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monikatouhou · 8 months ago
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tendo musculi extensori indicis
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ki-kink · 7 months ago
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"Sol exit, musculi ostendunt" is like, the totally lit slogan of Phi*Kappa Kappa. It's like, "Sun's out, guns out" all day, every day! All the Bros totally live by that motto, no doubt!
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diamondzoey · 7 months ago
Hello so I got inspired by @aspenm00n for this question
So how would the bug army react to meeting both of Jemma’s family biological and adoptive
Mila(adoptive mother): she is very motherly and sweet to another’s and can be protective of the people she loves and she thinks of as her family
Olivia(adoptive mother): She is very head strong but is nice to her family and friends and people she sees as family and was a formal hunter but is now a trainer teacher
Harper(adoptive sister): she is very confident and kind and is protective of her family, friends and these who she sees as siblings ^^
Asher(adoptive little brother): he is a very energetic kid who can talk your ear off when you ask what’s he’s favorite thing but he is shy meeting new people
Now for her biological family
Ava(biological mother)- even though she’s dead, she was a very sweet and kind person who loved jemma very much and would watch over her
Damon(biological father)- he’s a 8ft tall demon with large demon horns but he does care for his children even if he doesn’t show it
Ellie(Biological big sister)-she’s 7ft tall, musculy demon who looks like she can kill you but she loves her little sister very dearly
Camila(biological aunt)- she is Ava’s younger sister who would want to help people who are hurt and is very kind and would apologize over and over for her parents behavior
@willowve01 @rozeliyawashereyall @asmrbrainrot @astralbulldragon13 @littlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @stxph-artist @keyaartz @idontevenknow7878 @insignificant-anarchy @iistxrmyskyii @kaiamtt @piffany666 @rustycopper4use @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @fangsshadow @aspenm00n @fennaboysenberry @redacted @Wilderrorcard @threeweekinsomnia
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loosesodamarble · 10 months ago
Discordia: What kind of person do you imagine yourself marrying in the future? Josele: Hmm... Someone like my dad, I guess? Hard-working, tough, and always says what's on his mind. Oh, my future spouse would definitely have to be big and musculy too! Discordia: (laughing) You think you'd marry a guy with lots of muscles? Oh Joey... I wasn't expecting you to say something like that? Josele: Hm? Why not? Outside the door to the room... Morgen: (sobbing into his hands) I'm doomed. She'll never consider me as a partner with standards like that! Nacht: This has gotta be a joke... Back in the room... Josele: What about you, Dia? What kind of person do you think you'll marry? Discordia: Probably someone with lots of power. And money. Good looks. Probably a dishonest bastard, too. Josele: (gasps) No way, Dia! I'd never let some jerk marry you! Discordia: Tell that to my parents. They've likely got my whole life planned for me already. Nothing left for me to do than accept their decisions. Josele: Who knows. Maybe our futures won't be what we think they'll be. Discordia: ... I certainly hope so. .......... Josele is my oc while Discordia is @lyranova's.
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spaceheatie · 2 years ago
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🌵 Yeehaw and happy pride!! 🌵
Heres my old dnd concept love intrest npc, Hera. She’s a muscular, gun weilding, hay eating cowboy and shes so fun. I do love a big musculy lesbian 
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8lood8ath-8irthday · 2 years ago
kay i got my wammy’s oc!! i made her for the letter R idk if there’s a canon R character but whatever!! so, i named her Raye/Rae (pronounced Rai) but her nickname is Rick/Ricky because her “wammy name” is Rickety Raye. anyway im sorry i didn’t draw her, here’s a picrew i made!!
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picrew by ummmmandy!! anyway some other physical features i’d say she’d have would be like.. sort of wrinkly/dry hands because she’s always dehydrated!! (she’s the same age as klutz and vandal, the wrinkles are NOT bc of age 😭), she also usually wears dark purples, magentas, stuff like that in her makeup. she has like a tall, sturdy build, not skinny just sturdy, kinda musculy yk.. i don’t have many ideas for her personality, but i see her as kinda like.. feisty and flip and stuff. idk, i’ll work as i go. anyway, whatdyya think—?
omg yes she’s soooo coool i can not wait for the adventures they will go on
i also have no idea if Wammy’s house has some dress code or if everyone just dresses bland….
if there is some secret dress code I’m unaware
i absolutely love Ricky💥💥
also don’t worry too much about her personality im sure you’ll figure it out soon!!
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kenny1265 · 2 years ago
hello everyone heres hyunjin x female reader warnings: smut and s3ggs
bad grammer im french
hyunjin: honey im gonna go to the store wanna come?
yn: yah why not hold on a sec
as y/n put on hyunjins sweater and her shoes hyunjin got the keys and they both left
as y/n was walking with hyunjin they came across a s3x store and they both looked at each other and blushed
y/n: hyunjin dont look this way [nervously said]
hyunjin: huh why * looks y/ns way*
hyunjin: oh...
y/n and hyunjin stoon and looked at it and asked should we take a detour/..
hyung:no maybe later i really want my americano :]
they went to the local QT and got snackos they went to the s3x shop after tho and bought c0nd0ms and went home
AT HOME 1:50 at night
hyunjin: hey remember when we bought the c0-
y/n: boy.. ofc i do
hyunjin: i wanna test them for you~
hyunjin took off his clothes to show a musculier bod with a 12 cock
y/n sat in the bean bag while hyunjin crawled from over the bed to y/n and whisperd: ready~?
y/n: y-yes
hyunjin: good~ * he takes her clothes off one by one and once he was done he kissed y/ns neck*
y/n let out a slight moan
{hyunjin has the c0nd0m on and y/n took off her clothes then sat in his lap}
hyunjin started fingering y/n and y/n lets out moans
hyunjin grins and put y/n into doggy pose and fucked her roughly and kissed her to stop her moans then 2 hours later the stopped because they both couldent take it anymore
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gluttonygirls · 1 year ago
Prompt: Baobhan Sith drunk-calling her beloved boyfriend after a party to tell him how much she loves him...mere minutes before she collapses her fat ass onto the front lawn-
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Oh, look at that, Percival has a missed video message on his phone from a few hours ago.
From the fact that the footage is of just rustling red fabric, it's likely that Baobhan just slipped her phone down her dress somewhere to keep it safe, and dialed him drunkenly on accident.
"Y-You better be... mmmfff... nice to me... my boyfriend is r-really big and muscu... musculy... big muscles. He'll beat you up if you h-hit on me, e-even if I am s-super cute and... uuurruuuupppp... fat and stuff..."
From the rustling this is the part where she slips down and falls flat on her face, audibly snoring as the camera feed wobbles and jiggles.
He should already know this conversation, though, he was the one she was talking too.
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pagsr2023 · 2 years ago
Thema 1 Respiration und Atmung
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Im Volksmund heißt es, das Atmen sei das, was uns am Leben hält. Natürlich bedarf es weitaus mehr, jedoch wird unserer Lunge damit lebensnotwendiger Sauerstoff zugeführt.
Die Atemwege lassen sich in zwei Teile gliedern. Die oberen Atemwege beginnen in der Nase, Nasennebenhöhlen, Mund und Rachen. Im unteren Bereich folgen Kehlkopf, Luftröhre und Bronchien. Die Luftröhre (lat. Trachea) ist mit einer Schleimhaut und kleinen Flimmerhärchen ausgestattet. In diesem Bereich wird die Atemluft gereinigt, erwärmt und befeuchtet. Sobald diese über die Bronchien in den Lungenbläschen in der Lunge angelangt ist, wird der Sauerstoff über die Blutbahn im ganzen Körper verteilt. Unterhalb der Lunge befindet sich das Zwerchfell, das auch unabdingbar ist für Atmung.
Aufbau der Lunge
Die Lunge liegt im Brustkorb (lat. Thorax) gut geschützt und umhüllt von den Rippen. Auf der rechten und linken Seite befinden sich zwei identische Lungenflügel, die mit der Luftröhre durch jeweils eine Hauptbronchie verbunden sind. Diese verzweigen sich in den Lungenflügeln in immer dünnere Bronchien, deren Enden mit Lungenbläschen (Alveolen) bestückt sind.
Beim Einatmen strömt die Luft durch die oberen Atemwege und die Lunge. Dabei weiten sich Brustkorb und Lunge. Die Veränderung des Lungenvolumens und des Luftdrucks innerhalb der Lunge entsteht bei der Ausdehnung (Einatmen) und der Verengung (Ausatmen) des Brustraums. Im Ruhezustand beträgt das Lungenvolumen ca. 4 Liter, bei sehr starkem Einatmen bis zu 7 Liter und bei kräftigem Ausatmen wird es bis auf 2 Liter zusammengepresst. Unterhalb der Lunge befindet sich das Zwerchfell, das mit den Zwischenrippen- und Bauchmuskeln für die Atembewegungen zuständig ist. Sie sorgen nämlich für die Druckdifferenz, welche die Lunge nicht von selbst initiieren kann. Die Atempumpe steuert die Bewegung in der Lunge, und damit die Ventilation, bestehend aus zwei Systemen: der Brustwand und dem Lungensystem.
In der Lunge geht die äußere Atmung vonstatten. Hier findet ein Gasaustausch statt. Sauerstoff wird in das Blut aufgenommen und durch das Ausatmen wird Kohlenstoffdioxid aus dem Blut freigesetzt. Daraufhin folgt die innere Atmung, welche auch als Zellatmung bezeichnet wird, da sie sich im Inneren der Zellen abspielt. Hierbei transportiert das Blut den Sauerstoff von der Lunge zu den Zellen. Innerhalb der Mitochondrien wird mittels Sauerstoff Glucose sukzessiv zu Kohlenstoffdioxid und Wasser abgebaut und die darin gespeicherte Energie biochemisch freigesetzt.
Im Durchschnitt atmet man 12-20 mal in der Minute. 40 Prozent davon macht das Einatmen aus, 60 Prozent die Ausatmung. Beim Sprechen wird allerdings viel mehr Einatmung benötigt, da der Zeitraum bis zum nächsten Atemzug durch das Reden verlängert wird. Die Töne, die wir fürs Sprechen brauchen, werden durch einströmende und ausströmende Luft erzeugt.
Inspiration und Expiration
Als Inspiration bezeichnet man den aktiven Vorgang des Einatmens bei dem Luft in die Lunge gelangt. Bei der Inspiration sind Zwerchfell (Diaphragma), Zwischenrippenmuskeln (Musculi Intercostales) und ein Teil der inneren Zwischenrippenmuskulatur, die zwischen den Rippenknorpeln verläuft, aktiv und angespannt. Das Lungenvolumen vergrößert sich und kann Atemluft aufnehmen.
Als Expiration bezeichnet man den passiven Teil des Atemzyklus, bei dem die Luft Lunge und Atemwege verlässt. Bei Entspannung der Brustmuskulatur und Zwerchfell, lassen elastische Rückstellkräfte von Lunge und Brustkorb das Lungenvolumen schrumpfen und bewegen somit die Luft wieder nach außen.
Atemmuskulatur, abgerufen am 01.02.2023, von https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atemmuskulatur
Chapter 2 Respiratory Anatomy ,Perkins,
Innere und Äußere Atmung, abgerufen am 01.02.2023 von https://studyflix.de/biologie/innere-und-ausere-atmung-5025
Referat und Folien von Katalinka Malitzki
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idolbound-a · 7 years ago
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me: i’m gonna write another chapter for my wentworth fanfic tonight
me instead: oh my god look at how much uma thurman looks like meredith now...
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zanestittywindow · 2 years ago
[skeleton voice]
Take your skin off!!! And spin it around!! You got your musculi on!!!!! And you're dancin' around! So put your hands up! Yeah!! To the breakdown!!!! So take your skin off!!!!! Ta-ta-take your skin off!!!!!!!!!!!
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n0rtist · 4 years ago
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Another redo of my regional rodent.
Musmus (Normal): They like to keep clean as they would wipe their coat and then shed the fur on their hands, before growing more fur. Musmi meticulously keep their tails close to the body when not in use so that their tail does not get caught on anything.
Musculus (Normal/Fighting): Musculi have grown too big for their fur coat, but some continue to maintain their coat to appear proper and well kept. Despite their immense strength, they can take extra caution when handling delicate material.
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watery-melon-baller · 4 years ago
Spiderman is my comfort character because my dream is to be a musculy twink with superpowers.
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widogasm · 5 years ago
So I realized my dog has big fjord energy. Very pretty, very charismatic, his breed is known for being tough and strong but he’s not that musculy and a scaredy-cat, and has zero brain cells
jaskjksjfh i love this
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not-so-innocent-bi-sander · 5 years ago
Roman is now blond haired blue eyed musculy hot boy
Yes, yes he is.
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antronaut · 6 years ago
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image: a scanning electron micrograph of Trichomonas musculis in the colon of a mouse, pseudo-colored to emphasize its intimate contact with the host tissue (blue) and micro biome (green and yellow)
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