#murder drone V
chaoticscrimblo · 3 months
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Artist Notes: drawing the teeth was fun :]
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azulis-07 · 1 year
Murder gals lazy doodles
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glitchy1938 · 24 days
look who's HERE !!!
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yammpi3 · 8 days
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𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑰 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈. // 𝑾.𝑪 1.9𝒌
— feat. Tsundere Disassembly drone V x Flirty worker drone reader
synopsis. Reader makes V agree to go on a date with them even though V treats the reader poorly despite secretly liking them back.
— content warning. kissing!! v being extremely (sorta) rude to reader and the reader making lots of suggestive jokes..not that bad guys I PROMISE.
— authors note. This was a request sent by anon, again THANK YOU SO MUCH for requesting a x reader..ilsym I hope its to ur liking I struggled just a tad with it. (there might be some spelling errors I didn't catch soso)
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"Ugh, not again." V grumbled as she saw you approaching her with a stupid grin on your face. She was sitting casually on one of the desks in a deserted classroom, one leg hanging off as she tapped away at her phone. Her other friends had all cleared out for "lunch," leaving her alone with you.
"Why hello there, V! Hard at work, I see?" You said with a wink. She rolled her bright optics in response.
"What do you want now, drone?" V said with disdain, not even bothering to look up from the conversation she was having with Lizzy on her phone. She was always busy, whether with school or just goofing off with friends. But you were a persistent pest that just didn't know when to quit bothering her; in reality, she didn't mind at all; she liked having you near, but the thought of her liking you like that irked her a bit.
"Aw, don't be like that, V.., I just wanted to come to admire the view from up close," you said as you leaned in casually against the edge of the desk, just a bit closer than personal space allowed.
V scoffed derisively. "Don't you have some bolts to tighten up or something??"
Undeterred, you simply smiled wider, eternally charmed by her prickly demeanor. "Oh, I do love it when you talk dirty to me."
V finally looked up from her phone, swinging her legs off the desk in one fluid motion as she rose to her full, intimidating height, towering over you authoritatively. "Listen here, screw loose. I am not interested; I will never be interested, and if you don't leave me alone right now, I'll turn you into a tasty snack. Got that?" Her eyes bore into yours with fiery intensity.
You held V's intense gaze calmly, unperturbed by her threat. "A tasty snack, huh? Well, you do always look delicious yourself.”
"You just don't know when to quit, do you? Y/N?" She sneered, though the edge in her voice had softened slightly.
"What can I say? I'm devoted to my cause."
V hesitated, “Tch, you're hopeless. Scram before I tear you to shreds." She turned away with a huff, hiding her smirk.
You grinned, knowing you were getting under her plating just as you wanted, even if she liked to pretend otherwise. "Aw, don't be like that, ViVi; you know, tearing me to shreds would just be considered foreplay to me.”
V whirled back around, optics blazing. "Don't call me that!" she snarled, losing her composure entirely for once.
You held your hands up in mock surrender, still smiling cheekily. "Sorry, babes, I know you like to keep up the 'mean girl' act."  
V closed the distance between you in an instant, grabbing a fistful of your shirt and yanking you close till your faceplates were mere inches apart.
"Another word from you, and you'll be just an oil stain." She hissed, tightening the grip she had on your clothing.
You held onto her wrist gently, looking calmly into her fiery optics. "I'll go, on one condition."
V growled impatiently. "Im listening.”
"Go on a date with me this Saturday."
An incredulous look crossed her faceplate. For a moment, you thought she might actually rip you apart on the spot. But then she made a noise of disgust and shoved you away.
"Fine, if it'll get you to leave me alone! Now get out of here!"
With a wink and salute, you sauntered off, feeling victorious. But V stood fuming for a moment before pulling out her phone to text someone.
V (12:35 p.m.): Liz…
Liz (12:36 p.m.): What's up?
V (12:36 p.m.): That idiot asked me out on a date this Saturday.
Liz (12:37 p.m.): OMG OMG NO WAY!! What did you say?!
V rolled her eyes as she sat back onto the desk, with one of her legs casually flung over the side. As if she'd ever actually be interested in one of the worker drones.
V (12:37 p.m.): I said fine just to get them off my back. I wouldn’t actually go on a date with them.
Liz (12:37 p.m.): Suuure V, whatever helps you sleep at night lol. We both know you'd be sad if they canceled 💀
V (12:38 p.m.): AS IF. They're so damn annoying.
Liz (12:38 p.m.): Mhmm sure... I think you secretly love the attention you get from them 🤗‼️ But ew romance.
V (12:39 p.m.): Shut up! I do not. I'm only going to prove to them that I'm not interested.
Liz (12:39 p.m.): Riiight. Well, have fun on your "not date" date! Try not to fall too hard 💕💕
V (12:39 p.m.): UGH, you're the worst. TTYL
Liz (12:40 p.m.): Bye boo!!
V exits the chat and sighs, trying to ignore the flutter in her core. As if she'd ever like that idiot...right?
Saturday night rolled around sooner than V would have liked. She found herself hovering outside the door to your quarters, pride and nerves battling within her core. 
V hovered outside your housing unit, glancing around as if embarrassed to be seen there.
She rang the buzzer with more force than necessary. Not even a millisecond later, the door quickly slid open to reveal you looking a bit surprised.
“V- you...” Your voice cracked slightly in your elation. Every part of your being vibrated with anticipation at the sight of her. “You actually came! I was honestly expecting to get ditched, but I’m so glad you’re here.”
Stepping aside, you gestured for her to enter with a beaming grin. V hesitated, shifting her weight as if ready to bolt at any moment.
V's optics roved the inside of your house, taking in the cozy room illuminated by strings of fairy lights in every corner. On the couch sat a pile of fluffy blankets and a tray of oilcakes.
"This better not be some lame romcom you've got queued up, Y/N." She grumbled, fighting a smile.
"Only the cheesiest for you,” you laughed, gesturing for her to get comfortable on the couch. You picked out a random romance movie and hit play as you settled in beside her, draping a blanket over both of your laps.
V tried to watch the movie, she really did. But she found herself continually drifting to study your face instead of the movie on screen. The way your optics lit up at each corny joke or sweet scene, your smile that never seemed to fade. It was somehow endearing to see.
As the film played on, V gradually relaxed on the couch, the coolant and oilcakes forgotten on the coffee table. Hesitantly, you raised your arm to rest it around V’s shoulders. You saw her tense up, and just when you thought she was ready to pull away...she didn't. PROGRESS. PROGRESS.
By the final act, V had completely given up any pretense of paying attention. Her head rested heavy on your chestplate now as your gentle fingers traced idle patterns on her arm. It was so peaceful she felt herself nearly powering down.
When the credits rolled, at last, V reluctantly lifted her head to meet your gaze. Your smile lit up the room better than any fairy light ever could.
"So...what did you think? Was it the lamest date ever?" You teased softly.
V averted her eyes, fighting a smile of her own. "It wasn't...the worst, I guess." She admitted quietly.
You beamed, gently cupping her cheek to turn her face back to you. "Then maybe we could do it again sometime?" You asked hopefully.
V shoved your hand away but made no effort to move and pull further from your side. She gazed into your optics with an unusual vulnerability shining in her own.
"Don't get the wrong idea, Drone. This changes nothing between us." She huffed, though the effect was dampened by the yellow glow rising in her cheeks.
You smiled softly, knowing how much it must hurt her pride to show such weakness, even for a moment. Reaching out tentatively, you brushed a lock of her silver hair back from her face gently.
V's harsh reply faltered on her lips under your tender look. Her eyes searched yours as if seeking something, some hint that this wasn't a cruel joke and that it was in fact real.
"V...you don't have to pretend with me. Not unless that's truly what you want." You whispered.
For a long moment she was silent, warring with parts of herself not even she fully understood. Then slowly, excruciatingly so, V lifted a hand to cup your cheek in return.
"Fine. One more date. But if you breathe a word of this to anyone, Y/N, you'll be begging me for deactivation."
"Oh..~ my lips are sealed." You grinned, delighted by this small victory.
V sighed in long-suffering, but you caught the playful glint in her eyes. "You're insufferable, you know that?"
"Yet here you are anyway." You teased softly.
Leaning in, you paused a hair's breadth away from her lips, savoring the hitch in her breath. V closed the final distance with a surge of impatience.
For a few blissful moments you drowned in the taste of each other, V melting against your frame like she belonged there. All too soon she tore herself away, fans whirring loudly in the silence.
A [chosen/color] glow rose to your cheeks as V pulled away, leaving you a stuttering, dazzled mess. You struggled to process what had just happened.
V watched you with an unreadable expression, arms crossed defensively over her chest. But you saw the telltale yellow tinge on her screen that gave away her flustered state.
"Well, say something??” She huffed when your stunned silence dragged on.
You blinked rapidly, fighting to collect your scattered processes. "I, uh, that was...wow."
V rolled her eyes dramatically.
"Real articulate, as always."
A dopey grin broke out on your faceplate.
"It was amazing. You're—you're amazing…"
"It's not like I did it because I like you or anything, stupid!" She muttered, flicking your forehead with a resigned sigh. But you saw the glint of amusement in her gaze again.
Reaching up, you gently caught her hand in your own, marveling at how big and delicate it seemed in your smaller grasp. Stroking over her plating with adoring strokes of your thumb, you watched her reaction carefully.
Her fans picked up speed, betraying how affected she was though she tried to maintain her aloof facade.
Slowly, hesitantly, her fingers curled to return your hold, gripping just firmly enough to send a thrill through your system.
"We both know you feel the same way I do, V." You said softly, giving her a tender smile.
Her resolve seemed to waver under your earnest look. Lashes fluttered as she averted her eyes, struggling with emotions she wasn't used to expressing.
"And...what way is that, exactly?" She asked, her voice no more than a whisper.
Cupping her cheek, you turned her face back to you with the utmost care. "That you like me too. Maybe even more than that."
V leaned instinctively into your touch with a small sigh. Her free hand came up to cover yours, holding you there as if your warmth was the only thing anchoring her.
"You're such an idiot." She scoffed, though her words held no bite. Leaning in, she pressed a chaste kiss to your lips that spoke louder than any confession.
You smiled into the kiss, joy threatening to make your very core burst. Pulling her closer still, you kissed her thoroughly, pouring every ounce of love and affection into the contact.
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© yammpi3 2024. All work belongs to @yammpi3. You can repost if you want to support my blog/writing! Please don't modify, translate, or plagiarize in any way on ANY platform.
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zommiumie · 11 months
I am so proud of myself 😊
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More fan art coming soon- 😋
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xxangel-drawzxx · 2 years
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V seems to be remembering the past, wonder what she knows that we dont?
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xen-void · 1 year
Damn tbh I never thought V would Look Hot in A Ranger Outfit
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tanukiyav · 1 year
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anonronpa · 3 days
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Why am I like this???
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thelemonsgod · 5 months
Chapter two!!! :]
I think this one isn't my best one but it's okay :]
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chaoticscrimblo · 2 months
Here's proof that I'm not ded
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van1lla-cake · 21 days
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drew some drones that do the murder
the full lineup:
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roborain · 26 days
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Welcome back, V
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mochiiniko · 27 days
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cherbearsz · 1 month
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me and the bestieeeee
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emmachen1003 · 13 days
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