#my aunt is the only one who makes those meetings possible
kansasjustgotgayer · 19 days
The absolute social pressure to have a shitty dinner with family you dont enjoy while trying desperately to justify your identity as trans even though you have an overgrown undercut perm with fading blue dye. And a shaven face.
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By fire and heart Pt 7.
Daemma Targaryen. Second daughter of King Viserys and queen Aemma, you're the living portrait of your mother with the character of a true dragon, as a second daughter you don't have right to the throne but certainly, you will protect your sister's succession by heart.
Warning ⚠️: Credits of this images goes to whoever they belong to, most of them belong to the TikTok user ccarmyy! Grammatical and spelling errors, maybe this won't be good enough but In my head the story was a good one, it's a long chapter.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
Pt 8 is here
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It wasn't easy to be in the north, it took you time to make the northern people trust you, but you were persistent, you show that side of yourself that not many people are allowed to see.
You still remember those days involving yourself with the work around those lands, visiting every house in the north to learn about all of them, meeting every lord, by the end you arrived and stayed with the Stark's.
Lord Stark fell quickly for you, not only for your natural beauty and intelligence but also your bravery, your combat skills and your kindness. The rumors about a romance between you and him ran quickly around the kingdom, none of you neglected them, because in fact it wasn't a lie, you and him were more than friends, you proposed to him a future marriage alliance with the only condition to keep the promise of supporting your sister which he joyfully accepted.
The memory lives for free in your mind, you remember every detail of it.
The library was warm, empty, only you and him, sitting in front of the smokestack, he was holding your hand in his when you talked.
«My Lord, I think it's very clear that the north has become my home... I wish to stay, and for that I propose you a marriage alliance»
«Go on, tell me, princess. Between who this marriage would be?»
He was smiling brightly and playfully to you, you returned that smile while rolling your eyes.
«Don't play with me, Lord Stark, you know I talk about me and you»
He left a quick peck on your lips.
«You honoured me, my princess. I will gladly accept your hand and your conditions, but I only have one condition...»
«Tell me, Lord Stark, I'm all ears.»
«I love the free spirit of my warrior princess, having said that, my only condition, is to get married at the time my princess decides.»
Those words sent shivers, you felt your cheeks turning red, he always has been a gentleman, you would renounce your freedom in a good way if it's him who will be your future husband.
Since then, You won the loyalty and heart of the north and with that you knew you would have it at your side whenever you needed.
Your dragon, whitefyre, seems to be pleased being in the north which is almost impossible since Dragons are looking for warmer places, you started to think maybe your destiny was there, perhaps that's the reason why your dragon looks like a snowflake, white scales that shine like diamonds and can easily get lost in the clouds.
In your dreams, you saw yourself flying over the north, those lands bathed in Snow, you saw yourself running through the forest escaping from the flames of your own house, sometimes you saw yourself with a crown over your head but some others you saw yourself burning alive. Of course you never talk about what you see in your dreams because that's all they are, just dreams, but lately you've seen them becoming real, a living proof of it, your dark haired nephews, the fire and the death of some people around you, so it's a constant bug in your brain, you wonder which part of your dreams will be true, you try to have as many interpretations as possible.
You heard the news about the sea snake, badly hurt, the fever attacking him and with that, his brother Vaemond ready to feed himself with the bones of his poor brother, he always wanted to control his house.
Your aunt, Rhaenys put him in his place informing him about Corlys leaving the succession to his grandson Lucerys Velaryon. Clearly it makes Vaemond drawn in his own rage.
You haven't seen your home in a while, you don't receive letters from no one, you sometimes feel like they forgot about you and you prefer it that way, you feel free, unfortunately your happiness can't last forever.
«Dear sister, I hope deeply and sincerely that your stay in the north has been pleasing. I would wish to have more time to write about how much I've been missing you, but we will have plenty of time for that later. The succession of my son Lucerys as the next Lord of Drift mark has been put in doubt, by extension I fear Jace and mine too. I'll need you at home, Rhaenys had to fly to Kingslanding, let's hope it is not to support Vaemond's claim. We will need people to support and defeat your nephew's claim.»
You didn't waste time, you left the north the same day your sister's letter arrived, before leaving you informed Lord Stark that you will announce to the king about your engagement.
The skies of Kingslanding are empty, there's no cloud at the sight, and the warmth of the weather hits you, you land at the dragon pit, the trip to the castle is short, your guard was already waiting for you at the principal door, his face shows how angry he is.
- What is it, Sir? Is there a problem?
- I apologize, my princess, but there's no one who could attend your arrival.
You laugh, clearly no one would be there waiting for you, you take it as a sign that you're not so welcome at home anymore.
- It is fine, we didn't inform them about my arrival. Let's go to find out where they are.
Your guard nods and walks at your side, on your way you can see empty halls, you can barely recognize your home, there are no more Targaryen symbols in the walls, not even the colors of your house.
The few people you see on your way simply smile at you, some of them stop to talk with you, a little conversation and finally one of them talks about the entire court at the training yard watching a prince practicing with the sword.
- Did you hear that, Sir? I think we can take this as an opportunity to catch some attention to the real Targaryen family.
- I follow you, my princess.
And as your informant told you, almost every person of the court was there, some of them were immersed in the friendly sparring while some others noticed your presence. You approach as close as possible to the people who were fighting.
A young silver haired man with a patch over one of his eyes, he's fighting against a guard. Your common sense tells you it's Aemond and Criston Cole.
- My sword, please.
You demand to your guard.
- My princess, I think is not the right time, you're wearing a dress.
- It will make it more interesting and the young prince will look ridiculous after I win.
Not so fine with your idea, your guard gives you your sword. You can see him praying the gods to keep you safe.
You jump in the middle of the men, in a quick movement you send to the floor to Sir Criston making him lose his balance, he doesn't stand up to fight you, he simply makes himself aside.
Aemond is not surprised, he quickly goes against you, the dance of swords, punches and kicks last a few minutes, until you're on the ground, your guard tries to go and help but you ask him to stay in his place, Aemond smiles at you, his sword and yours is close to your throat.
- Give up, dear Sister.
- Never.
He uses more strength and the swords are more and more close to you. Your other hand holds the other side of your sword, you feel the cut but you don't care, you can feel the warm blood running down, Aemond sees it and the strength decreases, that's your chance while he pushes himself back you hit him in the abdomen, he falls and his sword is far from him, you jump over him, now it's your sword against his throat.
- Give up now.
He doesn't say a word but smiles at you with his hands up. You stand up and take a bow to all the lords and ladies who were observing.
«I hope you enjoyed the show, my lords and ladies.»
Your guard quickly has a piece of cloth to cover your bleeding palm. You Walk away, there's dirt on your dress, your sword has fresh blood too but you're happy with your demonstration.
You were passing by in front of a window when Suddenly you saw your sister's carriage.
You walk quickly, almost running and then you hear one of the guards announcing her arrival.
- Welcome home, Rhaenyra!
You yell as soon as you see her, you approach her, her pregnancy makes her look more beautiful than ever. You're hugging her tight when the voice of your uncle fills the silence.
- Daemma, it has been a long time.
- Uncle.
You walk to him and hug him, the scent of his hair always was your favorite, oak and mint leaves. The boys and your uncle's daughter received a quick hug from you.
- I have to warn you, our house is not anymore Targaryen territory. There's green everywhere, it's disgusting in my opinion.
- Aunt, Why are you so... Dirty?
- Your hand is bleeding.
Lucerys and Jacaerys observed and questioned you.
- I was in a friendly sparring with a certain prince. I'm fine, I think he's still practicing at the training yard.
Once inside, you, your sister and your uncle went directly to your father's chambers.
The smell of sickness fills the room, there's a lot of incense, and the room looks sad and dark.
- Father?
Your sister asks. You can see the silhouette of a thin body laying on the bed.
- Who's there?
- It's me my king, Rhaenyra.
- Rhaenyra...
He repeats almost in a whisper, exhausted.
- Yes, I'm here, with Daemon and Daemma.
- Dae... Daemon, Daemma... Daemon. Help me to sit, please.
You and Rhaenyra help him to sit on the bed, Daemon looks at his brother, your father looks like a walking skull, his skin is almost grey, he lost some teeth, for a moment you feel like the worst daughter, you left and never came back, his health is worse than ever.
- it has been a long time...
Your uncle Starts to talk about Corlys Velaryon and the war at the step stones, the petition about who will control drift mark. You want them to stop and not fill his head with all those problems, the poor man is living for miracle, he doesn't even stand up from bed without help.
- Alicent and Otto, attend those business.
- No, brother, listen to me, you have to position at Lucerys side so he will be Corlys successor.
Rhaenyra took his husband's shoulder, she also feels like it's a lot of information for the man.
- Father, there's someone we wish you met.
This takes you by surprise, the servants come in with two baby boys, silver hair, chubby and beautiful.
- Father, Daemma, this is Aegon and this is Viserys.
Two beautiful babies, you smile at everyone in the room, those babies are the most beautiful thing you've seen, the boys started to cry while your father started to groan in pain.
- I'm sorry, please, hand me my tea.
Daemon quickly gives him the tea and as soon as Viserys finishes it, your uncle takes the goblet and smells it. Meanwhile you feel like you already had enough of it. You've seen a lot, you can't tolerate one more second of your poor father's suffering.
You excused yourself and waited out of the room, you felt nauseous, the air was heavy, your lungs needed more and more oxygen.
One of your maidens sees you and runs quickly to you.
- Welcome home! Can I help you, my princess?
- Yes, please prepare me a bath, I'll be there soon, thanks Dalilah.
Your maiden leaves while you take some air, minutes later you walk to your dorms.
Dalilah is waiting outside of your chambers.
- My princess, your bath is ready but... you have a visitor in your chambers.
- Thank you, I'll attend our visitor, don't worry.
Once in, you see the thin male shape sitting on a chair.
- Aemond, what do I owe the visit?
- Why did you come back, Daemma?
You walk around your room without paying him enough attention, you're thinking about what to say, you will not speak about the real motive of your visit.
- Why do you care, dear brother?
- It seems like you're here for our nephew's business, Lucerys...
- What about Lucerys? Is he hurt?
Aemond stands up quickly and takes your arm to make you confront him, face to face, too close.
- Don't try to fool me, Daemma.
- I'm not. I really don't know what is going on with him, I haven't talked to them in years. It's a coincidence I arrived at the same time as them, can you believe that?
He leaves your arm but doesn't lose his distance with you.
- Let's suppose I believe you, then What are the reasons for your visit, huh?
Looking at him so close he looks very attractive, his jaw and his thin lips, the scar that patch can't hide well, he has a mysterious aura, you like how dangerous it feels to be in the same room as him, the adrenaline running through your body.
- Perhaps I was missing my home, perhaps I came back because I have duties to attend.
- What kind of duties?
- Marriage.
You said without thinking about it. He gives a step back and has a little smile on his lips, he observes you carefully and then looks at the books placed in a small table at your side.
- Marriage? Did you finally find a good suitor?
- That's none of your business, Aemond. I already told you what am I doing here, now I'm asking you to leave.
You're acting offended as if his question was the worst thing in the world. He silently nods and walks away. Once your door Is closed you undress yourself and get inside the bathtub, the scents of berries and forest filling your lungs it's relaxing until you hear a noise.
- Dalilah, is it you?
No response. You hear someone sobbing softly. You ask again, «Who's there?» standing up from the bathtub, carefully taking your bathrobe and looking for something that can help you to protect yourself.
- If you don't answer, I'll call the guards.
Suddenly, a young man with silver messy hair, puffy eyes and a red nose is standing close to your bed. He observes you as if you were a ghost.
- Well... Hello stranger.
You speak again. You can't recognize him. But he looks attractive.
- Daemma... Is it really you? You...you Don't recognize me anymore?
He finally answers you, but not even his voice is familiar to you.
- Who... Are you?
- Aegon.
Both are standing there not knowing what to do. In the blink of an eye, Aegon walks to you, his arms are around your body and his face hidden in your neck. Seconds later you react and return the hug, he looks like a man now but he is still that little young boy you left a long time ago. The hug took you by surprise but it is a good sign, maybe after all this time away he still has strong feelings for you, you can play and twist him as you wish.
- Oh my sweet brother, I apologize, I couldn't recognize you, look at you, you're a man now.
- When did you arrive? Why no one told me?
He says without leaving his place between your jaw and neck.
- I arrived today, I didn't announce I would come home.
Your sweet and soft voice on his ear has him In a rollercoaster of emotion, he doesn't want to leave your body, you put your arms down a long ago but the poor man still can't believe you're there, you feel his bulge growing in his pants and pressed against you, that's when you step back, pushing him a little.
- Let me see you well, you have changed a lot these years...
Smiling at him, You place your hands on his face, one is caressing his cheek, the other is busy running your thumb through his lips and jaw, you're acting fool but you really know what you're causing him.
He hides his desire with his hands over his pants, his look is full of sadness and nostalgia. Before your hands can leave his face he catches one of them and leaves it there in his cheek.
- I thought you would never come back...
- Hmm, I thought the same. But here I am.
- Why?
- Hmm?
- Why are you here?
- Perhaps I couldn't handle being far from home anymore... Or perhaps I'm here because of that duty I've been avoiding all this time.
You turn your back at him, walking to the wardrobe, you take one of the dresses there and before you start to dress you ask him to not look, he turns his back, you know there's a small mirror and he will have a small view of your body, just the exact amount to be sure he will be in the palm of your hand again.
- What duty?
- Marriage. Since the queen informed me about your wedding and your two children, I finally accepted I needed a husband (...)
He's lost in thoughts not paying enough attention to what you're saying, observing you through that small mirror, drawing your body shape In his mind, the locks of your hair, the moles on your back.
- Aegon?
- Uh? What?
You laugh when you realize he wasn't paying attention to you.
- I was asking you if you can help me with the buttons of my dress, please.
He clears his throat and walks to you, he has trouble to button the dress.
«It is easier to quit than to put it...»
He murmur. You don't say nothing, you're observing the big mirror of the wardrobe door. He's being careful, as if touching you would make you vanish.
Once he finishes he looks at the big mirror, it is a nice image, you and him, together, in the same space, close to each other.
- We could be good for each other, you know...?
You break the silence and he places his jaw on your exposed shoulder and simply sighs in agreement. You're not saying the truth, you know you wouldn't tolerate him much, you've heard he drinks a lot, he spends most of his days swimming in wine and spreading his seed in every woman he sees.
- But I suppose I will have to be satisfied with one of your brothers or perhaps an old fat lord... We will know soon.
- What?
- It has been so good to see you again my sweet prince, but I have some visits to pay to the queen, the hand and the king if it's possible, you know, to see what we will do with my marriage.
You don't give him a chance to speak and walk out of the room, you were passing by for your father's chambers when you heard the voices of your family and the Queen's voice. You stopped and stood close enough to the door.
You smiled when you heard your uncle talking about the poor welcome they had.
You opened the doors as soon as you heard your sister, questioning the queen about who will decide the inheritance of your nephew. The three of them just looked quickly at you and continued with the conversation.
Before Alicent leaves, you stop her.
- Alicent, I would like to discuss some things... With you and the hand of course, since my father is... Unavailable. I hope I can talk with both of you before dinner.
She nods and quickly leaves the room. Once all of you are alone, the first one to question you is your uncle.
- What do you want to discuss with those snakes, Daemma?
- My marriage.
Both are quiet, no one expected it. You scoff.
- What? is it so hard to believe?
- Who's the man, Daemma?
Rhaenyra is speechless but your uncle demands answers.
- As you know I've spent most of my time in the north. I proposed a marriage alliance. Between me and Lord Cregan Stark. He will support Rhaenyra's claim.
- What are his demands in exchange for his loyalty to me, Sister?
- Not many, At the moment, he only asked to marry me until I decide when the right time is.
Your uncle doesn't look pleased, he never thought you would be married, he always told you no one would be good enough for you. You try to find more arguments that could please him.
- The north is an enormous territory, full of strong houses who would follow the Starks without hesitation. I think it is a great opportunity for us, to have the north on our side.
- But will you be happy living there, sister?
- I will... I am now and I'm sure I will in the future. But I have to act quickly, if Father approves and announces my marriage before dinner, that's why I am here right now, I want to talk to my father. Alicent and Otto will not have a chance to act or go against the king's wishes. That's why I planted the seed of a meeting with them, I will cancel my meeting at the last minute, they would be wondering why or what I wanted to discuss, eventually my father will announce it.
After some more minutes discussing, they leave you alone with Viserys. The announcement of Vaemond Velaryon was in everybody's mouth.
You whispered a couple times before he could make a sound. With difficulty he opens his eye, instantly putting his hands over his head.
- What? Who... is... it?
- I'm... Daemma, Father.
- Daemma? Oh... my girl... You're the living portrait of your mother.
He painfully tries to laugh.
- Yes, dad... it's me. I have some news for you.
- What... happened?
- I... I will get married, I found the right man, Father.
- Did you? Who is him?
- Lord Stark, father.
- An... honorable man. Good for you my girl.
He's starting to close his eyes again and before he falls you speak again.
- Dad, listen to me, I need you to announce it soon...
- Why?
- Because...
You don't know what to say, what would be enough reason for your father to agree to your wishes.
- Because I love him and he loves me, Father. I love him as you loved my mother.
You actually don't know if that will be reason enough, you don't know if you love the man in that day, in fact, you're wondering if it's love in the romantic way or merely the kind of love you have for a good friend
- My dear daughter... Oh...
The pain is coming back to him, you quickly take the cup with poppy milk. He drinks a little and lays again.
- Daemma...
- Father.
- I... I give my approval to your marriage. You... you have... My... Blessing.
- Thank you Father. I would be so happy if you announce it soon, Would you?
Heavily breathing, coughing he agrees, you can't be sure about him announcing your marriage, but you hope at least he can inform it to the queen and her father. You stay at your father's chambers, just observing him, occasionally he talks to you, things with no sense, sometimes he confuses you with your mother, or Rhaenyra, even with Helaena, but you don't care, you feel guilty for leaving him here alone for so long.
Meanwhile, Alicent, the hand and Vaemond are discussing the succession of Drift mark. While Rhaenyra and Rhaenys are talking about alliances.
You're tired of them, allies and arrangements, you sometimes want to fly away, follow Laenor steps, yes, you know about what actually happened to him, your sister told you and some days you really want to do the same but you made a promise, you promised to protect your family.
You were leaving your father's chambers when Rhaenyra came in. She doesn't say anything to you, she simply walks to Viserys.
They talk about Aegon's dream, the song of ice and fire, about to keep the kingdom safe against the enemies. You're not understanding why is she so anxious, talking to him desperately, until she finally says he separated the kingdom when he named her his heir.
- I thought I wanted it. But it is a heavy... Too heavy.
You hold her hand, you never thought about how hard it was for her to be the next In the throne.
- If you wish me to bear it, if you wish Daemma stays at my side in this... then, defend us and my children!
She broke into tears, sobbing, crying in exhaustion. Both left.
The king and the hand are in the daily meeting, usually they're short, the hand informs, the king barely listens. Today the vibe is different.
Your father demands dinner with the whole family. Greens and Blacks together with the living corpse of your father. Will it be the right thing?.
The day it is full of anxiety, you're nervous as much as your sister, overthinking about what could possibly go wrong today.
You have your sword and your dagger with you, maybe it doesn't help to hide how nervous you feel.
Once In the iron throne you feel your body burning in anger, Otto Hightower, sitting on it.
Vaemond Velaryon is the first one to talk, arguments of how it is unfair to leave such a land in the hands of a kid who hasn't been raised there. Same blood as Corlys, an authentic and immaculate true Velaryon.
He's talking about the legitimacy of your nephews and your sister can't contain herself. Defending Lucerys, allegations about how he only cares for himself and his own ambitions, the Queen's intervention gives more confidence to Vaemond.
You're observing the young man at the Queen's side. Aemond observes you too, he looks at you from head to toe, while Aegon looks occasionally to you and your sister.
You were remembering the previous moment with both, you admit they're handsome in their own way, you imagine how it would be to be with any of them, a carnal desire appeared inside you.
Your sister starts to talk when the door of the hall opens.
Everybody watches your father walking, he walks slowly, observing everybody, he walks to the throne, once there he simply looks at Otto Hightower.
- I'll sit on the throne today.
- Your grace.
Otto leaves the stairs of the iron throne, your father is using all his strength to walk, one of the guards walks to him to help but your father rejects his help.
The crown falls and your uncle runs to help his brother, with the crown in his hand, he slowly and carefully helps Viserys, once his sitting, your uncle puts the crown over your father's head and goes back to his place with your sister.
- must admit my confusion, I don't understand the petition to a succession previously settled. The only person who knows the desires of Lord Corlys is the princess Rhaenys.
- Indeed, your grace.
She answers instantly. Walking in front of the king, talking about Corlys and his desire to inherit his place to Laenor's son, Lucerys Velaryon and her following her husband desires.
Suddenly the unexpected news, about her agreement of your sister's sons and Corlys granddaughters arrangement marriages takes everyone by surprise.
- Well, it's settled... Again. Prince Lucerys of house Velaryon is named heir of drift mark and next lord of tides.
Vaemond can't believe it, he can see his plans drowning in the deep of the sea. He will not let this pass, he starts to talk about how your father broke the laws naming your sister his heir, now doing it again with the future of the Velaryon's house.
- (...) I will not allow it.
- Allow it?
- As I will not allow you to disrespect my father in my presence, Vaemond.
You speak, with your sword in hand, but your uncle takes your forearm and neglects. Your father speaks again
- You're forgetting your place.
- Leave, you have spoken enough.
Your sister says to Vaemond who's pointing at Jace and Luke. You place yourself in front of them.
- Lucerys is my legitimate grandson, you're no more than a second son of Drift mark.
Vaemond spills his poison around everyone, your uncle is only waiting Vaemond's exact words that will allow him to finish that man.
- Say it.
Daemon murmurs. Vaemond doesn't care anymore about his place or who is he talking to.
- Her sons are... BASTARDS! and she is... A whore.
Everybody whispers, while your father stands up from his place, but in less than a second.
Daemon cuts Vaemond's head.
- He can keep his tongue.
Blood splashes a few people, and a bunch of guard are around your uncle. Your father feels the pain again and Alicent and you run to help him.
- You have to take something for the pain, husband.
- Daemma, your engagement... Your marriage...
- it's okay father, We'll take you to rest, we can discuss that later.
Alicent looks at you in confusion while you decide to act foolish. As if nothing happened, the dinner arrived.
«You don't drink enough» «and you drink more than a Lord of Braavos» «i drink the right amount »
You were talking with Helaena about her children, telling her you bought some presents for them, while she was talking to you about some strange insects she has. You always thought Helaena was a sweet girl, a dreamer as some Targaryen are, too good for a world like this.
Suddenly, your father appears. Tired, but he refused to cancel the dinner with the family, everybody took their seat and you were in the middle in front of your father's chair.
It is an uncomfortable moment, but your father is unaware of it.
- it is an occasion to celebrate... it is a lot to celebrate. My grandsons engagement with their cousins and my Daughter's engagement...
- Congratulations, dear Niece. I hope you have a happy marriage and a happy life ruling the north.
Daemon says loud enough, so everybody can hear it. Alicent looks at her father, both are clearly surprised.
While everybody drinks, more and more toast to everyone's little achievement, you hear Aegon bothering Jace.
- I'm very sure Jace knows how to treat a lady, Brother, there's no need to...
- Or maybe should I explain it to you, sister? After all, you will get married soon, you will need some lessons.
- Keep your tongue when you talk in front of my aunt and my betrothed.
The conversation ends when your father stands up and speaks again, talking about the distance created by all of you. Suddenly everybody wants to talk and make peace, but you feel like it's impossible, everybody has a lot of hate and sorrow inside them, a dinner will not fix what years of secrets and treasons created.
Helaena talks about how Aegon doesn't pay her enough attention or shows affection to her, and while for her there is nothing to worry about, the rest of the family feels sad for her.
- I suppose, in the end, you don't know how to treat a woman either, brother.
You whispered to Aegon. He rolls his eyes and continues drinking. Jace takes Helaena to dance a little while the rest is eating and talking. Your father leaves the dinner before all the mess. Because just as you predicted, when everything looked bright and peaceful, the dinner ended in a mess.
- A final tribute, to my nephews, Jace, Luke and Joffrey, each of them, Handsome, wise and strong...
That was all, the dinner ended in punches and fights, Rhaenyra and Alicent exchanged some words in a friendly way after the fight, but the damage was already made.
You were in your dorm, ready to pack your clothes, Dalilah was preparing you a bath once she finished, she helped you to pack some dresses and the left.
You were brushing your hair before getting inside the bathtub when you felt someone behind you, you barely looked at him, was Aegon.
- Don't you knock on the door anymore?
- I used the hidden halls.
- You and Aemond cannot cause trouble, huh?
- It was Aemond, I merely helped him, it was unfair, Two against one.
He walks to you and starts to unbutton your dress, you don't complain about it.
- You said horrible things too.
- If you talk about Jace I was just joking.
- How dare you? talking about how to treat a lady, when you treat Helaena in that way!
You stand up abruptly and walk creating distance between him and you.
- For your information I know how to treat women... When I have affection for them. Helaena doesn't love me, and neither do I, we don't have nothing in common.
- I'm glad Lord Stark is a gentleman who can treat me as I deserve.
You say while you tie your bathrobe and then Aegon makes you face him, holding you by your shoulders.
- What do you mean, Daemma?
- I'll just say he pleases me in more than one way.
That hurts him, your words hurt. You're quiet, observing him, there's something about his face, maybe his chubby chin, or his pink lips, maybe his sad puppy eyes, the dark circles around them, his silver messy hair, something about Aegon makes you strangely weak, you feel that desire coming up to you again, Aegon stares at your lips then to your eyes and once again looks at your lips.
From one moment to another, his lips collide with yours, you hesitate but soon you melt in the kiss, you feel the warmth between your legs while he presses himself on your body, you break the kiss before something else can happen.
- This is not fine, you have to go Aegon.
He kisses you again and you break the kiss again.
- Daemma, please. We both want this. You want me and I want you.
- No, we... I can't! Now leave.
- You know it sister, deep inside you, you know we belong to each other Daemma, you've seen it in dreams just like me, we're destined to burn together.
- Leave, Aegon, just... Leave.
He disappeared in the shadows of the room and For the first time in your entire life you experimented with the desire, the need of touching and being touched, the space between your legs aching and pleading to be filled. You took your bath and dressed up, you wouldn't stay another night. You felt the big wall you built before crumbling with that kiss with those words about dreams, you needed to forget about it, you needed to remember who you were and focus on what you promised years ago.
You left that night on your dragon, flying right back to the north. Without a clue of what would come.
Your poor father, a dreamer, a king who kept the peace while he was sitting on the iron throne, he died the same night you left your home.
That same night, your sister's right to the throne was stolen from her, with that many lords who accepted your sister's claim, died or became prisoners forced to change their loyalty or lose their freedom or... Their heads.
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earlysunshines · 5 months
tutor perks!jihyo x fem!reader hcs!
warnings: fluff, smut
based on: tutor perks and watch me take my time. i recommend reading for reference!!
synopsis: basically what it’s like to have a hot rich older girlfriend who’s also park jihyo who’s also the most amazing beautiful person ever
a/n: finneeee i’ll drag it on but this is the last one!!! hcs w the kid you’re tutoring’s rich hot aunt ^_^ oh save me pls save me jihyo…
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jihyo is a busy woman, she manages more people than she can count on both hands and has various deadlines to meet
HOWEVER she changed her mind as soon as she saw you
and how lucky is she to have you, what a surprise you were. still, she’s glad you popped up into her life and doesn’t regret pursuing you, she thinks you’re lovely and cute and adorable and so—
yeah she’s whipppppeeeddd
everyone knows her as this stern, bossy work woman, always trying to get under their skin but you? gosh she’s like mush in your hands
shoulders relaxing upon a glance, smile glowing, and yeah she’s basically a whole new person when you’re there
jihyo likes when you show up to her work on a whim, no warning whatsoever. usually you show up with food for her, and sometimes even flowers which literally makes jihyos heart melt
the list of pet names she uses for you is actually wonderful and each one makes your knees weak.
expect “honey, love, darling, sweetie, sweetheart, sugar, lovely, baby” and so many more, at this point your name is used one out of five times if she’s referring to you
in return, you use a few pet names for her as well. it took you a little longer to warm up to it, seeing as she’s years older, but usually you’ll use “baby” or “hyo,” not as many terms of endearment as she uses on you
jihyo has this thing where she cannot stop eyeing you, not even in a sexual way most of the time, she just admires your face and everything about you — it makes you nervous in the best way possible
she’s a gift giving and words of affirmation woman, she will spend as much as she wants on you until she’s happy. it doesn’t r matter how much you argue with her on this, gift giving is something she’s obsessed with, how could she not be when you’re so adorable?
and words of affirmation are a big one. she will constantly compliment you and praise you for your efforts since she’s been in your shoes, college is rough
jihyo loves you to death, seriously
she loves how caring and soft you are with her, the way you brush hair out her face and do so many acts of service for her even with your overwhelming schedule
she loves how you kiss her, how lovely it is to hold you hand and hold you in her arms, how lovely you are.
to be honest, jihyo was out of the dating thing for about two years, none of the people she’s dated have come close to you. you’re a miracle, something she never thought she would find
and even better, you get along with her nephew wonderfully.
at first it was a little awkward (considering the fact that you were his tutor, and that he..: walked in on a little something) but eventually you two warmed up to each other
jihyo enjoys watching you two bond and talk with one another, enjoying your help and efforts to take care of him when she’s exhausted or busy, and even how competitive you two get when playing games together -- she just loves seeing the two people she cares about the most getting along
she was hesitant to be more open about what you two have, considering her position and the age gap.
as soon as people started finding out you were hers (of course, to her approval), she literally could not stop showing you off
shes allllwaaayyysss mentioning you here and there to her friends, like seriously.
"oh, y/n likes those flowers" "y/n would love this" "did you know y/n..." and soooo much more
the only time you two argue is when you're both stressed and things just slip out your mouths, but this is very rare since jihyo is very mature and understanding. fights almost never happen, and bickering is usually playful and lighthearted
you're much more reserved with showing off your girlfriend, since some people might perceive you differently. however, the people that you can trust telling? oh they're gonna know.
you are alwayyyyss talking about her and gushing about her it's genuinely concerning the people closest to you
and since you're younger, you're much more active on social media, so that means posting candid pictures of jihyo on your stories, a few soft launches, dinner dates on your feed, etc
jihyo doesn't mind being on your social media, if anything, she finds it so adorable how happy you are conjuring up these little posts. she loves to lean on your shoulder as you carefully pick out each photo and ask for her opinion, she cannot get over how adorable you are, seriously.
speaking of social media, she has one of course, she’s not fifty — she DOES text like she’s fifty though… before you met her in person you quite literally had the assumption that she was some old lady who baked cookies
she has a personal instagram with a few close friends on it, she doesn’t post much but you’ll definitely be featured on her story here and there — even some posts
jihyo doesn’t mind pda at all, she loves to have a hand on your waist or her arm linked with yours. she doesn’t really like anything over the top.
she’ll kiss you in front of her employees — a quick peck on the lips, cheek, or forehead, nothing more than a quick peck — if any of them dare to comment anything then she’ll glare at them and give them shit for it
(jihyo gets flustered when you kiss her first, so she’s thrown off)
your height difference is a favorite between the two of you, jihyo has to tip toe just barely to press kisses on your cheek or lips; you tease her like crazy for being shorter and older and she usually responds with a kiss to shut you up
jihyo is the one who initiates the most; she takes you out on dates, picks you up from your apartment, and takes on a more leading role in your relationship
jihyo likes to take you shopping, take you out to expensive places because she can afford it and she thinks you deserve it for being so wonderful to her
she’s literally head over heels, but she’s really good at composing herself -- her nephew is the one who has to endure the side of her that literally has no filter
you tend to cook for her often! she's a very busy women with very important duties, so when you can, you're always quick to fix her up a meal -- jihyo always appreciates it
she's really confident and secure with herself, that's a fact and it's honestly palpable just seeing the way she holds herself up. however, she still gets jealous from time to time, and most of the time the age difference is what gets her a little uneasy and doubtful, but you always reassure her that you love her
jihyo has trouble sleeping at night quite often. to fix this, she takes you out on late night drives, even letting you take the wheel sometimes so she can spend her time staring at you. jihyo is quick to fall asleep when she does this, so you've ended up as the driver instead, which ends up in you carrying her back into the house and back to your beds.
sometimes she stays over at your apartment, you've been hesitant to let her stay the night since she had a better, bigger house, but jihyo insisted. she likes to examine the small things: your room, your decor choice, the posters on your wall, pictures of friends and family -- she likes the purity of getting to know you through subtle objects that are special
you two have a very healthy relationship, the only thing really hindering it is schedules and time, but you both work around it.
jihyo loves you to death, and you love her just as much.
definitely the more dominant and leading one in the relationship, in the streets and also the sheets
she is obsesseeeddd with watching you squirm under her touch, like seriously
she’s a fan of fingering and using toys on you, nothing too big though
even if she were the one receiving, she’d be in control — hands in your hair, handling you as you please her, ordering you around, etc.
LOVES praise, cannot get enough of praising you because you’re so cute and pretty and when you’re all weak for her she just can’t believe how cute and adorable you are while you’re gasping for air
big fan of bondage oh i know that’s right
likes to restrain you with silk or ties that she wears for her work events, loves to watch you squirm over simple touches and praises
big fan of marking you up, loves to see her artwork on the prettiest canvas she’s seen. it doesn’t matter if you’re out in public the next day or hour, she’ll shrug it off and besides, she already has some concealer in your shade and color corrector in hand just for this
you’re a huuugggeee fan of her tits, like, you can’t get enough of them and they’re a really sensitive part of jihyos
when she’s stressed? her tits in your mouth. when you’re stressed? tits in your mouth and yeah the list goes on
sometimes you’re over at her work in her office to lounge or do your own work, and when she has the opportunity she’s all over you — kissing your lips, sliding her hand in your pants, making you stay quiet, marking you up…
and you’ll do the same, sometimes you’ll have her in your lap or her hand will be in your hair while you eat her out
jihyo sends an email to chang, one of her best employees, just so he can let everyone know she can’t be bothered
(all so she can’t spend her time tending to you)
sometimes it can get really slow and intimate, with praise being thrown endlessly while you desperately cry out her name. she loves to kiss your skin, calling you pretty while she rubs circles on your clit and plays with your boobs
and sometimes it can get really rough, especially when you’re in public or have a small amount of time to get intimate
there are countless times where she’s dragged you out with her during a work event just to please you. it’s usually rough and short, something to pass the time and bring both of you pleasure while simultaneously giving you fantasies for what’ll happen when you both get home
her stamina is really good, she can go for a few rounds before reaching the point of overstimulation. you’re about the same, always able to adjust to her needs and she does the same for you
speaking of overstimulation, she adores it. loves to hear you scream and grip the sheets, loves to watch you cum desperately, loves to watch your body twitch and jerk and rut against whatever she’s fucking you with.
the two of you generally fuck as much as you can, and each time is just as good — if not better — than the last
you’re kind of (very much) a fiend for anything jihyo related, you’d fall to your knees if she said anything. you have fallen to your knees just from an order.
there are times when she just needs to sit back and relax, often letting you fuck her with your fingers or eat her out till she’s weak and sleepy.
overall, your sex life is more than just thrilling, both of you are great at communicating and fulfilling any needs to desires.
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spongek-squidge · 6 months
My Headcannons for which bachelor(ette) is the most intimidating on first meeting
90% self indulgent headcanons 10% canon, let me have my fun~
#1 Shane
We all expected this one
Gruff old alcoholic man is not a very trustworthy or comforting persona
Also he’s rude when first meeting people so that doesn’t helps
Only reason he doesn’t completely scare people off is cause he’s baby faced (this fact annoys him greatly)
#2 Sebastian
Emo boy who lives in his mums basement, smokes and owns a motorcycle?
He’s literally the kid everyone’s parents told them to avoid
No matter if you love that bad boy persona or not there’s still that intimidation around it, ya gotta admit!
#3 Haley
She’s very mean
Literally comes off as everyone’s Highschool bully when you first meet her
She’s also just intimidatingly pretty on top of that so…
Pretty much a tie with Sebastian tho, I only put her lower because pritty gurl
#4 Alex
He a buff mysoginstic boi!
He’s like chill when you meet him but the bias leaks off him like the sweat when he’s exercising in his bedroom
Literally just a highschool jock, you move into town and think Haley and Alex are gonna be the biggest asshat powercouple
In reality they’re just some confused queers with dual mummy and daddy issues
#5 Abigail
Goth gfs are inherently a bit intimidating ngl
Also she just has a lot of energy and an urge to fight, that’s a fairly intimating combination-
Also if she could drive a car she would have biggest road rage, she got those vibes about her
#6 Harvey
Okokok hear me out
Ik he’s a big sad wholesome man but he’s also a doctor and anyone who sticks with the education system that long is a bit intimidating ngl
Also he’s a very tall boi and if you combine that with my head canon of him being dad-shaped it can give off an unintentionally intimidating aura!
Also people just don’t like going to the doctors so that won’t help
#7 Leah
She works out and it shows
It’s hot af but also a bit intimidating ngl
But she’s too chill for that to put her further up the list so here she be!
#8 Elliott
He uses big person words that I don’t understand
Big people words intimidate me
Words are powerful
But also I could easily beat him in a fight so he’s lower down than Leah
#9 Maru
One of her favourite objects is radioactive ingots
Need I say more?
Most of her intimidation comes from Demetrius being an overprotective cockblock tho, so it’s not as much her as her father
#10 Emily
She gives off chill aunt/cousin vibes
However she is also high as a kite 24/7 and that level of zoned out can be a bit freaky, especially when she zones out staring at you
She’s fine tho, would never take drugs that make her act up in a negative way
#11 Sam
He is a golden retriever and you can tell from the second you meet him
Big smile constantly and no thoughts behind those eyes
Only intimidation he could ever possibly have is the skater boy stereotypes, but other then that he’s got no negative vibes whatsoever
#12 Penny
I’m sure we all saw this coming, but she’s really not intimidating at all
She’s a shy woman that just wants to teach kids and read her romance novels and I love that for her
If she needed to intimidate someone she’d have to summon her mum to do it for her, no chance she’s scaring anyone herself
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fieldofdaisiies · 7 months
Of Wings and Secrecy
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paring: adult!Nyx x Reader | type: angst | words: 3,4k words | warnings: mentions of abuse, violence | based on this request
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“What a weak punch.” 
You throw Nyx a withering glare over your shoulder, hands dropping to your sides. You really have to fight the urge to flip him off, and at the same time want nothing more than to kiss those formidable lips.
“Shall I demonstrate how it should be done?” His wings flare behind his back when he starts to stroll toward you, sauntering with nothing but cocky smugness, a grin on his lips.
Your little sister, Salia, next to you giggles, a mischievous smile on her lips. “I guess I‘ll leave you two alone then.”
She winks and before you can stop her, she is heading towards where Emerie, Gwyn and Nesta, Nyx‘s aunts, train a few young Illyrian females.
Salia is the only one to know about what is actually between the two of you — a bond, a mating bond, always glamoured to keep it hidden. But she knows about the mutual love, how and when the bond snapped, about your secret meetings and the dangers along with it. The dangers that prevent you from—
Your thoughts are cut off when you feel the hard and warm press of a solid chest against your back. 
“A little higher.” His hands support your elbows, his lips brushing your earlobe. You fight against a shudder, and hold your breath. 
“Not here.” Your voice is silent, hushed. “Someone could see us.”
“I’m only helping you train, my star.” A smirk appears on Nyx’s lips, but falters the moment he sees your scared expression after you have turned to him. The Night Court heir steps away, and bows his head. 
You open your mental shields for him, holding his gaze. I’m so sorry, but it‘s too dangerous, Nyx.
Making sure no one is looking, Nyx moves in again, lifting your elbow with one of his warm and gentle hands, acting like he is explaining something. “Let me protect you.” He leans in the slightest bit. “Come to Velaris with me. Let me protect you.”
You turn away and pick up a sword. “You know I can‘t.” Straightening your posture and using one hand to smooth out your leathers you take a few steps back. “I can‘t leave my mother and sister alone.”
Nyx knows this, and yet the truth —the awareness about you not coming with him— sends a pang of hurt right into his heart. Your hearts belong together, so do your souls, and should never be kept apart. You had fallen in love with each other the first moment you lay eyes on each other. But life isn’t too kind to you, doesn’t allow your love to flourish.
Devlon forbids this relationship, threatens to hurt the once you love most. It has to be kept secret. Nyx promised you that with his father’s protection —with the High Lord’s protection — nothing would ever happen to you. And despite that sounding very promising, you couldn’t accept.
This is not solely about you. You have a sister and a mother who live here as well and they will be in danger. Especially if you go with Nyx or if your relationship —if the bond— becomes public.
Nyx moves in closer again, helping you position your legs a little differently. “I want to be alone with you.”
“Nyx.” A corner of your mouth tips up.
He raises a brow, twin flames of desire lighting up his blue eyes. “My late grandmother‘s hut?”
Nyx grins and turns you, so your back is against his front, always careful of your beautiful wings, acting like he is showing you some self-defence techniques. “Always.”
His body vibrates with passion, and it reaches you, fuels the need within your veins. You have been apart for so long. You have missed him. And you need him. Now.
A loud giggle parts your lips and you shove at Nyx‘s bare, and solid chest. “I‘m sure I love you more.”
He kisses your shoulder and shakes his head. “Not possible.” His damp lips coast over your salty skin, tongue poking out. “My love for you is endless.”
“Well,” you breathe, “mine is endless and just a bit more.” 
He tips his head up, gaze meeting yours and laughs. “You are impossible.”
To that you grin and chuckle. Your hand comes up and you stroke your thumb over his cheek, slowly, assessing him with your eyes. “You look tired,” you say with a contemplative look on your face.
“We‘ve been tangled in the sheets for the whole night, my star, I am exhausted.” The beautiful smile on his lips doesn’t reach his eyes and the corners of your mouth turn downwards. 
“It’s because the glamour, isn’t it.”
He doesn’t want to say yes, but you can read him so well, so he silently admits, “I constantly need to use a lot of magic to glamour the both of us, and over a far distance when I am back in Velaris.”
You find yourself nodding, your heart hurting about the knowledge of what it does to him.
“But it’s fine.” He kisses your nose. “As long as the two of us have a chance to be with each other, I would accept everything.” Now, he kisses the corner of your mouth, hands falling to your hips, pulling you closer, the counter below your bare thighs, cool.
“I don’t want you to—”
He shuts you up with a kiss. But it is a kiss you can’t really focus on. You love him, you want to be with him — Cauldron he is your mate! But that doesn’t make this relationship easy. It only makes it hella difficult. 
Nyx is a bit over 100, sooner or later he will have to take over as High Lord, you don’t want to cause him additional issues.
“You are distracted, my star.” His hand slides beneath your —his— shirt and he cups your breast, thumb pressing down on your nipple, rubbing. “Let me help you focus on us.”
Your curl legs around his hips, hoping that the press of his hard length against your core will really centre you in the moment. And it truly does. 
You allow yourself to enjoy this moment with him, knowing it is fleeting and will be over way too soon and Nyx back in Velaris. 
“I love you, Y/N.” 
You cup the nape of his neck with your hand, fingers entangled in his soft silken strands, mouths colliding, teeth clacking.
“I love you—”
“Nyx!” The entrance door bangs against the wall of the hut, so loud even the mice in the smallest nooks can hear it. It feels like time stands still when Nyx steps away and whips his head into…the High Lord’s direction.
There is nothing but confusion and a hunt of shock etched upon Nyx‘s father‘s face, like he can’t really believe what he is seeing.
“I was looking for you.” The High Lord is not stuttering, but something close to it and Nyx, his cheeks a deep red, looks like he is wringing for the right words, all engines in his mind working on high speed.
“This is Y/N,” he finally says and adds, “And she is my mate.”
 ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
“And the hating each other part…?”
“Fake.” A sheepish grin spreads over Nyx‘s face and he bites down on his lower lip.
His father chuckles lowly and shakes his head at his son. “When did this happen? The bond I mean. When did it snap in place for you?”
Rhysand still looks a little flabbergasted. Even minutes later when the three of you sit together on the couch, now you and Nyx fully dressed.
“Shortly after the Blood Rite. I went to congratulate her on becoming Arktosion, and well…our eyes met and the bond snapped.” Nyx turns to you and takes your hand into his, squeezing softly.
“That was nearly a year ago,” the High Lord expresses and throws his son an incredulous look. “You’ve been keeping your bond a secret for so long!?”
Nyx and you nod.
“You could have told us. At least your mother and—”
“We couldn‘t.” Nyx shakes his head again, then leans into you and kisses the top of your head.
Then he continues, “It would have been too dangerous. Dad, I know you. And I know mum. You would have wanted to get involved. You would have tried to talk to Devlon and we couldn’t risk it. Y/N‘s mother and sister are in his tight grip and—”
“If he finds out about our mating bond he will do unspeakable things to them.” Your gaze drops, voice so vulnerable and silent you hope the High Lord could even hear you.
He did, and his power stretches out, brushing you. “You will have our protection always. And so will your sister and mother. You can come to live in Velaris with us.”
You are grateful for this, really, but you cannot accept just yet. You will first have to talk to your mother and your sister. Explain everything to them. And you will have to catch them when your father is not home. And then you need to arrange everything and—
“Thank you so much,” you finally say and meet the High Lord’s gaze. Sitting here with him feels a bit surreal, considering who he is. But then you remember that you have been rolling around in the sheets with the prince of the night for the whole previous night and it no longer feels so odd.
Many times you have already asked him if you are truly good enough for him, for a prince, and he has always told you yes, then poked you or smacked your arm lightly to make his point clear. And then most of the time he kissed you. Or more.
“Really. Thank you much. For the offer. I will gladly accept but I need a little time.”
“Whenever you are ready,” Nyx whispers, but there is worry in his eyes. “You have time. Talk to your mother and sister and then you let me know how we will go forward.” Lifting your intertwined hands, he kisses your knuckles.
You sit together for a little longer, Rhysand wanting to find out a bit more who is tied to his son‘s soul by the mating bond and who has consequently stolen Nyx’s heart.
You open up easily to him, his kindness and love for his son, visible in every word he says. They are an amazing family and you feel very lucky to somehow be a part of it.
Only a while later, and when Rhys and Nyx truly have to leave for Velaris (the High now finally having found his son who had closed the mental to his father during the night he spent with you) you go back home to your mother and sister, hoping to catch them before you father gets home. But he is already there and so decide to wait a few more days, think about it, clear your mind and really form a plan. You have been hiding this relationship for so long, you can now also wait a bit longer. 
Nothing is rushing you. You and Nyx will one day be together, that is true, and if one more day lies between you and him being ultimately together or not, doesn’t matter to you. Not with the prosperity of being with him and the knowledge that while living a life with him your mother and sister will be safe.
You will fill them in on your plan in a few days, when the time is right.
But you later find out that waiting was a fatal decision.
 ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
“You want to leave Windhaven?” Your father raises a brow, and you vigorously shake your head. Your cousins leave the shadows behind you, closing in on you until they catch your arms. “You were going to leave us, weren’t you?”
“No, father.” Your voice is so vulnerable, why would I?
The door hasn’t even fallen into the lock when you knew you stepped right into a trap. Your mother and sister are cowered together in the corner of the room, shaking so hard you even see it from the distance.
You wiggle against their hold, but your cousins are just stronger, their nails biting into your skin, their silent laughter ringing in your ears.
“Letting your mother and sister alone to do all the work?” Devlon —your father— takes a step forward and this is the first time you see the tool in his hands. The same tool that was used to clip a female's wings. Your stomach coils, panic, strong and terrible, blazing through you. You feel how your knees start to buckle, but you fight against it.
“I wasn’t going to leave.”
“Bullshit!” Devlon shouts. “Do you think I am stupid. That I couldn’t detect this damn mating bond. The heir‘s powers are strong but not that stronger. The glamour starts to fade.” Disdain laces his features.
“Were you hoping to become a princess one day, huh?” He stalks forward and weighs the tool in his hands.
You want to growl at him but you keep your mouth shut.
“I need to disappoint you. Someone like you will never be a princess, and most definitely not a High Lady. You are a laundry girl and you will stay like that.”
“Father, I—”
The click of his tongue shuts you up. “Too late for silly apologies. It is not time to make sure you stay where you belong.” Darkness falls over his face, and he tips his chin. It is your cousin’s cue to move. They turn you and force your chest down to lie atop the wooden table.
He is going to clip your wings and there is nothing you can do against it. You are strong, but not stronger than the three of them. 
The content of your stomach sours at the helplessness you are feeling, tears burning behind your eyes. But you won’t give him that. You won’t cry. He doesn’t deserve your tears. You won’t be vulnerable. You won’t be weak. And if he clips your wings, you will—
“Devlon don’t!” your mother cries out, but your father shuts her up with a snarl and a pointed, warning look into her direction. He steps closer and presses down on your back, forcing your face to rub against the harsh, wooden surface, some splinters definitely piercing into your skin, drawing blood. Your spine cracks and your shoulders ache from the angle your cousins are still holding your arms and you cry out in pain — it is just too much, you can’t hold it in any longer.
“It is her fault. She didn’t want it any differently. She brought—”
Devlon‘s sneer is cut short.
The main door bursts open with an impact that has the whole hut shaking, power so strong and lethal when it stretches out makes you aware that it can only be the High Lord and your mate who have arrived. You whip your head into their direction and a loud sob parts your lips.
Morrigan is also in tow, the first to move towards you and your father. “Hands off the girl! Now!” she growls, fury swirling in her hazel eyes.
It must be the shock, and definitely fear that makes your cousins step back, letting go off your hands. One of the stupid brutes even has the audacity to speak up and say, “He made us do it.”
But no one pays him any attention. Everything is focused on you, and the tool, the large clipping tool, positioned at the base of your wings and the male holding it. Devlon, despite stepping back, does not seem remorseful about his actions.
“Devlon.” Rhysand’s growl ripples through the hut and Nyx sets out to get to you as quickly as possible. He helps you up and pulls your shivering body to his chest. “I got you. Nothing can happen now,” Nyx whispers against your head, but you can’t quite focus, your attention on your father.
“What is going on here!” Rhysand demands and his lethal power fills the room.
But your father is not afraid. His face displays nothing but purely male smugness when he says, “Do you know about it, Rhysand? What they did?”
“That they are mates,” the High Lord answers matter-of-factly. He slides his hands into the pockets of his pants and pins the camp lord with a look. 
Surprise passes over Devlon’s face – he hasn’t expected Rhysand to know. Thought, or maybe even hope, to catch him off guard and shock him. But quite the opposite is the case.
“I know that.” Rhysand turns to look at you and his son. “And I also know what you were about to do. What would have happened if we had arrived here any moment later.” Lethal calm graces each of his words, and it sends a shiver down your spine. You hold tighter onto your mate. 
In the corner of your eye you can see that Lady Morrigan moves swiftly across the room, crouching down at the opposite side and throwing both her arms around your sister and your mother. She whispers something to them but you can’t make out the words
Your heart is beating so rapidly, nearly jumps out of your chest. Ragged breaths leave you and you feel lucky you’re holding onto your mate for support. You know you would fall to the ground otherwise.
“Your daughter is my son’s mate and that makes her part of my family. She is mine to protect.”
The High Lord’s power lashes out but before you can see what happens to your father, black mist swirl around, blurring your vision until everything is dark and you enter a state of oblivion. 
 ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
“No-o!” Your throat is too dry, voice hoarse and the shout that leaves your croaky. You re shaking, chest heaving rapidly, but when strong arms wrap around you and you are pulled flush to a solid, warm chest, every seems to ease.
“I am right here. With you.” His lips brush your head. “You are safe. We are in Velaris. Far away from your father, my star.”
Now there is no more holding back for the tears. The run freely. The damn breaks and they burst out of your eyes. 
“I-I-my wings. He wanted to—” Your breath catches and you tio back your head, finally opening your eyes despite the stinging burn in them. “Mother. Salia!”
“Here as well.” Nyx appears in your vision and rests his forehead against yours, not giving you a chance to take in the room you are currently in. 
He exhales softly. “They are all here and safe. And your father—” He swallows. “He is taken care of.”
He offers no more of an explanation and you also don’t ask. Because you simply don’t care. He can rot in Hel…
He kisses you. And then the corner of your mouth. “Never, ever thank me for something like this. You are my mate. My love. My soon-to-be wife. You are mine and also mine to protect. I love you, my star.”
“I love you, my prince.” You smile through your tears and kiss him again.
After holding each other for a bit longer, Nyx helps you rise and you can finally see the room —his room— you are in and marvel at it. It is phenomenal and Nyx explains that it is your room from now on as well.
He helps you bath and get dressed and when all is done you join the rest of his family, of your family, in the kitchen for breakfast, embracing both your mother and sister tightly, holding on so tightly as if you never want to let go again.
“The nightmare is over,” your mother whispers, and the three of you start to cry.
You later learn that Rhysand that you are under full protection of them and your mother and sister were given a small house near the Sidra river to live in from now on. You can barely thank them enough, but High Lady Feyre reaches her hand out to you and says, “We have to thank you. For the reason for our son’s happiness.”
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In Bloom 3
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, allusions to trauma, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: After wasting much of your youth in a toxic situation, things are starting to look up. That’s until you meet a certain flower seller.
Characters: Cole Turner, short!reader
Note: It’s suiting that it's hump day cause I feel like cole is into that.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You slice into a cucumber, moving the knife carefully. As you focus on the task, you notice Aunt Bev’s glances. Are they intentional or is she concerned? You keep the blade steady and slow, sure not to catch your fingertips. 
“Hon, did you want to borrow one of my skirts for dinner?” She offers. 
You look down at yourself. You think the jeans and tee are just fine but now you’re doubting yourself. You blink at her and shrug. 
“Should I?” 
“It’s up to you, of course. Just whatever you’re comfortable in. I just have this nice blue flowery one and it suits you better.” 
“Well, I...” you put the knife down and gather up the cucumber in your hands, dumping it onto the bowl of lettuce, “I could try it on.” 
You grab the dish rag and wipe your hands. You just want to make her happy. You never had someone like Aunt Bev, someone who is happy over the smallest things. She makes everything you do seem like some great achievement. 
“Oh, come on, it’ll be nice,” she insists and gestures you down the hall, “in here.” 
You follow her upstairs to the bedroom she shares with your uncle. She rolls open her closet as she hums. She pulls out a wrap skirt; blue petals on white. 
“You’ll need a shirt to go with it,” she insists, “one sec.” 
She hands you the skirt and turns to sift through a dresser draw. She pulls out a plain chiffon blouse with a little scallop at the bottom. “It will go nicely.” 
“Thanks, uh, but what... what if I spill?” 
“That’s okay, honey,” she holds out the shirt, “you can keep them. They’ll look much better on you.” 
“Oh, uh,” you look down then up again. 
“You just get changed,” she sweeps past you, “I’ll be downstairs.” 
You can’t deny her. The door closes before you can even think of changing your mind. It would be rude to say no anyway. They’re such nice clothes. You look down at what you’re wearing and crumple inside. You made the wrong choice again. You should’ve known to dress up for company. 
You change as quickly as you can. You carry your clothes back downstairs and into the small room you’ve been allotted. It was once Aunt Bev’s craft room. You feel bad about that too. 
You return to the kitchen. She’s not there. You rinse some cherry tomatoes and quarter them on the wooden cutting board. As you do, you hear voices. 
Aunt Bev strolls in as Cole follows her. You don’t turn to see. You’re too shy. You hope he doesn’t even notice you. 
“Oh, honey, you look lovely,” she chimes as she nears the counter and sets down a round pan, “isn’t it wonderful, Cole brought dessert.” 
“Ma sent a pie,” he explains, “do you like rhubarb?” 
You want for Aunt Bev to answer. She doesn’t. You look up and over and realise they’re watching you. Oh. 
“Uh, I never had it.” 
“Never had rhubarb?” Cole blusters, “well good news, my ma makes the best strawberry rhubarb crumble.” 
“Um, oh, thanks,” you try to smile but your lips just strain tightly over your teeth. You turn back to the counter and add the tomatoes to the bowl. 
“Salad looks yummy. Very colourful,” he comes closer. He’s so tall you can’t help but shrink down. “Bev’s right, that’s a really nice skirt. Suits you.” 
“Thanks,” you cheep. 
“Can I help with anything?” He offers. 
You look around him at Aunt Bev. She smiles and gestures as if to say, ‘go on’. You turn back to the cutting board and lay the knife down. 
“I’m almost done,” you say, “no thank you.” 
“Well, when you’re done, honey, why don’t you show him the garden?” Bev suggests, “she has really livened it up, you know? She spends hours out there.” 
“I’m sure. I’m excited to see it,” Cole agrees as he lingers close by, “nice house. Cozy.” 
“Ah, you know, we try to make it home,” your aunt preens. “I didn’t even say how nice you look. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a tie.” 
“Shucks,” he waves her off as he leans on the counter right next to your work space. 
You go to the fridge to get the container of feta and come back to sprinkle it over the salad. 
“Smells delicious too. Did you cook all this?” Cole asks as he looks down at you. 
“No,” you shake your head, “just the salad.” 
“She’s a good helper,” Bev beams and nears, taking the bowl from in front of you, “I’ll just go set this out on the patio table, why don’t you two go check out the garden?” 
“I’d love to,” Cole stands straight, “ladies.” 
He waves ahead of him and you hesitate. You pause to put the feta away then follow Bev towards the sliding doors. She goes out onto the deck and plants the large bowl on the wooden table. She stays there as you drag your feet past. You do your best to keep moving as you feel Cole getting too close. 
You go down the steps, nearly stumbling at the bottom. You cross your arms as you approach the garden where daffodils stand tally among the pansies. He puts his hands on his hips as he steps up. His blue eyes rove over the foliage as he peruses it thoughtfully. 
You peek over at him. He wears pale khakis and a grey button up rolled to his elbows, a trim of teal along the buttons. He wears a tie in a darker shade of grey as his hair is even fluffier than the last time you saw him. You shy away before he can catch you. 
“Wow, it’s so nice, and the placement is wonderful. Great for crossbreeding,” he points around. “You know a lot about plants?” 
“I read,” you say. “Library books. Aunt Bev brings them home.” 
“I love the library,” he chirps. 
“Oh, I don’t... I haven’t gone.” 
“Yet,” he insists, “one day, I’m sure.” 
You nod and fold your arms. You sway and search the grass. He kneels by the edge of the garden and touches a leaf. 
“What happened to your daylilies?” He asks. 
You bounce on your toes, “put them in my room.” 
“Really? You must have petals all over,” he chuckles as he continues to rustle the plants, feeling each one. “Do you have a favourite?” 
“I don’t know, they’re all pretty.” 
You nibble your lip. He talks a lot. He makes you talk a lot. You sniff and squeeze your arms. 
“Don’t get lost out there,” Aunt Bev startles you as she calls from the deck, “I’m about to bring the rest of the food out.” 
“Ah, thanks, Beverly,” Cole waves at her and smiles, turning to look at you, “shall we?” 
“Okay,” you don’t move. He doesn’t either. 
“You go first,” he says. 
You do as he says and he follows. The skirt flutters around your legs, swirling in a way that tickles the back of your knees. You’re not used to it. You never really wore one before.  
As you come up on the deck, he trails you toward the table. He sidles past you and pulls out a chair before you can do it yourself. He opens his hand to the seat, “please.” 
“Uh, thanks, you don’t have to...” 
“My ma always taught me manners,” he assures. 
You sit and he slides the chair toward the table, trapping you in it. He claims the one next to you, his elbow almost on the armrest of yours. You make yourself small. You’re really good at that. You miss when you could be invisible. 
Bev appears again, a long pare of tongs in her hand. She approaches the roiling BBQ and opens it up. As she turns the drumsticks, she smiles over at the table. 
“Don’t you two look ready to eat,” she trills. “I just told the others to come out and get a plate. Just gotta get this chicken and the potatoes.” 
She uses the tongs to transfer the drumsticks to a large serving plate. Cole clears his throat and gets up. He goes to take it from her and brings it to the table. 
“You are just the biggest, sweetheart,” she grins, “your mother must be so proud. Such a lucky lady.” 
“I do what I can,” he says, “don’t want you to burn yourself.” 
“Oh, don’t you worry about me. You do too much of that,” she removes the wrapped potatoes from the grill next, “I can’t thank you enough for helping us last weekend.” 
“Really, it’s fine. It was a very busy weekend,” he meets her again to take the next tray, “I can tell a lost soul when I see one. I figured it was best to get her out of the tide before it swallowed her up. Sometimes I even get overwhelmed.” 
“It really was so amazing,” she insists, “we got more than enough. You make sure you take leftovers for your mother. She sent that lovely pie.” 
“Sure,” he agrees easily as he sets down the potatoes. He sits down once more, further crowding you. Is he that big or that oblivious. “She’s a nice girl,” he peers over at you and you look at the table, “I couldn’t just let her get lost.” He turns slightly in his chair, towards you, “I hope it didn’t scare you away. I have some new stuff I’m bringing next week; thought maybe you’d like to see.” 
“Oh, you know that would be so lovely, honey.” 
“If that’s too much,” Cole leans his elbow on the arm rest and extends his fingers as he speaks, “she could come up and see them at the farm. Right in their natural habitat.” 
“The farm?” Bev exclaims, “how exciting.” 
“Of course, you’re all welcome to come up and see. My ma loves having a full house but my sister never comes around anymore and it was only ever the two of us. She always wanted more but, ah, you know?” 
“That’s too bad,” Bev says, “but that would be so wonderful. Honey, wouldn’t you like to go see all his flowers?” 
“I could use some help potting too, if you have a set of hands to spare,” he suggests. “Not that I’m looking for free labour, I just... figured.” 
“We’d love to help out, wouldn’t we, honey?” 
That’s it. She’s given the answer for you. You can’t disagree with her or you’d be mean. You’re not a mean person. Not like she always said you were. 
“Sure,” you murmur. 
“We’ll make a day of it,” she sings, “just let me know when.” 
“Will do,” Cole says brightly. “Sorry, I’m a dweeb about these things. I don’t really meet a lot of people who like flowers as much as me.” 
“We can all use friends,” Bev goes to the sliding door and pushes it open, “right, hon?” You nod, choked of your voice and she sighs as she pokes her head inside, “where is everyone?” 
You help clear the table after dinner. You sit down as Cole gets up and you’re relieved to be on your own. The others sit on the other side of the table; Uncle Morris along with your cousins, Mason and Lena. The latter two are on their phones and Uncle Morris chews on toothpick. 
You’re content enough to watch the clouds in the sky. Aunt Bev is so good at keeping things lively but you never know what to say. You don’t really feel safe around anyone but her. She’s the one who found you, who helped you. 
You look down at your hands and the faded welts. There’s more up your forearms and on your legs. They are almost indiscernible, though a few are stark enough to be picked out. You rub your hands together, as if you might wipe them away. Some memories are wrought as much into your skin as your mind. 
The sliding door opens and your Uncle Morris sits up and pats his stomach, “ah, about time. Dessert! The best part of dinner.” 
Bev and Cole dole out the saucers. Yours is placed before you as he sits next to you again. You take your fork and spin it nervously. Morris is quick to dig in as your aunt asks Mason and Lena about school. Their conversation edges you out, but you’re used to that. You prefer it. You never have much to add. 
“You gonna try it?” Cole keeps his voice low as he pokes at his crumble. 
“Oh, uh, sure,” you scoop up some of the reddish pink goop and oats. 
“You have to tell me the truth, if you like the rhubarb. I gotta report back to ma.” 
You nod and take a bite. You don’t like how he watches. It makes you self-conscious. His eyes linger on your hand as you slid the fork from your mouth and chew the tart dessert. Your cheeks pinch and you swallow tightly. You like it. 
“Well?” He nudges you and you wince. “Oh, sorry, are you okay? Was that too hard?” 
“No, I... I liked it,” you put the fork down and try to hide your arms. They’re oversensitive. Most of you is; just brushing against furniture can make you whimper. “Thank you.” 
“Told you, ma makes the best,” he proclaims, but a vee of worry remains between his brows, “you sure I didn’t hurt you?” 
“Yes, I’m sure,” you insist. You have to act normal. 
You grab your fork and take another bite. He continues to watch you, moving the crumble around as he does. You wish he'd stop looking so much. 
“Oh, wow, did that hurt?” He points to the back of your hand. That one scar that stands out. 
“No,” you lie. 
“What happened?” 
You shake your head, “nothing.” 
“Doesn’t look like nothing.” 
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you hiss and drop your fork. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” 
“I’m not upset,” your eyes well and you flick your lashes. Your hand throbs. You hear the snap of the switch, you feel it against your tendons. You want to scream but you can’t. “I’m fine, I’m fine...” 
“I...” Cole babbles and looks around. The table is silent as you gulp for air. 
“Oh, hon,” Aunt Bev gets up and comes around to your chair, “have some water, alright?” 
“I didn’t... I don’t know what I did,” Cole stutters. 
“It’s not you, sweetie,” Bev pets your hair as she offers the glass of water. “She’s okay. She was out in the sun today, she gets a bit faint.” 
You want to cry even more. Not just for the embarrassment. Because you’re grateful. Because she lies so easily for you. She protects you like no one else ever has. 
“Can I go inside?” You whisper. 
“Sure, hon, I’ll put your dessert aside for you,” she smiles.  
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feyhunter78 · 30 days
ms girl I'm begging you to be added to you tag list for the jon snow fic cause I can't keep maniacally scrolling every 2 days this is very very serious.
thank you.
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I'll add you to the taglist, but I also thought I'd reward your patience with a little chapter delivery!
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Chapter Seventeen - Within the war camp of the Starks and Tullys you find yourself facing your family in different ways. CH 18
You try not to laugh as you watch Margaery smooth down her skirts, Robb’s tunic laces strung back up incorrectly, hanging uneven as he addresses his men.
“Tyrion Lannister has responded quickly, as we expected, considering we have his children and grandchildren.” Robb says, letting your grandsire’s letter be passed around among his bannermen. “He will meet us in the fields outside Bitterbridge and asks that we list our demands so that he might decide if they are worth considering.”
“Does he truly believe he has any leverage? My entire family is here.” You whisper to Jon, feeling a pang of guilt for not immediately inquiring after the health of your family. You have been so preoccupied with Jon, with sticking to him in order to avoid the harsh stares, the whispers that circulated throughout the camp. True you may have Jon’s heart, and Robb liked you well enough but their men? They did not trust you; you remained a lion at the side of a wolf, and it will serve you well to remember that.
“You know your grandsire; he will not give in so easily.” Jon whispers back, his eyes on Robb.
Robb continues, his voice gaining in volume, in confidence. “We know our terms men, the throne for Stannis Baratheon, more bodies for the wall, the annulment of Queen Margaery’s marriage—”
“And enough Redwyne wine to last us through the winter.” Theon chimes in from his place behind Robb, a tongue-in-cheek smile on his face, his eyes bright with mirth.
“Aye, enough drink to warm us while it snows.” A Northman you do not recognize says.
“And perhaps some pretty Southron wives too.” Someone else calls, as laughter begins to roll through the crowd.
Margaery laughs, and it sounds like bells, clear and pure, all eyes shift to her. “While I cannot speak for every woman of the south… I can say that I have found myself quite content with my Northman, and I am sure many others will feel the same once they are rescued from their soft willed and greedy husbands.”
A cheer rises at her words, and you find yourself biting your tongue to keep from laughing once more. Only Margaery can make possible bride kidnapping sound like a heroic deed. Though you guess you cannot blame her, nor would you blame any women that left the South for the North. If you were married to one of those lazy, greedy lords who spent all day chasing after servant girls and squandering away his gold, you would rush into the arms of the nearest Northman as well.
Even though Robb had dismissed everyone hours ago, their cheers still ring faintly in your ears as you walk towards the constructed cells that held your aunt and uncle. They were less cells but cages, bars of iron stuck into the ground, a metal sheet hammered atop for a roof. You had not wanted your aunt and uncle put in these things. They were people, not animals, but you know your presence in the camp is still a precarious one. You are still a Lannister, still an enemy of the North, and your voice is not one they wish to hear.
Tommen and your father have been put in a tent, of course. Your father had helped organize this entire plan and no one truly thought Tommen would run, he was still a boy, but your aunt and uncle? Perhaps your aunt would not run if she were alone, but with your Uncle Jamie by her side? Anything was possible.
Your aunt and uncle look up when they hear your footsteps, both dirtied and tired, the smell of smoke clinging to them.
Your aunt’s eyes are wildfire, the heat directed at you, while your uncle’s eyes are dull swamp water, and downcast. “How could you do this to us?” She spits, rising to her feet when you approach.
“I did not, I had no idea, you must voice your complaints to my father.” You tell her, handing her and your uncle bowls of oatmeal.
Your uncle takes it quietly, giving you a nod of thanks, but your aunt slaps it from your hands, the mushy oats splattering across the ground and the hem of your gown. “Tell your snake of a father I will not be given gruel and locked up as if I were a common criminal. I am the Dowager Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.”
“I will tell him, but I cannot promise much, he is sitting on Lord Robb’s war council at the moment, preparing for Grandsire’s arrival.” You say airily, trying not to look at your uncle, trying not to see the defeat and acceptance in his eyes.
“War council? That boy truly thinks he will defeat our father? You disappoint me, niece; you have squandered my lessons.” Your aunt says, her arms crossed over her chest, her head held high, even in a cage she still looks every inch a queen. “Pray to the Seven that your grandsire will be merciful and send you off to become a septa instead of taking your head.”
“Cersei…” Your uncle says quietly, leaning his head back against the bars of his cage.
“I will pray that King Stannis grants you mercy.” You tell her, collecting the bowl and spoon from the ground before turning on your heel, a mountain of guilt ever-growing in your heart.
As you walk back to the kitchen tent you spot Ser Arthur, he is polishing his sword, his eyes drifting in the direction of the cells every so often.
“My uncle spoke very highly of you.” You say once you get closer. You do not know what he had said to your uncle that day he claimed Jon in court, but it had struck him to his core. “He wished to be you, to live up to the standard you set.”
“I know.” Ser Arthur says softly, a frown etched into his weathered face, his hand stilling in its task. “I told him the truth, the whole of it, and in return he told me why he had done it, of the wildfire beneath the city. I have told Lord Robb; he will write to King Stannis and inform him of the danger.”
You are still holding your aunt’s rejected bowl, your grip on it tightening at his words. Your uncle had only once told you the story, you were young, and he was deep in his cups, the words spilling out like water. You wanted to tell everyone of his brave actions, to erase the title Kingslayer from his name, but he forbid you, said it did not matter now.
“He is better than me, surpassed the standard I set, he had always been rebellious, or we thought him rebellious. We did not see it was a conscious he possesses not a nasty streak of near insubordination.” Ser Arthur sighs.
“He hated it, standing guard while two kings raped their queens, it would have been three if Joffrey had lived, I do not know if he could have survived three.” You admit quietly, scanning your surroundings.
It is early morning, the sun still rising, the birds still waking, the breeze slightly cool but ever warming. There is dew on the grass, and in the quiet stillness you look at Ser Arthur. He is soon to be your good-father, you have grown up hearing tales of his greatness, but in this moment he is nothing but the man who failed your uncle. The man followed his oath to a mad prince so blindly he could not see the bodies left in his wake, and could not muster the courage to flee, to take Lady Lyanna somewhere safe. You know he is Jon’s father, that his acknowledgement of Jon, his affection for him has made your sworn sword happy beyond words, but you would trade Ser Arthur for your uncle in a heartbeat. Your Uncle Jaime is a good man, he saved millions. Defended you, protected you, even now as he sits in a cage, he has not lost his honor, has not spat cruel words at you for your part in this scheme.
“My uncle is a good man; he does not deserve to die.” You whisper, hoping the wind will take your words before anyone else hears them.
Ser Arthur stares at his sword, his eyes reflected in the metal. “I will ask the king to send him to The Wall, I cannot see Ser Jaime lose his head, not when he saved the whole of King’s Landing. I trained that boy, he was five and ten when he came to us, I watched him become a man with great honor, I know he has been tainted, manipulated by your aunt, but he is not beyond saving.” He says, beginning to polish his sword once more.
You nod, but do not let your hopes rise.
Your father and cousin sit playing cyvasse in your father’s tent, the entrance watched by two Stark guards, who give you a cautious look but allow you entry. Your father’s tent is large, not as large as Robb’s but more than enough for him and Tommen. Furs are laid out on two cots pushed in the far corner, a small table and a few chairs sit in the middle with a large chest set against one wall of the tent. A fire pit has been dug, a low flame within to heat the tent.
Tommen looks up at your approach, his eyes rimmed with red. “Cousin.”
“Cousin.” You echo, taking a seat between them.
“If I am to die, will you ensure Ser Pounce, and Lady Whiskers are looked after?” Tommen asks, his voice shaky, his eyes on the gameboard.
Your heart leaps into your throat, and you grip the edge of the table, glancing at your father. “You will not die; you are a child.”
Tommen nods and wipes at his eyes with his sleeve. “That is what your father said too, but I wished to hear it from someone the Starks truly trust.”
Your father looks away, and you can spot tears forming in his eyes as he stands. “I must go and meet with Lord Robb; I will return for dinner.”
He makes a hasty exit, leaving you and Tommen at the table, the silence only broken by Tommen’s soft sniffles.
“You will not die; I will beg the king on my knees for your life if need be.” You tell him, taking his hands between yours. Besides your father, Tommen is all the family you have left, Myrcella is in Dorne, and your aunt and uncle will likely be killed. Your grandsire will surely be killed as well, if not imprisoned or sent to the Wall for the rest of his life.
“What will happen to me?” He asks.
You curse your father for his quick escape, it should be him who explains all this to Tommen, why is it left to you? Because Tommen trusts you, he finds you far more comforting than I. You can already hear your father’s explanation in your head.
Reaching out to brush away a few stray tears for his cheeks, you lay out your plan. “I will advocate for you to join Lord Stark in Winterfell as a ward, I do not expect it to be allowed, so my next suggestion will be for you to become a septon or a maester in the Citadel.”
“But they will hate me in Winterfell.”
“No, no, you will find happiness there, Bran and Rickon are near your age, and the Starks are good, honorable people, they understand you are not to blame.” You reassure him, squeezing his hands tightly.
“What about Margaery, what will happen to her?” Tommen sniffles.
You bite the inside of your cheek. “Margaery will be marrying Lord Robb, to help secure peace.”
“They are a similar age; she will be happier with someone who likes what she does.” Tommen sounds almost relieved by the news, then his bottom lip begins to tremble, and his shoulders slump. “What if he hits her, like father or Joffrey? I saw father hit mother, I saw Joffrey hit you and Myrcella simply for speaking your thoughts aloud. Margaery has many thoughts, and she enjoys voicing them. What if Lord Robb does not like that?”
You squeeze his hands again and give him a soft smile, your heartbreaking at the thought of Tommen seeing what you, your aunt, and Myrcella had tried so hard to hide from him. “He will not, Lord Robb finds everything she says interesting, and if he does then I am sure one of his sisters will make him pay. They do not tolerate such things; you will see when you go to meet them.”
Tommen nods but does not relinquish your hand. “Will you come visit me in Winterfell?”
“Of course, Tommen, I will come see you in Winterfell then I will go see Uncle Jamie at the wall and then when I return, I will stop by and see you once more. Perhaps I will even be able to bring Myrcella.”
He smiles, it is slow to spread across his face, and it is watery, but it is still a smile. “I would like that.”
TL: @mostclevermiss, @solacestyles, @2valentines, @sharknutz, @idohknow, @bdudette, @pluraldoggo, @legolastheleafyelf, @faerie-film, @wifiatthetrainstation, @duskypinki, @tartine-de-pain, @rebeccawinters, @taylorsfemalerage, @rax-raxus, @certainwonderlandperfection, @designatedramaiver
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burnthoneydrops · 5 months
The Sun and the Moon II (e.b. x original character)
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synopsis: the first ball for two recently debuted girls reveals a familiar feeling for one.
requested: no
warnings: none
word count: 1.6k
a/n: heyyyy, anyone remember this from over a year ago? im so sorry for the delay, i really ran out of long writing motivation there for a hot second, but hopefully i'm back at it? i make absolutely no promises though
My right glove sags unceremoniously from my arm and as I go to adjust it for the millionth time, Aunt Moore tugs at the back of my dress. I quickly retract my arm back to my side as we step through the double doors of the conservatory Lady Danbury had secured for the evening. She seemed a most formidable lady indeed, from what Aunt Moore’s staff had told me,  but the gorgeous flowers hanging from the walls were not overtly intimidating. Hearing that she was sponsoring two girls also foreign to the ton had put me at ease this afternoon, as I hoped I might find some comfort in a group of those trying to learn. I would never suggest admitting that I am an outsider to Aunt Moore, but I fear my accent has already done that for me. 
“Lord Cabernathy, the oldest of his mother’s five children, hardly objectionable,” Aunt Moore has spotted her first victim standing against a floral column. 
“Being the eldest is the only requirement making one suitable for a wife? The bar seems incredibly low,” I reply, much to my aunt’s dismay. 
“Must you be difficult when we have only just walked in the room?” She mutters through gritted teeth as another mama and her daughter walk past us with odd looks in their eyes. She smiles and waves at them, looking at my sideways to ensure that I heard her. 
“Is there anyone else, with at least more admirable qualifications?” I offer. 
“Lord Landry, a fine young man whose family owns a renowned horse breeding farm in the country. Good standing, only child so due to inherit a large fortune when his parents pass”. 
“Ah yes, wishing death upon people your age, my favourite pastime”. 
“I am merely stating that he would have a sizable income to take care of you,” Aunt Moore sighs. 
“I suppose the horse farm would not be the most impossible thing,” I try to sympathise with her efforts, thinking back to my family at home. 
Aunt Moore turns to me, and for a second I think she is stooping to an apology, when there is suddenly one voice ringing above them. ��This is the season the Viscount intends to find  a wife!” 
As if someone had thrown a pile of breadcrumbs in front of some incredibly competitive pigeons, a flock of young ladies swarm the location of the voice. Standing on the tops of my feet, I see a rather uncomfortable looking man with his mother at the other set of doors. I recognize the mother from the presentation, Lady Bridgerton. Before I have time to recount this thought to Aunt Moore, she is pushing me towards the flock. I attempt to delay the process by dragging my heels into the ground, but her will is stronger than my calves, so I lose the battle quite quickly. I am stuck at the back of the half circle, watching girls fling their dance cards in the Viscount’s face, hoping he would sign his name. I would believe that half of these girls even felt blessed that he breathed in their direction, but I have slightly more hope for humanity than that thought would allow. 
As the circle of girls starts to diminish, thanks to those who realise that nothing productive will come of this swarm, I am left standing in front of the Viscount with Aunt Moore watching me from her seemingly perched position against the column. “Lord Bridgerton, it is an honour,” I state, curtseying as best I could despite the slight wobble in my ankles. 
“It is an honour to meet you as well,” he replies, though I can tell he is looking to get away as quickly as possible. His mother seems to pick up on my identity quicker than her son, as I catch her eyeing me in my peripheral, followed by her mouth forming a soft ‘oh’ of recognition. 
“You must be Lady Moore’s charge for the season,” she verbalises her thoughts, and it is then that Lord Bridgerton actually looks at me. 
“Indeed I am Miss,” I nod. 
“Lovely to be formally introduced. I noticed you at the modiste and the presentation, but it’s wonderful to properly make your acquaintance,” Lady Bridgerton smiles at me as I stand back up, finally being able to look both of them in the eye. 
“Perhaps a dance, Miss Moore?” Lord Bridgerton proposes as his mother wraps a gentle arm around his elbow. 
“I would be delighted my Lord,” I reply, extending my dance card forward so he may sign it. 
“I shall see you then,” he gives a curt smile before departing, leaving his mother and I by the double doors. I look back over at Aunt Moore, who is smiling like I have never seen before, and I excuse myself to head back over to her. 
“Very good start, I must say,” she says and I cannot tell if she is more proud of me or herself. 
It is soon after this that Aunt Moore goes to fetch herself a refreshment, and I make my way to a more secluded corner of the dance floor, hoping to watch and possibly learn the dances I had to forgo in my training. Though Father was keen on teaching me all the dances he remembered from his days in the ton, there is only so much dancing one can do while also running a family business. There appears another single young lady standing among the crowd, so I try to make my way towards her. It is clear she is watching someone else on the dance floor, and by the looks of it, it is Lord Bridgerton and the not-so-spectacular dance he is currently leading. 
“That young lady will soon be marked off his list I fear,” I comment, partially out in the open and partially hoping she will hear me. 
“Lord Bridgerton indeed seems rather frustrated,” she replies, keeping her gaze forward. “Would you prefer it to be you on that dance floor instead?” she continues. 
“Oh, not notably so. Though my Aunt would have you believe I do, she'll tell anyone just about anything to have me wed before the end of the season”. I pause for laughter, and when I am the only one who partakes, I continue, “do you wish for his name to be on your dance card?” 
“I am merely observing for my sister. She seemed most interested in him from afar, so I decided I would watch from the sidelines”. 
“What a fulfilment of sisterly duty,” I reply as Lord Bridgerton drops the girl’s hands, nodding curtly before heading outside. 
“Excuse me,” the dark skinned girl departs from my side and I suddenly feel alone once again. 
I stand off to the side for as long as I can stand, letting a few songs play through, before I realise that the next song is in fact my dance with Lord Bridgerton. I suddenly feel guilty, as if I am betraying the conversation I had previously with the mysterious other girl, but quickly depart from the crowd nonetheless so I can find my forced dance partner. He enters back in from the double doors and I am about to turn back around on account of how aggravated he looks, but Aunt Moore has somehow found me before I am able to do it. With a few words of aggressive encouragement, I am back on my trail, stopping right before the Lord and reminding him of our dance. 
The ensemble begins playing once again as the Viscount takes my hands, leading me to the right side of the dance floor. I do not dare start the conversation, both in fear of his current emotional state and that I might run my mouth and have my aunt dragging me out of the ballroom by my earlobe. 
“Your aunt is watching you for the season?” The Viscount starts. 
“Yes, my Lord, my aunt has been gracious enough to sponsor my debut this season”. 
“And your family, did they accompany you?” 
“Unfortunately not, the rest of them stayed back home”.
“And home is…” he trails off. 
“The Irish countryside my Lord,” I reply, looking between him and my feet to make sure I do not trample his. 
“You must miss them,” he supplies more to the conversation, though looks displeased at my inability to multitask. 
“Terribly,” I add as he spins me outwards. 
At that moment, I feel as though all time has stopped. No longer with the fear that I might step on the Viscount’s toes, I am spinning around the highly decorated room, attempting to keep my gaze locked on a stationary object. It is her. My stationary object is the girl I saw at the modiste and the presentation. Eloise Bridgerton. She stands at the edge of the dance floor, actively avoiding her mother I assume, fiddling with her dance card. I do not know what has happened between when I saw her last and now, but I cannot help but notice how radiant she looks. My vision becomes hazy surrounding anything that is not her, as if I can focus on nothing else. She cannot possibly know she is having this effect on me, as she is simply standing there. I fear I might lose all the saliva in my mouth with the way my heart rate spikes, and just as quickly as the moment started, it is ending. 
The Viscount is grabbing my hand once again, spinning back into him before we resume our normal facing positions. I glance quickly over his shoulder as we rotate clockwise to see if I can catch Eloise again, but alas she has run off. He nods at me once our dance has finished and hurries off to find the next young lady he promised a dance to and I am left there stunned. 
All I know, Aunt Moore’s pushing might have been more helpful than I previously imagined.
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childrenofcain-if · 1 month
Can we have some facts about the ROs, dear author ? I'm very much looking forward to fix D, bad girls are my kryptonite
C is an absolute unit at chess. if it wasn’t for them wanting to go into the business industry, they would’ve definitely clinched the title of grandmaster.
they’re also very good at playing violin and have been taking private lessons since they were nine.
they have a habit of taking long, solitary walks late at night to clear their mind.
they have an aston martin vantage and a porsche 911 carrera 4s which were a gift from grandpa lacroix before his death.
aside from english, they can speak french, latin, and italian.
their signature scent is a blend of sandalwood and jasmine.
they have a small, discreet tattoo of a latin phrase (“veni, vidi, vici”) on their ribcage.
C is particularly fond of designer clothes and have a vast collection, each custom-made to fit perfectly.
they find idle chatter to be an utter waste of time and will often steer conversations towards more intellectually stimulating topics.
C also had a very soft spot for pets, particularly dogs. they also secretly donate to many of the nation’s animal shelters, though you’ll never find them telling that to anyone.
they have undiagnosed OCD.
they are a twin. no one knows what exactly happened to their sister in the orphanage.
they’re a big fan of obscure literary texts, particularly those of nordic origins.
V also enjoys woodworking, a skill passed down from their orphanage days where they’d try to make small, wooden toys for some extra pocket money.
though they don’t attend church all that often, they always pray before bed and eating.
V wears a unique, earthy fragrance with notes of cedarwood, pine, and a hint of sea salt.
in addition to danish, ancient greek, nordic runes, and english, they’ve also picked up on some patois thanks to their adoptive mother.
V is deeply connected to nature and prefers spending time outdoors whenever possible. hiking, camping, and stargazing are some of their favorite activities.
autumn is V’s favorite season because the crisp air, the changing leaves, and the melancholy atmosphere makes them feel creatively inspired.
V can read tarot cards, a skill they picked up from their mother who liked doing it in her free time.
they absolutely loathe alcohol and steers absolutely clear of its presence if they can help it. they have no problem with other people drinking it tho.
they have claustrophobia.
W is an avid birdwatcher and would often accompany their uncle to do it whenever they could. they can identify dozens of species by sight and sound and often spend early mornings in parks or nature reserves, binoculars in hand.
despite their strained relationship with their parents, W inherited a natural talent for photography and videography from their father.
W’s favorite book is “the catcher in the rye”, mostly because sometimes they can see a reflection of themself in holden caulfield.
W has a soft spot for cheesy 90s and early 2000s romcoms. they find comfort in the predictable plots and over-the-top acting, often watching them late at night when they can’t sleep.
their signature scent is vetiver, citrus, and bergamot.
they still wear MC’s worn down friendship bracelet from almost a decade ago.
W prefers to walk or bike wherever they go, finding the process therapeutic.
they’ve donated a large portion of their trust fund to homeless youth shelters, only keeping enough to get through university comfortably until they get a decent job.
they love playing the piano, something which their aunt taught them. however, they prefer modern pieces to classical ones.
their favourite directors of all time are wes anderson and sofia coppola.
they’re a chronic insomniac.
D has a hidden talent for sketching. while they don’t talk about it much, their notebooks are filled with doodles and sketches, often of people they meet/know or abstract designs that reflect their current mood.
they’re nicknamed “rook” by their friends and bandmates. they also only know three languages: romanian, french, and english.
their indie band’s name is “the vignettes”, and the genre they play contains elements of alternative rock, grunge, and even folk sometimes. they’re the frontman, as well as a guitarist of the five-piece.
they’re known to get into long, intense conversations about the meaning of life, the universe, and everything—usually at 3 a.m., after everyone else has passed out. nobody seems to want to deal with this aside from C.
nirvana and the cure are on constant rotation on their playlist. their favourite guitar, valentine, was personally signed by kurt cobain and is their most prized possession.
their signature scent is a mixture of cinnamon, expensive marlboro, amber, and a hint of leather.
they love spicy food, mexican and indian cuisines being their favourite. give them a lifetime supply of chicken vindaloo and birria tacos and they’re set forever.
D is considered an adrenaline junkie and sometimes participates in extreme sports like parkour, bungee jumping, and sky diving.
they have a well-maintained 1969 AMC AMX/3, but rather prefer riding their MC ducati panigale v4.
they have a growing collection of tattoos, each one marking a significant (or significantly hazy) memory from their escapades. the most prominent one is a serpent wrapped around their collarbones.
it’s rare to find them in parties without the presence of any type of drugs. they’re not a full-blown addict, but also not too far from it.
aside from english, M speaks nine more languages fluently—hindi, french, italian, german, mandarin, russian, sanskrit, arabic, spanish, and latin.
they are proficient in several musical instruments, including the piano, violin, and guitar, often performing at private gatherings and charity events.
their personal library contains rare and first-edition books on any genre you can possibly imagine.
M has a keen eye for art and collects pieces from renowned and emerging artists, often curating exhibitions for charity.
they also have a very encyclopaedic knowledge of european and south asian history, often recalling the time period and details of the events.
they have travelled to more than 50 countries till date, accompanying their parents on many of their philanthropic missions.
their signature scent is a fancy blend of myrrh and frankincense, accented with touches of cypress and roses.
M has been interested in the existence of the occult and magic since they heard of stories involving them by their grandmother’s side.
despite being a famous royal figure, M has almost zero social media presence and greatly dislikes being filmed in public or having their private life probed at.
they are known to be the queen of england’s favourite grandchild.
M enjoys cooking and is particularly skilled at preparing elaborate south asian and mediterranean dishes.
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laramcelino · 5 months
My head is wrapped on Nalu baby's soo...
Headcanons about the children of the canon couples in Fairy Tail ✨✨
or at least the ones closer to canon, I'm watching your teasing Mashima
Get angry with me all you can, but they don't have a lot of children, oddly enough Nasha is one of the few in the guild who were planned.
Natsu is totally a girls daddy, it's the vibe.
They have Nasha after getting married, she is the spitting personality of Natsu, but learned to like books like Lucy.
They had some false alarms and when it really happened the pregnancy was hard for Lucy and the baby.
They got scared to try again, and Lucy was brokenhearted because she knew Natsu would want more despite him constantly saying that Nasha would be more than enough.
After at least two years they end up adopting a baby boy they rescued on a mission.
The boy is almost as chaotic as Nasha, but is more calculating than his impulsive sister.
The two fight a lot, Lucy is the rigid parent who makes them stop, Natsu is the one wrapped around their fingers, and gets scolded together.
Despite fighting, the kids are very close, play together all the time and protect each other a lot.
When the kids are sad and wanna talk about it they go to Lucy, when they just wanna be held they go to Natsu.
Both times when the kids arrived the spirits were very eager to meet then but waited, except for Aquarius, she used her own energy, and brought gifts, but she also said they were very ugly.
Even though Natsu and Lucy don't have other kids, they would be parental figures to any lonely children who come across their life, and are the favorite uncle and aunt for most of the guild kids.
They have three at max, none planned as Gray was insecure about being a parent.
Gray cried at every single birth.
Juvia is a boys mother and is very jealous of all her kids.
Gray is the parent who puts then on tracks, and so he receives all the hate.
Greige was born months before Nasha, and has the shy nature of his mother .
The middle child is a girl, and if they have a third one would be a boy.
The girl is the princess of the house and is very spoiled, she has Gray infinite devotion.
Those two have at least five. None was planned.
As in the twin trouble novel Asuka seems to be at her mid/late teens, and the twins look six at most, I believe they are not the firsts but the second to born (I couldn't read the full novel to know more).
The first one is a girl, definitely born to defy Gajeel in every possible way, going further enough to ask Natsu some Dragon slayer tricks.
The twins are much more level headed than the firstborn, but Yajee is more impulsive than Jutla.
The fourth and fifth kids are the mischief ones, doing mess and troubling Levy, they also have different magic from their parents.
The fourth and fifth are closer to Natsu and Lucy's boy due to age closeness. When the three are quiet for too long it means they are making some trouble.
Both Gajeel and Levy are good at controlling their kids, but Gajeel does it by being strict and Levy does by tricking the kids, it works better with the more hot-headed ones.
All their kids know that Gajeel is soft-hearted about them getting hurt, so if they do trouble they come crying for him first, because if Levy learns she will be angry, and an angry Levy is a scary one.
They only have one child
They are both scared of having children, cus of their bad childhood, Jellal never interacted much with kids and Erza tends to scare them.
Both are very protective.
Their son was an accident that happened on their honey moon.
Was a happy accident though.
He is very smart and takes after Jellal more, being closer to Erza on the aspect of being a good leader.
He is closer to age to the oldest of Gajeel and Levy, so the duo control the kids brawls in the guild hall.
The boy is also very independent from a young age, and Jellal is always scared of not being present enough for him.
Erza tries to be subtle but she loves to say how proud she is of her boy.
As Erza gets older she takes after Makarov when she becomes the master and develops a kind of motherly feeling to the younger generations of the guild, so subtlety she gets a lot of kids.
Have only one boy, who very fiercely loves Fairy Tail.
They have him some years after their wedding, the kid would be closer to the twins age.
Cobra didn't want kids, as they make much noise, but accepts because of Kinana, so he would be one of few planned ones.
She is a very dedicated mother, and the type who only stopped working when was due to labor, and returned very early on too.
Kinana would come to work with the baby wrapped in cloth like a kangaroo and it was the sweetest sight at the guild.
They have two, I don't care gender.
In a very cartoonist way one is the spitting image and personality of Elfman, and the other of Evergreen.
Evergreen loves to brag about how awesome and handsome her kids are.
She also likes to dress up then, uncle Bixlow likes too.
Elfman engages in any stupid ideas the kids have.
Both kids are scared of Laxus, and he got offended by it.
Mira spoils her nephews/nices a lot, but none the parents have the guts to ask her to stop, so anytime the kids wants something and the parents don't give, they run to aunty Mira.
As the kids grew Elfman and Ever become the type of parents that the kids ask them to grow up.
Characters I believe would be a single parent, either by adoption, having a child without contacting or knowing the father, or the child simply appears years later (like Cana to Gildarts).
Cana: adopted.
Bixlow: simply appeared, no one questions who the mom is, just how the kid will survive .
Laki: def don't know the father.
Lyon: appeared.
Kagura: adopted two girls from Mermaid Heel.
Hibiki: adopted, but everyone suspects the blood relation.
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tragicxensemble · 8 months
» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── «
One More Chance (At Love) (Pt.1/?)
Slowburn Mark Sloan x Reader x George O'Malley
TW/CW: Mentions of medical terms and just overall Grey's anatomy gore, social anxiety/ anxiousness, Christina being passive-aggressive to the reader of you squint, Love triangle, jump cuts
AJ's a new intern at Seattle Grace Hospital and the niece of Miranda Bailey. She has an average reputation and never heard of 'McSteamy' a.k.a Mark Sloan upon moving to Seattle and working at Seattle Grace. Not understanding the hype around him nor falling for his charm, he ends up falling first and hard because he thinks she's "hard to get". He tries his best to flirt with her but to no avail, because she never picks up on any of those social cues to realize that he has been flirting with her the entire time because of her being neurodivergent (specifically AuDHD). Besides Mark, there's also someone else who has been eyeing AJ since they met.
Ps: This is mostly a self-insert but you can still read and enjoy this!! It's been a while since I've made a fic and I think it's time for a fresh start :). This takes place in mid-season 2 (specifically episode 9, a month before the Thanksgiving part of the episode starts then jumpcuts to the events of the Thanksgiving episode) to around the end of season 3. There are a lot of jump cuts in this fic and rhe reader is black
Wc: 3.4k
» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── «
@spexialvixtimxunit @verytalented
Seattle Grace Hospital. A hospital filled with opportunities and so much drama that it could be a full-course meal. That is, of course, if you're interested in having surgeries and nonstop sleepless nights on the menu. If so, then sign me up. Having the opportunity to work in the same hospital as my Aunt was a blessing and a curse. She knew that I was studying to become a surgeon, but what she didn't know was that I would be working in the same hospital as her. The other interns around me called her 'The Nazi' but I simply called her Auntie Mandy.
No one knew that she was my aunt so they had no room to treat me differently because of my association with her. I deserved to be in that surgical program just as much as they did. I worked my ass off to become a well-respected doctor, not a punching bag for bottomless insults. So, my strategy to survive the internship came in 3 easy rules. A guide that I follow every day.
1. Befriend the Nurses.
This step was relatively easy. I'm always kind to everyone I meet unless they give me a reason to be mean. Plus, I would hate to get stuck on doing rectal exams or sutures for hours on end just because I pissed a nurse off. They're human beings just like me and deserve equal respect because it took them years of med school to get to where they are.
2. Keep to myself and only speak when spoken to (a.k.a practically become invisible to almost everyone unless I'm given instructions to complete a task.)
Now, this step is a relatively difficult one to follow. I have no clue who I will encounter upon being on Auntie Mandy's service and they would make my experience at SG unpredictable. I won't let them get to know me upon surface-level things about me. It's too risky for them to find out even the smallest incriminating detail about me. I'll just have to wait for the right moment to tell anyone that Bailey is my Aunt.
And lastly, my most hated rule.
3. NEVER unmask, unless necessary.
Masking in itself is extremely difficult. If I show any sign of my neurodivergence to neurotypicals who don't understand what it's like to hide parts of yourself every day 24/7, I'm looking at weeks of being a laughing stock and judged by everyone. Even though this is a possibility, the road to being a surgeon is never easy for anyone.
So, with that being said you would say that I have 3 impossible rules to follow. I would have to try my absolute hardest to not expose myself but also to be on top of my game in this program if I want to make it in the real surgical world.
My alarm rings at the ripe time of 5 am. I had to be at the hospital by 7:00 am before 7:30 am rounds started and before I could officially be assigned to my resident. I knew before today that I was going to be assigned to Auntie Mandy because of the letter in the mail a few weeks ago declaring my official internship and transfer to Seattle Grace. As well as what day I would start working. Transferring hospitals is like transferring schools, you have to start all over again in a new place. New environment. With completely new people. People who are already used to each other and probably friends with each other. Whereas I'm the new kid, the outcast. The kid that sits alone during lunch while everyone has already created their cliques.
I took a few deep breaths before getting out of bed to stop myself from becoming anxious at the thought of all the wrong outcomes that could happen. I made sure to pack comfort snacks the night before and an emergency meltdown/overstimulation bag that consisted of earplugs, a few small but effective fidget toys, compactable noise-canceling headphones, and an mp3 player that has my comfort songs on speed dial. I made my bed, as I usually do to start my morning. Following up on that, I meditated and did yoga for an hour and a half. It's a way to calm and ground myself before I tackle whatever the day brings me.
I did my morning routine and skin care before heading back to my room, to change into my outfit.
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By this time it was already 6:40 am. I had enough time to spare to moisturize my locs and bring a scrunchie with me so that I could put my hair up when needed at work. I made sure to grab my messenger bag and my snacks for the long shift and promptly left my apartment at 6:50 am. The drive to work was roughly 15 minutes but ended up being 20 minutes with traffic. I didn't live far away from the hospital, which was alright in my opinion. I arrived there at 7:05 am and began to park. After I parked and got out of the car, a motorcyclist drove up loud and parked 2 spots away from me.
Right in the middle of my car and the motorcycle came another car with 2 women and a guy who I'd assume knew the female motorcyclist because the group of 4 joined each other and I began walking into the building behind them. Mid-walk, another guy joins the group after what I'd assume was his morning jog. He was huffing and saying something I couldn't make out because of me keeping my distance from them so that they wouldn't assume that I was following them even though I was. I had no freaking clue on where anything in this ginormous hospital was. Sure I had a tour of the hospital but it's so easy to forget the layout when I've only been in it once.
While we waited for the elevator I quietly said, "Excuse me," as I tapped the shoulder of a brown-haired guy with cute doe eyes. He stopped talking with the blonde-haired woman and turned to face me. "I'm sorry, but could you help direct me to the surgical locker room? I'm not entirely sure where it is." As I was speaking the rest of the group turned to look at me, which was not intimidating in any way. (Yes it was.) "Yeah sure, We're actually on our way there." says the doe-eyed guy. "I'm George O'Malley by the way, that's Izzie Stevens, Alex Karev, Meredith Grey, and Christina Yang. We're all surgical interns." George introduced the names to the faces of everyone and I hoped for the best that I could remember their names.
"Oh, I'm AJ. AJ Brown. I'm also an intern here. It's my first day." I spoke. "What! That's cool, we could show you around sometime!" Izzie said as the elevator dinged. I nodded and followed their lead and got on the elevator with them, standing near the back of it. I listened as they talked about how their mornings went. The elevator stopped at the second floor. After making a few turns into the corridors, we finally made it to the locker room.
"What's your locker number?" Meredith asked as she began to walk to her locker. "Uh, it's G - 23," I responded as I looked around at my surroundings. Everyone was already getting changed. "Oh, nice you have a locker next to me!" Izzie smiled. The digital clock on the wall read 7:15 am, there was enough time to change into my scrubs and have my pager and stethoscope ready. As I was putting my shoes on Meredith spoke to me, "So, AJ, where are you from?" She asked as she closed her locker door. "Oh, I'm from a small town in Illinois," I answered. "What's a city girl like you doing all the way here in rainy ol' Seattle? Besides to work here?" Alex chimed in, "Family, stuff." I spoke shortly, in hopes of ending the conversation.
"That's nice that you can be near family here. Also, who's service are you on?" Izzie asked. "I have Dr. Bailey," I spoke as I stood up while closing my locker. "Awesome, she has the Nazi too." Christina deadpanned as they all began to finish up. "Christina, be nice!" Meredith nudged Christina's arm and tried her best to whisper that to her but failed. "We can show you where she is today." The group leaves the locker room and I trail behind them to find my Aunt.
We head to the elevator and we make it to the third floor, where we come to a spacious waiting area and a front desk that I'd assume contained charts and other important patient information. Among the crowd of people walking around stood Auntie Mandy, writing in a chart binder at the front desk. "Good morning Dr. Bailey." They all said one by one, before George spoke, "I think we have a new intern with us that's on your service." That sparked her to look up from the chart. "New intern? What new intern?" She said almost with an attitude. They all miraculously parted like the Red Sea to reveal my presence to her.
"Well, I'll be damned! If it isn't AJ!" Bailey replied with a smile before running up to hug me, which shocked the group as if they had never seen her act sweet towards anyone. She released me from her grasp and said, "I had no idea they were assigning you to my service! How's your mom? I know everyone must miss me back there in Illinois." Bailey chirped. I hesitated and replied shortly, "Everyone's fine and they do." I laughed awkwardly. "Wait? How do you know Dr. Bailey and how does she know you?" Christina asked, answering the burning question that was floating around in everyone's head.
"She's-" Before Dr. Bailey could finish her sentence our pagers went off. Talk about being saved by the bell. Or beep in this case. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in as we all began to follow Bailey's orders on where to be assigned. George ended up being the one to be my guide for the day as I helped him with patients and got used to doing checkups and filling out charts for a few hours. After that, Bailey assigned George to teach me how to run labs and work on sutures in the pit, as well as prescribing actual medicine to the patients. Before I knew it, it was lunchtime.
"Hey, would you like to have lunch with me? I'm usually with everyone because we all eat together sometimes." George asked softly as we headed to the cafeteria I assumed. "Uh, sure." I agreed. I brought a simple lunch with me, a turkey sandwich, apple slices, and carrots. While George offered to buy me apple juice. As I began to sit down next to George, Christina let out a loud groan and said lowly to herself, "Why did George invite someone we barely know to lunch, it's like she's his pet or something." This time Merideth kicked Christina's leg under the table, which caused her to verbally say 'ow' in response.
Upon hearing that comment, before I could start eating I got up and excused myself by saying, "I think left my pager in my locker. I'm gonna go get it." I grabbed all of my things and left immediately, what did I expect from a bunch of strangers? I found an empty hallway with abandoned beds and I ate in silence.
George's POV
AJ grabbed her things and speed walked away. Christina scoffed and spoke, "Looks like she ran off to go find her mommy, Dr. Bailey," Everyone let out laughs at Christina's 'joke' if you even call it that. "Enough!" I yelled as I slammed my hands on the table, "She has been nothing but nice to you guys and this is how you treat her on her first day? People deserve chances and you guys never even gave her that option to one." I grabbed the rest of my lunch and stormed off in hopes of finding AJ, before hearing out what everyone was going to say to my brief speech.
I was almost done eating my lunch when I heard a familiar voice say, "There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" It was George. What a relief. "You have?" I said as I finished the last of my apple slices before I threw away the remaining trash. "Look, I'm sorry that they were mean to you, they don't like new people coming into their space." George apologized before he sat somewhat next to me. "You don't have to apologize for them George, it's not your place to apologize for them." I feigned a smile to try to reassure him.
"Sometimes they make fun of me too. And I wonder if they're my friends or if I'm convincing myself that they are," George confessed. "Well, can you be yourself when you're around them?" I questioned. George didn't answer. "If you have to think about it for a long time then maybe you should reconsider if they are your friends. Real friends don't make fun of you for being you. They appreciate your uniqueness and don't judge you." I declared. "It seems like you're a friend expert." I laughed a little at his comment. "I've had a lot of friends but never kept any of them so I know what it's like." I spoke truthfully, "Thanks for the lunch, George." I thanked him before I walked away once again.
By that evening, my hands and feet were tired from walking and constantly talking to all the people. I desperately needed time to recharge my social battery because I could feel myself starting to get overstimulated. The lights were starting to get too bright and the bustling noise could make anyone go insane. I had a few minutes to myself in the on-call room so I spent it playing with my Tangle fidget toy and listening to a playlist of my favorite Michael Jackson songs in the dark while lying down on one of the beds on the bottom bunk. Needless to say, I ended up falling asleep for a good hour before I faintly heard the door open.
"AJ, wake up, Dr. Bailey needed me to find you," George said as he tapped my shoulder in an attempt to wake me. I groaned before sitting up on my elbows and glaring at him for waking me up, "I'm sorry to wake you but she needs more hands in the pit." He confessed which caused me to roll my eyes. I nodded before shoving my MP3 player and fidget toy down in my lab coat pocket. I put my shoes back on while George watched and we both headed out to the pit together.
Only a few more hours to go.
My first 12-hour shift was finally over. The aching in my feet was beyond compare even though I had comfortable shoes on made for walking. I went back to the locker room to change and I found myself left with a few people and George changing near me. "Are you autistic? I mean, if you are that's okay with me. I won't tell the others if you don't want to tell them so that they don't make fun of you. I'm not saying that they will but they can be mean sometimes. Well, not Izzie. Wait no, Izzie can be mean sometimes but not in-" I just stared at him until he finished rambling.
"Sorry, that was rude. I didn't mean to assume or anything. It's just that I-" George began again before I stopped him. This must have been on his mind all day. "Yes, I'm autistic and I have Adhd as well. And I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone because I don't want any attention on me about it. People will treat me differently." I shrugged it off to George as I grabbed my bag. "Can I ask why?" George said as he sat down on the bench. "Why what?" I replied, not looking at him. "Why don't you want to tell anyone?" I let out a huff and closed the locker before I faced him.
"This is breaking my rules," I mumbled, "Rules? What do you mean?" There was confusion in his voice but I could hear that he wanted to understand. "Ever since I was a kid, I always knew that I was different. I never had a lot of friends growing up and I never was invited to birthday parties because of how people treated me for being different. I don't normally spill my life to people I just met but I feel like I can trust you. I've been judged about my diagnosis of AuDHD. There's no point in trying to be myself when I can be what people expect me to be."
"But doesn't that get tiring? Having to mask all the time?" He asked and I nodded quickly. "It's hard to get a break and for people to not stare at me when I stim and fidget," I said disappointingly, "But what do I expect?" I shrugged it off and began to make my way to the door. "It's hard being myself in a room full of people who don't get you, but thanks anyway for trying to understand George, have a good night."
And with that, I once again walked away. It's becoming a habit now.
(A month later, at the start of episode 9)
Izzie had invited me over to help cook and decorate the house for Thanksgiving. I wore a simple outfit, a black long sleeve with denim jeans and black Converse. My favorite brand of shoes.
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When I arrived I was greeted by Izzie rushing to get me inside. "I need you to get George for me, he's upstairs and he's supposed to be helping me cook but he hasn't left his room yet," Izzie said frantically. "Oh, okay. Um. Where exactly is his room? I've never been here before." I said while taking off my leather jacket and Izzie hanging it up for me.
"It's up the stairs, down the hall, and to the right." I listened to her directions and I reached George's room. I gently knocked on the door and waited for a reply. "Come in!" George said from the other side. I carefully opened it and saw him fully clothed on his bed with his eyes shut. "Why are you just lying on your bed?" I spoke as I closed his door behind me. He quickly opened his eyes, not knowing it was me.
"AJ! I- when did you get here?" He hurried and sat up to look at me. "I got here just now, not too long ago. You know Izzie wants you downstairs to help right?" I sat down on the end of his bed before he plopped back down with a huff. "I know but I'm afraid to go out there." I quirked a brow, "Afraid? Why would you be afraid?" As I said that he held his hands up and began counting down from 10. A thunderous noise arose from downstairs, and just when he reached zero, 3 men barged into his and screamed, "O'Malley!!"
Startled by the sudden noise, I looked at George for an answer. "Because of that." George huffed again. "Georgie, since when did you have a girlfriend? And she's hot too." I was taken aback at the man's comment. "C'mon, you know Georgie never gets laid," George rolled his eyes before getting up, trying to hide his embarrassment from me. "Please ignore my idiotic brothers," He began to go to his closet and grab camo wear. "Where are you going? Aren't you going to help Izzie?" There was desperation in those chocolate-brown eyes of his, and just when he was about to explain himself the older man chimed in and said, "Our Georgie is gonna kill his first turkey this year, I can feel it!"
"Dad you know Georgie isn't gonna kill a turkey, he never does." His eldest brother spoke, "No, he's gonna chicken out like how he usually does-" "Shut up!" George says while his brothers laugh, his face turning as red as a tomato now. "I'll be back as soon as I can to help. I promise I won't miss dinner." George tells me as he puts on his beanie and I thought he couldn't look any cuter. "Well, you better tell Izzie that," I scoffed as his family began to drag him out of the room chanting 'O'Malley' over and over again until they were down the stairs and out of the door.
"I don't think they're coming back any time soon." Izzie whined, "I hope he doesn't actually kill a bird."
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By fire and heart.
Daemma Targaryen. Second daughter of King Viserys and queen Aemma, you're the living portrait of your mother with the character of a true dragon, as a second daughter you don't have right to the throne but certainly, you will protect your sister's succession by heart.
You can read Pt.1 here and Pt. 3 here
Warning ⚠️: Credits of this images goes to whoever they belong to, I found them on Pinterest. Grammatical and spelling errors, maybe this won't be good enough but In my head the story was a good one.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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After the ceremony your routine changed, your training became harder, you study until midnight, now you and your sister attend the council meeting.
«Both have to learn and listen to what those meetings are»
So here you are, listening about a lord who died, at least he died in his sleep, he didn't suffer, that's what they were commenting when Corlys Velaryon appeared.
- 4 ships burned, destroyed! The last one had the flag of my house! You sit here and talk but there's no solution about nothing!
- We already heard, and the council will consider...
- I want to know what will be your solution about my men and my ships.
- The crown will compensate you and will make an offer to compensate the families...
- I don't want compensation, I want you to do something about the crab feeder and I want to take the step stones by force!
- I will not start a war with the free cities.
Finally your father talks, but doesn't say nothing that could be interesting. You are waiting for him to say yes and have some action on the battlefield.
«You have Dragon riders, Father. Send us.»
Suddenly you feel Rhaenyra's hand squeezing softly on your forearm, you take that as a plea to support her idea.
- That would show our force, Rhaenyra is right Father...
- At least the princesses had an idea.
Corlys says clearly exasperated, but your father still looks uninterested.
- It's not that simple, girls.
- Perhaps the princesses can help us to pick a new guard, Lord commander would you take them with you?
- Good idea my Lord...
You roll your eyes, that asshole thinks he can control everything. But it's not time to complain, you and your sister simply walk away. Once you're there you decide to leave that to your sister, you have better things to do.
You were walking to your dorms when you stopped, Alicent was waiting outside your father's chambers, of course it was suspicious for you, once she was inside you approached to the door and tried to hear what was going on.
«Sometimes I would prefer to confront something else than my daughters»
Since for you it's suspicious but still those words weren't precisely something that could make you think there was something dark in the situation you decide to save it for you, your sister doesn't need more worries over her shoulders.
The king requested your presence for dinner, the most silent dinner you ever had.
- We barely talk since...
Rhaenyra breaks the silence and your father quickly talks.
- I Know... You are free to talk whenever you want, after all, you're the king.
They exchange some words and just when it seems like everything is going well, your sister talks about the council meeting, which your father quickly rejects, he never wants to talk about war or about what happens around the kingdom, he pretends everything is peaceful. So once more, everything goes back to silence.
None of you know that your father, is now, considering the possibility of a marriage, none of you expected it.
It's until the next morning you and your sister observe with surprise and annoyance the walk your father is taking with the very young Lady Laena.
- Does it make you feel angry?
Rhaenys your aunt and Laena's mother asks, apparently it's not only you who feels uncomfortable with this situation.
- Our father's the king, it's his duty to eventually get married again.
- I didn't ask that, I Asked if this annoys you.
- Laena is your daughter, doesn't it bother you?
- Of course, but I understand the order of the things. I doubt you do.
Your sister looks annoyed by all the conversation, but somehow, you understand what your aunt is trying to say, your father's marriage will bring more children, one will be a boy and the council will prefer to put him on the throne, they will not want to support your sister's right to the throne.
But your sister insists, she will break the wheel, she will change the order, but once more, your aunt's words are not more than true.
«The kingdom demands me to give them a new queen.»
«The Velaryon's offer me their daughter's hand»
Your father's words are like knives in your chest, but your uncle's words echo in your mind, someone needs to be strong to support your family. You're hidden in your father's chambers, you still believe there's something strange in those Alicent's visits. Suddenly Otto Hightower appears informing about an emergency council meeting, your father demands for you and your sister's presence.
Once there, the news of your uncle's future second wife, the stolen egg that belonged to your baby brother and him calling himself future and legitimate heir, send shivers to your spine and a strange rage grew inside your heart, you couldn't hear the rest, or the actions the council would take but you're sure of one thing, your loyalty now rest at Rhaenyra's side, whatever she decides to do you will follow.
Otto Hightower offered himself to travel to dragon stone to recover the stolen egg and bring your uncle back to the capital.
But your sister had different plans. You saw her getting ready to ride on Syrax, you're maybe not so close but you know she's planning something.
- Where do you think you're going?
- I'll go by my own to bring and confront Daemon.
- Rhaenyra, let that idiot of Hightower do his job, you can't put yourself in danger!
Rhaenyra sighs, frustrated and angry she looks at you with a determined look and simply takes your hand.
- Daemma, Otto Hightower will start a war, I can prevent it... come with me, You say I'm putting myself in danger, then come with me, you promised you would be at my side...
She's right, the hand and his hate against your uncle would start a war, there's no need for it, you made a promise, now you have to attend her call.
- Seven hells... Fine, let's go.
You nod and go to your dragon, whitefyre, a dragon as large and majestic as Syrax, white scales that shine in the sun as a diamond, a magnificent and loyal beast.
Both dragons flew side to side all the way to dragon stone, for the first time you felt close and connected to your sister, you could say you felt happy and excited until you saw the sea of soldiers and Caraxes roared, you and your sister's dragon roared too, all the people on the ground now looks at your dragons flying over their heads.
As soon as both land, Otto Hightower questions your sister, what is she doing there? Does the king know about this? He sends Ser Criston to take her to a safe place but before Criston could walk to her you give a step first, in front of her.
- If I were you I wouldn't put a finger over the princess head, Syrax is very protector with her.
Your defiant attitude pisses Otto, clearly he doesn't have the control of the situation. Your sister continues her walk to Daemon, you can see them talking, Daemon doesn't seem happy or pleased but there's something in the way he looks at Rhaenyra, it's not an evil look, maybe he's angry but not with her, he has a soft spot for her.
Both stay quiet, you're only observing, prepared to jump and protect your sister when suddenly, Daemon leaves the dragon egg and walks back to the castle. Rhaenyra looks at you and nods, both walk to your dragons and leave the place.
The trip was full of laughs and races between sisters and dragons, jokes about the faces of Otto Hightower, you clearly know how to piss the poor man.
The king was notified about you and your sister's little visit to dragon stone, as soon as he knew about your arrival, he requested your presence. Both rolled your eyes, you know what is coming, another discussion about how dangerous it was.
- Father, Did you want to see us?
- You disobeyed me, you escaped without saying anything... And you, Daemma, followed her, did you think about the consequences? Both acted against the crown's lead!
- Can we sit?
- Father, Rhaenyra made something good, something that Otto Hightower couldn't do without spilling blood!
He leaves a small laugh escape, you were right, your sister prevented the violence and blood, and then with a loving look he smiles at your sister and talks about how similar she is to your mother, a small talk about how much all of you miss the Queen. Suddenly the news you and your sister were expecting, whether you like it or not, this is something that needs to be done and the only thing you can do is support the family.
The next day, at the council meeting, all of you are expecting your father's decision.
- I've considered and decided to take a new wife.
He looks at you and Rhaenyra who kindly smiles at him, but her smile vanishes as soon as she listens to your father's next words.
- I decided to marry Lady Alicent Hightower.
You don't remember much, the anger inside you doesn't allow you to remember what happened after that, Corlys Velaryon opposed to the king's decision, meanwhile the rest was quiet, Corlys disappears and right behind him were you and your sister.
Later, weeks later you heard the news of your dear uncle joining and supporting Corlys Velaryon In the battle at the step stones against the crab feeder.
It was in the middle of a warm night before spring ended when you made the decision, you left your home, maybe the king wouldn't support and wouldn't care about this war but you certainly wanted to help, and your adventurous spirit pushed you to fly away from your father and sister.
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devourable · 1 year
hiii, i've never sent an ask before but I see your Abraham content and my HEARTTT SCREAMS I tell you! If possible could I be called ditzy anon, if not its totally ok!

More fluffy than nsfw but how would Abraham act meeting their darlings family for the first time, I'm talking a big and rowdy family gathering! ( I'm hispanic so I would love to hear this!! )
hello it’s nice to meet you!! ditzy anon it is 😌
sorry this took me ages to get to, its a bit on the shorter side but i didnt wanna leave you hanging <\3
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🏠 abraham x big family darling 🏠
first things first, abe is an only child who doesn’t spend much time with his parents, so he’s definitely out of his element when he meets the rest of your family. he doesn’t quite know how to address your siblings or parents, let alone cousins, aunts, uncles, et cetera et cetera.
he personally doesn’t care for anyone in your family but you. why would any of them matter just because they share your blood? but he’d gather how much it means to you and attend anything you ask him to without complaining. he tries to view big get togethers as he would a church function to help him ease into it better. it doesn’t help all that much considering he’s stiff and awkward at church as well; every time someone tries to address him he stumbles over his words and mostly speaks about you rather than himself.
expect him to try and cling to you for the duration of any event you bring him to. you’d have to outright tell him to leave you be to have him go somewhere else, and even then he’d look like a scolded puppy. when he’s not by your side he’ll try to be more lowkey, desperately avoiding drawing attention to himself to make up for the fact that he sticks out like a sore thumb.
he does get used to it, however. seeing your massive family makes him think of starting one with you, and it gives him hope of making it a future possibility. the idea of being able to contribute to your family and become part of it is something he’d dream about.
and when he has those thoughts? he adapts to your relatives much easier than before. of course, he’d never tell you exactly what spurred the change, but you might notice how his eyes light up some when your baby cousins greet him. or how he watches your older family members tend to the children. don’t point it out to him, though, he’ll adamantly refuse to talk about it and brush it off as him just being curious.
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The Great Rescue Operation - Translation (救出大作戦)
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Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
I have also made a version which includes the members' notes found in the script.
[Sadness and despair - Red poppy field, evening]
A high-pitched sound like ringing in one’s ears echoes.
Dream (Flashback)
The aunt and uncle converse in a dark and somber atmosphere.
Uncle: No matter how much we work and work, life doesn't get any easier… Crops don't grow well on this desolate land.
Aunt: We're doing our best just to make sure we have enough to eat, and if something were to happen, we wouldn’t be able to make ends meet.
There’s a knocking sound in the walls and the house creaks.
Uncle: This house is old and shabby… And above all, it's too small.
Aunt: Well, originally it was just you and me living here. Theo's getting bigger and bigger, too. What should we do…? 
Uncle: Was it a mistake to bring him into this house...?
Aunt: What are you saying, honey?!! What if Theo hears?!
Theo groans in his sleep and holds his head in his hands.
Theo: Ugh… Uncle…! Aunt…!
Terry's words from the poppy field echo.
Terry: Let at least Theo… return to Kansas…
Theo suddenly springs to his feet.
Theo: … Ah! (panting) Was that a dream…?
Tin Woodman: Are you awake? You were groaning a lot...
He looks around in a panic.
Theo: … No, it wasn’t a dream! Terry is…?
Scarecrow: He’s still in the flower field. I don't think it's life-threatening, but it's dangerous to let him sleep for too long…
Theo grabs the Scarecrow by the shoulders.
Theo: Well, then, we need to hurry up and go help him!! We don’t have time to relax!!
The Tin Woodman steps in between the two and pulls Theo away.
Tin Woodman: However, I cannot agree with blindly going to help. The scent won't work on me or the Scarecrow, but those flowers have thorns that will get in our way.
The Scarecrow shows his clothes.
Scarecrow: As you can see, my clothes got snagged in multiple places, and the straw nearly popped out.
Theo: … Well, what about you, Tin-san?
The Tin Woodman makes a dull grinding sound and shows his wrists by turning them.
Tin Woodman: I'm not feeling well, maybe the pollen from the poppies is getting into the crevices in my body… Inhaling too much of it may have adverse effects.
Scarecrow: Besides, even if the two of us tried our best, we could only help Terry-kun. Lion-kun is too heavy for us to carry.
Theo leans forward and pleads.
Theo: There's no point in granting a wish if it means abandoning your companions! Don't you all think so, too? Are you satisfied as long as your wish comes true?
Scarecrow: … I want a thinking head.
The two were about to give up somewhere in their hearts.
They reflect on their weakness.
Scarecrow: … But I’d hate even more to lose my friends in exchange! I'd end up not being myself anymore.
Tin Woodman: I… don't want to lose anyone I care about ever again either. If I go to get a heart to love people, and then abandon our companions, I would be misplacing my priorities. That would be the same as throwing away our hearts.
Theo: Thank you, guys… Well then, let’s go help them…!
The Scarecrow steps in to stop Theo, wagging his finger.
Scarecrow: Stop! Let us handle this! I don't want you to collapse as well!
[The rescue of Terry and the Lion - Red poppy field, morning]
The Scarecrow and Tin Woodman are building a large cart.
Scarecrow: … I'm not tired, but it's so hard that the straw in my arms is getting all messed up.
The Scarecrow draws attention to his arms by exaggeratedly moving them.
Tin Woodman: Move your hands more than your mouth! You're the one who came up with the idea, weren’t you? To build a big cart to carry the two of them, right?
Scarecrow: Yeah, but~! It doesn't have to be so sturdy, does it? We’re only going to use it one time.
Tin Woodman: Cutting corners or being careless can be fatal! Failure means possibly losing our friends, you know? Lion sacrificed himself to help us. We must repay that.
Raising his fist, the Scarecrow praises Terry.
Scarecrow: Yeah, I guess... And Terry's courage, too! Even though he should’ve been saved, he was the first to suggest he stay behind.
Tin Woodman: I’m sure he must have thought we’d be able to handle the situation.
[Successful rescue - Quadling, Glinda’s palace]
Glinda watches over the five with his magic.
Glinda: The cart strategy, a joint effort between the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, was a great success.
He clasps his hands together, looking pleased, but also worried.
Glinda: They carried a much heavier weight than they normally would be able to with ease. However, Terry and the Lion had inhaled so much of the scent that they didn’t wake up easily.
The scene of Terry and the Lion is projected into the air.
Glinda: Theo is by their side, taking care of them and watching over them. What a dreadful scent it really is. You never know where danger lurks.
He speaks quietly, with a warning gesture.
Glinda: They must have learned that danger and temptation are closer than they think and that they appear to be safe and beautiful… Perhaps it is only when you lose it that you realize how precious it is to be at peace and learn not to take it for granted.
The magic wand resonates.
Glinda: Oh... It seems like the two of them have woken up.
[The rescue of Terry and the Lion - Grassland, morning]
Terry gets up, rubbing his eyes.
Terry: Ugh... hmm...? Where am I… I… was saved.
Theo hugs Terry tightly, crying tears of joy.
Theo: I'm so glad…! I'm so, so glad...!!! I thought you'd never wake up...
Terry: Jeez, you’re exaggerating… Don't make it sound like I died.
The Lion, who had woken up first, apologizes, full of remorse.
Lion: I held you back and put you in harm’s way. How can I apologize for that…? If something terrible had happened, I think… I…
Terry firmly pats the Lion on the back.
Terry: There you go again with the cowardice~! Who was it that noticed the danger first and sacrificed himself so the others could escape?
The Scarecrow also pats the Lion’s back.
Scarecrow: Oh, you were so cool, Lion-kun! It was an act of bravery!
Lion: … I was just trying to do what I could to help.
The Tin Woodman gently approaches Terry.
Tin Woodman: Besides that, Terry-san also... taught us the importance of companionship.
Terry puffs out his chest.
Terry: Things might get even more dangerous from now on. If we can't reach the Emerald City, we can't go back to Kansas, so we need companions on this journey! Companions who share this same strong desire! It's like a puzzle that can't be completed without any of us.
Theo: …
The three speak in unison.
Scarecrow: Let's go! To the Emerald City!
Tin Woodman: Let's go! To the Emerald City!
Lion: Let's go! To the Emerald City!
⬤ Insert song “Emerarudo shiti e no michi” Scarecrow & Tin Woodman & Lion
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writingsofwesteros · 6 months
Rhaenyra’s daughter obeys the letter her mother sent and travels to king’s landing. She hasn’t been since she was a girl. And it looks so different to her. Odd…. Especially with how many Gold Cloaks patrol it. When she enters the keep she isn’t greeted by the Queen, or her mother. Instead she finds Helaena. Helaena says few words but she’s pleased to see her.
The girl does wonder where her mother is though…. And where Helaena’s sister, her other aunt can be found. And the Queen!
She also wonders why Daemon is the one she’s taken to meet. He sits in a chair, with his Gold Cloaks standing by him, telling her she is most welcome. She thanks him and asks why her mother isn’t present. He assures her that she’ll see her later when she settles. And just to enjoy herself for now. Odd wording but she curtsies and turns to leave. When she almost runs smack into someone’s chest.
“Oh nephew, did I mention who arrived?”
She looks up to see Aemond staring down at her intensely. She shivers and backs up a little. Daemon says isn’t it pleasant that she’s here? It’s been so long. Aemond nods stiffly. His eye still piercing her. She finds a way to excuse herself and get away. Her brother had told her how terrifying he was. He’s gotten tall. His features so sharp and severe. And that gaze…. She felt as if he was trying to see right through her.
Eventually she begins to wonder why she hasn’t seen many of the royals. Where they could possibly be. And so she decides to just find them herself. Oh would she come to regret it….
As she walks through the halls she hears strange noises. And a voice.
She walks towards it. It seems to be coming from Aegon’s chambers. What would her mother be doing there. She opens the door just slightly. And almost faints at the sight she sees. Her lady mother, stripped naked and bound, legs in the air and Aegon between them, thrusting like a madman.
Rhaenyra is gasping and moaning and occasionally she begs him to cease. But the begging just spurts Aegon on.
“All my damn life, you were father’s favorite huh? Perfect Rhaenyra can do no wrong.” He slaps one of her tits. Making her cry out. And gives a hard thrust for good measure. “Who’s perfect now? You desperate whore. You’re clenching my cock like you enjoy this. You like men locking you in their chambers and having their way with you, don’t you slut?”
“P-Please Aegon not- ooh! Don’t… you can’t… it’s been d-days no more- hah!”
Aegon pouts angrily and bites her breasts. Thrusting hard, as if he’s trying to stab her through her cunt with his cock.
“Don’t be a lying bitch. You’re better this way. Having all those brown haired bastards. Who knows if Harwin fathered them all? You probably spread yourself for the whole Strong house you slut.” He slaps her other breast and begins rubbing her clit. “Did he fuck you like this? Did he tie you down and use your cunt proud bitchy cunt?” Rhaenyra gasps and shudders. “Clearly not well enough.” Aegon smirks.
He wraps his arms around her and leans into her, his face on her breasts. “Take it you whore! This is all you’re good for! Perfect Rhaenyra perfectly taking cock! You still have a working womb, don’t you slut? You’re gonna have more bastards. Proper white haired ones. Let’s see how perfect you are then!”
Rhaenyra’s daughter slowly backs away in horror. Partly at Aegon’s words and actions. But also at seeing the way her mother has began to react. No! No she can’t be enjoying it, it’s by force! She must find the queen! She’ll put Aegon in line. She runs to the Queens chambers and bursts in. Only to find another shocking sight.
Queen Alicent completely naked and surrounded by gold cloaks, eagerly pleasuring them in any way she can.
“See something you like, do you?” One of the guards laughs at her. She slams the door and runs. The Queen now too?! What is happening here! Maybe… Daemon! She met with Daemon earlier. She’ll tell him his guards took advantage of the Queen just as Aegon did Rhaenyra. She can’t believe Daemon is looking like the voice of reason.
Oh what a mistake that is.
The door isn’t even locked. So she bursts in. Foolishly. And gets her third shock of the night.
Daemon in bed with her aunt. The princess. Fucking her eagerly from behind as she moans and clutches the sheets as if she’s never felt anything so good. Rhaenyra’s daughter even sees in shock…. Her breasts have grown, and when Daemon squeezes them, she swears a little milk comes. And her belly is swollen near to bursting. Her aunt is with child?
And being fucked by Daemon!
“Ah, need something?” Daemon asks. “If you need my help you’ll have to ask later, I’m in the middle of someone right now.”
She stammers and slowly backs up, asking what he’s done.
“Oh me? I knocked up the Princess, and then broke her in. She knows you’re here and knows who you are. It’s just my cock is more important to her. She’s so soon to have my bastard, seems she’s gotten extra sensitive. Needs so much attention. You’ve come here at the perfect time, you and Helaena can attend her.”
He hold the hips of the princess and gives her ass a slap. “Of course I’ll need more bastards from her…. Many more.” He purrs.
Rhaenyra’s daughter runs for it. She doesn’t understand what’s happening. Are all the women in the keep cock slaves now? Not Helaena surely. So it’s Helaena she’ll run to.
It’s been years though. And her grasp of the locations of rooms here has slipped. Or the map given to her was wrong….
She bursts into a room, still wearing her nightgown, sees a silhouette and immediately falls to her knees before them, telling them everything. But the silhouette remains silent. She feels a hand on her head. That isn’t Helaena’s hand. She looks up, and is once again met by the piercing gaze of Aemond. He stands up and she’s now on her back as he looks down at her.
“U-Uncle….” She shivers. But then she gasps. He isn’t wearing much clothing. It’s late at night she realizes that. But through the clothing she sees it. And she knows what it means. His cock is hard. Painfully hard. She doesn’t move as he takes it out and she almost gasps. It’s quite intimidating. Just like the rest of him. He often looks so composed but for once she swears he looks…. Desperate. Like he’s been eager for so long with no satisfaction.
She crawls away slightly. But he moves quick and tears her nightgown away.
“Every damn night…. I hear them. Every damn day… he rubs my sister’s belly as if that’s some accomplishment.” Aemond growls. “Any man could have a bastard. See a lady…. swollen with his child…. Have her body be fully his….”
As he speaks, Rhaenyra’s daughter notices his cock twitch. Is he…. Desiring that?
Aemond grabs her hands and positions himself between her legs. He says he’ll just have one go…. He can allow himself to slip up once…. She’s already a bastard. No one will notice if her maidenhead is gone.
Before she can protest, suddenly he pushes his cock inside her. She gasps and throws her head back. He can go deep. And he stretches her in ways she’s never been stretched. She feels so painfully full of her uncle’s cock. Wait her uncle’s….
She looks up at him in shock to protest, but suddenly he’s moving his hips and the only thing coming from her mouth are gasps and cries. He thrusts hard and desperately, but he angles purposely to hit a spot that makes her dizzy. She tries to protest.
“U-Uncle please… take it out… y-you’re splitting me apart! T-Take it out! Not- not there! Please uncle don’t- ah!”
Her begging oddly spurs him on, and he groans and grabs her hips fucking hard into her. Enthusiastically ruining her virtue.
“Oh seven hells, your bastard cunt is squeezing me so tight niece! Trying to milk my cock already?”
He smirks and pounds harder. If he’s throwing away self control then he’ll go all the way. Wrapping a hand around her neck and bracing her legs against his shoulders. The new angle makes her both squeal and cry in pain. She tries to move away but he seems to only use that to aid his thrusting.
Oh is this how her mother felt? The Queen? Did her aunt feel this way when Daemon stole her virtue, as he surely did. Would she be that soon? Swollen belly, eagerly moving her hips against Aemond as he ruts on her like a breeding bitch.
“U-Uncle!” She gasps. “Pull… pull out! Don’t spend yourself inside of me! We can’t! C-Can’t have… I’ll be with child, don’t!”
Those words were a terrible mistake. Sometimes awakes in Aemond. A gleam of purpose in his eye. And suddenly she’s clutched so tightly, her cunt aching from the aggressive assault as he shoves himself in and out even more eagerly with strength she didn’t know he had. She moans and cries and makes noises that might put whores to shame. He holds her down tightly as he presses insides. She feels him twitching in her poor sore cunt. And feels his seed seeping into her. It’s too late now.
She watches him slowly pull himself from her. Her cunt no doubt looking sore and broken to him. His cock slick with a little of her maiden’s blood, his seed, and shamefully, the signs of jet arousal. He grabs a handful of hair hair and pulls her close.
“Clean it, bastard slut.”
She’s forced to taste everything on his cock, her blood, his seed, her…. Shame. But he pulls her back suddenly. Telling her no no. He won’t be spending himself ANYWHERE else, until that womb is properly full. He lifts her and drops her on the bed. Much more comfortable than the floor he just took her on. But she sees him standing over her. An eager look in his eye. As his cock gets hard again.
It is days upon days that he takes her. She can’t count herself a maiden in any sense of the word soon. Her terrifying uncle seems so oddly eager to fill her with his seed. When he finishes he sometimes kisses her deeply, claiming her mouth too with his tongue just as eagerly and aggressively as he claims her cunt with his cock. Over and over. She does find herself bent over many times. Just like her aunt was. And just like Daemon was rutting at her aunt, so to is Aemond with her. She didn’t know how deep this position lets him go! She swears she can almost feel him right by her womb when he finishes. There’s no chance his sees is anywhere else. He’s very taken to squeezing her breasts and rubbing her belly.
Talking with more eagerness than she’s ever seen about how she’ll look when she’s full. Bred. Claimed. His.
Jace warned her about their uncle. Said he was mad. But oh god, she was never prepared for the cock he had! That damn thing she was becoming so accustomed to inside her…. How well it found the weakness in her womanly parts…. The painful feeling of his ravaging making her tingle inside.
One night finally Aemond gets up, pulls an old shirt of his on her and takes her with him. She’s still unsteady on her legs and a little hazy. Letting him lead her. Where he leads her, she sight shocks her. Queen Alicent surrounded by Gold Cloaks, currently fitting two at a time in her cunt and throwing her head back in pleasure while the others touch and toy with her body. Her mother Rhaenyra tied up and gagged while Aegon has the time of his life. Touching and degrading her however he sees fit. And at the head of the room…. Now she understands.
Daemon. Sitting on a chair as if it’s a throne. Bouncing her heavily pregnant and desperate aunt on his cock. He caused all this. But before she knows it she’s braced against a wall.
“I see you like my gift nephew.” Daemon smirks.
Alicent is too full to notice or care. Rhaenyra does see her and looks like she’s about to say something. Until Aegon forces her to orgasm and her eyes roll back, legs shaking. Her aunt only has eyes for Daemon, and whimpers and moans for more of his attention.
“Maybe soon…. You’ll have your own whore full of bastards.” Daemon rubs her aunt’s belly. “That’s what you want isn’t it nephew…. Give that bastard girl proper white haired babes. Right?”
He’s found Aemond’s weakness. And he eagerly takes out his cock and sheathes it in Rhaenyra’s daughter again. Holding her tight and dominating her mouth with his tongue as he does. The sight in this room shocked her. And Daemon all but said it… Aemond intends to see her pregnant. But that feels less important. All she can think of is the feeling as her uncle Aemond’s raw cock ravages her sore for the hundredth time since he took her maidenhead. Feeling his tongue in her mouth and his hand on her neck…..
She moans in his mouth as her eyes roll back and her legs shake, just as her mother’s did. Going over the edge and orgasming around his cock. Oh the poor girl. Tried so hard to resist her terrifying uncle. But her body betrays her now. Aemond can feel it and it fills him with an eager fire. Soon she’ll be as cockdrunk and desperate for him as his sister is for Daemon.
Perhaps Daemon’s rule isn’t so bad…..
ALL OF THIS! Poor thing just walking into the many depraved scenarios happening .
Aemond losing control would be so hot to see, like an animal rutting into his mate.
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rattlyglitch · 14 days
Do it For Him.
Poison can come in all kinds of different forms. They can be flavorless or taste sour. Have the smell of something sweet or a chemical. Epel Felmier was commonly seen as the poison in his family though, the downfall of it. He was a child born out of wedlock from a woman named Estelle who had cheated on her husband with a widowed movie actor. Her husband left her when he found out she was having the child of another man and Estelle herself abandoned Epel to live with his grandmother and grandfather.
Epel had heard the story hold by his relatives in many times and was grateful beyond anything to his grandparents and made sure never to trouble them with his problems. He had never heard of his mother but at the age of three, he overheard his aunt talking with his grandmother. At the age of eight Epel understood the entire story of what his mother had done. There had even been a time he was yelled at for being “a poisonous child” and the children of the parents who saw him that way made sure to remind him daily of how their parents felt.
The early years of his life and the stories he heard of his mother made Epel hate Estelle Felmier. Before he hated her Epel had seen one of her pictures once in his life on accident after finding it in a storage room owned by his grandparents and Epel was now beyond thankful that he looked nothing like her and took on traits from his grandmother. Her hair was straight and black with some thin lines being a light green color that cascaded down her back like snakes in a dark river. Her eyes were brown and sharp while her skin was pale and almost white as snow. He used to think she looked beautiful when he saw her on the TV. But that love for the mother he never knew only lasted till he was nine. The day Estelle said that she never had a child and was happy that she was going to have a family was the day Epel's love for his mother died
Her looks though and the personality Epel had heard others whisper of matched his housewarden perfectly. Estelle tried to be perfect in everything she did and even managed to become someone famous in the industry before she ruined her own life becoming a name not known by many besides the people who she grew up with. At least Vil was able to get others to see past Epel’s mother after he had shown the apple juice his grandparents made.
Business started up immediately after again and left behind the slow decline it had since Epel was born. Vil’s helpfulness whether out of kindness or by accident did help him see Vil in a better light than just a reincarnation of his mother just more beautiful but as a role model. Someone he could look at and see that destruction was caused by those in the wrong. Those who didn’t understand that didn’t understand beauty was more than a look and a tool but a weapon.
That was also why Epel was at the moment trying to mind his tongue as Vil tried to undo the knots in it after spelldrive practice. “I don’t understand how you get these ridiculously hard knots in your hair just during a stupid game. It’s almost like your hair is trying to fight the wind or something. It’s held up during practice too and somehow it still does this.”
Vil gave a tug with the brush at a knot causing Epel to wince. “Maybe we could try an’ get it undid tomorrow? That’ll be better than this.” Vil shook his head furiously. “We most certainly will not wait till tomorrow to get this knot finished. It will only cause it to become more tangled and worse than it is now.” Epel did his best not to groan and let Vil continue to work. “May I by chance try Roi du Poison. Possibly I will be more helpful?” Rook backed down when Vil shot him a glare.
“It is my job to make sure he will be ready before the event I’m taking him to. He must be perfect tonight. He knows as well as I do that this spell drive meeting with other teams could set him into a career in a professional sport.” Vil was right and Epel hated that he was right. Even if he wasn’t part of a professional spell drive team for long and wanted to help his grandparents out with their apple business if he could get a job like that then he sure would try his best to.
“I understand that but Monsieur Crabapple may wish to talk with someone else though that would better understand his likings. Not that you do not understand them, Roi du Poison.” Vil, who had now been able to brush through Epel’s hair with ease, simply sighed and released Epel’s hair. “I guess you are possibly correct. Do not take too long though Epel still needs to change out of his casual wear and into a proper suit.” Rook gave Vil a nod and the housewarden left without complaint.
“Thank ya, Rook. I do owe ya.” Rook gently ran the brush through Epel’s hair but quickly started to apply some kind of hair product to it. “Just because Vil is gone does not mean you may start speaking improperly. Know that this event is as important to you as it is to him. You can not act a fool of yourself as you are his guest. The only reason he agreed to attend this event is because you seemed interested in it.”
Epel was confused by what Rook said. “Vil told me the reason he wanted to bring me along was because he needed a spell drive representative and I was the best option.” Rook shook his head. “Vil is simply attending this because you showed an interest. This is why you, Epel must be perfect. If not for yourself then for him.” Rook finished whatever he was doing with Epel’s hair and removed his hands.
“You may now look Epel.” Epel looked into the mirror and away from his hair. The front of his hair had been pulled back into a braid that wrapped around his head like a crown held together with a golden apple hair barrette that had a bright red ruby as the apple and a brown crystal gem for the stem at the back of his head. “Now go and get dressed. Vil has most likely placed the clothes you are to wear on your bed.”
(I totally got off task on working on my in progress Silver stories by making this au. It will be called The Poisoned Brothers. You will fid out the reason later on for this but I bet you already have some guesses.)
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