failinggrade · 1 year
making a pinned post bc i like my simple bio, but i want y’all to know that my pp is by @mxgpoid
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meteorred-blog · 8 years
☼》Takamine’s been down again. Some might argue that he’s always down anyway, but things are...kind of different. Maybe very different. Now, more than ever, Chiaki knew that he had to give support to Takamine in whatever way he could, and he could start by......!
...He actually had no idea where to start. Oops. Quite honestly, he didn’t really quite grasp his junior’s, ah, aesthetic. 
 “Hey there!”
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Chiaki beamed at the person before him extending his hand. “Might you know a place around here that sells ‘cute’ things? I’m trying to cheer a friend up, you see, and I’m not familiar with this place!”
‘Cute’ sounds like a good place to start, right? Not that Chiaki knew a lot about that.
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starsxng-blog · 7 years
@mxgpoid liked for a starter
[ ♫ ] – Huh?
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" GUMI? You're here, too? " IA... Did not expect another VOCALOID would be here. Finally, someone she at least somewhat knew!
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hellishwrath · 8 years
They say that everyone has at least one or two doppelgangers in the world. She’d seen it in her own, the boy within the box and those that came from above in the Graveyard. When one factored in world beyond, it became even more likely that this would occur.
Yet rationality was not with Nemesis at this time. One who dared wear her face should have been prepared for an event such as this, or so she thought to herself in her contained yet seething anger. Worse yet it felt as if the other were a mockery of her very being. In exact opposite to the assassin, this girl pranced about in a joyous manner, smiling and near skipping through the cityscape. A sense of utter revulsion welled in her stomach. So she’d followed the girl. For some time. By the gods was she annoyingly chummy, giving little chance for Nemesis to make any move. It was also harder to remain unseen then she had expected it to be. She had underestimated the other, to the point she wasn’t completely sure she had. There was a wariness to her that at least Nemesis could take solace that she was not purely made to mock her.
Finally, the crowd seemed to clear, and the girl took a route Nemesis knew. She took a side path, quickly moving to the turn she was certain the girl would make. Once the other did so, Nemesis yanked her into the unlit alley. Grim the End appeared in her hand, the key quickly forming a golden knife raised to the neck of the doppelganger.
“Name. Before you test my patience farther than I’m willing to extend it.” she spoke in a malicious whisper. The cold eyes looked into the warmth of the same faced woman in front of her, an irony that Nemesis did not yet understand.
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cloudystriker · 8 years
“She’s been kind of sheltered as much as we have, maybe more, but uhm... how do you entertain an idol, exactly...?
Anyway, she’s even worse than Efi with her candy. Can you imagine?”
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bethawke-blog · 8 years
aaaaa thank you! i’m always happy when other people like my bethany
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utatteru-blog1 · 7 years
Having gotten so swept up in his best attempts to adjust and mingle with his new surroundings, he hadn’t even stopped to consider that perhaps there’d be anyone he recognizes here. And as he walks along the streets of oo6 with a thoughtful expression, he certainly hadn’t considered that he’d find someone dear to him there.
His intentions had been to scope out potential prospects for jobs--he had some money still on him from his arrival, but it wouldn’t last long, and even though he didn’t really need to eat, there were still other necessities he’d need sooner than later. And a couple places stuck out in his mind, but he wanted to keep looking a bit more before he decided to inquire within the places.
It was when he was passing by one of the parks when he spotted her--that green hair and those googles were fairly unmistakable, especially for someone who’d been around since her creation. Before he knows it, his feet are carrying him in that direction, as quickly as he can, and as he draws closer he calls out to her with no regard for the heads that turn as he does.
“Gumi? Gumi!” 
The distance is closed, and Gakupo goes from surprised to fretful within moments, resisting the urge to go full-on older brother as to not overwhelm her. But he was still concerned; how long had she been here? Where had she been put? Nothing weird had happened, right?
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“Oh, grief... I didn’t think they’d decide to pull you into this place too. You’re not harmed at all, are you? I’ve seen this place can be a fair bit... unruly at times, so please tell me that no ill has come to you...”
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ruinsgreat-blog · 8 years
This was Yeager’s first time out of his own sector. He hadn’t really heard much or inquired much about the other sectors so he wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. This one seemed rather tame compared to sector 4. It appeared to be mostly plain, normal shops, houses, whatever. “Fascinating.” He couldn’t help but mutter under his breath, how different each place was- despite how close they all were. He supposed now that he was here, it wouldn’t hurt to ask a local where some things were. Naturally everywhere he looked there were those plain people. . . They all gave off this same grey feeling, far too boring. But thats when he saw it, what a fabulous green, it reminded him a bit of the forest just outside the guild capital back home. How vibrant, how wonderful. Yet, he couldn’t help but feel a bit of grey from her too. Nonetheless He approached her straightining his gloves and cuffs.”Hello there young lady, my name Yeager.” He paused to bow infront of her. “I’m somewhat new to this area, do you think you could show me to some places of interest?”
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zombievoixe-blog · 8 years
mxgpoid liked your post “So anyone interested in roleplaying with this vocaloid? Capping at...”
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ironjail-blog · 8 years
It might have been too much to hope even the tiniest thing would go without a problem. As summer was closing in the days were getting hotter, hot enough for Jail to pay some expenses on an ice cream.
That white ice cream is now smeared all over his coat and slowly trickling down on it. And that was because this green jelly bean rushed into him. Whether it was intentional or not, he had lost his ice cream and got his coat sullied.
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“ .... You should really watch where you’re going. “ 
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backstrokes · 8 years
mini call || @mxgpoid
In Makoto’s defence, the enormous dolphin plush he’d invested the past half hour of his life trying to win was an encumbrance to carry. Hauling the spoils of his efforts over the counter and onto his shoulder with a little too much enthusiasm, he froze, hearing the light ‘thwack’ of what could very possibly be the sound of the dolphin’s tail clouting against something...or someone.
"I’m so sorry!“
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"Did that just hit you?” 
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aemuli-blog · 8 years
So far his job was more or less to display clothes in real-time. Green certainly does that, appreciating the fact that he can look brand new almost every day. He sprays just a bit of cologne--not an overwhelming amount--before making his approach. It’s always bold, but never startling, as if his presence alone is loud enough to catch someone’s attention. A pair of legs splayed a bit too wide, perhaps.
But he means well, from the bottom of his heart. 
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“Lemme guess...you’re a lavender kinda girl. If you’re not, I’d consider it,” there’s a wide, obvious gesture to her hair, “It’ll make your natural assets pop.” 
A pause; he’s sure to give her plenty of personal space. Green hums thoughtfully, running a hand through his scalp.
“Unless I’m missin’ something here, which I might be. What are you lookin’ for?”
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