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boldlymagnificentperson · 10 months ago
Libri: la classifica del Tempo Ritrovato di Milano
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delphixphotos · 2 years ago
Musique André Messager
Livret Albert Willemetz
Adapté du roman éponyme de Maurice Larrouy
Direction musicale Alexandra Cravero
Mise en scène Sol Espeche
Cheffe de choeur et de chant Delphine Dussaux
Collaboratrice artistique Pauline Jambet
Scénographie Oria Puppo
Chorégraphie Aurélie Mouilhade
Costumes Sabine Schlemmer
Maquillage et perruques Maurine Baldassari
Lumières Loris Gemignani
Vidéo Alexis Lardilleux
Conseiller artistique Christophe Mirambeau
Puy Pradal Jean-Baptiste Dumora
Béatrice Clarisse Dalles
Kermao Christophe Gay
Gerville Philippe Brocard
Sola Myrrhis Irina De Baghy
Pinson Guillaume Beaudoin
Haubourdin Mathieu Septier
Muriac Célian d'Auvigny
Bellory - L’Amiral Maxime Le Gall
Subervielle Matthias Deau
Mylène Bourbeau, Lucile Komitès, Hortense Venot, Laure Ilef, Marion L'Héritier et Claire Naessens
Réservations en points de vente habituels
📍Théâtre Impérial - Opéra de Compiègne- 3 mars 2023
📍Atelier Lyrique de Tourcoing - 5 mars 2023
📍Athénée Théâtre Louis-Jouvet du 10 au 19 mars 2023
🎥 Alexis Lardilleux
Production Les Frivolités Parisiennes
Co-Production Théâtre Impérial - Opéra de Compiègne et Athénée Théâtre Louis-Jouvet
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cpiscitelli · 2 years ago
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“Verrai domani?” “Oh no. Non tutti i giorni” Therese Desqueyroux #watercolor #transcription #vallotton #muriac #romance #love #drawing #painting https://www.instagram.com/p/CkolWKfMpN1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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guiadecoraciondeandorra · 7 years ago
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#muriac @trobadamicroproductorsvi 5º ENCUENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE MICROPRODUCTORES DE VINO Espai Firal del Prat Nou, Av. Rocafort, Sant Julià de Lòria ( Sant Julià de Lòria ) Los aficionados a la enología y los profesionales del sector tienen otra cita con los pequeños productores de vino del 18 al 20 de noviembre de 2017. #vins #vinos #santjuliadeloria #andorra #enoturismo #enoturisme #followforfollow #follow4follow #cellergarciamuret #tremp #pallarsjussa #vinsdalçada #vinsdelpirineu @descobreixsjl @turismesjl #marketingonl #pepandorra #webslowcost #xarxessocials #garciamuret #jordigarciamuret (at Sant Julià de Lòria)
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classyandcarefree · 7 years ago
But love has to be stronger than hate, or there is no future for us
Kristen Hannah, The Nightingale
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jackhkeynes · 4 years ago
Glossary of Terms: from A to Z in the Boralverse
aphlox | carbon dioxide billrod | cochineal connit | disguise dackin | indigo ersteigung | apex, crest, sforzando fecundation | fertilisation guild | corporation heredian acid | DNA indreck | nonprofit, charity jalick | tuxedo kenonaut | spaceship lencorve | line of credit, tab mitigor | ethene, ethylene narjill | coconut ostracon | lottery, sortition parachthon tales | speculative fiction quanga | butler, secretary rath | bike shadome | tomato threshold mill | nuclear power plant ubiquity | cultural supremacy, totalist ideology viker | steward well-mint | well-off xanthal | neon yacht | cult, secret society zetter | note, memo
The full list of Boralverse jargon may be found under the cut.
adamant | titanium
aeronaut | airship
air-steeple | telegraphy post on a balloon
alchemick | chemical, relating to chemistry
alchemist | chemist
alchemy | chemistry
aldreman | mayor, municipal leader
alluning | moon landing
aphlox | carbon dioxide, also carbonic acid as a liquid
aquifex | hydrogen
arithmat | computing
astrapic | electric, electromagnetic
aumond | almond
autonome | autonomous, unauthorised
autune | sparkling wine, esp. from the Autun region
bdella | virus
billrod | cochineal, a crimson dye produced from the shell of an insect and imported from Lower Mendeva
bit-sheet | tabloid, cheap newspaper
blacklair | horror, media intent to scare
blankpine | white pine, Weymouth pine
bookhouse | library
brimstone | sulfur
caddar | to distil, purify, extract
calamine | zinc oxide
case | cell
casting | publishing
chain substance | polymer
chimer | chimera, hybrid
christmas pie | savoury pie eating on Revillon across Northern Europe but especially in Borland
circular function | trigonometric function
clavier | keyboard, piano
cmm disk | vinyl record
cmm | "chain muriac mitigor", polyvinyl chloride, PVC
codnere | kidney
collocker | interviewer, investigator
collock | chat, dialogue, interview, conversation
collusion | collaboration, confederation
concord | treaty, agreement
concrescence | instantiation, model, prototype
concurrence history | history of a particular time period
conjure | to conspire, to collude
connit | disguise, inconspicuousness, secretiveness; hiding place
connock | ice skating
console | leader of merchant republic, esp. Genoa
convoker | representive, PR person
convoy | troop, division, band of soldier
copperplate | right-wing
coppers | cheap seats, nose-bleeds, lowest-quality product
copysheet | study notes
coronal | helium
corporal quillsam | periodic table, set of chemical elements
coshow | rubber, esp. natural rubber, latex
costumery | clothing catalogue
coswer | cousin
counter-zoic | antimicrobial
covring | (maths) surjection, surjective map
dackin | indigo
daily gyre | circadian rhythm, body clock
daplight | LED
davarn | grand hotel, resort
deficient | positively charged
deixism | approach to research focused on collecting primary sources and references
deixist | researcher, archivist
detaxion | synthesis, combining, esp. in chemistry
dominium | region of control, domain, demesne
druckdue | the silver screen, cinema
drypepper | peppercorns, black peppercorns
edition | publishing, publication
ersteigung | apex, crest, sforzando, peak, climax
excourse | competition, tournament, quiz, game
extent | field (physics)
fecundation | fertilisation
fendle | fennel
filmic | cinematic
geoscopic | exploratory, cartographic, intending to see the world
giftale | media set in or taking aesthetic inspiration from Italy
grade | separate, sort in categories
green snowfall | first snowfall of the new year (after the first of March)
guild | corporation, company
gum | rubber, esp. synthetic rubber
gyre | orbit, cycle; to orbit, to ring around-
herdtale | agricultural stories and songs of mid-19C Gulf Mendeva
heredian acid | DNA (also shortened to heredian)
hereditarian | genetic
hereditature | genome, DNA
heredity | genetics
heverrath | bicycle, velocipede
hever | lever, pedal, also the verb
hourchain | rosary, armilla
hydromotor light | microwave radiation
iamb 5' | iambic pentameter
icon | photo, photgraph
igniac | oxide
ignifex | oxygen
indreck | nonprofit, charity
in peripatetico | abroad, on an exchange, on a sabbatical
in tesquo | in the wild, in practice, in real life
Iscovalian variation | evolution by natural selection
jalick | tuxedo, high formalwear
jast | zinc
kenonaut | spaceship
kernel | cell nucleus
kester | beggar, panhandle
lacker | veneer, false surface
laic | secular, irreligious, oecumenical
lampfire | naked flame used as a light source
leavingstore | gift shop, shop for trinkets
lencorve | line of credit, tab
limmon | lemon
lineball | team ballgame, resembling (soccer) football or rugby
lithing | account, list, enumeration
lodginghouse | waystop, inn, traveller's rest
longform light | radio waves
lorrer leaf | bay leaf
lovetale | romance writing
luetic pox | syphilis
lux | radiation, elementary particle
machinal | automatic, by rote
machovine | strontium
manner | property, nature
mapbook | atlas
masquira | genre of stories typically featuring vigilante characters and plots driven by hidden identities, high society and complicated schemes. It has some overlap with the later spycraft genre, especially in modern works.
matching | (maths) bijection, bijective map
mechanics | dynamics, physics of motion and collision
mecon | metre (length of pendulum with halfperiod 1 second
melee | high society, the gentry (old-fashioned), the ton, the activities of the gentry
meshforum | online community
mesh | network
methodics | computer science, programming
ministry | department, ministry, bureau
mitigor | ethene, ethylene, C2H4
modest | socially conservative, with respect to family, children and gender relations
moneypurse | wallet, purse
mozardisto | member of a populist faction involved in the Second German War primarily made up of Andalusian Christians but expanding in scope, especially towards the end of the war.
mozard | populist, antiestablishment
muriac | chloride
muria | chlorine
myton | type of merchant ship in wide use during the late fifteenth century
namecard | ID, nametag
narjill | coconut
natron | sodium
normal nawat | Classical Nahuatl
normal speed | lightspeed, œ
nucalic acid | DNA (see heredian acid)
odyssey | cinema, movie theatre
oeculux | electromagnetic radiation
oecumen | landscape, outlook, overview, universe
one-case | single-celled
one-zeffre | binary, one-bit, digital
onyx lace | shell pasta, conchiglie
ostracon | lottery, sortition
parachthon | speculative, science fiction and fantasy (of stories)
penetrating light | X-ray radiation
petersly | parsley
plenty | electric charge
poise | currency of Britain as of 1950 N
prase | administrative head of ancient and modern Borlish government
propagant | wave-like
prosequent | descendant, progeny, something proceeding from a source, accompaniment
pseudogum | synthetic rubber
quanga | butler, esp in East Asian context; secretary, PA
quasipolitic guild | multinational megacorporation
quasipolitic | resembling a nation or polity
quaterno | textbook, handbook, primer
quill | source, spring, basis, foundation, (maths) domain
quire | reference book, textbook
quister | phone, telephone
quist | to call, to phone
raincatcher | gazebo, free-standing roofed structure without walls
rath | bike
reckoning | arithmetic, counting
redirection bank | switchboard
refettorio | refectory, cafeteria, mess hall
replacement code | substitution cipher
revillon | christmas eve
romance | story, tale, fiction
sam | set, group of things, (maths) set
sandrine | vitamin C, ascorbic acid
scattering light | ionising radiation
scattering | ionising
scitation | examination, test, exam
scole | school, college
scratcher | (colloq.) journalist, reporter, writer
sevring | (maths) injection, injective map
shadome | tomato
shortform light | gamma radiation
signum | macron, long diacritic
sithing | (in mathematics) function, assignment
slate | display, screen
sodality | group, club, association
sodal | member, element
solarium | sunroom, seaside resort
songcraft | music, composition, music theory
sorty | party, get-together, do
spycraft | espionage, spywork; also a genre of fiction
staddomain | trade colony, colony for the purposes of resource production, esp. those colonies of the Stadbund in Cappatia and Africa
starce | coin used in mediæval Borland
stauron retainer | intra-uterine device
steeplecard | telegram
steeplemesh | telegraph network
steeplepost | telegraphy
steeplescript | analogous to Morse Code, with four symbols
steward | deputy, second-in-command
sticket | label, tag
subcase construct | organelle
subrussic light | infrared light
sufficient | negatively charged
surblavic light | UV light
switcher | one working at a redirection bank
tachslate | touchscreen device
tachygraph | typewriter
tallath | province, region (esp. of Britain)
tapestry | big screen, billboard, film screen
tapper | telegraph operator
tartoffer | potato
technic | technical, scientific
Tellard book | atlas (archaic)
tender | barman, bartender
tenyear | decade
the hex hours | the small hours, the middle of the night
threepoint method | triangulation
threshold force | nuclear fission power
threshold mill | nuclear power plant
timehold | marine chronometer
tinplate | left-wing
Tiong loom | Jacquard loom
toriot | large wind instrument with roughly the range of the bassoon
totalism | absolute monarchy
totalist | absolute, authoritarian
tovarick | homosexual
tovarism | homosexuality
trevold | novel, story
trone | currency of Provence as of 1950 N
ubiquity | cultural supremacy, totalist ideology
veck | bus
vectory | bus, omnibus
veldsvindung | global economic recession, depression
viker | steward, affairs manager, right-hand man
vittles | diet, food intake
voidtale | story set in space
void | outer spaceship
walkway | pedestrian footpath, esp in urban context
wares | ingredients, apparatus
wayport | supply point along the coast for long naval voyages
weekly | a weekly newspaper
well-mint | well-off, prosperous, wealthy
whitefish | white fish
workshop manufacture | industrial production
xanthal | neon
xenic | alien, extraterrestrial
xenozone | alien, extraterrestrial being
yacht | cult, secret society
yatherpot | casserole, one-pot dish
yearturning | the New Year
zest | vibe, morsel, speculation, suspicion
zetter | note, memo
zoia | microorganism
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jedivoodoochile · 2 years ago
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La muerte «absurda» de Albert Camus
El Nobel de Literatura calificaba de «idiota» el fallecimiento del ciclista Fausto Coppi en un supuesto accidente de tráfico, un día antes de que a él le ocurriera eso mismo en la carretera de Borgoña
Quién le iba a decir a Albert Camus que, tan solo un día antes de fallecer en la carretera de Borgoña, diría esto: «No conozco nada más idiota que morir en un accidente de auto». La inorportuna y fatídica declaración del Premio Nobel de Literatura hacía referencia a la información publicada por la prensa, que aseguraba por error que esa había sido la causa de la muerte del cinco veces ganador del Giro, Fausto Coppi.
Camus se dejaba la vida en un coche tal día como hoy de 1960, cuando su amigo y editor Michel Gallimard conducía a gran velocidad su Facel Vega en una recta sin obstáculos y el neumático reventó. El famoso escritor iba a la derecha del conductor. «El encontronazo con un árbol fue tan violento que el vehículo se partió en tres pedazos. Camus fue a parar a los asientos posteriores. Su muerte fue instantánea», contaba el corresponsal de ABC en París, Federico García-Requena, en una crónica titulada «La muerte, imprevista y absurda, de Albert Camus».
El coche quedó tan destrozado que se tardó mucho tiempo en extraer del amasijo de hierro el cadáver del autor de «El extranjero». Gallimard, en cambio, conservó la vida tras ser trasladado grave al hospital, al igual que su esposa y su hija, que tan solo sufrieron contusiones.
La huelga que mantenían en Francia los medios de comunicación hizo que la noticia se divulgara en el país un poco más tarde que en el resto de Europa. Tan solo la radio pública francesa, de acuerdo con las comisiones que habían promovido el paro, decidió inmediatamente suspender su programa de música grabada para rendir tributo al fallecido escritor. «El estupor ahondaba dolorosamente en nuestra carne conforme íbamos tomando conciencia del tremendo e inesperado drama», podía leerse en este periódico.
Camus tenía sólo 47 años y tan sólo tres antes había alcanzado la gloria de las letras con el Nobel. Fue el segundo escritor más joven de la historia en conseguirlo, por detrás del inglés Rudyard Kipling, que recibió el galardón, en 1907, con 42 años.
Poco antes, el autor francés llegó a decir que su obra no había hecho más que empezar.
Nadie lo hubiera dicho a juzgar por novelas como «La peste» (1947) o «La caída» (1956), pero lo cierto es que fallecía prematura y repentinamente este literato «colmado de dones y honores, benjamín de los escritores franceses de fama universal, que tenía adquirida una reputación intelectual incomparable», decía la necrológica de ABC.
El escritor se unía así a la larga lista de celebridades muertas en un accidente de tráfico: James Dean, Jackson Pollock, Jorge Cafrune, Pierre Curie o la bailarina estadounidense Isadora Duncan, entre una lista infinita.
Sin embargo, la vida de Camus era la del hombre que se sabe «condenado a muerte» por una enfermedad incurable, razón por la cual trabajaba incasablemente para «desprenderse del precioso mensaje literario que guardaba en sí». Sufría una afección pulmonar, que ya le había avisado con dos graves crisis.
También padecía el mal de Koch, que «estaba latente en su organismo como una fiera agazapada, dispuesta a surgir de nuevo para dentellearle vorazmente en el instante más inesperado��, aseguraba nuestro corresponsal en 1960.
Ni por un momento pudo imaginarse el gran Albert Camus que su fin sería tan distinto, tan «absurdo» e «imprevisible». «La pérdida del joven maestro de la joven élite europea es una de las mayores que podían sufrir en estos momentos las letras francesas y toda la juventud ha de llorarla», dijo entonces François Muriac, otro de los escritores franceses laureados con el Nobel.
«¿Qué podré yo llamar eternidad, sino a todo aquello que forzosamente habrá de continuar después de mi muerte?», se preguntó en una ocasión Camus, ese humanista convencido y consciente del absurdo de la condición humana... antes de morir.
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bentzis · 5 years ago
Kohen Forever (Pinchas)
Kohen Forever (Pinchas)
No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever. -Francois Muriac
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God has made a lot of promises to us. And when you read some of those promises, they sound quite nice. However, many of those promises are conditional. If we are good, then God will bless us with bounty, success, victory over our enemies, and more. When we…
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theliteraryjournals · 8 years ago
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The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah
“A beautifully written and richly evocative examination of life, love, and the ravages of war, and the different ways people react to unthinkable situations–not to mention the terrible and mounting toll of keeping secrets. This powerhouse of a story is equally packed with action and emotion, and is sure to be another major hit.” -Sara Gruen
We have a gut feeling that Kristin Hannah’s The Nightingale will be voted among the top five novels of 2015. Similar to Anthony Doerr’s All the Light We Cannot See (read our review here), The Nightingale is set during the World War II era. Two estranged sisters, Isabelle and Vianne Muriac, who are polar opposites must unite to survive in Nazi-occupied France. Isabelle is conventional and introverted, while18-year old Vianne is beautiful, unorthodox, witty and rebellious.
After Isabelle’s husband Antoine leaves to fight on the war front, the two sisters must protect each other. When a Nazi moves in their home, Isabelle fears for the life of her young daughter and Jewish neighbor. As the war progresses, both sisters face perils and must sacrifice everything for their freedom.
Unlike most historical fiction novels about World War II, Hannah’s The Nightingale narrates a story about the strength of women, instead of men in war. From the first page, you are completely invested in Vianna and Isabelle. Although Hannah does not take a traditional role in exploring the tragedy of World War II, she inspires and opens another facet of history, which is seldom spoken about. Both characters in their own way portray an inspiring triumph about freedom, which is as equally outstanding as a story on the frontline. The architecture of Hannah’s novel as well as prose is exquisite. If you a history buff and love French history, as well as notes about the French Resistance, you will revel in this unorthodox and beautifully written depiction of a disturbing epoch in history.
Get the book here!
Read excerpts from the book here!
[img src]
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patmoonchy · 5 years ago
"Pioggia e Sale"
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cpiscitelli · 2 years ago
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“Verrai domani?” “Oh no. Non tutti i giorni” Therese Desqueyroux #watercolor #transcription #vallotton #muriac #romance #love #drawing #painting https://www.instagram.com/p/CkolWKfMpN1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever.
Francois Muriac
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sitaattisailo · 7 years ago
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'Missä kuria päättyy? Missä julmuus alkaa? Jossain näiden tuhannet lapset asuttavat voiceless helvettiin.' -Francois Muriac | Sitaatti Säilö
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grumpapotomus · 13 years ago
Tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are" is true enough, but I'd know you better if you told me what you reread.
Francois Muriac
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jackhkeynes · 5 years ago
31st Lexember
disq a CMM /ˈdɪsk a ˌʦe ɛm ˈɛm/ [ˈdɪsk ɐ ˌʦeʔɪˈmɛm] record, vinyl disc
(in common usage, un CMM "a vinyl")
< first word attested 18C, borrowed from French disque "disc", from Latin discus "discus, dish". Second word an initialism for catener a mitigor muriac "chained muriac mitigor*". Catener "polymer" is a direct borrowing of Latin catēnārius "of a chain", referring to the molecular structure thereof; mitigor** is likewise from mītigōr "ripener", after its ability to ripen fruits; muriac*** is from muriacus "briny".
A tu lour y derran disq a CMM oïð : "Soll'Autr Stel" ?
Have you heard their latest record "Beneath New Stars"?
/ˌa ti ˈluʀ i deˈʀan ˈdɪsk a ˌʦe ɛm ˈɛm oˈjɪθ | soˈlotʀ̩ ˈstɛl/
[ˌati ˈlʊː‿ʀi dɪˈʀan ˈdɪsk ɐ ˌʦeʔɪˈmɛm ʊˈjɪh | sʊˈlotɐ ˈstɛw]
*polyvinyl chloride (PVC). **ethene. ***chlorinated.
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dyingofcute · 13 years ago
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"Tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are" is true enough, but I'd know you better if you told me what you reread" 
Francois Muriac
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