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woodsdyke · 7 months ago
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now for something entirely different. hands you this tiger muskellunge (it is quite large and damp. sorry)
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plushstarrs · 10 months ago
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One of my best thrift store finds, Cabin Critters Muskellunge!
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antiqueanimals · 2 years ago
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Wildlife in North Carolina. February 1965. Illustration by Duane Raver Jr.
Internet Archive
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fishenjoyer1 · 8 months ago
Fish of the Day
Today's fish of the day is the muskellunge!
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The muskellunge, also called a musky, lunge, ski, and scientific name Esox masquinongy, is known for being the largest species of pike. Muskellunge can be found around the rivers of Michigan, specifically the Great Lakes region, Canadian waters, St Lawrence River, and around the Mississippi and Ohio river valleys. Outside of their natural range, they can also be found around the Tennessee river, South Carolina rivers, and as far South as Upper Georgia, where they are kept stocked intentionally for recreational fishing. They live around clean and clear waters with little silt, preferring to surround themselves with aquatic vegetation and weeds. This is because they tend to lurk near weedy shores and rocky outcroppings, although they can be found in deeper waters during the summer.
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The diet of the muskie is made up primarily of other fish, although they will also eat: frogs, water birds, rats, and other animals that can be found in and around their environments. On rare occasions, muskellunge have been reported attacking dogs and children They attack other animals in an ambush, where the muskie will swiftly bite and swallow, not allowing any time for prey to fight back or escape. They can get as large as 50 inches in length, but there are claims of fish getting as large as 6ft. They have few predators, only large birds, such as bald eagles, other larger muskellunge or pike, and human fishing. With human fish thought to be the cause of their declining numbers.
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Similar to other pikes, the muskellunge form small schools, and will claim territories that they fiercely defend, only becoming more aggressive during the breeding season. They spawn in the spring, like other pike, finding clean rocks or sandy bottomed rivers to lay their eggs. Spawning is only around a week to two weeks in length, and eggs are abandoned almost immediately. Once born, juveniles are only a few cm in length, but can get as large as 12 inches by their first year of life, and can get as old as 12-18 years.
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That's the muskie fish, have a good day, everyone!
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ruby-lith · 9 months ago
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basil-kat · 4 months ago
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If no one got me I know he got me
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mackeralsauce · 4 months ago
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based on a muskie i caught in webfishing:
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hoovse-art · 5 months ago
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In the state between waking and dreaming I thought about the combination of a mustelid and a muskellunge, so behold the mustellunge!
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i-give-you-a-fish · 7 months ago
hi can i have a fish!!!!!
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You get a Muskellunge
Esox masquinongy
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fouroclockwren · 8 months ago
My upper midwestern/north-american-ness is showing because the episode of river monsters I’m watching is about muskies in Canada and my immediate knee jerk response was “wtf do you mean there’s a musky episode on river monsters, muskies is just normal fish”
Jeremy Wade over there showing off this 4ft long fish with huge teeth and instead of going “wow that’s cool as hell” like I have with all the other species I’ve seen on this show so far, my brain is just like “ohey dat’s da guy who lives on da walls at da bars upnort”
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godisafujoshi · 10 days ago
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jammacle · 20 days ago
fish sona!! I have no idea what to name this guy. he is based on a muskie (muskellunge, a pike-type fish) because I fished for them a lot when I was younger. I'll put a pic of one and some info about em below the cut :) please let me know if I need to add any tags or anything for the boobs. I didnt since they arent detailed or anything. But let me know.
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Anyway if you're interested this ^^^ is a muskellunge, usually called muskie, they are a pike species and like pike, prefer cold water, but are found in slower waters (like lakes, where I fish them). They're ambush/burst predators and can reach attack speeds of up to 30 miles per hour, and usually attack prey/lures from the front. They're quite large, I believe some state records reach upwards of 60 inches (about 5 ft long), although the largest fish I've caught was 48 inches and the largest my grandfather has caught was 52.
If you have any interest in fishing I recommend picking up muskie fishing! They are elusive and tough to catch sometimes so it might take some practice but it's worth it. It's not a super popular fish so keeping the hobby alive is important to me :-).
Also although their size and teeth are intimidating they pose virtually no threat to people, I've noticed some people online are a bit scared of them, but I've fished these from the age of 7 and swam in the water with them and I promise they're harmless. Unless you're wearing something shiny. Lol.
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artofhitjim · 2 years ago
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Anyone for a bike ride?
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banefolk · 1 year ago
Mab’s Drawlloween Day 9: Finfolk
Mussie is my local lake monster said to lurk in the depths of Muskrat Lake in the Ottawa Valley with documented sightings dating to 1906, but with claims dating to the early 1600s. I think Mussie is a muskie or muskellunge —a giant carnivorous fish species of the Great Lakes region similar to a pike that can grow as big or bigger than a man and who’s been known to chomp on one every now and then.
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kelpro · 2 years ago
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ruby-lith · 5 months ago
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