl dustin briefly told you about when you drove him to starcourt mall. 
‘that was plausible,’ you convince yourself, finally nodding and accepting their assumptions. 
“we have bigger things to worry about,” jonathan said, directing the group’s attention back to their previous topic as they fill you in on the mind flayer — a mrs. driscoll, a tom and bruce, and a billy hargrove acting as its host. 
you just hoped to god that steve and dustin really are just looking for suzie because if they were in any kind of danger, you might kill them yourself. 
for now, you’d just have to play on this team. 
ii. starcourt mall and the TODFTHR 
starcourt mall in its after hours has a tauntingly beautiful presence, its hallways bathed in the soft glow of neon lights that crackle with static, creating an ambiance that breathes an almost palpable energy, as if the very essence of the mall comes alive in the quietude of the night. 
dustin finally radioed in a while ago with another code red, making goosebumps rise throughout your body. “code red” was definitely the last thing you wanted to hear. 
all the group could make out from him were the words, “open the gate,” and you knew this was all connected to everything you’ve seen in the past couple of hours. 
“where the hell is he?,” mike whispers as max shushes him and you silently thank her in your head. 
the group is extra attentive, everyone looking around in hopes they’ll find something out of place. 
finally, a faint click reaches your ears, followed by hushed footsteps. you think you’ve imagined it until nancy voices your suspicions, “what was that?,” she whispers. you feel the blood draining from your face, heart racing, afraid of the events that could transpire. 
following the sound, the group ends up at the second floor — right above the food court.
you spot the four men first, each one of them with their arms raised, gun aiming at a food stall. 
eleven immediately steps in making the car alarm go off then proceeding to throw it at the armed men. she leaves you stunned and amazed, like she's been doing the whole day, and you can’t help but send her a smile of gratitude. 
after a second or two, the two familiar heads finally emerged, eyes finding the golden ones you’ve grown accustomed to, all beaten up and bruised. 
rushing towards them, you pull dustin into a tight hug first, exclaiming “where the hell have you been?….i’ve been looking everywhere for you!” 
“i’m okay, i’m okay! i promise! im sorry,” he apologizes as you quickly look him up and down, your protective side kicking in, checking for any signs of injury until he finally slipped from your hold, reuniting with his friends. forcing you to look up at the beaten up, beautiful boy in front of you. 
“steve-,” you whisper, before running up to him, arms wrapping tightly around his neck, pulling him as close to you as possible. the beating of his heart against your ears, and in that moment, you feel like you can breathe again. 
he holds you just as tight, visibly relieved that you’re unharmed. as he exhales a sigh of relief, you pull away slightly, inspecting the mark around his eye. soft hands ghosting over the bruise that was already starting to turn purple.
“didn’t i tell you to stop getting into fights?,” voice laced with concern as you fought to hold back tears, overwhelmed by the rush of comfort having him by your side brings.
“i know it doesn’t look like it, but i actually won,” he smiled, tenderly brushing away the tears in the corner of your eye before they could spill. 
“what happened?,” you asked. 
a light cough from behind him breaks you out of your embrace, slightly pushing the boy away from you and finally taking in robin’s presence.
their matching appearance doesn’t go unnoticed.
“we found a secret lair, got drugged by russians and then they beat up pretty boy over here for some answers,” they share a smile. 
for a second, you feel your heart twinge. you’re not too sure whether it’s because the information robin shared painted a disturbing image in your mind or if it was because she was there and you weren’t. 
you can’t allow yourself to dwell on it as the group finally reunites, connecting all the pieces together and figuring out the next step. 
“oh screw tod, steve’s her daddy now,” steve says excitedly, as he got into the driver seat of the TODFTHER. 
robin and erica comment on his use of referencing himself in the third person and the word “daddy,” causing you to laugh as you sat in the passenger seat. robin, erica and dustin squeezing in the back.
driving off with the scoops troops, you make your way to dustin’s tower. 
“suzie must be pretty special, huh? for you to make this tower just for her,” you finally get a chance to interrogate the young boy, earning an excited nod from him and a groan from everyone else, making you feel like an outsider in their very obvious inside joke. 
“he described her as scientifically perfect and has yet to shut up about her,” robin fills you in, obviously tired of the topic at hand.
“i mean, nobody’s scientifically perfect but suzie’s about as close to being perfect as any human could possibly be,” dustin added, causing more annoyed groans to slip from everyone’s lips except yours.
“she sounds made up to me. she sound made up to you?,” erica sassed back, resulting in an eye roll from the young boy. 
“steve, y/n, you believe me right?,” he says, sitting forward, glancing between you and steve. 
“of course,” you quickly assured him while steve remained silent, before finally nodding his head along with you. 
“you hesitated,” dustin points out, a pout on his lip, “why did you hesitate, steve?”
“i didn’t hesitate!” he defends himself, his voice reaching a higher pitch. 
the older boy turned towards you, asking for your help but all you could offer him was a shrug, a smile playing on your lips.
dustin impatiently repeats his question, finally getting his answer, “i don’t know man, no one is hotter than phoebe cates!,” steve bursts, earning a look of confusion from you and a whine from the younger boy, giggles bursting from the two girls sitting in the back. 
you definitely missed out on a lot. and you realize how much you hate it. 
“left. turn left.” dustin said suddenly, prying you away from your thoughts.
“there’s not a road here,” steve points out the obvious. 
“turn left! now!” the younger boy yells urgently.
“jesus! hang on!” steve yelled before finally making a harsh left, your hands immediately going up your face, acting as a shield against the tree branches coming in contact with the vehicle. 
“oh my god, where the hell are we going!?.” you shout through all the ruckus. 
“just keep going!,” dustin continues with his unreasonable directions. 
“we’re not gonna make it!,” robin yells from the back and you see determination flash in steve’s face.
“yes we are!, come on baby!” he urges TODFTHER to go on until it finally hit its’ limit, leaving the group stuck in the middle of the woods.
“guess, we’ll have to walk the rest of the way,” dustin says. 
“how far is this thing?” erica says, voicing everyone’s annoyance. 
iii. dustin’s tower and an epiphany
it wasn't long until the group finally made it to dustin’s radio tower, finally being able to instruct murray’s next steps.
you were seated on the field with the rest – the calmness before the storm. 
“hey, guys?” steve’s voice causes the group to get up and follow his line of vision. 
starcourt mall’s rapid flickering lights causing panic to rise in the air, dustin immediately runs back to his talkie, trying to radio the others but all that was received was a loud, screeching, monster noise. the younger boy repeatedly tries to get a response but all that was left was static. 
steve makes up his mind, immediately getting up on his feet, ready to run towards the direction of the mall, but before he could get any further, your voice makes its way to his ears, halting his movements.
“where the hell are you going?,” you shot, panic evident in your voice. 
“to get them the hell outta there!,” he exclaimed, adrenaline running through him. you knew you weren’t going to be able to persuade him to stay here with you. but after the past couple of days of thinking you’ve lost him, there’s no way, in hell, he’s leaving you here. 
“i’m going with you,” you announced, already walking towards him. 
“no,” he says sternly, meeting you in the middle, “just stay here, watch the kids,” his eyes pleading with you to obey. 
“robin can watch them,” you countered quickly, reaching out for his hand, fingers fitting in yours perfectly.
“y/n-,” he whispers desperately. hoping you could hear how much he wants you to stay here, where it's safe. 
he can’t keep putting you in dangerous situations just because he wants to play hero. 
“you’re not going without me! i won’t let you!” standing your ground, your hand tightening around his.
steve can’t help but think back to earlier that night, sitting in the tiled bathroom of starcourt mall, robin opposite of him. 
“i just don’t get it,” robin says groggily, slowly coming down from the high and voicing her opinions. 
“what?,” steve looks at her, eyes droopy, mouth slightly agape. 
“you…going on all of these dates,” robin pointed out, “how you don’t realize you have the perfect girl in front of you,” she wonders aloud  he knows she wasn’t talking about herself, especially after she trusted him with her little secret. 
“you don’t think i know that?,” steve says, eyes closing, head slowly coming in contact with the wall behind him, defeated.
“why don’t you do anything about it then?”
“because….because- she’s y/n! and i’m…” he pauses for a second, trying to find a better way to explain it to robin but all he could manage to say was “i’m just steve.”
“well ‘just steve,’ i think you’re pretty cool,” robin compliments him, allowing him to fully strip away the walls, his hidden feelings coming to surface. 
“she has dreams and goals and i know damn well, she’s going to make every single one of those things happen, meanwhile, look at what i’m wearing! look at where i am! sitting on a bathroom floor, drugged!,-”
“hey, what does that say about me,” robin interjects. 
“please, i practically dragged you in here with me,” he continues, “all i do is drag people into chaos….i dragged y/n in this mess too, i can’t continue holding her back,” an exasperated sigh escaping his lips. 
“hm, you don’t have to hold her back, y’know?” robin countered,  have you ever considered being the one to hold her hand and support her through all her ‘dreams and goals’?,” she asks, hopefully giving steve a new perspective. 
“she doesn’t want that,” he says defeatedly.
“have you asked her?” robin questions. steve lets out a sigh before shaking his head no. 
“you’ll never know if you never try, but if you need a little push, if i were her, after everything i’ve seen today, i would’ve left a long time ago,” she says like a prophet. 
those words echo in his ears now and he sees it all clearly. 
you stayed.
you could have left, could have stopped talking to him and walked away forever. yet here you are, gazing at him with pleading eyes, hands in his, hoping he won’t let go.
that fact is evident to him now as he feels your hand tightening around his. 
steve found himself nodding slowly, a blast of realization striking him. you mirrored his gesture, sealing an unspoken agreement – minds and bodies communicating before any words were uttered. 
within the next second, the two of you made your way back to TODFTHER, headed to the mall - together. 
iv. the car crash and neverending story
“holy shit, hoLY SHIT! STEVE-,” you shout, the boy’s foot not leaving the gas as the car continues to accelerate.
steve takes a quick glance at you, “PUT YOUR SEATBELT ON!,” he yells and you quickly obey his order knowing he has no intention of stepping on the brake. 
as soon as he heard the little click, with both hands on the wheel, steve immediately stepped on the gas, the car accelerating at a speed you couldn’t even imagine. you can’t help but hold your breath, scared for the impact you know is about to come. 
in a matter of seconds, TODFTHER crashes into the black car driven by billy hargrove — bursting it into flames. nothing can be heard but the ringing in your ear as you try to refocus. this wouldn’t be the first time the two of you had matching concussions because of billy. 
“are you okay?,” steve immediately inspects you, unbuckling your seatbelt, warm hands gently cupping your cheeks, eyes finding yours. your chest heaving, trying to make sense of how the two of you were still alive. 
as you catch your breath, you look up into his golden eyes, rapid breaths syncing. then, in one swift moment, his lips are on yours, in a quick, passionate kiss. 
well, this is definitely not how steve imagined his first kiss with you.
he pulls away as soon as he registers his actions and you’re left breathless, not at all sure with what happened.
“sorry, i got caught in the moment,” he panics. 
“it’s okay,” you nod still trying to catch your breath. 
you don’t catch the way his eyes lose a little glimmer of hope. he’s about to take back what he said until the mindflayer makes an appearance on top of the building and you both very much snap out of the trance, being reminded that you were still in the middle of the battle. 
nancy directs your attention to her, yelling for your safety. steve immediately jumps out of the car, his warm hands instinctively grabbing yours, making sure you enter the car first. 
silence envelops the vehicle, everyone too afraid to say anything as the haunting size of the creature continues to taunt the group.
it wasn’t until dustin’s voice rang into the air followed by a young girl that everyone finally released the breath they were holding. 
you look at steve with recognition, “suzie,” you say in harmony and he can’t help but be in awe. 
“you’re going to have to say sorry for doubting him,” you tease, making steve chuckle.
he liked that. the fact that you guys can immediately joke around like he didn’t just kiss you after he crashed the car that could’ve caused your deaths. 
suzie-poo and dusty-bun keeps the group entertained, especially when they start singing a duet to never ending story. 
steve looks at you like this is the craziest thing he’s ever heard, the rest of group looking disgusted. 
you can’t help but giggle, quietly singing along to dustin, for only steve to hear, making him shake his head in disbelief. 
“i cant believe she’s real,” steve says after the musical that is probably in the top three most life changing moments in his life and the two of you break out in quiet giggles. 
v. ambulances and “friends?”
the battle was bloody and not everyone came back unscathed. some didn’t come back at all. hopper made a huge sacrifice. billy was dead. 
now everyone was seated in their own ambulances, near star court mall, waiting for clearance. 
you’ve spent the last hour trying to comfort max in her grief. losing billy like that, right in front of her eyes, left her in her thoughts, refusing to talk to anyone. 
the only reason she let you in was because you knew her brother in a different light, unlike the others who has always viewed him as the villain. 
“is it bad that part of me is relieved?,” max quietly whispers like she didn’t even want you to hear it, almost like the guilt of saying it out loud was going to kill her. 
you shake her head no, “grief can present itself in different ways, you don’t have to feel a certain way,” you reassure the younger girl, “just feel what you’re feeling now and take it day by day” you try to comfort her, hoping your words can somehow reach her. 
meanwhile steve was with dustin and robin, sitting in a different ambulance. 
“i kissed her,” steve confessed to the duo.
“you kissed her?” robin and dustin says at the same time. one with pride, the other, shocked. 
“i. kissed. her.” steve repeats, more to affirm himself that it actually happened and it wasn’t just  the drugs that had completely worn off at the time nor was it the concussion he surely had. 
he really kissed you. he knows its true because if he closes his eyes and think about it hard enough, he can still feel the softness of your lips on his. 
“well are you gonna go talk to her about it?,” robin breaks him out of his daydream and the question immediately causes bubbles to rise through his stomach. 
he feels like he's going to throw up. 
“what if i dont?,” he panted, “i did tell her it was just a spur of a moment thing,” he reveals. 
“now, why would you tell her that?” dustin says like a father disappointed in his kid.
“i don’t want to ruin our friendship!” he defends himself, arms flailing in the wind. 
“you already kissed her dumbass, thats like #1 on things not to do to ruin a friendship,” robin points out and he knows there’s no way he was going to win this two to one battle. 
he was going to have to talk to you.
“hey,” steve's hushed voice breaks you out of your own thoughts. 
max has left you on your own a while ago, saying she just wanted to be alone. when she was gone, you had a bit of time to process everything as much as you can at the moment. 
“you okay?” steve asks softly. 
giving him a small smile, you pat the empty space beside you, inviting him in your ambulance, “could be better, but yeah…i'm okay, are you?”
he nods, answering your question. “are you sure?... billy is gone,” he mentions cautiously, afraid of how you would react but prepared to offer comfort. 
“well... i do feel sorry for max, she’s the one that lost her brother tonight,” he nods, understanding what you meant. 
billy was long gone for you. surely, not like this — never would you have wanted it to be like this. but he no longer occupies any part of your mind and definitely not your heart. 
“do you know what actually scared me?” you whisper, your breath coming in contact with the cold air. his silence urges you to go on. 
“when i couldn’t find you,” you admit to him and to yourself. 
steve sees everything that he needs to see in your eyes – love, fear, a hint of sadness. 
he has the urge to pull you into him, to feel your lips like he did earlier that night. but before he does, he knows he has to come clean. he has to do it right this time. 
“i have to tell you something,” he says urgently. 
“if something like tonight ever happens again, god i hope it doesn’t, but if it did and i never got to say this, i would hate myself forever,” he rambles, trying to buy time. he knows that after he says what he’s about to say then things with you will take a turn. 
“you're scaring me steve…what is it?” you ask, softly placing your hand on top of his shaking leg, hoping to somehow help him calm down. he takes a second to gather his composure.
to make sure he says the words the way you deserve to hear them – honest, sweet, gentle. 
“y/n, i am in love with you,” he confesses into the night air, soft brown eyes locked on yours.
you stare at him, eyes slightly widening, registering his words. 
for steve, time seemed to stretch endlessly, it could've been three seconds or three minutes but but it was unquestionably the longest silence he had ever endured. 
when you still haven’t said anything, he realizes he has made a mistake and knows he has to fix it, immediately.  
“a-and you don't have to say it back!, i'm not asking for anything!, i mean it would be nice but i'm totally okay with just being fr-” he fumbles over his words, hoping that dustin could find some sort of way to teleport back in time to prevent this confession from happening. but then he feels it — soft lips pressing against his own, shutting him up ever so sweetly.
his body responds instinctively, returning the gentle kiss, eyes fluttering close. this was how it was supposed to go. 
“please don’t say you're okay with us just being friends,” you tease, finally easing his racing thoughts. 
he chuckles softly, “i am… i am not okay with us just being friends,.” he admits, mirroring your expression. 
that one word was all it took for all of steve's worries to fade, happily pulling you closer until there are no spaces left to fill. 
bonus: pretty privilege (3 months later)
walking into family video, you gently drop steve’s hand, immediately missing the warmth it provided and causing a tiny frown to appear on your boyfriend’s face. 
“hey keith,” you greeted the boy behind the counter sweetly. 
“h-hi y/n, what can i do for you?,” he was grinning from ear to ear and you knew this was going to be easy. 
“do you think,” you start, voice going an octave higher, an innocent glow in your eyes, “you maybe have two job positions open, right now?,” you finish, a hand placed softly, and very calculatedly on his arm. you were completely taking advantage of his “secret” crush on you. 
steve glances between the two of you in disbelief. 
meanwhile, the boy behind the counter was a blushing mess, mumbling a “god, y-you’re so pretty,” and steve has to physically hold himself back from kicking the air. 
keith leans over the counter, “yeah, i’m-” he starts to say, but before he could end his sentence, steve’s hands wrapped protectively around yours, dragging you out of sight and in between one of the aisles. 
“what are you doing?,” he quietly blurted once the two of you were out of sight. his arms crossing against his chest, biceps protruding, eyebrows going up. 
“trying to get you and robin a job,” you reminded him of the reason why the three of you were even in this store in the first place. 
“yeah but what’s with the cute voice and the eyes!,” he points out, “oh keith! do you have a job opening right now?,” he bats his eyelashes, mimicking you, completely appalled by the way you used your cute voice that was only supposed to be reserved for him. 
“okay first of all, i do not sound like that. second, it’s pretty privilege steve and you have to know when to use it,” he rolls his eyes at your answer. 
“yes, you do sound like that!” he whines like a five year old child, “...omygosh keith you’re so manly!, you have a job, you-,” he continues mocking. 
“steve harrington,” you cut him off, “are you jealous?,” you accuse, holding back your smile. 
“i don’t get jealous,” he scoffs, an absurd expression on his face like he couldn’t believe you even suggested that. 
“really? because you’re looking pretty green right now,” you tease, a small smile playing on your lips. 
“y/n it’s physically impossible for people to turn green,” he rolls his eyes. you ignore the use of your name.
“it’s a metaphor,” you tease. 
“you're a metaphor,” he mocks and you can’t stand it anymore, he’s acting too cute. 
“you're cute when you’re jealous,” 
“you really shouldn't be though,” you continue.
“yeah i know...its just keith,”
“no, its because i’m all yours, steve harrington.” 
in an instant, all annoyance melts away from him and you know you won. your hands instinctively thread behind his neck, grabbing a hold of his curls, a routine you’re now all too familiar with but could never get enough of. 
the taste of strawberry chapstick mingles with spearmint. steve senses your smile against his lips, pulling you closer as his hands encircle your waist, deepening the kiss. soft moans escape your lips, audible only to him. 
he craves more of you, currently wishing you were alone in the comfort of his room, his car, or anywhere but here, in the middle of all these vhs tapes. 
“ehem,” robin’s cough breaks the two of you apart, making you jump.
quickly wiping your lips, you push steve away, taking notice of the lipstick that was now painted on him before sending robin an apologetic smile.
it’s all too easy to get lost in the boy beside you. 
“are you lovebirds done or should i go watch a movie first?,” she says sarcastically. she was honestly over all the lip locking. it was cute at first but the honeymoon phase is now starting to tire the rest of the group. 
“well, you could-” steve starts. 
you quickly jab him in the stomach, shutting him up. “sorry,” you smile sheepishly at robin, “yes, we’re done.”
robin chuckles, “whatever, i got us the job” she states, ready to get out of there. 
“how?,” steve asks, head tilting to the side. 
“told him that steve’s a real chick magnet and he’ll attract a lot of customers...especially hot babes,” she shrugs like it didn’t take any work. 
“ahh,” you nod slowly, agreeing, then redirecting your focus back to steve.
“see. pretty privilege.” you point out, making steve chuckle, his fingers naturally wrapping around yours as the three of you finally walk out of the store. 
and no, you don’t miss the way he looks back at keith with a smirk.
an: i will not promise a next year this time because in all honesty, i got nothing but moment titles. if i do write one, it will just be randomly posted one day lol.
thank you for reading! and if you were here when i first posted part one (exactly a year ago), extra love to you<3
please feel free to drop your thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc, in my inbox <3 (anons are welcomed!)
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chososchalupa · 7 months
Thank you sm <3 ! I wrote this super quickly so im so sorry if its not the best! I've had the worst writers block lately. Hope you like it!
Training / Megumi Fushiguro
No warnings, Megumi is jealous bc Toge exists basically. not proofread + wrote this when i was half asleep but i had the urge to write after not having any interest for like a week so here it is
WC - 595
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:
Seven minutes until class was over and you hadn’t heard from your boyfriend, Megumi, since 9:00 this morning. 
You had tried catching up with him after training was over but he had mumbled something about being busy and left. Your friends Toge and Maki watched as he gave you a small smile before turning and heading back toward the school.
“What was that about?” Maki asked as you walked back over to them
“Yeah, he’s usually attached to you after training?” Toge laughed, “Wonder if he’s going to check on Yuji, It’s not normal for him to miss training”
You nodded, it was unusual for Yuji to miss training but you remembered him talking about a mission Gojo had assigned him for today. You racked your brain for reasons Megumi could be acting odd today. You met up for breakfast as usual and he was fine, the two of you walked onto the field and everything was fine. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. 
“Still haven't heard from Megs?” Nobara asked as the two of you walked out of your classroom
“Nothing. He hasn't even responded to my tex-” you stopped mid-sentence when you saw the spiky haired boy walk into the cafeteria. You said a quick apology to Nobara and ran towards Megumi.
“Megs! Wait up!” you called as you caught up to him, “What is your deal today? You haven't talked to me at all since training this morning”
“I’m fine” he responded, not looking up from his phone as he continued walking
“Did I do something wrong?” you asked
Megumi took a quick glance at you before responding with a simple, “No.”
You sighed in defeat, choosing to continue walking in silence beside him.
The two of you sat at a table alone, not speaking until Toge, Maki and Nobara sat down with you. 
You noticed the quick glare Megumi threw towards Toge and then it hit you, the mornings training was different. You were usually paired with Nobara but since she skipped, Gojo had decided to pair you up with Toge and Megumi with Maki. You didn’t see the change as a big deal but Megumi must have felt otherwise.
You made small talk with your group of friends before excusing yourself and grabbing Megumi by the arm, forcing him to follow you out of the cafeteria. 
“Is this about me being paired with Toge this morning? You know I didn't choose to be partners with him!” You crossed your arms as you looked up at Megumi.
He sighed before nodding, “I know, it's stupid. You just looked like you were having a lot of fun training with him. You guys spent more time joking around than you did actually training.”
You rolled your eyes before wrapping your arms around his waist, “So you’re saying you're jealous?”
Megumi returned the favor by wrapping his arms around you, “Shut up” he mumbled, kissing the top of your head.
“You have nothing to worry about, Megumi. Toge is a great friend but I love you and only you. Nobody could ever compare, especially not Inumaki” you giggled
Megumi pulled away after giving your head one last kiss, “I love you. I’m sorry for getting jealous, maybe I could make it up to you?”
You giggled at his question, “And how would you do that?”
“Let’s skip the rest of classes today and watch movies and cuddle in my room?”
You smiled brightly up at the dark haired boy before grabbing his hand, “What are we waiting for then? Let’s go!”
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
𝐰𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐬𝐨? : 𝐈𝐈𝐈
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Summary: Growing up with the Conklins and the Fishers has been a wonderful experience for you; you feel as if you were a part of another family. Your days of stress as a child were over, well at least you thought that was the case not until you had to choose between your two childhood bestfriends, the one who did you wrong and the one who has been waiting his entire life for your decision.
Prev || Steven Conklin x fem!reader || My blog
Warnings: PURE FLUFF (lmk if i missed anything!)
Steven’s Pov
It has been a year since Conrad gave me his blessing, a year since he decided to let y/n go. I have been helping y/n a lot and it honestly made our bond so much special. We were literally inseparable and I would not trade it for anything else.
Despite my feelings growing over the years, I have fallen in love with her. It all began when we were young. She had just moved into the neighborhood and became our neighbor. She was my first playmate, she was the first girl that made me feel all tingly.
Whenever we played together back then, mom would always call it a "playdate." it was corny but I loved the thought of it. I realized my love for her when we were seven, when we accidentally kissed, a silly little peck. It was still funny back then. My mother and her mother witnessed the incident, and even captured it on video.
She has been always important to me. Mom has always believed we would be together, not until the Fishers came. When it was supposed to be Steven and Y/n, it became Conrad and Y/n but I never hated Conrad, I never fought with him about it.
They were both my childhood best friends, so I let them be.
Your Pov
After a year since the incident with Conrad, Steven has been a great help to me. He has helped me move on and carry on with my life. He was the reason why I’m still here, living and breathing.
During those times when he was helping me, I began to develop feelings for him. But I couldn't tell him - no, it was too fast, I don't want him to think that he is just a rebound.
“Y/n?” Steven tappped me, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I turned to him and smiled. He smiled back, offering a hand — pulling me up from my seat. “You ready?” he asked.
Steven decided to take me out today - it was a friendly date, well that’s what I thought, what I assumed.
I never wanted to make the same mistake again, Steven is a good person — he really is, I know that he’ll never hurt me like that but can you really blame me if i’m just being cautious?
I nodded, following him outside the door. We walked towards his car — he opened the door to his car, guiding me. These were the bare minimum but it sure made my heart flutter.
Steven went around his car and sat at the driver’s seat.
“So.. how’s your day going so far?”
“Steven, we’ve been together all day” I said, throwing my head back — laughing.
“Hey! Is it bad that I’m asking my bestfriend?” Steven frowned before poking me on my side — tickling me.
Yeah “bestfriend” — would lie if I said that it didn’t hurt me a little bit. “Focus on the road!” I giggled — pushing his hands away.
“Sooo.. where are you taking me?”
“You’ll see” Steven said — looking at me, smiling gently.
We arrived at the beach, we were in Cousins — the last time I went here was when I got my heart broken.
Steven hopped out of his car and went around it to open my door. I smiled at him as I take his hand as a support.
I took a deep breath and looked at the beach, Cousins has always been beautiful. We both sighed in amazement. He pulled me closer, putting an arm around my waist as we walked towards the shore
“So why exactly did you take me here?” I asked, looking up at him.
He shrugged “Just wanted to make new memories” he looked down at me — smiling.
“Plus I knew how much you love to watch sunsets, and this place was special to you so I decided to take you here” he answered while smiling at me and taking my hand into his
Steven made me feel special in this moment, he always did. He was always the one who remembered the littlest details about me. He always knew how to make me happy. I wonder why I was unaware of it at the beginning.
When we reached the shore, he placed a mat on the sand and sat down — patting the space beside him, telling me to sit down.
I love this place, I always loved Cousins, I always loved the beach house. It was a wonderful escape from the hectic of life to come here and enjoy the breeze of the ocean.
“It’s so beautiful” I whispered — wind blowing against my face. I looked at Steven, smiling gently. He was also admiring the ocean, this is where we grew up, our second home.
Steven turned to me “It is huh? It’s always been beautiful” he smiled — I nodded.
“You know what, let’s put on some music”
I reached for the bag and gave it to Steven, he pulled out the speaker and placed it gently on the mat. He pulled out his phone and started to play our favorite song.
Moon river, wider than a mile
I'm crossing you in style someday (someday, day)
A dream maker (maker)
My heart (you heart) breaker
I smiled at him — he stood up “Come on, I wanna dance with you” he said before offering me a hand, pulling me up.
I giggled — he twirled me before placing both of my hands around his neck, his hands placed on my waist.
Wherever you're goin'
I'm goin' that way (the same, the same)
“This feels nice” I hummed — we both moved in a tiny circle, my head leaning against his chest.
Steven moved his hands away from my waist, putting a small space between us. My heart was pounding so rapidly, I felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.
Steven tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear before saying “You look beautiful” — he smiled gently, his cheeks red.
I slapped his chest gently “Gosh, you’re so corny Conklin” I laughed.
Two drifters off to see the world
There's such a crazy world to see
We're all chasin' after all the same
Chasing after our ends
He chuckled before pulling me close again — now his arms wrapped around my waist, my arms wrapped around his neck. He swayed us side to side, still dancing to the song.
The fact that I am this close to him has only confirmed how much I like him, how much he really means to me.
I pulled away gently, “Stev-“
I felt him pull me closer - he leaned then next thing I knew his lips were against mine. My eyes closed — melting against him. Both of us stayed there for a while before Steven pulled away — rubbing my cheek with his thumb.
I opened my eyes and looked at him. “I- I’m sorry” Steven paused, his voice shaking “I just wanted to do that for so lon-“
My lips pressed against his, cutting him off as he began to melt against me - I could not help but smile against his lips - this answered my question, he likes me too like how much I like him.
I pulled away, catching my breathe — looking at him in the eyes, I smiled gently.
“I like you”
“I like you”
We both said at the same time. We giggled — relieved because we both felt the same. Steven was about to lean towards me again but his phone rung.
I chuckled — he smiled awkwardly before answering his phone, it was his mom.
“Hey mom” he said before kissing my forehead, I pulled him closer and hugged him — he hugged me back using the arm that his other arm — wrapping it around my shoulders.
I left small kisses on his cheek, I felt so inlove — he giggled, his face flushed.
Who knew being in love would feel like heaven - it is absolutely euphoric to know that the man you like, also likes you. His need for me was the same as my need for him, and he wanted me as much as I wanted him.
It feels so nice having this kind of love, it feels so nice having this with Steven.
taglist : @joeybandthings @scysuxx @fangirl-kimora @avengershoeee @tasha13-blog2 @lemon-lav
so this is the last chapter for this fic !! i hope everyone likes it - i honestly couldn’t wait and just went and got them together I MEAN THEY BOTH DESERVE TO BE HAPPY SO WHY NOT :))
lmk if you guys have any requests i’ll happily do them !!
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star-gazer101 · 1 year
Pet Names
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Pairing: Idia Shroud x Reader
Characters: Idia Shroud and Ortho Shroud
Warnings: GN reader, Slight OOC, Uses of the nickname ‘Darling’ despite gender-neutral reader
AN: Just a fun side story, before anything serious happens.
Today was just an typically ordinary day. 
An ordinary day to do nothing but laze about in Idia’s dorm.
Ortho paused his current playthrough of farming dancing blobs to gaze at the “potential couple” doing their own thing.
His brother was currently raiding online with his online companion Crimson Muscle, while you were busy playing on a handheld console. You had said something about wanting to help solve puzzles with a “Gentleman traveler and his apprentice” before the new game comes out sometime this year.
Maybe he should be more concerned about his brother’s personality rubbing off on you than the other way around.
On the other hand, you both were now comfortable enough to do whatever, he guess?
Perhaps you missed a step after skipping the confession?  He really doesn’t know.
What exactly comes next?
Please don’t let it be another session of feeding his brother peeled apple slices when he last got sick…
Thankfully, you broke the silence. “Hey, Idia?”
Idia only grunted in response, his eyes fully fixated on his game. However, he was listening.
“I know we’ve been friends for quite a while, well, more than that, but…I was wondering…Would you…Would you be okay with taking our relationship to the next level?”
That…Was so sudden! You really do have no shame! Idia is choking on his drink and everything!
Better calm him down before it gets worse!
“S-sorry if that was too sudden Player 1,” You apologized as you patted his back. “I should’ve waited until you were done drinking.”
“Yeah, you should have!” Idia gasped. “What’s with the sudden sneak attack? Are you trying to send me to an early grave?!”
“Maybe?” You gave a teasing smile and then awkwardly giggled when he glared. “It’s just that…I’ve seen things where the best of friends use special names for each other. Not that I’m against our current nicknames: Player 1 and Player 2. I just want something a little more…intimate y’know?” 
At this Idia groaned as he quietly muttered things like “typical normie stuff”, but the pink in his hair never faded. “I knew I should have never let you watch late-night shojo anime…Too many unrealistic expectations…”
“He’s just shy,” Ortho whispered on the other side, finally giving his two cents on the topic, causing you to giggle.
“We don’t have to, if it’s too much.”
“I-I never said that! And Ortho, stop enabling them!”
“No promises, big bro!”
“You are so cute when you’re flustered, Idia~”
You two were going to be the death of him!
It only had been half an hour and Idia has crossed out pages worth of random names. Most of them were just you messing around and coming up with the cringiest of nicknames that even made Ortho flinch with how sugary sweet some of the names were.
Seriously, how can anyone call their friend ‘Schmoopsy Poo’ and keep a straight face?
“I’m sorry, Prefect, but I can’t agree with any of these. And what’s the deal with ‘Smashy-smashy Eggman’? That doesn’t make any sense!”
“Sorry. Had a favorite movie back from my world on the brain and just couldn’t help but quote it at least once while I’m here. I’ll tell you all about it after we’re done with all of this.”
Idia sighed. “How about something simple? What kind of name would you want to go by?”
You paused mid-scribble as you pondered on what he suggested. It took about a few minutes before your face burned an alarming red.
‘Quite the reaction there, Prefect. Mind sharing with the rest of us?’
“Well…There is one that I kinda want to try…”
“Oh? What is it, big sib?”
“Idia…Do you remember that one horror game with the little girl and her black cat?”
Ortho had an idea where this was going, but let you continue much to his brother’s embarrassment.
“I…would like to be called one of those names of endearment that the cat called her. I would like to be called ‘darling’ and for you to be called ‘dearest’. Is that okay with you?”
“Brother, are you okay?”
“Again, sorry for overheating your brother, Ortho. Didn’t mean to overdue it this time.”
“Don’t worry about it, big sib. He lasted longer than his previous record which is 10% less.”
“That’s quite an achievement. Is there anything I can do?”
“Don’t worry about it too much. I’ll just put some gamer stuff under his nose and he’ll be back up. For now, just head on back to Ramshackle.”
“Alright…thanks again Ortho, for humoring me.”
With you finally out of the room, the younger Shroud could only shake his head as he stared at how pathetic his brother was being. All of that because of a simple pet name…
“They wanted me to call them darling…and me dearest…how cringworthy can they get…how lame..”
“Idia, I can’t take you seriously with that dumb look on your face.”
Only in the Ignihyde dorm would that count as progress. Best of luck to you, Prefect.
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suddenlybambi · 1 year
as long as you stay here [7] ♥ kyle broflovski
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pairing : kyle broflovski x reader
college AU - 18+
tags : strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, fluff, angst, alcohol, afab reader, she/her pronouns, eventual smut
words : 2.5k
chapter 7
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a/n - ngl besties i'm excited for the next chapter 😈 maybe posting that tomorrow if you're lucky
also, all of the comments i get regarding this story is so motivating and sweet thank you so so so much i appreciate them and kick my lil feet at my desk like an excited toddler being given candy in their highchair thank you 🥰
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Y/N hummed a little song as she sat on the kitchen counter with Kyle standing awkwardly between her legs as she tended to his hand the next morning. She had spent five minutes trying to decide which cream would be best to help heal him. They had about 7 different ones because of how accident-prone she apparently was. She always liked to be prepared.
“What song is that?” Kyle asked, trying to distract himself from how close she was. He had barely gotten any sleep that night. At first, it was due to how loud Clyde and Bebe had been, but once they had finally drifted off to sleep after an hour, he found himself unable to relax because Y/N was curled around him. He was so worried about moving and waking her up that he laid there as stiff as a board for hours, staring at the ceiling.
He found out she talked in her sleep a little. None of it made any sense; she mumbled something about a dancing snail and then something about a chair that was stuck upside down. He wanted to ask her about it when she woke up but didn’t want to seem like a complete creep who listened to her sleeping all night. She also lightly snored most of the night; it was the cutest thing he had ever heard.
“Not sure,” Y/N pondered for a second, racking her brain to figure out what song had lodged itself in it that morning. She hummed a little more of it. “I think I heard it in an ad for life insurance?”
“Right! The one with the talking cat,” Kyle nodded in recollection. “The way they made its mouth move always creeped me out.”
“I swear it had human teeth….” Y/N shivered lightly in discomfort at the memory.
“How is my hand looking?” He asked, changing the subject.
“Honestly, not too bad!” She smiled, carefully wrapping a fresh bandage around it. It was pink and had little hearts on it, he knew he’d get the shit ripped out of him if any of the guys saw it, but he couldn’t bring himself to say no when she suggested it. “We can probably take the bandage off tonight to let air get to it, but we’ll keep it on for today.” 
“It already feels a lot better than it did last night,” He admitted, looking down at her delicate movements. He spoke again without thinking. “Must have been because you kissed it better.” His eyes widened as he realised what words came out of his mouth, cheeks instantly flushing red. Regret and embarrassment hit him like a truck, but she just gave him her usual sweet smile that caused his heart to skip a beat in response.
“In that case…” Y/N brought Kyle’s hand up to her mouth. “I guess I’ll have to do it again!” She pressed another little kiss on his palm, just like she had the night before. This one had a slightly different energy to it. The one at the diner had been a fast little peck that was clearly supposed to be a joke that she hadn’t thought much about before doing, but this one was very gentle and deliberate. It was full of care.
“What did I just walk into?” Bebe yawned as she rounded the corner and spotted the two. “I thought I heard more than one person giggling last night.”
“Surprised you could hear anything over last night's schoolgirl roleplay,” Y/N retorted, shuffling her leg around Kyle so she could hop off of the counter. He held his non-bandaged hand out to help her down, which she happily took. “Now, was it yours or Clyde’s idea for him to be the schoolgirl?”
“Just because your sex life is boring-” Bebe looked Kyle up and down as she spoke. He felt like she was analysing every inch of his appearance, which she probably was. “Or is it?”
“My sex life is non-existent,” Y/N mumbled in response.
“Uh-huh, so Kyle is just in our apartment wearing your clothes for completely non-sexual reasons?”
“His hand is hurt!” Y/N took Kyle by the wrist to show the proof of his injury as he stood there, watching the interaction happen without being able to move. He didn’t know how to respond to Bebe, but Y/N seemed to have it covered. “He can’t drive until it has healed, so he stayed here. So, yes, he is in our apartment wearing my clothes for completely non-sexual reasons.”
“Whatever you say!” Bebe shrugged. Playful smiles toying at hers and Y/N’s lips told Kyle that they were teasing one another in good fun. “Don’t let me get in the way of your doctor/patient roleplay.” Y/N looked like she was about to argue back, but she was interrupted.
“What’s happening?” Clyde emerged from the bedroom, Y/N and Kyle instantly shielding their eyes. Bebe laughed, grabbing one of her magazines from the counter and settling down at the tiny kitchen table, kicking her legs up as she watched what was about to go down.
“Clyde! Clothes!” Y/N shouted, turning to bury her head against Kyle’s arm for added cover. “Every goddamn morning! What is wrong with you?”
“It’s like the locker rooms after PE all over again,” Kyle groaned, recalling how Clyde used to just walk around the locker room completely bare without a care in the world. His confidence would have been something to be envied if it wasn’t so discomforting to witness. 
“Y/N, did you get our professor’s email this morning?” Clyde asked, shuffling around to put the boxers that he had been carrying on. He had remembered to pick them up before leaving his room but not put them on. Small steps; he might remember that step next time. Maybe… Probably not.
“I’ve not checked yet; why?” Y/N asked, peeking out from behind Kyle’s arm to see if the coast was clear and Clyde was no longer exposed. She let out a small sigh of relief and pulled away when she deemed it was safe. 
“He ate something dodgy and has food poisoning,” Clyde explained, wrapping his arms around Bebe as she sat down, resting his head on top of hers and glancing at the magazine she was absentmindedly flicking through. Kyle couldn’t help but envy how confidently he could be affectionate in front of others. “So he’s just sent us a bunch of material and cancelled today’s lecture.”
“Wanna go through the material together?” Y/N suggested to Clyde. Kyle frowned a little at this. He convinced himself that it was because he didn’t really want to study with Clyde, but he knew it was just because he didn’t want to share Y/N’s attention with anyone else, even if it was just the roommate she complained about constantly. 
It took a second for him to remember that they didn’t even have plans to study together that day. She would usually be in class. He had just assumed that, now that she didn’t have class, they would spend their free time together. It was strange, Kyle usually valued his time alone above anything, but he had quickly come to prefer to spend his alone time with Y/N.
“Well, Bebe has Fridays off, so…” Clyde leaned over and pressed a kiss to his girlfriend’s lips, a suggestive smirk appearing as he pulled away. “I think we’ll do a little ‘studying’ together.”
“Gross!” Y/N groaned, looking away as Clyde pulled Bebe into a deeper kiss with what was definitely considered to be too much tongue. “Not in the kitchen!” At that, Clyde scooped Bebe up in his arms and carried her to their bedroom, not bothering to properly close the door properly behind them. Y/N chased after to pull the door closed in a poor attempt to at least somewhat muffle the sound.
“They’re like rabbits in heat,” She shook her head, packing the first-aid kit up as fast as possible so they could get out of there. She pocketed a couple of items that she had used, Kyle assumed it was to treat his hand again later, and it made him smile to know she was thinking of him and planning ahead.
“I have a free period this morning,” Kyle helped pack up and followed behind Y/N as she retreated to her room. “Should we go to the library so we don’t have to stay here?” He hoped she didn’t pick up on the fact that he had assumed that, no matter what they were doing and where they were going, they would be doing it together.
Y/N gave him a thankful smile at the suggestion. “As long as we can pick up some cupcakes from that bakery along the way?”
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Their usual table was taken, so Y/N and Kyle ended up settling down on one of the couches in the corner, as it was one of the only other spaces where the library allowed patrons to bring food and drink. 
They had been there for an hour. Y/N’s legs, at some point, had swung over Kyle’s lap in an attempt to get comfortable, and Kyle had his textbook rested atop them. Noticing her yawning, he suggested that they take a 10-minute break from studying. Over their multiple study sessions, they had picked up on one another’s subconscious queues that signalled that they were getting worn out from studying and would suggest 10-minute breaks whenever they spotted one. Kyle found that it worked out better for him, and he got a lot more studying done as he actually absorbed the information instead of reading the same line 10 times and still forgetting it because he was overwhelmed with everything else and hadn’t taken a break.
“Do you have any plans for Thanksgiving break?” Kyle asked, closing his book for the time being to signify he was listening to her. “Going home to see your family?”
“Well, my dad is dead, my brother is galavanting around Europe with his fiance, and my mom won’t talk to me anymore because I destroyed the future she had planned for me, so…” Y/N sighed, fiddling with her pen. “Nah, no plans to go home and see family.”
“I’m so sorry,” He seemed deflated as he realised that he might have unintentionally upset her with what he thought was an innocent question. “I had no idea.”
“It’s fine; you had no way of knowing. I hadn’t told anyone,” She smiled in an attempt to cheer him up and show that she wasn’t that upset by it. “I was going to ask Doris and Jay if I could spend the day with them, but they’re visiting Jay’s parents in Texas, so I’ll be spending Thanksgiving alone in the apartment. The peace will be nice, I guess?”
“Why don’t you come back to South Park with me?” Kyle suggested it before even considering if it was a good idea or not. He didn’t like the idea of Y/N being alone for the holidays. “My parents would be happy to have a visitor, and I’m sure everyone else would love to have you around for the week.”
“You know… I’d really like that… Thank you,” She smiled, reaching over and placing her hand gently on his arm in thanks. He could feel the warmth radiating off of her even through the sweater he had thrown on over the top of the t-shirt he had borrowed. “To be honest, I’ve never had a proper Thanksgiving. My brother spent holidays with his dad, so it was just Mom and me, and she would always be preoccupied with entering me in seasonal pageants and competitions to care about actually celebrating the holidays. I think I’ve had one Thanksgiving meal and two Christmas dinners over my life.”
“If my mom hears that she will flip, you’ll be invited to every holiday at the Broflovski’s for the rest of time,” He laughed, his hand resting on top of hers. “Which might be a bit of a curse now that I think about it….”
“I don’t think spending time with you could ever be a curse,” The words made him blush. His hand stiffened slightly, and he hoped she didn’t notice the effect she had on him. How could she say such things with no hesitation? “Speaking of curses, have you got any plans for Halloween? There’s a horror movie marathon at the theatre from 8pm until 4am. They’re going from the cheesy old stuff with horrible CGI to the movies that were banned in some countries because of how freaked out people got.” Halloween had crept up with alarming speed; Kyle had completely forgotten that it was that weekend.
“Horror movies aren’t really my thing,” Kyle laughed nervously. He had never liked horror movies, particularly when Cartman would insist on watching them at every sleepover they had growing up. He didn’t want to make a fool of himself by jumping every two seconds.
“You sure? You can always hide behind me if you’re scared?” Y/N teased, squeezing his arm lightly before removing her hand to brush her hair out of her face. “I swear I won’t tell anyone.”
“As tempting as that sounds, I promised Tweek and Craig that I would help with their party,” He sighed, remembering the promise he had made a month prior when he had thought he would have nothing better to do on Halloween. Tweek was more stressed than usual, and Kyle needed him to calm down a little as he was driving at the time, and it was making him nervous, so he had agreed to help in an attempt to soothe him. “Did Bebe not tell you about it?”
“She did…” Y/N grimaced, shifting her legs off of Kyle’s lap to stretch. He missed the contact instantly. “I’ve just been trying to find an excuse to not attend.”
“Ah, so hanging out with me is just an excuse?” He pretended to be offended but couldn’t suppress his playful grin when he saw her laughing. “You should come to the party, and we can be stuck-up nerds together.”
“We can just be so miserable and unlikeable that they kick us out of the party!” She gasped in delight as though she had just solved world hunger instead of plotting how to avoid a social gathering. “I guess I’d better tell Bebe I’m going.” 
“I’ll let my mom know that you’re coming for Thanksgiving,” Kyle smiled, grabbing his phone from his pocket. “She’s been asking to meet you; she’ll be so excited.”
“So you’ve talked about me to your mom?” Y/N teased. He froze, realising the words he had said. His mom checked in on him regularly, and he had told her all about his new friend immediately since she had become such a staple in his life already.
“I mean, we spend so much time together,” Kyle did his best to shrug it off as though he wasn’t embarrassed about it.
“Well, we should get back to studying,” Y/N grabbed her textbook and clicked her pen again, settling down to work. “Wouldn’t want your mom to think I’m a bad influence on you.”
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a/n - let me know if you would like to be on the taglist for this fic
current taglist - @n0tangeliccc @solana-central @charqing-qing @eiizabeth-torres @hand-writxen @audiliah @cosmicbroenies @himoutolikesjojo @katnipkoffee
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rexam6er · 1 year
I found her
Pairings : pablo gavi x footballer!reader
Summary : in which gavi and y/n reads their wedding vows warnings: nothing just pure fluff :>
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Wow. Y/n couldn't balieve it. Today is her wedding day.
She had dreamt of this since she was a little girl, she always thought she was ganna be marrying a prince, well close enough
Her best friends, her parents, and all of fc barcelona was there, They were also getting married in her dream wedding venue and also wearing her dream wedding dress. This all felt like a dream to her.
"Are you nervous?" Your best friend asked you
"No. Not at all." You smiled at her
"How come? If it was my wedding i would be nervous as hell." she questioned
"Because the moment I met Gavi, I knew he was ganna be the one. We both met when we were 17 and 18, and now we're both 23 getting married to each other, time flies so fast, I am just so in love with him" you answered truthfully, the words that came out of your mouth were all true, you were head over heals for him. The way he walks, the way he talks, and god the way he fucks just makes you get a whole damn zoo inside.
"strong words for a strong woman" her best friend smirked making y/n giggle.
Pablo was also having the same feeling of her, but harder. ever since he met her, he just wanted to marry her hard, she was killing him slowly if she didn't marry him.
now he was stood at the isle, waiting for his soon to be bride to walk down it, he just couldn't wait to see her in that beautiful gown (and also couldn't wait to rip it off her to)
"how are you holding up?" Pedri asked from the grooms side
"nervous. SO nervous, what if she says no?" Gavi whispered over to him
"she's not ganna say no, have you seen her face whenever she see's you or talks about you? her face just lights up as if she's pulling up to a MacDonalds" Pedri replied, it was true, her eyes were always full of love whenever she see's of talks about him
"really?" gavi asked, his face also turned into a grin
"yes!, now you don't have to worry about anything. you're in good hands" Ped smiled knowing they were just so crazy for each other
"do you mean she's in good hands right? since I take care of her too?"
"no. now shut up the bride is about to come in" Pedri shuts him up
'here come's the bride' starts playing as the door opened revealing the beautiful bride in her gorgeous gown and her dad of course to walk her down the isle. Gavi's jaw dropped. this was his future wife, the person he's about to spend his entire life with and god was he excited. he felt like it was yesterday when they just met during training in Barcelona.
the bride walks down the isle slowly, smiling to people on the way, she wasn't nervous, but she was sure hella weak on the knees. this was her wedding day as I said it before this is the day she's been dreading for since she was five years old
as she made it by the isle she looked Gavi in the eyes giving him a soft smile with love in her eyes. "you look gorgeous" Gavi complemented "you don't look too bad yourself starboy" you teased
and skip the boring stuff, it was time for vows "y/n you may say your vows" the pastor said
y/n took a deep breath and started "Gavi, we met while we were both were in the most confusing days of our life's. we were still trying to figure out how the world works, and still clueless since we were both still teenagers at the time" you laughed mid sentence "But that didn't stop me from falling in love with you, you complete me. you are like a missing puzzle in my life. You're everything that I ever dreamed of and everything I will ever need. Our love for each other is heaven-sent. and on this day, I vow to be here with you and for you, forever and always" you ended with a little bit tears in your eyes
it was Gavi's turn "mi amor, sometimes I feel like you just had to be angel sent from heaven just for me, even though you fell first but I fell harder. My darling, it's with pride and joy that I take you for my wife. Together, we can weather any storm, no matter the season of our lives. I have found my forever partner. With you in my life, I could never be lonely again. I'm in awe of you, our bond, and our potential. I promise to remain in awe while I cherish you for all the rest of our day" he wiped away a tear in his eyes. it was really happening. he was about to marry the love of his life. no. his soulmate
and to this day on. they still kept their vows and still are madly in love with each other.
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Cg(s)- Eddie Dear+Frank Frankly
Little(s) - Julie Joyful
Age- 5
It was a nice spring earning and Julie, Eddie, and Frank were outside in a nice flowery field catching or just watching bugs.
Frank and Eddie don't really get much time together due to Eddie being a mail man so they thought this would be the perfect time to hang out together. On the way there they met Julie skipping around and being her usual self. “HAY JULIE”. Eddie yelled crossing the street. “Hm”? Julie turned around to see her best friend Frank and his boyfriend. “Hiya fellas, whatcha doing”? “Oh, we're just going down to the flower field to look at some bugs and to catch up on things”. Frank said with a smile holding a small leather bag that he carries around for his books and notes. “OOOOO~ that sounds like a lata fun. Can I tag along”? “Sure why not”. Eddie giggled turning to his boyfriend. “Is that ok with you hun”? “Sure I don't see why not.” “YAAAAY~”!!! Julie jumped with joy as she ran over the boys.
—Time skip cause i’m too lazy——
They had made it to a big field of flowers of all different kinds, peonies, tulips, windflowers little rose bushes on the sides, etc. There were many different bugs to look at. Butterflies, bees, Beatles, spiders, etc.
Julie giggled as she ran threw the flower patches. “Guys look, these ones are orange and yellow too, just like my horns”. She said pointing at the tulips and then right back to her horns.
“It sure does”. Eddie gasped. “FRANK LOOK, this one's orange”. Eddie pointed to an orange and black butterfly. “Ooooo~ that's a mark butterfly”. Frank said looking very happy to be talking about his interests.
Meanwhile, Julie was in her own little world chasing the bugs and nationally falling over the ruts of an occasional tree here and there.
“Oof, dat one really hurt”. She quickly put her hands on her mouth and looked over at frank and Eddie laughing at each other in the distance. “Thank god they didn’t here dat”. She groaned (“i cant regress now, I’m with my friends right now. Ooo- but what will they say if they find out”). Everything was flooding her head till she started spacing out.
“Julie”? “Hay Juuuulieeeee, you ok”. “Hu, oh ya m fine”. Julie said trying not to sound so kiddish even thought thats her hole personality but today she was a little off. Her voice was a tad bit higher and she kinda slurred her words. “You sure cause we’ve been calling you for like two minutes now”? Frank sounded a bit worried. “Mhm, m fine, ima be ight back”. Julie then got up and started walking. She didn’t know where she was going, she just new she wanted to get away from the couple.
“Oof”. “Owy, owy, owy”! Julie cries, slowly turning into sobs. “JULIE”!!The boys cried out. “Are you ok”. Eddie says running over to the mentally younger. Julie is still sobbing uncontrollably. “Shh shh, hay everything’s gunna to be ok”. “M-m-m-m sowry”. Her sobs slowly turned into soft cries. “Theres no reason to be sorry, you just had a little accident, your ok, hehe”. Eddie reassures her. “M- what do you want me to do ki—oooh hehe”. Julie looks over at frank making grabby hands towards him. Frank gets down to her level.”are you little right now”. “Mhm” she blushes hiding her face from the two mentally older boys. ”Why didn’t you tell us”. “Cause is didn wan you to e weiwded out. I didn wan you to stwap bein m fwend”. Julie started to tear up. “I don’t know if you know this already but”. Julie looks up at Eddie. Eddie takes out a small stuffed bear and an orange,yellow,blue pacifier. “Im an age regressor too. Well a flip”. “Same here, and when where both small Howdy comes and takes care of us”. The two mentally boys looked over at Julie as she’s giggling ind stimming.
“Now, can we go catch buofwies”.
“Yes, yes, we can”.
Im so sorry that it took me so long.school has been tough cause i had a bunch of tests, but tysm for the request this was a lot of fun to make, especially with some of my headcanons.:)
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slinket · 1 year
I picked prompt 24 'how can I be the boy you dream about.'
This is my first time writing fanfiction ever, I have no idea what I'm doing, and just wanted to go for it. Turned out much longer than I expected. Not easy writing this entirety on my phone while on a cruise vacation either lol.
Ominis x MC (Amy)
No warnings. 
I stood at the entrance of the great hall, taking a moment to scan the tables and find the smiling faces of my friends. When I spotted my fellow Hufflepuffs, I started over to sit across from Poppy and Adelaide, greeting them while pulling a pancake onto my plate. 
"Amy, we were just talking about you!" Adelaide exclaimed while passing me the syrup.
"It's barely 8am, what could I have possibly done already?" My smile flickered at my own teasing. 
Poppy snickered, "Well, more like Duncan Hobhouse was talking about you.
Now the smile fully sank.  I sighed and shoved a bite of the pancakes into my mouth.
"Bleh," I said as I was chewing. Adding after swallowing, "that was in reference to Duncan, not the pancakes." All three of us girls giggled at that. 
"I just don't understand it, how can Duncan be afraid of plants and puffskiens, but he feels completely comfortable asking me for a date?"
"Well that's simple enough, sweetheart," Sebastian stated as he and Ominis sat down, one on each side of me, "unlike puffskeins, you don't bite."
"I'll bite!" I scoffed.
Ominis took the opportunity to retort, "Ahh, but will you stick your tongue up his nose?". 
"You got me there". We all laughed. 
The conversation continued, easing from one topic to another, avoiding any more talk of Duncan. Not only did I want to stop thinking about his unending interest in me, but I also knew too much Duncan would have Ominis seeing red.  I could understand the dislike, but the utter abhorrence Ominis felt towards Duncan was a little much. 
As breakfast was coming to an end, Ominis held his hand out to me, indicating that it was time to head to class.  
"I would be delighted for you to escort me to my napping area" he teased.
I grabbed his hand, relishing the way our fingers intertwined, always greedy for any contact.
"I believe the rest of the school calls it History of Magic." I laughed as we stood, nodding at my friends in farewell. 
History of Magic was my favorite class. Ominis and I have always shared a desk, and I had learned so much over the past couple of years. Intormation like how long I could continue holding his hand after we sat down.  The current record being 30 minutes. Which hand Ominis would usually lean against as he fell asleep (it was his left).  How I could tell he was dreaming when his lips would raise into a slight smile.  Oh, the absolute best part of class was always when Ominis would catch himself slipping off of his hands and would grab on to me to steady himself.  It didn't happen often, so I made sure to grab back at his arm to support him when it did occur. 
We arrived and I smirked at Ominis who was settling down for his nap. He was still holding my hand as he lifted it up to his mouth, pressing his lips tenderly against my knuckles. I made a noise or surprise, and Ominis turned his head towards me.
"I needed something nice to think about before falling asleep, too much talk of Duncan today and I do not wish to dream about him." I laughed at his explanation. 
Class continued, and Ominis fell into his usual pattern of slipping off into sleep. He has a habit of tapping his fingers against the desk when he would awaken. I would watch his pale and lengthy fingers tap with no apparent pattern. 
"Ominis, why do you always tap after you wake up?  I can't ever remember a time that youve skipped that action"
"Oh, it is because of my blindness. When I wake up, often it can still feel like a dream because I see nothing different. Tapping, touching something tangible will ground me, lets me know that things are real, that I am real.". He paused for a moment. "I…does that make sense?  I've never explained it to anyone before."
" I understand the feeling, though the context may be different. After everything with Ranrok, life didn't seem real to me. I would go through the motions while feeling that I might as well be a character from a story, that everything I was to do had already been written. No choices, no surprises, no real life.  Actually, you are one of the reasons I was able to leave those feelings behind."
Ominis hummed in question as he tried to make eye contact with me, furrowing his brow. 
I giggled, "Your sarcastic demeanor, the way you really pay attention and listen, the way you make me feel…it brought me back to life."
I was leaning closer to him, feeling that if there was ever a moment for Ominis to be convinced with words to kiss me, it would be now. I licked my lips as I watched him move closer, and then heard Ominis groan as we both heard my name called.  My head fell back in annoyance.  
"Duncan, how are you?" I asked him with a polite smile. He may be a bit annoying, but I didn't have any real reason to be rude.  Yes, he continuously asked me out, but he was a gentleman about it, never being pushy or overbearing. A simple no and he would be on his way, placated for a while.
"Amy, I am glad I ran into you, I wanted to see if you would be interested in joining me to Hogsmede, to, uh, talk or uh, spend time together."
Ominis smacked his hand on the desk and growled. "Get a clue Dunkein, she's not interested." 
I watched as Ominis stormed off. I sighed, and turned back to Duncan. 
"I'm sorry Duncan, while I don't appreciate his attitude, Ominis is correct. I'm not interested."
I watched Duncan slouch in defeat, "Amy, please, how can I be the man you dream about?"
He looked so sad. And I felt guilty, but still found an answer slipping from my mouth. "Ominis. You'd have to be Ominis." While I said it in a whisper, I was still surprised I said it at all. Duncan's eyes opened wide as I lowered my head and pushed past him. 
Weeks passed.  I continued the little game with Ominis, where we both seemed to reach out to each other for more, but then pulled back, confused and worried of what would happen, of what the other would think.  I was trying to be more bold, at least, I honestly didn't think I could be more obvious without physically throwing myself at Ominis. I often wondered if his blindness affected other parts of his perception as well.  Duncan continued to inquire with me to spend time together, and I always welcomed him to spend time with me and my friends, but no to any alone time. 
A day came where I found myself in the library with my usual study group, Sebastian, Ominis, and Poppy. When going to sit at our usual table, Sebastian and Poppy raced to sit to ensure Ominis and I sat next to each other.  We were preparing for a history test. 
"Amy, do you have notes on Grimbald Weft?". Poppy asked.
I ruffled through my parchment, "Eh, it seems not." I gave her an apologetic look.
Ominis turned his head quickly towards me and asked "How could you not have the notes?  I know I sleep through class, but you don't.  I don't remember you missing any class!"
"Oh, I didn't miss a class, I just must have um" I bit my lip and glanced back and forth between the three of them. Ominis looked concerned, while Poppy had a growing smile and Sebastian was trying not to laugh. "I.. I must have dozed for a moment. You were sleeping Ominis, there is no way you would know not if I had also fallen asleep." 
Poppy winked at me.  She knew the notes were missing because I was busy counting the freckles on the face of the boy next to me. That I may have been thinking about how good it would feel to run my fingers through his hair as he slept. Or, as I started to blush, thinking about other things that pass through teenage hormonal minds. Whatever the reason, Binns might as well have been speaking in an unknown language. I didn't pick up anything he said. 
"So Amy, when are you going to take your relationship with Duncan to the next level?"
I looked at Sebastian in confusion. "What do you mean?
"She has no relationship with Dunkien, and unless the next level would involve her shoving him off a bridge and forcing him down, there is no where for him to go."  Ominis was always adamant that nothing between Duncan and myself would ever happen.
Sebastian looked at me again, "I mean, when are you taking your relationship with "Dunkien" to the next level?"
Obviously, Ominis couldn't see that Sebastian had put quotes around Duncan's name. Poppy gave him a smack on the arm before laughing, and I am sure I flushed red. 
Ominis stood up suddenly and put his face towards Sebastian.  "I just told you that there is nothing going on between those two, leave it alone Swallow.  
I stood slightly and put my hand on Ominis's shoulder, gently pushing him back into the chair. I left my hand there and rubbed his back a bit before telling him that I could live with Sebastian's teasing. Ominis gave me a concerned look, and feeling daring, I leaned close to whisper in his ear.  "Sometimes it's fun to be teased."  
I hadn't realized how close I had been that my lips had actually been brushing against his ear, but the look on his face after I pulled back was both breathtaking and heartbreaking at the same time. Red color rising over him, showing me his clear embarrassment, eyebrows looking to scowl, but lips twitching into a half smile. 
"I best be off, I've a letter to write and send out before the end of the day.". With that, Ominis abruptly left.
"I will kill you, Sallow!" I said with anger, but my face gave away that I did find the situation comical. 
"I can't help it that you're so clearly in love with a blind boy.  Maybe in an act of jealous rage Ominis will grab you into a kiss!" 
"I think it's more likely that he would grab Duncan into a fight."
Poppy nodded and agreed with me.  "Ominis is probably just too nervous or too much of a gentleman to ask."
"Well he is stupid then. Sometimes you have to just go for it.  Or, you could go for it yourself Amy.  In fact, I'm going to just go for it."  And with that, Sebastian stood up, grabbed Poppy by the face and kissed her hard.  "You're beautiful and I absolutely adore you."  Sebastian took off quickly, while I stared at Poppy in shock, and she seemed stuck with her mouth slightly parted and eyes wide and wild. 
"Did you..has he ever said anything about liking you?" I exclaimed, as I really was at a loss of words.
Poppy coming out of her shock, turned to me, "did that just happen?"
"It happened"
"Wow." We laughed as we packed up our things and headed out. 
I immediately ran off to the undercroft to see if Sebastian or Ominis were there.  I was lucky to find them both, overhearing a bit before they noticed me. 
"...so I kissed her.  Sometimes Ominis you just have to go for it, nerves be damned."
"Well I'm so happy for your relationship advice Sebastian, unfortunately I find it hard to believe that you just kissed Poppy at random."
"He did, I saw it." I said, walking over to them. "Sebastian, I didn't even know you were interested in her… you are interested in her, yes?  If you kissed her just to prove some point I will kill you."
"It can be a little bit of both yah?  I proved a point, to you at least, and I got to kiss a beauty.  All around great time for me… was she happy about it?" He asked, suddenly nervous.
I laughed while answering, "yes, she was happy, I think a bit shocked, but happy."
"Perfect, I'm going to go track her down and see if I can kiss her again.  Or do the whole talking about our feelings thing, if we must.". Sebastian waved goodbye and left for the lift.
"He really did that, just no warning, no fear, no vomiting from nerves?"  Ominis asked.
"Well I can't say what he did after he left the room, so I suppose he could have vomited, but otherwise yeah, he just went for it.  I replied. "Maybe he is right, about just going for what you want…". I trailed off, knowing still that I would not have the confidence to kiss Ominis.  
Ominis hummed, before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the undercroft.  "Lets go, my dear, taking bets on how quickly he can mess this up."
Of course the kiss was all we talked about for the next few days. Excited because it happened, but more excited to find out what happens next.  Poppy and Sebastian seemed to be moving forward quickly, already having gone on a date or two.  Talking to Poppy, she told me that the whole thing had been crazy, but she couldn't have been happier, and she encouraged me to make my move on Ominis. I had been considering it. This being our final year at Hogwarts, I always worried in the back of my mind that regardless of how close we were now, after graduation we would go our own ways. That fact alone helped pressure me to do something, because it's a lot harder to say goodbye to a lover than it is a friend. 
It was nearing Valentine's day. I was determined that Ominis would be my boyfriend before that date. Or that it would all fail miserably and I would spend eternity in my dorm alone. 
I was looking for Ominis around the castle, but had a hard time finding him. I did however run into Duncan.
"Amy, Amy," he called, chasing after me. 
I paused with a grown, but trying to be forever pleasent, I put on a smile and turned around.  "Hi Duncan, what can I do for you today?"
"How about that date?"
"Sorry, have to pass.  Oh, have you seen Ominis lately?"
"Actually I have, he was saying something about going to the docks."  Duncan gave me a smile. Then he ran off.  
"Oh, well that's great Duncan, thanks for letting me know, see you later." I slowly turned my direction towards the docks. Bit if a long walk in the cold, but I have my scarf and my confession cannot wait. 
I reached the docks in probably about 45 minutes.  Had to be careful about all the ice. No luck with finding Ominis.
"Damnit!" I yelled out to the water. "Merlin, I just want to tell Ominis that I love him, why are you making this so hard!"
That's when I heard him, "Amy, you..you love me?"
Turning around, Ominis was close behind me. I swallowed and walked up to him.
"Well that certainly made the confessing part of this a lot easier."  I took a breath and leaned in close to him. What do you think? You in?"
He didn't answer. Ominis grabbed onto my robes and pulled me to him. Our lips missed, but I laughed and redirected so we could finally sink into each other. Time seemed to stand still as kiss after kiss went by.  
"Amy, let's head back before we get too cold."
I smiled up at him, Ominis, who I would be calling my boyfriend now.  We linked hands and made our way back up to the castle. Life felt serene.
Soon we approached the top of the hill, and I saw Sebastian there, packing together what I would guess was a snowball.  I shouted at him and waved, and when he looked over, I raised my and Ominis's locked hands.  I had the biggest smile on my face until I watched Sebastian face go from carefree to very, very concerned. 
"Ominis, why do you think Sebastian isn't happy for us? He's been pushing me to open up to you for ages."
"Don't worry about what he thinks Amy, in fact, forget about him. Lets get into the castle another way."
Ominis started walking in another direction, but I pulled him back to me and began dragging him over to where Sebastian had been.  We approached together and I looked again at the angry faces of Sebastian, Poppy, and ….Ominis?
I dropped my Ominis's hand and took a step back.  
"Stupify," I heard Sebastian yell.  My Ominis fell to the ground.  Sebastian and the others came running towards me.
"What the hell is going on?" I wailed, tears about to fall from my eyes. My Ominis had gotten back up, but now was bent over and coughing.  I watched in horror as the Ominis I had so recently confessed my feelings to, and spent a good amount of time making out with, shifted into Duncan Hobhouse.  
I swear at that moment that flames could have been shooting out of my ears. I could not hold back the tears anymore.  "Duncan, what..a polyjuice potion?  You absolute asshole.  I told you that I loved you…well him…Ominis.  We kissed several times!" I retched. 
Hearing a growl, I looked over at Ominis and saw pure rage.  "You kissed her?  You put your scummy lips on this precious gift of a woman?  I'll kill you." The last of his words screamed as he ran at Duncan and tackled him. 
 I felt Poppy come up next to me, wrapping her arm around my waist as a form of comfort.  Ominis was on top of Duncan and smashed his fist into the face of the liar.  Sebastian was doing his best to pull Ominis off of Duncan.
Poppy and I walked over to the boys and I yelled at Ominis to stop while Sebastian went flailing backwards. Ominis sat up ready to attack again, but I rushed forward and put my hand on his shoulder.
"Stop, please. I need him to be able to talk and explain himself." 
I heard a grunt, which I took as an agreement, Ominis stayed on top of Duncan, keeping him held down. 
"How the hell did you get a hold of a polyjuice potion?" I asked Duncan. 
"Heh, Weasley." He replied. 
Ominis pulled Duncan up by his robe and slammed him back down.  "Spill, everything," Ominis snarled. 
"Okay." Duncan leaned up on his elbows and began to explain. "Remember when I asked you how I could be the man you dream about?" I nodded but stayed silent. 
"You told me that I would have to be Ominis. So I was just meeting your demands. I got Garreth to make the potion by trading him some of the giant venomous tentacula leaves I had taken from the hidden herbology basement back in 5th year." 
I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "I think you may be misremembering that particular event."
"Anyways," Duncan continued, "Garreth didn't ask questions. Getting some hair from Ominis was easy with how often he falls asleep in public. You wouldn't give me a chance, so I did what I had to do to get that chance."  He smiled up at me, "your lips against mine, simply perfect." 
"Those lips are for me to be kissing, not you, not anyone else." Ominis started as he stood up.  "Get the hell out of here, Dunkein." 
"You guys okay?" Sebastian asked.
Ominis hummed softly, "could Amy and I have some time alone?"
"Of course," Poppy answered.  She grabbed Sebastian's hand and the two of them wandered off together. 
"Ominis, I swear I didn't know.  This was insane - I thought…." I trailed off.
"You dream of me?" Ominis asked.  
I looked down at the ground, feeling the embarrassment of confession creep across my face. "Yes, I do," I said in a whisper. 
"Good." When Ominis said that, I looked back up at him and saw his ears turning red. I felt comforted knowing he was going through the same nervous emotions that I had.
"It was hard enough to convince myself to confess my feelings for you once, now to have to do it all over again, heh, you think it would be easier."  I closed my eyes and took a breath.  "It almost seems harder, considering I just made out with the guy you hate most on this planet."
Ominis put his hand to my cheek, which I leaned into, loving the feel of his cold fingers against my burning skin. 
"Now now my dear, he is only the person I hate most at Hogwarts, the planet contains several people I hold lower than Dunkein."
He felt my cheeks raise in a smile. I placed my hand over his, and slid it over to my lips, kissing his palm lightly.  I could feel the pace of his breathing alter.
"I do love you." I whispered.  
Ominis pressed his forehead against mine.  "Yes, making out with my mortal enemy is an excellent way to say 'I love you.'"  
I lifted my head away with a wide smile on my face ready to teasingly push Ominis away.  When I placed my hands on his shoulders, I heard him breath out the word 'don't,' as though he was afraid I would push him away forever. So instead I moved my arms forward until my hands linked behind his neck.  My eyes closed as I saw him leaning towards me. Our lips met, tentatively, and I remembered that Duncan could not find my lips. Of course Ominis would know exactly where my lips fell on my face, there was no chance he would have missed. 
This kiss was different from the one with Duncan.  It was slow, steady.  Every break was devastating, each nose rub a question asking to go forward.  The slight moans were music to my ears. There was no comparison. Had Ominis and I kissed previously, there is no way Duncan could have fooled me. This kiss with Ominis felt like two souls reconnecting.  
We pulled away after a few moments.  Ominis put one hand on my cheek, the other on my shoulder.  He started tapping his fingers against both.  "Everything ok?" I asked.
"More than okay. It's just that, this is like a dream, so I needed to feel that it was real, that you are real, and that I am fully awake. I need the tangible touches." He kissed me quickly. "I love you."
"You can have all the tangible touches you could ever want."  I kissed him again, and decided to never let go.  
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sarahjswift · 1 year
Lovebite - IWHAIWSA Chapter 3
Heyyyy here's another chapter for you! It's currently Thursday but I think this should be posted on Friday. The day you are seeing this is my last day of school and I'm very excited!
I hope you all are enjoying this series! I'm very proud of myself because these chapters are longer and I have a couple already written and ready to post. I also am keeping up Twin Wounds, so I'm just doing it all XD
Next week is the start of my summer vacation, but it shouldn't affect the upload schedule too much, but there's always that warning.
Thank you all for your support <3
Warnings: Language, Light Smut
Word Count: 1.7k
Tag List <3: @backtobl4ck, @aelinchocolatelover, @renxzs, @blue-bird17, and @autumnbabylon! Thanks for your support <33333
enjoyyyyy!!! :D
“You made out with a stranger who is Eve’s best friends’ dad?” Lysandra gasped with delight. 
Aelin glared at her reflection as if it were Lysandra’s face, forcefully massaging her face with sunscreen. “We didn’t make out. It was one kiss.” 
“One very hot kiss, it seems,” her friend giggled. “I mean, he seems amazing. Do you have pics?”
“Uhm, yes,” Aelin confessed. “He sent me a selfie and I may or may not have downloaded it to my phone.” 
“Oh my Gods!” Aelin winced as her friend’s squeal filled the air - loud and proud, even on speakerphone. “Please tell me it was, like, a shirtless selfie. Or no, no, a mirror shot! No - both!” 
“It was a selfie with him and his kids,” Aelin said matter-of-factly. She dotted concealer under her eyes and surveyed herself in the mirror, checking for any blemishes, and-
“Oh my fucking Gods.” 
“What? What is it?” Lysandra squawked, but Aelin was too busy gaping in horror at the purple spot on her neck. 
“I have a damn hickey!” Aelin wailed, then clamped a hand to her mouth. Eve was watching Spongebob, but you could never be too sure with her. 
“Holy shit, this just keeps getting better and better!”
“Not if you’re living it!” Aelin protested, frantically dabbing concealer onto the very obvious love bite on her neck. 
“Can I see? Send a photo!” 
“Uh, no. It’s, like…very obvious.”
“Gods, how much did he kiss you?”
“I have no idea,” Aelin sighed. Luckily, the mark was covered. She sprayed setting spray onto her neck and prayed that her concealer would stick. 
Rowan woke up in the morning with two screaming children, a messy kitchen, and a happy heart. 
He replayed the kiss over and over again in his mind, painting it golden. Even when Lilly knocked over her glass of OJ, he just smiled and wiped it up with a wet paper towel. 
The kids wanted to go to the pool and as they reached it, Rowan found himself searching the room for a certain mother. Unfortunately Aelin wasn’t there, and Rowan settled himself into a pool chair with a sigh, watching his children splash around in the shallow end. 
Rowan: Hey
Aelin: Hello good sir
Aelin: how are you 
Rowan: Good, the kids are at the pool today. 
He hesitated before deciding to go for it. 
Rowan: Wish you were here though. 
Aelin: *typing*
Aelin: 💗
“Can we hang out with Eve today, Dad? Please?” 
Rowan looked at his children, pleading up at him. Hold your ground, he thought. Hold it, hold it, hold-
“I’ll text her mom.” 
An hour later, Rowan was smiling faintly to himself as Aelin and Eve descended across the parking lot to the playground. Eve ran toward Henri and Lilly and the three immediately skipped to the playground, giggling. Rowan took a deep breath as Aelin walked up to him, reminding himself to calm down. 
She looked amazing as usual in a simple white crop top and a vibrant, flowing green skirt. Stylish sunglasses rested on her head and her golden hair was tucked into a braid. Her top and skirt proudly displayed her muscled shoulders, arms and legs and he enjoyed the view  - of those and other beautiful parts of her - before snapping his eyes up to her. 
“Hello,” she said, a serpine’s smile curving on her lips. She walked up close to him and placed a warm hand on his arm, the only thing separating their skin the thin fabric of his T-shirt. 
“Hey.” Rowan’s voice was lower than usual, and he had eyes only for Aelin as she leaned in to whisper something in his ear. His eyes closed briefly as he felt her hot breath on his skin, wanting it everywhere- 
“You may or may not have given me a hickey.”
With a start, Rowan broke from his reveries and whipped his head around to gape at Aelin. Her eyes were dancing and her grin stretched wider as she tapped a finger against her neck. “I guess you were kissing me a bit too hard.”
“I-Gods, Aelin, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking-”
“It’s fine, it’s fine!” Her clear laughter rang through the air, making Rowan smile. He couldn’t help it. “It’s funny. I did have a bit of a panic attack this morning, though. That’s why we didn’t go to the pool.” 
Rowan laughed. “What did Eve have to say about that?”
She shrugged. “She was great - we went on a little trail. What about you guys?”
“The pool and now this, after they begged all morning. It’s honestly adorable how much the kids love Eve already.” 
Aelin beamed, and he knew as a parent she was proud. “I’m afraid I’m just as bad about a certain father.”
Rowan was so handsome she couldn’t stand it, and the urges to grab his hand, touch his shoulder, just to be near him, overcame Aelin as their families went to get Hawaiian Ice. The way he was with his kids did nothing but melt her heart, and Eve’s obvious adoration of the Whitethorn kids was the cherry on top. 
Soon the sun was setting, and they walked through the resort admiring the beautiful dusk sky. The children were skipping ahead of Rowan and Aelin while they hung back, talking softly, when Eve rounded and walked back to her mother. 
“Mommy, Lilly and Henri said that we could come over and have a sleepover!” she squeaked, excitement lit up in her blue-gold eyes. Her face was flushed and strands of her hair were poking up from her head. She looked insane, and Aelin had never loved anything more. 
“Did they really? Well unfortunately it’s not up to them,” Aelin reminded her daughter gently, praying this wouldn’t get awkward. To her dismay, Eve’s face crumpled and she slumped, practically dragging her feet as she walked back over to her friends. The two parents watched as her daughter informed the other kids of the incident and they immediately whirled around, protest lining their faces. 
“Please, Dad? C’mon, we want Eve to sleep over!” Lilly cried, hanging onto Rowan’s hand. Henri grabbed his other and looked up at his father pleadingly. 
Aelin cringed and turned to her companion, opening her mouth to apologize, when he said; “If Aelin is okay with it, I’m happy to have them over.” 
The children stared at him for a second and then erupted, cheering. They were so busy celebrating they didn’t notice the word change; them - but Aelin did. 
“Them?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. Rowan looked sheepish and he shrugged. 
“I mean, why not? You could…sleep over.”
I have no self-control, she thought to herself as she carried Eve’s sheets and pillows into Rowan’s room. Apparently they were all having a joint sleepover - the kids would sleep in Lilly’s room, and Aelin - well, Aelin didn’t know where she would sleep yet. That hadn’t been decided. 
After Aelin and Eve brought their stuff over to the room, they settled down at the dinner table for a dinner of steaming pasta. Aelin was pleasantly surprised at Rowan’s cooking skill, and she said as much.
“Thanks,” he said, biting down a smile. “I’m sure you are too.”
At his words, Eve let out a laugh. Aelin flushed as her daughter exclaimed; “Mommy is a terrible cook! She once tried to make brownies for my school bake sale an’ they were goopy an’ my friend Marianne got food poisoning! Daddy always did all the cooking-”
“Alright, that’s enough,” Aelin interrupted her daughter before she could ruin her chances forever. As she glanced toward Rowan, she found his amused expression frozen, his eyes like chips of ice. She felt herself frown - what had set him off?
At nine the kids disappeared into Lilly’s room to “sleep”, leaving the parents to clean up dinner. Aelin watched Rowan stand at the sink, his powerful arms on display as he scrubbed their plates dry. She couldn’t help imagining that they were a family, he was her husband, and they -
Stop. She scrubbed her face, exhaustion suddenly overwhelming her. There’s no point in imagining anything. It’s done. She sighed and collapsed on their couch, surveying the room. Their hotel space was an exact copy to theirs, so she didn’t feel too bad as she made herself at home. 
“Can I ask you something?” Rowan asked, and Aelin turned to find him leaning against the kitchen counter, watching her with an expression she couldn’t place. At her nod, he took a deep breath. “Is…where is Eve’s dad?” 
Oh. Shit. 
His words were light, but Aelin could tell her response would be important to her. She took a deep breath. “He’s..he’s in the picture.” 
Rowan’s shoulders slumped, and his eyes looked agonized for a half-second before a wall snapped up behind them. “Oh. Alright.” 
“N-not like that,” she blurted - she’d do anything to get him smiling again. “I meant, uhm, well…he has Eve every other week. B-but…we’re divorced. We have been for a year.” 
Rowan’s face melted into a smile she could tell he was trying to tamp down. “Oh. Alright.” Aelin laughed as he repeated his exact words from earlier. At her laughter, Rowan chuckled too, crossing the room to sit next to her on the couch. His weight brought the cushion down, and she slid toward him ever so slightly, close enough she could smell his pine-and-snow scent. 
His eyes darted around the room, checking if the coast was clear, before leaning closer to her. Her breaths came quicker, and she closed her eyes as he brought his hand to cup her neck, rubbing his thumb over the exact spot her lovebite was. She felt him lean in and kiss her jaw, loosing a breath as his other hand stroked her hair. Aelin watched him, heavy lidded, as he kissed his way down to her collarbone, lower. 
“Kiss me,” she breathed. He drew in a sharp breath and obliged her, lips pressing gently against hers. It was a soft kiss, not urgent and sharp like earlier, and she leaned into him, letting his heat envelop her as he hugged her. 
She thought, as she gently made out with this man, she hadn’t felt this safe in years. 
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enid-rhees · 1 year
hi can you please do an enid x reader story where everyone thinks that they are dating because they are always flirting and are very touchy with each other and in the end they end up together? thank you so much and i love all ur fics 🫶🏽🫶🏽
hi !! hope you enjoy !! and tysm !! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
warnings: none!
A/N: hope you all enjoy! reminder that requests are open :]] i rlly do not care how many you send i LOVEEEE receiving requests 🫶🏻🫶🏻 just read pinned !!
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you wrapped your arms around Enid from behind, placing your head on her shoulder. “hey, pretty girl.” you mumbled. you watched a smile grow on her face.
“hey, gorgeous.” she responded, placing her hands over yours, keeping you against her. you smiled back at her. “got any ideas for today?”
Enid’s eyes looked up at nothing in particular as she thought. your bodies slowly swayed back and forth. “movies?” she asked. “movies.” you repeated with a nod. “lets do it.”
you removed yourself from her, moving to her side to place your hand around her instead. “my place or yours?” you asked quietly. “yours. you have the good movies.” Enid said, making you chuckle.
you both started to make your way to your house that was only a few houses down from hers. when you opened the door and walked in, Rick and Michonne were sitting in the living room with Carl and Judith. they also had a movie on.
“hey, kids.” Rick said aloud. Enid waved at the four of them. his eyes dropped down to your hand on her waist. “when were you gonna tell us?” he questioned.
your eyebrows furrowed, “tell you… what exactly?” you asked, genuinely confused on what he was talking about. his hand gestures between the two of you, “you’re clearly like… dating, right?”
you and Enid whipped your heads towards each other, but didn’t pull away. “we’re not dating, Rick.” you laughed nervously, your fingers gripping the shirt she was wearing. “just friends.” Enid said.
you nodded, despite the small ache you felt in your heart. “just friends.” you repeated.
the three of them stared at you, not sure if they should believe you or not. “okay.” Rick choked out. “we’re uh, gonna go upstairs and watch some movies as well. we’ll be down for dinner.”
as you started to walk upstairs, Rick spoke up again. “do you wanna watch them with us? we already have one on!” you peeked over the wall and shook your head, “no. i have better movies than you.”
Enid giggled as you skipped back up the stairs, ignoring Rick’s playful yells at you. you opened your bedroom door and let her walk in first. you started to set up the DVD player and Enid began digging through your box of movies.
“what are the options?” you asked her, plugging the player into the wall and turning your TV on. “The Parent Trap, Mean Girls, Clueless, ummmm-“
“The Parent Trap.” you said immediately, cutting her off. “that’s like, the best fucking movie ever.”
Enid threw the DVD case over to you like a frisbee and you caught it with ease, opening it and placing the disk inside the player. she jumped on your bed as you pulled out a box from under your bed.
you put it on your bed and the two of you started to open it, revealing snacks that you’ve snuck in for only you and her. she took a bag of chips for herself while you grabbed a bag of sour candy.
Enid took your remote and turned the TV on, pressing play on the screen. when the movie started, you two instinctively cuddled up to each other. she placed her head between your collarbone and neck, and your legs started to tangle together.
a few hours had passed, after The Parent Trap ended, you two started Mean Girls. you managed to get halfway through the movie before you looked at your clock, and realized it was already time for dinner.
“oh shit, let’s head downstairs before Rick kills me.” you mumbled as Enid laughed. you both made your way downstairs and into the dining room, where there were already two plates next to each other set for you guys at the table.
when you guys sat down, Enid moved her chair closer to yours and you did the same. Rick and Michonne shared a glance.
“what movies did you guys watch?” Rick asked you guys. “The Parent Trap and Mean Girls.” you responded, scooping up a spoonful of food. “we’re only halfway through Mean Girls though.” Enid added.
“oh she was right, her movies are better,” Michonne told Rick, making the two of you laugh out loud. “i told you.” you said.
you placed your hand on Enid’s thigh, softly tapping your fingers against it.
“man, you guys are such awful liars.” Carl laughed. you and Enid looked up at him. “what?” you asked.
“nothing you guys are doing screams “just friends”!” he exclaimed. “you holding her against you earlier, and now you’re completely holding her thigh. just say you’re dating!”
“but we’re not!” you argued, another nervous laugh coming out. “we aren’t dating, guys. and i’m being completely serious. we aren’t dating. we’re… just friends, okay? friends can be affectionate.”
when you made eye contact with Michonne, you immediately knew that she knew. she had a look of guilt. you broke your eyes away from her, looking down at your food.
“just leave them be guys, they made it clear they’re friends and it’s gonna stay like that.” Michonne said to Carl and Rick. another ache hit your chest.
once the two of you were done with your plates, you took hers and put it in the sink for her. “thanks,” she said when she stood up. “of course.” you smiled softly.
“dinner was really great. thank you guys.” you said to Rick and Michonne. “yeah, it was really good. thank you guys for letting me stay here today.” Enid told them.
“no problem, girls. and you’re always welcome, Enid. you know that, you don’t always have to thank us.” she smiled at them as you two started to go towards the stairs again. “is Enid staying the night?” Rick asked, voice a bit louder now that you were farther away from him.
“yep!” you shouted, taking her hand and leading her upstairs. you both jumped back onto your bed, pressing play on the movie. your previous position resumed.
after a while of silence, Enid sat up. “can i ask you something, Y/N?” you sat up as well, “always. what’s up?”
she looked down at the bed, trying her best to figure out how to say what she wanted to say.
“do you think Michonne was right?” she asked quietly. “right about what?” you questioned. Enid sighed, fumbling with her fingers. “Enid, if she did something that bothered you then-“
“do you really want to stay just friends?” she asked, cutting you off. it took you aback, and you tried to think of what to say back. “because if you really do all of this and think nothing of it then i can’t-“
“i don’t.” you said. “i want so much more than just friends, Enid. so much more.”
Enid didn’t waste another second in climbing in your lap and grabbing your face, pulling you into a hard kiss. you gripped her waist, kissing her back just as hard. you fell back against your bed and she hovered over you.
“i’m sorry for saying those things downstairs,” you breathed out in between kisses. “forget about it.” she whispered, shutting you up immediately.
the movie was no longer on either of your minds as she continued to kiss you. nothing else mattered in that moment. Enid pulled away to breathe, leaning her head on yours.
you reached your hands up, softly holding each side of her face. “i love you, Enid. i have… for so fucking long.” your eyes fluttered shut as she connected your lips once more.
when she pulled away again, she smiled against your lips. “i love you too,” Enid whispered, continuing your previous activity.
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matcha-green-bear · 1 year
more than a best friend should✿
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✿ pairing: music major yeosang x f!reader
✿ genre: fluff, friends to lovers, collage au
✿ word count: 2.2k 
✿ warnings: Mentions of height difference (reader is smaller than Yeosang), cusing, friendly banter, Wooyoung (man needs a warning for himself! He is pure chaos, but we love him for it), Stress over school work (girl me too oml)  
✿ summary: Yeosang and you have been friends since middle school, so you too know each other well. But what happens when your heart feels something your brain has yet to catch up on that threatens you friendship with Yeosang, and what happens when Yeosang is feeling the same? Songs played while writing Fallingforyou by The 1975 and Glue Song by Beabadoobee!💚
✿ a/n: Honestly when writing this I wanted to it to have a soft romance feel to it, like a true slow fall into love where the reader’s heart is already so totally in love but their brain needs to catch up type of feel!! But then the chaos and goofiness got in the way, to which adds to this fics charm!! I felt like Yeo was a perfect match for this type of romance! Plus who doesn't like a good friends to lovers!!?
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Yeosang had been in the studio all day. You decided to surprise him with some of his and your favorite snacks to cheer him up. You knocked on the studio door and awaited a response. You heard a big sigh and some grumbling, the door swung open with ungodly force. You saw Yeosang towering over you, eyes closed pinching the bridge of his nose. He looked so frustrated and tired.
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"Wooyoung, I swear to God if you keep knocking on the door and running away giggling because you think it's funny. I will literally throw you down a flight of stairs." Trying to hold your giggles in the best you could you took a step closer to peer under his hand on his face to try to find his eyes. "Well, thank God I'm not Woo because between you and me, I think Woo has a better chance at surviving a tumble down some stairs than I do. And knowing Wooyoung, he might ask you to do it again. " Clearly, your voice wasn't the voice Yeosang was expecting. His hand drops from his face, and a look of surprise replaces his frustration he had earlier. "Oh y/n!? I'm sorry, Wooyoung has just been his typical menace self and chose to bother me of all people today when I have a deadline to meet by tonight. That he knows of too, and I'm not as close as I should be because of his stupid pranks." "Mmm, I see luckily I saw Woo leaving to go bug San on my way here, so you are off the bored Wooyoung hook for now!" Hearing that made Yeosang roll his eyes at you. "So, what brings you to the studio y/n?" "Well coincidently the menace himself texted me and told me you have been overworking yourself, soooOo I got you some snacks to cheer you up! Plus, I bet you've skipped some meals as well you dummy."
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You handed Yeosang the bag of his snacks. "Feel free to text me if you need anything, Yeo, you know I'll help you if you ever need it!" Turning on your heel you start to make your way the same way you came in, but before you could take any more steps you felt a slightly tight grip on your wrist, stopping you from going anywhere. The skin touching yours sent a jolt of electricity throughout your body, making you feel tingly and wanting more of that touch in places all over. Heat rushing to your face for having such spicy thoughts, you turned to see Yeosang’s head down, but the tips of his ears being painfully deep red. "Could you possibly stay and keep me company while I finish the group project I have to do!? I mean, you got me more snacks than I can eat by myself, and I see some of your favorites in here as well, so now you have to stay." At that point, he was looking into your eyes with the most puppy begging face he could give. It obviously hit you right in the heart, a direct hit one could say. Clearing your throat and mentally slapping yourself in the face to pull yourself together you gave him your most genuine smile. "Of course, I can keep you company, but that means I can make you take breaks when I see you getting too frustrated, okay?" Yeosang rolled his eyes once again, but you could see the smile he had plastered on his face as he did it. "Yes y/n you can but I really need to turn this into Hongjoong by tonight so he can look it all over and turn the whole project to the professor in the morning!" You could tell Yeosang was already passed his limit, but he was determined to get it done not only for himself but for Hongjoong and the rest of his project members as well. All their passion is surrounded by music, and they all put their hearts and souls into what they do, and it clearly shows in their grind they put themselves through. You've met all Yeosang’s friends that were in the project with him, coincidently Wooyoung and San and Hongjoong being three of them. The other four you've met but are not super close with, but you'd still call them friends! But Wooyoung was yours and Yeo's friend from high school.
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"Yeah, yeah, you workaholic, you and Joong need to go to like AA but for overworking yourselves. Overworking Anonymous! I'm a genius!" Yeosang giggles as you both walk into the studio. He shuts the door and walks and plops himself into the studio chair. You walk yourself to the couch that is next to all the studio equipment. You see that instead of going into the recording booth, Yeosang had the mic set up next to his chair and the equipment. He must be workshopping his lines as he sings them. "Okay, Mr. Maltese, pick a snack!" You sit on the couch as Yeosang puts the bag of snacks on the table in front of the couch. "Ugh, I'm not a Maltese I'd rather you refer to me as a Doberman than a small dog." "But a Maltese is so cute!" Yeosang stopped what he was doing and looked at you with his eyebrow raised. "So, you think I’m cute like a Maltese then y/n?" His sly comment took you off guard and had you flustered. "I-I-I guess so." You embarrassingly stuttered out. This made Yeosang smile, and he carried on with what he was doing, you see Yeosang dig through the bag and stops at the one snack you knew he would pick. "You know y/n I wouldn't count fried chicken as a typical snack, but I'm so eating all of it!" "I know it's your favorite, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity when I saw it!" That made Yeosang smile but then he instantly dug into the fried chicken. "So, how's the project going!?" Yeosang let out a small sigh. "It would be going well if I wasn't stuck. San, Mingi, and Jongho are already done with their parts of the song, and they are absolutely amazing! Hongjoong said he wanted to wait till he had everyone's parts to put his in and to 'spice' things up, his words exactly. Oh, and Hwa is with Hongjoong right now working on his part. I don't know about Yunho or Wooyoung though. Wooyoung said he didn't want to show me anything and wants it to be a surprise." That's brought a smile to you and Yeosang. "That'll be Woo for you a sweet menace. But Yeo don’t worry about getting your part done on time with the others, I know your deadline is tonight but don't let that stress you! And we both know Joong would give you more time too." Yeosang knew you were right, and when knew he was letting the pressure get to him. Your encouragement in him sparked the motivation and inspiration he needed. After he was done destroying the snacks he was back to working.
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You sat in the corner of the couch facing Yeosang and got comfortable. After a while, you looked up from your phone to look at him. The way his brow furrows in determination as he worked on something he was passionate about made him look so endearing. His beautiful brown eyes fixed on the words he was writing. . .beautiful? Well, yeah, Yeosang has beautiful eyes, but why does that make your stomach feel all floaty and make your heart skip beats?? You looked more at Yeosang. His angelic charm is truly unparalleled. You knew he was beautiful. Everyone knew. Heck, he was even nominated to play Snow White in a play. Growing up, he had never affected you this way before, though, and deep down, you knew what these feelings were, but they terrified you. Yeosang was your best friend in the whole world. These feelings could change that entirety. It's hard not to feel hyper aware of all your interactions with Yeosang, all the used to be innocent and affectionate touches seem all supercharged now sending butterflies to your stomach, there's no denying it your feelings are beyond just friends. Yeosang was humming his verse his deep, yet elegant hum was lulling you to sleep, fighting sleep and wanting to listen to him more, but being too weak to succeed, you drift off. Yeosang excitedly lifted his head up to check on you, only to find you peacefully sleeping. There, sleeping before him would be the loveliest woman known to man. "You have no idea how much I adore you y/n," Yeosang goes back to finalizing his verse. "Wooyoung said I should just tell you how I feel and to put my worries about our friendship aside." Yeosang lifted his head to peek to see if you were still sleeping, satisfied with seeing you still asleep. He went back to working. "I know Wooyoung has a point but I'm also afraid of just coming out with my feelings for you and you being caught off guard, and I also don't want my feeling to change our dynamic if you end up not returning my feelings, and if that's the case than that outcome is okay as well. As long as I don't lose you as a friend too, that's all that matters is if I don't lose you in my life y/n."
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Yeosang didn't know that you've been awake since he started talking. You were a light sleeper, so the base in his voice woke you. Your anxiety also took over, and you still acted asleep out of some irrational fear that Yeosang would get upset. Your whole mind was screaming, Yeosang liked you back!? Also, he is scared just like you are!? He is also afraid to lose you!? Being so overwhelmed with this new profound knowledge, you couldn't stop yourself from speaking. "Yeo, you could never lose me!" You saw Yeosang physically freeze up. The pencil he was writing with dropped out of his hands. He turned his whole body to you slowly in his swirly chair. He looked like a deer in headlights. His shocked face made you freeze up as well. You slowly covered your mouth with your hand. It was as if time stopped completely. Feeling the immense pressure, you felt the need to explain further. "I-I-really mean it! You could never lose me! E-E-Even if I didn't return your feelings, you could never lose me!" Being too nervous and under self-induced pressure, you went on a tangent. "I'm too enamoured with you! I mean I think Woo would kill us both if we didn't stay by each other's side and no offense but I'm more scared of being killed my Woo than literally anything because you and me both know the sadistic fuck would make it unbelievably painful for splitting up his friend group!!" Your little melt down seemed to have made Yeosang loosen up and made him giggle, but then shock retook over him, and he shot up from his chair and pointed at you. "WAIT A DAMN MINUTE! WHAT DO YOU MEAN EVEN IF YOU DIDN’T RETURN MY FEELINGS!!??" This had you standing up as well, pointing right back at him. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT DO I MEAN!!??? I THINK THAT MAKES IT VERY CLEAR WHAT I MEAN!!!" Yeosang steps closer to you, still pointing. "IM GOING TO NEED YOU TO CLARIFY WHAT YOU MEAN Y/N FOR MY SLOW ASS!" Coincidentally, this all made sense because Yeosang does have a habit of being lost in space and a wee bit slow, but it only adds to his charm in your case. Having to come clean and tell him out loud and in person, you covered your heated face. "What I mean is, I like you too, Yeosang!" Suddenly, you are wrapped in a warm embrace. Yeosang’s chin resting on top of your head, your hand covered face in his chest. "Y/n I didn't want to confess to you like this truthfully, but if we are honestly speaking, I don't think I would've confessed until another year or so working up the courage to do so. So, I am glad of this accidental confession." Yeosang stopped hugging you and took your hands from your face, lifted your chin so you were looking up at him. "To make this official and so there is no confusion, I like you y/n, and I like you more than a best friend should! And I now know you return my feelings, so y/n would you go out with me?" You saw the worry in him, and both his eyes shot back and forth with yours. You smiled and hugged him. "Of course, I'll go out with you, Mr. Doberman!!" That comment made Yeosang stop in his tracks. "You've been hangout with Wooyoung too much. He's clearly been rubbing off on you!" Feeling the confidence from just confessing to Yeosang and him asking you out, you felt mischievous. Quickly making a run for it already knowing you were getting on his nerves from the teasing nicknames, you yelled while running away. "And you would be correct, Drone Boy!" Jokingly offended Yeosang chased after you. "YAH! WHAT'S WRONG WITH LOVING DRONES!?"
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✿ a/n: Do we hate the ending?? Do we want more of these two and third wheel Woo? Idek how much the menace was mentioned in this until I read it back🤣 I love when Wooyoung in fics is just pure chaos!😌👏 Also I’m working on pt.2 of MSWTTM so don’t worry I have not forgotten about it at all!! I’ve just been super busy with life and college!😅 pst @justaaveragereader hey my love yeo fic is out!!😚💛
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@matcha-green-bear / / do not repost or modify
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jaysficarchive · 4 months
Save the Date
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Synopsis: Heatwave and Heavy Metalikka cordially request demand the pleasure of your company at their wedding ceremony on November 9th at 1:40 P.M.
Be there...or else.
For @calciumcryptid since I said I would write about the HeavyHeat wedding (and as an apology for spamming your inbox)
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"How ya feeling, Mick?"
"Ten feet tall, Len."
Mick smiled at himself in the mirror. Wearing a nice black suit surrounded by flames, his signature heat gun tucked away in his holster. Even though today was a joyous day, Mick had to remind everyone he was still a rogue.
"I'm proud of ya. You found you a pretty lady and now yer gonna marry her." Len put his hand on the taller man's shoulder. Despite their occasional fighting, Len was happy for his fellow criminal.
If someone told Roxy that she'd be feeling like a schoolgirl on her first date during her wedding day, she'd looked at them crazy.
Irina snapped a picture while Lisa did some retouches on Roxy's makeup. None of it got too messed up since they just came back from running a little "errand".
"Save some for the actual ceremony, Rina," Lisa giggled.
"Sorry it's just...I never thought I'd see the day." Irina set her camera down to adjust Roxy's veil. She was the first between the Bad Girls, her and Roxy's group, to be married. Why wouldn't she be overjoyed that her best friend was getting married?
"Me neither. Took a while but I'm here," Roxy gloated. She had boyfriends and fiances in the past but those didn't end up making it to an altar. Not that she needed to fret about getting married at her age; lots of women did.
Finally it was time for the reception. Nobody was surprised to see that Wally was the one officiating the future Rorys nuptials. It was a favor for Hartley. Everyone stood as they awaited the bride's entrance.
Mick felt like a kid in a candy store. Roxy was everything he wanted in a woman: fiery, villainous, brash. Things may have started out with her trying to kill him (because she thought he was a skinhead or undercover cop) but now they were almost inseparable.
"Where's Lisa and Irina?" Mark asked.
Sure enough, those two came strolling through the door with the biggest surprise yet: Barry Allen tied down to a rolling chair.
"Holy-! Is that Flash?"
"Yep! He's the guest of honor!"
Everyone laughed then quieted down when the music played. All eyes were on Roxy who walked through the doors, arm locked with her father and guitar slung across her back.
Mick teared up seeing his soon to be wife. She looked absolutely stunning. "So damn gorgeous." He wiped his tears. As for Roxy, her heart skipped a beat seeing her eventual husband in his suit.
The two held hands as Wally read out his script. Mick was too caught up in Roxy's beauty to notice she was wearing the jewelry he stole for her.
"Welcome, everyone. We are gathered here today to join Heatwave and Heavy Metalikka in holy matrimony. The rings please?"
Mick exchanged rings and vows first.
"Firecracker, you changed my life in ways I never thought of. Before you, I thought my only love was fire. Then you came here, on that day we first met, and proved me wrong. I'll admit I stood no chance the moment I saw you swing that guitar and take down all those cops without any help. You are the queen whom I wholly devote myself to."
Roxy teared up. "All my life, I've always felt that if I liked a guy, I'd pursue him the same way he would me. That was, until I met you. Mickey, you were so relentless in your pursuit of me that it threw me off at times. You never stopped trying to win my love or my heart. And for that I love you and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
Cheers and applaused erupted when the couple kissed. Money was thrown as Roxy and Mick walked down the aisle together.
Everyone was on their best behavior up until Roxy's parents left. Roxy made sure they didn't leave anything behind so the real debauchery could begin while Irina made sure they left for good. Once the coast was clear, Roxy gave Mick the signal.
"Alright! Let's get drunk!"
The rest of the night was full of heavy metal, drinking, and tormenting Barry by using him for their party games. It felt more like a college party than a wedding. Maybe that was the intention since many of the rogues didn't or couldn't go. Roxy changed into a more promiscuous outfit that included a red tulle skirt and fishnets that had Mick blushing seeing her in it.
"Ready?" Roxy held the bouquet ready to throw.
"Do it, girl!" Lisa cheered.
Soon as the flowers (which were fire lilies) went up in the air, Mick set fire to them. Some rogues moved to get as much ash on them as possible in the hopes of being the next to get married.
Afterwards Roxy and Hartley put on the concert. Surprisingly her guitar and his flute went together perfectly. Who needed to hire a band when the two most musical rogues were the band? Special guests were Hartley's many rats.
"Drink, drink, drink!"
Mick poured some beer on Roxy's stomach. At the right amount he drank it right off her. His wife smiled the whole time, cheering when he drank it all. Of course she got the chance to do the same to him and was rewarded with a kiss until her teeth ached.
"Don't get too drunk, Mickey. We still need to get to our wedding gifts." Roxy rested her head on his shoulder. His body was warm--great for the cold Midwestern November. "And we still have our wedding night."
"Those are my second and third favorite parts." Mick cupped her chin and gave her another kiss before announcing it was time for the gifts. Unsurprisingly Len was up first.
"Congrats, you two. And Roxy, welcome to the rogues." He set a small box with a red ribbon in front of them. Inside were a set of matching lighters.
"Lenny, this is perfect!" Mick tested the lighters out by lighting cigarettes for him and his wife. Everyone else's gifts were just as good; ranging from a new grill (gifted by Sam) to a whole motorcycle (from Irina).
Lisa handed Roxy a check; same way Roxy used to do when she was living with the former skater. "Here. Consider it your dowry."
Roxy smiled and gave her the biggest hug. "It'll be good use for me and Mickey's honeymoon."
"Speaking of which, where you two going? Is Mick still keeping it a surprise?"
"He is but I have a feeling I know where," Roxy whispered. "Sandals resort."
Lisa nodded, impressed at the location Mick picked. Knowing him, though, he'd probably just stay on the beach while Roxy got in the water.
Latet that night, Roxy and Mick settled down after an exciting day. Despite their plans of a more romantic way to wind down the evening together, they decided to wait until they got to the resort.
"Had fun, firecracker?" Mick asked, running his hand up Roxy's side.
"Hell yeah I did. It's gonna be even more fun during our honeymoon. Speaking of which, you got that grilling hat packed?"
"You know it. Tomorrow I'll wear it just for you."
Roxy felt like a lovesick schoolgirl. Was this the married woman feeling her mom described?
"G'night, Roxanne. I love you."
"I love you too, Mick."
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random-writer-23 · 2 years
The rooftop P.2 (peter parker x reader)
A/N: So this is Part 2 to the rooftop, I hope you enjoy, and as usual any likes comments or reblogs are welcomed!!
Word count: 1812 words
Warnings: None
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_______NEXT DAY___________ I woke up to my alarm blaring loudly in my ear, and my dad kicking my mattress to wake me up. "I'm up I'm up" I mumbled sleepily, as my dad opened my curtains, and left my room. I sat up rubbing my eyes and walked to turn off my alarm clock, yawning I went to the closet to pick out something to wear. I eventually chose a black sweatshirt with (favorite tv/movie character) on it, and some jeans along with my black old skool converse. I went downstairs and sighed as I read the note from my mom on the counter telling me there was an emergency at work and I had to walk to school today. I walked into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. I yawned, I spent the entire previous night studying for my chemistry test with New York's Favorites spider and I was ready to get an A on my chem test. I eat my cereal silently before putting my empty bowl in the sink and grabbing my backpack. "Dad I'm heading off to school" I yelled loudly.
"Alright honey good luck on your test" he yelled back.
"Bye dad!" I said walking out the door hooking my fingers through my backpack straps. I walked down the hall of my apartment building taking the elevator all the way down. Walking out the front door of the building I looked to my right and left before turning right and heading towards the subway station. I went down into the subway station and took the train to school on the bus I saw one of my best friends, Peter Parker. I made my way through the people on the subway station towards him there were no seats nearby but I still said hello. He stood up offering me his seat which I gratefully accepted.
"Wow peter who knew you were such a gentleman" I remarked sitting down in the seat he previously occupied.
"Why thank you m'lady" he said with a mock bow, taking my hand and kissing it jokingly. I laughed loudly, trying to hide the sound of my heart beating loudly in my chest. As I internally swooned.
"And they say chivalry is dead" I said with a giggle.
"Well here I am chivalrous as always" he responded with a laugh as our train pulled into the station stopping slowly. Peter and I left the train station together and continue the walk to our school, midtown high school of science and technology. We parted ways and moved to separate hallways. I went to find my locker and then head to my chemistry class. I sat down in my seat next to my friend MJ.
"You look like hell" I laughed as I sat down next to her.
"Gee thanks, I just got back" She mumbled putting her head on the desk, as I laughed again.
"ready for our test?" I asked her
"Always am" She replied with a cocky smile.
"Okay, okay, I get it you're a chemistry genius," I mumbled quietly as our teacher told us to log on to our computers to take our tests. The class sat in silence as we all took our test, thank god Spiderman just happened to be swinging by last night to help me with my chemistry. Otherwise I would be crying my way through this test. I finished my test five minutes before the bell rang and waited for the computer to grade my score. I silently cheered as I read the number 95% on my computer screen. I put my computer away in my backpack and rested my head on the desk for the rest of class.
_______Time skip to End of day_____
I poked my head out my bedroom door and made sure my mom was asleep, and my dad was at work. She was so I ran to get some food from the kitchen, before retreating quickly back into my room. I grabbed my backpack and climbed out the window, and up to the roof, only to almost fall off the fire escape, after seeing a figure I hadn't expected to see, Spider-man sat there on his phone, with his legs hanging off the edge of the roof. He didn't notice me until I cleared my throat and spoke up.
"Oh um, hey spidey," I said semi-awkwardly as I wasn't expecting him to be there. He jumped in surprise and almost dropped his phone
"Oh, h-hey Niya" He answered with what I assumed was a smile under the mask.
"Whatcha doing here?" I asked finishing my climb onto the rooftop, and dropping my backpack next to him, I went to retrieve my blanket, I shook it out for bugs as I did the previous night and went to sit next to spidey and cuddled up inside my cocoon.
"W-well I u-uh wanted to s-see how you d-did on y-your chem t-test" He stuttered adorably, and I saw the pink dusting his cheeks, as he had pulled his mask up to his nose again, keeping the rest of his face covered again.
"wwweeeeellll" I drew out the word, "I got an A" I squealed in delight
"Oh, no way that's awesome!" He said sharing my excitement.
"Yeah, your help literally saved me, otherwise I would have for sure failed." I gushed, extremely thankful for all of his help the previous night.
"Oh well, you're welcome..." He said blushing again, as I giggled.
"You know it's really easy to make you blush," I said with another giggle, hitting him on the arm softly.
"Oh..." He smiled sadly and pulled his mask back down, I watched as his spider eyes went all squinty and sad looking.
"No, no, I was just joking," I said Apologetically, turning to him, I pulled his mask back up over the bridge of his nose and smiled again. "It's kinda cute," I said with a smile and a boop to his nose.
"o-oh u-um t-thanks you're uh k-kinda c-cu-cute too I g-guess," He said hurriedly, as his spider eyes went from squinty to super-wide.
"Thanks," I said happily, scooting closer to him, now that I've gotten a little more relaxed around him. "say... what's the crime rate like tonight" I asked slowly with a sly smile.
"not bad I've already done my rounds tonight and found absolutely no crime," He said with a smile, "why do you ask?" He asked slowly.
"well, I have a math test tomorrow, and well I was wondering if you could help me..." I asked using my puppy dog eyes.
"Oh, well, umm... Oh, how could I say no to those adorable puppy eyes" He remarked casually with a smile.
"Oh thank you thank you thank you!!!" I squealed throwing my arms around him, "you're the best!" I sighed into his side, (he smelled like downy laundry detergent). He chuckled nervously and I realized I was probably making him uncomfortable with all my hugs and stuff so I quickly scooted away and grabbed my backpack. "Well you know it's my pleasure, I'm always ready to help a damsel in distress" he replied reaching up to rub the back of his neck shyly, and stood up to get the backpack I had tossed aside earlier.
"Wow who new you were such a gentleman" I said with a giggle.
"Why thank you m'lady" he said with a mock bow as he reached over to take my hand and kiss it jokingly. I laughed for a moment before I got a strong sense of dejavú, and my eyebrows furrowed, a frown making its way into my face. I quickly changed my facial expression before Spider-Man noticed and hesitantly continued the conversation.
"And they say chivalry is dead" I replied faking the giggle that came out my mouth, and instead paid close attention to Spider-Man's voice, and his next reply.
"Well here I am chivalrous as always" he said with a grin, before his grin was wiped from his face when he saw the look of realization on my face, and realized the massive mistake he just made.
"P-Peter?" I stuttered backing away a little bit from him.
"U-uh umm n-no?" He cleared his throat to deepen his voice.. "no, uh who's peter?" He replied frantically in his deeper voice.
"Okay now I know it's definitely you" I said standing up, and putting my hand on my hip.
"Awe crap.." he mumbled standing up to face me as he pulled his mask all the way off. I saw the rest of his flushed face and his floppy brown hair.
"Wow it really is you" I said taking a few steps towards him bringing my hand up to touch his face, as if I thought it was an illusion of some sort. "This explains so much" I laughed quietly.
"Yeah yeah, but you can't tell anyone that I'm Spider-Man, Niya" He said grabbing my hands and throwing me his adorable puppy dog eyes (not that he knew he did them).
"And why would I want to keep this a secret" I asked stepping away from him and circling him slyly.
"Uhh cause I'm one of your best friends?" He replied more like a question than a statement.
"Well yes but that's not good enough now is it?" I asked trying to hold back my giggles and keep the stern expression on my face. "I need something better"
"Are you b-blackmailing me?" He asked with a small stutter, as his eyes went wide with shock.
"Yes, yes I am. And here's my price, you come visit me every night and help with my homework... after you make your rounds of course" I said with a smile giggling.
"That's it?" He asked obviously expecting it to be steeper stakes.
"Yep that's it... oh wait.. one more thing..." I added, my face starting to flush slightly.
"Uh yes?" He asked warily.
"I want a date with midtown's cutest chemistry geek" I said my face flushing bright red.
"Oh um... who is that?" He asked a red blush creeping up his neck.
"It's you nitwit! I want a date with you!" I said exasperated, with how oblivious he was.
"Oh... OH! ME! Um.. yeah it would be my pleasure" he answered his face as read as a tomato. I held my hand out and he shook it, the deal was made. "Ok well I'll see you tomorrow..." he said starting to back away as I sat down... and pulled out my math notes.
"Uh... the deal starts tonight" I said with a smile as I held up my math notebook. While he blushed.
"Oh right" he laughed and sat down next to me.
QOTD: whats your favourite marvel movie?
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invisiblestringmm · 11 months
Ok, so since when you started posting I was "scared" of sending feedbacks with the anon option off, I'll send you the official feedback now🤭
Watching her was one of your favourite things to do; the way the soft dark brown curls bounced as she swayed around the living room, the way her cheerful laugh echoed every corner of the house and those big, brown eyes sparkled with pure innocent bliss - Lily was your everything, she was your whole life and though, at first, being a young single mum terrified your entire being, she became the reason of your existence. HI LILY I MISSED YOU
“Oh hello,” you whispered, poking your tummy with your index finger. “I don’t think you can even listen to me yet, but… can you bear with me, peanut? Hm?” Brushing your thumb against your skin, your eyes burned with tears. You wanted things to work out, you wanted that kid to be born into a healthy environment even if it included just you — of course, your parents would be there, but in the end, you’d be a single mum. The idea of it terrified you but, deep down, you could feel some courage sparkling. THAT PART MADE ME EMOTIONAL 🥹
“I’m still new to this mummy thing, and I hope you’ll like me once you’re here with us, running around… but I promise you that I'll do my best.” SHE IS GOING TO LOVE YOU
Watching the scene in front of you became harder when he was on your dad’s big flat screen, and though your daughter was mimicking her grandad, she was the spitting image of him. Her dad. THE FACT THAT LILY IS A MINI FEMALE VERSION OF MASON 🥹
You would’ve let him know the day she screamed her first word - a loud, cheerful “goal” when Arsenal scored, making your dad the proudest grandad in the world. BABY LILY😭
“Mummy,” Lily woke you up from your thoughts, softly pulling your sweater while curiously staring at you with her big hazel eyes. She giggled when you took her in your arms, sitting her on the kitchen counter with her little legs around your waist. “Are you sad it’s not coming home?” THAT'S THE SWEETEST LITTLE GIRL EVER
On Monday, you quietly walked into the usual warmth of your office, only nodding at a few colleagues who cheerfully welcomed you back after a disappointing weekend for football fans. You spotted Willow, your childhood friend, walking towards you with two mugs of the steamy coffee you always shared in the morning in each hand, and a smile splattered on her face - to which you frowned, because Willow had never been the one in a good mood in the morning. OHHH WILLOW MISSED YOU TOO
“I was feeling a bit bored on Saturday morning and decided to go to Paris.” I JUST LOVE HER MOOD
“Mummy,” she called you, squeezing your hand as you walked to the studio with Willow on your side. Looking down, you smiled so she’d continue. “Ice cream after ballet?” I'M UP FOR ICE-CREAM HONESTLY
That gentle hand squeeze was there again, Lily looking at you with her big, brown eyes that softened your entire being. “Mummy,” she called. “Can Summer come too if we go get ice cream?” OPSSS🤭🤭
“I played footy at school today, auntie.” Lily covered her mouth with her small hand, letting out a loud yawn. Your heart skipped a beat for a second, sharing a look full of meaning with your best friend as Lily laid her head on Willow’s shoulder and closed her eyes. “Mr. Martin said I’m good.” She mumbled. YEAH, SHE IS A LITTLE MASON
A soft poke on your shoulder woke you up from your thoughts and you turned around to face a heavily pregnant woman accompanied by, apparently, her mum, considering they looked a lot like each other. They were both smiling at you, and the youngest pointed at your daughter, who was now clutching a little girl. HERE THAY AREEE
It was easy being around them, your mum arrived at the studio shortly before class started, and quickly bonded with Debbie about the wonders of being a grandmother; how they both spoiled the girls and were spoiled by them. THE TWO GRANNY'S BOUNDINGGG
“I know, my little monster. I didn’t forget your ice cream.” LITTLE MONSTER
After exchanging phone numbers and Instagram accounts, you went in different directions of the street - you wanted to squeeze both Lily’s and Summer’s cheeks when they blew each other a kiss after a long hug. Happiness washed over you seeing that it wasn’t hard for your daughter to make friends, and bond, even if not having her father around clearly affected her behaviour sometimes, often noticing that she, sometimes, was a bit needy and clingy - but also extremely kind and sweet.THESE TWO LITTLE GIRLS ALREADY LOVE EACH OTHER
But you wish you had never met Jasmine, or that your daughter had never met Summer at all when you found a picture of her entire family at a stadium, all of them dressed in England jerseys and a familiar face in the middle was on your screen when you decided to zoom in on the photo. You dropped your phone on your stomach, feeling your mouth instantly drying and your eyesight blurring - if you weren’t already in bed, the weakness you felt spreading from your legs through your body would bring you to the floor. AND THERE'S THE REVEAL
This is absolutely the sweetest feedback ever, not enough words to thank you for still being here. 🤍
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rawrki · 2 years
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pairing bestfriend!riki x gn!reader genre fluff! childhood friends to lovers warnings light swearing, they kiss, very very slight angst when reader talks about insecurities
word count 2.9k
a/n: this is my first fic ever so it's not that good and idk what i'm doing LOL i didn't proofread so sorry if there are any mistakes! do lmk if you spot any >< i hope this isnt too bad for a fanfic debut TT
you checked your phone to look at the time as you waited for your best friend to come over. after getting cancelled on by a boy from your school, you had texted riki to keep you company. you were disappointed that you wouldn't get to go on the fun date you were anticipating and pretty sad about it.
just then, the doorbell rang, shaking you from your train of thoughts.
"y/n!! i hope you're dressed to go out!!"
you heard riki's muffled voice from behind the door. furrowing your brows in confusion, you grabbed your sweater that was slung on the back of your chair before rushing to open the door for him. before you could even greet him, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a hug. you giggled at his sudden action and ignored the slight fluttering of butterflies in your stomach.
"hi foo yoo too riki. waf fis about??"
you tried to ask as your face was squished against his chest. pulling away from you to see your face, riki looked down at you and ruffled your hair. huffing in annoyance, you reached your hands up to fix your hair.
"it's a surprise" he grinned cheekily and took a hold of your hand to guide you towards his bicycle.
"hold this for me please"
with that, he shoved a heavy backpack into your arms.
"well, it's not like you gave me a choice you little shit"
all he did was laugh and shove you onto his bicycle. after you were both seated comfortably, you wrapped your arms around his waist, bag securely on your lap in between you and riki.
"off we go!" he exclaimed childishly and started peddling. you weren't really expecting to go out tonight as you thought riki would just come over to keep you company while you watched a movie. however, you couldn't say you weren't pleased by the sudden unexpected turn of events.
riki picked up speed as you got to a more open road and you felt the wind blow through your hair. you shut your eyes and hugged riki a little tighter as you enjoyed the cool evening breeze.
taking advantage of your eyes being closed, riki briefly turned around and lifted one hand off the handle to flick your forehead.
"OUCH what the hell bitch!"
"huh? what?"
"why do you pull this shit even when you're cycling you're insufferable."
"i don't know what you're talking about! i'm a safe cyclist you know! both hands on the handle at all times of course. must have been a leaf or something man."
you rolled your eyes and glared at him as he proudly showed you that he could cycle without his hands on the handle. way to prove your innocence riki.
"look what i can do y/n!"
he beamed as he put both hands up in the air. he did this every single time he brought you on a cycling trip. despite this, you couldn't help but grin at his antics.
"focus on the road i don't feel like dying today." you smacked him on the head with a playful stern expression on your face.
"we're already here!"
he suddenly jammed the brakes causing your face to get squashed against his back.
"you bitch!"
you glared and him and he just shook his head and laughed mischievously. you hate to admit it but his laugh made your heart skip a beat. getting off the bicycle, he took the backpack from you and held out his hand to help you get off. you took his hand and hopped off safely and finally looked around to see where you were. he had brought you to the neighbourhood park.
"what exactly are we doing here?"
you looked up at him for an explanation but he just shot you his boxy smile and started guiding you towards the hill at the end of the park. with both hands on your shoulders, he led you to face the tree that was on top of the hill.
"close your eyes."
"just do it."
"what if i don't want to?"
"i'll push you down the hill."
with that he actually started to shove you down the hill and you were quick to agree to shutting your eyes. when riki was determined to cause mischief he wouldn't hesitate. admitting defeat, you went back to face the tree and closed your eyes. you wondered what he was doing and was also kind of scared that he'd pull a prank on you and scare you or something. it wouldn't be very out of character for him.
your mind went to when both of you first met...
on the first day of kindergarten you had dozed off during arts and crafts. a certain someone who was seated next to you eyed a pair of scissors that were lying on the table due to the teachers negligence. with a cheeky grin he picked them up and
you woke up to the sound of evil giggles and the sound of beads scattering onto the floor. upon realising that your favourite bracelet had been snipped apart your jaw dropped in shock as you turned towards the culprit.
it took you 3 seconds to burst out into tears and you saw the evildoer's face fall when he realised you were really upset.
he immediately started apologising profusely, guilt and regret apparent on his face. he begged for your forgiveness but you were too upset. how could he cut your favourite bracelet!
"i'll get you ice cream? please don't cry i shouldn't have done that i'm so sorry"
your crying stopped at that as you looked into his eyes and saw that he was genuinely sorry.
"fine. but you're not forgiven. you owe me a bracelet mister." you conceded and decided it was just a beaded bracelet. free ice cream sounded way better.
his shoulders dropped as he sighed in relief.
"i think we got off to a bad start. my name is riki" he held out his hand and looked at you hopefully.
"y/n." you took his hand and shook it once.
ever since that day you were both inseparable and that never changed even as you both grew up and matured. the only thing that changed was how your feelings for him turned from friendly to romantic. ever since you understood the concept of dating, you knew riki was the one for you. but you were too afraid of ruining the friendship to say anything. you were content with having him as a best friend.
a loud clang brought you back to reality.
"nishimura what the hell are you doing?"
"every thing is under control DON'T TURN AROUND!" he replied insistently.
getting curious and impatient, you started to tap your foot on the grass.
"you're so impatient y/n. will it kill you to wait for 2 minutes?"
"i could be at home sleeping right now."
"don't lie to me. you would've been sitting on your bed moping about your loss of a good date."
"not true!"
"then why did you text me?"
riki had a point. you huffed for the millionth time that night and he chuckled at your feigned annoyance.
you flin hed slightly as you felt him touch your shoulder, not hearing him finish whatever he was doing.
"ok you can open your eyes now."
you opened your eyes to be greeted by tree bark.
"turn around you idiot." riki rolled his eyes and turned you around to face him.
a few metres behind him was a picnic mat with snacks on it and pillows and blankets. your jaw dropped slightly as you took in the sight in front of you. you looked up at riki whose eyebrows were raised with a hopeful smile. squealing out an "i love this!" you hugged him tightly to thank him and rushed to sit down and see what food he had brought.
riki watched you quietly with a gentle smile on his face before walking over to join you on the picnic mat he had set up. he was happy that he managed to lift your spirits and put such a happy expression on your face.
"oo didn'tff haf to do thif" you looked at him while your mouth was stuffed with a sandwich. your cheeks were puffed out and your lips were drawn into a pout. he thought you were adorable like this.
"it was nothing. i'm always here to cheer you up y/n" he shrugged and picked up a sandwich for himself.
you grabbed your phone from your pocket to play some music, putting yours and riki's shared playlist on shuffle. you checked the time, it was 10:00pm.
you sighed as you finished your sandwich and leaned back to lie down on the pillows riki had placed on the mat.
"you can let it out, it's just me. i know you're probably more sad than you're trying to let on." riki looked at you as if he could see right through you. you frowned and furrowed your eyebrows. "how did you know?"
"we've known each other for long enough come on."
riki was right. you decided to tell him about how you were sad about the missed opportunity and how you were wondering if it was because of you. were you not interesting enough? or pretty enough?
"nonsense y/n. you're such a girlboss queen slay"
he playfully grinned as u smacked his chest. he had moved positions to lie down facing you.
"bitch i'm never sharing my feelings with you again" you half-heartedly shoved him and turned your head to look away from him.
"i'm kidding! look at me please" he placed a hand on your cheek to turn your head to face him. you felt heat rise to your cheeks and you hoped that it was dark enough to conceal them.
"you're perfect just the way you are y/n. you're beautiful and kind and definitely very interesting to me. you shouldn't doubt yourself just because of some average boy." riki comforted and reassured you. he hoped you couldn't see the pink tinting his cheeks. was that too much? can she tell how i feel? he hoped you couldn't.
the blush on your face deepened upon hearing his words.
"you really think so? thanks riki... you always know what to say"
you genuinely believed you had the best friend in the world. riki always treated you well, being there for you when you needed him, knowing exactly what you needed at any point of time. you were his number one priority as he was yours. everything about him was perfect aside from his prankster tendencies and his way of bullying and teasing you. but you'd be lying if you said you didn't find those endearing either.
"hey! earth to y/n! lost you for a second there" he annoyingly jabbed at your side to get your attention.
"way to ruin the moment you bitch" you glared at him playfully. he cheekily smiled back at you with the grin that sent your heart racing.
clearing your throat, you averted your eyes from him, rolling over to look at the sky. if you stared at his face any longer you thought you might combust.
"the night sky is so pretty! the stars are shining so brightly. thanks for bringing me here the view is breathtaking" you smiled as you took in the sky above you.
"yeah, sure is" riki replied, head turned to look at you.
he couldn't remember when he decided that you were the one. he didn't know it back then but in kindergarten he was drawn to you for some reason. even as you slept in that arts and crafts class with drool tricking down your chin he knew he wanted to be friends with you. he didn't know how to approach you so he did what his (unhelpful) brain came up with to get your attention. after cutting your bracelet he immediately regretted it, seeing you bawl your eyes out over it.
ever since then, you had been a constant in his life. he was a great friend to you but so were you to him. you stayed up late during the wee hours of the night to facetime him when he wanted to talk or rant. you had stuck by his side ever since the 2 of you became friends. you always helped him out with his work when he was struggling even though you had things to do. and most of all he loved you. he saw you as the prettiest and most beautiful person in the world and no one could compare to you. he thought you were the kindest and sweetest too and he loved everything about you.
"hey this is our favourite song!" you exclaimed as you started singing along. riki immediately jolted out of his thoughts and turned to the sky before you could catch him staring at you.
he closed his eyes as he listening to your voice. another thing he loved about you.
you turned to look at him, noticing his silence for the past few minutes. you quietly inched closer to him when you realised his eyes were shut. before you could flick his forehead as payback for earlier, he opened his eyes, sensing your presence. he visibly flinched as he realised your proximity and you pouted as he restrained your hand from flicking him.
"boo!!" you huffed at the missed opportunity to get revenge on him.
riki looked at you as your face hovered directly above him. he could feel your breath on his cheek and the whole world stopped around you. he could no longer hear the music you were previously singing to and its like his surroundings were blurred. before he could think it through he tugged at your arm firmly, causing you to fall onto him as he wrapped his arms around you.
your eyes widened as you gasped at the sudden movement and your heart started racing when you realised how the 2 of you were positioned. you were speechless and before you could say anything riki beat you to it.
"y/n... i think i have to get this out now. i never wanted to ruin our friendship but i can't stand seeing you be sad about guys any longer when i know i can treat you the way you should be treated so i'm just going to say it" he took a deep breath before finally confessing.
"i like you l/n y/n"
your mouth parted in shock. you weren't expecting that. you didn't even think he liked you romantically or that he would even reciprocate your feelings. you brain was trying to process what he just said.
riki gulped nervously at your expression and your silence before shifting so that you could get off his chest. he was starting to regret what he did and he feared he made you uncomfortable and that he may have just lost his life-long friend.
realising you hadn't said anything yet, you hugged him in a panic as you felt him pushing you off. your face came into contact with his chest once again.
"i like yoo foo riki don't vee an idiot" you squeezed him tighter as your face was squished against him again.
riki felt a sense of relief wash over him as he immediately shot up from his position, causing your head to land on the mat with a thud.
"say that again? y/n are you being for real? no cap? fax no printer?" he looked back at you with wide eyes.
"riki what the hell that hurt. and please never say those words again. you sound like a degenerate" you glared at him as you rubbed your head which had just taken a blow from the ground.
his hand rushed to your head and rubbed it in hopes of making it feel better before he asked you again, "are you serious? you like me too?"
your lips curved upwards at his natural instincts to soothe your pain and instead of giving him a verbal response, you lifted yourself upwards to give him a peck on the lips.
you felt riki freeze and you watched as his eyes widened and a violent blush crept up his neck to his cheeks. you felt your face heat up as you realised what you had just done. feeling embarrassed and flustered, you pulled him down to hug him and shoved your face into the crook of his neck. he started shaking with laughter and joy as he rolled the 2 of you over so that you were on top of him instead of on the ground.
"y/n~~ look at me please!! c'monn" he whined as you refused to face him, still embarrassed but what you just pulled. he forced your head out of his shoulders to shower your whole face with kisses.
he pecked your nose then your cheeks then your forehead followed by your lips until you were giggling. you felt so loved.
"be my girlfriend."
"i think you're supposed to ask and not demand. what if i don't want to" you raised an eyebrow at him jokingly with a smug look on your face.
he rolled his eyes and kissed you on the lips again. this time for longer. you felt yourself melt into his hold as you reciprocated. both of you felt warmth running through your bodies and butterflies fluttering in your stomachs. he finally pulled away as you ran out of breath.
"still don't wanna be mine?" he smirked at you as you tried to catch your breath. you looked gorgeous with red tinting your cheeks and your eyes sparkling, looking right back at his.
"i've always been yours, you just needed to ask"
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