#my autism is making me think I’m being watched my hidden cameras and being tracked by people?
anxietytriangles · 28 days
Had a long ass intake appointment for an outpatient program and it ended with the clinician basically saying “yeah you’re really autistic” and then recommending I apply for the program. The appointment wasn’t even supposed to be about my autism it was a mental health crisis evaluation…
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Okay, idk if saying this is controversial or offensive in any way but like nobody around me UNDERSTANDS and I want to see if anyone like agrees or maybe even loves and does this too??
Okay so I'm guessing pretty much every person who is a fan of rap or just a rapper in general has heard of diss-tracks and everything (all the "beef" and back-and-forth) that goes with it, and probably have a favorite.
Maybe one person's cuz it's from their fave rapper (bit of a cop-out if its the only reason, but understandable), maybe another's cuz the flow is so good and the bars are savage af (probably the most common reason!), OR maybe you're like me:
If you're like me -- You adore the song/diss-track, in your eyes THIS diss was the song put an end to the "feud" and was better than it's competition, it ALSO happens to fit all the reasons listed above for why it is that great. But that is not why it's my favourite!
Before I tell you why, you need to know the song we are talking about, which is:
Killshot by Eminem
Yep! Em's reply to MGK's Rap Devil (which to be fair: not a bad song at all! very catchy! *nods* just not something you use against fucking eminem. either way he did pretty good so no hate here. plus from what I've seen he's been able to find a different, better-fitting niche/genre of music since this--so major kudos to him!), is my favorite for a variety of reasons---most of them normal like the one's listed above, or, if you want to ask, one's I can speak with you about!---but one big reason is rather unique (though maybe not??), and that would be: one particular (glorious) line + the reaction videos.
And it is these two things paired together that gets me. My reaction varies, sometimes I just laugh, sometimes I full-out fucking cackle in like borderline evil laughter, sometimes I'm laughing so hard I'm falling out of my bed or chair while rolling and wheezing, and I ADORE it.
(NOTE: This is the part I'm a more-than-a-little scared that I'll phrase wrong and offend people by trying to explain. There are so many "descriptive" words people say are and aren't offensive these days that I get so confused and that's only partly my autism I think the rest is just normal human confusion. So, if I use the wrong words, or say the wrong things or if this is just offensive period, tell me, I want to know and I want to learn.)
It can't just be any video though, to illicit this response! It has to be a REACTION video for one, and a first time listen. The better reactions come from men listening to the song, for some reason. The BEST reactions come from black men listening to the song, especially older black men who know all about what was going on in the rap world back when we were all either toddlers, infants, in-utero, or nonexistent, because they catch the line I'm about to tell you and Dear LORD do they REACT.
This line is, of course:
"But Kells the day you put out a hit is the day Diddy admits he put out the hit that got 'Pac killed,"
I have watched like a hundred reaction videos for this song at this point. The less fun ones (but still good! Cuz some people don't even catch the line! Like, wtf???) just look shocked, play it back a couple times, or say some variation of "He said what now??!?" The really fun ones (which im gonna try to list some of their YT names(? pages? handles? tf they called? what is wrong with me???) that I like rewatch, scream or even shriek upon hearing the line. There's a LOT of (very hilarious) vehement claims of not being able to handle this and leaving the room. Lots of stunned silences and cussing--in the same video. Really, just TONS of glorious content. Plus, of course, everyone laughs, (sometimes kind-of hysterically) at the songs ending, "Oh, and I'm just playing Diddy. You know I love you," always, everytime.
But yeah that's why it's my favorite and I wanted to share it and see if anyone else did the same? Or wanted to start?
(2ND NOTE: This isn't to say that a man or a woman of any race/ethnicity couldn't or haven't put out a Killshot reaction video that is not only worth watching, but also knows all this background info and therefore catches all these "hidden" (and not so hidden) twists in Em's lyrics -- and therefore reacts in a way that I enjoy or makes me laugh until I cry. They have, its just not really as common.)
If you were curious about possible recommendations for Killshot reactions:
ScriptWorks - Theirs is probably my absolute favorite reaction, they take the time to explain shit that we (read: I) are simply not old enough to know/understand and are entertaining af. Also, if I remember correctly their video is the reaction that started it all, lol. It might also be one of the walk-out ones lol. (Their walk-out reactions are always so funny, for instance: their reaction to ERB: MJ vs. Elvis -- fucking hilarious.)
No Life Shaq - I laughed the entire fucking time. When I say walk-outs I usually mean out of the view of the camera -- if his camera didn't show his whole room he would have like 10, with every one as hilarious as the last. However even with the wide view of the camera, he is one of my beloved Reaction-ers who were like "NOPE! NO." and walked the fuck out leaving me cackling.
Lael Hansen - always good if you want a good hip-hop or rap review or reaction! I loved her Killshot reaction, she knew what was coming and did not disappoint!
LawTWINZ - Pretty sure Em drove these two to drinking, lol. Their reaction made me laugh so hard. At first I though it was another walk-out... Nope! More like they had been shot at or something. Very much worth watching!
There are many more, but those are the main ones! Enjoy!
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