#muse: chané laforet
closedcoffins · 2 years
@empiriical ( claire stanfield ) / loosely plotted starter. ( chané laforet ).
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She still doesn't understand the boy her father is so interested in.
Claire Stanfield, he'd told her once. A genius child Huey intended to cultivate in order to have someone powerful who was also capable of carrying out his experiments, or at the very least being an annoying diversion for the authorities.
Chané had wanted to protest that she was capable of doing both of these things, but she wouldn't ever speak against her father like that, and even if she wanted to, she couldn't. Not very effectively, anyway. And she wouldn't have even been correct. She works hard every day to be able to be strong for her father---just as hard as Claire works when he's pushed to be better and stronger---but Claire always seems to be ten steps ahead of her.
So she doesn't understand Claire, but she'd like to. If she doesn't understand him, she'll never be able to reach his level, and then she'll be practically useless to her father.
That's why she finds herself, notebook and pen in one hand, holding out a torn-out paper to him with the other. For anyone else who couldn't speak, Chané assumes it would be natural to communicate in this way from time to time, provided sign language wasn't an option. But she's never done anything like that before. Never, to anyone. In some ways, it's the first time she's 'said' anything to anyone other than her father since being silenced.
« Please teach me how to be as strong as you. »
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
meechi. HAHA. i have finished up my other lil' project! I now have a sideblog to this one for a single muse Chané Laforet from Baccano!. Please give it a follow if you're interested! I'm very excited to have her here <3
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cheualier · 5 years
♡ ( I don't know what muses you're familiar with :") so hmm for either Chané Laforet from Baccano! or whichever one you'd like to fill it out for! )
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance /  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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closedcoffins · 2 years
me when the former circus acrobat train conductor whos been brutally killing all of my comrades (its ok they betrayed me) on this luxury train makes the guy i was just fighting jump off the train before proposing marriage to me (i'm a broken person who has never known a world outside of keeping my manipulative father safe to the point where i gave up my voice for him btw)
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closedcoffins · 2 years
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on the subject of favorite novel covers i REALLY like the slash. i'm actually wondering if the number of panels due to the cuts in the front are what the chapter names are referencing when they have up to four items in them.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
" do you want to share this? " | to chane ; witcher !
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Chané fixes him with a stare, glancing down at the likely freshly killed game in his hands. Neither of them are bad hunters and could actually be called experts at it, thanks to the training they’ve received so far as Vipers, but during times like these, good meat is difficult to come by. Chané imagines she will have a difficult time finding something for herself, should she choose to say no. 
A large part of her wants to anyway. A voice in her head that sounds identical to Huey’s tells her that she’ll grow unused to sustaining herself, should she accept this offer. It’s only one meal now, but one meal might turn into every meal. No matter how much she insists she won’t, Huey is unrelenting, chastising her for even thinking about allowing Luck to share this with her.
And yet...
They’ve already shared so many things with eachother, protection chief among those. If it’s a stain on her training to accept charity, then she has already stained it. There’s no point in pretending she’s clean.
After this consideration which had happened in only a few seconds, Chané nods slowly, stepping closer to inspect his kill. It’s a little small, but that’s to be expected for the season. She reaches into her pack, fishes out her journal and her pencil---
« I’ll prepare it since you went to the trouble. »
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questions. / accepting.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
headcanon for the sake of a muse tag as i write her blurb: chané doesn’t know ASL, having refused to learn it to better keep the secret she gave her voice away for. however, claire and jacuzzi’s gang have teamed up to learn it with her so they can communicate more easily.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
for jacuzzi, describe their dream home. looks, location, decorations, etc. & would they ever skydive/paraglide/etc? for luck, what’s currently in their pockets/purse/etc? & how much cash do they generally carry with them? for chane, did their childhood have a negative or positive impact on them? & what they wanted to be when they grew up vs what they do now.
oh, goodness, what a lot of questions!
jacuzzi's idea of a dream home is very interesting because he has incredibly low standards. in a perfect world, the only criteria for his "dream home" is somewhere safe, and somewhere large enough that all of his friends can visit him. if i had to get more specific than that, he'd like something a little less modern with really good infrastructure, potentially with a basement area that nice would be able to create bombs inside. as for decorations, jacuzzi generally lives a pretty spartan life. the only thing he'd want are photos of and with the people he cares about!
the short answer to "would jacuzzi ever do anything like skydiving" is absolutely not. he would bawl his eyes out just thinking about it and have a million different anxieties over it ( e.g. what if his parachute doesn't open right, what if he passes out midair, etc ). the long answer is that if you drag him into it he'll be too nice to tell you he doesn't really want to do it at all, so he'd probably end up doing it in that case.
luck doesn't carry a lot of things around with him. usually, it's just his wallet, keys, a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, and some means of defense; usually a pistol. in general he's not really the type for material possessions outside of books and things he's kept for sentimental reasons, so he doesn't take a lot with him when he leaves his home.
he has a very decent amount of cash in his wallet. as a mafioso he is making a LOT of money for the time, and he does tend not to bring out his wallet unless strictly necessary so the amount of money in there doesn't draw too much attention in the wrong places. he keeps a little less cash than he probably should on him when he goes out for similar reasons.
oh, boy. if you know the first thing about chané you know that her childhood definitely did not leave a positive impact on her. she was raised by someone who essentially loved very few people and saw the rest of the population as expendable, and she generally fits in the "expendable" category even though she does have value to him as an asset. she has a lot of trauma and an unhealthy dependency on the wishes of her father huey that it will take her a long time to unlearn; we're only barely beginning to see her healing in canon.
when she was a child, she wanted nothing more but than to be useful for her father, since he was for a time the only person she ever had contact with, let alone loved. so she wanted to be whatever he wanted her to be. now... it's a little more complicated; chané doesn't particularly want to be anything. she still feels an obligation to her father and she very much has personal desires, but she just doesn't know what she wants for herself in the long-term. it's something she's still figuring out and probably won't have a solid answer to until she can detach her desires from her father.
headcanons. / always accepting.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
" haven’t slept in a week, or two… " | to chane ; witcher verse !
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Her change in expression is barely noticeable, but she knows Luck is more than capable of picking up the slight furrow of her brow and twitch downwards of her lips, both involuntary indicators of her displeasure.
It’s not as though it’s uncommon for her to do the same, so that displeasure seems worthless, but even Chané has recently begun to see the merits of independent rest, regardless of how vulnerable it leaves her. For people like the two of them Huey took personal interest in, the importance of constant vigilance was never an outward threat. But it was implied in the way that sleeping under his care was never restful.
Luck probably fears consequence. It’s not a far stretch, since Chané fears it too, but... It’s somehow troubling to her that Luck has undertaken the paranoia Chané had felt safe enough to leave behind.
She turns her gaze back down towards her book, the page she’d been using already half-filled. I’ll run out of pages, soon. It’s inefficient to communicate like this.
« We should sleep in shifts. »
She turns the book around to face him, tapping the start of the new line of script twice to draw Luck’s attention to it. Then she turns it back towards herself, carries on writing.
« You need rest. Sleep first, I’ll keep watch. When it’s time, I’ll wake you up. »
Not that Chané has any actual intention of doing so. She’s perfectly well-rested herself, so she can spare a night to relieve Luck of that burden. It’s the least she can do.
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happier than ever. / accepting.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
@c4rdsharp​ ( witcher verse ) / finished bio starter call. ( #018: “the silent weapon” --- chané laforet. )
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Chané’s inability to communicate has never been a problem before now. Before, Huey could read her thoughts and respond to her as though she could speak like any other person. Before, she hadn’t needed to convey ideas to others and had not had any desire to speak like anyone else---if she had, she would not have asked for her voice to be taken away back then. But now, faced with the first friend she thinks she must have ever had, Chané almost laments that she had made that decision for herself.
At the end of the day, protecting that secret is worth the inconvenience of stunted communication. She can deal with writing, but she could never forgive herself if someone were to torture the information she guards so securely out of her. But it does probably make her current concern come off as a little less worried than it actually is. If it were anyone else, she’d like the fact that an inability to properly and efficiently communicate whether that be with her voice or with any number of unspoken languages makes her that much harder to read, but for the first time, she wants to convey what she feels.
So she writes quickly; it’s the best she can do.
« You seemed sluggish. »
Chané holds the paper up for Luck to look at, but doesn’t relinquish it just yet. After she’s sure he’s read it, since he’s opening his mouth to respond, she puts a finger up as if to silence him and continues to write.
« Did you hurt your ankle in your fight? Huey will notice when he comes back. I can help. »
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closedcoffins · 2 years
finished blurbs for the new muses! cw for like a lot of gun violence on sonja’s btw but i have to assume nobody who is that upset by gun violence would be following the mafia anime multimuse
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closedcoffins · 2 years
❛ i could wish you happiness, but you're happy already. ❜ / elmer for chané... hey :)
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She startles, expression going back to neutrality as quickly as it had minutely shifted towards a smile.
It's not like her to slip up so easily, but her father's friend---Elmer---has both a disarming personality and a way of reminding her of the things in her life that make her happy enough to even want to smile. He's a curious sort of person, and Chané's confusion over his demeanor in contrast to her father's had also probably been part of the reason she had allowed her expression to slip so easily into showing what she was feeling.
She nods, slowly, though she figures she doesn't need to confirm what he's already stated. Were it any other stranger, she might not have afforded them that much, but...
This is the only person my father talks about fondly. Because of that, it's alright.
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just elmer things. / accepting.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
" i need your help, old friend. " | for chané in witcher au?
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Her nod in assent is accompanied by a motion of the hands---a form of sign language---though she's absolutely confident Luck doesn't know it. Even she didn't, until recently. It was Claire who had introduced the idea to her when she continued to find communication with people besides him frustrating, and he'd been learning with her.
She knows he and Luck have some sort of connection, but she can't imagine he would pester his 'brothers' to learn.
She draws out her notebook, an implement which still sees use when it comes to more complicated ideas she can't express with sign just yet, and when people don't know how to use it, and begins to write in a blank page.
« I don't think you would ask me to do something I couldn't bring myself to. »
The thought had briefly crossed her mind, after all, that the help would depend on the specific request. But it was only briefly.
« I'll do my best with whatever you need from me. »
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misc. sentences. / accepting.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
In your ideal world, what Baccano characters would you most want other people to write?
oh my goodness! what a question!
supposing we're talking about purely hypothetical characters unaffected by anyone's personal writing preferences... well, it's actually difficult to narrow my answer down. i'd love to see just about anyone.
under the cut, i've provided a list of all the baccano! characters that i'd most like to see, but it actually got very long and unwieldy so i decided to answer the question twice: once with muses i have a really burning desire for, and twice with every muse that would make me even a little bit happy to see.
here's my "burning desire" list:
claire stanfield.
czeslaw meyer.
hong chi-mei.
ladd russo.
mark wilmens.
miria harvent.
monica campanella.
renee parmedes branvillier.
ricardo russo.
that said... the real answer is "please write whoever you want". i won't be unhappy to have ANY muses in the rpc, since the person writing the majority of them currently is naturally me. whoever you want to bring---which, well, i HOPE you want to bring someone if you're asking me this---i'll be really happy to see. even if it's our third jacuzzi or chane. please just write whoever makes you the happiest to write!
... anyway, the full list of "biggest asks" is still under the cut.
begg garrott.
berga gandor.
carla alvarez santoña.
carzelio runorata.
chané laforet.
claudia walken.
denkuro togo.
elmer c. albatross.
esperanza c. boroñal.
eve genoard.
firo prochainezo.
gretto avaro.
huey laforet.
keith gandor.
nader schasschule.
sylvie lumiere.
zank rowan.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
muse-specific content warnings
NOTE: not all of these apply to what i plan to write with these characters, but they very well might come up in general discussion. if you feel writing with or seeing content for any given muse might make you uncomfortable, this is where i am listing down their content warnings so you can blacklist specific muse tags! note that aside from violence and unreality, i will be tagging all of these separately as well.
as a general rule, most discussion of my muses will involve mafia or gang violence. if you do not like that. you probably should not be here. sorry.
every muse tag is formatted like ' muse: character name '. for simplicity's sake, characters' names will be listed in the manner in which i tag them, so characters for whom i have made up last names will only be listed with their first name in this post as i only tag those characters using their first names.
claire stanfield: graphic depictions of violence, solipsism and mild unreality.
maria barcelito: graphic depictions of violence.
graham specter: graphic depictions of violence (specifically of the broken bones and joints variety).
jacuzzi splot: detailed descriptions of panic attacks. mild violence.
nice holystone: graphic depictions of violence (of the bombing variety), self-injury and scarring, eye trauma.
huey laforet: parental abuse of the manipulative variety, arson, parental death, graphic depictions of violence, human experimentation, student-teacher relationships, eye trauma.
melvi dormentaire: parental abuse and grooming, graphic depictions of violence, identity theft, terrorism.
luchino b. campanella: descriptions of vomiting, mild violence.
luck gandor: graphic descriptions of violence, apathy due to depression.
sham: identity theft, manipulation, hivemind themes.
ronny schiatto: mild unreality.
christopher shaldred: graphic descriptions of violence, major self-hatred, mild themes of the extinction of humanity, occasional discussion of bugs.
isaac dian: N/A.
ladd russo: graphic depictions of violence, the US prison system.
maiza avaro: graphic depictions of violence, general recklessness in cars.
upham: terrorism.
chané laforet: terrorism, parental grooming and mild abuse, self mutilation by way of willingly having her vocal cords removed.
gabriel & juliano: graphic depictions of violence.
pamela: kidnapping, gun violence.
lana: kidnapping, gun violence.
sonja bake: kidnapping, gun violence, human weapons.
rachel: N/A.
molsa martillo: graphic depictions of violence.
victor talbot: graphic depictions of violence, the US government and lawmaking systems, gratuitous cursing, national corruption.
keith gandor: graphic depictions of violence.
berga gandor: graphic depictions of violence.
kate gandor: N/A.
kalia gandor: N/A.
laz smith: not necessarily gun violence but a lot of mentions of guns specifically.
mark wilmens: graphic depictions of violence, suicidal thoughts.
roy maddock: past drug addiction and frequent drug mentions, self-harm, suicide attempts, graphic depictions of violence.
edith: frequent drug mentions in relation to roy.
nicola casetti: graphic depictions of violence.
tick jefferson: GRAPHIC depictions of violence and torture.
tim: grooming in the nonsexual way, human experimentation, graphic depictions of violence.
elmer c. albatross: cult activity and related abuse, religious trauma, suicide mentions, graphic depictions of violence.
dallas genoard: graphic depictions of violence, intense descriptions of drowning, severe ptsd symptoms, mild internalized homophobia.
rail: graphic violence of the bombing variety, human experimentation.
lua klein: graphic depictions of violence, suicidal idealation.
charon walken: the US child actor industry.
claudia walken: solipsism and mild unreality, the US child actor industry.
aging: graphic depictions of violence.
sylvie lumiere: human trafficking, abuse, mild violence.
gretto avaro: parental abuse, arson, mild violence, major character death.
monica campanella: past sexual assault, graphic depictions of violence, major character death.
esperanza c. boroñal: past sexual assault in reference to monica's past.
begg garrott: heavy drug use creation & addiction.
nile: graphic depictions of violence.
hong chi-mei: graphic depictions of violence.
renee parmedes branvillier: graphic depictions of violence, human experimentation, student-teacher relationships, eye trauma.
nader schasschule: terrorism, manipulation.
gustav st. germain: N/A.
carol: N/A.
carzelio runorata: graphic depictions of violence, bears.
leeza laforet: parental abuse, human experimentation, identity theft, hivemind themes, graphic depictions of violence, eye trauma.
adele: graphic depictions of violence, human experimentation.
ricardo russo: identity theft, graphic depictions of violence, apathy due to depression.
ennis: human experimentation, mild violence.
mark twain: parental abuse, graphic depictions of violence, mild unreality, cult mentions, past suicide attempts, survivor's guilt.
roger zelazny: graphic depictions of violence.
cahir mawr dyffryn aep ceallach: war, graphic depictions of violence, attempted kidnapping, inprisonment, major character death.
cyran azerrad kapral: graphic depictions of violence.
camille renaudin: living dolls, mild unreality.
yuri briar: borderline siscon, corrupt government operations.
puss in boots: general themes of death and mortality, graphic descriptions of violence.
hatsune miku: mild unreality, AI technology.
ice pick joe: graphic depictions of violence.
yemevon: graphic depictions of violence and sickness.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
muses as the amazing devil lyrics
not all of them cos i couldnt find lyrics. for all of them
Claire Stanfield --- and what you see is not the dark / it's just the gods upturning inkpots / 'cause they know what you'll become
Graham Specter --- sometimes i fall to pieces / just to see what bits of me don't fit
Jacuzzi Splot --- oh what, these? these aren't tears / it's just the rain that wasn't brave enough to fall.
Nice Holystone --- over hedges we'd headlong / and on ledges we'd land / from every height i'd fall i'd call / i'd reach out for your hand
Huey Laforet --- because brick by brick you built us / and i'd fill in the cracks / nothing quite prepares you for / when they don't come back
Melvi Dormentaire --- if i have to be who i was ( "you're not." ) / do i have to be who i am?
Luchino B. Campanella --- ( "you are your own magician, let the ocean give to you" ) / and by my own admission, had no notion what to do
Luck Gandor --- there's a fire burning / and i'm learning to be / so much more than my tiredness
Sham --- well hello, my hollow holofernes! / i wink but you don't get the joke
Ronny Schiatto --- if you asked me for my lighter mate, i gave you my fire / i'd call as you climed / and i'd catch you every time you fell
Christopher Shaldred --- didn't the trees tell us their stories? / ( "yeah but we, we thought you were mental, you were talking to trees" )
Isaac Dian --- and you, you follow philosophies / but me, i laugh, i choke
Maiza Avaro --- can you pass me the lighter, mate / give me your fire
Chané Laforet --- i look at those secret worlds you call eyes / and wonder if we might---
Victor Talbot --- and i climb up the ladder / had i taken more care / i might have seen all the rot in the rungs
Keith Gandor --- and what you hear is not silence / it's just the trees waiting to hear what next you'll hum
Berga Gandor --- and the door shuts behind me / and i breathe in the air / and say 'yeah, well i'm sorry too'
Kate Gandor --- welcome to my table, bring your hunger
Laz Smith --- day by day, oh lord, three things i pray / that i might understand as best i can / how bold i was, could be, will be, still am, by god still am
Mark Wilmens --- i look into the waters and see a face i don't recognize / who's this / who are you / what changed, i ask / so strange, he replies
Roy Maddock --- my head's not yours, it's mine / and i'll take my fucking time / 'cause i know, i know, i know...
Edith Carmine --- and to those gods i will speak bluntly / we've an accord / if you ever touch or harm him / please rest assured / that you might not fear a man / but to a woman by the end you'll kneel and plea
Tick Jefferson --- i can't wait to show you / how much i know you can be / just let the rain come / let the rain come down, down
Tock “Tim” Jefferson --- be good to me, i beg of him / be good to me, i beg of him / be good, be good, be good, be good, be good, be good, be good, be good / and he replies / ( "no no, not i" )
Elmer C. Albatross --- and i stare at the soldiers before me / all my blossoms that have waited to fall / and i walk / and i walk / and i walk / and i walk / knowing every last one of them is painted in light / as i make myself acquainted with the saint of never getting it right
Dallas Genoard --- and when the rain came down / i made a vow out to the dark / please let her live just one more day / 'cause she is so much more than all her scars
Rail --- somehow now i'm drinking / and i'm lifting my glass / to that last good man grace / who has left me, he's left me at last / and i laugh, and i laugh / 'cause laughing right now, it's all, it's all that i have
Lua Klein --- and for a time there is timelessness / endless furore / to the dark i said pour and forgot to say when
Sylvie Lumiere --- and on that tree i'll carve your name / 'cause in years to come we both know we won't be the same
Gretto Avaro --- if she doesn't have the will / but it seems the whole world does, i'll stay because / i will be the man my father never was
Monica Campanella --- and i can hear him break / and he doesn't understand / and i wish that i could take his hand / but where i'm going is for me and me alone
Esperanza C. Boroñal --- and my saint, she is dancing / as every step i choose to take begins to set the world aflame / and the soldiers march behind me / i can hear them beat their spears
Nile --- welcome to the storm / i am thunder
Nader Schasschule --- i wish i'd done things different / i wish that i'd been brave / i wish i'd known these stones / were something i could save
Adele --- 'be good to me' i whisper / and you say 'what?' / and i say 'nothing, dear'
Ennis --- remember me, i ask / remember me, i sing / give me back my heart, you wingless thing
Mark Twain --- and what they hear isn't laughter, after all / it's just your voice learning for once to stand up tall
Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach --- and i can hear her sing / and i know she's giving up / and i don't know what to do, how to help her / how to bring her home
Yuri Briar --- it starts with love and comfort / becomes a strength of will / but all that strength made rubble / of those towers we built
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