#murdock iswm
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endersketch · 1 year ago
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POV you do 4 different icons at 4 different times of the same man.
Thank you @falcatrecon for commissioning me icons for their boys! Im actively making out with google.
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seraph-draws-stuff · 1 year ago
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What a charming and not dangerous man
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jimsandfruit · 11 months ago
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Art dump bc I keep forgetting to update!!!
1. Lethal Company goofs
2 and 3. Experimenting with digital doodles
4. Mermaid Murdock. MERdock. I'm very funny.
5. A continuation of my band AU
6. A continuation of my BMC au with Bing as Micheal
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shabeeboothedrawingender · 1 month ago
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cheezylueezy · 2 years ago
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Dark!Murdock for @celastapasta. Happy birthday 😘
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ghiertor-the-gigapeen · 1 year ago
cw // blood
Murdoc and Alice
Partner in crime
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And both are canonically wearing heels
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nathanielkkt · 1 year ago
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"I think that I'm gonna get murdered tonight"
I present to you, my personal favorite toxic yaoi, Bim Trimmer x Murdock
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arcade-artmachine · 1 year ago
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I got really bored and drew Murdock as a stupid horse.
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weirdmixofweirdness · 2 years ago
I thank @ghiertor-the-gigapeen for introducing me to Yancy and Murdock being Actor's kids!
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ardenwritesegos · 5 months ago
Having a boyfriend with hypnotism powers comes with some fears. There’s always the worry of getting put under against your will. The worry that, in an instant, you will have control over yourself taken away. But when you trust someone enough, maybe that worry can go away.
It was your average 1am in the Iplier residence. This meant that Murdock was awake, sipping on a mug of tea, taking in the silence of nearly everyone else being asleep. At least he was, until Eric came knocking. He knew it was Eric from the five, soft, quick taps on the door. He was typically asleep at this hour. If Eric was awake and coming to Murdock, something had to be wrong.
Murdock softly opened the door, finding a sobbing, heaving mess behind it.
It was bad, really bad this time.
“What’s the matter?” The murderer was just going to cut to the chase. Asking if he was okay was pointless in this situation. He already knew the answer.
“I…” Eric blubbered, barely able to get words out. He took a small breath before continuing.
“I had another nightmare,” this was a common occurrence when it came to Eric. With a dad as overall horrible as Derek, you couldn’t really leave that without some trauma. For Eric, that trauma came with intense, realistic nightmares; ones that left him turning to the others for help. It wasn’t usually Murdock, though. Eric didn’t want to accidentally bump into the man without his sunglasses on. Murdock was already self-conscious about accidentally hypnotizing innocents as it was. Eric didn’t want to add to that stress.
Still, at the moment, Murdock was the only one awake. Eric had a feeling he would be awake since he had an idea about his sleep patterns and knew that they weren’t so good. Hopefully this wouldn’t be too much of a bother.
“Come in,” Murdock waved his hand, letting Eric in silently. Inside were dark purple walls, with dark wood furniture. In one of those pieces of furniture—the shelves—leaned glass boxes of collectible knives. Next to his bed sat a wheeled tray of tea, including a kettle plugged into an outlet.
“Would you like some Sleepytime tea?” Murdock offered, gesturing to the makeshift tea set.
“It may help calm you down,” the murderer didn’t know much else to do. He wasn’t the comforting sort, at least not usually. He spent his time singing abusers and traffickers to their deaths. That didn’t make for a warm heart, but for Eric, he would try.
Eric nodded his head timidly. Murdock grabbed a mug and poured hot water in. The kettle was already heated up, after all. The killer grabbed his box of nighttime herbal tea and placed a bag of it into the cup.
“You can sit down if you’d like,” Murdock pointed to his bed with a thick, royal purple comforter. Eric gently sat down on the fluffy bed as the murderer handed him his tea and sat next to him on the bed.
“Would you like to talk about it?” Eric shook his head quickly, sniffling his nose. He was shaking, like a child who wondered why his parents hit him. That was close enough to the truth. How could Murdock possibly comfort him like this?
Murdock got a spur of the moment idea, one that Eric probably wouldn’t like.
“I can…” Murdock hesitated, this seeming very manipulative as he was going over it in his head.
“Make you feel better, if you’d like,” Eric blushed, getting the complete wrong idea.
“No, no not like that,” Murdock reassured.
“My powers can calm anyone from anything,” he explained.
“But I’ll only do it if you want me to,” Eric seemed to be thinking it over for a moment.
After what felt like forever, Eric nodded. This was his partner. Why would he hurt him? After all, Murdock did avoid using his powers on everyone else, so using them like this was a big deal; something not to take lightly. He was willing to take a chance.
Murdock took off his sunglasses, eyes closed once they were off.
“On the count of three, I will open my eyes,” the murderer prepared Eric. He knew how much his partner needed preparation. Hell, anyone would need to be prepared for this.
“One…” the killer’s voice went low and deep.
“Two…three,” Murdock’s eyelids slowly went up. In an instant, Eric was captivated by the swirling purple and black in his eyes. It went in the same direction over and over and over again; perfect clockwise motion. He couldn’t think of much else, his nightmare fading into the background.
“Your body is still,” his voice was soft, warm…Eric wanted to wrap it around him like a blanket. Eric’s body all at once stopped shaking.
“Your mind is quiet,” all remaining worries faded away like they never existed. Eric was being made numb, but it wasn’t a cold, empty numbness. It was one full of care and love. He wasn’t a toy, he wasn’t a puppet. The spiral held his soul gently in its hands. Nothing could hurt him, he was safe and sound.
Safe and sound…
No other sounds, but him and—
His still body contradicted with his pulsing heart.
“Your breaths are even, your heart is steady,” All at once, the oversight was corrected. Eric found himself taking deep, comforting breaths. With each one, his pulse became steadier, less consuming. He was completely sheltered, wrapped in an embrace he never wanted to leave.
“You are tired,” Murdock’s words became gradually slower.
“It’s late…you need rest,” the murderer’s voice went as low as it could go.
He was right. Eric was having trouble keeping his eyes open, eyelids drifting down…down…down…
“When you hear a snap, you will fall asleep,” the guiding voice was nearly a whisper.
“It will be deep and dreamless,” what a relief.
He could finally be at peace.
He waited patiently for the echoing crack that would announce his rest. It felt like an eternity; a blissful, serene eternity, until—
The snapping of fingers next to his right ear. He could almost hear it echo before he fell on his back and his vision went black.
There he was.
Eric Derekson, laying on the end of Murdock’s bed like a puppy, calmer than he’d ever been in his existence. The killer’s mouth curved upwards. They wouldn’t make a habit of it. Murdock knew, after all, how it could become an addiction. He would reserve it for emergencies such as these.
For now, Murdock had two cups of tea to finish.
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ajs--writing · 9 months ago
Wonder what's in the box...
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Murdock in disguise
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seraph-draws-stuff · 1 year ago
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one idiot and a baby
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jimsandfruit · 1 year ago
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Ego band AU! First up is Yancy, Author and Murdock. I think they'd make super energetic somewhat jazzy music, like a lot of Will Woods earlier stuff. Murdock plays Sax, Author is on drums and Yancy is on vocals, but he does the keyboard as needed.
I have a few other bands planned but I'm also open to suggestions!
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simp1hours · 10 months ago
Pairing: None
Tags: Hurt/no comfort, Murdock
Warnings: Blood, vomit, amputation, abduction, family death
Written for a discord friend. Mind the tags.
August lifts Murdock’s chin with the blade of his axe. Rust scrapes the stubble. He eyes the man chained to the uncomfortable metal chair, which he’d bolted to the floor in advance, along with the table his wrists are cuffed to. He knows who he’s messing with and he doesn’t want any games this time… No more games. Murdock bares his teeth in a facsimile of a grin.
“I bet you thought it would be easy, didn’t you? I bet you thought she was just another victim. Bet you thought you’d just dump her body like any other and that would be the end of it, didn’t you?” He hisses. Murdock gives his captor a placid smile as the blade leaves his chin.
“And which one was this?” He croons.
August spits. He braces his hands on the splintering handle of his father’s old axe. It had been too long since anyone sharpened it, this would be a messy job. He’d hoped it would be. Murdock watches him, and while his face remains cool and relaxed, he’s starting to sweat. He doesn’t know how to get out of this one. The bolts are too strong for him- he’d already jerked his arm out of socket trying to wrench himself free while August hunted down his weapon.
Was this it? Was this how he’d die? An axe splitting his skull in two, or maybe buried into his neck? It would be fitting. He would accept that death. There was honor in it, for him. His captor gives him a look he could only characterize as blackout rampage, and he’s shaking with rage. Murdock braces. He takes a breath in, closes his eyes, and he hears the swing of the axe.
A scream splits the air, so loud it rattles the night birds from their perches in the trees outside, and it just keeps going. Is it his own? Murdock can’t tell because he can’t process anything through the molten lava pain his hand just plunged into. When he jerks it through the cuff, his wrist slides out like butter— and his hand stays behind. A towel presses firmly into the stump, and August drops the bloody axe to tie it tight. He doesn’t want Murdock bleeding out before he can suffer for what he’s taken from him.
The pressure lights Murdock’s sliced nerves on fire even further, and the sensation of metal spikes driving themselves straight down the meat of his arm and through the centers of his bones makes him vomit across the table. Through his delirium he hears the scrape of an axe head across the floor. Murdock thrashes in his restraints with renewed fury, but they hold. Oh, do they hold.
“No no nononononoNO!” He shrieks.
The axe comes down hard, but it isn’t enough to sever his right hand fully. Murdock can’t even scream for this one, the pain is too much to move- to breathe- to anything. He makes eye contact with his hand, hanging on by a few shreds of muscle and a flap of skin, spewing blood. His blood. It’s all over the table and dripping into puddles on the floor. He’s still gaping at it when the blade makes second contact and his hand flops apart from his wrist. Murdock vomits again, and promptly passes out.
August wraps this wound, too. He doesn’t want to kill Murdock, no no. That would be much too easy. He wants to see this man suffer. He’d never take another life without hands to do it with. He’d never take another life chained up in August’s cellar, either. Maybe he’d keep him on a leash and collar like a dog- he wouldn’t be able to get it off. August wiped Murdock’s blood off his face with his sleeve and dropped the axe. He considered cleaning up the mess and moving his sister’s killer.
But no, he thought it might be better to make him wake up in a puddle of his own vomit and blood and have to face the hands that had stabbed May to death, separated from his body. So he pulled the chain on the light and bolted the shed door shut behind him. Maybe he’d bring Murdock some finger food for breakfast in the morning.
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mhokino · 7 months ago
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Let me hear it!
finally got back to drawing! had this song stuck in my head so I had to-
(also can you name ones on the back? hehehe)
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the-ideal-iplier · 2 days ago
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Also have a meme that my bestie @snowyhathaway made for me based on lil guy Murdock :333
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