#muxse ttte oc: old copperknob
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cerenemuxse · 1 year ago
TGR but There's a Roleswap - Chapter 11
Chapter 11 - Goodbye
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All in Vain (Season 20 Episode 16)
Word Count: 1,111
The story can be found at @tgr-2x5-roleswap-au for easier access.
As James filled up with water, the rest of the North Westerners approached him.
“I’m sorry, James but we couldn’t find him,” said Emily, feeling sorry for her little brother.
“He’s probably already left with the rest of his group,” suggested Henry. “Like some of the others have.”
“He could’ve at least said ‘goodbye,’” remarked Philip, only for Emily to shoot him a look.
"Philip!" hushed Thomas.
“He probably had to leave quickly,” prompted Emily. “Who knows what they're having him do.”
“Yeah, I guess,” muttered James. Emily did have a point, for she had a sister who was preserved, the ex-GNR A1 Stirling Single No. 1.
Gordon stopped by with the Fat Controller in his cab, who peaked out from it. "Alright, everybody! Get yourselves refueled before we head home! We've still got a railway to run!"
"Yes, sir!" everyone, but Gordon, replied. Once the temporarily streamlined engine puffed away, Emily moved closer to James.
"We'll be near the entrance waiting for you, Jimmy," mumbled Emily before she puffed away, soon followed by the rest.
Once everyone had left, James was left brooding alone, wishing once again that he could see Edward one more time and say goodbye. But at the same time, he didn't because he knew it would hurt just as much or even more. James could vividly remember saying goodbye for the last time to one of his old LMS friends, shortly followed by his sister a few years later. After that, he was terrified every time he said goodbye to Donald and Douglas when heading over to Barrow-in-Furness. Thank goodness the Fat Controller bought both of them.
He didn't want to say goodbye. Not yet, at least, but he didn't have time.
"We need to get moving!" someone exclaimed. It was loud enough to snap James out of his thoughts. "Come on, Twenty-One!" they called out again.
Twenty-One? he thought as his eyes suddenly widened with hope.
"Aye, Coppernob," replied "Twenty-One." The accent pulled him out of his thoughts as it was swiftly followed by the whistle in that same solemn tone he heard yesterday.
James looked around, searching his surroundings. Just as he expected, his eyes quickly landed on a very small group of engines, far away and chuffing towards the entrance. One was a diesel pulling a flatbed with a small four-driver tender engine. On the track furthest away was a large tender engine. It was Edward with an expression he didn't quite recognize. It looked stiff and forced. Nothing like the looks he became familiar with.
As soon as his crew finished filling his water tank and got into his cab, James let out a shrill whistle. Some engines and people ignored it but others stopped and stared. He didn't care that others did so. He only cared if Edward did.
Edward came to a gentle halt. "James?" he immediately hollered out, getting stares from the other Furness engine.
James' lips curled into a wide grin with hope, just knowing that Edward recognized his whistle so easily. "Edward!" he exclaimed as he rushed forward, calling out for points to be switched.
"James!" Edward exclaimed as he finally caught sight of the engine coming towards him. Quickly, he reversed and started crossing over points, ignoring Coppernob calling out for him, and didn't notice the nasty glare from said engine.
Within a few minutes of maneuvering over points, both engines got onto the same track, facing one another.
"James! I-I'm sae sorry for leavin'!" Edward quickly sputtered out. "I didn't mean to leave! B-But the trust-"
"Don't worry about it!" James hastily interrupted, receiving a surprised look from the other, which shifted to a smile. "I'm just… glad to see you again…" He could feel his tubes tighten. "...and say goodbye."
Edward's smile faltered.
"Go on and say your farewells, Twenty-One!" interrupted Coppernob furiously. "The boat can't wait any longer, and neither can the trust! They didn't spend thousands of pounds on your restoration so you could go off meandering!"
"Give me a minute!" Edward yelled.
Coppernob was ready to retort when his crew and another man whispered something. James noticed Edward eyeing the older engine cautiously.
"Fine, but hurry. We don't have all the time in the world," Coppernob huffed. The diesel engine continued pulling him towards the entrance. The larger tender engines silently watched them move along.
"I'm sorry. Aboot him, thon is," said Edward, breaking the silence as soon as they were out of hearing range, getting James' full attention. "He's like thon."
"Is that normal?"
"But that's not okay."
"It's fine. I-I just ignore him. Most o' the time," said Edward, reassuring James. "Ye were sayin'?"
"Wha- Oh!" James began to panic. "I-I just wanted to say that, well, thank you."
"Thank me?" Edward let out a laugh. "I should be thankin' ye."
"For bein' ma friend," replied Edward nervously. "I-I dinnae have any friends back home. And I mean anes thon are engines! It's just… me and the folks at the Furness Railway Trust. Nawthin' but human company, s-sae it's nice tae be able tae jist talk and have company wit' another engine after a while… No' thon human company is bad or anything! It's jist… ye ken?"
"It's nice to be around your kind?"
"Aye. Thon's whit I meant…"
"So… I'm the first engine you've spoken to in decades?"
"T-Thon’s Old Coppernob.Ye're ma first friend. I… I appreciate it. I dae, really."
Having seen the way Edward looked at Coppernob was enough to null James' curiosity. "Of course!" he replied cheerily, getting a smile from the other engine.
Before either one could say anything, they heard a barrage of whistles shrill, the sound getting louder.
"You found him!" exclaimed Emily as the other NWR engines approached the two. "We thought you'd left!"
"T-The trust wantit tae speak wit' me," replied Edward, flustered at the sudden attention. "Ma apologies! It wis'nae ma intention."
"No need! We're just glad we could catch you in time."
Edward chuckled. "I'm afraid I dae need tae go'. It wis nice meetin' ye all! Very nice.”
"The pleasure was ours," hummed Henry.
"Alricht! Well… guid-bye, everyane!" he exclaimed as he backed up and called out for the points to be switched. Once he switched over, he hesitantly said, "Guid-bye, James…"
"Good-bye, Edward," James replied hesitantly as he saw Edward leave and the others exclaimed their farewells, including the Fat Controller. As the goodbyes continued, Emily moved closer to James. "Come on, James. Let's go home," she hummed in a thoughtful tone. "I've got an idea, and I just know you'll like this one!"
That was enough to catch James' interest.
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