#music is so influential
rainnism · 1 year
music is beautiful !! a gift !! when we stop being able to create good music as a collective species, that is when we know the world has ended !!
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so fobcore to be up for two awards they deserve to win, lose both of them, not even show up to the awards show But dress up in silly outfits for their prerecorded performance. would expect nothing less from the band of all time tbh
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ovaruling · 1 year
something to be said for the fact that people have enough self-control to write a full thesis on why it’s still ok to listen to misogynistic music but cannot themselves go a single day without streaming the misogynistic music. we uphold the culture of misogyny every time we stream it or add it to a playlist etc even if we don’t agree with the lyrics. like. how is this not clicking. it’s direct support. most likely no one is ever gonna tap dance out from behind a bush and ask you for your nuanced opinion on it, and it wouldn’t even matter if they did if you’ve already given that artist and label uncountable reasons to keep making this kind of music cuz we keep telling them with our purchasing and streaming and editing and trending power that as long as it’s catchy enough for you they can say whatever they want about women
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Why do you hate Alexander Hamilton so much? The guy lived and died before you were even born dude. He isn’t going to come alive and bite you XD
No, his actions just persist in the policies that my home nation was founded upon.
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multidimensionalsock · 3 months
I mean this so unironically but the line
Baby im not over it, but I'm over you
Has been GROUND BREAKING for me in the last few hours because I've always been told that my inability to get over people hurting me is equal to not being over them. Whether that be relationships, or family, or friends, whatever.
But it's so empowering to be able to say that like no. I'm not over the pain you caused me, I'm not over the anger and the hurt but it's not because I'm still attached to you. It's not because I want something off of you, it's not because I want you back, it's not because I'm obsessive. It's because pain doesn't have time limits or even demands of action other than the demand to be felt.
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year
one thing that i think sounds petty, but isn’t, concerning the reputation of britney spears post-conservatorship, is reevaluating the art she has produced and the talents she has always had. i don’t think people who never really appreciated her work before understand that britney spears’ legacy does not deserve to be “a beautiful woman abused and tortured by the media and culture of her time” as this flat, tragipornographic figure. we do that to enough women in history. britney spears is still alive. britney spears is still not even old! listen to her music. talk about her as an artist. stop reducing her to only her personal sufferings, which she never asked to be known for.
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remyfire · 3 months
Fucking nerd has had a very specific movement of a very specific symphony stuck in her head for days on end and it will not release her
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theguardianace · 1 year
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happy 16th anniversary :]
[ID in alt]
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louis-quatorze · 1 year
would love to jump on the trend of over-analyzing Trent’s shirt but a 70′s guitar rock band in their psychedelic phase indicates nothing in particular. T. Rex are a glam rock band but so popular at the time and so influential later that it’s not a sign of any particular sexuality. put him in something stronger you cowards
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spocks-kaathyra · 7 months
maybe it's time for another turn amc rewatch. maybe that'll fix me
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rainnism · 2 years
i believe in music magic <3
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amiharana · 1 year
Do you even need me to request kpop revalink
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(kpop idol revali for reference)
i'm just going to put your two asks together lmao
this idea is so big-brained and on brand. i was originally already beginning to write about link and zelda being in an idol duo (an idea i borrowed from my concepted fe3h kpop idols au LOL), but this lines up better with revalink's canon interactions ^^ maybe zelda can be analogous to IU or taeyeon or another huge kpop soloist
i'm going to continue in the assumed world where HYRULE CORP is the main company, and the companies link and revali are from are subsidiaries of HYRULE, i.e. revali is under Hebra Ent. and link is actually from a smaller, newly acquired company called Necluda Music. i'm gonna pull an olivia hye on link and say he actually only trained for one day before the managers decided they wanted him to debut, because he's actually a fucking prodigy; he passed the audition with flying colors, and the vocal coaches and dance teachers think he's already debut-ready 🫣 in contrast, i'm going to pull a jihyo on revali and have him be a trainee of 10 years LMFOAKJDHFKDJ should i pull a TWICE on RiTO and have them form via competition/survival show too?
warning for the below. this was extremely self-indulgent and perhaps indecipherable because i used so many kpop terms. but i had a lot of fun writing it.
at this time, RiTO have been rookies for a couple months now and are preparing for their next comeback with a mini album (their debut was only a single), when revali gets the news that their new sister company Necluda Music (what a dumb name, revali thinks) will be debuting a brand new soloist by the name of LINK, with who the company wants to demonstrate a better way of connecting the fans to their idol. revali is still a little bitter about having to debut in a group, even though teba and his hyungs (KDJFJKDFJD) are helping him deal with the bitterness better, so revali can't help but get a little frumpy and sour. but when he hears that this kid has only trained for ONE DAY (alexa play 'just one day' by bts) and is debuting already, he is absolutely beside himself with anger.
"what do you mean he only trained for a day before they decided he would debut?" revali screeches, slamming the door of the practice room open. kass jumps and yells in surprise, where teba and harth's eyes widen at the sound and they spin to look at revali. mimo doesn't even flinch and continues stretching. "i trained for ten years since i was a child, and this kid gets to debut like it's nothing?!"
teba relaxes and sighs. "there's nothing we can do about it, revali," he tries to say as calmly as possible, but he's already a little irritated with revali's attitude. their maknae has yet to mature. "we're not even under the same company. if necluda's ceo thinks he's ready to debut, then he debuts. and if he fails, then he fails."
"but don't you think it's unfair, hyung?" revali says, stalking into the room towards his leader. "we trained for years for a chance to debut, and he doesn't even get hours before they shove him onto the stage. what's so special about him?"
"we'll find out soon enough," harth grumbles, and turns back towards the mirror to continue stretching with mimo. "he debuts in a month, doesn't he?" mimo hums in affirmation.
"just because link was able to debut sooner does not negate your talent, revali," kass says gently. "you worked very hard to get to where you are now, and you were finally able to debut, a feat most trainees may never achieve. you are an extremely talented vocalist and dancer, and they're calling you the it boy of this generation of idols. you should be proud of yourself, you know!"
revali tries his best not to blush at the compliments, but his cheeks pinken anyway and he pouts, crossing his arms and looking away. "i suppose you're right..."
teba claps a hand on revali's shoulder. "try not to worry about it so much," he advises. "focus on your lessons and practicing the new songs. comeback is just around the corner, and it'll do you no good kicking up a fuss about that kid." revali nods and they start practicing for their new song. but try as he might to heed teba's words, revali can't stop thinking about this mysterious new soloist and just exactly how talented he could possibly be to debut so soon...
(the night that link debuts, revali is ready. he has youtube open on his laptop huddled in his bed, watching the countdown to the music video and a furrow in his brow. he's had the video open all day since he got the notification that the video would drop tonight and he's waiting. he has to know what this link kid has that his 8 year old self didn't.
it's everything. link naturally has everything that revali didn't. his voice, his body control, his charisma, all of it. begrudgingly, he has to accept that link does have what it takes to debut so soon. and that he isn't so bad looking. no, revali does not like him, KASS GET BACK HERE—)
link's debut is extremely successful, a single called 'LEGEND' with a kid-becomes-superhero concept. link has a very "boy next door" look to him, so of course the girlies are about to eat him up, he's a cutie and everyone wants to bring him home to their parents ☝️😹 bro is breaking both hyrule corp's records and industry records, he's already on par with the corporation's top soloists zelda and ganon, and fans are calling the three of them together as the "Triforce", since they're a triple threat for hyrule corp 😁 people are predicting how many music show wins link is going to get and whether or not he's going to chart on billboard and how high, longevity vs freefall, how many views the mv is going to get in 24 hours, etc
and revali is furious. RiTO is going to start losing its hype if link ends up charting on billboard or get more music show wins than their debut did. sure, the kid's good but he can't be better than revali! revali would rather die than let link be better than him.
the other members are more optimistic and try to pay less attention to link's debut, choosing to focus on their own comeback. meanwhile, every day that revali walks into the practice room, he's a little ball of burning, spitting fire, talking about how their debut was so much better than link's and that he doesn't understand the hype. but in the middle of talking shit, revali kind of accidentally reveals that he's basically been keeping up with link's promotion schedule? "i watched the studio choom video, it wasn't even that good. he's relying too much on the backup dancers and camera angles." or "apparently, he's performing on inkigayo too. let's hope that it'll be better than his music bank stage. hmph."
it's not until link does an interview on one of those variety shows when the host asks link who inspires him the most, that revali's entire life gets flipped upside his head. "ah," link says, his cheeks flushing pink and smiling shyly, "well, i have a lot of people who inspire me, like my family or zelda-sunbaenim, but the person who inspires me the most... it would be RiTO's revali-sunbaenim."
revali is watching the interview in the living room of their shared dormitory, sat in the middle of the couch in between all of his members, all of their eyes widening. his mouth drops and his eyes bug out of his head. "what?!" he nearly shouts.
mimo shakes his head. "couldn't have seen that coming."
"oh, revali from RiTO?" even the host is surprised. "can you tell us more?"
"sure," link says, beaming. "i've always admired revali-sunbae because he's a very talented performer and he was a trainee for such a long time. i remember seeing him on tv for hebra entertainment's old competition show when i was a kid, and i was so moved by how he refused to back down when the judges told him he was too young to debut. of course, this industry is not safe for children, but revali-sunbae's passion to perform and his determination to debut was so cool!" link's cheeks darken a little more and he smiles shyly at the camera again. "ah... and he worked hard and debuted well in his group, with a successful song and concept."
"haha, that's amazing, link-ssi!" the host laughs. "if revali-ssi was here or if he was watching, what would you say to him?"
"revali-sunbae," link says, staring at the camera with sparkling eyes, "thank you for inspiring me to aim high and to chase after my own dreams. your determination and talent motivates and challenges my own performance and i will always strive to perform as well as you. i hope we can meet and work together one day. fighting, revali-sunbae!" he stands up from his chair and does a full 90º bow, to which the host of the variety show laughs in surprise and claps.
"wah, you have so much respect for revali-sunbae, who would've known!" they remark. "revali-ssi, if you see this, please treat your hoobae well!"
the interview continues with other unrelated topics, but revali is still staring blankly at the tv screen, mouth still agape and eyes wide. there's just no way that happened just now. link? inspired by revali? motivated and challenged by revali?
"hello, earth to revali," harth says, waving his hand in front of revali's eyes. it breaks his gaze and he shakes his head. "are you back with us yet?"
"he had to have been lying," revali immediately insists.
"why would he lie?" mimo muses. "he remembers you from that shitty old competition show and it clearly had an impact on him as a kid. you can see the genuinity in his eyes,"
revali cringes at the memory of being on that show and how he acted as a child, but shakes his head again. "he could be saying it to associate with us and boost his popularity!" okay, to be fair that was terrible reasoning, but revali is scrambling to pull any cards to explain why link would be lying about being inspired by him. he had to be lying... right?
"i told you, revali, you're the it boy of this generation of idols," kass snickers. "of course you're going to have fans."
"shut up," revali growls, crossing his arms and curling in on himself. "there's just no way..."
but where there's a will, there's a way 😊 almost immediately after that clip of link's interview comes out, the RiTO social media accounts' notifications are blowing up asking for revali's response. fans are trending revali and link's names, and a portmanteau of them as "revalink". all the tweets are about how cute link is looking up to revali and how revali and link would make a good pair, and revali just can't stop flushing as he scrolls through the trending tags about all of these comments. and strangely, revali's managers aren't even mad about the situation. "this could be good for publicity," they say. "since link's debut was so popular, showing good feelings towards each other might make RiTO more popular too. please reply to link and say something nice to him. maybe congratulate him on debuting or compliment him, just make sure you say something nice."
so at the insistence of his managers, revali does exactly that and only that. he goes to the RiTO twitter account and tweets out a short, but polite, "@/LINK_NCM Congratulations on your debut :) Fighting! -Revali" and though he means it to be only short and polite, that is not how the internet takes it. instead, it feeds the flames of this whole #revalink thing and suddenly, revali has dating rumors with this new rookie.
kpop websites like allkpop and koreaboo are posting articles with clips of link's interview and revali's tweet with dumbass headlines like "RiTO's Revali responds to new soloist Link's plea: Are the two seeing each other?" there are analysis videos talking about how link blushed when he mentioned revali, so they must be dating, right??? like for goddess's sake, all link said was that revali was cool as fuck and that he was inspired by revali, it didn't mean that they were seeing each other! not that revali would mind if they dated. what? he didn't say that.
revali is lying facedown on the floor of the practice room having screamed for about half an hour to let go of his frustrations, but the irritation still pricks up and down his spine. teba and harth find him like that when they enter the room and rolls their eyes.
"stop screaming, you're going to ruin your voice," teba says. harth walks over to crouch by revali and pushes him to roll him over onto his back. revali lets himself get rolled but glares at his members.
"this is ridiculous," he spits from the floor. "how could something as irrelevant as a compliment spiral into the most convoluted dating rumor in the entire world? there was nothing that could have indicated i felt any sort of way towards that imbecile in my tweet so why on earth is the internet exploding with such nonsense? it's simply just...!" revali rolls back over onto his stomach and screams. "asinine!"
"keep your voice down, or we're going to get noise complaints," teba says, pinching in between his eyes. "this is just the way the fans are, which is why we have to be careful about what we say about or how we interact with other artists. there's nothing wrong with link looking up to you, but regardless of whether or not you acknowledged him would have blown up either way. if you didn't say anything, fans would think you're blowing him off and being disrespectful. and even if you said anything less, fans would still think you've been secretly seeing each other. it's impossible to eliminate speculation in environments like this." teba crouches on the other side of revali's facedown body and sighs, softening his voice. "nothing else can be done to remedy the situation other than to let it die down. just keep being polite and hope that the fans find something else to go crazy over. now come on, we're reviewing the b-side choreo today."
"this is ridiculous," revali mumbles again, but he stands up and dusts himself off. "if this is what happens when you acknowledge other idols, i am never tweeting or being nice to anyone ever again. i'm deleting that cursed app off of my phone and you can all make up fake tweets for me."
"don't be dramatic," teba responds, gently tapping the top of revali's head with his palm. "now get to stretching while we wait for mimo and kass."
you know how music shows will have idols be the hosts, introduce the performing idols, and interview them and shit? now what if link and revali get selected to host together 😊 to be honest i don't really watch that many music shows if it's not a clip of the performance i'm watching for, like i don't sit there and watch throughout the entire music show lolksdjhkd so i don't really know what the dynamics of idols hosting together is like? i do know that they usually have cards they read off of tho lol
the managers tell revali that he's going to host M Countdown or some shit and he's like Cool I guess, who am I hosting with? and they reluctantly are like. Erm. Link. and revali's eyes go wide and red with anger, he's ready to throw a fit, until teba claps a hand on his shoulder and tells him to calm down.
"i told you not to be dramatic," he says, as revali silently fumes under teba's hand. "you're making a big deal out of nothing."
"out of nothing?" revali hisses. "does mnet want me dead or do they want me to kill link first?"
teba bops him on the head and revali squawks. "don't make threats or it'll be me who makes you a first kill," he says. "just be polite and read off the cards. you're already a good actor, your fanservice was top notch even though you hated us all at first."
"i already apologized for that," revali grumbles rubbing his head. "but it's different with link."
"is it because you like him?" kass teases.
"no!" revali squawks. "because i still can't stand the thought of that upstart training only for a day before getting to debut. i don't care that he's vocally talented and has great control over his body. i want nothing to do with him!"
"i bet if he was on masked singer, you'd recognize his voice right away," kass sighs. revali screams and goes barreling at his fellow member, teba holding him back.
THIS POST IS GETTING SO LONG NOW but imagining revali finally meeting link at m countdown and link is just. so completely starstruck when revali greets him and his manager. he bows at a complete 90º angle again (he would have down a full floor bow if his manager didn't pull him up), and looks up at revali with bright sparkling eyes.
"a-ah, hello revali-sunbaenim!" link says, nearly squeaking. "it's a pleasure to meet you!"
revali bows slightly in response to be respectful, but the squeak in link's voice and his sparkling eyes... intrigue him. "it's a pleasure to meet you as a well, link-hoobaenim," he lies cleanly. but is it really a lie?
link is still staring at him in his fanboy mode, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, and his manager elbows him. "y-yes!" he stammers, jumping. "ah i'm sorry i'm so nervous, revali-sunbae, it's just really cool to meet you in person and i'm excited to work with you!"
revali hums, link's words stroking his ego just a little bit. "you haven't hosted a show before either, have you?" he says.
link shakes his head frantically. "no, revali-sunbae, this will be my first time hosting a show."
and revali stares a little bit at him. "hm. let's do well together, then, link-hoobae," he says, nodding and then turning to walk away back to his green room. "see you later."
as he walks away, he swears he hears link squeak again. "purah manager-nim, he's so cool!" and revali fights the smile trying to make its way onto his lips. cute. what? he didn't say that. he does not think link is cute. (maybe a little...)
when they start filming the MC portions, revali can't keep his eyes off of link. the blond is bright and cheery, ever smiling and enthusiastic, and revali can't help but play off of his energy. the film crew hands them their card prompts and signal for them to start talking with a thumbs up.
"hi everyone! we're counting down to the greatest acts of the kpop world here at: m countdown!" they greet together, and then link introduces himself.
"i'm the hero who will fight for you, LINK!" he says, holding up a peace sign and pressing one of fingers into his cheek, winking.
"and i'm the wings that will take you to the sky, Revali," revali says, saluting and winking as well. "and we are your brand new MCs for the season." link cheers, shaking his hands jazz-hand style.
"revali-sunbaenim," link then says, reading off of his cards, "it's our first time being MCs ever! are you nervous?"
"i'm not nervous at all," revali says smoothly, glancing at his cards. "are you feeling nervous, link-hoobaenim?"
"ah, maybe a little bit," link says, rubbing the back of his head and smiling shyly at the camera. "i'm only a rookie standing next to the awesome it boy of our generation and my role model! i want to do well!" he winks and raises a fist, pumping it into the air.
revali cringes internally. who is writing these cards? "oh, i'm flattered, but you debuted well, our favorite superhero-next door. link-hoobae, how old are you?"
"me? i'm a year younger than you, revali-sunbaenim," link says, looking at revali with wide eyes. revali can't tell if he's just acting or not, with how real the surprised look on link's face is.
"ah, well in that case, just call me hyung," he says, faking a smile. truthfully, he doesn't want link to call him hyung — they don't even know each other like that yet — but it's part of the script, so he has to read it out. revali is seriously going to chew out whoever wrote these cards. "you'll feel more comfortable if you call me hyung, right?"
and it's like link forgets his line for a moment, just staring wide-eyed and mouth agape at revali. if he focuses, revali thinks that link's cheeks are pink now. but link jumps right back into the script, "ah, yes, revali-hyung! i'm more comfortable now, thank you." he turns back to the camera, still smiling shyly. "ah, revali-hyung is so cool, he makes my heart beat so fast! which reminds me, the group who has a comeback today will make your heart beat fast too!"
so they list off everyone who's performing today and what songs, they go over who the top artists of last week were, more dumb MC skits, some short interviews with some of the performing groups, and the entire time, revali can't get his mind off of the way link said "revali-hyung". he thought he was going to hate it, but... he actually doesn't mind as much as he thought he would? weird.
when the MC filming is done, they step out of the shooting area and link immediately turns to revali and bows at the same 90º angle he did last time. "revali-sunbaenim, i'm so sorry," he says. "i didn't realize that the cards were going to say that, i won't call you hyung if you don't want me to." revali stares in surprise but link stays in his full bow.
"link-hoobae, please stand up," he finally manages. slowly, link does, but he keeps his eyes downcast, his brows furrowed into a crestfallen expression on his face. "it's fine, i didn't know either. please don't worry too much. please keep referring to me as sunbaenim when we are not on the set. thank you for being respectful of me, link-hoobaenim."
"of course, revali-sunbaenim!" link says and bows again. "i look forward to filming with you again, revali-sunbaenim!" he bows once more, which revali returns and part ways. he stares curiously after the blond who hurries back to his own green room. huh. i mean... maybe revali wouldn't mind too much if link called him hyung from now on. not that he'd admit that out loud!
anyways the longer that link and revali MC together, the more they kinda become like this compilation of eunchae and chaemin. they start ignoring the cards and just bicker (read: flirt aggressively) for five minutes straight and at first their managers and the show staff are like, PLEASE just stick to the script. but the fans are super into it because they're all revalink shippers 😭 so they just let revali and link bicker/flirt during the show as long as they follow the script and the views skyrocket because the chemistry is insane LMFAOKJDFDK
i just think. kpop idols au revalink ☝️😃
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luthienne · 1 year
Do you have a day job or do you support yourself entirely with music?
it’s very rare, the person who can support themselves entirely with music — at least in the usa the way contracts and freelancing work in classical music. i have several day jobs — one main one and then a couple of side sources of income (photography, editing). i’ve considered pivoting to private voice lessons but i really do enjoy my current day jobs and they give me the flexibility to take singing jobs with evening rehearsals and auditions
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jetstarred · 3 months
quite frankly i do think some times opinions that are held by everyone are true
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fragilecapric0rnn · 3 months
sometimes your favorite album from when you were 14 will be the biggest inspiration for your first novel and you wont even realize it until your a year into conceptualizing/writing it
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britneyshakespeare · 11 months
i have so much nostalgia for femme fatale era because that was probably the first time i realized i was a britney FAN whether i wanted to be one or not. it came out when i was 12, around the time i was first able to make my own music-listening choices off of whatever was marketed to solely a preteen demographic. i had only heard of britney spears as someone immensely popular yet embarrassing to like, even though i knew a ton of her biggest hits from her whole career since i was a baby and pretty much liked-to-love all of them. so when i would hear brand new songs like hold it against me and i wanna go on the radio i was like oh shit, i'm old enough to listen to big kid music on my own now, and these are amazing?
and i couldn't help but follow the rest of the singles as they came out, and go back and listen to all of her older songs (the ones i knew and the ones i didn't) on my own and be like HOLY goddamn. like my mind just exploded. it's one thing to hear all her songs in passing because they're megapopular and you are alive, but it's another thing to binge her discography for the first time and really put together that she put out dozens and dozens of the great pop songs you've ever heard, one after another, constantly, for (at that point) over a decade, my entire life! just being shocked and in awe at the evolution of such a pop goddess. i was just so fascinated and in awe. i was like no one on this earth can ever touch the career and accomplishments of the legendary miss britney spears. no one ever will.
also, criminal. such an underrated song, it wasn't even that popular at the time. i still remember the first time i heard it when the lyric video dropped and i decided from that instant on that i was going to be a terrible person.
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