#my bad craftysquidz
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sleepanonymous · 1 year ago
Heya! I just got into Sleep Token and I'm enamored! Do you know of any links to posts or anything that talk about the characters and their personalities onstage? I'm having trouble differentiating between III and IV (I know II is the drummer) and I want to learn more about them!
Also, is it pronounced Two, Three, and Four, or Second, Third, and Fourth?
Hi and welcome! 😊 Glad to see a new fan of the band. For the sake of clarity, I'll answer your second question first. The Sleep Token lore technically dubs them all Vessel 1, Vessel 2, etc. so it's my understanding that fans started calling the other band members Two, Three, and Four, and used Roman numerals for their monikers.
TLDR: This Weblink has almost all of Sleep Token's lore, and This Video also has almost all of Sleep Token's lore. The easiest way to tell III and IV apart from each other is by their instruments and height. III plays bass and is taller than the rest of the band. IV plays guitar and is shorter than the rest of the band (except for II, he is the shortest of the four).
I'll be honest, I also had trouble differentiating between III and IV when I first got into the band. Up until very recently, they wore similar outfits, too, which made pictures difficult to tell them apart. You can always tell via the instrument they're holding (if it's visible). III is the bassist and IV is the guitarist. Another way to tell depends on which side of the stage they are standing on. 85% of the time III is stage right, in front of the choir (Vesselettes) and IV is stage left, in front of II's drum set. My favorite way to tell them apart (before it just became secondhand nature to know which was which) was if the musician had a bun under his mask or not. IV's hair is relatively concealed beneath his mask, but III has longer hair and puts it up into a bun to keep it all in place under his mask during rituals.
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The neck of III's bass is kind of in the way of the back of IV's head in the second photo, but here are two examples of the bun shape that III has. This is also a good way to tell them apart if they're standing next to each other, or, in this case, kissing. III is extremely tall and will always be taller than any other band member unless he's crouching or leaning over. If the two aren't standing near each other, you can always use Vessel as a measuring stick.
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The photo on the left probably isn't the best reference, but trust me, III is about 5 centimeters taller than Vessel, he's just leaning back. The photo on the right also probably isn't the best since Vessel and IV are both just dark shapes lol, but at least it's obvious that Vessel is taller than IV.
The band as a whole is anonymous so you might not find much in the way of personalities, even of their stage personas. If you're willing to read up on the Sleep lore itself, you can do that here (this is a link to boolintunes.com). Or, if you'd prefer to watch a friendly, lecture-style video, there is this one here on YouTube. Persona-wise the most concise I can give you is this:
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Vessel is very emotional. That is evident by the lyrics he writes, but doubly so when he is in front of an audience. He will cry, he will laugh, he will do silly dances, and he will hype up his bandmates. It's evident that he loves what he does, but he is also extremely humble about it. All of the love his fans give him he makes sure to give back 110% (the fact that he manages to do it without speaking is impressive in itself).
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II is a beast, like no joke. This man has got to have started playing drums before he could walk, I swear. He, like Vessel, obviously loves what he does, has a blast, and also gives zero fucks while doing it. He will sit at his drum set and kick out beats while drinking Red Bull and Diet Coke through his mask 🤣🤣 During moments in songs where there is little to no percussion he'll often stand up and react to the lyrics Vessel sings. He also comes to the front of the stage at the very end of rituals to hype up the crowd and hand out his used drumsticks and sometimes even a drum head.
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III is the most animated of the guys. I will often refer to him as the "main character" of Sleep Token because he is always front and center. This has also earned him the fandom nickname of Bassy Boi. I've seen him do everything from windmill headbang, to run in place, to high kick, to jumping up and down for 30+ seconds straight. He also has a knack for yelling at fans. There is a compilation video on YouTube here for reference. Also! Something I forgot to mention earlier in telling III and IV apart: III almost always has on his iconic checkered socks in the most recent shows.
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IV (at least the current IV) is probably the most reserved and collected on stage (fun fact, there were two other IVs in Sleep Token before our current IV, I wrote about that here), In earlier shows he played with the band, around 2021/2022, he used to be fairly shy. Sometimes IV would stand off to the very side of the stage and let Vessel and III have all the attention. Luckily he's seemed to get past his shyness and has become much more of a crowd pleaser. He'll often do things like serenade the crowd (a bit like II does, only a lot closer since there's no drum set in the way), get roped into Vessel's or III's chaotic stage antics, or, you know, tease pulling his mask off in front of an entire music festival crowd.
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whifferdills · 5 years ago
craftysquidz replied to your post “craftysquidz replied to your post “resting-meme-face replied to your...”
next discussion point: love and monsters would be a good episode if the monster literally was anything else (and the gf didnt get turned into a slab)
Love and Monsters is genuinely one of my all-time favorite episodes of dw right up until it fucks itself directly into the toilet - like yes the monster is Bad but it was made by a kid via lottery and also Doctor Who: I Don’t Mind, and the central story is a very sweet found-family thing that does the like, that “below the decks” story that i adore forever. it also uses “mr good sky” to extremely good effect and i’m not an ELO fan as such but like, i appreciate the use of the soundtrack budget.
it’s just that a character gets turned into a blowjob slab at the last minute and i cannot...i cant, like i can grasp RTD digging like goofy potty humor and weirdly sexual jokes and dark comedy but that combination thereof is a bridge too far for me
like, it's been a while as I said so take my opinions with a grain of salt but I remember it being pretty good and wholesome? at least until the end when like, almost everyone was dead/melted. i feel like if the monster was something better and the group triumphed, it would be a neat little non-dr centric episode, like a happier Blink.                  
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steelfeathersnn · 8 years ago
@freakshow-guleh tagged me..and im answering :) Rules:  tag 10 of your followers you wanna know better. (I’m not doing 10 either) Nicknames: Marn Time right now: 6:13am Tuesday Last thing I googled: Advice from women about owning and running their own business Fave music artist(s): Oh goodness, I could type for an hour now. Right now the top of the heap because Im seeing them soon is Mastodon and Radiohead. Modest Mouse, the chillhop youtube station and of course The Grateful Dead and some moe. is mixed in there with some Nina Simone and Baroness to top it all off. Niels Nielsen is my driving soundtrack atm. Song stuck in my head: woke up with a Modest Mouse song stuck in my head (I'm bad with titles) Last movie I watched: Frailty Last TV show I watched: The OA What I’m wearing now: Phish shirt and pants When I created this blog:  October of 2016 The kind of stuff I post: Ghost and other bands with politics and advice and a journal sprinkled in Do I have other blogs: yup Do I get asks regularly: Nope Why did I choose my URL: Ghost and phish references..2 bands i love Pokemon team: I don’t do the Pokemon thing. Fave colors: Purple, gold, silver Avarage hours of sleep: 5-6 Lucky number: 42 Favorite characters: Tela from the phish song Tela, The main character from Stephen King's current book series (bad with names remember? :-P) Dream job: Running a business from my couch with random trips to see live music...teehee Number of blankets I sleep with: 1 Following: 330 tagging @lilghuleh @killeret-and-the-void @specialghouls @misslavender @rammstein-lindemann @craftysquidz
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spice-ghoul · 8 years ago
I was tagged by @tothepit thank you my lovely Posh Pit! <3 <3 <3
How old are you? I am Twenty-Six going on Thirteen! 
Current job/dream job? My current job, I’m an assistant general manager for those stupid little convenience stores you buy your snack at in the airport. However, my dream job would be to somehow own a studio where I got to design and make whatever I wanted and actually have people come in and want to buy it from me and be able to make a living off of it. And if I’m really being wild I’d love to be a fashion/costume designer for musicians. That is definitely my dream job. *sigh*
What are you talented at? I feel like I’m pretty good at making fun of myself.
What is a big goal you’re working towards? Using my free time to work more on my art rather than just sit around on tumblr all day....crap.
What’s your aesthetic? Black crystal chandeliers dripping with blood red wax. Rose scented incense waft through the cold air from a pewter censer defusing the already dim light emanating from a marble hearth. Grinding guitars and turbid bass move through the aged walls and a shrill piercing laughter shakes the floorboards of my gothic victorian mansion as I reblog some shitty meme.
Do you collect anything? Monster High Dolls actually! I am very VERY proud of my little collection. And the usual things, CDs, movies, CannibalTeeth’s art. And just pretty things that I like to decorate my house with. :3
What is a topic you’re always up to talk about?  Music in general really. But more specifically I love introducing people to my music and having them introduce me to new things in return! Movies, more recently even the things that I’ve been learning about filmmaking as an art and industry, art, fashion. I’m super interested in the court dynamics of Versailles. But I especially love just hearing about people! I love hearing about people’s lives, and funny stories from their pasts and stuff like that! 
What’s a pet peeve of yours? Really, I swear to Papa, my biggest pet peeve is when people set the gears on their bikes super low, so they’re peddling really fast, but they’re NOT GOING FAST!!! IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!! YOU LOOK SO DUMB!!! I just want to push them over. Ummm...also just rude people? And......I’m sure there’s other stuff and I just can’t think of it.
Good advice to give? Ooooh. Well, here it goes. If you have a bad feeling about something, like something really big; like you’re worried about how something is going to work out in the long term, but you just try to tell yourself it’s gonna end up okay, you’ll just deal with whatever crap comes? Don’t do that. Listen to that bad feeling. Confront it, assess it, and address it. You might not like what the bad feeling is telling you, but if you’re really honest with yourself and brave enough to heed it’s warning, you’ll save yourself so much...time...and heartache. 
Recommend three songs: (”i’m gonna do five bc I’m loving a lot rn” - Said Pit, and I am just going to do it too because I’m just extra like that) World Coming Down - Type O Negative The Vision Bleak - The Valkyrie Battle In Me - Garbage Low Lands - Gojira Wake Up - Royal Thunder (Bonus Round: The Birds - Niels Nielsen!!!  Calling All Comas - Queens of the Stone Age Light Year - Tripping Daisy)
I’m going to tag plenty of people who shouldn’t feel at all obligated to do this if they don’t want to! @keelee-von-cupcake, @spoonriverrat, @craftysquidz, @smol-ghol, @misslavender, @selected-heir, @gingersnarls and anyone else I may be forgetting or anyone who wants to do it!
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spice-ghoul · 8 years ago
I was tagged by the wonderful @spoonriverrat, thank yooou~ <3 <3 <3
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL? Well when I came back to Tumblr it was solely for Ghost and I didn’t like that I couldn’t think of a Ghost related handle, and I started to dislike that my previous handle had my real name in it! After I saw the interview with Special and those two little girls when they asked him if he could name all of the Spice Girls (and he did!! Aaaah, my heart, a perfect man!) I shouted “HE’S LIKE A SPICE GHOUL” and then I realized that must be my new name! <3
WHAT’S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? I have two actually! (Seriously, I swear) “Margaret Elizabeth”. @tothepit Since you don’t have one you can borrow Margaret (I’m call dibbs on Elizabeth...for reasons, hahaha!)
IF YOU COULD OWN A FAIRY TALE/ FICTIONAL PET, WHAT WOULD IT BE? I have always wanted Ryo-Ohki from that 90s anime Tenchi Muyo. First off, she’s an adorable “cabbit” (a cat-rabbit hybrid! How cute!!!) But she also TURNS INTO A SPACE SHIP!!! Best pet ever!
FAVORITE COLOR? Purple, dark red, pink...black. I don’t do favorites well, hahaha!
FAVORITE SONG? Oh man. This is just such an impossible question! Are you kidding?! I can’t even pick a favorite band! (Or colour for that matter!)
TOP THREE FANDOMS? Well, like I said, the Ghost fandom is really the only fandom I’ve ever really participated in. Oh, and now the Niels Nielsen fandom, all...32 of us. I honestly can’t think of a third “fandom.” (Though @spoonriverrat was totally onto something, I’m a fan of all of you guys! Hahaha!)
I’m gonna tag @smol-ghol, @craftysquidz, @misslavender, anyone else!?! I’m always so bad at this part, I’m constantly seeing people who I’m like “CRAP I should have tagged them” after I’m already done! I’m sorry~ 
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