#muse. everly
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losingdcgs · 6 days ago
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floriballad · 3 months ago
Okay, I plan on getting back to being here shortly. Aside from being on a bit of low motivation... I was also fiddling with this program and made some Rosaria things. It's under the cut! SHE'S GOT HER OWN OUTFIT NOW.
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empresskadia · 11 months ago
imma come at you with the OC asks: #4, #5, and #11 for Raya, Lana, and Novarell (i need to know more about your OCs pls gimme im thirsty for content with the beautiful bbies)
I’M SCREAMING!!! I WANT TO TALK ABOUT THEM SO BADLY, AHHHHHHHHH *rocking back and forth in excitement* I could kiss you!! This is gonna be ✨ l o n g ✨
#4 Lore dump about ocs
Where do I even start?? This is the short version and I passed over a lot of details, Raya and her cousins were all raised in a military family, more specifically in the Hood family. It’s not the most known fact due the last name differences but Admiral Terrence Hood is her uncle and she was mostly raised by him and his wife. Her parents were apart of the UNSC but they were rarely ever home, Raya spend most of her time with her uncle and aunt or attending military school with her cousins.
Around the same time the war started, Raya’s parents asked what she wanted for her 14th birthday, all she really wanted was time with her parents, so they went on a vacation together. However, the planet gets attacked while their there, and Raya ends up getting saved by an ODST while her parents are killed, the last thing she even remembers from that night, is watching the man who saved her get stabbed while the pelican was taking off.
It takes two more weeks before she’s finally taken back to earth and reunited with her family, it’s Terrence that sees her first and asks what happened. After they talk, Raya takes his hand and gives it a squeeze but doesn’t cry, she can’t find it in her and it’s a note that Terrence makes. He ends up putting her in therapy but it doesn’t really go anywhere, Raya is just refusing to grieve and never really processes it.
By the time she’s 18, she enlists immediately and her military career starts, by the age of 22, she’s scouted out to become an ODST and climbs the ranks. She works mainly on the frontlines but has the odd missions of undercover or assassinations, at the age of 32 her entire unit gets wiped out and the only reason she survived is because she didn’t listen to orders.
After this event, she gets called back to earth for a psychological evaluation but ends up stopping by Admiral Hood’s office and she breaks down about it to him and this is the first time he’s seen her cry. She doesn’t get sent to the frontlines again for a good six years, doing mainly undercover missions and dealing with insurrectionists as a lonewolf.
In 2548, she’s recruited for the experimental phase of the Spartan-IV program and by 2551 has been promoted to commander.
There is such much more but this is scratching the surface.
I’m still working on her story, but what I have so far is that Lana attended military school with her cousins and brothers, she’s normally very quiet and got bullied for it until Raya snapped one day and beat the kids up [Lana didn’t tell anyone because she didn’t wanna be a bother], this was right after Raya lost her parents.
When she was 12, her dad got a form of incurable disease and slowly started dying, she would often get sent to stay with family while her parents were constantly at doctor appointments. While visiting him in the hospital, he starts teaching her to draw and it becomes their thing, when she finally turns 18, her dad tells her “No point in wasting away with me, go live.” And ends up becoming a marine. She becomes an ODST at 25 but ends up getting taken by ONI to do undercover ops. In 2549, she gets pulled into the Spartan-IV program after the first set of augmentations are done with the first group of experiments.
I know in 2552, she gets put onto Kilo-Five as a stealth operative.
Also a work in progress,
Nova is an original Predacon that was put into stasis by Onyx Prime and Solus Prime. She was more curious about how Cybertronian lived and was taught by Onyx to change forms. This resulted in her getting pretty much casted out and Solus took her in and taught her how not to be a beast pretty much. Nova had pleaded to the Predaking alot about the great cataclysm coming but wouldn't hear her out. She was ready to die with her brother but Onyx wanted to ensure at least one Predacon survived, so he and Solus put her into stasis.
She was accidentally woken during the war and was confused as hell at the state of Cybertron. She ended up killing bots on both sides in self-defense as the autobots thought of her as a con and the cons had never seen this predacon before.
Not her proudest moment, but she ended up draining the Energon from the bots she killed to sustain herself. She meets some predacons but realizes they aren't from her Era of life. Nova ends up killing them seeing them as weaker and is disgusted by them.
There is a brief period where Nova tries to find any of her kind still alive that isn't a knockoff. During this time, she helps several autobots in battles but their all confused as to why a predacon is turning against the cons. Nova never stays and flies off. Novarell ends up destroying a deception base and using the portal in there to find her way to Earth. Only to find the place crawling with predacons and loses her mind for a minute and goes on a killing spree. In her grief, she finds a cave that's filled with Energon and returns to stasis.
Flash forward years, and someone [probs cons] finds the cave she's residing in and starts mining the now energon crystals; they don't realize there is a GIANT dragon in the cave and hit a deposit that's above her and the vibration pulls her out of stasis and she's grumpy. She yawns and sniffs the air and growls, she attacks the bot and it's over within a minute before Nova transforms and stretches, how long had it been since she took on this form?
She leaves the cave and makes sure to cause a landslide to block it, she'll be able to dig at it later. Before transforming again and flying off to figure out what had happened.
#5 One individual fun fact
Her eyes used to be honey brown. Raya was going actively blind before augmentation with the war she’s fought in for 20+ years, between the explosions and flashes of plasma, it started taking a bad turn on her vision. She originally started losing her sight at 16 but never told anyone thinking it was normal until she told her uncle about it at 18, there was no point in making a big deal about it between the war and her going through boot camp that they just got her long-lasting contacts. In 2548, Admiral Hood was thinking about having her retire with her vision being so bad but ONI wanted her for the Spartan-IV program with her mission record. Due to the program still being in the experimental phase, they offered her the Spartan-II augmentation, Occipital Capillary Reversal regardless of if failure meant permanent blindness. She jumped on the wagon so fast and the augmentation was a success, however this resulted in her eyes turning into a golden color instead of brown and she can see in the dark.
From her father’s side, she’s from Ukrainian descent, I had to share this too.
Girl got cheated on by her fiancé while she was deployed and only finds this out because one of her cousin’s had evidence, she confronts him and he says very hurtful things and the main one that she remembers till this day is “you are no good.” And her responds is “you honestly couldn’t have waited till I was six feet under? I would’ve died sooner than later and you couldn’t have let me die thinking you loved me?”
Nova and the original Predaking came from the well of allspark together, so they considered each other siblings and were very close until Nova started interacting with Cybertronians and learned how to transform, they started fighting a lot and he practically casted her out but could never bring himself to kill her. She still loves her 'brother' very much and misses him.
#11 OC Moodboard of choice
I’m only gonna do Raya for this, the other two aren’t quite finished
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myriaed · 1 year ago
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scbrvght · 2 years ago
bittersage ♡ here for a starter
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the moment she saw the other she stopped dead in her tracks. arms immediately crossed over her chest, eyes narrowed slightly. " why are you still here ? " irritation lined her words despite the fact that ultimately -- she was glad the other hadn't left. everly had zero plan to let that fact show or even give it a second thought.
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m1ssunderstanding · 11 months ago
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 4.2
Having Paul talking about following his artistic muse and deciding not to care what other people think paired with the insanity of McCartney 2 is fantastic. 
I sincerely hope those 20K words that Paul wrote for his posterity about his time in jail are published some day. 
He looks so pretty in this interview!
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John and Sean are so cute! 
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“Nobody Knows” is about secretly hooking up with John, obviously. But “that includes you, honey!” Is that at Linda?? Don't do that to your mother, Paul. 
The only scenario in which I  support a hypothetical JP sexual/romantic relationship in the 70s is that hypothetically no wives were harmed in the making of this hypothetical. 
Not the cut from “Coming Up” to “Probably the thing that John and I will do . . .” to John's self interview about bisexuality and Paul and life begins at forty back to Coming Up interspersed with footage of happy JP to John getting out a guitar to record a demo! 
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And the demo is (Just Like) Starting Over. Just bury me already. 
Another lyrical reference I didn't catch in the demo version: “it's easy.” Sung very similarly to how he sang it in All You Need is Love. 
John comparing them to brothers (Everly) and a marriage (Goffin and King) in the same sentence. And he's right, too.
I love the interviewer being so skeptical of John and how dismissive he is of Paul in this interview and how he can't get his story straight on when the last time he'd seen Paul was. More women should've interviewed him.
How I imagine it went. Interviewer: hi John are you ready to -- John: did you know I never think about Paul anymore unless somebody brings him up? Interviewer: but I didn't – John: yeah he used to show up at my door with a guitar and I told him to go away. Interviewer: ooookaaay? 
Cutie! I love John so much.
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“If I was dead, they wouldn't be angry with me. If I'd conveniently died in the mid seventies after Rock and Roll album or Walls and Bridges (((everybody loves you when you're six feet in the ground))), they'd all be writing this worshipful stuff about what a great guy.” It hurts to hear and it hurts that he was exactly right. 
I don't care what John and Yoko say, manifesting is just another capitalist lie to keep the proletariat complacent. 
“The only one who can control me is me and that's just barely possible.” It's one of those John quotes that's so silly and cute and also entirely relatable. He really had a way of capturing the human condition. 
“Nobody ever said anything about Paul having a spell over me when I was with him for a long time! Or me having a spell over Paul! They didn't think that was abnormal, two guys together.” Yeah, John, they definitely did and they made fun of it and tried to poke holes in it, or have you forgotten?
“Or four guys together.” Yeah. George and Ringo were in the Beatles too.
“In those days? Why didn't anybody ever say ‘How come those guys don't split up?” You're joking, right John? 
The video/audio pairing here though! You mean ‘what's going on under the table?’
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Love John getting pissed that nobody asked him, “What is that Paul and John business?” RIP John, you would've loved Beatles Tumblr.
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missperfectlyfinewrites · 5 months ago
open to: muses 21+ , age gap more then welcome. possible connection: boyfriend/girlfriend, fwb, sugar daddy/sugar mommy, co-worker, step sibling, etc muse: everly james / early twenties / broadway star / praise seeker, sweet / submissive plot: back seat car sex. or over the bonnet. or something. ssh. everly driving is really probably not a good idea, just saying.
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"You never let me drive," Everly whined softly, looking between the keys nestled in her soft grip and them standing expectantly next to the car. Placing the keys into the drink holder temporarily, she swivelled to face them, long lashes fluttering as as she pouted, fingers toying with the hem of her short skirt.
"I can be a good girl and get us home safely.."
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losingdcgs · 1 month ago
marcela everly tag drop !
º ✧ 。― marcela everly / intro . º ✧ 。― marcela everly / thread . º ✧ 。― marcela everly / inbox . º ✧ 。― marcela everly / text . º ✧ 。― marcela everly / task . º ✧ 。― marcela everly / musings . º ✧ 。― marcela everly / visage . º ✧ 。― marcela everly / moodboard . º ✧ 。― marcela everly / wanted .
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halfrust · 4 months ago
consider this a creature feature. a starter call for my less than natural muses
h/ush hush ( n/ora grey, s/cott parnell )
t/wilight ( mele georgiou, jennifer, e/mbry call )
red river ( finlay sutton and nerina delmar )
micah thorn ( vampire oc )
everly dixon ( werewolf oc )
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empresskadia · 9 months ago
Lana may end up with space buns. Raya would be a cutie with them, but she likes having her hair down, and Lana can pull it off better
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ciitrustears · 29 days ago
my muse is just strong today! so this is a starter call for the muses listed below the cut. please respond in the comments which muse(s) you'd like one from!
billie dearden. 25-30. bisexual. bar tender. ella purnell fc.
newton benson. 25-30. heterosexual. boudoir photographer. harris dickinson fc.
everly gardener. 25-30. bisexual. social media chef. florence pugh fc.
carver roberts. 30-35. heterosexual. club owner. jack o'connell fc.
dove burgess. 25-30. bisexual. burlesque dancer. sydney sweeney fc.
rian boden. 30-35. heterosexual. boxer. barry keoghan fc.
wren servis. 25-30. bisexual. nanny. abigail cowen fc.
wyatt dearden. 30-35. heterosexual. mechanic. mike faist fc.
fawn rovery. 25-30. heterosexual. exotic dancer. grace van patten fc.
elias ward. 25-30. heterosexual. audio content creator. jacob elordi fc.
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sunpaintedsea · 1 month ago
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"do i accept? of course i accept!" bean had never once turned down a challenge. unfortunately, that lead to some really stupid decisions, the type of decisions that cost limbs. however this one seemed innocent, even playing to his strengths. see, as dumb as bean truly and deeply was, he was a fantastic bartender. "what're we thinking? something fruity and sweet? or something low-key like a long island iced tea?" he was more thinking aloud at this point, his eyes staring into the abyss past sean's head. one could almost see the gears working, and if the bar were less busy, you could even smell the trademark burning odour that emanated whenever bean tried to think real people thoughts.
closed starter : benedict / @sunpaintedsea
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" hey, i've got a new year's challenge for you. " he leaned over the bar counter to speak directly into bean's ear. " i want you to create the flashiest fucking drink you can think of. it needs to look bomb, taste bomb, and be a liquor bomb. " he mentally cringed at the last item on the list. he could've come up with something better than that. the important part, however, was whether he had inspired bean to make something exceptional. " what say you ? do you accept ? "
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jxyride · 1 month ago
muse: everly garcia open to: men connection: go wild tbh
"is it too early to ask you to be my valentine?"
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queercomesthesun · 2 years ago
Okay so Aziraphale's playlist has an easter egg where the first letter of the lyrics of each song spells ineffable.
My predictions for Crowley's:
1) Good old fashioned lover boy, Queen
2) Dreams, Fleetwood Mac
3) Angel please, Ra Ra Riot
4) Starlight, Muse
5) Funny how love is, Queen
6) Open Your eyes, Snow patrol
7) From Eden , Hozier
8) Love of my life, Queen
9) Everyday, Buddy Holly
OR (less likely but would be hilarious):
1) Hey Lover, The daughters of eve
2) Unforgettable, Nat King cole
3) Killer queen, Queen
4) From Eden, Hozier
5) Open Your eyes, Snow patrol
6) Dreams, Fleetwood Mac
7) All I have to do is dream, the Everly brothers
8) pale blue eyes, velvet underground
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act2drama · 1 month ago
I have some serious Hell or High Rollers musings (both where it's currently at and potential Season 2 narratives) which I desperately need to get out of my own brain, and since I have no one in the real world who listens to it, I'm gonna have to do it here.
Full warning and I cannot stress this enough: unless you have already listened to Ep 52 or you genuinely do not care about spoilers, do not press "Keep reading". Also minor spoilers for Elsewhere but nothing too serious.
I'm genuinely curious, does anyone else get the feeling after that last episode that Sweetface is something of a red herring when it comes to the "can they be trusted" question and Eric's the one they should be wary of..? Eric has far more of a track record of betraying the Happy Boys for his own gain that Sweetface and Gluebrick combined ever have - especially since everything in Ep 51 technically didn't happen at all. I mean...Eric flat-out stole Gregothy's soul coin in the 2nd layer and came ridiculously close to using it as his payment to the 3rd layer, and he's made it clear multiple times that he'd be willing to leave the Happy Boys behind if it meant he could stay with Thunden. And now he's the Arch-Devil of the 8th layer and he's been explicitly confirmed to be evil... It genuinely wouldn't surprise me if, say, Davemodeus offers (or has already offered - Eric was doing a lot of fairly unnecessary disappearing in this last ep) Eric the choice between betraying the Happy Boys in exchange for being able to finally get with Thunden or making sure Ghoul and Henley at the very least get out of Hell, that Eric will choose the former... I'm not saying that Ghoul or Henley should necessarily trust Sweetface or that they shouldn't leave him in Hell if it came to a choice between them or him...but I do think they're giving Eric the benefit of the doubt a little too much here. There was something about how he was behaving all episode that seemed fairly "off" to me and I can't quite put my finger on it, but I can't help thinking that Chris/Sweetface is possibly acting as a distraction from something that Dave(modeus) and Adam/Eric have planned.
Part of this is just me wondering what possible plans might be in store for Season 2, whether that's following Ghoul and Henley on their adventures once they're out of Hell (which might potentially include trying to find ways of saving Eric and Gluebrick) or whether something stops from actually getting out. If the latter, then Eric betraying them would be both fairly in character for him and a pretty natural way to go with that narrative option.
Or Season 2 focuses on a new band of characters altogether going on the same journey as the Happy Boys have...which might potentially be tied up with whatever happens in Elsewhere - because I can absolutely see those guys ending up in Hell the way they're going; I wouldn't say Shadow or Agnes would necessarily deserve it as much as Quarrel and especially Everly do but if all it took for Gluebrick to end up in Hell was bad deeds done that were genuinely beyond his own control, I could easily see how, say, getting revenge on Everly and Quarrel for the things they did in the last Elsewhere ep could land them there too. And actually, that would also tie in to the "Plans For Season 2" Patreon post which indicates non-patrons would need to be caught up on it before Season 2 of HoHR (in their own words, "in order to get the most of season 2 all of our fans should have the option of being able to listen to Elsewhere")... The one argument against this particular narrative plan for Season 2 is that it would essentially be a retread of everything that's just happened, just with a different group, but equally, the Happy Boys have caused enough damage and chaos along the way that most of the layers would now be completely different environments for any new group to have to navigate their way through. I don't know, I think this is still a valid option.
Or, and this is my personal evil brain taking over potential narrative options, Henley and Ghoul do get out but Greg and someone Ghoul cares about (if there is anyone) is taken to Hell in their place and Season 2 becomes about rescuing them. I admit this is the least likely option, but...it might make for a nice twist ending to the final episode of Season 1.
All of this will probably be made entirely redundant come the next episode, and I'll be looking back on this post and thinking "wow, I got all that completely wrong..." but like I said, I just needed to get it out of my brain and this is the only place I can do that.
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fcundaticnsofdecay · 1 year ago
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"stop what?" asked everly, unable to stop herself from smiling. of course she had noticed how focused he was on the book in his grasp. in fact it seemed to be captivating him given how he hadn't looked up once. not even when she began to trace her fingers along one of his many tattoos. something that she liked to do from time to time. her touch was feather light against him as she hummed absently. she knew that she was a distraction and yet he hadn't moved. instead she leaned down to brush her lips against the same spot she had been running her fingers along. she was tempted to keep going with her mouth but instead she resumed the small circles. yet she nearly froze at the promise that was veiled as a threat," that's not exactly as scary as you think it is." something that she knew he had to know but she loved teasing him to a point.
@fcundaticnsofdecay liked for a starter from this. based on this (first bullet) Surprise, you get a new muse because I have zero self control: Asher Hasegawa; 27; The Savant; painter; alpha wolf
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"You really gotta stop that." Casual as it sounded, Asher was giving her a warning. He didn't bother looking up from the book that he was reading though, didn't raise his voice. He didn't need to. There was authority in his tone, in the quiet and stoic calm of him. Even just the easy way that he relaxed back on the bed, one arm propped behind his head and long legs crossed at his ankles, radiated power. Not that he'd really hurt her for attempting to draw his attention away from the book. Not in a way she wouldn't enjoy, at least. He wasn't entirely certain that was her goal anyway, and he'd be lying if he said that he wasn't enjoying her soft touch trailing over his inked skin. But he really did want to at least finish this chapter. "If I have to restrain you, you're staying there all night."
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