belamedi-blog · 7 years
Give Me That Little Piece of You
My heart is bleeding but it is still beating because it has you in it and cannot bear to loose you
No matter how hard i try to mend the broken part for it to stop bleeding it still leaks it way out…
Its getting weaker because it has lost a lot of blood already
And the little one left is dedicated to making you survive…
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belamedi-blog · 7 years
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Inspirational message from our very own😊 Berla Mundi..
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belamedi-blog · 7 years
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Merry Christmas to you all🤶
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belamedi-blog · 7 years
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belamedi-blog · 7 years
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belamedi-blog · 7 years
How to handle a heart break and transition into a new relationship
Heartbreak is one of the most unbearable situations in the life of an individual. It is so painful; you feel worthless and sometimes, you say to yourself that you will never even date anyone anymore just because of the situation you find yourself in at the moment
As the cliché goes, “if life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. If you experience something as sour as heartbreak, the onus lies on you to snap out of that situation or die in it. For me, my advice is simple: just clean off the dirt and move.
Allow yourself time to grief but not for long. For the bible also says in Jeremiah 17 verse 4 “The beauty of brokenness is that God can put the pieces back together “. You need to understand your worth and value. You need to realize that at the end of the day, you did your best and unfortunately your best may never be enough for some people.
You should constantly remind yourself of all your good qualities- I am beautiful and strong and intelligent and outspoken and all that. If you don't see all the good things about yourself, you'll always feel worthless and useless all because one idiot “someone” couldn't see all that in you. You should understand that if someone is stupid enough to leave you, then it's their loss. Better things lie ahead “jare”.
Then finally, keep yourself busy. Do a lot of the things that you've always wanted to do. Go out and have fun. Meet new people. Travel if you can. Find work to do. Trust me, it keeps your mind off a lot of things. That's one of the things that really helps.
Use this time to build yourself. You can't expect to find a perfect person when you yourself are nowhere close to perfect. Focus on building yourself and the right person will come along.
After you are well prepared in mind, spirit, and soul and you also have build yourself to be strong enough, then you can enter into a new relationship now.
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belamedi-blog · 7 years
This is the best feeling but yet it hurts so much
It makes me be at peace and yet it screams out loud
I hear my heart beat but it makes it so stiff, longing for those bitter caresses
A feeling that turned friendship into rivalry
And rivals into enemies
It feels loving but yet betraying
I am stuck between love and betrayal.
I keep wondering if this feeling is possible,
A feeling that sees all impossibilities so clear
A feeling that betrays the heart
A feeling that never offers the heart what it seeks
Then I realise that it doesn’t take only a heart to make this feeling be the best
It takes two hearts
Two hearts that will go on mutual understanding
Two hearts that will decide to count their beats together
This feeling is the greatest weakness and strength of the heart
It can make it shout out loud
It can silent it too
It can make it a prisoner of the soul
It only desires to make other hearts feel good
It is at a point of confusion and depression
It wants to be owned by someone who already has an owner
My heart has fallen for the wrong heart
My heart shouts in silence
My soul calls out for love in pain
Love is an orgasm I've never reached
People say it's the best
For others, it's another Hitler that wants to conquer the world with its sting
For me, I'm torn between the two schools of thought
I love the feeling of love
But I wail because the heart I long for isn't mine
So I die daily
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belamedi-blog · 7 years
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The African University college of communications is a private university located at Adabraka in Accra Ghana. It was establish by Hon. Kojo Yankah, former editor of Ghana’s widest circulation newspaper, the Daily Graphic. Its also affiliated to the University of Ghana for its administration of degrees. The school has two school and they are the School of Communication and the Sam E. Jonah School of business. The school of communications offers Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies with the following tracks: Development Communication Journalism Strategic Communication Visual and Digital Communications And the Sam E. Jonah school of Business Studies also offers BSc in Business Administration. The programme has been structured to produce business professionals who will graduate with the following specialisations in four option areas: Accounting Banking and Finance Human Resource Management Marketing The school has a serene environment suitable for learning and also there are hostle facilities for students who are far from the school. Motto: Discover yourself from here.
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