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melovesanneeeee · 2 years ago
I knew heavens played favoritism when I saw how damn gorgeous you are. 🤤
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jamesartifice · 11 months ago
Interesting discovery based on the phenomena of similar directional molecular structures .
An analysis of a vast database of compounds has revealed a curious repeating pattern in the way matter composes itself. Of more than 80,000 electronic structures of experimental and predicted materials studied, a whopping 60 percent have a basic structural unit based on a multiple of four. What's so strange about this is that the research team that discovered this pattern couldn't figure out why it happens. All we know at the moment is that it's real and observable. It just evades explanation.
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ariscats · 1 year ago
Jameson analyzes part 2: Traumas (or a very long rant against Emily Laughin, who I cant be bother to learn how to spell her last name)
“Cause I've made some real big mistakes/ But you make the worst one look fine/ I should've known it was strange/ You only come out at night/ I used to think I was smart/ But you made me look so naive/ The way you sold me for parts/ As you sunk your teeth into me, oh/ Bloodsucker, famefucker/ Bleedin' me dry, like a goddamn vampire”
So there is this girl, who comes at his house every summer and has a heart diesse. She cant live so everyone has to do whatever she asks to make it up for it. Then one day she gets a surgery and now she gets to live, and who is her ticket to living? Jameson and Grayson.
Emily is his first kiss. However, 3 seconds after SHE KISSES HIS BROTHER WHO HE ALREADY INSECURE ABOUT BECAUSE OF HIS F. GRANDFATHER. And you have to be pretty dumd to not realize that what emily really wanted in the scene is Grayson to kiss her and she just used Jameson because she could (I still can’t believe that Emily did “loved” Gray more than Jameson).
Then she moves to his city and goes to his school. And, as far as a bitch she is, she must have been rl something because she became the most popular girl at school.
(Now, this is where things get tricky. I’m going to use the version fo what I believe happened. If you have another version you can picture like that)
Then they start dating. They borh want to live and do things because they can rather because they should. She got her golden ticket to freedom and he got the attention he’s been craving his whole life. They do everything together because she wants more and he wants more and nothing is never enough for them. So Jameson takes her to do everything they have the right to because Jameson is, at te end of the day, a good boyfriend.
But, its still not enough for Emily. Because she goes after fucking Grayson AND HE DOES THE SAME TING AS JAMESON BECAUSE THEY ARE THE OPOSITE SIDE OF THE SAME COIN.
Then they start fighting. Best friends for their whole life, but they slowly start to hate each other because fucking Emily turned everything INTO A GAME, MAKING LOVE A GAME THE SAME WAY TJEIR FAMILY HAS BEEN TRAUMATAZING THEM THEIR WHOLE LIFES. AND SHE KEEPS A FUCKING SCORE OF WHO HAS MORE POINTS, BY VOICE RECORDING.
Then one beautifull day Rebecca decides that betrayl by both ends doesnt hurts and tells Jameson about the scores and sends him the audio Emily made.
Jameson Hawthorne had to listen the girl he ruined his life for for over a year sumarize him and his love as some points. He breaks up with her, and she decides to go after Grayson. And then she jumps. But he is also there, because love and family are never that simple and jameson is a tiny bit (read in the level of therapy) of a masochist. And then SHE BLINKS AND LAUGHS AT HIM AND WHEN HE FINALLY MANAGES TO GO AWAY SHE START HAVING HEART PROBLEMS. BUT SHE HAS PLAYED HIM SO MUCH THAT HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT REALITY IS ANYMORE, and she hadnt had any heart problems for the past 4 years. So he leaves and she dies, and hell breakes lose.
He lost a girl he has know his whole life. He just “learned” that his love arent worth more than some points, he just got out of a increadibly toxic relasionship that ruined his life. The healthy thing would have been if he had some safe space to talk about what Emily did to him and have a strong support system. But everyone he knows is muroning her. They see her as an angle, so everything she did to him goes under the traps because how do you even dare to say something about dear angle Emily. And he has to live with the fact that he belives he killed her. And he cant also talk about anyone about that, for obvious reasons (but his grandfather knows and uses that against him).
Remember what I said about him being a masochist? Now is the era of his great self destruction (with an almost suicide attempt there, that his grandfather was present again and used that agaisnt him, *again*). Its all buttom up in him and he feels angry and sad and nothing. And between these 3, he chose anger. Also, Thea blames the Hawthorne for a death they didnt cause because who dares to say something bad about angles emily? So she puts the whole school agaisnt him and makes school unberable to him. Everyone likes to joke about Jameson missing school but has anyone ever wondered why he hated there so much? He didnt skiped class because he was a rebel 😝🤘but because everyone f. hated him and made his life hell.
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konjaku · 2 months ago
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藪椿[Yabutsubaki] Camellia japonica
When I think of the description of Tsubaki, the first thing that comes to mind is the following passage from 夏目 漱石[Natsume Sōseki]'s novel 草枕[Kusamakura](lit. grass pillow). It is one paragraph, but rather long, so divide it into two in the middle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kusamakura_(novel)
二間余りを爪先上がりに登る。頭の上には大きな樹がかぶさって、身体が急に寒くなる。向う岸の暗い所に椿が咲いている。椿の葉は緑が深すぎて、昼見ても、日向で見ても、軽快な感じはない。ことにこの椿は岩角を、奥へ二三間遠退いて、花がなければ、何があるか気のつかない所に森閑として、かたまっている。 その花が! 一日勘定しても無論勘定し切れぬほど多い。しかし眼がつけば是非勘定したくなるほど鮮かである。ただ鮮かと云うばかりで、いっこう陽気な感じがない。ぱっと燃え立つようで、思わず、気を奪られた、後は何だか凄くなる。あれほど人を欺す花はない。余���深山椿を見るたびにいつでも妖女の姿を連想する。黒い眼で人を釣り寄せて、しらぬ間に、嫣然たる毒を血管に吹く。欺かれたと悟った頃はすでに遅い。向う側の椿が眼に入った時、余は、ええ、見なければよかったと思った。
[Niken amari wo tsumasaki agari ni noboru. Atama no ue niwa ookina ki ga kabusatte, karada ga kyū ni samuku naru. Mukōgishi no kurai tokoro ni tsubaki ga saite iru. Tsubaki no ha wa midori ga fukasugite, hiru mitemo, hinata de mitemo, keikaina kanji wa nai. Koto ni kono tsubaki wa iwakado wo, oku e ni san gen toonoite, hana ga nakereba, nani ga aruka ki no tsukanai tokoro ni shinkan to shite, katamatte iru.
Sono hana ga! Ichinichi kanjō shitemo muron kanjō shikirenu hodo ooi. Shikashi, me ga tsukeba zehi kanjō shitaku naru hodo azayaka de aru. Tada azayaka to iu bakari de, ikkō yōki na kanji ga nai. Pat to moetatsu yō de, omowazu ki wo torareta ato wa, nandaka sugoku naru. Are hodo hito wo damasu hana wa nai. Yo wa miyamatsubaki wo miru tabi ni itsu demo yōjo no sugata wo rensō suru. Kuroi me de hito wo tsuri yosete, shiranu ma ni, enzen taru doku wo kekkan ni fuku. Azamukareta to satotta koro wa sude ni osoi. Mukō gawa no tsubaki ga me ni haitta toki, yo wa, ee, minakereba yokatta to omotta.]
I walk up a path going uphill about four meters. There is a large tree overhead, and my body suddenly feels cold. Tsubaki(s) are blooming in a dark place on the opposite bank. The leaves of Tsubaki are so dark green that they don't look bright in daylight or in the sun and are not lighthearted. These Tsubaki(s) in particular are located four to six meters back from the rocky shore, quietly growing clumped together in a place where one wouldn't notice what is there if not for the flowers.
The flowers! there are so many that I could count them all day long and never finish. But they are so colorful that I can't help but count them when I see them. However, it's just vivid, not the least bit jolly. For a moment it appears as if flames have flared up, attracting attention, but then they become eerie. There is no flower more deceptive. Whenever I see Miyamatsubaki, always associate a beautiful, bewitching woman. With her black eyes, she attracts people and puts a sweet, gentle poison in their veins without their knowledge. By the time they realize that they have been deceived, it's too late. When the flowers on the other side came into view, I thought, Oh, I shouldn't have looked. Source: https://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000148/files/776_14941.html
The description to the mysterious flowers of Tsubaki blooming in the dark forest still continues after that. Incidentally, there is no species named 深山椿. 深山[Miyama] means deep mountain.
The flower in the photo appears to be a garden variety of Yabutsubaki. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRWsNw4UzJo
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lets-take-a-break · 2 years ago
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道の駅 むろね Michinoeki Murone
岩手県一関市 Ichinoseki-shi, Iwate, Japan
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apothecaryscript · 4 months ago
Maomao no Hitorigoto Episode 23 : Balsam and Woodsorrel / 猫猫のひとりごと 第23話『鳳仙花と片喰(ほうせんかとかたばみ/Hosenka to Katabami)』
Please note that the English lines are just my translations.
Maomao “Maomao’no mame-chishiki. Hosenkano hana-kotobawa ‘Watashini fure-naide’ ‘tanki’. Katabamino hana-kotobawa ‘yorokobi’ ‘hahano yasashisa’.”
Maomao “Maomao’s bits of knowledge. The flower language of the Balsam is ‘Don’t touch me’ and ‘Short-tempered.’ The flower language of the Woodsorrel is ‘Joy’ and ‘Mother’s kindness.’”
Maomao “Haa……”
Maomao (sigh)
Jinshi “Rakan’o bujini okuri-todokete kitaka?”
Jinshi “Did you deliver Lakan safely?”
Maomao “Buji-dewa naikato. Gekoni totte, sakewa modoku desu-kara.”
Maomao “I don’t think he’s safe. Alcohol is deadly poison to non-drinkers.”
Jinshi “A…”
Jinshi “Ah…”
Maomao “Muron, inochini betsujowa ari-masen.”
Maomao “Of course, there is no danger to his life.”
Jinshi “N… Dayona. Soreni-shitemo, konrinzai, aa-itta kakegotowa hikaete-morai-tai.”
Jinshi “Yeah, I guess so. But even so, I hope you’ll never again gamble like that.”
Maomao “Aa-itta kakegoto? Shanchī desuka? Moto-moto tokui-demo nan-demo nai-node go-anshin’o.”
Maomao “Gamble like that? Do you mean chess? I’m not good at it or anything, so don’t worry.”
Jinshi “Chigau!”
Jinshi “No, that’s not it!”
Maomao “N? Ano otoko igaide gekoni sake’o moru-yona kotowa itashi-masen.”
Maomao “Huh? I won’t make any non-drinker other than that man drink alcohol.”
Jinshi “Soremo chigau!”
Jinshi “That’s not it either!”
Maomao “Nn?”
Maomao “Hmm?”
Jinshi “Haa… Make-tara darekano koni naru-toka, do-toka…”
Jinshi “(sigh) If you lose, you’ll go live with someone or something…”
Maomao (N? Rakanno motoni iku-nowa nenkiga akete-karato, giri’o tooshita tsumori-nan-daga… Dai-ichi sonna koto’o hobini suru-nowa, ano otoko-igai iru-hazuga…)
Maomao (Huh? I thought I was doing my duty by saying that I would go to Lakan after my contract ends… But first of all, there’s no way anyone other than that man would want something like that as a reward…)
Jinshi “N… Mo yoi!”
Jinshi “That’s enough!”
Maomao (Do shitanda?)
Maomao (What’s wrong?)
Maomao “Jikai, ‘Jinshi to Maomao.’ Ano otokowa Rokushokande, dare’o miuke suru-noka…”
Maomao “Next episode, ‘Jinshi and Maomao.’ Who will that man buy out at the Verdigris House?”
「無事(ぶじ/Buji)」: safe, nothing bad happened
「送り届ける(おくりとどける/Okuri-todokeru): deliver to the place
「送る(おくる/Okuru)」: send + 「届ける(とどける/Todokeru)」: deliver
「下戸(げこ/Geko)」: non-drinker, person who is unable to drink phisically
「無論(むろん/Muron)」: of course. (More formal word than もちろん/Mochi-ron.)
「命に別状は無い(いのちにべつじょうはない/Inochini betsujo)wa nai)」: There’s no danger to one’s life.
「金輪際(こんりんざい/Kon-rin-zai)」: Never happen again (By adding this word, you can maximize the strength of the sentence.)
「ああいった(Aa-itta)」「ああいう(Aa-iu)」: like that
「控える(ひかえる/Hikaeru)」: refrain, abstain, hold off, limit
「得意(とくい/Tokui)」: be good at
「違う(ちがう/Chigau)」: different
「誰かの子になる(だれかのこになる/Darekano koni naru)」: become someone’s child
(“go live with someone” - I’m following the translation of the main story, but “go live with someone” and “become someone’s child” are different, you know. I like the tone, how Jinshi’s voice actor is saying this line, very much.)
「年季が明ける(ねんきがあける/Nenkiga akeru)」: one’s contract ends (Please note that we don’t normally use this phrase today, as it’s the words used in old times to refer to mainly prostitutes and children who were sold.)
「義理を通す(ぎりをとおす/Giri’o toosu)」: do what the person is supposed to do, do one’s duty
「第一(だいいち/Dai-ichi)」: First of all, First
「褒美(ほうび/Hobi)」: reward (old word which means “reward” from someone in a high position to someone lower, but recently we often use this word like “自分���のご褒美(じぶんへのごほうび/Jibun’eno go-hobi)” when someone buy something nice for themselves after working hard.)
「もう良い!(もうよい/Mo yoi, もういい/Mo ii)」: That’s enough!
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traveljapan47 · 3 months ago
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Azalea, Mt. Murone, Ichinoseki, Iwate, Japan, ツツジ, 室根山, 一関市, 岩手
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karvoja · 10 months ago
Olin unessa muro-ostoksilla ja halusin palluraisia suklaamuroja. Aina kun otin hyllystä ei-nestle paketin, se paljastuikin nestlen omistamaksi merkiksi. Olin hyvän matkaa kiukun ja epätoivon puolella, kun mun viereen tulee mummonen, joka ottaa suustaan imeskellyn muron, laittaa sen mun kädelle ja sanoo "tämän sinä voit syödä."
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barbarapicci · 11 months ago
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Streetart by Murone @ Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, for Branded Arts
More pics at: https://barbarapicci.com/2024/04/19/streetart-murone-williamsburg-virginia-usa/
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maegalkarven · 1 year ago
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And this lil one is a lesser cambion and Mephistopheles' youngest child, Muriel. The rumors have it there were 2 of them originally: twins named Muron and Urial; and they hated each other so ardently they swore to destroy the other. It is unknown which one of the siblings emerged victorious and which - perished. Only Muriel is left, a strange mix of two hateful twins, a chaotic echo in the order of their father's domain.
Muriel has stricken a tricky deal with mortal what cost them everything: now they're exiled from every circle of Hell and forced to wander the realm of mortals in the search of salvation from the disease they themselves helped to implant.
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year ago
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Clyde William Tombaugh was born on February 4, 1906. He was an American astronomer. He discovered Pluto in 1930, the first object to be discovered in what would later be identified as the Kuiper belt. At the time of discovery, Pluto was considered a planet, but was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006. Tombaugh also discovered many asteroids, and called for the serious scientific research of unidentified flying objects.
Tombaugh was born in Streator, Illinois, son of Muron Dealvo Tombaugh, a farmer, and his wife Adella Pearl Chritton. After his family moved to Burdett, Kansas, in 1922, Tombaugh’s plans for attending college were frustrated when a hailstorm ruined his family’s farm crops. Starting in 1926, he built several telescopes with lenses and mirrors by himself. To better test his telescope mirrors, Tombaugh, with just a pick and shovel, dug a pit 24 feet long, 8 feet deep, and 7 feet wide. This provided a constant air temperature, free of air currents, and was also used by the family as a root cellar and emergency shelter. He sent drawings of Jupiter and Mars to the Lowell Observatory, at Flagstaff, Arizona, which offered him a job. Tombaugh worked there from 1929 to 1945.
Following his discovery of Pluto, Tombaugh earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in astronomy from the University of Kansas in 1936 and 1938. During World War II he taught naval personnel navigation at Northern Arizona University. He worked at White Sands Missile Range in the early 1950s, and taught astronomy at New Mexico State University from 1955 until his retirement in 1973. In 1980 he was inducted into the International Space Hall of Fame.
The asteroid 1604 Tombaugh, discovered in 1931, is named after him. He discovered hundreds of asteroids, beginning with 2839 Annette in 1929, mostly as a by-product of his search for Pluto and his searches for other celestial objects. Tombaugh named some of them after his wife, children and grandchildren. The Royal Astronomical Society awarded him the Jackson-Gwilt Medal in 1931.
Direct visual observation became rare in astronomy. By 1965 Robert S. Richardson called Tombaugh one of two great living experienced visual observers as talented as Percival Lowell or Giovanni Schiaparelli. In 1980, Tombaugh and Patrick Moore wrote a book Out of the Darkness: The Planet Pluto. In August 1992, JPL scientist Robert Staehle called Tombaugh, requesting permission to visit his planet. “I told him he was welcome to it”, Tombaugh later remembered, “though he’s got to go one long, cold trip.“ The call eventually led to the launch of the New Horizons space probe to Pluto in 2006. Following the passage of Pluto by New Horizons on July 14, 2015, the "Heart of Pluto” was named Tombaugh Regio.
Tombaugh continued searching for over a decade after the discovery of Pluto, and the lack of further discoveries left him satisfied that no other object of a comparable apparent magnitude existed near the ecliptic. No more trans-Neptunian objects were discovered until 15760 Albion in 1992.
However, more recently the relatively bright object Makemake has been discovered. It has a relatively high orbital inclination, but at the time of Tombaugh’s discovery of Pluto, Makemake was only a few degrees from the ecliptic near the border of Taurus and Auriga at an apparent magnitude of 16. This position was also very near the galactic equator, making it almost impossible to find such an object within the dense concentration of background stars of the Milky Way. In the fourteen years of looking for planets, until he was drafted in July 1943, Tombaugh looked for motion in 90 million star images (two each of 45 million stars).
Tombaugh was probably the most eminent astronomer to have reported seeing unidentified flying objects. On August 20, 1949, Tombaugh saw several unidentified objects near Las Cruces, New Mexico. He described them as six to eight rectangular lights, stating: “I doubt that the phenomenon was any terrestrial reflection, because… nothing of the kind has ever appeared before or since… I was so unprepared for such a strange sight that I was really petrified with astonishment.”
Tombaugh observed these rectangles of light for about 3 seconds and his wife saw them for about ​1 1⁄2 seconds. He never supported the interpretation as a spaceship that has often been attributed to him. He considered other possibilities, with a temperature inversion as the most likely cause.
From my own studies of the solar system I cannot entertain any serious possibility for intelligent life on other planets, not even for Mars… The logistics of visitations from planets revolving around the nearer stars is staggering. In consideration of the hundreds of millions of years in the geologic time scale when such visits may have possibly occurred, the odds of a single visit in a given century or millennium are overwhelmingly against such an event.
A much more likely source of explanation is some natural optical phenomenon in our own atmosphere. In my 1949 sightings the faintness of the object, together with the manner of fading in intensity as it traveled away from the zenith towards the southeastern horizon, is quite suggestive of a reflection from an optical boundary or surface of slight contrast in refractive index, as in an inversion layer.
I have never seen anything like it before or since, and I have spent a lot of time where the night sky could be seen well. This suggests that the phenomenon involves a comparatively rare set of conditions or circumstances to produce it, but nothing like the odds of an interstellar visitation.
Another sighting by Tombaugh a year or two later while at a White Sands observatory was of an object of −6 magnitude, four times brighter than Venus at its brightest, going from the zenith to the southern horizon in about 3 seconds. The object executed the same maneuvers as in Tombaugh’s first sighting.
Tombaugh later reported having seen three of the mysterious green fireballs, which suddenly appeared over New Mexico in late 1948 and continued at least through the early 1950s. A researcher on Project Twinkle reported that Tombaugh “… never observed an unexplainable aerial object despite his continuous and extensive observations of the sky.”
According to an entry in “UFO updates”, Tombaugh said: “I have seen three objects in the last seven years which defied any explanation of known phenomenon, such as Venus, atmospheric optic, meteors or planes. I am a professional, highly skilled, professional astronomer. In addition I have seen three green fireballs which were unusual in behavior from normal green fireballs… I think that several reputable scientists are being unscientific in refusing to entertain the possibility of extraterrestrial origin and nature.”
Shortly after this, in January 1957, in an Associated Press article in the Alamogordo Daily News titled “Celestial Visitors May Be Invading Earth’s Atmosphere”, Tombaugh was again quoted on his sightings and opinion about them. “Although our own solar system is believed to support no other life than on Earth, other stars in the galaxy may have hundreds of thousands of habitable worlds. Races on these worlds may have been able to utilize the tremendous amounts of power required to bridge the space between the stars …”. Tombaugh stated that he had observed celestial phenomena which he could not explain, but had seen none personally since 1951 or 1952. “These things, which do appear to be directed, are unlike any other phenomena I ever observed. Their apparent lack of obedience to the ordinary laws of celestial motion gives credence.”
In 1949, Tombaugh had also told the Naval missile director at White Sands Missile Range, Commander Robert McLaughlin, that he had seen a bright flash on Mars on August 27, 1941, which he now attributed to an atomic blast. Tombaugh also noted that the first atomic bomb tested in New Mexico would have lit up the dark side of the Earth like a neon sign and that Mars was coincidentally quite close at the time, the implication apparently being that the atomic test would have been visible from Mars.
In June 1952, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, an astronomer acting as a scientific consultant to the Air Force’s Project Blue Book UFO study, secretly conducted a survey of fellow astronomers on UFO sightings and attitudes while attending an astronomy convention. Tombaugh and four other astronomers, including Dr. Lincoln LaPaz of the University of New Mexico, told Hynek about their sightings. Tombaugh also told Hynek that his telescopes were at the Air Force’s disposal for taking photos of UFOs, if he was properly alerted.
Tombaugh died on January 17, 1997, in Las Cruces, New Mexico, at the age of 90. He was cremated. A small portion of his ashes was placed aboard the New Horizons spacecraft. The container includes the inscription: “Interred herein are remains of American Clyde W. Tombaugh, discoverer of Pluto and the Solar System’s ‘third zone’. Adelle and Muron’s boy, Patricia’s husband, Annette and Alden’s father, astronomer, teacher, punster, and friend: Clyde W. Tombaugh (1906–1997)”. Tombaugh was survived by his wife, Patricia (1912–2012), and their children, Annette and Alden.
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embarasseddragon234 · 1 year ago
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Scribble Creatures:
Gosier Muron
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2015mai24 · 2 years ago
Mucc "Shin Sekai Bekkan" lyrics
1, 空 -ku- (Mixed by Miya)
Ame no naka ni hitori Yume wo nakushi shagamu shounen Kare no naka ni dare wo utsushi naiteru Akai sora ni ukabu hishageta ganbou no gainen Kokoro Koko ni arazu ochite bakari sora miage Ame no naka ni hitori Yume wo nakushi shagamu shounen Akeru yoru ga kowai Kara to me wo somukete warau Kara Kara Kara Kara Kara to oto wo tatete ha Baku Baku Baku Baku to kokoro narashite Sonna Boku wo Warae yo saa Kono ame ni mamirete Kono Sora ni utarete Tada kowareteku Tada kowareteku kara Ame no naka ni hitori Yume wo nakushi shagamu shounen Ame no naka ni hitori Yume wo nakushi shagamu shounen Sono koe wo Sono sen wo Hiroiatsumeta kaiko ni utsuseba Tada kowareteku Tada kowareteku Kanashimi ga Yume ni ukande ha kieteyuku Akane ni moeru shikisoku zekuu saa Ame no naka ni hitori Yume wo nakushi shagamu shounen Ame no naka ni hitori Yume wo nakushi shagamu shounen Kare no kage wo mite kioku ha itsu nani wo utsusu?
2, sarugutsuwa
saru ga saru no mane o sarugutsuwa shite ashi ateki warau
shadan sono shūhasū ni kakimidasa rete yuku jūdan muron jōshō kiryū wa dare ka no nibansenji hakari keibetsu to sokubaku no mokuyoku ni oboreru kaikan genkaku ni nireinihakushuichirei sono yogoretate o
hedo de arai Doro de kiyomeru ashita o mate
haite suteru hodo no itoshī gomi yo a ~anazekorehodoni kurushī no ka
haite suteru hodo no kurushī gomi yo a ~anazekorehodoni itoshī no ka
3, I wanna kiss
uretakajitsu ga suki gankyū ga toroke-sō na yokubō no kawa o muite hōbatte mitai yo shinkei o tsumabiku yōna kisu jōshō kiryū ni nokkatte fuwafuwa no uchū e sa~a Do you understand? kowarete shimaeba sono kotae ni yudanereba „YES“ shinzō o aibu suru yōna kisu-hyō mo ura mo shitchatte bakana otona ni natta ima
aishiatte iru mitai kanjō nai ai nai nai?
naranda naranda Yū no hana saite ima chittetta kireidatta na ai wa nai kisu haitoku de yogoshite ikou narande saite saitei sa~a oide sa~a oide hora kono-te no naru kata
I wanna kiss. Do you understand?
aishiatte izon shitai saigen nai ai nai? Nai seikai mo fu seikaina n janai?
shinde tta shinde tta ai no hana saite ita shitteita kireidatta na ai wa usotsuki haitoku ni noma rete ikou kokoro hikisaita mitai ne sa~a ikou ne sa~a ikou ne hora ano te no naru kata
4, bessekai
flash back karete yuku yumewomita furan shita arigētā teatarishidai nomikonda
flash back shiranakute yokatta na migattena seigi o furikazasu boku wa kakumeigo
shinde kureru nonaraba more better
come with me sa~a ikou tengoku e to naraku no soko shinigami sae nigeru yōna shin sekai kamo?
yurayura meku zangai ga koboreochite ku namida ga kirakira meku mirai ga koware hajimerukara
flash back? Raishū no yotei wa zenbu chōkeshida
come with me sa~a ikou tengoku e to naraku no soko korosuke nante naikara itoshite kimigasuki aa aishi no DIABOLO shinigami sae nigeru yō ja mō bessekai -sōdarou?
saiteina yumenonakade ai o motto chōdai kodoku o ume tsukusu hodo no nē lies& truth, love& hate
ai o kuretatte naite kuretatte dōse inaku natte shukujona furi shite akujo ni kagitte junsuida nante
waraenai jōdan kakuzatō hakon de sa~a heya ni oideyo HOTEL LeMMON TREE
aitaida nante nē nōtarin ga nanisama no tsumori? Mamoru tte miseru tte Knight kidotte usotsuki no jōtōku de
tsubekobe iwazu arittake motte sa~a heya ni oideyo HOTEL LeMMON TREE 729
bye - bye Boy I love you yumenonakade wana o hatte Hepburn enji kitta Poison Candy Bitch kimi wa Virgin Queen
kireina bara ni wa toge ga aru nante amai mon ja nai no toge koso ga bara soko ni kabuseta ōkan no hanabira
omedetai atama sa~a hierarukī nobotte oide HOTEL LeMMON TREE 729
bye - bye Boy I love you yaminonakade umarekawatte Hepburn mitsu o nutte Poison Candy Bitch kimi wa Virgin Queen ika re teru ze
saiteina yumenonakade ai o motto chōdai kodoku o ume tsukusu hodo no nē lies& truth, love& hate
good - bye Boy I love you yaminonakade wana o hatte Hepburn enji kitta Poison Candy Bitch kimi wa Virgin Queen ika shi teru ze
sweet sweet honey nukedasenai kurutta arijigoku fuck you BABY nozomi-dōri no ai o kurete yaru ze haite suteta iku sen oku no ai de tsumiageta HOTEL LeMMON TREE otogi no kuni
6, SLAVE endorufin tobichitte kowareta banira saikō no akumu o miyou maisutōrīnara ryōjoku jūji ni saka re ittaidoshita n ka na boku wa
mō ī-sa dō ni demo natte ita ttai na parusu no yoru ni sakenda
good bye ano Ni~Tsu no kimiyo the end? Mita koto mo nai sekainara tobikome
sureiburī ga shikaku sute mitsuketa shangurira tsuwamonotachi yume no ato sa guru guruguru karamatte ku kietsu ni obore hontōni-dōshi tan dai boku wa
mō ī-sa mata aitakutte kurushī na tomaru shinzō no riariti
good bye ano Ni~Tsu no kimiyo the end? Mita koto mo nai sekainara tobikome good bye aishita kimiyo kitto machigai janai hate no aru mirai e
-- kijo no sono yubi ga Shiraki o ayameru nonara, sā dekakeyou
good bye ano Ni~Tsu no kimiyo the end? Mita koto mo nai sekainara tobikome good bye aishita kimiyo kitto modoru koto nai bakadarou sō sa oh new world
7, tsui no yukue ai wa kieta mō koreijō mirai ga misuteta sora miagete
hora asa ga kuru yo namida ni nureta mama kagayai teru hizashi no naka de
kimi ga nai teru yoru wa mō kowareta
kireina sekai sa iron'na yume o ubatte ku tarinaina mirai ga negaeba ushinau to shitte shimatta bokura wa kotae o tozashita
I wish for mabayui uso o mō 1-do ai o negai o hai to shi o ima tomete yo
kiraina sekai ga mirai o sotto koroshite ku tsui no yukue o tozashita kotae wa kitto zutto imademo hizashi no naka de
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konjaku · 11 months ago
Tumblr media
藤[Fuji] Wisteria floribunda
[Murasaki shikibu to iu nowa muron kyūtei no yobina de, kanojo no honmyō wa zenzen tsutawatte inai. Soshite miyazukae tōsho wa tō no shikibu no na de mesareta rashiku, eiga monogatari no hatsuhana no maki · iwakage no maki · hikagenokatsura no maki niwa sunawachi tō no shikibu to ari, zutto shimaki no so'ō no yume no maki ni naruto murasaki shikibu to sirusarete aru. Tō no shikibu no tō wa, sei no fujiwara shi no ryakushō de aru koto, kiyohara no motosuke no musume de atta sei shōnagon, akazome no tokimochi no musume de atta akazome emon no baai to dōyō de, tōji no ippan kankō toshite tōzen de aru.] The name Murasaki Shikibu was, of course, a given name in the Imperial Court, and her name has not been transmitted at all. In the beginning of her palace service, she was apparently used under the name Tō-no Shikibu (or Tō Shikibu,) and in Volume Hatsuhana · Volume Iwakage and Volume Hikage no katsura of the Eiga monogatari, (her name) is written as it is, Tō-no Shikibu, and in a much later volume, Volume So'ō no yume, (her name) is written as Murasaki Shikibu. Tō(Fuji) in Tō-no Shikibu is the abbreviation for (her) family name Fujiwara; as well as the case with Sei(Kiyo) Shōnagon, who was the daughter of Kiyohara-no Motosuke, and Akazome Emon, who was the daughter of Akazome-no Tokimochi, it was a general customary practice in those days. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiga_Monogatari https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sei_Shōnagon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akazome_Emon From The name of Murasaki Shikibu by Shimazu Hisamoto Source: https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/1882744/1/52 (ja)
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frierenscript · 8 months ago
Episode 23 : Conquering the Labyrinth / 第23話『迷宮攻略(Meikyu Koryaku)』
*Green colored words are only in anime, not in original manga, and we usually call them "ani-ori(anime-original)".
(The beginning of comic vol.6 / コミックス6巻 冒頭)
〈Kitagawa-shokoku, Reirakuno Obo〉
〈At the Ruins of the King’s Tomb, located in the northern lands〉
Zenze “Dai-ichiji-shiken gokakusha ju-hachi-mei. Mazuwa, gokaku omedeto. Watashiga tanto-suru shikenni kanshitewa, koremadeno kekka kara, jitsuni sama-zamana okusokuga tobikatte-iruto kiku. Kimitachino naka-nimo, uwasao mimini shita monowa irudaro. Daga, migamaeru hitsuyowa nai. Shikenwa itatte shinpuru. Ikkyu-mahotuskaiwo mezasu mono naraba, nan-naku kirinuke-rareru monoda. Soredewa dai-niji-shikenno shosaio setsumei suru.”
Sense “To the eighteen of you who passed the first test… First, congratulations on making it here. I hear people speculate all kinds of things about my tests based on past results. I’m sure there are some of you who have heard such rumors, but you needn’t prepare yourselves for the worst. The test is very simple. Anyone who wishes to become a first-class mage should be able to pass it with ease. Now, allow me to explain the details of the second test.”
Zenze “Dai-niji-shikenwa danjon koryakuda. Kimi-tachiniwa Reirakuno Obono koryakuo okonatte-morau. Gokaku-jokenwa tada hitotsu. Reirakuno Obono saishinbu-made tadori-tsuku-kotoda.”
Sense “For the second test, you will be raiding a dungeon. You will raid the Ruins of the King’s Tomb. There is only one condition for passing: you must reach the deepest floor of the tomb.”
Zenze “Watashiwa heiwa-shugisha dene. Arasoiwa konomanai. Yotte tadori-tsuita-monowa zen’in gokakuto suru.”
Sense “I am a pacifist. I dislike fighting. Therefore, everyone who reaches the bottom will pass.”
Burai “Mate. Kokowa ookuno bokenshaga kaeranu-mononi natta mitohano danjonda. Mata gokakushao dasanai tsumorika?”
Blei “Wait. Many adventurers have failed to return from this unexplored dungeon. Are you planning to fail all the test-takers again?”
Zenze “Nanio itte-iru. Kimi-tachiga mezashite-irunowa mahotsukaino saikohoda. Fukano’o kanoni surunoga ikkyu-mahotsukai. Mitoha daroga zenjin-mito daroga, nejifusete tsuki-susumunda.”
Sense “What are you talking about? You are attempting to reach the pinnacle of magehood. First-class mages make the impossible possible. You must forge ahead, regardless of whether or not anyone’s been there before you.”
Metode “Saishinbuni tadoritsuitato iukoto’o do shomei sureba yoino-desuka? Kingin-zaiho demo mochi-kaereba iinokashira?”
Methode “How should we prove we’ve reached the bottom? Should we return with treasure?”
Zenze “Shomeino hitsuyowa nai. Watashimo tomoni saishinbu-made moguru. Muron, Jukenshani tewa kasan-gana.”
Sense “You won’t need to probe it. I will descend to the bottom of the dungeon with you. Naturally, I will not be assisting the test-takers.”
Zenze “Soreto zen’inni kono bin’o watashite-oko. Ikkyu-mahotsukai Rerunenga Kaihatsu shita, dasshutsu-yo-Gōremuda. Bin’o wareba Gōremuga araware, danjonno sotomade hakobi-dashite kureru. Shisaku-dankai daga anzen-seiwa jubunda. Shiyoshawa fugokakuto naruga, fusho nadode shiken keizoku fukanoto handan shitara, mayowazu tsukaunda. Shorai yubona jinzaiga shinu-nowa kyoyo dekin. Soreto asuno yoakeniwa, jidode binga wareru-yoni natteiru. Sorega dai-niji-shikenno kigento naru. Soredewa Shiken-kaishida.”
Sense “Also, each of you will receive one of these bottles. It’s an escape golem developed by the first-class mage Lernen. When the bottle is shattered, the golem will manifest and carry you out of the dungeon. They’re still prototypes, but they’re safe enough. Using your bottle means you fail the test, but I urge you to do so if you become unable to continue due to injuries or otherwise. I have no intention of allowing mages with promising futures to die here. Also, the bottles will shatter automatically at dawn tomorrow. That is the time limit of the second test. Now, let the test begin.”
Rihitā “Iriguchiga fukusu aruna.”
Richter “There are multiple entrances.”
Denken “Toitsu-ochokino danjonno yodana. Kono jidaino danjonwa iriguchiga fukusu aruga, doremo saishinbuni tsujite-iru. Sorezoreno iriguchio shirabereba, aru teidono naibu-kozoga wakarudaro. Zen’inde tewakeo shite…”
Denken “This seems to be a dungeon of the Unified Dynasty. Dungeons of that era have multiple entrances, but they all lead to the deepest level. Examining the entrances should allow us to determine the internal structure of the dungeon. The group should split up and―”
Tōn “Naze kyoryoku suru nagareni natte-irunda?”
Ton “Why are you acting like we’re working together?”
Denken “Konkaino shiken-niwa arasou yosoga nai. Zen’inde kyoryoku-shita-hoga ii.”
Denken “There’s no reason for us to fight this time. It’s better for all of us to cooperate.”
Tōn “Sorewa muridana. Dai-ichiji-shikentowa chigatte, gokaku-jokenni nakamano seizonga nai. Toto’o kunda-tokorode nakamao tasukeru giriwa naishi, izato iutokiwa sute-ishini sareru risukumade aru. Tokuni antawa danjonni kuwashii yodashina. Orewa hitoride iku.”
Ton “I can’t agree to that. Unlike in the first test, our companions’ survival isn’t a condition for passing the test. We’re not obligated to help each other, and we even risk becoming someone’s sacrificial pawn if the need arises. You in particular seem knowledge about dungeons. I’m going alone.”
Viaberu “Maa dai-ichiji-shikenno shigaramimo aru. Sukunaku-tomo, yoku shiranee yatsu-towa kumeneeyona. Ikuzo.”
Wirbel “We’re all carrying baggage from the first test. At the very least, I can’t work with anyone I don’t know well. Let’s go.”
Ēre “Chotto. Matteyo.”
Ehre “Wait for me.”
Denken “Bakaga. Kyoryoku surukotono yuiseini kizuken towa…”
Denken “Those fools. Why don’t they realize working together is better?”
Furīren “Ikuyo. Ferun.”
Frieren “Let’s go, Fern.”
Ferun “Iindesuka, Furīren-sama?”
Fern “Are you sure, Ms. Frieren?”
Furīren “Kyoryokuwa damedane. Mo seiritsu shinaiyo.”
Frieren “There’s no chance of everyone working together anymore.”
Zenze “Ūmu. Dewa watashiwa kimi-tachini tsuiteiko. Kimi-tachiga ichiban anzenni saishinbuni tadori-tsukisoda.”
Sense “I see. I shall accompany your group. You seem like you’ll have the safest time reaching the bottom.”
Furīren “Jama shinaide yone.”
Frieren “You’d better not interfere.”
Zenze “Shinaiyo. Jamamo tedasukemo.”
Sense “I shall neither interfere nor assist you.”
Furīren “Kokoga ichiban anzenna rūto dayo. Mappingu shinagara shinchoni susumoka.”
Frieren “This is the safest route. We’ll proceed with caution while mapping the dungeon.”
Furīren “Sokono yuka wana-dakara kio tsukete.”
Frieren “The floor there is trapped. Be careful.”
Ferun “Aikawarazu danjonni kuwashii-desune.”
Fern “You always know so much about dungeons.”
Furīren “Maewa sodemo nakattan-dakeredomone. Hinmeruga danjon sukidatta kara. Mamonono tobatsu-iraide takusanno danjonni moguttandayo.”
Frieren “I didn’t always. It was Himmel who loved dungeons. We entered so many of them to hunt down monsters.”
Ferun “Danjonga sukitte doiu koto desuka?”
Fern “What do you mean, he loved dungeons?”
Furīren “Kotoba-doorino imidayo. Waku-waku surun-dattesa. Wakega wakaranai-yone.”
Frieren “It’s exactly what it sounds like. He said they excited him. It doesn’t make sense, does it?”
Aizen “Tsugino kaisoni tsuzuku kaidan dana.”
Eisen “These stairs lead to the next floor.”
Hinmeru “Soka. Kocchino rūtowa hazure dana. Sakkino wakare-michi made modoruzo.”
“I see. Then we chose the wrong route. Let’s head back to the last branch.”
Haitā “Sodesune.”
Heiter “Indeed.”
Aizen “Nazeda. Ore-tachino mokutekiwa saishinbuni iru mamonoda.”
Eisen “Why? We’re looking for the monster at the bottom of the dungeon.”
Hinmeru “Itsuni nattara manabunda, Aizen. Danjonwa hitotsuno kaiso’o subete toha-shitekara tsugini susumu monoda. Bokenshano joshiki dazo.”
Himmel “When will you learn, Eisen? In a dungeon, one must explore the entire floor before proceeding to the next one. Every adventurer knows that.”
Aizen “Sonna joshikiwa naizo.”
Eisen “I’ve never heard that before.”
Hinmeru “Baka-mitai-datte omotte irudaro. Tanoshinde hito-dasukega dekiruno-nara, sorega ichibanja naika.”
Himmel “You think I’m being foolish, don’t you? But isn’t it best to be able to have fun while helping people?”
Furīren “Itsumademo kowa ikanaiyo. Tabiga susumeba inochi-gakeno danjonmo fuete-kuru.”
Frieren “It won’t always be like this. As we travel, the dungeons will become more life-threatening.”
Aisen “Soda soda.”
Eisen “That’s right.”
Hinmeru “Saigo-made tanoshimuyo. Tanoshiku boken-shite, danjonni mogutte, mamono’o taoshite, takarao sagashite, kiga tsuitara sekaio sukutte-itayona, sonna tabiga shitainda.”
Himmel “I intend to enjoy it until the end. I’ll have fun adventuring, raiding dungeons, defeating monsters, finding treasure, and before I know it, I’ll have saved the world. That’s the kind of adventure I want to have.”
Hinmeru “Soreni wakare-michino sakini arunowa, mezurashii madosho kamo shirenaishina.”
Himmel “Besides… There might be a rare grimoire down the path left untraveled.”
Furīren “Nani yatteruno? Hayaku modoruyo.”
Frieren “What are you doing? Let’s hurry back.”
Hinmeru “Ee…”
Himmel “What?”
Furīren “Hontoni wakega wakaranai-yone.”
Frieren “It really doesn’t make sense, does it?”
Ravīne “Kanne, ikoze.”
Lawine “Kanne, let’s go.”
Rihitā “Kekkyoku nokotta-nowa go-nin-ka.”
Richter “In the end, only the five of us stayed.”
Denken “Zen’inde kyoryoku-shite yakuwari-buntan’o sureba, koryakuno kanoseiwa jubunni atta. Soredakeno jitsuryokushaga sorotte-ita hazu dattano-dagana.”
Denken “We could’ve beaten the dungeon easily if we’d all worked together and assigned roles. We had enough skilled mages to make it happen.”
Rihitā “Denken, minnaga antahodo warikireru wakeja nai. Dai-ichiji-shikenno saigoni antamo itte-itadaro.”
Richter “Denken, not everyone is as pragmatic as you. It’s like what you said toward the end of the first test.”
Rihitā “Kini kuwanakattan-darosa. Yori kashikoi renchuga nokotta. So omoeba ii. Sukunaku-tomo kono nakani, mimikkuno-yona tanjunna wanani kakatte ashio hipparu bakawa inai. Sorede iidaro, Denken.”
Richter “It must not have sat right with them. Think of it this way: only the smartest have remained. At the very least, there aren’t any idiots here to hold us back by falling for simple traps like mimics. Isn’t that good enough, Denken?”
Denken “Sonna bakaga kono shikenni irumonoka. Ikuzo.”
Denken “I doubt anyone that foolish would be taking this test to begin with. Let’s go.”
フリーレン「この魔力… 魔導書かも。」
Furīren “Kono maryoku… Madosho kamo.”
Frieren “This mana… It might be a grimoire.”
Ferun “Furīren-sama, ‘Mīkuhaito”no hanbetsu-kekkawa mimashita-yone. Mimikku desu.”
Fern “Ms. Frieren, you saw the results of that Mikheit spell. It’s a mimic.”
Furīren “Ferun, sono mahono seidowa kyuju-kyu-pāsento dayo.”
Frieren “Fern, that spell is only 99% accurate.”
Ferun “Sorega doka shitano-desuka?”
Fern “And what if it is?”
Furīren “Nokorino ichi-pāsento’o miyabutta idaina mahotsukai-tachiga itakara-koso, rekishi-tekina hakkenga attanda.”
Frieren “Historical discoveries have been made by great mages who recognized that remaining 1%.”
Furīren “Un. Yappari soda. Kono nakamiwa kichona madosho dayo. Watashino mahotsukaito shiteno keikenga so tsugete iru.”
Frieren “It’s just as I thought. There’s a valuable grimoire inside here. That’s what my experience as a mage is telling me.”
Furīren “Kuraiyō!! Kowaiyō!! A, a, kurai! Kowai!”
Frieren “It’s dark and scary in here! It’s dark! I’m scared!”
Furīren “A, a, a, kuraiyo! Kowaiyo!”
Frieren “It’s dark and scary!”
Zenze (Tsuite-iku hito-tachi, machigaeta-kana…)
Sense (Maybe I chose the wrong people to follow.)
Denken “Chushinno yukawa fumunayo. Tenjoga ochite-kuruzo.”
Denken “Don’t step on the floor in the center. The ceiling will come crashing down on you.”
Raofen “Masaka sokono hito-gatano shimitte…”
Laufen “Is that person-shaped stain there…”
Rihitā “Egetsu-naina. Honemo nokoranai-noka.”
Richter “Brutal. It doesn’t even leave bones behind.”
Raofen “Gāgoiruda!”
Laufen “Gargoyles!”
Rihitā “Denken, hitori tojikome-rareta.”
Laufen “Denken, someone got trapped.”
Denken “Wakatte-iru.”
Denken “I know.”
Rihitā “Kabeno mukoda.”
Richter “She’s on the other side of the wall.”
Denken “Sagatte-iro.”
Denken “Stand back.”
Denken “…Yahari dameka. Yamuo en. Bin’o ware.”
Denken “It didn’t work. Then we have no choice. Break your bottle!”
Raofen “Sugē“
Laufen “Wow.”
デンケン「もう、一人脱落か… 少しの油断が命取りになるな。これが零落の王墓か…」
Denken “Mo, hitori datsurakuka… Sukoshino yudanga inochi-torini naruna. Korega Reirakuno Oboka…”
Denken “We’re already down another test-taker. Letting your guard down for a moment here could cost you your life. So these are the Ruins of the King’s Tomb.”
Furīren “Nee Ferun. Chotto iikana. Ittan hipparuno yameyo? Chigire-chau-kara.
Frieren “Hey, Fern. Can I make a suggestion? Stop pulling. You’re going to rip me in half.”
Ferun “Hai.”
Fern “Okay.”
Furīren “Koiu tokiwane, gyakuni oshikomun-dayo. Mimikkuga oette natte kamuno yamerukara.”
Frieren “To save someone from a mimic, you should push in instead. It makes the mimic choke and stop biting.”
Ferun “Inuka nanika nandesuka?”
Fern “Is it a dog or something?”
フリーレン「ふぅ… 助かった…」
Furīren “Fu… Tasukatta…”
Frieren “I’m safe.”
Ferun “Mattaku. Hitorino tikiwa do shori-shite itandesuka?”
Fern “Honestly. How did you get out of those when you were by yourself?”
Furīren “Kogeki-mahode uchigawa-kara bakuha shiteita. Demo kaminokega chiri-chirini nacchau-kara iya-nandayone…”
Frieren “By blowing them up from the inside with offensive magic. But I don’t like to do it since it makes my hair frizz up.”
フリーレン「ただいま… 縦ロールになっちゃった…」
Furīren “Tadaima… Tate-rōruni nacchatta…”
Frieren “I’m back. I have ringlets now.”
Ferun “Tokidoki kamigata kawatte itanotte soiu koto dattan-desune.”
Fern “So that’s why you’d sometimes have a different hairstyle.”
Ferun “Nande?”
Fern “Why?”
Furīren “Jaa kio tori-naoshite, koryakuo susumeruyo.”
Frieren “Let’s pull ourselves together and keep going.”
Furīren “Gāgoiruda. Ugokidasu-maeni taosuyo.”
Frieren “Gargoyles. We’ll defeat them before they start moving.”
Ferun “Kono medaru ironna bashode mikake-masune.”
Fern “We’ve been seeing these medals all over the place.”
Furīren “Dokkano kozukaga atsumeteru rashiiyo.”
Frieren “Apparently some dilettante collects them.”
Furīren “Kocchiwa seikino rūtoppoikara, hikikaesuyo.”
Frieren “This look like the main route. Let’s turn back.”
Ferun “Nande?”
Fern “Why?”
Ferun “Omotta yorimo juncho desune.”
Fern “We’re progressing more smoothly than I expected.”
フリーレン「確かに未踏破のダンジョンにしてはおかしいね。構造的に、もう最深部は近いはずだし… どちらにせよ油断は禁物だね。次の玄室を見つけたら、一旦休憩にしようか。」
Furīren “Tashikani mitohano danjonni shitewa okashiine. Kozo-tekini, mo saishinbuwa chikai hazudashi… Dochirani seyo yudanwa kinmotsu dane. Tsugino genshitsuwo mitsuketara, ittan kyukeini shiyoka.”
Frieren “It does seem a bit odd for an unexplored dungeon. Judging by its construction, we should be nearing the bottom, too. Either way, don’t let your guard down. Let’s take a break in the next burial chamber we find.”
Furīren “Kekko ii mono teni haittane.”
Frieren “We’ve acquired some pretty nice stuff.”
Ferun “Garakuta ni-shika miemasenga…”
Fern “It just looks like junk to me.”
ゼンゼ「うーむ… 分からんな。」
Zenze “Ūm… Wakaranna.”
Sense “Huh. I don’t get it.”
Ferun “Desuyone. Anna monode yorokobuda-nante.”
Fern “Neither do I. Why do those things make her happy?”
Ferun “Hoozuri shiteru…”
Fern “She’s rubbing it on her cheek.”
Zenze “Watashiga wakaranai-nowa kimi dayo. Ferun. Sono wakasade kimihodono yushuna mahotsukaiwa mita-kotoga nai. Sotona shuren’o tsunda hazuda. Nanoni kimi-karawa jonetsumo shunenmo kanjinai. Fushigina koda.”
Sense “You’re the one I don’t understand, Fern. I’ve never seen a mage as skilled as you at your age. You must have trained rather hard. And yet I sense no passion or determination in you. You’re a strange girl.”
Ferun “Watashiwa toaru hitoni on’o kaesu-tameni ichi-nin-maeno mahotsukaini narimashita.”
Fern “I became a proper mage to repay a debt to someone.”
Ferun “Sorewa tojino watashino jinseino mokuhyode, tada-tada zenryokude, sono sakiga aru-danante kangaemo shimasen-deshita. Kitto sono tokini jonetsumo shunenmo tsukai-hatashite shimattano-desho.”
Fern “That was my life’s goal at the time. I devoted all my effort to achieving it without considering anything that would come after that. I must’ve used up all my passion and determination then.”
Zenze “Nara naze kimiwa mahono tankyuo tsuzukete irunda?”
Sense “Then why do you continue searching for magic?”
Ferun “Furīren-sama, tanoshiso-desho?”
Fern “Ms.Frieren seems to be having fun, doesn’t she?”
Zenze “Sodana.”
Sense “Yes.”
Ferun “Watashiga hajimete danjonni mogutta tokimo, Furīren-samawa garakuta mitaina madoguo atsumete tanoshisoni waratte imashita.”
Fern “The first time I entered a dungeon, Ms.Frieren joyfully smiled while collecting magic junk.”
Ferun “Tsurarete waratte shimattan-desu. Kitto watashiwa sonna Furīren-samano sugataga suki-dakara, isshoni maho’o oimotomete-irundato omoimasu.”
Fern “It made me smile, too. I think I continue searching for magic because I like seeing her happy.”
Ferun “Soro-soro sakini susumi-masho.”
Fern “We should get going.”
Zenze “Yappari kimi-tachini tsuite-kite seikai datta-yoda. Kitto kimi-tachi-nara kono zankokuna danjonmo tanoshimu kotoga dekiru.”
Sense “Looks like I was right to follow you after all. I’m sure you can enjoy even this brutal dungeon.”
Sharufu “Fun’ikiga kawattana.”
Scharf “The atmosphere has changed.”
Viaberu “Saishinbuga chikainno-kamona.”
Wirbel “Maybe we’re near the bottom.”
Ēre “…Viaberu.”
Ehre “Wirbel.”
Viaberu “Nanda. Mo arukenaku…”
Wirbel “What? Can’t walk any―”
Ēre “Kosoku saretawa. …Maryokuo keshita mahotsukaiga san-nin. Kishuyo.”
Ehre “I’m restrained. There are three mages concealing their mana. It’s an ambush.”
Viaberu “…Hee.”
Wirbel “Oh?”
Viaberu “Sharufu, shikaio saegire. Ēreni kakerareta mahowa Soruganīruda.”
Wirbel “Scharf, block their vision. The spell cast on Ehre is Sorganeil.”
Sharufu “Wakatte-iru.”
Scharf “I know.”
Viaberu “Reirakuno Oboga nanko-furaku datta wakedaze. Masaka konna monoga iruda-nantene.”
Wirbel “No wonder the Ruins of the King’s Tomb have never been conquered. I wasn’t expecting to encounter these here.”
Viaberu “Sharufuwa oreo, Ērewa Sharufuo nerae. Orewa Ēreo tataku. Toppa suruzo.”
Wirbel “Scharf, you’re on me. Ehre, you’re on Scharf. And I’ll take on Ehre. Let’s do this.”
Denken “Mamononi yotte tsukurareta fukusei-tai dana. Mazokuka mamonono shiwaza daro. Daga, korehodo kanpekina tashano fukuseiwa mitakotoga nai. Maryokumo giryomo Raofento doto datta. Shosamo soda. Kioku-saemo riyo shiteiru kanoseiga aru.”
Denken “It’s a replica made using magic. It must be the work of demons or monsters. But I’ve never seen such a perfect copy of another person before. Its mana and skills were the same as yours, Laufen. So was its behavior. It’s possible even our memories were used.”
Raofen “Amari ii kibunja naine.”
Laufen “I don’t like this.”
Rihitā “Sukuiga aruto sureba, hitome mite nisemono-dato wakaru tokoro dana. Sukunaku-tomo doshi-uchino kiken-seiwa nai.”
Richter “The one saving grace is that it’s instantly recognizable as a fake. At the very least, there’s no danger of us attacking each other.”
Metode “Karini kono mahono tsukaitega fukusuno fukusei-taio dojini ayatsureruto shitara, osoroshii-hodono kyoini narimasune.”
Methode “If whoever cast this spell can control multiple copies simultaneously, they must be terrifyingly powerful.”
Denken “Dochirani seyo toto’o kunde-ite seikai dattana. Taisho dekiru shudanmo fueru.”
“Either way, we were right to team up. It gives us more options for dealing with them.”
Rihitā “…Denken. Aremo taisho dekirunoka?”
Richter “Denken, can we deal with that, too?”
Denken “Hitotsu-dake ierunowa, korega shikende nakattara, washiwa toni bin’o watte-oru.”
Denken “The one thing I can say is that if this weren’t a test, I would’ve shattered my bottle a long time ago.”
(Continue to Episode 24)
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petnews2day · 9 months ago
Calgary cat owner warns others after pet killed by bobcat - Calgary
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Calgary cat owner warns others after pet killed by bobcat - Calgary
A Calgary cat owner is warning others after her beloved pet was attacked and killed by what she believes was a bobcat. Story continues below advertisement Glenda Muron told Global News her cat Wilma went missing from her home in Arbour Lake back on May 28. Muron said she searched for six days until a […]
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