#mutou toru
redgitanako · 10 months
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Rewatching Shiki 🌻🌻🌻
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komissa · 5 years
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武藤徹 🖤
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creamecream · 5 years
Natsuno Yuuki is a demiromantic asexual vampire boy who is living on the run with his bisexual vampire boyfriend, Toru Mutou.
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aestheticcannibal · 7 years
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Shiki was really good and I fell in love with Toru and Natsuno immediately
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maddmuses · 5 years
Takeshi Shoryuu // Dragon Fist
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(fc: Mutou Ryuuji)
Age: 16-17 (Second year to main cast's first year, can play other ages)
Class: 2-A
Aliases: The Karateka Hero
Date of Birth: 12/25
Ethnicity: ¾ Japanese, ¼ Caucasian (Russian)
Nationality: Japanese National
Hometown: Kyoto, Japan
Appearance A tall and stoutly-built young man, Takeshi's obviously Japanese, though his non-Asian ascent is somewhat betrayed by his height and size. Often compared to his mother in appearance, Takeshi is large-chested with long arms and legs, suiting him well to martial arts like karate, which tend to allocate advantage to fighters who have a superior reach. Typically Takeshi styles his hair backwards, giving it a windswept appearance, though it primarily serves the function of keeping stray strands out of his eyes.
Generally Takeshi wears either comfortable clothing such as sweats and sneakers, his hero costume, or his karate gi. He rarely deviates from this general look, excepting when he wears the U.A. Uniform. Generally, when wearing his uniform, he'll eschew the jacket, or wear it cape-style, with an untied necktie, and the two top and bottom buttons generally undone.
With an impressive physicality and a generally scowling face, Takeshi strikes an intimidating figure, and will often rely on this looming presence to bully others into doing what he wants, or giving him what he needs.
Personality To call Takeshi ill-tempered would be generous. While as a small child he was kind and altruistic, wanting to be a hero to help others, emotional abuse by his father and mixed messages taught through a combination of martial arts training and continued berating by his parent caused Takeshi to become jaded with the idea of being kind, believing that the strong are right by merit of their strength. This results in a young man who enjoys the thrill of fighting and defeating others more than anything else. Quick to lash out and attack others physically, this resulted in Takeshi getting cut from the U-A students roster before even taking a practical examination the first time.
Ultimately a thrill seeker, Takeshi is displeased with easy tasks and fights, often attempting to handicap himself in combat where he has a blatant advantage either through his quirk, or superior fighting ability. Desiring to make fights last longer this, aside from his short temper and generally bad attitude towards violence, are key attributes that the academy wishes to teach him out of.
Takeshi is not the type to allow his feelings to go unheard, and will often express them in an upfront and blunt manner. Often in the form of yelling. Additionally, he tends to speak in a very masculine fashion, favoring whatever words make him come off as tough and/or macho, particularly the affirmative response of “Ossu”. Takeshi is also very loud, projecting his voice through the room, so that all others can hear.
In terms of style, Takeshi had always respected Gran Torino the most, a favorite hero of his father and grandfather, which as a toddler had prompted the boy to initially begin wanting to become a hero, despite his parent's wishes against this, to the point of even barring him from entering the family's dojo to train. It's because of this feeling of disapproval from his parents that Takeshi has largely latched onto his grandfather instead, despite the opinion that the old man is something of a doddering fool who changed his own name for the sake of dojo branding.
Hard working and dedicated, Takeshi trains in his marital arts and quirk daily, keeping his physical state at its peak so as to amplify the end result when working in tandem with a quirk. However, his behavior otherwise might lead others to believe him lazy, as most of his training occurs in the morning, prompting him to use the rest of the day to lounge about campus, eat junk food, and read comics.
When interacting with his juniors, either younger students or less experienced martial artists, Takeshi is generally very stern. Those who are weak are usually not worth his time, unless they have some pragmatism about it, or are just extremely pathetic (in his mind). The latter two are the types that he's known to have a soft spot for, protecting them and helping them learn how to become strong. Once someone is his protege, Takeshi regards them as his personal project, and will not tolerate others hurting them. At the same time, he will exert “mentorly discipline” towards these same proteges if they're being coky, or a brat, that usually ends in physical sparring.
Biography Takeshi Shoryuu was born in Berlin, Germany, while his mother and father were abroad for work-related business. As his parent's company had them working in Germany at that time, he was born abroad, but was made a Japanese national due to his father's native citizenship. Spending less than a year in Germany, Takeshi and family eventually returned to Japan to be with the rest of the Shoryuu family, as there wasn't much of a desire on the part of Takeshi's mother to spend time with her family.
Takeshi grew up in Kyoto, where Takeshi's grandfather ran a dojo for his own style called Shoryuu, which he changed his family's name to in order to correlate with the branding scheme of his business. During his formative years Takeshi would spend a lot of time with his grandfather, eventually helping him grow to still have a very close relationship with the old man, even after his being excommunicated from the family. It was during this time that he spent with the old man that he would decide that he too wanted to learn martial arts, and fight crime like their shared favorite pro hero Gran Torino, to whom Takeshi had been exposed through old footage of him defeating villains and rescuing civilians.
At the age of four, at preschool, Takeshi had attempted to intervene in a fight where two older boys (roughly seven years old) were picking on one of his classmates. Attempting to defend the girl who was being attacked, Takeshi was soundly beaten by the boys who possessed quirks, only somewhat protected from lasting injury thanks to the rubbery nature of his body that his mother's quirk had passed down to him as a mutation. When he was sent home for fighting, Takeshi had assumed he'd be praised by his father for such heroic behavior. After all, what father wouldn't be proud of his son for protecting others, even if they lost.
This wasn't the case.
Rather than proud, Takeshi was given a verbal berating that he'd never received before. He had charged headfirst into a fight that wasn't any of his business, and couldn't even make a difference, as he still lost! In Fudo Shoryuu's opinion, weak brats like his son had no purpose trying to defend others when they couldn't defend themselves.
Intent on proving his father wrong, Takeshi would get into more fights at school, initially fighting bullies, but eventually just fighting other students, especially after his quirk had manifested. Fudo, Takeshi's father, saw this as an indicator that not only had the selection of a wife to produce a strong quirk wasn't successful, as Takeshi didn't seem able to amplify force like himself but only redirect it, but his son wasn't even a suitable inheritor to the Shoryuu style, one that was traditionally passed directly from father to son, or to the owner of the style's students.
At the age of ten, Takeshi was allowed to start training in karate, but not at the family dojo, something that would explicitly be a privilege of his younger brother, a much more discerning young man who seemed to have a stronger quirk that would allow him to, someday, dominate the world of martial arts. Instead, Takeshi would be referred to a friend of his grandfather at the Tekken-do dojo, under sensei Toru Demura. It would take him only a few years to reach the rank of 1-dan, picking up the skills that fundamentally indicated a proficiency in karate. By the age of 17, Takeshi had already been promoted to 3-dan, as a second-year at U.A.
Regularly during this time Takeshi would attend training camps and tournaments for others styles, learning and implementing the components of those styles that he respected and valued among them. He would implement the mentalities and methods of these others styles into his primary style's kata, becoming a rather extreme mixed-style threat.
During Takeshi's initial application for U.A. Student candidacy, Takeshi had been removed from the list of those under consideration due to attacking another student when sufficiently antagonized (intentionally breaking his leg during the practical exam). However, thanks to the removal of the entire class 1-A of that year by Aizawa, Takeshi, and 19 other students, were reconsidered and promoted based on either borderline passing grades, or several cases of dismissal to applicants who would have otherwise passed. The condition for Takeshi's enrollment being regular anger management classes with the school psychiatrist, in addition to his normal courseload.
Abilities and Skills -Physical Conditioning: Takeshi works to make his body as close to its peak performance as possible, particularly in regards to physical strength and toughness, as those are directly enhanced by his quirk in a factoral fashion. Due to his size and muscle mass, Takeshi's base level of speed isn't considered to be as impressive as other U.A. Students without the enhancement of his quirk.
-Karate: Through Tekken-do, a style of karate that shares many kata with goju-ryu and a mentality of kyoukushin, Takesshi is considered highly proficient in karate. Though, he considers himself a student of all styles, Takeshi will often implement what works, and discard what becomes unnecessary. As a karateka Takeshi is able to fight efficiently, while also throwing explosive attacks that can put down foes who aren't sufficiently cautious. He'll often use defensive or counter-oriented kata with his quirk to turn a foe's power on each other immediately, or throw his most destructive techniques paired with his quirk in order to put down an opponent quickly.
-Tactical Acumen: As a karateka, and through years of using his martial arts in fights, Takeshi has developed a strong sense for tactics and strategy, knowing how to take down his foes using creative methods and surprising flips on a situation that one might not anticipate. Particularly, in regards to Takeshi's quirk, he's learned to absorb kinetic force from sources that one might not expect, as an example the drag of the wind against his skin, as a means to quickly generate and enhance more force for his attacks.
-Willpower: Takeshi's quirk relies largely on the exertion of willpower to maintain and control as much kinetic energy as his body is able to handle, as one normally wouldn't be able to mentally control and handle the amount of force that he's been able to hold, even if they could physically. Generally, Takeshi's will is strong enough to the point that if it comes down to it, usually his body will quit before he will.
-Keen Reflexes: Through training, fighting, and meditation, Takeshi's reflexes are extremely honed. He is able to anticipate opponents and object's trajectory, and react to them accordingly. This is even to the point that he can notice incoming debris, and utilize his quirk to effectively absorb the generated force of each piece with near perfect timing.
-Polyglot: German, Russian, Japanese, some English.
Superhuman Powers and Abilities Quirk Name: Bouncy Boi (Romanized: Bouncingu Boyoh!) -Body Cell Elasticity: The muscles, bones, and organs, of Takeshi's body possess an unnatural degree of elasticity that has an unmeasured degree of tensile strength. This reduces incoming blunt force's effect on Takeshi to a significant degree, as well as allowing him to utilize his body as a means of storing energy for the purpose of his quirk's other functions. As Takeshi uses his quirk and becomes injured, his body does grow stronger, and able to negate more of the backlash of his quirk's other functions. -Kinetic Energy Absorption and Manipulation: When Takeshi's body is exposed to kinetic forces and energy it absorbs that energy, storing it in his particularly elastic body, and is able to store or redirect it at his discretion. Takeshi is only able to retain energy in his body through physical movement, with the energy stored rapidly deteriorating if he stands still. Takeshi often mitigates this by keeping at least one part of his body moving at all times, though observers can tell just how much energy he's holding by how violently that part or parts moves. This absorption is cumulative, and is only dispersed when Takeshi directs the force in a way that doesn't insert it back into his body. More energy is more difficult to control. This in combination with his elastic body allows Takeshi to bounce, effectively hyper-bouncing by way of retaining more energy than he expends through bouncing, budgeting it correctly to become a steadily more and more deadly projectile. Generally, when bouncing, hard and stiff materials are best for Takeshi to control his trajectory and rebounds, softer materials and ground result in reduced precision. In order for Takeshi to absorb kinetic energy he has to be aware of the object's collision with his body before it actually occurs, making him susceptible to sneak attack. -Kinetic Energy Amplification and Negation: Takeshi is able to negate incoming impact force to his body to a great degree, reducing its effect on his body, so that he may more precisely budget the energy gained, allowing his bounces to largely be easier to control. Additionally, when Takeshi bounces, punches, kicks, or otherwise exerts kinetic impact upon a target, he may add stored energy to that attack, increasing its destructive power. This may result in physical backlash on his body, though to a reduced degree due to his rubber-like body.
(Special Attack)Pinball Style: Less an attack and more a means of movement, Takeshi developed this technique so as to maximize his close-quarters combat. Through control of his trajectory, Takeshi rapidly bounces between walls, floors, furniture, and basically anything he can collide with, to generate a massive amount of momentum and kinetic energy. This serves the purpose of both making Takeshi progressively harder to predict and catch, while also rapidly generating a great amount of easy-to-control kinetic force for him to attack with in either a flurry, or as part of one massive attack.
(Special Attack)Mega-Bounce: A type of leap, either lead into with several smaller bounces or by tapping his feet, and, snapping his fingers, or whatever other means Takeshi can think of to quickly generate a lot of energy. Takeshi can then take one massive leap, equating to roughly 300 feet of air from his leaping point.
(Special Attack)Rebound Strike: A technique that Takeshi often uses with a cold start kinetically, he generally will throw an attack preliminarily against a wall, structure, or even bounce it off of himself to quickly get a burst of attacking power. Takeshi can also use this to top off his stores of kinetic power when throwing any other punch, particularly those that are part of a combo.
(Special Attack)Double Rebound Strike: An advanced application of the Rebound Strike, Takeshi bounces off of a first target, and quickly spins to strike another, or the same, target, using the force of the strike from his first punch to enhance the second.
(Special Attack)Perfect Guard: A type of technique that Takeshi developed when learning to use his quirk, Takeshi learned he can largely negate incoming force's effect on him, as if he's timing a guard perfectly in a fighting game. Generally Takeshi uses this when he wants to maintain his momentum during bounce chains, but also to completely negate heavy-hitter's attacks. This technique requires perfect timing for Takeshi to manage precisely, making it dangerous to rely on as a defensive tactic. However, when used correctly, it's guessed that Takeshi could withstand an All Might level attack.
(Special Attack)Full-Stop: By bringing himself to a full stop for more than a second, Takeshi's body begins to exude a powerful heat that can be harmful to those who touch him, causing second-degree burns when he's stored enough. This power runs the risk of Takeshi's muscles more than his quirk's standard usage, though.
Weaknesses and Limitations -Control: There's no cap to the amount of kinetic energy Takeshi can store. While this allows him to perform great feats with his quirk, particularly when he grows more proficient in its use, it also means Takeshi has to try his best to aim an amount of raw force that most normal humans aren't accustomed to handling, making it difficult to properly control his bounces, attacks, or much of any movement, when he retains too much force. -Physical Backlash: When force leaves Takeshi's body, the natural degree of damage for a human who throws a punch, kick, or leaps, with that amount of force is inflicted on him. While this mitigates to a large degree thanks to his body's composition, Takeshi can still take cumulative damage when firing a large number of high-power attacks, or stores too much energy for too long, or otherwise throws hits that are too heavy for him to take at the moment. -Edge: Any type of attack that pierces flesh or cuts it is largely exempt from Takeshi's quirk, and can hurt him accordingly.
Equipment and Support Gear -Bulletproof Gi: A standard karate gi made from a high-durability fabric weave that's designed to reduce the cutting and piercing power of bullets and knives. As it's size appropriate for Takeshi, it doesn't cover every part of his body, and notably doesn't protect his head, hands, forearms, chest (at times), or feet. However, like most kevlar-style meshes, a normal human trying to stab a knife isn't going to have much success the first few times, and the fibers are able to block incoming bullets in an area once or twice, reliably.
-Rubber-Sole Shoes: Sneakers made from a unique sort of rubber that mimics Takeshi's quirk, in regards to its ability to allow incoming force to pass directly through it, to Takeshi's soles, without absorbing too much of the impact itself.
-Force Reader: A watch-like device mounted on Takeshi's wrist, when activated it can roughly estimate how much force his body is currently holding, but tracking it as it circulates through his body. Through pre-programed settings in the device, its read-out will also change color from green, to yellow, to red, to indicate to Takeshi how much trouble he'll have controlling his current level of energy. Green means very easy, yellow means difficult to approaching his limit, red means at or above his limit.
Logbook Stats
Power: 4.5/5 B+ (6/5 S at Takeshi's maximum capacity)
Speed: 3/5 C (6/5 S+ at Takeshi's maximum capacity)
Technique: 5/5 A
Intelligence: 1/5 F+
Cooperativeness: 1/5 F-
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olko71 · 6 years
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://www.yaroreviews.info/2018/07/boj-seeks-to-make-its-ammunition-last-longer-as-options-dwindle
BOJ seeks to make its ammunition last longer as options dwindle
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TOKYO (Reuters) – Japan’s central bank pledged to keep its massive stimulus in place yet made tweaks to reduce adverse effects of its policies on markets & commercial banks, reflecting its view it would take longer for inflation to hit its target.
At a two-day rate review that ended on Tuesday, the Bank of Japan kept its interest rate targets regular yet for the first time adopted a forward guidance on future policy, saying it will keep rates “very low” for an “extended period of time.”
As its huge purchases dry up market liquidity & efforts to cap bond yields face difficulty, the central bank in addition said it would allow yields to rise more naturally & could slow asset buying whether market conditions allowed.
Its governor, Haruhiko Kuroda, said the changes in its framework were partly to stamp out speculation that the central bank was approximately to exit its super loose monetary policy or raise rates.
The decision highlights the dearth of ammunition the BOJ has left to fire up stubbornly-weak inflation, even as other major central banks emerge from crisis-mode policies & stock up policy tools to fight another recession.
“The BOJ did all it can do now. The BOJ has managed to create a foothold to make its yield curve control policy more flexible without lifting the yen,” said Takehiro Noguchi, senior economist at Mizuho Research Institute.
The BOJ maintained its short-term interest rate target at minus 0.1 percent & a pledge to guide 10-year government bond yields around zero percent, as expected, by a 7-2 vote.
But in a alter to its policy, it said it would allow long-term rates to fluctuate depending on profitable & price developments, & conduct its asset purchases more flexibly.
Kuroda said the central bank will now tolerate 10-year bond yield rises of up to around 0.20 percent, up from around 0.10 percent previously, as keeping yields in too narrow a band would shrink bond trading.
He in addition said the BOJ’s annual purchases of risky assets could fluctuate, signaling that buying of exchange-traded funds (ETF) may fall below its pledge to buy roughly 6 trillion yen ($53.78 billion) per year.
“We took steps so we can continue our powerful monetary easing longer, because it is taking more time than expected to achieve our price target. I think that with these steps, we can continue with our massive stimulus program,” Kuroda said.
The yen weakened against the dollar & government bond yields fell, as markets took the BOJ’s moves as reaffirming its commitment to keep monetary policy ultra-loose.
In the days main up to the meeting, speculation that the BOJ could raise the prospect of an interest rate hike had unsettled financial markets & pushed global bond yields higher.
French & German government bond yields dropped on Tuesday after the BOJ’s pledge to keep rates low, which could drive Japanese investors to continue investing in the euro zone bond market.
The BOJ has failed to break Japan’s entrenched deflationary mindset despite years of heavy money printing, with persistently soft inflation depleting its ammunition & global trade woes clouding the outlook for an export-reliant economy.
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In a quarterly review of its projections in addition released on Tuesday, the BOJ trimmed its price forecasts & conceded inflation could fall short of its target for three more years.
But there is uncertainty over how long it can sustain the current ultra-easy policy given the strain near-zero rates are inflicting on Japanese banks’ earnings & the bond market.
The BOJ had been forced to repeatedly step into the market to cap 10-year yields around 0.11 percent, cementing investors’ insight that was the bank’s line in the sand.
Its huge asset purchases have in addition drawn criticism, even from some BOJ policymakers, as distorting markets.
The challenge for the BOJ was to create some space to allow for future adjustments to what was fitting an unsustainable stimulus program, without causing an unwelcome yen spike by fueling speculation of an early exit.
Its policy moves on Tuesday to some extent make this possible by adding forward guidance communication in its regular policy statements that pledges to keep rates low, taking into account uncertainties on the economy including the effect of a scheduled sales tax hike next October.
In the past, the BOJ gave no guidance on the future path of its interest rates, leaving markets to their own interpretations.
“There was some speculation in the market that the BOJ will seek an early exit from stimulus, or raise rates soon. With this guidance, we can dispel such speculation,” Kuroda said.
But Kuroda did not elaborate on whether the BOJ would keep current yield targets intact at least until the tax hike.
While Tuesday’s measures showed the BOJ was in no rush to raise rates, they could make a shift toward policy normalization less disruptive, some analysts said.
“It is a very gentle policy alter by the BOJ yet its policy vector is heading towards tightening. The BOJ’s message was to let long-term yields go higher,” said Hiroaki Mutou, chief economist at Tokai Tokyo Research Institute.
FILE PHOTO: A Japanese flag flutters on the Bank of Japan building in Tokyo, Japan, March 15, 2016. REUTERS/Toru Hanai/File Photo
“I think the BOJ was successful in tweaking its policy scheme which did not greatly impact markets yet introduced a tool, forward guidance for policy rates, for future tightening.”
Additional reporting by Tetsushi Kajimoto & Thomas Wilson; Editing by Sam Holmes
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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einsameskind-blog · 8 years
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Mutou Toru/#468416 - Zerochan
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wydawnictwowaneko · 6 years
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Siódmy tom Shiki już jest! W jakim kierunku podąży Ozaki? Czy znajdzie sprzymierzeńców?
Shiki atakują wieś Sotoba. Podczas gdy mieszkańcy uparcie negują zmieniającą się na ich oczach rzeczywistość, doktor Ozaki próbuje znaleźć sposób na walkę z potworami. Niespodziewanie promyk nadziei rozświetla otaczający mrok - pewien chłopak wyciąga do osamotnionego doktora pomocną dłoń.
→ Shiki tom 7 jest już do kupienia w naszym sklepie internetowym: https://bit.ly/2zDg42B
→ W sklepach komiksowych/księgarniach/Empikach tomiki pojawią się w około 1-2 dni robocze od dnia premiery.
→ Przedpłaty zostały już wysłane.
→ Za 4 miesiące (10 marca 2019) do sprzedaży trafi ósmy tom Shiki, przedpłaty można zamawiać tutaj: https://bit.ly/2zYKQFy
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creamecream · 6 years
Headcanon: Toru and Natsuno run away together when Natsuno first offered, and are a happy couple of travelers who only move at night.
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animeboysforever · 11 years
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mirror-no · 11 years
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wydawnictwowaneko · 7 years
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Tak oto prezentuje się obwoluta trzeciego tomu Shiki. Doktor Ozaki jest pewny, że w wiosce szaleje epidemia… do czasu aż przychodzi do niego Natsuno i zadaje dziwne pytania, które uświadamiają lekarzowi, jak bardzo się mylił…
Premiera tego tomu już 10 stycznia 2018, przedpłaty możecie zamawiać tutaj: KLIK
Co sądzicie o tej obwolucie? Która z dotychczasowych obwolut podoba Wam się najbardziej? Która jest najbardziej klimatyczna?
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mundo-da-meia-noite · 11 years
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hime-hemera-amv · 11 years
Animé: Shiki Song: "Forsaken" by Jonathan Davis of Korn My Youtube Channel: youtube.com/channel/UCoEM4rC6Yx5VJ35x6P-NnBw Dailymotion: dailymotion.com/himehemera Facebook: facebook.com/LesAmvdeHimeHemera Twitter: twitter.com/HimeHemera My Blog: himehemera.skyrock.com
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violentgod · 11 years
from shiki, toshio is my favorite character, whos yours? and why?
Mutou, I guess. I love his personality so much. He is so lovely, friendly and kind. Every horror anime needs a cheerful-cute character like him. ^_^
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