#my arms do not match how muscular my legs are <//3
stellomiacis · 1 year
Kind of off topic for this account, but I’m sorta inexperienced with this stuff and I’d like to build more upper body strength. Could anyone help me out and guide me in the direction of some good arm/chest workouts? (with or without weights).
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xmalfoyweasleyx · 26 days
Cassian - NSFW alphabet - 1,3k followers celebration
Yay, the second one of my 1,3k celebration! 18+! You can read Rhysand's alphabet here.
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚☾
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He always makes sure you're okay and cleaned up. Sometimes he insists on taking a bath together, he likes to wash your hair and give you a massage. I swear he's so sweet after sex <3
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He's most proud of his arms, because they are very muscular and show those centuries of training. You're looking (almost drooling) at them so much, it resulted in him having a dream where you are riding his biceps. He gets so smug when he sees you watching them. Like when he grabs something or he's sparring or even when he is just readjusting his hair, you're always drooling over the way they flex.
He is obsessed with your ass, this man has his hands on it all the time. In public and in the bedroom. He isn't shy of spanking you when everyone is around. Or just putting his hands on it casually. He also spanks you during sex and he loves groping your ass when he's pounding into you (and you like to grip his ass too, to push him deeper into you).
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He goes feral when you let him cum in your mouth. Cassian groans and moans so loud when you suck him dry. It's always too much cum to even fit in your mouth.
Sometimes you play a game where you try to let the other cum as much as possible, the one who gave the other the most orgasms wins (the loser has to massage the winner afterwards).
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
One time you called him general when he was fucking you. "Oh yes, please, you feel so good my general". He wouldn't admit it, but to him that was the hottest en filthiest thing he's ever heard from your mouth. He groaned loudly when he heard you say it, his pace picking up, your legs going numb. He doesn't dare to ask you to say it again after that one time, he's so shy about it, but that doesn't stop him from fantasizing about the name when he's on a mission and has his cock in his hands.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Very experienced, this male did a lot of sexual stuff already in his long live. Especially when he was young, he discovered a lot back then. Cassian gives me bi vibes, but in a sexual way. Like, he just loves fucking females and males, he doesn't really care, he's just horny lol.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy (because he can grab your hair and stroke your back, he also has the most delicious view on your ass)
He regularly fucks you in a mating press, he can look you passionately in the eyes this way, while also making sure he's deep enough.
When he's sitting ons his knees on the bed and you are straddling him, riding him with his hands supporting your back. His hands help you to go faster by pulling you up and down, hard against his body.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
A little but not as much as you would expect from him at first.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Cassian doesn't care that much about what's going on down there, he asks about what you prefer though but if he's going to listen to that, is another question
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He is pretty rough but he can also be very intimate. This is the case when you've had multiple rounds already, towards the end it gets a little more romantic and soft. He always starts with fucking you hard en desperate. But at the end, it's all kisses, strokes and making love.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He literally has the need to cum every day, but luckily you're here to help him with that. When he's on a mission and you're not there... well... you can expect Cassian leaning against a tree in the woods during his break. Tugging on his cock while thinking about your pretty and soft lips, coming on his hands in the middle of a forest like a wild man.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Daddy kink or calling him sir/general
When you are in charge he loves bondage (his hands on the headboard this time)
Some breath-play now and then
Dancing!!! Like you giving him a lapdance, so in addition to that:
Dry humping
Degradation kink
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He enjoys fucking you in the living room of the house of wind. He loves the risk that comes with it. "You dirty girl, you love that, don't you? Getting fucked by me when all your friends could walk in?" he grins. You both get so turned on from the excitement.
Afterwards, when you two are there with the others, you can't help but grin as you see them unknowingly sitting on the places where Cassian has fucked you only moments ago.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When Cassian sees you on the training fields, Illyrian leathers clinging to your body and cheeks flushed, it turns him on immediately. He can't help but admire how good you look like that, imagining how it would be if you showed him some of those tricks in the bedroom.
But especially when he is the one you are fighting with. He can't help but grab you by the hips and grind into you. "You look so hot when you're training, wanna fuck you right here, right now" he whispers in your ear. It caught you off guard, making him spin you around and pin you to the floor. "I won" he smirks. The stupid son of a bitch.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I think he would do almost everything. Maybe he wouldn't like sharing you? Except with Azriel or Rhys.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He likes to give and is focused on letting you come before he does. But when you give him a blow job... He's addicted. It's canon that Cassian loves to throat fuck, so when you give him head he always has his hands in your hair. He especially likes when you swirl your tongue around the head of his cock, it's so so sensitive.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Mostly hard and fast, he needs to let go. Cassian always fucks you with all the force he has in him (and that's a lot). But sometimes he's more soft en sensual. He still fucks you hard, but he does it slowly. Sometimes he prefers it this way because he can see your tits bouncing when he fucks into you like that.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
I think Cassian doesn't like quickies, he wants to take his time with you. If there's no other way he doesn't mind, but he doesn't prefer it.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yes he takes risks!! He fucks you in the training ring and (like i've said) the family living room. When it comes to experimenting he likes to find out more about your dom and sub dynamics. And it turns out, Cassian is a switch. He likes it when you are the dominant one sometimes too.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Since he obviously has a high sex drive, he can go for many round When you are the one in charge, he needs some rest in between rounds! Because he is always so overstimulated and sensitive he literally has tears in his eyes. "Baby, please, one second, 's too much, feels too good" he mumbles whiny.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Well.. when you both found out about strap-ons... Let's say it was a long long night...
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Cassian is not that much of a tease but he teases you more outside of the bedroom (still in a sexual way).
"You don't have to stare so much baby"
"Sorry Az, she's a little tired, didn't get much sleep last night"
"Do you always get so flustered around me sweetie?"
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Groans so loud. He's also a grunter and very talkative. "You feel this? How hard I am? Just for you baby." or "Make me beg for it".
When you're in charge he definitely whines!!
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He thinks it's the hottest thing ever to fuck while fighting/wrestling. So of course, you've done it a few times. It was the hardest he'd ever cum. At first you start spinning around and wrestling, resulting in some dry humping and grinding. Then you ripped each others clothes off and started fighting some more. He fingers you, but you try to get out of his grasp and are successful, because you distract him by stroking his dick teasingly. When you manage to turn him around, you give him a blowjob. At last, he pins you under him and fucks you hard. But... you manage to turn it around and ride him until he cums.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
This man is THICK, not necessarily long. But he stretches you out every time, sometimes it's difficult to get in so he needs to prep you more. His balls are also very big.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is very high, I mean, you can't get a second of rest with him. He's such a horny bastard.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Cassian would have to do his best to not fall asleep afterwards. When he falls asleep after sex, he's in a coma.
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boyinatown · 11 months
Pairing: lookism men x f! Reader 💗
Warning: sexual theme and make out sesh 💋
Summary: Lookism men react to the song: treat me like a slut when you play your playlist. 👀
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Putting on the song wasn’t such a 100% good idea around this man, whenever this song played during your playlist he’d grip the steering wheel.
Occasionally looking at your figure while Bobbing your head to the music, he knew the playlist had weird tastes but this song? It worked wonders on him.
“Gun, we can’t not in the car what if someone sees us..-“ your protests are useless against the male now setting you on his lap while his seat is lowered.
“Then let them see, didn’t you want to be treated like a slut?”
You sense mocking by his voice and roll your eyes. This doesn’t go unoticed as he quickly rips off your clothing. Leaving you naked and shivering due to the cold inside the car. You try and cover your breasts but he just grips your wrists pinning them on your stomach licking a stripe up your neck.
“I’ll treat you like a slut alright, just you wait little whore.”
Safe to say the car kept shaking , and bypassers would be either confused or know what was going on.
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While James was busy writing whatever songs and what not, you often pass by singing your songs during cleaning, when you picked up a habit of singing that one song that riled him up.
just one little : “treat me like a slut.” And he’ll turn around raising an eyebrow at you , though you were to busy doing your own stuff. He couldn’t hold back anymore and just wanted to obey your requests like a good boyfriend <3
“Oh, fuck! James..I’m..mhhmph!-“ your voice cracking and the rough slaps of James’s thighs against the back of yours. Arms stretched behind your back and ass smacking against his hips he grunts above you.
“I thought you wanted to be treated like this? What’s the matter baby? To much? , that’s to bad.”
He continues rutting deep inside of you making your head spin and stand on your toes to match his height despite his harsh thrusting you fall over on the desk and he keeps pushing you further. Your stomach now red due to how fast he was going causing friction.
“Do you like being treated like a slut? Adorable.”
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Usually when jake’s working on papers to keep big deal a crew, you’d be on his bed listening to music and falling asleep. He’ll tuck you in and kiss your forehead before continuing his work.
But when he heard your loud music he just wanted to listen for a few seconds, since working with music made him concentrated. Though when his ears make contact with the music his eyes widen. Looking down at your sleeping form he had a wild idea smiling before executing it and you.
You didn’t know how this happened all you knew is that the Jake Kim from big deal was currently between your thighs. Your legs dangling on his shoulders and his rough arms gripping you.
He bear hugs you for a few seconds , swallowing your whole smaller figure in his broad shoulders and muscular one.
“Jake? What, why a-re you..?” reaching hands to his black locks you tangle into his hair massaging his scalp.
“You have a very funny taste in music my love, treat me like a slut? who woulda’ know.?” he finally looks at you, his hands next to your head making you flustered and hide your face.
“Ah ah, none of that, behave like a slut and I’ll fuck you rough like one.” He says pulling your hands from your face pinning them above your head kissing your neck while slowly moving again causing you to whimper and clutch onto the sheets below you.
“God, what a pervert.”
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Yes I’m back again, back with the smuts and fanfics, I’ll be taking any requests except gun x goo or male x male so just go wild
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soullessdianthus · 1 year
tangerine nsfw alphabet 😶
Author's note: Oh, how I missed writing for our beloved Tangerine. <3
Warnings: talk of ✨ s e x ✨
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Tangerine will invite you into his opened arms, right after the act is done. He will keep telling you to hold onto him until you catch your breath. His hands gently rubbing against your inflamed skin. He will keep you warm for a while, before asking if you needed any drink or a warm shower.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He is really proud of his arms, hands and chest. He puts a lot of effort into his physical form, so each time you praise his broad, muscular torso or when you clung onto his arm - he's in heaven, Tangerine's absolutelylost. He is also very aware of his long fingers and what he can do with them to you.
If it comes to his partner, he is fixated on the legs of his lover, thighs and their softness to be exact. And the face - he adores the faces you make during such time.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I strongly believe that he likes to cum inside his partner whether they use protection or not. It's rather a marking thing (highlighting that you're his), than breeding kink. Cumming on their body is a whole mess, he doesn't want you to feel dirty.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
When he's away, completing a contract in a different country, he likes to have your favorite pair of panties with him. Just to have your smell around and to imagine you're by his side.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Tangerine had a couple of partners before, but he tightly sticks to the current one, willing to learn what to do to give them pleasure. He certainly has a knowledge of 'what to do', he can surprisehis partner in the bedroom.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Tangerine is a rather dominating person so I would say that he prefers the position where he can take a lead, like leapfrog, classical missionary or the variant where he can put your legs over his broad shoulders? He absolutely doesn't mind you riding him into oblivion.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
British man is rather serious during such intimate moments. Perhaps some phrase, that makes you giggle, will slip from his lips once or twice. He's more focused on the sensations in that moment.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Tangerine keeps his brown curls slick back with a gel, neatly combed backwards. Same applies to his mustache. So I strongly believe that he keeps the pubic area trimmed.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
The most important thing for him during intimacy is for both participants to enjoy that time together. He will make sure both of you cum and that you're satisfied, before moving to different activities.
He savors the moment with you and all that comes with it. He enjoys discovering your bare body every time, showering you with compliments.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
When he's at home with his beloved one, he doesn't feel the need to jack off with you by his side (perhaps some exceptions occured if he was really horny and you were not in a mood).
However, when he's far away from home and his hand is all he got - he lets himself go. With your stolen panties in his grasp.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Tangerine has some hidden preference for power play, being the leading person in the bedroom (he's rather a switch than a dom in my opinion). So I think this man can actually be fucking over his head if you agree to bondage/shibari.
The sight of your upper half immobilized, each curve of your chest underlined, sends him into oblivion.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bedroom, living room or dining room (over the table or a couch *COUGHS*), inside a shower cabin as a variation from time to time.
Basically, anywhere private. He's not a fan of public display. He needs his partner to feel 110% comfortable in the situation.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
A good time spent with you, the sight of your bare body exposed only for him, the delicious sounds you might be making just because of his touch.
Basically, you.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Choking - absolutely he wouldn't want to do that, even if you begged him to. It's just too brutal for such an instance in his opinion.
And I believe he wouldn't want to have sex in a public place. It's just... uncomfy and derogatory.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Have you seen this man? He can eat you out like a champion. Tangerine truly enjoys giving his partner a head, seeing the shivers and spasm he can create on your body.
He likes to receive oral, like every men does, but he's more fixated on different things during sexy times than this.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Everything depends - what mood are you both in (have you just rejoined after his long business trip or have you been in a fight).
The times he wants to show you more affection and emphasize how precious you are to him - he will go slower, more gentle. But the setting changes when he's frustrated or angry.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He's not a fan of quickies. Tangerine likes to take his time with a lover. So it doesn't occur often. It's not a common occurrence.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He's willing to take risks and to try something new. The adrenaline is a part of him at this point, so it doesn't upset him.
However, he tries not to put his partner into a ton of stress.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This man is a freaking assassin, his endurance is much better than the average man on the street. He keeps training on a regular basis, so he is in for a long playtime.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He certainly has a few toys for his lover and loves to use them on the partner quite regularly - to boost the pleasure during intimacy.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh, he's quite a tease. He is that kind of person that will talk the dirtiest things right into your ear during some official gathering or in a restaurant, but will be pissed off if he has a taste of his own medicine.
Surely, he likes to edge you until you basicaly whimper and sob.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Tangerine's a loud man. He will grunt next to your head, sending shivers down your body. Also he groans and moans most of the time.
And he expects the same from you - not to hold back any lustful sounds.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
British man tried a mirror sex once and he's absolutely turned on by the thought he is able to look at his lover's face and body while he fucks them from behind.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
In length he's quite average (5'2/5'3), but his thicker shaft makes up for it.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Well, Tangerine's over thirty so I'd say - medium? He can get by without jerking off during the contract, but when he's with you? Back at home, his partner walking around in skimpy clothing? His vigor and sex drive is enhanced only by the sight of you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He'll make sure you're alright after the make out session. Tangerine is a gentleman and will wait until you fall asleep. He won't fully relax until he sees his lover's chest rising up and down at a steady pace.
NSFW alphabet template: @the-coldest-goodbye
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Note: many of you got the hots for some knife play in a rather recent fic, so I didn't hold back this time... is it... it too much??????
This is part 4 of the Halloween fic, direct follow up to part 3.
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
Warnings: 18+. do not attempt any of this at home unless experienced. mention of edge play, knife play, blood play/blood kink, self inflicted pain (for pleasure), smut, there's also a lot of fluff but.... yeah.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
Summary: you're about to find out if you and Sihtric are a match... in bed.
Word count: 3,4k 
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'How does it feel to have my life in your hands, my goddess of Death?'
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'You are simply to die for,' Sihtric said for the third time that day, smiling when he saw you in your long black sheer robe, wearing a black lace bra with matching panties underneath. 
You chuckled as you stood in the door opening of your candle lit bedroom, seductively leaning one arm against the doorpost. Sihtric smiled shyly as he looked you up and down while he slowly walked over and took your hands, leading you into your bedroom.
'I would die for you, darling,' he whispered and kissed your hands, 'it would be an honour. But until then,' he cupped your cheeks, 'I wish to be by your side amongst the living.'
'But aren't the living rather boring, my dark prince?' you giggled and circled your arms around his waist.
'They are. They all are,' Sihtric smiled and nuzzled your nose, 'except for you, my lady of shadows. There is nothing boring about you.'
Sihtric lifted your chin gently and leaned in to peck your lips.
'Did you find everything you need?' you asked.
'I did. And so much more than that,' he smiled.
While you were squeezing yourself into that lace lingerie set you managed to find back, Sihtric had lit dozens of candles in your bedroom and some incense he found. All safely placed in the windowsill, on shelves, on your little cabinet and some on the floor, a safe distance away from anything flammable.
The room was illuminated with a sea of tiny flames, accompanied by the full Moon peeking through your window. And you were jealous that the Moon was to witness the way Sihtric took off his hoodie, exposing his muscular torso along with his toned biceps. But the Moon would be jealous of the way Sihtric pulled you close and kissed you ever so softly and slowly, and of the words he whispered in your ear while carefully pushing the sheer robe off your shoulders, and gently sliding it down your arms until it pooled on the floor.
'You possess the beauty and mystery of the Moon herself,' Sihtric whispered and kissed your neck, 'but you are even more enchanting, and I want to know all about the darkness you hide.'
'Sihtric,' you sighed, your arms wrapped around his shoulders as he picked you up, making you hook your legs around his waist while you looked down at him, his sharp face features highlighted in the dim candle light, 'you are unlike any man I have ever met.'
'And you are unlike any woman I have ever met,' Sihtric smiled as you traced your fingertips along the scars on his face.
'Your eyes betray you, my enigma,' you whispered, 'the way you are so sweet and gentle,' you kissed his forehead, 'while you have a desire for danger and darkness.'
'The only danger I desire is for you to own my heart,' Sihtric smiled as he looked up in your eyes, 'and the only darkness I desire is yours,' he kissed your lips, 'I want to know all your dark fantasies.'
'And I want you to show me yours,' you brushed your fingers through his dark hair, 'I want to know all your dark fantasies too.'
'I have plenty,' Sihtric chuckled and bit down on his lip, 'too much for one night, my goddess, we should start slowly.'
He carried you over to your bed and laid you down, taking off his jeans before he joined you, smoothly moving to lay in between your thighs. He trailed his warm, rough hand seductively over your knee to your hip, and up your torso to settle on your neck before he kissed your lips again.
'Then I hope to spend plenty more nights with you,' you smiled as you lightly dragged your nails up and down his biceps.
'I will spend as many nights with you as you will allow me,' Sihtric whispered with a soft smile, caressing your cheek, 'yet a whole lifetime with you wouldn't be enough for me to make you understand how special you are.'
'Then come and haunt me in death,' you breathed against his lips, 'and never leave me.'
'I would never leave you,' his lips brushing lightly over yours, 'if you'll have me, I will always be yours,' Sihtric gently bit your lower lip and tugged softly with his teeth, making you giggle while you looked up in his mismatched eyes above you.
He licked his lips, smiling, as you moved your arms around his neck to bring his body closer to yours. 
'And I will serve you loyally, my angel of darkness,' Sihtric whispered in your ear, 'let me love you to death.'
'Love me,' you sighed and closed your eyes, feeling his soft lips on your neck, 'love me, Sihtric, make love to me.'
Sihtric exhaled sharply upon hearing your words, and ran his tongue over your neck before he kissed and sucked that same pulse point softly. Then he sat back up and pulled you in his lap. You felt the pleasant feeling of his hard cock pushing up against your ass while you straddled him, and you placed your hands on his broad shoulders. He circled one arm around your waist as he caressed your cheek with the back of his hand.
'Trust me?' he asked, looking deeply into your eyes.
You nodded with a shy smile.
'I need to hear it, little bat,' he smiled.
'I trust you, Sihtric.'
Sihtric smiled and bit down on his lip, 'Good,' he whispered, trailing his fingertips down your neck, to your shoulder, where he slowly pushed one bra strap down, 'if you don't like something, or don't feel comfortable doing something,' he kissed your shoulder, 'then you need to tell me, and we will stop, okay? We will stop immediately.'
'Okay,' you smiled, nervous yet desperately awaiting his next move.
'You are safe with me,' Sihtric murmured before he kissed your lips, 'I only want to love you,' he kissed your cheek, 'adore you,' he kissed your neck, 'please you,' he kissed your shoulder and all the way down your arm to your hand, as his breathing gradually became heavier, 'and I want to taste you,' he whispered and flicked his tongue over your wrist before he kissed the skin. 
Sihtric slowly pulled back and took his dagger, which he carried with him at all times, from your nightstand and he looked into your big eyes as he held your hand in his.
'Does it hurt?' you asked softly, staring at the sharp, short blade he held with his tattooed fingers.
'A little, yes, but only for a few seconds,' he kissed your hand, 'are you sure you want this?'
'Yes,' your breath hitched, 'I want this… and I want you.'
Sihtric hummed softly with a smile and leaned in to kiss your lips again.
'Will you allow me to taste you?' he asked with his soft, low and playful voice, which made your heart skip a beat and set a fire in your core.
'Yes,' you sighed.
'Do you want me to taste you?'
'Please,' you said hoarsely, the anticipation left you breathless.
Sihtric smiled, kissed your lips again and whispered, 'I will make you feel really good, baby.'
He kissed the back of your hand before turning your palm upwards, holding your index finger and bringing the blade up to your skin. Sihtric looked up at you, waiting for you to smile and nod, after which he sliced the tip of his dagger light and swiftly across your fingertip. You flinched slightly, but the sudden sting you felt disappeared just as fast as it had appeared. 
You watched your vital fluid emergence from underneath your skin, slowly pooling on your finger. Sihtric exhaled sharply at the sight of your blood, his breath hitched while a shiver went down his spine as he saw your lips curl into a smile. He looked at you with big, darkened eyes and brought your bleeding finger up to his lips. He watched you, carefully, and let go of your hand when you pulled away slightly. Sihtric moved his arms around your waist, pulling your warm body close against his, and then you brought your bleeding digit back to his face. 
You traced the outline of his mouth, coating his slightly parted lips with your blood, earning a loud, deep moan from Sihtric as he tilted his head back slightly and closed his eyes. A drop of blood trickled down his chin before you allowed his tongue to taste your valuable juice, and he slowly ran his tongue up your blooded finger before you gently slid it inside his mouth. You felt his hands trail over your back lovingly, and he hummed while sucking your finger as you slowly pulled out of his mouth.
'My blood queen,' Sihtric sighed, and he took your chin, pulling you in for a kiss, allowing you to taste the faintly lingering metallic flavour of your own blood on his tongue and lips.
'Did you like that?' he whispered and looked at you, 'does it feel good for you?'
'Yeah,' you said with a ragged breath and big eyes, completely captivated by the arousing yet dangerous feeling Sihtric gave you.
'Yeah?' Sihtric laughed softly, 'would you like me to give you some?'
'Yes,' you pleaded, almost desperate, and you started grinding his lap, rubbing your wet panties against his hard, clothed cock while you kissed his lips again.
Sihtric moaned softly, feeling your wetness soaking through his boxers, making his cock twitch with excitement as he felt harder than he's ever been before. He moved one hand to the back of your neck, up in your hair, grabbing onto your locks and giving you a light tug. You pulled away from him and watched how he brought the dagger up to his muscular chest, where he made a clean quick cut, to which he let out an exhilarating grunt, and he placed the dagger on your nightstand again, safely out of quick reach.
'Come here, baby,' Sihtric rasped, taking your chin and pulling you closer, 'come taste me.'
You were quick to lick up the droplets which had trickled down his abs, much to Sihtric's pleasure, as he growled when he watched you, his grip on your hair tightening. You felt a pleasant dizziness upon tasting his salty, metallic flavour in your mouth. 
You kissed your way up and flicked your tongue against his nipple, earning another desperate, higher pitched moan from Sihtric, before you kissed and kitty licked the small incision he had inflicted upon himself, while he held your hair firmly and kept you close. Sihtric's head was spinning as he felt your tongue and hands on his body. He was staining you with his blood on your skin, and claiming you with the taste of your blood in his mouth. And he threw his head back, breathing loud and heavy while he enjoyed how you claimed him with your lips and tongue.
'Oh, my love,' Sihtric groaned and pulled your face back up to his, 'my love,' he whispered again and crashed his lips onto yours.
He unhooked your bra rather smoothly and slipped it down your shoulders. You broke the kiss as you took it off and made quick work of your panties too, while Sihtric pulled down his boxers. He took your hand and pulled you back in his lap, only to flip you over on your back with a smirk before kissing your lips.
'Condom?' he chuckled lightly.
'No need,' you smiled and pulled him back in.
You moaned against his lips when he teased your wet entrance with the tip of his cock, and you hooked one leg around his waist.
'I need you to relax,' Sihtric said, out of breath, desperate and eager to be inside you, 'relax for me.'
'Jesus fucking christ,' you gasped and cried out and dug your nails into his biceps when he pushed inside you, stretching you up smoothly, but not completely painless, causing your leg slip off his waist.
'Relax, baby,' Sihtric moaned and hushed you with a kiss, 'you're really fucking tight,' he chocked on his words and leaned his forehead against yours, pulling your leg back up around his waist again, to which you let out a loud moan.
'Sihtric!' you breathed hard, 'oh my god.' 
Your head fell back on the bed as the slight burning sensation became pleasant when you felt him gently thrust into you. Sihtric moaned your name, like a desperate prayer, as he bucked his hips against yours, gradually speeding up his pace while you clawed at his back. You pulled him closer and kissed his shoulders, softly pecking his skin as he filled you up perfectly. After a short while he roughened his pace, and your sweet pecks were no longer sufficient. You sank your teeth in his skin as he fucked you hard yet passionate, with a ravaging pace while he cursed under his breath at how good you felt, which was filthy enough to even make the Devil blush.
'You like this?' Sihtric growled, and you heard mischief in his voice before he tugged your earlobe with his teeth.
'Y-yeah,' you moaned, your hand desperately searching for the bed's headboard to hold onto, while he fucked you like a beast.
'You want more?' he laughed in between his heavy breaths. He took your hand and laced his fingers with yours, just before you could reach the headboard, and he pinned your hand above your head while he ravaged you entirely, 'tell me if you want more, my goddess,' he said hoarsely as he moaned, and he licked your lips.
'I want more!' you begged, 'more… please… I - I want to please you.'
Sihtric pulled out and sat back up, making you curse out at the loss of his cock, to which he chuckled and pulled you up to him again.
'You want to please me?' he rasped, to which you simply nodded with flushed cheeks.
Sihtric reached for his blade again and took your hand, pushing the hilt in your hand and he clenched his fist around yours. He guided your hand along with the knife, up to his chest, and he chuckled upon seeing your big eyes.
'S-Sihtric?' you smiled nervously and aroused.
'I won't let you cut me, my darling,' he smiled sweetly, and you exhaled sharp with relief, 'in time I will teach you, if you wish to, but until then, I'd like it if you just…' he brought your hand up to his neck, placing the tilted edge against his skin, 'I'd like it if you'd lightly drag it down my throat, like this,' he said, and slowly moved your hand with the dagger down his skin, 'you won't hurt me if you keep it like this, and only drag down, I promise. Do you want to try?'
'Y-yeah,' your voice trembled, both from being aroused and nervous. 
Sihtric hummed softly and brought the knife back up again, just above his Adam's apple, and he slowly let go of your hand. He looked at you with big eyes, almost as big as yours, as his chest heaved up and down fast and his lips were slightly parted. You slowly, carefully, and very lightly began to drag the blade down his throat, to which his breath immediately hitched and a soft moan escaped his lips. You felt nearly dizzy with pleasure and adrenaline as you dragged the dagger down to the base of his throat, where he took your hand again and pressed the cold blade against his skin.
'How does it feel to have my life in your hands, my goddess of Death?' Sihtric smirked, his voice rough, deep and filled with a pleasant kind of danger.
You swallowed hard at his words and a shiver went down your spine before you started to giggle.
'Is it… is it weird that … I- I want you to fuck me really hard right now?'
Sihtric carefully took the dagger out of your hands and laughed softly as he pulled you in for a kiss.
'No,' he whispered, 'it means you are made for me,' and he flicked his tongue against your lips before he bit and sucked your lower lip.
'I'd like a little more,' he said, 'will you give me a little more blood?'
'Yeah, but only just a little more.'
'Just a little more,' Sihtric reassured you and pecked your lips, your cheek, your neck and your shoulder, 'lay down for me, sweet thing?'
You did as he asked and bit down a moan when Sihtric kissed his way down your bare body, and you moved one hand up in his hair, pulling it as you arched your back slightly, which made Sihtric moan in a desperate pitch while he kissed your skin. And then he stopped at your thigh.
'Are you ready, my love?' he murmured, and again you smiled with a quick nod, after which he made another small, clean and careful cut, this time just above your knee, and he removed the knife from your bed again.
You smiled and let out a soft moan when you felt his mouth ease the burning sensation, his tongue slowly licking up the drawn blood while you pulled his hair softly, increasing his pleasure.
'I would die for you,' Sihtric whispered, high on love and drunk on your blood, 'my queen, my goddess, my angel. You are perfect,' he licked the blood of his lips and moved back up to you, kissing you roughly, biting and sucking your lipswith teeth clacking together before he bit your lower lip hard, but not hard enough to draw blood, and then he pulled away and moved to sit against the headboard, beckoning you over. 
He pulled you in his lap again, and you wasted no time to sink back on his cock, taking him all in. You were so desperate to fuck him until you screamed your lungs out that your self control was nowhere to be found anymore, and you immediately took him with a fast pace. Sihtric pulled your hips down and bucked his hips up into you, fucking you harder and deeper than before, and it didn't take long before you both became a moaning, cursing, praising and half-screaming mess for each other. Your climax approached fast when you felt his cock twitch inside you, while his hands had cupped your breasts and his lips were all over your skin.
'Sihtric, I'm - I'm close,' you moaned, out of breath and glistening with sweat, just like Sihtric, who groaned that he was about to finish too.
'Keep going,' he moaned, 'keep that tight pussy clenched around my cock.'
'Fuck! Sihtric,' you cried out, 'you feel so good. You feel so fucking good.'
'Yeah?' he breathed heavily and smirked, 'you like this?'
'Yeah, fuck,' you laughed, 'you are so insane and it's so fucking hot,' you husked, 'you fuck like a demon.'
'You're insane,' Sihtric laughed, 'for the way you enjoy all of this,' he licked his lips as he looked at you with his half closed eyes, 'and you're so fucking perfect, my beautiful darkness.'
'More,' you moaned, 'Sihtric, I want a little more.' 
You glanced at his dagger as you bounced up and down his cock, and he got the hint. You let him fuck you fast and hard from underneath you, and seconds before you both came with loud and heavy moans, he made a cut on his lower arm, drawing blood, and he raised his arm above your face, so he could get a good view and making you tilt your head back as his warm blood dripped into your mouth, while his warm cum dripped out over your thighs.
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'Come here,' Sihtric smiled, after you had both found your underwear back again, 'sit back, sweet thing.'
You watched how he reached for the first aid kit he had found in your spare room, and opened the box when he moved closer to you.
'This is the most important part,' Sihtric smiled sweetly and pecked your lips.
He carefully cleaned your small wounds before he covered them with a bandage, upon which he pressed a kiss. And then he went to clean his own arm, but you stopped him, and you carefully cleaned him up after you had told him to sit back. Sihtric looked at you with big and vulnerable eyes as he watched you take care of him, and he slowly dropped his head when you applied the last bandage, on his chest, upon which you also pressed a kiss, and then you cupped his cheeks.
'My love,' you whispered when you saw his teared up eyes, 'what is wrong?'
'Nothing,' Sihtric smiled as a tear rolled down his cheek, and he brushed your hair out of your face, 'nothing is wrong, because,' he swallowed hard, 'for the first time in my life everything feels right.'
You stared at each other, quietly, just admiring each other as you both smiled softly, feeling emotional, vulnerable and in love, now that the adrenaline had left.
'I love you,' you both said at the same time.
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toldthatdevil · 1 year
hii this is my first time requesting, I was wondering if you could write something with mommy nat doing our hair for us?? maybe we are getting ready and she takes care of it whilst we play <3 thank you <3
Morning Braids | Mommy!Natasha Romanoff x Little!Reader
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pairings: Mommy!Natasha Romanoff x Little!Reader
summary: mommy natasha braiding her little's hair
warnings: age regression, f reader
content: mommy natasha, hair braiding, soft moments, fluff
a/n: hello nonny, thank you for your request and i hope you enjoy it! (i honestly think i spend more time searching for matching gifs than writing)
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It was morning. Your least favourite time of day. You were slightly grumpy from being out of the warmth of you bed, but it was time to start the day. Natasha would softly whisper to you and stroke the bridge of your nose, the same tactic she used to put you to sleep, to wake you up. She allowed for 10 minutes of grumpiness whilst you adjusted to being awake before scooping you out of bed to start your morning routine.
You sat patiently between Natasha’s legs, your shoulders leaning gently against the muscular thighs that you love so much.
She hummed softly as she brushed through your hair, working her way gently through all of your knots and tangles.
“Oh my dove, how do you even do this to yourself?” She mused, trying to untangle a particularly nasty clump of hair stuck together.
You yawned and shrugged, too preoccupied with the fidget toy in your hand that Natasha had given to you to occupy your time. Having your hair played with and receiving all of your mother's attention was heaven. She knew just how to make you feel safe and comforted.
Natasha carded her fingers through your hair, satisfied that it was smooth enough.
You couldn’t help but lean into her soft touch as her fingertips gently massaged your scalp. A soft moan escaped your lips making Natasha grin. She adored seeing her little girl so happy. She loved it even more that she was the reason why.
A few more minutes passed before Natasha moved to start sectioning your hair.  The loss of her fingers was sad but you were excited for your braids.
“Look up to the sky, Dove,” Natasha said, tilting your chin up for you.
You could feel Natasha gathering up sections of your hair, working her way slowly back, taking her time to make sure it was neat.
Every now and then she would have to adjust your head because you would slowly start to look down at your fidget and she didn’t want your braid to be wonky. 
Once she was done with the left side, she repeated on the other. She tilted your chin up once more, “and look up,” only this time she leaned over to give you a quick peck to your lips. 
“Mommy,” you giggled, her making you blush. You loved her so so much. More than anything in the world. She was your world. And you were hers.
It didn’t take her long to complete the right braid and with the final tighten of the hairband did you spin around to face her.
Your hands immediately went to feel the intertwined hair, impressed with how good it felt. You could only imagine how good it actually looked. Your mommy was the best at braiding hair. French, Dutch, she could do it all.  
“Thank you so much, mommy,” you said jumping into her arms and wrapping yourself around her.
“Anything for you my little dove,” 
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wonolic · 10 months
My opinion on Sakamaki's bodies, pt.2 ! 乁⁠[⁠ ᓀ⁠˵⁠ ▾⁠ ˵⁠ᓂ⁠ ]⁠ㄏ
A/N: I love New Jeans so much and I'm obsessed with their music, seriously, they're so young and talented, it's crazy. Want to see some simps liking this post. (pt.1 is here!)
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𝘢𝘺𝘢𝘵𝘰 ⤸
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Why such a tiny waist if you can't squish it. Talking seriously, just like his twins, he has a tiny waist that simply comes from genetics and every japanese girl drools over it and praises his "androgynous" body.
Has the best calves and legs in general, even better than Subaru's. Well, it's self-explaining, his hobby is basketball after all, he's always running and jumping around the basketball court.
He looks like he has a natural concave stomach/belly, but it's actually because his hip bones are prominent and make him look like that.
I think it's so funny how Ayato acts like he's the manliest boy of the house, when he's actually the one that looks physically the most feminine (e.g. small waits, 90° shoulders, slim neck, marked collarbones, etc).
𝘬𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰 ⤸
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His body is soft, but skeletal at the same time. It doesn't need much stretching for Kanato's bones to start showing, principally his ribcage.
Anyone can pick him up because he's just so light. But, if you do pick him up, already expect an endless cry together with a tantrum and a thin scream for you to put him on the ground.
Okay, this might sound strange, but I believe he has the best skin out of all the Sakamakis. It's so soft to the touch and scarless, looks like he takes good care of it!
Non-related but still related to his physical appearance: I really hate this shota boy aesthetic Rejet gave him. Please, he had so much more potential to be the worst of them all, if they made Kanato a little bit more mature (personality or appearance, doesn't matter), I would be in love with this boy fr.
𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘰 ⤸
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Likes to stay slim but in shape at the same time. And to be honest, he looks really sexy in tight clothes with his slim body.
I would say that he's not slim like Kanato, more like... first place is Kanato, second place is Laito and third place is Shu.
His arms are long and skinny, that's why I put him as more slim than Shu, but I still think he has a sculptural body that can seduce anyone + matches with his face.
Bonus headcanon: Even if Laito isn't the best when it comes to flirting, I think he has the most seductive body language out of the boys and yes, he can seduce people to do what he wants so easily because of this.
A/N: To end, a MtL muscular build list: 1. Subaru, 2. Ayato, 3. Reiji, 4. Shu, 5. Laito and 6. Kanato. See you in the next post! 💗
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blamin8r · 1 year
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These are my personal designs/references for SMG4 because of how much I draw fan art for it. You can tell which ones are my absolute favorites to draw based on how much I’ve changed them basically. It’s organized by Recolors, The Girls, Non-Human, and Excess (sorry Kaizo)
Mario: I gave him stitches on his outfit because of how often he explodes and gets hurt (Luigi fixes his clothes since that’s less expensive than constantly replacing them), and those dark marks on his face from when Zero grabbed him and did that weird crap during the 10 year anniversary video. I also gave him a star pin on his overalls too.
SMG4: There’s so much. I made him shorter, changed his body type, gave him darker skin, scars from when he was possessed by the TV Adware dude (and other various scars), eyebags, a jacket, IV on his gloves, and the arrow from the USBs. He also has the arrow on the back of his jacket, but I haven’t drawn his back view before with this design so that’s never been visible in my art yet.
SMG3: I made him even shorter than SMG4, gave him longer hair, matching scars to SMG4, darker skin, a cape, black gloves, platformer boots, the USB arrow, and I changed his body type. The back of his cape has the same skull design that’s on his hat and boots too.
Luigi: I didn’t change too much to him, just his shirt, a flower pin, and some scars. Also he’s round like Mario but not the “skinny brother” because I don’t personally believe in that. (Though whenever he takes off his shirt he immediately becomes a buff man because SMG4 logic)
X: This one was fun. He already has dark skin on his recolor self, so I also went ahead and gave him curly hair, a beard, eye bags, a beanie, hoodie, changed his height, and gave him a cool weird eye thing because why not. He and FM also have similar eye colorings to 3 and 4
FM: He’s the only recolor I decided to make not chubby but instead kinda fit since he’s a police officer. I also gave him a police styled hat, badge, different shirt and gloves, longer hair, a bunch of scars, piercings, and steel toed boots. He looks pretty cool :D
Minion: Parts of her design I did out of pure spite. Her body type matches SMG4’s but she’s a bit shorter, an overalls skirt thing, matching hat, pink gloves, some long socks, and I kept her mustache but just made it smaller. Why? Well, I haven’t headcanoned SMG4 as trans (unlike what a lot of my friends and mutual have done), but I did do that for Minion, because in my mind, she basically has SMG4’s exact body type, including the reproductive organs. But she’s still a woman. And I also believe that women (cis and trans) shouldn’t have to feel shame for having facial hair or body hair, so I kept that there, again, out of spite for people who really feminize her body in a stereotypical way in their personal designs for her.
Meggy: I’m not an extremist for Inkling Meggy or anything, I do like her as a human, but I’m still not sure why they chose to make her a human and not just a squid that’s not Nintendo styled. So instead I just gave her some other squid attributes, like the typical tentacle hair thing, but also some fins on her arms and legs. Her skin is a little darker and she has freckles now. I made her outfit more black and orange themed because I personally hate the dull whites and browns on her outfit. To reference two of her other outfits, I had her keep her college jacket tied around her waist, and her glasses on her shirt since I feel she probably needs them for reading still. I also gave her more sports styled clothes like her shorts and the knee pads. And I removed her goggles because I despise drawing them, she has too much accessories on her head and that one section is so annoying to draw. Lastly, I made her a bit muscular because there’s no way every single one of the girls has the exact same body type.
Tari: Her design just got updated when I was in the middle of working on this, and it’s really good so I only changed her body type by making her chubby and added a gradient to her hair.
Saiko: Her outfit is cool minus the colors, so I gave her a more pink and black theme for her outfit colors. I also made her more muscular and gave her some scars since she’s known as the more violent one in SMG4 who carries that massive ass hammer just casually.
Melony: I looked up where watermelons came from, and they came from Africa apparently, so I made her black (also because all the human characters are white/light skinned so I changed that) and I think it makes sense with her hair too because of the thingies that come down over her ears. It also makes the pointy things behind her hood make sense too. I changed her body to have more body fat and gave her some stretch marks and cellulite to go with it. I like her hoodie, but you can’t tell me that’s all she has on, so I also gave her some shorts, since she gets sexualized so much.. She also has shoes too, those socks would be so nasty otherwise. Her diety form is gonna have actual armour because that makes more sense than just a different colored hoodie.
Belle: I changed nothing about her, not because I don’t like her or think her design is perfect or anything, (she’s great and I miss her ;-;), but I actually chose to keep her as is just because people who look like her and have her body type still exist, they’re just not the only one or the main one. Humans vary a lot.
Karen: I didn’t change much, but since she’s a single mother, I made her body look a little more like a middle aged woman, and gave her a sweater her kids made for her too that she wears proudly.
Shroomy: I know there are multiple characters that are technically naked, but I felt that Shroomy should at least have a Boy Scouts outfit on, he lives in a world with Toads which do have clothes so it didn’t feel right to have just the badge thing over him
Bob, Rob, Boopkins, and Jub Jub: I kept them as is because there’s not much to their appearances anyway, minus a few rips and tears for Bob’s outfit.
SMG2: I made his body a little more proportional so that his head was at least not larger than the rest of his whole fucking body, and I gave him some excess scars since he and SMG1 have been around for the longest, and have probably been through a lot together. I also gave him sleeves, shoes, glasses, and matching gloves that all the SMGs now have. His antenna thing is also thicker because I don’t wanna make it too thin.
SMG1: His body is also more proportional, but that’s mainly because I didn’t like making his torso long. I also gave him clothes to match 2 a little more but darker. He’s got excess scars as well, and his gloves are opposite to 2’s similar to how I made 3 and 4’s gloves opposite of each other. He’s also got glasses like 2, and they match their head shapes.
Kaizo: I fucking love Kaizo, he looks so damn cool to me, so I kept his outfit the same, just changed up his body. He’s more muscular and has more demonic features (pointed pupils and ears, tail, more sharp teeth, forked tongue, claw-like nails), as well as a bunch of scars everywhere on his body. Plus more body hair, and based on a Kaizo design I saw elsewhere (I forgot who made it) but I made the ends of his hair dyed red because it looks cool. And piercings.
Swag and Chris: I love these two, but I couldn’t think of how to change Swag and Chris besides making them a buff and old. (To me, they’re at least in their 30’s or 40’s). I do believe in dilf Chris tho, so make whatever assumptions you want from that.
Whimpu: I actually really don’t like Whimpu, mainly for his personality, but also because of the Waifu Factory episode, it just really made me uncomfortable with how objectified and dehumanized the anime girls were in it, and he was a big part of that. Still, I wanted to change him a bit since his design is a little plain. He’s still plain, but a bit less. I added acne, buttons on the tie, and a shirt pocket with a pen in it.
Steve: I hate how I end up drawing Steve, but I didn’t want him to look too human in a normal way, because a part of his charm is being this weird block dude. So he just looks like a more blocky human with dirty clothes, a lot of scars, and a beard.
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0and0its0doctor0 · 1 year
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Aaron Hotcher x Fem!Reader
Kind of depressing.
Mentions self-harm and medication
Is fluffy I swear
Only my second work in the fandom.
You felt tears on your cheeks and your chest felt tight but as you heard the front door open and close you quickly wiped your cheeks dry and put a smile on your face. “Hey baby.” You said as Hotch walked into the bedroom. He paused taking a good look at you and it was all you could do to not burst into tears. He dropped his bag by the door and was by your side in 3 quick strides of his long muscular legs. “What’s wrong?” He asked and you shrugged, wrapping your arms around your stomach, closing yourself off more. “Did you take your meds this morning?” He asked unwrapping your arms from your stomach so he could tug you into his chest where you buried your face into his suit coat and shook your head no. “Sweetie, you gotta take your medicine. It will help.” He held your head close, running his fingers through your hair to try to calm you down. He could feel his shirt starting to get wet and he knew you were crying.
He sighed a little and you quickly pulled away from him. “You deal with enough at your job. You shouldn’t have to deal with me too.” You said with a frown wiping your cheeks off. Aaron frowned and reached forward to cradle your face in his hands and wipe your tears away with his thumbs. “I wasn’t sighing because of you. I’m just worried about you. I know you haven’t been doing well lately and I just…I’m worried.” He said looking down at you and you purposely avoided eye contact. You felt guilty, you didn’t want to make him worry. He already had so much to worry about. “I’m sorry.” You said looking down at your feet, he gently placed a finger under your chin and tilted your head up to look at him. “You have nothing to apologize for.” He said with a soft smile. His hands traveled from your chin, to your shoulders where he gave them a gentle squeeze, down your arms to your wrists where he gently grabbed them and brushed his thumbs over the scars and scabs on your pale flesh. 
“Can I see?” He asked and you sighed deeply but nodded. He tugged your sleeves up and bit his lip as he noticed the multiple fresh scabs littering your forearms. He brushed a thumb over each and every one of them then brought your arms up to his face and kissed each one of them. “You knew I was broken when we first met. Why did you still want to end up with someone like me?” You asked, feeling your heart sink into your stomach. Aaron held your hands and walked backwards till he hit the edge of the bed and sat down tugging you into his lap. “Because when we met you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. You were kind and sweet and talented. I saw your damage and knew that it would kind of match my damage and maybe we could fix each other. And let me tell you that you have healed so many of my wounds. I was lost after my ex-wife died and when I lost custody of Jack I was ready to end it. But then I met you and I thought maybe life could be worth living again.” He said honestly and you couldn’t help the soft smile that fell across your face. 
“We will get through this. You will start dancing again and be my beautiful ballerina once more. Things will be okay. I promise. Would I lie to you?” He said and you shook your head. “Never.” You said letting out a relieved sigh. You leaned up in his lap to kiss him lovingly. How did you manage to find someone that fit you like a puzzle piece? He set you on the bed and quickly changed out of his suit and into sweats and a t-shirt and laid back down pulling you close to cuddle into him. You closed your eyes and listened to his heartbeat. Maybe just maybe things were going to be okay. 
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violetscavern · 1 year
hello! :3
i wanted to request something for ghost x fem!reader where the reader lives in a cottage in the forest and has the cottagecore aesthetic and ghost is her boyfriend which of course ghost looks so intimidating😭 so you would guess a girl like the reader is dating someone like him (i also think he would look so out of place since he’s living in the cottage LMAO) so i was wondering if you could write just like a day in their life :3 (and maybe ghost stopping by to say hi and see how the readers doing while she’s managing her stand in the farmers market she goes to🥹) im just a sucker for domestic fics
i hope i made sense and i would love to see what you do with this! <33333
have an amazing day/night :)
Awee this is so adorable!!
Cottage Core Ghost x !fem reader
The first thing I hear in the morning is the light drum of rain against my window. I ruffle my white bedsheets as I sit up, rubbing my eyes sleepily as glancing out the window.
Its days like this where I’m glad i decided to move from the city . The bustle of the urban area is nice for some time being, but after a while it gets overwhelming (too many people and not enough room). I prefer to stay in quaint and secluded estates, thats why I made the decision to move to a cottage in the forest with my boyfriend Ghost.
Ghost and I are what you call an unlikely pair. The shock I see on most peoples faces when they witness us together is almost comical. He’s a 6 foot 2, 200 pound muscular guy with a major resting bitch face and I’m a smaller girl who wears floral dresses and works at a farmers market. Our aesthetics never really did match, but he seemed to like it that way.
My Ghost how I miss him. He’s always off on missions and business trips for at least 5 days at a time (maybe more) , so when I see him its a shock. His thing is not tell me when he’s coming back, and if my calculations are right it could be any day now.
I lay back in my bed and let my head go limp on my fluffy paper white pillow. My room is what i’d describe as tranquil - with plants hanging from the corners of the walls and lights illuminating my sheer pink curtains. I grasp the pillow next to me and cuddle it between my legs. ‘baby could you take any longer?’I think as I rest lazily in bed.
Thats when i hear it. A creak on the hardwood and a rustle at the door, accompanied by what sounds like a bad attempt at tip-toeing because he’s too damn big. It’s definitely him.
I spring up out of the bed and rush out of my door, down the hall and stumble into my living room. There he was in all his glory, my boyfriend of three years, “Ghost !!!” I squeal as I leap into his muscular arms that are already open for me. “Hi princess” He embraces me in a almost suffocating bear hug, and greets me with the low voice I’ve craved “Baby i’m so sorry I took longer than expected.” he reasons “so much came up I’m sorry I took a week”.
I dont think you’ve ever seen his eyes look that sad as he lowers me and picks up his duffel bags in defeat. “It’s okayyy Ghost I understand. Your work is important” I reassure. “But you must have been so worried” he furrows his brows in response and looks down. “y/n whatever you wanna do today, I’ll do it in a heartbeat. Consider this my apology”. I perk up at this statement, already knowing what I’m gonna do. “anything?” “anything.”
I yank my gentle giant by the wrist, and drag him out the door. “Where are you taking me y/n? you sure seem eager” He chuckles as I lead him outside to a pair of matching blue bikes. A bike ride to the local farmers market is fairly short, and the reward even better. My job is one of my happy places. I feel like an angel in heaven being surrounded by all my favorite plants and vegetables while being the ceo of my own stand.
I hand my intimidating giant of a boyfriend an apron and say “you’re gonna help me with sales today”. He nods in compliance and takes the space to my right.
“Bless your heart Ghost, but you’re literally customer repellent” I remark as I prepare to ride my bike home against the approaching night. “okay well in my defense,” he puts his hands up “everyone was scared of me and I have no idea why” “I think it’s because of your height, but the way nobody came is kinda hilarious” I joke as I begin to peddle alongside my partner.
When we get inside, we immediately slump over the couch. Ignoring our stickiness, we turn on the tv and watch whatever entertaining thing is on. My boyfriend wraps his strong arms around me and starts drawing soft lines up and down my back. he whispers in my ear “I’ve missed you so much y/n. You truly have no idea” simultaneously placing small kisses on my forehead and neck, and I close my eyes peacefully. Glad he’s finally home.
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typosandtea · 3 months
Typos’ Crochet Person Pattern (planned series)
(Currently In Stage 1: Prototyping)
Yes this is massively ambitious and will take a while, but I love a challenging hobby!
See progress posts here: (0.1/0.2/0.3), (0.4)
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[ID: a photo. 4 crocheted people are shown, the one on the far left is the first prototype and is quite misshapen, it is made with white skin tone has black hair. The middle left is the second prototype, it is less misshapen, but the head is too large for the body. They have the same white skin tone, and long brown hair in a ponytail. They have a smiling face embroidered including eyebrows and whites of the eyes and crochet ears and nose. The middle left person is the third prototype, they are better shaped but the legs twist weirdly, they are slightly smaller than the first 2. They crocheted to look like a fallout vault suit. They are of brown skin coloured and have a black moustache, hair that is just different coloured part of head, and eyes wide with surprised eyebrows. The far right is the 4th prototype. It is bigger and is styles to look like one of the aliens from avatar movie. The body definition is better but the head and neck proportions are still too big. They have a black mohawk that ends in a long braid, and a blue lions tail. They are light blue with yellow cats eyes and a pink cats nose and the “:3” face embroidered. they are wearing the brown Navi loincloth as well as arm, leg and torso bands. End ID]
A while ago I was rather sad that I couldn't find any crochet patterns for fallout 4 characters (Danse), and had a 'fine. i'll do it myself!' moment. these will all be mostly single piece patterns as I personally am not a huge fan of patterns that sew a bazillon small objects together, even if they do have excellent results!
Preparing (0.X prototypes, 1.X basic pattern, 2.X basic pattern variants.) for the goal: (3.X Typo's customizable make your blorbo pattern, 3.X specific character patterns by me)
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[ID: a simple transparent digital drawing. A navy blue T51 helmet with orange hoses and a dark green visor is shown. The wearers eyes are looking to the right. Either side of the helmet mirrored, is a pink heart and a large horizontal crochet hook, the crochet hook has a green handle. End ID]
[currently here] lock down a solid base pattern! (0.X series)
make some basic base clothes options as a part of the basic pattern. i.e. Undies, shirt and pants, BOS uniform, Vault suit, etc. (1.X series)
post the finished 'Typo's crochet person pattern' (1.X series PATTERN)
prototype some variants such as boobs, fat, skinny, short, tall. etc (2.X series)
Post the finished 'Typo's Crochet person pattern (NOW WITH A VARIETY OF BODY TYPES) 2.0' (2.X series PATTERN)
prototype making the patterns mix and match parts i.e tall person with a muscular torso with skinny legs, or short person with beer belly, Etc. This will likely take a while to make ways for all the variants to interlink, but I have some ides (3.X series)
(this is the overall goal!) post the finished 'Typo's Crochet *Blorbo* Pattern generator' a master pattern on how to link the different pieces of the 3.X series, including a mix-n-match variety of body types, different clothes. etc. this pattern will likely be huge with how many variants I have planned!!! (3.X series MASTER PATTERN)
finally I can make Danse!, and other charcaters (3.X series CHARACTER PATTERNS)
make accessories like jackets, weapons, hats etc. for the 0.3 series as required! or requested??
I hope to make with this pattern eventually / more variants hopefully:
all of the fallout 4 companions cause they live rent free in my brain <3
other fallout humanoid variants like supermutants, synths, ghouls
humanoid Dnd / fantasy variants ie elves, tabaxi/khajit, orcs, dragonborn, KOBOLDS, etc.
will require new designs but also:
fallout robots
fallout power armours
accessories like weapons, books,
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jji-lee · 10 days
love all your imagines and headcannons😔❤️‍🩹 may i request for an imagine of y/n x jeno at the gym? hehe<3
going to the gym with a guy that is as muscular as jeno must be a nightmare but leave it up to me to make it cute, hope you enjoy! <3
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jeno knew you couldn't keep up with him at the gym, as much as you'd whine and complain that you could do just as much as he could, he could see you start to breath funny after 3 minutes on the treadmill. it's not that you were out of shape, you would just rather be anywhere besides a big room full of sweaty stiff muscled people, seeing them push themselves made you feel more tired. nevertheless, every time your boyfriend gave you a big grin with his cute squinted eyes, you had no choice but to agree to go with him.
jeno would start off soft, maybe a light jog on the treadmill just to wake up his muscles. you would always try to match up your treadmill intensities secretly diminishing the speed so your calves wouldn't burn after 2 minutes. jeno would always look over to see how you were doing, passing you water and reassuring you that it was only a couple minutes left, and when the time was finally over and you went to sit down he would lift you up by your waist saying something about "sitting causes muscle soreness" but after that 10 minute light jog (it was more like a 20 minute speed walk) your hearing was a little muted and you were feeling less excited for the next exercise.
"baby? earth to y/n?" you finally opened you eyes to look at your boyfriend. he was hovering over you as you sat back on weird death trap looking machine, "so you put your feet here and push this platform up with your legs, wait let me move this down so your legs are bent this is too high for you." then he turned around to adjust the machine, your eyes slowly closing again, why did you agree to come? your eyes fluttered open as you felt jeno gently blow air onto your face, you looked up and saw him smiling down at you before he planted a light kiss onto your lips, ah this was why you came with him. and then after a couple more torture devices and 60 minutes of feeling like your legs might fall off, you were finally done with legs. jeno couldn't help but chuckle at your relieved expression as you held onto his arms for support as your legs slightly trembled. (you had done only half of his usual leg routine).
as you saw jeno start to pack your things up you began to feel pride grow inside of you, you guys were done already? that was light work! maybe you were stronger than you thought. yes okay, you were dripping sweat, and yes, you could barely walk straight but, it was over! and you didn't dry heave or cry once! as you proudly walked (jeno was supporting you by your waist) out of the gym you couldn't help but feel good about yourself, "jen baby, you do this everyday? i think i could get used to this. i barely felt anything!" he laughed as you tried to flex your thigh muscles, reaching down to pinch your sore legs, "i'm glad you said that pretty girl, cause tomorrow we're coming back for arms and back, so be ready" he grinned as he saw your smile fade, leaning down to give you a kiss on the cheek, "i'm just kidding, you know my baby needs to rest"
word of advice, do not let jeno's cute face convince you to workout with him. (you were back in the gym 2 days later)
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myherokatsuki · 2 years
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Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!Reader Warnings/Tags: 18+ mdni, aged up characters, arranged marriage, dub con (just in case), body worship, oral + fingering (f!receiving), unprotected sex, edging, overstimulation, creampie, dacryphilia, just a dash of angst Word Count: 6.5k a/n: I’m not certain how many parts there will be, at least 3, maybe 4.  I wanted to get this part out at least before working on my next collab piece though.
Summary: When your parents arrange for you to wed Bakugou Katsuki, you start to actually fall for the brash hero, but no matter how hard you try to please him, you worry he’ll never feel the same for you, and you come to realize you desperately want him to.
Part One // Part Two // Part Three
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You were getting married.
You were getting married to one, Bakugou Katsuki—the pro hero, Dynamight.
In reality it was a quirk marriage, but no one dared call it that.  Your parents and his insisted it was because they were worried about your prospective love lives, worried that you’d both end up alone if it were left up to you.  They only had your best interests at heart.
You still didn’t know how you felt about it—no, that was a lie—you were terrified.  You’d heard of Bakugou’s famed hot blooded temper and brooding attitude, and you, you were everything he wasn’t.  
You were meek, quiet, clumsy.  Your confidence was nowhere near as high as his.  Even your quirk, in your opinion, wasn’t all that great—even if your parents seemed to think it would match well with his.  
You had no real domestic skills; you were hopeless when it came to cooking or fixing things, and cleaning wasn’t exactly your strong suite, nor had you ever really excelled at your job either.  What could you offer Bakugou other than your quirk… or your body?  You felt like a piece of meat your parents had offered up to the wolves and it wasn’t fair.
Though, it wasn’t like you had many prospects on your own.  This was probably your only chance. 
The intrusive thought twisted your stomach.  Sure, you’d dated before, but nothing really serious.  Nothing that ever progressed farther than a second date or a one night stand.  In your family’s eyes you would soon be a spinster and they acted, pouncing on the marriage offer without even telling you first.
The first time you’d met your fiancé, he’d studied you as if weighing you, silently judging you, his lips curling as he crossed his muscular arms over his broad chest.  That piercing ruby gaze made you feel so small. 
At least he was attractive... though that constant scowl he wore marred his otherwise gorgeous features.  And his body—
You quickly stopped your thoughts before they tumbled too far down that avenue.  Physically, he was perfect—all chiseled angles and rippling muscle.  His jawline practically made you weak, and you could only imagine what he looked like under that form fitting shirt.  Even his sharp vermilion eyes and unruly blonde hair were perfect.  You wondered how it would feel to run your hands through his hair or down his chest— no, you shouldn’t think about that.  You were getting carried away.
“So why did you agree to this?” Bakugou’s gruff voice pulled you from your thoughts, startling you, leaving you speechless and for a moment you gaped at him like a fish.
“I-I guess… it’s not like I have a lot of options,” you mumbled, your cheeks heating at the admission and Bakugou scoffed quietly in response, no doubt in contempt.  
What must he think of you?  Desperate?  Pathetic?
“What about you?” you asked, curiosity burning through you.  Certainly he could do much better than you.  So why?  
You left that thought unsaid.
Honestly, you were surprised he’d actually agreed to it.  With his fabled temper you were sure he’d make it known if he was displeased…
Bakugou thought for a second, leaning back in his seat to kick his legs out in front of him while he studied you again.
“Dating’s a pain, and I don’t have time for it.  Besides most people that I’ve dated in the past were only interested in my money or celebrity,” he said with a sneer.  “But, I’ll admit… it does sound nice to have someone to come home to, and my parents want grandchildren,” he muttered with a shrug, though he wore a faint flush.  “Plus, it ain’t like you’re not attractive.  I could do much worse.”
His answer took you by surprise and you felt your face grow hotter, unsure whether you should take it as a compliment or not.  Either way, he flustered you.  He was distractingly attractive and bluntly honest— a dangerous combination— but he wasn’t exactly how you’d pictured him.  Talking to him like this, he seemed rather different from the videos you’d seen of him fighting villains, screaming DIE DIE DIE.  Perhaps he was more complex than he let the media see.
The day of your wedding was a huge affair.  Most of the guest list was comprised of important dignitaries and other pro heroes, and the media was having a field day trying to get in.  Everyone seemed to want to know more about you, Dynamight’s blushing bride.  Many of his fans couldn’t believe they didn’t even know he had a girlfriend.
Joke’s on you, you thought wryly, scrolling through social media as your mother laced up your designer dress—a gift from Katsuki’s parents.  You were already the subject of much speculation and discussion, and the thought made your stomach twist uncomfortably—you were a nobody.
“You’re going to have to get used to that, you know,” your mother murmured, glancing over your shoulder at your phone.  “Soon you’re going to be his wife and you’re going to be in the spotlight, because he’s in the spotlight.”
“Yeah, I know…” you muttered, tearing your eyes from the screen to face your reflection.  You barely recognized yourself; you’d never worn anything so beautiful in your life.  
“You’re going to be alright.  He’ll take good care of you,” your mother assured, meeting your gaze in the mirror.  “But you’ll need to take care of him too,” she continued and you tensed, readying yourself for her next words.
“You have a duty tonight, you know,” she said softly, and though she didn’t spell it out, you knew exactly what she was talking about.  
The thought of being intimate with someone you barely knew was nerve wracking.  It wasn’t like you weren’t attracted to him, Bakugou was gorgeous, but…
The whole situation was intimidating.  What if you disappointed him?  You already felt inferior enough as it was and the added pressure to perform only made it worse.
Your stomach was still churning as you took your father’s arm at the back of the packed room and the music began.  Every face turned to you as you entered, but you kept your gaze firmly ahead, too nervous to look around with all those unfamiliar eyes on you.
As you began to walk, struggling to keep a sedate pace, you realized you were looking straight at Bakugou.  God, but he looked beautiful—like some sort of fairytale prince, dressed all in white to match you, with only a pop of orange on his vest and tie.  Someone had swept his spiky bangs off his forehead and you wondered how difficult it had been to get them to stay that way while looking so effortless.
His tailored suit accentuated his broad shoulders, fitting him impeccably, hugging his body in all the right places, but to your surprise it was his steady carmine gaze you couldn’t seem to tear your eyes from.  The way he looked at you made your heart flutter wildly in your chest.  It confused you.
Gone was his ever present signature scowl, replaced with an expression you couldn’t quite place—softer, but just as intense in a way that filled you with longing, a yearning that made your chest tight.  You’d read stories of people in arranged marriages falling in love with each other over time, and as you moved toward him, drawn to him, you fiercely hoped that that could be the case for you too.
The ceremony felt like a blur, and the only thing that kept your hands from trembling were Bakugou’s, holding them tightly, keeping you grounded.  If he was nervous, you couldn’t tell, and before you knew it, he was reciting his vows, slipping the brilliant golden band on your finger as you gaped at him.
“You may now kiss the bride.”
You could still feel Bakugou’s lips against yours even long after he’d pulled away.  The kiss was chaste and ended too quickly, but his lips had been soft, and that close you could smell his cologne and something lingering underneath, smoky and warm and sweet, and it made your head swim.
Now, sitting at the head table at the packed reception hall, you picked at your food, too nervous to enjoy the catered meal.  Bakugou shifted next to you and you glanced over at him, catching him watching you.  As soon as your eyes met his, he quickly looked away.
“What were you looking at?” you asked, feeling your cheeks warm, and Bakugou huffed an indignant snort.
“Nothing!” he replied a little too quickly, his reaction bringing a grin to your lips.  
“You look nice, you know,” you offered, reaching for your drink to hide your smile in the hope he’d compliment you back.
Bakugou cleared his throat, his ruby gaze darting back to you, lingering for a beat.
“Hmph, so do you,” he mumbled, quickly reaching for his champagne as well.  
Silence fell over the two of you once more while the large hall hummed with voices, and your attention wandered til the DJ’s voice over the speakers snapped you back to the present, announcing that it was time for your first dance as a married couple.
“Oh,” you exclaimed, giving a little jump, and Bakugou arched a thin brow at you, offering you his hand.  Swallowing thickly, you felt your stomach jump into your throat as the room quieted and all eyes turned to you once more.  “Uh, Bakugou–” you began as you followed him awkwardly to the center of the empty dance floor.
“Katsuki,” he interjected firmly, his lips quirking downward as he pulled you closer.  “We’re married, you should call me by my given name.”
Nodding softly, you placed your hands on his broad shoulders.  “Katsuki,” you amended, tasting his name on your tongue and feeling awkward at the intimacy of it.
“Hmm?” he grunted as the first notes of the song began.
“I’m not very good at dancing,” you murmured, your face warming further, and you made the mistake of glancing out at the sea of faces, watching you intently.
“It ain’t like it’s hard,” Bakugou scoffed, pulling you closer, moving your arms so they were resting over his shoulders so you looked more at ease and less like a couple of awkward teens at a middle school dance, too afraid to get too close.  “All you gotta do is sway to the music and turn slowly.  Just follow my lead.”
“I know, but…”
“Then what’s the matter?” he asked, brows knitting as he frowned down at you.
“I don’t want them all looking at me,” you confessed, your voice shrinking, and he raised his gaze to look around the packed room, his expression unreadable.
When he huffed in response, rolling his eyes, you assumed he was annoyed with you, waiting for him to tell you not to be such a baby, but as the music swelled, he spun you so your back was to your guests.  “There, better?” he asked, the kind gesture at odds with the gruffness of his voice.
“Uhm, y-yeah, thank you,” you murmured, stunned.
“Stop gaping at me like a damn fish,” he replied, a pink flush dusting his cheeks, and you quickly averted your eyes, smiling to yourself as you swayed in his arms, allowing yourself to relax for a moment, resting your cheek against his shoulder.
From your position, you could hear the steady beat of his heart over the music, while his breath fanned softly over your face and the warmth of his body radiated through you, and for the moment you forgot that you were practically dancing with a stranger and that there were hundreds of eyes on you.  In that moment you felt safe.
When the song ended and a new one started, the DJ opened up the dance floor and you were jarred back to reality as you felt Bakugou’s arms fall away from you.  Before you could say anything, another man stepped between you, smoothly sweeping you away from your new husband.  
“Mind if I have this dance?” he asked, throwing a cheeky sharp toothed grin at Bakugou.
“Yeah, whatever,” the blonde huffed and you soon lost sight of him in the sea of dancers.
“Hey there, I’m Kirishima, but you can call me Eijirou!” the hulking redhead spinning you around the floor exclaimed cheerfully and you couldn’t help but smile in return.  You knew him better by his hero name, Red Riot, Bakugou’s best friend.
“H-hi,” you replied, your face warming in embarrassment.  “I’m y/n,” you offered lamely.  Of course he already knew your name.
“I know,” Kirishima chuckled, making you flush hotter.  “Bakugou’s told me about you” – that was a surprise to you and you wondered what he’d said – “but he never mentioned how beautiful you were.”
“O-oh,” you gasped, taken off guard by his compliment and beaming smile.  “Th-thank you.  It’s really nice to meet you.”
As you swayed with Kirishima, you chewed your lip, several questions burning inside you.  But before you could gather the courage to voice them, the sturdy hero seemed to read your thoughts, beating you to the punch.
“You know, Bakugou’s not as scary as he looks,” he said, and you followed his vermilion gaze to where your husband now stood, talking to a few other fellow pros, his expression pinched, usual scowl in place.
Sensing your doubt, Kirishima laughed, leaning in closer.  “I know it’s hard to believe just by looking at him, but once you get to know him, you’ll find he’s all bark and no bite.”  The redhead’s expression sobered and he met your curious gaze.  “He’s a good guy.  He just… doesn’t always know how to express his emotions.  But maybe you’ll be able to get him to open up.  You just gotta be patient, and show him you ain’t intimidated by ‘im.”
Nodding to yourself, you took Kirishima’s advice to heart, tucking it away.  When the song ended, he pulled you into a bone creaking hug, sharp teeth once more flashing.  “Call me any time, okay?  If you ever need someone to talk to, or anything.  We’re friends now, after all!” he exclaimed and you met his genuine smile with one of your own, feeling much more at ease.
“What’d he say to you?” Bakugou asked, once more at your side as soon as the song ended.  He had two fresh drinks in hand, thrusting one to you while glaring over your shoulder at the longer haired blonde that approached, as if daring him to make a move.
Accepting the champagne flute, you noticed his fierce glower seemed to have the desired effect, his other friend slinking away even as he threw you a wistful look, no doubt wanting the next dance.
“He said we’re friends now,” you replied, taking a sip, wondering why he’d let Kirishima dance with you, but no one else. 
Bakugou snorted, shaking his head ruefully.  “That sounds like him,” he muttered, catching his friend’s eyes and nodding at him across the floor, a half grin tugging at his lips.  It was obvious that out of your husband’s group of friends he seemed to respect Kirishima in a way you’d yet to see with anyone else.
As the night wore on, the party winding down, your nerves began to return with the prospect of what was to come after looming.  Though your friends speculated about what Bakugou might be like in bed, telling you how lucky you were, you were terrified.
What if he was too rough?  What if you disappointed him?  What if– 
You didn’t get a chance to finish that thought as Bakugou appeared by your side, his hand hesitantly resting on the small of your back as he leaned in.  “Our car’s here,” he murmured and you stiffened, nodding.  
“Lemme just say goodbye to my friends and parents.”
Bakugou grunted, leaving your side once more.  As soon as he stepped away, you felt you could breathe once more, scowling as your friends immediately began to fawn over him, bristling at the way they eyed his retreating form.
“You’ll have to let us know how it goes, how big he is!” they giggled.
“Yeah, yeah,” you muttered halfheartedly, though you had no intention of feeding into their gossip.
You weren’t jealous, you told yourself firmly as you bid them goodbye.  How could you be?  You barely knew him.  Still, he was your husband.
Shaking the thought away, you hugged your parents before meeting Bakugou at the door.  “Let’s get outta here,” he muttered, and again, you nodded, taking his arm as he led you to the entrance.  The remaining guests gathered to watch you leave, cheering as you passed.  When you got to the sleek back car waiting at the curb, you were surprised when Bakugou opened the door for you, helping you in before quickly circling round to the other side, ignoring the camera flashes of the paparazzi vying for his attention.
“Fuckin’ vultures,” he muttered under his breath, signalling the driver to go.  Shrugging off his suit jacket, you watched intently as he unbuttoned the cufflinks at his wrists and rolled the crisp white sleeves up to his elbows.  Even in the dark of the moving car you could see the myriad scars that decorated his forearms, and you flushed as you wondered what other scars his clothes hid.
That thought was quickly followed by your mother’s reminder as he hugged you goodbye, and you clasped your hands tightly in your lap as your chest tightened.  
“Remember your duty.”
You could feel Bakugou’s eyes on you, but if he sensed your anxiety, he didn’t speak.
The silence only made it worse and the entire drive to the hotel, you scoured your brain for something to talk about, if just to fill the silence, but each time you opened your mouth the words caught in your throat and you finally gave up.
As you arrived at the hotel, Bakugou silently offered you his suit jacket, draping it over your shoulders against the slight chill in the air before leading you to the front desk to check in.  While he talked to the concierge you watched him, your brows creasing faintly–each time you expected him to react a certain way, he surprised you.
When you stepped into the honeymoon suite, an audible gasp left your lips.  You’d never stayed in a hotel room this luxurious before–too bad it’d probably be wasted on you and Bakugou.  Sweeping the bitter thought aside, you let your fingers trail over the white and gold satin duvet as you passed the bed and made your way to the expansive window overlooking the city.  Too occupied by the glittering view before you, you didn’t notice the way Bakugou watched you, loosening his tie.
“It’s so beautiful,” you murmured, pressing your palms to the cool glass.
“Sure is,” Bakugou muttered, and the deep rasp of his voice drew your attention, filling your body with heat as you turned to look back at him.
“Hmm?” you asked, unsure if you’d heard him correctly.  He was probably just talking about the view from the window.  
“Nothin’,” he grunted, his eyes darting away from you.
“So…” you mused, taking a deep breath, “guess we better get this over with…”
Bakugou frowned.  “If you’re not comfortable we don’t have to do anything tonight… if you don’t want to.”
Your mother’s warning rang in your ears and you shook your head, even as you fidgeted nervously with the overlong sleeves of Bakugou’s suit jacket draped around you still.  “No, I… I don’t mind,” you exclaimed quickly, but Bakugou didn’t look convinced.
“If you’re sure…”
“I am,” you insisted, shrugging the jacket from your shoulders and stepping closer, your stomach fluttering desperately, butterflies buffeting your ribcage.
“You’re not a–?”  Bakugou’s voice faltered and he swallowed as you supplied the word for him.
“Virgin?  No.  Are you…?” you asked, even as you doubted it–a guy like Bakugou couldn’t possibly be a virgin still.  He could have anyone he wanted.
“No,” he replied, clearing his throat as his cheeks flared brightly.  “It’s just… been a while,” he muttered, his reaction strangely enough putting you at ease.
Could he really be as nervous as you were?
“Yeah, me too,” you admitted, not quite meeting his gaze.
“Then… let’s take it slow,” he suggested, stepping closer, and his eyelids fluttered as he ducked his head, waiting for you to bridge the rest of the space to him.  For a moment your eyes flicked up to his face, admiring him as you leaned in slowly, your breath turning shallow.  He looked so soft in that moment and you couldn’t help but sigh as you pressed your lips to his.
As he kissed you back, just as carefully, his hands slipped to your waist, pulling you closer til you were pressed up against him.  Running your hands up his chest, you opened your mouth to him, letting his tongue explore as your fingers tangled in the folds of his collar, pulling a deep groan from his that sent heat rushing through you.  
Kissing you breathless, when he finally pulled back, the wild look in his ruby eyes did nothing to help you catch your breath.  
“Turn around,” he instructed and you frowned in confusion.  “So I can unlace your dress,” he clarified.  “I don’t think you’re gunna be able to get out of that thing on your own.”
“Oh!” you squeaked in realization, glad your back was to him so he couldn’t see how flustered the thought of him undressing you made you.
Bakugou let out a heavy snort as his fingers went to work, loosening the snug corset and your skin broke into goosebumps as his breath fanned over the nape of your neck.  “There,” he murmured, his hands stilling as they reached your lower back, but before you could turn back around, he pressed his lips to your bare shoulder, taking his time as he kissed his way to your neck and you instinctively tilted your head, giving him more access.
When his tongue swiped against your feverish skin, your breath hitched and warmth rolled through you afresh, settling low in your gut and between your thighs.  It had been so long since anyone had kissed you there.
As he kissed you, his hands worked the bodice of your gown down over your hips til you could step out of the bulky tulle that surrounded you, and he held your hand to steady you.  Swallowing thickly, you finally turned to face him, left only in your lacy panties and the heavy necklace that circled your neck, the chill in the air pebbling your skin.
Other than the sharp intake of breath at the sight of you, Bakugou didn’t comment, but your whole body flushed as his gaze slowly traveled you, appreciating each curve and swell.  “Not bad,” he grunted, clearing his throat, his eyes flicking back up to yours as he unbuttoned his dress shirt.
“Not bad?” you repeated incredulously, your own eyes trailing down his well muscled chest as he let the garment fall to the ground, unsure if you should be offended or not.
“You’re… beautiful, okay?” he huffed, but the way he looked at you betrayed him and you could see the bulge tightening his trousers.  Stepping toward you, he worked to unbutton them, leaving them undone around his trim waist as his mouth found yours once more, kissing you with more insistence this time while his hands roamed your exposed flesh slowly, cupping your breasts, feeling the weight of them in his warm palms, your nipples stiffening at his gentle touch.
A soft moan caught in your throat and you busied yourself with working his pants down his hips, letting your fingertips dance over his twitching abs, marveling at just how fit he was.  With each firm yet reverent touch, each sultry caress of his tongue against yours, you could feel your arousal grow, your body reacting to his as surely as his did to you.
Backing up, you felt your legs hit the edge of the bed, nearly tipping backward, save for Bakugou’s arm slipping around your waist, easing you back.
“Careful, idiot,” he huffed and for a moment you bristled at the name, opening your mouth to rebuke him, only for him to nip at your bottom lip, silencing you with a moan.
Just as suddenly as he’d kissed you, he pushed himself up, wetting his lips languidly as his eyes once more trailed over you, taking in the sight of your heaving chest and lust blown eyes.  For a moment his breath caught, his gaze faltering before he lowered his head, kissing his way down your chest til his warm mouth covered your pert nipple.
Gasping, you arched against him in surprise, your body betraying you, your brief flash of annoyance slipping away under his agile tongue.  As he deftly circled your stiff bud you writhed beneath him, your fingers tangling in the cool silken sheets that caressed your back and before he moved to the other nipple he let it pop from his lips, pursing them to blow lightly over it, sending a shiver through you.
“Bakugou—“ you gasped as his mouth descended hungrily on your other breast, only to let out a sharp hiss as his teeth bit down, tugging at your nipple before raising his face to you, ruby eyes aflame.
“Katsuki,” he corrected and you swallowed at the husky sound of his voice.  “What did I tell you earlier?”
“Kat-katsuki,” you breathed, his name a soft whimper that he seemed to enjoy.  
“Good girl,” he growled under his breath, his mouth exploring lower, kissing his way down to your navel, his lips twitching into a grin against your flesh at the needy little sounds he drew from you just with a few chaste kisses.
Something about the casual praise that slipped from his lips went straight to your head and you bit down on your lip in an attempt to muffle the embarrassingly needy sound that bubbled up from your chest.  Bakugou heard, however, and his sharp carmine eyes flicked up to your face as he knelt before you, and as you met that unwavering gaze, you couldn’t seem to remember why you’d been so nervous about this in the first place.  The way he looked at you made you burn for him, your cunt aching to be filled.
He made you feel sexier than you’d ever felt before.
“Want me to touch you there, huh?” he asked, arching a brow as he spread your legs farther.  His warm breath ghosted over your skin maddeningly and you nodded wordlessly.
“Gunna have to speak up, Princess,” he huffed, his lips tugging into a half smirk as he watched your reaction, your pupils dilating and your mouth falling open.  “I wanna hear you say it.  I wanna know you want it,” he growled, a meaningful look crossing his visage.
Swallowing, you took a steadying breath, your fingers digging into the sheets.  “I want you to t-touch me, Katsuki,” you whispered, unable to raise your voice any louder.
“Touch you where?” he prompted, though he seemed pleased you’d used his name.
“My… my pussy,” you murmured, face flaring hotly, wanting to hide it as Bakugou’s grin widened, his pearly canines flashing.
“Atta girl,” he rumbled, snorting softly before pressing his lips to your clothed sex.
Barely able to breathe, anticipation coursed through you, holding you frozen in place; you needed more.
A breathy sigh left your parted lips and Bakugou kissed you again, breathing in your scent as he nosed your swollen clit, his tongue working against the damp fabric that yet covered you, prodding at your folds.
“Fuck, you’re already so wet,” he groaned, surprise in his deep voice.  “Thought it might take more than that,” he murmured and you couldn’t help the way your hips jerked as the tip of his nose nudged your clit again.  
“Can’t help it,” you whined, rolling your hips impatiently, wishing you could feel his tongue directly as your cunt clenched around nothing.
Sensing your impatience, Bakugou huffed a laugh.  “If you want something, you gotta tell me, Princess.”
Again, that pet name, said with just the right amount of derision, sent arousal rolling through you, pooling between your spread legs.  If you didn’t have your panties on, you’d probably be dripping.
“A-are you one of those guys that gets off on making your partner beg?” you asked, definitely not pouting.
“Maybe,” Bakugou grunted, amusement dancing in his lust darkened gaze, commanding your eye contact.  “But right now, I just want to make sure you really want it,” he admitted, a hint of insecurity leaching into his voice and the butterflies in your stomach once more took flight.
He wanted you to feel comfortable.
Taken aback by his honesty and the glimmer of vulnerability, it took you a moment to formulate words, to let him know you wanted this.  That you wanted him.
“Take my panties off,” you mumbled, lifting your hips so he could help you peel them off, the damp fabric sticking to your sopping folds as he eased them down.  “I want to feel you.”
Your breath hitched as he tossed the garment away, not dropping eye contact as he once more parted your thighs, pressing his lips to the inside of your knee, taking his sweet time in returning to your aching core.  “Fuckin’ gorgeous,” he groaned softly under his breath, nipping at your plush inner thigh, drawing a sharp gasp to your lips before he eased the sting with a broad swipe of his tongue.
When he parted your folds, almost hesitantly with his fingers, his breath dancing over you, you twitched, barely daring to breathe before his tongue slipped between his lips to taste you, a shuddering moan rumbling through him that you echoed.
“Taste so fuckin’ good,” he growled, tongue delving deeper, gathering your juices as he lapped at you, drawing your clit between his lips to suck on.
Only able to keen in response, you leaned back, your breaths coming in shallow puffs as he slurped at you, burying his face between your thighs as if he were truly enjoying himself.  When he slowly pushed one finger past your first ring of tight muscle you bucked against his face, gasping as his finger curled inside you, seeking that spongy spot that had you moaning louder.
“Right there!” you cried, breathlessly, unable to stop your writhing and soon he had two fingers curled inside you, blunt nails scraping your silky walls as they clenched around him, his tongue circling your clit teasingly.
Just as you felt your climax nearing, your mind going hazy with pleasure, everything else falling away, he stopped, giving one last teasing kiss to your clit before lifting his face.
“Why’d you stop?” you whined, flopping back against the sheets with a huff as Bakugou stood.
“Cause I don’t want you to cum yet,” he said simply, hooking his thumbs beneath the waistband of his tight boxer briefs, his cock throbbing painfully beneath the dark fabric.
As he freed his cock, it sprung heavily out, unable to stand up completely under its own weight and you swallowed at the sight, your cunt clenching around nothing, wanting so badly to be filled.
“Like what you see?” he asked brusquely, joining you on the bed.
“I—“ you gaped, unsure how to respond, merely nodding.
He looked so big, you were a little worried how you were going to fit him inside you.
Bakugou snorted before capturing your lips, the taste of yourself still heavy on his tongue.  “I think you can take it.  I made sure you’re nice and wet for me, Princess,” he murmured, his cock bumping against your hip, smearing a silvery line of pre over your skin and you moaned.
“Will you go slow?” you asked, voice hesitant, your nerves returning suddenly, all of it feeling so real.
“Slow as you want,” he assured you, gentler than you thought possible and your heart gave a stutter.  Before you knew it he’d rolled to his back, settling you atop him and you gasped, splaying your hands over his chest to stabilize yourself.  Your breath hitched as you looked down at him.  Sitting astride him, you felt so powerful… and so exposed.  As Bakugou’s eyes trailed over your bare chest, you fought the urge to cover yourself, your hands halfway up your chest.
“Oh,” you murmured, realizing you were still wearing your necklace, the heavy weight of it warm against your throat.  Reaching up to undo it Bakugou grabbed your wrists, stopping you.
“Leave it on.  Looks good on you,” he drawled, fingers brushing over the gold before bringing your hands back down to his chest.  “Wanna see you wear it as you’re bouncing on my cock.”
Your face flared hotly at his words, but he merely smirked up at you, still very much in charge despite being the one underneath you.  “You ready?”
“Mm… mhmm,” you nodded, biting your lip as Bakugou’s hands circled your waist, a low moan leaving you as his length slipped between your slick folds, urging you to grind against him.  Letting your eyes flutter shut, you rolled your hips, gasping as his head caught your swollen clit.  Wanting more, you lined him up, letting him help ease you onto his cock.
“Oh god, s’too much,” you groaned as he split you apart, the sting of being stretched going straight to your head, your vision swimming as tears pricked your eyes, catching in your lashes.
“You can take it,” Bakugou cooed, his fingers biting into your hips as he bucked shallowly up into you, letting you adjust as he slowly worked your sloppy cunt, inch by slow inch.  When you finally sank atop him fully, the tip of his thick head kissing your cervix, you stopped to catch your breath, chest heaving.
“‘M so full,” you whined, your walls fluttering and clenching around him.  It had been so long since you’d been filled like this.
“Fuck,” he groaned, letting out a shaky breath.  “So fuckin’ tight.  If you keep clenching around me like that–”
A strange sense of confidence swelled in your chest at Bakugou’s words and you gave an experimental roll of your hips, grinding down on his pelvis.  “Oh,” you moaned, repeating the action, his cock dragging against your velvety walls, pressing on your g-spot with each movement you made and soon your inhibitions fell away, pleasure clouding your racing thoughts as you began to ride him in earnest.
“Oh fuck, y/n,” he groaned, the sound rumbling through him and you held his gaze as you bounced atop him, your necklace slapping against your skin as your tits jiggled in time with each thrust.  “Don’t know how long I’m gunna last,” he admitted, his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed, his grip on your hips bruising.
“Wanna–cum–together,” you panted, rushing headlong into your pleasure, the tight coil inside you compressing tighter still.  “Want you on top–”
At your plea, Bakugou didn’t hesitate, rolling you to your back and stuffing his cock back into you, your cunt sucking him in eagerly.  “Don’t cum til I tell you,” he grunted, thrusting into you harshly and you let out a squeak, nodding as you bit your lip.  “Don’t fuckin’ hold back.  Wanna hear you.  Want you to say my fuckin’ name.”
“K-katsuki,” you gasped, throwing your head back to let out a strangled moan as he lifted your leg higher, the change in angle helping him to hit you even deeper, his cock kissing your cervix with each roll of his hips.  “Katsuki, please, ‘m so close,” you whined, your fingers biting into his shoulders as you clutched at him, drawing a ragged hiss from his parted lips.
“Not yet,” he growled, the room filled with his heavy panting breaths and the lewd squelch of your wetness, each thrust punctuated by the slap of his balls against the curve of your ass.  “Look at me,” he breathed, reaching between you to find your clit, his fingers rubbing desperate circles.
The added friction was enough to tip you over the edge, but he hadn’t given you permission yet, and as you looked up at him, tears once more gathered in your eyes, making your vision swim.
“Look so pretty–fuck–” Bakugou moaned, burying himself to the hilt as you clamped down on him, your walls fluttering and hugging him even tighter.  “C-cum for me, y/n,” he growled, and with a wail, you obeyed, pressing your face into the crook of his neck as your pleasure overtook you, sweeping through you.  Your toes curled and your back arched, muscles spasming as he drove into you, overstimulating your clit til your tears fell down your face while he came undone deep inside you, painting your walls with white hot ropes, filling you up til his cum dripped from your cunt even as he stilled inside you, giving one last shuddering thrust.
For a long moment, neither of you moved, frozen in place, your chests heaving against each other, sweat slicked skin sticking together as you caught your breath.
“That was–” you gasped, lifting your chin to look up at him, his head hanging, forehead pressed to your shoulder.  
“Better than you imagined, hah?” he guessed, letting out a forced laugh.
“Yeah,” you breathed, catching his face between your hands to caress his cheeks.  His lips were only inches from yours and you wanted so desperately to kiss him, to feel connected to him, your emotions raw and ragged after laying yourself bare for him like that.
However, something shifted in your husband and he blinked, his eyes catching yours for a moment before they darted away again and he suddenly pushed himself up, slipping his limp cock from you, his cum dribbling out, leaving you a mess, but he didn’t comment, didn’t barely spare you a second look. 
“I’ll let you use the shower first, so you can clean yourself up,” he mumbled, reaching for a handful of tissues on the bed stand to wipe himself with, his back to you.
“Oh…” you murmured.  “You could… join me if you want,” you offered, suddenly feeling small and too bare, wrapping the sheet around you.
“I don’t wanna crowd you,” Bakugou said, glancing at you over his shoulder. 
“I-if you’re sure,” you replied, pushing yourself off the bed and hesitating in the bathroom door.
“‘M sure,” he mumbled, pulling his boxers back up.
Biting your lip, you reluctantly shut the door behind you and turned on the water.  You didn’t understand.  Had you upset him?  You thought you’d connected… he’d been so attentive while you’d made love, but… maybe you were just reading too much into it.  Shaking back confused tears, you stepped under the water, trying not to focus on the emptiness that filled you, opening up in your stomach like a pit, while a pleasant ache still throbbed in your core.  By the time you’d finished and reluctantly stepped back out into the dark room, Bakugou was already asleep.
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Tag List: @super-predictable98 @sad0ni0n @dinodumbass @aomi04​ (If you’d like to be added to my tag list, just drop me a message/ask!)
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oikadori · 3 years
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↱ includes: atsumu, oikawa, bokuto
↱ genre//warnings: fluff, domestic, hq dads <3 // atsumu is a tease
↱ wc: 0.9k
an: i just love when they are loving fathers yk?
reblogs are highly appreciated :DD
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“I don’t need ya, daddy”
Atsumu felt a pang in his chest as he watched her little girl getting on her toes to reach her favorite candy and successfully doing it.
His arms were already reaching for her small body to keep her steady. Just in case he thought, but there was no need.  “Sorry baby! Sometimes your silly dad forgets what a big girl you are.” Your husband chuckles nervously at your six-year-old daughter who smiles proudly at you both.
Atsumu’s eyes drift to the flask and his face lightens a bit “Here, let me open it for you, girly—”
Your daughter moves her price away from your husband's grip with a cute little frown. “I can do it!” She says, before opening it, not before letting out a few grunts. “See?!”
Humming happily your daughter leaves the room and you watch with a sympathetic smile at your husband, who follows her with a heavy stare, almost nostalgic.
“You okay, ‘Tsumu?” you coo, dragging him out of his trance. To hide the strange feeling that was building up in his stomach, he brings back his smug self.
“Yeah! Why wouldn't I?! Our little girl is just...growing.” he says the last part with a little crack in his voice. But he is quickly brushing his teary eyes away and fixing his blonde locks.
Rolling your eyes, you simply  ignore him.  You go back to wash the dishes when a pair of large, rough  hands grip your hips.
Trying to look behind you, you catch a glimpse of Miya Atsumu's pouty face resting on top of your shoulder blade. You can't help giggling softly at the image until he leans closer to your ear, huffing.
“Let’s have another one, please.”
“Daddy, look!” 
Your daguhter runs into your living room where Oikawa is currently is watching a volleyball match on the couch, rocking a new braid.
Oikawa’s lips stretch into a wide smile as he claps. “Princess, that looks so pretty. Did your mommy do it?” 
The brown-haired girl shakes her head as she crowls onto the couch and sits next to him. “No, I did it myself!” She says happily, holding her braid with her small hands and showing it to your husband. Oikawa is still smiling until he hears what comes next.
“I don’t need you to do my hair anymore.” 
It might be dramatic but Oikawa felt as if he was being fired. What did she say? she didn’t need his help anymore? No way.
 You were clumsy for doing braids and complicated hairstyles unlike your husband. Oikawa and his skilled fingers always made sure your daughter had the prettiest hair at every kids party. And he was really proud about it. 
“Excuse me?” he says in a high pitch tone, crossing his beefy arms over his chest. “Who made your hair for your birthday party? AND who help you with your bangs when a little someone cut her hair alone, mmh?” he counts with his fingers all of his successful hairstyles, desperately trying to show your daughter that she still needs him.
“You…But,” She cross her legs, “—I want to do it alone like the others girls.” 
Oikawa quickly shuts his mouth and carefully looks at the braid, he can’t contain the goofy smile that takes over his face as he realizes that her daughter was growing, a little too fast for his liking. But he was happy to see it happening.
He sighs. 
“Okay, okay angel, daddy will teach all of his hair tricks BUT don’t tell mommy.”
“Are you sure?!” 
“But like, are you sure, sure??!”
This has been going for a while now. Bokuto’s hand is still on your daughter’s back and the other is firm on the purple bicycle’s handle. The day has finally come when the training wheel were no longer needed by your little girl.
“Yes, daddy!!” She yells, making your husband jump. “I don’t need you to hold me, anymore”
Through the lens of your phone, you notice how Bokuto’s spiky hair falls down, a signature thing the former Fukorodani’s captain did  when he felt down.
Bokuto feels like crying, his little girl is not so little anymore and he wonders how much time he’ll have before he has to let her go for good. 
You are on your way to Bokuto’s muscular figure when your daughter gets off her bike and pulls your husband's shirt.
“What happened honey-pie?” He says with a shaky voice, kneeling in front of her, patting her head lovingly. 
“Why-Why are sad, daddy?”  So perceptive, Bokuto thinks and his heart melts. He pinches her chubby cheeks and shoots her a warm smile before kissing her tiny forehead.
“Nah, birdie. I’m just happy you are growing strong and big just like your dad!” Bokuto let out a booming laugh as he tickles her sides making the cutes giggle come from her lips. ”Now, now. Show mommy and daddy how you ride your bike like a big girl, okay?” 
She nods, kissing his cheek and whispering a silent I love you before getting on her bike again. 
Your face finally relaxes. Holding your phone you catch you daughter riding her bike alone for the first time as an overexcited Bokuto jogs by her side, where he belongs.
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hisokaisdaddyz · 2 years
Sub!Hisoka! 🌸💮
Contains pegging!, Muscular Reader! Dom! Reader! Demon reader! FemReader! Sub!Hisoka, blood, Sex toys.
A/N: I don't know if you guys like my content because y'all never comment and I take that as a "they don't like it" type of thing, I worked on this for 3 days, yes I worked on THIS booty crap for 3 days 💀 I had writers block, But anyways if there is any mistakes please do tell me <3
Word count:1024
You decided to surprise Hisoka when he comes home, So you put on a tight red leather suit that complimented your muscular arms and legs, He certainly loved your muscular figure, Tho he'd love you no matter what figure you had, You put on matching heels and tried to sit on the sofa but your tail was in the way so you laid down and waited for him to return.
After hours of waiting you heard the doorknob jiggling, and immediately got up and kneeled near the door, Hisoka came in and stopped once he noticed you, "Oh my~ What a stunning sight~", You blushed seeing how he stared at you, "So she's shy now?~ How cute~", He said as he closed the door with his foot, " Stand up dear, Allow me to see all of you~" Obediently you stood and avoided ey contact with him, You felt his gaze on your breast which spilled out of the costume, You grabbed his hand and led him to your shared bedroom, you pushed him on the bed and settled on his lap.
"Lay there and allow me to gratify you," You said as your sharp nails trailed down his clothes ripping them along the way, He shivered feeling your nails dragging against his bare skin, He groaned feeling your wet tongue flick his nipples while you pinched the other one, You knew Hisoka sometimes didn't like waiting, He liked to just get right into it, "Y/N" He called out, You sighed and stood, You grabbed his legs and yanked him towards you, He chuckled loving how aggressive you were with him, Wasting no more time you tied him up with your nen and put on your strap-on , Hisoka felt himself heating up in excitement, You grabbed his dick and inserted a penis plug.
"You can't release until I say so, do not remove it" You had to clarify it because there were multiple times where he broke free and removed it himself.
You placed lube on his asshole and pushed 3 fingers in quickly pulled them out and aligned yourself with his hole before roughly thrusting into him, stretching his tight hole, He'd be lying if he said he didn't almost cum, He tossed his head back and let out a loud moan, The feeling of your hand wrapped around his throat and your nails digging into his waist sent him to cloud nine.
"Come on now Y/N don't be so weak, Do it harder dear~" He knew you hated being called weak, Your grip around his neck tightened cutting off his air circulation, Your thrust grew faster and harder, "Watch that pretty little mouth Hisoka", You noticed his face turning a little purple so you removed your hand, He gasped for air and Chuckled, " Did I piss you off Darling~?", He asked grinning, "You sure did, exactly what you were aiming for hm?"
You grabbed his cock and tugged at the plug, You looked down at the totally fucked man underneath you, His hair stuck to his forehead, His makeup was ruined, You felt his dick throb in your hand, "Already near? How pathetic", You kissed his neck leaving marks as you abused his sweet spot, "Y/N....Y/N" he moaned your name, After 30 mins you decide to be considerate, you grabbed the plug and removed it causing Hisoka to tremble underneath you, His load went everywhere, Mostly on your face and breast, You licked you lips and scooped some off of your face and forced your fingers in his mouth, you smiled as he sucked on your fingers, pulling out you took his cock in his other hand and squeezed it making him let a whimper, You put his tip between your plump lips and wrapped you long tongue around his dick, his dick twitched in your mouth, you could hear him breathing heavily and his gaze pierced through your head, You took your hand out of his mouth and stroked his dick a couple of times before you put his dick between your breast, You looked up at him and bit your lip, "undo your Nen" You chuckled, "I'd rather not", you moved your breast in a up and down motion, and felt him twitching, " You're quite sensitive today", "How could I not be dear? The sight of you makes me wanna cum now~" He grunted,
A couple of minutes later you put his cock in your mouth, as you felt his climax near, and he coated your tongue with his sweet and salty semen, You put the plug back in before towering over him, forcing his mouth open and let his semen slip off your tongue and into his mouth.
You felt a pair of hands grip your ass before reaching up and yanking your hair. Hisoka grinned and within a second you were underneath him, He moaned as the dildo stretched his hole painfully good, His hair stuck to his forehead, his golden eyes made eye contact with you as he sat on top of you bouncing, his dick slapping against his abdomen with each thrust you made, his sharp nails clawed at your shoulders making you bleed. He bent down and mashed his lips against yours, You hungrily pushed back and gripped his waist, you worked your mouth against his, your tongues battling for dominance, each trying to clasp each other down, your nails stabbed into his back making his knees go weak, he tossed his head back as he tried to pull out the plug but you stopped him, "No, I'd like to see how you handle this" he shook as powerful feeling of pleasure came over him, you made him get on all fours and gripped his waist and thrusted into him at an inhuman speed, the headboard slammed against the wall and you heard Hisoka let out broken moans, you stopped once you noticed Hisoka not moving as he laid in the bed, "Hisoka?" you pulled out and took over your strap before flipping him over, you pulled out the plug and his semen shot out, "Again?" You said as stared at the unconscious man.
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tobitofunction · 2 years
Oh Baby Part 6
Schoolboys can be cruel
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10 Part11 part12 part13 part14 part15 part16 part17 part18
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“A boy, I’m having a grandson” Daichi’s mom squealed happily,” a future Captain in the making,” you said smiling patting his muscular thigh, he grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles,” I can't wait” he kissed your cheek quickly.” Let’s get some food, my treat” his mom smiled starting the car.
“Who is this beauty?” the Nekoma Captain asked, letting go of Daichi’s hand,” My girlfriend “ Daichi wrapped his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to his side,” Lucky man” Kuroo smiled,” You better give him all the loving as Nekoma is going to win” he smirked grabbing his friend Kenma by the hoodie and dragging him inside the gym.” Another one, how many attractive girls do you on your team,” a Mohawk guy said to Tanaka who smiled proudly,” A cheerleader” he added making the guy knees buckle,” A cheerleader and gorgeous one at that,” he said,” Hi, I’m Daichi, I’m the gorgeous girl boyfriend,” he said,” Teach me your ways” he replied to Daichi grabbing his pant leg,” Emmm-“,” Yamamoto, come in here. We need to get warmed up,” the libero said grabbing him by the ear,” Sorry for him” he bowed to you,” It’s fine,” you said. You watched them enter the gym when you stroked Tanaka at the back of his head,” I’m not a cheerleader anymore Tanaka” you reminded him,” He doesn’t need to know that. I’m trying to be build dominance over these city boys” he defended,” Well you can prove dominance by running 20 laps around the gym with a dive at end of round” Daichi said rubbing your belly softly, Tanaka’s head dropped and followed the rest of the group inside,” Win for me” you kissed his cheek,” What do I get if I won?” he asked flirtatiously,” Mmhh, how about a romantic bath, candlelight, music and all that jazz” you said biting your lip,” And I lose?” You pursed your lips,” you going to buy the whole team Ramen” you patted his belly before jogging towards the gym.
Karasuno lost, both as it was to be expected as it’s the first practice match with Asahi and Noya back,” Hey, don’t take it so serious Daichi. Think about it positively it’s good practice when you go to nationals” you patted his back,” But you know what this means... oh everyone Daichi is buying us all ramen, yes even Ukai and Daichi” you smiled making everyone cheer,” I take mine with extra pork” you laughed as everyone began listing their orders to the Captain.
The two of you arrived back home with full stomachs and an empty wallet for Daichi.” How did the practice match go?” his mom asked,” We lost but we can defiantly learn a few things from them and it’s good to start building connections again” Daichi said,” That’s a good attitude to have” Daichi’s dad said,” And now that you guys are here, we should hold a family meeting” he said giving you and Daichi a look which means it’s time to tell the rest of his family.
“As you guys know Y/N lives with us now and you probably want to know why?” Daichi’s dad began, his 14-year-old sister looked at you briefly before looking back at her dad,” She’s pregnant, it kinda easy to figure out with all the clues” she said,” Really, wow my brother knocked up the head cheerleader of Karasuno. Respect man” Daichi’s 13-year-old brother said,” Where do you learn this type of behaviour?” his mom scolded making him shrug, the two youngest looked confused,” What is pregnant?” his baby sister asked,” It means Y/N has a baby in her belly,” Daichi said,” How did it get there?” she asked curiously,” I put it there?” he said awkwardly,” How?” his other brother asked,” Emmmm, well” Daichi scratched the back his head,” They had sex and Daichi isn’t good at the pull-out method,” the 13-year-old said making your eyes widen and his older sister snicker,” Oh dear” his mom whispered face palming,” What’s sex?” the two youngest asked at the same time,” That’s a conversation for another day,” Daichi’s dad said making Daichi breathe a sigh of relief,” Y/N are you still cheerleader?”,” No, I’m not as it’s not saving for the baby,” you said crouching down to her size,” But will you be a cheerleader again?”,” Hopefully, I think its time for bed. It’s getting late,” you said rubbing her head making her smile.
“Well that was awkward,” you said climbing into bed,” Tell me about it... I hope Takada isn’t going to give the talk now. As I only can handle one embarrassment at a time,” he said pulling you closer to his body, he lifted your shirt and ran his warm hand on your belly,” Our little boy, I’m so happy that we finally know what we are having,” he said kissing your forehead,” Any name ideas already?” he bit his lip,” Nope, you?” you shook your head and giggled, burying your face into his chest,” I love you so much Y/N, and I love our son. I will take care of the two of you until my last breath. You don't need to worry,” he said,” I know, you really are the perfect man” you kissed his chest before inhaling his scent which is one of the most comforting thing in the world. “Getting pregnant at 17 wasn't on the plan but I’m happy it happened with you as the dad. If it was Asahi I think the poor boy would have gone into cardiac arrest already” you joked making Daichi laugh,” Asahi is the definition of don't judge a book by its cover. I just hope it hasn’t been spread around in the school yet as it just would be further stress on you” Daichi said stroking your back,” Can't wait for the talking with the Vice-principal, he isn't a fan of the club anyway. He doesn't care about a club until it wins comps that's why so many people join winning teams as you then can get away with murder with him. Like if a football team(soccer for the Americans) did the thing Noya did, they wouldn’t be expelled as they are the winning team” you scoffed,” Yeah, this school sucks” he whispered,” Let’s sleep and not think about the negatives” you hummed in agreement.
“Hey Y/N, if you want to sleep with me next? I promise not to knock you up” a guy said walking past you,” Hey, back off,” Daichi said standing in between the two of you,” I promise, I will be better than this loser who can’t even win a practice match against another loser club” he smirked,” Or did you spread your legs to make him feel better” he joked making his friends chuckle,” But the sex must have been good when he spilt inside of you” he continued,” Shut your mouth before I shut it for you,” Daichi said, he clenched his jaw, you rubbed his shoulder trying to calm him down,” Go ahead, punch me and you get expelled and you won't be able to witness your club losing in regionals”, you felt a hand brush against your skirt making you quickly turn around, your back facing Daichi’s,” Come on baby, let me see. Cheerleaders like you give it up every day to us”,” I’m not a cheerleader anymore and I’m loyal to Daichi” he chuckled, Daichi by this time turned around wrapping his arm around your waist,” Hmmm for now, you will come for one of us the second he drops your pregnant as for that other loser...what’s her name.. ah yeah Michimyia”,” I would never” Daichi growled,” Sureeee” the first boy said pushing past Daichi,” Your still a man Sawamura, you have needs and she won’t be able to go on her knees soon-” Daichi heard enough and was ready to deck the two football players but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder,”Asahi?” you mumbled beside him was Suga, both of them wore unreadable expression,” So you recommend Daichi to leave Y/N as she won’t be able to give it up to Daichi soon anymore? But you are still trying to get her to sleep with you? Interesting” Suga said stuffing his hands in his pocket, he was about to open his mouth when a firm voice cut him off,” Don’t, knowing your ways of expressing yourself it won't be saved for school,” Takeda said with a smile but it wasn't his usual smile, it was the smile he used to dampen his criticism for the Volleyball club. The two football players roll their eyes and walk towards their classes,” Ohh that was scary” Asahi said dropping the unreadable look,” The two of you okay?” he added,” Yeah, thanks” you said,” I guess everyone knows now” you sighed snuggling into Daichi’s chest,” Daichi, I know you want to protect Y/N rightfully so but violence isn't going solve it. In this school status matter, unfortunately, these two are part of winning teams-”,” and we aren't which means he would get away with a slap on the wrist and I will be expelled” Daichi sighed making Takeda nodded,” Let’s win than if we need to win to have some ooze of respect in this school. Let’s do it” he patted your head,” I like the sound of that but now off to class, and please try not to get into a fight. I have a meeting to go to which involves the club. I talk about the result later. Have a nice day” he said.
“I walk you to class,” Daichi said wrapping his arm around your waist, his fingers grazing your belly,” Daichi, do you want me to suck you off?” the question threw him off,” What? No,” he said,” But they’re right you still have needs-”,” I can handle these needs, you being comfortable is more important. I loved having sex with you, I loved being so connected with you but I really love just cuddling with you, holding your hand in mine and kissing you. If you want to have sex, we can but only if you really want it. Don’t feel obligated to pleasure me, the next months will be all about your and the baby's needs” he said stroking your face, pinching your cheeks making you giggle.” I really love cuddling with you, it’s the best feeling, want to take bath together after practice, just cuddling?”,” I love that, sounds perfect. Mostly Ukai will be training us to death”,” Welcome to my world” you pecked his lips.
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