#my art freak in me and the viewer fight abiut bad giys alot. but i never mind that tbh.
persy-r-bozo · 2 months
Do you dislike Roy?
An intresting query!
Yes and No. my relations with the rotten noodle man is complicated.
As a wierd art freak, I love him.
He is so wierd and odd in such a uncomfortable way, He's Unpredictable I think. Wierd and just does odd shit with no real explanation.
But I don't think roy is a good guy at all. I look at him and I don't see a good person.
He to me is the perfect example of the shows vibe. Uncanny, uncomfortable, wierd. Silly, ragdolly and spindley but bloody and agressive too.
I love him because I love a good fictional rat man. And he is the rattyist man to have ever. But the viewer in me has beef with him because I think he's a horrible guy.
I used to draw him alot actually! I just haven't lately.
I'll probably post old roy doodles and draw him more tbh!
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