#muse: filarick
stellstells-archived · 9 months
Continued from here with @dalishborne
Filarick took a seat beside her in the area she so kindly made space for him, ordering a drink for himself as he did. He gave a short but soft chuckle at her comment. "Don't worry about it, we've been swamped for quite a while now and we finally have a break from all of it. Makes sense you'd be out of it to some degree."
He seemed to be in a similar condition to Revenelan with a fairly exhausted look on his face even with his seemingly content smile. "Yeah I feel ya, I learned that special skill back during my time with the Circle, I was half treated as a soldier back then due to my role. Though I can't say I'm much better off than you with the practice." He said with a light chuckle as his drink was passed to him, taking a sip as he finished.
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stellsaria · 1 month
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Stellsaria is an indie, Mutuals only, slightly selective blog hosting characters set in WoW, Dragon Age, Baldur's Gate 3 and more.
Current Muses are Filarick Barret and Adam Bayher
Memes Permanent Start Calls Carrd
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seeasunset · 8 months
Hardy Winds with: @stellstells
HEAL : for one muse to nurse the other back to health from a sickness or injury. [From Filarick DAI verse, I had to cuz he is a healer.]
❝Y'know, you didn't have to go through the trouble of healin' me up. I'll be fine. This is nothing that I couldn't handle.❞
Vasco's shoulder rolled as he flexed his arm slightly. The way the pain didn't exist as much. As if it is part of his imagination and he didn't have to struggle with moving his arm the past few hours or so. Not that it prevented him from working too much. He dealt with far worse than a simple injury to his arm. One where an arrow had stuck and sliced up the skin. Of course, it did result in needing a few bandages, but nothing he couldn't do. He could treat himself in his room, far from where the busy room is. Far from where there are people who are in far worse shape than he is.
His gaze tore away from his arm to where the other man stood.
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moonshinemuses · 2 years
Filarick wasn’t sure how to respond for a moment, this felt above his station, but then again she seemed to value his words to some degree and he decided to deal with it without thinking too hard, just say what he felt, that always seemed to work well. “I would say it is. I don’t think there’s anything we could do to make things worse than what things will come to without interference from us.” He gently patted Evelyn’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort her, not that he was all that good at such things. “So long as you do your best and stick with what you think is right, then it’ll come out better than it would have.” He said with a soft smile.
Evelyn looked over at him and smiled gently. “Thank you.” She said honestly and looked back at the map. “Sometimes I think we aren’t doing what's right. Just doing what you said, what we think is right.” She mused. “I guess everyone thinks that way, even ancient beings who try to control us.” She said. She was mostly musing out loud, but Filarick always made Evelyn feel comfortable talking about things like this without a judgement. Without worrying that her leadership would be put into question. “I’m sure your god & mine wouldn’t like my words.” She said a bit amused. 
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sunxxblessed · 2 years
@stellstells asked: “ 👕: My Muse witnesses your Muse finish up/start changing clothes [For Josephine to see Filarick, cuz I'd bet money it'd be funny] “ // From x
Josephine had been asked by Leliana to deliver a report to Filarick for the next mission they needed him to take up. In hindsight, she probably should have knocked on the man’s door before entering. It was common courtesy after all. But she had been distracted, in her own head as she skimmed through the paperwork she was carrying. So instead of knocking she simply opened the door to his room and walked in.
“Filarick, I have a report for you from Lelia - oh! Oh, I’m so sorry!” Her face flushed as she looked up to see the man standing in his room - half naked. As far as she could tell he had just stripped down to his small clothes, the new set of clothing still in his hand. She quickly turned away, using the papers in her hands to shield her eyes. 
“I-I didn’t realize you were changing! I should have knocked, shouldn’t I?” Even as she spoke, she couldn’t help but sneak a peak back at him. He certainly had a nice body; and it wasn’t as though she had seen any important bits. There was no harm in looking, right? “I can just leave the report if you’d like. Or I can come back later! That’s what I should do, yes. I will be going. So sorry!”
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daggersandsparks · 3 years
@wizardofshields​ :  “I don’t understand why they’re wearing masks. Everyone knows who everyone else is anyway.”
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Mairwen laughed at the question, watching the Orlesian nobles as they went about socializing. Scheming. Plotting. Assessing everyone else. Especially all the various members of the Inquisition and its honor guard. ❝ Some rubbish about the Game. ❞ She shrugged, pinching a glass of wine from a noble that had just set it down, turning fully towards Filarick and giving him a wink. 
❝I think the only time they pretend not to know who’s behind the mask is when they want to hide an affair.❞ She mused aloud, taking a sip of the wine and ignoring the noble’s quiet confusion behind them. ❝Which, I think just takes the romance out of it. Throwing a Masquerade ball in Rivain or Antiva or even the Marches sounds like it’d be more fun.❞
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musamulta-aa · 3 years
valentine’s day application
Name: Filarick Barret
Age: 26
Do you like to cuddle?: Yes, cuddling is always a plus.
Can we make-out?: Of course, wouldn’t be Valentines without a bit of making out.
A night in or dinner out?: Night In, who needs fancy dinners from a restaurant when a kitchen is all you need.
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Ice Cream, on the couch, watching something or reading.
What makes you a good Valentine?: I have a great… Personality ;), also I think I’m funny.
Would you cook for me?: Yes, love to cook, especially when it’s for someone else who will enjoy it.
Would you let me cook for you?: Only if I can help, only way I wouldn’t help is if I was tied down or was too sleepy to realize what was happening.
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Send my muse a Valentine’s application.
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“You know, you might have had me, but we differ at the ice cream. You always pick chocolate covered strawberries, Fil. Always.” There was a beat and then a wink. “Mm, considered anyway.”
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Evelyn smiled seeing his blush, nudging him teasingly. “What was the circle life?” She asked curiously. “I was told horror stories, not sure how true they were or not.” She said honestly. She looked up at Filarick and smiled. “But Cullen, he’s done nothing for me to be worried about him harming mages.” She said.
Hearing Filarick chuckle at her joke about Vivienne, Evelyn grinned at his words. “I fear she’s going to know we are speaking about her. She always seem to know. I wonder if she has her own ears around here like Lilianna does.” She hummed, tapping her chin for a moment before shaking her head. “I promise it will get easier to call me by my name.” She promised.
Shrugged at her question of Circle life saying. “Everything you’ve heard is both true and false. Each Circle had it’s own way of doing things, Ostwick, where I’m from, was one of the middling ones and even there it was on the tamer side most of the time. For instance for what I got knocked out for, would have you burned with a hot poker in other places or would have gotten you a smack on the wrist in others.”
He gave Cullen a thought at her words. “The Commander seems to be much like a few soldiers I met, ones who’ve seen or done terrible things that haunt their dreams and quiet moments. I can tell his time in Kirkwall changed him, possibly for the better but most certainly for the worst as well.” He chuckled at the Vivienne and Leliana comparison. “It’s possible, important people are like that, there is a reason you have a Spymaster after all.”
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stellstells-archived · 5 months
Wrote a drabble with Fil as a way to cope with my recent loss, feel free to read or scroll by. Content Warnings tagged below.
Filarick stared out onto the snowy mountains beneath Skyhold, he could spot a frozen pond that he'd visited last summer when it had thawed for a short time. His mind drifted to thoughts of his home, his first home at least. Before the Inquisition, before the Mage Rebellion, and before his life in the circle. The home he'd shared with his birth parents and siblings, the one in which his grandmother had told him the stories of knights in shining armor. The story of the Knight-Enchanter that valiantly saved her in her youth, the reason he'd walked that path himself.
A tear slowly fell down his cheek as he tightened his hand into a fist, eliciting a crinkle from the letter within his hand. He closed his eyes and took a shaky breath in the cold night air. He hadn't spoken to his grandmother face to face in far too long because of that thrice dammed rebellion and then that fucking darkspawn monster. He slammed his fist into the stone wall beside him, surely cutting himself on the jagged rock, but he was too angry to care about that now.
But what was he truly angry at? He could have gone to visit her if he had truly cared, couldn't he? Had he failed her? Was what he was doing truly worth it if the only true family he had left was gone? What did he have to protect now? The church that spat poison at him for simply being born? The soldiers who refused treatment just because he was a mage, and that made him a vile thing to be hated and feared.
He let out a ragged breath, not even realizing he'd been sobbing. He placed his face in the palm of his hand, and he moved his fist from the wall to the half-wall in front of him, leaning into it for support. He didn't have time for this, neither the grief nor the anger. He had a job to do tomorrow. There were people who needed saving, and he knew there would be more tomorrow than today with the fighting ramping up. He let a few soft sobs out, more like raspy sighs than anything, before wiping his tears from his face with a handkerchief from his pocket. 
Once somewhat composed again he looked up to the stars and gave a small prayer, barely speaking above a whisper. “Maker, or whoever’s in charge of us after we die. Please, take care of her, I didn’t see her nearly often enough while she was here, and I don’t know if I’ll meet her again or end up damned as some people say. But either way, please let her know that I love her and I miss her.” A few more tears fell down his face as he spoke, and he looked down at his hand before finishing with. “And tell her that I’ll do my best to take care of the ring she left for me. Even if it doesn’t fit my own fingers.” As he spoke he opened his hand and stared down at the tiny ring, wondering how such a small thing could fit on a finger. 
He clasped his fingers around the ring with a deep breath and folded up the letter he’d been given, placing it back within its envelope. Placing the envelope within his inner jacket pocket he turned back towards the inside of the fortress and began his path back to his bed, hoping he’d manage some sleep before he’d be needed once again.
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stellstells-archived · 7 months
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DAO Fil has been created, Even though he was totally only 16 during the Blight and in the Free Marches. But healing spells are fun and I have a very Fil mindset due to my tiny stint with BG3, so I made the youngest looking Fil I could for funsies.
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stellstells-archived · 8 months
Frieda the Fol'ya
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Not much of a headcannon and more of a note on something I really love about Filarick that happened in his Warcraft verse a bit ago.
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This is Frieda and she is of a species called Fol'ya, they are found within the Emerald Dream which is basically an adjacent realm to the planet that is filled with nature magic out the absolute wazoo, think the Fade of DAI but make everything be plants and bright green grass and abundant with colorful flowers and that's exactly it. Anyway, a recent event that happened in the Warcraft storyline was an attack on an important part of the Emerald Dream and everyone kinda had to go in and kick ass and in the ending part Filarick met this cute lil gal and they have been nigh inseparable since! The story I've take with her is that while Fil has dreamed within the Emerald Dream she stumbled upon him and greatly enjoyed his wonderful barrier spell filled dreams and began entering his dreams often. And as we've discovered in game in WoW these lil guys can learn and master skills that you'd never think, so Frieda has about the same skill level as my dear ol' Filarick and she's been helping him channel barriers since they met and ngl it's been the happiest Fil has been years due to how his story has gone in his Warcraft verse and it honestly makes me kinda teary thinking about it.
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stellstells-archived · 8 months
Which type of love interest would you be in a dating simulator?
The sweetheart with an enigmatic dark past
You're always polite and kind with others. That makes people feel comfortable around you and many would consider you a close friend. However, you seldom feel connected with those around you. You feel like they don't know you, the real you, and they never will because you'll never allow them. It takes a great amount of time and trust for you to show yourself as you truly are, because you repress most of your feelings and desires, and mask them with a calm and collected personalty. It just seems easier that way, safer. But remember that if you bottle everything up, it will explode one day, maybe in ways you aren't proud of.
Tagged by: @dalishborne Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this thingy!
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stellstells-archived · 9 months
along for the ride
now this isn't so much a protagonist as it is someone with a lack of boundaries. but hey. who am i to judge. you're here because you just are. things happen to you, you don't happen to things. there's no "fateful day", there's simply "ah, shit. here we go.". and to be fair--it truly can be so enriching, and a lot others around you might've missed out on some of these life-altering adventures you got to be a part of. but consider--you can't be a side character to your own life. whether you feel it or not, you do matter. so stop the car, or drive yourself for a little. it'll be worth it.
Tagged by: @dalishborne
Tagging: Whoever feels up to it
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stellstells-archived · 8 months
Mun vs Muse
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Tagged by: @dalishborne Tagging: No one!
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stellstells-archived · 6 months
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Like this post for a starter from Filarick! If multimuse please specify a Muse. Will pick a verse applicable to your muse unless specified!
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stellsaria · 1 month
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Interact with this to let me know you are ok with me spamming you with memes from Filarick! Multi's please specify what muse(s) you want them for!
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