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antonio70sworld · 2 years ago
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Las buganvillias y nuestros patrimonios - Centro Histórico, Museo Larco @museolarcocafe y Casa Moreyra @astrid_y_gaston si color y grácil estructura, siempre acompañan y destacan !! ..... #buganvillia #color #naturaleza #arquitectura #centrohistorico #iglesiadesanfrancisco #casamoreyra #museolarco #astridygaston #lima #peru #paisajeurbano #galaxys22ultra #arquitecturaperuana #patrimonio #monumento (en Lima, Peru) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrI5Xhbr70f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aldoluyo · 2 years ago
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🤗 Visita guiada al Museo Larco en el marco del III Pre-Congreso Internacional de Láser y Energías Lumínicas aplicadas a la Dermatología Estética #skincare #dermalovers #museolarco (en Museo Larco) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpo7e9kAxo_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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frontmezzjunkies · 19 days ago
My Journey to Machu Picchu 2025
@frontmezzjunkies takes a trip to visit #MachuPicchu in #Peru #Barranco #Miraflores #Cusco @HotelBLima @dedaloarteyartesania @mapcafe_cusco @sonccoalpaca @smartfitpe @barramaretazoperu @museolarco @marcolarcocafe
Traveling to Peru and specifically Machu Picchu By Ross It’s been a dream kinda trip, maybe not at the top of my bucket list, but somewhere in there. Maybe somewhere in the top ten places I need to go to before I die. And no getting around it, I’m super glad I made the journey. My friend who made the journey with me, admitted that it was very high up on his bucket list. He’d been fantasizing…
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edisonblog · 2 years ago
Cupisnique Culture - Image: @museolarco - Pectoral inlaid with different semiprecious stones (turquoise, chrysocollas and malachite). In the lower part, on the outline, it has zoomorphic heads.
The Cupisnique Culture was an ancient pre-Columbian civilization that flourished in the coastal region of northern Peru, specifically in the Jequetepeque and Chicama river valleys, approximately between 1500 BC and 500 BC. significant influence on the further development of civilizations in the region.
Is known for its distinctive artistic expressions and technological advances. Pottery is one of the most notable features of this culture. They produced intricately and intricately decorated pottery, often with depictions of human figures, animals, and mythological elements. They also created metal objects, mainly in copper and eventually in gold, demonstrating advanced metallurgical skills for the time.
The iconography of the Cupisnique Culture often included depictions of human figures with stylized features such as pointed noses and slanted eyes. Many aspects of their art appear to have influenced subsequent cultures, such as the Moche Culture, which succeeded the Cupisnique Culture in the same region.
In addition to its artistic achievements, the Cupisnique Culture also built architectural complexes, such as adobe platforms and pyramids, which may have had ceremonial and religious significance. However, due to the lack of written records, much of the knowledge about the Cupisnique Culture is based on archaeological discoveries and interpretations of their artwork.
Although it disappeared before the rise of more famous civilizations such as the Moche and the Incas, the Cupisnique Culture played an important role in shaping the rich cultural tapestry of ancient Peru. His legacy lives on in the artistic representations and influences he passed on to subsequent generations of pre-Columbian civilizations in the region. @edisonblog
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thatshowthingstarted · 4 years ago
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Gold Crown representing a jaguar flanked by macaws. 
Mochica, Peru, 1 AD – 800 AD,
Gold 22,4 x 0,1 x 25,6 cm,
Museo Larco
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santiagosavi · 5 years ago
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En el Museo Larco de Lima, además de sus bellísimos jardines y su extensa colección sobre las culturas de Perú, se encuentra la “Sala erótica”. Ahí se exponen diversas piezas milenarias que representan a los vivos, la muerte y los animales en escenas sexuales. Léanse las imágenes desde un ámbito más profundo, de fertilidad, de unión del mundo de los vivos con el de los muertos; desde lo ritual. Recordando que nos referimos a culturas con una cosmovisión propia y muy conectada con la naturaleza. Comparto con ustedes algunas imágenes maravillosas! ‬ #museolarco #salaerotica #limaperu #lima #arte (en Museo Larco) https://www.instagram.com/p/B67CF96jLTN/?igshid=1lxd5n5zogg9v
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concretoestampado · 6 years ago
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Piso de madera de concreto estampado con color hardener en el @museolarco de Pueblo Libre. . . . #museo #museolarco #concretotexturado #concretoestampado #estampadoconcolor #madera #acabadodepiso #acabados #pisosdemadera #piso https://www.instagram.com/concretoestampadoperu/p/BxTnpyghjha/?igshid=jjexmdcbq0o7
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just-getting-started16 · 6 years ago
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2tuff · 3 years ago
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Amazing exhibit “Machu Picchu & The Golden Empires of Peru” is phenomenal with nearly 200 artifacts on loan for the very first time from Lima’s Museo Larco. This was premiere location for 6 month run, then a 10 city worldwide tour starts next year. Excellent coverage of Moche, Chimu, Nazca & Inca cultures. Highly Recommended! #machupicchu #peru #nazca #inca #moche #chimu #culturaandina #andinos #museolarco #bocaraton #bocaratonmuseumofart @bocamuseum @museolarco (at Boca Raton Museum of Art) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVoOeOipX00/?utm_medium=tumblr
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antonio70sworld · 3 years ago
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Cuando la maravillosa cultura que alberga, se pinta de colores ..... geranios, orquideas y buganvilias - en el mágico Museo Larco !!! .... #museolarco #jardines #flores #culturaperuana #historia #rafaellarco #rafaellarcomuseum #museum #historiadelperu #peru🇵🇪 #pueblolibre #geranio #orquideas #buganvilia #buganvilias #patrimoniodelahumanidad #paisajesnaturales #galaxys10plus (en Museo Larco) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTZhLOyH5Wd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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consueloginnari · 5 years ago
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Consuelo Ginnari, interiors landscapes, 2026. #interiors #lima # hotelb #barranco #museolarco #hotelmarriot #southamerica #consueloginnariphotography (en Lima Ciudad Capital De Peru) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBjOD3-nMMc/?igshid=1mfokd8on7f1e
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erieli0105 · 5 years ago
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Pues así se veían los primeros grupos de habitantes de América antes de la conquista. Es una muestra de la grandiosa colección del Museo Larco en Lima. . . . #piezaarqueologica #historia #americaprecolombina #fotografia #fotography #arte #viajeaperu #museolarco (en Museo Larco) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_pIEoAtj0/?igshid=1a4xbq4zp6nmw
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guadascircle · 5 years ago
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. 🇦🇹𝗟𝗼 𝗾𝘂𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗷𝗲 𝗱𝗲 𝗣𝗲𝗿ú🇦🇹 . Un viaje siempre trae consigo aprendizaje y cambio. . Uno de los aprendizajes que atravecé fue estar sin internet todo el día. Sólo tenía wifi en la casa. Esto fue en parte una elección. . En fin, el tema es que tengo montones de fotos, vídeos, historias y demás que fui recopilando pero que no llegue a postear 👉🏻 Cuando llegaba a la casa prefería pasar tiempo con mi hermano - el real motivo de mi viaje - antes que pasar tiempo en las redes. Elecciones que uno hace en la vida vio? 🤗 . Me pregunto si les gustaría que vaya compartiendo todas esas vivencias y aprendizajes aquí 🤔 . 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Decime que te parece, yo soy materia dispuesta 😁 . . #guadaenperu #Perú #Lima #Huaca #museoLarco #viaje #elecciones #sinwifi (en Museo Larco) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MqX23gRKw/?igshid=f0bulei0z4im
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santiagosavi · 5 years ago
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Maravillosos jardines en el Museo Larco de Lima, Perú. Paraiso lleno de bugambilias, cactus, diversas flores y pequeñas aves que se camuflajean entre el follaje disfrutando el néctar floral. Los jardines curan e inspiran mi interior. Feliz domingo!😌 #MuseoLarco #LimaPeru #cactuslover #gardenlovers (en Museo Larco) https://www.instagram.com/p/B69DaT-jowL/?igshid=16k0sek1xoow5
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sweeneytpotter · 7 years ago
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🇵🇪🏛🌺🗿🏺⚱️ #MuseoLarco #Lima #Peru #travel (at Museo Larco)
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justinwheeler · 6 years ago
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A collection of peruvian art from the street to a modern take on the classics to the classics themselves. Who says I lack #culture? #maclima #museolarco #lima #Peru.#streetart (at Lima, Peru) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzgkL3lp8cE/?igshid=1ijcdoi1yzjb9
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