#marceline 02
letsgethaunted · 10 months
Welcome to the photo dump for Episode 167: Krampus & Other Alpine Folklore (+ Real Life Krampus Sightings!)!!!!! Alright, ya’ll, it’s time to get haunted AF - winter holiday style. Join Nat & Aly as Aly tells Nat about how haunted the Alpine Region of Europe is. Topics from today’s episode include: Glacier corpses, Devil landmarks, mountain demons, the Tatzelwurm, the Faeries of Val Gerina, and his highness, The Krampus! This episode also includes FIRST-HAND SIGHTINGS of Krampus from around the world, as told to Aly by the people who experienced them. You get extra Hauntie points if you made it to the end of this super-sized episode. IMAGE 01: The Fearsome Christmas Cryptic Krampus in all his glory, as pictured on two 1900s Krampuskarten aka “Krampus Cards”. IMAGE 02: The Alps! A majestic mountain range found in south-central Europe IAMGE 03: The bodies of Marcelin and Francine Dumoulin who disappeared in 1942 and were later found in a crevasse on an Alpine Glacier ~75 years later. IMAGE 04: The Devil’s Bowling Pin (left) + The rock from Devil’s Bridge (right) IMAGE 05: The original Devil’s bridge (left, in a painting) + the modern Devil’s Bridge IMAGE 06: A Tatzelwurm attacks a peasant on a hike in the Alps (left) + Otzi The Iceman dabbing on the hoes IMAGE 07: Underwood deviled ham logo IMAGE 08: 1899 video footage of mountaineers traversing the Alps IMAGE 09: Krampuslauf in 2010 IMAGE 10: 1820 painting showing St Nicholas and Krampus, who’s always creepin’
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the-bar-sinister · 1 year
Our Fandoms, Sources, and ships
(work in progress)
Anime & Manga
Sailor Moon
(ships: muti, poly)
(ships: multi, poly)
80s/90s anime
Video Games
Silent HIll
(ships: Harry x Heather, f/o crush: James Sunderland)
Fatal Frame
Final Fantasy
(ships: Squall x Seifer)
Legend of Zelda series
(ships: zelda x ganon, zelda x link, link x ganon x zelda, ganon x dark link)
Red Dead Redemption series
(ships: John x Arthur)
(ships: Courier x Benny, f/o crush: Doctor Dala)
Star Wars: KOTOR
(ships: Revan x Carth. f/o crush: Canderous Ordo)
Bioshock: Infinite
(ships: lutecest)
Detroit: Become Human
(ships: Hank x Connor)
(Ships: Undyne x Alphys, multi, poly)
The Stanley Parable
(ships: Stanley x Narrator)
Mario Bros.
(ships: mario x luigi f/o crush: wario)
Elden Ring, Bloodborne
(ships: f/o crush: White Mask Varre)
Animal Crossing
(ships: f/o crush: Raymond)
indie/rpgmaker horror games (Ib, Mad Father)
(multiship/polyship, f/o crush: the riddler)
(ships: dream x desire)
Archie Sonic the Hedgehog
TV shows & Cartoons
ABC’s Lost
(ships: sawyer x juliet, sun x jin, f/o crush: Ben Linus)
NBC Hannibal
(ships: Will x Hannibal)
Adventure Time
(ships: Bubblegum x Marceline)
Invader Zim
(ships: Zim x Dib)
Star Trek
(ships: multi, poly, f/o crush: Bones)
(ships: Beetlejuice x Lydia, f/o crush: Beetlejuice)
Novels & Film adaptations
Lord of the Rings
(ships: gimli x legolas x aragorn, eowyn x grima, f/o crush: grima)
House of Leaves
(ships: navidson x karen)
William Gibson
Bruce Sterling
Sherlock Holmes
(ships: Sherlock x John)
American Psycho
Monster High
Doll collecting
Occult & Paranormal
Noir/crime genre
cyberbpunk genre
Monster girls genre
Musicals genre
Kintype sources: Assume multi and poly shipping for all. NOTPs will be listen instead
Peter Pan    
(NOTPs: Hook x Wendy. Peter x Anyone)
NOTPs: Xelloss x Fillia)
Metal Gear   
(NOTPs: huey x anyone)
GTA 5   
Jem and The Holograms
Great Ace Attorney
Ace Attorney
(NOTPs: Manfred Von Karma x anyone)     
Urusei Yatsura    
Steven Universe    
Digimon Adventure 01/02   
Resident Evil
Fire Emblem    
Marvel Comics   
Girls Frontline    
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civicmuses · 28 days
@wintershub / @out-of-heaven-and-hell | phone contacts headcanons
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Contact Name: Marceline has Vaggie in her phone as 'Vags'.
Contact Photo: The photo Marceline put was the one she took when they were drunkenly flirting with each other. In the picture, Vaggie leaning against the bar counter, "winking" at her.
Ringtone: Whatever it Takes instrumental, especially 0:56-1:02.
Extra: Ever since Vaggie became pregnant, Marceline has been calling and texting Vaggie very frequently.
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hiddenwashington · 6 months
@papermccn said : Was that [MATTHEW DADDARIO]? Oh no no, that was just [SCOUT DEREK SHEPHERD LINCOLN], a[CANON CHARACTER] from [GREYS ANATOMY]. They are [TWENTY THREE] years old, use [HE/HIM], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.{ooc: risa!} Can I reserve marceline from adventure time? Ty!
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. scout derek shepherd lincoln [matthew daddario]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!  **marceline (adventure time) is now reserved for risa until 4/08 at 8:02 am est!
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entomoblog · 2 years
Penser le vivant autrement | Collège de France
See on Scoop.it - Variétés entomologiques
En direct 09 fév 2023 18:00 - 19:00 Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot En libre accès, dans la limite des places disponibles Intervenant(s) Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo, directrice de recherche au CNRS, professeure associée à l'École polytechnique, professeure invitée du...
  La Lettre du Collège – 2 février 2023
    Comment affronter la crise de la biodiversité actuelle ?   Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo, biologiste, étudie les mécanismes génétiques impliqués dans l’évolution, afin de mieux comprendre les origines et l’avenir des espèces, selon une double approche, scientifique et philosophique.  Elle travaille aussi sur une biotechnologie expérimentale, le forçage génétique, dont elle appréhende les potentialités comme les risques à court et long termes.   Professeure invitée sur chaire annuelle, elle donnera sa leçon inaugurale « Penser le vivant autrement » le 9 février 2023.
      Leçon inaugurale de Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo au Collège de France - 09/02/2023 - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgmBPw2Z8pU
0 notes
hillariat · 4 years
Bubbline fanfic rec list
I did it. I made a master rec list of good Bubbline fanfics. Will keep updating this until I leave the fandom.
Grouped by setting (eg. Highschool AU, AT universe, Family AU etc.) in alphabetical order. They’re all romantic bubbline unless stated otherwise. This is a living document so I’ll be updating it every now and then with new fics and stuff. For any questions, changes or additions, please feel free to pm me on reddit/tumblr @hillariat
*SMUT = A significant portion of the fic is dedicated to SMUT
*some SMUT= A part of the fic has explicit smut, but it isn't a major part of the story
*UwU=personal faves
calamitous love
Author: lexaproeighty
Setting: Astronaut AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 1,173
Tags: Fluff, emotionally stupid PB.
Summary: Author’s summary: bonnie's in her feelings. oh, and about to go into space.
what was missing
Author: spookyscaryskeletons (Buttons15)
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 8,678
Tags: Fluff, emotionally constipated PB.
Summary: Honestly the most solid, canon compliant take on their relationship. I loved this shit and half my headcanons are from here.
Author’s summary: In which Bonnie has feelings, she does, but feelings are hard and complicated and she rather ignore them until they punch her in the face.
Let you Lead
Author: purplebutterflies
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 1,225
Tags: Fluff, Mild comedy,Marceline being an idiot
Summary: Marceline being a useless gay and Bonnie taking the lead. Writing gets better after the inciting incident, trust me.
After UwU
Author: 61wisampa
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 23,888
Tags: Major character death, Grieving, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Moving On, Friendship
Summary: This shit be an intense feels trip yo. Like an "I stayed up ‘til 6am" kind of intense. I had to reread this fic twice in order to emotionally process everything. It definitely isn't your average bubbline angst.
Author’s summary: It was hard, having someone similar yet different. It kept Marceline stuck walking along the line that prevented her from moving on.
Everybody Knows Your Name
Author: Sunshine18
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 8,671
Tags: Exes, Discussion of past abuse, past Ash being an asshole, pre-bubbline
Summary: Solid exploration of PB and Marcy as exes and how they started becoming "civil" post breakup. References to major events in early AT and how PB and Marcy were affected. Can be read independently of “Contact” even though it is a sequel of that.
Bitter Sugar UwU
Author: QueenOfTheRevue (on both Ao3 and FFN)
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Discontinued | 72,000
Tags: Political drama, Arranged marriage, Political Conspiracy, fantasy
Summary:The plot's so intense it deserves to be in a goddamn Kdrama. Literally never read anything else like it in the fandom. A well done, intense drama set in a unique  political landscape. Hybrid democratic monarchies, Age old conspiracies, fandom references, Marceline in military uniform, c'mon just read it!.
Musicology series
Author: CountingWithTurkeys
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing | 625,723 (as of 06/02/2021) 
Tags: Canon compliant, angst, fluff, mindfuckery, sociopathic people, some SMUT
Summary: Set in a possible but not probable AT universe. Darker and heavier overall tone. It's the kind of fic that will give your brain a workout. Dysfunctional Bubbline that becomes healthier. Solid portrayal of dysfunction with a believable interpretation of PB and Marcy
Author: deltau
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 7,004
Tags: Fluff, SMUT, virtual reality, shapeshifting
Summary: Bonnie gets her VR machine working and the couple delves into the realm of Marcy's mind. Bonnie makes some pleasant discoveries and afterwards they have some fun time. 
Our perfect disease
Author: JupiterDelphinus
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 112,000
Tags: Non-chronological, anthology, some SMUT, fluff, hurt/comfort, canon divergent
Summary: Past, present and future scenes from the pair. Tone and ratings (G to EXPLICIT) vary according to the chapter. Each chapter is a self contained narrative that helps build the overarching Bubbline story. Very cute, very uwu feels.
Apples after Midnight series
Author: Xekstrin
Setting: AT universe
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 18,565
Tags: SMUT, feels, fluff
Summary: Starts off smutty but then has a lot of feels. Has a legitimate exes romance plot.
The One Where There's No Gunther
Author: ijemanja (on both Ao3 and FFN)
Setting: Coffee Shop AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 8,899
Tags: Comedy, Fluff
Summary: Has very good AT-esque dialogue.I can actually imagine the characters saying the lines.
Author's summary: All are welcome at the Coffee Kingdom, even pain in the ass vampire queens. (No Ice Kings, though.)
Double Sugar, Extra Whip
Author: amphitrite
Setting: Coffee Shop AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 4,067
Tags: College, Fluff
Summary: Classic coffee shop AU. Think a Vanilla latte. You know what you're getting
Author: ValhallaKoala
Setting: Coffee Shop AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 6,298
Tags: Comedy, College, Adorable af
Summary: Author's summary: Black coffee tastes just as good as a caramel macchiato, right? Right!?
Bonnibel is socially inept and makes some questionable decisions.
Viscosity UwU
Author: The Denominator
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 9,049
Tags: Feels, non-chronological, sexual references
Summary: College AU but definitely not a classic college AU. It's one of a kind, makes you feel
C's get degrees
Author: megapidgeots
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 102,550
Tags: Comedy, fluff, feels, just college roomies getting along
Summary: Classic College AU, you get what you see. 
Author's summary: Bonnie has just started her first year of University, and finds she has a mostly neutral-verging-on-hesitantly-positive opinion of her new roommate, Marceline.
Author: Abadeerly (on both Ao3 and FFN)
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing | 67,493 (06/02/2021)
Tags: Comedy, fluff
Summary:College AU but you try to cram as many tropes in as possible. It's fun
Author: Abadeerly (on both Ao3 and FFN)
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 7,883 
Tags: Fluff
Author’s summary:The other woman hesitated, eyes doing that thing where they narrowed and seemingly judged Bonnibel for existing, and then she sighed. “I don’t hate you,” She murmured and Bonnibel felt a weird feeling of what felt like relief come over her.
Author: breeeliss
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 21,058
Tags: SMUT, sexual tension, teasing, build up
Summary: Marcy is a tease and Bonnie is a thot.
Show and Tell
Author: Abadeerly (on both Ao3 and FFN)
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing | 1,527 (as of 06/02/2021)
Tags: soon to be SMUT, Camgirl, toys, strong sexual references
Summary: Character interactions (so far) are adorable and endearing. Really makes you ship them
Entry 38 UwU
Author: deltau
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 5,969
Tags: SMUT, sad feels, strap-on, car sex
Summary: Smut and sad feels
Happy Birthday, Kitten
Author: Abadeerly (on both Ao3 and FFN)
Setting: College Party AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 3,030
Tags: SMUT, car sex, praise kink, Top! Bonnie
Summary: Cop Bonnie and Party girl Marcy. That is all. Come get your Top! Bonnie smut
Author: mellish
Setting: College AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 5,932
Tags: Fluff, Angst, Break up, Sad ending
Summary: “It’s like holding a test tube and not knowing what’s inside it, not knowing how much damage will be done if it breaks apart.” Traces their relationship from beginning to end. Has my fave ending line of all fics on this list.
Groupies Wanna Get Fucked
Author: Abadeerly (on both Ao3 and FFN)
Setting: Concert, human AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 4,973
Tags: SMUT
Summary: Author's summary: Bonnibel's NOT a groupie. Except, she is because this is smut. Enjoy! :)
Author: laurenjauregui (Ao3) / we4retheincrowd (FFN)
Setting: Concert, human AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 2,784
Tags: First meeting
Summary: Very cute character interaction. Short and sweet.
40 Weeks
Author: Plesiosaur
Setting: Family AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 221,000
Tags: Pregnancy, Cavity inducing fluff, Slice of life, sexual references
Summary: Domestic grown adult bubbline? Check. Hella extra know it all Bonnie? Check. Snarky Marcy? Check. Some deep feels and backstory? Check. Tooth rotting bubbline fluff? Check. Why the hell aren't you reading this?? This story is really good, starts slow but really picks up after like chapter 12
Pray for the Preacher's daughter UwU
Author: reliquiaen (Ao3) / ArcaFeretory (FFN)
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 232,197
Tags: Slow burn
Summary:THE fic for the Bubbline fandom. Its the fic that everyone knows and recommends and for good reason. Strong execution of the Punk x Goody two shoes formula.Just... read it if you’d read HS AUs
Anonymous UwU
Author: laurenjauregui (Ao3) / we4retheincrowd (FFN)
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing | 229,681 (as of 27/03/2021)
Tags: Slow burn, fluff, TW for abuse
Summary:The second coming of Pray for the preacher's daughter. JK. Seriously though it's a good slow burn with quality that is as good, if not better than, Pray for the preacher's daughter. The bubbline duo in this fic are just,, pure. So pure I can feel the cavities. Also the author updates every week (as of 6/02/2021)
High School Confidential
Author: gloss
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 1,085
Tags: Fluff, Flirting
Summary: Marceline never gets too attached to one place or person. In fact, it's probably for the best because her family constantly moves from place to place like nomads. She might stick around this time though. Cute interactions and flirting.
Author: laurenjauregui (Ao3) / we4retheincrowd (FFN)
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 4,918
Tags: Fluff
Author’s summary:Every species has its variants. Bonnie's just trying to figure out which ones are good and which ones are bad.
A love like war
Author: laurenjauregui (Ao3) / we4retheincrowd (FFN)
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 433,715 
Tags: Slow burn
Summary: Bonnie moves from New York to some tiny af town in the middle of nowhere. She is not happy.
Different UwU
Author: laurenjauregui (Ao3) / we4retheincrowd (FFN)
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Discontinued | 25,022
Tags: Cavity inducing sweet Fluff, Autism, discrimination
Summary: Very sweet and fluffy. Like an I will need to go to the dentist level fluff. Characterisation is a bit OOC but it's a very well written piece. I would send this to people who aren't in the fandom and say it's an original piece. It's that good.It ends off in a good place too.
Author: alizarin_scribbles
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 7,883 
Tags: Mutual Pining, Angst, Sad ending
Summary: Star crossed lovers that were so close.
Author’s summary: How they were now was normal enough, not too intimate or indifferent in any respect. Back then, their relations simply didn't have any room for change. Now, Bonnie couldn't help but wonder exactly how such casual acquaintanceship had led to the ghostlike fire currently trickling through her veins.
Glandular Fever
Author: reliquiaen (Ao3) / ArcaFeretory (FFN)
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete |3,740
Tags: Comedy, Fluff
Summary: Author's summary: In which I bundled all the awkward situations I could into a oneshot... and then made them worse.
the secret admirer
Author: laurenjauregui (Ao3) / we4retheincrowd (FFN)
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete |4,724
Tags: Fluff, tooth rotting fluff, Bonnie being a disaster, Marceline being soft
Summary: Author’s summary: #ohsconfession220: To the girl who always hangs out in the library with the red hair and round glasses and freckles i think you’re the cutest person i’ve ever seen pls date me
Bonnie has a secret admirer... and she kind of hates it.
Will You Sign My Cast?
Author: bigpinkbaguette
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing |22,122
Tags: Angst, slowburn, childhood friends, enemies to lovers
Summary: The slow burn that hurts so, so much. Otherwise known as Bonnie is too emotionally constipated to deal with the baggage she has with Marceline.
Author: CandiedSweets
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing |36,806
Tags: Fluff, angst, Bonnie being the most useful gay ever, Useless gay Marceline
Summary: *gasps, a multi-chapter high school AU that isn't a slowburn?! Yep you heard right!
Author’s summary: Marceline’s missed a few days of school and a certain pink haired classmate brings her the work she’s missed, but accidentally finds out something about her in the process.
Bass Guitars and Grandad's Ashes
Author: LastOneFromHometown
Setting: Road trip AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing | 41,448 (as of 27/03/2021)
Tags: Comedy, feels, trippy af, slight angst
Summary: Somehow makes even a funeral comedic. Has a very wild and funny charm to it whilst still having moments of feels. Trippy af, really has some AT vibes in it. Fun read.
Hooligans on the Highway
Author: Valverbek
Setting: Road trip AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing | 13,123 (as of 27/03/2021)
Tags: Comedy, fluff, established relationship
Summary: A lighthearted and fun read about the gang going on a road trip for Finn’s 21st. Cute & chaotic vibes.
Slaughterhouse UwU
Author: Plesiosaur
Setting: Serial Killer AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 6,846
Tags: Murder, police, gore
Summary: Who'd be the best match for our beloved serial killer? Why, another psycho of course. One of my personal favorites
The Prolific Works of the Arctic Butcher
Author: HaveFunStormingTheCastle
Setting: Working adults AU
Status | Wordcount: Ongoing | 40,627 (as of 27/03/2021)
Tags: angst, feels, exes, murder mystery,serial killer, slow burn, reunions 
Summary: Bonnibel is the mayor of Kingdom city. When seemingly unconnected and unsolved murders begin popping up left and right, Bonnie starts doing her own investigations, believing that there may be more than meets the eye. Somehow that brings her on a collision course with Marceline, successful rockstar extraordinaire and her ex. Circumstances force them both to examine their shared past and revisit the destruction they each left in their wake as they investigate a sinister killer with seemingly devious intentions for them both.
There she is (Or what to do when your ex is back in town)
Author: durantesknight
Setting: Working adults AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 11,586
Tags: Exes, feels
Summary: A fascinating translation of the Bubbline relationship into a modern setting. This shit legit got me feeling.
Author's summary: Its been seven years since the last time Bonnie and Marceline saw each other, things weren't okay back then, they're not better now.
40 Weeks prequel series (can be read independently of each other and 40 weeks) :
Author: Plesiosaur
Setting: Working adults AU
1)This Could Be The Start Of Something
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 8,214
Tags: Graduation, first meeting, mild homophobia, anaphylaxis
Summary:Marceline and Jake crash a graduation party for free drinks. An ambulance was called.
2)To Fall, Gently And Otherwise
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 4,628
Tags: Fluff
Author's summary: Set between chapters one and two of This Could Be The Start Of Something. After three years of sharing an apartment Marceline really should know better than to take Jake's date advice.
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 3,065
Tags: Hurt/comfort, intellectual rivalry, differing opinions on alternative medicine, historical character death, feels
Author's summary: Even the most perfect couples can clash when they believe in fundamentally different things. But is Bonnie ready to swallow her pride and apologize even when she thinks she's in the right?
First and Last
Author: Plesiosaur
Setting: Working adults AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 15,351
Tags: hurt/comfort, feels, family, repressed gay
Summary: Just....intense feels
Author: NightBearrors
Setting: Working adults AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 8,750
Tags: angst, hurt/comfort, feels, exes, ambiguous end
Summary: Their reunion was like a tangent, colliding once only to depart again.
Author: ArrowOvis
Setting: Working adults AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 1707
Tags: angst, feels, exes, implied rape
Summary: Author summary: Dough can be a lot of things - wet, dry, fluffy, flat, pre-mixed, under-mixed...a lot. But most importantly, it can be shaped into something it wasn't before. Whether that is a good or a bad thing, only time can tell.
Alternatively titled: Bonnibel Buchman got screwed over and doesn't deal with it well.
Author: Asharyn
Setting: Working adults AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 14,708
Tags: Fluff, some SMUT
Summary: Where Bonnie be whipped for Marcy. And vice versa. Honestly, just fluff and smut stripper AU.
End Of The World
Author: Plesiosaur
Setting: Zombie Apocalypse AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 3,465
Tags: Death, Gore, feels
Summary: zombie apocalypse AUs are basically non-existent for this ship, so here's a good one.
Author: spookyscaryskeletons (Buttons15)
Setting: Zombie Apocalypse AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete | 9,194
Tags: Death, Gore, feels,angst
Summary: If you’ve ever wanted to read a zombie AU written by an actual doctor this is it. It's good. Set in The Last of Us (TLOU) universe though you can go into this without knowing anything about TLOU and still have a good experience. 
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la-fee-des-fleurs · 3 years
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"Respires-en sur moi l'odorant souvenir."
- Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, Les Roses de Saadi
can i just say that 'daughter of the deep' is. like. really, really cool?
in all honesty, i didn't expect the amount of technical stuff involved. i do suppose that since it's science fiction it would be a little less fantastical than rick riordan's other books, but whoa, i really like this.
on the topic of things i like, the play definitely did live up to my expectations. it was sweet and tragic and i loved it so much. i was quite bored after it ended, though- i ended up copying marceline desbordes-valmore's poem 'les roses de saadi' with my quill pen. it was good practice; i haven't used my quill much. it's harder than it looks!
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nullkunst · 3 years
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I posted 183 times in 2021
179 posts created (98%)
4 posts reblogged (2%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.0 posts.
I added 1,624 tags in 2021
#nullkunst - 176 posts
#art blog - 174 posts
#art - 174 posts
#artists on tumblr - 172 posts
#tumblr art - 171 posts
#drawing - 170 posts
#digital art - 169 posts
#cute - 161 posts
#illustration - 135 posts
#oc - 122 posts
Longest Tag: 28 characters
#animal crossing new horizons
My Top Posts in 2021
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Izzy moonbow,,, my beloved
256 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 00:47:06 GMT
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Melody and Kuromi!!! Thinkin about making these into stickers
274 notes • Posted 2021-09-08 18:02:47 GMT
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good and evil !
331 notes • Posted 2021-05-21 08:20:47 GMT
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Happy birthday to Miku!!!
365 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 03:04:42 GMT
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Marceline, is it just you and me in the wreckage of the world?
402 notes • Posted 2021-08-16 13:56:04 GMT
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sithvampiremaster27 · 3 years
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12 Cartoon Cartoons of Christmas 02: Marceline the Vampire Queen as the Ghost of Christmas Future
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at-titlecards · 3 years
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Distant Lands 02 | Obsidian
Marceline and Princess Bubblegum journey to the imposing, beautiful Glass Kingdom, and deep into their tumultuous past, to prevent an earthshaking catastrophe.
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the-cinnamon-snail · 3 years
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I posted 1,384 times in 2021
280 posts created (20%)
1104 posts reblogged (80%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.9 posts.
I added 408 tags in 2021
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#picrew.me - 20 posts
#picrew - 20 posts
#lgbtq - 17 posts
#pride - 16 posts
#drawing - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 112 characters
#i killed someone in a denny's parking lot at 2:37 am with a giant sock filled with 5 years worth of loose change
My Top Posts in 2021
Y'know, being a 3rd wheel kinda sucks.
But when you're the 3rd wheel of a couple who is literally the red/blue trope, you learn to manage.
Except when you can't tell who's the red, and who's the fucking blue because you are indecisive and cloud the truth with shitty fanfic ideas.
Who's Ruby and Who's Sapphire?
Who's Octavius and Who's Jedediah?
Who's Catra and Who's Adora?
Who's Persephone and Who's Hades?
Who's Asami and Who's Korra?
Who's Bubblegum and Who's Marceline?
Who's Miguel and Who's Tulio?
Who's Karma and Who's Nagisa?
Please, @iamabeingofpureenergy & @space-for-dragons , tell me. Who's red and who's blue?
40 notes • Posted 2021-07-07 08:06:47 GMT
Fucking purble you sleep deprived bitch
You aswell motherfucker-
2 nights ago you went to bed at 2am
Last night I think it was one?
(Sure I went to bed at 4 and 2:30 those nights but still)
69 notes • Posted 2021-07-02 18:29:18 GMT
Who are you and where did you come from 👁👁
I come from the darkness.
We actually have a lot of cats- you can't have any though.
127 notes • Posted 2021-07-14 05:14:53 GMT
Do you not know the next letter of the alphabet?
209 notes • Posted 2021-06-17 18:34:20 GMT
My first ever peice of fanart, I quite like it!
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Glad it was you PM! @pmseymourva
322 notes • Posted 2021-05-31 16:23:12 GMT
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at-weeb96 · 3 years
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I posted 415 times in 2021
92 posts created (22%)
323 posts reblogged (78%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.5 posts.
I added 392 tags in 2021
#adventure time - 99 posts
#fanart - 64 posts
#marceline - 60 posts
#princess bubblegum - 56 posts
#procreate - 35 posts
#varmints - 27 posts
#bonnibelbubblegum - 19 posts
#glovely quarantine time - 12 posts
#adventuretime - 11 posts
#pb - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#nothing more awkward then hearing your dis-track again in front of your gf’s number 1 fans
My Top Posts in 2021
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59 notes • Posted 2021-11-14 01:35:47 GMT
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Move over Banana Guard, there’s new law enforcement in town!
65 notes • Posted 2021-09-27 06:29:05 GMT
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Posted the wrong image😰 Here’s the finished art.
79 notes • Posted 2021-11-30 02:40:08 GMT
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86 notes • Posted 2021-08-20 06:56:37 GMT
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Original Artist:  https://telsonknife.tumblr.com/
Source  (where I saw this) :https://www.reddit.com/r/adventuretime/comments/ouzmuu/v_a_r_m_i_n_t_s_by_knifedragon/ 
180 notes • Posted 2021-07-31 05:58:13 GMT
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rainbow-peach · 3 years
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I posted 66 times in 2021
57 posts created (86%)
9 posts reblogged (14%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.2 posts.
I added 50 tags in 2021
#tgcf - 8 posts
#mxtx characters - 6 posts
#mxtx - 6 posts
#xielian - 5 posts
#hualian - 5 posts
#mxtx fanart - 5 posts
#weiwuxian - 4 posts
#mxtxcouples - 4 posts
#sidlink - 4 posts
#marceline x princess bubblegum - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 30 characters
#marceline x princess bubblegum
My Top Posts in 2021
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If you have good and funny quotes ...man..i draw it with pleasure ;;
128 notes • Posted 2021-05-24 00:56:18 GMT
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He live his best life ;D
227 notes • Posted 2021-04-30 02:44:56 GMT
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See the full post
379 notes • Posted 2021-05-16 14:45:17 GMT
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Ryo and akira being..Ryo n akira
379 notes • Posted 2021-04-11 17:50:29 GMT
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618 notes • Posted 2021-10-27 23:01:08 GMT
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crispy--potatoes · 3 years
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I posted 959 times in 2021
7 posts created (1%)
952 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 136.0 posts.
I added 529 tags in 2021
#q - 374 posts
#anime icons - 28 posts
#yaoi icons - 21 posts
#art - 19 posts
#bl icons - 18 posts
#meme - 17 posts
#oc inspo - 17 posts
#video - 13 posts
#writing - 11 posts
#love - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 73 characters
#dis gonna take up a lot of my time and i have two more exams to study for
My Top Posts in 2021
2 notes • Posted 2021-05-06 02:15:05 GMT
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"That sounds like a story....Something you'd find in a book. Have you been reading too much fiction?"-Seth Eres Olsen Hegar
2 notes • Posted 2021-04-29 11:42:18 GMT
thinking of changing my icon pfp...but Ive had marceline up here for so long...hmmn
2 notes • Posted 2021-02-01 12:00:52 GMT
Check out Alca who plays Axie Infinity, plays Genshin Impact and does art! https://www.twitch.tv/alcadmitry
3 notes • Posted 2021-08-21 05:02:00 GMT
so I guess Bean is a canon bisexual
6 notes • Posted 2021-02-11 11:58:40 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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I posted 755 times in 2021
109 posts created (14%)
646 posts reblogged (86%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.9 posts.
I added 287 tags in 2021
#animation recaps by sean - 48 posts
#first watch through - 48 posts
#dragon prince - 38 posts
#amphibia spoilers - 34 posts
#disney - 31 posts
#amphibia - 20 posts
#toh spoilers - 20 posts
#the owl house spoilers - 19 posts
#the owl house - 15 posts
#lumity - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 37 characters
#adventure time distant lands obsidian
My Top Posts in 2021
Adventure Time Distant Lands: Obsidian Recap
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An old foe forces Marceline and Bubblegum to confront their past. Spoilers below.
41 notes • Posted 2021-02-22 16:38:06 GMT
The Owl House-Escaping Expulsion Recap
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The Blights finally get their proper introduction, and they move to get rid of Luz, Willow, and Gus. Spoilers below. 
41 notes • Posted 2021-06-19 17:25:47 GMT
The Owl House-Keeping Up A-fear-ances Recap
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Eda and Lilith’s mom comes by for a visit. Spoilers below.
44 notes • Posted 2021-07-04 17:06:25 GMT
The Owl House-Through The Looking Glass Ruins Recap
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Luz and Amity explore a library and Gus does something too I guess. Spoilers below.
46 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 00:32:37 GMT
Amphibia-The New Normal Recap
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Anne and the Planters must adapt to live on Earth. Spoilers below.
48 notes • Posted 2021-10-03 22:03:04 GMT
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annieartist03 · 3 years
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I posted 506 times in 2021
380 posts created (75%)
126 posts reblogged (25%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.3 posts.
I added 540 tags in 2021
#fanart - 95 posts
#art - 94 posts
#drawing - 90 posts
#anime - 70 posts
#digitalart - 58 posts
#manga - 42 posts
#disney - 26 posts
#digital art - 23 posts
#godzilla - 22 posts
#redraw - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 19 characters
My Top Posts in 2021
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I spent the past 3 days on this. I hope you like it!
Characters from left to right in rows:
Princess Elan (Golden Films’ The Legend of Atlantis), Creepie Creecher (Growing Up Creepie), Rudy (Chalkzone), Robo Fizz (Helluva Boss), Riko (Made in Abyss), Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club), Mao Mao (Mao Mao Heroes of Pure Heart), Mono (Little Nightmares), Nanako Baba (Sailor Moon), Bebette (Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure), Badgerclops (Mao Mao Heroes of Pure Heart), Blossom (Powerpuff Girls Z), Yuneal (Magical Girl Raising Project: Unmarked), Barugon (Gamera vs Barugon), Dib (Invader Zim), Legion (Gamera vs Legion), Spring Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy’s 3), Alexandrite (Steven Universe), Gyaos (Gamera vs Gyaos), Bubbles (Powerpuff Girls), Snap (Chalkzone), Zouge the Bat (Sonic the Hedgehog Archie Comics), Zephyrus (Black Jack), Rika (Higurashi), Natsuki (Doki Doki Literature Club), Penny (Chalkzone), Reg (Made in Abyss), Keenie (Helluva Boss), Butch (Powerpuff Girls), and Mion (Higurashi)
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66 notes • Posted 2021-03-16 01:26:14 GMT
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69 notes • Posted 2021-03-10 03:23:09 GMT
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Princess Bubblegum and Marceline from Adventure Time
89 notes • Posted 2021-03-07 02:53:37 GMT
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I just saw this game yesterday and I love it! I recommend checking it out. Anyway, enjoy my drawing of the spooky tall boi :3
97 notes • Posted 2021-10-19 06:13:25 GMT
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Mao Mao - Hero of Pure Heart
136 notes • Posted 2021-05-03 04:12:27 GMT
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