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Honeykit & Dogkit
Definitely not Eggrumble’s new sons. Nope. Not at all
(I need to get better at drawing kits ffs)
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So the warrior cats hyperfixation came back kinda! I made my own clans
🍄 Mushroomclan 🍄 Their territory is a dense forest littered with mushrooms and toadstools, as well as animal bones, seeing mushroom rings or fallen trees or hollow logs with mushrooms on them isnt unheard of, even stumps covered in moss Their camp is a clearing covered with soft grass, and moss covered logs and rocks. The leader gives clan meetings on a giant stump with moss and mushrooms Mushroomclan has a large preference to ginger, red, black and brown coats Fun facts: Small white markings, especially spots are considered a beauty standard. Mushroomclan cats don't bury their dead, believing their spirits will be trapped if they do Belief System: Theistic and Atheistic Satanism/The Dark Forest
🪻 Flowerclan ���� Their territory is out in the open and the ground is covered in flowers, with a couple of trees around bc of the need for shade Their camp is also a clearing, flowers and petals litter the ground, and the dens are burrows instead of built dens or logs. The leader gives clan meetings on a hill Flowerclan cats wear flowers in their pelts and usually are named after flowers Fun facts: The leader wears a flower crown while the deputy wears a flower necklace. And they have a special role! The educator, a cat that educates young ones on flower symbolism Belief System: Atheism
💎 Crystalclan 💎 Their territory is a large cave network, with many rivers, crystals of various sizes protruding out from the walls and ceilings, stalactites and stalagmites are visible as well Their camp consists of a large slab of rock, shimmering blue crystals rising from the very walls and floor, their dens made up of ancient networks. Said camp has a waterfall and a river splitting the camp in two. The leader gives meeting on a crystal larger than the others Crystalclan cats have sleek fur, that give an almost unnatural iridescent sheen when the light hits Fun facts: The warriors have crystaline claws that they replaced their natural claws with, thinking it'd make them closer to their ancestors. Apprentices have to go through a special assessment to get them "earning their claws" if you will if they wish to be warriors Healer apprentices go through a special assessment as well, but not to earn crystals for their claws. To earn crystal shards to wear upon their ears and tail, and the title of a full Healer Belief System: Starclan
🎪 Maskclan 🎪 Their territory is not like the rest. Rather than stay in the wilds, the cats of this clan have infiltrated and took over an abandoned circus/amusement park. An amusement park that somehow still has lights operating.. Their camp is actually the vary circus tent itself, with the leader giving meetings on top of a fallen platform, and the dens being made of some rubble that belonged to the park Like the name suggests, the cats of this clan wear various masks. These masks aren't required and any cat, if they want, can pick which one they think suits them the best Fun facts: Maskclan is perfectly fine with house cats and rogues coming and going as they please, they're even willing to help if they're in times of need Belief System: Paganism
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This update is huge and I can’t wait to see how it affects MushroomClan! Unfortunately, content from this update won’t be seen in this blog until moon 166 (so probably never 💔) but it might help me with writing out events/interactions with neighbouring Clans
(Download the update here, or via your in-game auto-updater!)
Hello furriends and Clanmates! We hope you have all lined your nests with feathers and moss; leaf-bare is here, and so is our next release!
Our lovely developers have been reinforcing the camp walls with new features for moons now. With the new release, you can direct your warriors' focus, befriend/antagonize the other Clans, invite in outsiders, choose symbols for your Clans, experience our new sound system, and more! ❄️
If you are having issues with your anti-virus flagging ClanGen, please look to this post for a guide on how to fix it.
Our changelog is very long, so it will be below the cut ❤️
CLAN FOCUS: New feature accessed via the Warrior's Den. Direct your warriors' Focus towards specific goals, such as feeding the Clan or sabotaging other neighboring Clans. When the Focus is changed, there is a cooldown of 3 moons before it can be changed again, so choose wisely! Please note that some Focuses aren't accessible in Classic mode and that some Focuses require certain cat ranks to be present.
PRONOUNS: Wow! The cats have pronouns other than they/them? Yes it's true! Cats can now naturally generate with they/them, he/him, or she/her pronouns. Want a cat to have different pronouns than those options? You can do that to! Check out their profile page and the Change Gender option to add any pronoun under the sun. These pronouns will be used in text throughout the game when referring to that cat (give a big hand to our writing team for the monumental amount of work they did to get pronouns integrated into all the text!) Please note a new game setting to revert the game to only generating they/them pronouns for all cats.
LEADER'S DEN: You can now access the Leader's Den to view the other Clans neighboring your Clan as well as the known Outsiders. Decide how you want to interact with these other cats: will you appease the hostile Clans? Or antagonize them further? Will you hunt down that one pesky rogue? Or perhaps you've decided an exiled Clanmate should be allowed a second chance…
CLAN SYMBOLS: You can now choose a Clan symbol during Clan creation. Other Clans also generate with symbols, which you will see in the Leader's Den. There are currently 484 symbols available to choose from, a roster that we plan to continue expanding with each stable update. Please note that old Clan saves will not be able to choose a Clan symbol in-game, though save editing to change the symbol is relatively simple. When loading an old save, the game will attempt to assign a symbol matching with it's prefix, if no symbol exists then it will randomly choose a symbol.
CLASSIC CONDITIONS: Classic mode can now access illnesses, injuries, and permanent conditions! Please note that this still differs in some ways from Expanded mode. In Classic Mode, a single medicine cat can care for the entire Clan, specific herb amounts are not displayed on the med den screen, an herb will treat a condition regardless of the Clan's actual herb amounts, the Clan's herb supply is randomly generated and is not dependent on events.
AUDIO: What in StarClan?? Clangen with sound!? Clangen now comes with shiny new sound effects and one very lovely music track that plays during Clan creation. More music is on the horizon… and don't worry! There is a handy dandy mute button in the corner of the screen and audio settings to control music/ambiance and sound effects volume separately.
Fullscreen new and improved! Art no longer looks oddly crunched and the black frame has been replaced with pretty background art. This comes with a new setting to turn off anti-aliasing and a setting to ignore fullscreen scaling rules, just in case you want it a little extra large (please note that this setting will come with some visual quirks if enabled)
You can now search cats on the mediator page
More special characters are allowed in user notes
Leaders can now be affected by mass extinction events
Mass extinction events are now limited to affecting 11 cats at most, but they can occur multiple times in a single moon.
When leaders die of starvation, they now revive with enough nutrition to bring them up to malnourished, giving a little extra time to find food before starving once more.
Moon events that previously mentioned an Outsider, but did not generate an Outsider cat, will now generate an Outsider
Moon events that mention an Outsider can now pull an Outsider from the existing list of Outsiders, rather than generating a new one
War events will now match with the affect of the overarching war event for that moon (i.e. if the Clans are having peace talks that moon, no clan relation lowering events will occur at the same time)
More moon events are now recorded in the relationship log if they changed a relationship
"show dead/living" button on cat list is now "view dead/living"
"filtered by" button on cat list is now "sort by"
Last and First page buttons are now available on the cat list screen.
Players can now input a page number on the cat list screen to move to that page immediately
Leader death history now displays as a single sentence for each death, rather than one long run-on sentence
Custom cursor setting now comes with a warning about increased chance of crashes
All text (or at least, the vast majority) can now be copy-pasted!
Buttons on moon events that lead to the profiles of cats involved now generates a horizontal scroll bar if the buttons go off-screen
If a moon event had no cats specifically involved, the involved cat button no longer displays
Alert exclamation marks now persist until the tab is clicked
When keybinds are on, you can now use the arrow keys to move up and down the event tab buttons, and the enter button to switch to the selected tab
Cats can now be quickly added to and removed from patrols via double clicking
Herb moon events no longer destroy herb supplies in their entirety (with the exception of one war event) and any large destruction events no longer occur if herb stores are already low
Herb gained on moonskip and patrols has been slightly buffed
Relationship value changes when cats break up is now dynamic, meaning some break ups have larger impacts than others
Newborn kits are now listed in the involved cat buttons on moon events
Quick start! You can click Quick Start at the beginning of Clan Creation to skip to the end. All choices will be made randomly
100s of new patrol art additions
Many many new patrols! Many requiring specific traits or skills.
New outcomes for existing patrols! Many requiring specific traits or skills.
New Camps! The Mountainous camp, Ruins, and the Beach camp, Fjord.
New moon events, such as murders and new ways to gain accessories.
Literally 1000+ new relationship events
Many many new thoughts, many of which are exclusive to certain traits, ages, conditions, seasons, and skills
New leader ceremony possibilities, many of which are exclusive to cats of certain traits (both the dead cats and the new leader)
Prefix list updated to include new canon names (looking at you, Stretchkit)
Many new loner/kittypet names
Many outcomes for Leader Den events, many of which are specific to certain skills, traits, and ages
New events for pregnancy announcements and speculations
New grief events and thoughts
New accessories!
Murders will no longer occasionally crash the game
Fixed a bug caused by the training app murder event
You can no longer sort living cats by death date
Players no longer get stuck in the med den backrooms (when accessing the med den through cat profiles, the back button would return you to the cat profile. attempting to back out of the cat profile would take you back to the med den. rinse and repeat, it's a loop)
Buttons now disable/enable properly when closing relationship logs on first and last cats in the cat list
You can no longer enter negative page numbers by clicking the back button very very fast
Leaders now receive appropriate birth event text when dying from childbirth
Outsider kittens can no longer join as warriors
Long term conditions, like wasting disease, will now display in leader's history if they took a life
When leaders are lost on patrol, patrol result text no longer mentions them by their warrior name
Litters can no longer spawn with duplicate names (i.e. two kits named Stonekit)
Medicine cats captured by twolegs no longer have their role erased
Cat history no longer lists cats as murdering themselves
Kicked cats out of the walls (fixed some possible cat positionings on camp screen)
Adolescents can no longer be considered "normal adults" in patrols simply because they graduated to warrior early.
Kits adopted during moon events now receive correct inheritance info and begin with a positive relationship toward new adoptive parent(s)
Mates of adoptive parents now automatically adopt any newly adopted kits received on moonskip
Check added for matching age when assigning random romantic relationship values at Clan creation
When assigning random relationship values at Clan creation, the Guide cat will now only generate relationships with living cats old enough to have known the Guide in life.
Adopted litters now always generate with a bio parent, ensuring their inheritance lists them as littermates
The generation of half-clan litters no longer assumes the birthing parent can only be the (biologically) female parent (this is important for "ignore biology" game setting)
Cats with no romantic interest in each other will no longer receive romance decreasing events
Poly cat love confessions no longer read as though one cat is asking their dead mate for permission before accepting a new cat into the polycule.
Rosemary is no longer applied to the "dead body" of a lost cat
Affair birth events no longer mention nonexistent mates
Fixed mistagging in patrols that would lead to unintended effects
Many small UI issues
Many small sprite fixes
Many typo fixes
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SMG4 Warrior Cats AU
This post will update and change any info >3
Characters that I hadn't thought of a warrior name yet:
Mushroomclan(Mushroom Kingdom):
Leader: Peachstar(Princess Peach)
Deputy: Toadspots(Toad)(Became Toadstar after Peachstar disappeared/got corrupted by the demonic goop)
Medicine Cat: Boopkins/Fishtail(Former loner, but still refers himself as Boopkins)
Spaghettiheart(FKA Redheart)(Mario)(Former kittypet)
SMG4(Former kittypet)
Greenflower(Luigi)(Former kittypet)
SMG3(Former kittypet and rogue leader of the Anti-Cast(in the YouTube Arc))
Bob/Trashsong(Former loner and kittypet(in the Rapper Bob Arc), but still refers himself as Bob)
Squidsplatter(Meggy)(Former Inkclan warrior)
Skullsmasher(Saiko)(Former rogue)
Melonmoon(Melony)(Former loner and rogue(in the YouTube Arc))
Blueclaw(Karen)(Former rogue)
Wario(Former kittypet)
Waluigi(Former kittypet)
Mushroomscout(Shroomy)(Former rogue(in the YouTube Arc))
Monitorrunner(Hal Monitor)
Pumpkincorn(Rob)(Former loner and rogue(in the YouTube arc))
Whimpu(Former kittypet and rogue(in the YouTube Arc))
Apricotdawn(Belle)(Former kittypet and rogue(in the YouTube Arc))
SMG1(Former kittypet)
SMG2(Former kittypet)
Kaizo(Former rogue)
Axolotltail(Axol)(Former Inkclan warrior and kittypet)
Beegpaw(Beeg SMG4)
Minionpaw(Minion)(Former kittypet)
JubJub/Coconutkit(Former loner, but still refers himself as JubJub)
Koopaclan(Koopa Kingdom):
Leader: Fireballstar(Bowser)
Deputy: Kamek
Fireballpaw(Bowser Jr)
Koopalings(Ludwig, Wendy, Iggy, Lemmy, Roy, Morton and Larry)
Leader: Daisystar(Princess Daisy)
Greywren(One-Shot Wren)
Recolored Redhearts/Marios(Former kittypets)
Joe(Boopkins/Fishtail and JubJub/Coconutkit's dad)
Francis(Rogue leader of the Anime Cartel)
Mr. Puzzles(Former kittypet)
Box Club Leader(Rogue leader of the Box Club)
Marty(Former loner)
Shigeru Miyamoto(Owner of Spagetthiheart and Greenflower)
Lawyer Kong(Miyamoto's guard dog)
#smg4#warrior cats#warrior cats au#kaylan's posts#had thought of this au after i listened to the wofti 2020 and wofti 2021 rap songs
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Hollow Knight X Warrior Cats Crossover???
as a former warrior cats kid, the urge always remains to see if you can turn a piece of media into Warrior Cats, so
let's say, Hallownest is now horizontal instead of vertical. It is bordered on all sides by mountains, except for Kingdom's edge, which is bordered by a massive Thunderpath. I'll make a map of what all the lands in Hollow Knight would look like in this case. Hallownest (the land, not the political entity) would be called Hallowed Vale.
The Higher Beings are split into a variety of different circumstances.
The Radiance was a Clan Leader who created a cult of personality around her. She was killed and spends most of the story as a StarClan ghost.
The Pale King and the White Lady are both immortal beings a la Rock
Unn, or Slugstar as I would like to call her, is a Clan Leader
The Nightmare's Heart is a Dark Forest ghost
idk what to do with the Shade Lord
I'm not dead certain on names, really, but I think the Pale King would call himself Whitestar for the cats.
The Pale King's kingdom is PaleClan.
The moths were RadiantClan, but were absorbed into PaleClan. Now none of the Radiant lineage remains apart from the Seer.
Mantis Village is WasteClan. They are probably the only 'Clan' here that fully operates how a warrior cats Clan should right now. They had an alliance with PaleClan to defend against...
Deepest is now DeepClan. The cats of DeepClan are alive, but infected. The Weavers were a travelling group of cats who cultivated spiders and could make textiles with spider silk. They were welcomed by DeepClan, and stayed with them for many years, but left when the infection started to spread to DeepClan.
The Mushroom Clan are... I guess MushroomClan lol. I thought of FungalClan, but MushroomClan does the job just fine. They were absorbed into PaleClan, but retain a degree of separation. They have their own camp, but ultimately answered to WhiteStar. They are alive but infected.
The Mosskin are GreenClan. They have independence, but were forced by WhiteStar to allow PaleClan warriors to pass through their territory freely along the main path (Pilgrims' Way). Later, PaleClan seized half of their territory (the Queen's Gardens) in lieu of Slugstar's (Unn's) weakness. They are alive, but infected.
The Hive is HiveClan. They refused PaleClan's rule and isolated themselves from the rest of the Clans. They are alive but infected.
The Colosseum of Fools was EdgeClan. They used to be a fully functional clan, but their leader (Lord Fool) died with no deputy and everything descended into chaos. Now it is a deadly arena where all kinds of creatures are brought in to face off against Warriors. Most long-term residents are uninfected, but some visitors are infected. The arena is an empty, dilapidated warehouse by the side of the Thunderpath.
Dirtmouth is DirtClan, who lived in the wasteland north of Hallowed Vale. Warriors of DirtClan kept being enticed into PaleClan, leaving the only one left the elderly leader (Elderbug). He has stayed in place to help passing travellers who want to enter the Vale.
Unsure if I want to make the Flukes into a post-PaleClan warrior Clan, or just a pack of rats...rabbit warren perhaps? That would be fitting considering Flukemarm...
The Dream Realm is StarClan, and the Nightmare Realm is the Dark Forest, naturally.
I think the Void is just the Void, and the actual story of the Hollow Knight is not changed much.... I'm not sure how the Vessels would come to be considering cats can't lay eggs. Perhaps the White Lady eats a herb tainted with water from the Abyss Lake, which Whitestar believes would poison the kits and cause them to be 'empty'....perhaps 'void' is a toxic substance found in the Abyss Lake, which was caused by pollution. Perhaps all the Twolegs left because they couldn't figure out a way to deal with it. Perhaps the toxin twisted the cats' spirits and connected them to the emptiness that greets them after their Second Death.
Perhaps Whitestar, unable to kill the Radiance a second time, tries to trap her inside the 'second death void' of one of his 'empty' children - The Hollow Warrior??? The Dreamers, of course, serving the same purpose they did in Hollow Knight.
EDIT: I forgot the Radiance kind of had a thing with the Void which would require her not to be just a normal leader. She can be a deity of StarClan if she likes. So the Pale King can't kill her but can banish her. Perhaps the Ancient Civilization (VoidClan, if you must) made their home around the Abyss Lake, and because of their proximity to the void toxin they ceased to exist after death. This made the Radiance mad because that meant less spirits in StarClan for her to lord over. Then, perhaps this caused her to seek out worship in mortals, which led to the founding of RadiantClan.
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Noooo why did I get a brown cat named Poopysong in my clan? 💀
Oh well. Welcome to MushroomClan, Poopysong.
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was gonna do more of these but I lost all energy to do anything, so just these two for now. Nightstar and his grandson :]
#clangen#mushroomclan adventures#my art#my ocs#oc#wc oc#fan clan#warriors#warrior cats#mushroomclan#warrior cat oc
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i think mediators should be allowed to work even with a broken back
not at all saying that because Oneburr has had a broken back for 12 MOONS and I want her to do something. not at all.
(look I've realized i could do something very funny with a mediator, which involves a love triangle)
#basically: Vixenspring crush on Lakeflood.#Lakeflood does not like Vixenspring.#Lakeflood crushes on Skyspeckle.#Skyspeckle only sees Lakeflood as a friend#You know what's left to make it very funny? that's right. Skyspeckle crushing on Vixenspring.#clangen#btw i made my elder a mediator too but used it to improve the romance between my only couple so they'd get kits.#MushroomClan
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Jaykit • Jaypaw • Jaynose
Black tabby molly with amber eyes.
Elder of MushroomClan
Mother of Slugstar, Hawkfoot and Minkpelt
#warrior cats#wc#warrior cats oc#jaynose#mushroomclan#There's one MushroomClan cat left and then I can start on the next Clan
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okay, i have another au. this one is a dsmp/warrior cats au. i’ve named it the ‘burnt leaves’ au
the basic premise is that everyone is cats (obviously), it focuses on tommy, tubbo, and fundy, and the trauma the trio faces, and this au should probably give people some very obvious clues that i am 100% not a c!dream apologist.
this au gets pretty dark at some points, and includes themes of animal death (because. you know, wild cats living in the woods, cats fighting each other, cats hunting smaller animals, etc), a lot of violence, traumatic experiences, the exile arc will be discussed, and a whole lot more.
(this is about the dsmp characters)
some things to note:
most characters will be given more warrior-like names. even some of the non-clan cats will be given different names (ex. techno, pre-clan wilbur, and ghostbur will be named Blade, Soot, and Kasper/Kas respectively).
warrior cat terms will be used. if y’all are confused on any terms, just let me know!
the names of the factions/locations are as follows:
the smp itself->Cloverclan
l’manburg->Pineclan (named because, if i’m remembering right, mostly spruce wood was used for the buildings)
las nevadas->Desertclan (this should be pretty obvious)
kinoko kingdom->Mushroomclan (again, pretty obvious)
snowchester, the syndicate, the badlands, logstedshire, and the prison are the only places who’s names remain the same.
the names of all the characters are as follows:
Glowsight/star (Eret; formerly a member of Pineclan)
Sheepheart (Puffy)
Lionfrost (Punz)
Nightecho (Michaelmcchill; i don’t know, the name fit for me; technically factionless, but considered part of the clan)
The Badlands:
Darkshine/star (Bad)
Diamondfur (Skeppy)
Lemonfang (Ponk; formerly a member of Cloverclan )
Roseflight (Hannah)
Shadowstrike (Eryn; technically technically kind of factionless, but considered part of the clan)
Duckclaw/star (Quackity; formerly a member of Pineclan )
Slime/“Mosspelt” [not official name; was going to be his name] (Slimecicle; possibly deceased)
Goldenstorm (Foolish; formerly a member of Snowchester)
Foxdash (Fundy; formerly a member of Pineclan)
Mushroomleap/“star” [wasn’t technically a leader/never received nine lives] (George; formerly a member of Cloverclan, formerly a member of Desertclan)
Blazestrike (Sapnap; formerly a member of The Badlands, formerly a member of Cloverclan, formerly a member of Desertclan)
Spiralstep (Karl; formerly a member of Cloverclan, formerly a member of Desertclan)
Carrotbloom (Tina)
Beeflight (Tubbo; formerly a member of Pineclan)
Sunsong (Tommy; technically a member, but is currently on the run/in hiding due to...obvious reasons; formerly a member of Pineclan)
Sootsong/star/fall (Wilbur; technically a member, but spends most of his time near Desertclan territory; formerly a member/the leader of Pineclan)
Thunderblaze (Jack; formerly a member of Pineclan)
Spiderpaw (Shroud, because why not)
Lightkit (Michael; meant to be a mix between tubbo and ranboo’s names)
The Syndicate:
Blade (Techno)
Cherrypool (Niki; formerly a member of Pineclan, formerly a member of Snowchester)
Bluespike (Connor; he’s a member of the syndicate, right?; formerly a member of Cloverclan)
Dream (exiled/imprisoned; formerly a member/the leader of Cloverclan)
Skyclaw (Purpled; he’s known for bedwars, and bedwars takes place in the sky, if i’m remembering right; exiled; formerly a member of Cloverclan, formerly a member of Desertclan )
Stormclaw (Sam; factionless/unknown; formerly a member of The Badlands, formerly a member of Cloverclan, formerly a member of Desertclan)
Hbomb (factionless/unknown; loner/former kittypet/stray, maybe?)
Deervoice (Callahan; factionless/unknown; possibly deceased; is only known to be related in some way to XD)
Sam Bucket (factionless/unknown; possibly deceased or an otherworldly cat entity; looks nearly identical to Stormclaw; is only known to be in some way related to Egg)
Foxleaf (Seapeakay; technically factionless, but is considering joining The Badlands (definitely not for any Egg-Related reasons, no way, not at all-), named by Darkstar)
Frogsight (Boomer; factionless, named by Glowstar)
Raccoonpaw/stripe (Sam Nook, named by Glowstar)
Hare[sprint] (Aimsey; factionless, lives in Snowchester, named by Glowstar)
‘XD’ (Starclan; true name unknown; cause of death unknown; ‘ascended’: basically became Cat God)
Crowfrost (Mumza; Starclan; formerly a member of Oakclan; killed by fox while trying to protect Phil and the boys; ‘ascended’: is a Guide for cats going to Starclan, but don’t have anyone else to guide them)
Dusklight (Ranboo; Starclan; formerly a member of Oakclan, formerly a member of Snowchester; killed by Stormclaw during the Prison Break)
Salmondash (Sally; formerly a loner, formerly a member/the deputy of Pineclan; died from blood loss after Dream punctured her neck)
Ramstar (Schlatt; Dark Forest; formerly a loner/stray, formerly a member/the leader of Desertclan; died from eating Deathberries (look, i could still make it a heart attack, but i want to make it a bit more warrior cats-like. not saying he couldn’t still die from a heart attack, but y’know))
Egg (Yes, this is Literally The Egg. In this au, The Egg is a cat; Dark Forest; formerly a loner, formerly a member of The Badlands/Eggpire; died from Stormclaw killing him at the Banquet; is currently trying to mind control cats to rise back to power)
MD (Mexican Dream; ???/possibly Starclan; formerly a loner/stray; died from Dream attacking him after he attempted to take Sunsong away from Logstedshire and help him escape)
Vikkstar (???/possibly Starclan; formerly a kittypet/stray; previously lived in an abandoned shack; killed by Dream and Lionfrost, briefly revived, and then killed again)
Lazarbeam (???/possibly Starclan; formerly a kittypet/stray; previously lived in an abandoned shack; killed by Dream and Lionfrost, briefly revived, and then killed again)
fundy is younger than tommy and tubbo.
the events of this au are not in the same linear order that they do in the actual smp (ex. Doomsday happens almost immediately after the end of the L’manburg Independence War, Tommy’s Exile happened after Doomsday, etc.)
that’s all i’ve got for now! i might actually make this a story i put on ao3, but that’s for later.
if any of y’all have questions about the au, don’t hesitate to ask! i’d love to talk about this au of mine!
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wariostar leader of uh. warioclan iguess.
wariostar has declared war on mushroomclan, on account of peachstar beating him on rainbow road
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Her design is still so weird to me ngl
#also yes ik I didn’t actually redraw her I’m too busy for that okay#also she hasn’t changed sooo#clan gen#clangen#mushroomclan#warrior cats#mc rootpaw#mc rootclover#mushroomclan refs
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Founders, Part 2
#clangen#clan gen#warrior cats#mushroomclan#mushroomclan refs#mc Flintfoot#mc Chivespeckle#mc Hollowbriar#mc Antlerpaw#mc Rootpaw#ik the apprentices look fully grown just pretend they don’t lmaoo
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Founders, Part 1
For the record, I won’t be drawing full pieces for this blog. I just want to give every cat a ref sheet so ppl know what they look like both in game and in my head
#clangen#clan gen#warrior cats#mushroomclan#mushroomclan refs#mc Bluffstar#mc Frondswipe#mc Eggrumble#mc Lighteye
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Moon 4 - Greenleaf - Part 1
Minor events: Chivespeckle’s small cut has healed, Antlerpaw’s heat exhaustion has abated
Rootpaw’s warrior ceremony
Rootpaw couldn’t stop trembling. Even after she had passed her assessment the shaking didn’t stop. Flintfoot told her to eat and get some rest before her vigil that night but she couldn’t. The few mouthfuls of mouse that she’d had sat heavy in her stomach and every time she closed her eyes her mind was swarmed with thoughts of her family. She wondered if her siblings would have had been made warriors with her, and what their warrior names would have been. Flintfoot always scolded her for thinking about what might have happened if the wolves didn’t attack as it usually made Rootpaw feel horrible. She was right, though today Rootpaw wanted them to be on her mind. She wanted to feel their presence around her, and spent most of the afternoon toying with the feathers her littermates left behind after their death.
Flintfoot poked her head into the apprentice den, frowning when she spotted Rootpaw sitting there very much awake. Rootpaw quickly apologised for not being able to sleep or eat. Flintfoot didn’t blame her. She had worked hard to improve Rootpaw’s confidence ever since she took over her apprenticeship but just for today she could understand why Rootpaw was nervous and may have been thinking about her family again. Rootpaw’s whiskers drooped, was she really that obvious?
Flintfoot chuckled, ducking beneath the fallen tree that rested over the den entrance. She told Rootpaw that Bluffstar was going to start the ceremony soon, and wanted to make sure there wasn’t anything that Rootpaw wanted to say beforehand. Rootpaw didn’t quite understand what she meant, so Flintfoot elaborated: does Rootpaw have any final worries about becoming an independent warrior? Obviously Flintfoot will always be around to support her but being a warrior means having more responsibilities, more respect from other cats and the freedom to do what she pleased, within reason. Rootpaw hummed. She hadn’t considered all of that; Flintfoot joked that she had probably made Rootpaw feel worse now. Though, to her mentors surprise, Rootpaw shook her head. She was stronger now, she could do this. Sure, she would have difficulties here and there, but she could figure it out… hopefully…
Flintfoot smiled and gave Rootpaw’s cheek an affectionate lick. She couldn’t be more proud of how far Rootpaw had come. Rootpaw purred. In return, she couldn’t be more thankful that Flintfoot stepped up to train her.
Bluffstar’s voice was heard beyond the den walls. It was time. Rootpaw shook the moss out of her fur and brushed down her white chest fur. With a deep breath, and Flintfoot’s flank pressed against hers, they crawled out of the den. The sun was setting outside and the cats of MushroomClan had gathered around the Leader’s Stump: the hollowed-out base of a felled oak tree where leaders had called meetings upon the top for years. Bluffstar was speaking to Frondswipe when Rootpaw approached, though she soon turned her attention to the apprentice. There was exhaustion in her eyes, frankly Rootpaw was surprised that she was up for her ceremony as she was still recovering from her kitting, but she couldn’t say no to finally making a new warrior. Bluffstar asked if Rootpaw was ready; she nodded with as much determination as she could muster.
With that, Bluffstar clambered on top of the Leader’s Stump, the limp in her back legs making the climb slightly awkward, and meowed curtly to grab the attention of the Clan. She briefly spoke of her own excitement to finally host her very first ceremony since becoming a leader. MushroomClan has fallen on difficult times, as every cat in the territories knew, but to see young cats pushing through hardships to become warriors gave her hope for the future.
Without further ado, she called Rootpaw forwards. Rootpaw tried to imagine her siblings walking alongside her and felt a flicker of bravery. Bluffstar praised Rootpaw for her hard work and courage. To lose so many family members at such a young age is something that no cat should ever have to endure. Bluffstar knew that Rootpaw still struggled with her confidence but has faith that Rootpaw’s composure will help her to face any of her fears. With that, she grants her the warrior name of Rootclover. A name that, in Bluffstar’s eyes, marked the beginning of MushroomClan’s new, and hopefully prosperous, era.
Rootclover! Rootclover! Rootclover!
Rootclover smiled shyly as her Clanmates cheered. With that, the ceremony was dismissed, and Bluffstar began to slowly descend from the Leader’s Stump.
Flintfoot was the first to congratulate Rootclover, gently bumping heads with her. She loved the name that Bluffstar chose for her, it truly suited Rootclover. Rootclover giggled bashfully. Slowly the rest of the Clan took turns to greet the new warrior. Even Antlerpaw came to see her, grinning from ear to ear as she too congratulated Rootclover. It was nice to see that her old denmate didn’t harbour too many ill feelings towards her now, even if it took some stern words from Eggrumble. While Rootclover was happy to see everyone and speak to them she could feel her energy draining. She might have a bit more confidence than she had four moons ago but socialising with other cats still wasn’t her favourite part of Clan life. Weirdly, she couldn’t wait to sit her vigil…
Slowly, the flashes of orange in the sky faded, and cats began to retreat into their dens. Rootclover waved goodbye to Flintfoot, who reiterated just how proud she was of her old apprentice, before she followed Hollowbriar’s tail into the warriors den. Cats were still murmuring to each other in their nests but other than that it was calm. Just her and the great expanse of Silver Pelt above her. Rootclover wrapped her tail around her paws and took a deep breath. She focused on the brightest stars, the ones that seemed to twinkle the most, for she knew they were her family. She closed her eyes and imagined them sitting beside her, trying her best to remember her mothers soothing voice or her brothers laughter. It was strange, but the longer she thought about it, the warmer the space either side of her began to feel
Bluffstar stands above the Clan and proclaims that Rootpaw shall now be known as Rootclover, honouring her composure (lonesome, interested in oddities > lonesome, omen sense)
#clan gen#clangen#mushroomclan#warrior cats#mc rootpaw#mc rootclover#mc flintfoot#mc bluffstar#anyways this is shit good night everyone <3#mushroomclan moon events
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Moon 3 - Greenleaf - Part 2
As the pastel orange dawn began to rise over MushroomClan camp, a shrill cry came from within the nursery. Today was the day, Bluffstar’s kitting had started. Everyone in the Clan was anxious, some were even reluctant to go on patrol in case they missed any updates. Lighteye especially. His stomach couldn’t stop churning. He truly did try his best to hunt that morning but his limbs were uncoordinated and his focus was completely shifted. So, he returned to camp empty-pawed, thankfully Frondswipe wasn’t around to notice.
He sat down at the edge of camp, fidgeting in place. Eggrumble had hissed at him when he tried to enter, so lending a paw was out of the question. His ears would flatten every time Bluffstar groaned in pain and then perk up eagerly whenever a silence fell upon the nursery. It never lasted long though. It had been so long since he heard the sound of newborn kits, he couldn’t wait to meet them.
They were his kits, after all…
Continued under cut…
Antlerpaw dazedly laid in the medicine cat den entrance, wanting to sleep but also keep watch of everything. Her heat exhaustion had mostly abated but to his surprise she was in no rush to get out of camp again; she instead insisted on waiting for Eggrumble to give her the all clear. Not that Lighteye was complaining. He was glad that she seemed to have found some patience. Frondswipe had been rushing off to find herbs and fresh moss for Eggrumble. She too couldn’t bring herself to patrol, her dedication to Bluffstar ever prevalent. Hollowbriar, Flintfoot and Rootpaw thankfully returned with mouthfuls of prey in the middle of morning. Flintfoot immediately asked for an update, Lighteye only wished he could give her the response that she so desperately wanted. Finally, Chivespeckle was left to keep Honeykit and Dogkit entertained, as usual. The two kits were confused why Eggrumble pushed them out of the nursery so early in the morning. Lighteye overheard Chivespeckle desperately trying to stop Honeykit from asking where kits came from and couldn’t stifle a purr of amusement.
It took until sunhigh for Bluffstar’s yowls to die down. Lighteye’s paws moved before his mind could advise him against doing so. As he went to enter the nursery he almost bumped noses with Eggrumble. The medicine cat’s eyes narrowed, though upon reading the desperation and anxiety on Lighteye’s face she paused, then smiled knowingly. She dipped her head, and stepped aside, telling Lighteye that Bluffstar had given birth to two toms and she-cat. All were healthy, including Bluffstar. Lighteye sighed with relief.
Inside the thick walls of the nursery, in a nest lined with feathers and flowers, Bluffstar lie with three bodies kneading against her belly, her chin resting against her paws. Her green eyes were tired but content. As Lighteye’s shadow fell over her she almost seemed surprised. She admitted that she wasn’t sure if Lighteye would be interested in coming to see her so soon. Lighteye paused, taken aback. Why in the name of StarClan would she ever think that? These little ones were his kin, his own offspring, after all. He hadn’t stopped worrying about them or Bluffstar all morning. Bluffstar shook her head, that wasn’t exactly what she meant. She wondered if Lighteye felt guilty about what they had done. She was Jaywhisper’s mate, and a part of her always would be, and to have kits with his brother… the thought had weighed heavily on her ever since Eggrumble discovered her pregnancy.
Lighteye frowned. He too had thought about Jaywhisper. However, maybe not in the way that Bluffstar did. In his eyes, he believed that Jaywhisper would be happy. He was never the type of cat to hold grudges for too long. Besides, these kits were still his kin. They have the same ancestors, and will no doubt grow up to have some of his personality. Lighteye was certain that if Jaywhisper’s spirit was here, he would be delighted. A little sad, yes, but more than happy to watch over his nieces and nephews.
Bluffstar took a deep breath. She supposed Lighteye was right. However, she wanted to clarify what their relationship was now. Bluffstar personally only saw Lighteye as one of her closest friends and she wholeheartedly hoped that they could remain that way, especially after how she used Lighteye to help get over her grief. Lighteye hated how she phrased that and firmly assured that it was never like that. They both relied on each other that first moon after Jaywhisper’s death and simply got carried away. As for his feelings, he was happy to remain as Bluffstar’s friend, and told her that his love for her was nothing more than platonic. However, he would still love to support Bluffstar as a mother and care for the kits as a father, if she would allow him. Bluffstar smiled, tiny tears in the corner of her eyes as she gestured for him to sit closer with the tip of her tail.
Lighteye peered down at the three squirming kits nestled into Bluffstar’s fur. Bluffstar told him that the solid brown kit was the she-cat, and the brown tabby and solid white kit were the toms. Bluffstar’s family primarily consisted of brown cats; she fondly reminisced that her mother had a similar pelt to the brown tom. Lighteye asked if Bluffstar had thought of any names, either on her own or with Jaywhisper when they were first discussing their family. Bluffstar hummed. Both of them liked the name Myrtlekit, it was one of the first that they thought of. It seemed like the perfect choice for their daughter, and as Bluffstar gave her a tiny lick on her forehead her fellow brown littermate mewled out loudly for the same attention. Bluffstar rolled her eyes, playfully joking that he had been the loudest ever since he was born! Lighteye laughed, maybe Loudkit was a good name for him then? Bluffstar purred. It was silly, but cute, and a fitting name for a powerful warrior for sure. Finally, the white tom. Lighteye suggested naming him Berrykit after he and Jaywhisper’s father, Coldberry. Bluffstar did remember Jaywhisper mentioning that name before and was more than happy to use it.
Lighteye bent down and licked Bluffstar’s cheek affectionately, all whilst showering her with verbal praise. He was excited to be an uncle but a father was a whole other journey he couldn’t wait to begin. For now though, at the sign of Bluffstar’s yawn, they both needed some rest. Lighteye would tell the Clan of their names, and his status as the kits father, later. For now, he moved behind Bluffstar and curled around her, allowing chin to rest against his paws as he continued to groom her and admire the kits. Myrtlekit seemed to be dozing off, but Loudkit was letting out tiny squeaks as Berrykit wriggled alongside him. He couldn’t wait to see what kinds of cats they became and what plans StarClan had for them. No matter what, he knew there was always going to be a spirit watching over them.
Bluffstar gives birth to Myrtlekit, Loudkit and Berrykit. Lighteye is revealed to be their father, though he and Bluffstar decide to remain as just friends.
#mushroomclan#clan gen#clangen#warrior cats#mc lighteye#mc bluffstar#NEW BABES!!!#mc myrtlekit#mc loudkit#mc berrykit#shout out to Bluffstar’s kits for looking absolutely nothing like either parents (maybe apart from Berry)#you’ll see what I mean when I post their refs#mushroomclan moon events
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