#musings: fin tutuola
thebestdefence · 11 days
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malevolent-muse · 30 days
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orionares · 2 years
BTHB: Near-Death Experience
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BTHB: Near Death Experience
Law and Order: SVU & Organized Crime
That was close. Too close.
Sergeant Fin Tutuola watches the two ambulances turn left and out of view. He's still out of breath even ten minutes after leading an assault team up the quiet neighborhood street towards the six gunmen dumping bullets into a townhouse. 
So damn close.
Fin hears Amanda Rollins walk over to his side and lean against the police car as he does. Her cheeks are red from the cold May air and likely from the  same wave of anxiety he's feeling.
"Ayanna is going to meet Liv and Stabler at Mercy," Amanda says. "If we had been a second off-"
"Cruz and his men would have walked in the door and shot them both point blank," Fin states with a heavy sigh. The realization that Olivia and Elliot’s trip to search a townhouse for a missing child carries so many implications that need to be said aloud.
How two twenty plus year cops held off six gunmen for eleven minutes, even after both taking a shot, the Captain in the forearm and the detective in the thigh. 
How the late arrival of Cruz, a competitor of their suspect, Kanto, and the former's demonstration of new players in the world of trafficking. 
And forefront in his mind is the look.
He's been privy to the infamous looks between Stabler and Benson, the longing looks across the bullpen and silent conversations. However, the looks shared after Fin had found them, arms wrapped around each other as their foreheads are pressed against each other shows something has changed. 
Something happened in the eleven minutes, Fin's sure of it.
Don Cragen deserves an award.
Ayanaa Bell makes a note to give the retired captain a phone call as she watches her detective fidget in the hospital. The gunshot in his thigh is a flesh wound that requires an overnight stay and bedrest. He's also nursing a mild concussion and cuts from a splintered wound that she's sure he doesn't even notice.
Elliot's fidgety as he's separate from Olivia.
Fidgety is actually an understatement- Elliot grips the hospital bed rail with such a white knuckle grip that Ayanna has to wonder if her stubborn detective will try and vault over the edge of the bed with a bullet hole in his leg. Not to mention, his blue eyes flickering the nurse checking vitals and the doorframe with a calculating look.
Ayanna leans her head far enough to the right to try and get into his line of sight. I frigging dare you,  she tries to message through a harsh glare. If you so much as say the word leave-
"Sir, I need you to settle," the nurse, Aliana, pleads, "I can't have you reinjuring-"
Elliot's eyes flicker over to Ayanna and widen with hope. "I need to see Liv, Sarg," He licks his lips and drops his shoulders. "Please.  I-we- I need to know if she's ok."
Ayanna approaches the right side of the bed and rests a hand on his shoulder. He's vibrating with nervous energy even under her touch. "Stabler, your partner is down the hall asking the same questions. Breathe."
He starts fiddling with his fingers again. Within months of the pair reuniting, Ayanna had readied herself for the aftermath of the impending conversations between the pair about the ten year gap- she had pictured the days of Elliot, somber and guilt-ridden, staggering into work or him stomping into work, ready to shoot something.
But this, this deep need for him to see her is something she hasn't prepared for. 
Bernadette Stabler sits alone in the kitchen, musing over her son's shooting.
She's in a pensive mood, shifting between reflecting on the quiet in the apartment and the possibilities occurring behind her son's closed door. Elliot had arrived home, surprisingly accompanied by Olivia after the pair's hospital stay the day before. 
A knock on the door draws Bernie from her tea. With a chuckle under her breath, Bernie walks from the kitchen and to the front door. She finds one of Olivia’s detectives, a blonde haired woman with two adorable kids, waiting on the other side of the door.
"Sorry, sorry," the woman greets. "I'm Detective Rollins. I work with Captain Benson and wanted to check in but my girls-"
"Like pancakes, I hope," Bernie finishes with a hopeful eyebrow raise. Both girls squeal in excitement and take off towards the kitchen. Detective Rollins sighs and asks,"How are they doing?"
"Considering no one has told me what happened, I can't say. But-" Bernie leads Rollins towards the kitchen where they find both girls chattering happily at the island. "I'm an old woman. What do I know?"
Rollins hands her cellphone to the older of the two girls and states, "Go watch YouTube with your sister."
As the girls run towards the couch, Rollins' expression darkens and she drops her voice low enough to be out of the girls' earshot. "They went to a townhouse and got cornered by a group of men with guns. It was such a close call. Such a close call."
Bernie's eyes widen and she leans over the island to take another look at the door. "They look like hell," she gasps, "That was from a shootout?"
"Mrs. Stabler-"
"Bernie. Call me Bernie," the older woman redirects without a thought. 
Rollins nods. "Bernie , I don't know what your son wants you to know specifically but know that it was a close call. A very close call."
Her son wouldn't tell her a thing.
Bernie blinks away the tears forming in her eyes. Risking one's life is a given when a family member is a member of law enforcement and the ten years of him away had given some break away the danger. 
"Let's check on them, shall we?" Bernie says. She crosses the hall with an anxious Rollins on her heels until they reach Elliot’s door. Bernie opens the door slowly  and finds Elliot and Olivia asleep on his bed. Her heart warms at the peacefulness between the two. She's spent months during her own sleepless nights, watching Elliot toss and turn at nightmares. 
"Something happened between them in the time they called for help and when we were able to rescue them," Rollins says softly. "I don't know what it is but they're different, somehow."
Bernie notices Olivia’s hand on her son's chest. Different indeed. 
The line in the sand is gone.
Olivia Benson runs her finger over the gold cross necklace that hangs from her partner's neck. Her head rests on his chest as she lies slightly awkward with her right arm propped in a cast. Elliot is still asleep, giving her a chance to just breathe.
We almost died today.
The pair, once partners, have a list of near death experiences in their twelve year partnership that could fill books. 
And with the decade apart? 
She remembers those nights back then of limping into her apartment with the ringing of bullets still replaying in her head. 
Or the touches of his hand on her back as they would look each other in the eye in utter disbelief after a shoot out.
We could have died and he would never know how I feel about him, would replay in her mind as she'd drink a glass of wine alone.
Olivia lifts her head off of Elliot’s chest and takes in the silence of his bedroom. The wave of we should have died messes with her head once more, making her doubt only for a few seconds off the reality. 
She returns her gaze back to him and lifts her hand to brush a finger against the bandage against his cheek, which causes him to stir.
His blue eyes shine at the sight of her.  "Hey."
"Hi," Olivia replies softly. She's terrified and yet calm at the intimacy of being curled against Elliot. The line in the sand had been crossed back in the warehouse when-
"You kissed me," Elliot says softly. She can see the worry and the self doubt in his blue eyes- please tell me this wasn't because we were going to die.
"I did," Olivia replies. She lays her head against his chest again. "I did because even when we were both seconds from being killed, I couldn't say what I wanted to say."
"I love you," Her breath hitches as the words settle between them. She can feel his breathing hitch as well. "Elliot, I love you. And it's terrifying."
Elliot begins to play with her hair. "Liv, whatever you want to do or not do, I'm here. "
She closes her eyes and replays the near final moment in her mind.
"I'm out," Elliot gasps. He waits for a pause and sprints across the hallway to press his body against hers. She's also out.
Time's up.
Olivia looks up to Elliot wide eyed as the bullets pierce through the walls across the hall. Elliot nods shortly in a sudden understanding.  "Liv, I love you."
She's speechless, hopeless and they are screwed lest a miracle. 
So she kisses him.
Olivia reopens her eyes and says, "Be patient with me. It took so long for me to try and heal after you left. But the shooting showed that life is short and I don't want to wait."
Elliot chuckles softly,"I was going to say the same for me. I feel like damaged goods-"
Elliot sighs at her protest, "It's true. I have had a lot of demons over the years that I don't want to ruin whatever we are."
"I have scars and demons too " Olivia raises her head again and kisses him again. The second kiss feels natural, terrifyingly easy to her. "But I've learned that healing can be done together. Can we heal together?"
"If you'll have me," Elliot replies and Olivia rolls her eyes and tucks her head in his chest. He laughs a hearty laugh that warms her heart.  "And will ignore whatever the hell just came out of my mouth."
"I guess." She looks up to him again and whispers, "We almost died today."
He nods slightly and lets his body settle. "Yes , we did."
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eclecticminded · 6 years
anonymous asked: Hi I hope you're doing well ☺ could please do barba x reader where they have so much sexual tension when she transfers to the squad and they sass each other constantly? Xxx
Okay so I don’t think this is what you wanted, but it is what the muses asked me to write. Hope you enjoy anyway,
AN: Yes that is a B99 reference. I love B99 and if ya want me to write any B99 send it in. I already wrote some Rosa lol
Warnings: None?
Tags: @southsiderepresent @glimmerglittergirl @madpanda75  @southern-magnolia @katmstanton @esparza-army @sweetsummertime99  @obfuscateyummy @lifeisbetterwithbarba  @lyssa1385  @hux-me-up   @bowieisawizard @sleepylunarwolf @mrsrafaelbarba @thatesparzacrush anyone else ask!
Also I have a Kofi (link in blog description) if anyone wants to donate or commission me!
“Well ADA Barba,” you snapped, “Maybe if you walked down among us mere mortals, we could figure out what you wanted. We aren’t mind readers!”
 “I’m not asking you to read my mind Sargent yln,” Rafael growled back, “Just do your damn job!”
 “We gave you the evidence, that’s our job” you poked him in the middle of his puffed out chest, “Should we do your job too? Sonny does has a law degree after all!”
 “Don’t pull me into your argument,” Sonny whined but stopped when you and Rafael glared at him.
 “Get me evidence I can use,” Rafael shoved the file he hadn’t even read yet back at you.
 “If you’d bother to read it,” you flipped it open, “You’d see we have DNA evidence that puts him with three of the five! And all of the MOs match!”
 “Oh,” Rafael stopped talking.
 “You can apologize now,” you batted your eyes at him and it was equal parts flirtatious and condescending.
 “Good work,” he grumbled.
 “What was that,” you leaned in closer to Rafael, holding your ear.
 “I said, good job detectives,” he turned away from you to look at Fin, Amanda, Sonny, and Nick who were they were gathered in the conference room with you. Olivia was out with a very sick Noah and you were in charge until she got back.
 “Anyway,” you rolled your eyes, “about those warrants for his computer. Can you help please? One of the girls said he took pictures. Might be on there.”
 “Give me more details,” Rafael leaned closer to you and you got lost in conversation.
 “Look at them flirting,” Fin rolled his eyes.
 “They bicker like they’re married,” Amanda chuckled and all the detectives turned towards each other to talk quieter.
 “They flirt and sass one another in the same breath,” Nick pointed at you as you went from talking sweetly to Rafael to crossing your arms in what looked like defiance. He said something they couldn’t hear with a raised brow and you laughed.
 “I hate when they fight,” Sonny huffed,” Which should be right…about…now,” he pointed at you two.
 “What do you mean you can’t use the DNA evidence?! You got the warrant yourself,” you threw your hands into the air and backed away from Rafael.
 “The judge that signed it isn’t presiding anymore, they were caught in a compromising position. The defense can, and will, have it thrown out,” he quipped and you groaned.
 “That’s your problem! Make it work! Get a new warrant or something,” you snatched the file from him.
 “It doesn’t work like that and you know it,” he glared at you, “Carisi, tell her I’m right.”
 “Not getting involved,” Sonny shook his head.
 “Let me interrogate him, get a confession. Then you’re set,” you smiled at him and thought you’d won.
 “It will get thrown out too,” Rafael’s voice rose an octave or two.
 “Can you two just bone already and get it over with,” Fin was tired of the games and finally spoke his mind.
 “What did you say,” Rafael and you spoke in unison, turning to face Fin and everyone else.
 “How dare you Detective Tutuola! I am your superior officer,” your anger was now aimed at him.
 “Bone?! What happens in my bedroom, detective, is none of your business,” Rafael was seething.
 “Bone? Don’t you ever speak to me like that again,” you stood up from the table and marched to lock yourself in Olivia’s office, which was your temporary office while she was out.
 “Or me,” Rafael hastily packed his suitcase and slammed it shut, storming to Olivia’s office as well.
 “What did you do Fin,” Nick was laughing so hard he was gasping for air.
 “Just said what needed to be said,” Fin shrugged and they all dispersed.
 The next morning you were in a better mood, had even brought in donuts for everyone. When Rafael showed up prior to the interrogation of the suspect, he was also in a more manageable mood. You exchanged pleasantries and spoke in hushed voices, more smiles and less glares than normal.
 “Is the DNA still out,” Sonny asked Rafael.
 “No it’s in, found a way to make it work,” he kept reading over the file you’d handed him.
 “Well aren’t you two in a better mood,” Amanda walked up to the glass top watch the perp squirm, “Did he confess already?”
 “No,” you shook your head.
 “Is it because you finally bon—“ Fin had a shit eating grin.
 “None of your business detective,” Rafael smiled behind his coffee and stole a glance at you rolling your eyes. Some things were better left unsaid.
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butihavejoy · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Law & Order: SVU Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rafael Barba/Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr. Characters: Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr., Amanda Rollins, Odafin "Fin" Tutuola, Olivia Benson, Rafael Barba Additional Tags: Case Fic, Alternate Universe - Canon, Canon-Typical referenced rape/non-con Summary:
Olivia nodded, tapping her chin thoughtfully. “So we know he’s got a type,” she mused, and Rollins glanced at her, a slow grin spreading across her face.
“You thinking what I’m thinking?”
As one, they turned to look at Carisi, who blinked at them. “Oh, c’mon,” he scoffed. “No one’s gonna buy me as a high-class escort.”
“Technically, they’re not buying, they’re just renting you,” Rollins said, still grinning. “At a better hourly rate than we make here, I might add.”
Carisi glared at her. “You know what I mean.”
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ao3feed-barisi · 6 years
Honey Trap
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NVZaSR
by Robin Hood (kjack89)
Olivia nodded, tapping her chin thoughtfully. “So we know he’s got a type,” she mused, and Rollins glanced at her, a slow grin spreading across her face.
“You thinking what I’m thinking?”
As one, they turned to look at Carisi, who blinked at them. “Oh, c’mon,” he scoffed. “No one’s gonna buy me as a high-class escort.”
“Technically, they’re not buying, they’re just renting you,” Rollins said, still grinning. “At a better hourly rate than we make here, I might add.”
Carisi glared at her. “You know what I mean.”
Words: 2989, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Law & Order: SVU
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr., Amanda Rollins, Odafin "Fin" Tutuola, Olivia Benson, Rafael Barba
Relationships: Rafael Barba/Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr.
Additional Tags: Case Fic, Alternate Universe - Canon, Canon-Typical referenced rape/non-con
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NVZaSR
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donttakethishome · 6 years
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Law & Order: SVU Det. OC.
Sofia Alvarez; 2 year Gold Shield with NYPD SVU.
Mun & Muse 21+ Blog features 18+ themes.
“I’ve learned two things about this Job: Don’t take it home with you and: Don’t take any one from this job home either.” - Det. Fin Tutuola 
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thebarsondaily · 7 years
To Catch A Dream
for @amagicalshipper
Title: to catch a dream Author: @notesfrome Rating: T Summary: Liv goes for a vacation with Noah, leaving Barba to come to a rather significant realisation and conclusion about what he feels for her. A/N: I haven’t written Barson in yonks, and it really felt good to write something about one of my most favourite OTPs ever again. I tried to make it very festive and Christmassy but unfortunately, the muse wasn’t talking to me that way. Nevertheless, I hope @amagicalshipper (and everyone else) will enjoy this!
It was the week before Christmas, and Olivia was not in New York. It had been a hell of a year, and she had decided to take some time off – a rarity for her - and go on a holiday, just her and Noah. They needed this time together, to be family. It was surprisingly easy for Fin and the squad to convince her to leave her work phone and her badge behind – which indicated how worn out she was by the year.
Barba walked into the squad room on the first day of her absence, his eyes drifting subconsciously to the closed door of her office. It seemed different without her in the room, even with everyone else doing what they usually do – Fin on his computer, Amanda getting a snack by the vending machine, and Carisi being a pest as usual.
“Hey, Barba, what’re you doing here?” Carisi chirped, swivelling around in his chair.
Barba rolled his eyes. “What kind of inane question is that? The last I checked, I am the ADA for SVU.”
“W-ell…Lieu is not here for the week, so I didn’t think you’d…” his voice trailed off at the glare on the lawyer’s face.
“Is that supposed to make sense, Carisi? I’m here because we have an ongoing case that’s currently on trial? And speaking of which, I hope you’re ready to testify?”
“Someone’s in a Grinch mood today,” Carisi muttered to Fin under his breath, and then he cleared his throat. “Of course, Counselor.”
“Good,” Barba said snappily. “Sergeant Tutuola, I need the full verbatim transcripts of the suspect’s statements for me to prepare my closing statement. Have them sent to my office within the hour.” Without waiting for Fin’s reply, he turned and left the office, feeling irritated and inexplicably off, for some reason. He pulled out his phone as he walked, and scrolled to Olivia’s name. He was in the midst of typing out a message when he stopped.
She was supposed to be on leave, and having quiet time with Noah. It didn’t seem appropriate to text her on work matters, and to be honest, he didn’t need to, it was all under control. He deleted the contents of the message, and stared at her name, his thumb hovering over the keypad.
He could send her a message, a personal one…but as close as they were being colleagues, and as much as he would call her his friend (his best friend, even), they had never been the sort to send each other messages just because. It wasn’t something they do.
Decisively, he locked his phone, and slipped it into his pocket. He had a trial to attend to; and there was still work that needed to be done. Texting Olivia Benson was not on the top of his priority list.
Which was why it was strange, that he found himself occasionally scrolling to her name whenever he looked at his phone that day.
Barba stood up, buttoning his suit jacket, drawing in a breath before he launched into his closing statement. His confidence was sky-high – Carisi did really well in his testimony, and he was certain that they were going to win this case. As he delivered his arguments, and although his attention focused on the jury, he found his eyes drifting, on occasion, to the spot behind his chair, where Olivia usually sits.
With a slight jolt, he found himself realising that he didn’t remember a time where she wasn’t sitting there as he presented his closing statements. Because she was always there, her eyes trained on him, fueling his fire, silently pushing him to win.
The realisation didn’t deter him from his focus, however, and he finished his arguments with a resounding bang, the final nail on the coffin of the scum that they were putting away. And he was proven right a mere three hours later, as the jury returned from their deliberations with a guilty verdict.
As he shook hands with the survivor and her family, as Fin clapped him on the back on a job well done, he found himself thinking of her, thinking of the way she would nod at him and touch him on the shoulder, a satisfied smile on her face.
Good job, Barba.
He smiled briefly to himself as he reminisced, and on a whim, he pulled out his phone, and typed two words.
We won.
Her reply came through less than five minutes later.
I know you will come through.
Smirking slightly, he tapped out a reply to her.
Surely you never doubted me, Liv? As if there’s ever going to be any other outcome, but that.
His phone pinged mere moments later, with two words on the screen.
Smart ass.
As his fingers swiped across the keyboard, typing out his reply, he could almost see her face as he read her words, that slight eye-roll, the corner of her mouth quirked into a smile. By the end of the day, his phone was filled with messages from her – messages that were mostly unrelated to work.
Maybe he was wrong. Maybe they were the kind of friends to send each other chatty, random messages, after all.
“Sorry I’m late, Mamì,” Barba dropped a kiss on his mother’s cheek, and settled into the chair across from her.
Lucia smiled at her son fondly, touching his hand briefly. “It’s all right, Rafi, I am used to it.”
He frowned at her slightly. “If you’re trying to make me feel guilty, you’re succeeding.”
“I am doing no such thing,” Lucia declared. “I only worry about you, you work too hard.” She eyed him carefully as he signalled the waiter for a scotch, picking up the menu. “Is the lovely Lieutenant Benson driving you crazy again?”
“No, fortunately, she is not,” Barba drawled, picking up the scotch that was just served to him. “She’s on vacation, with her son, so I’ve not seen her in the last three days.”
She nodded, and was about to say something when his phone emitted a soft beep.
“Mamì, is it all right if I…?” He gestured towards his phone, and she shook her head. Frankly, Lucia would prefer it if Barba puts away his phone whenever he’s having dinner with her, but she knew that his job demanded him to be available at all times. She watched as her son read the message on his phone, a smile spreading across his face as he rapidly tapped out a reply, before slipping his phone back into his pocket.
“That’s not a work-related matter,” she observed, as he looked at her, his expression slightly sheepish.
“No, it’s not. Sorry, Mamì, but I’m with you now,” he said, taking another sip of his scotch.
She tilted her head slightly, studying him as she smiled. “Was that Lieutenant Benson?”
Immediately recognising the tone in his mother’s voice, his forehead wrinkled into a slight frown. “Mamì…don’t start. Liv and I, we’re not…”
“I like her, you know. She challenges you,” she interrupted, ignoring him.
Barba huffed slightly. “Honestly…” his phone beeped again, and his eyes drifted towards his pocket, but he restrained himself, making no move to retrieve his phone.
“Oh please. Rafi, do go ahead.” Lucia picked up her wineglass. “I’m sure you’re missing Lieutenant Benson.”
He was taking a drink, while reading Olivia’s message, and he sputtered once he heard his mother’s words. The automatic denial bubbled up in him, but before he could voice it, he stopped, as the realisation hit him.
I miss her.
Across from him, Lucia gave him a knowing smile.
Barba accepted the coffee from the barista, and took a sip gratefully. It was near lunch time, and this was only his second coffee for the day. Saying that he had felt deprived for the entire day thus far was an understatement.
Taking another drink, he was reminded that this was the exact spot he said goodbye to Olivia four days ago; where she had smiled at him and tossed him a wave, telling him she’d see him in a few days’ time. And he remembered that he had felt a little pang that he couldn’t quite explain.
He could explain it now, of course. He had felt thrown by his realisation yesterday, to put it mildly. He hadn’t realised what a constant she had been in his life. He was so used to having her with him, and not seeing her had somehow shifted his world. Not much, he admitted, but enough so that everything felt different, felt off.
His phone vibrated them, snapping him out of his preoccupied thoughts, and he answered it without looking at the screen.
“Rafael, it’s Liv. Carisi said we ran into a snag with the Jensen case?”
Hearing her voice brought an involuntary small smile to his face, even if she was asking about work. “Liv, you’re supposed to be on vacation,” he chided.
“I’m sitting by the beach, watching Noah building a sandcastle, so I’m most definitely on vacation. Anyhow, what’s wrong with the case?”
“Nothing is wrong, Carisi’s being dramatic,” Barba answered, rolling his eyes. “There was a small inconsistency with the sister’s statement, but we sorted it out. I don’t want know what was Carisi doing, calling you and making a big deal out of it.”
“Hmmm,” she murmured absent-mindedly. “Actually, I called him for an update, and then he said I should call you.”
“Liv,” his tone was reprimanding, and she read his mind immediately. Her laughter sounded over the phone, merry and oh-so-familiar.
“I know, I know. Vacation. Which would be over in two days’ time.”
“So make the best out of it,” he said, finishing his coffee and tossing the empty cup into a nearby trashcan. Casting a glance towards the coffee cart, he contemplated another one.
“I will. I gotta go, Noah’s calling me. Glad everything’s all right with the case.”
“Go,” he shooed, tucking his phone between his ear and shoulder as he searched for the change to get his third coffee.
“I’ll see you soon, Rafael. And go slow on the caffeine.”
He smiled as he heard that, she really did know him so well. And he knew that she also knew that he would ignore her advice, and get that coffee anyway.
“Counselor, you’re looking cheerful.” He turned around to see Carisi and Rollins walking towards him, with the former grinning away. “Talking to Lieu, were you?”
Barba raised an eyebrow as they joined him. “I would tell you that’s none of your business. And why did you tell Liv we ran into trouble with the Jensen case when we actually didn’t?”
Carisi shrugged. “She asked for an update, and I just told her the truth.”
“Embellished truth.”
“Truth nonetheless. And besides, I know you miss Lieu. Aren’t you going to thank me for asking her to call you?”
“Detective, now that is really none of your business,” Barba snapped, feeling a rare flush rising in his cheeks, and praying fervently that they would just think it was the cold air.
“But you do, don’t you?” Rollins chimed in, looking just as annoying as Carisi.
Barba scoffed haughtily, and then he turned and walked away. They could think what they wanted to, but he wasn’t going to admit anything to those two. He certainly wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction of being right about him.
Because it was true, of course. He missed her.
Barba was pouring his first coffee of the day, in his office, and as he had been doing for the last few days, he typed a quick message to Olivia. It had become some sort of routine, one that he was quite comfortable with.
They exchanged a few messages, the first ones about work, and then drifting off to a story about Noah seeing a Santa Claus on the beach, and getting confused about “why isn’t Santa in North Pole, preparing all my presents”.
As he was in the midst of typing a response, his phone rang. Smiling, he answered it, knowing it was her on the other end.
“I thought it’ll be easier if I just called you,” she said, and he could hear Noah’s voice in the background. “Is that Baba? I wanna say hi to Baba!” There was a slight scuffling noise, and then Noah’s voice sounded in his ear, bright and cheery. “Hi Baba! It’s me, Noah!”
“Hola, amigo,” he answered, amused.
“I saw Santa Claus! On the beach! Mummy says Santa is having a holiday before he starts working hard on Christmas Eve.”
“Did you say hello to Santa?”
“I did! And…and…”
“You’re getting ice cream all over your hands, Noah,” Olivia’s voice sounded.
“You should go finish your ice-cream, amigo. You’ll tell me the story when I see you, okay?”
“Okay, Baba! Will I see you for Christmas?”
He was about to answer in affirmative when he stopped himself. It seemed to be a bit too presumptuous, even if he did want to say yes. He was saved from answering as Olivia’s voice came back on the line.
“He’s certainly excited about Christmas.”
“Every child is, Liv.”
“Mmm-hmm. So, will he see you for Christmas?” She asked, her voice casual. “He bought you a present, and he wants to give it to you on Christmas day. You could come by during lunch time? We could have it together.”
His heart skipped a beat, but even so, he refused to think of it as more than anything her words portrayed – a casual invitation to a friend. “Sure, I could do that.”
“Oh good. I’ll make something simple. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re well supplied with scotch,” she teased.
“Well, that is very kind of you, Liv,” he drawled. “What time is your flight reaching tomorrow, anyway?”
“Eight o’clock. I just hope the flight will tire Noah enough so he’ll sleep. It’s a chore getting him to sleep on Christmas Eve.”
He laughed. “Good luck to you, then.”
“Why, thank you. Anyway, I’ll see you on Christmas day, I’m looking forward to it.”
“Miss me, do you?” The words were out before he could stop himself. There was a pause, and he felt his heart dropped when she didn’t say anything. It was a mistake; he shouldn’t have said it, but he was seeing her in his mind, her smile, the light in her eyes, and it just came out. Just as he was trying to think of other snarky words to add to that, to diffuse the situation, her voice floated over the line.
“Actually, yes. I really miss squabbling with you.” Her voice was jokey, but there was something in it, a tone that he couldn’t quite place, a tone that told him that it wasn’t just about the squabbling. It stretched between them, the connection, their connection, or perhaps the truth – the truth of the feelings they have for each other.
Seven days apart from her, and he realised that he missed her, really missed her. Seven days was nothing, in the scheme of time and distance, but this was the way he felt.
“Me, too,” he answered finally, and he could almost see her smile. As she rung off, her warm goodbye still reverberating in his ears, Barba came upon another realisation. It came out of nowhere, the thought entering his head, almost unbidden, but it was so clear, so true, and so obvious, that he wondered what took him so long to see it.
He didn’t just miss her; he was in love with her.
It isn’t too grand a gesture, Barba thought, for him to be at the airport, waiting for her and Noah. He didn’t want to wait until Christmas, because he wanted to tell her now and then, all that he had realised, in the eight days that she had been gone.
He saw Olivia as soon as she emerged from the arrival gates, holding Noah in one hand and pulling her suitcase with the other. A rush of emotions swept through him as their eyes met, with her looking exactly like the way she did eight days ago when she said goodbye, looking like she had never left.
“Rafael!” She called, and maneuvered her way through the crowd, reaching him in a matter of moments. Noah immediately ran to him, calling his name, and he placed his hand on the boy’s head, but he kept his attention on her. “What’re you doing here? I certainly didn’t expect to see you here.”
As excellent as he was with words, Barba had never been good at this – enunciating his emotions, feelings, so he settled for the plain and simple truth.
“I missed you,” he said, and just in case it wasn’t clear enough, he repeated himself. “I really missed you.”
She looked at him intently for two seconds, and then she reached out and took his hand, linking his fingers with hers. A beatific smile spread across her face, and he felt his heart lifting. “I missed you, too.”
He took a step forward, still holding onto her hand, and then he leaned closer, and kissed her. He could feel her smile against his lips, as she curved one hand around the back of his neck, pulling him closer as she kissed him back.
They were interrupted by an innocent voice, chiming above the hubbub of the airport. “Baba, why are you kissing Mummy?”
They broke apart, and Olivia looked at him, and then at Noah, her cheeks slightly flushed. Barba knelt down, so that he was eye-to-eye to Noah, and then he told him the truth. “Because,” he said, “I love your Mummy.” He looked up at her, and her face told him all that he needed to know.  
“Oh,” Noah said. “I guess it’s okay for you to kiss her, then.”
His eyes met Olivia’s, and they both broke out into laughter, as Barba stood up, and took Noah’s hand in his. He stretched out his other hand to her, and she took it without hesitation, fingers curling around his.
He missed her, he loved her, and he never wanted to be apart from her again. And she felt everything he did, because she loved him, too, as much as he loved her.
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o188 · 7 years
[ murder ]
it’s everywhere. it’s on the walls, spilling onto the floor in a slow pool. it’s splattered across a flat-screen television ( still on, the sounds coming from it simply background noise — white &. static ) &. sinking to stain the fabric of a blue loveseat.odafin tutuola’s gut had never failed him in the past &. dominick carisi jr. should have known better. maybe a part of him did. maybe he wanted this, wanted to be found — hand still wrapped around the base of the lamp, chord like a snake curved to the floor. nobody was going to miss the man whose skull was now shattered in multiple places. fin was only here because multiple people wanted the scumbag dead — made evident by the riots that broke out at the courthouse when he’d walked. there are multiple children in the morgue, one who’d been alive 48 hours ago. one who sonny had seen. had spoken to. had commented to about her braids. she had been beautiful, only nine, and she was DEAD, braids &. all. because of him. because they had failed. because justice itself had failed, failed them all.it’s been a week of sonny obsessing, a week of sleepless nights &. overtime. a week of naps in the squad car, of short responses &. apologetic looks. they needed more to convict. they needed proof. they needed to take what everyone was able to see in that man’s eyes and put it in barba’s hands so he could use it as a weapon in court &. they had come up with nothing. the son of a bitch had been all smiles during the trial. all confidence &. charm. he’s not smiling now. what’s left of the broken lamp hits the floor with a heavy thud.
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“ … odafin. ” sonny crosses himself, turns away from the body to look at the other man &. there is a calm in his expression that absolutely should not be there. “ you shouldn’t have come. ”
                            (  ❛ ✨ send [ murder ] to find my muse covered in blood in a room with a body. )
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thebestdefence · 9 days
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Please give this post a like if you would like a starter from Fin Tutuola.
The starters will be of varying length (at least 3-4 paragraphs). If you are a multimuse, please specify which of your muses you would like the starter to be for. If you have any plot ideas, please leave a comment or contact via IM's.
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malevolent-muse · 1 month
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rauliskafan · 7 years
A Hard Lesson in Incrimination: Chapter 11
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Authors’ Note: Happy Monday, marvelous readers!!! After last night’s harrowing chapter, Natalia receives the horrible news and hurries to her husband’s side. How is Rafael faring? And is Natalia any closer to learning the truth? Read on for more!!! @vintagemichelle91 and I hope that you enjoy, and we always appreciate your feedback!!!
          “I can’t give up.”
           Natalia sipped her fifth cup of coffee that day, needing the fuel not only to take care of her daughters but also to find a way to bring their father home. Seeing him earlier did nothing to calm her nerves. Who had hurt him? What kind of danger might still lie in wait? Yes, she had kept things from him in the past, but it was only to protect him.
           How could she protect him now?
           “I think going back to Eve’s apartment might help,” Liv mused while clicking away on her cell phone.
           “If you don’t mind, Lieutenant, I’d like eyes on that as well,” Harker said, emerging from the kitchen with a cup of tea.
           Liv nodded, looking reluctant but still agreeing, when a ring from her phone filled the room.
           “Benson. Fin? What’s going on?” Liv asked. She pressed the device closer to her ear. Natalia rose from the sofa, and Harker’s brow arched when Liv began pacing the living room.
           “What? Fin, I… I can’t hear you.” She seemed to struggle to get a signal, and Natalia held her breath until Liv stopped dead in the center of the room, her face awash in fury and pain. “I’m on my way, Fin.”
           “Liv, what happened?” Natalia asked, racing forward and looking hard into her eyes. “Is it Rafael?”
           Liv nodded and clutched Natalia’s arms. “He… he’s hurt. Fin’s riding with him to Mercy Hospital.”
           “Hurt?” Natalia asked. “Why? How? Is… please tell me he’s alright?”
           “We’ll know more when… but it looks like a former defendant… it was retribution, Natalia.”
           “What?” she muttered her whisper hoarse, her mind working its way around her friend’s meaning while she shivered where she stood. “Rape, Olivia?”
           “I’m sorry, Natalia,” Liv said. “That’s all Fin could tell…”
           Tuning the lieutenant out with her worst fears confirmed, Natalia slipped away from Liv, her head in her hands, the images flooding her brain making her feel faint. But just as quickly she choked her worries back and stared at Liv straight on.
            “I need to go… I have to be with him,” she said, her voice still low, the effort to hold herself together mammoth. But it was a mountain she would climb with bare hands and feet if necessary.  Reaching for her purse and coat, she felt Harker’s hand on her harm but moved in the other direction. “Don’t. Please. Just take me to Rafael.”
           The other women glanced at one other, and Trevor descended the stairs with an array of questions. Liv started to answer when Natalia stepped between them.
           “We have to go,” Natalia said. “Is… is Violetta asleep?”  
           “She just knocked off,” he answered. “What has happened, Natalia?”
           “Rafael… he’s…” She couldn’t bring herself to complete the thought. Hearing Liv’s voice explain, the sound like living in a world drowned by some unspeakable ocean, she started for the door when Trevor pulled her close to his chest.
           “It’ll be alright, Natalia,” he soothed. “Please call us when you get the chance.”
           Barely kissing his cheek, her tears at bay but blurring her vision, Natalia nodded before following the others into the night.
           She waited for no one and made her way down the halls of Mercy Hospital. Turning a corner, she felt a small wave of relief upon seeing Fin and rushed to his side.
           “Rafael? Is he---”
           “As well as can be expected,” Fin said sheepishly. “I should have been there sooner.”
           “You were supposed to keep an eye on him,” Liv scolded. To that accusation, Fin had no answer.
           And Natalia neither the time or the want to argue. She simply needed…
           “Where?” she asked.
           “Right this way.”
           Entering the dimly lit room, her heart dropped at the sight of her husband pale and injured, looking withered beneath the wrinkled sheets. A lifetime spent battling these monsters, locking them up so they could cause no further harm. But a demon had slipped between the cracks, and Natalia’s tears flowed freely as she kissed his hand.
           “Oh, Atticus,” Natalia whispered, slowly sitting at his side.
           Rafael stirred at the sound of his wife’s voice, blinking several times to regain his focus. She waited, holding his hand tighter, ready for anything and prepared for absolutely nothing until he parted his lips to speak.
           “Mi hermosa flor… I get to see you again,” he rasped in the weakest of tones. “I… I’m glad we got another visit in before the day was out.”
           Trying to smile, she stroked his face, mindful of his bruises, of the fact that he flinched. Did he even realize that he made that move?
           “Atticus, I’m so sorry. How could someone do this to you?”
           He did nothing but shrug his shoulders. Her eyes drifted down his frame to see one wrist shackled to the bed rail. Couldn’t they have at least spared him that much?
           “No more, Atticus,” she continued. “I’m going to get you out of this. I swear. Even if I have to confess to killing her my---”
           Springing up some, he frantically shook his head. “No! Never do that… Natalia, por favor,” he begged. “If you love me, promise me that you won’t.”
           “Atticus, I have to save you,” she protested.
           “You do,” Rafael insisted, and Natalia saw a flicker of determination in his green eyes. “You did. The moment you married me. Before. I… I would endure this and so much more to have your heart.”
           Overwhelmed and desperate to feel his lips upon hers, Natalia gave him a chaste kiss, Rafael clumsily cupped her face with his free hand. They stayed like that, the harsh reality of the world outside the door frozen in amber until he spoke again.
           “Promise me,” he whispered.
           Natalia slowly nodded. “I promise.”
            “Tell me about my girls. Mis princessas.”
           “I… Violetta’s asleep,” Natalia said. “Having good dreams I hope.”
           “Good,” he echoed, his voice starting to fade. “Let her… let all of my girls stay happy. I have to hang onto that.”
           Kissing him again as he drifted off, a sedative slowly taking effect, Natalia stayed by his bedside until Fin beckoned from the doorway.
           “I’ll be back,” Natalia promised Rafael, and she followed the sergeant into the hall.
           “Did we not discuss Rafael Barba being placed under protection?” Miranda Pond questioned Liv. But her questions were meant for more than one set of ears. Michael Cutter stood a few feet behind the lieutenant looking sick to his stomach.
           “Miranda, I can assure you that I’m just as upset as you are,” Liv started. “I had someone at Rikers.”
           “But he didn’t get the job done,” Miranda said, pointing a finger at Fin.
           “Let it alone, Randi,” Harker said. “You know it’s a different world on the inside.”
           “Quite,” Miranda said shifting her glare from Fin to Cutter. “I think it best if we discuss house arrest. What say you, Mr. Cutter?”
           “I’ll look into it,” the DA said when his phone rang, and he stepped aside to take the call. “But I can’t make any promises.”
           “Prick,” Harker muttered once he departed. “Is that the best he can do?”
           “Wasn’t the best I could do,” Fin sadly stated, but Natalia brushed her hand against his arm.
           “It… it could have been worse,” Natalia said. “I’m glad you got to him when you did. Thank you.”
           “No need to thank me,” Fin replied. “We do for family.”
           “Finally, a knight in shining armor,” Harker said, and Fin turned to the sound of the soft, accented voice.
           “Just blue,” he said, extending his hand. “Sergeant Odafin Tutuola.”
           “Chief Inspector Brenna Harker. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” Their eyes stayed locked for a moment until Harker asked Natalia if she needed anything.
           “Just a moment,” Natalia said. “I need some air.”
           “Do you want me to come with?” Liv asked.
           “I’m okay, Liv. Thank you.”
           The cool crisp air wrapped around Natalia and it sent a fresh shudder up her spine. When would this nightmare end? All she wanted was her husband home, to find the killer. Let that person languish behind bars, grant Eve some justice in spite of her sins. Bring Rafael home and back to her side.
           “Mrs. Barba?”
           Catching sight of Cutter and fighting the urge to spit in his face, Natalia said nothing as the man approached her on the rooftop and released a heavy sigh.
           “I really am sorry about this,” he began. “I will look into house arrest.”
           “Thank you,” Natalia said. “But it all feels like too little, too late. And that other… prisoner... his punishment should be severe.”
           “Trust me; we will see to that.”
           But she didn’t trust him, no longer knew what to believe as she gazed at the city skyline and felt Cutter creep closer, his hand awkward on her shoulder before he spoke another word.
           “Rough couple of weeks for Rafael,” Cutter said. “First the alley and now this.”
           At that last comment, Natalia glanced away from the view and simply stared at the DA. Her brown gaze narrowed as he took a step back.
           “How did you know about that?” she carefully asked.
           “About what?” Cutter said, looking to his watch. “Never mind. You’ll forgive me, but I really have to---”
           “No, Mr. Cutter.” She grabbed his arm to prevent him from leaving. He looked down at her hand and then glanced back up at her eyes. “Why were you so quick to suspend Rafael the second time around? You hardly let him explain. And Eve Selby---”
           “She had photographic evidence,” he reasoned.
           “That came as such a convenient time. No mind paid to how long Rafael’s been with the DA’s office. Ages before she showed up or you were back on the job.” She winced when Cutter stepped closer.
           “I can assure you Mrs. Barba that I---”
           “Save the speeches,” Natalia warned, her courage coming back to the surface. “Your words are empty after all. Except for the fact that you know about that night. Something that you only could know if you were there.”
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motherbearof03 · 7 years
Ringtone. A Barson Drabble.
“Barba, for heaven’s sake, just let me call it!”
“No, Liv. It’s here somewhere. Just keep looking.”
ADA Rafael Barba’s phone was missing. He had already turned his own offices upside down and nearly driven Carmen mad with the mess before coming to the 16th precinct, convinced it had to be there somewhere. He and Lieutenant Olivia Benson, along with detectives Amanda Rollins, Dominick “Sonny” Carisi and Fin Tutuola had been looking for it for nearly an hour. They had scoured the squad room, interrogation rooms, lineup viewing room, and Olivia’s office to no avail and were starting to get frustrated.
“C’mon, counselor. Let’s just call it,” Carisi tried a second time.
“No!” It came out more forcefully than he intended. “I mean, we wouldn’t hear it. It’s on vibrate.”
“No, it’s not. When you were here yesterday I heard it ring,” Olivia countered. “This is ridiculous. I’m calling it.”
Before he could stop her, she pulled out her own phone and pressed his contact. Everyone listened for the phone. After a moment, a faint sound could be heard coming from her office. She walked in, but Barba was rooted in place, knowing the ringtone that was going to be playing. He and the detectives watched her pull the couch under her window away from the wall and bend over.
A moment later she returned, holding his phone that was playing “Brown Eyed Girl” by Van Morrison. Handing it to him with a smirk, she ended the call on her phone and the music stopped. He took it, feeling the warmth on his face that more than the two of them now knew his ringtone for her.
“Thanks. I’ll see you later.” He met her eyes briefly then turned and strode toward the elevators, while Benson faced the three who remained each with varying expressions on their faces. She threw up her hands.
“Oh, please. Like you didn’t already know. Back to work.”
@khughes830 Thought this might tide you over. Something fun that the muse has been whispering to me about and finally wrote it out to shut her up. Tonight’s work is a toss up between green dress and Enchanted. But now I have those pictures in my head too, dammit.
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malevolent-muse · 9 days
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malevolent-muse · 2 months
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malevolent-muse · 23 days
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