#muse : vaelin
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lunasmusemenagerie · 9 months ago
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Name : Vaelin Al Sorna
Type : Canon Divergent
FC: Milo Ventimiglia
Background :
Basic Info -
After his Mother's death, Vaelin Al Sorna, the son of the Battlelord of King Jannus was sent to join the Brothers of the Sixth Order at the age of 11. There he immediately started to learn the ways of the warrior, any fault being met with severe punishment from the cane. He spent 7 years of hard training under the tuteledge of Master Sollis. the Sixth order's training methods while cruel , burtal and often deadly, it forged the boys into hardened strong members of the order. Vaelin has many scars from this time, from the cane, the burn marks from the forge, and the various cuts he's received from failing to block blows. he passed his final test with 5 of his brothers, the highest number of graduating brothers in many years.
Now confirmed, he serves in Jannus' front lines, and, in doing so, killed a knight in white armor and a white horse. This knight turned out to be Seliesen Maxtor Aluran, The Hope of the Realm and Chosen Heir to the Alpiren Throne. this day, he was given the name Hopekiller, a name he'll carry the rest of his life.
Modern :
the six orders of the faith is an underground network, all tasks with preseving the faith amongst a world full of deniers. Vaelin rose quickly through the ranks of the Sixth order, but, found his faith wavering in how deserving the Orders were in preserving their way of life over the lives of the deniers that surrounded them. while he still holds true to the Departed, he partially gone rogue for the order itself, trying to understand the Deniers and their ways of life.
he's gone from actively defending his order from any government or special ops that come their way to trying to stay low and unnoticed himself from them, as the order has been labeled a dangerous organization, but too large to try and tackle head on.
Apocalypse :
The fall of the world didnt do much in the way of the Orders of the Faith, rather it seemed to radicalize them in their quests to spread the Faith to the Deniers. Vaelin has now moved from protecting the faith against human threats to the undead, skills that Sollis taught him useful now in this world.
he's split off from his brothers not of his own will, but the horde was too many and they couldnt stay together and all survive. he wonders looking for them or other bastions of survivors, whether or the Faith or Deniers.
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matrotas-muse-hub · 2 years ago
Potential Muses - Part Two
Continued from here, same deal as before. I’ve listed eight more muses below the cut, muses which are not officially part of this blog but may end up on here at some point. If there’s any interest in knowing more about them or starting a thread, hmu!
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Lionel / Guardian - Lionel was originally a tool - nothing but a shield for a faction called V’aarn Athil, a radical sect of psychics who fought the void’s encroachment on the material plane. After his base was wiped out, he lost his memory and was found by a farmer. When he instinctually used his psychic powers to heal the farmer during a prayer, the farmer mistakenly assumed Lionel had been blessed by the god of light, and had become a paladin. Lionel, not knowing any better, became a follower of the light god. He travels the world seeking to help others using psychic powers he believes to be divine.
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Ren’dalar Eventide (art by filibusterfrog​) - A shadar-kai swiftblade who died trying to stop a mad wizard from completing an ascension ritual to transform himself into a dragon. The ritual went haywire, trapping the mad wizard - now a dragon - and Ren’dalar in an endless cycle of reincarnation. The two have been fighting and killing one another for thousands of years.
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Rob Wylde - A human sellsword who spent many years as a bandit. After killing some adventurers in a brutal conflict alongside the remnants of his old band, Rob, the sole survivor, finished the adventurer’s contract in hopes to cash in on their quest. He was scouted by some other adventurers when he showed up at the guild and, with no bandit troupe to return to, he decided to try the life of a “legal” mercenary.
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Sir Rowan Adelard - A knight by social class alone, Sir Rowan Adelard is a skilled warrior who uses feints and sleight of hand to get the upper hand in combat, a man with little aversion to “fighting dirty.” He is a staunch defender of the people, and some rumors say he even has ties to a rogueish syndicate. But that would be preposterous, seeing how he’s a knight and all!
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Theran Stryker - Son of the famed hero Scout Stryker, Theran has always lived in his fathers’ shadow. He grew up on the road, never having a stable home and never knowing his mother who died giving birth to him. Forced to learn the ways of the warrior from a living legend of a father, Theran fell short, unable to match up to his dad. After failing a particularly important mission, his father decided Theran needs to travel alone, as he cannot accompany him forever. While his father saw this as a push towards independence, Theran saw it as a betrayal, as if he had been disowned.
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Vaelin Goldenbrow - Vaelin is a high elf scholar who taught at a rather diverse school for people from all over the world. After his only daughter marries a human, Vaelin fears for her happiness as she is bound to far outlive him. Wanting his daughter’s marriage to be a long and happy one, Vaelin sets out on a journey to unlock the secrets of chronomancy - looking for a way to make his new son-in-law age much, much slower.
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Vivian Song - Vivian, or Vi (pronounced “vee”) as some of her friends call her, is a narcoleptic noblewoman. Frail since birth, she is visited by a god in her dreams who promises her health in exchange for her worship. She accepts, finding herself slowly becoming more physically fit. Once she feels confident, Vivian steals some armor from her family’s storehouse and runs away, hoping to make good use of the divine magic she’s now acquired. She dreams of getting rich quick and retiring, sleeping all day in a comfy bed with servants to bring her food and tend to her needs.
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Willow Belvari - Willow is a priestess, a holy woman known for having an interest in scholarly pursuits. What people don’t know is that she is in fact a void fanatic, obsessed with eldritch knowledge that would break the mind of a lesser mortal. She dreams of joining the horrors who lurk beyond the stars - not as a servant, but as an equal.
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sylvaritrash · 5 years ago
Tagged by the lovely @petit-retardataire​
― Your muse’s name:  Maelichor
―  A favorite picture/face claim of your muse:
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― Two headcanons you have for your muse:
He was mentored by Commander Vaelineath, who taught him how to hunt, track prey, and generally survive in the wilderness. After Mael joined the Nightmare Court he used those skills to hunt down other sylvari, and to kill anyone who stood in the way of the Court’s goals. 
Speaking of Vaelineath, Maelichor is somewhat obsessed with the man. He tracked Vaelin though the heart of the Maguuma during the Pacts campaign against Mordremoth. On several occasions he has stepped in to protect the Commander, but denies following them because he cares, saying he was in the area on business from the Court and nothing more. 
― Three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
If he’s not busy following Nightmare’s calling or working as a mercenary hitman, then he’s out hunting. Mael hunts for food when needed, and Caledon has plenty deer and rabbits to provide. He’ll occasionally hunt for sport when he has the time. His quarry are usually saplings, asura and sometimes humans, if they wander into his hunting grounds.
Mael actually has a soft spot for dogs buried deep in that black withered heart of his, so he likes to sneak treats and pats to some of the thorn hounds when no one is looking. He’ll actually spend the time to buy special treats when he’s travelling. He has a favorite thorn hound, who he calls Vael, after the Commander. He’s been waiting for an opportune moment to remove the dog from the camp and bring it home.   
He spends a fair bit of his free time tracking down and keeping tabs on the Commander. He has often used his contacts to ‘help’ in this endeavor, the least of which was stealing a device for spying on communications that was set to the frequency used by Taimi’s communicators. It had been developed by an Inquest engineer, who Mael threatened to destroy his blueprints and any other copies of the device.
― Seven people your muse loves/likes:
Maelichor doesn’t like or love. The only person to ever come close to being on this list would be Vaelineath.
― A phobia your muse has:
Maelichor is afraid of not being enough. It was what eventually lead him to joining the Nightmare Court. After Vaelineath inevitably left to take care of the next threat, a couple of courtiers that were scouting out recruits ‘befriended’ him. They asked why Vaelin left if he was Mael’s friend, and basically put all sorts of ideas in his head about Vaelin leaving because Mael wasn’t enough for him, etc. 
― Tagging:  
I don’t have any idea who to tag, so anyone who wants to do it, I guess? 
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