#music mastermind: lúcio
pnkrabbit-blog · 7 years
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@comingatya  (( I decided to doodle Ohki’s version of Mer!Lú ^^ ))
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pnkrabbit-blog · 7 years
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(( A WIP. I'll likely digitalize this soon. ^^ ))
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pnkrabbit-blog · 7 years
The car rolled up on the address she was given, the driver telling her that this was her stop. Hana looked at the building through the window, sitting up a bit to see over the crowd of people that lingered outside. This after party was /HUGE/, even people outside the building seemed to be enjoying themselves despite the action being inside.
She took a small hand mirror out of her purse to look herself over. Make sure her appearance was good. After stuffing the mirror into her back pocket, she thanked her driver and stepped out of the car to make her way inside. She was kind to those who said hello and asked for a quick picture but she made it in soon enough.
The smaller woman could be seen on her tip toes where she peaked out over a few heads in the sea of people, clearly looking for someone or something from her focused expression. After all she had received a personal invitation to this party at the signing where she actually managed to speak to the celebrity for the first time in person.
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pnkrabbit-blog · 7 years
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pnkrabbit-blog · 7 years
@healiingbeat Ah! That was a genius idea! Not to mention their fans would totally love the duo hanging out together. -That's brilliant! What's your schedule lookin' like for the week?-
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pnkrabbit-blog · 7 years
(( Tag dump 2 ))
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pnkrabbit-blog · 7 years
🎶Rule #1: Is that you gotta have fun. And baby when you’re done.. You gotta be the first to run.🎶
Pop music played overhead as glass hit the counter in front of them with a faint ’clink’ sound. Her nose crinkling and brows furrowing before she errupted into laughter. “Not the drink for me.”
“Oh c'mon, was it that bad??”
“Awful. Way too bitter.” Pearly whites staying as the two continued to talk back and forth before she stood abruptly. 
“Oooh! I love this song! I wanna dance. C'mon. Let’s go dance!” His hand was taken into hers as she dragged them both to the dance floor and away from the bar.
🎶Rule #2: Don’t get attached too someone you could lose.🎶
Their bodies swayed together as they found their own little section of the dance floor. Minimal grinding but lots of touching and grins. His hands fell from her sides to her hips as she rolled them against his own. 
Thump thump..
Thump thump..
She felt her heart begin to beat even faster as their eyes met. The way he looked tonight was absolutely stunning.. Not that he didn’t always look stunning but just having him this close.. Absolutely breath taking. His warm brown eyes… His perfect jawline and facial hair.. His hair that he always put such effort into to maintain..
She was staring. Her cheeks flushed and she dipped away from a kiss by turning so her back was to him. Her hands guided his along her body along to the beat of the music.
He wasn’t hers. He couldn’t be hers. Have you seen what they say already when they aren’t even together? People could be nasty when they talk about celebrities. No no.. This was just for fun. Nothing more… At least that’s what she had to keep reminding herself.
🎶Rule #3: Wear your heart on your cheek but never on your sleeve unless you want to taste defeat.🎶
The night slowly drew to a close with the two of them tired and sweaty from all the dancing. They loaded up into a taxi, Hana giving the driver their address. The two spent the next while, giggling about their trip that night. Recalling all the funny moments. Like how that bar tender totally spilled the drink all over the customer but the guy was so damn wasted that he just laughed and assure the bar tender everything was fine. Heard he got a big tip too even after all that.
Anytime something more emotional would come up, she would change the subject. Reminding herself that this was just for fun… Would he even want to be serious with her? Would it even work out? Some say they would be cute but what did they know? Hana hardly even knew him yet. Her expectations weren’t spot on. He was his own person outside his label. A wonderful person at that.
🎶Rule #4: Gotta be lookin’ pure. Kissin’ goodbye at the door.. And leave them wanting more. More…🎶
The car pulled up to their place and she stepped out, bag in hand. She let him walk her to her dorm, keys in hand as she let herself in. They stood out in the hallway, just looking at each other with longing gazes. She didn’t want this to end here.. She wanted to bring him inside to have more time with him.. Wherever it went from there, she didn’t care. So long as she was his for just a little longer…
“… I should probably head inside… Long day tomorrow.. Streaming and all that..” She says, watching him as he leaned forward. Hana closed the gap between them and kissed him deeply, her hand coming up to rest against his cheek. Her thumb stroked at his smooth skin as she nipped softly at his lower lip before pulling away. Her eyes staring into his once more…
“….. Goodnight Lú…” Her voice was just a whisper.
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pnkrabbit-blog · 7 years
https://liberationthroughmusic.tumblr.com/post/164076214176/im-never-leaving-this-blanket-nest-again @liberationthroughmusic Hana was covered in blankets on top of being in a blanket burrito as well, her neck and head being the only appendages to stick out of the nest made up of at least seven blankets. She had invited the deejay as a very much needed companion during her unwinding time. Well.. That's what their blanket nest was originally made for. Now it went way past her time to unwind because they had found themselves to be quite relaxed and warm. "Sounds like a good plan to me. I don't think we'll be able to get any sort of room service though. Unless you have a mini fridge in here that I didn't see, we'll need food eventually Mr. Blanket Burrito Man." She laughs a little bit.
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pnkrabbit-blog · 7 years
Hana kept her giggles to a minimum as she watched him danced to his newest song. The way his moved with such fluid motion... It was incredibly impressive. She assumed he probably was just making up the little number as he went along too.. Which adds WAY more points to the wow factor of it all.
She had her arms folded as she observed his skills and when he came running over to her she had little time to brace for impact of the approaching DJ.
Then her feet left the ground. Giggles erupted from the woman's throat as he spun them both around, his excitement very apparent.
       "Well I didn't really do much but you're welco-" She was cut off. She was cut off by the warmth of his lips on hers. Only for a few moments but they were still there. The lingering feeling was enough to render the pilot speechless as a pink blush spread to her cheeks and the tips of her ears.
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