#my arm hurtss =[
So in April 2023 aka jus last year is when Silver Spoon became my favorite character in all of II
And since then that fucking spoon has changed my vocabulary a little since sometimes I sort of speak like how he would, and stuff like that
WELL earlier I was laughing at something, and instead of my regular silly laugh, it almost sounded like I did the "Ohohohohoh!" laugh he does..
Oh my fucking god.
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necroticghost · 2 months
I'm hurting so much rn
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rat-fanatic · 1 year
I hate when I have a bad pain day and the depression hops in the ring and starts beating my ass alongside the various other wrestlers as I kaput on the ground in a wrinkled unrecognizable figure
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maximumkillshot · 10 months
I Can't Lose You- Part 7
Warnings: Descriptions of Grief, PTSD Flashback, Intense Grief, Mentions of Miscarriage, Pissed off Lee Know, Anxiety, Panic, Everyone is hurting but you knew this... right?
Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader
Characters: Stray Kids, Reader, Nurse, Soo?
A/N: Okay her we are with part 7 the song that I linked is what I had on repeat for part 6 &7 for the most part... I am so sorry and as always I'll be around for therapy after. If you really wanna cry, listen to what I listened to while writing this about 98% of the time, Can You Hold Me by NF and Britt Nicole.
I Can't Lose you Masterlist-CLICK HERE
Stray Kids Masterlist-CLICK HERE
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BEFORE: His body went into overdrive, the shock melting into panic. He wasn’t going to let Death take you, “Han hurry up, she's slipping!” He screamed at the door. His scream didn’t sound like him. The sound akin to a bystander watching a loved one jump from a bridge. Watching the body disappear all because of one step. He couldn’t wouldn’t let you fall. He screamed as if he dove for your hand, the same hand that fits so perfectly in his, as you threatened to disappear over the ledge of that bridge. Bin got closer to your ear, so you could hear him better, “Please don’t say that. I know it hurts, just stay with me, hold on. I’m here. Stay with me. You can’t leave me here, please.” Changbin tilted your head, so you could hear his heartbeat. Subconsciously thinking, If you go I go. He gently wrapped his arm across your breastbone, trying to provide some soothing pressure to your chest. His hand resting on your opposite arm, rubbing the meat of it in a soothing pattern. His other hand was petting your hair. The hold he had you in gave you someone to hold on to. As soon as his forearm rested you wrapped your hands around it, grabbing his hand as you dangled on the ledge. “Binnie it hurts, pleaseee. Help me, it hurtss.” You sobbed, your voice cracking and breaking, a mirror of your soul. Bin continued to slowly rock you, “I know Angel, I know I want to take it away. Just hold on for me. Hold on to me.” He had no idea how he was able to be calm for you. A part of him knew that he needed to. He was not going to collapse so you could face all of this on your own. He refused. He needed to fight for you, and he would, for eternity if he had to.
The boys were trying their hardest to be calm, but some just couldn’t handle it. I.N. and Felix being the two that were physically holding their heads, crouched in the fetal position, trying to cover their ears as they heard your screams in the hallway.
Hyunjin went over to them and picked them up, their forms curling into him as they cried. Hyunjin couldn’t pinpoint why your screams sounded so unhuman, subconsciously trying to find a way to help. Once reality set in he realized, none of them had ever heard the scream of a mother who lost their child… not until today. That made chills go up his spine as goosebumps riddled his skin. That was why it sounded so unhuman. His mother once told him, “Children are supposed to bury their parents, not the other way around.” He found himself repeating those words out loud as tears fell down his face. He never thought he’d understand those words, but now that he does, he was numb, numb with pain.
I.N.’s heart was breaking for you as he heard you calling out to no one, asking for the impossible. He was trying to be strong but hearing you in so much pain was too much. “I want to help her Hyung but I don’t know how.” That broke Hyunjin even more because he couldn’t do anything. No one could. 
Hyunjin rubbed his back saying,“We can only be here for her, Innah. We need to be here, make sure she knows we aren’t going anywhere. That’s all we can do. I wish we could do more, but we can’t.”
Felix was crying because the only thing that could happen was him hearing the screams of a person that he loves, a best friend he considers as his sister, while he can’t do anything at all. The frustration combined with the sadness sliced through him.
Seungmin was the one member whom no one expected to cry yet there he was,  crying. No one in the entire group knew he was one of the most hurt. His reactions to everything were visceral. If he wasn’t using the railing lining the hall, he was certain his legs would give out. He faced the wall sobbing, feeling the cold wall on his forehead. He didn’t care that he was in a hallway in a hospital full of nursing staff and strangers. He had been holding all of it in for weeks now… 
It all started about two months ago. When Seungmin had come over to the 3Racha house, he noticed some things. He was making some lunch while he waited for the others to come back from the gym. The minute he opened the kimchi, you ran to vomit. That coupled with the fact that you looked like you were glowing raised his suspicion. When you came back to the kitchen he said, “When was the last time you took a pregnancy test?”
You cocked your head to the side quizzicaly as he giggled, “I’m 99.9% sure that you’re pregnant. Pee on a stick just to be sure but… Yeah, congrats. I’m going to throw away everything that smells like kimchi while you check.”
He was there for all of it. Everything from staring at the test with you waiting for the verdict. He spun you around congratulating you. He helped hide the evidence. Helped plan, he was even there when you got the ultrasound, filming it for Chan so he didn’t feel like he was left out. In many ways Seungmin had a better tie to that child than anyone else aside from you. He imagined everything with you.
Ever since he saw I.N. storm out to kill Chan… he checked out emotionally. He couldn’t handle the pain. He couldn’t ignore it anymore when he heard your screams. He thought of all the names you’d send him to see if they’d sound good. If it was a boy, you were incessant on Seungmin. You wanted to name the baby after him because he had “noticed first.” But he got you to change it to Chanseung, meaning “lingering victory”. This whole time...Every scream you let loose he heard the baby’s heartbeat as the memories flashed in and out of his mind. 
He remembered the times when he would come over just to clear the kitchen of anything that’d trigger your gag reflex. His Hyungs would get pissed at him because they even labeled the items with "do not touch”, but somehow, mysteriously, Seungmin didn’t see it and ate it all… whoops. He even got up at whatever time you called to pick up whatever you were craving. Another was when you went out for a walk with him and you were telling him about all of the new things you were noticing about your body. 
But his favorites were whenever you and himself would be alone in the kitchen or on the couch while everyone was distracted he’d look down at your belly, he would glance around and go to your ear just to say “They have no clue… That there’s 10 people in this house.” He’d do that just to see you try to suppress the smile on your face. 
 He even had dreams of going to the hospital to meet the baby. The dream always started with the phone call. Changbin would be on the other line as he picked up, “the baby’s coming, they’re already at the hospital, see you there.” Then the dream would jump to Chris walking out, “Congratulations everyone, you have a beautiful and healthy nephew. Once Y/N is cleaned up, you guys can come back to meet Chanseung.” In every single one of those dreams Seungmin would cry happy tears. When he’d be taken back, he was met with the cutest bundle, eyes like yours, a head full of curly hair like Chan’s. Chan would hand the baby to Seungmin and Changbin would say “what about me?” And you’d say, “godparents always hold the baby first.” Seungmin would look around shocked as more tears fell from his eyes, he would look at you and say “really? Me?” You’d look at him nodding with tears of your own, “How could it be anyone else, you took such good care of us, Minnie. You’d do anything for him. Your the one I trust the most with him.” He looked down to the baby and whispered “Hello Chanseung, I’ve been waiting for so long to meet you. My name's Seungmin, I’m your godfather.” He cuddled with the baby as he cried tears of joy, nothing but love and gratitude in his heart. Now that’s all they’ll ever be… Just dreams.
While everyone else was mourning as a friend, a brother, an Uncle, he mourned like a father. He felt like he lost a child. It destroyed him, ripping him apart inside, making him reflexively grab his chest, the air abundant but still suffocating, leaving him no other choice but for his chest to collapse inward as the sobs escaped.
Minho noticed that your screams didn’t sound human, closer to a wounded animal.  Minho looked at Chan’s face as you screamed for your baby. He could see that Chan was sad, but it didn’t seem like he was truly grasping it. It was only when Chan’s phone lit up, that Minho’s patience snapped. He saw the name “Soo BFF Y/N” light up the screen, and before Chan could do anything about it, he snatched the phone. Minho grabbed Chris by the back of his neck, his nails digging into the meat of it. Minho spoke with a lethal air as he spat, “Waiting room… NOW.” 
They ducked into the waiting room down the hall. The rest of the boys followed suit, locking the door to the room as Minho answered the call and said nothing. 
“Hey Baby, you haven’t been picking up, is everything okay? What happened after I left?” Her voice rang through the waiting room. 
Minho looked to Chris, and nodded to the phone, Chris responded, “No. Everything isn’t okay. Y/N was pregnant.”
There was a beat or two and she said, “Was?” Then she said, “As in not currently? I guess that is a good thing right? Considering you were going to divorce her for me anyway. A baby would’ve made it messy, no?”
Everyone’s jaws dropped. Some looking for confirmation, that they indeed heard what they did. 
Chris looked at the phone like it had offended him his jaw slack, “what the fuck did you say to me?!” His face showed more emotion than hearing his wife’s soul being torn to shreds about losing the baby, “My child is dead and your response is ‘at least it’s less messy now?!’ How fucking heartless are you?” he asked.
Minho couldn’t believe what he was hearing and seeing out of Chris. He just heard his wife scream that she wants to die, that she wants to no longer exist because his child is dead. Yet the thing that gets him offended, have any reaction at all was his sidepiece saying something. Taking the first opportunity to skirt over how this all even happened. Minho wasn’t going to let him get away that easily, he spoke up, “You really are a fucking coward, huh, Chris? You won’t even tell her how all of this happened?”
Chris just bowed his head as Minho continued, “She miscarried from the shock and trauma of seeing you and her husband fucking right in front of her on their 3rd anniversary. YOU and Chris killed that child,” Minho seethed into the phone. “You want to hear what is happening to your so-called best friend? What you call, less messy?”
Minho took the phone off of the speaker and stormed down the hall. His heart was hammering in his chest, hearing of what she said playing in his head on repeat. His pain clouded his generous nature. For once, Minho doesn’t want to protect someone. He wanted Soo to feel the pain that you feel. He wants her to hear your screams. To hear your soul fracturing, hear the blood as it falls from the stab wound in your heart. That knife that no one can take out. That permanent piercing is now festering. The piercing that she and Chan personally put into one of the nicest people he’s ever met. He wants her to hurt. Just the thought of hearing Soo cry, made him smile. He wants her to suffer, truly suffer, just like he wants Chan to suffer. A part of him hates that this is what he wants but the rest of him knows, this is justified. A righteous anger. A human reaction. Which Soo cannot be. 
Minho stopped outside of the room and held the phone out for Soo to hear your screams. He could somewhat hear Soo gasping at what was happening. Minho turned on the video to show her what little he could see from the door, which was your form rocking with Bin gently holding you, trying to calm you. “Hold on to me and breathe for me,” He heard Bin talking to you, trying to get you to fight.
“Binnie, please, my baby.” Minho heard your voice trembling, seeing you clutch on to Bin’s forearm. Your voice was worse than haunting, Minho could hear you trying to will your baby back.
“All you need to do is breathe and hold on to me. I’ve got you, I’m here.”
“I can’t Binnie I can’t I need my baby! Pleassee help me!” Your voice nearly gone from all of the screaming taking place. 
It filled Minho with rage. The person on the phone caused this, along with your husband. Here Bin was, trying to will you to stay, to hold on to him, not anyone else. That made Minho feel better, if anyone could put you back together, make you want to stay, it’s Bin.
 After being there for a minute or two Han barreled by him, all Minho did was flash the phone at him and point to the waiting room and Han nodded. He was telling him that when he was done making sure you were okay, for him to come to the room they were currently occupying with no words. 
The minute Minho went back to the waiting room, he turned the speaker on to hear Soo. There was no response, only fast breathing and sniffling.
Minho tried to be quiet as he said, “Did that sound clean to you, Soo? Did that look less messy? She almost died last night, almost bled out from a hemorrhage that you both caused. She just screamed that she just wanted to die already. So tell me, what part about any of this screams a clean break?!”
Soo was silent for a moment and she said, “I never meant to hurt her, Minho.”
Minho’s blood boiled as he said, “People don’t get into cars with the goal of causing an accident and killing someone, but it happens all the same. I am so happy that you called, actually. I wanted to say this to your face but this’ll have to do. I couldn’t do this last night because I’m a decent person who was worried about one of my best friends... But now that she is being helped I can tell you. You are a sad excuse of a human being, I truly mean that. It takes a certain level of desperation to take your best friend’s sloppy seconds. Even more desperate to actually believe that he’d leave Y/N for your sorry waste of an existence. ” 
Chan prickled at that, cocking his head, “As a matter of fact, the sloppy seconds is glaring at me while I say this and I don’t fucking care, as soon as I am done with you on the phone I’ll deal with him. You both destroyed someone very close to my heart. A person who has done nothing to either of you and yet you do this.”
Han walks in as Minho is grilling Soo, he whispers something to Felix and Felix goes out of the room. Minho continued, “As if what you did wasn’t enough you have the audacity to say that it was a good thing that Y/N miscarried because it would make the divorce less messy.”
Han’s eyes bulged out of his head at hearing that. No wonder why Minho wanted him here. Han felt rage at those words. Calling the death of a child that was wanted, a good thing? Minho’s lip was tight as he calmly finished his say, “I hope you know what you’re wishing for when you say you want him to yourself. If he did this to his own wife, imagine what he’d do to you… A nothing, a speck compared to Y/N. I hope you can live with yourself, but at least you’re breathing, something Y/N’s child never even got to experience because of you and Chris. I hope you rot and I hope it’s painful. Above all else, I hope that you pay in full for what you’ve done.” 
Minho looked around, “Anyone want to talk to IT?” he punctuated “it” as he stared at Chris, daring him to say something. Everyone was silent and he said, “I would say it’s been a pleasure speaking to you, but that would be a lie; the only pleasure I’ll ever have is seeing you suffer.” With that, he hung up and walked to Chan, shoving the phone into his chest.
Minho stared at Chan, “Now it’s your turn… What are you doing here? Were we not clear enough for you?! What part of ‘stay away’ did you not get? Or are you that fucking stupid. She was making progress, she was sleeping and you had to come in, didn’t you.” His eyes burned into Chris.
“I just wanted to see her.” Chris said.
Minho got tunnel vision as he bore into Chan,“I… I … I.. That is all that exists for you, huh? It’s all about you. What you want, when you want, who you want, where you want. YOU wanted to see her, you didn’t even think about her wellbeing did you?! Of course you didn’t! That’s why you came in here and played the husband card over and over again. You are nothing to her. NOTHING! It baffles me how Changbin isn’t even married to her yet he’s a better husband than you will ever be!” Minho’s body betrayed him as he started to shake, “YOU DIDN’T JUST KILL YOUR CHILD… YOU KILLED WHO WE THOUGHT YOU WERE. YOU KILLED EACH ONE OF US! MOST OF ALL YOU KILLED Y/N. THE FUN LOVING, HOPEFUL Y/N  IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU! That alone is something I will never forgive you for.” 
“I’m going to give you one chance to walk out of here willingly. If you don’t, I will tell the boys to go back to the room. Then I am going to lock you in here with me, and believe me when I say you won’t like what happens next. When I’m done with you, I’ll go right back to Y/N and act like nothing happened.”
His tone was too calm, too monotone, the sound sending chills down Han’s spine.
The pain that Minho is in is something that he never shows anyone. He doesn’t like to be vulnerable. He couldn’t help but look at Chris’ wedding ring and think that he should’ve done something, anything to stop him from marrying you. He told himself that it wasn’t his relationship. He even asked Changbin if he was actually going to let this happen. Changbin just looked at him and said, “Does it kill me? Yes. Do I want to be the groom instead of the groomsman? Absolutely. But she’s happy. What I want is nothing compared to seeing her happy.” Just that singular memory gave him enough fuel to do what he had to do. He made a promise to himself in that moment, he will never let Chris close enough to be able to hurt you again. 
Chris didn’t make a move, Minho could see that he was shocked. Which only fueled his rage.
Han had to cut in, “Minho… she’s asking for you.” Minho's heart twisted again as he loomed over Chris.
Minho sucked his teeth, “Even after nearly killing her, killing her child, ruining her life… Even now she’s still saving you without even knowing it. You have your chance, if I were you, I’d take it.” Minho stormed out of the room.
With that, Han looked at the rest of the boys, “Make sure he leaves, he’s already banned from the room. You are all welcome to come back up since it was clear who caused her to spiral. She wants you all as well. She’s scared we’re worried or that we’ll leave her.”
Hyunjin looked at Han and said, “We’ll be there. Go to her.”
As soon as Han left the room he saw Minho duck into your room. 
When Minho came in he heard you saying, “Where’s MinMin? I don’t know what happened, m’scared Binnie, where's MinMin and Hannie? Lixie did they leave me?” Minho knew that whenever you were scared, you started using pet names. They felt safe to you. With your MinMin, Binnie, Lixie, and Hannie around, you'd be safe. Your voice is low and quivering, fear and panic clear. It's ripping him apart, reminding him almost of a child. A child trying to not let on how scared they are. You were a lot like a child in that way, you were so hurt you didn’t know who to trust, but the minute you see people you are sure won’t hurt you, you start asking for the others, knowing you can trust them to say the truth. You also reminded Minho of someone trying to cry silently, the quake in your voice giving you away.
From Minho’s view, all that could be seen is Changbin, grabbing his sweatshirt and putting it on, hood up. It was your favorite hoodie that Binnie wears, full of different stitches and felt like a cloud. He made fleeting eye contact with Minho. Just in those few seconds he could see Bin’s eyes trying to focus on not collapsing, yet trying to get Minho to understand. Minho could only imagine that what happened minutes ago was something that he had seen last night. Since Bin knew to call out to Han to get the nurses. It made his heart twist yet again, he knows that Bin isn’t used to caring for people. But you aren’t just people. You are more than that, you always have been more than that. That’s why it’s second nature to him.
“Binnie I’m scared what happened, where are my boys? Did I do something wrong, did I scare them? Will you leave too?” You asked through sniffles. Minho could see the effect those words had on Bin as he pulled the hoodie back, he spared one last gaze and flitted it towards the bed as if to say, watch me. If you can’t do what I’m about to do, don’t come in. Then he changed his face completely before turning to you and walking out of Minho’s field of vision. That killed Minho too. How Bin knew instinctually to change his face, his gaze softening. 
“What happened isn’t something you need to worry about. You didn’t do anything wrong and the boys aren’t scared. I’m not going anywhere, see I was just putting my hoodie on, its your favorite. You don’t need to be afraid. I’m here. So is Lixie.” Bin’s voice was soothing, calm, steady, eventhough Minho identified the cracks in his foundation with only two seconds looking into his eyes.
Felix added as he tried to calm you saying, “We aren’t going anywhere okay? We are just making sure you’re going to be comfortable. MinMin’s coming and so is Hannie, Okay?”
Minho put on a smile, “I’m here”, hiding his pain for now. Your eyes were darting as you looked at him. Tearstains still painting your cheeks, fresh ones about to fall. You looked so dazed and confused as you looked around the room like you haven't been in it before. 
You smiled at Minho, “MinMin…” more tears fell as you gaze fell on Minho’s eyes, “You didn’t leave? Binnie, Lixie, and Hannie said so but… m’scared… I don’t remember what happened,” 
Minho wanted to curl you into a ball and shelter you, make sure no one could sneak up on you, that Chris couldn’t get his hands on you again, spew more poison all over this healing space, your personal space. He wanted to tuck you in and stand watch, everything in him drove him to shield and protect you. He couldn’t show that though. He couldn’t call attention to what just happened. It could upset the balance that you are in. Instead he decided on another approach.
“Binnie was right, Beautiful. What happened isn’t important right now. What matters is that we are here with you, we’re going to keep you safe, okay?” Minho reached out and dried your tears with the sleeve of his shirt. 
The nurse was just finishing giving you medicine, “What’d they give you? Something good?” Minho smiled warmly. He looked to the nurse who said, “Yes, she’ll be able to sleep no doubt. We’re also giving her medicine every six hours for the anxiety,” she smiled. That made Minho smile wide. He couldn’t help but be relieved for you. You are finally getting the medicine you need. 
Minho looked at her and said, “Thank you so much, for taking care of her and coming so quickly.” 
She just nodded and turned the lights off. 
You yawned and started tearing up a little as you reached for Bin, “Don’t leave, Binnie…Lixie.” Felix was right at your hand as he said, “M’right here, it’s going to be okay. MinMin, Bin, all of us are here to make sure you’ll be okay.” Felix could see your shoulders slowly drooping as the medicine hit you. It was clear that the medicine was making you sleepy. That made everyone smile. You have had nothing but panic, havoc, and destruction. You deserved rest.
You looked at Minho and said, “I’m tired but I want my boys. You’ll wake me when they come back MinMin?” 
Minho nodded and said, “Of course, Beautiful.”
You nodded then looked to Bin, “Binnie, I’m tired, if I sleep you’ll stay with me? I don’t want to ask too much, but can I have cuddles while I sleep?” Everyone in the room could tell that you were looking for constant reassurance. You just got out of a bad PTSD flashback, triggered by the man that caused the trauma, all on top of getting no sleep. Han walked in after making sure that Chris couldn’t make it back into the room, only walking in after he was sure Chris was in the elevator and clear of the area.
When Changbin heard you calling out to him, saying you’re scared he just wanted to hold and protect you. He successfully coaxed you out of the flashback. His whole being broke when you came out of it so disoriented. The first things you asked Bin was, “Why did he do that? Why did they do that I don’t know why? What happened?” Then immediately after, “I’m scared.” He didn’t know what to say to that first half. It’s inconceivable how anyone could cheat on anyone, especially someone like you. Trying to answer that question would only prove to be more frustrating for you than anything. Apparently the shock was written on Bin’s face as the nurse explained. 
The nurses gently talked to Bin about what he was seeing, he’s never seen you like this and they explained that when someone comes out of a flashback episode, they are very confused. Sometimes they don’t know where they are or what happened. He learned that it was necessary to be very calm in repeating yourself, and ensuring the person coming out of it that everything is going to be okay and that they are safe. The nurse that was in the room with you was the one who coached Bin through the worse of it. He just had to keep pushing, to make you feel safe. He himself was also on the brink of collapse. The wall he made in his mind, to hold all the emotions inside around you, started failing long ago. More rubble falling by the minute.
Bin was trying to be as strong as he could be as he got into the bed with you, pulling you to him, and petting your hair back, “Of course we can cuddle. I am not going anywhere okay? I wouldn’t dream of it. Just take deep breaths. Let the medicine work, Angel.” He looked at you, so small, sweaty, tired, fragile. Felix immediately started tucking you in. Taking time to ensure sealing all of the edges of your body to stay nice and warm. Then he moved your hand to cuddle Bin, knowing that you’d want it there. He resumed his place at your back, he re-tied your gown that was coming loose, then slowly rubbing circles on your back, trying to soothe you. Bin tried to figure out how Chris could hurt someone so precious to him, to all of them. He couldn’t wrap his brain around it. Like that, more bricks fell from the wall.
“M’safe?” You asked Bin, eyes still brimming with unshed tears as you looked up at him. As soon as they were knocked free he used his thumb to wipe them away.
With me…“Always. No one is going to hurt you.” Not while I’m here. He brushed your cheekbone, you head leaning into his touch reflexively. More of the wall crashed to the ground. He gently guided your head down to his chest.
Even though you were being forcibly calmed by the medicine, he could see it. Your eyebrows were tense, still a quiver in your lip. The worst was the shaking. As he held you he could feel the tremble in your entire body. Your hands shook as you held on to his hoodie, rubbing the pattern to calm yourself. 
After a few minutes passed, the boys went to come back in, but Han stopped them, just to explain to them what happened. He also gave them the rundown of how to talk to you and redirect and reassure you, that way you can rest. 
“She doesn’t look like herself right now, that’s because she is still in a very fragile mental state, she’s going to repeat herself, she’s going to say she’s scared, a lot of things that will make you want to break. You cannot break in front of her. That can make her worse. If you need I can guide you through it. Just stay close to me, okay?”All of the boys nodded and went in. Minho let you know.
“Minnie, you here?” You asked.
“Yes I am, Birdie.” Seungmin said as he walked into your field of vision getting down to your level, “Getting sleepy, Birdie?” You nodded as tears started to spring to your eyes. 
Seungmin’s nickname for you is Birdie. When you started hanging out with him more, he noticed something. Whenever you had a song stuck in your head, you would sing it on repeat. Your voice was always very soft, shy, melodic. It reminded him of the morning birds, so one day he called you Birdie and you smiled ear to ear. No one heard him call you that until now, since Seungmin is more an observer than a talker.
“If I sleep, you won’t go anywhere? I’m scared you’ll leave and I won’t see you again.” your tears fell as you looked directly into Seungmin’s eyes.
Seungmin whispered, “Oh my sweet Birdie,” as he kissed your forehead trying not to cry, drying your tears immediately, “You don’t need to be scared, I’m not going anywhere without you. You will always have me, okay? Right now all you need to do is rest, okay Birdie?” 
You nodded then said, “Jinnie and Innie too? They’re here too?”
“Mhm, everyone’s here, Birdie.” Seungmin is doing his best to see you relax, lightly petting your hair, “So just close your eyes for me, let yourself rest, we’re here.” As if on command you slowly closed your eyes. What he doesn’t know is Innah is trying not to cry. Seeing the interaction cracking him open again. 
Your breathing started calming and as Bin felt your body relax into him, your grip completely loosening. Seungmin didn’t stop petting your hair until he was sure you were out. Only then, did he go to IN’s side, where IN’s tears soaked into his shirt. 
Bin played with your hand for a few seconds, seeing how delicate they are as well as gauging how asleep you are. Seeing no reaction from you he draped his hand over yours as he heard a ghost of mere minutes ago, ‘Please just let me die. Let me go.’ The wall collapsed and he started crying. Trying not to shake you at all as he kissed the crown of your head. 
“No one’s going to hurt you, I promise. I got you. You’re going to be okay. You have to be.” Bin didn’t care who saw him. He felt so helpless, his soul is breaking for you as he cradled you. He can’t help but think that it’s all his fault. How could it not be? He didn’t follow his gut, he didn’t make the move, and now you’re suffering because of it. He kissed your hairline as he did his best to stop the pain in his chest, worried that you’d hear his heart breaking. 
Minho watched as tears fell down his face. Seeing you like this and Bin, the one who gave up his own happiness… Handed his heart over to another man, only to see his heart used and abused. He could feel the pain radiating off of Bin. Minho heard a sniffle and looked to Seungmin. Seungmin always had a placid smile to his face, all Minho found was a quivering lip, tears falling, as he watched Bin. 
Seungmin was seeing how perfect you are together, like he always saw, and seeing how broken you both are, yet you are both so strong together. That made Seungmin cry. Even though both of you are in agony right now, torn to shreds, you still clung to eachother, making a silent pact to make it together.
“You can’t leave me here…” He leaned back to see you. Another specter paid a visit, ‘Binnie it hurts. Help me pleaseee’. He felt his chest caving in at the memory. He willed himself to breathe normally, each pull of air burning his lungs, the muscles wanting to constrict. He cradled your head, trying to keep you as close to his heart as possible, “I need you, My Angel.” Bin felt Felix’s hand wrap around his shoulders, much like Bin would do for Lix when he cried. 
Bin couldn’t imagine a world without you in it. A life without you. He knows the pain alone would kill him, kill all the boys. Your love, friendship, and loyalty is second to none. You are just that way. That beautiful, that kind, that irreplaceable. That is what makes Bin distraught, the thought of no you in the world… even finishing that sentence is unimaginable. 
Han looked up at Bin, trying to will himself not to cry. The both of you are so sweet, so kind. He could see the weight on Bin’s shoulders, crushing him. He could see it in his head, Bin keeping everything bad from crashing on top of you, his arms outstretched, using his whole body as a shield. Han knew that if it meant keeping you safe, Bin would carry the world. That’s what separated Bin from Chris. 
Both may be fond of you. Only one has ever put your safety over everything. Only one ever made you feel heard and seen. Only one ever made you laugh until you cried. Only one would take off work to take care of you when you’re sick. Only one made you understand that there is no priority above you. Only one would calm you with just a touch. Only one truly loves you with their heart and soul. That “only one” was in the bed with you right now. 
Han watched, eventually just letting the tears fall as Bin held you saying, “I’m sorry I didn’t protect you, I’m sorry. I love you… I’m so sorry. Don’t leave me.”
That was the first time Changbin had ever let himself say it out loud, “I love you so much it hurts…I Can’t Lose You.”
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mikukisses · 8 months
Ako Gives Birth
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Good girl !! Our baby is almost crowning! You're making such good pushes, the hard part is about to come, our baby’s head needs room to be pushed out , give me a big hard push and lets see if you can get the baby to come out any farther!"
Rinko gave words of encouragement to Ako as she pushed out their baby
"I CANT SO THIS, I don't want to give birth!!! Oh god- It hurts so much, Its tearing me apart! Don't make me do this, OH GOD WHYY, please, PLEASE it hurts, it hurts so much AHH!!! WAHHH" Ako kept yelling as pushed as hard as she could with the painful contractions
Ako screeched as the baby forced it's way into her birthing canal and started to form a teardrop in her vagina. Rinko watched as Ako's vaginal lips parted and her whole body was shaking when the head was stretching her walls and coming to a full crown.
"It's okay baby! Our baby will be here soon!"
"ahhh!! Ahhh WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME! it HURTSSSSSS!!! RINKO!! It HURTSSSS!" Ako whined as she tried pushing the head out. It wouldn't budge
she was yelling, but she starting to scream as loud as she could as the baby shot out of her vagina and into Rinkos arms
"Would you look at that...we had a baby!!"
"Y-yay" Ako cheered, sounding defeated
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gobodegoblin · 8 months
everything hurtss and for some fucking reason my first instinct is to scratch and tear at my arm...
wtf that just hurts more
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crowsncorvids · 3 months
owww left arm hurtss I can't hold it straight for so long 💀💀 my string arm doesn't hurt at all like my bow isn't that heavy poundage
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incorrect-losers · 2 years
Eddie *arm freshly broken*: Ah~ ooh the pain- My painnn ah OH MY PAIN JUST FELL OFF A BUILDING AHHH ooh NOW ITS ON FIRE oh my pain hurtss OH oh oh my pains alright my pains alrigh- OH MY PAIN JUST GOT HIT BY A CAR OH GOD IT HURTS
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codecicle · 1 year
HELLO YOUR STORY ON THE SORRY BOYS IN THE APOCALYPSE???? as someone who is so VIOLENTLY hyperfixated on any zombie media, and then slimecicle as well, seeing someone so correctly portray what I thought of the character(s) made me go even more fucking insane /pos.
I do think sb!slimecicle (sorryboy! = sb!) knew he wouldn't, or just couldn't live with himself after 'what he did' to Wilbur. Even if sb!wilbur's fate was already decided the moment he was bitten. Slimecicle knew he couldn't live on so he let himself die, it was a suicide because he couldn't live on with what had happened to one of his friends. I think it was the fact it was with his bare hands that he snapped wilbur's neck! And yet even in the end he died once more thinking his friend(s) successfully escaped, only for them to die horribly. (like generation loss!slime and generation loss!ranboo all over again guys ❤️)
I'm so glad you liked my little angst post I didn't think it would escape containment the way it did LMAO but also!! YOU YOU YOUUUU UNDERSTAND EXACTLY‼️sb!charlie couldn't live with himself after what he had done him staying behind at the gate ABSOLUTELY doubles as both a self-sacrifice to keep everybody alive and a suicide from the grief of killing wilbur. AND HIM DOING IT WITH NOTHING BUT HIS BARE HANDS ABSOLUTELY CONTRIBUTED DUDE I DIDNT EVEN THINK OF THAT :0 he spent the whole video killing with quick and efficient weapons but now he actually had to use his hands to kill the man he was closest too like OUGGUHHH 😭😭 THAT SHIT HURTSS
the generation loss parallels can and will kill me btw. charlie died both times being devoured while his arm was outstretched and the camera followed it. he died while sacrificing himself to let the people he cares about most escape and put an end to the torment both times. killing murdering maiming rn im so so SOOOOO fucking normal about that actually its fine everryyythings fineee we are fine im NORMAL
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possuminnit · 1 year
guys my entire right arm is really sore and hurtss when i move it but do u think ill be able to draw
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femboycharles · 4 months
Genuinely wish my arms were long enough to scratch the complete hell out of my back rn bc it’s so painfully itchy AND IT HURTSS
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I want to dress nicely but my parents only buy clothes that are masc, so the closest thing to gender neutral is all black hoodie and pants which makes me look like a school shooter...
I wish I could express myself and be able to signal to other queer people.
The closest thing I have are arm warmers I secretly ordered that I can't wash often.
it hurtss
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jenanddomo · 2 years
today was shit tbh, i was exhausted all day and just ppl disgust me now. i hate when ppl make drugs their personality now. all my friends are doin it n i just miss when their sober bc when their high they are nasty. eitherway i cant do nun abt it all i say is that they literally look like a white trash crackhead.
i love the blue sweater i got. its so cute n comfy, i wan more. i need to apply to a job but i swear this week not it. i keep forgetting everything. i finally did my transcript but to be honest i need do my waivers and menb, ugh but what sucks is that i need my second menb shot. I HATE it bc it hurtss so much afterwards. like i feel like shit. anyways i need coffee i hope i get coffee.
the boy i love changed a bit. he doesnt say how he feels or nun so idk. but today the air was not it. the energy was so ugly i just wanted to cradle up and just sleep and forget. idk im startin to feel it wont work out which is really depressing, but tbh i cant really put that bc i still have hope it will deffo work out. im just awkward with him only. it really would suck if it didnt work like bruh. idk i just love him but maybe i do needa move on, idont wan too. i’ll do anything for him but idk.
i started workin out again so thats good , i did alot of reps when i never do tbh lolaodkalo . but now im sore. i just wan be skinny, i hate my back, my legs, arm, stomach , etc. i hate everything abt me tbh like its so ugky idont understand when ppl call me hot
idk tmr ill do research n apply to job bc im sleepy and
this actually help me get sleepy:)
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wh0rephobic · 3 years
Hello!! Could I request prompts 42 + 9 for William Afton? Thanks in advance!! <3
cw: fem, orgasm control
william is, without a doubt a sex god. it’s no surprise to anyone, really, he’s had a million partners in the past, he has three kids, he knows how to please.
he knows how to use his words. he knows exactly what you like to hear, he also knows exactly what you like to feel when fucks you, rolling his cock into your g-spot, fucking you fast and hard like you’re useless.
“w-william! william!” you cry out as he bumps your clit, hands flailing to grab onto the sheets. “please! r-right there, ugh! feels so fucking good!”
he’s leaned down next to your face, whispering words in your ear. “yeah? you like that? you like it when i use you like this, hm? does it feel good?”
“so good! s-so good-!” when he speeds up his thrusts you take in a gasp so big that it makes your lungs hurt. “shit! oh, ah, ah, ah!”
“good girl, good girl…” he coos, watching you struggle.
the words send fire straight down to your pussy, making you squeeze william.
“aww, look at you tightening around me… do you like it when i call you a good girl, does it turn you on?”
you scrunch your face, trying to keep away from getting too close as you nod your head. “m-hmm!”
“yeah?” he mocks your whiny tone.
“mhm! william, ’m close!”
william chuckles. “don’t.”
you open your eyes to look at him with the most disappointed puppy eyes he’s ever seen. but, right before you can say anything about it william reaches down to play with your clit, rubbing on circles to feel the way your tight cunt stutters around him. you throw your head back.
“n-no please, fuck! ngh, w-what are you doing?”
“i’m fucking your tight little pussy the way it was made to be,” he smirks.
your eyes are starting to cross, you try to blink it away as you bargain with william.
“god, please let me cum! i can’t hold it!”
your hips buck into his, meeting his hips and sucking his dick in.
“well, that’s not my problem,” he sinks back into you.
everything is moving so fast. the way you two are babbling over each other and the way he’s fucking you, toying with your body and giving you the most pleasure you’ve ever experienced.
“please, please, please, fuck, william! i’m going to cum, i-it just feels so good!”
william snaps, grabbing your chin in his strong hand and pushing his fingertips into your cheeks to purse your lips together and silence you.
“i don’t care how good it feels, you’d better not cum until i tell you to.” he growls, never stopping the figure-eights on your clit.
so, you try. you really do, with the way you’re clenching your teeth and squeezing the sheets in your fist, straining all of your muscles to keep it in as william just does not let up on the teasing. your pornstar moans and desperate whines have come down to struggled groans. william watches like a predator.
eventually though, you just can’t try anymore. the pit in your stomach snaps, shivering through your body and making your legs kick out. you reach your arms around william to rake down his back.
“fuck, fuck! ohh, awh, william!”
he sighs, rolling his eyes at you as he fucks you through your orgasm, doubling down to chase his own high and take advantage of your cumsoft body for his own pleasure.
but when you come down, you realize that he isn’t stopping. “wait, no! it hurts!”
“i don’t care,” william says, “just because you came doesn’t mean i shouldn’t,”
you let your body fall limp in his arms. “but it hurtss!”
william’s thrusts begin to slow as he grunts, “fine! i guess i’ll just get off all by myself.”
he pulls out, sitting next to your tired body and putting on a show for you as he strokes himself. you whine. you didn’t want to stop, you want him to feel just as good as you do. also, you just really like to look at his cock.
after about sixty seconds of stroking, you roll over and get on your hands and knees. you crawl over to meet william, swatting his hands away and taking him into your mouth without another word.
with your lips wrapped around the head, sucking so sweetly that william has raised a hand to your back, rubbing his big palm up and down to soothe you as you whine on him. you can’t take all of him, so you’re dragging your fist up the rest of his shaft with a twist to satisfy him.
it doesn’t take long for you to find a rhythm, which ultimately sends william on a one-way track to cumming. he tilts his head back, relaxing back on his elbows as he starts to groan.
“shit, that’s it doll,” he grunts, you moan as you speed up.
it doesn’t take long for william to get close, hips rocking into your throat and making you gag whenever he bucks them too hard, blinking tears out of your eyes. finally, right as he starts to pant, you pop off. you use your spit as lube as you vigorously pump his cock with your hand, aiming right for your face.
william cums with a tight core and a few curses, spurting hot seed all over your face, making you flinch as he coats you. his face is flushed, eyes wide as he watches the mess he makes paint you. you giggle.
once he’s done, you seal things with a kiss to his twitching tip before coming up. william chuckles at your face, bringing a thumb up to wipe it out of your eyes and press a kiss to your forehead.
“thank you, darling. felt so nice,”
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borathae · 2 years
omg omg omg also riding SA Taehyung's face!
I will just return and read the series again agagagaggagagagaga my pussy hurtss
I feel like he'd be so greedy about it omgmg
Like his arms would be so tight around your legs just to make sure you wouldn’t leave before he's finished.
Omgmg also the type of guy who'd be all cocky about how messy you've gotten him. He'd be all like "look at me, gosh sweetest you were so messy weren’t you?" 🥵
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valencrime · 7 years
My cat decided to reenact Lion King, but with my arm as the cliff
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