#my baby needs comfort
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confuseuniverse · 5 months ago
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i was just searching for screens of lilia's house and couldn't help but notice the amount of pearl curtains she owes like girl i know how much time it takes to make i see how you spend those evenings
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+ lmao she's petty about the stereotypical image of witches as if her business wasn't the spitting image of the divination witch clichés
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+ just a picture of her kitchen because she's cute
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emberfriday · 2 years ago
Oh no, Tarn looks like feeling the ultimate guilt... C'mon Kaon you know who pulled Tarn's trigger at that moment...
Can't you forgive him?
Aww pewees 👉👈
I think he needs more time🤧🤧
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shares-a-vest · 4 months ago
'Steve Harrington – Actual Babysitter?' (Drabble Prompt: Fluff)
Eddie walks into Family Video expecting to find Steve lolling on his swivel chair behind the counter and flipping through a magazine instead of doing... Well, whatever actually is written on that clipboard Robin is typically flapping about for fear of the wrath of Keith.
But Robin isn't in today and the store is quiet. Aka, it's the perfect opportunity for Eddie to come in with Steve's lunch, where they sit together and chat. No, he doesn't bring it every Wednesday like clockwork. And no, he isn't bringing along his own lunch so he can pretend it's a date or anything.
No – definitely nothing like that.
Even if there is some banter that some people (Robin) might describe as flirting.
It's just that he has to take what he can get lately when it comes to his kinda-sorta big, fat, dumb crush on Steve. Especially now that the guy is disappointingly incommunicado on their no-longer Sunday Night pizzas.
Steve insists he isn't dating anyone – and he sure is complaining about that fact enough. But, well...
Eddie does worry.
And he damn near panics at the sight of an empty Family Video. The store is eerily silent too as he steps inside and looks around.
"St – "
"– Oovie!"
Eddie jolts with a yelp as the babbling yell of what could only be the shrill tones of a whole-ass human child reverberates around him.
"Yes, buddy," comes Steve's voice from behind the counter, "Oh – well, maybe not Rambo."
Eddie tip-toes forward and places his hands on the counter before he peers over the edge, where he finds Steve surrounded by the parts of a dismantled VCR. In his lap is indeed a human child, a boy with chestnut brown hair who couldn't be more than two.
He doesn't know all that much about kids, really, but Eddie is pretty certain the little squirt shouldn't be waving around a videotape with such force Steve might get clomped in the head at any moment.
The boy yell-babbles again and Steve swerves away from a side swipe to his beautiful noggin.
"Okay, maybe we shouldn't play with this one," Steve says, gently placing his hand on the tape and giving it a light tug.
The boy squirms, and in doing so makes direct eye contact with Eddie. They both startle, and Eddie thinks if anyone was watching, they might say his eyes look as wide as the kid's staring up at him.
The boy points at Eddie and coos with a big, toothy grin.
"Can you stop –" Steve grumbles, cutting himself off as the boy begins to tilt them sideways. He looks up and gasps, "Oh!"
Steve scrambles upright with the boy, who makes an (admittedly, adorable) wooshing sound as he is swooped up and bundled into a pair of burly arms that today appear to be bursting out of the confines of a navy blue polo shirt.
Eddie blushes, looking back at the boy in an attempt to regulate his heart rate.
"What's with the baby, Steve?" he says, trying to sound biting rather than flustered as Steve props the kid on his hip like it's second nature.
Steve takes the boy's hand and bounces him a little as he tries to encourage a wave, "You know Angie, my mom's best friend? This is her kid, George."
George finally waves and Steve grins, all proud in a way that makes Eddie's cheeks blush. Shit, he really wasn't prepared for something like this to happen today.
Or maybe like ever, really.
"George," he nods, offering a two-finger salute.
"Angie stopped by and realised she forgot something over at Melvad's," Steve explains, swaying now as George looks around the store, "So I'm taking care of little Georgie for a minute."
Eddie scrubs a hand over his face.
"I s-see," he splutters as he comes up for air.
"And we are fixing VCRs today, aren't we, Georgie?" Georgie tee-hees at that and oh goddamn it, now the little gremlin is trying to get his tiny, pudgy arms around Steve for a hug, "Then we're gonna pick a movie for Sunday Funday."
"Oovie!" Georgie cheers.
"You're babysitting on Sundays?"
"Yeah," Steve shrugs before looking down at George with a fond smile, "I kinda like it, y'know?"
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abusivelittlebunny · 3 months ago
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Daddy's perfect little machine
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st4r-t3ars · 4 months ago
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The “How to kill your boss” bookclub
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aroaceleovaldez · 10 months ago
underappreciated Nico detail that I like - he seems to be an angry crier! very frequently he's angry when he cries and he cries when he's extremely angry. very AuDHD of him. emotional regulation sucks my guy and he's just going through it.
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soundleer · 3 months ago
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ooough jebin me beloved <3
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psuedosugu · 2 months ago
having a mental breakdown on the post crash tulpar and getting fucked up on mouthwash because who cares? you’re all gonna die anyway and daisuke finds you groaning, slipping in and out of consciousness on the floor and tries to shake you awake, sobbing and begging you to snap the fuck out of it and calling for anya,, so relieved when you start talking, even if most of your words are incoherent and doesn’t even mind when you throw up all over his pants (you’ll apologize profusely for that later),, he lets u cry into him and promises that everything will be okay and that you’re not alone :((
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femhiccy · 3 months ago
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I was at the doctor today
and I told him what was going on with me last time...
and he referred me for tests, all tests possible,
so here's a compilation of whump viktor to help ease my nerves a bit, so I will feel less lonely with this...
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sunnysideprincess · 16 days ago
Breaking Beds, the stevetony way
So it starts with Sam, after a terrible day and a terrible mission. There's ink everywhere on his wings because some genius (Barton and Stark) had the idea of exploding ink bombs versus those giant alligators. But worse, his lead on Barnes has vanished into the depths of hell. He wants-needs a bath and then he wants to sleep for eternity.
Except when he goes to flop down on the bed, it gives a mighty crack and the whole thing crumbles to the floor, taking Sam along with it.
He just stays there staring at the ceiling, wondering if Barnes found out he was following him and sneakily entered the compound and jumped up and down on his bed until it broke as some unique torture technique.
The next is Thor and that really pretty nook with the hanging bed and the pond. He goes there everytime Loki shows up in their radar, making mischief and singing out brightly colored monologues to mock the whole team. The whole set up with the flower beds and the canopy reminds him of Asgard. But when he sighs and sinks down into the mattress, the chains give a soft creak and then a greater creak and the whole thing crashes down to the floor, sending the mighty thunder god sprawling face first on the ground.
The thing is, they don't go looking for other people's beds.
It just happens. Shockingly, it's not Tony who is spontaneous and unashamed about sex.
It's Steve with his honey dripping tongue and hands that are so needy. Tony is mostly along for the ride.
Three more beds.
The guest room where they put Barnes and he curses up a storm, then forces himself into Sam's space.
The next is Vision's. But he doesn't notice—because he doesn't sleep—until Wanda goes to sit on it.
And the last...
And she's the one who figures it out, stomping all the way to the common room where they're all playing strip poker and things are getting a little too steamy between a certain metal armed soldier and a bird boy for innocent eyes.
"You two—out!"
Tony catches it first. Her disheveled state, Clint's stolen shirt hanging off her shoulders and the Hulk slippers all scream of an unsuccessful early tuck-in. He scrambles away from table and raises his hands.
"Not my fault."
Steve casts him a betrayed look while pushing Bucky face first into Sam's bare chest.
"Pretty sure you were the one begging for more," he hisses, right before dodging the Hulk slippers that comes flying towards his face. Tony squeaks as Nat lets out a wild growl. And nobody in the team moves a muscle while an angry, sleep deprived Black Widow chases after Avengers power couple. Mostly because it hasn't sunk in—the reason why she's trying to murder her bestie and shopping partner.
By the time it does sink in—Tony has already jettisoned himself off the roof and taken Steve with him, promising to stay away from the compound until the "horny phase" wears out.
(It doesn't. But they learn to temper their timing so as to not break anymore beds.)
(Most of the time anyways.)
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lavadweller · 5 months ago
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 year ago
One thing to keep in mind about me...
If I ever have a favorite character:
They WILL end up like this
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in my head
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st4r-t3ars · 8 months ago
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dewwshi · 2 years ago
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we'll be there! 💖
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karkatbug · 9 months ago
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stomach bug 🥺
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beeholyshit · 1 year ago
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My little bebes ❤️
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