#murakumo gou x reader
toukenramblings · 3 years
Dating Headcanons: Kuwana Gou, Murakumo Gou, Kotegiri Gou
Whaaa, Gou Bros! Bros Gou! I’m so excited to do dissss. Dedicated to darling Mei Mei who is orchestrating my downfall further into swordboi hell.
Warnings: Well we are talking about the pasts of these sword bois and some of them aren’t too...pretty? But it’s mostly SFW. Me, projecting.
Kuwana Gou
Kuwa’s feelings for you are...rather quiet, creeping up on him like the ivy vines that snake up structures. He will notice them at a slow rate, as he values his relationship with you. It’s languid and takes its time to flourish and bloom like the flowers he sometimes works with, and Gods forbid it ever being destroyed. It’s a relationship cultivated over time, and when Kuwana falls for you, it’s a sudden free fall when the ground crumbles under him.
Kuwana is terrified of his feelings for you, terrified of confessing. He does think that he doesn’t deserve you, but most of all, Kuwana is terrified of destroying a beautiful relationship you two have. Consider him like the boy next door, your childhood friend that you always talk to. Kuwana is that boy, your first love, your first crush, your first kiss - oh so terrified to cross that line between love and friendship. What if you don’t like him back? The foundation of respect and trust and camaraderie you have built together just shattered like that? Destroyed? Nope. Bye. He can’t handle the thought of it.
If anything, you need to confess to Kuwana first. When he realizes that he loves you, it’s kind of obvious. He flushes around you, always giving you flowers and checking up on you with food - it’s not that different from his normal self, but sometimes your hands will brush each other and he jerks his hand away, timid and shy, terrified of such a thing. He loves it when you two do hold hands though. If Kuwana ever confesses, it’s because he probably talked with Tonbokiri about it. He has to make a move, or else he’ll only stew in his feelings in such an unhealthy manner.
His confession is planned, one day he’ll come talk to you, asking for some time alone in your office later that night. He comes to you with a bouquet of roses from the garden, cheeks flushed, still somewhat dirty from working in the gardens, and shuffling his feet. “T-These are for you. I...I wanted to tell you this for a long time but, I’ve fallen for you.” it’s short, straight to the point, and he almost leaves the flowers there on your desk before running away. You catch him in time though, tripping over your feet which leads him to catch you. And then you return his feelings and Kuwana’s eyes light up brighter than the stars! no tonbo and the rest of the gou bros are totally not crying in the corner, proud of kuwana
Oh the kisses with Kuwana are so sweet. He will always cup your cheek or chin before leaning in, pressing your foreheads together before kissing you. It’s always a slow and sensual kiss, full of love that he has for you. Rarely do they become any deeper than sweet pecks or quick make outs. He is always busy in the fields and you are always busy as well. He doesn’t wanna take up too much of your time!
Kuwawa’s PDA is always oh so sweet. Whenever he has to wake up and work in the fields in the morning or cook, he always gives you a peck on your lips before dashing off to do whatever. If you visit him in those areas, expect a sweet cheek kiss as well! Kuwana’s hands are big and warm so when you hold them, you feel so damn sAFE. He also really really loves hand kisses, washes his hands first before doing so.
Kuwana will love it when you two have a private part of the garden just for you two! He does work in the fields a lot but will make sure to take extra extra care of the flowers you two grow together. Hell, he always brings flowers to you! Missions, working in the fields, whatever! He is going to bring you some flowers and make a lil vase of them for you! He’ll always tuck a flower behind your ear whenever he sees you as well. It’s so soft guys.Will also tuck a pressed flower into an omamori whenever he’s away from you.
Kuwana was never really meant for battle, and he knows it. But after entering a relationship with you, expect him to be training more. He knows he has to become stronger to protect history and all, but he wants to become much more stronger to protect you too! It doesn’t hurt to see him oh so determined either! “I want to protect you for as long as I can. To do that, I need to become stronger. I know that I’m not as much as a weapon as Tonbokiri-sama or my brothers, but I have to try!”
Then there are days when Kuwana works shirtless in the fields. It’s....a damn good sight to say the least. He won’t tease you about it, but if you tease him about it, he’ll flush and stutter over his words. ITS GREAT, TRUST ME.
Kuwana is also quite the chef. He’ll always keeps you healthy, ensuring you go to bed on time, eat the healthiest of foods, exercise enough, it’s like having a personal trainer beside you at all times! If you do not feel confident in your body, Kuwana will always be there for you, whispering how much he loves you and that you’re perfect to him.
Kuwana also loves it when you take baths/showers together! It’s a great way to clean himself up and he just loves the intimacy! If you two are sexually intimate by this time, he won’t mind that either but if anything he just loves the feeling of always holding you close! He loves it when you help scrub him down and he does the same to you!
This leads us into massages! Kuwana is really good hands for this kind of shit, big and strong. He’ll happily take away your pain if he must, if only he could purge it in its entirety and push it on to himself. But he’ll melt if you massage him int turn! His body is built and slightly tanned from working in the fields all of the time, sun kissed as they say! He works really hard, so pamper him in turn!
Speaking of pampering, oh Kuwana spoils you but you need to spoil him in return! Give him love! Headpats! Kuwana secretly loves it when you pat his head! He’ll flush and mumble that it doesn’t suit him but he’ll lean into your touch!
Kuwana is also pretty touch starved as well, he doesn’t realize it until you two begin dating. Kuwawa will always glance down at your hands whenever you two are in the same room but doing something different. Or even in the same vicinity. He loves it when you two hold hands, or when you two are just cuddling and pressing your foreheads together. He’s also quite the cuddlebear.
Kuwana will give you nicknames based on flowers and crops. It may sound strange at first but him calling you his ‘pumpkin’ or his ‘rosebud’ just flows off of the tongue right and makes you flush with happiness every time.
Murakumo Gou
Kumo kumo’s feelings for you are...not taken well. Whenever he thinks about you, his stomach begins to churn in the most terrible of ways and he almost wants to vomit with how fast his heart is beating. How you make him feel. Kumo kumo tends to run away with his tail between his legs whenever he’s even near you. His feelings for you surprise even him! It makes his heart hurt much more then his tum tum so when he goes to Yagen or Samidare, they try their best. Of course it’s Yagen who’s like, “You’re in love, dumbass” cue shook Murakumo.
Murakumo will begin to avoid the shit outta you for a while. He can’t handle being around you when you make his heart beat like this! It’s almost too much for him, and he’s oh so terrified about falling in love as well. What if you give him away? Falling in love means pain, right? Why else would be feeling like this? Like he wanted to crawl further into a hole and die.
It’s because of this that you will need to confess to Murakumo, and it will honestly...be a venture. He will not take it well at first, thinking that you are lying, just trying to get under his skin. He won’t lash out at you, oh no. In his heart, he’s oh so happy! He’s loved! You love him back! His stomach will be doing flip flops and it won’t hurt as bad as it normally does. But give him some time, patience is very key in a relationship with Kumo-san after all. Wait for him to come around to you, it’ll take his brothers help to do that too.
“I...I...I don’t know how to deal with these emotions. But, if possible, I want to be by your side. It hurts a lot when we were apart, so...if it’s okay, can...can I be yours? Forever?” Murakumo’s biggest fear, after all, is you leaving him, abandoning him, sold off like a prostitution ring im sorry hfuigsgdh and just almost left to rot. When you still love him and prove that you will want to be by his side, Kumo kumo will almost be over the moon! His tummy will hurt a bit but he pushes past the pain as you two hug, a soft and gentle embrace, as the TouDan inhales your scent and holds you close. It’s super warm in his arms, oh so comfy.
Like Kuwana, Murakumo adores hand kisses and general hand holding! Maybe it’s the dog in him but you holding out your hand to him makes him happy, and whenever he does take your hand into his, he always laces the fingers together! He is rather sparse on his PDA though? Prefers the privacy of just being alone with you though. He also adores forehead kisses, especially if you are giving them to him! You can almost see an imaginary tail wagging whenever you to do.
To say that Murakumo is clingy is an understatement. He has severe abandonment issues from being sold off so Kumo Kumo has a habit of making sure and ensuring that you love him. Yes he trusts you, but that fear will not leave him, always staying at the back of his mind, haunting him, taunting him. These manifest as nightmares whenever you two are cuddling, to the point his tum hurts beyond belief and he wakes up with a start. He won’t want to wake you, worried that you’ll come to hate him more. But when you do wake up to your lover in tears, you bring him into your arms and he melts. His sobs are quiet, reaching in pitch every now and then but he keeps them quiet, hidden in the cloth of your clothing.. Hug him please, tell him that it’ll be ok in the end. He needs it.
He’s that partner who tends to apologize for every lil thing he does. He just worries that you’ll come to hate him, and sell him off. It’ll take time for him to get his confidence up, as said before, patience is very key in a relationship with Kumo Kumo. Of course as he changes and gains a lil more confidence by your side, his stomach aches will begin to slowly cease. He does get loop-de-loops whenever he plans something special for you, and he does have his fair share of worries, but he’s trying his best!
Yes Murakumo is a slightly jealous person, pouty whenever he sees you with another person. He trusts his brothers (Samidare especially) around you but anyone else? No fam, you got a guard dog right here. THe thought of you leaving him almost makes him want to vomit and of course you love him the most! Verbal praise is what gets him going the most, so do nothing but tell him that you love him.
As he moves on from his shortcomings, Murakumo is slowly becoming a bit spontaneous with his affections with you. One of his favorite things to do is to hug you from behind, burying his face into your shoulder or something and just...exist in the same space. Lap pillows are also his favorite thing in the world! He loves it when he can rest on your lap, and will do the same for you. Prefers just straight up cuddling though, is a smol spoon. Loves resting his head on your chest most of all, he loves the sound of your heartbeat.
Like Samidare, Murakumo will love animals! He loves much more calm animals, and while he does love puppies, he slightly prefers cats as they are more chill. If you take him to a petting zoo or a zoo in general, Murakumo will be so happy! He may get excited and his tum may hurt but if you hold his hand and take it one step at a time, he’ll be okay! He loves holding hands anyway.
Samidare will honestly be very happy for you two! He’s just happy that Murakumo found another person to be comfortable and safe around. He isn’t the kinda guy who will give warnings but he’ll probably shed a tear or two at how proud he is of you two!
Murakumo also tends to pick up random things that he thinks you’ll like. He loves it when you two go out on a walk together, sometimes he’ll bring back wildflowers for you, and if you two go shopping together, watch him look at stores he knows you’ll like. He’s pretty attentive to the stuff you like and likes to surprise you when he can!
He’s also very much into sharing clothing. He doesn’t care if your clothes are bigger/smaller than he is, he just finds your scent very comforting. If he’s on long missions away from you, he’ll ask to take your jacket or sweater with him because he’ll miss you! Uh yeah, gods help the person who gets it dirty or rips it. He loves it when you wear his clothes too! IT’s a way for him to be there when he is not.
The first thing Murakumo does when he comes back though is to run to your side and hug you! He missed you so much, he has to give you a hug! He also loves it when you tend to his wounds, whining and whimpering, leaning into your touch. Spoil him while you can, give him forehead kisses and nose kisses. He adores those.
Murakumo isn’t much for nicknames that are based around titles, “honey, darling, etc” he prefers making lil nicknames based off of your name instead! It’s really sweet.
Kotegiri Gou
Giri Giri aiiii ikenaii borderliiiie the song slaps im so sorry is a person who is always around you. He tends to your needs like Hasebe does and he knows your schedule like the back of his hand. But when he does get his feelings, he won’t notice it. He’ll think of it just wanting to be close to you, to be a better tsukumogami for you, and to help you as best as he can! It has to be someone who tells him that he is in love. You compliment him on his singing when he doesn’t notice? He flushes bright red and promises to sing for you from now on. What are you, his muse? Maybe.
Yes Kotegiri, you’re in love if you start making love songs for them/making songs with them in mind. Someone looks at his damn drafts and calls his ass out and he freezes. Oh no, is that what love feels like? To always be your little songbird and make you smile? Oh no. Oh no. Panic time engaged. Outwardly he’s fine! He’ll still be your attendant but will almost have his head in the clouds? He’ll flush whenever you come closer, almost running away.
It takes some time for Kotegiri to confess, and it’s probably with a love song. He won’t make a big show of it, even though he would, but he wants this song to be yours and yours alone. Will he rope his brothers into this? Maybe. Is he gonna rope the AWT48 into this? Fuck yeah. Of course it all depends. If you’re a more private person then it’s a private concert for you and you alone. It’s a sweet song and when he finishes, he kneels at your side what is this a marriage proposal holding out his hand, “I...I wrote this song for you, master. I poured all of my love for you into it. It’s okay if you do not feel the same, but I want to tell this to you now. I love you, and I will say it no matter how many times it takes.” and then you save his confession song as your ringtone and probably cry.
Giri giri claims he doesn’t like his hands, but they are indeed beautiful. Slightly calloused and all but they are soft and gentle. He does love holding your hand and adores yours though - no matter how dry or cracked or smooth they are, he’ll kiss your fingers and your knuckles. It’s one of his favorite ways to display affection. Other than cheek pecks and full on lip pecks. He knows that you two are always busy so he’ll always drop off some kinda kiss and then skedaddle, leaving you both wanting more.
Kotegiri takes great care of his appearance and this extends to you! After a good cuddling session during your sleep, he’ll wake up early and get you prepared for the day. Your clothes checked, breakfast in bed, morning time kisses, the whole shebang! It’s lowkey a married relationship anyway.
Kotegiri becomes a lot more confident in singing after you two enter a relationship. He’ll start humming and composing songs meant for just you two! Kotegiri has the lungs of a singer after all, this also means he can kiss you for a long time as well. Giri giri may make an entire album dedicated of songs for you! He can’t help it! He loves you so so much! It’s always signed with some sort of lovey dovey poem or something.
Kotegiri does enjoy shopping as well! He loves it when you two can shop together and find cute clothes to wear, he’ll make sure the said clothing will compliment you! Speaking of clothing, he will also love it if you two match! He highkey adores matching clothing with you! He also adores it when you swap clothing. Sure they may not fit...per say, but whatever the hell. Kotegiri is just happy to be connected with you in another way!
Date nights with Kotegiri are also kinda work nights? He’ll notice that you work too hard and suddenly murmur softly that you deserve a break. It’s just sitting in the same office together, working together, feeding each other snacks. It’s just soft and quiet, some good shit to be honest. Especially if you two just like cuddle on the couch, doing nothing, papers thrown to the side and just...existing.
Whenever Kotegiri is away for long, he always gives you a kiss before he leaves. He will also have something special from you to remind him of you while he’s away. It ranges from what he’s feeling. Maybe it’s the first drafts of his love songs for you, folded neatly and tucked into the protection charm. Maybe you wrote a song for him in turn and he keeps it in there? Who knows! He just likes the feeling of being close to you, no matter how far you two are apart from each other.
While he doesn’t mind lap pillows, he loves it more whenever you sit on his lap and fidget with your fingers. That being said, hugs from behind are also something he adores. He just loves being with you! Let him hug you!! Hugs are the besttttt.
Yes he’s going to be teased by the rest of the Gou bros, he’ll take it stride though. He’ll flush and mumble and fluster and stutter but dAMN IT HE’S SO PROUD OF BEING YOURS.
Oh dancing dates. Kotegiri adores aDORES dancing. Something about holding you close, hand in hand, as you lead each other through the steps, he may pull you closer on purpose with a sly smile but immediately flush when you do the same to him. I’m sorry but closely dancing with him like this, whether or not it’s a formal ballroom dance or just slowly waltzing to the music? It’s great, he just loves the closeness.
Most likely will know quite a bit about modern technology, computers, phones, so on and so forth. He has a phone himself and will take pictures of you two when he can! Most of the time the damn thing is used to download music and watch idols perform. Of course having a phone is mandatory whenever you two are out shopping together, getting lost is scary after all. His ringtone will be either his own love song for you, or just a recording of you humming his songs! He thinks of it as the biggest praise ever if you love his music.
Kotegiri calls you all kinds of sweet nicknames. His preferred one is muse tis because you are indeed his muse! You give him creativity and support and oh so much inspiration and he’s just....oh so happy that you approve of his love for idols.
Kotegiri may think that his hands aren’t good or anything, but to you, his hands and his everything is beautiful! His hands make the music he writes and they hold you with a sense of gentleness that no one could compare to. So really, a relationship with Kotegiri is just full of mutual support. He knows that you’re always busy but know when to give you a break. In the end, you tow start and end the day together and he’s ultimately happy.
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toukenramblings · 3 years
NSFW Headcanons: Kuwana Gou, Murakumo Gou, Kotegiri Gou
Alright, let’s get this shit started. The G-ho bros.
Warnings: S I N. Continuation to my sfw headcanons, this is for you mei mei~!
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Kuwana Gou
Oh Kuwana’s body is so nice man. He works oh so hard so you gotta reward him sometimes! I’m not sorry when I say that his chest is just??? hold a king’s titties Just suck on his nipples, tweak and tug them. He’ll be putty in your hands. Can probs cum from taunting his chest alone if you push his buttons enough.
This brings me to the next subject. Marking. You can make very light bruises on Kuwana’s skin, it’s rather tough in some places but his thighs are super duper great to mark up. Change my mind. It’s the best man, like Kuwana won’t mind showing off the marks you gave him, he’s a bit shy about it especially when working in the fields. In turn, Kuwana doesn’t mind marking you up as well. It’s much softer though, in places you can easily hide.
Yeah about him taking off his clothing when its hot out, he doesn’t meant to get you horny on purpose! He does it as a convenience. It’s not that Kuwana is shy about his body or anything, he just takes it all in a sense of shy stride. Of course whatever the hell is under his pants are for you and you alone.
Massages always lead to sexy times whenever you two are in the mood. Sometimes you’ll just be straddling him as you work on his back, working out the knots in his muscles or Kuwana is having you in his lap or straddling you and massaging you! It gets heated pretty quickly.
Oh Kuwana is a bit of a switch but personally I say he’s a bottom leaning switch. But if he has to be on top, he’s a service top. Kuwawa wants to prioritize your pleasure over his, and that’s the most important thing to him after all! Just ensuring that you cum more times then he.
Oh see, you two would do some shower/bath sex but the fear of being caught is way too much yo. Since Kuwana adores bathing with you with whatever extent, he wants to feel connected. Besides, what if you two slip and fall! That’s his biggest fear! Teasing can be done here, but all of this stuff is for the bedroom.
Kuwana is oh so gentle with you in the bedroom. Nothing but soft praises, soft gasps, and so on! He rather quiet during the do, not because he isn’t enjoying it no! It’s because that’s how he is. He does get a lil loud but knows how to control himself.
His sex drive is rather low and he greatly prefers cuddling than doing the do but that doesn’t mean he won’t get in the mood! It’s rather easy to tell. He’ll get all flustered but most of all, consent is a big important thing to him. He’ll mostly ask you if you want to have sex or not.
No way is Kuwana teasing you in public, that’s private times man. That shit is only for you two alone! If you want to tease him in public, be his guest! He’ll be all stuttery and it’s cute to see him all worked up! His face all red, wanting to see what the hell you have under your clothing, fufufu.
Kuwana loves it when you two worship each other’s bods.  He also loves it when he has really good access to your chest. So if you sit on his lap during sex he’ll love it!
Speaking of, no blindfolds for either of you. He wants you to see each other’s faces as you have sex! He wants to see exactly what he does to you!
Kuwana does masturbate but it’s a rare occurrence. As said, he has a pretty low sex drive but it tends to flare up randomly? He’ll do it in private though, he doesn’t wanna make much of a show of it. Maybe will steal some clothing from you to sniff and pleasure himself with, who knows.
Kuwana is always worried about your health so whenever you two are getting ready to do the do, he reads up and sets boundaries for you two. He would never hurt you after all! Gods forbid all that! He wants to make sure that you two are going to be comfortable during this. Safe words are present as well.
The idea of gagging Kuwana makes me feel things. Also will always hold your hand during sex.
As said above, Kuwana is super prepared for after care. He did study up on this and he puts your pleasure above his. So of course he’s prepared! Will clean you up, kiss your breath away, and ensure that you are okay in the end!
Murakumo Gou
It’ll take a loooong time before Kumo kumo is comfy with sex. The idea of doing it with you does sound nice but he worries that his tum may start to hurt and thus ruin the fun. Of course if you two are in a very comfortable relationship, his stomach pains will have gone down mostly. When he is ready to go to the next step, Murakumo will want to have a talk with you about it. He’ll want to set out boundaries, do’s and don’ts. So on and so forth!
Kumo has a slightly high sex drive once he’s comfortable in that space, the best way to get him going are hand kisses and sucking on his fingers. He will suck on yours as well! Oh dude he has such a nice tongue and that’s it. Yes he loves hand kisses and shit but using his fingers to gag you or your fingers to gag him??? Oh mAN.
Body worship is very importante for Murakumo. He wants to give you as much  love as you give him. He wants to show you exactly how you make him feel! Expect him to mark you up a LOT. Mark him in return, it’s so great man. He will be shy about showing off his marks but man he’ll be so proud when you show off your marks.
Yes he’s into doggy style quite a bit, but loves it when you fuck in front of a mirror. He loves seeing your face whenever he plows into you, alternatively, if you’re on top, Kumo will always want to see your face as well! He has to judge and gauge how each movement you two do makes you feel! He has to make sure that you’re feeling good!!!
Is slightly into you getting a collar for him. Yes he’s a dog in that sense but a collar saying that he’s your property does make him smile a bit. It’s also really nice just to tug on the damn thing. but also is really into you wearing a collar too. he just really likes it when you two tug on each other’s collars okay? okay.
Oh dude when he tops, it’s lowkey pretty feral. He will not hesitate to ensure that you don’t walk for days. He’s pretty rough when he wants to be. Kumo kumo may be a switch at heart, but he slightly prefers to be on top, especially when he can service you! He also really really loves how you taste.
Yes Murakumo does masturbate often...ish. He gets off to your scent quite a bit. He can and will steal your shit to sniff and mess with his cock.
Your hands have to be held during sex! He loves holding your hand in general and hand kisses! He just loves feeling connected with you, no matter what!!!
Murakumo is also rather loud in bed, with sweet whimpers and whines. He loves it when you gag him! Fingers, clothing, whatever the hell! He also loves it when you sit on his fucking face.
Listen, Murakumo and your first time together is nothing short of soft and sweet. It’s nothing short of soft and holding each other gently as your bodies rock against each other. With soft kisses and open mouth kisses, oh man it’s great as hell.
Breeding kink maybe??????????????
Like Samidare, it’s kinda easy to tell whenever Murakumo is in the mood. He’ll be a bit more possessive, growling at other TouDan that even try to go near you. Will even try to mark you in public! Be prepared if he does try to do this though.
Murakumo isn’t all that into public sex? He’ll tease you and you can tease him in public and sure he will drag you into a more private corner of the citadel to further taunt and tease, a leg between yours, pressing against your sex and kissing you breathless, but actually doing the do is saved for private time. He won’t hesitate to service you under your desk though, don’t tEST HIM.
Yes he’s very much into overstim whenever he is giving you oral sex. Not very much into orgasm denial. BUt listen, topping Murakumo is an adventure. He’ll mark your back with claw marks, gasping and whimpering and whining and letting out the most beastial of growls when he cums.
After care is mostly just cuddles. He will immediately want to curl up next to you, exhausted and burying his face into your shoulder! Almost purring with how close you two are!
Kotegiri Gou
Lungs. Of. A. Singer. Motherfucker is pretty loud when he wants to be. This is why you need to gag him. Use your underpants, your fingers, whaTEVER THE HELL. He looks so pretty all flushed and forced to keep his mouth shut.
He’s also into praise, adoring it when you lavish it on to him. He’s weak in the knees whenever you call him a good boy. It causes his cock to twitch slightly, shivering at the words that drop from your lips like wine that he could drink up oh so happily.
Giri giri loves it when you suck on his fingers and lavish his hands, kiss them! Suck them! Show him that you love his hands! Always hold it as you two are doing the do! Oh man it’s good as shit.
Kotegiri does take care of the appearances of both of you. So don’t be surprised if he...well, dives deep into the internet to find you two some lingerie to wear. Yes he frequents a sex shop to find the right clothing for you two! BUt damn it all, he just wants you two to look your best! He has to pick out only the best of lingerie for you to wear! Damn right he’ll wear some too! NO one’ stopping him.
Maybe if you’re lucky, Kotegiri will give you a lap dance. maybe you can give him a lap dance. it’s all free game here man.
Kotegiri is a switch yes, but he prefers being on top, servicing you and telling you how much he loves you. Also he loves it when he can see you and sing your praises. But he also loves being on the bottom as well! He don’t mind!
Hell no, Kotegiri is not fucking you in your office. That’s a sacred place. You two are going to work and maybe cuddle and that’s that. Fucking is reserved for the bedroom and tHAT’S I T. Yes he may have had some fantasies about fucking you on your desk but nope. He ain’t doing dat shit. Not here man. Not yet at least. Push his buttons enough and maybe he’ll give in.
Oh Kotegiri loves marking you up! It’s always on your thighs though, he doesn’t mind marking up your neck but prefers it on the spots where only he and he alone can see. Maybe he’s being a bit possessive in this aspect but damn it, Kotegiri just wants you all to himself!
Kotegiri’s sex drive is also kinda low, he’s always so busy that he doesn’t really think about that kinda stuff. It all depends on how he’s feeling at the moment, so sometimes he’ll want to fuck you into the nearest surface and other times he’s just happy with cuddling. But dude when Kotegiri is in the mood it’s easy to tell. He’ll leave a box of lingerie out for you with a note that merely says he’ll see you tonight. Ehehehe.
KISS THE DAMN TAT ON HIS HIP. OH MAN KOTEGIRI IS PRETTY WEAK THERE. He loves it when you mark him up around his midriff and thigh area. Dude he rarely shows his tattoo to anyone but whenever he looks in the mirror and sees the marks you gave him around that area, he flushes as his fingers trace them. He’s so!! Proud!! Of those marks!!!!
Okay so mAAAAYBE Kotegiri will pole dance for you. If he figures it out of course. but he would. chANGE MY MIND
Raunchy poems/texts. I’m sorry, I’m not sorry. But these will be a thing. Since Kotegiri will also have a phone, he won’t hesitate to sext you whenever you two are not busy.
Kotegiri is rarely ever rough. It’s always soft and sweet during sex, moving to a rhythm that you two have set. Your first time was nothing short of sweet! He wanted to make sure that you two are happy in the end, sweet kisses and all!
no im not saying that giri giri 100% stole your laptop to further delve into kinks and research them. KOtegiri will also be a person who will set up boundaries before you two begin having sex. He wants to ensure that you two will not hurt each other or he doesn’t make you panic or anything!
Is also pretty attentive to you during after care. He’ll sing a lullaby for you to sleep, clean you up, change the sheets, and kiss you breathless. WIll joke that you two could always have another round if you two like but Kotegiri just wants to bask in your presence man.
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