#muses: sherlock x john
jxwatson · 5 months
@themarvelliteraryuniverse sent… [MINIMIZE] The sender downplays the significance of a traumatic event, failing to acknowledge its impact. //Because this is exactly what sherlock does and it's perfect
“S-Sherlock, you were almost killed.” Dumbfounded, his an expression is a cross between disbelief and hurt, because he had almost lost that he had grown close to. How could he stand there and be so nonchalant about what had transpired.
“Do you understand what it was like? To be there that day?” Jaw tight, his voice rises a little with anger. “I didn’t have my gun—not that bullet’s would’ve been effective against that metal monstrosity—but that wasn’t the worst part.” The memory of that day haunts him still. To be and feel so helpless to help his friend, and his hands ball into fists because Sherlock didn’t seem to care. “The worst part of it all was that I couldn’t do anything. I’m not a mutant. I don’t have powers. All I could do was stand there and watch as that thing,” he growls, his arm sweeping to the side as if it were standing next to him, “captured you and took you away.”
He’s breathing heavy, eyes hot and he’s blinking rapidly as if he was trying to cool them. “Sherlock,” his voice trembles with emotion, “I wasn’t sure if I was going to see you again, and if I did find you if you would even be alive. Do you really not think your life matters?”
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magpiefngrl · 6 months
im sure someone has posted about this before but it has just come to my attention that a trait of many a popular ship is the combo one common name x one super unusual name (in western fandoms)
So ships like :
Harry x Draco
Will x Hannibal
Dean x Castiel
Derek x Stiles
John x Sherlock
Arthur x Merlin
Kirk x Spock
Harry x Louis
Steve x Bucky
James x Regulus
I haven't read in all these fandoms but the unusual-name-haver seems to be the more flamboyant or dramatic or eccentric character of the two, no?
Its basically the name version of this
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anunkindncss · 1 year
can you see how many fingers i’m holding up ? / sherlock to john!
The hit had been nothing in comparison to the misstep that sent the pain in his bad leg shooting up and down like fire in the bone itself. "Two, and if you keep babbling, someone's going to have to ask the same to you, I am fine." Agitated he'd caused himself more pain, but fine none the less. "What're you doing here? I thought you had an aversion to sweat and half-naked men."
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ohwhataniight · 4 months
examine me
(Or 5 Times Sherlock Required Medical Attention & 1 Time He Didn’t But Got It Anyway)
“Who is the current queen of England?”
“John, at least ask me something I’m supposed to know! And stop slapping me, for heaven’s sake!”
“Yeah, sorry about that, we almost lost you for a minute there, mate.” John is kneeling next to Sherlock who’s bleeding from his forehead after taking a blow to his head with a gun. At least none of them got shot, John muses, and thinks of Sherlock’s wise words: “It is always the gardener. Those damned salaries are pathetic, people have to get by somehow.” 
Only this gardener had a gun, and now Sherlock probably has a concussion.
“C’mon, let’s go home,” John grunts, helping Sherlock get up and steadying his lanky body against a brick wall. 
“You got him?” Lestrade asks breathlessly, having run all the way to here after a chase in the streets of Notting Hill. “Do you need an ambulance?”
“The other guy needs an ambulance!” Sherlock yells, throwing his fist up in the air like a rebel at the barricades, which only makes him woozier and he half-collapses all his weight onto John’s bad shoulder. 
“No, we’ll be fine, I’ll fix him right up,” John half-smiles, half-grimaces to Lestrade, who hails them a cab. 
He doesn’t take his eyes off of Sherlock during their ride home. Sherlock’s head keeps lolling awkwardly, his eyes sliding shut. John tries to touch him several times, to prevent him from falling asleep against the window, and every time Sherlock throws his hand away as if he’s hit by an electric current, hissing “I’m fine!” John sighs but keeps doing it anyway.
Sherlock refuses his help to get out of the taxi, so he mostly stumbles towards the door and John has to catch him before he falls. He grunts under the weight of the taller man, who makes a surprisingly straight beeline to the bottom of the stairs and attempts to lie down there.
“Nope,” John tuts, grabbing him from underneath the armpits. “Up you go.” Sherlock groans. It’s only after they’ve reached the seventeenth step that John wonders how they’ve made it upstairs. He realizes that Sherlock is limping. “Kitchen.”
“No, I’m fine,” Sherlock protests in a slurred voice, but John pushes him towards the kitchen and lowers him on a chair, grabbing his medical kit on their way there. Latex gloves are waiting for him on the kitchen table, next to Sherlock’s microscope and arrays of bottles. Before putting them on, he shines a bright light into Sherlock’s eyes. The detective grimaces and rolls them, although that seems to make him quite dizzy. “Like hell you are,” John murmurs, taking saline and gauze out of the kit and setting them on the table. The blood on Sherlock’s forehead has dried, but he is definitely going to develop an ugly bump there. John starts cleaning the wound but Sherlock almost gives him a heart attack when he jolts up and yells “Ow!”
“It’s just disinfectant, Sherlock,” John murmurs before taking a step back to inspect his work. “You’re lucky. No stitches this time. Now, let’s go to the sofa, I want to have a look at your foot.”
“It hurts, John!” Sherlock whines, and John thinks it’s going to be a long night, what with having to keep Sherlock from drifting off.
“I know it does, you big baby,” John grunts as he practically carries Sherlock to the living room. Sherlock flops onto the couch and John takes a seat next to him, maneuvering his leg so that it lies spread on his lap. 
“Ow!” Sherlock protests again as John unties his shoelaces and pulls off his shoe and sock. “If you wanted to get your hands on me you could have asked.”
His hands are indeed on Sherlock’s ankle, which is swollen and tender to the touch. “Doesn’t seem broken,” he says with an air of satisfaction, “although we’re getting this x-rayed in the morning.”
“Excellent. Now, goodnight John,” Sherlock props his head up against the sofa’s arm and stifles a yawn.
“No, not good,” John exclaims, poking Sherlock on the side. “You’ll have to stay awake.”
“Then keep me awake.”
“What should I do?”
“Turn on the telly.”
“I am supposed to limit your screen time to none, also I’m not having you shouting profanities at the news’ anchor.”
“Entertain me, then, John! Write me a limerick or something.”
“A li…” John sighs, running a hand down his face. “Okay.” He gently lifts Sherlock’s leg from his lap and props it over a cushion after standing up and heading to the desk to find pen and paper. Sherlock’s dopey grin proves that, indeed, they have a long night ahead of them.
I knew a detective of high renown
whose ankle sat there swollen and sad
He’d stay awake, he avowed,
He’d make his doctor proud
he’d behave as a proper good lad.
There once was a doctor who had gone to war
His tying me on the couch was insidious
He got on my nerves
He’ll get what he deserves
For his fretting was properly tedious
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aventurine83 · 4 months
The Two Gentlemen Of Verona
William James Moriarty x Reader
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"You guys need to find new hobbies besides reading all day." Sherlock rolled his eyes as he pulled himself up on the cobbled ledge just a few inches higher than the street they had disposed of themselves to walk on, azure eyes transfixed on a certain blonde haired man within view of him, as well as you, who had your arm locked with William's.
"Atleast we do not make it a hobby of ours to sit by a window and gaze out of it with a melancholy stupor thrice a day with not much motive as its accomplice." you shot back, feeling a sense of satisfaction well up in your heart as you noted the change in expression you had inspired in the great detective.
"Tch. You're always such a smartass, aren't ya?" Sherlock groaned, a hand running through his now much longer raven hair, as he pulled it up into a ponytail yet again.
"I suppose the shop spoken of by you must be the one there." William turned his gaze to a small shop, furnished by brisk wood, flowers protruding from the doorway with an almost elegant look about it, if one surmised to glance at it charitably enough.
"Thats the one." Sherlock gave a brief nod. "Jewellery is real cheap there. And looks good too. Though I'll warn you, they only deal in silver and an amalgam of it with copper or brass to imitate gold. There's none of the pure deal when it comes to gold, not even a 20 carat, given how it is affordable and quite in the sorts when it comes to such a common part of Lewes."
"We would not want anything excepting that which is 'quite in the sorts', I assure you." William replied with a chuckle. "We have quite tired of the frivolity of the exemptions. We only wish for something to fulfill our desires for cherishing, and not much else. There is no need for a lavish expense for such a simple task."
"Aye, as simple as how none of Proteus' wealthy affections could win over Valentine's earnest love." you chuckled. William quite liked your statement, for he gave out a little laugh.
"Would you guys stop with the inner Shakespeare jokes?!" Sherlock groaned. "You're different from John and Mary, thats for sure. Their gifts to each other are nothing less than extravagant."
Once inside the shop, you and William picked out some beautiful jewellery for each other, paying for it in a manner of all due propriety before returning to your house in Brighton by the dusk, Sherlock as company.
By the time you had had dinner and settled down, and Sherlock bade leave to his own house after a hearty meal at yours, you slipped into your nightclothes and made yourself comfortable to the idea of sleeping with William cradling you in his arms. That was when you felt something cool slip onto your neck. The silver necklace that William had bought you today, with small charms of roses and birds hanging on to its slender body. You turned your head to the back to meet with scarlet eyes gazing into your irises, a wide smirk decorating the lips of the man you loved as he ran his hand gently up your spine before it came to rest on the nape of your neck, your bare skin humbled by the warm touch of his rough, calloused palm.
"At first I did adore a twinkling star." William recited, his finger tracing the necklace woven around your neck gently. "But now, I worship a celestial sun." His finger brushed your lips, tilting your head upwards as the sweet bitterness of his own lips locked with yours, throwing you into disarray as you longed for breath that you could not afford as your husband kissed you deeper still, his arm steady around your waist as he kissed you gently, his warm chest pressing against your back. "That was quite witty of you, to make a reference you knew Sherly would not be able to comprehend. The Two Gentlemen of Verona." he mused.
"Someone had to bring him down a peg or two." you grinned as you turned around to face William and pressed a kiss to his chest, an action that caused him to blush and smile. "Your words are bonds, your oaths are oracles, your love sincere, your thoughts immaculate, your tears pure messengers sent from your heart, your heart as far from fraud as heaven from earth." you said softly, tracing a line from his chest to his exposed collarbone with your fingers. You felt the man shiver beneath your touch, his heartbeat picking up pace as he surrendered himself to your unyielding desire for him.
"Love." William whispered quietly with all the manner of a dark blush evident on his face. "Do spare me from the teasing. I find it hard to find strength in myself to even stand upright."
"Then you are a man of small resistance." you teased, pulling William closer and kissing his chest passionately, drawing a low whimper from the man. You pressed a kiss next to his collarbone, leading him to instinctively grip you tighter and pull you in closer.
"Only for you, madam." William blushed. "And never would I be a fool enough so as to choose any Silvia over you, nay, you are far greater than even Silvia and Julia combined, my dearest love, (Y/N)."
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Lestrade x reader - a mystery
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- Lestrade x Reader - Sherlock & gang meet Reader, Lestrade's wife, at the Christmas party. Sherlock finds her difficult to deduce - @mxacegrey 💜
You knew Greg had invited you to a Christmas party with a few of his friends, and you felt bad for telling him that you probably wouldn’t be able to make it.
You were on call, and you couldn’t drink, you had to keep your phone on your person at all time and you needed to rest as much as you could.
Laying in bed, you stared up at the ceiling and groan a little bit as you rolled over, looking at the time on your phone and rolled back over.
No response.
You sat up and turned the light on, looking around the room as you tried to figure out if he was still there if he’d already left.
You realised there was something on your head, so you reached up and pulled it off, flipping the post it note around so you could read it.
Gone to party, didn’t want to wake you. Be home later, love you.
Smiling, you set the note aside and got up, heading to get a drink before making your way back to the room and looked around.
It was actually still early, and you quickly asked for an update for the overnight vet before you decided what exactly it is you wanted to do.
They told you everything was fine and you nodded to yourself, quickly throwing on a pair of jeans, one of Greg’s T-shirts and a jumper, you grabbed everything you needed along with your work bag.
Picking up your phone you sent a quick message to your husband.
You: on my way to party, I’m bored and can’t sleep.
Grabbing your keys on the way out you took a short drive the the flat and you lightly knocked on the door, waiting for someone to reply.
The door was opened and you smiled at the elderly lady.
“Hi I’m (Y/N), I think Greg Lestrade is here?”
“Oh of course dear come in! I’m Mrs Hudson.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” You smiled softly.
She quickly led you up the stairs and pointed in the direction of where you husband was standing with a drink in his hand and you smiled.
Walking over, you set your bag down at your feet and looked up at him.
He set his drink on the table and turned around, wrapping his arms around you he hugged you softly and you hugged him back, arms around his neck.
You weren’t aware the pair of you had drawn attention to yourselves.
“Who’s this.”
“This is (Y/N), my wife.”
“Wife?! You have a wife?” A man asked shocked.
Greg laughed a little at him.
“Yes John, I have a wife.”
Greg quickly introduced you to everyone and it was Sherlock he carried on staring at you, and you stared back at him.
“Sherlock, staring at a man’s wife isn’t a great way to stay on his hood side.” Greg warned.
He walked over to you, wrapped his arm around you waist, pulling you into his side.
“Oh relax Lestrade, no need to be insecure.”
“Sherlock!” Mrs Hudson hissed.
The party carried on, and you got to know Greg’s friends while he just stood in the corner of the room watching you with a smile on his face.
He adored the way the Christmas lights softly lit up your skin, the way your eyes sparkled when you stood in the right place.
“I didn’t know you were dating.” Molly spoke softly.
“I wasn’t at first, then I met her and well… something just clicked, I saw her and she was the only thing on my mind.”
Molly smiled, looking at Sherlock.
“I know what you mean.”
Greg glanced down at her.
“Just talk to him.”
Molly looked up before turning back to Sherlock and she pointed.
“I think you might want to do that first.”
Greg looked over, finding you sat in front of Sherlock, bag on your lap as you looked pretty smug about something.
“Bloody hell…”
Quickly your husband rushed over and sat down next to you, making sure the conversation didn’t get too out of hand.
“Guess again.” You mused.
“You have to be a surgeon, look at your hands, your pinky in fact, a clear sign of a surgeon.”
You looked at the little plaster around your pinky.
“I told you, you’re right, but I don’t work at the hospital.”
“There’s no other place for a surgeon!” Sherlock huffed.
You laughed and Greg smirked and the others started to crowd around.
“Come now Sherlock, it’s not rocket science.” Mycroft said.
“Oh please like you know.” Sherlock spat.
“Of course I do, I think it’s pretty obvious look a little closer.”
Sherlock rolled his eyes and looked back at you again, he looked at your clothes, your hands, and then he looked at your face.
“Oh be quiet! You’re distracting me!”
Sherlock when back to staring at you, and you just rested your head in your husbands shoulder, smirking to yourself.
They told you Sherlock was amazing at this, he could tell you anything about anyone, but when he looked at you he just came up blank.
Sherlock said nothing, he simply just got up and walked away from you.
“I think you broke him.” Greg chuckled.
You grinned a little and pat you husband in the chest and got up to follow Sherlock.
“I’m a vet surgeon.”
With that you walked past him and looked for some food you could snack on.
Greg followed you, a happy grin on his face, your bag over his shoulder.
“My wife bestest the great Sherlock Holmes.” He happily grinned.
Everyone laughed and Sherlock just grumbled in the corner of the room, glaring at you.
Happy with the food you chose, you went to sit back down, Greg sitting next to you, his leg brushing against yours as he stole some of the food from your plate making you pout.
Everyone carried on with the party and you just sat there enjoying the atmosphere, the feeling of being with your husband and spending some time with him and taking in as much as you could before one of you were rushed away to work
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liptonwashere · 10 months
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requests for edits are always open!
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about me
My first name is Samantha. I go by either Sam or Lena; whichever one you like.
I'm a 21 year old self-taught editor from Venezuela. I made BoB and The Pacific edits while trying to survive life, yaaay :)
INTJ 4w5. Aquarius.
Spanish / English
I love calisthenics, Carwood Lipton, music, baking, reading, economics, and editing ofc :)
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bob lookscreen
winnix - american teenager
speirs - be agressive!
bob - skyfall
bob - battle of the bulge
bob - soldier by fleurie
bob - i ain't worried
bob - spanish sahara
speirs - maneater
bob and the pacific parallels pt. 1
george luz - i'll be around
eugene roe - l'enfer
the beauty of band of brothers
john basilone and lena riggi - the ghost of you
masters of the air - in the air tonight
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🎵 music (all over the place): the smiths, radiohead, dpr ian, kendrick lamar, elvis presley, nothing but thieves, mac demarco, arctic monkeys, muse, taylor swift, lady gaga, nf, conan gray, onerepublic, mitski, taemin, my chemical romance, queen, paramore, troye sivan, hozier, frank sinatra, agust d, jungkook, gemini, monsta x, one ok rock, sabrina carpenter, lana del rey, natalia lafourcade.
📚 books: all quiet on the western front, testament of youth, goodbye to all that, storm of steel, poilu (louis barthas), sassoon's poems, the great gatsby, poe's short stories, crime and punishment, no longer human, the brothers karamazov, frankenstein, the art of war.
📺 tv shows/animated series/anime: band of brothers, the pacific, generation kill, hannibal, sherlock, the legend of korra, arcane, hxh, snk, peaky blinders, castlevania, the boys, silo, only murders in the building, brooklyn nine-nine, the office, true detective, the punisher, daredevil, hawkeye, the mandalorian, andor.
🎥 fav movies: the pianist, the godfather, top gun maverick, spirit: stallion of the cimarron, a knight's tale, blade runner 2049, the grand budapest hotel, the dark knight, jojo rabbit, 1917, knives out, sound of metal, parasite, the gentlemen, kingsman, into the spider-verse, hacksaw ridge, sicario, the big short, whiplash, prisoners, inglourious basterds, the winter soldier, good bye lenin!
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that's a wrap!
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The Sitter
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Mycroft Holmes x Bethany Wheeler (OFC)
Story Masterlist
Chapter 4 - Austria
Over the next week, Mycroft hadn’t managed to drop by to see Bethany and felt a twinge of guilt over it, but she was in good spirits regardless, having had a very exciting week with Sherlock catching a murderer and feeling like she was a real-life detective. He had phoned her the day before John and Mary were due back to tell him all about it and he’d heard from Sherlock that they wouldn’t have been caught had Bethany not pieced together the motive.
‘I mean, people do crazy things for love, don’t they?’ She said, he could hear her walking home, it was still light out and Mycroft felt slightly comforted that she wouldn’t be in any danger from the men in the house down the road.
‘Indeed.’ He agreed, signing a document that Anthea put in front of him. Mycroft was good at hiding who was calling him by now that his assistant didn’t bat an eyelid. She soon left him alone and he felt comfortable enough to put his feet up before his next meeting. ‘So, you’ve had an exciting week?’
‘Yeah, it’s been great.’ She said, smiling and hopefully enjoying the sunshine. ‘Wish you could’ve dropped by, we would have solved it a lot sooner if you had.’
‘By the sounds of things, you hardly needed me.’ Mycroft said, picturing her in the sun again. ‘I’m sure Sherlock appreciated the insight you have into human emotion.’
‘Yeah, I did have to talk to the victim’s sister a bit more than I thought I would, Sherlock wasn’t being particularly sensitive.’
‘No, I’m afraid he isn’t the type.’ Mycroft mused. ‘You have plans though, don’t you? A hiking trip next week?’
‘Are you spying on me, Mycroft Holmes?’
‘I wouldn’t dare.’ He said playfully. ‘Sherlock mentioned something about it.’
‘That had better be the truth,’ she warned, her smile still evident. ‘If I find out you’ve been watching me in the shower, I’ll make your life very difficult.’
‘I have no doubt, Miss Wheeler.’ He agreed, though the image of her in the shower was a particularly desirable one. ‘Where are you going?’
‘I’m surprised you don’t know.’ She laughed. ‘Yeah, me and a few friends are going camping in Austria, a little bit of hiking and maybe rock climbing if we can. It’s good to get out into the world, see what’s there, you know.’
‘Not my scene, I’m afraid, but do enjoy it.’ Mycroft was a little sad that he couldn’t enjoy the outdoors the way she clearly did, but then again, he’d rather she just be happy.
‘Oh, I’ve been looking forward to this for months, there’s no way I’m not enjoying myself.’ She said, he could hear the sounds of a key unlocking her front door. ‘What are your plans while I’m away?’
‘Running the country.’ He deadpanned, making her giggle. ‘Unfortunately, I will be out of contact for the time you’re away, a few meetings that require my full attention, free from distraction.’
‘And I’m a distraction, am I?’
Mycroft was quiet for a moment, contemplating whether he should have told her the truth. ‘A welcome one, but a distraction nonetheless.’
He listened to her entering her room and making herself comfortable. Picturing her on her bed with a smile still plastered to her face.
‘I don’t know whether to take that as a compliment or not.’ She teased. ‘So, come on, tell me all the top secret government things you’ll be working on while I’m gone.’
‘Well, seeing as you asked so nicely.’ Mycroft loved the sound of her laughing, far more than he wanted to admit to. ‘But I would like to hear about your trip when you get back.’
‘Yeah? You want to get some dinner or something?’ Bethany asked fairly casually, diminishing Mycroft’s hopes that it could be considered anything more than a friendly encounter. ‘It’s been ages since I’ve seen you anyway, it’d be good, I think.’
‘Dinner sounds perfectly acceptable. Let me know when you’ve returned and I’ll make the arrangements.’
‘Great, nothing too fancy though, I’m not a woman of class, I am a lowly peasant, remember?’
‘You sell yourself far too short.’ Mycroft said, gently. ‘But I will keep in mind your request.’
‘Good.’ She was still smiling. ‘Right, I’ve got some journals to read and you’ve got a country to run, or maybe the secret service to order around…’
‘Nice try.’
‘Can’t fault a girl for being persistent.’
‘Absolutely not.’
‘Right, I’ll catch up with you before I leave. Have a good one Mycroft.’
‘You too.’
Mycroft hung up the phone, idly wondering what journals she was reading, probably light reading as part of her course, but he wished he knew more, it was infuriating for a moment. He was used to just setting up surveillance on people and finding out what he needed to know, but he wouldn’t risk it with Bethany, he didn’t want to upset her for any reason.
He heard a knock at the door and Anthea reminded him that he had a meeting with Lady Smallwood concerning Charles Augustus Magnusson. He internally groaned and tried to focus on something else that wasn’t Bethany Wheeler and him sitting across from each other at dinner.
Mycroft received a final text from Bethany before she caught her flight to Austria, it was a picture of her in the airport with her friends waiting to board the plane and read:
Off to see the world and have adventures. Let me know if you want me to send photos, otherwise, please don’t start a war that means I can’t get home again! – BW
Mycroft smiled, trying to subtly text back whilst in a meeting with Lady Smallwood.
You’re the anarchist, I’m depending on you not to cause an international incident. My power only extends so far. Have fun. Stay safe. – MH
Mycroft would have loved to spend the next week getting the odd photo from her while she was on her travels, but while he was dealing with the Magnusson hearing, he couldn’t let himself be distracted or give him anything to use against him. Bethany was fast becoming a valuable bargaining chip for anyone who might have wanted to get close to Mycroft and he needed to be careful.
He spent the week trying to put out fires where he could, noting that Magnusson had leverage over Lady Smallwood, something that resulted in his interview being dismissed as inconclusive. Mycroft was furious that he’d managed to worm his way into her life like that, possibly with the intention of getting closer to him. Was it a warning shot? It wasn’t clever and it only served to bring out a side in Mycroft he rarely showed other than when someone irritated him a little too much.
He proceeded to distance himself further from a few situations, handing them off to someone who could just about handle it and hoped that would be enough to keep Magnusson at arm’s length. It worked for a while, but Mycroft was searching for a more permanent solution.
He spent most nights sitting in front of the fire, focussing on the next move he needed to make in several different operations he had going. Some more dangerous than others, but all of them as equally demanding of his attention.
By the time the week was up, he was exhausted and looking forward to everything being over so that he could move onto more pressing matters.
Guess who’s back! – BW
The welcome sight of Bethany’s picture message from the taxi home was all he needed to feel his body relax into something calmer. She was laughing in the picture with one of her friends, he hadn’t realised it was a male friend she was holidaying with and felt an instant jealousy. She was more tanned than she had been in the last message he sent, her freckles were almost hidden and her hair was sun bleached, making her look like some kind of exotic creature completely out of his league. She was stunningly pretty. Those dark eyes stared directly at him and made him feel like someone could really see him. It both calmed and unnerved him. Mycroft sighed and typed out a reply whilst getting into his car to go home.
Glad to see you made it back without causing too much trouble. Homeward bound? – MH
Pub. We’re meeting a few friends to celebrate our triumphant return. – BW
And so you should. Stay safe on the way home and please do call if you need anything or if you actually run into trouble. – MH
I will. Thank you, Mycroft. – BW
Mycroft took a deep breath and allowed his mind to finally relax properly after a week of worrying about everything under the sun. Bethany was back and she was in good spirits, Magnusson was being kept at a distance and every operation he was watching seemed to be settling right where he needed them to. There was nothing to worry about.
Well… there was one thing that had his mind racing. Dinner with Bethany. He promised they could spend an evening together once she was back and he wasn’t a man to break a promise.
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possiblyimbiassed · 2 years
Metaphorical musings about BBC Sherlock
ETA: I now realise that this rambling got rather difficult to follow, so here’s a TL;DR with the points I’m trying to make:
Redbeard could still have been a dog - Victor’s dog - with all its metaphorical implications.
I think the ending of S4 is based on ages of nostalgical thinking from Conan Doyle’s audience, where ”it’s always 1895”.
But too fit in a truly modern adaptation, paradoxically, I think BBC Sherlock needs to align more with ACD Canon.
Canon didn’t end with Mary and two arguing men in 221B - it ended with Watson driving Holmes to a hotel in London.
This show seems to go in circles, but if we’re inside Sherlock’s head, he needs to wake up, get out of that loop and start living in the modern world (discarding the hetero norm of S4).
The recurring theme of “pilots” does, I believe, remind us of Sherlock’s and John’s relationship as it was presented in the Unaired Pilot.
The ‘pilot’ is also John Watson - the driver. He needs to live up to that.  
This was at first going to be an addition to @thewatsonbeekeepers’  excellent meta series about S4 from an EMP perspective, which ended with this little gem of very interesting metaphorical interpretations of TFP (X). But my addition got so lengthy that I thought it would be next to a crime to highjack their thread with it. :)  
@thewatsonbeekeepers‘ analysis makes a lot of sense to me on various levels, giving context and suggesting plausible interpretations to a lot of things that have been baffling me for a long time. But it also inspired me to look a bit closer on some running concepts of this show, as well as its (supposed) ending in relation to its very first beginning - the Unaired Pilot - and try to connect them metaphorically. Here are some of my own musings regarding their meta:
The Redbeard conundrum
We left off with about 20 minutes to go, as Sherlock is sinking into the black depths of his mind – the deepest we’re ever going to get as well as the darkest in colour, chiming with the rest of the series. And then – flashes of Eurus, Redbeard and young Sherlock bleeding in through his memory. @sagestreet’s meta argues that Victor Trevor could genuinely have been Sherlock’s first love even at that age, and I don’t dispute the possibility, but I do have an alternate reading for slightly later in age, based on one image alone. Jump back in your mind to TAB, when Mycroft tells Sherlock he was there for him the last time – we get a shot of a teenager in a drug den which is never repeated again, but which has a sense of absolute past trauma attached to it.
I totally agree with @sagestreet that every dog in this show represents homosexuality – every one of them, including Redbeard. But I also agree with @thewatsonbeekeepers that Victor Trevor could also have meant trauma to Sherlock a bit later in life than what we see in TFP. A metaphorical reading does not necessarily exclude a textual reading, I believe. I do have some problems, though, with the concept that was presented to us at the end of TFP: that Redbeard was supposedly not a dog, but rather Sherlock’s little friend Victor Trevor who died as a child. Because this doesn’t quite fit with the data, does it? Why couldn’t the name Redbeard have meant both the dog and the friend – and be a metaphor for Sherlock’s internalised homophobia?
I’m reluctant to buy the idea that all the flashbacks that Sherlock had of the word ‘Redbeard’ and/or this specific Irish setter with red fur - in HLV, TST, TLD and TFP - would exclusively be his mind’s substitution of a childhood friend who was murdered. The data we’re given seems rather more complex than that. Here’s a resume:
The concept of Redbeard was introduced already in TSoT, when Mycroft (Brain!Mycroft?) was warning Sherlock to ‘not get [emotionally] involved’ with John’s wedding. Sherlock answered with “I’m not a child anymore”, which suggests that ‘Redbeard’ occurred in his childhood.
In HLV the word “Redbeard” is assumed by Magnussen to be a trigger word for Sherlock. That would perhaps work if the dog were the thing in Sherlock’s life he had cared the most about. But if the thing that would trigger Sherlock’s psyche was actually his friend, why wouldn’t “Victor” be an even stronger trigger word?
Then we see the actual dog in Sherlock’s mind palace after he’s shot in HLV, where it’s implied that Redbeard was ‘put down’ (just like the inn-keepers in THoB claimed to have done with the Hound). 
In TAB we don’t see the dog, we only hear the muffled whimpers of Redbeard distracting Holmes in Sherlock’s drug-induced mind palace scenario, when Watson asks him about his feelings for women. 
The word ‘Redbeard’ is also scribbled on Mycroft’s note in the plane scene in TAB, after Mycroft (brain!Mycroft?) has declared that he will always be there for Sherlock.
In TST, when Sherlock is (supposedly) drugged by Mary, we see a dreamy scene with the Irish setter: 
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and then we can see Victor Trevor playing pirates with little Sherlock and hear the dog bark at the same time. We can see from Victor’s checkered shirt in TFP that he’s the same little guy, but in TFP he wear’s the dog’s handkerchief:
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In TLD, when Sherlock is on the brink of throwing himself into the Thames, we catch a very short glimpse of the same scene, repeating Eurus’ song from TST and TFP, as if to hammer the whole idea in: little Sherlock played pirates with a dog and a friend.
In TFP, Sherlock claims that Redbeard was his dog, who little Eurus locked up somewhere. But then adult Eurus reminds him in another scene that their father was allergic to dogs, so they were never allowed to have one.
Considering all these flashbacks, it seems rather as if Eurus – Sherlock’s gay trauma according to @thewatsonbeekeepers​  – is simply trying to get rid of the ‘dog’ – homosexuality – and claim that Victor was dead anyway, drowned in that same well where she was trying to drown John, so why keep bothering about the dog?
I strongly suspect that one of the main purposes with BBC Sherlock is to encourage the audience to actually read Conan Doyle’s stories about Sherlock Holmes – all 60 of them if possible. :-) Mofftiss haven’t exactly been true to ACD canon textually – in fact I think they have deviated miles and miles away from the original stories, especially in S4 (Watson never had a child, for example, and Mary Morstan was never an assassin. Watson naturally never ever beat up Holmes so he was hospitalised, that was extremely absurd). But on the other hand the subtext is very similar, I believe. I even think some of the metaphors are exactly the same, which our show might want to point out.
The name Redbeard is not mentioned in canon as far as I know, but Victor Trevor is, in The Gloria Scott (GLOR), and he’s not a child. Trevor was, according to Holmes, “the only friend I made during the two years I was at college”, so @thewatsonbeekeepers​’ reference to the scene in TAB with teenager Sherlock in a drug den as a traumatic event, possibly connected to an older Victor than in TFP, is very interesting. Holmes describes Trevor as “the only man I knew, and that only through the accident of his bull terrier freezing on to my ankle one morning as I went down to chapel.”
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This is evidence that Victor Trevor did in fact have a dog, even if its name is not mentioned, and Holmes got bitten by it, which effectively tied him to Trevor. This seems to fit extremely well with @sagestreet​’s analogy. So if in our show Sherlock’s father was ”allergic” to dogs (meaning that Sherlock wasn’t allowed to express homosexuality), then Redbeard might actually still have existed belonging to Victor, right? And Victor may have named his dog after the pirate character he used to play with Sherlock. Maybe Sherlock loved Redbeard as if he were his own, and his friend too, but Redbeard might have been put down for some reason, symbolising the repression of Sherlock’s love for his friend? In GLOR, though, Victor Trevor doesn’t die; he moves to Terai, India, to a tea plantation… ;-)
Apart from playing pirates as a boy, in TFP we also see Sherlock hijack a fishing boat and actually become a pirate. I don’t think piracy is ever mentioned as such in canon, but the closest ACD comes to this is probably the story about Victor Trevor’s father – also referred to as ”the Governor”(!). In his youth, Mr Trevor (whose real name was actually James Armitage) got involved in criminality and ended up hijacking a ship – The Gloria Scott – where he participated in a mutiny which eventually blew up the ship in the middle of the ocean. Armitage was among the survivors, but so was Hudson, a man who later caused his death from fear when he threatened to expose his great secret. Considering that homosexuality was regarded a crime in Doyles’ time, I think this points to Victor’s father being a gay man pressured with exposure.
The need for a new start
As for the ending of TFP, I’m still totally baffled by it, after all these years. I think it has been likely to produce cognitive dissonance (X) in the audience, which is probably one of the reasons that so many fans felt uncomfortable after S4. To me, it’s hugely contradictory in a logical sense, and I’ve always had problems trying to wrap my head around the very different messages that I think it sends out.
On one hand, as @thewatsonbeekeepers so brilliantly explains in their meta, Sherlock has finally managed to connect his heart with his brain, going through all the mental trials from his metaphorical sister in TFP. He has also re-built his home and he and John are symbolically running out of ‘Rathbone Place’ (and by association all the old adaptations) in the final scene. Which points to there being room for new, modern things to happen in their story, no longer just ’business as usual’.
On the other hand we have comphet!Mary’s final voiceover about the legend and the non-importance of who Sherlock and John really are, which didn’t at all ring true to me in a logical sense. Why would Sherlock go to all this trouble of finding his true self, connecting heart with brain etc, if it didn't even matter?  And why would a ghost, who didn’t even experience TFP while alive, be allowed to take over the role as storyteller and have the final word? I think this speaks for some huge un-solved problems and ‘lose ends’ that are not at all tied together properly - neither on the text-, subtext- or meta-levels.
And - what’s even more important in my opinion - Sherlock and John seem to be frozen in time in the final scene. 
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We’re told by comphet!Mary that “...there are two men sitting arguing in a scruffy flat... like they’ve always been there... and they always will.” In TFP, the address 221B Baker Street is described as a kind of eternal institution which people - even Mycroft - turn to as a last resort, when everything else fails. The flat is rebuilt and some piece of furniture is changed, but nothing is modernized. Even the smiley face on the wall, on which Sherlock shot holes in his fit of frustration in TGG, is painted again and done the exact same thing to. But as everyone loves the place, no one protests. Status quo is reestablished.
This may be the conclusion of many adaptations, but it’s not what happened in canon, is it? This is not even remotely similar to the original ending. In ACD canon, it’s not “always 1895″, as so many readers through the ages have nostalgically claimed. Canon’s LAST ends in 1914 - almost 20 years later - with Holmes and Watson driving away together in a car, with Watson at the wheel. Byt that time, Holmes is no longer living at Baker Street - he has retired. In fact, there’s a whole story (LION) where Holmes is now living in Sussex close to the sea, in spite of his earlier statements about how much he dislikes the countryside. So in canon, he spends his time there (when he’s not on super-important spying missions for the government). And in LAST there are even some indications that Watson and Holmes are heading for a hotel room in London - not 221B. I have tried to expand on these conclusions in a recent comment on @sagestreet‘s last meta (X), providing some circumstantial evidence that might be interesting. ;-)
I’m not sure about @thewatsonbeekeepers’ claim that their meta has “just been an academic exercise”. While we don’t have any solid evidence of a pending S5 at this point, logical reasoning - and ACD Canon - still tells me that TFP must not necessarily be the end of the show. If Sherlock is in a coma, any future new content needs for him to wake up, he needs to open his eyes in the show’s reality, for TFP to ever make sense on a plot level. For what’s the point of having a story go in circles? (I tried to analyse the significance of time in BBC Sherlock here (X) some time ago).
Sherlock Holmes and codes
I really like @thewatsonbeekeepers’ musings about Greg Lestrade’s name and the implication of Sherlock suddenly having it right in TFP:
This is tied into Sherlock’s inability to move beyond the mistakes of canon – we see this weird inability to stick in modern Sherlock’s universe in other ways too, like the slightly old-fashioned nature of his costume (passed off as ‘timeless’, but clearly belonging to old as much as modern times), the deerstalker situation, thinking England has a king, not knowing the earth goes around the sun, not knowing Madonna, seeming to forget who Thatcher is – the list goes on, but Greg is the most constant one. Calling him Greg is a symbol that Sherlock has broken out of the confines of all of the past Sherlocks and has completely slipped into the modern version – which is exactly where he needs to be.
I totally agree that this is where he needs to be, and I also agree about Sherlock’s clothing here. I seem to recall ACD’s Watson talks about “a certain quiet primness of dress” in Holmes, which most probably meant a suit, something that our modern Sherlock seems to still use as signature clothing as well, which might appear a bit unnecessarily formal today. But let’s not forget that in the Gay Unaired Pilot, Sherlock was wearing black jeans and a rather more casual shirt with rolled-up sleeves:
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Overall, I got a more “modern” feeling from Sherlock’s looks and behavior in the Pilot than in the rest of the show. I think code is significant in BBC Sherlock, and this goes for ACD Canon as well. And I believe that “pilot” might be one of the more important code words, as I tried to explain in this meta about codes a couple of years ago (X).
In TFP, the “Golf” in “Golf-Whisky-X-ray” (the message that Sherrinford picks up from Sherlock’s and John’s highjacked boat) literally means “I require a pilot” in marine signals - a marine pilot, that is. Which metaphorically might suggest that Sherlock needs someone to help him navigate their ‘ship’ through the dangerous waters (= emotions).
There’s also the sleeping pilot in TFP, who little Eurus - probably representing a part of Sherlock - can’t seem to wake up. She requires a pilot to land safely, but for some reason she calls him “the driver” instead of “the pilot”. 
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A pilot’s uniform with four stripes on it means the rank of Captain, right? (X) And who do we know who is a military Captain? Why, Captain John Watson, of course, from Fifth Northumberland Fusillers! :-)
In the unaired Pilot Jeff Hope - one of several John mirrors in this show - drives Sherlock home in his cab, instead of to Roland Kerr’s Further Education College as in ASiP. This journey ends at 221B where Hope tries to kill Sherlock with poison, which is stopped by John who shoots Hope (and we don’t see Sherlock stomping on his wound in the Pilot, probably making his aneurysm burst; in Pilot it’s just John). So that would basically be ‘John killing John’, which @thewatsonbeekeepers​ presents as a risk in TFP - the risk that makes Sherlock realize that he needs to open his eyes and save John Watson from killing himself. 
I agree, but I also want to focus a bit on John killing himself being a clear risk already from day one in BBC Sherlock. In their second meta of the series (X), @thewatsonbeekeepers​ also mentions this:
‘Did you miss me?’ works for both of those layers – the danger John is in from criminals is something that was really apparent in s1 and 2, but John’s endangerment from suicide is also something that was there at the beginning of the series. Sherlock changed these things – and didn’t realise he was the changing factor, but something in his subconscious is telling him that with him gone, John Watson is once again in danger.
Most of us probably thought that John had found a far better use for the gun in his drawer in the first episode of the show when he killed a villain instead of himself with it. But looking at it metaphorically, this course of events maybe wasn’t that good either. In canon’s first story STUD, Jefferson Hope dies from an aneurysm - close to the heart; not to the brain as in ASiP, and not from a gunshot at all. Both metaphorically and literally, Hope died from a broken heart. Rather than a villain, he was an avenger who killed two criminals who had caused the death of his loved one and her father and got away with it.
As far as I can recall, in ACD’s stories neither Watson nor Holmes ever shoots anyone, with one exception: they shoot Tonga, the little guy threatening them with poisoned arrows in SIGN. Who I feel pretty sure is meant to represent Cupido, the little guy with the love arrows, of whom ACD wrote this poem (X).  They shoot Tonga, the Agra treasure is lost and as a result of that, Watson marries Mary Morstan instead of staying with Holmes. And then she becomes Mary Watson (representing the heteronormative concept of ’marry Watson’). Love (between Holmes and Watson, I presume) is presented as a bad, toxic guy in canon. 
And in BBC Sherlock Jeff Hope is presented as a bad, toxic guy. The little guy with the arrows being a villain is also mentioned in TSoT, which is drawing from SIGN. In a flashback related by Sherlock at John’s wedding, we see a very small guy chasing John and Sherlock over a rooftop, trying to hit them with darts from his blowpipe. This case is never explained in the show, but from John’s online blog (case called “The Poison Giant”) we learn about a very short jewel thief called James Swandale, who had killed people with poisoned darts. He and his giant friend also tried to kill John and Sherlock (note the symbolism here), but they never got to know why. Metaphorical meanings throughout canon, picked up by BBC Sherlock. 
Already in ASiP Sherlock claims he can identify “an airline pilot by his left thumb”. In the unaired Pilot, however, the pilot’s thumb for some odd reason was instead “a retired plumber’s left hand” (the rest of the quote is identical between the Pilot and ASiP). And, as @kateis-cakeis pointed out long ago, the whole filming of the Pilot is mirrored in ASiP; every single scene these two similar episodes have in common is reversed and reflected like a mirror. As far as I can see ASiP references the Pilot.
And then we have the female pilot in TAB, who comes to ask Sherlock if he had a “pleasant flight” after his OD trip on the plane. 
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Four stripes = Captain, right? John. Turns out she very much resembles Lady Carmichael from his MP adventure. (And still I think we have good reason to believe that both characters were only occurring in Sherlock’s EMP).
All in all, I think this points to the concept of “pilot” being an important element to set things right in this show, and that of course has to do with John; he’s the ‘driver’. Some of us have even been discussing that this show seems to go in circles with lots of recurring themes. Canon doesn’t end with 221B; it starts with it. So the full circle is closed with TFP, unlike canon. But returning to the Pilot and things as they were between Sherlock and John at the end of that episode, could also mean the beginning of a new course of their relationship. A version that was never allowed to be shown before because of homophobia, but that new course would ultimately be more consistent with canon, rather than with people’s nostalgic perception of canon for 100+ years. 
@thewatsonbeekeepers mentioned in their other meta about TFP (X) that the Governor of Sherrinford is a John mirror, who lost his authority when Eurus - the ‘gay trauma’ part of Sherlock - managed to manipulate him. The Governor ends up shooting himself - ‘John killing John’ (again). And indeed John’s character seems a bit weak as a doctor in S4. For example is his competence questioned by both Culverton and Sherlock in TLD (but Sherlock still wanted to be examined by John earlier in TLD :) ). This is consistent with canon’s DYIN, where Holmes horribly manipulated Watson to believe he had a disease that was “contagious by touch” and even insulted his competence (“you are only a general practitioner with very limited experience and mediocre qualifications”), in order to set a trap for Culverton Smith.
So my conclusion is that Sherlock’s manipulations of John - especially faking his own death after TRF - might have played a part in John’s lost authority and even in him being suicidal. But my point with all this rambling is that maybe John is meant to regain the lead now, to “buck up a bit” as Mrs Hudson puts it in TLD, before he’s finally allowed to be behind the wheel of her fast sports car. Maybe things will sort themselves out once Sherlock starts to break out from the circle and finally be honest with John, even let John take the lead, without fear of losing him to the villains, and once John starts to regain confidence in himself and who he really is. If they (and we) don’t need any ‘further education’ at Roland Kerr’s, John can simply drive Sherlock home now, wherever that is. :-)
@raggedyblue​ @sarahthecoat​ @gosherlocked​ @sagestreet​ @ebaeschnbliah​
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meltingpenguins · 10 months
Funny thing happening in ofmd fandom where people are saying parts of the season were written bad on purpose. It feels like I've heard this before...I shouldn't be surprised since there's a lot of overlap between the ofmd and good omens fandom, but when will people learn that if they think something is written terribly, it isn't part of some genius plan that will pay off if they stick with it and trust the writers. Almost nothing is written terribly on purpose and certainly not with shows like these. If they think something sucks, it probably just sucks
So I've heard.
Now, when things look 'written bad on purpose' there's usually three options:
The writers are simply not good and screwed it up.
The writers are competent but something else is messing things up.
It IS written bad on purpose.
Let's start with the latter. There's two flavours to this. Either it's written bad on purpose because it -is- part of a plotline OR it's written badly because the writers want to sink the story(franchise).
When it's the latter it's a really nasty call most of the time. maybe the studio sucks but demands more seasons/faster produced scripts etc (this overlaps with point 2 from above), OR you might have a writer etc who was brought on board because of their name, but who HATES the franchise.
The other flavour requires a capable writer who knows what they are doing, and usually these writers will hints and pointers in the background (when it's a visual medium) or little oddities in the text pointing towards 'yep, something's going on here'.
For example:
Imagine the heroes have this big portrait painting in their HQ, that's usually in the background when they are doing their briefings etc. now, this season has been odd, and what do you know, when you freezeframe on the painting and look closer, you notice it's not exactly the same painting. this is NOT the real universe/timeline/etc.
Something like that is part of the planning that a story that's 'bad on purpose because there will be a big payoff'. If there is nothing there, only 'but maybe x happened' musings from the fans, then no, there's no plan.
which brings us to point 1:
Far more commonly this kind of thing happens because the author is, frankly, a bit of an incompetent hack.
Either cause they think themself to be the best thing since sliced bread, have no regard for the audience, or, commonly, both.
you know the type. the writer who will relentlessly, even in-story mock the fans, talking down to them. these writers usually have no plan cause their ego doesn't leave the space for inspiration.
So commonly they'll just throw into the mix what seemingly sells (usually stealing the most common fanon bits and bobs), steal blatantly from fanfic (because hey, you the fan can't actually prove that the whole sneaking into heaven dressed as an angel to take a look at important files is stolen from your sequel fanfic which you definitely had up since s1, and which did a much better job addressing all the loose ends of s1... but I digress) and so on.
The result is a disappointing if not infuriating mess, which could easily be salvaged in the hands of a competent writer.
For example, I'd argue you could have BBC's sherlock make sense again, even though it'd come at the cost of the mainship (mainly cause 'john watson' is not the actual watson and it's been a sinister twisted ruse all along because Mycroft who's actually moriarty is so rottingly jealous of his brother that he'd kill to let his brother think he's the genius their parents always took him for... but again, I digress)
But yeah, TL:DR, with GO and flag I think it's simply a case of arrogance being proportional to incompetence.
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benevolentgodloki · 11 months
“Date?” (strangefrost and starloki and sherloki if you're up for it) 👀
Stephen Strange
Who asks for it:
[x] Your muse asks mine
[x] My muse asks yours
Type of date:
[ ] Platonic Date
[x] Romantic Date
[x] First Date
[x] Double date with: @araedi & @forevermuses (your Quill :P)
Location for the date:
[x] Movies   • [x] Romantic Comedy (so they can laugh)   • [x] Adventure Movie   • [ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)   • [x] Horror (maybe)   • [x] Drama   • [ ] Buddy Movie   • [x] Thriller, mystery, anything really
[x] Restaurant   • [x] Expensive/High Class   • [ ] Small and familiar   • [ ] Fast Food
[ ] Nature  • [ ] Beach  • [ ] Park  • [ ] Forest      • [ ] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[ ] Visiting an amusement park
[ ] Visiting a haunted location
[x] Staying at home  • [x ] Watching movies  • [ ] Playing Video Games  • [x] Reading
* [x] Magic battling >:)
[x] Kamar-Taj, another planet/dimension, an Avenger's house while supposed to be doing something else
The date might hopefully end with…
[ ] …holding hands
[x] …a kiss
[x] …in bed
[x] …knowing each other better 
[ ] …sleepover between friends 
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[x] neither of them dead, Loki learning more magic? 👀
Should you reblog this?:
[ ] Yes. I want to send you one.
[x] Yes, if you want to and my memory's not crap that you've already done one
[ ] No.
(Rest of muses under the cut ;P)
Peter Quill
Who asks for it:
[x ] Your muse asks mine
[ ] My muse asks yours
Type of date:
[ ] Platonic Date
[x] Romantic Date
[x] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
Location for the date:
[x] Movies   • [ ] Romantic Comedy   • [x] Adventure Movie   • [x] Animation (Pixar/Disney)   • [ ] Horror   • [ ] Drama   • [x] Buddy Movie   • [x] Sci-fi/Fantasy or Thriller, especially if it makes Peter jump so Loki can smirk (and he'll probably jump at times anyway)
[x] Restaurant   • [ ] Expensive/High Class   • [x] Small and familiar (Loki likes expensive but it really doesn't suit Peter XD)   • [x] Fast Food
[x] Nature  • [ ] Beach  • [ ] Park  • [x] Forest      • [ ] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[x] Visiting an amusement park
[x] Visiting a haunted location
[x] Staying at home  • [x] Watching movies  • [x] Playing Video Games  • [ ] Reading
[x] Visiting other planets, getting drunk at bars and fooling around in the nightlife
The date might hopefully end with…
[ ] …holding hands
[x] …a kiss
[x] …in bed
[x] …knowing each other better 
[ ] …sleepover between friends 
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[x] Peter still being alive
Who asks for it:
[ ] Your muse asks mine
[x] My muse asks yours
Type of date:
[x] Platonic Date
[x] Romantic Date
[x] First Date
[x] Double date with: John & Mary
Location for the date:
[ ] Movies   • [ ] Romantic Comedy   • [ ] Adventure Movie   • [ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)   • [ ] Horror   • [ ] Drama   • [ ] Buddy Movie   • [ ] ___ (other options)
[x] Restaurant   • [x] Expensive/High Class   • [x] Small and familiar   • [ ] Fast Food
[x] Nature  • [x] Beach  • [x] Park  • [x] Forest      • [ ] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[ ] Visiting an amusement park
[ ] Visiting a haunted location
[x] Staying at home  • [ ] Watching movies  • [ ] Playing Video Games  • [x] Reading
[x] Solving a case, Loki inventing a case for him, going out dancing, fencing, horse riding
The date might hopefully end with…
[x] …holding hands
[x] …a kiss
[x] …in bed
[x] …knowing each other better 
[ ] …sleepover between friends 
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[x] Sherlock changing his mind about romance not being a thing for him
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bccksmarts · 1 year
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity! x 100000000000
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Listen, I know I sent you this earlier but this coming from YOU means so much more???
We've got so much together and I JUST,,, it means so much to me because getting to write with you generally is a treat and I ADORE all of your muses to pieces?? Draco, Harry, Sherlock, John ( no doubt all of your other Sherlock esq muses are going to follow suit ), every single one of them are just MWAH and I hold them all in such high regard!!
That and Hermione & Molly are smitten so there's that too 👉🏻👈🏻
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onbrokenglass · 2 years
Hello there!
This blog is mainly for finding roleplays. I roleplay exclusively on Discord (I love making private servers) and am 21+, so minors please DNI. Style-wise I can adapt to my partner, though my favourite way to write is lit for those juicy, introspective moments. NSFW friendly, and I like all sorts of pairs from fxf, mxf, mxm, to any nb pairs. Platonic and found family are fun too!
My messages are always open for people interested in writing with me! I promise I don’t bite, even if some of my muses do.
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Under the cut is a list of characters I’ll thread with (who I’d like to play is bolded, if both are bolded I can do either or), though it’s by no means exhaustive. Regardless of how old this post gets, you can message me at any time for those on this list.
Ships (Canon)
Anakin Skywalker x Obi-Wan Kenobi
Atton Rand x Female Exile
Aviendha x Elayne Trakand
Beatrice x Battler Ushiromiya
Billy Loomis x Stu Macher
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
Bruce Wayne x Selina Kyle
Carmy Berzatto x Sydney Adamu
Chloe Frazer x Nadine Ross
Dale Cooper x Harry Truman
Daniel Solace x Maura Franklin
Dick Grayson x Wally West
Dracula x Mina Harker
Elend Venture x Vin
Emma Larsimon x Marianne
Enid Sinclair x Wednesday Addams
Erik Lehnsherr x Charles Xavier
Ethan Winters x Karl Heisenberg
Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy
Harry du Bois x Kim Kitsuragi
James Delaney x Lorna Bow
Joe Goldberg x Forty Quinn
Joe Goldberg x Love Quinn
John Constantine x Bruce Wayne
John Constantine x Lucifer
Jon Kent x Damian Wayne (either aged up or still young, but if they’re young absolutely no NSFW)
Jonas Kahnwald x Martha Nielsen (any iterations)
Kaz Brekker x Inej Ghafa
Kaz Brekker x Jesper Fahey
Kyle Hyde x Brian Bradley
Kevin x Ilonka Pawluk
Laurent of Vere x Damen of Akielos
Leon Kennedy x Ada Wong
Leon Kennedy x Chris Redfield
Marius Josipovic x Julia Bowman
Marius Josipovic x Taylor Bowman
Mat Cauthon x Elayne Trakand
Mat Cauthon x Rand al’Thor
Mat Cauthon x Tuon Paendrag
Matt Murdock x Foggy Nelson
Matt Murdock x Frank Castle
Mike Ross x Harvey Specter
Moon Knight (all/any of them) x Layla El-Faouly
Moon Knight (all/any of them) x Peter Parker (adult Peter only)
Nate Fick x Brad Colbert
Nate Jacobs x  Maddy Perez
Nathan Prescott x Max Caulfield
Percy Jackson x Nico di Angelo
Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth
Rob Ryan x Cassie Maddox (book verse)
Roman Godfrey x Peter Rumancek
Ronald Speirs x Carwood Lipton
Sherlock Holmes x John Watson
Stephen Holder x Sarah Linden
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Thomas Shelby x Alfie Solomons
Tomas Ortega x Marcus Keane
Tyrell Wellick x Elliot Alderson
Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (adult Peter only)
Will Graham x Hannibal Lecter
Wolfgang Bogdanow x Kala Dandekar
Ships (OC)
Alcina Dimetrescu x OC (female)
Atticus O’Sullivan x OC (any, supernatural or mythological)
Francis York Morgan x OC (any)
Holden Ford x OC (male, serial killer and/or detective)
John Constantine x OC (any)
Jonathan Reid x OC (any)
Peter Pan x OC (male, lost boy - no NSFW, though would feature dark themes as my Peter is inspired by the book The Child Thief. Would love platonic friends or enemies for this as well.)
Vanessa Ives x OC (any)
Carmy Berzatto & Richie Jerimovich
Dexter Morgan & Harrison Morgan
Five Hargreeves & Any Hargreeves Siblings
Hank Anderson & Connor
Jesse Pinkman & Walter White
Joel Miller & Ellie Williams
Kratos & Atreus
Moon Knight System (any against any)
Norman Bates & Dylan Massett
Peter Pan & Hook
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darkhorse-javert · 1 month
The Veiw from the Cellars- A crumb of Comfort
'The Great Mouse Detective' x 'Granada Holmes'- but following the Granada timeline rather than GMD setting. (spoilers for The Final Problem)
No idea where this came from suddenly, but I like it.
After that night of fragmented chaos, when Holmes comes back and then is gone again out the window, Two humans leave Baker Street
Weeks and weeks later, only one returns. The doctor. But of the tall one, there is no sign. For a night and a day after he we convince ourselves, or try to that Mr Holmes must merely be out on a case, he has been even more chaotic in his presence before both went away.
"But there is the incontrovertable fact, Basil points out, in a hollow voice, "that Mrs Hudson does not cook or fuss, but looks as if she has been stunned, sitting there in silence. And Dawson, note the Doctor's shift in cloth, blacker than a bat's wing. And the cravat at his throat, which he does not normally wear, is also black. I fear," the inestimable mouse slueth bows his head "that Mr Sherlock Holmes is no more."
Holmes... gone? it was almost inconceivable, even for me, who had seen war. But the great Holmes, he was not a sensible human, inspite of his intellect, but to be dead.
"it was most likely Moriaty," Basil muses softly, "That thoroughly reptilian character who visited a few days ago. He had the eyes of the worst sort of cat and rat combined, Dawson, it was good you and Mrs Judson were both absent, or you both might have been scared out of your fur."
Basil's admission to snooping notwithstanding, we are supposed to generally keep ourselves out of the way of the two-legged inhabitants of Baker Street. Most humans being how they are about mice, it's safer that way.
And yet I find myself creeping up the house late that night, through the little sneaks and passageways, drawn by sound until I am in the Great Sitting Room, where poor Dr John Watson sits in his accustomed armchair by the fire, weeping equal to a winter downpour.
His eyes look anywhere but the chair directly opposite him, so horribly empty. One hand is clenched painfully tight, only a glint of silver showing through the fingers in the low light of the room.
Oh Doctor. I creep forwards, paw by paw, slipping out onto the Mantlepiece, to the very edge.
"Hello little one," Watson croaks around his tears, lifting his head to look up at me, "Come to see what's going on? Hope I didn't wake you."
I sit up as tall as I can and shake my head. He half rises, and reaches out a hand, i patter onto it, and he lifts me down to sit on his chair arm. He touches me gently with a finger tip, just brushing down the back of my jacket.
He knows of me, a little seen me in his wakeful nights. he doesn't know quite how many times I ran over his hands to wake him from the paralysing nightmares that I too know so well.
Watson's breathing is hard, ragged and wrenched
"He's gone, little fellow," he whispers, "I left him, I fell for that message luring me away, and he died... He's gone." He's crying again, and I press against his hand, reaching my paw, as if a little mouse such as myself can offer comfort to such pain as he is feeling. But from the fact he does not flinch away, I think even my offering, small as it is , may be welcomed.
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specialagentlokitty · 3 years
Sherlock x Sister!reader - never the same
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hi are you doing sherlock requests? if so could i maybe get a sherlock x teensister!reader where reader lives with sherlock cuz they’re parents died, and reader is like 14? supperrrr angsty- Anon💜
Sitting on the couch, you had your eyes trained on the books in front of you, but you weren’t really reading it.
John looked over to you and let out a soft sigh, he had no idea Sherlock and Mycroft had a younger sister. He was still getting used to the idea of you staying here.
“Would you uh.. like a drink (Y/N)?” John asked.
You looked up and shook your head at him before you went back to staring at your book.
Sherlock came in and stood as he read the file in his hand.
“(Y/N) if you aren’t reading the book put it away, you’re going to get a headache again.” He said before walking to his chair.
You closed your book at set it on the table before turning the TV on instead.
“I thought she was reading…” John mumbled.
“She pretends she’s reading sometimes.” Sherlock replied.
Sherlock got up again and wondered to the kitchen before he came back into the living room, setting a drink on the table in front of you.
“She doesn’t want a drink.” John said.
You nodded your head to Sherlock and he shrugged.
He wasn’t the best at looked after you, he could barely look after himself at the best of times.
He still tried his best for you, he refused to let you live with Mycroft. He was always closer with the you then your older brother was, so he was determined to keep you there.
Getting up, you handed your drink back to Sherlock and walked away.
“Where’s she going?” John asked him.
“She’s going to the store.”
You came back with your coat and shoes and slipped them on, grabbing your phone and a list from the table.
“Bank card.” Sherlock called.
He held his card out to you and you took it before leaving the flat.
“Sherlock why doesn’t your sister talk?” John asked.
Sherlock sighed and set his case file down, turning to face John. And for the first time John could have sworn he saw some sort of emotion flick across Sherlock’s face.
Sherlock grabbing his violin and started to play a slow song.
“She used to talk a lot you know.” He mused.
“Oh yes, it was hard to get her to be quiet.”
John jumped and turned to Mycroft who came in and took a seat where you were sat a few moments ago.
“She could tell you three different stories in the space of a minute.” Mycroft chuckled.
“What happened?”
Mycroft sighed, looking down to the floor in sadness.
“The passing of our parents happened.” Sherlock said quietly.
The room was filled with a tense silence when you came back, but you put it down to some case and shrugged heading over to the kitchen.
Setting the bags down, you walked over and sat next to Mycroft, giving him a little nudge.
“Hey.” He smiled.
Opening his arms he wrapped you in a hug while John looked back to his laptop.
He was curious about you, but hearing why you stopped talking broke his heart.
The way your brothers looked at you and looked over you made it even worse. He knew there was nothing he could do to help but he hoped maybe one day you could smile and talk again.
Not just for your sake, but for your brothers sake as well
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thegildedbee · 3 years
older Sherlock wips for the wip-shy: five fics friday
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As a general rule, I've found I'm not constitutionally well-equipped to survive wips (especially johnlock, my jam), so I'm usually hesitant to jump on board (unless an author indicates the fic is realio trulio finished or it's an author I'm hopelessly addicted to). Nonetheless, some have claimed my heart ❤️ even if it's unlikely they'll ever be not-wips. My fanfic soul would be poorer for not having spent time with these 5 Sherlocks and 5 Johns, and the amazing authors who brought them to life.
So, below are five of the wips that I adore and re-read, and that I'm reccing here because even if you are wip-averse, there is so much incredible wonderfulness you might not want to miss out on!!! (Note: Fics aren't finished for many reasons, and I don't think any author needs to feel they owe an explanation to anyone -- the fact that they shared their creativity in whatever form is, I think, amazing. I don't like the term "abandoned," which is a common description -- not everything can, or should, be finished, and that's that.) (Descending word count; all had starts of at least 5 years ago). ........................................................ Till We Have Cases [386,447 words / E] by @fiorinda-chancellor
This fic is a joyous romp which inserts Sherlock and John into the age of Greek mythology, with Sherlock as "an enigmatic new God with a gift for deduction" who encounters a mortal warrior-prince with healing powers, Prince Iaon. Co-habitation transpires and Iaon joins the Consulting God in crime-solving and everything is a delight -- Sherlock's connections with the other gods, Sherlock and Iaon's developing relationship, the clever weaving in of the ancient crimes of myth and lore, the creation of additional characters who are fascinating, and all kinds of charming flourishes and sly references and general inventiveness. The story deepens in powerful ways as it proceeds, even while kicking up its heels and retaining its high-spirits. Anything that has almost 400,000 words of stunning storytelling is a mythic enterprise itself that deserves tribute from the muses nine, and the entire pantheon of the gods.
The fic began in 2012 and the last chapter (36/50) was added in July 2020.
There is also a very cute off-shoot chapter, which you might try to see how much fun the story is: The Kronia Song [6,777 words / T]
......................................................... Endless Wonder Series [135,928 words / T, T, M & E] by @shamelessmash This joyride of a fic is based on the scifi series Warehouse 13 (but you don't need to know it) -- which has been described as a mix of X-Files, Raiders of the Lost Ark, & Moonlighting -- and suffusing those 3 sensibilities with Sherlock is perfection. It involves an infinitely large secret holding space for historical artifacts with supernatural powers that are death-dealing dangers. This is one of the best renditions of the enemies-to-friends-to-lovers arcs in the fandom (Mycroft forces John and Sherlock to work together as field agents) -- their initial meeting is cleverly managed and over the course of the fic the bickering is EPIC EPIC EPIC. The slow burn is snail's pace, which allows for an absorbing amount of character development, and learning the hows and whys of what SH and JW find captivating in the other is totally endearing. And the artifacts play insanely interesting roles in the plot and in the character development and are just very very very fun.
There are four parts, each with multiple chapters: Part 1 Endless Wonder; Part 2 Lost & Found; Part 3 The Big Snag; Part 4 Burn.
The fic began in 2015 and the last chapter is from March 2020.
.......................................................... The Lazarus Machine [108,347 / M] by kelouisa
A fic that overflows with fascinating details and evocative descriptive passages of the scientific underbelly of an enlightenment era London -- reanimated corpses! -- that suits Sherlock to a t and that he grabs onto with gusto. This is a fic that does full justice to a version of Sherlock that is consumed by casework which emanates from his every cell in a number of entertaining ways. The relationship between Sherlock and John follows a Regency romance structure, with John as an invalided soldier whose older brother has ruined them financially and has arranged for John to wed a wealthy family's "embarrassment of a second son," Sherlock (who has an unsavory past that refuses to let him go). The telling of their stops and starts in moving from strangers to intimates is developed with a kind of quiet gracefulness that draws you into a feeling of being co-conspirators with Sherlock and John as they put the puzzle pieces of their deveoping relationship into an pattern that suits them. (And they are just sweet cinnamon rolls :-) It's such a richly realized atmosphere of a multi-layered world from the inside out.
This fic began in 2013 and the last chapter (76/?) was added in 2014. ............................................................... The Ghost and Doctor Watson [ 48,158 words / E ] by @ishipanarmada This is one of the most romantic Johnlock fics in existence, in which John, as a widower, moves away to a small town and takes up residence in a cottage which possesses a ghost, Sherlock, who has unfinished business from his last case and in clearing up the truth of his death (the non-crime parts of the fic are based on the 1947 film, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir). Afterlifer Sherlock is intrigued by John and so doesn't chase him away as he has the other attempted occupants, and that sets them off on their course of getting to know each other and falling in love. An enigmatic Sherlock enlists John for casework, and that story is in and of itself worth the price of admission. I am particularly fond of how Sherlock applies his deductive powers to solving the mysteries of his emotions and of John's, and their growing closeness is achingly sweet and poignant. Sherlock is one damn sexy ghost, words fail me, and the racier encounters between the two are incredibly incendiary. Their pairing here is nonpareil. (I always have Concrete Blonde's Ghost of a Texas Ladies' Man running in my head when reading it :-)
This fic began in 2016 and the last chapter (17/?) is from 2018. .................................................................. Ghosts and Shadows [ 29,554 words / E ] by @ettuinarcadia
This is An Abominable Bride-inspired Victorian AU that plunges you immediately into the dangers presented to Holmes and Watson of a London in the grips of Oscar Wilde's prosecution. The initial scene with Lestrade and Holmes is absolutely masterful in setting up the starting points for the plot to come but in equal measure in conveying the peril, not just through the specifics that are related going forward, but in the economy of the prose and the taut actions of the rapidly unfolding sequelae of events. Vicariously experiencing the interactions of the characters as intertwined witn the limning of the historical context has an authenticity to it that packs a wallop. The breathstopping vintage feel of the fic owes a great deal to the way in which a club SH belonged to as Cambridge student, The Hellbenders, is integrated into the story and underscores the current roiling cultural battles. And embedded within this, the unfolding revelation of the feelings Watson (currently married to Mary Morstan) has for Sherlock and vice versa, is electric. Brilliant fic. This fic began in 2015 and the last chaper (11/?) is from 2017.
There is a trailer for Ghosts and Shadow, and also in this universe is a puckish off-shoot, La Fee Verte Ancienne [ 1,531 / E ]
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