#muse: alacris
forgedxhearts · 1 year
@diverse-hearts asked: “for someone who doesn’t like to feel things, you sure feel a lot of it out loud.” - Jamil @ Alacris
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"...Huh?!" That completely took Alacris by surprise. He didn't even realize that he's... well being so loud and open about such things. A slight blush of embarrassment begins to appear upon his features as he looked away for a moment before sighing and looking back at the Night Raven student. "Is it that obvious?"
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reshiiii · 2 years
Polovica sezóny za nami, makám na fesťákoch ako fretka, ale spraviť o nich post mi napadlo až teraz, alebo - historické a nie tak celkom historické festivaly a dni na Slovensku (lebo v Česku je toho habadej, kukni tu alebo tu či tu). Prosím vás, toto je len taká chuťovka, je toho omnoho viac, tak sa nebojte hupnúť na net, stýko Gogoľ určite pomôže, aj fb.
Bratislava, Múzeum mesta Bratislavy, Radničná
vstup zdarma, 26.7, 9.8 a 23.8, všetky od 18:30 do 19:30
SHŠ Manu Forti
Ukážky historického šermu, predstavenie chladných i palných zbraní, hry pre deti a detektívka!
Bratislava, Rudyanovo námestie pred katedrálou (prehliadka pokračuje trasou na hrad)
zdarma, 30.7 od 10:30 do 12:00
Prehliadka, tvorí súčasť Bratislavských korunovačných dní
DANUVIANA ALACRIS alebo Replika rímskej lode prichádza do Bratislavy!
Bratislava, hrad Devín
zdarma, 5.8 o 15:00
Mestský ústav ochrany pamiatok v Bratislave
Na Devín pripluje neskoroantická rímska loď Danuviana Alacris - Živý Dunaj. Súčasť medzinárodného projektu Living Danube Limes. Loď začala svoju tri a pol mesačnú dunajskú plavbu už v júli, a teraz sa zastaví aj v Bratislave!
Bratislava, hrad Devín
5€ zľavnené/10€ základné/20€ rodinné vstupné, 6.8 od 10:00 od 19:00
Rytieri na Devíne, Peter Koza
Landsknechti, dobové tance, rytiersky turnaj, jazda, ale hlavne recitál renesančnej hudby a poézie v podaní šermiarskeho majstra Petra Kozu. Nie, vážne, už len kvôli nemu sa vám tam oplatí ísť. Dedulo by mal prednášať, alebo aspoň narozprávať rozprávky. a zasa sa s ním uvidím až majd
Plus, lístok platí na celý areál hradu a jeho expozície! Iba psíka tam neberte, leda by bol vodiaci.
Krásnohorské podhradie
(online) predpredaj 6€, na mieste 10€, 6.8
Terra Incognita, Tri ruže
Rytieri, jazda, bábkové divadlo, lukostreľba (aj kuše budú), a hlavne dobové stanové mestečko a hudba! už roky sa sem snažím dostať ale zasa robím inde
hrad Červený kameň
dieťa 8€/ dospelý 12€/ rodinný (2+2) 32€, 20.8 od 11:00
Divadlo Havran, SHŠ Corvus Arma, Sokoliarsky dvor Astur
Divadlo, šerm a dravci! Lístok síce neplatí na hrad, ale prudko odporúčam aspoň malý okruh, ak si na to nájdete čas.
Smolenický zámok
27.-28.8 od 10:00
OZ Schatmansdorf
Poviem vám to priamo a bez mučenia - za mňa je toto zlatý klinec sezóny. Otvorené tábory, ochotní účinkujúci, hry, tance, kuchyňa, remeslá, hudba... a takmer všetko z toho vás nechajú vyskúšať! Hoci tu robím, neviem aký bude vstup (doplním, keď budem vedieť), kto každý bude vystupovať a tak. Ale viem, že atmosféra bude úžasná, hoci sme sa po rokoch museli presunúť z Červeného kameňa do Smoleníc. Tak nás príďte pozrieť, možno sa vám ušťastí a koštnete si Hypokras či Biskupské, ovoniate voskové sviečky, či schrupnete v jurte. Alebo o mňa zakopnete, kto vie☀️
a teraz kúsok jesennej romantiky:
Bratislava, Sad Janka Kráľa
vstup zadara (v Sade zvykne byť), 1.10 od 10:00-19:00
Manu Forti
Rekonštrukcia vojenského stretu, tábor, prehliadka regimentu, obliehanie...proste mňamka.
Inak kuknite aj na akcie Agentúry Hector (napr. Rotenstein), ŠDS Argyll (Bratislava), OZ Schatmansdorf a Sokoliarsky dvor Astur (Červený Kameň), Milites Nobiles a Satyros (Nitra) a tak<3
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nova-tredecim · 4 years
Metroplex, 21+, 3+ years experience roleplaying on tumblr
I will occasionally roleplay or reblog smut, and this blog will deal with other sensitive or suggestive topics, including brainwashing, and there will be swearing - everything will be tagged accordingly
Do not send unsolicited NSFW
Non-RPers, do not reblog my posts
Anons, magic or otherwise, are always accepted, but I reserve the right to hoard or delete as I see fit
No godmodding - I'm serious, you do not write my muses, I write my muses, this is a block on sight offense
I do not match length, replies will be exactly as long or as short as the muse dictates
This is a multimuse blog, please specify who you are talking to when sending asks
I follow back from ofpetrexandpraxus
This is a fan continuity roleplay blog with the occasional side of fic or art, canon has been violently defenestrated
Story So Far
An unnamed, neutral outlier with prophetic abilities demanded an audience with Autobot and Decepticon leadership, informing them that Unicron was coming and it was only through the power of all thirteen Matrices that he could be defeated. There was a mad rush to see which side could collect the most Matrices before they quickly learned that it didn't matter, the Matrices chose who the Matrices chose. The two sides were unified, Unicron was defeated, armistice was declared and treaties drawn up. And now Cybertron is being rebuilt under the guidance of thirteen Primes, their protectors, and those mechs the Matrices have indicated as their Designated Successors.
Cast List
those in blue are currently available for rp
Prima's Matrix of Leadership
Prime: Optimus
Protector: Megatron
Designated Successors: Audaxus (Rodimus), Ultra Magnus
Liege Maximo's Matrix of Balance
Prime: Vigilus (Soundwave)
Protector: Ravage
Designated Successors: Dimidius (Sideswipe), Sunstreaker
Onyx' Matrix of Nature
Prime: Fortis (Grimlock)
Protectorate: Slag, Sludge, Snarl, Swoop, Slash
Designated Successors: Praepesion (Ratbat), Lazerbeak
Nexus' Matrix of Combination
Prime: Lucidus (Prowl)
Protectorate: Suppetus (Scrapper), Profectus (Hook), Constantus (Long Haul), Saepius (Mixmaster), Potentus (Bonecrusher), Amicus (Scavenger)
Designated Successors: Vincor (Silverbolt), Air Raid, Skydive, Slingshot, Fireflight
Alpha Trion's Matrix of the Covenant
Prime: Gravis (Thundercracker)
Protector: Skywarp
Designated Successors: Percipius (Smokescreen), Ironhide
Quintus' Matrix of Discovery
Prime: Lenis (Skyfire)
Protector: Starscream
Designated Successors: Rimorus (Cosmos), Perceptor
Occultus' Matrix of Harmony
Prime: Alacris (Jazz)
Protector: Mirage
Designated Successors: Probitor (Dreadwing), Skyquake
Megatronus' Matrix of Entropy
Prime: Tristis (Dead End)
Protectorate: Motormaster, Wild Rider, Drag Strip, Breakdown
Designated Successors: Persention (Crankcase), Brawn
Vector's Matrix of Time
Prime: Peragrus (Shockwave)
Protector: Astrotrain
Designated Successors: Altumor (Seaspray), Trailbreaker
Solus' Matrix of Creation
Prime: Excilius (Springer)
Protector: Blurr
Designated Successors: Perditius (Wheeljack), Hound
Amalgamous' Matrix of Change
Prime: Melioratus (Drift)
Protector: Ratchet
Designated Successors: Conscientor (Fulcrum), Krok
Micronus' Matrix of Insight
Prime: Animus (Bumblebee)
Protector: Windcharger
Designated Successors: Augurus (Spyglass), Viewfinder, Spectro
Alchemist's Matrix of Community
Prime: Attentus (Streetwise)
Protectorate: Hot Spot, Groove, First Aid, Blades
Designated Successors: Opilius (Red Alert), Inferno
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forgedxhearts · 1 year
@diverse-hearts // (x)
Oh dear... he knew that he's been a bit under the weather with stress but it appears that things are getting a little bit out of hand. He didn't mean to have anyone else be aware of his problems nor did he do it on purpose. It's just... a lot of things has been going on.
A project is soon to be due and he hasn't had the time to finish it, some of his dorm students has been asking for help with other matters involving safety and just general other things needed, taking part in preparing for the school's next spell drive tournament against Night Raven and lately Alacris has been fearing that he hasn't had any time to spend with a certain fae friend of his in such a long time...
All in a short sentence, he feels like he's starting to fall behind.
"I, um... ahem."
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And now he has drawn some attention to himself to a complete stranger. So much for trying to distract himself in town to keep his mind off of things for a short bit. "My apologies, I didn't mean to make you notice my mumbling's like this. I'm just under a bit of stress as of recent and it wouldn't be fair of me to let you walk into my troubles." As future king, it didn't feel right to drag someone else into his business like that.
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forgedxhearts · 2 years
The following muses / OC’s have been added…
Alacris Moors ( twisted wonderland )
Idia Shroud ( twisted wonderland )
Cecilia Melodia ( twisted wonderland )
Isabela Madrigal ( disney )
Ayato Kamisato ( genshin impact )
Yae Miko ( genshin impact )
Hu Tao ( genshin impact )
Mommy Long Legs ( poppy playtime )
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