cloudystriker · 8 years
[a slight pause, recalibrating. Sasuke, do you know what you’ve gotten into?] You got it. Sit down, then.
We’ll start with changes in the centre of balance.....
cloudystriker replied to your post:What, you all wanna fight? Sasuke is just assuming…
i thought you were a ninja aren’t you supposed to have observation skills
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“Tell me, in detail, the different between your average fat chick and a pregnant women…..GO ON. I’m all ears. “
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cloudystriker · 8 years
#Jeez sasuke beat up a pregnant lady why don't you#rude
Well, he lived a good life
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cloudystriker · 8 years
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Miss Marceline.....
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cloudystriker · 8 years
Well, you might never have this option again. 
You push back the hair over your damaged eye, the broken one, and you examine Anders’ eyes.
Tired, you think. That’s the first thing, and bright. Too-bright-- lyrium, a word you don’t know, a part of you supplies, from far away. it adds something, you know, it’s an overclock drug, it makes more. It leaves a lingering brightness, you think. Something about his eyes makes you think of sparks, fire, something, but you don’t want to understand. You taste smoke and blood in the back of your throat, and you blink, look deeper.
Something moves in his eyes-- someone, that’s someone, a quick swimming flash. Justice, hello. You don’t want to look deeper. That’s a warning, right? You don’t want to go any further, so you blink and smile instead.
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cloudystriker · 8 years
It’s not... exactly a phobia, but thanks to Fifth Sector, he doesn’t like scientists all that much. Especially older male scientists. He finds living here very ironic, because of that.
He really, really doesn’t like having his blood taken, as genetically speaking, he’s kind of interesting that way, canonically. I need to update his app.
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cloudystriker · 8 years
Send (✪㉨✪) for a detailed description of your muse’s eyes by my muse
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cloudystriker · 8 years
Absolutely. Come on, up you get. You gotta eat before you have even a chance of touching me.
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[ Do you want a piece of this? ]
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cloudystriker · 8 years
I’m-- calling a professional for Yamaguchi-kun’s more useless friend. [Io, you could have phrased that better.]
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cloudystriker · 8 years
✮ Marceline
This keeps happening. She is super taken.
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What are my true feelings for Miss Marceline? They’re irrelevant, that’s what they are.
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cloudystriker · 8 years
My muse cannot lie ! Send :
( feel free specify a context for each symbol )
💓  - And a name to ask if they would start a relationship with them. ⇕ - And a name to ask if they would sleep with them. ✮- And a name to hear their real feelings for them.< ☠ - And a name/ topic to hear what they hate the most about it/them. ✂-  For  one of the worst mischief they did. ₪ -  For a kink. 回 - For a phobia they have. ✦ - For a guilty pleasure. ◎  - Next to any question to have it answered sincerely, no matter how personal or embarrassing.
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cloudystriker · 8 years
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cloudystriker · 8 years
Oh. Huh. [silent for a moment, possibly contemplating that.] That’s kind of deep. [frankly.] I s’pose god’s got guidelines for what to do, though, right? So i should probably be okay.
He sighs.
“But on the other hand, you’re honoring how precious life is, too. Technically you saved a life. So this life that you still have, its up to you to choose what to do with it now. Honor that life that was taken.” 
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cloudystriker · 8 years
[what is with people and using your first name! you want to scream. instead, you make a weak noise of dissent, a kind of “mhh” noise you’d last heard when you tried to wake IV up after a particularly pleasant nap. but your boyfriend’s not even in this city, and you’re alone. you gather that reminder close to twist your face a little in pain. this is a farce.]
[even so, you’re being so sweet to him, Marceline, it’s hard to keep up his bitterness and his distance. letting himself lean on you a little, in silent gratitude. you won’t know for what, but that doesn’t matter.] Uhm... To Anders. Anders.
[he can’t forget the reason why you’re here, after all, or why he’s brought you here. latching onto your hand with surprising strength, the force of his grip making his arm bleed more.] Will you-- will you stay with me? For a little? 
[is this even believeable anymore? he’s lost track. you really must think him a lost little kid, if this keeps up.]
Marceline laughs a bit. “Getting comfy, huh? Don’t pass out on me, Io. I don’t wake people up gently,” she threatens lightly, glancing down at him with a smirk before looking forward again.
Marceline’s strong, but flying while carrying another person is always harder than just walking with them. Thankfully, after a few twists and turns, they’re arriving at Ceasefire. She lands, lowering Io’s feet to the ground and guiding him through the entrance.
“Okay, where am I taking you?” she asks finally, giving his shoulder a light shake.
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cloudystriker · 8 years
Mhmm. And of course Peridot-san and Marceline-san aren’t human at all.... [crouching down, too. it seems to be easier for both of you to converse when looking at the water golem, which naturally doesn’t care. plus, it’s cute.]
[twitches a shoulder, but nods, conceding the point.] I suppose I don’t know what it is he wants. [admitting that without a trace of shame.] That always puts me on edge, and his behaviour is erratic sometimes. I don’t know what he wants from me.
I don’t think you’re wrong or anything, though. Not that he seems to want assistance.... But he doesn’t like being accommodated either. I feel like all I can do is stay out of his way, you know....?
The blond waved off the bandaid request, though he was happy Io had offered it - that implied at least a little care for Mitarai’s well-being. He smiled, curling his fingers around the demon to pat it, just getting his hand wet in the process. But he didn’t mind; he loved water, and these creatures were very special. Made from his blood, he felt they were almost a part of him, in a way.
“Really? Iori-san does?” That was another surprise; perhaps there were more supernatural humans here than he’d thought! That made Mitarai at least feel a little less alone, and Io especially had been nothing but kind. He couldn’t help his conditioned distrust of others, but he was trying as hard as he could to work past it and make friends.
As for Dio…
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“I’m not sure. Some people are just angry,” Mitarai murmured, eyes focused on his golem. “It usually means they’ve been hurt by someone or something, though.”
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cloudystriker · 8 years
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Breaking: Local Nerd Plays Guitar, Sings for Neighborhood Animals
“It was so cute,” reports one overwhelmed witness.
“What the fuck,” adds another.
For Tavros Day and also for @fairybulls who wanted Tav singing to animals…which is something we all probably need in our lives
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cloudystriker · 8 years
[that thumbs-up makes him grin. he might be silently preening, but there’s no way to tell-- either way, he looks good and he knows it.] Eh, seems like a good place, to be honest. I mean, you could dance.... [but if you were Robin, you’d be eating too.]
Huh, so the seafood. It seems right for a dance, too, it’s lighter than meat, you know? [you collect a plate, then pause.] .....I might need some help loosening my corset. I don’t think I’ve got a stomach anymore. [Yamaguchi was absolutely as thorough as you’d asked him, but you hadn’t contemplated eating when you asked him, either.] 
...Could you give me a hand?
Oh hey, it’s your other boss – the cooler one, and immediately you give him a thumbs up – a silent acknowledgement of how great that starry assemble looks while you just quickly finish swallowing whatever you shoved into your mouth last. 
“ – yeah, I’ve been here the whole time! Got no real reason to leave, y’know? “ A light laugh escapes your lips, but you quickly get to the point.
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“ Alright, so – the prawn fritters are nice. And the salmon. And the entire dessert table.“ Okay, you really haven’t really tried those yet, but you can never go wrong with sweets, right? 
“ – the point is, everything is good. I recommend trying everything.  “ 
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cloudystriker · 8 years
[there’s a slight rustle-- he’s looking up.] Ah, you’re smiling. You look happy. [there’s a smile in his own voice, too, not sounding tired for once-- he’s letting free, or as free as he’s capable, anyway, during this ball.]
Not “just,” huh? [but either way, he’ll let it go.] Ah, it’s starting.
Light couldn’t help the small laugh that fell from his lips, smiling widely and letting Io shift to get into a position that felt comfortable. He knew their height difference was going to make this difficult, so it was better for the other to find a way to make it easier on himself.
“I promise I’m enjoying myself and not just overseeing everything.” Besides, he could do both at once, so.
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